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Sikagard®-625 ClearCoat
Transparent coating based on acrylic dispersions for stone, masonry and concrete

DESCRIPTION Note: Sikagard®-625 ClearCoat is a water repelling and

protective coating and must not be considered as a
Sikagard®-625 ClearCoat is a water based, invisible, waterproofing coating for stone / concrete / masonry
protective coating that is suitable for all forms of nat- substrates.
ural stone, concrete and masonry. It protects against
stains, discoloration, efflorescence and soiling. When CHARACTERISTICS / ADVANTAGES
applied on marble, brick, limestone and mortar joints,
it will seal and reduce staining and water absorption. ▪ Protection of both internal and external surfaces
It can be used internally or externally without chan- ▪ Smaller polymer particles penetrate deeply to
ging the aesthetic look of the surface & can be used provide excellent substrate adhesion
for protection of concrete and other mineral facade ▪ Easy to apply, no special tools required
surfaces. ▪ Water based and non-flammable
Due to self crosslinking polymers it gives very high res- ▪ Solvent free, zero VOC
istance to alkaline substrates, protects the top coat of ▪ Protects from accidental spillage
several coatings and gives very high efflorescence res- ▪ Suitable for porous substrates with over coating
istance. ▪ High resistance to alkali
▪ Efflorescence resistant
USES ▪ Non tacky in short time
▪ Reduces tendency to dirt pick up
▪ Seals and protects natural stone ▪ Excellent water repellent
▪ Suitable for use on natural stone including Indian ▪ Very low water penetration into substrate
sandstone, granite, slate and limestone ▪ Spray application possible
▪ Ideal for use on paths, patios and block paving
▪ Protection of concrete, mortar, masonry and other
mineral facade surfaces
▪ Internal and external use

Chemical base Acrylic polymer dispersion
Packaging 5 kg container
Shelf life 12 months from date of production
Storage conditions The product must be stored properly in undamaged unopened, original
sealed packaging, in dry conditions at temperatures between +5 °C and
+30 °C. Protect from direct sunlight and frost.
Appearance / Colour Initial Milky white liquid
Cured appearance Transparent, with little sheen

Product Data Sheet

Sikagard®-625 ClearCoat
March 2023, Version 02.01

In case of continuous rainfall or water contact for few hours, some milky
white patch impression is visible on the substrate. It does not affect the
performance of the product and disappears over a period of drying time to
its original aesthetic look.
Density ~1.05 kg/L
Solid content by weight ~25 %

Tensile adhesion strength ≥ 1.5 N/mm2 (EN 1542)

Water absorption ~12 % by weight after 24 hour water immersion (ASTM D570)

Microbiological resistance Excellent

Microbiological resistance Excellent
Resistance to weathering Excellent

System structure Stone / Masonry / Porous concrete substrate:
Layer Product
Base coat Sikagard®-625 ClearCoat
Top coat Sikagard®-625 ClearCoat

Dense concrete substrate:

Layer Product
Primer coat Sikagard®-551 S Elastic Primer
Base coat Sikagard®-625 ClearCoat
Top coat Sikagard®-625 ClearCoat

Consumption ~0.12 to 0.15 kg/m2 per coat depending on porosity and absorption of the
substrate. Minimum 2 coats are recommended.
For spray applications, consumption shall be little higher.
Ambient air temperature +8 °C min. / +45 °C max.
Substrate temperature +8 °C min. / +45 °C max.
Waiting time / Overcoating Substrate temperature Overcoating time
+20 °C 5–6 hours
+35 °C 2–3 hours


All technical data stated in this Product Data Sheet are SUBSTRATE QUALITY / PRE-TREATMENT
based on laboratory tests. Actual measured data may
vary due to circumstances beyond our control. ▪ All surfaces to be sealed must be clean and free of
dust, oil and grease.
ECOLOGY, HEALTH AND SAFETY ▪ Allow cements, mortars and stucco to cure for 24
hours before applying sealer.
▪ On new paving remove any dust or loose material by
User must read the most recent corresponding Safety
sweeping with a stiff brush.
Data Sheets (SDS) before using any products. The SDS ▪ When applied on exterior coatings and porous sub-
provides information and advice on the safe handling, strates, the surface must be cleaned with water and
storage and disposal of chemical products and con- allowed to dry.
tains physical, ecological, toxicological and other
safety-related data.

Product Data Sheet

Sikagard®-625 ClearCoat
March 2023, Version 02.01

The materials are supplied ready to use. Stir thor-
oughly using a conventional paint stirrer prior to ap- The information, and, in particular, the recommenda-
plication. tions relating to the application and end-use of Sika
products, are given in good faith based on Sika's cur-
APPLICATION rent knowledge and experience of the products when
properly stored, handled and applied under normal
IMPORTANT conditions in accordance with Sika's recommenda-
Freshly applied coating must be protected from rain tions. In practice, the differences in materials, sub-
for at least 3 hours at +30 °C. strates and actual site conditions are such that no war-
ranty in respect of merchantability or of fitness for a
1. Apply the sealer onto the prepared substrate by particular purpose, nor any liability arising out of any
good quality long pile roller or suitable brush in dry legal relationship whatsoever, can be inferred either
weather. Ensure a continuous, pore from this information, or from any written recom-
free coat covers the substrate. mendations, or from any other advice offered. The
2. Apply second coat on demanding substrates after user of the product must test the product’s suitability
the first coat is tack free. for the intended application and purpose. Sika re-
3. When applying to masonry joints, the coating must serves the right to change the properties of its
be brushed well into the joints. products. The proprietary rights of third parties must
Note: Avoid puddles on the surface during application. be observed. All orders are accepted subject to our
Note: A consumption / appearance trial is recommen- current terms of sale and delivery. Users must always
ded before use. refer to the most recent issue of the local Product
CLEANING OF TOOLS Data Sheet for the product concerned, copies of which
will be supplied on request.
Clean all equipment with clean water. Hardened /
cured material can only be removed mechanically.

Note that as a result of specific local regulations the
declared data and recommended uses for this product
may vary from country to country. Consult the local
Product Data Sheet for exact product data and uses.

Sika India Pvt. Ltd. Contact:

620, Diamond Harbour Road Phone: +91 33 2447 2448
Commercial Complex II Fax: +91 33 2397 8688
Kolkata - 700 034 [email protected]
West Bengal, India


Product Data Sheet

Sikagard®-625 ClearCoat
March 2023, Version 02.01


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