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Question 01

Find the values of the constant k for which (2k – 1)x2 + 6x + k +1 = 0 has real roots. [5]

Question 02

!! ×#!"# ×$$
Find the value of the constants p and q given that = 2& × 3' . [3]
Question 03

The polynomial p(x) = mx3 – 29x2 + 39x + n, where m and n are constants, has a factor (3x – 1)
and remainder 6 when divided by (x – 1).

Show that (x – 2) is a factor of p(x). [6]

Question 04

Given that y = 2(72x) – 3(7x + 1) + 19, find the value of x when y = 30. [4]

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Question 05

DAB is a sector of a circle, centre A, radius 18 cm. The lines CB and CD are tangents to the
circle. Angle DAB is # radians.

(a) Find the perimeter of the shaded region. [3]

(b) Find the area of the shaded region. [3]

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Question 06

The functions f and g are defined for real values of x by

f(x) = √𝑥 − 1 for x > 1 and g(x) = for x > 2

(a) Find gf(37). [1]

(b) Find an expression for f-1(x), the inverse of f(x). [2]

(c) Find an expression for g-1(x), the inverse of g(x). [2]

Question 07


$ √3
Simplify $%√'

, giving your answer as a fraction with an integer denominator. [4]

Page 4
Question 08

The function is defined, for 0° ≤ 𝑥 ≤ 810°, by f(x) = –2 + cos '

(a) Write down the amplitude of f. [1]

(b) Find the period of f. [2]

(c) On the axes, sketch the graph of y = f(x). [2]

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Question 9

The diagram shows the parallelogram OABC, such that 𝑂𝐴 ,,,,,⃗ = 𝐚 and 𝑂𝐶
,,,,,⃗ = 𝐜.
The point D lies on CB such that CD : DB = 3 : 1.
When extended, the lines AB and OD meet at the point E.
,,,,,⃗ = ℎ𝑂𝐷
It is given that 𝑂𝐸 ,,,,,,⃗ and ,,,,,⃗ ,,,,,⃗ , where h and k are constants.
𝐵𝐸 = 𝑘𝐴𝐵

(a) Find ,,,,,⃗

𝐷𝐸 in terms of a, c and h. [4]

(b) Find ,,,,,⃗

𝐷𝐸 in terms of a, c and k. [1]

(c) Hence find the value of h and k. [4]

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Question 10

(a) Solve the equation 5tan x – 3cot x = 2sec x , where x is in radians and 0 < x < 2𝜋. [6]

(b) Find the value of a such that 2loga 8 = ( . [2]

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Question 11

(a) Solve the inequality 2x2 – 16x + 1 > x – 20. [3]

(b) Find the equation of the normal to the curve y = x3 + x2 – 4x + 6 at x = 2. [5]

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Question 12

A curve has equation for x > –1.

(a) Show that where A, B and C are integers. [6]

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(b) Find the x-coordinate of the stationary point on the curve. [2]

(c) Determine the nature of this stationary point. [2]

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Question 13

Marc chooses 5 people from 4 men, 4 women and 2 children.

Find the number of ways that Marc can do this

(a) if there are no restrictions, [1]

(b) if at least 2 men are chosen [3]

(c) if at least 1 man, at least 1 woman and and at least 1 child are chosen. [3]

** E N D O F EXAM **

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