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Calculations from the Graph

Input characteristics
a) Input impedance(hib)= ΔVEB / ΔIE , VCB constant.
b) Reverse voltage gain(hrb)= ΔVEB/Δ VCB , IE constant
Output characteristics
a) Output admittance(hob)= ΔIc / Δ VCB , IE constant
b) Forward current gain(hfb)= ΔIc / ΔIE , VCB constant

Thus the input and output characteristics of CB configuration are plotted and h parameters are found.
a) Input impedance(hib)=
b) Forward current gain(hfb)=
c) Output admittance(hob)=
d) Reverse voltage gain(hrb)=


1. What is Early effect?

2. Draw the small signal model of BJT Common Base Configuration.
3. What is Reach –Through effect?
4. What are the applications of Common Base.
5. What will be the parameters of CB.
6. Explain the Transistor operation?

8. BJT Characteristics (CE Configuration)

To plot the input and output characteristics of a transistor in CE Configuration and to compute the h –
S.No Apparatus Type Range Quantity

01 Transistor BC107 01

02 Resistance 300KΩ,1KΩ 01

03 Regulated Power supply (0-30V) 01

04 Ammeter (0-100mA),(0-100µA) 01

05 Voltmeter (0-2V),(0-20V) 01

06 Breadboard and Wires


Bipolar junction transistor (BJT) is a 3 terminal (emitter, base, collector) semiconductor device. There are
two types of transistors namely NPN and PNP. It consists of two P-N junctions namely emitter junction
and collector junction.

In Common Emitter configuration the input is applied between base and emitter and the output is taken
from collector and emitter. Here emitter is common to both input and output and hence the name common
emitter configuration.

Input characteristics are obtained between the input current and input voltage taking output voltage as
parameter. It is plotted between VBE and IB at constant VCE in CE configuration.

Output characteristics are obtained between the output voltage and output current taking input current as
parameter. It is plotted between VCE and IC at constant IB in CE configuration.

PIN Assingnment

Circuit Diagram
(0-50)mA 1 K
- +
300 K (0-100)uA

+ - B
A BC107
(0-30)V+ + (0-20)V VCE +


- - - (0-30)V

1. While doing the experiment do not exceed the ratings of the transistor. This may lead to damage the
2. Connect voltmeter and Ammeter in correct polarities as shown in the circuit diagram.
3. Do not switch ON the power supply unless you have checked the circuit connections as per the circuit
4. Make sure while selecting the emitter, base and collector terminals of the transistor.

Input Characteristics

1. Connect the transistor in CE configuration as per circuit diagram

2. Keep output voltage VCE = 0V by varying VCC.
3. By varying VBB ,vary VBE in steps of 0.1V and note down base current IB .
4. Repeat above procedure (step 3) for various values of VCE (VCE=5V and VCE=10V)
5. Plot the input characteristics by taking VBE on X-axis and IB on Y-axis at constant VCE.
Output Characteristics

1. Make the connections as per circuit diagram.

2. By varying VBB keep the base current IB = 0μA.
3. By varying VCC , vary VCE in steps of 1V and note down the readings of collector-current (IC)
4. Repeat above procedure (step 3) for different values of IB
5. Plot the output characteristics by taking VCE on x-axis and IC on y-axis by taking IB as a constant
Tabular column
Input Characteristics

VCE= 0 V VCE= 5 V VCE = 10 V

VBE (V) IB (μA) VBE (V) IB (μA) VBE (V) IB (μA)

Output Characteristics

IB = 0 μA IB = 10 μA IB = 20 μA
VCE (V) IC (mA) VCE (V) IC (mA) VCE (V) IC (mA)

Model Graph

Input characteristics

Output characteristics

Calculations from graph:

Input characteristics
a) Input impedance(hie)= ΔVBE / ΔIB , VCE constant.
b) Reverse voltage gain(hre)= ΔVBE/Δ VCE , IB constant
Output characteristics
a) Output admittance(hoe)= ΔIc / Δ VCE , IB constant
b) Forward current gain(hfe)= ΔIc / ΔIB , VCE constant


Thus the input and output characteristics of CE configuration is plotted.

a) Input impedance(hie)=
b) Forward current gain(hfe)=
c) Output admittance(hoe)=
d) Reverse voltage gain(hre)=


1. Why CE configuration is most widely used?

2. Draw the equivalent Circuit of C.E
3. What is the Current Gain,voltage gain,i/p and o/p impedance in CE?.
4. Relation between „‟ and „‟ and γ
5. Give the condition to operate the given Transistor in active,saturation &Cut-off Regions
6. What is Emitter Efficiency?


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