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Page No.
PURPOSE .......................................................................................... 3
SCOPE AND APPLICABILITY........................................................... 3
REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................... 4

PROJECT ENGINEERING DATA CODING SYSTEM ........................................... 5

ISOMETRIC DATA CODING SYSTEM .................................................................. 7
LOCATION CODES ............................................................................................... 8
DISCIPLINE CODES .............................................................................................. 9
DATA TYPES/SUB GROUPS ................................................................................ 9
SEQUENCE NUMBERS....................................................................................... 10
SHEET NUMBERING ........................................................................................... 11
FILE NAMES OF ENGINEERING DATA .............................................................. 11
VALIDITY PLAN............................................................................... 12
REFERENCES TO OTHER DOCUMENTS ...................................... 12
DEFINITIONS ................................................................................... 14
APPENDIX................................................................................................... 16
APPENDIX A: REVISION HISTORY LOG ..................................................................... 16
APPENDIX B: LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS .................................................................... 18
APPENDIX C: OFFSHORE LOCATION CODES (Page 01 of 02) ................................. 19
APPENDIX C: OFFSHORE LOCATION CODES (Page 02 of 02) ................................. 20
APPENDIX D: ONSHORE LOCATION CODES (PAGE 01 OF 02) ............................... 21
APPENDIX D: ONSHORE LOCATION CODES (PAGE 02 OF 02) ............................... 22
APPENDIX E: DISCIPLINE SUB-GROUPS ................................................................... 23
FACILITIES ............................................................................................. 24
FIELD FACILITIES.................................................................................. 26

© QatarEnergy 2022. All rights reserved. No part of this documentation may be reproduced, published
or transmitted, stored in a retrieval system, in any form or by any means, without the prior written
approval of QatarEnergy. The disclosure and circulation of this document are subject to the
QatarEnergy's Information Security Policy, Standards and Procedures.

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The purpose of this engineering standard is to provide a uniform system for identifying,
numbering and file naming of QatarEnergy Engineering Data (See 2.0).

The characteristics of the coding system will enable engineering data across all QatarEnergy
engineering departments and QatarEnergy Plants/Assets to be coded in a parallel,
transparent, consistent and efficient manner. For exceptions, refer (2.0).


This Standard defines the engineering data coding system to be applied to the following
Engineering Data:

a. Master Engineering Records (MER’s)

b. VP Engineering Standard Drawings and Data Sheets
c. QatarEnergy Addendums to Shell DEPs
d. Project Engineering Data and Deliverables
e. FEED Projects for QatarEnergy Refining (See item 3 below)
f. Engineering drawings/documents for MWR’s or any in house design work done
as a result of MoC.
g. Engineering Documents and Drawing produced under feasibility and concept
optimization studies.

Engineering data types covered by this standard are further defined in section (3.7). The
Standard also defines the As-Built Category for all engineering data types. (See Appendix

The Engineering Data Coding System of the Idd El Shargi Facilities (PS/1) has been
included in this standard and is detailed in Appendix G. The use of the numbering system
detailed in Appendix G is restricted for use with OIE Department. All VP projects shall use
the numbering system as defined in this standard.

This Standard DOES NOT cover the following:

1. Corporate Quality Management System Procedures Refer to Doc. No. QP-IMS-PRC-
002 and QP-IMS-STD-013.
2. In House Pre FEED activities. Refer to Doc No. PT-DCD-WKI-033. The exception
being as indicated in (Section 2.0 g) above.
3. QatarEnergy Refining (Mesaieed) core data and project data developed under EPIC
Projects. Refer to Doc. No. 7J48N-00-69-00-401 (Under revision with a new
document number VP-ENG-STD-081). FEED Projects for QatarEnergy Refining
shall use this Standard unless waiver is obtained from Project Engineer in agreement
with QatarEnergy Refining project focal point.
4. Contractual documents such as Progress monitoring, Planning Documents, Project
Execution Plan, MDR etc.
This Standard shall be followed by all QatarEnergy Departments, its Contractors and
Consultants while developing drawings/documents as listed in (Section 2.0) above.
All engineering personnel working for, and on behalf of QatarEnergy shall adhere to this
Strict compliance with this Standard is mandatory. Any exceptions or deviations from this
Standard, along with their merits and justification, shall be brought to the attention of the
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Custodian (PTD) for review, approval and amendment as required. A Proposal/Appraisal for
Variance of Engineering Standards shall be raised from PTD Engineering Information
Request System (EIRS) located in the QatarEnergy Connect through the following path:
QatarEnergy Connect >>e-Services>>Oil and Gas>>EIRS.

a. For details of Master Engineering Records Data Coding System for Al-Morjan
Production Facilities, refer to Appendix F.
b. For details of Master Engineering Records Data Coding System for Idd El Shargi
Production Facilities, refer to Appendix G. (See also 3.1c below)
c. Idd EL Shargi Production Facilities has in place As-Built Core Drawings using an
old system of numbering. Since the drawings numbers are referenced across
various documents the numbering is being maintained and shown for reference
purposes in Appendix H.
d. All Projects involved in the design of completely new Facilities (Grass Root) shall
use the Master Engineering Record Coding System as defined in Fig. 1 below.
Project Numbers (See 3.3.2) are not issued to Grass Root Projects. The Master
Engineering Record Coding system may be applied to projects of existing
locations at the discretion of this Standards custodian (2.0) in agreement with the
applicable QatarEnergy Asset owner.
e. For coding of Isometrics, refer to section (3.4).


M1FS – 1 – 67 – 0021 Sht. 001

Location Code (3.5) Sheet Number (3.9)

Discipline Code (3.6) Sequence Number (3.8)

Data Type/Sub-Group Code (3.7)

The example in Fig. 1 above indicates a Civil Discipline produced Buried Line or
Trench drawing located at Mesaieed NGL/1 flare system.

f. The assignment of Master Engineering Record codes to existing data (when

applied) is the responsibility of applicable authority (see Table 1 below).


QatarEnergy Asset Authority

Offshore Facilities and associated subsea pipelines for Halul, PS/2,
PS/3, PS/4 and associated Well Head Jackets
Dukhan Fields inclusive of all Oil and Gas Dukhan Facilities and
OE (D)
Associated Pipelines
Mesaieed NGL Complexes, Gas Distribution Stations and associated
OE (M)
Pipelines, Tank Farm and Terminal
QatarEnergy - Refinery (Mesaieed) OM (R)
Idd El Shargi Oil Field and Associated Facilities OI

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QatarEnergy Asset Authority

Ras Laffan Industrial City– Mesaieed Industrial City – Non Oil and
Gas Dukhan (DCA) Industrial Cities


VP Engineering Standards Drawings, Data Sheets and QatarEnergy Addendums to Shell
DEPs Data Coding System is identical to the Master Engineering Data Coding System as
shown in Fig. 1 above. The only exception is the replacement of the Location code with
either ES or QAD where:
ES = VP Engineering Standard Drawings and Data Sheets
QAD = QatarEnergy Addendums to Shell DEPs
VP Engineering Standard Drawing is as shown in the following example:
ES - 2 - 57 - 0001
VP Engineering Standard Data Sheets is as shown in the following example:
ES - 2 - 14 - 0001
QatarEnergy Addendums to Shell DEP’s is as shown in the following example:
QAD - 5 - 14 - 0001
PTD/2 Division, Standards & Assurance Engineering, manages VP Engineering Standards
Drawings, Data Sheets and QatarEnergy Addendums to Shell DEP number allocation.
3.3.1 General
a. The Project Engineering Data Coding System shall be used for design projects
involving upgrade, modifications and extensions of existing facilities or plants.
The Project Engineering Data Coding System is identical to the Master
Engineering Data Coding System as shown in Fig. 1 above. The only exception
is the use of a 4-digit specific Project Number, (3.3.2), placed as a prefix to
Master Engineering Data Code. See Fig. 2 below. For coding of Isometrics, refer
to section (3.4), for Vendor’s data refer to section (3.3.3) and for demolition
drawings refer to section (3.3.4).
b. Al-Morjan Production Facilities shall utilize project data coding system by use of
Project Number Prefix (3.3.2) followed by the Al-Morjan Production Facilities
Data Coding System as defined in Appendix F.
c. For works executed by OIE department refer to Appendix G for Idd El Shargi
numbering system. Project numbers shall be requested as per (3.3.2) below. Idd
El Shargi projects executed by VP shall use project numbering as defined below
in Fig. 2.


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3.3.2 Project Number

a. The Project Number is the first four (4) digits (See Fig. 2) of the Project
Engineering Data Coding System. The appropriate QatarEnergy project
department or their Contractor/Consultant, in accordance with this Standard,
shall apply the remainder of the project data code. (See Fig. 2 above).
b. The project numbers are issued by QatarEnergy PTD Help Desk upon request
from QatarEnergy Project Engineer/Manager using the online Engineering
Information System (EIRS).
c. Project numbers shall not be issued until Contract award.

3.3.3 Vendor Drawing & Documentation Numbering

a. Al-Morjan Production Facilities will utilize equipment/Vendor numbering System

as defined in Appendix F.
b. Works executed by OIE Department shall utilize Vendor numbering as defined
in Appendix G. Purchase order based vendor drawing/document numbering to
follow as per Instruction to Sellers procedure IS-FAC-PRD-229.
c. Vendor Documents and Drawings (See 6.0 for definition) shall be numbered in
accordance with the relevant section (3.1) or (3.3) of this Standard with the
addition of prefix letters ‘VEN’. The applicable Main Contractor shall control and
issue the assigned Vendor Document/Drawing numbers to the vendor,
consultant or contractor. The Vendor shall show this number on the applicable
data in a place that is easily identifiable by QatarEnergy when not using
QatarEnergy Standard Drawing Border.

Note 1: For ease of allocation of Vendor numbers, users of this Standard shall
note that the Data Code after the prefix ‘VEN’ may duplicate with the non Vendor
Data Coding, as the prefix ‘VEN’ will become an integral part of the Vendor Data

Note 2: Only Equipment pre-installed at vender facilities/factory shall use VEN

numbering. Anything else installed at site shall follow the numbering as Fig 1
(Grass Root) or Fig 2 (Brownfield).

d. To ease control of the Vendor Data it is recommended that a separate Vendor

index be utilized during the development of the project and included as a final
e. It shall be noted that modification of Vendor Data during project execution is the
sole responsibility of the Vendor. QatarEnergy, Contractors or Consultants shall
not modify this data in anyway. Furthermore, after delivery of Vendor Data to
QatarEnergy the data shall not be modified by QatarEnergy while any Vendor
warranty period is still valid.
f. Example of a Vendor Drawing number is shown in the following example:
VEN - 1234– M1FS - 5 - 58 - 0021 Sht. 001 Cont. On End
3.3.4 Demolition Drawing Numbering

a. Demolition Drawings shall be numbered in accordance with the section (3.3) Fig
2 of this Standard with the addition of prefix letters ‘DEM’.

Note 3: For ease of allocation of Demolition drawings numbers, QatarEnergy

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users shall note that the Data Code after the prefix ‘DEM’ may duplicate with the
non demolition data, as the prefix ‘DEM’ will become an integral part of the Data
b. To ease control of the Demolition Drawings, it is recommended that a separate
Demolition Drawing index be utilized during the development of the project and
included as a final deliverable.
c. The words “Demolition Drawing” shall be placed in the title block of all demolition
d. Demolition Drawing number is as shown in the following example:
DEM – 1234-M1FS - 1 - 53 - 0001 Sht. 001 Cont On End
e. Al-Morjan Production Facilities will utilize the above demolition numbering using
Prefix ‘DEM’ followed by the Al-Morjan Production Facilities Data Coding
System as defined in Appendix F.


3.4.1 General

a. Al-Morjan Production Facilities will utilize Isometric numbering System as defined

in Appendix F.
b. Works executed by OIE Department shall utilize Isometric numbering as defined
in Appendix G.
c. With the exception of above, Isometric drawings shall be numbered using the
project number as prefix followed by the applicable line number. The format of the
number shall include all elements starting from size up to and including the line
sequence number. i.e. Piping class/specification and insulation code shall not be
d. For Line numbering tag strings of different QatarEnergy locations please refer to
the following referenced engineering standards.
ES-0-07-0020 - Plant Equipment Tag Identifiers Corporate
(Under revision with a new document number CORP-
QP-ENG-STD-014 - QatarEnergy Standard for Plant Equipment Tag
Identifiers Dukhan Arab D Gas Recycling Plant
(Document to be revised with a new document number
QP-ENG-STD-013 - QatarEnergy Standard for Plant Equipment Tag
Identifiers Dukhan Fields
(Document to be revised with a new document number
ES-0-07-0025 - Plant Equipment Tag Identifiers Ras Laffan & Mesaieed
Industrial Cities
(Under revision with a new document number VP-ENG-
VP-ENG-STD-083 - Plant Equipment Tag Identifiers -Offshore Fields
ES-0-07-0028 - Plant Equipment Tag Identifiers Mesaieed NGL/1,
NGL/2 and GDS (Under revision with a new document
number VP-ENG-STD-079)

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ES-0-07-0029 - Plant Equipment Tag Identifiers Mesaieed NGL/3,

(Under revision with a new document number VP-ENG-
VP-ENG-STD-080 - VP Standard for Equipment Identification And Tag
Numbering System - Mesaieed Refinery (Under

e. An example of an Isometric drawing number of a Line Number with tag string

6” - 310 - OC - 0510 - 31101 - 4EN will be as shown in the following example:

1234 - 6 – 310 – OC - 0510 - 001

Project Number (if used) Sheet Number

Outside Diameter (OD) Line Allocated Number

Area/Plant Code Pipeline/Product Service Code

The above example is for a project with project number 1234 and is taken from
Engineering Standard ES-0-07-0020 (Under revision with a new document
number CORP-ENG-STD-023) as referenced above (3.4.1 d). Note the Project
number is omitted for Grass Root Projects. Pipeline Spec and Insulation code are
omitted in the drawing number.
3.4.2 Isometric File Names
The corresponding file name of Isometrics will omit the pipe size and shall be suffixed with
the drawing Rev Number; as per above line number (3.4.1 e) for the drawing Rev A. The file
name will be as follows:
3.5.1 General

a. For Offshore location codes refer to Appendix C.

b. For Onshore location, codes refer to Appendix D.
c. Location Code for Al-Morjan Production Facilities is AMPF (Refer to Appendix
d. Location codes for Idd El Shargi are defined in both Appendix C (for VP
projects) and G (for OIE works).
e. Users of this Standard shall strictly follow the location codes as defined in
Appendix C, D & F. Should locations codes not be available for the Facility/
Plant/Platform under the Project Scope then contact QatarEnergy PTD
Engineering Information Help Desk on +974 4013 6633 for further guidance.
f. Location codes for new plants (Grass Root/Green Field Projects) shall be
agreed upon with the QatarEnergy Engineering Services Department and the
applicable authority (See Table 1) before implementation. The appropriate
QatarEnergy project department or their Contractor/Consultant shall apply the
remainder of the code in accordance with this Standard.

3.5.2 Use of Location Codes in TY and GE or TYP and GEN

For Location Codes ending in TY, GE, TYP and GEN refer to Appendix C and D - Note 3).

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a. Discipline Codes for Al-Morjan Production Facilities DO NOT follow the discipline
code as defined in Table 2 below. For details of Discipline Codes for Al-Morjan
Production Facilities, refer to Appendix F.
b. For works executed by OIE Department the disciplines codes are defined in
Appendix G.
c. Note that the discipline codes shown in Table 2 are generally based on the
disciplines responsible for the development of the applicable engineering data as
described in Appendix E.


Code Discipline Description

0 General & Multi Discipline, Common
1 Civil – Structural, (Non-Buildings) Concrete, Steel, Topographical,
Geotechnical & Geophysical, underground and drainage.
2 Electrical – (Non-Buildings) Power Generation, Transmission,
3 Safety, Loss Prevention – Includes HSE & Process Safety
4 Instrumentation – Plant monitoring, Control, Safeguarding Devices
and Systems, Fire and Gas and Telemetry
5 Mechanical – (Oil and Gas) Plant Equipment, Static & Rotating. Plant
Piping work & components, Corrosion, Painting, Insulation and HVAC
(Process related only)
6 Process – Production Systems, Specialized Process/Utility Equipment.
7 Pipelines – (Non-Buildings) Pipeline Engineering, Onshore pipelines,
Cross country pipelines, Export pipelines, transmission and distribution
systems, flow lines, trunk lines, power water injection lines, gas-lift
lines, subsea pipelines
8 Telecommunications – (Non-Buildings), Includes Security Systems.
9 Buildings, Civil Structural, Architectural, and Building Services–
(Both Oil and Gas, and buildings/infrastructure) Includes all Disciplines
i.e., Electrical, Tech HSE (including fire protection), Instrumentation &
Telecommunication (including ELV/IT), Mechanical Building Services
(including HVAC, Plumbing, Drainage, Gas Services (buildings only),
Irrigation, Landscaping, Topographical etc.
3.7.1 General

a. For Document Types and Drawing Subgroups for Al-Morjan Production Facilities
refer to Appendix F.
b. For works executed by OIE Department refer to data types in Appendix G.
c. With exception of above refer to Appendix E for all other locations.

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d. Appendix E Sub Groups will define the data type or the nature of the
information. Sub Groups 01 to 49 cater for non-drawing related data like
manuals, schedules, spreadsheets, presentations, databases, data sheets,
procedures, specifications etc. Sub Groups 01 to 49 are standard for all
disciplines as applicable.
e. Appendix E Sub Groups 50 onwards are mainly for drawing related data,
exceptions are Cause and Effects and Electrical distribution board schedules.
These Sub Groups are discipline specific.
f. Note that the Data Type/Sub group descriptions shall be considered for making
up the last line of all Drawing Titles refer to CORP-ENG-STD-018, Corporate
Standard for Development of Technical Drawings.

3.7.2 Data Type for Discipline Code 9 Buildings, Architectural and Building

a. Discipline code 9 as defined in this section does not relate to Discipline code 9
as defined in Appendix F and G, which only relates to Al-Morjan Production
Facilities and Idd El Shargi Oil Field respectively.
b. Sub Groups 00 to 49 shall be used for non-drawing related data. However, the
Sub Group (00 to 49) shall be prefixed by the Discipline Modifier to identify the
respective discipline as shown in Appendix E. The Sub Groups 50 to 99 are
replaced with a Discipline Modifier followed by specific data code. Refer to
Appendix E.
c. The structure of the coding system for non-drawing related data as defined
above is as per example below:

Project No. Location Discipline Discipline Modifier Data Type Sequence

(If used) Code Code (See App E) (See App E) Number
1234 ABCD 9 A 13 0001

d. The structure of the coding system for drawings as defined above (3.7.2) is as
per example below:

Project No. Location Discipline Discipline Modifier Data Type Sequence

(If used) Code Code (See App E) (See App E) Number
1234 ABCD 9 A B 0001

e. Users of this Standard shall note the divisions of responsibility between General,
Civil, Electrical, Loss Prevention, Instrumentation, Mechanical, and
Telecommunications sectors (detailed under Discipline Codes 0 to 8 inclusive)
and sectors listed under Buildings (Discipline Code 9).
f. Discipline Code 9 is allocated to both Oil and Gas and Civil/Infrastructure
standalone Buildings and Building Structures on a specific plot.


a. Sequence numbers as defined in this section does not relate to Al-Morjan

Production Facilities. For sequence numbers related to Al-Morjan Production
Facilities refer to Appendix F.

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b. For works executed by OIE department sequential number breakdown is detailed

in Appendix G.
c. Sequence numbers are purely a continuation method of numbering data of the
same type within the same location, discipline, and Sub Group. Sequence
numbers shall start at 0001 and rise in increments of one (1) for each drawing set
having the same location, discipline, and Sub Group.

3.9.1 General

a. All drawing sheets (AutoCAD drawings only) will show the next continuation
sheet in the drawing Data Code. The last sheet in the multi-sheet set will not
have a continuations sheet, the word ‘End’ shall be placed in the continuation
sheet number field as shown in the following example:
M1FS - 1 - 67 - 0021 - Sht. 001 Cont On End
b. For Engineering Data developed in spread sheet format or print report from a
database i.e. use of MS Access or MS Excel, then Sheet numbering format may
be presented as in the following example:
M1FS - 1 - 67 - 0021 - Sht. 001 of 046
The last sheet in the above example being sheet 046.
c. For details of what constitutes to Multi Sheet sets and their requirements refer
to QP-ENG-STD-018 QatarEnergy Standard for Development of Technical

3.9.2 Document Page Numbering

Documents produced in a project shall have their pages numbered to reflect the total number
of pages contained within the document i.e. Page 1 of 23, Page 2 of 23 etc. the last being
page 23 of 23 in this example.
3.10.1 General

a. Engineering Data file names shall be saved the same as the Data Code with the
addition of the revision indicator and appropriate file extension or default. This
shall be applied to all file types regardless of software used inclusive of 3D Model
file naming, PDF files etc.
b. The exception to the above is for Isometric files names, refer to (3.4).
c. The file name will use dashes (-) to separate each individual field. i.e. Project
Number (if used) Location Code - Discipline Code - Sub Group - Sequence
Number - Sheet Number if applied - Revision Indicator. See examples in
Sections (3.10.2, 3.10.3).

3.10.2 AutoCAD File Names

All AutoCAD files names shall include the applicable sheet number as in the below

Example: An AutoCAD drawing revision B coded: 1234-M1FS –1-52-0001 Sht. 001 Cont.
002 Rev B:
will be saved as: 1234-M1FS-1-52-0001-001-B

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Example: An AutoCAD drawing revision B coded: 1234-M1FS –9-AB-0001 Sht. 001 Cont.
002 Rev B:
will be saved as: 1234-M1FS-9-AB-0001-001-B

Example: An AutoCAD Vendor drawing revision B coded: VEN-1234 –M1FS–1-53-0001

Sht.001 Cont. 002 Rev B:

will be saved as: VEN-1234-M1FS-1-53-0001-001-B

Example: An AutoCAD Demolition drawing revision B coded: DEM-1234 –M1FS–1-53-

0001 Sht. 001 Cont 002 Rev B:

will be saved as: DEM-1234-M1FS-1-53-0001-001-B

3.10.3 File Names for MS Office Produced Data
MS Office Produced Data may include multiple sheets within a single file. In such cases, the
sheet number is not required to be included in the file name. Example file naming is as
shown below:

Example: A spreadsheet document revision B coded: 1234-M1FS-3-55-0001

will be saved as: 1234-M1FS-3-55-0001-B

Example: A datasheet document revision B coded: 1234-M1FS-9-A13-0001

will be saved as: 1234-M1FS-9-A13-0001-B

This standard shall become enforced from the Document Effective Date on the cover page
of the published document.



Internal/External Document
Document Title Document Number
Document (if any) Referencing
Corporate Standard for CORP-ENG-STD-022 Internal Sideways
Compilation and Handover of
Project Dossiers
Plant Equipment Tag Identifiers ES-0-07-0020 Internal Sideways
(Under revision with a new
document number CORP-
QatarEnergy Standard for Plant QP-ENG-STD-014 Internal Sideways
Equipment Tag Identifiers
Dukhan Arab D Gas Recycling
Plant (Document to be revised
with a new document number –

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Internal/External Document
Document Title Document Number
Document (if any) Referencing
QatarEnergy Standard for Plant QP-ENG-STD-013 Internal Sideways
Equipment Tag Identifiers
Dukhan Fields (Document to be
revised with a new document
number – VP-ENG-STD-0YY)
Plant Equipment Tag Identifiers ES-0-07-0025 Internal Sideways
Ras Laffan & Mesaieed
Industrial Cities
(Under revision with a new
document number VP-ENG-
Plant Equipment Tag Identifiers VP-ENG-STD-083 Internal Sideways
Offshore Fields
Plant Equipment Tag Identifiers ES-0-07-0028 Internal Sideways
Mesaieed NGL/1, NGL/2 and
GDS (NGL/4 to be included –
under preparation) (Under
revision with a new document
number VP-ENG-STD-079)
Plant Equipment Tag Identifiers ES-0-07-0029 Internal Sideways
Mesaieed NGL/3 (Under
revision with a new document
number VP-ENG-STD-079)
Corporate Standard for CORP-ENG-STD-018 Internal Upwards
Development of Technical
Engineering Procedure - 7J48N-00-69-00-401 Internal Sideways
Refinery Numbering
(Under revision with a new
document number VP-ENG-
Instruction to Sellers Procedure IS-FAC-PRD-229 External NA
(for OIE only)

1. Corresponding new QatarEnergy management system document numbering

terminology for old Corporate level documents are provided above as reference.

2. The old QP document numbers referred herein this document will be updated as per the
Quality Management Refresh project requirements and with new QatarEnergy logo and
new document number at an appropriate time.

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Internal/External Document
Document Title Document Number
Document (if any) Referencing
Halul Location Codes Overall HGE-0-07-0001-001 Internal Sideways
Key Plan
MM Field PS2 Location PS2GE-0-07-0001-001 Internal Sideways
Codes Key Plan
BH Field PS3 Location PS3GE-0-07-0001-00 Internal Sideways
Codes Key Plan
NFA PS4 Location Codes NFA55-0-07-0001-001 Internal Sideways
Key Plan
MIC Location Codes Overall MICGE-0-07-0002-001 Internal Sideways
Key Plan
Location Codes for Ras RPGE-0-07-0001-001 Internal Sideways
Laffan Port
The above drawings are available from EIS. For help in retrieval, users of this Standard may
contact QatarEnergy Engineering Information Helpdesk Engineering Services Department
on +974 4013 6633.


Term Definition
As-Built Data For Site verification of Master Engineering Records - Data that reflects
the true status of the plant, platform or facility at the date of the site
verification as shown in the revision description column.
For Project As-builts - A document or drawing that reflects the actual
plant, platform or facility as constructed at the date as shown in the
revision description
As-Built The class or degree of As-Builting required of the contents of documents,
Category drawings or engineering related data. The As-Built Category of each data
type is shown in appendices C and are as defined below.
As-Built Classed as Key Drawings - Engineering data that shall be maintained in
Category ‘A’ As-Built status during the life time of the plant, platform or facility. This
data shall be under constant review to ensure it reflects the true site status.
Completed As-Built project data shall be used to either update or create
the applicable Master Engineering Record.
As-Built Engineering data that shall reflect the As-Built status of the plant, platform
Category ‘B’ or facility at project completion as shown in the date at revision description
on the associated Record. Completed As-Built project data shall be used
to either update or create the applicable Master Engineering Record.
As-Built This data is developed for procurement, construction and commissioning
Category ‘C’ purposes only and is not required to be Project As-Built. This data serves
no purpose once construction, commissioning, and plant handover has
been completed. As-Built Category ‘C’ data will not be converted into
Master Engineering Records but will be available from the applicable
Project Dossiers Refer to QP-ENG-STD-022.
Background A drawing used to produce another drawing for further modifications, or a
drawing drawing used to create another drawing of similar content.

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Term Definition
Data A re-interpretable representation of information in a formalized manner,
suitable for communication, interpretation or processing.
Data Code Code used to identify documents and drawings, known as the
document or drawing number.
Document a) A data medium and the data recorded on/in it, which generally
has permanence and that can be read by man or machine.
b) Information and the medium on which it is contained e.g.
Procedure, Standard, etc
Engineering In the context of this Standard “Engineering Data” is as described and
Data listed in Appendix E of this Standard.
Grass Root Grass Root Project is the term used to identify a project that involves
Project the design of a completely new plant, building, or facility. Sometimes
referred to as Green Fields.
Master QatarEnergy’s unique master controlled record. It reflects the status of
Engineering the plant, platform or facility at the date of the As-built as shown in the
Record revision description column. It is used to create project drawings for
projects involving the design, modification and upgrade of existing
Miscellaneous Request raised for modification required urgently to improve safety,
Work Request production or maintenance of Offshore Haul, wellhead jackets facilities
(MWR) and production stations.
OIE Department Facilities Engineering and Construction Department (IDD EL-SHARGI)
Vendor A drawing or set of drawings provided by a supplier or manufacturer
Drawings either as standard factory/manufacturer’s drawing or customised
drawing for QatarEnergy. Not to be confused with Sub-Contractor
drawings providing Contract deliverables on behalf of main Contractor.

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Revision Number: 01 Date: 05/09/2022
Item Revised Revision Description Page No.
ES.0.07.0014 Rev. A New Standard
Dated June 1999

ES.0.07.0014 Rev. B
Additional Discipline & Location Codes All
Dated July 2004

ES.0.07.0014 Rev. C
Included sheet numbering and added sub groups. 6,8,27
Dated July 2005

ES.0.07.0014 Rev. D Added Discipline Code 9 and associated sub

4,5,26,38, 39
Dated April 2006 groups Architectural.
Added change history Log. New Project
ES.0.07.0014 Rev. E Engineering Data Coding System implemented.
Dated May 2011 Addition of new Location Codes and Sub groups.
Discipline Code 9 new Data Types implemented
Remarks: The main changes associated with Rev
F are as follows:
Title Changed
Included “FOREWORD”
Included numbering system for VP Engineering
Standard Drawings, Data Sheets and
QatarEnergy Addendums to Shell DEP’s
Revised Table 1 Authorities
Clarified Isometric numbering and file name
ES.0.07.0014 Rev. F
requirements All
Dated May 2017
Appendix C & D updated and converted into
spreadsheet format. Separate attachment.
Appendix E to M inclusive combined into one
Appendix now Appendix E. Separate attachment
Added New Appendix F Data Coding System for
Al-Morjan Production Facilities. Separate
Appendix N Deleted
Appendix O is now Appendix G
QP-ENG-STD-021 This document was formerly numbered All
Rev. 00 ES.0.07.0014 Rev. F. Assigned a new document
Dated: 27.09.2020 number and issued as Rev.00 to align with QP-
Other updates include Addition of ISND/ISSD Oil
Fields numbering (Appendix C & G) and addition
of approved new location codes Appendix C &
Issued for Use

Page 16 of 26



Item Revised Revision Description Page No.

CORP-ENG-STD-021 This document has been updated, rebranded and All
Rev.01 issued with formatting in accordance with QP-
Date 05.09.2022 IMS-STD-013.
Issued for Use. Revisions also include:
• New location codes as Approved with the
applicable Operations Asset Owner
• To allow use of discipline code 9 for both Oil
and Gas project
• Move Process Cause and effects from
Discipline code 3 to code 6 process
• To include old As-Built Core drawing
numbering System of Idd El Shargi Oil Field in
Appendix H


Page 17 of 26




Abbreviation Description
DCA Dukhan Concession Area
DEP Shell Design Engineering Practise
EIRS Engineering Information Request System
Engineering Information System, QatarEnergy Engineering Document
Management System
ELV Electrical Low Voltage
FEED Front End Engineering Design
HVAC Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning
IT Information Technology
MDR Master Deliverables Register
MER Master Engineering Record
MoC Management of Change
MWR Miscellaneous Work Request
OPQL Occidental Petroleum Qatar Ltd.
PDF Portable Document File

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Location Code Description Remarks Location Code Description Remarks Location Code Description Remarks NOTES:
Operational Area - Offshore General / Multiple Areas Operational Area - Bul Hanine (BH) Field Production Station 3 (PS3) Platforms Operational Area - North Field Alpha Production Station 4 (PS4) Platforms 1. Multi-Location Codes for Offshore
See Note 1 for Multi-Location Refer Dwg. PS3GE-0-07-0001-001 for BH Field PS3 Location Codes Key Plan Refer Dwg. NFA55-0-07-0001-001 for NFA PS4 Location Codes Key Plan a) Where data includes multi-offshore facilities or Offshore Operational Areas, the location code "GENOF" shall be
GENOF Offshore General / Multiple Operational Areas
Codes for Offshore PS3GE PS3 General Multiple or Whole Plot Areas See Note 2 NFA51 Unit 51 – Riser Treatment Platform - used to indicate Offshore General / Multiple locations.
PS3TY PS3 Typical or Common Documents / Drawings See Note 2 NFA53 Unit 53 – Wellhead Platform 1 -
PS3A Wellhead Jacket - NFA54 Unit 54 – Wellhead Platform 2 - 2. Use of Location Codes ending in GE and TY
Location Code Description Remarks NFA55 Unit 55 – NFA General Multiple or Whole Plot Areas - a) Any drawing/document related to a single location only shall use the location code specific to that location. As can
PS3AN Support Platform for PS3A (North) Plant Code 635;
Operational Area - Al-Morjan Production Facilities NFA56 Unit 56 – Wellhead Platform 3 New Platform be seen from the table, some Operational Areas have included location code suffixed with TY and GE. Use of
Under Construction;
AMPF Al-Morjan Production Facilities Also, see Appendix F NFA57 Unit 57 – Flare Platform - these codes are defined below.
PS3AS Support Platform for PS3A (South) MM & BH Life Extension
NFA58 Unit 58 – Living Quarters Platform - b) GE indicates multiple or whole plot areas (i.e. more than one location). This can be used for drawings only as they
PS3B Production / Separation Platform - NFA59 Unit 59 – Utilities Platform - are geographical specific in nature.
Location Code Description Remarks PS3C Gas Lift Riser Platform - NFATY NFA Typical or Common Documents / Drawings See Note 2 c) TY indicates “Typical” or common across multiple locations. This can be used for both documents or drawings.
Operational Area - Idd El Shargi Field PS3D Compressor Platform - NFA52B1 Bridge No.1 (Bridge between NFA58 and NFA59) - These are not location specific but typical; i.e. a Typical Pipe Supports, Standard Details or where documents apply
a. VP Projects related to Idd El Shargi Facilities shall follow Section 3.1 and 3.3 (as applicable) of this Standard. PS3E Glycol Regeneration / Power Generation Platform - NFA52B2 Bridge No.2 (Bridge between NFA59 and NFA51) - to a Specification, Data Sheet, Procedure, Guidelines, Indices, Equipment Lists, Schedules, etc.
For Location Codes under Idd El Shargi Field Facilities, refer Appendix G. PS3F Old Living Quarters Platform - NFA52B3 Bridge No.3 (Bridge between NFA51 and NFA52SP1) - d) It shall be noted that users of this Standard can only use Location Codes ending in TY and GE as shown herein.
b. For works executed by OIE Department, refer Appendix G. PS3FL Flow Lines & Riser Details - NFA52B4 Bridge No.4 (Bridge between NFA52SP1 and NFA52SP2) -
PS3FHP For High Pressure Flare - NFA52B5 Bridge No.5 (Bridge between NFA52SP2 and NFA57) -
PS3FLP For Low Pressure Flare - NFA52B6 Bridge No.6 (Bridge between NFA53 and NFA52SP1) -
Location Code Description Remarks Plant Code 634; NFA52B7 Bridge No.7 (Bridge between NFA54 and NFA52SP1) -
Operational Area - Maydan Mahzam (MM) Field Production Station 2 (PS2) Platforms PS3FSP Flare Stack and Platform Under Construction; NFA52SP1 Bridge Support Platform No.1 -
Refer Dwg. PS2GE-0-07-0001-001 for MM Field PS2 Location Codes Key Plan MM & BH Life Extension NFA52SP2 Bridge Support Platform No.2 -
PS2GE PS2 General Multiple or Whole Plot Areas See Note 2 PS3G Utilities Platform - - - -
PS2TY PS2 Typical or Common Documents / Drawings See Note 2 Plant Code 632; - - -
PS2A Riser / Production Platform - PS3K Process and Gas Lift Compression Platform Under Construction; - - -
PS2B Production / Separation Platform - MM & BH Life Extension - - -
PS2C Gas Lift Riser / Manifold Platform - Plant Code 630;
PS2D Compressor Platform - PS3L Utilities & Living Quarters Platform Under Construction;
PS2E Glycol Regeneration / Power Generation Platform - MM & BH Life Extension Location Code Description Remarks
PS2FL Flow Lines & Riser Details - Plant Code 633; Operational Area - Sensor Tower Platforms (STP)
PS2FHP For High Pressure Flare - PS3M Injection Gas Compression Platform Under Construction; STPGE STP General Multiple or Whole Plot Areas See Note 2
PS2FLP For Low Pressure Flare - MM & BH Life Extension STPTY STP Typical or Common Documents / Drawings See Note 2
Plant Code 644; PS3Q Living Quarters & Control Room - STPM1 Sensor Tower Platform – Al Rayyan (Oxy) 601
PS2FSP Flare Stack and Platform Under Construction; Plant Code 631; STPM3 Sensor Tower Platform – Al Shaheen (Maersk) 603
MM & BH Life Extension PS3R Riser / Manifold Platform Under Construction; STPM4 Sensor Tower Platform – NFB (Qatar Gas) 604
PS2G Utilities Platform - MM & BH Life Extension STPM5 Sensor Tower Platform – Al Khalij (Total) 605
Presently named as "Bridge PS3BR1 Bridge No.1 (Bridge between PS3E and PS3D) - STPM6 Sensor Tower Platform – Bul Hanine (QatarEnergy) 606
Support Platform PS3BR2 Bridge No.2 (Bridge between PS3E and PS3G) - STPM7 Sensor Tower Platform – Idd Al-Shargi (Oxy) 607
(Workshop)" and to be PS3BR3 Bridge No.3 (Bridge between PS3G and PS3D) - STPM8 Sensor Tower Platform – Maydan Mahzam (QatarEnergy) 608
PS2J Bridge Support Platform (Workshop)
renamed as "Temporary PS3BR4 Bridge No.4 (Bridge between PS3G and PS3F) - - - -
Refuge Platform" under MM PS3BR5 Bridge No.5 (Bridge between PS3D and PS3F) - - - -
& BH Life Extension Project
PS3BR6 Bridge No.6 (Bridge between PS3F and PS3B) - - - -
Plant Code 642; PS3BR7 Bridge No.7 (Bridge between PS3F and PS3B) - - - -
PS2K Process and Gas Lift Compression Platform Under Construction; PS3BR8 Bridge No.8 (Bridge between PS3A and PS3B) -
MM & BH Life Extension PS3BR9 Bridge No.9 (Bridge between PS3B and PS3C) -
Plant Code 640; PS3BR10 Bridge No.10 (Bridge between PS3Q and PS3G) - Location Code Description Remarks
PS2L Utilities & Living Quarters Platform Under Construction; PS3BR11 Bridge No.11 (Bridge between PS3L and PS3K) Operational Area - Forward Mounting Bases (FMB)
MM & BH Life Extension PS3BR11SP1 Bridge 11 Support Platform No.1 FMBGE FMB General Multiple or Whole Plot Areas See Note 2
Plant Code 643 (Reserved); PS3BR12 Bridge No.12 (Bridge between PS3K and PS3M) FMBTY FMB Typical or Common Documents / Drawings See Note 2
PS2M Injection Gas Compression Platform (Reserved)
MM & BH Life Extension PS3BR12SP1 Bridge 12 Support Platform No.1 FMBN1 Forward Mounting Base Living Quarters Platform – North Field 610
PS2Q Living Quarters & Control Room - PS3BR13 Bridge No.13 (Bridge between PS3M and PS3C) FMBN2 Forward Mounting Base Utility Platform– North Field 611
Plant Code 641; PS3BR13SP1 Bridge 13 Support Platform No.1 FMBBR1 Bridge No. 1 between Utility and Quarters Platform 611
PS2R Riser / Manifold Platform Under Construction; PS3BR14 Bridge No.14 (Bridge between PS3K and PS3R) FMBMA West Forward Mounting Base Mooring 612A
MM & BH Life Extension Plant Code 635;
PS3BR14SP1 Bridge 14 Support Platform No.1 FMBMB East Forward Mounting Base Mooring 612B
Under Construction;
PS2BR1 Bridge No.1 (Bridge between PS2E and PS2D) - PS3BR14SP2 Bridge 14 Support Platform No.2 - - -
MM & BH Life Extension
PS2BR2 Bridge No.2 (Bridge between PS2E and PS2G) - PS3BR15 Bridge No.15 (Bridge between PS3R and PS3FSP) - - -
PS2BR3 Bridge No.3 (Bridge between PS2G and PS2D) - PS3BR15SP1 Bridge 15 Support Platform No.1 - - -
PS2BR4 Bridge No.4 (Bridge between PS2D and PS2A) - PS3BR15SP2 Bridge 15 Support Platform No.2 - - -
PS2BR5 Bridge No.5 (Bridge between PS2G and PS2A) - PS3BR15SP3 Bridge 15 Support Platform No.3
PS2BR6 Bridge No.6 (Bridge between PS2C and PS2A) - PS3BR15SP4 Bridge 15 Support Platform No.4
PS2BR7 Bridge No.7 (Bridge between PS2B and PS2A) - PS3BR16 Bridge No.16 (Bridge between PS3B and PS3AS) Location Code Description Remarks
PS2BR8 Bridge No.8 (Bridge between PS2Q and PS2J) - PS3BR17 Bridge No.17 (Bridge between PS3A and PS3AS) Operational Area - Non-QatarEnergy Industries / Non-QatarEnergy Assets
PS2BR9 Bridge No.9 (Bridge between PS2J and PS2C) - - - - Other Users
PS2BR10 Bridge No.10 (Bridge between PS2J and PS2G) - - - - NFB North Field Bravo Qatar Gas
PS2BR11 Bridge No.11 (Bridge between PS2L and PS2K) - - - NOC North Oil Company -
PS2BR11SP1 Bridge 11 Support Platform No.1 - - - RGA Ras Gas Alpha Ras Gas
PS2BR12 Bridge No.12 (Bridge between PS2K and PS2R) QPDGIP Gas Injection Platform Al Karkara, QPDC
PS2BR12SP1 Bridge 12 Support Platform No.1 QPDLQP Living Quarters Platform Al Karkara, QPDC
PS2BR13 Bridge No.13 (Bridge between PS2R and PS2C) Plant Code 645; Location Code Description Remarks QPDPDP Production Platform Al Karkara, QPDC
PS2BR13SP1 Bridge 13 Support Platform No.1 Under Construction; Operational Area - Bul Hanine (BH) Field Wellhead and Satellite Jackets QPDA3 Wellhead Al Karkara, QPDC
PS2BR14 Bridge No.14 (Bridge between PS2R and PS2FSP) MM & BH Life Extension BHGE BH Field General Multiple or Whole Plot Areas See Note 2 QPDAN7 Wellhead Al Karkara, QPDC
PS2BR14SP1 Bridge 14 Support Platform No.1 BHTY BH Field Typical or Common Documents / Drawings See Note 2 QPDAS10 Wellhead Al Karkara, QPDC
PS2BR14SP2 Bridge 14 Support Platform No.2 BHB07A Wellhead Jacket Old Jacket Name: BH-23 QPDAS11 Wellhead Al Karkara, QPDC
PS2BR14SP3 Bridge 14 Support Platform No.3 BHD05A Wellhead Jacket Old Jacket Name: BH-D05 QPDKK1 Wellhead Al Karkara, QPDC
PS2BR14SP4 Bridge 14 Support Platform No.4 BHD07A Wellhead Jacket Old Jacket Name: BH-27 QPDKK3 Wellhead Al Karkara, QPDC
- - - BHD07B Wellhead Jacket Old Jacket Name: BH-D07 - - -
- - - BHE07A Wellhead Jacket Old Jacket Name: BH-18 - - -
- - - BHE07B Wellhead Jacket Old Jacket Name: BH-36 - - -
BHE07ABR1 Bridge Between BHE07A and BHE07B - - - -
BHF05A Wellhead Jacket Old Jacket Name: BH-26
Location Code Description Remarks BHF09A Dump Flooder Old Jacket Name: BH-11
Operational Area - Maydan Mahzam (MM) Field Wellhead and Satellite Jackets BHG04A Wellhead Jacket Old Jacket Name: BH-G04
MMGE MM Field General Multiple or Whole Plot Areas See Note 2 BHG07A Wellhead Jacket Old Jacket Name: BH-G07
MMTY MM Field Typical or Common Documents / Drawings See Note 2 BHG09A Wellhead Jacket Old Jacket Name: BH-G09
MMF05A Wellhead Jacket Old Jacket Name: MM-32/44 BH Redevelopment Ph. 1B;
BHH09A Wellhead Jacket
MMF06A Wellhead Jacket Old Jacket Name: MM-29 Plant Code 622; WHJ-07
MMG05A Dump Flooder Old Jacket Name: MM-8 BHI03A Wellhead Jacket Old Jacket Name: BH-I03
MMG07A Wellhead Jacket Old Jacket Name: MM-G07 BHI07A Wellhead Jacket Old Jacket Name: BH-I07
MMG08A Dump Flooder Old Jacket Name: MM-12 BHI09A Wellhead Jacket Old Jacket Name: BH-3
MMG08B Wellhead Jacket Old Jacket Name: MM-G08 BHJ06A Wellhead Jacket Old Jacket Name: BH-J06
MMH04A Wellhead Jacket Old Jacket Name: MM-25 BHJ07A Wellhead Jacket Old Jacket Name: BH-J07
MMH05A Wellhead Jacket Old Jacket Name: MM-6 BHJ06ABR1 Bridge Between BHJ06A and BHJ07A -
MMH06A Wellhead Jacket Old Jacket Name: MM-5 BHK04A Wellhead Jacket Old Jacket Name: BH-K04
MMH08A Wellhead Jacket Old Jacket Name: MM-27 BHK05A Wellhead Jacket Old Jacket Name: BH-K05
MMH09A Wellhead Jacket Old Jacket Name: MM-31 BHK06A Wellhead Jacket Old Jacket Name: BH-24
MMI05A Wellhead Jacket Old Jacket Name: MM-I05 BHK06B Wellhead Jacket Old Jacket Name: BH-K06
MMI06A Wellhead Jacket Old Jacket Name: MM-10/11 BH Redevelopment Ph. 1B;
BHK06C Wellhead Jacket
Old Jacket Name: Plant Code 623; WHJ-12
MMI06B Wellhead Jacket
MM-21/22/23 BH Redevelopment Ph. 1B;
BHK06D Wellhead Jacket
Plant Code 646; Plant Code 624; WHJ-14
MMI06C Wellhead Jacket Under Construction; BHK06DBR1 Bridge Between BHK06D and PS3MP01 BH Redevelopment Ph. 1B
MM & BH Life Extension BH Redevelopment Ph. 1B;
PS3MP01 Manifold Platform 01 (MP01)
MMI07A Wellhead Jacket Old Jacket Name: MM-3 Plant Code 620
MMI07B Wellhead Jacket Old Jacket Name: MM-33 BHK07A Wellhead Jacket Old Jacket Name: BH-K07
MMI07C Wellhead Jacket Old Jacket Name: MM-I07 BHL09A Wellhead Jacket Old Jacket Name: BH-25
MMJ04A Dump Flooder Old Jacket Name: MM-2 BHM04A Wellhead Jacket Old Jacket Name: BH-M04
MMJ04B Wellhead Jacket Old Jacket Name: MM-28 BHM05A Wellhead Jacket Old Jacket Name: BH-M05
MMJ06A Wellhead Jacket Old Jacket Name: MM-1 BH Redevelopment Ph. 1B;
BHN05A Wellhead Jacket
MMJ06B Wellhead Jacket Old Jacket Name: MM-J06 Plant Code 621; WHJ-01
MMJ07A Wellhead Jacket Old Jacket Name: MM-4 BHN06A Wellhead Jacket Old Jacket Name: BH-29
MMJ07B Wellhead Jacket Old Jacket Name: MM-13/14 BHN08A Dump Flooder Old Jacket Name: BH-6
MMJ09A Dump Flooder Old Jacket Name: MM-7 BHN09A Wellhead Jacket Old Jacket Name: BH-N09
MMJ09B Wellhead Jacket Old Jacket Name: MM-J09 BHSA Satellite Jacket Grid Reference E07
MMK06A Wellhead Jacket Old Jacket Name: MM-9 BHSC Satellite Jacket Grid Reference K07
MMK08A Wellhead Jacket Old Jacket Name: MM-30 BHSABR1 Bridge Between BHSA and BHE07B -
MML06A Wellhead Jacket Old Jacket Name: MM-26 BHSCBR1 Bridge Between BHSC and BHK07A -
Old Jacket Name: PS3A Wellhead Jacket See PS3 Platforms
MMM07A Wellhead Jacket
MM-34/37/38 PS3WDP Water Disposal Platform Grid Reference J09
MMSA Satellite Jacket Grid Reference J06 - - -
MMSABR1 Bridge between MMSA and MMJ06B - - - -
PS2WDP Water Disposal Platform Grid Reference I05 - - -
- - - - - -
- - - - - -

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Halul Oil Terminal

Location Code Description Remarks Location Code Description Remarks Location Code Description Remarks NOTES:
Operational Area - Halul Oil Terminal Operational Area - Halul Oil Terminal Operational Area - Halul Oil Terminal 1. Multi-Location Code for Halul Oil Terminal
Refer Dwg. HGE-0-07-0001-001 for Halul Location Codes Overall Key Plan HOS - Halul Offshore - Halul Primary Area HR - Halul Residential - Halul Primary Area (Continuation) a) Location Code HGE to be used for geographical / field drawings showing Halul Whole Plot Areas or multiple primary
HGE - Halul General HOS00 HOS General Multiple or Whole Plot Areas For multiple locations within HR10 Mosque - areas within Halul Oil Terminal. This can be used for drawings only as they are geographical specific in nature.
HGE Halul General Multiple or Whole Plot Areas To be used for multiple Halul HOSTY HOS Typical or Common Documents / Drawings HOS Area only, see Note 2. HR11 Telecom Building Generator & Daily Fuel Tank - b) Location Code HGETY to be used for General data which are Common or Typical across multiple primary areas
HGETY Halul Typical or Common Documents / Drawings Main Areas. See Note 1. HOS01 Formation Water Disposal Jacket - HR12 ELS II Type B Block 1 - within Halul Oil Terminal. This can be used for both documents and drawings. These are not location specific but
HGER Halul General Roads - HOS02 Submarine Cables from Ras Laffan - HR12 ELS II Type A Block 2 - typical; i.e. Typical Pipe Support, Standard Details or where documents apply to a Specification, Data Sheet,
HGERL QatarEnergy Halul Substation in Ras Laffan Located at Ras Laffan - - - HR12 ELS II Type A Block 1 - Procedure, Guideline, Indices, Equipment Lists, Schedules, etc.
- - - - - - HR15 ELS II Recreation Hall - c) Any drawing / document related to a single location only shall use the location code specific to that location.
- - - - - - HR16 Fitness Center & Offshore Engineering Department - d) For pipelines, the location code is that which the fluid normally flows from.
- - - HR17 Al Rayyan Hall - e) Cables that span two or more primary areas within Halul Oil Terminal shall adopt location code HGE.
HP - Halul Process - Halul Primary Area HR18 Fresh Water Storage Tanks -
HA - Halul Heliport - Halul Primary Area HP00 HP General Multiple or Whole Plot Areas For multiple locations within HR19 Elec. Substation No.15A - 2. Use of Location Codes ending in 00 and TY
HA00 HA General Multiple or Whole Plot Areas For multiple locations within HPTY HP Typical or Common Documents / Drawings HP Area only, see Note 2. HR20 ELS III Type B Block 5 - a) As can be seen from the table, all Halul Primary Areas have included location code suffixed with 00 and TY. Use
HATY HA Typical or Common Documents / Drawings HA Area only, see Note 2. HP01 MOV 115 Compound - HR20 ELS III Type B Block 4 - of these codes are defined below.
HA01 Heliport Building - HP02 Crude Oil Metering Skid - HR20 ELS III Type B Block 3 - b) 00 indicates multiple or whole plot areas (i.e. more than one location), within a Primary Area. This can be used for
HA02 Vehicle Workshop - HP03 General Storage Building - HR20 ELS III Type B Block 2 - drawings only as they are geographical specific in nature.
HA03 Elec. Substation 33/11kV PDS - HP04 Foam Storage Tanks - HR20 ELS III Type B Block 1 - c) TY indicates “Typical” or common across multiple locations, within a Primary Area. This can be used for both
HA04 Foam Tank T-5035-E/F - HP05 Diesel Tank T-5064 - HR25 ELS III Recreation - documents or drawings. These are not location specific but typical; i.e. a Typical Pipe Supports, Standard Details or
HA05 Heliport Radio Room - HP06 Diesel Storage Tanks T-5060/T-5061 - HR26 ELS I Block 1 - where documents apply to a Specification, Data Sheet, Procedure, Guidelines, Indices, Equipment Lists,
HA06 Radio Mast (1) - HP07 Power Station (Tempest) - HR26 ELS I Block 2 - Schedules, etc.
HA07 Elec. Substation (Total 11/22kV) - HP08 QatarEnergy Flare - HR26 ELS I Block 3 -
HA08 Structural Platform - HP09 Slug Catcher Area - HR29 ELS I Block Recreation & Pantry -
HA09 Store 1 (Radio Beacon Room) - HP10 Flare Ignition Area - HR30 SS Quarters -
HA10 Store 2 (Rescue Equip. Room) - HP11 Radio Active Material Store - HR32 Supervisors Accommodation Block E (Contractors) -
HA11 Store (Near Fire Training Ground) - HP12 Incinerator Complex - HR32 Supervisors Accommodation Block F (Contractors) -
HA12 Elec. Substation No.15 - HP13 Alternative Jetty - HR34 Contractors Camp Kitchen Store -
HA13 Vehicle Diesel Filling/Dispenser - HP14 Produced Water Handling Facility was OXY Facilities HR35 Muster Area -
HA14 Central Maintenance Workshop - HP15 Fuel Gas Plant - I - HR36 Wastewater Treatment Plant -
HA15 Fire Station & Accommodation - HP16 Elec. Substation No. 21 - HR37 Telecom Mast (2) -
HA16 QatarEnergy Temporary Accommodation Camp - HP17 Switchgear Room - HR38 Radio Room -
HA17 Wastewater Lifting Station 5 - HP18 Central Manifold Area - HR39 Halul Clinic -
HA18 Guard House - HP19 Auxiliary Tank Farm Demolished HR40 Generator Room -
- - - Previously, Formation Water HR41 Club House -
HP20 Formation Water Disposal System
- - - Disposal Unit HR42 Elec. Substation No.15B -
- - - HP21 Elec. Substation No. 18 - HR43 Museum Demolished
HP22 Power House (TB-5000) - HR44 Mini Market Demolished
HH - Halul Harbour - Halul Primary Area HP23 Chemical Warehouse was TA1750 Hall HR45 Mini Market Storage Demolished
HH00 HH General Multiple or Whole Plot Areas For multiple locations within HP24 Desalination Plant - HR46 Elec. Substation No.17 -
HHTY HH Typical or Common Documents / Drawings HH Area only, see Note 2. HP25 Elec. Substation No. 23 - HR47 QatarEnergy Mess Hall (SS) -
HH01 Eastern Jetty - HP26 Compressor House - HR48 Elec. Substation No. 16 -
HH04 Western Breakwater - HP27 VSD Pump House - HR49 Play Ground -
HH05 Utility Water Pump House - HP28 EVSD Pump House - HR50 Laundry -
HH06 Firewater Pump House - HP29 API Pit - HR51 Central Control Building -
HH07 Marine Offices (MRO) - HP30 Halul Central Stores Demolished HR52 Generator Room -
HH08 Water Storage Tanks (T-5029/T-5049) - HP31 Local Equipment Room - HR53 Air Quality Monitoring Room Demolished
HH09 North Quay - HP32 TEPQ Office (Old Clinic) - HR54 Halul Club Outside Telephone Kiosk Demolished
HH10 Marine Offices - HP33 Central Lab - HR55 Pump Room and Water Tank -
HH11 Central Material Facility - HP36 Instrument Air Compressor Facility - HR56 Volley Ball Area -
HH12 Elec. Substation No. 22 - HP37 DMS Building Demolished HR57 ELS III Water Tank Yard -
HH13 Open Storage Shed (Central Material Store) - HP38 Elec. Substation No. 24 Demolished HR58 ELS II Water Tank Yard -
HH14 TEPQ Stores - HP39 Lab Sample Store - HR59 TV Control Room (ELS/SS/Contractor's Camp) -
HH15 Security Guard Post - HP40 Incoming Line Manifold (x-over comp) / Landfill Area - HR61 Telecom Building -
HH16 Security Guard Post - HP41 Interconnection Transformers 33kV/11kV - Previously, Emergency
HR62 Not To Be Used
HH17 Security Guard Post - Redundant facility; used as Generator Room
HP42 Old Fire Station
HH18 Navy Camp - Oil Spill Base - see HP95 HR63 Control Bldg. Car Park -
HH19 Static Paint Store - HP43 Al Khaleej Facilities - HR64 Transfer Pump Station 2 -
HH20 Cylinder Store - HP44 Fuel Gas Compressor (K-5036A/K-5036B) - HR65 Wastewater Lifting Station 4 -
HH22 Chlorinator House - HP45 Elec. Substation No. 21 (TOTAL + QatarEnergy) - HR66 LER-1 -
HH23 Low Voltage Switchboard SB-3014 - HP46 MCC Room (Near Central Manifold Area) - HR70 Reserved for Centralized Wastewater Treatment Plant -
HH24 West Quay - HP47 Instrument Air Compressors (6 Off) Shed - - - -
HH25 East & South Quay - HP48 Sour Gas Heaters - - - -
HH26 Wastewater Lifting Station 2 - HP49 Transformers (Power Station Area) -
HH27 Support for Camera No. JPTZ-050 - HP50 Turbine Control and Switchgear Room (Tempest) - HSN - Halul Storage North - Halul Primary Area
- - - HP51 Heater Skid ( FGTP-2 ) - HSN00 HSN General Multiple or Whole Plot Areas For multiple locations within
- - - HP52 Emergency Generator G-5005 Shed (Power Station Area) - HSNTY HSN Typical or Common Documents / Drawings HSN Area only, see Note 2.
- - - HP53 North CIB Area - HSN01 Tank T-5050 -
HP54 South CIB Area - HSN02 Tank T-5051 -
HI - Halul Industrial Development Area - Halul Primary Area HP55 Incoming Crude Oil Meters Area - HSN03 Tank T-5006 -
HI00 HI General Multiple or Whole Plot Areas For multiple locations within HP56 T-5060/T-5061 Bund Wall - HSN04 Tank T-5007 -
HITY HI Typical or Common Documents / Drawings HI Area only, see Note 2. HP57 Diesel Transfer Pumps (Near Power House ) - HSN05 Tank T-5008 -
HI01 SBM Hose Warehouse - HP58 Corrosion Monitoring Building - HSN06 Tank T-5009 -
HI02 Office Building - HP59 Diesel Transfer Pump - HSN07 Foam Trailer Shed (W) -
HI03 Workshop and General Stores - HP61 Earthing Transformer (TR-5054A / TR-5054B) - HSN08 Foam Trailer Shed (E) -
HI04 Gas Cylinder Stores - HP62 Sweet Gas Heater Skid (E-5046A / E-5046B) - HSN09 Elec. Substation No.13 -
HI05 Compressor Room - HP63 Canopy Chemical Injection - HSN10 Bund Surrounding T-5050 & T-5051 -
HI06 Marine Store Building - HP64 33kV/11kV Cable Bridge - HSN11 Bund Surrounding T-5006, T-5007, T-5008 & T-5009 -
HI07 MRO Storage and Paint Stores - HP65 Nitrogen Plant - HSN12 Garden Demolished
HI08 Blasting / Painting Booth, Stores - HP66 Reactor Transformer (near Tempest) - HSN13 Foam Trailer Shed (N) -
HI09 Gas Cylinder Stores - HP67 Single Buoy Mooring 1 & 2 - HSN14 North Basin -
HI10 Drum Stores - HP68 Gas Lines to Turbines (Tempest) - HSN15 Crude Oil Storage Tank T-50103 -
HI11 MRO Laydown Area "A"; Contractor's Laydown Area "B" - HP69 Firewater Sprinkler Header - HSN16 Guard House -
- - - HP73 Fuel Gas K.O. Drum (V-5064) - HSN17 Crude Oil Storage Tank T-50104 -
- - - HP74 Instrument Air Receiver (V-5060) - HSN18 Bund Surrounding T-50103 & T-50104 -
- - - HP75 Sphere Receiver (A-5061) - - - -
HP76 Flare K.O. Drum (V-5065) - - - -
HN - Halul North Offplots - Halul Primary Area HP77 LER-2 -
HN00 HN General Multiple or Whole Plot Areas For multiple locations within HP78 PMS Building - HSS - Halul Storage South - Halul Primary Area
HNTY HN Typical or Common Documents / Drawings HN Area only, see Note 2. HP79 Sea Water Intake/Outfall Pipeline & Intake Pump Station - HSS00 HSS General Multiple or Whole Plot Areas For multiple locations within
HN01 Dining and Multi-Purpose Hall - HP80 New Desalination Plant - HSSTY HSS Typical or Common Documents / Drawings HSS Area only, see Note 2.
HN02 Accommodation Block A - HP81 CIB Substation (33kV/11kV PDS 2 Substation) - HSS01 Tank T5005 Demolished / Abandoned
HN03 Accommodation Block B - HP82 Wastewater Lifting Station 1 - HSS02 Tank T5003 -
HN04 Accommodation Block C - HP83 Wastewater Lifting Station 3 - HSS03 Tank T5001 -
HN05 Accommodation Block D - HP84 EVSD Substation Building - HSS04 Tank T5004 -
HN06 Potable Water Storage Tanks - HP85 Air-Cooled Exchanger - HSS05 Tank T5002 -
HN07 Transfer Pump Station 1 - HP86 Beach Landing Valve Area - HSS06 Bund -
HN08 Administration Block - HP87 Diesel Dispensing Station - HSS07 Elec Substation No. 11 -
HN09 Recreational Block - HP88 Guard House - HSS08 Foam Trailer Shed -
HN10 HV / LV Substation - HP89 Guard House - was OXY Produced Water
HSS09 Produced Water Handling Tank Area T5170 & T5171
HN11 Open Air Auditorium - HP90 Guard House - Handling Facility
HN12 Generator - HP91 Guard House - HSS11 Telephone Booth -
HN13 Laundry Block - HP92 Rest Room - HSS12 Telephone Kiosk Demolished
HN14 Water Tank, Pump Room, Irrigation Tank - HP93 Fuel Gas Treatment Plant (Sour Gas) - - - -
HN15 Supermarket, LER - HP94 Low Pressure Associated Gas Compressor - - - -
HN16 Cricket Field - HP95 Halul Oil Spill Base -
HN17 Basketball Court - - - - HW - Halul West Offplots - Halul Primary Area
HN18 Football Field 1 - - - - HW00 HW General Multiple or Whole Plot Areas For multiple locations within
HN19 Football Field 2 - - - - HWTY HW Typical or Common Documents / Drawings HW Area only, see Note 2.
HN20 Tennis Court - HW01 Foam Trailer Shed (W) -
HN21 Volleyball Court - HR - Halul Residential - Halul Primary Area HW02 Foam Tanks -
HN22 Security Building - HR00 HR General Multiple or Whole Plot Areas For multiple locations within HW03 Telephone Kiosk -
HN23 Armoury - HRTY HR Typical or Common Documents / Drawings HR Area only, see Note 2. HW04 Light House -
HN24 Substation, Tanks, Chiller Yard - HR01 Contractor's Accommodation Block A - HW05 Transformers + RMU Unit -
HN25 Prayer Hall - HR01 Contractor's Accommodation Block B - HW08 132kV/33kV Substation North of Power Station -
HN26 NSS Tower - HR01 Contractor's Accommodation Block C - HW09 Fire Training Ground -
HN27 Wastewater Lifting Station 6 - HR01 Contractor's Camp Accommodation Block D - HW10 Foam Trailer Shed (E) -
HN28 Wastewater Lifting Station 7 - HR04 Contractor's Camp Kitchen/Canteen - HW11 South Basin -
HN29 Fire Training Ground - HR05 Contractor's Camp Kitchen Service Compound - HW12 Guard House -
HN30 Rest Room - HR06 Domestic Quarters (Old ELS2) Demolished HW13 Crude Oil Fiscal Metering Facility -
HN70 Centralized Wastewater Treatment Plant - HR07 Contractors Quarters (Old SS) Demolished HW14 Rest Room -
- - - HR08 Operative Staff Quarters (ELS3) - - - -
- - - HR09 Elec. Substation No.14 - - - -
Continued Above-Right

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Mesaieed NGL Operations, Dukhan Operations, Industrial City Operations (Dukhan Concession Area), Doha City and QatarEnergy ABHA District

Location Code Description Remarks Location Code Description Remarks Location Code Description Remarks Location Code Description Remarks Location Code Description Remarks
Operational Area - Mesaieed General / Multiple Areas Operational Area - Mesaieed Gas Distribution Stations (Continuation) Operational Area - Dukhan Fields - Township, Utilities, Zikreet, General and Support Services Areas Operational Area - Dukhan Fields - Valve Stations (Continuation) Operational Area - QatarEnergy ABHA District (Continuation)
Not to be used for Mesaieed MGDA4 Gas Distribution Station A4 Located at Ras Laffan (Continuation) RGLBV1 (Dukhan, LB1 Valve Station On Arab D - NGL4) - QPDT4L1 QatarEnergy ABHA District Tower 4 - Level 1 Level 1 only
Industrial City (MIC). See
MGDA5 Gas Distribution Station A5 Located at Ras Laffan DECC Dukhan Electrical Control Center Tag Area Code 86A RGLBV2 (Dukhan, LB2 Valve Station On Arab D - NGL4) - QPDT4L2 QatarEnergy ABHA District Tower 4 - Level 2 Level 2 only
MGEN Mesaieed General / Multiple NGL Operational Areas Note 1 for Multi-Location
Codes for Mesaieed NGL
MGDA6 Gas Distribution Station A6 Located at Ras Laffan DES Dukhan Primary School Tag Area Code 88E RGLBV3 (Dukhan, LB3 Valve Station On Arab D - NGL4) - QPDT4L3, 4, 5… QatarEnergy ABHA District Tower 4 - Level (use applicable Level Use next sequential number
Operational Areas. MGDA21 Gas Distribution Station A21 Located at Ras Laffan DSFA Dukhan Support Facilities Area - GHIPPS1 (Gas HIPPS Station) ) NF – Arab D - etc. Number) for the succeeding levels
MTY Mesaieed Typical or Common Documents / Drawings See Note 3 MGDB Mesaieed Gas Distribution Stations - Station B Umm Uwaynah DESS Dukhan English School Secondary Tag Area Code 88E CVFSRG1 (Mile 40 Condensate Valve Station FSP - NGL) - QatarEnergy ABHA District Tower 5 - General, Common and Typical/Common
Operational Area - Mesaieed NGL/1 MGDC Mesaieed Gas Distribution Stations - Station C Ras Abu Fontas DFTG Dukhan Fire Training Ground - CVFSRG2 (Mile 48 Condensate Valve Station FSP - NGL) - Multiple Levels Documents and Drawings
M1GE Mesaieed NGL/1 – General Multiple or Whole Plot Areas See Note 3 DHWS Dukhan Hazardous Waste Storage and Transfer Station - DRNGL1A Dukhan Raw NGL - Valve Station 1A Tag Area Code 69A QPDT5M QatarEnergy ABHA District Tower 5 - Mezzanine Level Mezzanine Level only
MGDC1 Mesaieed Gas Distribution Stations - Station C1 Doha International Airport
M1TY Mesaieed NGL/1 – Typical or Common Documents / Drawings See Note 3 DJTF Dukhan Jabel Tank Farm - DRNGL1B Dukhan Raw NGL - Valve Station 1B Tag Area Code 69B QPDT5L1 QatarEnergy ABHA District Tower 5 - Level 1 Level 1 only
Mesaieed NGL/1 – Control Room NGL/1 associated in NGL/2 MGDD Mesaieed Gas Distribution Stations - Station D Ras Abu Aboud DKCH NWDH Sewage Pumping Station (Cuban Hospital) Tag Area Code 88 Operational Area - Dukhan Fields - Fahahil QPDT5L2 QatarEnergy ABHA District Tower 5 - Level 2 Level 2 only
M1CR -
Control Room MGDE Mesaieed Gas Distribution Stations - Station E - DKDSP Dukhan Desalination Plant - FGEN Fahahil General Multiple or Whole Plot Areas See Note 3 QPDT5L3, 4, 5… QatarEnergy ABHA District Tower 5 - Level (use applicable Level Use next sequential number
M1FS Mesaieed NGL/1 – Flare System / Including Burn Pit - MGDF Mesaieed Gas Distribution Stations - Station F Abu Hamour DKPS Dukhan - Power Station Demolished FTYP Fahahil Typical or Common Documents / Drawings See Note 3 etc. Number) for the succeeding levels
M1GH Mesaieed NGL/1 and 2 – Security Guard House - MGDG Mesaieed Gas Distribution Stations - Station G - DKTR Dukhan - Transmission System - FAHM Fahahil Main - QatarEnergy ABHA District Tower 6 - General, Common and Typical/Common
M1ME Mesaieed NGL/1 – Merox - MGDH Mesaieed Gas Distribution Stations - Station H Al Wahbah DKTW Dukhan - Township - FAHN Fahahil North - Multiple Levels Documents and Drawings
M1MP Mesaieed NGL/1 – Main Process Areas - MGDJ Mesaieed Gas Distribution Stations - Station J - DKTTYP Dukhan Township Typical or Common Documents / Drawings - FAHS Fahahil South - QPDT6M QatarEnergy ABHA District Tower 6 - Mezzanine Level Mezzanine Level only
M1RF Mesaieed NGL/1 – Receiving Facilities - MGDL Mesaieed Gas Distribution Stations - Station L - DKTWS1 Dukhan – Township Substation 1 Tag Area Code 89A FHFS Fahahil Fire Station - QPDT6L1 QatarEnergy ABHA District Tower 6 - Level 1 Level 1 only
M1UT Mesaieed NGL/1 – Utilities - MGDQ Mesaieed Gas Distribution Stations - Station Q - DKTWS2 Dukhan – Township Substation 2 Tag Area Code 89B FHGL Fahahil North Lift Gas Compressor Station - QPDT6L2 QatarEnergy ABHA District Tower 6 - Level 2 Level 2 only
Operational Area - Mesaieed NGL/2 MGDR Mesaieed Gas Distribution Stations - Station R - DMSS Dukhan Main Intake Switching Station Tag Area Code 86B FHNF Fahahil North Field - QPDT6L3, 4, 5… QatarEnergy ABHA District Tower 6 - Level (use applicable Level Use next sequential number
M2GE Mesaieed NGL/2 – General Multiple or Whole Plot Areas See Note 3 MGDS Mesaieed Gas Distribution Stations - Station S Mesaieed DOMB Dukhan Operations Management Building - FHSP Fahahil Stripping Plant Tag Area Code 11 etc. Number) for the succeeding levels
M2TY Mesaieed NGL/2 – Typical or Common Documents / Drawings See Note 3 MGDS1 Gas Distribution Station - Extension of 72-SBV41J - DOMBSS Dukhan Head Quarter Substation Tag Area Code 88 FSWPSA Fahahil Stripping Plant Potable Water Pump Station A - QatarEnergy ABHA District Tower 7 - General, Common and Typical/Common
M2CR Mesaieed NGL/2 – Control Room NGL/2 associated - MGDSQ1 Gas Distribution Station SQ1 - DPMS Dukhan PMS Center - Operational Area - Dukhan Fields - Power Water Injection Multiple Levels Documents and Drawings
M2FS Mesaieed NGL/2 – Flare System / Including Burn Pit - MGDSR1 Gas Distribution Station SR1 - DSSA Dukhan – Support Services Area - PGEN PWI General Multiple or Whole Plot Areas See Note 3 QPDT7M QatarEnergy ABHA District Tower 7 - Mezzanine Level Mezzanine Level only
M2JE Mesaieed NGL/2 – Jetty Area - MGDSR2 Gas Distribution Station SR2 - DSSAFS Dukhan – Support Services Area Fire Station - PWITYP PWI Typical or Common Documents / Drawings See Note 3 QPDT7L1 QatarEnergy ABHA District Tower 7 - Level 1 Level 1 only
M2MP Mesaieed NGL/2 – Main Process Areas - MGDSR12 Gas Distribution Station SR12 - DSFAVI Dukhan Service Facilities Area Vehicle Inspection - PW01 Power Water Injection – PS 1 - QPDT7L2 QatarEnergy ABHA District Tower 7 - Level 2 Level 2 only
M2NP Mesaieed NGL/2 – Nitrogen Plant - MGDSS Gas Distribution Satellite Station S - DSFAEES Dukhan Service Facilities Area Emergency Equipment Storage - PW02 Power Water Injection – PS 2 - QPDT7L3, 4, 5… QatarEnergy ABHA District Tower 7 - Level (use applicable Level Use next sequential number
M2NT Mesaieed NGL/2 – NGL Tanks - MGDSS3 Gas Distribution Satellite Station S3 - DTPS1 Dukhan Township Pumping Station Tag Area Code 87S PW03 Power Water Injection – PS 3 - etc. Number) for the succeeding levels
M2NAT Mesaieed NGL1/2 Naphtha Tanks - MGDT1 Gas Distribution Station T1 - DVDC Dukhan Vehicle Driving Center - PW04 Power Water Injection – PS 4 - QatarEnergy ABHA District Tower 8 - General, Common and Typical/Common
M2RF Mesaieed NGL/2 – Receiving Facilities - MGDT2 Gas Distribution Station T2 - KACCS Commercial Complex Substation 88-SS-1710 Tag Area Code 88 PW05 Power Water Injection – PS 5 - Multiple Levels Documents and Drawings
M2UT Mesaieed NGL/2 – Utilities - MGDT3 Gas Distribution Station T3 - KACHS Contractor Housing Substation 88-SS-1810 Tag Area Code 88 PW06 Power Water Injection – PS 6 - QPDT8M QatarEnergy ABHA District Tower 8 - Mezzanine Level Mezzanine Level only
Operational Area - Mesaieed NGL/3 MGDT4 Gas Distribution Station T4 - PSS Process Switching Station - PW07 Power Water Injection – PS 7 - QPDT8L1 QatarEnergy ABHA District Tower 8 - Level 1 Level 1 only
M3GE Mesaieed NGL/3 – General Multiple or Whole Plot Areas See Note 3 MGDT21 Gas Distribution Station T21 near Station W2 SFAS QPSFA 33kV Substation - PW08 Power Water Injection – PS 8 - QPDT8L2 QatarEnergy ABHA District Tower 8 - Level 2 Level 2 only
M3TY Mesaieed NGL/3 – Typical or Common Documents / Drawings See Note 3 MGDV Gas Distribution Station V Located at Ras Laffan SWTP Sewage Treatment Plant - PW09 Power Water Injection – PS 9 - QPDT8L3, 4, 5… QatarEnergy ABHA District Tower 8 - Level (use applicable Level Use next sequential number
M3AGR Mesaieed NGL/3 – Acid Gas Removal Unit - MGDW1 Mesaieed Gas Distribution Stations - Station W1 Ras Abou Fontas ZIKRS1 Zikreet Substation - PWC1 Power Water Injection – Cluster 1 - etc. Number) for the succeeding levels
M3BC Mesaieed NGL/3 – Booster Compressor Area - MGDW2 Mesaieed Gas Distribution Stations - Station W2 Ras Abou Fontas ZKSS Zikreet Substation Tag Area Code 89Z PWC2 Power Water Injection – Cluster 2 - QatarEnergy ABHA District Tower 9 - General, Common and Typical/Common
M3CR Mesaieed NGL/3 – Control Room NGL/3 associated - MGDW5 Mesaieed Gas Distribution Stations - Station W5 Wakrah FLOW Flow lines (All flow lines from Oil and Gas Wellheads) - PWC3 Power Water Injection – Cluster 3 - Multiple Levels Documents and Drawings
M3DS Mesaieed NGL/3 – Disulphide Oil Storage Area - MGDW6 Mesaieed Gas Distribution Stations - Station W6 Ras Abou Fontas TRNK Trunk lines (SAG, RAG, OIL, KHUFF lines) - PWRM Power Water Injection – Ring Main - QPDT9M QatarEnergy ABHA District Tower 9 - Mezzanine Level Mezzanine Level only
M3FS Mesaieed NGL/3 – Flare System / Including Burn Pit - MGDWS Wakrah Station Including Corrosion Monitoring and Valve Station - Operational Area - Dukhan Fields - Khatiyah Operational Area - Dukhan Fields - Lift Gas Manifold Stations QPDT9L1 QatarEnergy ABHA District Tower 9 - Level 1 Level 1 only
M3GH Mesaieed NGL/3 – Security Guard House - MGDX Mesaieed Gas Distribution Stations - Station X Under Demolition KGEN Khatiyah General Multiple or Whole Plot Areas See Note 3 KAHMM1 KAHM Lift Gas Manifold Station 24-A-5227 - QPDT9L2 QatarEnergy ABHA District Tower 9 - Level 2 Level 2 only
M3MP Mesaieed NGL/3 – Main Process Areas - MGDY Mesaieed Gas Distribution Stations - Station Y - KTYP Khatiyah Typical or Common Documents / Drawings See Note 3 KAHMM2 KAHM Lift Gas Manifold Station 24-A-5228 - QPDT9L3, 4, 5… QatarEnergy ABHA District Tower 9 - Level (use applicable Level Use next sequential number
M3NP Mesaieed NGL/3 – Nitrogen Plant Demolished Operational Area - Mesaieed Gas Distribution Metering Stations KAHM Khatiyah Main Tag Area Code 24 KAHMM3 KAHM Lift Gas Manifold Station 24-A-5229 - etc. Number) for the succeeding levels
M3PR Mesaieed NGL/3 – Pig Receiver - MGDMS1 Mesaieed GDS, Metering Station 1 (MS1) Adjacent to NGL KMWPSA Khatiyah Main - Potable Water Pump Station A - KAHNM1 KAHN Lift Gas Manifold Station 22-A-4201 - QatarEnergy HQ ABHA District (Tower 10) - General, Common and Typical/Common
M3RE Mesaieed NGL/3 – Reception Facilities - MGDMS2 Mesaieed GDS, Metering Station 2 (MS2) Adjacent to QVC/QAPCO KAHN Khatiyah North - KAHNM2 KAHN Lift Gas Manifold Station 22-A-4202 - Multiple Levels Documents and Drawings
M3SRU Mesaieed NGL/3 – Sulpha Recovery Unit - MGDMS3 Mesaieed GDS, Metering Station 3 (MS3) Adjacent to QAFAC KAHNS1 Khatiyah North Substation - KAHNM3 KAHN Lift Gas Manifold Station 22-A-4203 - QPDHM QatarEnergy HQ ABHA District (Tower 10) - Mezzanine Level Mezzanine Level only
M3UT Mesaieed NGL/3 – Utilities - MGDMS4 Mesaieed GDS, Metering Station 4 (MS4) Adjacent to Qatar Steel KAHS Khatiyah South - KAHNM4 KAHN Lift Gas Manifold Station 22-A-4204 - QPDHG QatarEnergy HQ ABHA District (Tower 10) - Ground Level Ground Level only
Operational Area - Mesaieed NGL/4 Operational Area - Mesaieed Gas Distribution Stations - Cathodic Protection Stations Operational Area - Dukhan Fields - Jaleha, Umm Bab, Diyab KAHNM5 KAHN Lift Gas Manifold Station 22-A-4205 - QPDHP1 QatarEnergy HQ ABHA District (Tower 10) - Podium 1 Podium 1 only
M4GE Mesaieed NGL/4 – General Multiple or Whole Plot Areas See Note 3 MGDCP1 CP Station-01 CP Transformer Rectifier behind Station B JGEN Jaleha General Multiple or Whole Plot Areas See Note 3 KAHSM1 KAHS Lift Gas Manifold Station 23-A-4719 - QPDHP2 QatarEnergy HQ ABHA District (Tower 10) - Podium 2 Podium 2 only
M4TY Mesaieed NGL/4 – Typical or Common Documents / Drawings See Note 3 MGDCP2 CP Station-02 CP Transformer Rectifier behind American Air Base JTYP Jaleha Typical or Common Documents / Drawings See Note 3 KAHSM2 KAHS Lift Gas Manifold Station 23-A-4720 - QPDHP3, 4, 5… QatarEnergy HQ ABHA District (Tower 10) - Podium (use applicable Use next sequential number
M4CR Mesaieed NGL/4 – Control Room - MGDCP3 CP Station-03 CP Transformer Rectifier Mesaieed Sea Line Road JALM Jaleha Main - KAHSM3 KAHS Lift Gas Manifold Station 23-A-4721 - etc. Podium Number) for the succeeding podiums
M480 Mesaieed NGL/4 – Sphere Receiver - MGDCP4 CP Station-04 CP Transformer Rectifier Station B JCWF Jaleha CO2-WAG Facility Tag Area Code 36 KAHSM4 KAHS Lift Gas Manifold Station 23-A-4722 - QPDHL3 QatarEnergy HQ ABHA District (Tower 10) - Floor 3 Floor 3 only
M481 Mesaieed NGL/4 – Fractionation Units 1 and 2 - MGDCP5 CP Station-05 CP Transformer Rectifier Station E CO2PL CO2 Pipeline CO2-WAG Pipeline FAHSM1 FAHS Lift Gas Manifold Station 13-A-4031 - QPDHL4 QatarEnergy HQ ABHA District (Tower 10) - Floor 4 Floor 4 only
M482 Mesaieed NGL/4 – ADIP Treatment Unit - MGDCP6 CP Station-06 CP Transformer Rectifier Air Force Roundabout UBAB Umm Bab - FAHSM2 FAHS Lift Gas Manifold Station 13-A-4032 - QPDHL5 QatarEnergy HQ ABHA District (Tower 10) - Floor 5 Floor 5 only
M483 Mesaieed NGL/4 – Merox Unit - Wakrah Mesaieed Pipeline UBFS Umm Bab Fire Station - FAHSM3 FAHS Lift Gas Manifold Station 13-A-4033 - QPDHL6, 7, 8… QatarEnergy HQ ABHA District (Tower 10) - Floor (use applicable Use next sequential number
MGDCP7 CP Station-07 CP Transformer Rectifier
M484 Mesaieed NGL/4 – Dehydration and Cooling Unit - Road UBABS1 Umm Bab 33kV Substation - FAHSM4 FAHS Lift Gas Manifold Station 13-A-4034 - etc. Floor Number) for the succeeding floors
M485 Mesaieed NGL/4 – Propane Refrigeration - MGDCP8 CP Station-08 CP Transformer Rectifier Main Security Gate No. 1 UBABS2 Umm Bab B Substation - FAHNM1 FAHN Lift Gas Manifold Station 12-A-4020 - All related documents and
QPDAUD QatarEnergy ABHA District Auditorium
M486 Mesaieed NGL/4 – Hot Oil - MGDCP9 CP Station-09 CP Transformer Rectifier behind Tank Farm UBMSA Umm Bab Metering Station A Tag Area Code 33 FAHNM2 FAHN Lift Gas Manifold Station 12-A-4021 - drawings
Mesaieed NGL/4 – Fuel Gas / Flare System / HC Collection Liquid MGDCP10 CP Station-10 CP Transformer Rectifier Mesaieed Area UBMSB Umm Bab Metering Station B Tag Area Code 33 FAHMM1 FAHM Lift Gas Manifold Station 14-A-5227 - All related documents and
M487 - QPDEC QatarEnergy ABHA District Energy Centre
Disposal MGDCP11 CP Station-11 CP Transformer Rectifier Mesaieed NGL S/L Area UBMSC Umm Bab Metering Station C Tag Area Code 33 FAHMM2 FAHM Lift Gas Manifold Station 14-A-5228 - drawings
M488 Mesaieed NGL/4 – Utilities - MGDCP12 CP Station-12 CP Transformer Rectifier Terminal UBSS Umm Bab B Substation Tag Area Code 34B FAHMM3 FAHM Lift Gas Manifold Station 14-A-5229 -
QPDP QatarEnergy ABHA District Podium Level Common to all QPD Towers
M489 Mesaieed NGL/4 – Effluent Water Treatment - MGDCP13 CP Station-13 CP Transformer Rectifier NGL1/ NGL2 UBWPSA Umm Bab Potable Water Pump Station A - JALMM1 JALM Lift Gas Manifold Station 31-A-4919 -
Operational Area - Mesaieed NGL Plants (NGL/1, NGL/2, NGL/3, NGL/4) MGDCP14 CP Station-11 CP Transformer Rectifier Wakrah Mesaieed Main Road UBSEC Umm Bab Security Building - JALMM2 JALM Lift Gas Manifold Station 31-A-4920 -
QPDG QatarEnergy ABHA District Ground Level Common to all QPD Towers
NGL Offplots; near American Base DYAB Diyab (Excludes PWI-PS5) - JALMM3 JALM Lift Gas Manifold Station 31-A-4921 -
NGL421 Mesaieed NGL Offplots Utilities / Facilities MGDCP15 CP Station-15 CP Transformer Rectifier
Plant Code 421 Kharrara Road Operational Area - Dukhan Fields - Khuff Gas and Wellhead Treatment Plants JALMM4 JALM Lift Gas Manifold Station 31-A-4922 -
QPDCPG QatarEnergy ABHA District - Ground Level Common to all QPD Towers
MEWTP Mesaieed Effluent Water Treatment Plant - MGDCP16 CP Station -16 CP Transformer Rectifier near BS-LBV-13 KHGEN Khuff General Multiple or Whole Plot Areas See Note 3 JALMM5 JALM Lift Gas Manifold Station 31-A-4923 -
Operational Area - Mesaieed Terminal Loading Facilities MGDCP17 CP Transformer Rectifier F/QAFCO-III - Station S - KHTYP Khuff Typical or Common Documents / Drawings See Note 3 JALMM6 JALM Lift Gas Manifold Station 31-A-4002 -
QPDCPM QatarEnergy ABHA District - Mezzanine Level Common to all QPD Towers
MTGE Mesaieed Terminal – General Multiple or Whole Plot Areas See Note 3 MGDCP18 CP Transformer Rectifier F/RAF B Gas - Mesaieed near S-41 KGK1 Khuff Gas Point K1 - RGM1 Arab D Tie-in Lift Gas Manifold Station 23-A-4731 -
MTTY Mesaieed Terminal – Typical or Common Documents / Drawings See Note 3 MGDCP19 CP Transformer Rectifier F/RAF B Gas - Mesaieed next to LBV-6 KGK2 Khuff Gas Point K2 - Operational Area - Dukhan Fields - Dukhan Wells
QPDB1 QatarEnergy ABHA District - Basement Parking 1 Common to all QPD Towers
MTCR Mesaieed Terminal – Control Room - near Ras Abu Fontas Power KGK3 Khuff Gas Point K3 - WLHD Wellheads General Multiple or Whole Plot Areas -
MGDCP20 CP Station Inside Station W2
MTJE Mesaieed Terminal – Jetty Area - Plant KGK4 Khuff Gas Point K4 - WLHDTYP Wellheads Typical or Common Documents / Drawings See Note 3
QPDB2 QatarEnergy ABHA District - Basement Parking 2 Common to all QPD Towers
MTMF Mesaieed Terminal – Metering Facilities - Inside Generator/ Compressor KGK5 Khuff Gas Point K5 - Use applicable
MGDB CP Transformer Rectifier - Station B For specific well, use applicable well number as location code -
MTSBM Mesaieed Terminal – Single Buoy Mooring - Building in Station B KGK6 Khuff Gas Point K6 - Well Number
QPDB3 QatarEnergy ABHA District - Basement Parking 3 Common to all QPD Towers
Operational Area - Mesaieed Tank Farm Operational Area - Mesaieed Station Block and Line Break Valves KHGA Khuff – Wellhead Treatment Plant A -
MTFGE Mesaieed Tank Farm – General Multiple or Whole Plot Areas See Note 3 16LBV1 KM 16 Line Break Valve 1 - KHGB Khuff – Wellhead Treatment Plant B - Operational Area - Doha City QatarEnergy ABHA District Car Parking Building - General, Typical/Common
MTFTY Mesaieed Tank Farm - Typical or Common Documents / Drawings See Note 3 20LBV5 KM 20 Line Break Valve 4 - KHGC Khuff – Wellhead Treatment Plant C - Area Code 501; Common and Multiple Levels Documents and Drawings
TDOC Transmission and Distribution Operations Centre
MTKF Mesaieed Tank Farm - 22LBV1 KM 22 Line Break Valve 1 - KHGD Khuff – Wellhead Treatment Plant D - Al Khulaifat Al Jadeeda QPDCG QatarEnergy ABHA District Car Parking Building - Ground Level Ground Level only
MTFCR Mesaieed Tank Farm Control Room - 32LBV1 KM 32 Line Break Valve 1 - KHGE Khuff – Wellhead Treatment Plant E - QPHQ QP HQ Building Demolished QPDCM QatarEnergy ABHA District Car Parking Building - Mezzanine Level Mezzanine Level only
Operational Area - Mesaieed Multi-Product Berth 32LBV2 KM 32 Line Break Valve 2 - KHGG Khuff – Wellhead Treatment Plant G - RAGE RAA General Multiple or Whole Plot Areas Demolished QPDC1 QatarEnergy ABHA District Car Parking Building - Level 1 Level 1 only
MPB Mesaieed Multi-Product Berth Tag Area Code 404 32LBV3 KM 32 Line Break Valve 3 - KHGH Khuff – Wellhead Treatment Plant H - ANMOB Abu Nakhla Modular Office Buildings Area Code 502 QPDC2 QatarEnergy ABHA District Car Parking Building - Level 2 Level 2 only
Operational Area - Mesaieed NGL Support Campus 37LBV3 KM37 Line Break Valve 3 - KHGL Khuff – Wellhead Treatment Plant L - QatarEnergy Multi-Storey Car Park - General, Common, Multiple Typical/Common QPDC3, 4, 5… QatarEnergy ABHA District Car Parking Building - Level (use Use next sequential number
NGL Support Campus Phase 1 - General Multiple or Whole Plot 37LBV4 KM37 Line Break Valve 4 - KGPN Khuff – Point N - Levels and External Areas (Ground Level) Documents and Drawings etc. applicable Level Number) for the succeeding levels
NGLCGE1 See Note 3
Areas 59LBV1 KM 59 Line Break Valve 1 - KGPU Khuff – Point U - QPMSCP1B1 QatarEnergy Multi-Storey Car Park - Basement Parking 1 Basement Parking 1 only
NGL Support Campus Phase 1 - Typical or Common Documents / 72SBV0 Station Block Valve 72-SBV0 Ras Laffan KGFS Khuff Gas Flare System including Burn Pits - QPMSCP1B2 QatarEnergy Multi-Storey Car Park - Basement Parking 2 Basement Parking 2 only
NGLCTY1 See Note 3
Drawings 72SBV1 Station Block Valve 72-SBV1 - KGMF Khuff Gas Manifolds - QPMSCP1B3 QatarEnergy Multi-Storey Car Park - Basement Parking 3 Basement Parking 3 only NOTES:
NGLC1 Building No.B1 - Clinic Building - 72SBV01J Station Block Valve 72-SBV01J - MANHL New Manifold Area between KHGH and KHGL Tag Area Code 6LL Ground Level only 1. Multi-Location Codes for Mesaieed NGL Operational Areas
QPMSCP1G QatarEnergy Multi-Storey Car Park - Ground Level
NGLC2 Building No.B2 - Fire Station Admin Building - 72SBV2 Station Block Valve 72-SBV2 - Tag Area Code 7A; outside (Internal Areas) a) For pipelines, the location code is that which the fluid normally flows from.
PL1FNF New Pig Launcher Station for NF Injection Header
NGLC3 Building No.B3 - Fire Station Shelter Building - 72SBV02J Station Block Valve 72-SBV02J - fence of NFIS Station QPMSCP1L1 QatarEnergy Multi-Storey Car Park - Level 1 Level 1 only b) Cables that span two or more Mesaieed NGL areas shall adopt location code for General Multiple or Whole Plot Areas
NGLC4 Building No.B4 - Fire Training Area - Lecture Building - 72SBV3 Station Block Valve 72-SBV3 - Tag Area Code 71; inside QPMSCP1L2 QatarEnergy Multi-Storey Car Park - Level 2 Level 2 only assigned to that Operational Area, see Note 3 below.
PR1FNF New Pig Receiver for NF Injection Header
NGLC5 Building No.B5 - Fire Training Area - Practice Tower - 72SBV4 Station Block Valve 72-SBV4 - fence of HIPPS Area QPMSCP1L3 QatarEnergy Multi-Storey Car Park - Level 3 Level 3 only c) Each Mesaieed Operational Area has dedicated to it a location code that will cater for common areas;
NGLC6 Building No.B6 - Fire Training Area - Store Room - 72SBV21 Station Block Valve 72-SBV21 - Operational Area - Dukhan Fields - Sweet Fuel Gas System, Gas Recycling and Gas Distribution System QPMSCP1L4 QatarEnergy Multi-Storey Car Park - Level 4 Level 4 only i.e. data that covers two or more areas or drawings that are typical for 2 or more locations, see Note 3 below.
NGLCFT Fire Training Area - Fire Props & General Utility - 72SBV31 Station Block Valve 72-SBV31 - Dukhan Sweet Fuel Gas System – General / Common and Whole QPMSCP1L5 QatarEnergy Multi-Storey Car Park - Level 5 Level 5 only d) Where data includes multi-facilities or locations within Mesaieed NGL Operational Areas, the location code MGEN
NGLC7 Building No.B7 - Telecommunication / IT Building-1 - 72SBV32 Station Block Valve 72-SBV32 - Plot Areas QPMSCP1L6 QatarEnergy Multi-Storey Car Park - Level 6 Level 6 only shall be used to indicate Mesaieed General / Multiple locations.
NGLC8 Building No.B8 - Telecommunication / IT Building-2 - 72SBV32J Station Block Valve 72-SBV32J - KSFSS Dukhan Sweet Fuel Gas Supply Station - QPMSCP1L7 QatarEnergy Multi-Storey Car Park - Level 7 Level 7 only
NGLC9 Building No.B9 - Substation -1 - 72SBV41 Station Block Valve 72-SBV41 - DSFG5A Dukhan Sweet Fuel Gas – Valve Station A - QPMSCP1L8 QatarEnergy Multi-Storey Car Park - Level 8 Level 8 only 2. Multi-Location Codes for Dukhan Operational Areas
NGLC10 Building No.B10 - Substation -2 - 72SBV4J Station Block Valve 72-SBV4J - DSFG5B Dukhan Sweet Fuel Gas – Valve Station B - QPMSCP1L9 QatarEnergy Multi-Storey Car Park - Level 9 Level 9 only a) For pipelines, the location code is that which the fluid normally flows from.
NGLC11 Building No.B11 - Substation -3 - 72SBV41J Station Block Valve 72-SBV41J - DSFG5D Dukhan Sweet Fuel Gas – Valve Station D - b) Cables that span two or more Dukhan areas shall adopt location code for General Multiple or Whole Plot Areas
NGLC12 Building No.B12 - Substation -4 - 74SBV1 Station Block Valve 74-SBV1 GDS Pipeline DSFG5E Dukhan Sweet Fuel Gas – Valve Station E - Operational Area - QatarEnergy ABHA District assigned to that Operational Area, see Note 3 below.
NGLC13 Building No.13 - Security Guard House-1 - 74SBV2 Station Block Valve 74-SBV2 GDS Pipeline DSFG5F Dukhan Sweet Fuel Gas – Valve Station F - QatarEnergy ABHA District - General, Common, Multiple and Whole Typical/Common c) Each Dukhan Operational Area has dedicated to it a location code that will cater for common areas;
NGLC14 Building No.14 - Security Guard House-2 - 99LBV1 Line Break Valve near Station B DSFG5G Dukhan Sweet Fuel Gas – Valve Station G - Plot Areas Documents and Drawings i.e. data that covers two or more areas or drawings that are typical for 2 or more locations, see Note 3 below.
NGLC15 Building No.15 - Security Guard House-3 - 99LBV2 Line Break Valve near Station B DSFG5H Dukhan Sweet Fuel Gas – Valve Station H - QatarEnergy ABHA District Tower 1 - General, Common and Typical/Common d) Where data includes multi-facilities or locations withinin Dukhan Operational Areas, the location code DGEN shall
NGLCLDA1 Contractors Lay-Down Area Building - 99LBV3 Line Break Valve near Station B DSFG5J Dukhan Sweet Fuel Gas – Valve Station J - Multiple Levels Documents and Drawings be used to indicate Dukhan General / Multiple locations.
NGLCLDA2 Contractors Lay-Down Area- Other Facilities - 701SBV1 Sectional Block Valve 701-SBV1 - DSFG5K Dukhan Sweet Fuel Gas – Valve Station K - QPDT1M QatarEnergy ABHA District Tower 1 - Mezzanine Level Mezzanine Level only
NGL Support Campus Phase 2 - General Multiple or Whole Plot 701SBV2 Sectional Block Valve 701-SBV2 - DSFG5L Dukhan Sweet Fuel Gas – Valve Station L - QPDT1L1 QatarEnergy ABHA District Tower 1 - Level 1 Level 1 only 3. Use of Location Codes ending in GE and TY (or GEN and TYP)
NGLCGE2 See Note 3
Areas 701SBV3 Sectional Block Valve 701-SBV3 - DSFG5M Dukhan Sweet Fuel Gas – Valve Station M - QPDT1L2 QatarEnergy ABHA District Tower 1 - Level 2 Level 2 only a) Any drawing/document related to a single location only shall use the location code specific to that location. As can be
NGL Support Campus Phase 2 - Typical or Common Documents / SRPS Sumaisma Repeater Station - DSFG5N Dukhan Sweet Fuel Gas – Valve Station N - QPDT1L3, 4, 5… QatarEnergy ABHA District Tower 1 - Level (use applicable Level Use next sequential number seen from the table, some Operational Areas have included location code suffixed with GE and TY (or GEN and TYP).
NGLCTY2 See Note 3
Drawings Operational Area - Mesaieed Port and Berths DGDN Gas Distribution Station N VOID, refer KGPN above etc. Number) for the succeeding levels Use of these codes are defined below.
NGLC16 Building No.16 - New NGL Laboratory - MPRT Mesaieed Port and Berths Temporary Location Code DGDU1 Station U1 - QatarEnergy ABHA District Tower 2 - General, Common and Typical/Common b) GE (or GEN) indicates multiple or whole plot areas (i.e. more than one location). This can be used for drawings only
NGLC17 Building No.17 - New Administration and Canteen Building - GSU1 Station U1 Sub Station Tag Area Code 62A Multiple Levels Documents and Drawings as they are geographical specific in nature.
NGLC19 Building No.19 - New Mosque Building - Operational Area - Mesaieed Industrial City FGSS Acid Gas Recovery Plant Substation Tag Area Code 93 QPDT2M QatarEnergy ABHA District Tower 2 - Mezzanine Level Mezzanine Level only c) TY (or TYP) indicates “Typical” or common across multiple locations. This can be used for both documents or
NGLC20 Building No.20 - New Central Workshop - See APPENDIX B - ONSHORE LOCATION CODES (Page 02 of 02) RG Dukhan Gas Recycling Plant - QPDT2L1 QatarEnergy ABHA District Tower 2 - Level 1 Level 1 only drawings. These are not location specific but typical; i.e. a Typical Pipe Supports, Standard Details or where
NGLCTD New Transport Depot and Fuel Vending Facility - Ras Laffan and Mesaieed Industrial Cities, Other Users and Non-QatarEnergy Industries RGAB RGD Amenities Building Tag Area Code 94 QPDT2L2 QatarEnergy ABHA District Tower 2 - Level 2 Level 2 only documents apply to a Specification, Data Sheet, Procedure, Guidelines, Indices, Equipment Lists, Schedules, etc.
NGLC21 Building No.21 - New Warehouse and Stores - Operational Area - Dukhan Fields - Acid Gas Removal Plant QPDT2L3, 4, 5… QatarEnergy ABHA District Tower 2 - Level (use applicable Level Use next sequential number d) It shall be noted that users of this Standard can only use Location Codes ending in GE and TY (or GEN and TYP)
NGLCWA Shutdown Wash Down Area - Operational Area - Dukhan Fields General / Multiple Areas AGRP Acid Gas Removal Plant - etc. Number) for the succeeding levels as shown herein.
Operational Area - Mesaieed Gas Distribution Stations See Notes 2 & 3 for Multi- Operational Area - Dukhan Fields - Valve Stations QatarEnergy ABHA District Tower 3 - General, Common and Typical/Common
DGEN Dukhan General / Multiple Operational Areas QPDT3
Mesaieed Gas Distribution Stations - General Multiple or Whole Plot Location Codes for Dukhan DOVS1 (Mile 32 Oil Valve Station) UBAB - MES - Multiple Levels Documents and Drawings
MGDGE See Note 3
Areas DGTYP Dukhan Typical or Common Documents / Drawings See Note 3 DOVS2 (KM 6.2 Oil Valve Station) UBAB - MES - QPDT3M QatarEnergy ABHA District Tower 3 - Mezzanine Level Mezzanine Level only
Mesaieed Gas Distribution Stations - Typical or Common Operational Area - Dukhan Fields - Township, Utilities, Zikreet, General and Support Services Areas DOVS3 (Mile 42 Oil Valve Station) ) UBAB - MES - QPDT3L1 QatarEnergy ABHA District Tower 3 - Level 1 Level 1 only
MGDTY See Note 3
Documents / Drawings DAA Dukhan Administration Area - DOVS4 (Mile 52 Oil Valve Station) ) UBAB - MES - QPDT3L2 QatarEnergy ABHA District Tower 3 - Level 2 Level 2 only
58LBV6 Gas Distribution Station LBV-6 - DAASB Dukhan Administration Area Security Building - DCVS1 (Mile 26-1 Condensate Valve Station) UBAB - MES - QPDT3L3, 4, 5… QatarEnergy ABHA District Tower 3 - Level (use applicable Level Use next sequential number
BSLBV13 Gas Distribution Station BS-LBV-13 - Dukhan Water Sports and DCVS2 (Mile 26-2 Condensate Valve Station) UBAB - MES - etc. Number) for the succeeding levels
DBA Dukhan Beach Area
MGDA1 Gas Distribution Station A1 Located at Ras Laffan Surrounding Areas DCVS3 (Mile 40 Condensate Valve Station) Arab D - MES - QatarEnergy ABHA District Tower 4 - General, Common and Typical/Common
MGDA2 Gas Distribution Station A2 Located at Ras Laffan DBAPS1 Dukhan Beach Area Pumping Station Tag Area Code 86F DCVS4 (Mile 48 Condensate Valve Station) Arab D - MES - Multiple Levels Documents and Drawings
MGDA3 Gas Distribution Station A3 Located at Ras Laffan DCOA Dukhan Commercial Area - NBLBV12 Line Break Valve NB-LBV-12 - QPDT4M QatarEnergy ABHA District Tower 4 - Mezzanine Level Mezzanine Level only
Continued Above-Right Continued Above-Right Continued Above-Right Continued Above-Right

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Industrial City Operations (Ras Laffan Industrial City and Mesaieed Industrial City), QatarEnergy Refinery Jet A1 Facilities, Non-QatarEnergy Industries/Non-QatarEnergy Assets and Onshore General/Multiple Areas

Location Code Description Remarks Location Code Description Remarks Location Code Description Remarks Location Code Description Remarks Location Code Description Remarks
Operational Area - Ras Laffan Industrial City General / Multiple Areas Operational Area - Ras Laffan Industrial City - Port Buildings (Continuation) Operational Area - Ras Laffan Industrial City - Infrastructure Facilities Inside Port (Continuation) Operational Area - Ras Laffan Industrial City - Infrastructure Facilities Outside Port Operational Area - Mesaieed Industrial City (Continuation)
See Notes 1 & 3 for Multi- RPB120 Guard House Type C Gate 1 RPAKD Al-Khor Dock Al-Khor Dock Common Cooling Water Facilities General Multiple or Whole Plot MIC495 MIC Offshore Area Area 495
RLGE Ras Laffan City General / Multiple Operational Areas RLCGE See Note 3
Location Codes For RLC RPB121 Guard House Type C Gate 1 RPWD Wakrah Dock Wakrah Dock Areas MIC496 Reserved Area 496
Ras Laffan Industrial City Typical or Common Documents / RPB125 Guard House Type C Gate 1 RPRD Rayyan Dock Rayyan Dock Common Cooling Water Facilities Typical or Common Documents / MIC497 Reserved Area 497
RLTY See Note 3 RLCTY See Note 3
Drawings RPB126 Guard House Type C Gate 1 RPG1 Port Gate No.1 Port Gate No.1 Drawings MIC498 Reserved Area 498
Operational Area - Ras Laffan Industrial City - Port Buildings RPB127 Port Security Monitoring Centre (Gate 1) Substation Gate 1 RPG2 Port Gate No.2 Port Gate No.2 RFWMF Waste Management Facility Area 167 MIC499 Reserved Area 499
RPBGE Port Buildings General Multiple or Whole Plot Areas See Note 3 RPB128 Qatar Emiri Naval Forces Building – Supply Substation Gate 1 RPFWN Ras Laffan Port Fire Water Network - RFGC Golf Course Area 161 Operational Area - Mesaieed Industrial City - Ground Water Drainage System
RPBTY Port Buildings Typical or Common Documents / Drawings See Note 3 RPB129 Navy & Coastguard Base Electrical Substation Southern Breakwater Operational Area - Ras Laffan Industrial City - Buildings Outside Port RFWWT Waste Water Collection & Treatment Plant Facilities Area 167 MGWPS1 Ground Water Pump Station 1 -
RPB01 Control Tower Port Area RPB130 Toilet Block at Security Booths Gate 1 RLBGE Buildings Outside Port General Multiple or Whole Plot Areas See Note 3 Ras Laffan Transmission and Distribution Common Facilities / MGWPS2 Ground Water Pump Station 2 -
RPB02 Port Operations Building (P.O.B.) Port Area RPB131 Toilet Block at Security Booths Gate 1 RLBTY Buildings Outside Port Typical or Common Documents / Drawings See Note 3 Pipelines MGWPS3 Ground Water Pump Station 3 -
RPB03 Fire Station No. 1 Port Area RPB132 Customs Inspection Post Gate 1 RLB01 Administration Building Area 120 RLTF Ras Laffan Common Liquid Export Terminal Facility - MGWPS4 Ground Water Pump Station 4 -
RPB04 Maintenance Workshop Port Area RPB133 Port Administrations Building Gate 2 RLB02 Service Area 2 Building Area 120 RPV1 PV Plant Field-1 Thin Film Modules Area 176 MGWPS5 Ground Water Pump Station 5 -
RPB05 Stevedore Agency Building Port Area RPB134 Port Gate 2 – Security Operations Building Gate 2 RLB03 Multi-Purpose Warehouse A Area 166 RPV2 PV Plant Field-2 Crystalline Modules Area 176 To be used for General and
RPB06 Port Gate House Port Area RPB135 Guard House Type B Gate 2 RLB04 Multi-Purpose Workshop Area 166 RPVGE PV Plant General Multiple or Whole Plot Areas Area 176, See Note 3 MGWDS Ground Water Drainage System Common drawings and
RPB07 Marine Terminal Building Port Area RPB136 Guard House Type B Gate 2 RLB05 Commercial Building Complex Area 166 RPVTY PV Plant Typical or Common Documents / Drawings Area 176, See Note 3 documents
RPB08 Service Area 1 Building Port Area RPB137 Guard House Type B Gate 2 RLB06 Medical Complex Area 166 RLCSF Ras Laffan Common Cooling Water Facilities (Phase 1) - Operational Area - Mesaieed Industrial City - Buildings within Mesaieed Industrial City
RPB09 Water Reservoir Port Area RPB138 Guard House Type B Gate 2 RLB07 Fire Station No. 2 Area 166 RLCSF21 Ras Laffan Common Cooling Water Facilities (Phase 2 Category 1) - MLB001 Substation - A (LV Room) CT407
RPB10 Acid Plant Port Area RPB140 Guard House Type C Gate 2 RLB08 Microwave Tower & Facilities Area 171 RLCSF22 Ras Laffan Common Cooling Water Facilities (Phase 2 Category 2) - MLB002 Substation - B (LV Room) CT407
RPB11 Offices (Near Woqod) Port Area RPB141 Guard House Type C Gate 2 RLB09 Potable Water Reservoir Area 120 RLCSF3 Ras Laffan Common Cooling Water Facilities (Phase 3) - MLB003 Substation - C (LV Room) CT407
RPB12 Life Rescue Station 1 Port Area RPB142 Omni view Gantry-3 (Port Gate-2) Gate 2 RLB10 Fire Station No. 3 Area 186 RLCSF4 Ras Laffan Common Cooling Water Facilities (Phase 4) - MLB004 Substation - X (LV Room) CT407
RPB13 Seaman's Club Port Area RPB143 Omni view Gantry-4 (Port Gate-2) Gate 2 RLB11 Kahramaa Substation (MEW) Area 186 RLCSFWI Ras Laffan Common Cooling Water Facility Water Intake Area 101 MLB005 Port Maintenance Paint Room CT407
RPB14 Marine Workshop Port Area RPB144 Customs Post – Electrical Substation Gate 1 RLB12 Control And Relay Building (Kahramaa) Area 186 RLDWN Ras Laffan Deslinated Water Network - MLB006 DWTP Admin Building 407
RPB15 Control Building (LPB 20 & 21) Port Area RPB145 Bus Rapid Transit – Electrical Substation Gate 1 RLB13 RLC Main Substation Area 142 RLLPGBP Ras Laffan LPG Bottling Plant Area 179B MLB007 Building 24 at Small Boat Harbor CT407
RPB16 Main Control Building (LNG) Main Breakwater RPB146 Medical Centre – Electrical Substation Gate 2 RLB14 East Main Telecom Building Area 166 RLPPDWP RLPP Desalinated Water Pipeline Area 143 MLB008 Building 25D Maintenance Workshop CT407
RPB17 Control Building (LNG Berth 10) Main Breakwater RPB147 Gate House 2 Electrical Substation Gate 2 RLB15 Material Warehouse Area 166 RLPWSA Ras Laffan Potable Water Storage Area Area 172 MLB009 Port Maintenance Oil Storage Building CT407
RPB18 Control Building (LNG Berth 9) Main Breakwater RPB148 Guardhouse Qatar Emiri Naval Forces Building Gate 1 RLB16 Main Office Building (M.O.B.) Area 166 Operational Area - Ras Laffan Industrial City - Sewage Effluent MLB010 Domestic Waste Treatment Plant (DWTP) - DG Building 407
RPB19 Control Building (LNG Berth 8) Main Breakwater RPB149 Coastguard Watch Tower Building on MBK MBK RLB17 Drilling Workshop Area 166 RLPSE1 Sewage Effluent Pump Station 1 - MLB011 Domestic Waste Treatment Plant (DWTP) - Power Room 407
RPB20 Control Building (LNG Berth 7) Main Breakwater RPB150 Fire Water Tanks (in Main RLTO Tank farm) RLTO RLB18 Multi-Purpose Warehouse B Area 166 RLPSE2 Sewage Effluent Pump Station 2 - MLB012 Domestic Waste Treatment Plant (DWTP) - FE Pumps Room 407
Domestic Waste Treatment Plant (DWTP) - RA Screw Pumps
RPB21 Control Building (LPB 36 & 37) Liquid Products Causeway RPB151 Main RLTO Tank Farm Substation RLTO RLB19 Petrol Station Area 166 RLPSE3 Sewage Effluent Pump Station 3 - MLB013 407
RPB22 Control Building (LPB 34 & 35) Liquid Products Causeway RPB152 Electrical Substation (for Seamen’s Club) - RLB20 Consumer Cooperative Store Area 166 RLPSE4 Sewage Effluent Pump Station 4 - MLB014 Main Fire Station 496
RPB23 Control Building (LPB 32 & 33) Liquid Products Causeway RPB153 Gate 1 Guard House 1 Gate 1 RLB21 HR Offices (Old EDR Offices) Area 166 RLPSE5 Sewage Effluent Pump Station 5 - MLB015 Satellite Fire Station 497
RPB24 Control Building (LPB 30 & 31) Liquid Products Causeway RPB154 Gate 1 Guard House 2 Gate 1 Area 166; (including Canopy RLSEN Raw Sewage Effluent Network -
RLB22 Main Gate (MG-01) House Building/Booths
RPB25 Control Building (LPB 42 & 43) Central Cargo Causeway RPB155 Gate 1 Guard House 3 Gate 1 Shade Area) Operational Area - Ras Laffan Industrial City - Roads Operational Area - QatarEnergy Refinery / Jet A1 Facilities
RPB26 Control Building (LPB 26, 27, 28 & 29) Liquid Products Causeway RPB156 Gate 1 Guard House 4 Gate 1 RLB23 Security Building Area 166 Refer Dwg. SK-RLC-00518 Sht 1 of 1 for Street Names at Ras Laffan Industrial City QER QatarEnergy Refinery (Mesaieed) -
RPB27 Control Building (LPB 38, 39, 40 & 41) Central Cargo Causeway RPB158 Fueling Pump House Southern Breakwater RLB24 RLC Camp 1 Area 161 RC101 Ras Laffan Avenue - AURS Al Udeid Receiving Station -
RPB28 Electrical Primary Substation Lee Breakwater Link Road RPB159 De-fueling Pump House Southern Breakwater RLB25 Admin / Control Building (CSF) Area 184 RC102 Halul Avenue - 33C1 Station C1 Located at HIA
RPB29 Electrical Primary Substation Main Breakwater RPB160 Mechanical Utility Building Southern Breakwater RLB26 LLCC IPP Area 184 RC201 Hamad Street - 33C2 Station C2 Located at HIA
RPB30 Electrical Primary Substation Central Cargo Causeway RPB161 LPB 28/29 Foam Pump House - RLB27 LLCC W6 Area Area 186 RC202 Khalifa Street - 33BSV3 Station BSV-3 -
RPB31 Electrical Primary Substation Southern Breakwater RPB162 Control Building LPB 24/25 - RLB28 LLCC Ras Gas (Supply) Area 175 RC413 Ghuwaifa Avenue - 33BSV33 Station BSV-33 -
RPB32 Potable Water pump House Gate 1 RPB163 Substation in LPB 20/21 - RLB29 Waste Management Transfer Station Area 167 RC518 Dhaayen Street - JA1MS Jet A1 Manifold Station Located at RLC
RPB33 Industrial Water pump House Gate 1 RPB164 Substation in LPB 24/25 - RLB30 Emergency Operations Center RLC Main Gate RC521 Makeen Street - JA1PF Jet A1 Pigging Facilities Area -
RPB34 Tertiary Substation Liquid Products Causeway RPB165 Fire Water and Foam Pump House in LPB 20/21 - RLB31 Materials Warehouse Shaded Storage Shed Area 154 RC522 Sehail Street - JA1PL 24" Jet A1 Pipeline Pipeline from JFTF to 33C2
RPB35 Tertiary Substation Liquid Products Causeway RPB166 Foam Pump House in LPB 24/25 - RLB32 Security Gate 1 New Mosque Area 166 RC523 Zakreet Street - JFTF Jet Fuel Tank Farm Located at RLC
RPB36 Tertiary Substation Liquid Products Causeway RPB167 Transformer Shed (for Qatar Emiri Forces Naval Base Building) Gate 1 RLB33 Security Gate 1 General Store Area 166 RW202 Khalifa Street - JFGE Jet A1 Facilities General Multiple or Whole Plot Areas See Note 3
RPB37 Tertiary Substation Lee Breakwater Link Road RPB168 Gas Distribution Station - Extension of 72-SBV41J Gate 1 RLB34 Security Gate 1 New Vehicle Warehouse Area 166 RW311 Bandar Street - See Note 3; excluding SBV-
JFTY Jet A1 Facilities Typical or Common Documents / Drawings
RPB38 Tertiary Substation Main Breakwater RPB169 Guard House Type B Gate 1 RLB35 HSE Waste Management Facilities Building Area 167 RW501 Aziziya Street - 1, 2, 21, 32J
RPB39 Tertiary Substation Main Breakwater RPB170 Fire Water Tank & Pump Room for RPB 96 Gate 1 RLB40 Main Gate and Guard Booths (Phase 4 Construction)
RPB40 Tertiary Substation Main Breakwater RPB171 Fire Water Tank & Pump Room for RPB103 Gate 1 RLB41 Scanning Building (Phase 4 Construction) Operational Area - Mesaieed Industrial City General / Multiple Areas Operational Area - Non-QatarEnergy Industries / Non-QatarEnergy Assets
RPB41 Tertiary Substation Main Breakwater RPB172 Fire Water Tank & Pump Room for RPB 104 Gate 1 RLB42 Gate Security Building (Phase 4 Construction) See Notes 2 & 3 for Multi- Other Users
MICGE Mesaieed Industrial City General Multiple or Whole Plot Areas
RPB42 Tertiary Substation Main Breakwater RPB173 Fire Water Tank & Pump Room for RPB 90 Gate 2 RLB43 Medical Centre (Phase 1 Construction) Location Codes for MIC ALK Al Karaana -
RPB43 Tertiary Substation Near Main Gate 2 RPB174 Fire Water Tank & Pump Room for RPB 95 Main Break Water RLB44 Emergency Operation Centre (Phase 2 Construction) DEL Dolphin Energy -
MICTY Mesaieed Industrial City Typical or Common Documents / Drawings See Note 3
RPB44 Omni View Gantry-1 (Port Gate-1) Gate-1 RPB175 Fire Water Tank & Pump Room for RPB 105 & RPB 106 Southern Breakwater RLB45 Corporate Record Centre (Phase 2 Construction) EM Exxon Mobil -
RPB45 Omni View Gantry-2 (Port Gate-1) Gate-1 RPB176 Fire Water Tank & Pump Room for RPB 107 Southern Breakwater RLB46 Helicopter Landing Pad (Phase 1 Construction) Operational Area - Mesaieed Industrial City KAHMA Kahramaa -
RPB46 Tertiary Substation Central Cargo Causeway RPB177 Irrigation Pump Room -1 Inside Gate -2 Gate 2 RLB47 Future Building- South-1 (Future Construction Phase) Refer Dwg. MICGE-0-07-0002-001 for MIC Location Codes Overall Key Plan QG; Including Storage
LRTF LRTF Storage Tank Area
RPB47 Tertiary Substation Central Cargo Causeway RPB178 Irrigation Pump Room -2 Inside Gate -2 Gate 2 RLB48 Future Building- South-2 (Future Construction Phase) MIC231 Roads (within Mesaieed Industrial City) Area 231 Central Control Building
RPB48 Tertiary Substation Central Cargo Causeway RPB179 Port Operations Building Annex - RLB49 Central Plant (includes 33kV Substation) (Phase 1 Construction) MIC401 Hazardous Waste Treatment Center Area 401 ORYX Oryx GTL -
RPB49 Tertiary Substation Central Cargo Causeway Area 127E RLB50 Mosque (Future Construction Phase) HWTCFWS Hazardous Waste Treatment Center Utilities Firewater Services Area 401 PGTL Pearl GTL Storage Tank Area Pearl (Shell) GTL
RPB50 Tertiary Substation Central Cargo Causeway RPB180 New Port Control Tower For Port Control Tower at Al RLB51 Future Building- North-1 (Future Construction Phase) HWTCOW Hazardous Waste Treatment Center Oily Water Treatment Facility Area 401 QG Qatar Gas -
RPB51 Tertiary Substation Central Cargo Causeway Khor Dock, see RP113 RLB52 Future Building- North-2 (Future Construction Phase) Hazardous Waste Treatment Center Stabilization and Solidification RALF1 RALF-1 Woqod
HWTCSSF Area 401
RPB52 Tertiary Substation Central Cargo Causeway RPB181 Port Service Building Area 123 RLB53 Future Building- North-3 (Future Construction Phase) RLC Multi-Purpose Complex Facility RALF2 RALF-2 Woqod
RPB53 Tertiary Substation Near Central Cargo Causeway RPB182 Container Berth Office Container Yard CCC RLB54 Future Building- North-4 (Future Construction Phase) (MPC) MIC405 Crushed Stone Import Facilities Area 405 RG Ras Gas -
RPB54 Fire Truck Parking and NSS Tower Facilities Equipment Room - RPB183 Container Yard Entry Security Guard Room 1 Container Yard CCC RLB55 Future Building- North-5 (Future Construction Phase) MIC407 Domestic Waste Treatment Plant Area 407 RLLAB Linear Alkyl Benzene -
RPB55 Tertiary Substation Near Port Access Gate 2A RPB184 Container Yard Exit Security Guard Room 2 Container Yard CCC RLB56 Office Building (Phase 1 Construction) MICCT407 Container Berth 7A/B CT407 RTLAB Linear Alkyl Benzene Tank Farm -
RPB57 Tertiary Substation Southern Breakwater RPB185 Port Area Toilet No. T1 Port Area RLB57 Office Building – (Future Construction Phase) MIC408 Sewerage Pumping Station PS-4 Area 408 RLC Ras Laffan Industrial City -
RPB58 Tertiary Substation Southern Breakwater RPB186 Port Area Toilet No. T2 Port Area RLB58 Auditorium (Phase 3 Construction) MIC409 Sewerage Pumping Station PS-5 Area 409 RLOC Ras Laffan Olefin Company -
RPB59 Tertiary Substation Southern Breakwater RPB187 Port Area Toilet No. T3 Port Area RLB59 Future Building- West (Future Construction Phase) MIC411 Sewerage Pumping Station PS-7 Area 411 Domestic Transport Sector - Compressed Natural Gas (CNG)
RPB60 Tertiary Substation Southern Breakwater RPB188 Port Area Toilet No. T4 Port Area RMPCGE1 MPC General Multiple or Whole Plot Areas (Phase 1 Construction) MIC412 Sewerage Pumping Station PS-8 Area 412 E1 Pilot Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) Fueling Station -
RPB61 Tertiary Substation Gate 1 RPB189 Port Area Toilet No. T5 Port Area RMPCUT1 MPC Utilities (Phase 1 Construction) MIC422 Additional Training Facility Area 422 CNGGE Compressed Natural Gas General Multiple or Whole Plot Areas See Note 3
RPB62 Tertiary Substation Gate 1 Operational Area - Ras Laffan Industrial City - Infrastructure Facilities Inside Port RMPCGE2 MPC General Multiple or Whole Plot Areas (Phase 2 Construction) MIC432 Foul Drainage Lifting Station 2 Area 432; Roundabout RA2 Compressed Natural Gas Typical or Common Documents /
CNGTY See Note 3
RPB63 Tertiary Substation Gate 1 Refer Dwg. RPGE-0-07-0001 Sht 1 of 1 for Location Codes for Ras Laffan Port RMPCUT2 MPC Utilities (Phase 2 Construction) MIC433 Foul Drainage Lifting Station 3 Area 433; Roundabout RA3 Drawings
RPB64 Tertiary Substation Gate 2 RPGE Port General Multiple or Whole Plot Areas In Port Areas, See Note 3 RMPCGE3 MPC General Multiple or Whole Plot Areas (Phase 3 Construction) Area 434; near Pump Station CNGMS1 CNG WOQOD Mesaieed Station 1 Plant/Area Code 902
MIC434 Foul Drainage Lifting Station 1
RPB66 Telecom Building 1 Main Breakwater RPTY Port Typical or Common Documents / Drawings In Port Areas, See Note 3 RMPCUT3 MPC Utilities (Phase 3 Construction) 9 CNGRLS1 CNG WOQOD Ras Laffan Station 1 Plant/Area Code 903
RPB67 Telecom Building 2 Central Cargo Causeway RP106 LNG Berth # 1 Q-Gas Al-Khor Dock RMPCGE4 MPC General Multiple or Whole Plot Areas (Phase 4 Construction) MIC435 Foul Drainage Lifting Station 4 Area 435; near Road RA6 Small & Medium Industrial
CNGARRS1 CNG Refueling Station 1 at Ar-Rayyan
RPB68 Telecom Building 3 Southern Breakwater RP107 LNG Berth # 2 Ras Gas Al-Khor Dock RMPCUT4 MPC Utilities (Phase 4 Construction) MIC450 MIC Corridor Area 450 Zone Salwa
RPB69 Electrical Secondary Substation (LPB 36 & 37) Liquid Products Causeway RP108 Proposed LNG Berth # 3 Al-Khor Dock RLB60 Fire Station No. 6 - MIC451 Industry Area (Future) Area 451 Refined Product Supply Chain (RPSC)
RPB70 Electrical Secondary Substation (LPB 34 & 35) Liquid Products Causeway RP109 Proposed LNG Berth # 4 Al-Khor Dock RLB61 Telecoms Building - MIC452 Reserved Area 452 FDGE Fuel Depot - General Multiple or Whole Plot Areas See Note 3
RPB71 Electrical Secondary Substation Liquid Products Causeway RP110 Main Breakwater Al-Khor Dock RLB62 Telecoms Building - MIC453 Industry Area (Future) Area 453 FDTY Fuel Depot - Typical or Common Documents / Drawings See Note 3
RPB72 Electrical Secondary Substation Liquid Products Causeway RP111 Cooling Water Intake Al-Khor Dock RLB63 Police Station Building MIC454 MIC Corridor Area 454 FDS1 Fuel Depot South 1 9X2
RPB73 Electrical Secondary Substation Liquid Products Causeway RP112 Solid Products + Heavy Load Berths Al-Khor Dock RLB64 Transportation Building MIC455 West of QCHEM II Battery Limit Area 455 FDPL Fuel Depot Pipelines 9X3
RPB74 Electrical Berth Substation (LPB 36 & 37) Liquid Products Causeway Al-Khor Dock; Area 113 RLB65 Domestic Staff MIC456 MIC Corridor Area 456
RPB75 Electrical Berth Substation (LPB 34 & 35) Liquid Products Causeway RP113 Port Control Tower + Service Berth For New Port Control Tower, RLB66 Mosque MIC457 Industry Area (Future) Area 457 Operational Area - Onshore General / Multiple Areas
RPB76 Electrical Berth Substation (LPB 32 & 33) Liquid Products Causeway see RPB180 RLB67 State Security Investigation Building MIC458 Industry Area (Future) Area 458
GENON Onshore General / Multiple Operational Areas See Note 4
RPB77 Electrical Berth Substation (LPB 30 & 31) Liquid Products Causeway RP114 Port Service Area + Tug Berths Al-Khor Dock RLB68 Guard house 1 MIC459 Industry Area (Future) Area 459
RPB78 Electrical Berth Substation (LNG 10) Main Breakwater RP115 Service Berths + Adjoining Area Al-Khor Dock RLB69 Guard House 2 MIC460 MIC Corridor Area 460
RPB79 Electrical Berth Substation (LNG 9) Main Breakwater RP116 Lee Breakwater Al-Khor Dock RLB70 Land Forces Main Building MIC461 MIC Corridor Area 461
RPB80 Electrical Berth Substation (LNG 8) Main Breakwater RP117 LPB 20(1A) & LPB 21(1B) Al-Khor Dock RLB71 Holding Area MIC462 MIC Corridor Area 462 NOTES:
Area 179;
RPB81 Electrical Berth Substation (LNG 7) Main Breakwater RP118 LPB 22(2A) & LPB 23(2B) Al-Khor Dock RLB72 Ammunition Store MIC463 Industry Area (Future) Area 463 1. Multi-Location Codes for Ras Laffan Industrial City (RLIC)
Joint Forces Buildings
RPB82 Electrical Berth Substation (LPB 42 & 43) Container Yard CCC RP119 LPB 24(3A) & LPB 25(3B) Al-Khor Dock RLB73 General Store MIC464 Used by Gas Operations Area 464 a) For pipelines, the location code is that which the fluid normally flows from.
RPB83 Electrical Berth Substation (LPB 26, 27, 28 & 29) Liquid Products Causeway RP124 Service Berths and Woqod Bunkering Facilities Al-Khor Dock RLB74 Service Building MIC465 Area North of QatarEnergy Refinery Area 465 b) Cables that span two or more RLIC areas shall adopt location code for General Multiple or Whole Plot Areas assigned
RPB84 Electrical Berth Substation (LPB 38, 39, 40 & 41) Central Cargo Causeway RP125 Southern Breakwater (and It’s Associated Structure, Utilities) Rayyan Dock RLB75 Utility Building MIC466 Area South of QASCO Area 466 to that Operational Area, see Note 3 below.
RPB85 Container Crane Electrical Switch Room 1 (Container yard) Container Yard CCC RP125A Barged Aggregates (Marpol Reception Facilities) Rayyan Dock RLB76 Reserved for Joint Forces Plot Buildings MIC467 Area North-West of QATALUM Plant Area 467 c) Each RLIC Operational Area has dedicated to it a location code that will cater for common areas;
RPB86 Container Crane Electrical Switch Room 2 (Container yard) Container Yard CCC RP125B Dry Dock Phase - IV Rayyan Dock RLB77 Reserved for Joint Forces Plot Buildings MIC468 MIC Corridor Area 468 i.e. data that covers two or more areas or drawings that are typical for 2 or more locations, see Note 3 below.
RPB87 Electrical S/S Fire Pump Stations RLTO Tank Farm Site RP125C Dry Dock Phase - III Rayyan Dock RLB78 Reserved for Joint Forces Plot Buildings MIC469 Gabbro Berth Area Area 469 d) Where data includes multi-facilities or locations within RLIC Operational Areas, the location code RLGE shall be used
RPB88 Electrical S/S Fire Pump Stations Main Breakwater RP125D Dry Dock Phase - I & II Rayyan Dock RLB79 Reserved for Joint Forces Plot Buildings MIC470 MIC Corridor Area 470 to indicate Ras Laffan Industrial City General / Multiple locations.
RPB89 Electrical Substations (Barged Aggregates) Southern Breakwater RP125E Coast Guard and Navy Support Base Area Rayyan Dock RLB80 Reserved for Joint Forces Plot Buildings MIC471 MIC Corridor Area 471
RPB90 Fire Station Gate 2 RP125F Fueling Facilities Rayyan Dock RLJF1 Joint Forces General Multiple or Whole Plot Areas MIC472 Reserved Area 472 2. Multi-Location Codes for Mesaieed Industrial City (MIC)
RPB91 Fire Pump Station Main Breakwater Between North & South Sailing RLB81 Telecom Building MIC473 Reserved Area 473 a) For pipelines, the location code is that which the fluid normally flows from.
RP126 Offshore Breakwater Channel near Port Mouth
RPB93 Fire Pump Station Container Yard CCC RLB82 Telecom Tower MIC474 Reserved Area 474 b) Cables that span two or more MIC areas shall adopt location code for General Multiple or Whole Plot Areas assigned
RPB94 Fire Pump Station RLTO Tank Farm Site RP127 Central Cargo Causeway Wakrah Dock RLB83 Substation and Pump Room MIC475 Golf Course Area 475 to that Operational Area, see Note 3 below.
Area 185;
RPB95 Seamen’s Club & Port Authority Offices Main Breakwater RP127A Reserved Wakrah Dock RLB84 Guard House Coast Guard Buildings MIC476 Medium Industrial Zone Area 476 c) Each MIC Operational Area has dedicated to it a location code that will cater for common areas;
RPB96 Bus Rapid Transit & Turnstile Security Terminus Gate 1 Gate 1 RP127B LPB 38, 39, 40 & 41 Wakrah Dock RLB85 Telecom Room MIZ Mesaieed Medium Industrial Zone Area 476 i.e. data that covers two or more areas or drawings that are typical for 2 or more locations, see Note 3 below.
Mesaieed Medium Industrial Zone
RPB97 Satellite Prayer Room (Container Yard CCC) Central Cargo Causeway RP127C LPB 42 & 43 Wakrah Dock RLCG1 North Shoreline Coast Guard General Multiple or Whole Plot Areas MIZB1 Area 476 d) Where data includes multi-facilities or locations within MIC Operational Areas, the location code MICGE shall be used
Fire Water Pump Station
Mesaieed Medium Industrial Zone
RPB98 Container Berth Admin Building Central Cargo Causeway RP127D WTB 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 & 10 Wakrah Dock RLB86 Labour Building MIZB2 Area 476 to indicate Mesaieed Industrial City General / Multiple locations.
Electrical Substation
Rubber Tyre Gantry & General Maintenance Shed (Central Cargo RP127E CB121, CB122, CB123, CB124, CB125, CB126 & CB127 Wakrah Dock RLB87 Medical Commission Building MIC477 Temporary Gabbro Area Area 477
RPB99 Container Yard CCC
Causeway) RP128 LNG-5 Doha Dock RLB88 Mosque MIC478 West of Light Industrial Area Area 478 3. Use of Location Codes ending in GE and TY (or GEN and TYP)
RPB100 Berth Admin & Maintenance Building (Barged Aggregate) Southern Breakwater RP129 Liquid Product Causeway Wakrah Dock RLB89 Immigration Building 1 MIC479 Reserved Area 479 a) Any drawing/document related to a single location only shall use the location code specific to that location. As can be
Area 178;
RPB101 Cement Storage Shed (Barged Aggregate Berth) Southern Breakwater RP129A VOC (Volatile Organic Compound) Wakrah Dock RLB90 Immigration Building 2 MIC480 Community Area Area 480 seen from the table, some Operational Areas have included location code suffixed with GE and TY (or GEN and TYP).
Government Services
RPB102 Fuel Station Container Yard CCC RP129B Liquid Product Berth 26, 27, 28 & 29 Wakrah Dock RLB91 Utility Building MIC481 Community Area (Future) Area 481 Use of these codes are defined below.
RPB103 Port Security Monitoring Centre (Gate 1) Gate 1 RP129C Liquid Product Berth 30 & 31 Wakrah Dock RLB92 Reserved for Government Service Plot Buildings MIC482 Community Area (Phase 1) Area 482 b) GE (or GEN) indicates multiple or whole plot areas (i.e. more than one location). This can be used for drawings only
RPB104 Qatar Emiri Naval Forces Building Gate 1 RP129D Liquid Product Berth 32 & 33 Wakrah Dock RLB93 Reserved for Government Service Plot Buildings MIC483 Landfill Area Area 483 as they are geographical specific in nature.
RPB105 Coastguard Base Building Southern Breakwater RP129E Liquid Product Berth 34 & 35 Wakrah Dock RLB94 Reserved for Government Service Plot Buildings MIC484 Community Area (Future) Area 484 c) TY (or TYP) indicates “Typical” or common across multiple locations. This can be used for both documents or
RPB106 Coastguard Workshop Building Southern Breakwater RP129F Liquid Product Berth 36 & 37 Wakrah Dock RLB95 Reserved for Government Service Plot Buildings MIC485 MIC Park & Recreation Area Area 485 drawings. These are not location specific but typical; i.e. a Typical Pipe Supports, Standard Details or where
RPB107 Navy Base Building Southern Breakwater RP130 Main Breakwater & It’s Utilities (New) Doha Dock RLGS1 Government Services General Multiple or Whole Plot Areas MIC486 Reserved Area 486 documents apply to a Specification, Data Sheet, Procedure, Guidelines, Indices, Equipment Lists, Schedules, etc.
RPB108 Fire Station Warehouse Gate 2 RP130A LNG Berth # 6 Doha Dock RLB96 Maintenance Workshop Area 179 MIC487 North of Light Industrial Area (Future) Area 487 d) It shall be noted that users of this Standard can only use Location Codes ending in GE and TY (or GEN and TYP)
RPB109 Port Medical Centre Gate 2 RP130B LNG Berth # 7 Doha Dock RLB97 SIP Shelter Area 184 MIC488 KANKARI Area Area 488 as shown herein.
RPB110 Gatehouse 1 Electrical Substation Gate 1 RP130C LNG Berth # 8 Doha Dock RLB98 RH Environment Educational Porta Cabin - MIC489 Reserved Area 489
RPB111 LPB 30 & 31 Foam Pump House - RP130D LNG Berth # 9 Doha Dock RLB99 Drilling Support Warehouse and Yard Area 154 MIC490 South of East Light Industrial Area Area 490 4. Multi-Location Code for Onshore
RPB113 Security Booth Type 1 Gate 1 RP130E LNG Berth # 10 Doha Dock RLB100 RLC Environmental Lab Building Area 154 MIC491 North of East Light Industrial Area Area 491 a) Where data includes multiple Onshore Operational Areas, the location code "GENON" shall be used to indicate
RPB114 Security Booth Type 1 Gate 1 RP133 Reclamation Bund Wall - - - - MIC492 Area Coastal Protection Zone Area 492 Onshore General / Multiple locations.
RPB115 Security Booth Type 1 Gate 1 RP192 Future Product Corridor Wakrah Dock - - - MIC493 Area Coastal Protection Zone Area 493
RPB116 Security Booth Type 1 Gate 1 RPDD Doha Dock Doha Dock - - - MIC494 Community Area (Future) Area 494
Continued Above-Right Continued Above-Right Continued Above-Right Continued Above-Right

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The following Sub-Groups 00 to 49 cater for none graphical related data for ALL DISCIPLINES The following Sub-Groups are for Engineering Drawing Related Data with Discipline Code 2 The following Sub-Groups are for Engineering Drawing Related Data with Discipline Code 5 The following Sub-Groups are for Engineering Drawing Related Data with Discipline Code 8 The following Discipline Modifiers and Data Types are for Engineering drawing related Data with Discipline
Sub-Group Data Description
Category As-Built As-Built As-Built Refer to Section 3.7.2 and Table 2 of this standard for explanatory details. - Continuation
Sub-Group Data Description Sub-Group Data Description Sub-Group Data Description
00 Indices B Category Category Category Discipline As-Built
Data Type Data Description
01 Software Configuration & Computer Applications A 50 Electrical Equipment Layouts A N/A Isometrics, refer to CORP-ENG-STD-021 Section (3.4) for Numbering Structure B 69 Antennae & Tower mast Installation/ General Arrangement Details B Modifier Category
02 Mission Statements and Policies C 51 Cable Routing Layouts (See 65 for Earthing Cable routing and Layouts) B 50 Plot Plans A 70 Control and Switch Panel Details A ELV/ IT/ TELECOM (Continuation)
03 Philosophies C 52 Small Power Layouts (See 67 for Lighting Layout) B 51 Equipment Layouts A 71 PABX Network Diagrams A C ELV/IT/Telecom Systems Schematic and Layout Drawings A
04 Strategies / Plan C 53 Key Single Line Diagrams A 52 Piping General Arrangements including Key Plan A 72 Power Distribution Plan A D External Tie-in layouts of networked systems A
05 Procedures C 54 Single Line Diagrams A 53 Deluge & Firewater Piping Layout A 73 Earthing Systems B E Cable Distribution Networks A
06 Guidelines (Terms of Reference in a single document) C 55 Emergency and Vital Systems Single Line Diagram A 54 Equipment Details - Pig Receivers, Launchers, Loading and Unloading A 74 PABX Numbering and Routing Diagrams B F Feeder runs and routing A
07 Coding Systems B 56 Electrical Schematic Diagrams, including Protection and Metering etc. A 55 Equipment Details - Furnaces, Steam Boilers (Fired), Rotary Kiln A 75 System/Network – Configuration Plan & Associated Drawings A G Cable ducts, trench layouts and routings B
08 Forms and Templates C 57 Interconnection Diagrams A NOT TO BE USED WITHOUT PRIOR CONSENT FROM CUSTODIAN 76 System and Cable Block Diagrams A H Traffic plans and traffic signal Details B
56 -
09 Directory Structures B 58 Electrical Block Diagrams/ Function Block Diagrams/ Electrical Architecture Diagram B (See CORP-ENG-STD-021 Section 2) 77 Miscellaneous Wiring Diagrams & Cabling Information B I Equipment Console layouts and Details B
10 Databases A General Arrangement Layouts of Panels, Switch Boards, MCC’s, Distribution Boards & 57 Pipe Support Detailed Drawings A 78 Audio/Visual Multimedia Systems and Wiring Diagrams B J Racks / Rack layouts and Details B
59 B
11 Narratives C JB’s 58 Specialized Mechanical Equipment A 79 Video Conference Systems and Wiring Diagrams B K Miscellaneous Details B
12 Calculations including equipment and instrument sizing and selection C 60 Cable Ladder Rack, Tray and Trunking Layouts and Details B 59 Equipment Details - Pumps A 80 VoIP Converged Network Drawings and Wiring Diagrams B L Schedules B
13 Data Sheets B 61 Cathodic Protection Electrical Interface and Details A 60 Equipment Details - Vessels A 81 Fibre Allocation/ Distribution Plan and Associated Drawings B LANDSCAPING AND IRRIGATION
14 Specifications B 62 Cable Trench, Duct, Layout Installation Details A 61 Equipment Details - Tanks A 82 Miscellaneous Telecommunications Drawings B A Discipline Specific General Drawings (symbols legend, notes, etc.) C
15 Requisitions & Purchase Orders C 63 Standard & Typical Electrical Installation and Fabrication Details C 62 Equipment Details - Filters, etc. A 83 Schematic Diagrams B B Landscape Plans B
16 Certification C Underground Cable Routing 63 Equipment Details - Mechanical Handling A NOT TO BE USED WITHOUT PRIOR CONSENT FROM CUSTODIAN C Landscape Details B
64 - 84 to 99 -
17 Reports (covers all topic related reports) C (NO LONGER USED AS PER ISSUE OF THIS STANDARD, Use Sub-Group 51) 64 Equipment Details - Compressors A (See CORP-ENG-STD-021 Section 2) D Irrigation Plans B
18 Presentations C 65 Earthing Cable Routing, Layouts A 65 Equipment Details - Turbines A E Irrigation Details B
19 Standing Instructions / Method Statements C 66 Lightning Protection Layout A 66 Equipment Details – Blowers and Dryers A F Irrigation Timings B
20 Design Manuals A 67 Lighting Layouts (See 52 for Small Power Layout) B 67 Equipment Details – Diesel Engines A The following Discipline Modifiers and Data Types are for Engineering drawing related Data with Discipline G Schematic, Isometrics and Diagrams B
21 Installation Manuals – includes Construction & Commissioning A Lighting Fixtures and Mounting Details (Installation Details) 68 HVAC Details (related to Process HVAC only, e.g. Process Plant cooling, ventilation, etc.) B Code 9 (BUILDINGS, CIVIL/STRUCTURAL, ARCHITECTURAL AND BUILDING SERVICES) for all Disciplines. H Equipment Schedules B
68 - Refer to Section 3.7.2 and Table 2 of this standard for explanatory details.
22 Operation Manuals A (NO LONGER USED AS PER ISSUE OF THIS STANDARD, Use Sub-Group 63) 69 Equipment Details - Miscellaneous C I Details C
23 Maintenance Manuals A NOT TO BE USED WITHOUT PRIOR CONSENT FROM CUSTODIAN 70 Piping and Piping Components A Discipline As-Built J Control Diagrams for Pumps and Other Equipment A
69 - Data Type Data Description
24 Safety Manuals A (See CORP-ENG-STD-021 Section 2) 71 Miscellaneous Drawings C Modifier Category PLUMBING
25 Inspection and Test Plans / QA/QC Data and Records C 70 Overhead Line Drawings (General Arrangements, Plans and Elevations) A 72 Well Head Arrangements and Details A ARCHITECTURAL A Discipline Specific General Drawings (symbols legend, notes, etc.) C
26 Vendor Manuals – Including Manufactures & Suppliers Manuals C 71 Panel Wiring and Circuit Diagrams (Refer 56 for Schematic drawings) A 73 Installation Details C A Discipline Specific General Drawings (symbols legend, notes, etc.) C B Location and Site Plans B
27 Commissioning Manuals A 72 Distribution Board and Panel Board Schedules A 74 Mechanical Handling/Lifting Details Equipment B B Location and Site Plans A C Floor Layout Plans B
28 Training Manuals C UPS Systems/ Batteries 75 Labelling Details C C General Arrangement Plans B D Sections B
73 - P
29 Design Basis C (NO LONGER USED AS PER ISSUE OF THIS STANDARD, Use Sub-Group 55) 76 Equipment Details – Heat Exchangers, Condensers, Coolers, Reboilers A D Exterior Elevations B E Schematics, Isometrics and Diagrams B
Schedules; See Note 1. 74 All Electrical Drawings for Vendor Supplied Packages & Skid Equipment A 77 Equipment Details – Columns, Stills and Towers A E Building Sections B F Equipment Schedules B
30 See Sub-group Code 37 for Cable Schedule. Also, see Discipline Code 2 Sub-group 72 Electrical Control Panels (General Arrangements) 78 Equipment Details - Valves A F Schedules B G Details C
Note 1 75 -
for Distribution Board and Panel Board Schedule. (NO LONGER USED AS PER ISSUE OF THIS STANDARD, Use Sub-Group 59) Cathodic Protection System G Constructional Details C H Control Diagrams for Pumps and other Equipment A
79 A
31 Bulk MTO’s C 76 Cable Transit Layout (MCT) / Details B (For Electrical Interface and Details, see Discipline Code 2 Sub-group 61) H Miscellaneous Exterior Details B STRUCTURAL
32 Valve Lists B NOT TO BE USED WITHOUT PRIOR CONSENT FROM CUSTODIAN NOT TO BE USED WITHOUT PRIOR CONSENT FROM CUSTODIAN A I Interior Design Plans B A Discipline Specific General Drawings (symbols legend, notes, etc.) C
77 - 80 to 99 -
33 Line Lists B (See CORP-ENG-STD-021 Section 2) (See CORP-ENG-STD-021 Section 2) J Interior Design Details B B Steel Column Set out Plans B
34 Utility Data - Electrical Load Schedules A 78 Labelling and Plate Details C K Detailed Layout Plans, Elevations and Details A C General Arrangement and Framing Plans B
35 Bar Bending Schedules C 79 Trace Heating Details A L Miscellaneous Interior Details B D Frames: Elevations and Details B
36 Tie-in Schedules C 80 Miscellaneous Electrical Details C The following Sub-Groups are for Engineering Drawing Related Data with Discipline Code 6 M Vertical Circulation, Stair, Ladder Details B E Joints and Connection Details B
37 Cable Schedules B 81 Logic Diagrams A (PROCESS) N Signage C F Sections B
38 Models A 82 System Graphics - Load/Power Management A As-Built O Fire Rated Walls Layout B G Miscellaneous Details C
Sub-Group Data Description
39 I/O Lists A 83 Mechanical Key Interlock Diagram A Category H Schedules C
Z 3D Representations (Isometrics, Perspectives, Photographs and Models) B
40 Project Dossiers N/A NOT TO BE USED WITHOUT PRIOR CONSENT FROM CUSTODIAN 50 Piping and Instrument Diagrams (P&ID’s) A TOPOGRAPHICAL
84 to 99 -
41 Summaries C (See CORP-ENG-STD-021 Section 2) 51 Utility Piping and Instrument Diagrams (P&ID’s) A CIVIL A Discipline Specific General Drawings (symbols legend, notes, etc.) C
42 Heat and Material Balance Data B 52 Process Flow Diagrams B A Discipline Specific General Drawings (symbols legend, notes, etc.) C T B Plans A
43 SPIR (Spare Parts List and Interchangeability Records) C 53 Utility Flow Diagrams B B Site Layout and Grading Plans B Z 3D Representations (Isometrics, Perspectives, Photographs and Models) B
44 Performance Data including Curves C The following Sub-Groups are for Engineering Drawing Related Data with Discipline Code 3 54 Process Safeguarding Diagrams A C Site Stormwater Drainage Plans & Details B
45 Scope of Work – FOR CONTRACTORS USE ONLY C (HSE & SAFETY AND LOSS PREVENTION) 55 Production System Drawings B D Road and Paving Plans and Details B
46 Risk Registers C As-Built 56 Process Mimics A E Constructional Details C NOTE:
Sub-Group Data Description C
NOT TO BE USED WITHOUT PRIOR CONSENT FROM CUSTODIAN Category 57 Material Selection Diagram C F Fencing and Gates B 1. Schedules (under Sub-group 30) As-built Category
47 to 49 -
(See CORP-ENG-STD-021 Section 2) 50 Safety Layouts and Escape Route Plans A 58 Utility Balance Sheets C G Traffic Signs and Markings B As-Built
Data Description
51 Hazardous Area Classification Drawings A 59 Process Block Diagram B H Crossing Details for Utilities A Category
Navigational Aids 60 Process Schematics Diagram C I Miscellaneous Details B Equipment Schedules B
52 B
The following Sub-Groups are for Engineering Drawing Related Data with Discipline Code 0 (Equipment Layout only; For Navigation System refer Discipline Code 8 Sub-group 58) 61 Process Cause and Effects A J Schedules B Equipment Lists B
62 to 99 -
As-Built 54 Safety, Hazard and Warning Signs A (See CORP-ENG-STD-021 Section 2) A Discipline Specific General Drawings (symbols legend, notes, etc.) C Classification Schedules B
Sub-Group Data Description
Category Process Cause and Effects (NO LONGER USED AS PER ISSUE OF THIS STANDARD, B Location and Site Plans A Accidental Release Source Table A
55 -
50 Location Plans and Route Maps A Use Sub-group 61 from Discipline Code 6) C Floor Layout Plans B Protection Relay Setting Schedule A
51 Organization Chart / Drawings C 56 Fire and Gas Cause and Effects A The following Sub-Groups are for Engineering Drawing Related Data with Discipline Code 7 D Sections B Cable Drum Schedule C
52 Graphic Drawings C 57 Communication and Annunciation Layout Drawings (PA/GA location inclusive) A (PIPELINES) E Schematics, Isometrics and Diagrams B
53 Graphs and Charts C 58 Fire Fighting Equipment Layouts A As-Built F Equipment Schedules B
Sub-Group Data Description
54 Commercial Drawings C 59 Active Fire Fighting P&ID’s A Category G Details C
55 Schematics B 60 Fire Proofing Drawings B 50 Pipeline Layout (Outside Plant Battery Limits) A H Control Diagrams for Pumps and Other Equipment A
56 Manhole Details B 61 Labelling and Name Plates C 51 Pipeline Routing Drawings (Outside Plant Battery Limits) A ELECTRICAL
57 Cable Trench, Duct, Layout & Details (Multi-Discipline) B 62 Schematic Diagrams B 52 Riser General Arrangements Drawings Including Riser Clamp Details A A Discipline Specific General Drawings (symbols legend, notes, etc.) C
58 Services Coordination Layout (Multi-Discipline) B 63 Fire Zoning Details A 53 Platform Approach Drawings A B Power Supply, Single line Diagrams A
NOT TO BE USED WITHOUT PRIOR CONSENT FROM CUSTODIAN 64 Toxic Gas Layouts and Location Drawings B 54 Sub sea Tie-In Drawings B C Cable Routing B
59 to 99 -
(See CORP-ENG-STD-021 Section 2) 65 Fire Suppression Layouts and Details B 55 Pipeline Crossing Details A D Floor Layout Plans, Equipment layouts B
66 Noise Mapping Layouts B 56 Pipeline Support Drawings for off plot Areas A E Distribution Boards A
NOT TO BE USED WITHOUT PRIOR CONSENT FROM CUSTODIAN 57 Valve Protection Cage Drawings A E F Details (Installation details) C
67 to 99 -
The following Sub-Groups are for Engineering Drawing Related Data with Discipline Code 1 (See CORP-ENG-STD-021 Section 2) 58 Pipeline Anode Installation Drawings A G UPS system & Distribution A
(CIVIL / STRUCTURAL) 59 Pipeline Cathodic Protection A H Earthing and Lightning Protection A
As-Built 60 Riser Plant Crossing A I Schedules B
Sub-Group Data Description
Category The following Sub-Groups are for Engineering Drawing Related Data with Discipline Code 4 61 Spool Piece General Arrangement Drawings A J Diagrams B
50 Layouts/ Plans B (INSTRUMENTATION) 62 PLEM B K Equipment Details B
51 Platform/ Deck, Structural Arrangements A As-Built 63 SBM B FIRE PROTECTION
Sub-Group Data Description
52 Platform/ Deck, Structural Details A Category 64 J-Tube B A Discipline Specific General Drawings (symbols legend, notes, etc.) C
53 Pipe Rack Structural Arrangements A 50 Instrument Location Plans/Layouts (If combined with Cable Routing, use Sub-Group 53) B 65 Umbilical Strapping Details B B Fire Safety Plans A
54 Pipe Rack Structural Details A 51 Fire & Gas Location Plans /Layouts (If combined with Cable Routing, use Sub-Group 54) A 66 Umbilical Hang Off Assemblies B C Hazardous Area Diagrams A
55 Equipment Structural Support Arrangements A 52 Instrumentation Room Equipment layout B 67 Umbilical Junction Box Details B D Fire Alarm Plans A
56 Equipment Structural Support Details A 53 Instrument Cable Routing, Rack, Tray , Conduit and Cable layouts B 68 Pipeline/ Umbilical Alignment Sheets A F E Fire Fighting Plans A
57 Accessways, Walkways, Handrails, Stairs, Ladders Details & Grating Details B 54 Fire and Gas Cable Routing, Rack, Tray and Cable layouts B 69 Pipe Book Form A F Schematic Diagrams B
58 Pipe Supports (Steel and Concrete Works) , Sleepers, Anchor Blocks B 55 Instrument Cable Block Diagrams B 70 Installation Aids - General Arrangement Drawings C G Details C
59 Communications Tower Structural Details B 56 Fire and Gas Cable Block Diagrams A 71 Pipeline Typical Details C H Schedules B
60 Pile and Conductor Details B 57 Principle Block Diagrams (i.e. Fire & Gas, ESD, DCS System Block Diagrams) A 72 Shore Approach Drawings B I Cause and Effect Charts A
61 Cathodic Protection Civil/ Structural Interface Details A 58 Earthing Drawings B 73 Concrete Block Cover Details B GAS SERVICES - MEDICAL AND COMPRESSED AIR
62 Drainage (Foul/ Surface/ Ground) Water B 59 System Cabinets Layouts and Arrangement Details B 74 Mattress Details B A Discipline Specific General Drawings (symbols legend, notes, etc.) C
63 Site Survey/ Location/ Preparation/ Topographical/ Grading C 60 Marshalling Cabinets Layouts and Arrangement Details B 75 Pipeline Miscellaneous Drawings C B Location and Site Plans A
64 Roadwork’s/ Paving B 61 Consoles Layouts and Arrangement Details B NOT TO BE USED WITHOUT PRIOR CONSENT FROM CUSTODIAN C Floor Layout Plans B
76 to 99 -
65 Fencing/ Gate B 62 Panels Layouts and Arrangement Details B (See CORP-ENG-STD-021 Section 2) D Sections B
66 Foundation Details for Plant Equipment & Structures, including U/G Services Layouts B 63 Junction Box Termination / Details A E Schematics, Isometrics and Diagrams B
67 Buried Lines and Trenches B 64 Panel Termination Details A F Equipment Schedules B
68 Zoning Diagrams B 65 Wiring and Interconnection Diagrams A The following Sub-Groups are for Engineering Drawing Related Data with Discipline Code 8 G Details B
69 Building General Arrangement A 66 Signal Loop Diagrams A (TELECOMMUNICATIONS) H Control Diagrams for Compressors and Other Equipment A
70 Concrete Pits Work Details B 67 Alarm Systems, Trip & Alarm Setting Lists, Annunciator Details A As-Built HVAC
Sub-Group Data Description
71 Building General Details A NOT TO BE USED WITHOUT PRIOR CONSENT FROM CUSTODIAN Category A Discipline Specific General Drawings (symbols legend, notes, etc.) C
68 -
72 Quay/ Bund/ Retaining Wall Details B (See CORP-ENG-STD-021 Section 2) 50 Telecommunication Equipment Room Layouts B B Location and Site Plans B
73 Dredging B 69 Instrument Power Supply Drawings A 51 Transmission Network Schematics – Microwave, Fibre Optic, UHF/VHF Systems B C Floor Layout Plans B
74 Revetment Sections B 70 Relay Schematics A 52 Radio Equipment Details and Associated Drawings B D Sections B
75 Berth General Drawings B 71 Shutdown Schematics A 53 Multiplex Equipment Details and Associated Drawings B H E Schematics, Isometrics and Diagrams B
76 Scar Details C 72 Fabrication, Construction and Mounting Details C 54 Feeder Runs and Routing A F Equipment Schedules B
77 Mooring Arrangements & Details B 73 Configuration and Computer Systems B 55 Cable Distribution Networks A G Details C
78 Temporary Works For Construction Only C 74 Instrument Hook- ups C 56 Panel Cut Outs and Fabrication Details C H Control Diagrams for HVAC Plant A
79 Reserved For Marine Associated Drawings B 75 Functional Logic Diagrams A 57 Public Address Systems and Wiring Details A I Electrical Room Co-ordination Drawings B
80 Plumbing and Sanitary Service Details A 76 Analyzer Instrumentation B Navigation Systems CHILLED WATER
58 A
81 Potable Water A 77 System Architecture Drawings A (For Navigational Aids Equipment Layout, refer Discipline Code 3 Sub-Group 52) A Discipline Specific General Drawings (symbols legend, notes, etc.) C
82 Field Maps including Field Data (Topographical) B 78 Hardware Installation Details B 59 Hazard Warning Lights for Towers and Masts A B Location and Site Plans B
83 Pipeline Routing (Topographical) C 79 Hydraulic/Pneumatic System diagrams A 60 CATV Systems B C Floor Layout Plans B
84 Irrigation B 80 Instrument Air Lines (Supply & Routing) B 61 CCTV Systems A D Sections B
85 Reclamation B 81 MOV, Shutdown and Control Valve Details B 62 Cable Trays Layout and Routing B E Schematics, Isometrics and Diagrams B
86 Breakwater B 82 Labelling and Nameplate Details B 63 Cable Ducts and Trench Layouts and Routing B F Equipment Schedules B
87 Miscellaneous Civil or Structural Works B 83 Field Bus Segment Diagrams A 64 Rack/ Bay Face Layouts/ General Arrangements and Miscellaneous Details B G Details C
NOT TO BE USED WITHOUT PRIOR CONSENT FROM CUSTODIAN 84 Cable Trench, Duct, Layout and Details (Installation Details) C 65 Traffic Plans B H Control Diagrams for Chillers/Cooling Towers/Pumps A
88 to 99 -
(See CORP-ENG-STD-021 Section 2) 85 Instrument Human Machine Interface Graphics B 66 Miscellaneous Termination and Terminal Details B ELV/ IT/ TELECOM
- - - NOT TO BE USED WITHOUT PRIOR CONSENT FROM CUSTODIAN 67 Console Layouts and Arrangement Details B A Discipline Specific General Drawings (symbols legend, notes, etc.) C
86 to 99 - K
- - - (See CORP-ENG-STD-021 Section 2) 68 Junction Box Details - Layouts and Wiring A B Equipment Plans and Layouts A
Continued Above Right Continued Above Right

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Sheet Number Sheet Number Project Number (8.1) Sheet Number Project Number (8.1) Sheet Number
Location Code Sequential Number Location Code Sequential Number Location Code Sequential Number Location Code Sequential Number
Discipline Code Document Type Discipline Code Drawing Type Discipline Code Document Type Discipline Code Drawing Type


AMPF-0-CA-0001 Sht. 001 Cont. 002 Rev. B AMPF-0-CA-0001-001-B AMPF-1-02-1050 Sht. 001 Cont. 002 Rev. B AMPF-1-02-1050-001-B 1234-AMPF-0-CA-0001 Sht. 001 Cont. 002 Rev. B 1234-AMPF-0-CA-0001-001-B 1234-AMPF-1-02-1050 Sht. 001 Cont. 002 Rev. B 1234-AMPF-1-02-1050-001-B
AMPF-7-OM-0001 Sht. 001 Cont. 002 Rev. B AMPF-7-OM-0001-001-B AMPF-7-02-9050 Sht. 001 Cont. 002 Rev. B AMPF-7-02-9050-001-B 1234-AMPF-7-OM-0001 Sht. 001 Cont. 002 Rev. B 1234-AMPF-7-OM-0001-001-B 1234-AMPF-7-02-9050 Sht. 001 Cont. 002 Rev. B 1234-AMPF-7-02-9050-001-B
DEM-AMPF-1-11-1100 Sht. 001 Cont. 002 Rev. B DEM-AMPF-1-11-1100-001-B DEM-1234-AMPF-1-11-1100 Sht. 001 Cont. 002 Rev. B DEM-1234-AMPF-1-11-1100-001-B

Drawing Type Drawing Type Sequential Number Breakdown, SSSS Sequential Number Breakdown, SSSS (Continuation)
Location Code Description Description Description
(DD) (DD) Document Type/ Document Type/
Discipline Discipline Code Description Sequential Range Discipline Discipline Code Description Sequential Range
AMPF Al-Morjan Production Facilities 01 Summary Sheet 51 Tie-In Isometric Drawing Type Drawing Type

02 General Arrangement 52 Vessel Trim Isometric Drawing Summary Sheet 01 0001 - 0009 Location Plan / Layout 11 / 14 / 17 5050 - 5099
03 Panel General Arrangement 53 Block Diagram PFD 08 - General Arrangement 02 5100 - 5299
Discipline Code 04 Pipine Support General Arrangement 54 Single Line Diagram Construct PEFD 05 0010 - 0100 Termination Diagram 57 5300 - 5499
(D) 05 EFD (P&ID) 55 Interconnection Diagram Process 0 Construct UEFD 05 0010 - 0100 Single Line Diagram 54 5500 - 5519
0 Process 06 Destruct P&ID 56 Wiring Diagram Destruct P&ID 06 0110 - 0200 Schematic Diagram 59 5520 - 5599
1 Piping/Mechanical 07 F&ID 57 Termination Diagram Line List 19 0101 - 0109 Interconnection Diagram 55 5600 - 5609
2 Structural 08 PFD 58 Loop Diagram Document (Refer Note) As applicable 0500 - 0999 Spare - 5610 - 5619
3 Civil 09 Load Plan 59 Schematic Diagram Spare - 5620 - 5629
4 Electrical 10 Single Line Layout 60 Hydraulic Isometric Drawing Summary Sheet 01 1000 - 1049 Fire and Gas 5 Cause and Effect Drawing 87 5630 - 5699
5 Instrumentation 11 Equipment Layout 61 Logic Diagram Piping - Plot Plan 02 1050 - 1099 Loop Diagram 58 5700 - 5799
6 Survey Topographic/Subsea 12 Emergency Small Power Layout 62 Nozzle Schedule Plot Plans Equipment Layout 11 1100 - 1149 Logic Diagram 61 5800 - 5819
7 Equipment / Vendor Document 13 Navigation Aids Layout 63 Tie-In Schedule Document (Refer Note) As applicable 1150 - 1199 Hook-Up Diagram 91 5820 - 5899
8 General (Covers Multi-Discipline) Admin / Management 14 Instrument Layout 64 Valve Schedule BOM 93 5900 - 5929
9 Telecommunication 15 Lighting & Maintenance Diagram 65 Pipe Support Schedule Drawing Summary Sheet 01 1200 - 1249 Label 21 5930 - 5949
16 Environmental Platform Map 66 Electrical Protection Schedule HVAC General Arrangement 02 1250 - 1299 Mounting Detail 24 5950 - 5959
17 Detector Layout 67 Cable Schedule Piping - HVAC 1 HVAC Detail Drawing 28 1300 - 1349 Miscellaneous 95 5960 - 5969
Document Type 18 Equipment Schedule 68 Lighting and Small Power Schedule BOM 93 1350 - 1399 Document (Refer Note) As applicable 5970 - 5999
(DT) 19 Line List 69 Miscellaneous Schedule Document (Refer Note) As applicable 1400 - 1499
BD Basis of Design 20 Power Distribution 70 Annunciator Detail / Sch / Mimic / Gra Drawing Summary Sheet 01 7000 - 7005
CA Calculation 21 Details 71 Instrument Schedule Drawing Summary Sheet 01 2000 - 2029 Block Diagram 53 7006 - 7009
CD Conceptual Design Report 22 Panel Terminal Arrangement 72 Junction Box Schedule Mechanical General Arrangement 02 2030 - 2149 Schedule 40 / 67 / 71 / 72 7010 - 7019
Piping - Mechanical 1
CP Commissioning Procedure 23 Junction Box Terminal Arrangement 73 Block Diagram Schedule Mechanical Detail Drawing 28 2150 - 2299 Routing Drawing 76,77 7020 - 7049
DD Detailed Design 24 Instrument Mounting Detail 74 Input/Output Schedule Document (Refer Note) As applicable 2300 - 2499 Location Plan / Layout 11 / 14 / 17 7050 - 7099
DS Data Sheet 25 Detector Mounting Detail 75 Detector Schedule General Arrangement 02 7100 - 7299
EP Execution Plan 26 Penetration Detail 76 Cable Routing Drawing Summary Sheet 01 3000 - 3019 Termination Diagram 57 7300 - 7499
HZ Hazop Report 27 Pipe Support General 77 Rack / Tray Routing Piping General Arrangement 02 3020 - 3099 Single Line Diagram 54 7500 - 7519
MR Material Requisition 28 Detail Drawings General 78 Pipe Support Standard Construct Isometric 48 3100 - 3299 Schematic Diagram 59 7520 - 7599
MS Method Statement / Miscellaneous Document 29 Earthing Details 79 Piping Special Continuation Sheet Numbers to be used for ISO with same Line Interconnection Diagram 55 7600 - 7609
- -
OM Operating Manual 30 HVAC Duct Support 80 Safety Analysis Chart Number 02 / 55 / 57 / 59 / 70
Telemetry and Associated Drawing 7610 - 7619
OP Operations Manual 31 Escape Routes 81 Cathodic Protection Destruct Isometric 49 3300 - 3399 Instrumentation 5 / 74

OS Offshore Survey 32 Hazardous Area Drawing 82 Cladding Piping - General 1 Hydraulic / Stress / Sys Iso 45 / 46 / 47 3400 - 3499 05 / 53 / 55 / 59 / 67
DCS and Computer System 7620 - 7629
PH Philosophy Document 33 Miscellaneous Steel Works 83 Telemetry Schematic Tie-In Schedule 63 3500 - 3529 / 70 / 74 / 95
PR Procedure 34 Support Pipe / Rack / Vessel / Skid 84 Radio Systems Schematic Valve Schedule 64 3530 - 3559 Cause and Effect Drawing 87 7630 - 7699
PS PSSR 35 Inspection Drawing 85 Material Specification BOM 93 3560 - 3599 Loop Diagram 58 7700 - 7799
QP Quality Plan 36 Jacket Steel 86 Weight Control Sheet Tree Stack-Up 28 3600 - 3649 Logic Diagram 61 7800 - 7819
RE Request for Quotation 37 Legs Concrete 87 Cause and Effect Chart Detail Drawing 28 3650 - 3899 Hook-Up Diagram 91 7820 - 7899
RM PRM Manual 38 Installation And Rigging 88 Load Shredding Logic Document (Refer Note) As applicable 3900 - 3999 BOM 93 7900 - 7929
RP General Technical Report 39 Subsea - Support Skids Pipeline 89 Fixing and Fastening Label 21 7930 - 7949
SA Safety Assessment 40 Alarm and Trip Schedule 90 Transit Detail Drawing Summary Sheet 01 8000 - 8019 Mounting Detail 24 7950 - 7959
SP Specification 41 Caisson / Riser / J-Tube 91 Hook-Up Structural General Arrangement 02 8020 - 8150 Miscellaneous 95 7960 - 7969
SR Statement of Requirement 42 Temporary Work 92 Hardware (Thermowells, etc.) Structural Detail Drawing 28 8151 - 8199 Document (Refer Note) As applicable 7970 - 7999
Structural 2
ST Study 43 Dive Package 93 Bill of Materials BOM 93 8200 - 8299
TB Technical Bid Evaluation 44 Handrail/ Walkway/ Grating 94 Mechanical Drawing Rigging and Installation 38 8300 - 8399 Drawing Summary Sheet 01 2500 - 2549
TE Technical Enquiry Package 45 System Isometric 95 Miscellaneous Document (Refer Note) As applicable 8400 - 8499 Field Layout 02 2550 - 2599
TM Training Manual 46 Stress Isometric 96 Network Activity Flow Chart Alignment Sheet 39 2600 - 2649
TN Technical Note 47 Hydrotest Isometric 97 DCS Drawing Summary Sheet 01 8500 - 8519 Approach Drawing 39 2650 - 2699
TP Test Procedure 48 Piping Isometric 98 Vendor Records Pipe Support Schedule 65 8520 - 8539 Subsea 6 Crossing Detail 39 2700 - 2749
WP Workpack 49 Destruct Isometric 99 Symbols and Legends Pipe Supports 2 Pipe Support General Arrangement 04 8540 - 8549 Riser Isometric and Tie-In Spool 39 2750 - 2799
WS Workscope 50 Flowline Isometric - - Pipe Support Detail Drawing 27 8550 - 8689 Miscellaneous Detail 2800- 2849
Continued Above-Right BOM 93 8690 - 8699 BOM 93 2850 - 2899
Document (Refer Note) As applicable 2900 - 2999
Drawing Summary Sheet 01 8700 - 8749
Architectural 3 Architectural Drawing 02 8750 - 8899 Drawing Summary Sheet 01 9000 - 9049
Document (Refer Note) As applicable 8900 - 8999 General Arrangement Drawing 02 9050 - 9199
Vendor 7
Detail Drawing 21 9200 - 9399
Drawing Summary Sheet 01 1500 - 1599 Document (Refer Note) As applicable 9400 - 9499
Hazardous Area 4 Hazardous Area Drawing 32 1600 - 1699
Document (Refer Note) As applicable 1701 - 1999 Drawing Summary Sheet 01 9500 - 9549
Miscellaneous Drawing 95 9550 - 9649
General 8
Drawing Summary Sheet 01 6000 - 6005 BOM 93 9650 - 9699
Block Diagram 53 6006 - 6009 Document (Refer Note) As applicable 9700 - 9999
Electrical 4 Schedule 67 / 68 6010 - 6019
Routing Drawing 76 6020 - 6049 Drawing Summary Sheet 01 4000 - 4005
Location Plan / Layout 11 / 12 6050 - 6099 Block Diagram 53 4006 - 4009
Schedule 67 / 71 / 72 4010 - 4019
General Arrangement 02 6100 - 6299 Routing Drawing 76 / 77 4020 - 4049
Termination Diagram 57 6300 - 6499 Location Plan / Layout 11 / 14 / 17 4050 - 4099
Single Line Diagram 54 6500 - 6519 General Arrangement 02 4100 - 4299
Schematic Diagram 59 6520 - 6599 Termination Diagram 57 4300 - 4499
Interconnection Diagram 55 6600 - 6609 Single Line Diagram 54 4500 - 4519
Spare - 6610 - 6619 Schematic Diagram 59 4520 - 4599
Spare - 6620 - 6629 Interconnection Diagram 55 4600 - 4609
Spare - 6630 - 6699 Telecom 9 Spare - 4610 - 4619
Electrical 4
Load List 09 6700 - 6799 Spare - 4620 - 4629
Functional Logic Diagram 61 6800 - 6819 Cause and Effect Drawing 87 4630 - 4699
Spare - 6820 - 6899 Loop Diagram 58 4700 - 4799
BOM 93 6900 - 6929 Logic Diagram 61 4800 - 4819
Label 21 6930 - 6949 Hook-Up Diagram 91 4820 - 4899
Mounting Detail 24 6950 - 6959 BOM 93 4900 - 4929
Miscellaneous 95 6960 - 6969 Label 21 4930 - 4949
Document (Refer Note) As applicable 6970 - 6999 Mounting Detail 24 4950 - 4959
Miscellaneous 95 4960 - 4969
Drawing Summary Sheet 01 5000 - 5005 Document (Refer Note) As applicable 4970 - 4999
Block Diagram 53 5006 - 5009
Fire and Gas 5
Schedule 40 / 67 / 71 / 72 5010 - 5019 NOTE:
Routing Drawing 76 / 77 5020 - 5049 1. For documents, Contractors to start with Sequential Number Breakdown as stated in here and QP In-house records to start with
Continued Above-Right Sequential Number from 0001, 0002, …

Page 24 of 26




LLLL-C-DT-SSSS-NNN LLLL-C-DD-SSSS-NNN 1. Projects related to Idd El Shargi Facilities to be executed 1234-C-LLLL-DT-SSSS-NNN 1234-C-LLLL-DD-SSSS-NNN
Sheet Number Sheet Number by OIE (either In-House or Outsourced) shall use the below Project Number (8.1) Sheet Number Project Number (8.1) Sheet Number
Location Code Sequential Number Location Code Sequential Number Discipline Code Sequential Number Discipline Code Sequential Number
Coding System. Refer Section 3.3.2 for Project Number.
Discipline Code Document Type Discipline Code Drawing Type Location Identifier Document Type Location Identifier Drawing Type
2. OIE will maintain Idd El Shargi Facilities Master As-built
Records (key drawings) utilizing the below Coding System.
PS1R-1-CA-0001 Sht. 001 Cont. 002 Rev. B PS1R-1-CA-0001-001-B PS1R-1-02-1050 Sht. 001 Cont. 002 Rev. B PS1R-1-02-1050-001-B 1234-1-PS1R-CA-0001 Sht. 001 Cont. 002 Rev. B 1234-1-PS1R-CA-0001-001-B 1234-1-PS1R-02-1050 Sht. 001 Cont. 002 Rev. B 1234-1-PS1R-02-1050-001-B
PS1R-7-OM-0001 Sht. 001 Cont. 002 Rev. B PS1R-7-OM-0001-001-B PS1R-7-02-9050 Sht. 001 Cont. 002 Rev. B PS1R-7-02-9050-001-B Section 3.1 and 3.3 (as applicable) of this Standard. 1234-7-PS1R-OM-0001 Sht. 001 Cont. 002 Rev. B 1234-7-PS1R-OM-0001-001-B 1234-7-PS1R-02-9050 Sht. 001 Cont. 002 Rev. B 1234-7-PS1R-02-9050-001-B
DEM-1234-1-PS1R-11-1100 Sht. 001 Cont. 002 Rev. B DEM-1234-1-PS1R-11-1100-001-B

Location Location Drawing Sequential Number Breakdown, SSSS Sequential Number Breakdown, SSSS (Continuation)
Code Description Remarks Code Description Remarks Type Description Discipline Document Type/ Discipline Document Type/
Discipline Description Sequential Range Discipline Description Sequential Range
(LLLL) (LLLL) (DD) Code Drawing Type Code Drawing Type
Operational Area - Idd El Shargi Field - General / Multiple Areas Operational Area - Idd El Shargi Field - Minimum Facilities Platform, Wellhead and Satellite Jackets (Continuation) 01 Summary Sheet Drawing Summary Sheet 01 0001 - 0009 Drawing Summary Sheet 01 7000 - 7005
For OIE Projects, refer General Notes 1 & 2 above. For VP Projects, refer General Note 3 above. For OIE Projects, refer General Notes 1 & 2 above. For VP Projects, refer General Note 3 above. 02 General Arrangement PFD 08 - Block Diagram 53 7006 - 7009
YSND Idd El Shargi Field or Whole Plot Areas S007 Wellhead Jacket WHP 3 03 Panel General Arrangement Construct PEFD 05 0010 - 0100 Schedule 40 / 67 / 71 / 72 7010 - 7019
See Notes for Multi-
XPS1 Idd El Shargi Multiple Locations Tripod With Helideck 04 Piping Support General Arrangement Process 0 Construct UEFD 05 0010 - 0100 Routing Drawing 76,77 7020 - 7049
Location Codes. S009 Wellhead Jacket
YPS1 Idd El Shargi Typical or Common Documents / Drawings Wellhead Jacket 05 EFD (P&ID) Destruct P&ID 06 0110 - 0200 Location Plan / Layout 11 / 14 / 17 7050 - 7099
Operational Area - Idd El Shargi Field - Production Station 1 (PS1) Platforms S09B Minimum Facilities Platform MFP 06 Destruct P&ID Line List 19 0101 - 0109 General Arrangement 02 7100 - 7299
For OIE Projects, refer General Notes 1 & 2 above. For VP Projects, refer General Note 3 above. S09C Minimum Facilities Platform MFP 07 F&ID Document (Refer Note) As applicable 0500 - 0999 Termination Diagram 57 7300 - 7499
PS1A Riser Platform - Four Leg With Helideck 08 PFD Single Line Diagram 54 7500 - 7519
T006 Wellhead Jacket
PS1B Production Platform - Wellhead Jacket 09 Load Plan Drawing Summary Sheet 01 1000 - 1049 Schematic Diagram 59 7520 - 7599
PS1C Riser/ Manifold Platform - T06B Minimum Facilities Platform MFP 10 Single Line Layout Piping - Plot Plan 02 1050 - 1099 Interconnection Diagram 55 7600 - 7609
PS1D Compression Platform - T06C Minimum Facilities Platform MFP 11 Equipment Layout Plot Plans Equipment Layout 11 1100 - 1149 02 / 55 / 57 / 59 / 70 /
Telemetry and Associated Drawing 7610 - 7619
PS1E Glycol Platform - T007 Wellhead Jacket WHP 2 12 Emergency Small Power Layout Document (Refer Note) As applicable 1150 - 1199 Instrumentation 5 74
PS1F MM Gas Export Riser Platform - Four Leg With Helideck 13 Navigation Aids Layout 05 / 53 / 55 / 59 / 67 /
T010 Wellhead Jacket DCS and Computer System 7620 - 7629
PS1G Old Living Quarters Platform - Wellhead Jacket 14 Instrument Layout Drawing Summary Sheet 01 1200 - 1249 70 / 74 / 95
PS1K Gas Compression/ Processing Platform - U08C Wellhead Jacket - 15 Lighting & Maintenance Diagram HVAC General Arrangement 02 1250 - 1299 Cause and Effect Drawing 87 7630 - 7699
PS1L Water Injection Platform - Tripod With Helideck 16 Environmental Platform Map Piping - HVAC 1 HVAC Detail Drawing 28 1300 - 1349 Loop Diagram 58 7700 - 7799
U010 Wellhead Jacket
PS1Q Living Quarters Platform - Wellhead Jacket 17 Detector Layout BOM 93 1350 - 1399 Logic Diagram 61 7800 - 7819
PS1R Riser Platform - V007 Wellhead Jacket Tripod Wellhead Jacket 18 Equipment Schedule Document (Refer Note) As applicable 1400 - 1499 Hook-Up Diagram 91 7820 - 7899
PS1W Water Injection Platform - V07B Minimum Facilities Platform MFP 19 Line List BOM 93 7900 - 7929
PS01 Bridge No.1 (Bridge between PS-1D and PS-1E) - V009 Wellhead Jacket WHP 4 20 Power Distribution Drawing Summary Sheet 01 2000 - 2029 Label 21 7930 - 7949
PS02 Bridge No.2 (Bridge between PS-1E and PS-1G) - Four Leg With Helideck 21 Details Piping - Mechanical General Arrangement 02 2030 - 2149 Mounting Detail 24 7950 - 7959
W007 Wellhead Jacket 1
PS03 Bridge No.3 (Bridge between PS-1D and PS-1G) - Wellhead Jacket 22 Panel Terminal Arrangement Mechanical Mechanical Detail Drawing 28 2150 - 2299 Miscellaneous 95 7960 - 7969
PS04 Bridge No.4 (Bridge between PS-1B and PS-1D) - Four Leg With Helideck 23 Junction Box Terminal Arrangement Document (Refer Note) As applicable 2300 - 2499 Document (Refer Note) As applicable 7970 - 7999
W010 Wellhead Jacket
PS05 Bridge No.5 - Wellhead Jacket 24 Instrument Mounting Detail
PS06 Bridge No.6 (Bridge between PS-1B and PS-1G) - - - - 25 Detector Mounting Detail Drawing Summary Sheet 01 3000 - 3019 Drawing Summary Sheet 01 2500 - 2549
PS07 Bridge No.7 - - - - 26 Penetration Detail Piping General Arrangement 02 3020 - 3099 Field Layout 02 2550 - 2599
PS08 Bridge No.8 - Operational Area - Idd El Shargi Field - Produced Water Handling Facility 27 Pipe Support General Construct Isometric 48 3100 - 3299 Alignment Sheet 39 2600 - 2649
PS09 Bridge No.9 (Bridge between PS-1A and PS-1B) - For OIE Projects, refer General Notes 1 & 2 above. For VP Projects, refer General Note 3 above. 28 Detail Drawings General Continuation Sheet Numbers to be used for ISO with Approach Drawing 39 2650 - 2699
- -
PS10 Bridge No.10 (Bridge between PS-1B and PS-1C) - OXY Facility in Halul Oil 29 Earthing Details same Line Number Subsea 6 Crossing Detail 39 2700 - 2749
HALU Halul Produced Water Handling Facility
PS11 Bridge No.11 (Bridge between PS-1E and PS-1L) - Terminal 30 HVAC Duct Support Destruct Isometric 49 3300 - 3399 Riser Isometric and Tie-In Spool 39 2750 - 2799
PS12 Bridge No.12 (Bridge between PS-1A and PS-1R) - 31 Escape Routes Piping - General 1 Hydraulic / Stress / Sys Iso 45 / 46 / 47 3400 - 3499 Miscellaneous Detail 2800- 2849
PS13 Bridge No.13 (Bridge between PS-1C and PS-1R - 32 Hazardous Area Drawing Tie-In Schedule 63 3500 - 3529 BOM 93 2850 - 2899
PS14 Bridge No.14 (Bridge between PS-1E and PS-1W) - NOTES (LOCATION CODE): 33 Miscellaneous Steel Works Valve Schedule 64 3530 - 3559 Document (Refer Note) As applicable 2900 - 2999
PS15 Bridge No.15 (Bridge between PS-1G and PS-1W) - 1. Multi-Location Code for Idd El Shargi Facilities 34 Support Pipe / Rack / Vessel / Skid BOM 93 3560 - 3599
PS16 Bridge No.16 (Bridge between PS-1Q and PS-1W) - a) Location Code YSND to be used for Idd El Shargi Field drawings or Whole Plot Areas only. 35 Inspection Drawing Tree Stack-Up 28 3600 - 3649 Drawing Summary Sheet 01 9000 - 9049
PS17 Bridge No.17 (Bridge between PS-1A and PS-1K) - b) Location Code XPS1 to be used for geographical / field drawings showing multiple locations within Idd El Shargi field. 36 Jacket Steel Detail Drawing 28 3650 - 3899 General Arrangement Drawing 02 9050 - 9199
Vendor 7
PS18 Bridge No.18 (Bridge between PS-1R and PS-1K) - This can be used for drawings only as they are geographical specific in nature. 37 Legs Concrete Document (Refer Note) As applicable 3900 - 3999 Detail Drawing 21 9200 - 9399
PS19 Bridge No.19 (Bridge between PS-1K and BST-1) - c) Location Code YPS1 to be used for General data which are Common or Typical across multiple locations within Idd El 38 Installation And Rigging Document (Refer Note) As applicable 9400 - 9499
PS20 Bridge No.20 (Bridge between BST-1 and FST-1) - Shargi field. This can be used for both documents and drawings. These are not location specific but typical; i.e. Typical 39 Subsea - Support Skids Pipeline Drawing Summary Sheet 01 8000 - 8019
PS21 Bridge No.21 (Bridge between PS-1C and PS-1G) - Pipe Support, Standard Details or where documents apply to a Specification, Data Sheet, Procedure, Guideline, Indices, 40 Alarm and Trip Schedule Structural General Arrangement 02 8020 - 8150 Drawing Summary Sheet 01 9500 - 9549
PS22 Bridge No.22 (Bridge between PS-1D and PS-1F) - Equipment Lists, Schedules, etc. 41 Caisson / Riser / J-Tube Structural Detail Drawing 28 8151 - 8199 Miscellaneous Drawing 95 9550 - 9649
Structural 2 General 8
BST1 Bridge Support Tripod (to flare Platform) - d) Any drawing / document related to a single location only shall use the location code specific to that location. 42 Temporary Work BOM 93 8200 - 8299 BOM 93 9650 - 9699
FST1 Flare Support Tripod Platform - e) For pipelines, the location code is that which the fluid normally flows from. 43 Dive Package Rigging and Installation 38 8300 - 8399 Document (Refer Note) As applicable 9700 - 9999
- - - f) Cables that span two or more Idd El Shargi Facilities shall adopt location code XPS1. 44 Handrail/ Walkway/ Grating Document (Refer Note) As applicable 8400 - 8499
- - - 45 System Isometric Drawing Summary Sheet 01 4000 - 4005
Operational Area - Idd El Shargi Field - Minimum Facilities Platform, Wellhead and Satellite Jackets 46 Stress Isometric Drawing Summary Sheet 01 8500 - 8519 Block Diagram 53 4006 - 4009
For OIE Projects, refer General Notes 1 & 2 above. For VP Projects, refer General Note 3 above. Discipline 47 Hydrotest Isometric Pipe Support Schedule 65 8520 - 8539 Schedule 67 / 71 / 72 4010 - 4019
IS02 Wellhead Jacket Tripod Wellhead Jacket Code Description 48 Piping Isometric Pipe Supports 2 Pipe Support General Arrangement 04 8540 - 8549 Routing Drawing 76 / 77 4020 - 4049
IS03 Wellhead Jacket Tripod Wellhead Jacket (C) 49 Destruct Isometric Pipe Support Detail Drawing 27 8550 - 8689 Location Plan / Layout 11 / 14 / 17 4050 - 4099
IS04 Wellhead Jacket Tripod Wellhead Jacket 0 Process 50 Flowline Isometric BOM 93 8690 - 8699 General Arrangement 02 4100 - 4299
IS4B Minimum Facilities Platform MFP 1 Piping / Mechanical 51 Tie-In Isometric Termination Diagram 57 4300 - 4499
IS4C Minimum Facilities Platform MFP 2 Structural 52 Vessel Trim Isometric Drawing Summary Sheet 01 8700 - 8749 Single Line Diagram 54 4500 - 4519
IS4D Minimum Facilities Platform MFP 3 Civil 53 Block Diagram Architectural 3 Architectural Drawing 02 8750 - 8899 Schematic Diagram 59 4520 - 4599
IS05 Wellhead Jacket Tripod Wellhead Jacket 4 Electrical 54 Single Line Diagram Document (Refer Note) As applicable 8900 - 8999 Interconnection Diagram 55 4600 - 4609
IS06 Wellhead Jacket Tripod Wellhead Jacket 5 Instrumentation 55 Interconnection Diagram Telecom 9 Spare - 4610 - 4619
IS07 Wellhead Jacket Tripod Wellhead Jacket 6 Survey Topographic / Subsea 56 Wiring Diagram Drawing Summary Sheet 01 1500 - 1599 Spare - 4620 - 4629
Tripod With Helideck 7 Equipment / Vendor Document (See Note 1 below) 57 Termination Diagram Hazardous Area 4 Hazardous Area Drawing 32 1600 - 1699 Cause and Effect Drawing 87 4630 - 4699
IS7B Wellhead Jacket
Wellhead Jacket 8 General (Covers Multi-Discipline) Admin / Management 58 Loop Diagram Document (Refer Note) As applicable 1701 - 1999 Loop Diagram 58 4700 - 4799
IS7C Minimum Facilities Platform MFP 9 Telecommunication 59 Schematic Diagram Logic Diagram 61 4800 - 4819
IS7D Minimum Facilities Platform MFP 60 Hydraulic Isometric Drawing Summary Sheet 01 6000 - 6005 Hook-Up Diagram 91 4820 - 4899
IS09 Wellhead Jacket - 61 Logic Diagram Block Diagram 53 6006 - 6009 BOM 93 4900 - 4929
IS11 Wellhead Jacket Tripod Wellhead Jacket NOTES (DISCIPLINE CODE): 62 Nozzle Schedule Electrical 4 Schedule 67 / 68 6010 - 6019 Label 21 4930 - 4949
IS12 Wellhead Jacket Tripod Wellhead Jacket 1. Discipline Code 7 above, shall be used for In-house Works only. Purchase order based vendor, drawing / document 63 Tie-In Schedule Routing Drawing 76 6020 - 6049 Mounting Detail 24 4950 - 4959
IS15 Wellhead Jacket - numbering shall follow as per "IS-FAC-PRD-229 - Instruction to Sellers" procedure (8.2.2). 64 Valve Schedule Location Plan / Layout 11 / 12 6050 - 6099 Miscellaneous 95 4960 - 4969
IS16 Wellhead Jacket Tripod Wellhead Jacket 65 Pipe Support Schedule Document (Refer Note) As applicable 4970 - 4999
IS17 Wellhead Jacket Tripod Wellhead Jacket 66 Electrical Protection Schedule General Arrangement 02 6100 - 6299
IS18 Wellhead Jacket - Document 67 Cable Schedule Termination Diagram 57 6300 - 6499
IS19 Wellhead Jacket Tripod Wellhead Jacket Type Description 68 Lighting and Small Power Schedule Single Line Diagram 54 6500 - 6519 NOTE (SEQUENTIAL NUMBER BREAKDOWN):
IS20 Wellhead Jacket Tripod Wellhead Jacket (DT) 69 Miscellaneous Schedule Schematic Diagram 59 6520 - 6599 1. For documents, Contractors to start with Sequential Number Breakdown as stated in here and QatarEnergy In-house records to start with
IS21 Wellhead Jacket - BD Basis of Design 70 Annunciator Detail / Sch / Mimic / Gra Interconnection Diagram 55 6600 - 6609 Sequential Number from 0001, 0002, …
IS22 Wellhead Jacket Tripod Wellhead Jacket CA Calculation 71 Instrument Schedule Spare - 6610 - 6619
IS23 Wellhead Jacket Tripod Wellhead Jacket CD Conceptual Design Report 72 Junction Box Schedule Spare - 6620 - 6629
IS24 Wellhead Jacket Tripod Wellhead Jacket CP Commissioning Procedure 73 Block Diagram Schedule Spare - 6630 - 6699
Electrical 4
IS25 Wellhead Jacket Tripod Wellhead Jacket DD Detailed Design 74 Input / Output Schedule Load List 09 6700 - 6799 Documents and Drawings Revision Numbering
IS26 Wellhead Jacket Tripod Wellhead Jacket DS Data Sheet 75 Detector Schedule Functional Logic Diagram 61 6800 - 6819 Revision Code Revision Description
IS27 Wellhead Jacket Tripod Wellhead Jacket EP Execution Plan 76 Cable Routing Spare - 6820 - 6899 A1, A2… Issued For Comments / Approval
IS28 Wellhead Jacket Tripod Wellhead Jacket HZ Hazop Report 77 Rack / Tray Routing BOM 93 6900 - 6929 B1, B2… Issued For Design
IS28B Minimum Facilities Platform MFP MR Material Requisition 78 Pipe Support Standard Label 21 6930 - 6949 00, 01… Approved For Construction
IS29 Wellhead Jacket Tripod Wellhead Jacket MS Method Statement / Miscellaneous Document 79 Piping Special Mounting Detail 24 6950 - 6959 0X, 1X… Project As-Built
IS29B Wellhead Jacket - OM Operating Manual 80 Safety Analysis Chart Miscellaneous 95 6960 - 6969 X1 Superseded
IS30 Wellhead Jacket Tripod Wellhead Jacket OP Operations Manual 81 Cathodic Protection Document (Refer Note) As applicable 6970 - 6999 X2 Cancelled
IS31 Wellhead Jacket Tripod Wellhead Jacket OS Offshore Survey 82 Cladding
IS32 Wellhead Jacket Tripod Wellhead Jacket PH Philosophy Document 83 Telemetry Schematic Drawing Summary Sheet 01 5000 - 5005
IS34 Wellhead Jacket Tripod Wellhead Jacket PR Procedure 84 Radio Systems Schematic Block Diagram 53 5006 - 5009
IS34B Minimum Facilities Platform MFP PS PSSR 85 Material Specification Schedule 40 / 67 / 71 / 72 5010 - 5019
IS34C Minimum Facilities Platform MFP QP Quality Plan 86 Weight Control Sheet Routing Drawing 76 / 77 5020 - 5049
IS34D Minimum Facilities Platform MFP RE Request for Quotation 87 Cause and Effect Chart Location Plan / Layout 11 / 14 / 17 5050 - 5099
IS35 Wellhead Jacket Tripod Wellhead Jacket RM PRM Manual 88 Load Shredding Logic General Arrangement 02 5100 - 5299
IS37 Wellhead Jacket Tripod Wellhead Jacket RP General Technical Report 89 Fixing and Fastening Termination Diagram 57 5300 - 5499
IS38 Wellhead Jacket Tripod Wellhead Jacket SA Safety Assessment 90 Transit Detail Single Line Diagram 54 5500 - 5519
IS46 Wellhead Jacket Tripod Wellhead Jacket SP Specification 91 Hook-Up Schematic Diagram 59 5520 - 5599
Four Leg With Helideck SR Statement of Requirement 92 Hardware (Thermowells, etc.) Interconnection Diagram 55 5600 - 5609
ISSA Satellite Jacket 'A'
Wellhead Jacket ST Study 93 Bill of Materials Fire and Gas 5 Spare - 5610 - 5619
Four Leg With Helideck TB Technical Bid Evaluation 94 Mechanical Drawing Spare - 5620 - 5629
ISSB Satellite Jacket 'B'
Wellhead Jacket TE Technical Enquiry Package 95 Miscellaneous Cause and Effect Drawing 87 5630 - 5699
Tripod With Helideck TM Training Manual 96 Network Activity Flow Chart Loop Diagram 58 5700 - 5799
Q008 Wellhead Jacket
Wellhead Jacket TN Technical Note 97 DCS Logic Diagram 61 5800 - 5819
Q08B Minimum Facilities Platform - TP Test Procedure 98 Vendor Records Hook-Up Diagram 91 5820 - 5899
Four Leg With Helideck WP Workpack 99 Symbols and Legends BOM 93 5900 - 5929
R006 Wellhead Jacket
Wellhead Jacket WS Workscope - - Label 21 5930 - 5949
R06B Wellhead Jacket Tripod Wellhead Jacket - - Mounting Detail 24 5950 - 5959
Four Leg With Helideck - - Miscellaneous 95 5960 - 5969
R008 Wellhead Jacket
Wellhead Jacket - - Document (Refer Note) As applicable 5970 - 5999
Continued Above-Right Continued Above-Right

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DWG NO. A12B-0039 SHT 0 0 1 OF 0 0 1 a. This numbering system is based on old system used for As-built Core data during the pre-year 2000.
b. New As-built drawings / MERs to be developed shall use numbering system as defined in Appendix G.
Total Number of

Utility/Facility Code Sheet Number

Area Code Sequential Number

Discipline Code Location Code

Facility Sequential Number Breakdown Sequential Number Breakdown Sequential Number Breakdown Sequential Number Breakdown
Code Sequential Sequential Sequential Sequential
Discipline Discipline Code Description Discipline Discipline Code Description Discipline Discipline Code Description Discipline Discipline Code Description
A Offshore Facilities Range Range Range Range

Category 1: All drawings except Locations listed below Site Survey / Location / Preparation 0001 to 0099 Marshaling Cabinets Arrangements & Termination Details 0070 to 0079 Public Address Systems Equipment & Wiring Details 0130 to 0139
Plot Plan 0001 to 0010 Drainage 0100 to 0149 Local Panel Arrangement Layout & Termination Details 0080 to 0089 Spare 0140 to 0149
Area Equipment Layout 0011 to 0099 Roadworks 0150 to 0199 Fire & Gas Panels Arrangement Layout and Termination Details 0090 to 0099 Navigation Aids 0150 to 0159
Code Piping General Arrangement 0100 to 0299 Fencing 0200 to 0249 Control Panels & Consoles Layout Arrangement & Wiring Details 0100 to 0119 Hazard Warning Lights - Tower 0160 to 0169
1 Idd El Shargi Field (PS1) Deluge & Firewater Piping Layout 0300 to 0399 Foundation, Underground Services Layouts 0250 to 0299 Relay Box Layout Details & Interconnection Diagrams 0120 to 0139 CATV Systems 0170 to 0179
Pipe Support Layout & Details 0400 to 0499 Foundation Details 0300 to 0399 Earthing Layouts & Details 0140 to 0149 CCTV Systems 0180 to 0189
Civil 3
Vendor Drawings / Packages 0500 to 0699 Concrete Pits 0400 to 0449 Junction Box Wiring & Interconnection Details 0150 to 0199 Cable Tray Details - Routing 0190 to 0219
Line / Equipment and Valve Lists 0700 to 0749 Building General Arrangement 0450 to 0649 Fire & Gas Junction Box Wiring & Interconnection Details 0200 to 0219 Cable Ducts & Trench Details 0220 to 0239
Discipline Code Description
Field Maps / Pipeline Routing Drawings 0750 to 0799 Building General Details 0650 to 0799 Principle Block Diagrams Instrument 0220 to 0229 Rack / Bay Face Layouts 0240 to 0299
1 Mechanical / Piping / Process / Pipelines Piping Isometric / Bulk MTOs / Tie-In Schedule 0800 to 9999 Building A/C Layouts & Details 0800 to 0849 Principle Block Diagrams Fire & Gas 0230 to 0239 Traffic Plans 0300 to 0309
2 Structural Category 2: Flow Lines; Location Code R Plumbing and Sanitary Service Details 0850 to 0899 Alarm Systems and Annunciator Details for General Instruments 0240 to 0249 Terminal Details - Miscellaneous 0310 to 0319
3 Civil Pipeline Routing / Alignment 0001 to 0199 Spare 0900 to 0999 Alarm Systems & Annunciator Details for Fire Protection & Gas Console Layouts 0320 to 0349
0250 to 0259
4 Electrical Pipeline Riser Approach 0200 to 0399 Protection Junction Box Details - Layout & Wiring 0350 to 0399
5 Instrumentation / Fire and Gas Wellhead Jackets Riser Arrangements and Clamps 0400 to 0599 Key Single Line Diagrams - Overall 0001 Single Line Diagrams for Instrument Electricity Supply 0260 to 0269 Antennae & Tower - Mast Installation Details 0400 to 0449
6 Survey / Topographical Satellite Jackets Riser Arrangements and Clamps 0600 to 0699 33kV Single Line Diagrams 0002 Electrical Interface Diagrams 0270 to 0279 9 Control / Switch Panel Details 0450 to 0459
7 None Discipline Riser Arrangements at Production Stations 0700 to 0749 11kV Single Line Diagrams 0003 to 0008 Telemetry Associated Drawings 0280 to 0289 PABX Network Diagrams 0460 to 0499
8 Spare Riser Approach at Production Stations 0750 to 0799 6.6kV Single Line Diagrams 0009 to 0010 DCS Configuration & Computer Systems 0290 to 0299 Earthing Systems 0500 to 0519
9 Telecommunications Spare 0800 to 0999 3.3kV Single Line Diagrams 0011 to 0013 Schematic Control Diagrams - Pumps/ Motors 0300 to 0309 PABX Numbering/ Routing Diagrams 0520 to 0599
Category 3: Wellhead Jackets; Location Code T 415/230V Switch Boards Single Line Diagrams and Distribution Schematic Control Diagrams - Gas Turbines/ Generators 0310 to 0319 System Descriptions 0600 to 0609
0014 to 0029
Board Schedules Schematic Control Diagrams - Fire & Gas 0320 to 0329 System Block Diagrams 0610 to 0649
Sequential Number for Wellhead Jackets shall be numbered according to the
Wellhead Jacket Number. See example below: Turbine Auxiliary MCCs Single Line Diagrams 0030 to 0034 Schematic Control Diagrams - Flare/ Ignition Systems 0330 to 0339 Interconnection Diagrams 0650 to 0659
Location Code Description
110V AC/DC UPS Vital / Non-Vital Distribution Board Single Line Schematic Control Diagrams, Pneumatic & Hydraulic Shutdown Wiring Diagrams - Miscellaneous 0660 to 0699
a. Sequential number for Wellhead Jacket Number 34 shall be 0034 0035 to 0037 0340 to 0349
A A Platform b. Sequential number for Wellhead Jacket Number 41 shall be 0041 Diagrams Systems Cable Schedules 0700 to 0749
B B Platform c. Etc. Navigation Aids Single Line Diagrams 0038 Schematic Diagrams for Relay Boxes 0350 to 0399 Junction Box Schedule (MDF, DDF Layout) 0750 to 0799
C C Platform Category 4: Engineering Flow Diagrams; Location Code W Helideck Single Line Diagrams 0039 Index to Signal Loop Diagrams 0400 Material Listings 0800 to 0849
D D Platform General 0001 to 0009 General Arrangement of Switch Boards, MCCs 0040 to 00049 Signal Loop Diagrams - Pressure 0401 Data Sheets 0850 to 0899
E E Platform Wellheads 0010 to 0019 Lighting, Fitting Single Line Diagram 0050 to 0060 Signal Loop Diagrams - Temperature 0402 Specifications 0900 to 0929
G G Platform Inlet Manifold System 0020 to 0029 Spare 0061 to 0099 Signal Loop Diagrams - Level 0403 Reports and Calculations 0930 to 0949
K K Platform Separation System 0030 to 0039 Power & Control Cable Routing & Layouts 0100 to 0125 Signal Loop Diagrams - Analytical 0404 Miscellaneous 0950 to 0999
L L Platform Gas Compression System 0040 to 0049 Small Power Layouts 0126 to 0130 Signal Loop Diagrams- Position Status 0405
Q Communication Towers Gas Dehydration System (MDEA / Glycol / Desiccant) 0050 to 0059 Cable Ladder Rack, Tray and Trucking Layouts 0131 to 0139 Signal Loop Diagrams - Flow 0406
R Flow Lines Gas Sweetening System 0060 to 0069 Cable Transit Details 0140 to 0149 Signal Loop Diagrams - Fire & Gas System 0407
S Satellites Gas Stripping System 0070 to 0079 Cable Trench Layout & Details 0150 to 0159 Signal Loop Diagrams - Miscellaneous Instr. U Series 0408
Mechanical/ Piping/
T Wellheads 1 Gas Fractionation System 0080 to 0089 Power lnstallation Details 0160 to 0199 Signal Loop Diagrams - Miscellaneous Instr. H Series 0409
Process/ Pipeline
U Bridges / Flare Trestles Refrigeration System 0090 to 0099 Main Earthing Cable Routing & Layouts 0200 Signal Loop Diagrams - Miscellaneous Instr. X Series 0410
V Production Station Spare 0100 to 0119 Earthing Wiring Layouts 0201 to 0225 Signal Loop Diagrams - MOVs 0411
W Flow Lines Propane ADIP System 0120 to 0129 Earthing Installation Details 0226 to 0249 Signal Loop Diagrams - SPEC 200 0412
Y General Drawings Propane Merox Caustic Regeneration System 0130 to 0139 Lightning Protection Layout & Details 0250 to 0299 Pneumatic Signal Loop Drawings 0413
Z Drawing Indexes Butane Merox System 0140 to 0149 Lighting Cable Layouts 0300 to 0329 Instrumentation / Spare 0414 to 0499
Gasoline Merox System 0150 to 0159 Lighting Fixtures & Mounting Details 0330 to 0349 Fire & Gas 5 Process Cause & Effect Matrix 0500
Obstruction Light Layouts 0350 to 0359 (Continued) Fire & Gas Cause & Effect Matrix 0501
Condensate Stabilisation / Naptha Splitter / Sour Gas Compressor
0160 to 0169
System Navigation System Layouts 0360 to 0369 Functional Logic Diagrams 0502 to 0549
NGL Extraction System 0170 to 0179 Spare 0370 to 0399 Functional Logic Diagrams - Fire & Gas 0570 to 0599
Gas Dehydration System 0180 to 0189 Overall Equipment Layouts 0400 Functional Descriptions - Overall ESD System 0600
Flare / Burn Pit System 0190 to 0199 Electrical Equipment Layouts 0401 to 0499 Functional Descriptions - Fire Protection 0601
Electrical 4
Spare 0200 to 0239 Electrical Cable Schedules 0500 to 0549 Functional Descriptions - Gas Protection 0602
Gas Cooling System 0240 to 0249 Equipment Schedules 0570 to 0579 Functional Descriptions - Audio / Visual Alarms 0603
Product Storage Facilities 0250 to 0259 Data Sheets 0560 to 0599 Functional Descriptions - Pumps 0604
Product Loading Facilities 0260 to 0269 (See Table Below) 0600 to 0699 Function Descriptions - Compressors 0605
Gas / Liquid Export / Import (Launcher / Receiver) 0270 to 0279 Over Head Line Drawings 0700 to 0799 Function Descriptions- Generators 0606
Spare 0280 to 0289 (See Table Below) 0800 to 0899 Function Descriptions - Instrument Air Dryers 0607
Sea Water / Chlorination System 0290 to 0299 Bulk Material Take Offs 0900 to 0909 Function Descriptions - Instrument Air Filters 0608
Water Treatment / Effluent System 0300 to 0309 Miscellaneous 0910 to 0999 Function Descriptions - Fuel Gas Heaters & Boilers 0609
Sewage Treatment System 0310 to 0319 Interconnection, Termination and Control Schematics for the Following Equipment Function Descriptions - Furnace Systems 0610
Cooling Water System 0320 to 0329 (Corporation Drawing Number) Spare 0611 to 0799
Fire Water / Foam System 0330 to 0339 Switchboards 0600 to 0609 Instrument Schedules 0800
Fresh Water / Hot Water System 0340 to 0349 Transformers, Neutral Earthing Resistors 0610 to 0619 Instrument Data Sheets 0801
Diesel / Heli Fuel System 0350 to 0359 Generators & Associated Equipment 0620 to 0629 Cable Schedules 0802
Fuel Gas System 0360 to 0369 Ring Main Units 0630 to 0644 Cable Schedule Fire & Gas 0803
Instrument Air / Plant Air System 0370 to 0379 Circuit Breakers, Fuse Switches, Etc. 0645 to 0649 Cable Schedule Pneumatic Signals (Multi-Tubes) 0804
Nitrogen / Inert Gas System 0380 to 0389 UPS Systems / Batteries 0650 to 0659 Instrument Impulse Lines 0805
Drain System 0390 to 0399 Package Equipment 0660 to 0669 Instrument Air Lines 0806
Regeneration System 0400 to 0409 Motors 0670 to 0679 Electrical Hook-Ups 0807
Hot Oil System 0410 to 0419 Electrical Control Panels 0680 to 0689 Hydraulic Hook-Ups 0808
Chemical Injection System 0420 to 0429 Miscellaneous (JBs, Etc.) 0690 to 0699 Miscellaneous Hook-Ups 0809
Spare 0430 to 0699 Interconnection, Termination and Control Schematics for the Following Equipment Fire Water Pump System Drawings 0810 to 0819
Reserved for Vendor Packages 0700 to 0999 (Vendor Drawing Number) Fire Deluge & Sprinkler Systems 0820 to 0829
Switchboards 0800 to 0809 Fire Fighting Systems 0830 to 0859
Offshore Transformers, Neutral Earthing Resistors 0810 to 0819 Heat Tracing Details 0860 to 0869
Platform General Arrangements 0001 to 0009 Generators & Associated Equipment 0820 to 0829 Engineering Calculations 0870 to 0899
Jacket Plans and Elevations 0010 to 0049 Ring Main Units 0830 to 0844 Hazardous Area Classifications 0900
Jacket Node Details 0050 to 0149 Circuit Breakers, Fuse Switches, Etc. 0845 to 0849 Fire & Safety / Life Support Equipment 0901
Jacket Pile/ Conductor Details 0150 to 0199 UPS Systems / Batteries 0850 to 0859 Safety Charts 0902 to 0909
Jacket Miscellaneous Details 0200 to 0349 Package Equipment 0860 to 0869 Navigation Aid Locations 0910
Boat Landing Arrangements and Details 0350 to 0399 Motors 0870 to 0879 Reserved for Safety Related Drawings 0911 to 0920
Topside Structural Arrangements 0400 to 0499 Electrical Control Panels 0880 to 0889 Fabrication and Mounting Details 0921 to 0930
Topside Structural Details 0500 to 0699 Miscellaneous (JBs, Etc.) 0890 to 0899 Alarm and Trip Setting Lists 0931
Grating / Handrail Arrangements and Details 0700 to 0749 Bulk Material Take Offs 0932
Structural 2 Stair Details 0750 to 0799 Instrument Locations 0001 to 0009 Spare 0933 to 0999
Topside Miscellaneous Details 0800 to 0849 Fire & Gas Locations 0010 to 0019
Material Take Offs 0850 to 0899 Instrument Cable Routing Layouts & Conduit Details 0020 to 0029 Site Layouts 0001 to 0049
Spare 0900 to 0999 Fire & Gas Cable Routing Layouts & Conduit Details 0030 to 0039 Control Room / Auxiliary Room Communications Equipment Room
0050 to 0059
Wellhead Jackets; Location Code T Trenches for Instrument Cables 0040 to 0049 Layouts
Instrumentation /
5 Control Room Layout 0050 Microwave Systems 0060 to 0069
Fire & Gas
Sequential Number for Wellhead Jackets shall be numbered according to the
Layout of Supports, Signal Cables and Air-Conditioning Ducting, Telecommunications 9 Radio Equipment (UHF, VHF, HF, MF) 0070 to 0079
Wellhead Jacket Number. See example below: 0051 to 0059
Etc. in Control Room Multiplex Equipment 0080 to 0099
a. Sequential number for Wellhead Jacket Number 34 shall be 0034 Auxiliary Room Layout 0060 Feeder Runs & Routing 0100 to 0109
b. Sequential number for Wellhead Jacket Number 41 shall be 0041
Layout of Supports, Signal Cables and Air-Conditioning Ducting, Cable Distribution Networks 0110 to 0119
c. Etc. 0061 to 0069
Etc. in Auxiliary Room Equipment Cut-Outs - Details & Panel Fabrication Details 0120 to 0129
Continued Above-Right Continued Above-Right Continued Above-Right

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