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World Health Organization

Family Planning
Harvard Model United Nations India 2024

From your Secretary-General

Dear Delegates and Faculty Advisers,

My name is Abigail Mack and as Secretary-General, it is my distinct honor to welcome you to Harvard Model United Nations
India 2024. For those that have never attended HMUN India, I can assure you that this conference operates at the highest level
and that we pride ourselves on providing delegates with an exciting, educational, and enriching experience that is unparalleled.
For those that have attended in prior years, I can guarantee that this year’s conference team holds itself to the same high
standards you’ve witnessed before.

This is my third year with HMUN India. As a director in 2022, then the Under Secretary-General for Committees in 2023,
and now as Secretary-General, I have had the privilege of watching this conference grow. Our entire team, both from Harvard
and Worldview, has been working tirelessly to bring this updated conference to fruition. Here at HMUN India, we strive to not
only maintain the professional caliber of the conference, but to improve the delegate experience year after year. While we have
some incredible ideas prepared for this new dual-conference structure, we also want to highlight that we have worked diligently
to ensure that everything you love about HMUN India will be present in both conferences - pertinent speakers; an innovative
conference theme; delegate socials; educational sponsors; a dedicated host staff; HMUN India merchandise; and an enthusiastic
Harvard team.

Model United Nations provides each and every delegate with the unequivocal opportunity to try their hand at solving the
world’s most pressing issues. Working together to draft innovative solutions to topics ranging from solar geoengineering to
women’s political and economic inequality is something that few people get to do. However, Model United Nations is not just
for students who wish to enter the realms of policy making and diplomacy. Model United Nations cultivates a distinct skill
set, applicable to all aspects of life: negotiation, compromise, collaboration, and communication are skills that you will need
wherever life takes you. Additionally, speaking in front of a crowd, delivering your point clearly and concisely, opening your
mind to new and different ideas, accepting others, and more, are essential to success both in and out of the conference room.

I encourage each of you to go into this weekend with an open mind. Truly listen to each other. It is only then that you will find
success. If you treat this conference as the chance to grow as a person, and as a delegate, you will walk away feeling fulfilled no
matter the awards outcome. Whether this is your first conference or your last, everyone has room to grow. Your directors will
push you, but it’s also important for you to push yourself. Take risks. Be bold. And above all, have fun!

On behalf of the entire HMUN India team, I know that I speak for all of us when I say that we could not be more excited
about this year’s conferences, and we are honored to have you join us. The passion and enthusiasm that the delegates bring each
year is what makes HMUN India such a unique and exhilarating conference, and we cannot wait to experience the vibrancy of
HMUN India once again.


Abigail Victoria Mack

Abigail Victoria Mack
Harvard Model United Nations India 2024

Harvard Model United Nations India 2024

Economic and Social Council

From Your Under-Secretary-General

Dear Delegates and Faculty Advisors,

Welcome to HMUN India 2024! I am Shameel Aubeelauck, and I am honored to serve as your Under-Secretary-General of
Committees alongside our incredible Secretary-General, Abigail Mack. I want to extend my gratitude to each of you for your
unwavering commitment, passion, and dedication to this prestigious conference.

Returning for my second year after serving as a Director in 2023, I am filled with excitement for what is to come. The caliber of
debate at HMUN India is unlike any I have ever seen before. The fervor, diligence, and adept problem-solving skills demonstrated
by delegates in addressing the world’s most pressing issues truly distinguishes this conference from any other. It is a privilege to
witness each delegate showcase their talents and engage in such meaningful debate.

I want to take a moment to reaffirm not only my personal dedication but also that of our entire team to the pursuit of excellence.
HMUN India has consistently prioritized excellence, both within and beyond the committee room to follow through on our
commitment of providing each delegate with an unparalleled conference experience. I want to emphasize that this experience
extends beyond awards and recognition. It’s an opportunity to forge lifelong friendships, explore new horizons, and challenge
your own personal bounds. Within the committee room, we champion values such as collaboration, diplomacy, and negotiation—
essential skills of Harvard Model United Nations delegates and I am eager to witness the diverse skill sets that each delegate
brings with them.

To our Faculty Advisors, I extend my gratitude for your essential contributions to making this conference a reality. From
registration to training to supporting your delegates throughout this monumental conference, your dedication does not go
unnoticed. To the delegates, I express my deepest appreciation for the passion you bring to HMUN India year after year. I am
ecstatic about the expansion of this conference to two locations, Bengaluru and Delhi, this year, reflecting our commitment to
providing more delegates with their own HMUN India experience. And lastly, I extend a huge shout out to the Harvard team
and Worldview for their invaluable contributions behind the scenes.

I am excited about the opportunity to meet each of you, engage in committee sessions, and learn from your different walks of
life. Being a part of this conference fills me with immense gratitude, and I am truly honored to be a part of this transformative
experience with you all.

Yours truly,

Shameel Aubeelauck
Shameel Aubeelauck
Under-Secretary-General of Committees
Harvard Model United Nations India 2024

Harvard Model United Nations India 2024

Harvard Model United Nations India 2024 Economic and Social Council


Family Planning

Dear Delegates,

Welcome to the World Health Organization at HMUN India 2024! My name is Taryn, and I’m from Dallas, Texas. I’m a
rising senior at Harvard, where I’m concentrating (majoring) in both Economics and South Asian Studies, with a secondary in
Middle Eastern Studies. Since the start of my first year in college, HMUN has been such a welcoming community, and I feel
so honored to work alongside such motivated, globally-aware students in my third HMUN India conference.

Outside of model UN, one of my passions is learning languages– I study Hindi, Urdu, and Arabic. I have traveled extensively
in South Asia and the Middle East– some of my favorite trips the past year have been Morocco, Panama, Greece, Turkey,
Cote D’Ivoire, Armenia, Uzbekistan, Saudi Arabia, and 2 months in Jordan. To fund my love for travel (and get a little job
experience!), I do independent research and consulting with Harvard College Consulting Group; I work during the semester at
the Harvard Kennedy School of Government Library, and during the summer I worked full-time in finance in New York City.

Our committee will revolve around the broad issue of family planning, but we will inevitably encounter topics that can be
controversial like birth control and abortion. I hope that this committee will give us the opportunity to have a respectful and
productive discourse about these meaningful issues and to grow as thinkers and speakers along the way!

If you have any questions or concerns at all, please feel free to reach out via email. Best of luck with your preparations and I
look forward to meeting you at HMUN India 2024!


Taryn Riddle

Director, World Health Organization

Harvard Model United Nations India 2024

World Health Organization: Family Planning

can allow parents to control when they enter into the

responsibility of having a baby to ensure that they
INTRODUCTION are financially prepared for the commitment.5 Then,
among women who do become pregnant and are able
The central topic of the World Health to pursue their pregnancy, family planning services
Organization at HMUN India 2024 will revolve provide healthcare, so the women and their babies can
around family planning. The term is often associated stay safe and healthy. Outside the realm of pregnancies,
specifically with methods of contraception and with the family planning services also provide assistance with
abortion services, but these associations have made the sexually-transmitted infections and diseases (STIs
concept somewhat controversial in some parts of the and STDs).6 In a way, family planning has potential to
world. In reality, the idea of family planning is much function somewhat as an equalizer because unintended
more broad. According to the U.S. Office of Disease pregnancy is concentrated among certain demographics
Prevention and Health Promotion, family planning of women, especially poorer ones. These health services
refers to the practice of improving “pregnancy planning can provide women with ways to manage unexpected
and spacing, and prevent[ing] unintended pregnancy.”1 pregnancies and maintain control over their lives.
Family planning can have a number of health benefits
for babies and their mothers alike.2 The long list of The World Health Organization (WHO)
family planning services includes the following :
3 provides an even more global perspective on the
matter. According to the WHO’s website, in addition
● Contraceptive services to preventing unwanted and adolescent pregnancy,
limiting the spread of HIV/AIDs, and reducing infant
● Pregnancy testing and counseling mortality, family planning can help to limit population
growth, which can have environmental, economic,
● Pregnancy–achieving services including and developmental consequences.7 Family planning
preconception health services can also help educate parents, so they can make the
choice to start a family knowing the consequences and
● Basic infertility services challenges associated with their actions.8

● Sexually transmitted disease services This introduction describes the importance of

family planning and lists several forms of it. However,
● Broader reproductive health services, including there are several alternative methods of family planning,
patient education and counseling which will be discussed in further detail in later
sections of this background guide. One such method,
● Breast and pelvic examinations for example, is promoting women in higher education.
The logic behind this practice revolves around the idea
● Breast and cervical cancer screening that keeping women in school longer results in these
women choosing to have children later in life. These
● Sexually transmitted infection (STI) and human women will typically have fewer children as well. This
immunodeficiency virus (HIV) prevention practice of promoting women in higher education is
education, counseling, testing, and referral especially powerful because, in addition to functioning
as a form of family planning, it also empowers women
This is all to say that family planning involves a
and produces other economic and developmental
wide range of essential female and reproductive health
benefits. After all, a more educated population has far
more potential to be more productive and prosperous.
Our goal in committee this year will be to brainstorm
Family planning matters because it has the
creative family planning policies and practices like
capacity to change families for the better. For example,
the aforementioned. These legislative solutions will
it can prevent unwanted pregnancies that result in
accomplish the goals of family planning while also
children who are more likely to suffer from mental and
bringing to bear other developmental benefits for
physical health issues later in life.4 Moreover, raising a
countries around the world.
child is incredibly costly, and family planning services
Economic and Social Council

Key Questions to Consider:

Delegates should answer the following central
questions in the resolutions they write: HEALTH ORGANIZATION
1. What are the goals of family planning in the “WHO’s Constitution came into force on 7 April
country you represent? 1948 – a date we now celebrate every year as World
Health Day.”9 The World Health Organization, or
a. To answer this question, delegates should WHO, is without a doubt one of the most well-known
form an understanding of the country’s and widely-supported agencies of the United Nations.
population structure and trends. At what It remains the only organization focused entirely on
rate is the population growing? How the healthcare and wellbeing of humanity; where other
sustainable is the growth rate? agencies such as UNICEF and Commission on the
Status of Women (CSW) focus on pediatric care and
b. How much of this population growth womens’ health, the WHO maintains its broad and all-
can be attributed to the fertility rate? encompassing focus.
What role can family planning play in
altering this population trend? The WHO was first proposed in April 1945 by
delegations from Brazil and China seeking to establish
2. What are the political and cultural attitudes a health-focused organization and convene to agree
toward family planning in the country you upon a constitution.10 The goal of WHO is to advocate
represent? for human health from a holistic view– in the context of
this WHO committee on family planning, this translates
3. How are traditional methods of family planning
to addressing reproductive health and contraceptive
used in the country?
access in the context of maternal health, menstrual
health, and in the cultural & societal context of each
a. What is the best way to improve access
to these services?
As a longstanding and well-respected
b. How do we ensure that these services
organization, the WHO elicits more cooperation and
are equitably distributed?
more influence over public health than most other
UN agencies might in their respective fields. One
4. What non-traditional family planning practices
primary means of WHO influence are the International
can be used in your country?
Health Regulations, recently revised in 2005.11 These
a. What programs are already in place? regulations require countries to report public health
emergencies, concerns, and disease outbreaks. The
b. What programs can be introduced? WHO offers guidelines for local hospital systems and
populations, as well as connecting countries in need to
c. How can these ideas be scaled to a the equipment, medicine, and personnel a health crisis
global level? might necessitate. Keep in mind, the WHO has a limited
capacity to give material donations and support– if
Note: The terms “non-traditional family planning” or large amounts of staff or pharmaceuticals are needed,
“alternative method of family planning” are intentionally the WHO will likely connect the recipient to a donor.
broad and vague. When using these types of terms, I am For example, the WHO helped facilitate the exchange
referring to policies or programs whose immediate objective of COVID vaccines between large producers, such as
may not be to provide family planning services; still, India, Denmark, and Germany, with smaller countries
they result in a change in fertility rates as a side effect or in need of vaccines, such as Peru and Southeast Asia.
consequence. When designing these types of policies for our This is only a short-term solution, however. In the long-
upcoming conference, you have full creative license, but term, the WHO encourages infrastructure and training
please remember to support your ideas with research. which allow a country to become self-sufficient in

World Health Organization: Family Planning

healthcare, supporting nursing schools, pharmacies environmental impacts. Influencing population trends
and affordable medicine, and especially health science through family planning can thus spur development.
education for the population. I encourage you to ask: Just as importantly, it can be empowering for women,
how might this approach look for contraceptive access? and it can help reduce poverty.
What are the capabilities of the WHO here, and how
can countries become self-sustaining? One thing to acknowledge is that drastically
changing fertility rates through family planning can
dramatically alter the ratio of elderly people to the
STATEMENT OF THE working population. In many cases, this will result in
the work force’s inability to support the retired and
PROBLEM elderly population. This is admittedly a serious issue to
consider. Delegates may work to find solutions to this
The World Health Organization (WHO) has imbalance if they are interested, but for the purpose of
published an unsettling statistic regarding family HMUN India 2024, delegates need not worry about this
planning and contraceptive methods: “Among the particular issue.
1.9 billion Women of Reproductive Age group (15-
49 years) worldwide in 2019, 1.1 billion have a need
for family planning; of these, 842 million are using HISTORY OF THE
contraceptive methods, and 270 million have an unmet
need for contraception.”12 The worldwide demand for POPULATION CHANGES
family planning services simply has not been met. AND THE POPULATION
Moreover, access to these services across the globe is
uneven: as the WHO points out, “the proportion of the MODEL
need for family planning satisfied by modern methods
[...] was 75.7% globally in 2019, yet less than half of The histories related to family planning will
the need for family planning was met in Middle and be explored later in this background guide. However,
Western Africa.”13 In summary, the problems that the understanding the history of population trends provides
WHO must combat at HMUN India 2024 are 1) the valuable context that delegates may apply to their
unmet need for family planning services and 2) the understanding of family planning. Population changes
disparity in access to these services. tend to follow a certain model; however, these patterns
unfold along different timelines around the globe.
This problem is part of a larger ongoing issue
related to population trends. Mortality has declined In pre-industrial societies, populations remain
much faster than fertility. According to some predictions, stable with high birth rates balanced by high death
“the world population is projected to rise to at least 9.2 rates.16 Major episodes like wars or pandemics, however,
billion in 2050, an increase of 2.5 billion from today’s can cause fluctuations in generally stable population
6.7 billion,” with developing countries bearing the levels.17 As societies gain access to modern medicine,
heaviest burden of this increase.14 This statistic assumes the death rate declines, but the birth rate remains
a decreasing fertility rate. With a stable fertility rate, high.18 This combination results in dramatic population
the global population will rise by 5 billion, resulting growth. As societies experience industrialization and
in about 12 billion people on the planet by 2050.15 It is other positive economic changes, birth rates tend to
uncertain whether the planet has the capacity to sustain decrease.19 These changes may also occur because,
this population. with improvements in the economic landscape, women
experience greater agency and autonomy.20 As a result,
Family planning can provide a way to control they have increased control over when they want
fertility rates in order to help solve this larger to have children and how many they plan to have.21
ongoing issue. In this way, family planning offers They may also gain increased access to contraceptive
important benefits in terms of global development methods.22 As these changes occur, population growth
and sustainability. After all, an exponentially slows.23 Eventually, both birth and death rates fall to the
growing population can have negative economic and point that the population remains more-or-less stable.24
Economic and Social Council

Countries that have reached this point tend to be most of the pomegranate’s contraceptive powers and used
developed with “stronger economies, higher levels of the fruit accordingly.28 There also existed, for instance,
education, better healthcare, a higher proportion of ancient potions to prevent pregnancy.29 Contraception
working women, and a fertility rate hovering around has therefore existed in some shape or form throughout
two children per woman.”25 history, but it has become more common in modern times
as society has begun to realize its social, economic, and
There are, of course, regions that do not follow medical importance.
this pattern. Still, this model may provide delegates with
a general understanding of which factors can have the “The Pill”
greatest effect on population levels. It may also provide
them with ideas on the role that family planning can The birth control pill is a common form of
play in population issues. contraception that works by “inhibiting ovulation and
by thickening cervical mucus, which prevents sperm
Questions to Consider: from entering the fallopian tubes where fertilization
Delegates should consider the following takes place.”30 However, it is important to note that this
questions as they prepare their research: process is not fool-proof.

1. What are the current population trends in the Although the American Food and Drug
country you represent? Administration (FDA) approved the first birth control
pill in 1960, the development of the oral contraceptive
2. What role does the fertility rate play in these began in 1950, when Planned Parenthood launched a
population trends? birth control pill initiative.31 The original pill, however,
did include a risk of severe side effects, which left some
3. What are the population goals in the country people skeptical.32 In another moment important to the
you represent? history of birth control and contraception, the Supreme
Court ruled in favor of Planned Parenthood in the
4. What forms of family planning can help your 1965 case Griswold v. Connecticut, which uniformly
country achieve these goals? allowed married couples to legally use contraceptives.33
By that time “one out of every four married women in
5. How do these forms of family planning also
America under 45 had used the pill. By 1967, nearly
contribute to the country’s social and economic
13 million women in the world were using it. And by
1984 that number would reach 50–80 million (Asbell,
1995).”34 Evidently, access to oral contraception in the
United States rose steadily throughout the 20th century.
MAINSTREAM FAMILY This was not necessarily the case throughout the rest
PLANNING METHODS: of the world. According to Planned Parenthood, only
10% of women used contraception in the developing
CONTRACEPTION AND world—about a third of the portion of women using
contraception in the United States.35 While researching
FERTILITY TREATMENT this topic, delegates should consider solutions to this
Contraception has been popular since ancient
times. Take for example the Greek myth about Hades and
Persephone. As part of the story goes, while Persephone
was held in captivity in the Underworld, she ate only
pomegranate seeds.26 The pomegranate is considered
to be a natural oral contraceptive (although maybe not
as effective as modern medicine).27 This element to
the Hades-Persephone myth leads some historians to
believe that the Ancient Greeks possessed an awareness

World Health Organization: Family Planning

Condoms abortion to be executed safely, it must be performed

by a medical professional. These healthcare experts are
Condoms act as a physical barrier that can most well-equipped to determine whether the patient
prevent STDs, STIs, and pregnancies.36 The condom should undergo a medication-induced abortion or a
accomplishes a slightly different goal from oral surgical procedure and how to carry out this process
contraceptives like the birth control pill in that it in the safest way possible. After all, performing an
functions as a preventative measure.37 However, much abortion is not a simple process: there are several
like with oral contraceptives, the condom has existed in different surgical methods that can be used in different
some form or other throughout history.38 The modern scenarios.44 Medical professionals also possess an
condom is typically a latex cover.39 understanding of the risks and restrictions associated
with performing a safe abortion.

Accessibility of abortion around the world

is of particular concern to our committee. As this
background guide has established, abortion is a medical
procedure that must be carried out safely and by medical
professionals. However, there are a number of barriers
to safe abortion around the world. These roadblocks
include legal restrictions, cultural and social stigma,
costliness, and the politicization of the idea of abortion
as a whole.45 As delegates prepare for committee, they
should spend time researching the level of access to
abortion in the countries they represent and design
Access to contraceptive devices like condoms policy solutions that rectify these issues, which can be
varies across the globe. In developed countries there applied at a global level. Delegates can find a resource
is more access, but there remains controversy around with data on access to abortion in various countries in
contraception, especially on providing it to youths.40 Appendix B.
In developing countries, however, access to basic
contraception like condoms is rather limited. A CNN It is important to acknowledge that several
article reports that “in 2008, donors provided about individuals, organizations, and institutions hold
2.4 billion condoms worldwide,” which is “only a reservations about abortion because of religious or
small percentage of the 18 billion experts estimate moral beliefs. While each person is entitled to their
will be needed globally for HIV prevention and family own set of beliefs, the data also reveals the importance
planning by 2015. Some countries receive an average of abortion access to a country’s development.
of one condom per man per year.”41 Thus, delegates Indeed, increased access to abortion correlates with
should brainstorm ways to produce and distribute a number of positive economic outcomes, including
condoms more effectively throughout the developing increased rates of education and increased labor force
world and incorporate these ideas into their resolutions. participation.46 This may be because women without
unplanned pregnancies are able to go to school and
Abortion work more freely than women who have unplanned
pregnancies. Increased access to abortion is therefore
Abortion services are another important facet of also beneficial to a country’s development. However,
family planning. In the medical sense, abortion refers when countries do have reservations regarding abortion,
to the procedure of removing pregnancy tissue and I encourage delegates to at least consider other means
products of conception (if the procedure is performed to provide women with autonomy over their bodies and
within 8 weeks of conception) or the fetus and placenta lives as well as ways to produce these same positive
(if it is performed after 8 weeks).42 Depending on how developmental outcomes.
far along the mother is at the time of the abortion, the
procedure can be conducted with medication, through One case study of evolving legislation and public
surgery, or by inducing labor.43 In any case, for an support for abortion is the United States reversal of Roe

Economic and Social Council

v Wade, which is unique in that a progressive national For additional context, the IUD is a “T-shaped”
policy allowing abortion was suddenly pulled back to a device that a healthcare professional places in the uterus.
more conservative ruling, which left abortion rights to There are two types of IUDs: the Non-hormonal Copper
be determined by individual US states. This story begins T IUD, which functions by killing sperm before they
in 1973, when the case of Roe v. Wade was brought to reach the egg, and the Hormonal Intrauterine Device,
the Supreme Court.47 The justices ruled that safe and which functions by releasing hormones that thin the
legal abortion is a “federally-protected constitutional uterine lining to prevent the sperm from reaching and
right of all Americans.”48 For decades, the issue of fertilizing the egg.54
abortion polarized US politics, with Republicans
supporting “pro-life” policy outlawing abortion, and Although the IUD is one of the most effective
Democrats supporting “pro-choice” policy maintaining contraceptive treatments, it is one of the lesser-
legal and safe access. Even while legal, abortion is accessible options around the world. Only 14.3% of
highly stigmatized in the US. These disagreements rose women worldwide use the IUD.55 However, there
to the surface in June 2022, when the case Dobbs v. exists a number of disparities in the access to IUD
Jackson Women’s Health Organization was brought to contraception between countries: “In some countries,
the Supreme Court, challenging a ban on abortion after the percentage of women using IUC [Intrauterine
15 weeks of pregnancy in the state of Mississippi.49 Contraception] is < 2%, whereas in other countries, it
This time, the conservative Supreme Court ruled is > 40%.56 Delegates should consider ways to make
differently, declaring the abortion is not a federally- this type of contraception more evenly accessible
protected right in the United States. Within just a few throughout the world.
months, over 18 US states had passed legislation to
restrict or ban abortion. Today, 1 in 3 American women Fertility Treatment
live in states where abortion is illegal, even in cases of
rape, incest, violence, or serious health complications This background guide so far has discussed
for the mother.50 Access to healthcare is increasingly methods to limit pregnancy. Indeed, a large part of family
limited, and some states, such as Texas, even include planning involves these types of practices. However,
legal provisions to reward “whistleblowers” who report family planning also involves methods to increase
women leaving the state to get an abortion. The story of fertility and induce pregnancy. Making this type of
Roe v. Wade in the United States shows us two things: medical treatment available to women is empowering
one, that abortion remains a controversial, divisive, and and provides them with additional control over their
misunderstood issue; and two, that national policy can lives. As they conduct their research, delegates should
change in both directions as politics change over time. consider plans that make fertility treatment, in addition
Some questions to consider here: How can the values of to contraception, more available to women around the
both pro-choice and pro-life advocates be represented world.
and reconciled in a WHO committee? How can we
center maternal and infant health in the conversation, Questions to Consider:
instead of politics and religion? Delegates should consider the following
questions as they prepare their research:
Other Contraceptive Methods: IUD 1. Which of the aforementioned contraceptive
One of the perhaps lesser-known contraceptive resources and fertility services are available
methods is the Intrauterine Device (IUD). The IUD is in the country you represent? Which of the
among the more effective methods of contraception: aforementioned are NOT available?
“Of 100 women using IUDs for a year, less than one
may become pregnant.”51 The IUD is inserted into 2. Are there other forms of contraception and
a woman’s uterus by a medical professional. Once fertility treatment available in the country you
the device is implanted in the uterus, it is effective represent?
for between three and ten years.52 Despite the IUD’s
efficacy in preventing unplanned pregnancy, it does not a. How effective are these resources?
protect against STDs and STIs.53
World Health Organization: Family Planning

b. How available are these resources? Case Study: The Mexico City Policy
Are they equally available to all
demographics? In US politics, abortion has long represented a
point of contention. While liberal administrations have
c. How affordable are these resources? worked to expand access to abortion, conservative
administrations have tried to introduce more restrictions.
d. How sustainable are these resources? This point is well illustrated through the history of
the Mexico City Policy, also known informally as
e. How widely-accepted are these the Global Gag Rule because it limits conversations
resources in the country? surrounding abortion, as well as access to it, across the
3. Which contraceptive and fertility resources are
ideal and compatible with the country’s cultural, The Mexico City Policy was first introduced in
economic, and political structures? 1984 by then-President Ronald Reagan’s administration
at a Conference on Population located in Mexico
4. What may be the most effective combination of City.60 The policy prohibited foreign non-governmental
contraceptive resources and fertility services for organizations from providing abortion services as
the country, and what is the most effective way a family planning method as long as they received
to distribute these resources across the country? funding from the United States government.61 Since the
Reagan administration instituted this policy, it has been
5. How can this plan be translated into legislation revoked by every Democratic president that has held
that will be applied on a more global scale? office, and it has been reinstated by every Republican
president.62 In fact, former President Obama rescinded
the policy on January 23, 2009 just three days after
CONTROVERSY his first inauguration; it was among his first actions as
president.63 Exactly eight years later, President Trump
SURROUNDING FAMILY re-introduced the policy on January 23, 2017.64
This sequence of events is significant to the
HMUN India WHO’s upcoming committee because
The issue of family planning, particularly the
it speaks to the politicization of family planning. That
practices of contraception and abortion, have sparked
each conservative US president since 1984 has enforced
much debate in some communities. People who
the policy while each liberal president has revoked
oppose contraception and abortion often cite moral
it is no accident. These leaders’ politics very much
and religious beliefs to support their objections. These
informed their decisions about funding access to global
groups often argue that the fetus is “a human being with
reproductive health. As a consequence, the development
full moral rights.”57 Under this belief structure, abortion
and distribution of family planning services around the
denies the fetus the right to live. Some groups go even
world has to some extent ebbed and flowed cyclically.
further to say that contraception also prevents life.
For instance, March for Life — a U.S. anti-abortion
President Trump’s policy, however, interrupts
organization — has argued that “methods that prevent
this cycle. It expands the effect of the Mexico City
a fertilized egg from implanting in a woman’s uterus”
Policy in unprecedented fashion.65 His version of the
function as a form of abortion, which suggests that
plan “extends to the vast majority of U.S. bilateral
such groups might regard contraception more or less
global health assistance, including funding for HIV
in the same way as abortion.58 In any case, these beliefs
under PEPFAR, maternal and child health, malaria,
pose challenges to the accessibility of contraception
nutrition, and other programs.”66 This policy broadly
and especially abortion services around the world. In
restricts the United States’ contributions to global
fact, in some places like the United States, abortion has
health development and healthcare programs around
become a highly politicized topic.
the world. This is especially notable because the United
States contributes the most—in a financial sense—to

Economic and Social Council

global health.67 family planning and reproductive health care in

the country you represent?
The impact of this executive order on family
planning has certainly been severe. According to
Human Right Watch, the Mexico City Policy has
dramatically restricted access to reproductive health.
Take, for instance, Family Health Options Kenya: OF FAMILY PLANNING:
“FHOK representatives told us the PROMOTING WOMEN IN
organization will not comply with the HIGHER EDUCATION
restrictions and therefore will lose US funds,
which make up roughly 60 percent of its
There exist a number of creative ways to increase
budget, and that it may have to cut as many
access to family planning around the world while also
as half of its services. By July 2017, the
working around restrictions in certain countries to
organization had already closed one clinic
abortion and contraception. One such method involves
and canceled 100 planned outreach events,
promoting women in higher education. The general logic
including for cervical cancer screening, HIV
behind this method revolves around the idea that women
testing, and family planning counseling,
in school are less likely to have children. Moreover,
that typically reach 100 people each time.”68
women in higher education are more likely to seek full
time employment after completing their degree, which
For women, this policy took away access not
would result in their having fewer children, as well as
only to health care services but also to the sense of
their having children later in life. These conclusions are
autonomy that reproductive health care afforded them.
supported by modeling conducted by the International
Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA):
The Mexico City Policy is important for delegates
“Better educated women have far fewer children than
to consider because the politics behind its history may
women with little education. There are huge differences
inform the way some countries beyond the United
between the fertility rates of women, depending on their
States perceive reproductive health and contraception.
education level.”69
Delegates should remember that they should actively
reflect their country’s stance in committee and when
The idea of increased rates of women in higher
designing working papers and draft resolutions.
education (and the assumption of lower fertility rates
Delegates representing more conservative or traditional
as a consequence) has serious implications on global
countries may need to be more creative in their policy
development patterns. According to U.N. predictions,
ideas to accommodate their country’s stance on
“the world’s population will grow from 7.3 billion
reproductive health while also working to promote
today to 9.7 billion by 2050,” with the majority of this
family planning for the sake of population development.
population growth occurring in developing countries
Questions to Consider: where “mortality rates have declined more rapidly than
Delegates should consider the following fertility rates.”70 Improving the rate at which women
questions as they prepare their research: obtain education could dramatically decrease fertility
rates in these developing countries and, by extension,
1. What are the social and political attitudes slow the rate at which population increases. In fact, the
surrounding family planning and reproductive IIASA predicts that, in Africa, “improved education
health care in the country you represent? could result in 1.8 billion people less than the U.N.
median variant suggests by 2100. If education could
2. What challenges might these attitudes pose be scaled up faster, the impact would be even more
toward efforts to introduce new or additional dramatic.”71
family planning services to your country?
Some efforts have been made on a global scale to
3. What methods of family planning are most the ends of promoting women in higher education, and
compatible with the attitudes surrounding these efforts have had other developmental benefits. The
World Health Organization: Family Planning

World Bank Group, for example, has worked towards

“advancing skills and job opportunities for adolescent ALTERNATIVE METHODS
girls and young women.”72 Specifically, they hope to OF FAMILY PLANNING:
achieve these outcomes by “ending child marriage,
removing financial barriers that keep girls out of school, SEXUAL EDUCATION
improving access to reproductive health services, and
preventing gender-based violence.”73 Thus, efforts to Another non-traditional—but nonetheless
improve access to education among women and girls common-sense—way to increase the implementation
come with additional positive side effects, which of family planning practices is through education,
contribute to sustainable development.74 Some of the particularly through sexual health education. Young
World Bank Groups efforts thus far include “keeping women who are aware of their sexual health options are
girls in school in Zambia and Malawi to supporting more equipped to make decisions about contraception,
Syrian refugee girls to attend school in Lebanon, as well as about their fertility.
and providing school tuition vouchers for vulnerable
adolescent girls in Punjab, Pakistan.”75 Delegates can According to a United Nations study, “80
read more about these specific efforts in Appendices D percent of assessed countries have policies or strategies
and E. in place that support CSE [Comprehensive Sexuality
Education].”76 Thus, there is work to be done toward
Delegates should look into efforts made toward introducing sexual health education in countries where
promoting women in higher education in the countries these programs do not exist. Moreover, UNESCO’s
they represent. They should also innovate solutions to Senior Health Education Program Specialist Joanna
the issues they discover, considering also how their Herat suggests that “despite the increased political
solutions can be scaled to a global level. will, there remained a significant gap between the
many global and regional policies in place and the
Questions to Consider: implementation on the ground.”77 Even in places where
Delegates should consider the following CSE does exist in theory, the quality of and access to
questions as they prepare their research: sexual health education in practice may be lacking.
Reforming these short-comings can take the form of
1. What efforts to promote women and girls in expanding gender and sexuality education, HIV/AIDS
education are already in place in the country education, and teacher training programs.78 Ultimately,
you represent? education contributes to global family planning efforts
because it empowers young women and gives them the
2. How effective are these programs?
agency and knowledge to plan their futures.
3. How can these programs be improved? Questions to consider:
Delegates should consider the following
4. What programs exist in countries other than questions as they prepare their research:
the one you represent that may be applicable in
your country? 1. What types of sexual education programs are
offered in the countries you represent?

2. Are these programs equally accessible to all


3. What material is covered and what material is

NOT covered?

4. What information is essential to promote

healthy reproductive practice and safe sexual

Economic and Social Council

5. Are there political or social barriers against more female babies.89 These patterns translated into an
robust sexual health education in your country? unbalanced sex ratio: the Chinese population became
How can we accommodate these potential unproportionally dominated by males.90 Outside of
reservations while still promoting healthy and gender and sex issues, while the One Child Policy did
safe practices? improve China’s economy on the whole, it created
other sorts of economic strains by forcing a smaller
Case Study: China’s One Child Policy population of working young people to support a much
larger older population. It also raised concerns about
China’s widely-known One Child Policy offers restricting the people’s freedom of choice.91
valuable insight into family planning policy and
how it has been implemented in the real world. For China’s One Child Policy leaves a complicated
context, the policy was implemented by then-president legacy: the program created positive economic
Deng-Xiao-ping’s administration in 1979 in order to outcomes, but alongside these benefits came a great deal
“develop our economy, and raise the living standards of suffering. In researching and designing innovative
of our people.”79 The policy generally limited families legislative ideas, delegates should consider the
to having one child, although there existed exceptions complexity that they might encounter in implementing
to this rule.80 Xiao-ping’s legislation sought to reverse family planning policies. China’s One Child Policy
the impacts of his predecessor Mao Zedong’s reign on may serve as a reminder that delegates should analyze
China.81 Chairman Mao believed in the notion that the and address the unintended consequences of their
strength of China lied in the size of its population.82 legislative ideas because these side effects can be quite
This, of course, resulted in a population boom and harmful.
hindered the development of family planning services
in China at the time. Case Study: India’s Emergency
Ultimately, Xiao-ping’s One Child Policy did Much like China, India has its own defining
dramatically reduce China’s fertility rate. Economists history with family planning. In 1975, the country found
believe that this birth rate decline contributed to the itself in both economic and political turmoil.92 It faced
growth of the country’s economy.83 Scholars calculate crises in agriculture and trade, and its Prime Minister at
that China might have reached a 2.1 fertility rate the time, Indira Gandhi, was accused of leading a corrupt
without the One Child Policy, but the implementation administration.93 Prime Minister Gandhi responded to
of the policy brought the country’s fertility rate down this chaos with the so-called “Emergency.” Broadly,
even further to 1.6.84 This difference may seem small, the national Emergency was a twenty-one-month-
but it “releases 24% more resources for the family and long period during which “elections were suspended
national investment.”85 Moreover, the policy has shifted and civil liberties curbed.”94 Ultimately, it allowed the
the social norm in China, perhaps for the better: even government to consolidate power in an undemocratic
now, after the policy has loosened, most Chinese prefer way.95 It was during the Emergency that Sanjay Gandhi
to have no more than two children.86 Still, the social (Indira Gandhi’s son) rose to power himself.96 Mr.
impacts were more problematic. Gandhi designed a program based on “family planning,
tree planting, a ban on dowry, each-one-teach-one (an
The One Child Policy generated a number of adult education program), and ending social caste”—
social side effects. One of the more prominent of these all theoretically good ideas.97 However, Gandhi took
issues has to do with the male-female sex ratio among his family planning idea to an all new extreme: in an
babies and the neglect of female babies. Chinese effort to slow population growth and thus lower the
tradition has favored male children over female ones.87 rates of poverty, he introduced a massive compulsory
This is, of course, the case in many cultures beyond sterilization campaign.98
China, but the One Child Policy exacerbated the effects
of this tradition. In the wake of this policy, families This sterilization campaign was largely
began illegally aborting female babies and generally ineffective in accomplishing its goals of reducing
neglecting them in favor of male babies.88 Indeed, India’s poverty levels; instead, it created a host of other
there seemed to be a higher mortality rate among problems. Sanjay Gandhi soon introduced sterilization

World Health Organization: Family Planning

quotas for states to meet, and these states used force, I implore you to keep in mind the health
manipulation, and coercion to achieve them, an issue aspect of the WHO. When family planning services
which the government censored from the press.99 Even are not available, individuals may seek unsafe ways
worse, the program targeted rural, lower income, of ending or preventing a pregnancy. These alternative
and minority areas, creating major injustices in the means can have impacts on one’s health, so increasing
sterilization campaign’s enforcement.100 Ultimately, safe, legal access to family planning measures is
India’s Emergency and the family planning policies imperative. Additionally, rapid population growth can
implemented during this time produced major human also contribute to a decline in health if resources are
rights violations. Moreover, in the years after these scarce. While the logistics of the implementation of
events, politicians have shied away from the topic of family planning services will certainly be central to this
family planning due to the national trauma that these debate, please do keep in mind ways to mitigate these
extreme prior efforts caused.101 Mr. Gandhi’s program health effects in the interim as well.
caused a great deal of irreversible damage.
The bulk of this background guide covered
As delegates work to design their own policy mainstream approaches to family planning, as well as a
ideas, they should keep India’s example in mind. While few case studies in the types of policies and campaigns
modern family planning efforts function to provide that countries have launched in order to achieve some
individuals with more agency and freedom over their form of population control. Delegates can use this
lives and bodies, some policies can do the opposite. background guide as inspiration for understanding
Family planning policy is indeed complex because of what types of policies may or may not be effective.
its ambiguous relationship with individual rights. These They should focus their research and preparation on
factors will undoubtedly complicate certain policy designing innovative alternative methods to family
solutions that delegates may create. Still, delegates can planning, beyond the common contraceptive methods.
use the example of India’s failed campaign to anticipate
the problems that their own ideas may create. Based on Thursday’s committee session will be dedicated
India’s example, they may ask themselves, for instance, to discussing the issue of family planning and defining
whether their policies unfairly target certain populations which specific problems the committee hopes to address.
or whether they leave families with enough choice about This background guide covered a general overview of
how they may engage with family planning programs. the issues associated with family planning and access
The debates that delegates have in committee will to it across the world. However, delegates should focus
help to bring some of the flaws in their policy ideas to part of their research on the specific issues experienced
light. Delegates should then work together to find real by their countries (and those they are diplomatically
solutions to these flaws and incorporate them into their associated with). They should share these issues at this
legislation. committee session. Thursday’s committee session will
also allow delegates to understand the issues that their
colleagues find most pressing, so they may begin to
COMMITTEE STRUCTURE formulate an idea of who they may want to work with.

During Friday’s first committee session,

Congratulations! You made it to the end of delegates will begin to discuss and write their working
the background guide! Keep up the good work with papers. Working papers will be due at the end of this
your research, and don’t hesitate to ask questions in first session on Friday. During the second session on
committee. Friday, each bloc will present its working papers and do
a Q&A session. Blocs should begin the merging process
As mentioned above, the goal of the committee is by the end of the second session on Friday night.
for delegates to collaborate on producing specific draft
resolutions that encourage access to family planning On Saturday’s morning session, delegates will
services, as well as that accomplishes the same goals spend their time discussing and writing their draft
as family planning but in more unconventional ways. resolutions. These draft resolutions will be due at the
This is admittedly somewhat vague — perhaps even beginning of the second session on Saturday. This second
frustratingly so. I encourage delegates to be creative!
Economic and Social Council

session will be dedicated to reading and presenting the

draft resolutions, followed by a Q&A period; delegates
can propose amendments if time permits. By the end
of this final session on Saturday, delegates will vote to
pass legislation.

The Sunday morning session will serve as buffer

time in case we have fallen behind on our deadlines.
However, I hope to use the Sunday session more as a
time for delegates to reflect on what they have learned
from the HMUN India experience and to discuss their
own personal beliefs and ideas about the substantive
content discussed in committee.

There is no specific formula that will make

a delegate successful in committee, but I hope to
see delegates engage thoughtfully with the topic of
family planning. Model UN is supposed to provide
an experience that allows students to learn beyond the
classroom; I believe that students learn best when they
are interested in the subject matter. This is all to say that
I hope delegates will choose to focus on the specific
issues or ideas within the realm of family planning that
spark their interests most. I believe that delegates who CLOSING REMARKS
are truly interested in their specific topics will be able
to speak most persuasively and passionately about their This background guide provides a brief
legislative solutions. Another tip I have to offer for introduction to the complex issue of family planning.
delegates is to be specific in speeches when discussing Our committee will run smoothly if all delegates
potential policy solutions and legislative ideas. Be sure understand that there is a purpose and importance to
to support ideas with data and evidence! family planning. However, our committee’s debate
will be rich and exciting if all delegates bring their
This final note goes without saying, but one thing own perspectives, issues, and ideas to the conference
that matters a lot in committee (and in general) is respect. and represent their country’s interests. As such, I hope
Please remember that delegates come from all over the that you take the time to read through this background
world and often have very different experiences. It is guide to understand the basics of family planning and
incredibly important to be respectful of each delegate’s to get a better sense of what topics you should research
identity, perspectives, and backgrounds, so our and plan prior to committee. However, I also hope that
committee can remain an inclusive and safe learning you spend time researching your individual country’s
environment. I will not tolerate anything less. issues (especially the specific topics that most interest
you!) and ultimately use this research to design creative
policy solutions.

I am so excited to meet you all in Bangalore! I have

enjoyed HMUN India in the past partly because of how
much it has taught me about fascinating international
issues but even more because of how it brings together
students from around the world. I hope that you will
all enjoy the weekend connecting with your fellow
delegates while also honing in on your public speaking,
debating, researching, and writing skills.

World Health Organization: Family Planning

As we approach the conference, please feel free New International Economic Order and the Programme
to reach out with any questions, and I will do my best to of Action to achieve it, adopted by the United Nations
get back to you as soon as I can! I am looking forward General Assembly at its sixth special session (resolutions
to hearing all of your brilliant ideas this coming August! 3201 (S-VI) and 3202 (S-VI) of 1 May 1974), provide
the most recent over-all framework for international
Good luck! co-operation. The explicit aim of the World Population
Plan of Action is to help co-ordinate population trends
All my best, and the trends of economic and social development.
The basis for an effective solution of population
Taryn Riddle problems is, above all, socio-economic transformation.
A population policy may have a certain success if
[email protected] it constitutes an integral part of socio-economic
development; its contribution to the solution of world
development problems is hence only partial, as is the
case with the other sectoral strategies. Consequently,
the Plan of Action must be considered as an important
component of the system of international strategies and
as an instrument of the international community for the
promotion of economic development, quality of life,
human rights and fundamental freedoms.”

Click here to read the full text of the plan!

APPENDICES Appendix B - “Global Abortion Policies


Appendix A - Excerpt from “World

Population Plan of Action” (Background)
“The promotion of development and
improvement of quality of life require co-ordination
of action in all major socio-economic fields including
that of population, which is the inexhaustible source
of creativity and a determining factor of progress.
At the international level a number of strategies and
programmes whose explicit aim is to affect variables
in fields other than population have already been
formulated. These include the Provisional Indicative
World Plan for Agricultural Development of the
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
Nations, the United Nations/FAO World Food
Programme, the International Labour Organisation’s Click here to visit this online tool!
World Employment Programme, the Action Plan
for the Human Environment, the United Nations
World Plan of Action for the Application of Science
and Technology to Development, the Programme of
Concerted Action for the Advancement of Women, and, Appendix C - Excerpt from “A push for
more comprehensively, the International Development
keeping adolescent girls in school in Malawi
Strategy for the Second United Nations Development
Decade. The Declaration on the Establishment of a

Economic and Social Council

and Zambia.” dropouts from primary school and half from secondary
to return to school in 2013-14 (in Malawi it is unclear
“Below are the key findings from the situation how well the policy is enforced and how many students
analysis on keeping girls in school in Zambia and are able to return to school).”
Malawi that are the everyday reality to Martha and her
Malawian and Zambian peers:

● “Overall education quality is poor. Malawi and Click here to read the full article!
Zambia pupils are among the lowest performers
in the region according to the 2007 Southern
African Consortium for Measuring Educational
Quality results.

● “Dropout rates remain similar by gender until

upper primary. In Malawi, the dropout rate for
Grade 7 females was, on average, 19.5 percent
over the past five years, compared with 11.2
percent for males. In Zambia, Grade 7 girls
dropped out of school more than double the rate
of boys; by Grade 11 girls drop out more than
three times the rate of their male peers.

● “Socio-economic status matters. Direct and

indirect school costs are prohibitive for poor
families. The net enrollment rate for secondary
school students in Malawi is below 5 percent
for the lowest income quintile. In Zambia, 77
percent of adolescent girls from extremely poor
households are enrolled in school in comparison WORKS CITED
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son, and Seshadri Sriprasad. “The story of the con- 56 Ibid.
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46 Sonfield, Adam, Kinsey Hasstedt, Megan 61 Ibid.
Kavanaugh, and Ragnar Anderson. “The Social and 62 Ibid.
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Fund, Planned Parenthood Inc., 2024, www.plannedparenthoo- 64 Trump, Donald J. “Presidential Memoran-
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Gag Rule.’” Human Rights Watch, 8 February 2018, gency-and-the-politics-of-mass-sterilization/.
co-city-policy-or-global-gag-rule#. 93 Ibid.
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69 Kharas, Homi. “Climate change, fertili- How Former PM Indira Gandhi Led Country to Cha-
ty and girls’ education.” Brookings Institute, 16 os, What Followed.” News 18 India, 25 June 2019,
February 2016,
future-development/2016/02/16/climate-change-fertili- of-1975-how-former-pm-indira-gandhi-led-country-to-
ty-and-girls-education/. chaos-what-followed-2202657.html.
70 Ibid. 95 Ibid.
71 Ibid. 96 Gupte, Prajakta R. “India: ‘The Emergency’
72 “Girls’ Education.” World Bank, 25 September and the Politics of Mass Sterilization.” Education
2017, about Asia,
tion#2. tions/eaa/archives/india-the-emergency-and-the-poli-
73 Ibid. tics-of-mass-sterilization/.
74 Ibid. 97 Ibid.
75 Ibid. 98 Ibid.
76 “Global Review finds Comprehensive Sexual- 99 Ibid.
ity Education key to gender equality and reproductive 100 Ibid.
health.” Office of the Secretary-General’s Envoy on 101 Ibid.
Youth, 2015,
77 Ibid.
78 Ibid.
79 Potts, Malcolm. “China’s one child policy.”
The British Medical Journal (The BMJ), 19 August
80 “Explainer: What was China’s one-child
policy.” British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), 29
October 2015,
81 Potts, Malcolm. “China’s one child policy.”
The British Medical Journal (The BMJ), 19 August
82 Ibid.
83 Ibid.
84 Ibid.
85 Ibid.
86 Ibid.
87 Ibid.
88 Ibid.
89 Ibid.
90 Ibid.
91 Ibid.
92 Gupte, Prajakta R. “India: ‘The Emergency’
and the Politics of Mass Sterilization.” Education

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