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• Step 1: Salt water battery works on principle of

electrochemistry. It is basically an electrochemical

• Step 2: Electrochemical cells batteries

1. Two electrodes
2. one electrolyte
3. two different metal electrodes(which in this case
copper strip & zinc strip)are placed into electrolyte
which in this caseis a solution of salt water

• Step 3 Step 4 (NaCI-→Na+ Cl)

Step 5 step 6
(Zn+2CI→ZnCL2+2e) (2H2O-→H2+2OH)
• Foam pad
• Foam stand
• Copper & Zinc strips
• Tumbler
• Springs
• Switch
• Binder clips
• Salt
• Wires
• Water
• Telecommunication towers
• Agriculture irrigation pumps
• Greenhouse irrigation or lighting
• Oil well pumps
• Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
• Safety
• Easy recyclable
• Long lifecycle
• High cycle efficiency
• Low maintenance
• Temperature tolerance

• Low energy density
• Lower efficiency
• Corrosion
Conclusion & Future Work
• We are still looking for more sustainable
ways to make the battery produce higher
current by discovering more efficient
• Corrosion of the anode surface and
deposition on the cathode surface were
• We are going to make an experiment in
which, the anode can be zinc, then the
cathode can be a material such as
manganese oxide.
• The saltwater battery would be valuable
in areas where there is not much
electricity available, and it could use the
power generated to charge a smartphone

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