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Syllogism Questions for SBI Clerk Pre, IBPS Clerk Pre, LIC Asst.

Pre and IBPS RRB Exams.

Syllogism Quiz 7

Directions : In question, some statements are given, followed by two conclusions I and II.
You have to consider the statements to be true, even if they seem to be at variance from
commonly known facts. You have to decide which of the given conclusions, if any, follow
from the given statements. Indicate your answer.

1. Statements: Some papers are books.

All papers are words.

Conclusions: I. All words being books is a possibility.

II. Some words are not papers.
A. If only conclusion I follows B. if only conclusion II follows C. If either conclusion I or II follows
D. If neither conclusion I nor II follows E. If both conclusion I and II follow

2. Statements: No animal is a dog.

Some monkeys are animals.
All cats are dogs.

Conclusions: I. No animal is a monkey.

II. All dogs are definitely not animals.
A. If only conclusion I follows B. If only conclusion II follows C. If either conclusion I or II follows
D. If neither conclusion I nor II follows E. If both conclusion I and II follow

3. Statement: No animal is a dog.

Some monkeys are animals.
All cats are dogs.

Conclusions: I. Some animals are monkeys.

II. No cat is an animal.
A. If only conclusion I follows B. If only conclusion II follows C. If either conclusion I or II follows
D. If neither conclusion I nor II follows E. If both conclusion I and II follow |
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4. Statements: No day is a week.
Some months are days.
No week is a year.

Conclusions: I. No day is a year.

II. Some months are not weeks.
A. If only conclusion I follows B. If only conclusion II follows C. If either conclusion I or II follows
D. If neither conclusion I nor II follows E. If both conclusion I and II follow

5. Statements: No day is a week.

Some months are days.
No week is a year.

Conclusions: I. No year is a week.

II. All years being days is a possibility.
A. If only conclusion I follows B. If only conclusion II follows C. If either conclusion I or II follows
D. If neither conclusion I nor II follows E. If both conclusion I and II follow

6. Statements: All laptops are tablets.

Some tablets are mobiles.
Some mobiles are televisions.

Conclusions: I. Some televisions are tablets.

II. Some mobiles are laptops.
A. if only conclusion I follows B. if only conclusion II follows
C. if either conclusion I or conclusion II follows D. if neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows
E. if both conclusion I and conclusion II follow

7. Statements: All cushions are pillows.

Some pillows are bolsters.

Conclusions: I. At least some cushions being bolsters is a possibility.

II. Some bolsters are pillows.
A. if only conclusion I follows B. if only conclusion II follows C. if either conclusion I or II follows
D. if neither conclusion I nor II follows E. if both conclusions I and II follow |
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8. Statements: All spoons are forks.
All forks are knives.
Some knives are plates.
No plates are glass.

Conclusions: I. Some forks being plates is a possibility.

II. Some knives are spoons.
III. Some knives are not glass.
A. Only conclusion I is true B. Both conclusion I and II are true C. All conclusions follow
D. Only conclusions II is true E. None of the above

9. Statements: Some bags are mugs.

All boxes are mugs.

Conclusions: I. At least some bags are boxes.

II. All mugs being boxes is a possibility.
A. if only conclusion I follows B. if only conclusion II follows C. if either conclusion I or II follows
D. if neither conclusion I nor II follows E. if both conclusions I and II follow

10. Statements: All shirts are pants.

All pants are belts.

Conclusions: I. Some pants being shirts is a possibility.

II. Some pants are not belts.
A. if only conclusion I follows B. if only conclusion II follows
C. if either conclusion I or conclusion II follows. D. if neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows.
E. if both conclusion I and conclusion II follow.

Correct Answers:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
A B E B E D E C B D |
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1. Venn Diagram Method:

Analytical Method:

There is no negative statement. Thus the possibility in 1 exists. Hence conclusion I follows.

Again, All papers are words (A) - conversion - Some words are papers (I). Hence conclusion II does not

Hence, option A is correct.

2. Venn Diagram Method:

Analytical Method:

Some monkeys are animals (I) - conversion - Some animals are monkeys (I). Hence, conclusion I does
not follow.

Again, No animal is a dog (E) - conversion - No dog is an animal (E). It means all dogs are definitely not
animals. hence conclusion II follows.

Hence, option B is correct.

3. Venn Diagram Method:

Analytical Method:

Some monkeys are animals (I) - conversion - Some animals are monkeys (I). Hence conclusion I follows.

Again, All cats are dogs (A) + (No animal is a dog (E) - ) conversion - No dog is an animal = A + E = E = No
cat is an animal.

Hence, conclusion II follows.

Hence, option E is correct.

4. Venn Diagram Method:

Analytical Method:

No day is a week (E) + No week is a year (E) = E + E = No conclusion. Hence conclusion I does not follow.

Again, Some months are days (I) + No day is a week (E) = I + E = I + E = O* = Some months are not
weeks. Hence conclusion II follows.

Hence, option B is correct.

5. Venn Diagram Method:

Analytical Method:

No week is a year (E) - conversion - No year is a week. Hence, conclusion I follows.

Again, No day is a week (E) + No week is a year (E) = E + E = No conclusion. But the possibility in II
exists. Hence conclusion II follows.

Hence, option E is correct.

6. Venn Diagram Method:

Analytical Method:

All laptops are tablets (A) + Some tablets are mobiles (I) → Middle term 'Tablets' is not distributed in
either of the statements. Therefore, no definite conclusion follows between the classes 'Laptops' and

Therefore, conclusion II does not follow.


Some tablets are mobiles (I) + Some mobiles are televisions (I) → Middle term 'mobiles' is not
distributed in either of the statements. Therefore, no definite conclusion follows between the classes
'tablets' and 'televisions'.

Therefore, conclusion I does not follow either.

Hence, option D is correct.
7. Venn Diagram Method:

Analytical Method:

All cushions are pillows (A) + Some pillows are bolsters (I) → Middle term 'Pillows' is not distributed in
either of the statements. Therefore, no definite conclusion follows between the classes 'Cushions' and
'Pillows'. Therefore possibility between these classes may exist.

Hence, conclusion I follows.


Some pillows are bolsters → converse → Some bolsters are pillows.

Hence, conclusion II also follows.

Hence, option E is correct.

8. Venn Diagram Method:

Analytical Method:

From the statement II and III we conclude that “Some forks being plates a possibility”. So the
conclusion I follows.

All spoons are forks (A) + All forks are knives (A) = A + A = A = All spoons are knives – converse – Some
knives are spoons. Hence, conclusion II follows.

Some knives are plates (I) + No plate is glass (E) = I + E = O* = Some knives are not glass.

Hence, all the conclusions follow

Hence, option C is correct.

9. Venn Diagram Method:

Analytical Method:

Some bags are mugs – converse – Some mugs are bags. Now,

All boxes are mugs (A) + Some mugs are bags (I) = A + I = No conclusion. Hence, conclusion I does not
follow. There is no negative statement. Hence, the possibility in II exists. Thus, conclusion II follows.

Hence, option B is correct.

10. Venn Diagram Method:

Analytical Method:

Converse of first statement: ‘Some pants are shirts.’ which is a surety and not a possibility. Hence, C1
does not follow.

And conclusion II does not follow either as it’s given in the statement II that ‘All pants are belts.’

Hence, neither C1 nor C2 follows.

Hence, option D is correct. |
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Syllogism Questions for IBPS Clerk Pre, LIC Asst., SBI Clerk and
Syllogism Quiz 9
Directions: Study the following questions carefully and choose the right answer:

1. Statements: All folders are books.

Some books are files.

Conclusions: I. All files being folders is a possibility.

II. All books being files is a possibility.
A. if only conclusion I follows B. if only conclusion II follows
C. if either conclusion I or II follows D. if neither conclusion I nor II follows
E. if both conclusions I and II follow

2. Statements: Some girls are young.

No young is a woman.

Conclusions: I. Some women are not girls.

II. All women being girls is a possibility.
A. if only conclusion I follows B. if only conclusion II follows
C. if either conclusion I or II follows D. if neither conclusion I nor II follows
E. if both conclusions I and II follow

3. Statement: Some pizzas are pasta.

All pastas are macaronis.
Some macaronis are pastries.

Conclusions: I. All pizzas being macaronis is a possibility.

II. All pastas are pizzas.
A. if only conclusion I follows B. if only conclusion II follows
C. if either conclusion I or II follows D. if neither conclusion I nor II follows
E. if both conclusions I and II follow
4. Statements: Some inks are staplers.
No stapler is a marker.
All markers are dusters.

Conclusions: I. Some dusters are not staplers.

II. All inks being markers is a possibility.
A. if only conclusion I follows B. if only conclusion II follows
C. if only conclusion II follows D. if neither conclusion I nor II follows
E. if both conclusions I and II follow

5. Statements: Some blue are trains.

No blue is a green.
All trains are engines.

Conclusions: I. Some trains are not green.

II. All blue being engines is a possibility.
A. if only conclusion I follows B. if only conclusion II follows
C. if either conclusion I or II follows D. if neither conclusion I nor II follows
E. if both conclusions I and II follow

6. Statements: All poles are towers.

No tower is a heater.
All heaters are fans.

Conclusions: I. All poles being fans is a possibility.

II. No fan is a poles.
A. if only conclusion I follows B. if only conclusion II follows
C. if either conclusion I or II follows D. if neither conclusion I nor II follows
E. if both conclusions I and II follow

7. Statements: Some biscuits are nuts.

All nuts are tea.
Some tea are coffee.

Conclusions: I. Some tea are biscuits.

II. All coffee being nuts is a possibility.
A. if only conclusion I follows B. if only conclusion II follows
C. if either conclusion I or II follows D. if neither conclusion I nor II follows
E. if both conclusions I and II follow
8. Statements: Some stationeries are books.
All books are pencils
No pencil is a pen.

Conclusions: I. All stationeries are pens.

II. No book is a pen.
A. If only conclusion I follow B. If only conclusion II follow
C. If either conclusion I or conclusion II follows D. If neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows
E. If both the conclusions follow

9. Statements: Some cars are scooters.

Some scooters are bikes.
All bikes are trucks.
All trucks are jeep.

Conclusions: I. All cars being bike is possibility.

II. All trucks are not bikes.
III. No scooter is jeep.
A. None of the above B. Only conclusion I is true
C. Either conclusion I and II is true D. Both conclusion I and II are true
E. Only conclusions II is true

10. Statements: All chocolates are cakes.

No cake is chip.
Some chips are pastries.

Conclusions: I. Some pastries are chocolates.

II. No pastry is chocolate.
A. if only conclusion I follows B. if only conclusion II follows
C. if either conclusion I or conclusion II follows D. if neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows
E. if both conclusion I and conclusion II follow
Correct Answers:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


1. There is no negative statement. Thus the possibilities exist in I and II. Hence, both the conclusion I and
II follow.

Hence, option E is correct.

2. Some girls are young (I) + No young is a women (E) = I + E = O = Some girls are not women.

Hence, conclusion I does not follow. But the possibility in II exists. Thus, conclusion II follows.

Hence, option B is correct.

3. There is no negative statement. So the possibility exists in I. Hence, conclusion I follows.

Again, Some pizzas are pastas – converse – Some pastas are pizzas. Hence, conclusion II does not

Hence, option A is correct.

4. No stapler is a marker (E) + All markers are dusters (A) = E + A = O* = Some dusters are not
staplers. Hence, conclusion I follows.

Again, Some inks are staplers (I) + No stapler is a marker (E) = I + E = O = Some inks are not markers.
Thus, the possibility in II does not exist. Hence, conclusion II does not follow.

Hence, option A is correct.

5. Some blue are trains (I) + All trains are engine (A) = I + A = I = Some blue are engines So, All blue being
engines is a possibility. Hence, conclusions II follows.

Again, Some blue are trains (I) conversion – Some trains are blue (I) + No blue is a green (E) = I + E = O =
Some trains are not greens. Hence, conclusion I follows.

Hence, option E is correct.

6. All poles are towers (A) + No tower is a heater (E) = A + E = E = No pole is a heater, now

No pole is a heater (E) + All heaters are fans (A) = E + A = O* = Some fans are not poles.

Hence, conclusion I follows, but conclusion II does not follow.

Hence, option A is correct.

7. Some biscuits are nuts (I) + All nuts are tea (A) = I + A = I = Some biscuits are tea – converse – Some tea
are biscuits. Hence, conclusion I follow.

Again, there is no negative statement. Hence the possibility exists in II.

Hence, option E is correct.

8. Some stationeries are books (I) + All books are pencils (A) = I + A = I = Some stationeries are pencils

Some stationeries are pencils (I) + No pencil is pen (E) = I + E = O = Some stationeries are not pen.
Hence, conclusion I does not follow.

All books are pencils (A) + No pencil is a pen (E) = A + E = No book is a pen. Hence, conclusion II follows.

Hence, option B is correct.

9. Some cars are scooters (I) + Some scooters are bikes (I) = I + I = No conclusion follows but possibility
exists because the statement are positive. Hence, conclusion I follows.

As statements II and III are positives therefore, conclusions II and III do not follow.

Hence, option B is correct.

10. All chocolates are cakes (A) + No cake is chip (E) + Some chips are pastries (I) = (A + E) + I = E + I = O* =
Some pastries are not chocolates.

Therefore, none of the conclusions follows. But conclusion I and II form I-E type of complementary
pair. Therefore, conclusion I or II follow

Hence, option C is correct.

Syllogism Questions for SBI PO Mains, IBPS PO Mains and RBI
Grade B Exams.
Syllogism Quiz 10
Directions: In this set of questions a narration is given. You have to take the given
statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance with commonly known facts and
then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements.
As Diwali festival is approaching Vikrant goes to his father with a view to convince him for buying
crackers for Vikrant. He says, “Dad! My friend Rahul likes crackers very much.”

His father replies, “Son, all crackers are harmful and all the harmful things make this world a worse
place to live in.” He continued, “Even sweets are harmful.”

“But Dad, Rahul is an intelligent boy.” argues Vikrant.

His father replies, “I do acknowledge too that Rahul is an intelligent boy, but alas! Some intelligent
boys are not wise.”

With a dejected face, Rahul leaves for his tuition classes.

1. Which of the following conclusions definitely follows?

A. Some sweets are not harmful. B. All harmful things are crackers.
C. Rahul does like sweets. D. Rahul likes harmful things.
E. None of these

2. Which of the following conclusions is possibly true?

A. All intelligent boys are wise. B. All wise are intelligent boys.
C. No cracker is like by Rahul. D. Both A and C E. None of these

3. Which of the following conclusions doesn’t follow?

A. All intelligent boys being Rahul is a possibility. B. Rahul may not be wise.
C. Everything that makes this world a worse place to live in is harmful. D. Some crackers are liked by Rahul.
E. None of these

4. Which of the following statements is redundant in deriving the conclusion – “Some

who are intelligent like harmful things very much”?
A. Some intelligent boys are not wise. B. Rahul likes crackers very much.
C. All crackers are harmful. D. Rahul is an intelligent boy.
E. All are necessary.
5. Which of the following statements is required to give us the conclusion – “Some
harmful things are not snacks.”?

A. Some crackers are not snacks. B. Some snacks are not crackers.
C. No sweets are crackers. D. No cracker is snack.
E. None of these

Correct Answers:
1 2 3 4 5


1. The extracted statements:

I. Rahul likes crackers very much.
II. All crackers are harmful.
III. All the harmful things make this world a worse place to live in.
IV. Even sweets are harmful.
V. Rahul is an intelligent boy.
VI. Some intelligent boys are not wise.

How option D is the correct answer:

From S1 and S2, we get
Rahul likes crackers very much + All crackers are harmful = Rahul likes harmful things.
Clearly, option D is the correct answer.

Hence, option (C) is correct.

2. The extracted statements:

I. Rahul likes crackers very much.

II. All crackers are harmful.
III. All the harmful things make this world a worse place to live in.
IV. Even sweets are harmful.
V. Rahul is an intelligent boy.
VI. Some intelligent boys are not wise.

How option B is the correct answer:

Refer to S6 – Some intelligent boys are not wise.”
Here, we are not sure of any of the elements of the class ‘wise’ and therefore possibilities between ‘wise’ and
‘intelligent boys’ do exist.
All wise being intelligent boys is a possibility.

Option B is hence the correct answer.

3. The extracted statements:
I. Rahul likes crackers very much.
II. All crackers are harmful.
III. All the harmful things make this world a worse place to live in.
IV. Even sweets are harmful.
V. Rahul is an intelligent boy.
VI. Some intelligent boys are not wise.

How option C is the correct answer:

Refer to S3 - All the harmful things make this world a worse place to live in.
Converse of the above statement = Some things that make this world a worse place to live in are
But the given conclusion specifies ‘All things’ instead of ‘Some’.
Clearly, the conclusion doesn’t follow.
Option C is hence the correct answer.

4. The extracted statements:

I. Rahul likes crackers very much.
II. All crackers are harmful.
III. All the harmful things make this world a worse place to live in.
IV. Even sweets are harmful.
V. Rahul is an intelligent boy.
VI. Some intelligent boys are not wise.
The given conclusion: Some who are intelligent like harmful things very much.
Kindly refer to S1, S2 and S5.
From S1 and S2, we get
Rahul likes crackers very much + All crackers are harmful = Rahul likes harmful things very much.
Taking converse of S5 and the above derived conclusion, we get
Some intelligent boys are Rahul + Rahul likes harmful things very much = Some intelligent boys like
harmful things very much.
Clearly, the statement given as option A is not necessary here.
Option A is hence the correct answer.

5. The extracted statements:

I. Rahul likes crackers very much.
II. All crackers are harmful.
III. All the harmful things make this world a worse place to live in.
IV. Even sweets are harmful.
V. Rahul is an intelligent boy.
VI. Some intelligent boys are not wise.
How option D is the correct answer:
Using the statement given as option D and converse of S2, we get
Some harmful things are crackers + No cracker is snack = Some harmful things are not snacks.
Option D is hence the correct answer.
Syllogism Questions for SBI PO Pre, SBI Clerk Mains, IBPS PO Pre,
IBPS Clerk Mains, IBPS SO Pre and RRB Scale I Pre Exams.
Syllogism Quiz 11
Directions: In each question some statements followed by some conclusions. You have to
take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance with commonly
known facts and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given
1. Statements:
No apple is a plum.
All plums are oranges.
All oranges are mangoes.
I. All plums are mangoes.
II. At least some mangoes are oranges.
A. Neither I nor II follows B. Only I follows C. Either I or II follows
D. Both I and II follow E. Only II follows

2. Statements:
All animals are mammals.
No mammal is reptile.
All reptiles are amphibians.
I. All animals are amphibians.
II. Some amphibians are mammals
A. Neither I nor II follows B. Only I follows C. Either I or II follows
D. Both I and II follow E. Only II follows

3. Statement:
Some schools are classes.
Some classes are teachers.
All teachers are students.
I. Some students are classes.
II. All schools being students is a possibility.
A. Neither I nor II follows B. Only I follows C. Either I or II follows
D. Both I and II follow E. Only II follows
4. Statements:
Some buses are cars.
No car is ship.
All ships are bikes.

I. Some buses are not bikes.
II. No bike is ship.
A. Neither I nor II follows B. Only I follows C. Either I or II follows
D. Both I and II follow E. Only II follows

5. Statements:
All cups are saucers.
All plates are cups.
Some saucers are spoons.

I. All plates being spoons is a possibility.
II. All plates are not saucers.
A. Neither I nor II follows B. Only I follows C. Either I or II follows
D. Both I and II follow E. Only II follows

6. Statements:
No cap is a shirt.
Some trousers are caps.
All belts are shirts.

I. No cap is a trouser.
II. All caps being trousers is a possibility.
A. If only conclusion I follows B. If only conclusion II follows
C. If either conclusion I or II follows D. If neither conclusion I nor II follows
E. If both conclusion I and II follow
7. Statements:
No crow is a bird.
Some parrots are crows.
No bird is a sparrow.

I. No crow is a sparrow.
II. Some parrots are not birds.
A. If only conclusion I follows B. If only conclusion II follows
C. If either conclusion I or II follows D. If neither conclusion I nor II follows
E. If both conclusion I and II follow

8. Statements:
Some milk are curd.
Some curd are butter-milk.
All butter-milk are butter.
No butter is a ghee.

I. No butter-milk is ghee.
II. Some butter are curd.
III. Some curd are not ghee.
A. If only conclusion I follows B. If only conclusion II follows
C. If either conclusion I or II follows D. If only conclusion III follows
E. If all conclusions I, II and III follow

9. Statements:
All letters are envelopes.
No envelope is post office.
Some post offices are postmen.

I. Some postmen are letters.
II. No postman is letter.
A. If only conclusion I follows B. If only conclusion II follows
C. If either conclusion I or II follows D. If neither conclusion I nor II follows
E. If both conclusion I and II follow
10. Statements:
No animal is a rat.
Some cows are animals.
All bears are rats.

I. Some animals are cows.
II. No bear is an animal.
A. If only conclusion I follows B. If only conclusion II follows
C. If either conclusion I or II follows D. If neither conclusion I nor II follows
E. If both conclusion I and II follow

Correct Answers:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


1. Statements:
No apple is a plum.
All plums are oranges.
All oranges are mangoes.

I. All plums are mangoes.
II. At least some mangoes are oranges.

All plums are oranges (A) + All oranges are mangoes (A) = A + A = All plums are mangoes. Hence, conclusion I

All oranges are mangoes – converse – Some mangoes are oranges. Hence, conclusion II follows.

Hence option D is correct.

2. Statements:
All animals are mammals.
No mammal is reptile.
All reptiles are amphibians.

I. All animals are amphibians.
II. Some amphibians are mammals.

Checking C1: All animals are amphibians.

The class 'animals' is in Statement 1 and 'amphibians' is in Statement 3 and the link or middle term is available
in Statement 2 which is an E type statement. Clearly, using these we can't have an A type conclusion. C1,
clearly, doesn't follow.

Checking C2: Some amphibians are mammals.

Applying the same logic, we can't get a positive conclusion using Statement 2 and Statement 3. C2, doesn't
follow either.

Option A is hence the correct answer.

3. Statement:
Some schools are classes.
Some classes are teachers.
All teachers are students.

I. Some students are classes.
II. All schools being students is a possibility.

Checking C1: Some students are classes.

Some classes are teachers + All teachers are students = Some classes are students. Clearly, C1 follows.

Checking C1: All schools being students is a possibility.

Here, no negative statement is given among the statements. Clearly, possibilities between classes do
exist. C2 follows as well.

Option D is hence the correct answer.

4. Statements:
Some buses are cars.
No car is ship.
All ships are bikes.

I. Some buses are not bikes.
II. No bike is ship.

Checking C1: Some buses are not bikes.

Here, S1 is I type, S2 is E type, and the class 'bikes' is the predicate in S2 which is an A type statement.
When we move from S1 to S2, we get a conclusion in O type statement and as we know O type doesn't
make a definite conclusion applying deduction method. No definite conclusion can be derived out of
S1, S2 and S3 together. C1, hence, doesn't follow.

Checking C2: No bike is ship.

Converse of S3 = Some bikes are ship. Clearly, C2 doesn't follow either.

Option A is hence the correct answer.

5. Statements:
All cups are saucers.
All plates are cups.
Some saucers are spoons.

I. All plates being spoons is a possibility.
II. All plates are not saucers.

Checking C1: All plates being spoons is a possibility.

As there is no negative statement, possibilities between classes do exist. Clearly, C1 follows.

Checking C2: All plates are not saucers.

As there is no negative statement, a negative definite conclusion is not possible. C2, hence, doesn't

Option B is hence the correct answer.

6. Some trousers are caps (I) - conversion - Some caps are trousers (I). Hence conclusion I does not

Again, 'Some trousers are caps' - conversion - Some caps are trousers. If some caps are trousers, what are the
other caps? They could also be the trousers as well or they could not be.

Following the former presumption in mind, we can say that 'All caps being trousers is a possibility. Conclusion
II hence follows.

Hence option B is the correct answer.

7. No crow is a bird (E) + No bird is a sparrow (E) = E + E = No conclusion. Hence conclusion I does not

Again, Some parrots are crows (I) + No crow is a bird (E) = I + E = I + E = O* = Some parrots are not birds. Hence
conclusion II follows.

Hence option B is the correct answer.

8. All butter-milk are butter (A) + No butter is ghee (E) = A + E = No butter-milk is a ghee. Hence,
conclusion I follows

Some curd are butter-milk (I) + All butter-milk are butter (A) = I + A = I = Some curd are butter – converse –
Some butter are curd . Hence conclusion II follows.

Some curd are butter (I) + No butter is a ghee (E) = Some curd are not ghee. Hence, conclusion III follows.

So, all the conclusions follow.

Hence option E is the correct answer.

9. All letters are envelopes (A) + No envelope is post office (E) + Some post offices are postmen (I) = (A +
E) + I = E + I = O* = Some postmen are not letters.

Therefore, none of the conclusions follows. But conclusion I and II form I-E type of complementary pair.
Therefore, either conclusion I or II follows.

Hence option C is the correct answer.

10. Some cows are animals (I) - conversion - Some animals are cows (I). Hence conclusion I follows.

Again, All bears are rats (A) + (No animal is a rat (E) - ) conversion - No rat is an animal = A + E = E = No bear is
an animal. Hence conclusion II follows.

Therefore, option E is correct.

Syllogism Questions for SBI PO Pre, SBI Clerk,
IBPS PO Pre, IBPS Clerk and IBPS SO Pre
Directions: In each question below are given some statements followed by
some conclusions. You have to take the given statements to be true even if
they seem to be at variance with commonly known facts. Read all the
conclusions and then decide which of the given conclusions logically
follows/follow from the given statements, disregarding commonly known


Some oranges are apples.
All lemons are apples.
No apple is guava.

I. Some oranges are lemons.
II. All guavas being lemon is a possibility.
III. No orange is a lemon.

A. Only C3 follows B. Either C1 or C3 follows

C. Only C2 and C3 follow D. All follow
E. None of these

A few mechanics are not plumbers.
All plumbers are qualified.
No qualified is skilled.

I. No skilled is a plumber.
II. No mechanic is skilled.
III. Some plumbers are not mechanics.

A. Only C1 follows
B. Either C1 or C2 follows
C. Only C2 and C3 follow
D. All follow
E. None of these


No cycle is tyre.
Not a single tyre is tube.
Every tube is puncture.

I. Some punctures which are tubes are cycles as well.
II. No cycle is a tube.
III. Some punctures are not tyres.

A. Only C3 follows
B. Either C1 or C2 follows
C. Only C2 and C3 follow
D. All follow
E. None of these

No panther is jaguar.
Not a single jaguar is puma.
Every puma is cheetah.

I. Some cheetah which are puma are panther as well.
II. No panther is a puma.
III. Some cheetah are not jaguar.

A. Only C3 follows
B. Either C1 or C2 follows
C. Only C2 and C3 follow
D. All follow
E. None of these


A few poets are not poetesses.
All poetesses are serious.
No serious is dilligent.

I. No dilligent is a poetess.
II. No poet is dilligent.
III. Some poetesses are not poets.

A. Only C1 follows
B. Either C1 or C2 follows
C. Only C2 and C3 follow
D. All follow
E. None of these

No bike is a bus.
All buses are trucks.
All trucks are cars.

I. All buses are cars.
II. At least some cars are trucks.

A. Neither I nor II follows

B. Only I follows
C. Either I or II follows
D. Both I and II follow
E. Only II follows


No apple is peach.
All peaches are pineapples.

I. All mangoes are pineapples.
II. Some pineapples are apples.

A. Neither I nor II follows

B. Only I follows
C. Either I or II follows
D. Both I and II follow
E. Only II follows

Some lions are tigers.
Some tigers are panthers.
All panthers are elephants.

I. Some elephants are tigers.
II. All lions being elephants is a possibility.

A. Neither I nor II follows

B. Only I follows
C. Either I or II follows
D. Both I and II follow
E. Only II follows


At least some Europeans are British.
Every European is an American.
No American is an African.

All Americans being British is a possibility.
Some Europeans can be Africans as well.
No African is a British.

A. Only I follows
B. I and III follow
C. I and II follow
D. All I, II and III follow
E. None of these

No grasshopper is an insect.
No insect is a bug.
All bugs are moths.

Some bugs may be grasshoppers.
All moths being insects is a possibility.
No bug is a grasshopper.

A. Either I or III follows

B. I and III follow
C. Only I follows
D. All I, II and III follow
E. None of these
Correct answers:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



Checking C1 and C3:

‘Some oranges are lemons’ and ‘No orange is a lemons.

In S1 and S2, we can observe that the middle term ‘lemons’ is not
distributed even once, a definite conclusion can’t be derived between these
two. And C1 is an I type statement and C2 is an E type statement, they
both form a complementary pair (E + I combination).

Therefore, either C1 or C3 follows.

Checking C2:

All guavas being lemons is a possibility.

From S2 and S3,
All lemons are apples + No apple is guava = No lemon is a guava.
Clearly, there is no possibility that exists between ‘guava’ and 'lemon’.
C2 hence doesn’t follow.
Evidently, either C1 or C3 follows.
Clearly, option B is the correct answer.

Checking C1:

No skilled is a plumber.

From S1 and S2,

All plumbers are qualified (A) + No qualified is skilled (E) = No plumber is

killed or No skilled is a plumber.

C1 hence follows.

Checking C2:

No mechanic is skilled.

Clearly, S1 in which the class ‘mechanics’ exists is an O type statement, we

can’t derive a definite relationship of it with any other statement.

Clearly, C2 doesn’t follow.

Checking C3:

Some plumbers are not mechanics.

From S1,

A few mechanics are not plumbers.

But as conversion of an O type statement is not valid, C3 doesn’t follow

Evidently, only C1 follows.

Option A is hence the correct answer.


Checking C1:

Some punctures which are tubes are cycles as well.

If we observe the given statements, we can find that in Statement 1 and 2,

the middle term ‘tyre’ is distributed twice and therefore even after
conversing either of the sentence we won’t be able to find a definite
conclusion out of these two. Therefore, we can’t derive a definite
relationship between ‘tube’ and ‘cycle’.

C1 hence doesn’t follow.

Checking C2:

No cycle is a tube.

Following the logic explained above, we can clearly say that C2 doesn’t
follow either.

Checking C3:

Some punctures are not tyres.

From S2 and S3,

Not a single tyre is tube (E) + Every tube is puncture (A) = Some
unctures are not tyres.

Clearly, C3 follows.

Among all, only C3 follows. Option A is hence the correct answer.


Checking C1:

Some cheetah which are puma are panther as well.

If we observe the given statements, we can find that in Statement 1 and 2,

the middle term ‘jaguar’ is distributed twice and therefore even after
conversing either of the sentence we won’t be able to find a definite
conclusion out of these two. Therefore, we can’t derive a definite
relationship between ‘puma’ and ‘panther’.

C1 hence doesn’t follow.

Checking C2:

No panther is a puma.

Following the logic explained above, we can clearly say that C2 doesn’t
follow either.

Checking C3:

Some cheetah are not jaguar.

From S2 and S3,

Not a single jaguar is puma (E) + Every puma is cheetah (A) = Some cheetah
are not jaguar.

Clearly, C3 follows.

Among all, only C3 follows. Option A is hence the correct answer.


Checking C1:

No dilligent is a poetess.

From S1 and S2,

All poetesses are serious (A) + No serious is dilligent (E) = No poetess is

dilligent or No dilligent is a poetess.

C1 hence follows.

Checking C2:

No poet is an dilligent.

Clearly, S1 in which the class ‘poets’ exists is an O type statement, we can’t

derive a definite relationship of it with any other statement.

Clearly, C2 doesn’t follow.

Checking C3:
Some poetesses are not poets.

From S1,

A few poets are not poetesses.

But as conversion of an O type statement is not valid, C3 doesn’t follow


Evidently, only C1 follows.

Option A is hence the correct answer.


No bike is a bus.
All buses are trucks.
All trucks are cars.

I. All buses are cars.
II. At least some cars are trucks.

All buses are trucks (A) + All trucks are cars (A) = A + A = All buses are cars.
Hence, conclusion I follows.

All trucks are cars – converse – Some cars are trucks. Hence, conclusion II

Option. D is the right answer.


All mangoes are apples.
No apple is peach.
All peaches are pineapples.

I. All mangoes are pineapples.
II. Some pineapples are apples.

Checking C1:

All mangoes are pineapples.

The class 'mangoes' is in Statement 1 and 'pineapples' is in Statement 3 and

the link or middle term is available in Statement 2 which is an E type
statement. Clearly, using these we can't have an A type conclusion. C1,
clearly, doesn't follows.

Checking C2:
Some pineapples are apples.

Applying the same logic, we can't get a positive conclusion using Statement
2 and Statement 3. C2, doesn't follow either.

Option A is hence the correct answer.


Some lions are tigers.
Some tigers are panthers.
All panthers are elephants.

I. Some elephants are tigers.
II. All lions being elephants is a possibility.

Checking C1:

Some elephants are tigers.

Some tigers are panthers + All panthers are elephants = Some tigers are

elephants. Clearly, C1 follows.

Checking C1:

All lions being panthers is a possibility.

Here, no negative statement is given among the statements. Clearly,


between classes do exist. C2 follows as well.

Option D is hence the correct answer.


Given Statements:

At least some Europeans are British.

Every European is an American.

No American is an African.

Given conclusions:

All Americans being British is a possibility.

Some European can be Africans as well.

No African is a British.

Checking Conclusion 1:

All Americans being British is a possibility.

Using S1 and S2, we get

At least some Europeans are British + Every European is an American =

Some British are Americans.

Converse of it = Some Americans are British

Now, if some Americans are British, what are the rest of the Americans?
hey could be British too or they could not be British.
Considering the first possibility, we can say that ‘All Americans being British
is a possibility.’

Conclusion 1 follows here.

Checking Conclusion 2:

Some Europeans can be Africans as well

Using S2 and S3, we get

Every European is an American + No American is an African = No European

is African

Clearly, there is no scenario of possibility exists between the classes

‘Europeans’and ‘Africans’. Therefore, C2 doesn’t follow.

Checking Conclusion 3:

No African is a British

Using S1 and the conclusion derived above, we get At least some Europeans
are British + No European is African = Some British are not Africans.

Clearly, C3 doesn’t follow either.

Option A is hence the correct answer.


Given Statements:

No grasshopper is an insect.

No insect is a bug.

All bugs are moths.

Given Conclusions:

Some bugs may be grasshoppers.

All moths being insects is a possibility.

No bug is a grasshopper.

Checking Conclusion 1 and 3:

Some bugs may be grasshoppers & No bug is a grasshopper

As we can observe that both S1 and S2 are E-type statements, the middle
term ‘insect’ is distributed twice here. Therefore, we can’t define a definite
relationship between these two classes. Clearly, possibilities do exist
between ‘bug’ and ‘grasshopper’.

This confirms that C1 follows but C3 doesn’t.

Checking Conclusion 2:

All moths being insects is a possibility.

Using S3 and S2, we get Converse of S3 (All bugs are moths) + Converse of
S2 (No insect is a bug) Some moths are bugs + No bug is an insect = Some
moths are not insects Now, when some moths are already not insects, all
moths being insects is not possible.

C2, hence, doesn’t follow.

Evidently, option C is the correct answer.

Syllogism questions for IBPS PO pre, IBPS SO
pre, IBPs clerk, SBI PO pre and SBI clerk
Directions: In each question below are given some statements followed by
some conclusions. You have to take the given statements to be true even if
they seem to be at variance with commonly known facts. Read all the
conclusions and then decide which of the given conclusions logically
follows/follow from the given statements, disregarding commonly known

(1). Statements:
All engineers are villagers.
No villager is a nurse.
All nurses are managers.

No engineer is a manager.
All villagers being managers is a possibility

A. If only conclusion II follows.

B. If both conclusions I and II follow.
C. If neither conclusion I nor II follows.
D. If either conclusion I or II follows.
E. If only conclusion I follows.

(2). Statements:
Some paints are shoes.
Some shoes are sleepers.
All sleepers are shirts.
At least some shirts are paints.
No shirt is a paint.
Some tables are chairs.

A. If only conclusion II follows.

B. If both conclusions I and II follow.
C. If neither conclusion I nor II follows.
D. If either conclusion I or II follows.
E. If only conclusion I follows.

(3). Statements:
Some chairs are desks.
No desk is a bench.

All benches being tables possibility.
At least some desks are tables.

A. If only conclusion II follows.

B. If both conclusions I and II follow.
C. If neither conclusion I nor II follows.
D. If either conclusion I or II follows.
E. If only conclusion I follows.

(4). Statements:
Some cows are camels.
All camels are buffaloes.
No buffalo is a fox.

Some camels are foxes.
No buffalo is a cow.
No cow is a fox.

A. if only conclusion I does not follow.

B. if only conclusion II does not follow.
C. if only conclusion III does not follow.
D. if only conclusions I and II do not follow.
E. None of these

(5). Statements:
No printer is a scanner.
Some scanners are mouses .
Some mouses are keyboards.

Some mouses are scanners.
No keyboard is a printer.
No keyboard is a mouse.

A. if only conclusion I does not follow.

B. if only conclusion II does not follow.
C. if only conclusion III does not follow.
D. if only conclusions I and II do not follow.
E. None of these

(6). Statements:
All phones are tools.
Some tools are letters.
All letters are stars.

All phones being stars is a possibility.
At least some letters are phones.
A. if only conclusion I follows
B. if only conclusion II follows
C. if both conclusion I and II follow
D. if neither conclusion I nor II follows
E. if either conclusion I or II follows

(7). Statements:
Some poles are pots.
All pots are plants.
Some plants are leaves.

Some poles are plants.
All plants being leaves is a possibility

A. if only conclusion I follows

B. if only conclusion II follows
C. if both conclusion I and II follow
D. if neither conclusion I nor II follows
E. if either conclusion I or II follows

(8). Statements:
All woods are chairs.
No chair is a table.
Some tables are copies.

Some woods are definitely tables.
No table is a chair.

A. if only conclusion I follows

B. if only conclusion II follows
C. if both conclusion I and II follow
D. if neither conclusion I nor II follows
E. if either conclusion I or II follows

(9). Statements:
All brinjals are vegetables.
Some vegetables are potatoes.
No potato is tomato.

All potatoes being brinjal is a possibility.
No vegetable is a tomato.

A. if only conclusion I follows

B. if only conclusion II follows
C. if both conclusion I and II follow
D. if neither conclusion I nor II follows
E. if either conclusion I or II follows

(10). Statements:
Some magazines are laptops.
No desktop is a laptop.
No phone is a magazine.

Some laptops are not phones.
Some desktops are phones.
No magazine is a desktop.

A. if only conclusion I does not follow

B. if only conclusion II does not follow.
C. if only conclusion III does not follow.
D. if both conclusions I and II do not follow.
E. None of above
Correct answers:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



No engineer is a manager.

All villagers being managers is a possibility

No villager is a nurse (E) + All nurses are managers (A) = E + A = O = Some

managers are not villagers (O).

Thus, the possibility in II exists.

Hence conclusion II follows.

Again, All engineers are villagers (A) + No villager is a nurse (E) = A + E = E =

No engineer is a nurse (E) +

All nurses are managers (A) = E + A = O Some managers are not engineers.

Hence, conclusion I does not follow.

Hence, option A is correct.

Some shoes are sleepers (I) + All sleepers are shirts (A) = A + I = I = shoes are
shirts (I).

Now, Some paints are shoes (I) + Some shoes are shirts (I) = I + I = No

But both I and ll make a complementary pair (I-E).

Hence, either conclusion I or II follows.

Hence, option D is correct.

Some chairs are desks (I) + No desk is a bench (E) = I + E = O = Some chairs
are not benches (O).

Now, Some tables are chairs (I) + Some chairs are not benches (O) = I + O =
No conclusion

But the possibility in I exists.

Hence conclusion I follows.

Again, Some tables are chairs (I) + Some chairs are desks (I) = I + I = No

Hence conclusion II does not follow.

Hence, option E is correct.

All camels are buffaloes (A) + No buffalo is a fox (E) = A + E = E = No camel is
a fox (E).

Hence conclusion I does not follow.

Now, some cows are camels (I) + No camel is a fox (E) = I + E = O = Some
cows are not foxes (O).

Hence, conclusion I does not follow.

Again, some cows are camels (I) + All camels are buffaloes (A) = I + A =I =
Some cows are buffaloes (I).

Hence, II does not follow.

Thus, conclusion I and II do not follow.

Hence, option D is correct.

Some scanners are mouses (I) → conversion → Some mouses are scanners

Hence conclusion I follows.

No printer is ascanner (E) + Some scanners are mouses (I) = E + I = O* =

Some mouses are not printers (O*).

Again, some keyboards are mouses (I) + Some mouses are not printers (O) =
I + O = No conclusion, Hence conclusion II may follow.

Some mouses are keyboards (I) → conversion → I = Some keyboards are

mouses (I).

Hence conclusion III does not follw.

Hence, option C is correct

Some tools are letters (I) + All letters are stars (A) = I + A = I = Some tools
are stars (I).

Now, All phones are tools (A) + Some tools are stars (I) = A + I = No

But the possibility in I exists.

Hence conclusion I follow.

Again, all phones are tools (A) + Some tools are letters (I) = A + I = No

Hence, conclusion II does not follow.

Hence, option A is correct.

Some poles are pots (I) + All pots are plants (A) = I + A =I = Some poles are

Hence, conclusion I follows.

Again, some plants are leaves (I).

Hence the possibility in II exist.

Hence conclusion II follows.

Hence, option B is correct.

All woods are chairs (A) + No chair is a table (E) = A + E = E = No wood is a

Hence, conclusion I does not follow.

Again, no chair is a table (E) → conversion → No table is a chair.

Hence, conclusion II follows.

Hence, option B is correct.

All brinjals are vegetables (A) + some vegetables are potatoes (I) = A + I =
No conclusion.

But the possibility in I exists.

Hence conclusion I follows.

Again, some vegetables are potatoes (I) + No potato is a tomato (E) = A + E

= O = Some vegetables are not tomatoes.

Hence, conclusion II does not follow.

Hence, option A is correct.

No phone is magazine (E) + Some magazine are laptops (I) = E + I O* = Some
laptops are not phones (O*).

Hence, conclusion I follows.

No desktop is a laptop (E) → conversion → No laptop is a desktop (E).

Now, some magazines are laptops (I) + No laptop is a desktop (E) = I + E = O

= Some magazines are not desktops (O).

Hence, conclusion III may follow.

Again, no phone is a magazine (E) + some magazines are not desktop (O) = E
+ O = No conclusion.

Hence, conclusion II may follow,

Hence, option E is correct

Syllogism Questions for SBI PO Pre, SBI Clerk Mains, IBPS PO Pre,
IBPS Clerk Mains, IBPS SO Pre and RRB Scale I Pre Exams.
Syllogism Quiz 14
Directions: In each question some statements followed by some conclusions. You have to
take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance with commonly
known facts and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given
1. Statements:
A few daughters are not mothers.
All mothers are sisters.
No sister is a niece.
I. No niece is a mother.
II. No daughter is a niece.
III. Some mothers are not daughters.
IV. Some nieces are both mothers and daughters.
A. Only C3 follows B. Either C1 or C2 follows C. Only C2 and C3 follow
D. All follow E. None of these

2. Statements:
Some SRKs are actors.
All actresses are actors.
No actor is musician.

I. Some SRKs are actresses.
II. All musicians being actresses is a possibility.
III. No SRK is an actress.
IV. Some actors not being SRK is a possibility.
A. Only C2 follows B. Either C1 or C3 and C2 and C4 follow C. Only C2 and C4 follow
D. All follow E. None of these

3. Statement:
No whale is shark.
Not a single shark is fish.
Every fish are deer.
I. Some deer which are fish are whale as well.
II. No whale is a fish.
III. Some deer are not shark.
IV. No whale is a deer.
A. Only C3 follows B. Only C1, C2 and C3 follow C. Only C2 and C4 follow
D. All follow E. None of these

4. Statements:
All apples are red.
No red is a mango.
All mangoes are sweet.

I. All apples being sweet is a possibility.
II. No sweet is an apple.
A. if only conclusion I follows B. if only conclusion II follows C. if either conclusion I or II follows
D. if neither conclusion I nor II follows E. if both conclusions I and II follow

5. Statements:
Some rabbits are black.
No black is a tall.
All tall are white.

I. Some white are not black.
II. All rabbits being tall is a possibility.
A. if only conclusion I follows B. if only conclusion II follows C. if either conclusion I or II follows
D. if neither conclusion I nor II follows E. if both conclusions I and II follow

6. Statements:
Some questions are answers.
Some answers are explanations.
All explanations are lengthy.
No lengthy is a summary.

I. No explanation is summary.
II. Some lengthy are answers.
III. Some answers are not summary.
A. Only conclusion I follows B. Only conclusion II follows C. Both conclusion I and II are true
D. All conclusions follow E. None of the above

7. Statements:
Some stars are planets.
All planets are comets.
No comet is asteroid.
Some asteroids are eclipse.

I. Some asteroids are stars.
II. Some eclipse being comet is possibility.
III. No asteroid is star.
A. Only conclusion I follows B. Only conclusion II follows C. Only conclusions I and III follow
D. Either conclusion I or II follows E. Either conclusion I or III and conclusion II follow

8. Statements:
Some companies are industries.
Some industries are primary.
All primary are services.
All services are secondary

I. All companies being primary is possibility.
II. All services are not primary.
III. No industry is secondary.
A. Only conclusion I follows B. Only conclusion II follows C. Only conclusion I and III follow
D. All conclusions follow E. None of the above

9. Statements:
No bulb is a tubelight.
All tubelights are chairs.
All chairs are tables.
I. All tubelights are tables.
II. At least some tables are chairs.
A. Neither I nor II follows B. Only I follows C. Either I or II follows
D. Both I and II follow E. Only II follows
10. Statements:
All swans are peacocks.
No peacock is hen.
All hens are ducks.

I. All swans are ducks.
II. Some ducks are peacocks.
A. Neither I nor II follows B. Only I follows C. Either I or II follows
D. Both I and II follow E. Only II follows

Correct Answers:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


1. Checking C1: No niece is a mother.

From S1 and S2,

All mothers are sisters (A) + No sister is a niece (E) = No mother is a niece or No niece is a mother.

C1 hence follows.

Checking C2: No daughter is a niece.

Clearly, S1 in which the class ‘daughter’ exists is an O type statement, we can’t derive a definite
relationship of it with any other statement.

Clearly, C2 doesn’t follow.

Checking C3: Some mothers are not daughters.

From S1,

A few daughters are not mothers.

But as conversion of an O type statement is not valid, C3 doesn’t follow either.

Checking C4: Some nieces are both mothers and daughters.

Following the logic explained C2, we can eliminate C4 as well.

Evidently, only C1 follows. Option E is hence the correct answer.

2. Checking C1 and C3: ‘Some SRKs are actresses’ and ‘No SRK is an actress.’
In S1 and S2, we can observe that the middle term ‘actors’ is not distributed even once, a definite
conclusion can’t be derived between these two. And C1 is an I type statement and C2 is an E type
statement, they both form a complementary pair (E + I combination).
Therefore, either C1 or C3 follows.

Checking C2: All musicians being actresses is a possibility.

From S2 and S3,

All actresses are actors + No actor is musician = No actress is a musician.

Clearly, there is no possibility that exists between ‘actress’ and ‘musician’.
C2 hence doesn’t follow.

Checking C4: Some actors not being SRK is a possibility.

From S1,

Some SRKs are actors.

Converse of it = Some actors are SRK.
Now, if some actors are SRK, what are the other actors? They could be either SRK too or they could not
be SRK.
Following the latter notion, we can say that ‘Some actors not being SRK’ is a possibility.
C4 hence follows.
Evidently, either C1 or C3 and C4 follow.

Clearly, none of these (option E) is the correct answer.

3. Checking C1: Some deer which are fish are whale as well.
If we observe the given statements, we can find that in Statement 1 and 2, the middle term ‘shark’ is
distributed twice and therefore even after conversing either of the sentence we won’t be able to find a
definite conclusion out of these two. Therefore, we can’t derive a definite relationship between ‘deer’
and ‘whale’.

C1 hence doesn’t follow.

Checking C2: No whale is a fish.

Following the logic explained above, we can clearly say that C2 doesn’t follow either.

Checking C3: Some deer are not shark.

From S2 and S3,
Not a single shark is fish (E) + Every fish are deer (A) = Some deer are not shark.
Clearly, C3 follows.

Checking C4: No whale is a deer.

Here, once again we are asked to derive a relationship between ‘whale’ and ‘deer’. Clearly, C4 doesn’t
Among all, only C3 follows. Option A is hence the correct answer.
4. All apples are red (A) + No red is a mango (E) = A + E = E = No apple is a mango, now
No apple is a mango (E) + All mangoes are sweet (A) = E + A = O* = Some sweet are not apples.

Hence, conclusion I follows, but conclusion II does not follow.

Hence, option A is correct.

5. No black is a tall (E) + All tall are white (A) = E + A = O* = Some white are not black.

Hence, conclusion I follows.

Again, Some rabbits are black (I) + No black is a tall (E) = I + E = O = Some rabbits are not tall. Thus, the
possibility in II does not exist.

Hence, conclusion II does not follow.

Hence, option A is correct.

6. All explanations are lengthy (A) + No lengthy is summary (E) = A + E = No explanation is a

summary. Hence, conclusion I follows

Some answers are explanations (I) + All explanations are lengthy (A) = I + A = I = Some answers are
lengthy – converse – Some lengthy are answers. Hence conclusion II follows.

Some answers are lengthy (I) + No lengthy is a summary (E) = Some answers are not summary. Hence,
conclusion III follows.

So, all the conclusions follow.

Hence, option D is correct.

7. Some stars are planets (I) + All planets are comets (A) = I + A = I = Some stars are comets (I) + No comet
is asteroid (E) = I + E = O* = Some stars are not asteroid.

Therefore, conclusion I and III form an I-E type of complementary pair. Therefore, either conclusion I or
III follows.

No comet is asteroid – converse – No asteroid is comet; Some asteroid are eclipse – converse – Some
eclipse are asteroid

Some eclipse are asteroid (I) + No asteroid is comet (E) = I + E = O* = Some eclipse are not comets.
Hence, ‘Some eclipse being comet is possibility’.
Hence, option E is correct.
8. Some companies are industries (I) + Some industries are primary (I) = I + I = No conclusion follows but
possibility exists because the statement are positive. Hence, conclusion I follows.

As statements II and III are positives therefore, conclusions II and III do not follow.

Hence, option A is correct.

9. Statements:
No bulb is a tubelight.
All tubelights are chairs.
All chairs are tables.

I. All tubelights are tables.
II. At least some tables are chairs.

All tubelights are chairs (A) + All chairs are tables (A) = A + A = All tubelights are tables. Hence,
conclusion I follows.

All chairs are tables – converse – Some tables are chairs. Hence, conclusion II follows.

Option B is hence the correct answer.

10. Statements:
All swans are peacocks.
No peacock is hen.
All hens are ducks.

I. All swans are ducks.
II. Some ducks are peacocks.

Checking C1: All swans are ducks.

The class 'swans' is in Statement 1 and 'ducks' is in Statement 3 and the link or middle term is available
in Statement 2 which is an E type statement. Clearly, using these we can't have an A type conclusion.
C1, clearly, doesn't follows.

Checking C2: Some ducks are peacocks.

Applying the same logic, we can't get a positive conclusion using Statement 2 and Statement 3. C2,
doesn't follow either.

Option A is hence the correct answer.

Syllogism Questions for LIC AAO, SBI PO Pre, SBI Clerk Mains,
IBPS PO Pre, IBPS Clerk Mains, IBPS SO Pre and RRB Scale I Pre
Syllogism Quiz 15
Directions: In each question below there are given some statements followed by some
conclusions. You have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at
variance with commonly known facts. Read all the conclusions and then decide which of the
given conclusions logically follows/follow from the given statements, disregarding
commonly known facts.
1. Statements: No newspaper is magazine.
Not a single magazine is book.
Every book is story.
Conclusions: I. Some stories which are books are newspapers as well.
II. No newspaper is a book.
III. Some stories are not magazines.
A. Only C3 follows B. Either C1 or C2 follows C. Only C2 and C3 follow
D. All follow E. None of these.

2. Statements: A few parrots are not pigeons.

All pigeons are white.
No white is green.
Conclusions: I. No green is a pigeon.
II. No parrot is green.
III. Some pigeons are not parrots.
A. Only C1 follows B. Either C1 or C2 follows C. Only C2 and C3 follow
D. All follow E. None of these

3. Statement: Some hours are minutes.

All clocks are minutes.
No minute is second.
Conclusions: I. Some hours are clocks.
II. All seconds being clocks is a possibility.
III. No hour is a clocks.
A. Only C3 follows B. Either C1 or C3 follows C. Only C2 and C3 follow
D. All follow E. None of these
4. Statements: No coke is sprite.
No pepsi is coke.

Conclusions: I. No sprite is pepsi.

II. All pepsi are sprite.
A. Conclusion I follows B. Conclusion II follows
C. Either conclusion I or conclusion II follows D. Neither conclusion I or conclusion II follows
E. Both conclusion I and conclusion II follow

5. Statements: Some mobiles are laptops.

No laptop is a tablet.

Conclusions: I. Some tablets are not mobile.

II. All tablets being mobile is a possibility.
A. Conclusion I follows B. Conclusion II follows
C. Either conclusion I or conclusion II follows D. Neither conclusion I or conclusion II follows
E. Both conclusion I and conclusion II follow

6. Statements: All biscuits are butter.

No butter is a bread.

Conclusions: I. At least some bread are butter.

II. No biscuit is a bread.
A. Conclusion I follows B. Conclusion II follows
C. Either conclusion I or conclusion II follows D. Neither conclusion I or conclusion II follows
E. Both conclusion I and conclusion II follow

7. Statements: Some sites are haunted.

Some sites are adventurous.

Conclusions: I. Some adventurous sites are haunted.

II. Some haunted sites are adventurous.
A. Conclusion I follows B. Conclusion II follows
C. Either conclusion I or conclusion II follows D. Neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows
E. Both conclusion I and conclusion II follow
8. Statements: All apartments are simplex.
No simplex is a duplex.

Conclusions: I. No duplex is a apartment.

II. No apartment is a duplex.
A. Conclusion I follows B. Conclusion II follows
C. Either conclusion I or conclusion II follows D. Neither conclusion I or conclusion II follows
E. Both conclusion I and conclusion II follow

9. Statements: No crab is star fish.

No octopus is crab.

Conclusions: I. No star fish is octopus.

II. All octopus are star fish.
A. conclusion I follows B. Conclusion II follows
C. Either conclusion I or conclusion II follows D. Neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows
E. Both conclusion I and conclusion II follow

10. Statements: All phones are chargers.

No charger is a battery.

Conclusions: I. At least some batteries are chargers.

II. No phone is a battery.
A. Conclusion I follows B. Conclusion II follows
C. Either conclusion I or conclusion II follows D. Neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows
E. Both conclusion I and conclusion II follow

Correct Answers:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1. Checking C1:
Some stories which are books are newspapers as well.
If we observe the given statements, we can find that in Statement 1 and 2, the middle term ‘magazine’
is distributed twice and therefore even after conversing either of the sentence we won’t be able to find
a definite conclusion out of these two. Therefore, we can’t derive a definite relationship between
‘book’ and ‘newspaper’.
C1 hence doesn’t follow.

Checking C2:
No newspaper is a book.
Following the logic explained above, we can clearly say that C2 doesn’t follow either.

Checking C3:
Some stories are not magazines.
From S2 and S3,
Not a single magazine is book (E) + Every book is story (A) = Some stories are not magazines.
Clearly, C3 follows.

Among all, only C3 follows.

Option A is hence the correct answer.

2. Checking C1:
No green is a pigeon.
From S1 and S2,
All pigeons are white (A) + No white is green (E) = No pigeon is green or No green is a pigeon.
C1 hence follows.

Checking C2: No parrot is green.

Clearly, S1 in which the class ‘parrots’ exists is an O type statement, we can’t derive a definite
relationship of it with any other statement.
Clearly, C2 doesn’t follow.

Checking C3: Some pigeons are not parrots.

From S1,
A few parrots are not pigeons.
But as conversion of an O type statement is not valid, C3 doesn’t follow either.

Evidently, only C1 follows.

Option A is hence the correct answer.

3. Checking C1 and C3:
‘Some hours are clocks’ and ‘No hour is a clocks.’

In S1 and S2, we can observe that the middle term ‘clocks’ is not distributed even once, a definite
conclusion can’t be derived between these two. And C1 is an I type statement and C2 is an E type
statement, they both form a complementary pair (E + I combination).

Therefore, either C1 or C3 follows.

Checking C2:
All seconds being clocks is a possibility.

From S2 and S3,

All clocks are minutes + No minute is second = No clock is a second.

Clearly, there is no possibility that exists between ‘second’ and 'clock’.

C2 hence doesn’t follow.

Evidently, either C1 or C3 follows.

Clearly, option B is the correct answer.

4. E + E = No conclusion through deduction method.

Thus, neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows.

Hence, option D is correct.

5. Some mobiles are laptops (I) + No laptop is a tablet (E) = I + E = O = Some mobiles are not tablets.

Hence, conclusion I does not follow. But the possibility in II exists. Thus, conclusion II follows.

Hence, option B is correct.

6. No butter is a bread (E) – converse – No bread is a butter (E).

Hence conclusion I does not follow.

Again, All biscuits are butter (A) + No butter is a bread (E) = A + E = E = No biscuit is a bread.
Hence conclusion II follows.

Hence, option B is correct.

7. Some sites are haunted (I) + Some sites are adventurous (I) = I + I = No conclusion follows

Hence, neither of the conclusions follows here.

Hence, option D is correct.

8. All apartments are simplex (A) + No duplex is a apartment (E) = A + E = E = “No apartment is a duplex”

This is Conclusion II.

Conclusion I is the Converse of it i.e. No duplex is a apartment.

Hence, both conclusion I and II follow.

Hence, option E is correct.

9. E + E = No conclusion through deduction method.

Venn Diagram

From Venn diagram also we can see that no conclusion can be derived from these statements.

Thus, neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows.

Hence, option D is correct.

10. No charger is a battery (E) – converse – No battery is a charger (E).

Hence conclusion I does not follow.

Again, All phones are chargers (A) + No charger is a battery (E) = A + E = E = No phone is a battery.
Hence conclusion II follows.

Venn Diagram:

From venn diagram we can see that no battery is charger and vice versa, hence conclusion I does not
follow but we can easily find that conclusion II follows.

Hence, option B is correct.

Syllogism Questions for IBPS PO Pre, IBPS
Clerk, LIC AAO, SBI PO Pre and SBI Clerk
Syllogism Quiz 16
Directions: In each question some statements followed by some
conclusions. You have to take the given statements to be true even if they
seem to be at variance with commonly known facts and then decide
which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given

(1). Statements:
A few of my friends are teachers.
Teachers are rude.
Some rude persons are good at heart.

I. A few of my friends are good at heart.
II. Some rude persons may not be teachers.

A. Only C1 follows B. Only C2 follows

C. Both C1 and C2 follow D. Neither C1 nor C2 follows
E. Either C1 or C2 follows

(2). Statements:
Mr. Verma likes apples.
Apples are highly priced.
Some highly priced things are sweet.

I. Some highly priced things are liked by Mr. Verma.
II. Some apples are sweet.
A. Only C1 follows B. Only C2 follows
C. Both C1 and C2 follow D. Neither C1 nor C2 follows
E. Either C1 or C2 follows

(3). Statements:
Roshni is a teacher.
Roshni is a student.
No student is a scholar.

I. Some students are teachers.
II. Roshni is not a scholar.

A. Only C1 follows
B. Only C2 follows
C. Both C1 and C2 follow
D. Neither C1 nor C2 follows
E. Either C1 or C2 follows

(4). Statements:
No story is a fiction.
Some fictions are poetries.
All fictions are novels

I. Some poetries not being novels is a possibility.
II. Some poetries are not stories.

A. Only C1 follows B. Only C2 follows

C. Both C1 and C2 follow D. Neither C1 nor C2 follows
E. Either C1 or C2 follows
(5). Statements:
Some taxes are direct
Some taxes are indirect.
All indirect are wealth.

I. Some direct are indirect.
II. All wealth are direct.

A. Only C1 follows B. Only C2 follows

C. Both C1 and C2 follow D. Neither C1 nor C2 follows
E. Either C1 or C2 follows

(6). Statements:
Some questions are tough
Some questions are easy.
All easy are scoring.

I. Some tough are easy.
II. All scoring are tough.

A. Only C1 follows B. Only C 2 follows

C. Both C1 and C2 follow D. Neither C1 nor C2 follows
E. Either C1 or C2 follows

(7). Statements:
No apple is a vegetable.
Some vegetables are fruits.
All vegetables are green.

I. Some fruits not being green is a possibility.
II. Some fruits are not apple.

A. Only C1 follows
B. Only C2 follows
C. Both C1 and C2 follow
D. Neither C1 nor C2 follows
E. Either C1 or C2 follows

(8). Statements:
Henna is a shrub.
Henna is a herb.
No herb is a tree.

I. Some herbs are shrubs.
II. Henna is not a tree.

A. Only C1 follows B. Only C2 follows

C. Both C1 and C2 follow D. Neither C1 nor C2 follows
E. Either C1 or C2 follows

(9). Statements:
Some malls are shops
Some malls are stores.
All stores are markets.

I. Some shops not being stores is a possibility.
II. All markets being shops is not a possibility.

A. Only C2 follows B. Only C1 follows

C. Both C1 and C2 follow D. Neither C1 nor C2 follows
E. Either C1 or C2 follows
(10). Statements:
All policemen are not corrupt.
Some politicians are corrupt.
No banker is a policeman.

Some bankers are not corrupt.
Some policemen are not politicians.

A. Only C2 follows B. Only C1 follows

C. Neither C1 nor C2 follows D. Both C1 and C2 follow
E. Either C1 or C2 follows
Correct answers:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



A few of my friends are teachers.

Teachers are rude.
Some rude persons are good at heart.

I. A few of my friends are good at heart.
II. Some rude persons may not be teachers.

From S1, S2 and S3:

Here, we can see that the middle term between S2 and S3 is not distributed
even once, we won't be able to deduce a definite conclusion between the
classes 'A few of my friends' and 'persons who are good at heart'. C1,
hence, doesn't follow.

From S2:

Converse of S2 = Some rude persons are teachers. Now, if some rude

persons are teachers, what about the other rude persons, what are they?
They may also be teachers or they may not be teachers. Clearly, some rude
persons may not be teachers is true. C2, hence, follows.

Option B is hence the correct answer.


Mr. Verma likes apples.

Apples are highly priced.
Some highly priced things are sweet.


I. Some highly priced things are liked by Mr. Verma.

II. Some apples are sweet.

From S1 and S2:

Mr. Verma likes apples + Apples are highly priced = (A + A) = Mr. Verma
likes highly priced things.

Converse of the above conclusion = Some highly priced things are liked by
Mr. Verma. Hence, C1 follows.

From S2 and S3:

We can observe here that the middle term between these the classes
'Apples' and 'Sweet' is not distributed even once. And therefore, we can't
deduce a definite conclusion between these two classes. C2, hence, doesn't

Option A is hence the correct answer.


Roshni is a teacher.
Roshni is a student.
No student is a scholar.


I. Some students are teachers.

II. Roshni is not a scholar.

From S2 and S1:

Converse of S2 - Some students are Roshni + Roshni is a teacher = (I + A) =

Some students are teachers. C1, hence, follows.

From S2 and S3:

Roshni is a student + No student is a scholar = (A + E) = Roshni is not a

scholar. C2, hence, follows as well.

Clearly, option C is the correct answer.


No story is a fiction.
Some fictions are poetries.
All fictions are novels.


I. Some poetries not being novels is a possibility.

II. Some poetries are not stories.

From S2 and S3:

Converse of S2 - Some poetries are fictions + All fictions are novels = (I + A)
= 'Some poetries are novels'. Now, when some poetries are novels, what
are the other poetries? They may be novels as well or they may not be
novels. Clearly, 'Some poetries not being novels is a possibility'. C1 hence

From S2 and S1:

Converse of S2 - Some poetries are fictions + Converse of S1 - No fiction is a

story = (I + E) = 'Some poetries are not stories' which is actually the given
conclusion 2. C2, hence, follows.

Option C is hence the correct answer.


Some taxes are direct

Some taxes are indirect.
All indirect are wealth.


I. Some direct are indirect.

II. All wealth are direct.

From S1 and S2:

The middle term is not distributed even once, a definite conclusion

between 'direct' and 'indirect' can't be derived from them. C1, hence,
doesn't follow.

From S1, S2 and S3:

We can observe that 'wealth' and 'direct' classes exist in different
statements and thus we can't derive an A type conclusion out of a
combination of I+I+A type statements. C2, hence, doesn't follow either.

Option D is hence the correct answer.


Some questions are tough

Some questions are easy.
All easy are scoring.


I. Some tough are easy.

II. All scoring are tough.

From S1 and S2:

The middle term is not distributed even once, a definite conclusion

between 'tough' and 'easy' can't be derived from them. C1, hence, doesn't

From S1, S2 and S3:

We can observe that 'scoring' and 'tough' classes exist in different

statements and thus we can't derive an A type conclusion out of a
combination of I+I+A type statements. C2, hence, doesn't follow either.

Option D is hence the correct answer.


No apple is a vegetable.
Some vegetables are fruits.
All vegetables are green.


I. Some fruits not being green is a possibility.

II. Some fruits are not apple.

From S2 and S3:

Converse of S2 - Some fruits are vegetables + All vegetables are green = (I +

A) = 'Some fruits are green'. Now, when some fruits are green, what are the
other fruits? They may be green as well or they may not be green. Clearly,
'Some fruits not being green is a possibility'. C1 hence follows.

From S2 and S1:

Converse of S2 - Some fruits are vegetables + Converse of S1 - No vegetable

is a apple = (I + E) = 'Some fruits are not apple' which is actually the given
conclusion 2. C2, hence, follows.

Option C is hence the correct answer.


Henna is a shrub.
Henna is a herb.
No herb is a tree.

I. Some herbs are shrubs.

II. Henna is not a tree.

From S2 and S1:

Converse of S2 - Some herbs are Henna + Henna is a shrub = (I + A) = Some

herbs are shrubs. C1, hence, follows.

From S2 and S3:

Henna is a herb + No herb is a tree = (A + E) = Henna is not a tree. C2,

hence, follows as well.

Clearly, option C is the correct answer.



Some malls are shops

Some malls are stores.
All stores are markets.


I. Some shops not being stores is a possibility.

II. All markets being shops is not a possibility.

For Conclusion 1: Some shops not being stores is a possibility.

Here, we can observe that the class 'shops' and 'stores' are present in S1
and S2 respectively and the middle term 'malls' is not distributed.
Therefore, possibility cases between these two classes do exist.

Hence, C1 follows.

For Conclusion 2: All markets being shops is not a possibility.

Here, we can observe that the class 'markets' is in S3 whereas the class
'shops' is in S1 and we have already discussed that we can't find a definitely
conclusion between S1 and S2. Thus it's evident that we can't find a definite
conclusion between S1 and S3 either. This confirms that possiblity cases do
exist between 'markets' and 'shops'. However, the given conclusion says
the opposite.

Hence, C2 doesn't follow.

Option B is hence the correct answer.



All policemen are not corrupt.

Some politicians are corrupt.
No banker is a policeman.


Some bankers are not corrupt.

Some policemen are not politicians.
For Conclusion 1: Some bankers are not corrupt.

We know that all negative propositions beginning with words such as 'all',
'every', 'any', 'each', etc are to be reduced to O-type propositions.
Statement 1 hence becomes: 'Some policemen are not corrupt.

Now, we have the class 'corrupt' in S1 and class 'bankers' in S2 but as S1 is

an O-type statement, we can't deduce a definite replationship between
these two classes.

Clearly, C1 doesn't follow.

For Conclusion 2: Some policemen are not politicians.

Following the same logic as explained above, we can find that we can't
deduce a definite conclusion between 'policemen' and 'politicians' either.

Hence, C2 doesn't follow either.

Option C is hence the correct answer.

Syllogism Questions for IBPS PO Pre, RRB Scale I Pre, SBI PO Pre,
SBI Clerk Mains, IBPS Clerk Mains, IBPS SO Pre, Canara Bank PO
and Syndicate Bank PO Exams.
Syllogism Quiz 17
Directions: In each question below there are given some statements followed by some
conclusions. You have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at
variance with commonly known facts. Read all the conclusions and then decide which of the
given conclusions logically follows/follow from the given statements, disregarding
commonly known facts.
1. Statements: No cream is lotion.
Not a single lotion is oil.
Every oil is shampoo.

Conclusions: I. Some shampoos which are oil are cream as well.

II. No cream is an oil.
A. Only C1 follows B. Either C1 or C2 follows C. Both C1 and C2 follow
D. None follows E. None of these.

2. Statements: No laptop is apple.

Not a single apple is mobile.
Every mobile is tablet.

Conclusions: I. Some tablets which are mobiles are laptops as well.

II. Some tablets are not apples.
A. Only C2 follows B. Either C1 or C2 follows C. Both C1 and C2 follow
D. None follows E. None of these

3. Statement: A few balloons are not toys.

All toys are bear.
No bear is wild.

Conclusions: I. No wild is a toy.

II. No balloon is wild.
A. Only C1 follows B. Either C1 or C2 follows C. Both C1 and C2 follow
D. None follows E. None of these
4. Statements: No curtain is an element.
All elements are pillows.

Conclusions: I. All pillows being curtains is a possibility.

II. Some elements are definitely not curtains.
A. Only conclusion I follows B. Only conclusion II follows
C. Either conclusion I or II follows D. Both conclusions I and II follows
E. Neither conclusion I nor II follows

5. Statements: No phone is an airplane.

All ships are airplanes.

Conclusions: I. No ship is phone.

II. At least some airplanes are phones.
A. Only conclusion I follows B. Only conclusion II follows
C. Either conclusion I or II follows D. Both conclusions I and II follows
E. Neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows

6. Statements: Some questions are quizzes.

Some quizzes are not queries.

Conclusions: I. All queries being quizzes is a possibility.

II. All quizzes being questions is a possibility.
A. Only conclusion I follows B. Only conclusion II follows
C. Either conclusion I or II follows D. Both conclusions I and II follow
E. Neither conclusion I nor II follows

7. Statements: All clerks are professors.

No professor is a doctor.
All doctors are managers.

Conclusions: I. No manager is a clerk.

II. All professors being managers is a possibility.
A. Only I follows B. Both I and II follow C. Only II follows
D. Either I or II follows E. Neither I nor II follows
8. Statements: All books are toys.
Some toys are notebooks.
No register is a notebook.

Conclusions: I. Most of the toys are not registers.

II. All notebooks being books is a possibility.
A. Only I follows B. Only II follows C. If either I or II follows
D. If neither I nor II follows E. If both I and II follow

9. Statements: Varun likes Ice-creams.

All ice-creams are sweet in taste.

Conclusions: I. All sweet in taste things being ice-creams is a possibility.

II. Varun doesn't like things that are sour in taste.
A. Only I follows B. Only II follows C. If either I or II follows
D. If neither I nor II follows E. If both I and II follow

10. Statements: Some crops are drops.

All drops are pearls.
No crops are wishes.

Conclusions: I. No wish is a drop.

II. All drops being wish is a possibility.
A. Neither I nor II follows B. Only I follows C. Either II or III follows
D. Only I and III follow E. Only II follows

Correct Answers:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1. Checking C1:

Some shampoo which are oil are cream as well.

If we observe the given statements, we can find that in Statement 1 and 2, the middle term ‘lotion’ is
distributed twice and therefore even after conversing either of the sentence we won’t be able to find a
definite conclusion out of these two. Therefore, we can’t derive a definite relationship between ‘oil’
and ‘cream’.

C1 hence doesn’t follow.

Checking C2:

No cream is an oil.

Following the logic explained above, we can clearly say that C2 doesn’t follow either.

Between the two, none follow.

Option D is hence the correct answer.

2. Checking C1:

Some tablets which are mobiles are laptops as well.

If we observe the given statements, we can find that in Statement 1 and 2, the middle term ‘apple’ is
distributed twice and therefore even after conversing either of the sentence we won’t be able to find a
definite conclusion out of these two. Therefore, we can’t derive a definite relationmobile between
‘mobile’ and ‘laptop’.

C1 hence doesn’t follow.

Checking C2:
Some tablets are not apples.

From S2 and S3,

Not a single apple is mobile (E) + Every mobile is tablet (A) = Some tablets are not apples.

Clearly, C2 follows.

Among all, only C2 follows.

Option A is hence the correct answer.
3. Checking C1:

No wild is a toy.

From S1 and S2,

All toys are bear (A) + No bear is wild (E) = No toy is wild or No wild is a toy.

C1 hence follows.

Checking C2:

No balloon is wild.

Clearly, S1 in which the class ‘balloons’ exists is an O type statement, we can’t derive a definite
relationship of it with any other statement.

Clearly, C2 doesn’t follow.

Evidently, only C1 follows.

Option A is hence the correct answer.

4. No curtain is an element (E) + All elements are pillows (A) = E + A = O* = Some pillows are not curtains.
Hence the possibility in I does not exist.


No curtain is an element (E) → conversion → No element is a curtain (E) → implication → Some

elements are definitely not curtains. Hence II follows.

Therefore, option B is correct.

5. Using statement I and II, we get

All ships are airplanes + Converse of 'No phone is an airplane' = No ship is airplane.

Hence, conclusion I follows.

Using statement I, we get

Converse of 'No phone is an airplane' = No airplane is phone.

Hence, conclusion II doesn't follow.

Option A is hence the correct answer.
6. Using statement II, we get

Some quizzes are not queries.

Here, if we observe we get to know that we aren't sure of any of the elements of class 'queries'.
Therefore, "All queries being quizzes is a possibility". Hence, conclusion I follows.

Using statement II, we get

Some questions are quizzes.

Converse = Some quizzes are questions.

Now, if some quizzes are questions, what are the rest of the quizzes? They may be questions too or
they may not be questions. Considering the former possibility, we can say that "All quizzes being
questions is a possibility".

Option D is hence the correct answer.

7. In conclusion II we need to derive a relationship between the classes ‘manager’ and ‘clerk’ which are
present in S3 and S1 respectively.

By applying the deduction method on S1 and S2, we get ‘No clerk is a doctor’. Now taking this and S3,
we can once again apply the deduction method and get the conclusion as ‘Some managers are not
clerks’ which is not given as a conclusion. Conclusion I hence doesn’t follow.

For conclusion II, we can take S2 and S3 and apply the deduction method. The derived conclusion is
‘Some managers are not professors’. Here, we are not sure of the elements of the class ‘professors’
and therefore the possibility ‘All professors being managers’ exists. Conclusion II, thus, follows.

Option C is hence the correct answer.

8. In conclusion II we need to derive a relationship between the classes ‘toys’ and ‘register’ which are
present in S2 and S3. Here, the middle term ‘notebooks’ is being distributed once and thus we can
apply the deduction method and get the conclusion as, “Some toys or most of the toys are not
registers” which is given as conclusion I. Hence, C I follows.

In conclusion II, we need to find the relationship between ‘notebooks’ and ‘books’ which are present in
S2 and S1 respectively. Here, the middle term ‘toys’ is not distributed even once in either of the
statements which implies that there is no definite relationship between these two classes. Therefore,
possibility in notebooks and books exists. Hence C II follows as well.

Clearly, option E is the correct answer.

9. In conclusion I we need to derive a relationship between the classes 'sweet in taste things' and 'ice-
creams' and both the classes are present in Statement II. Clearly, "Some sweet in taste things are ice-
creams" would be a definite conclusion and if some sweet in taste things are ice-creams what are the
other ones? They may also be ice-creams or they may not be ice-creams. Taking the 1st scenario we
can state, "All sweet in taste things being ice-creams is a possibility."

Hence, C1 follows.

Further, when there is no negative statement in statements, C2 can't follow.

Clearly, option A is the correct answer.

10. In the both the conclusions, the we need to derive a relationship between the classes ‘wish’ and ‘drop’
which are present in S3 and S1 respectively.

Here, the middle term ‘crop’ is distributed once in S3 and hence we can apply the deduction method
and get the conclusion as ‘Some drops are not wishes’.

Clearly, neither of the two conclusions follows.

Option A is hence the correct answer.

Syllogism Questions for IBPS PO Pre, SBI PO Pre, IBPS SO Pre,
Canara Bank PO, Syndicate Bank PO, IBPS Clerk Mains, SBI Clerk
Mains, and RRB Scale I Pre Exams.
Syllogism Quiz 18
Directions: In each question below are given some statements followed by some
conclusions. You have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at
variance with commonly known facts. Read all the conclusions and then decide which of the
given conclusions logically follows/follow from the given statements, disregarding
commonly known facts.
1. Statements: Some bats are balls.
No ball is a wicket.

Conclusions: I. Some wickets are not bat.

II. All wickets being bat is a possibility.
A. Conclusion I follows B. Conclusion II follows
C. Either conclusion I or conclusion II follows D. Neither conclusion I or conclusion II follows
E. Both conclusion I and conclusion II follow

2. Statements: All tables are chairs.

No chair is a couch.

Conclusions: I. At least some couches are chairs.

II. No table is a couch.
A. Conclusion I follows B. Conclusion II follows
C. Either conclusion I or conclusion II follows D. Neither conclusion I or conclusion II follows
E. Both conclusion I and conclusion II follow

3. Statement: No tea is coffee.

No milk is tea.

Conclusions: I. No coffee is milk.

II. All milk are coffee.
A. Conclusion I follows B. Conclusion II follows
C. Either conclusion I or conclusion II follows D. Neither conclusion I or conclusion II follows
E. Both conclusion I and conclusion II follow
4. Statements: Some boys are girls.
Some girls are women.
All women are men.

Conclusions: I. Some men are girls.

II. All boys being men is a possibility.
A. Neither I nor II follows B. Only I follows
C. Either I or II follows D. Both I and II follow
E. Only II follows

5. Statements: All lions are tigers.

No tiger is dog.
All dogs are cats.

Conclusions: I. All lions are cats.

II. Some cats are tigers.
A. Neither I nor II follows B. Only I follows
C. Either I or II follows D. Both I and II follow
E. Only II follows

6. Statements: No red is a black.

All blacks are greens.
All greens are yellows.

Conclusions: I. All blacks are yellows.

II. At least some yellows are greens.
A. Neither I nor II follows B. Only I follows
C. Either I or II follows D. Both I and II follow
E. Only II follows

7. Statements: Some caps are hats.

Some hats are shirts.
Many shirts are ties.

Conclusions: I. Some caps are ties.

II. Not a single cap is tie.
A. If only conclusion I follow B. If only conclusion II follow
C. If neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows D. If both the conclusions follow
E. If either conclusion I or conclusion II follows.
8. Statements: All floors are buildings.
All doors are buildings.
Some buildings are not houses.

Conclusions: I. Some floors are not doors.

II. Some houses may not be buildings.
A. If only conclusion I follow B. If only conclusion II follow
C. If neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows D. If both the conclusions follow
E. If either conclusion I or conclusion II follows.

9. Statements: A few salesmen are girls.

All girls are saleswomen.
Some saleswomen are housewives.

Conclusions: I. A few saleswomen are salesmen.

II. Some housewives are girls.
A. If only conclusion I follow B. If only conclusion II follow
C. If neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows D. If both the conclusions follow
E. If either conclusion I or conclusion II follows.

10. Statements: A few Ostriches are Peacocks.

All Peacocks are Swans.
Some Swans are Ducks.

Conclusions: I. A few Swans are Ostriches.

II. Some Ducks are Peacocks.
A. If only conclusion I follow B. If only conclusion II follow
C. If neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows D. If both the conclusions follow
E. If either conclusion I or conclusion II follows.
Correct Answers:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


1. Some bats are balls (I) + No ball is a wicket (E) = I + E = O = Some bats are not wickets.

Hence, conclusion I does not follow. But the possibility in II exists. Thus, conclusion II follows.

Hence, option B is correct.

2. No chair is a couch (E) – converse – No couch is a chair (E).

Hence conclusion I does not follow.

Again, All tables are chairs (A) + No chair is a couch (E) = A + E = E = No table is a couch.
Hence conclusion II follows.

Hence, option B is correct.

3. E + E = No conclusion through deduction method.

Thus, neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows.

Hence, option D is correct.

4. Statements:
Some boys are girls.
Some girls are women.
All women are men.

I. Some men are girls.
II. All boys being men is a possibility.

Checking C1: Some men are girls.

Some girls are women + All women are men = Some girls are men. Clearly, C1 follows.

Checking C1: All boys being men is a possibility.

Here, no negative statement is given among the statements. Clearly, possibilities between classes do
exist. C2 follows as well.
Option D is hence the correct answer.

5. Statements:

All lions are tigers.

No tiger is dog.
All dogs are cats.

I. All lions are cats.
II. Some cats are tigers.

Checking C1: All lions are cats.

The class 'lions' is in Statement 1 and 'cats' is in Statement 3 and the link or middle term is available in
Statement 2 which is an E type statement. Clearly, using these we can't have an A type conclusion. C1,
clearly, doesn't follows.

Checking C2: Some cats are tigers.

Applying the same logic, we can't get a positive conclusion using Statement 2 and Statement 3. C2,
doesn't follow either.

Option A is hence the correct answer.

6. Statements:
No red is a black.
All blacks are greens.
All greens are yellows.

I. All blacks are yellows.
II. At least some yellows are greens.

All blacks are greens (A) + All greens are yellows (A) = A + A = All blacks are yellows. Hence, conclusion I

All greens are yellows – converse – Some yellows are greens. Hence, conclusion II follows.

Option D is hence the correct answer.

7. Statements:
Some caps are hats.
Some hats are shirts.
Many shirts are ties.

I. Some caps are ties.
II. Not a single cap is tie.

Checking Conclusion I and II together: 'Some caps are ties' and 'Not a single cap is tie'

Clearly, all the statements are I type, we can't define a relationship between classes that exist in two
different statements.

Similarly, we can't define a relationship between the classes 'cap' and 'tie' either.

But, C1 is an I type statement and C2 an E type, and they together form an E+I combination. Clearly,
either C1 or C2 follows.

8. Statements:
All floors are buildings.
All doors are buildings.
Some buildings are not houses.

I. Some floors are not doors.
II. Some houses may not be buildings.

Checking Conclusion I: Some floors are not doors.

Here, neither S1 nor S2 is a negative statement, a negative conclusion between the classes of 'Floors'
and 'Doors' is not possible. C1, hence, doesn't follow.

Checking Conclusion II: Some houses may not be buildings.

In S3 it's given that 'Some buildings are not houses'. Here, we are not sure of the elements of the class
'Houses'. Clearly, we can say that 'Some houses may not be buildings'. C2, hence, follows.

Option B is hence the correct answer.

9. Statements:
A few salesmen are girls.
All girls are saleswomen.
Some saleswomen are housewives.

I. A few saleswomen are salesmen.
II. Some housewives are girls.

Checking Conclusion I: A few saleswomen are salesmen.

From S1 and S2,

A few salesmen are girls + All girls are saleswomen = A few salesmen are saleswomen. Therefore,
converse of it = A few saleswomen are salesmen. C1, hence, follows.

Checking Conclusion II: Some housewives are girls.

From S2 and S3,

All girls are saleswomen + Some saleswomen are housewives = No definite conclusion as the middle
term 'Saleswomen' is not distributed in either of the statements. C2, hence, doesn't follow.

Option A is hence the correct answer.

10. Statements:
A few Ostriches are Peacocks.
All Peacocks are Swans.
Some Swans are Ducks.

I. A few Swans are Ostriches.
II. Some Swans are Ducks.

Checking Conclusion I: A few Swans are Ostriches.

From S1 and S2,

A few Ostriches are Peacocks + All Peacocks are Swans = A few Ostriches are Swans. Therefore,
converse of it = A few Swans are Ostriches. C1, hence, follows.

Checking Conclusion II: Some Ducks are Peacocks.

From S2 and S3,

All Peacocks are Swans + Some Swans are Ducks = No definite conclusion as the middle term 'Swans' is
not distributed in either of the statements. C2, hence, doesn't follow.

Option A is hence the correct answer.

Syllogism Questions for SBI Clerk Pre, IBPS Clerk Pre, LIC Asst.
and EPFO SSA Pre Exams.
Syllogism Quiz 19
Directions: In each question below are given some statements followed by two conclusions
numbered I and II. You have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be
at variance with commonly known facts. Read all the conclusions and then decide which of
the given conclusions logically follows/follow from the given statements, disregarding
commonly known facts.
1. Statements: No water is air.
No fire is water.

Conclusions: I. No air is fire.

II. All fire is air.
A. if only conclusion I follows. B. if only conclusion II follows.
C. if either conclusion I or conclusion II follows. D. if neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows.
E. if both conclusion I and conclusion II follow.

2. Statements: Some balls are bats.

No bat is a wicket.

Conclusions: I. Some wickets are not ball.

II. All wickets being ball is a possibility.
A. if only conclusion I follows. B. if only conclusion II follows.
C. if either conclusion I or conclusion II follows. D. if neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows.
E. if both conclusion I and conclusion II follow.

3. Statement: All shirts are skirts.

No skirt is top.
All tops are kurta.

Conclusions: I. All shirts are kurta

II. Some kurta are skirts
A. If only conclusion I follow B. If only conclusion II follow
C. If neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows D. If both the conclusions follow
E. If either conclusion I or conclusion II follows.
4. Statements: Some frooti are Maaza.
No Maaza is slice.
All slice are fanta.

Conclusions: I. Some frooti are definitely not slice.

II. Some fanta are definitely not Maaza.
A. If only conclusion I follow B. If only conclusion II follow
C. If neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows D. If both the conclusions follow
E. If either conclusion I or conclusion II follows.

5. Statements: All carbon are oxygen.

All Nitrogen are carbon.
Some oxygen are Sulphur.

Conclusions: I. All Nitrogen being Sulphur is a possibility.

II. All Nitrogen are not oxygen.
A. If only conclusion I follow B. If only conclusion II follow
C. If neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows D. If both the conclusions follow
E. If either conclusion I or conclusion II follows.

6. Statements: No month is a year.

Some years are weeks.

Conclusions: I. No weeks is a year.

II. Some weeks are years.
A. If only conclusion I follow B. If only conclusion II follow
C. If neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows D. If both the conclusions follow
E. if either conclusion I or conclusion II follows.

7. Statements: No tea is sugar.

No milk is tea.

Conclusions: I. No sugar is milk.

II. All milk are sugar.
A. If only conclusion I follow B. If only conclusion II follow
C. If neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows D. If both the conclusions follow
E. if either conclusion I or conclusion II follows.
8. Statements: Some chocolate are chips.
Some chips are jelly.
All jelly are whoppers.

Conclusions: I. Some jelly are chips.

II. All chocolate being whoppers is a possibility.
A. If only conclusion I follow B. If only conclusion II follow
C. If neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows D. If both the conclusions follow
E. If either conclusion I or conclusion II follows.

9. Statements: Some mountains are oceans.

Some mountains are states.
All states are countries.

Conclusions: I. Some oceans are states.

II. All countries are oceans.
A. Only C1 follows. B. Only C2 follows.
C. Both C1 and C2 follow. D. Neither C1 nor C2 follows.
E. Either C1 or C2 follows.

10. Statements: Some Buildings are malls.

Some malls are markets.
All shops are markets.

Conclusions: I. Some markets are not malls.

II. All markets are malls.
A. Only C1 follows. B. Only C2 follows.
C. Both C1 and C2 follow. D. Neither C1 nor C2 follows.
E. Either C1 or C2 follows. |
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Correct Answers:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
D B C D A B C D D E |
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1. E + E = No conclusion through deduction method.

Thus, neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows.

Hence, option D is correct.

2. Some balls are bats (I) + No bat is a wicket (E) = I + E = O = Some balls are not wickets.

Hence, conclusion I does not follow. But the possibility in II exists. Thus, conclusion II follows.

Hence, option B is correct.

3. Statements:

All shirts are skirts.

No skirt is top.
All tops are kurta.


I. All shirts are kurta

II. Some kurta are skirts

Checking Conclusion I: All shirts are kurta

All shirts are skirts + No skirts is top = No shirt is top

No shirt is top + All tops are Kurta = Some kurtas are not shirt. Clearly, C1 doesn't follow.

Checking Conclusion II: Some kurta are skirts

No skirt is top + All tops are kurta = Some kurtas not skirts. Clearly, C2 doesn't follow.

Option C is hence the correct answer. |
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4. Statements:

Some frooti are Maaza.

No Maaza is slice.
All slice are fanta.


I. Some frooti are definitely not slice.

II. Some fanta are definitely not Maaza.

Checking Conclusion I: Some frooti are definitely not slice.

Some frooti are Maaza + No Maaza is slice = Some frooti are not slice. Clearly, C1 follows.

Checking Conclusion II:

No Maaza is slice + All slice are fanta = E + A = O = Some Fanta are not Maaza. Clearly, C2 follows as

Option D is hence the correct answer.

5. Statements:

All carbon are oxygen.

All Nitrogen are carbon.
Some oxygen are Sulphur.


I. All Nitrogen being Sulphur is a possibility.

II. All Nitrogen are not oxygen.

Checking Conclusion I: All Nitrogen being Sulphur is a possibility.

As there is no negative statement, possibilities do follow between classes. C1, hence, follows here.

Checking Conclusion II: All Nitrogen are not oxygen.

As there is no negative statement, a definitely negative conclusion cannot follow. C2, hence, doesn't

Option A is hence the correct answer.

6. No month is a year (E) + Some years are weeks (I) = E + I = O = Some weeks are not month.

But the above-mentioned conclusion is not there in the given conclusions.

Checking for conversion we get ‘Some weeks are years.’ as the converse of statement II.

Hence, only conclusion II follows.

7. E + E = No conclusion through deduction method.

Thus, neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows.

8. Statements:

Some chocolate are chips.

Some chips are jelly.
All jelly are whoppers.


I. Some jelly are chips.

II. All chocolate being whoppers is a possibility.

Checking Conclusion I: Some jelly are chips.

Converse of S2 'Some chips are jelly' = Some jelly are chips. Clearly, C1 follows.

Checking Conclusion II: All chocolate being whoppers is a possibility.

As there is no negative statement, possibilities do follow. C2, follows as well.

Option D is hence the correct answer. |
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9. Statements:
Some mountains are ocean
Some mountains are states.
All states are countries.

I. Some oceans are states.
II. All countries are oceans.

From S1 and S2:

The middle term is not distributed even once, a definite conclusion between 'Oceans' and 'States' can't
be derived from them. C1, hence, doesn't follow.

From S1, S2 and S3:

We can observe that 'countries' and 'oceans' classes exist in different statements and thus we can't
derive an A type conclusion out of a combination of I+I+A type statements. C2, hence, doesn't follow

Option D is hence the correct answer.

10. Venn Diagram method :

Some Buildings are malls.
Some malls are markets.
All shops are markets.

I. Some markets are not malls.
II. All markets are malls.

From S2,
Converse of 'Some markets are malls' = Some malls are markets. Clearly, we have this information that
some elements of class 'mall' are markets. What are the rest of the malls? They could be either
markets too or they could not be markets.

If we follow the former idea, 'All markets are malls.' becomes a possibility. And,
If we follow the latter idea, 'Some markets are not malls' becomes another possibility.

Clearly, either 'Some markets are not malls' or 'All markets are malls' is true.

Option E is hence the correct answer.

Syllogism Questions for SBI Clerk Pre, IBPS Clerk Pre, RBI Asst.
Pre, LIC Asst. Pre and IBPS RRB Exams.
Syllogism Quiz 20

Directions : In question, some statements are given, followed by two conclusions I and II.
You have to consider the statements to be true, even if they seem to be at variance from
commonly known facts. You have to decide which of the given conclusions, if any, follow
from the given statements. Indicate your answer.

1. Statements: All pens are pencils

No pencil is an eraser

Conclusions: I. No eraser is a pen

II. No pen is an eraser
A. If only conclusion I follow B. If only conclusion II follow
C. If neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows D. If both the conclusions follow
E. if either conclusion I or conclusion II follows.

2. Statements: All apples are bananas.

All bananas are sweet.

Conclusions: I. Only some apples are sweet.

II. Some bananas are apples.
A. If only conclusion I follow B. If only conclusion II follow
C. If neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows D. If both the conclusions follow
E. if either conclusion I or conclusion II follows.

3. Statement: Only tables are chairs.

All tables are desks.

Conclusions: I. All chairs are desks.

II. Some desks are tables.
A. Only conclusion I follows B. Only conclusion II follows
C. Both conclusions I and II follow D. Neither conclusion I nor II follows
E. Either conclusion I or II follows
4. Statements: Only a few teachers are doctors.
0% teachers are lawyers.

Conclusions: I. All lawyers are teachers.

II. Some doctors are not lawyers.
A. If only conclusion I follows B. If only conclusion II follows
C. If neither conclusion I nor II follows D. If both conclusions I and II follow
E. if either conclusion I or II follows

5. Statements: All circles are squares.

Some squares are rectangles.

Conclusions: I. All rectangles being squares is a possibility.

II. All circles are rectangles.
A. Only conclusion I follows B. Only conclusion II follows
C. Both conclusions I and II follow D. Neither conclusion I nor II follows
E. Either conclusion I or II follows

6. Statements: Only Rama is a clerk.

100% honest are clerks.

Conclusions: I. All honest are Rama.

II. All clerks being honest is a possibility.
A. Only conclusion II follows B. Either conclusion I or II follows
C. Only conclusion I follows D. Both conclusions I and II follow
E. Neither conclusion I nor II follows

7. Statements: A few figures are images.

0% snaps are images.

Conclusions: I. Some figures are not snaps.

II. All images being snaps is a possibility.
A. Only conclusion I follows B. Only conclusion II follows
C. Either conclusion I or II follows D. Both conclusions I and II follow
E. Neither conclusion I nor II follows
8. Statements: Only fantastic are fans.
All fans are fabulous.

Conclusions: I. All fantastic are fabulous.

II. Some fabulous are fantastic.
A. If only conclusion I follows. B. If only conclusion II follows.
C. If both conclusion I and II follow. D. If neither conclusion I nor II follows.
E. Either conclusion I or II follows.

9. Statements: All toys are tasks.

No task is a tree.

Conclusions: I. No tree is a task.

II. A few tasks are toys.
A. If only conclusion I follows. B. If only conclusion II follows.
C. If both conclusion I and II follow. D. If neither conclusion I nor II follows.
E. Either conclusion I or II follows.

10. Statements: A few wheels are warm.

Only wheels are wools.

Conclusions: I. Some wheels are wools.

II. All wools are warm.
A. If only conclusion I follows. B. If only conclusion II follows.
C. If both conclusion I and II follow. D. If neither conclusion I nor II follows.
E. Either conclusion I or II follows.

Correct Answers:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1. All pens are pencils (A) + No eraser is a pen (E) = A + E = E = “No pen is an eraser”

This is Conclusion II.

Conclusion I is the Converse of it i.e.

No eraser is a pen.

Hence, both conclusion I and II follows.

Hence, option D is correct.

2. All apples are bananas (A) + All bananas are sweet (A) = A + A = A = All apples are sweet.

Conclusion I doesn't follows

Conclusion II is Converse of the first Premise.

Hence, Conclusion II follows.

Hence, option B is correct.

3. Statements: Only tables are chairs.

All chairs are desks.
I. All tables are desks.
II. Some desks are tables.

Checking C1: All chairs are desks.

Using S1 and S2, we get

'Only tables are chairs' or 'All chairs are tables' (A) + 'All tables are desks' (A) ⇒ All chairs are desks.

Clearly, C1 follows.

Checking C2: Some desks are tables.

Converse of S2 (All tables are desks) ⇒ Some desks are tables.

Clearly, C2 follows as well.

Option C is hence the correct answer.

4. Statements :
Only a few teachers are doctors. Or 'Some teachers are doctors'.
0% teachers are lawyers. Or 'No teachers are lawyers.'

Conclusions :
I. All lawyers are teachers.
II. Some doctors are not lawyers.

Checking C1: All lawyers are teachers.

Converse of S2 (No teachers are lawyers) ⇒ No lawyers are teachers.

Clearly, C1 doesn't follow.

Checking C2: Some doctors are not lawyers.

Using converse of S1 and S2, we get

Some doctors are teachers (I) + No teachers are lawyers (E) ⇒ Some doctors are not lawyers.

Clearly, C2 follows.

Option B is hence the correct answer.

5. As there is no negative statements, the possibility exists in conclusions I and III. Hence, conclusions I
and III follow.

From statement I and II:

Here, we can observe that the class 'squares' is not being distributed even once in either of the
statements, therefore, conclusion II doesn't follow.

Option A is hence the correct answer.

6. Statements: Only Rama is a clerk.
100% honest are clerks.

Conclusions: I. All honest are Rama.

II. All clerks being honest is a possibility.

Checking C1: All honest are Rama.

Using S2 and S1, we get

100% honest are clerks (All honest are clerks) + Only Rama is a clerk (All clerks are Rama) ⇒ All honest
are Rama.

Hence, C1 follows.

Checking C2: All clerks being honest is a possibility.

Using converse of S2 (100% honest are clerks) ⇒ Some clerks are honest.

Now, if some clerks are honest, what are the other clerks? They could be either honest or they could
not be honest.

Considering the former proposition, we can say that 'All clerks being honest is a possibility'.

Hence, C2 follows as well.

Option D is hence the correct answer.

7. Statements: A few figures are images.

0% snaps are images.

Conclusions: I. Some figures are not snaps.

II. All images being snaps is a possibility.

Checking C1: Some figures are not snaps.

Using S1 and S2, we get

A few figures are images (Some figures are images) + 0% snaps are images (No snaps are images) ⇒
Some figures are not snaps.

Hence, C1 follows.

Checking C2: All images being snaps is a possibility.

Using S2: 0% snaps are images or 'No snaps are images'.

As S2 is an E type statement, there will not be any possibility between the two classes of this

Hence, C2 doesn't follow.

Option A is hence the correct answer.
8. All fans are fabulous → conversion → Some fabulous are fans (I) + Only fantastic are fans (All fans are
fantastic) (A) = I + A = I = Some fabulous are fantastic.

Conclusion II follows, but I does not.

Hence, option B is correct.

9. No task is a tree → No tree is a task. Hence, conclusion I follows.

Again, All toys are tasks → conversion → Some tasks are toys or 'A few tasks are toys'. Hence,
conclusion II follows. Thus both I and II follow.

Hence, option C is correct.

10. Only wheels are wools (All wools are wheels) → conversion → Some wheels are wools. Hence,
conclusion I follows.

Again, All wools are wheels (A) + Some wheels are warm (I) = A + I = No conclusion. Thus, conclusion II
does not follow.

Hence, option A is correct.

Syllogism Questions for SBI Clerk Pre, IBPS Clerk Pre, LIC Asst.
Pre and IBPS RRB Exams.
Syllogism Quiz 21

Directions: In each question three statements followed by two conclusions numbered I and
II have been given. You have to take the given statement to be true even if they seem to be
at variance with commonly known facts and then decide which of the given conclusions
logically follows from the given statements. Give answer.

1. Statements: 0% frocks are pants.

All shorts are frocks.
A few jackets are pants.

Conclusions: I. Not a single pant is short.

II. A good number of jackets are not frocks.
A. If only conclusion I follows. B. If only conclusion II follows.
C. If neither conclusion I nor II follows. D. If both conclusion I and II follows.
E. If either conclusion I or II follows.

2. Statements: All frocks are pants.

100% shorts are frocks.
Some jackets are pants.

Conclusions: I. All pants are shorts.

II. All shorts being jackets is a possibility.
A. If only conclusion I follows. B. If only conclusion II follows.
C. If neither conclusion I nor II follows. D. If both conclusion I and II follows.
E. If either conclusion I or II follows.

3. Statement: All frocks are trousers.

No pants are frocks.
Some jackets are pants.

Conclusions: I. At least some jackets are frocks.

II. No jacket is a frock.
A. If only conclusion I follows. B. If only conclusion II follows.
C. If neither conclusion I nor II follows. D. If both conclusion I and II follows.
E. If either conclusion I or II follows.
4. Statements: All bottles are jugs.
All pans are jugs.
Some jugs are not mugs.

Conclusions: I. Some bottles are not pans.

II. Some mugs may not be jugs.
A. If only conclusion I follow B. If only conclusion II follow
C. If neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows D. If both the conclusions follow
E. If either conclusion I or conclusion II follows.

5. Statements: Some printers are scanners.

Some scanners are microphones.
Many microphones are speakers.

Conclusions: I. Some printers are speakers.

II. Not a single printer is speaker.
A. If only conclusion I follow B. If only conclusion II follow
C. If neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows D. If both the conclusions follow
E. If either conclusion I or conclusion II follows.

6. Statements: All brushes are toilets.

No sink is a soap.
No toilet is a sink.

Conclusions: I. Some soaps are toilets.

II. No sink is a toilet.
A. if only conclusion I follows. B. If only conclusions II follows
C. If either conclusion I or II follows. D. If neither conclusion I nor II follows.
E. If both conclusion I and II follow.

7. Statements: All brushes are toilets.

No sink is a soap.
No toilet is a sink.

Conclusions: I. At least some toilets are brushes.

II. No brush is a sink.
A. if only conclusion I follows. B. If only conclusions II follows
C. If either conclusion I or II follows. D. If neither conclusion I nor II follows.
E. If both conclusion I and II follow.
8. Statements: Some fruits are Sweets.
All Sweets are vegetables.
No cake is a fruit.

Conclusions: I. Some Sweets are cakes.

II. Some fruits are vegetables.
A. If only conclusion I follows B. If only conclusion II follows
C. If either conclusion I or II follows D. If neither conclusion I nor II follows
E. If both conclusions I and II follow

9. Statements: No car is a bike.

All bicycles are cars.
No bike is bus.

Conclusions: I. No bicycle is a bike.

II. No car is bus.
A. If only conclusion I follows. B. if only conclusion II follows.
C. if either conclusion I or II follows. D. if neither conclusion I nor II follows.
E. If both conclusions I and II follow.

10. Statements: Only a few spoons are bottles.

All bottles are clocks.
No clock is a stool.

Conclusions: I. At least some spoons are clocks.

II. All spoons can never be stools.
A. If only conclusion I follows. B. If only conclusion II follows.
C. If either conclusion I or II follows. D. If neither conclusion I nor II follows.
E. If both conclusion I and II follows.

Correct Answers:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
D B E B E B E B A E |
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1. Checking C1: Not a single pant is short.

Using S2 and S1,

All shorts are frocks + '0% frocks are pants' or 'No frocks are pants' = No shorts are pants or No pants
are shorts which is same as 'Not a single pant is short'. Hence, C1 follows.

Checking C2: A good number of jackets are not frocks.

A few jackets are pants + Converse of S1 (which is 'No pants are frocks) = 'A few jackets are not frocks'
which is same as 'A good number of jackets are not frocks'. Hence, C2 follows as well.

Clearly, option D is the correct answer.

2. Checking C1: All pants are shorts.

Using S2 and S1, we get

'100% shorts are frocks' or 'All shorts are frocks' + 'All frocks are pants' = All shorts are pants. Clearly,
C1 doesn't follow.

Checking C2: All shorts being jackets is a possibility.

As there is no negative statement, possibility between 'shorts' and 'jackets' does exist. C2, hence,

Evidently, option B is the correct answer.

3. Checking C1: At least some jackets are frocks.

Using S3 and S2,

Some jackets are pants + No pants are frocks = Some jackets are not frocks. Hence, C1 doesn't follow.

Checking C2: No jacket is a frock.

Clearly, we can observe that we have already got a definite conclusion above between the classes
'jacket' and 'frock'. Hence, C2 doesn't follow either.

However, we closely observe, we can find that both C1 and C2 together form a complementary pair
and therefore either C1 or C2 definitely follows.

Option E is hence the correct answer.

4. Checking Conclusion I: Some bottles are not pans.

Here, neither S1 nor S2 is a negative statement, a negative conclusion between the classes of 'Bottles'
and 'Pans' is not possible. C1, hence, doesn't follow.

Checking Conclusion II: Some mugs may not be jugs.

In S3 it's given that 'Some jugs are not mugs'. Here, we are not sure of the elements of the class 'Mugs'.
Clearly, we can say that 'Some mugs may not be jugs'. C2, hence, follows.

Option B is hence the correct answer.

5. Checking Conclusion I and II together: 'Some printers are speakers' and 'Not a single printer is speaker'

Clearly, all the statements are I type, we can't define a relationship between classes scanner exist in
two different statements.

Similarly, we can't define a relationship between the classes 'printer' and 'speaker' either.

But, C1 is an I type statement and C2 an E type, and they together form an E+I combination
(Complementary Pair).

Clearly, either C1 or C2 follows.

Option E is hence the correct answer.

6. No toilet is a sink (E) + No sink is a soap (E)

E + E = No conclusion.

Hence, conclusion I does not follow.

Again, from third statement, conclusion II follows.

Hence, option B is correct. |
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7. From first statement,

Conclusion I follows.

Again, All brushes are toilets (A) + No toilet is a sink (E)


No brush is a sink.

Hence, conclusion II follows.

Hence, option E is correct.

8. No cake is a fruit (E) + some fruits are Sweets (I)

E + I = O*

some Sweets are not cakes.

Hence, conclusion I does not follow.

Again, some fruits are Sweets (I) + All Sweets are vegetables (A)


some fruits are vegetables(I).

Hence conclusion II follows.

Hence, option B is correct.

9. All bicycles are cars (A) + No car is a bike (E)


No bicycle is a bike (E).

Hence, conclusion I follows.

Again, No car is bike (E) + No Master is bus (E)

E + E = No Conclusion.

Hence conclusion II does not follow.

Hence, option A is correct.

10. Only a few spoons are bottles (I) + All Bottles are clocks (A)


Some spoons are clocks (I).

Hence conclusion I follows.

Again, some spoons are clock (I) + No clock is a stool (E)


Some spoons are not stools.

Hence conclusion II follows.

Hence, option E is correct. |
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Syllogism Questions for SBI Clerk Pre, IBPS Clerk Pre, LIC Asst.
Pre and IBPS RRB Exams.
Syllogism Quiz 22

Directions : In question, some statements are given, followed by two conclusions I and II.
You have to consider the statements to be true, even if they seem to be at variance from
commonly known facts. You have to decide which of the given conclusions, if any, follow
from the given statements. Indicate your answer.

1. Statements: All tubes are cubes.

No cube is sky.
No bird is sky.

Conclusions: I. No tube is bird.

II. All birds being cubes is a possibility.
A. If only conclusion I follow B. If only conclusion II follow
C. If neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows D. If both the conclusions follow
E. If either conclusion I or conclusion II follows.

2. Statements: No dancers are actors.

Some actors are artists.
No artist is artisan.

Conclusions: I. Some artists are not dancers.

II. Some artisans are not actors.
A. If only conclusion I follow B. If only conclusion II follow
C. If neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows D. If both the conclusions follow
E. If either conclusion I or conclusion II follows.

3. Statement: All rivers are seas.

All lakes are seas.
Some seas are not oceans.

Conclusions: I. Some rivers are not lakes.

II. Some oceans may not be seas.
A. If only conclusion I follow B. If only conclusion II follow
C. If neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows D. If both the conclusions follow
E. If either conclusion I or conclusion II follows.
4. Statements: Some plates are knives.
Some knives are bottles.
Many bottles are bowls.

Conclusions: I. Some plates are bowls.

II. Not a single plate is bowl.
A. If only conclusion I follow B. If only conclusion II follow
C. If neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows D. If both the conclusions follow
E. If either conclusion I or conclusion II follows.

5. Statements: All radios are electric goods.

All table-lamps are electric goods.

Conclusions: I. Some radios are table-lamps.

II. Some table-lamps are radios.
A. If only conclusion I follows. B. If only conclusion II follows.
C. If either I or II follows. D. If neither I nor II follows.
E. If both I and II follow

6. Statements: No man is a monkey.

John is a man.

Conclusions: I. John is not a monkey.

II. John may or may not be a monkey.
A. If only conclusion I follows. B. If only conclusion II follows.
C. If either I or II follows. D. If neither I nor II follows.
E. If both I and II follow

7. Statements: A graduate is a man.

This thief is a graduate.

Conclusions: I. This thief is a man.

II. Some men are thieves.
A. If only conclusion I follows. B. If only conclusion II follows.
C. If either I or II follows. D. If neither I nor II follows.
E. If both I and II follow |
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8. Statements: Only first divisioners are admitted.
Ram is a first divisioner.

Conclusions: I. Ram is admitted.

II. Only Ram is admitted.
A. If only conclusion I follows. B. If only conclusion II follows.
C. If either I or II follows. D. If neither I nor II follows.
E. If both I and II follow

9. Statements: Men are sinners.

Saints are men.

Conclusions: I. Saints are sinners.

II. Sinners are saints.
A. If only conclusion I follows. B. If only conclusion II follows.
C. If either I or II follows. D. If neither I nor II follows.
E. If both I and II follow

10. Statements: No wire is pin.

Some pins are mugs.

Conclusions: I. All mugs being wires is a possibility.

II. Some mugs are not wires.
A. Only I follows B. Only II follows
C. If either I or II follows D. If neither I nor II follows
E. If both I and II follow

Correct Answers:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
B A B E D A E D A B |
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1. Checking Conclusion I : No tube is bird.

As we can see that the middle term 'Sky' is not distributed even once in either S2 or S3, we can't define
a relationship between the classes 'tube' and 'bird'. C1, hence, doesn't follow.

Checking Conclusion II : All birds being cubes is a possibility.

Since we can't define a relationship between the classes 'cube' and 'bird', possibilities between them
do follow. C2, hence, follows here.

Option B is hence the correct answer.

2. Checking Conclusion I : Some artists are not dancers.

Some artists are actors (Converse of S2) + No actor is dancer (Converse of S1) = Some artists are not
dancers. Clearly, C1 follows.

Checking Conclusion II : Some artisans are not actors.

Some actors are artists + No artist is artisan = Some actors are not artisans. Since converse of an O type
statement is not possible, C2 doesn't follow.

Option A is hence the correct answer.

3. Checking Conclusion I : Some rivers are not lakes.

Here, neither S1 nor S2 is a negative statement, a negative conclusion between the classes of 'rivers'
and 'lakes' is not possible. C1, hence, doesn't follow.

Checking Conclusion II : Some oceans may not be seas.

In S3 it's given that 'Some seas are not oceans'. Here, we are not sure of the elements of the class
'oceans'. Clearly, we can say that 'Some oceans may not be seas'. C2, hence, follows.

Option B is hence the correct answer. |
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4. Checking Conclusion I and II together : 'Some plates are bowls' and 'Not a single plate is bowl'

Clearly, all the statements are I type, we can't define a relationship between classes that exist in two
different statements.

Similarly, we can't define a relationship between the classes 'plate' and 'bowl' either.

But, C1 is an I type statement and C2 an E type, and they together form an E+I combination. Clearly,
either C1 or C2 follows.

Hence, option E is correct.

5. Checking C1 : Some radios are table-lamps.

We can observe that the class 'radios' and 'table-lamps' are present in different statements and the
middle term 'electric goods' is not being distributed even once in either of the statements. Therefore,
no definite relationship is possible between these two classes. C1, doesn't follow.

Checking C2 : Some table-lamps are radios.

Following the same logic discussed above, we can state that C2 doesn't follow either.

Hence, option D is correct.

6. Checking C1 : John is not a monkey.

Using S2 and S1, we get

John is a man (A) + No man is a monkey (E) ⇒ John is not a monkey. Clearly, C1 follows.

Checking C2 : John may or may not be a monkey.

In C1, we have already found that John is a monkey is a definite conclusion and therefore John may be
a monkey is not a possible preposition. C2, hence, doesn't follow.

Option A is hence the correct answer. |
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7. Checking C1 : This thief is a man.

Using S2 and S1, we get

This thief is a graduate (A) + A graduate is a man (A) ⇒ This thief is a man. Hence, C1 follows.

Checking C2 : Some men are thieves.

Converse of the conclusion derived above ⇒ Some men are thieves. Hence, C2 follows as well.

Hence, option E is correct.

8. Checking C1 : Ram is admitted.

Using S1 (which can be written as 'All admitted are first divisoners') and S2, we get

Ram is a first divisioner (A) + All admitted are first divisoners (A) ⇒ No definite conclusion. Clearly, C1
doesn't follow.

Checking C2 : 'Only Ram is admitted' or 'All admitted are Ram'.

Following the explanation given for C1, we can say that C2 doesn't follow either.

Hence, option D is correct.

9. Checking C1 : Saints are sinners.

Using S2 and S1, we get

Saints are men (A) + Men are sinners (A) ⇒ Saints are sinners. Hence, C1 follows.

Checking C2 : Sinners are saints.

Converse of the derived conclusion above ⇒ Some sinners are saints. However, the given conclusion is
of A type. Therefore, C2 doesn't follow.

Hence, option A is correct.

10. In both the conclusions we need to derive relationships between the classes 'wire' and 'mugs' which
are present in Statement 1 and 2 respectively.

Here, the middle term 'pins' is distributed once, therefore, applying the deduction method we get,
"Some mugs are not wires." which is given as conclusion II.

But, when some mugs are already not wires, the conclusion "All mugs being wires is a possibility' can't
be true. Hence, conclusion I doesn't follow.
Option B is hence the correct answer. |
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