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Teaching Scheme
Credits Assigned
Course (Teaching Hours)
Course Name
Code TW
Theory Practical Tut Theory Tut Total
Mathematics for
NETPC34 Communication 03 --- --- 03 --- --- 03

Examination Scheme


Course Internal Practical

Course Name Assessment Term
Code End & Total
Continu Work
Mid- Sem Oral
Term Exam
Mathematics for
NETPC34 Communication 20 20 60 --- --- 100

Course Prerequisite: Matrices and Differential Calculus, Integral Calculus and Complex
Course Objectives:
1 To build a strong foundation in mathematics, provide students with mathematics
fundamentals necessary to formulate, solve and analyse complex engineering problems.
2 To prepare students to apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to
engineering practice, to work as part of teams on multi-disciplinary projects.

Course Outcomes:
After successful completion of the course students will be able to:
1 Apply Laplace transform and its properties to find the transform of a given function and
evaluate some integrals of real value functions.
2 Analyze the different Signals used in communication, control using Fourier Series.
3 Analyze the different systems like communication, control using Fourier transform.
4 Apply Z- transform and its properties to find the transform of a given function and analyse
the digital systems.
5 Compute probability using probability distribution of discrete and continuous Random
variable, Poisson and Normal distribution
Module Content Hrs

1 Laplace Transform 8

1.1 Laplace Transform, Concept of Region of Convergence, Properties and

theorems of Laplace Transform, unilateral Laplace Transform, Representation
of Poles and zeros in S-plane.

1.2 Inverse Laplace Transform- Partial Fraction Expansion method, Convolution


2 Fourier Series 6

2.1 Definition of Fourier Series, Types-Trigonometric Form of Fourier Series,

- Definition, Conditions for Existence of Fourier Series, Exponential Form
of Fourier Series- Definition, Negative Frequency, Frequency Spectrum (or
Line Spectrum) of Periodic Continuous Time Signals.

2.2 Fourier series of even and odd functions, Properties of Fourier Series, Gibbs
Phenomenon, Relation Between Fourier Coefficients of Trigonometric and
Exponential Form,

3 Fourier transform 8

3.1 Definition Fourier Transform, Fourier Transform of Standard Signals,

Frequency Spectrum using Fourier Transform, Properties of Fourier

3.2 Fourier Transform of a Periodic Signal, Relation Between Fourier & Laplace

4 Z-Transform

4.1 Definition of Z-transform, Region of Convergence, Properties of Z-Transform, 8

Poles and Zeros of Rational Function of z, Representation of Poles and Zeros
in z-plane, ROC of Rational Function of z

4.2 Inverse Z-Transform- Residue Method, Inverse Z-Transform by Partial

Fraction Expansion Method, Inverse Z-Transform by Power Series Expansion
Method, Relation Between Laplace Transform and Z-Transform

5 Probability and distribution function

5.1 Discrete & continuous random variable with probability distribution Function
& probability density function, probability mass function, properties of PDF
and CDF

5.2 Standard Probability Distribution: Binomial, Poisson and Normal distribution

Random Variable

6 6.1 Function of a random variable and their distribution and density functions. 4

6.2 Expectation, Variance, Moment generating function, Raw and central Moments,
Covariance, Correlation coefficient and their properties

Total 39
1 Nagoor Kani, Signals and Systems, Tata McGraw Hill, Third Edition, 2011.
R. K. Jain and S. R. K. Iyengar, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Narosa Publication,
Fifth Edition, 2016
T. Veerarajan, “Probability, Statistics and Random Processes”, McGraw-Hill. Third Edition,
Reference Books:
1 Hwei. P Hsu, Signals and Systems, Tata McGraw Hill, Fourth edition, 2020
2 Dr. B. S. Grewal, Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publication, 42th Edition, 2020
Erwin Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Wiley Eastern Limited, 10th Edition,
Taub, Schilling and Saha, "Taub's Principles of Communication systems", Tata McGraw
Hill, Fourth edition, 2013.
Access to software and virtual labs:
Any other (Access to AI tools / Data driven insights (if applicable) or any other):

Internal Assessment:
1) Assessment consists of one Mid Term Test of 20 marks and Continuous Assessment of 20 marks.
2) Mid Term test is to be conducted when approx. 50% syllabus is completed.
3) Duration of the midterm test shall be one hour.

Continuous Assessment:
Continuous Assessment is of 20 marks. The rubrics for assessment will be considered on approval by the
subject teachers. The rubrics can be any 2 or max 4 of the following:

Sr. No Rubrics Marks

1 Certificate course for 4 weeks or more: NPTEL/ Coursera/ Udemy/any

10 marks
2 Wins in the event/competition/hackathon 10 marks

3 Content beyond syllabus presentation 10 marks

4 Creating Proof of concept 10 marks

5 Mini Project / Extra Experiments/ Virtual Lab 10 marks

6 GATE Based Assignment test/Tutorials etc 10 marks

Participation in event/workshop/talk / competition followed by

7 small report and certificate of participation relevant to 05 marks
the subject (in other institutes)
8. Multiple Choice Questions (Quiz) 05 marks

9. Peer Review and participation the marks can be left blank

05 Marks
(with discretion of faculty)
End Semester Theory Examination:
1 Question paper will be of 60 marks
2 Question paper will have a total of five questions
3 All questions have equal weightage and carry 20 marks each
4 Any three questions out of five needs to be solved.

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