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A. Background

Speaking is an important activity that is fundamental in living everyday life.

In carrying out daily routines, humans cannot be separated from communication

activities between one individual and another based on speaking activities. Tarigan

(2008: 16) states that speaking is an ability to utter articulated sounds or words in

expressing, expressing or conveying ideas, thoughts, and feelings. This is in line with

the opinion of Budiana (2017: 18) who states that speaking activities are a realistic

form of an individual's ability to convey what he wants. Based on these two opinions,

it can be concluded that speaking is an ability possessed by a person to express his

opinion through articulated sounds or words to convey what he means and speaking

ability is one of the language skills.

One of the language skills is the ability to speak, and in teaching and learning

foreign languages, the ability to speak is the most important ability because it is the

basis of communication and is the most difficult ability. Speaking ability is very

important, especially speaking English ability. Mastery of this skill illustrates that the

speaker has a good knowledge of the language. "In foreign language teaching and

learning, speaking ability is the most important ability because it is the basis of

communication and is the most difficult ability. English speaking is the most difficult

for learners. Speaking is the most important and essential skill. Mastery of this skill
illustrates that the speaker has proper knowledge of the language." (Oradee, 2012:

533) Speaking English is the most difficult thing for students.

Difficulties in speaking experienced by students, both in low and high grades,

are often caused by feelings of insecurity and fear of speaking in front of others.

Students may feel worried that they will make mistakes that will be exposed and feel

embarrassed or ridiculed by their classmates. This fear can hinder their ability to

express their opinions, participate in class discussions, or express their ideas. There

are several factors that can influence students' insecurity and fear of speaking. First,

pressure from the social environment, both peers and teachers, can make students feel

afraid to speak for fear of being ridiculed or criticized. Secondly, lack of confidence

or self-belief in speaking ability can also be a significant factor. Students who do not

believe in their abilities tend to feel insecure and afraid to speak in front of others

more often. Finally, previous negative experiences, such as experiencing failure in

speaking in front of the class or receiving negative responses from others, can

increase students' fear and discomfort.

In accordance with this, the causes of students' low speaking ability have been

reported by several researchers. Based on research conducted by Maryansyah and

Hariadi with the title "An Analysis of the Causes of Low Speaking Performance

Among English Students", in their research they concluded that the causes of

students' low speaking ability are influenced by low self-esteem and confidence to

speak English, lack of language aspects when communicating, including fluency,

intonation, vocabulary, pronunciation, and mastery of grammar, limited topical

knowledge as a
knowledge structure in long-term memory, and a poor learning environment. Another

study conducted by Ferina, Ardhyatama, and Fath with the title "Analysis of Factors

Causing Speaking Difficulties of Grade 3 Students of State Elementary School 1

Hadiluwih" which aims to find out the factors that cause students to experience

difficulties in speaking skills. Based on the results of his research, it can be concluded

that the factors that influence the speaking difficulties of grade 3 students are due to

several factors that come from within and outside the students. Factors that influence

students' speaking difficulties come from external factors and internal factors. The

internal factors that cause speaking difficulties are children's lack of confidence,

insecurity, and fear. While factors that come from outside students are the school

environment such as teachers, friends, the surrounding environment. Research

conducted by Magdalena, Handayani, and Putri with the title "Analysis of Factors

Affecting Student Speaking Skills at SDN Kosambi 06 Pagi West Jakarta" which

aims to find out what factors influence speaking skills at SDN Kosambi 06 Pagi.

Based on the results of his research, it can be concluded that there are 2 factors that

can affect students' speaking skills, namely family factors and school factors. Family

factors, in this factor students are usually trained by parents at home. With students

trained in speaking skills, these students are accustomed to speaking with others or

speaking in front of the class, such is the importance of the role of parents or family

in improving students' ability in speaking skills. The second factor is the school

factor, in this factor students are familiarized by schools or teachers to speak in front

of the class, communicate with other classmates, communicate with teachers at

school, and teachers

must continue to support and provide good responses for students. With this

communication, it can foster confident students and improve students' speaking


However, until now there are still many students who complain that it is not

easy to use spoken language, either monologue or dialogue. This can be seen in

students who usually find it easier to answer or reduce a problem in written form

compared to speaking. In addition, it often happens that a student who has good

grades in answering questions in writing but is less active in speaking in class.

Based on the description above, the researcher is encouraged to reveal and

find out the factors that cause students' low speaking ability. So that researchers are

interested in researching with the title "Analysis of the causes of low student speaking

skills at Business English Comunicatio Students”.

B. Research Questions

Based on the above background, the research question in this study is "What

causes the difficulty of Business English Communication (BEC) students to speak

C. Objective of the Research

This study aims to find out the factors that cause students' low ability in speaking


D. Significance of the Research

This research is expected to provide significant theoretical benefits. Students who

have qualified abilities are expected to perform better in speaking English by minimising

low speaking abilities. In addition, by knowing the factors that cause the difficulty of

speaking English in college students, it is hoped that students can reduce the causes of

low English speaking skills in the classroom.



A. Theoretical Review

In this chapter the researcher will discuss the theories related to the problem.

The theoretical review consists of understanding speaking and factors that influence

student speaking.

1. Definition of Speaking

Speaking is an interactive process of constructing meaning that involves the

production, reception and processing of information. Speaking of course we use a

medium, namely a language, with this language medium everyone can express

feelings, desires, opinions and needs of each individual. Some linguists have defined

the meaning of speaking, including the following.

Nurgiyantoro, B (2001: 276) speaking is the second language activity carried

out by humans in language life, namely after listening activities. Based on the sounds

heard, humans then learn to pronounce and eventually speak skillfully.

Speaking is defined as the ability to utter articulate sounds or words to

express, express and convey thoughts, ideas, and feelings (Tarigan, 2008: 14). It can

be said that speaking is a system of audible and visible signs that utilizes a number of

muscles of the human body for the purpose of ideas or ideas that are combined.

Speaking is a form of human behavior that utilizes physical, psychological,

neurological, semantic, and linguistic factors.

Based on the definition of speaking that has been conveyed by several experts

above, it can be concluded that the definition of speaking is the activity of issuing

words or sounds in the form of expressions, ideas, information that contains certain

meanings orally. It can also be concluded that using English to speak is not a simple

process because the speaker must also master several important elements such as

pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension. In learning to

speak, students often encounter some problems. The problem that is often found is

that their mother tongue is their mother tongue causing them difficult to use a foreign

language. Another reason is due to the lack of motivation to practice the second

language in daily conversation. In addition, they also lack the confidence to express

ideas or opinions because they are too shy and afraid to take part in conversations.

2. Components of speaking

There are three components that are commonly compiled in the analysis of the

speaking process, namely pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary.

a. Pronunciation

Correct pronunciation has an important role to play in effective

communication. Phonetician and linguist, Wells (2008), has emphasized the

importance of proper pronunciation in the speaking process. When one pronounces

words correctly, the message conveyed can be understood more clearly by the

listener. Errors in pronunciation, such as pronouncing sounds incorrectly or not in

accordance with the phonetic rules of the language used, can interfere with

understanding and make communication less effective. For example, when someone

mispronounces a certain
word or sound, the listener may have difficulty understanding what is intended or

have difficulty in connecting with the message being conveyed.

Therefore, noticing and correcting incorrect pronunciation is an important part

of developing speaking skills. By honing pronunciation skills, one can improve the

ability to convey messages more clearly and ensure better understanding in


b. Grammar

A good understanding and application of grammar plays an important role in

effective communication. When one has a good understanding of the rules of

grammar, one can use words and sentence structures in a correct and consistent

manner. This helps in crafting messages that are more structured, easy to understand,

and effective in getting the desired point across. Good grammar also helps the listener

in understanding the message better. When grammar rules are followed correctly, the

listener can more easily recognize sentence patterns and the relationship between

words. This facilitates a better understanding of the message and minimizes the risk

of misunderstanding.

In the context of communication, understanding and applying good grammar

helps create a clear and consistent framework for conveying messages. By

understanding and using correct grammar, one can strengthen the clarity of the

message and improve the ability to communicate effectively.

c. Vocabulary

A broad and appropriate vocabulary plays an important role in speaking and

communicating. Linguistic education expert, Snow (2001), highlights the importance

of being able to use diverse and appropriate words in communication.

A rich vocabulary allows one to better express ideas and emotions. By having

a variety of words available, one can choose the most appropriate and accurate words

to convey their message. This enriches expression and provides variety in

communication, making the message more interesting and effective. In addition, a

broad vocabulary also helps in understanding a wider context. By mastering a variety

of words, one can better understand and interpret the messages conveyed by others. A

rich vocabulary allows one to connect words with relevant concepts, ideas and

situations. This broadens one's understanding of the context being talked about and

allows them to participate in conversations better.

Thus, the development of a broad and appropriate vocabulary is an essential

component in improving the ability to speak and communicate effectively. Through

vocabulary enhancement, one can enrich expression, provide variety, and better

understand and respond to context in daily communication.

3. Factors influence students' speaking ability

The low speaking ability of students is influenced by several factors, both external

factors and internal factors. Some of the factors that affect student speaking include:

a. External factors

External factors are factors that come from outside the students themselves.

The following external factors cause students' low speaking ability:

1. Environment

Environmental factors can affect students' speaking ability in English. Some

of the environmental factors that can affect students' speaking ability are learning

environment, access to learning resources, and interaction with native English

speakers. According to a study conducted by Khan, Memon, and Aslam (2019), a

supportive learning environment can improve students' speaking ability in English. A

comfortable and conducive learning environment can give students the motivation

and confidence to speak in English.

In addition, access to learning resources such as books, teaching materials,

and learning media can also affect students' speaking ability in English. A study

conducted by Chen and Lee (2018) showed that access to good learning resources can

improve students' speaking ability in English. Interaction with native English

speakers can also affect students' speaking ability. According to a study conducted by

Tung (2018), students who have more interaction with native English speakers tend to

have better speaking ability in English.

2. Lack of social interaction

Lack of social interaction can have a negative influence on students' speaking

skills. Social interaction is one of the important aspects in the development of

communication skills, because through interaction with others, students can hone

their speaking skills, understand facial expressions, body movements, and voice

intonation which are important in verbal communication. When students have few

opportunities for social interaction, such as in situations where they rarely

communicate with others

or are socially isolated, their speaking skills may not be well honed. This can lead to

difficulties in expressing ideas clearly, understanding and following instructions well,

and building healthy and effective social relationships. Therefore, it is important for

students to engage in adequate social interactions to support the development of their

speaking skills.

b. Internal factors

Internal factors are factors that come from inside the students themselves. The

following internal factors cause students' low speaking ability:

A. Motivation

Motivation is an important factor in the difficulty of speaking skills because it

can affect learning in learners. The influence of motivation on the internal factors of

students' low speaking ability can be very significant. When students do not have

enough motivation to learn to speak, they may not put in the time and effort needed to

develop their speaking skills. Low motivation can make students feel discouraged,

lack confidence, and doubt their own abilities. As a result, they tend to be reluctant to

practice speaking and avoid communication situations that require the use of spoken


In addition, low motivation can also affect internal factors related to students'

speaking ability, such as self-confidence and language knowledge. Lack of

motivation can inhibit students' confidence in using spoken language, so they are

more likely to feel awkward or afraid of making mistakes when speaking. In addition,

low motivation can also reduce students' interest in learning the grammar and

vocabulary needed to
speak fluently and effectively. As a result, they may not have sufficient knowledge to

express their thoughts and ideas in a precise and structured manner. Therefore, it is

important for educators and the educational environment to pay attention to students'

motivation and create an environment that encourages and supports the development

of students' speaking ability.

B. Self-confidence

Low self-confidence can have a negative influence on the internal factors of

low student speaking ability. When students do not believe in their own ability to

speak, they tend to feel uncomfortable and hesitant when speaking in front of others.

This can hinder their ability to communicate effectively and express ideas clearly.

Students who lack confidence also tend to avoid challenging communication

situations, such as presenting in front of the class or actively participating in group


Low self-confidence can also affect students' motivation in developing their

speaking skills. When students do not believe in themselves, they may find it difficult

to see the value and benefits of the effort required to improve their speaking skills.

This can reduce their motivation to practice and learn to speak well. In addition, low

self- confidence can also affect the way students think about mistakes and failure.

Students who do not believe in their abilities tend to fear making mistakes when

speaking and fear being judged by others. As a result, they may be reluctant to take

risks and experiment with spoken language, which may hinder the development of

their speaking skills. Therefore, it is important for educators and the educational

environment to
strengthen students' confidence in speaking and provide positive support to help them

overcome these barriers.

B. Conceptual Framework

After describing several definitions that will limit this research, the framework

is an instrument that provides an explanation of how the author's efforts in

understanding the subject matter, then the author takes several factors that are

indicators of the causes of learning difficulties in speaking to students, which consist

of external factors and internal factors.



This chapter is structured as the research method for this research. This

chapter present the research design, data resources, research variables and definition

of terms, research instrument, data collection, and data analysis.

A. Research Design

The research method used in this study is a qualitative method. Qualitative

research is a statistic that functions to describe or give an overview of the object

under study through sample or population data as it is without analyzing and making

conclusions that apply to the public (Sugiyono 2005: 21). Qualitative method as a

research procedure that produces descriptive data in the form of written or spoken

words from people or observable behavior. Descriptive research is a research method

that describes all data or circumstances of the subject or object of research and then

analyzes and compares based on the current reality and then tries to provide a solution

to the problem and can provide up-to-date information so that it is useful for the

development of science and can be applied more to various problems. Description

research is broadly speaking a research activity that wants to describe or try to

describe an event or symptom systematically, factually with accurate preparation This

research is also often called non-experimental research because researchers do not

control and do not manipulate research variables. In this study, the researcher wants

to provide an
overview of the interpretation of data about the factors that cause student difficulties in

English speaking skills Business English Communication students.

B. Data Resource

At this stage, researchers try to find and collect various data sources that have

to do with the problem under study at Business English Communication Study

Program. In this study there are main data (primary) and supporting data (secondary).

1. Primary Data

Primary data is data that is directly collected by researchers from the source of

questions given to students. As for those directly involved as primary data sources

here, namely 6 BEC students class of 2022

2. Secondary Data.

Secondary data is data that has been compiled and has been made in the form

of documents. The secondary data sources here are assessment books related to

students, as well as archives, documents, notes and previous research observation


C. Research Variables and Definition of Terms

In this study, of course, it has a variable or research object. The research

variable is something that is formed or that is of concern in a study which becomes

the object of research observation. According to Arikunto (2010) Research variables

are research objects or what is the concern of a research point of attention. Usually, a

variable can be determined from the research problem to be studied, the variables in

the study usually consist of one or two variables in the study. In research that uses
qualitative methods, the variables are usually divided into two, namely the

independent variable, the variable whose variation affects other variables and the

dependent variable, the research variable that is measured to influence the magnitude

of the effect or influence of other variables. In this study entitled Analysis Of The

Causes Of Students’ Difficulties In Speaking English at Business English

Communication Student’s, the identification of variables or objects in this study is

Speaking ability.

Speaking ability is a skill in speaking that is very important especially for a

student. Speaking ability becomes a basic form of communication and also plays an

important role in the learning process, especially in speaking English. According to

(Tarigan, 2008) speaking ability is the ability to pronounce sounds or words to

express, express and convey thoughts, ideas and feelings. speaking ability needs to be

trained to children from an early age so that children can pronounce articulated

sounds so that they are able to convey ideas, thoughts, or ideas to others. In addition,

speaking skills will also train students' confidence when in front of the class so that it

has a good impact on growing their speaking skills.

D. Research Instrument

The instruments used in this research are in the form of interviews,

observations and documentation. The use of these instruments in this study is to

accurately obtain more data and for cross-checking information. According to Gay et

al (2011), one of the strengths of qualitative research is the ability to gather

information in a variety of ways, instead of relying on just one, often two or more

methods can be carried out in

such a way that the stronger one component for the weakness of the other. Each of the

instruments is explained below:

1. Interview

An interview is the process of obtaining data orally from one or more people.

According to Bodggan and Biklen (2003), interviews involve two or more people in a

tested conversation directed by the researcher in order to obtain information. The

researcher conducted interviews to obtain information related to the learning process.

To obtain the data, the researcher used an interview guide to interview the students.

The data was in the form of interview transcripts. In the reconnaissance, the

researcher interviewed the students to find out their opinions and also their difficulties

during the learning and speaking process. Later, interviews were conducted in the

reflection step of each research cycle. They were aimed at reflecting on the results of

the action. The interviews were aimed at getting the students' opinions.

2. Observation

One of the techniques that can be used to find out or investigate nonverbal

behavior is by using observation techniques. According to Sugiyono (2018: 229)

observation is a data collection technique that has specific characteristics when

compared to other techniques. To collect information about the learning process,

researchers conducted classroom observations. Observation sheets and checklists

were used to collect data. The research team put marks on the activities that had been

carried out. This technique was carried out in the introduction as well as during the

action stage and observation research.

3. Documentation

Documentation according to Sugiyono (2015: 329) is a method used to obtain

data and information in the form of books, archives, documents, written figures and

images in the form of reports and information that can support research.

Documentation is used to collect data and then reviewed. Apart from using the main

instrument, researchers also use additional instruments. They support the research to

get more complete data. To document the interview process, the researcher used a

camera or handphone in reconnaissance and in the act of research observation. The

data is in the form of photos and videos.

E. Data Collection

Gay et al (2011) state that qualitative research includes narrative, descriptive,

and visual or non-numerical data to gain insight into the phenomenon of research

interest. Data collection is highly dependent on the nature of the problem under study,

where the data collected must contribute to understanding the phenomenon. Data

collection is one of the important aspects that need to be considered in this research.

There are several techniques used in this process, including interviews, observations

and documentation.

1. Interview

At this stage of the interview, some students from the class will be randomly

selected to be interviewed for data. They will be interviewed regarding the reasons

behind their low speaking ability. The purpose of this interview is to identify the main

factors that affect their ability in public speaking.

2. Observation

In this observation stage, observations were made when the teacher gave

assignments to students to speak in front of other students in the class. The purpose of

this stage is to evaluate the extent of the student's speaking ability. This observation

will help researchers in the selection process of candidates to be interviewed next.

3. Documentation

At this stage the researcher documents the results of observations and

interviews that have been carried out while carrying out research at the location

through; taking notes, recording audio or video and transcribing the documentation

that has been obtained. This stage is important to achieve the desired data results.

F. Data Analysis

Data analysis in qualitative research includes the results of obtaining and

collecting data and information from informants or trusted sources. The data

collection is done through various techniques or methods. This observation or

research activity will continue until the data needed by the researcher is completed or

obtained according to the research objectives, then the data obtained and collected

will be analyzed carefully and precisely. Data analysis in research is a process or

activity of collecting and reviewing data and information from valid sources or

informants, which are then arranged systematically as material for research reports.

The data obtained is data generated from the process and stages of interviews, field

observations in the form of field notes and documentation. The data is managed by

compiling and entering data into certain categories, decomposing it into several

elements or parts, taking action by

combining or experimenting with several elements (synthesis), after obtaining the

results, the researcher can organize or direct it into a format or research aspect that is

in accordance with the main objectives of the research, with systematic and precise

data management, the researcher can make decisions or draw conclusions from the

research results, which aims to make other people or readers able to easily understand

the data and information from the results of the research that has been conducted by

the researcher.

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