Xi - Syllabus For Half Yearly - 2024

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FROM 20.08.2024

ENGLISH READING SKILLS: Comprehension passages and Note Making

GRAMMAR: Tenses, Clauses and Reordering/Transformation of sentences.
WRITING SKILLS: Poster, Classified Advertisement, Speech and Debate
The Portrait of a Lady (prose)
We’re Not Afraid to Die… If We Can All Be Together (prose)
Discovering Tut: The Saga Continues (prose)
A Photograph (poem)
The Laburnum Top (poem)
The Voice of the Rain (poem)
The Summer of the Beautiful White Horse (prose)
The Address (prose)

PHYSICS Chapter–2: Units and Measurements

Chapter–3: Motion in a Straight Line
Chapter–4: Motion in a Plane
Chapter–5: Laws of Motion
Chapter–6: Work, Energy and Power

CHEMISTRY Chapter 1: Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry

Chapter 2: Structure of Atom
Chapter 3: Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties
Chapter 4: Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure
Chapter 8: Organic Chemistry: Some basic Principles and Techniques (
Classification and IUPAC nomenclature of organic compounds. Electronic
displacements in a covalent bond: inductive effect, electromeric effect, resonance
and hyperconjugation. Homolytic and heterolytic fission of a covalent bond: free
radicals, carbocations, carbanions, electrophiles and nucleophiles, types of
organic reactions.)

BIOLOGY Chapter 1 : The Living world

Chapter 2: Biological Classification.
Chapter 3 : Plant Kingdom
Chapter-4: Animal Kingdom
Chapter 5 : Morphology of flowering plants
Chapter-8: Cell-The Unit of Life
Chapter 10 : Cell Cycle and Cell Division
Chapter 12: Respiration in plants.
Chapter 14: Breathing and Exchange of gases
Chapter 15: Body fluids and Circulation

ACCOUNTANCY 1. Introduction to Accounting

2. Theory Base of Accounting
3. Recording of Business Transactions
● Voucher and Transactions: Source documents and Vouchers,
Preparation of Vouchers, Accounting Equation Approach: Meaning and
Analysis, Rules of Debit and Credit.
● Recording of Transactions: Books of Original Entry- Journal
● Special Purpose books:
Cash Book: Simple, cash book with bank column and petty cash book
• Purchases book
• Sales book
• Purchases return book
• Sales return book
• Journal proper
Note: Including trade discount, freight and cartage expenses for simple GST
• Ledger: Format, Posting from journal and
subsidiary books, Balancing of accounts

● Bank Reconciliation Statement


Ch 1. Geography as a Discipline
Ch 2. The Origin and Evolution of the Earth
Ch 3. Interior of the Earth
Ch 4. Distribution of Oceans and Continents
Ch 5. Geomorphic Processes
Ch 6. Landforms and their Evolution
Ch 1. India — Location
Ch 2. Structure and Physiography
Ch 3. Drainage System
Ch 4. Climate

BUSINESS STUDIES 1. Nature and Purpose of Business

2. Forms of Business Organisations
3. Public, Private and Global Enterprises
4. Business Services
5. Emerging Modes of Business

SOCIOLOGY Book 1- Introducing Sociology

Ch1 - Sociology and society
Ch 2- Terms, concept and their use
Ch 3- Understanding social institution
Ch 4- Culture and socialisation
ENTREPRENEURSHIP Unit 1 : Entrepreneurship: Concept and Functions
Unit 2 : An Entrepreneur
Unit 3 : Entrepreneurial Journey
Unit 4 : Entrepreneurship as Innovation and Problem Solving

BANKING Employability Skills:

Unit 1 : Communication Skills-III
Unit 2 : Self-Management Skills-III
Unit 3: ICT Skills-III
Subject Specific Skills:
Unit 1: Introduction to Banking & Basics Functions of banker
Unit 2: Banker & customer

POLITICAL SCIENCE *Part A: Indian Constitution At Work*

Ch 1: Constitution: Why and How?
Ch 2: Rights in the Indian Constitution
Ch 3: Election and Representation
Ch 4: Executive
Ch 5: Legislature
*Part B: Political Theory*
Ch 1: Political Theory: An Introduction
Ch 2: Freedom
Ch 3: Equality
Ch4: Social Justice

ECONOMICS Statistics for Economics

● Introduction
● Collection, Organisation and Presentation of data
● Statistical Tools and Interpretation -Measures of Central Tendency (Only
Arithmetic Mean)
Introductory Microeconomics
● Introduction
● Consumer's Equilibrium and Demand
● Producer Behaviour-Meaning of Production Function – Short-Run and
Long-Run Total Product, Average Product and Marginal Product. Returns
to a Factor

COMPUTER SCIENCE Unit I: Computer Systems and Organisation (Complete Portion)

Unit II: Computational Thinking and Programming – 1:
● Introduction to Problem-solving
● Familiarization with the basics of Python programming
● Knowledge of data types
● Operators and Expressions
● Errors- syntax errors, logical errors, and run-time errors
● Flow of Control
● Conditional statements
● Iterative Statement
● String Operation

PSYCHOLOGY Chapter 1-What is Psychology?

Chapter 2-Methods of Enquiry in Psychology.
Chapter 3-Human Development
Chapter 4-Sensory, Attentional and Perceptual Processes
HISTORY Chapter 1 - Writing and City Life
Chapter 2 - An Empire Across Three continents
Chapter 3 - Nomadic Empire
Chapter 4 - The Three Orders

PHYSICAL Chapter 1 : Changing Trends & Career in Physical Education

EDUCATION Chapter 2: Olympic value education
Chapter 3: Yoga
Chapter 4: Physical Education and Sports for CWSN
Chapter 5: Physical fitness and Wellness

PAINTING UNIT 1: (A) - Prehistoric Rock Paintings

(B) - Art of Indus Valley Civilization
UNIT 2 : Buddhist, Jain and Hindu Art
(A) - The art during Mauryan, Shunga, Kushana and. Gupta periods
(B) - The Art of Ajanta Caves

LIBRARY SCIENCE Subject Specific Skills:

Library, Information and Society
Concept of trinity
Type of Libraries and their role
Changing formats of Libraries: Digital, Virtual, Hybrid
Library Classification (Theory)
Library Cataloguing (Theory)
Employability Skills:
Communication Skills
Self-Management Skills
Entrepreneur Skills

COST ACCOUNTING Employability Skills:

Unit 1 : Communication Skills-III
Unit 2 : Self-Management Skills-III
Subject Specific Skills:
Unit 1: General Principles
Unit 2: Direct Materials

HEALTH CARE Employability skills:

Unit 1: Communication Skills
Unit 2: Self-management Skills
Unit 3: Information and Communication Technology Skills
Subject Specific Skills:
Unit 1: Hospital Management System 01
Unit 2: Role of General Duty Assistant for Outpatient Care
Unit 3: Role of General Duty Assistant for Inpatient Care
Unit 4: First Aid

WEB APPLICATION Employability skills :

Unit 1: Communication Skills-III
Unit 2: Self-management Skills-III
Unit 3: ICT Skills-III
Subject Specific Skills
Chapter 1: Basics of Networking
Chapter 2: Website Building Using HTML and CSS

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