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ASSESNENT4 (312906)


STUDENT NO.: 24293199
GROUP NO.: AFL1501-24-S1-251T.


DUE DATE: 11 MAY 2024
MYLIFE EMAIL ADDRESS: [email protected]











1. The assessment is based on the importance of interpersonal relationships
and their impact on our identities. We refer interpersonal relationship to a
connection that we have with other people, namely, friends and family
members. Our connection with other people shapes the way we think, our
wellbeing and the way we view the world. My assessment is based on the
examination of the nature of interpersonal relationships. We will explore the
impact that the nature of interpersonal relationships has on an individual.
2. (a) I come from a town where Zulu is mostly used as a language of
communication. There was this time where I had to move to another town
where Setswana is mostly used as a language of communication. So, I was at
a shop getting ready to pay the items I bought and the lady at the till called out
for the next customer to come and pay. I approached the lady, and she
addressed me in Setswana of which I could not understand. I did not get a
single thing that she was saying to me, and I got so frustrated and
(b) As I mentioned that I was at a shop, there were people behind me who
also wanted to pay. They felt like I was wasting their time as they also wanted
to pay. They also started mummering some stuff in the same Setswana
language that I did not know and that also added to my frustration. I was so
furious to the point where I just froze and did not move as the embarrassment
embraced me. I could not be able to pass my items to the cashier for her to
scan them.
c) I had to pull myself together and face this situation. I humbly told the
cashier that I do not understand what she said and told her that I can speak
and understand Zulu and English. I suggested that it is best for us to use
English as it is the medium language of communication. She understood and
sincerely apologised for what happened and share with me that this was a
lesson to her. Now she knows that not everyone who comes to their shop
understand Setswana, she must always use English. To me it was a lesson
also. Now I know that it is important to learn new languages so that I avoid


• Idiom: Unyawo alunampumulo.
Translation: a leg does not have a nose.
Meaning: this idiom means that you will never know where you can end up in
life because your legs can take you anywhere without realising that you were
once there or not.
Usage: the idiom is used to teach people about the importance of respecting
other people or a certain place. Life has got many challenges, the very same
people you show respect today can be the very same people who will help
you tomorrow. Life can take you anywhere, you just need to show respect so
that you can get help in future.

• Idiom: Izandla ziyagezana

Translation: hands can wash each other.
Meaning: this idiom means that if ever someone helps you today with
something, be prepared to help that person tomorrow and return the favour to
him or her.
Usage: this idiom is used to encourage people about the power of helping
each other in situations. It is used to encourage people to help each other in
everything they want.

• Proverb: Ukuzala ukuzelula amathambo.

Translation: Giving birth to a child is the same as stretching your bones.
Meaning; this proverb means that when giving birth to a child you are
producing good things in your life because the very same child you have
given birth to has got the power to change your situation and life from being
worse to being better.
Usage: this proverb is mostly used to celebrate a victory of another person.
They are thanking the parents of that person for grooming him or her into
becoming the person he or she is today. It is congratulating the parents for
giving birth to a successful person.

1. In my culture you address an elder according to the role he or she has in your
community. For instance, when a person has children and has exceeded the age of
30, we address her as our mother and same goes to the father. When there is a
grandmother or grandfather, we refer them as grandma or grandpa just to show them
respect and make them aware of the roles the play in our community.

2. As we believe that an elder must be addressed based on the role he or she plays
in the community and family, other people believe that elders must be addressed by
their names no matter how grown they are. They believe that it is pure disrespect for
a person not to address others by their names. In this case, their beliefs differ from

3. Children are prohibited from using disrespectful language when addressing

parents. They are not allowed to share private family matter without being given
permission to do so. They are not allowed to challenge their parent’s decisions about
them and their future. This prohibition emphasises the importance of respecting
elders. Respecting parents is seen as a value, you are not respecting they, this value
becomes destroyed.


1. Creating a story from an idiom or proverb
In this task I choose the proverb that says,” Giving birth to a child is the same as
stretching your bones.” This proverb emphasises that when giving birth to a child you
are attracting fortune for your family because that child will change your situation.

I can relate this proverb to a story of a young man who was born in a very
disadvantaged family. He always dreamt of changing his home’s situation and has
been working hard at school to fulfil his dreams. He achieved his dreams at the end
and became a qualified doctor, built his family a house and a car. Now the parents
are very proud of him and are using the proverb to express how they are lucky to
have him as their son. I chose this proverb to show how much of a fortune it is to
give birth to a child because at the end of the day that child is the one who is going
to change your home situation. These words carry deep emotions that tells you how
much happy and grateful they are of giving birth to a child who will be successful in
future. The amount of joy they feel overweight the sufferings the mother went
through while giving birth to the child.

2. As a child, my parents and community often used idioms and proverbs to

teach and correct me. One idiom that stands out for me and brings back
childhood memories is "A stitch in time saves nine." This proverb means that
taking timely action to fix a small problem can prevent it from becoming a bigger
problem in the future.
I remember my mother using this idiom whenever I procrastinated or neglected
to address a small issue. She would say, "Remember, a stitch in time saves nine.
Don't wait until it's too late." This idiom had a profound effect on me because it
taught me the importance of being proactive and addressing problems promptly.
The idiom served as a reminder that delaying or ignoring a problem would only
lead to more difficulties and additional work later. It instilled in me a sense of
responsibility and the understanding that taking immediate action can save time,
effort, and potential consequences.
I believe that this idiom had the desired effect on me. It taught me the value of
being proactive and taking responsibility for my actions. It encouraged me to
develop good habits of addressing issues promptly, whether it was completing
my homework on time or resolving conflicts with friends.
In multicultural interpersonal relationships, challenges can arise due to
miscommunication and cultural misunderstandings. These challenges stem from
differences in language, communication styles, and cultural norms.
Miscommunication can occur when individuals from different cultural
backgrounds interpret words or gestures differently, leading to
misunderstandings or conflicts.
Cultural misunderstandings can also arise when individuals are unaware of or
insensitive to cultural differences. For example, certain gestures or behaviours
that are considered polite in one culture may be seen as offensive in another.
These misunderstandings can lead to strained relationships and hinder effective
To overcome these challenges, it is important to cultivate cultural sensitivity and
develop effective communication skills. This involves actively listening to others,
being open-minded, and seeking to understand different perspectives. It is also
crucial to educate oneself about different cultures, their customs, and
communication styles.
Building trust and rapport in multicultural relationships requires patience,
empathy, and a willingness to learn from one another. It is essential to approach
interactions with respect and a genuine desire to bridge cultural gaps. By
fostering an inclusive and understanding environment, individuals can navigate
the challenges of multicultural interpersonal relationships and promote effective
In conclusion, idioms and proverbs play a significant role in teaching valuable life
lessons. The idiom "A stitch in time saves nine" taught me the importance of
being proactive and addressing problems promptly. In multicultural interpersonal
relationships, challenges can arise due to miscommunication and cultural
misunderstandings. However, by cultivating cultural sensitivity and developing
effective communication skills, individuals can overcome these challenges and
foster meaningful connections across cultures.


Riddles play a significant role in maintaining the high standard of spoken
language in African cultures by promoting linguistic creativity, critical thinking,
and cultural preservation. They serve as a means of transmitting knowledge,
values, and wisdom from one generation to another. Riddles are often used to
educate children about social or moral norms, as they convey important
messages in a playful and engaging manner.

Example of Five Riddles from My Language

1. Riddle 1: Question: What is always in front of you but can't be
seen? Answer: The future.
2. Riddle 2: Question: I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. I have
no body, but I come alive with the wind. What am I? Answer: An echo.
3. Riddle 3: Question: The more you take, the more you leave behind. What
am I? Answer: Footsteps.
4. Riddle 4: Question: I am taken from a mine and shut up in a wooden case,
from which I am never released, and yet I am used by almost every person.
What am I? Answer: Pencil lead.
5. Riddle 5: Question: I am not alive, but I can grow. I don't have lungs, but I
need air. What am I? Answer: Fire.
These riddles are not only entertaining but also convey important life lessons
and moral values to children, encouraging them to think critically and creatively
while learning about their cultural heritage.

Pg 7


Academic Honesty Declaration:

1. I know that plagiarism means taking and using the ideas, writings, works or inventions of
another as if they were one’s own. I know that plagiarism not only includes verbatim
copying, but also the extensive use of another person’s ideas without proper
acknowledgement (which includes the proper use of quotation marks). I know that plagiarism
covers the use of material found in textual sources and from the Internet.

2. I acknowledge and understand that plagiarism is wrong.

3. I understand that my research proposal must be accurately referenced.

4. This research proposal is my own work. I acknowledge that copying someone else’s
research, or part of it, is wrong, and that submitting identical work to others constitutes a
form of plagiarism.

5. I have not allowed, nor will I in the future allow anyone to copy my work with the
intention of passing it off as their own work.

6. I confirm that I have read and understood UNISA’s Policy for Copyright and Plagiarism -
Full Name…NOSIPHO ZWANE…………………………………………… Student
No:24293199 ............................................

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