Fpga TN 02190 2 9 Latticeecp3 Serdes Pcs Usage Guide

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LatticeECP3 SERDES/PCS Usage Guide

Technical Note


January 2020
LatticeECP3 SERDES/PCS Usage Guide
Technical Note

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2 FPGA-TN-02190-2.9
LatticeECP3 SERDES/PCS Usage Guide
Technical Note

1. Introduction .................................................................................................................................................................. 9
2. Features ........................................................................................................................................................................ 9
2.1. New Features Over LatticeECP2M™ SERDES/PCS ............................................................................................... 9
3. Using This Technical Note ........................................................................................................................................... 10
4. Standards Supported .................................................................................................................................................. 10
5. Architecture Overview ................................................................................................................................................ 11
5.1. PCS Quads and Channels ................................................................................................................................... 12
5.2. Per Channel SERDES/PCS and FPGA Interface Ports ......................................................................................... 12
5.3. Detailed Channel Block Diagram ....................................................................................................................... 12
5.4. Clocks and Resets .............................................................................................................................................. 13
5.5. Transmit Data Bus ............................................................................................................................................. 13
5.6. Receive Data Bus ............................................................................................................................................... 14
5.7. Mode-Specific Control/Status Signal Descriptions ............................................................................................ 15
5.8. SERDES/PCS ....................................................................................................................................................... 16
5.9. I/O Descriptions ................................................................................................................................................ 17
6. SERDES/PCS Functional Description ........................................................................................................................... 19
7. SERDES ........................................................................................................................................................................ 20
7.1. Equalizer ............................................................................................................................................................ 20
7.2. Pre-Emphasis ..................................................................................................................................................... 20
7.3. Reference Clocks ............................................................................................................................................... 20
7.4. SERDES Clock Architecture ................................................................................................................................ 20
7.5. Rate Modes ....................................................................................................................................................... 21
7.6. Reference Clock from an FPGA Core ................................................................................................................. 22
7.7. Full Data, Div 2 and Div 11 Data Rates .............................................................................................................. 23
7.8. Dynamic Switching Between Full Rate and Half Rate (DIV2) ............................................................................ 23
7.9. Reference Clock Sources ................................................................................................................................... 24
7.10. Spread Spectrum Clocking (SSC) Support .......................................................................................................... 24
7.11. Loss of Signal ..................................................................................................................................................... 24
7.12. Loss Of Lock ....................................................................................................................................................... 25
7.13. TX Lane-to-Lane Skew ....................................................................................................................................... 25
7.14. SERDES PCS Configuration Setup ...................................................................................................................... 26
7.15. Auto-Configuration File ..................................................................................................................................... 26
7.16. Transmit Data .................................................................................................................................................... 26
7.17. Receive Data...................................................................................................................................................... 26
7.18. 8b10b Decoder .................................................................................................................................................. 27
7.19. External Link State Machine Option .................................................................................................................. 27
7.20. Clock Tolerance Compensation ......................................................................................................................... 28
7.21. Calculating Minimum Interpacket Gap ............................................................................................................. 31
7.22. PCS Module Generation in IPexpress ................................................................................................................ 32
7.23. 8-Bit and 10-Bit SERDES-Only Modes ................................................................................................................ 43
7.24. Generic 8b10b Mode ........................................................................................................................................ 43
7.25. LatticeECP3 PCS in Gigabit Ethernet and SGMII Modes .................................................................................... 44
7.26. XAUI Mode ........................................................................................................................................................ 46
7.27. LatticeECP3 PCS in PCI Express Revision 1.1 (2.5Gpbs) Mode .......................................................................... 46
7.28. PCI Express Beacon Support .............................................................................................................................. 50
7.29. SDI (SMPTE) Mode ............................................................................................................................................ 51
7.30. Serial RapidIO (SRIO) Mode ............................................................................................................................... 52
7.31. Serial Digital Video and Out-Of-Band Low Speed SERDES Operation ............................................................... 52
7.32. Open Base Station Architecture Initiative (OBSAI) ............................................................................................ 53
7.33. Common Public Radio Interface (CPRI) ............................................................................................................. 54
7.34. SONET/SDH ....................................................................................................................................................... 56
7.35. FPGA Interface Clocks ....................................................................................................................................... 57

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LatticeECP3 SERDES/PCS Usage Guide
Technical Note

7.36. Case I_a: 8/10-Bit, CTC FIFO and RX/TX FIFOs Not Bypassed ............................................................................ 60
7.37. Case I_b: 8/10-Bit, CTC FIFO Bypassed .............................................................................................................. 61
7.38. Case I_c: 8/10-Bit, RX/TX FIFO Bypassed ........................................................................................................... 62
7.39. Case I_d: 8/10-Bit, CTC FIFO and RX/TX FIFOs Bypassed .................................................................................. 62
7.40. Case II_a: 16/20-bit, CTC FIFO and RX/TX FIFOs NOT Bypassed ........................................................................ 63
7.41. Case II_b: 16/20-bit, CTC FIFO Bypassed ........................................................................................................... 63
8. SERDES/PCS Block Latency .......................................................................................................................................... 64
8.1. SERDES Client Interface ..................................................................................................................................... 65
8.2. Interrupts and Status......................................................................................................................................... 67
9. SERDES Debug Capabilities ......................................................................................................................................... 69
9.1. PCS Loopback Modes ........................................................................................................................................ 69
9.2. ORCAstra ........................................................................................................................................................... 70
9.3. Other Design Considerations............................................................................................................................. 72
9.4. 16/20-Bit Word Alignment ................................................................................................................................ 72
10. SERDES/PCS RESET ...................................................................................................................................................... 76
10.1. Reset Sequence and Reset State Diagram ........................................................................................................ 76
10.2. Reset Sequence Generation .............................................................................................................................. 76
10.2.1. Lock Status Signals Definitions .....................................................................................................................76
10.3. TX Reset Sequence ............................................................................................................................................ 77
10.4. RX Reset Sequence ............................................................................................................................................ 77
Appendix A. Configuration Registers .................................................................................................................................. 81
A.1. Quad Registers Overview ........................................................................................................................................ 81
A.2. Per Quad PCS Control Registers Details ................................................................................................................... 81
A.3. Per Quad PCS Control Registers Details ................................................................................................................... 83
A.4. Per Quad Reset and Clock Control Registers Details ............................................................................................... 85
A.5. Per Quad PCS Status Registers Details ..................................................................................................................... 85
A.6. Per Quad SERDES Status Registers Details .............................................................................................................. 87
A.7. Channel Registers Overview .................................................................................................................................... 87
A.8. Per Channel PCS Control Registers Details .............................................................................................................. 88
A.9. Per Channel SERDES Control Registers Details ........................................................................................................ 92
A.10. Per Channel Reset and Clock Control Registers Details ......................................................................................... 95
A.11. Per Channel PCS Status Registers Details .............................................................................................................. 95
A.12. Per Channel SERDES Status Registers Details ........................................................................................................ 96
Appendix B. Register Settings for Various Standards ......................................................................................................... 98
B.1. Per Channel Register Settings for Various Standards .............................................................................................. 98
B.2. Per Quad Register Settings for Various Standards................................................................................................... 98
Appendix C. Attribute Cross Reference Table ..................................................................................................................... 99
Appendix D. Lattice Diamond Overview ...........................................................................................................................105
D.1. Converting an ispLEVER Project to Lattice Diamond .............................................................................................105
D.2. Adjusting PCS Modules ..........................................................................................................................................105
D.3. Regenerate PCS Modules ......................................................................................................................................105
D.4. Using IPexpress with Lattice Diamond ..................................................................................................................106
D.5. Creating a New Simulation Project Using Simulation Wizard ...............................................................................106
References ........................................................................................................................................................................108
Technical Support Assistance ...........................................................................................................................................109
Revision History ................................................................................................................................................................110

Figure 5.1 LatticeECP3-150 Block Diagram .........................................................................................................................11
Figure 5.2 SERDES/PCS Quad Block Diagram ......................................................................................................................12
Figure 5.3 LatticeECP3 SERDES/PCS Detailed Channel Block Diagram ...............................................................................13
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4 FPGA-TN-02190-2.9
LatticeECP3 SERDES/PCS Usage Guide
Technical Note

Figure 5.4 SERDES/PCS Block Signal Interface .................................................................................................................... 16

Figure 7.1 SERDES Clock Architecture ................................................................................................................................ 21
Figure 7.2 Reference Clock Block Diagram ......................................................................................................................... 22
Figure 7.3 Example of Full Data Rate and Half Data Rate in the IPexpress GUI ................................................................. 23
Figure 7.4 Rate Mode Control Signals ................................................................................................................................ 24
Figure 7.5 Loss of Signal Detector....................................................................................................................................... 25
Figure 7.6 PCS Word Aligner and Link State Machine Options ........................................................................................... 28
Figure 7.7 PCS PCS Receive Path for Gigabit Ethernet Mode (Channel 0 Example) ........................................................... 28
Figure 7.8 Clock Tolerance Compensation 1-Byte Deletion Example ................................................................................. 29
Figure 7.9 Clock Tolerance Compensation 1-Byte Insertion Example ................................................................................ 29
Figure 7.10 Clock Tolerance Compensation 2-Byte Deletion Example ............................................................................... 29
Figure 7.11 Clock Tolerance Compensation 2-Byte Insertion Example .............................................................................. 30
Figure 7.12 Clock Tolerance Compensation 4-Byte Deletion Example ............................................................................... 30
Figure 7.13 Clock Tolerance Compensation 4-Byte Insertion Example .............................................................................. 30
Figure 7.14 SERDES_PCS Diamond User Flow .................................................................................................................... 32
Figure 7.15 IPexpress PCS Main Window ........................................................................................................................... 33
Figure 7.16 Configuration GUI - Quad Setup Tab ............................................................................................................... 34
Figure 7.17 Configuration GUI - Reference Clocks Setup Tab............................................................................................. 35
Figure 7.18 Configuration GUI - SERDES Advanced Setup Tab ........................................................................................... 36
Figure 7.19 High-Speed I/O Terminations .......................................................................................................................... 38
Figure 7.20 Configuration GUI - PCS Advanced1 Setup Tab ............................................................................................... 38
Figure 7.21 Configuration GUI – PCS Advanced2 Setup Tab .............................................................................................. 39
Figure 7.22 Configuration GUI – Control Setup Tab ........................................................................................................... 40
Figure 7.23 Configuration GUI – Generation Options Tab .................................................................................................. 41
Figure 7.24 PCI Express Interface Diagram ......................................................................................................................... 48
Figure 7.25 Transmit Electrical Idle .................................................................................................................................... 49
Figure 7.26 PCI Express Mode Receiver Detection Sequence ............................................................................................ 50
Figure 7.27 Example A: 3G/HD/SD Full RX/TX Rate Support and 3G/HD Fractional TX Rate Support ............................... 51
Figure 7.28 Possible Implementation of Serial Digital Video Support ................................................................................ 53
Figure 7.29 Link Between REC Master Port and RE Slave Port (Single Hop Scenario) ........................................................ 55
Figure 7.30 SONET/SDH Line Interface ............................................................................................................................... 57
Figure 7.31 Conceptual PCS/FPGA Clock Interface Diagram .............................................................................................. 57
Figure 7.32 8/10-Bit, CTC FIFO and RX/TX FIFOs NOT Bypassed ........................................................................................ 60
Figure 7.33 8b/10-Bit, CTC FIFO Bypassed .......................................................................................................................... 61
Figure 7.34 8/10-Bit, RX/TX FIFO Bypassed ........................................................................................................................ 62
Figure 7.35 8b/10-Bit, CTC FIFO and RX/TX FIFOs Bypassed .............................................................................................. 62
Figure 7.36 16/20-bit, CTC FIFO and RX/TX FIFOs NOT Bypassed ...................................................................................... 63
Figure 7.37 16/20-bit, CTC FIFO Bypassed .......................................................................................................................... 63
Figure 8.1 Transmitter and Receiver Latency Block Diagram ............................................................................................. 65
Figure 8.2 SCI Interface Block Diagram ............................................................................................................................... 66
Figure 8.3 SCI WRITE Cycle, Critical Timing......................................................................................................................... 67
Figure 8.4 SCI READ Cycle, Critical Timing .......................................................................................................................... 67
Figure 9.1 Three Loopback Modes ..................................................................................................................................... 69
Figure 9.2 Loopback Enable Signals .................................................................................................................................... 69
Figure 9.3 ORCAstra Top-Level Screen Shot ....................................................................................................................... 70
Figure 9.4 JTAG Device Selection ........................................................................................................................................ 70
Figure 9.5 Hub ID Selection ................................................................................................................................................ 71
Figure 9.6 ORCAstra Main Window .................................................................................................................................... 71
Figure 9.7 SERDES Buffer Options Window ........................................................................................................................ 72
Figure 9.8 SERDES/PCS Quad Reset and Power-Down Controls......................................................................................... 74
Figure 9.9 SERDES/PCS Reset Diagram ............................................................................................................................... 74
Figure 10.1 TX Reset State Diagram ................................................................................................................................... 78
Figure 10.2 RX Reset State Diagram ................................................................................................................................... 79
Figure D.1 Generation Options Tab .................................................................................................................................. 106

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LatticeECP3 SERDES/PCS Usage Guide
Technical Note

Table 4.1. Standards Supported by the SERDES .................................................................................................................10
Table 5.1. Number of SERDES/PCS Quads per LatticeECP3 Device.....................................................................................11
Table 5.2. Data Bus Usage by Mode ...................................................................................................................................14
Table 5.3. Control Signals and their Functions ...................................................................................................................15
Table 5.4. SERDES_PCS I/O Descriptions ............................................................................................................................17
Table 7.1. TXPLL and RX CDRPLL Supported Modes ...........................................................................................................22
Table 7.2. TXPLL and RX CDRPLL Supported Modes ...........................................................................................................23
Table 7.3. Response Time for Loss of Signal Detector ........................................................................................................25
Table 7.4. Response Time for Loss-of-Lock Detector ..........................................................................................................25
Table 7.5. Minimum Interpacket Gap Multiplier ................................................................................................................31
Table 7.6. SERDES_PCS GUI Attributes - Quad Tab Setup ..................................................................................................34
Table 7.7. SERDES_PCS GUI Attributes - Reference Clocks Setup Tab ................................................................................35
Table 7.8. SERDES_PCS GUI Attributes – SERDES Advanced Setup Tab..............................................................................36
Table 7.9. SERDES/PCS GUI – PCS Advanced1 Setup Tab ...................................................................................................39
Table 7.10. SERDES/PCS GUI – PCS Advanced2 Setup Tab .................................................................................................40
Table 7.11. Tab 5, SERDES_PCS GUI Attributes – Control Setup Tab ..................................................................................41
Table 7.12. GbE IDLE State Machine Control and Status Signals ........................................................................................45
Table 7.13. PCI Express Mode Specific Ports ......................................................................................................................47
Table 7.14. rxstatus Encoding .............................................................................................................................................47
Table 7.15. Differential PCI Express Specifications .............................................................................................................48
Table 7.16. Six Interface Cases Between the SERDES/PCS Quad and the FPGA Core .........................................................58
Table 7.17. Decision Matrix for Six Interface Cases ............................................................................................................59
Table 8.1. SERDES/PCS Latency Breakdown .......................................................................................................................64
Table 8.2. Word Aligner Latency vs. Offset .........................................................................................................................65
Table 8.3. SCI Address Map for Up to Four SERDES/PCS Quads .........................................................................................66
Table 8.4. Timing Parameters .............................................................................................................................................67
Table 8.5. Quad Interrupt Sources ......................................................................................................................................68
Table 8.6. Quad Interrupt Sources ......................................................................................................................................68
Table 9.1. Simulation Model Locations ...............................................................................................................................72
Table 9.2. SERDES/PCS Reset Table ....................................................................................................................................75
Table 9.3. Reset Controls Description1, 2, 3 ..........................................................................................................................75
Table 9.4. Reset Pulse Specification....................................................................................................................................75
Table 9.5. Power-Down Control Description ......................................................................................................................76
Table 9.6. Power-Down/Power-Up Timing Specification ...................................................................................................76
Table A.1. Quad Interface Registers Map ...........................................................................................................................81
Table A.2. PCS Control Register QD_00 ..............................................................................................................................81
Table A.3. PCS Control Register QD_01 ..............................................................................................................................82
Table A.4. PCS Control Register QD_02 ..............................................................................................................................82
Table A.5. PCS Control Register QD_03 ..............................................................................................................................82
Table A.6. PCS Control Register QD_04 ..............................................................................................................................82
Table A.7. PCS Control Register QD_05 ..............................................................................................................................82
Table A.8. PCS Control Register QD_06 ..............................................................................................................................82
Table A.9. PCS Control Register QD_07 ..............................................................................................................................82
Table A.10. PCS Control Register QD_08 ............................................................................................................................82
Table A.11. PCS Control Register QD_09 ............................................................................................................................83
Table A.12. SERDES Control Register QD_0A ......................................................................................................................83
Table A.13. SERDES Control Register QD_0B ......................................................................................................................84
Table A.14. PCS Control Register QD_0C ............................................................................................................................84
Table A.15. PCS Control Register QD_0D ............................................................................................................................84

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6 FPGA-TN-02190-2.9
LatticeECP3 SERDES/PCS Usage Guide
Technical Note

Table A.16. PCS Control Register QD_0E ............................................................................................................................ 84

Table A.17. PCS Control Register QD_0F ............................................................................................................................ 85
Table A.18. PCS Control Register QD_10 ............................................................................................................................ 85
Table A.19. PCS Control Register QD_11 ............................................................................................................................ 85
Table A.20. PCS Status Register QD_20 .............................................................................................................................. 85
Table A.21. PCS Status Register QD_21 .............................................................................................................................. 85
Table A.22. PCS Interrupt Status Register QD_22 .............................................................................................................. 86
Table A.23. PCS PCS Status Register QD_23 ....................................................................................................................... 86
Table A.24. PCS Status Register QD_24 .............................................................................................................................. 86
Table A.25. SERDES Status Register QD_25 ........................................................................................................................ 87
Table A.26. SERDES Interrupt Status Register QD_26 ........................................................................................................ 87
Table A.27. SERDES Status Register QD_27 ........................................................................................................................ 87
Table A.28. SERDES Status Register QD_28 ........................................................................................................................ 87
Table A.29. Channel Interface Registers Map..................................................................................................................... 87
Table A.30. PCS Control Register CH_00 ............................................................................................................................. 88
Table A.31. PCS Control Register CH_01 ............................................................................................................................. 88
Table A.32. PCS Control Register CH_02 ............................................................................................................................. 89
Table A.33. PCS Control Register CH_03 ............................................................................................................................. 89
Table A.34. PCS Control Register CH_04 ............................................................................................................................. 89
Table A.35. PCS Control Register CH_05 ............................................................................................................................. 90
Table A.36. PCS Control Register CH_06 ............................................................................................................................. 90
Table A.37. PCS Control Register CH_07 ............................................................................................................................. 90
Table A.38. Control Register CH_08 ................................................................................................................................... 90
Table A.39. PCS Control Register CH_09 ............................................................................................................................. 90
Table A.40. PCS Control Register CH_0A ............................................................................................................................ 90
Table A.41. PCS Control Register CH_0B ............................................................................................................................ 91
Table A.42. PCS Control Register CH_0C ............................................................................................................................ 91
Table A.43. PCS Control Register CH_0D ............................................................................................................................ 91
Table A.44. PCS Control Register CH_0E ............................................................................................................................. 91
Table A.45. PCS Interrupt Control Register CH_0F ............................................................................................................. 91
Table A.46. SERDES Control Register CH_10 ...................................................................................................................... 92
Table A.47. SERDES Control Register CH_11 ...................................................................................................................... 92
Table A.48. SERDES Control Register CH_12 ...................................................................................................................... 92
Table A.49. SERDES Control Register CH_13 ...................................................................................................................... 93
Table A.50. SERDES Control Register CH_14 ...................................................................................................................... 93
Table A.51. SERDES Control Register CH_15 ...................................................................................................................... 93
Table A.52. SERDES Control Register CH_16 ...................................................................................................................... 94
Table A.53. SERDES Interrupt Control Register CH_17 ....................................................................................................... 94
Table A.54. Reset and Clock Control Register CH_18 ......................................................................................................... 95
Table A.55. Reset and Clock Control Register CH_19 ......................................................................................................... 95
Table A.56. PCS Status Register CH_20 ............................................................................................................................... 95
Table A.57. PCS Status Register CH_21 ............................................................................................................................... 95
Table A.58. PCS Status Register CH_22 ............................................................................................................................... 95
Table A.59. PCS Interrupt Status Register CH_23 ............................................................................................................... 96
Table A.60. PCS Status Register CH_24 ............................................................................................................................... 96
Table A.61. PCS Status Register CH_25 ............................................................................................................................... 96
Table A.62. SERDES Status Register CH_26 ........................................................................................................................ 96
Table A.63. SERDES Status Register CH_27 ........................................................................................................................ 97
Table A.64. SERDES Status Register CH_28 ........................................................................................................................ 97
Table A.65. SERDES Status Register CH_29 ........................................................................................................................ 97
Table A.66. SERDES Interrupt Status Register CH_2A ......................................................................................................... 97
Table A.67. PCS Status Register CH_2B .............................................................................................................................. 97
Table A.68. PCS Status Register CH_2C............................................................................................................................... 97
Table B.1. Per Channel Register Settings for Various Standards ........................................................................................ 98

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FPGA-TN-02190-2.9 7
LatticeECP3 SERDES/PCS Usage Guide
Technical Note

Table B.2. Per Quad Register Settings for Various Standards .............................................................................................98
Table C.1. Attribute Cross-Reference Table ........................................................................................................................99
Table C.2. Protocol-Specific SERDES Setup Options .........................................................................................................103
Table D.1. SERDES_PCS GUI Attributes – Generation Options Tab ..................................................................................106

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8 FPGA-TN-02190-2.9
LatticeECP3 SERDES/PCS Usage Guide
Technical Note

1. Introduction
The LatticeECP3™ FPGA family combines a high-performance FPGA fabric, high-performance I/Os and up to 16
channels of embedded SERDES with associated Physical Coding Sublayer (PCS) logic. The PCS logic can be configured to
support numerous industry-standard, high-speed serial data transfer protocols.
Each channel of PCS logic contains dedicated transmit and receive SERDES for high-speed, full-duplex serial data
transfer at data rates up to 3.2 Gbps. The PCS logic in each channel can be configured to support an array of popular
data protocols including GbE, XAUI, SONET/SDH, PCI Express, SRIO, CPRI, OBSAI, SD-SDI, HD-SDI and 3G-SDI. In addition,
the protocol-based logic can be fully or partially bypassed in a number of configurations to allow users flexibility in
designing their own high-speed data interface.
The PCS also provides bypass modes that allow a direct 8-bit or 10-bit interface from the SERDES to the FPGA logic.
Each SERDES pin can be independently DC-coupled and can allow for both high-speed and low-speed operation on the
same SERDES pin for applications such as Serial Digital Video.

2. Features
 Up to 16 Channels of High-Speed SERDES
 150 Mbps to 3.2 Gbps for Generic 8b10b, 10-bit SERDES and 8-bit SERDES modes. Refer to Table 4.1.
 230 Mbps to 3.2 Gbps per channel for all other protocols
 3.2 Gbps operation with low 110 mW power per channel
 Receive equalization and transmit pre-emphasis for small form factor backplane operation
 Supports PCI Express, Gigabit Ethernet (1GbE and SGMII) and XAUI, plus multiple other standards
 Supports user-specified generic 8b10b mode
 Out-of-band (OOB) signal interface for low-speed inputs (video application)
 Multiple Clock Rate Support
 Separate reference clocks for each PCS quad allow easy handling of multiple protocol rates on a single device
 Full-Function Embedded Physical Coding Sub-layer (PCS) Logic Supporting Industry Standard Protocols
 Up to 16 channels of full-duplex data supported per device
 Multiple protocol support on one chip
 Supports popular 8b10b-based packet protocols
 SERDES Only mode allows direct 8-bit or 10-bit interface to FPGA logic
 Multiple Protocol Compliant Clock Tolerance Compensation (CTC) Logic
 Compensates for frequency differential between reference clock and received data rate
 Allows user-defined skip pattern of 1, 2, or 4 bytes in length
 Integrated Loopback Modes for System Debugging
 Three loopback modes are provided for system debugging

2.1. New Features Over LatticeECP2M™ SERDES/PCS

 Supports multiple protocols/standards within one quad of SERDES. The standards are required to have nominal
frequencies either at the full rate or half rate of the supported standards listed in Table 4.1. Configuration
flexibility should not be a barrier to supporting different mixes of protocols and standards. PCI Express, Gigabit
Ethernet, SGMII and Serial RapidIO modes are supported in the multi-protocol grouping.
 Supports XAUI compliance features and extended SERDES maximum performance to 3.2 Gbps.
 Supports SONET/SDH OC-3/STM-1, OC-12/STM-4 and OC-48/STM-16 rates.
 Added support for per RX and TX DIV11 for SD-SDI, HD-SDI and 3G-SDI. Multi-rate SDI support.

© 2014-2020 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at www.latticesemi.com/legal.
All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice.

FPGA-TN-02190-2.9 9
LatticeECP3 SERDES/PCS Usage Guide
Technical Note

3. Using This Technical Note

The ispLEVER® design tools from Lattice support all modes of the PCS. Most modes are dedicated to applications for a
specific industry standard data protocol. Other modes are more general purpose in nature and allow designers to
define their own custom application settings. ispLEVER design tools allow the user to define the mode for each quad in
their design. This technical note describes operation of the SERDES and PCS for all modes supported by ispLEVER. If you
are using Lattice Diamond® design software, see Appendix D. Lattice Diamond Overview.
This document provides a thorough description of the complete functionality of the embedded SERDES and associated
PCS logic. Electrical and timing characteristics of the embedded SERDES are provided in the LatticeECP3 Family Data
Sheet. Operation of the PCS logic is provided in the PCS section of this document. A table of all status and control
registers associated with the SERDES and PCS logic which can be accessed via the SCI Bus is provided in the appendices.
Package pinout information is provided in the Pinout Information section of the LatticeECP3 Family Data Sheet.

4. Standards Supported
The supported standards are listed in Table 4.1.
Table 4.1. Standards Supported by the SERDES
Standard Data Rate System Reference FPGA Clock (MHz) Number of Encoding Style
(Mbps) Clock (MHz) General/Link
PCI Express 1.1 2500 100 250 x1, x2, x4 8b10b
Gigabit Ethernet, SGMII 1250 125 125 x1 8b10b
2500 125 250 x1 8b10b
3125 156.25 156.25 x1 8b10b
XAUI 3125 156.25 156.25 x4 8b10b
Serial RapidIO Type I, 1250, 125, 125, x1, x4 8b10b
Serial RapidIO Type II, 2500, 125, 250,
Serial RapidIO Type III 3125 156.25 156.25
OBSAI-1, OBSAI-2, 768, 76.8, 76.8, x1 8b10b
OBSAI-3, OBSAI-4 1536, 76.8, 153.6, 153.6,
2304, 115.2, 230.4,
3072 153.6 153.6
CPRI-1, CPRI-2, CPRI-3, 614.4, 61.44, 61.44, x1 8b10b
CPRI-4 1228.8, 61.44, 122.88, 122.88,
2457.6, 122.88, 122.88
3072.0 153.6 153.6
SD-SDI (259M, 344M) 1431, 14.31, 143, x1 NRZI/Scrambled
1771, 17.71, 27,
270, 27, 36,
360, 36, 54
540 54
HD-SDI (292M) 1483.5, 74.175, 148.35, 74.175, 148.35, x1 NRZI/Scrambled
1485 74.25, 148.50 74.25, 148.5
3G-SDI (424M) 2967, 148.35, 148.35, x1 NRZI/Scrambled
2970 148.5 148.5
SONET STS-32 SONET 155.52 15.552 15.552 x1 N/A
622.08 62.208 62.208
2488 248.8 248.8
10-Bit SERDES 150 - 3125 15 - 312.5 15 - 312.5 x1, x2, x3, x4 N/A
8-Bit SERDES 150 - 3125 15 - 312.5 15 - 312.5 x1, x2, x3, x4 N/A
Generic 8b10b 150 - 3125 15 - 312.5 15 - 312.5 x1, x2, x3, x4 8b10b
1. For slower rates, the SERDES are bypassed and signals are directly fed to the FPGA core.
2. The SONET protocol is supported in 8-Bit SERDES mode. Refer to the SONET section of this document for detailed information.

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10 FPGA-TN-02190-2.9
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5. Architecture Overview
The SERDES/PCS block is arranged in quads containing logic for four independent full-duplex data channels.
Figure 5.1 shows the arrangement of SERDES/PCS quads on the LatticeECP3-150 FPGA (other devices have fewer

sysIO Bank 0 sysIO Bank 1 Configuration Logic





sysIO Bank 7

sysIO Bank 2


Primary Clocks




sysIO Bank 6

sysIO Bank 3


Quad D Quad B Quad A Quad C
















Figure 5.1 LatticeECP3-150 Block Diagram

Table 5.1 shows the number of available SERDES/PCS quads for each device in the LatticeECP3 family.
Table 5.1. Number of SERDES/PCS Quads per LatticeECP3 Device
Standard Data Rate System Reference FPGA Clock (MHz) Number of Encoding Style
(Mbps) Clock (MHz) General/Link
8-Bit SERDES 150 - 3125 15 - 312.5 15 - 312.5 x1, x2, x3, x4 N/A
Generic 8b10b 150 - 3125 15 - 312.5 15 - 312.5 x1, x2, x3, x4 8b10b
1. Channels 0 and 3 are available.
Every quad can be programmed into one of several protocol-based modes. Each quad requires its own reference clock
which can be sourced externally from package pins or internally from the FPGA logic.
Each quad can be programmed with select protocols that have nominal frequencies which can utilize the full and half-
rate options per channel. For example, a PCI Express x1 at 2.5 Gbps and a Gigabit Ethernet channel can be utilized in
the same quad using the half-rate option on the Gigabit Ethernet channel. If a quad shares a PCI Express x1 channel
with a non-PCI Express channel, ensure that the reference clock for the quad is compatible with all protocols within the
quad. For example, a PCI Express spread spectrum reference clock is not compatible with most Gigabit Ethernet

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Since each quad has its own reference clock, different quads can support different standards on the same chip. This
feature makes the LatticeECP3 family of devices ideal for bridging between different standards.
PCS quads are not dedicated solely to industry standard protocols. Each quad (and each channel within a quad) can be
programmed for many user-defined data manipulation modes. For example, word alignment and clock tolerance
compensation can be programmed for user-defined operation.

5.1. PCS Quads and Channels

Each quad on a device supports up to four channels of full-duplex data. One to four channels in a quad can be utilized,
depending on the application. Users can set many options for each channel independently within a given quad.
Figure 5.1 shows an example of a device with four PCS quads which contain a total of 16 PCS channels.

5.2. Per Channel SERDES/PCS and FPGA Interface Ports

All PCS quads regardless of the mode used have the same external high-speed serial interface at the package pins.
However, every PCS mode has its own unique list of input/output ports from/to the FPGA logic appropriate to the
protocol chosen for the quad. A detailed description of the quad input/output signals for each mode is provided in this
document. Figure 5.2 describes a simplified SERDES/PCS quad.



Channel 3 Channel 2 Channel 1 Channel 0

Rx + Tx Rx + Tx Rx + Tx Rx + Tx



Channel 3 Channel 2 Channel 1 Channel 0

Rx + Tx Rx + Tx Rx + Tx Rx + Tx


Figure 5.2 SERDES/PCS Quad Block Diagram

5.3. Detailed Channel Block Diagram

Figure 5.3 is a detailed block diagram representation of the major functionality in a single channel of the LatticeECP3
SERDES/PCS. This diagram shows all the major blocks and the majority of the control and status signals that are visible
to the user logic in the FPGA. This diagram also shows the major sub-blocks in the channel – SERDES, SERDES Bridge,
PCS Core and the FPGA Bridge.

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12 FPGA-TN-02190-2.9
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Figure 5.3 LatticeECP3 SERDES/PCS Detailed Channel Block Diagram

5.4. Clocks and Resets

A PCS quad supplies per-channel locked reference clocks and per-channel recovered receive clocks to the FPGA logic
interface. Each PCS quad provides clocks on both primary and secondary FPGA clock routing. The PCS/FPGA interface
also has ports for the transmit and receive clocks supplied from the FPGA fabric for all four channels in each quad.
Each quad has reset inputs to force reset of both the SERDES and PCS logic in a quad or just the SERDES. In addition,
separate resets dedicated for the PCS logic are provided for each channel for both the transmit and receive directions.

5.5. Transmit Data Bus

The signals for the transmit data path are from the FPGA to the FPGA Bridge in the PCS Block. The datapath can be
geared 2:1 to the internal PCS data path, which is 8 bits wide (plus control/status signals). The highest speed of the
interface for PCI Express x1 is 250 MHz in 1:1 geared mode. With 2:1 gearing (i.e. a 16-bit wide data path), a possible
speed is 156.25 MHz (for XAUI 4x channel mode). The SERDES and PCS will support data rates up to 3.2 Gbps data that
correspond to an interface speed of 160 MHz (with 2:1 gearing).

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5.6. Receive Data Bus

The signals for the receive path are from the FPGA Bridge in the PCS Block to the FPGA. The data path may be geared
2:1 to the internal PCS data path which is 8 bits wide. The data bus width at the FPGA interface is 16 bits wide. It is
possible to disable the 2:1 gearing via a software register bit, in which case, the bus widths are halved (8 bits wide).
When the data is geared 2:1, the lower bits (rxdata[9:0]) correspond to the word that has been received first and the
higher bits (rxdata[19:10]) correspond to the word that has been received second. If the data is not geared 2:1, the
lower bits ((rxdata[9:0]) are the active bits and the higher bits should not be used. Table 5.2 describes the use of the
data bus for each protocol mode.
Table 5.2. Data Bus Usage by Mode
Data Bus PCS G8B10B CPRI OBSAI PCI Express SRIO Gigabit Ethernet XAUI 8-Bit 10-Bit SERDES SDI
Cell Name4 SERDES

FF_TX_D_0_0 txdata_ch0[0]
FF_TX_D_0_1 txdata_ch0[1]
FF_TX_D_0_2 txdata_ch0[2]
FF_TX_D_0_3 txdata_ch0[3]
FF_TX_D_0_4 txdata_ch0[4]
FF_TX_D_0_5 txdata_ch0[5]
FF_TX_D_0_6 txdata_ch0[6]
FF_TX_D_0_7 txdata_ch0[7]
FF_TX_D_0_8 tx_k_ch0[0] txc_ch0[0] GND txdata_ch0[8]
FF_TX_D_0_9 tx_force_disp_ch0[0] 1 GND txdata_ch0[9]

FF_TX_D_0_10 tx_disp_sel_ch0[0]1 GND xmit_ch0[0]2 GND

FF_TX_D_0_11 GND pci_ei_en_ch0[0] GND tx_disp_correct_ch0[0] GND

FF_TX_D_0_12 txdata_ch0[8] txdata_ch0[10]
FF_TX_D_0_13 txdata_ch0[9] txdata_ch0[11]
FF_TX_D_0_14 txdata_ch0[10] txdata_ch0[12]
FF_TX_D_0_15 txdata_ch0[11] txdata_ch0[13]
FF_TX_D_0_16 txdata_ch0[12] txdata_ch0[14]
FF_TX_D_0_17 txdata_ch0[13] txdata_ch0[15]
FF_TX_D_0_18 txdata_ch0[14] txdata_ch0[16]
FF_TX_D_0_19 txdata_ch0[15] txdata_ch0[17]
FF_TX_D_0_20 tx_k_ch0[1] txc_ch0[1] GND txdata_ch0[18]
FF_TX_D_0_21 tx_force_disp_ch0[1] 1 GND txdata_ch0[19]

FF_TX_D_0_22 tx_disp_sel_ch0[1]1 GND xmit_ch0[1]2 GND

FF_TX_D_0_23 GND pci_ei_en_ch0[1] GND tx_disp_correct_ch0[1] GND

FF_RX_D_0_0 rxdata_ch0[0]
FF_RX_D_0_1 rxdata_ch0[1]
FF_RX_D_0_2 rxdata_ch0[2]
FF_RX_D_0_3 rxdata_ch0[3]
FF_RX_D_0_4 rxdata_ch0[4]
FF_RX_D_0_5 rxdata_ch0[5]
FF_RX_D_0_6 rxdata_ch0[6]
FF_RX_D_0_7 rxdata_ch0[7]
FF_RX_D_0_8 rx_k_ch0[0] rxc_ch0[0] NC rxdata_ch0[8]
FF_RX_D_0_9 rx_disp_err_ch0[0] rxstatus0_ch0[0] rx_disp_err_ch0[0] NC rxdata_ch0[9]
FF_RX_D_0_10 rx_cv_err_ch0[0]3 rxstatus0_ch0[1] rx_cv_err_ch0[0]3 NC

FF_RX_D_0_11 NC rxstatus0_ch0[2] NC
FF_RX_D_0_12 rxdata_ch0[8] rxdata_ch0[10]
FF_RX_D_0_13 rxdata_ch0[9] rxdata_ch0[11]
FF_RX_D_0_14 rxdata_ch0[10] rxdata_ch0[12]
FF_RX_D_0_15 rxdata_ch0[11] rxdata_ch0[13]
FF_RX_D_0_16 rxdata_ch0[12] rxdata_ch0[14]
FF_RX_D_0_17 rxdata_ch0[13] rxdata_ch0[15]
FF_RX_D_0_18 rxdata_ch0[14] rxdata_ch0[16]
FF_RX_D_0_19 rxdata_ch0[15] rxdata_ch0[17]
FF_RX_D_0_20 rx_k_ch0[1] rxc_ch0[1] NC rxdata_ch0[18]

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Data Bus PCS G8B10B CPRI OBSAI PCI Express SRIO Gigabit Ethernet XAUI 8-Bit 10-Bit SERDES SDI
Cell Name4 SERDES
FF_RX_D_0_21 rx_disp_err_ch0[1] rxstatus1_ch0[0] rx_disp_err_ch0[1] NC rxdata_ch0[19]
FF_RX_D_0_22 rx_cv_err_ch0[1]3 rxstatus1_ch0[1] rx_cv_err_ch0[1]3 NC

FF_RX_D_0_23 NC rxstatus1_ch0[2] NC
1. The force_disp signal will force the disparity for the associated data word on bits [7:0] to the column selected by the tx_disp_sel
signal. If disp_sel is a one, the 10-bit code is taken from the 'current RD+' column (positive disparity). If the tx_disp_sel is a zero,
the 10-bit code is taken from the 'current RD-' (negative disparity) column.
2. The Lattice Gigabit Ethernet PCS IP core provides an auto-negotiation state machine that generates the signal xmit. It is used to
interact with the Gigabit Ethernet Idle State Machine in the hard logic.
3. When there is a code violation, the packet PCS 8b10b decoder will replace the output from the decoder with hex EE and K
asserted (K=1 and d=EE is not part of the 8b10b coding space).
4. FF_TX_D_0_0: FPGA Fabric Transmit Data Bus Channel 0 Bit 0.

5.7. Mode-Specific Control/Status Signal Descriptions

Table 5.3 describes the mode-specific control/status signals.
Table 5.3. Control Signals and their Functions
Signal Name Description
Transmit Control Signals
tx_k_ch[3:0] Per channel, active-high control character indicator.
tx_force_disp_ch[3:0] Per channel, active-high signal which instructs the PCS to accept disparity value from the
disp_sel_ch(0-3) FPGA interface input.
tx_disp_sel_ch[3:0] Per channel, disparity value supplied from FPGA logic. Valid when force_disp_ch(0-3) is high.
tx_correct_disp_ch[3:0] Corrects disparity identifier when asserted by adjusting the 8b10b encoder to begin in the negative
disparity state.
Receive Status Signals
rx_k_ch[3:0] Per channel, active-high control character indicator.
rx_disp_err_ch[3:0] Per channel, active-high signal driven by the PCS to indicate a disparity error was detected with the
associated data.
rx_cv_err_ch[3:0] Per channel, code violation signal to indicate an error was detected with the associated data.

Each mode has its own set of control signals which allows direct control of various PCS features from the FPGA logic. In
general, each of these control inputs duplicates the effect of writing to a corresponding control register bit or bits.
{signal}_c is the control signal from the FPGA core to the FPGA bridge. All of the control signals are used
asynchronously inside the SERDES/PCS.

Each mode has its own set of status or alarm signals that can be monitored by the FPGA logic. In general, each of these
status outputs corresponds to a specific status register bit or bits. The Diamond design tools give the user the option to
bring these ports out to the PCS FPGA interface.
{signal}_s is the status the signal to the FPGA core from the FPGA bridge. All of the status signals are asynchronous
from the SERDES/PCS. These should be synchronized to a clock domain before they are used in the FPGA design.
Please refer to the Mode-Specific Control/Status Signals section of this document for detailed information about
control and status signals.

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The quad contains four channels with both RX and TX circuits, and an auxiliary channel that contains the TX PLL. The
reference clock to the TX PLL can be provided either by the primary differential reference clock pins or by the FPGA
core. The quad SERDES/PCS macro performs the serialization and de-serialization function for four lanes of data. In
addition, the TxPLL within the SERDES/PCS block provides the system clock for the FPGA logic. The quad also supports
both full-data-rate and half-data-rate modes of operation on each TX and RX circuit independently. The block-level
diagram is shown in Figure 5.4.

hdinp_ch[3:0] rx_full_clk_ch[3:0]
Primary I/O hdinn_ch[3:0] rx_half_clk_ch[3:0]
tx_half_clk_ch[3:0] Clocks to &
refclk2fpga from FPGA
SERDES sci_sel_quad fpga_txrefclk
Client sci_sel_ch[3:0] fpga_rxrefclk_ch[3:0]
sci_wrdata[7:0] rxiclk_ch[3:0]
Interface txiclk_ch[3:0]
sci_rd rxdata_ch0[23:0]
sci_rddata[7:0] rxdata_ch1[23:0] RX Data
sci_int rxdata_ch2[23:0]
rx_div2_mode_ch[3:0]_c SERDES/PCS txdata_ch0[23:0]
tx_div11_mode_ch[3:0]_c Quad txdata_ch2[23:0]
TX Data
Control rx_div11_mode_ch[3:0]_c
Signals tx_idle_ch[3:0]_c
from pcie_ct_ch[3:0]_c Low-speed
pcie_det_en_ch[3:0]_c rxd_ldr_ch[3:0]
FPGA txd_ldr_ch[3:0] Data
r x_invert_ch[3:0]_c
tx_pcs_rst_ch[3:0]_c ctc_ins_ch[3:0]_s
rx_serdes_rst_ch[3:0]_c ctc_del_ch[3:0]_s Status
tx_serdes_rst_c ctc_urun_ch[3:0]_s
ctc_orun_ch[3:0]_s Signals
rst_qd_c to
serdes_rst_qd_c pcie_done_ch[3:0]_s
tx_sync_qd_c pcie_con_ch[3:0]_s FPGA
word_align_en_ch[3:0]_c rx_los_low_ch[3:0]_s
tx_pwrup_ch[3:0]_c rx_cdr_lol_ch[3:0]_s
rx_pwrup_ch[3:0]_c tx_pll_lol_qd_s

Figure 5.4 SERDES/PCS Block Signal Interface

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5.9. I/O Descriptions

Table 5.4 lists all default and optional inputs and outputs to/from a PCS quad. Users can choose optional ports for a PCS
quad using the IPexpress™ GUI.
Table 5.4. SERDES_PCS I/O Descriptions
Signal Name I/O Type Description
Primary I/O, SERDES Quad
hdinp_ch0 I Channel High-speed CML input, positive, channel 0
hdinn_ch0 I Channel High-speed CML input, negative, channel 0
hdinp_ch1 I Channel High-speed CML input, positive, channel 1
hdinn_ch1 I Channel High-speed CML input, negative, channel 1
hdinp_ch2 I Channel High-speed CML input, positive, channel 2
hdinn_ch2 I Channel High-speed CML input, negative, channel 2
hdinp_ch3 I Channel High-speed CML input, positive, channel 3
hdinn_ch3 I Channel High-speed CML input, negative, channel 3
hdoutp_ch0 O Channel High-speed CML output, positive, channel 0
hdoutn_ch0 O Channel High-speed CML output, negative, channel 0
hdoutp_ch1 O Channel High-speed CML output, positive, channel 1
hdoutn_ch1 O Channel High-speed CML output, negative, channel 1
hdoutp_ch2 O Channel High-speed CML output, positive, channel 2
hdoutn_ch2 O Channel High-speed CML output, negative, channel 2
hdoutp_ch3 O Channel High-speed CML output, positive, channel 3
hdoutn_ch3 O Channel High-speed CML output, negative, channel 3
refclkp I Quad Reference Clock input, positive, dedicated CML input
refclkn I Quad Reference Clock input, negative, dedicated CML input
Receive / Transmit Data Bus (See Table 5.2 and Table 5.3 for Detailed Data Bus Usage)
rxdata_ch0[23:0] O Channel Data signals for the channel 0 receive path
rxdata_ch1[23:0] O Channel Data signals for the channel 1 receive path
rxdata_ch2[23:0] O Channel Data signals for the channel 2 receive path
rxdata_ch3[23:0] O Channel Data signals for the channel 3 receive path
txdata_ch0[23:0] I Channel Data signals for the channel 0 transmit path
txdata_ch1[23:0] I Channel Data signals for the channel 1 transmit path
txdata_ch2[23:0] I Channel Data signals for the channel 2 transmit path
txdata_ch3[23:0] I Channel Data signals for the channel 3 transmit path
Control Signals
tx_idle_ch[3:0] _c I Channel Controls transmission of electrical idle by SERDES transmitter. 1 = Force
SERDES transmitter to output electrical idle
0 = Normal operation
pcie_det_en_ch[3:0]_c I Channel FPGA logic (user logic) informs the SERDES block that it will be
requesting for a PCI Express Receiver Detection operation.
1 = Enable PCI Express receiver detect, 0 = Normal operation
pcie_ct_ch[3:0]_c I Channel 1 = Request transmitter to do far-end receiver detection 0 = Normal
data operation
rx_invert_ch[3:0]_c I Channel Control the inversion of received data.
1 = Invert the data, 0 = Do not invert the data
word_align_en_ch[3:0]_c I Channel Control comma aligner.
1 = Re-acquire COMMA alignment, 0 = Clears internal aligned status
Once alignment is found, it is locked at current position until the signal is
pulsed to HIGH.
sb_felb_ch[3:0]_c I Channel SERDES Bridge Parallel Loopback
1 = Enable loopback from RX to TX, 0 = Normal data operation

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Signal Name I/O Type Description

sb_felb_rst_ch[3:0]_c I Channel SERDES Bridge Parallel Loopback FIFO Clear
1 = Reset Loopback FIFO, 0 = Normal Loopback operation
tx_sync_qd_c I Quad Serializer Reset
Transition = Reset, Level = Normal Operation
rx_div2_mode_ch[3:0]_c I Channel Receiver Rate Mode Select (Full/Half Rate) 1 = Half Rate, 0 = Full Rate
tx_div2_mode_ch[3:0]_c I Channel Transmitter Rate Mode Select (Full/Half Rate) 1 = Half Rate, 0 = Full Rate
rx_div11_mode_ch[3:0]_c I Channel Receiver Rate Mode Select (Div11/Full Rate) 1 = Div11 Rate, 0 = Full Rate
tx_div11_mode_ch[3:0]_c I Channel Transmitter Rate Mode Select (Div11/Full Rate) 1 = Div11 Rate, 0 = Full
txd_ldr_en_ch{3:0]_c I Channel Low Data Rate TX Serial Path Enable 1 = Enable, 0 = Disable
Reset Signals
rx_pcs_rst_ch[3:0]_c I Channel Active-high, asynchronous input. Resets individual receive channel logic
only in PCS.
tx_pcs_rst_ch[3:0]_c I Channel Active-high, asynchronous input. Resets individual transmit channel
logic only in PCS.
rx_serdes_rst_ch[3:0]_c I Channel Active-high. Resets selected digital logic in the SERDES receive channel.
tx_serdes_rst_c I Quad Active-high. Resets selected digital logic in all SERDES transmit channels.
rst_qd_c I Quad Active-high, asynchronous input. Resets all SERDES channels including
the auxiliary channel and PCS.
serdes_rst_qd_c I Quad Active-high, asynchronous input to SERDES quad. Resets all SERDES
channels including the Quad channel but not PCS logic.
tx_pwrup_ch[3:0]_c I Channel Active-high transmit channel power up. 0 = Transmit channel power-
rx_pwrup_ch[3:0]_c I Channel Active-high receive channel power up. 0 = Receive channel power-
Status Signals
pcie_done_ch[0:3]_s O Channel 1 = Far-end receiver detection complete 0 = Far-end receiver detection
pcie_con_ch[3:0]_s O Channel Result of far-end receiver detection. 1 = Far-end receiver detected
0 = Far end receiver not detected.
rx_los_low_ch[3:0]_s O Channel Loss of signal (LO THRESHOLD RANGE) detection for each channel.
lsm_status_ch[3:0]_s O Channel 1 = Lane is synchronous to commas 0 = Lane has not found comma
ctc_urrun_ch[3:0]_s O Channel 1 = Receive clock compensator FIFO underrun error 0 = No FFIFO errors
ctc_orun_ch[3:0]_s O Channel 1 = Receive clock compensator FIFO overrun error 0 = No FIFO errors
rx_cdr_lol_ch[3:0]_s O Channel 1 = Receive CDR loss of lock 0 = Lock maintained
tx_pll_lol_qd_s O Quad 1 = Transmit PLL loss of lock 0 = Lock maintained
ctc_ins_ch[3:0]_s O Channel 1 = SKIP Character Added by CTC
ctc_del_ch[3:0]_s O Channel 1 = SKIP Character Deleted by CTC
FPGA Interface Clocks
rx_full_clk_ch[3:0] O Channel Receive channel recovered clock. In user mode, the source is always the
channel’s recovered clock. For standards such as 10 GbE that support
clock compensation, the source is the respective transmit channel’s
system clock. For PCS bypass modes, it is also the transmit system clock,
thus requiring raw mode to actually be done using either 8b10b mode
with the 8b10b decoder disabled (10-bit or 20-bit data path).
rx_half_clk_ch[3:0] O Channel Receive channel recovered half clock. In 2:1 gearing mode, it is a divide-
by-2 output.
tx_full_clk_ch[3:0] O Channel TX PLL full rate clock. Only tx_full_clk_ch0 can drive the primary clock
routing directly. All of the tx_full_clk_ch[3:0] signals can drive the
secondary clock routing by applying a USE SECONDARY clocking

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Signal Name I/O Type Description

tx_half_clk_ch[3:0] O Channel TX PLL half clock. Only tx_half_clk_ch0 can drive the primary clock
routing directly. All of the tx_half_clk_ch[3:0] signals can drive the
secondary clock routing by applying a USE SECONDARY clocking
refclk2fpga O Quad Reference clock to FPGA core. If selected, this clock is always active as long
as reference clock is active even when the quad is in power down mode.
fpga_rxrefclk_ch[3:0] I Quad RX reference clock from FPGA logic, for CDR PLL
fpga_txrefclk I Quad TX reference clock from FPGA logic, for TX SERDES PLL
ebrd_clk_ch[3:0]2 I Channel Receive channel clock input from FPGA for CTC FIFO read.
rxiclk_ch[3:0] I Channel Receive channel clock input from FPGA. Used to clock the RX FPGA
Interface FIFO with a clock synchronous to the reference and/or receive
reference clock.
txiclk_ch[3:0] I Channel Transmit channel clock input from FPGA.Per channel transmit clock
inputs from FPGA. Used to clock the TX FPGA Interface FIFO with a clock
synchronous to the reference clock. Also used to clock the RX FPGA
Interface FIFO with a clock synchronous to the reference clock when CTC
is used.
Low-Speed Receive/Transmit Data and SERDES Client Interface Signals
rxd_ldr_ch[3:0] O Channel Single-ended serial low data rate outputs (RX) to FPGA core
txd_ldr_ch[3:0] I Channel Single-ended serial low data rate inputs (TX) from FPGA core
sci_wrdata[7:0] I — Write data input
sci_wrn I — Write input strobe
sci_sel_quad I — Selects quad registers
sci_sel_ch[3:0] I — Selects channel registers
sci_addr[5:0] I — Address bus input
sci_rd I — Read data select
sci_rddata[7:0] O — Read data output
sci_int O — Interrupt output
1. During configuration, both hdoutp and hdoutn are pulled high to VCCOB.
2. This clock is not provided in the wrapper module port list. Software automatically assigns the clock depending on the CTC
mode. See the FPGA Interface Clocks section of this document for detailed information.
3. General routing is used to access the Secondary Clock Net. The user may get a PAR warning but the delay will be small enough
to ignore in most applications. Use the Timing Preferences and review the Trace Report to make sure the timing is not violated.

6. SERDES/PCS Functional Description

LatticeECP3 devices have from one to four quads of embedded SERDES/PCS logic. Each quad, in turn, supports four
independent full-duplex data channels. A single channel can support a data link and each quad can support up to four
such channels.
The embedded SERDES CDR PLLs and TX PLLs support data rates that cover a wide range of industry standard protocols.
Refer to Figure 5.3 for each of the items below.
 Equalizer
 CDR (Clock and Data Recovery)
 Deserializer
 PreEmphasis
 Serializer
 Two Serial Loopback modes, TX-to-RX or RX-to-TX
 SERDES Bridge (SB)
 Inverter – Inverts receive data, required by PCI Express

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 SERDES Bridge Parallel Loopback

 PCS Core
 Word Alignment
 8b10b Decoder
 8b10b Encoder
 Link State Machine
 Clock Tolerance Compensation
 FPGA Bridge (FB)
 Downsample FIFO
 Upsample FIFO


7.1. Equalizer
As the data rate of digital transmission advances over Gbps, frequency-dependent attenuation results in severe
intersymbol interference in the received signal and makes it mandatory to use an equalizer in the data transceiver to
recover data correctly. Six pole positions are provided: Mid_Low, Mid_Med, Mid_High, Long_Low, Long_Med,
Long_High frequency ranges.
A default selection of the pole position is included when a protocol standard is selected. This selection is based on most
commonly used condition on user’s system board. However, user may wish to optimize the signal by adjusting this
setting. User has to perform bit-error-rate tests on all different pole settings to determine the optimal one.

7.2. Pre-Emphasis
Pre-emphasis refers to a system process designed to increase the magnitude of some frequencies with respect to the
magnitude of other frequencies. The goal is to improve the overall signal-to-noise ratio by minimizing the adverse
effects of such phenomena as attenuation differences. Users can select up to 80% of pre-emphasis.
By default, pre-emphasis is not enabled. User can determine if the Tx drive signal has to route a long distance to the Rx
side. If the routing trance length is long, he can try out different pre-emphasis settings to determine the best signal eye
at the Rx-end of the trace.

7.3. Reference Clocks

The SERDES quad contains four channels with both RX and TX circuits, and an auxiliary channel that contains the TX PLL.
The reference clock to the TX PLL can be provided either by the primary differential reference clock pins, by the
neighbor quad’s reference clock or by the FPGA core. In addition, the PLL within the SERDES block provides an output
clock that can be used as the system clock driving the FPGA fabric.
The reference clock to the RX can be provided either by the reference clock to the TX PLL or by the FPGA core. The
reference clocks from the FPGA core to the TX PLL and to the RX may come from different sources.

7.4. SERDES Clock Architecture

Figure 7.1 shows the overall SERDES clock architecture. The diagram is split into two halves, Quad and Channel. Only
one per-channel section is shown for the sake of brevity. Also, the various control bits for the different blocks are
shown. These could be quad-based control register bits or channel-based control register bits. In some cases, it can be
channel control port based. Some are a combination of both register and control ports. Using both modes enables
dynamic control of certain functional properties.

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Quad 1






(Reg or Core)
1 (To All TX Channels)
16X, 20X,


Channel 2


Seri al izer(CH) /2
8:1/10:1 TX_HALF_CLK (CH)
REFCLK from FPGA Core /2 1


/11 1
(CH) DeSerializ er(CH)
8:1/10:1 RX_FULL_CLK (CH)
/2 1
RX_DIV11_MODE (Reg/Core)
0 /2
RX_DIV2_MODE (Reg/Core)

1. All control bits are quad based.

2. All control bits are channel based, except as indicated (*).
3. These clocks are user-transparen t.

Figure 7.1 SERDES Clock Architecture

The main components of the clock architecture include:

 Per RX and per TX Divider (DIV) modes – DIV2, DIV11
 Multi-quad REFCLK connections
 Multiple channel transmit synchronization using the tx_sync_qd_c signal from the FPGA
 OOB low data rate application support

7.5. Rate Modes

The TX in each channel can be independently programmed to run at one of the following rates:
 DIV11
The RX can also use a separate reference clock per channel, allowing the transmitter and receiver to run at completely
different rates.
It is important to note that the PLL VCO is left untouched, supporting the highest rate for that protocol. All divided
rates required by that protocol are supported by programming the divider mux selects. This enables very quick data
rate changeover since the PLL does not need to be reprogrammed. This is valuable in many applications.
Note: The LatticeECP3 PCS cannot handle a change in rates at runtime. Simply changing the refclk rate will not allow the
SERDES to work at a new range. The SERDES settings must be re-configured, either with a new bitstream, or
changed via the SERDES' SCI interface. The SERDES link must be reset after the settings are changed.
The TX PLL and the four CDR PLLs generally run at the same frequency, which is a multiple of the reference clock
frequency. Table 7.1 illustrates the various clock rate modes possible. The bit clock indicated is a multiple of the
reference clock frequency.

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Table 7.1. TXPLL and RX CDRPLL Supported Modes

Reference Clock Mode refclkPmode (Quad) Bus_width Bit Clock (Full Rate) Bit Clock (div2, div11)
20x 0 10 Refclk x 20 Refclk x 10
16x 0 8 Refclk x 16 Refclk x 8
10x 1 10 Refclk x 10 Refclk x 5
8x 1 8 Refclk x 8 Refclk x 4
25x — 8 Refclk x 25 Refclk x 12.5
25x — 10 Refclk x 25 Refclk x 12.5
1. DIV11 mode.

7.6. Reference Clock from an FPGA Core

As described in Figure 7.1, the TX reference clock can be brought from the FPGA core. In this case, the extra jitter
caused by the FPGA resources to route the clock to the SERDES will be passed onto the transmit data and may violate
TX jitter specifications on a case-by-case basis. Caution should be used when using an FPGA-originated SERDES TX
reference clock.


CDR PLL 0 1/2 DES0
CDR PLL 1 1/2 DES1
[1] Data t o PCS

CDR PLL 2 1/2 DES2
CDR PLL 3 1/2 DES3
[3:0] from FPGA Core(ch[3:0])



1/2 Data from PCS



Figure 7.2 Reference Clock Block Diagram

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7.7. Full Data, Div 2 and Div 11 Data Rates

Each TX Serializer and RX Deserializer can be split into full data rate and div2 rate or div11 rate depending on the
protocol, allowing for different data rates in each direction and in each channel. Refer to Figure 7.2 for further
As shown in Figure 7.3, all four channels can be configured differently.

Figure 7.3 Example of Full Data Rate and Half Data Rate in the IPexpress GUI

The actual data rate and FPGA interface clock rate for this example are described in Table 7.2. The IPexpress GUI will be
discussed in detail later in this document.
Table 7.2. TXPLL and RX CDRPLL Supported Modes
Channel Data Reference Data Rate Calculated FPGA FPGA tx_full_clk tx_half_clk
Rate Clock Mode Reference Interface Interface
Multiplier Clock Rate Data Bus Clock Rate
Channel 0 1 Gbps 10 x FULL 100 MHz 8 (10)3 100 MHz 100 MHz 50 MHz
Channel 1 500 Mbps 10 x DIV2 100 MHz 8 (10) 50 MHz 50 MHz 25 MHz
Channel 2 1 Gbps 10 x FULL 100 MHz 16 (20) 50 MHz 100 MHz 50 MHz
Channel 3 500 Mbps 10 x DIV22 100 MHz 16 (20) 25 MHz 50 MHz 25 MHz
1. The clocks in the shaded cells are used as the FPGA interface clocks in each mode.
2. In DIV2 mode, the tx_full_clk is adjusted to half rate. tx_half_clk is used for the 16-bit bus interface only.
3. 10-bit SERDES only mode or SDI mode.

7.8. Dynamic Switching Between Full Rate and Half Rate (DIV2)
This section describes how to switch between Full Rate and Half Rate (DIV) dynamically.
The two rate mode control signals are or’ed as shown in Figure 7.4.

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Recei ver Rate ( 0: Full Rate, 1: Half Rate)

Rate_Mode_Tx(CH_14[1]) Transmitter Rate ( 0: Full Rate, 1: Half Rate)

Figure 7.4 Rate Mode Control Signals

tx_div2_mode_chx_c is an input control signal to the TX path from the FPGA fabric.
rx_div2_mode_chx_c is an input control signal to the RX path from the FPGA fabric.
Rate_Mode_Tx(CH_14[1]) is the Control Register bit for the TX path.
Rate_Mode_Rx(CH_15[1]) is the Control Register bit for the RX path.
In the rx lane, the pcs_rst should be applied after switching.
In the tx lane, no reset is required for the new rate to take place.

7.9. Reference Clock Sources

refclkp, refclkn
Dedicated CML input. This is the first choice unless different clock sources for RX and TX are used. The clock signal may
be CML, LVDS or LVPECL. Refer to Electrical Recommendations for Lattice SERDES (FPGA-TN-02077), for example
interface circuits.

fpga_txrefclk, fpga_rxrefclk
Reference clock from FPGA logic. The Primary Clock pad (PCLK) should be used as the clock input pin to the FPGA. The
clock signal may be CML, LVDS, LVPECL or single-ended.

When an FPGA PLL is used as the reference clock, the reference clock to the PLL should be assigned to a dedicated PLL
input pad. The FPGA PLL output jitter may not meet system specifications at higher data rates. Use of an FPGA PLL is
not recommended in jitter-sensitive applications.

7.10. Spread Spectrum Clocking (SSC) Support

The ports on the two ends of Link must transmit data at a rate that is within 600 pm of each other at all times. This is
specified to allow bit-rate clock source with a +/- 300 ppm tolerance. The minimum clock period cannot be violated.
The preferred method is to adjust the spread technique to not allow for modulation above the nominal frequency. The
data rate can be modulated from +0% to -0.5% of the nominal data rate frequency, at a modulation rate in the range
not exceeding 30 KHz to 33 KHz. Along with the +/- 300 ppm tolerance limit, both ports require the same bit rate clock
when the data is modulated with an SSC.
In PCI Express applications, the root complex is responsible for spreading the reference clock. The endpoint will use the
same clock to pass back the spectrum through the TX. Thus, there is no need for a separate RXREFCLK. The
predominant application is an add-in card. Add-in cards are not required to use the REFCLK from the connector but
must receive and transmit with the same SSC as the PCI Express connector REFCLK.
While the LatticeECP3 architecture will allow the mixing of a PCI Express channel and a Gigabit Ethernet, Serial RapidIO
or SGMII channel within the same quad, using a PCI Express SSC as the transmit reference clock will cause a violation of
the Gigabit Ethernet, Serial RapidIO and SGMII transmit jitter specifications.

7.11. Loss of Signal

Each channel contains a programmable loss-of-signal detector as shown in Figure 7.5.

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The loss-of-signal threshold depends on the value of the programmable current source. The current source value is
chosen using the rlos_lset[2:0] control bit. The result of threshold detection is indicated to the FPGA through the
rx_los_low status signal.


Current source
value depends on


Reference voltage on this

node i s deriv ed from VCM


Note: rx_los_low shows that a signal has been detect ed for data rates above 1 Gbps with a maximum
CID (Consecutive Identical Digits) of 7 bits (i.e., a minimum input signal transi tion density as is sent by 8b10b).

rx_los_low is supported with a defaul t setting of rlos_lset[2:0] = 2, except i n PCI Express mode and
SDI mode. In PCI Express mode, 2 and 3 are supported.

In SDI mode, it i s recommended to use the carrier detect output signal (/CD) from the external SDI cable equali zer.

Figure 7.5 Loss of Signal Detector

Table 7.3. Response Time for Loss of Signal Detector

Description Min. Typ. Max. Units
Time to detect that signal is lost (rx_los_low 0 to 1) — 8 10 ns
Time to detect that signal is present (rx_los_low 1 to 0) — 8 10 ns

7.12. Loss Of Lock

Both the transmit PLL and the individual channel CDRs have digital counter-based, loss-of-lock detectors. If the transmit
PLL loses lock, the loss-of-lock for the PLL is asserted and remains asserted until the PLL reacquires lock. If a CDR loses
lock, the loss-of-lock for that channel is asserted and locking to the reference clock retrains the VCO in the CDR. When
this is achieved, loss-of-lock for that channel is de-asserted and the CDR is switched back over to lock to the incoming
data. The CDR will either remain locked to the data, or will go back out of lock again in which case the re-training cycle
will repeat. For detailed information on CDR loss-of-lock, refer to the SERDES/PCS RESET section of this document.
Table 7.4. Response Time for Loss-of-Lock Detector
Description Min. Typ. Max. Units
Time to detect that loop is unlocked (tx_pll_lol, rx_cdr_lol, 0 to 1) — 200 500 us
Time to detect that loop is locked (tx_pll_lol, rx_cdr_lol, 1 to 0) — 200 500 us

7.13. TX Lane-to-Lane Skew

A control signal, tx_sync_qd_c, resets all of the active TX channels to start serialization with bit 0. Most multi-channel
protocol standards have requirements to ensure that the TX lane-to-lane skew is within a certain specification.
The reset to the TX serializers is generated either by toggling the tx_sync_qd_c signal or by a transition in PLL loss of

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7.14. SERDES PCS Configuration Setup

The LatticeECP3 PCS can be configured for use in various applications. Setup is chosen with the IPexpress module
generation tool which allows the user to select the mode and feature options for the PCS. Option selections are saved
in an auto-configuration file which is subsequently used by the Bitstream Generator to write the user selections into
the bitstream. To change PCS option selections it is recommended that the user rerun IPexpress to regenerate a PCS
module and create a new auto-configuration file. Some options can be changed by manually editing the auto-
configuration file before running the Bitstream Generator. After configuration, PCS options can be changed dynamically
by writing to PCS registers via the optional SERDES Client Interface bus. The SERDES Client Interface allows the
SERDES/PCS quad to be controlled by registers as opposed to configuration memory cells. A table of control and status
registers accessible through the SCI is provided in Appendix A.

7.15. Auto-Configuration File

Initial register setup for each PCS mode can be performed by using the auto-configuration feature in IPexpress. The
module generator provides an auto-configuration file which contains the quad and channel register settings for the
chosen mode. This file can be referred to for front-end simulation and also can be integrated into the bitstream. When
an auto-configuration file is integrated into the bitstream all the quad and channel registers will be set to values
defined in the auto-configuration file during configuration. The SCI must be included in a design if the user needs to
change control registers or monitor status registers during operation.

7.16. Transmit Data

The PCS quad transmit data path consists of an 8b10b encoder and serializer per channel.

8b10b Encoder
This module implements an 8b10b encoder as described within the IEEE 802.3ae-2002 1000BASE-X specification. The
encoder performs the 8-bit to 10-bit code conversion as described in the specification, along with maintaining the
running disparity rules as specified. The 8b10b encoder can be bypassed on a per-channel basis by setting the attribute
CHx_8B10B to “BYPASS” where x is the channel number.

The 8b10b encoded data undergoes parallel-to-serial conversion and is transmitted off-chip via the embedded SERDES.

7.17. Receive Data

The PCS quad receive data path consists of the following sub-blocks per channel: Deserializer, Word Aligner, 8b10b
Decoder, Optional Link State Machine, and Optional Receive Clock Tolerance Compensation (CTC) FIFO.

Data is brought on-chip to the embedded SERDES where it goes from serial to parallel.

Word Alignment (Byte Boundary Detect)

This module performs the comma codeword detection and alignment operation. The comma character is used by the
receive logic to perform 10-bit word alignment upon the incoming data stream. The comma description can be found in
section of the 802.3.2002 1000BASE-X specification as well as section, Figure 7.7 of the 10GBASE-X
A number of programmable options are supported within the word alignment module:
 Word alignment control from either embedded Link State Machine (LSM) or from FPGA control. Supported in 8- bit
SERDES Only, 10-bit SERDES Only and SDI modes, in addition to 8b10b packet mode.
 Ability to set two programmable word alignment characters (typically one for positive and one for negative
disparity) and a programmable per bit mask register for alignment comparison. Alignment characters and the mask
register is set on a per quad basis. For many protocols, the word alignment characters can be set to “XX00000011”
(jhgfiedcba bits for positive running disparity comma character matching code groups K28.1, K28.5, and K28.7) and

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“XX01111100” (jhgfiedcba bits for negative running disparity comma character matching code groups K28.1, K28.5,
and K28.7). However, the user can define any 10-bit pattern.
 The first alignment character is defined by the 10-bit value assigned to attribute COMMA_A. This value applies to
all channels in a PCS quad.
 The second alignment character is defined by the 10-bit value assigned to attribute COMMA_B. This value applies
to all channels in a PCS quad.
 The mask register defines which word alignment bits to compare (a ‘1’ in a bit of the mask register means check
the corresponding bit in the word alignment character register). The mask registers defined by the 10-bit value
assigned to attribute COMMA_M. This value applies to all channels in a PCS quad. When the attribute CHx_RXWA
(word alignment) is set to “ENABLED” and CHx_ILSM (Internal Link State Machine) is set to “ENABLED”, one of the
protocol-based Link State Machines will control word alignment. For more information on the operation of the
protocol-based Link State Machines, see the Protocol-Specific Link State Machine section below.

7.18. 8b10b Decoder

The 8b10b decoder implements an 8b10b decoder operation as described with the IEEE 802.3-2002 specification. The
decoder performs the 10-bit to 8-bit code conversion along with verifying the running disparity. When a code violation
is detected, the receive data, rxdata, is set to 0xEE with rx_k_chn set to ‘1’.

7.19. External Link State Machine Option

When the attribute CHx_ILSM (Internal Link State Machine) is set to DISABLED, and CHx_RXWA (word alignment) is set
to ENABLED, the control signal word_align_en_ch(0-3)_c is used to enable the word aligner. This signal should be
sourced from a FPGA external Link State Machine implemented in the FPGA fabric.
When the CHx_RXWA is set to ENABLED, the word_align_enable CH_01[7] shown in Figure 7.6 is set to HIGH, enabling
the word_align_en_ch(0-3)_c signal to be controlled by FPGA fabric. When the signal word_align_en_ch(0-3)_c is HIGH,
the Word Aligner looks for incoming data for either COMMA_A or COMMA_B for alignment. Once it is aligned, it stays
locked and aligned, and stops comparing incoming data.
If re-alignment is required, the word_align_en_ch(0-3)_c should be pulsed from HIGH to LOW, then to HIGH. Driving
the signal to LOW clears up the Word Aligner internal status to unlock. Alignment does not start until the
word_align_en_ch(0-3)_c signal is driven back to HIGH. When it is driven to HIGH, it constantly compares the incoming
data to either COMMA_A or COMMA_B for alignment. When alignment is found, it stays locked and aligned, and stops
comparing data.
After each alignment or re-alignment, the Word Aligner keeps aligning to that state, until the signal
word_algin_en_ch(0-3)_c is pulsing to HIGH and either COMMA_A or COMMA_B character is found. Before that, when
the signal is LOW, or pulsed to HIGH but before the comma character is detected, the Word Aligner would still keep
aligning to the current state.
External Link State Machine allows the user to perform re-alignment with a change in word alignment under specific
conditions, and also allows the user to perform re-alignment if the External Link State Machine finds some issue with
the link.
Figure 7.6 illustrates the Link State Machine options.

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word_align_ena ble ilsm_en

CH_01[7] CH_04[6]

from FPGA fa bric EN

Internal Link
State Machine

1 0 lsm_sel
External Internal CH_04[7]

1:8 / 1:10 Word 8b10 b

Deserializer Aligner Decoder

Figure 7.6 PCS Word Aligner and Link State Machine Options

When a Link State Machine is selected and enabled for a particular channel, that channel’s lsm_status_ch(0-3)_s status
signal will go high upon successful link synchronization.
Note that the lsm_status_ch(0:3)_s status signal may have glitches. User should add deglitch logic on this output to
ensure stable signal transition.
Idle Insert for Gigabit Ethernet Mode
The PCS set to Gigabit Ethernet Mode provides for insertion of /I2/ symbols into the receive data stream for auto-
negotiation. Gigabit Ethernet auto-negotiation is performed in soft logic. This function inserts a sequence of 8 /I2/
ordered sets every 2048 clock cycles. /I2/ insertion is controlled by the xmit_ch(0-3) input to the PCS which is driven
from the autonegotiation soft logic. Figure 7.7 shows one channel (channel 0 in this example) of receive logic when the
PCS is set to Gigabit Ethernet Mode showing these control/status signals.

Clock rxdata_ch0[7:0]
De- Tolerance
Giga bit rx_k_ch0[0]
Serializer Compensation
8b10 b Insert xmit_ch0[0]

rx_c v_err_ch0[0]

Link State lsm_stat us_ch[0]_s


Figure 7.7 PCS PCS Receive Path for Gigabit Ethernet Mode (Channel 0 Example)

7.20. Clock Tolerance Compensation

The Clock Tolerance Compensation (CTC) module performs clock rate adjustment between the recovered receive clocks
and the locked reference clock. Clock compensation is performed by inserting or deleting bytes at pre- defined
positions, without causing loss of packet data. A 16-byte CTC FIFO is used to transfer data between the two clock
domains and will accommodate clock differences of up to the specified ppm tolerance for the LatticeECP3 SERDES (see
DC and Switching Characteristics section of the LatticeECP3 Family Data Sheet).

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A channel has the Clock Tolerance Compensation block enable when that channel’s attribute CHx_CTC is set to
“ENABLED”. The CTC is bypassed when that channel’s attribute CHx_CTC is set to “DISABLED”.
A diagram illustrating 1-byte deletion is shown in Figure 7.8.

rxicl k_ch0 or

rxdata_ch0[7:0] E I SK I I I S D E = End of Packet

I = Logical Idle
Before CTC Del ete if CTC FIFO Al most F ull & SK = CC_MATCH4 SK = Skip
S = Start of Pack et
After CTC
D = Data
rxicl k_ch0 or

rxdata_ch0[7:0] E I I I I S D D

Figure 7.8 Clock Tolerance Compensation 1-Byte Deletion Example

A diagram illustrating 1-byte insertion is shown in Figure 7.9.

rxicl k_ch0 or

rxdata_ch0[7:0] E I SK I I I S D E = End of Packet

I = Logical Idle
Before CTC Insert if CTC FIFO Al most Empty & SK = CC_MATCH4 SK = Skip
S = Start of Packet
After CTC
D = Data

rxicl k_ch0 or

rxdata_ch0[7:0] E I SK SK I I I S

Figure 7.9 Clock Tolerance Compensation 1-Byte Insertion Example

A diagram illustrating 2-byte deletion is shown in Figure 7.10.

rxicl k_ch0 or

rxdata_ch0[7:0] E I I SK1 SK2 I I I S D D D E = End of Packet

I = Logical Idle

Before CTC SK1 = CC_MATCH3

After CTC
S = Start of Packet
rxicl k_ch0 or D = Data

rxdata_ch0[7:0] E I I I I I S D D D D D

Figure 7.10 Clock Tolerance Compensation 2-Byte Deletion Example

A diagram illustrating 2-byte insertion is shown in Figure 7.11.

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rxicl k_ch0 or

rxdata_ch0[7:0] E I I SK1 SK2 I I I S D D D E = End of Packet

I = Logical Idle

Before CTC SK1 = CC_MATCH3

After CTC
S = Start of Packet
D = Data
rxicl k_ch0 or

rxdata_ch0[7:0] E I I SK1 SK2 SK1 SK2 I I I S D

Figure 7.11 Clock Tolerance Compensation 2-Byte Insertion Example

A diagram illustrating 4-byte deletion is shown in Figure 7.12.

rxicl k_ch0 or

E = End of Packet
rxdata_ch0[7:0] E I I SK1 SK2 SK3 SK4 I I I S D D D D I = Logical Idle
Before CTC SK2 = CC_MATCH2
After CTC
S = Start of Packet
rxicl k_ch0 or
ebrd_clk_ch0 D = Data

rxdata_ch0[7:0] E I I I I I S D D D D D D D D

Figure 7.12 Clock Tolerance Compensation 4-Byte Deletion Example

A diagram illustrating 4-byte insertion is shown in Figure 7.13.

rxicl k_ch0 or

E = End of Packet
rxdata_ch0[7:0] E I I SK1 SK2 SK3 SK4 I I I S D D D D I = Logical Idle
Before CTC SK2 = CC_MATCH2
After CTC
S = Start of Packet
rxicl k_ch0 or
ebrd_clk_ch0 D = Data

rxdata_ch0[7:0] E I I SK1 SK2 SK3 SK4 SK1 SK2 SK3 SK4 I I I S

Figure 7.13 Clock Tolerance Compensation 4-Byte Insertion Example

When the CTC is used, the following settings for clock compensation must be set, as appropriate, for the intended
 Set the insertion/deletion pattern length using the CC_MATCH_MODE attribute. This sets the number of skip
bytes the CTC compares to before performing an insertion or deletion. Values for CC_MATCH_MODE are “1” (1-
byte insertion/deletion), “2” (2-byte insertion/deletion), and “4” (4-byte insertion/deletion). The minimum
interpacket gap must also be set as appropriate for the targeted application. The interpacket gap is set by assigning
values to attribute CC_MIN_IPG. Allowed values for CC_MIN_IPG are “0”, “1”, “2”, and “3”. The minimum allowed

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30 FPGA-TN-02190-2.9
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interpacket gap after skip character deletion is performed based on these attribute settings is described in Table
 The skip byte or ordered set must be set corresponding to the CC_MATCH_MODE chosen. For 4-byte
insertion/deletion (CC_MATCH_MODE = “4”), the first byte must be assigned to attribute CC_MATCH1, the second
byte must be assigned to attribute CC_MATCH2, the third byte must be assigned to attribute CC_MATCH3, and the
fourth byte must be assigned to attribute CC_MATCH4. Values assigned are 10-bit binary values.
For example:
If a 4-byte skip ordered set is /K28.5/D21.4/D21.5/D21.5, then “CC_MATCH1” should be “0110111100”, “CC_MATCH2”
= “0010010101”, “CC_MATCH3” = “0010110101” and “CC_MATCH4” = “0010110101”.
For a 2-byte insertion/deletion (CC_MATCH_MODE = “2”), the first byte must be assigned to attribute CC_MATCH3,
and the second byte must be assigned to attribute CC_MATCH4.
For a 1-byte insertion/deletion (CC_MATCH_MODE = “1”), the skip byte must be assigned to attribute CC_MATCH4.
 The clock compensation FIFO high water and low water marks must be set to appropriate values for the
targeted protocol. Values can range from 0 to 15 and the high water mark must be set to a higher value than the
low water mark (they should not be set to equal values). The high water mark is set by assigning a value to
attribute CCHMARK. Allowed values for CCHMARK are hex values ranging from “0” to “F”. The low water mark is
set by assigning a value to attribute CCLMARK. Allowed values for CCLMARK are hex values ranging from “0” to “F”.
 Clock compensation FIFO overrun can be monitored on a per-channel basis on the PCS/FPGA interface port labeled
cc_overrun_ch(0-3) if “Error Status Ports” is selected when generating the PCS block with the module generator.
 Clock compensation FIFO underrun can be monitored on a per-channel basis on the PCS/FPGA interface port
labeled cc_underrun_ch(0-3) if “Error Status Ports” is selected when generating the PCS block with the module

7.21. Calculating Minimum Interpacket Gap

Table 7.5 shows the relationship between the user-defined values for interpacket gap (defined by the CC_MIN_IPG
attribute), and the guaranteed minimum number of bytes between packets after a skip character deletion from the
PCS. The table shows the interpacket gap as a multiplier number. The minimum number of bytes between packets is
equal to the number of bytes per insertion/deletion times the multiplier number shown in the table. For example, if the
number of bytes per insertion/deletion is 4 (CC_MATCH_MODE is set to “4”), and the minimum interpacket gap
attribute CC_MIN_IPG is set to “2”, then the minimum interpacket gap is equal to 4 (CC_MATCH_MODE = “4”) times 3
(Table 7.5 with CC_MIN_IPG = “2”) or 12 bytes. The PCS will not perform a skip character deletion until the minimum
number of interpacket bytes have passed through the CTC.
Table 7.5. Minimum Interpacket Gap Multiplier
CC_MIN_IPG Insert/Deletion Multiplier Factor
0 1x
1 2x
2 3x
3 4x

Note on CTC support in the LatticeECP3-150EA device family with TW suffix: For the initial release of LatticeECP3-
150EA device with TW suffix, the CTC in the PCS is not supported. The CTC feature can be bypassed and
implemented in soft IP. Many IP cores from Lattice implement the CTC logic in soft form.

Using IPexpress with Diamond

IPexpress is used to create and configure SERDES and PCS blocks. Designers use the GUI to select the SERDES Protocol
Standard for a particular quad or channel. IPexpress takes the input from this GUI and generates a configuration file
(.txt file) and HDL netlist. The HDL model is used in the simulation and synthesis flow. The configuration file contains
attribute-level map information. This file is input for simulation and the bitgen program. It is strongly recommended
that designers make changes and updates in IPexpress and then regenerate the configuration file. In some exceptional
situations, users can modify the configuration file.

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Figure 7.14 shows the tools flow when using IPexpress to generate the SERDES/PCS block for the SERDES Protocol

Figure 7.14 SERDES_PCS Diamond User Flow

7.22. PCS Module Generation in IPexpress

Figure 7.15 shows the main window when PCS is selected in the IPexpress GUI.

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Figure 7.15 IPexpress PCS Main Window

Quad Setup Tab

Figure 7.16 shows the Quad Setup Tab window when the file name is entered and the Customize button is checked in
the main window. The first entry required in this window is to select a Protocol Mode for each channel. Each channel
can be configured as ‘RX and TX’, ‘RX Only’, ‘TX Only’, ‘Disabled’ or ‘Low Speed Data Port’.

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Figure 7.16 Configuration GUI - Quad Setup Tab

Table 7.6. SERDES_PCS GUI Attributes - Quad Tab Setup

GUI Text Attribute Name Range Default Value
Channel Protocol CHx_MODE RX and TX, RX Only, TX Only DISABLED
Low Speed Data CHx_LDR RX and TX, RX Only, TX Only DISABLED
1. For the LatticeECP3-17EA device in the 328-ball csBGA package, only channels 0 and 3 are available.

Reference Clock Setup Tab

In this tab, the attributes of the TX and RX reference clock sources are selected. Users can select either a EXTERNAL or
INTERNAL reference clock. Further, there is a tool to provide the required clock rate and multiplier settings for a
particular data rate. In addition, for a given data bus width the tool provides the required clock rate to interface the
channel to the core.

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Figure 7.17 Configuration GUI - Reference Clocks Setup Tab

Table 7.7. SERDES_PCS GUI Attributes - Reference Clocks Setup Tab

GUI Text Attribute Name Range Default Value Default Value
(GUI) (Attribute)
Max. Data Rate1 N/A 0.23 to 3.2 Gbps 2.5 Gbps N/A
TX/RX Multiplier REFCK_MULT 8X, 10X, 16X, 20X, 25X Protocol
TX Reference clock Rate #REFCLK_RATE2 Protocol
Protocol No user access. For information only.
FPGA Bus Width CHs_TX_DATA_WIDTH 8, 10, 16, 20 Protocol
FPGA Interface Clock #CH0_TX_FICLK_RATE
Max. Data Rate1 N/A 0.23 to 3.2 Gbps 2.5 Gbps N/A
Protocol No user access. For information only.
Multiplier No user access. For information only
RX Reference Clock Rate #CH0_RXREFCLK_RATE
FPGA Bus Width CHx_RX_DATA_WIDTH 8, 10, 16, 20 Protocol
FPGA Interface Clock #CH0_RX_FICLK_RATE

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1. Rate is not reflected in the autoconfig file. Instead, DATARATE RANGE is specified for a given data rate as: 150 Mbps  LOWLOW
 230 Mbps, 230 Mbps < LOW  450 Mbps, 450 Mbps < MEDLOW  0.9 Gbps, 0.9 Gbps < MED  1.8 Gbps, 1.8 Gbps < MEDHIGH
 2.55 Gbps, 2.55 Gbps < HIGH  3.2Gbps.
2. Attributes preceded by '#' represent attributes that are for user information only. These attributes are also included in the auto-
config file for reference.

SERDES Advance Setup

This tab is used to access the advanced attributes of the transmit and receive SERDES for all four channels. Transmit
attributes such as PreEmphasis, Termination, Differential Output Voltage selection are selected. Receive attributes such
as Equalization, Termination, I/O Coupling are selected. Attributes for Transmit SERDES Clock and PLL are also selected.

Figure 7.18 Configuration GUI - SERDES Advanced Setup Tab

Table 7.8. SERDES_PCS GUI Attributes – SERDES Advanced Setup Tab

GUI Text Attribute Name Value Default
Differential Output CHx_TDRV8 -4 (640mV)5, -3 (780mV), -2 (870mV), -1 (920mV), 0
Voltage 0 (1040mV:default), 1 (1130mV)6, 2 (1260mV)7,
3 (1350mV)7, 4 (1440mV)7
PreEmphasis CHx_TX_PRE Disabled, 0 (0%), 1 (5%), 2 (12%), 3 (18%), 4 (25%), DISABLED
5 (33%), 6 (40%), 7 (48%)
TX I/O Termination CHx_RTERM_TX 50, 75, 5K 50
Equalization1 CHx_RX_EQ Disabled, Mid_Low, Mid_Med, Mid_High, DISABLED
Long_Low, Long_Med, Long_High
RX I/O Termination CHx_RTERM_RX 50, 60, 75, High 50
RX I/O Coupling CHx_RX_DCC AC, DC AC2
Loss of Signal Threshold CHx_LOS_THRESHOLD_LO 2 (+15%),3 (+25%) 24
TX PLL Reference Clock PLL_TERM 50, 2K 50
I/O Termination (Ohms)3

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GUI Text Attribute Name Value Default

TX PLL Reference Clock PLL_DCC AC, DC AC10
I/O Coupling
PLL Loss of Lock PLL_LOL_SET 0: +/- 1350ppm x29 0
1: +/- 2400ppm x2
2: +/- 6800ppm
3: +/- 400ppm
1. Refer to Table C.2 for details.
2. The typical capacitor value of the internal on-chip AC coupling is 5 pF.
3. Termination resistors and their usage: RX I/O Termination:
 50: So far all of the protocols except SMTPE use a 50-Ohm termination resistor.
 60: Provided for flexibility.
 75: SMPTE uses a 75-Ohm termination resistor.
 HIGH: Default value when Rx is not used. TX I/O Termination:
 50: So far all of the protocols except SMTPE use a 50-Ohm termination resistor.
 75: SMPTE uses a 75-Ohm termination resistor.
 5K: Such as PCI Express electric idle and PCI Express RX detection. User does not set this termination value for RX
detection. Refer to the PCI Express Receiver Detection section.
TX PLL Termination:
 50: If there is no 50-Ohm termination resistor on the PCB.
 2K: If there is a 50-Ohm termination resistor on the PCB.
4. PCS configuration, GUI supports only the value 2 for all protocols except PCI Express. For PCI Express, both values 2 and 3 are
5. TDRV_AMP_BOOST(CH_13[3]) is set to 1 to achieve this amplitude.
6. This setting is the PCI Express default setting. It is recommended to use this default setting with the PCI Express protocol. The
IPexpress GUI TDRV drop-down window is grayed out for this reason. Other settings can still be used by editing the attribute
CHn_TDRV in the auto- config file(.txt file).
7. VCCOB must be 1.5V for these settings.
8. The values are typical numbers. There is about +/-20% of margin for the whole frequency range. Refer to Table C.1, CHn_TDRV
row for details.
9. ‘x2’ indicates successful double count of ppm in the internal LOL counter.
10. AC-coupling is recommended for most applications. DC-coupling should be used only in conjunction with an external AC-
coupling capacitor.

Assignment of PCS Location

Users can specify their desired location of the PCS quad by writing in the constraint file (.lpf). The preference “locate” is
used. An example of the syntax is shown below.
LOCATE COMP "pcs_inst_name" SITE "PCSB" ;
Quad Name Site Name
High-speed I/O termination topology is shown in Figure 7.19.

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50/60/75/High 50/60/75/High
5 pF EQ

PCI Receiver Detect



50/75/5K 50/75/5K


Figure 7.19 High-Speed I/O Terminations

PCS Advanced1 Setup

This tab is used to access the advanced attributes of the transmit and receive PCS for all four channels. The polarity and
operating mode (e.g. 8b10b) of each individual TX and RX channel can be individually selected. In addition, word
alignment values such as comma values, comma mask and comma align can be selected.

Figure 7.20 Configuration GUI - PCS Advanced1 Setup Tab

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Table 7.9. SERDES/PCS GUI – PCS Advanced1 Setup Tab

GUI Text Attribute Name Default
Transmitter Invert the Transmit Signal CHx_TX_SB DISABLED
Enable 8b10b Encoder CHx_TX_8B10B Protocol Dependent
FPGA FIFO Bridge CHx_TX_FIFO Protocol Dependent
Receiver Invert the Receive Signal CHx_RX_SB DISABLED
Dynamically Invert Port N/A DISABLED
Enable 8b10b Decoder CHx_RX_8B10B Protocol Dependent
FPGA FIFO Bridge CHx_RX_FIFO Protocol Dependent
Word Alignment Word Alignment Block CHx_RXWA Protocol Dependent
Internal Link CHx_ILSM Protocol Dependent
Specific Comma #CHx_SCOMMA Protocol Dependent
Plus Comma Value CHx_COMMA_A1 1100000101
Minus Comma Value CHx_COMMA_B 0011111010
Comma Mask CHx_COMMA_M Protocol Dependent2
1. By definition, COMMA_A and COMM_B are one set of 8b10b-encoded control characters with positive and negative running
disparities. Users must provide the proper IDLE sequence per the protocol in order to get the link state machine
synchronization. For example, 1 GbE protocol needs K28.5+D5.6 or D16.2 as IDLE (word alignment and sync state machine). The
default values are in little endian format.
2. In most applications, K28.5 is used as the comma character. The default value of the mask is 1111111111. In G8B10B mode, any
comma can be used so the mask will be 1111111100 to detect any of the three comma characters, K28.1, 28.5, 28.7.

PCS Advanced2 Setup

This tab is used for setting values for the Clock Tolerance Compensation block.

Figure 7.21 Configuration GUI – PCS Advanced2 Setup Tab

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Table 7.10. SERDES/PCS GUI – PCS Advanced2 Setup Tab

GUI Text Attribute Name Default
CTC block CHx_CTC Protocol Dependent1
Size of ordered set CHx_CC_MATCH_MODE Protocol Dependent
Byte N CHx_CC_MATCH1 Protocol Dependent
Byte N+1 CHx_CC_MATCH2 Protocol Dependent
Byte N+2 CHx_CC_MATCH3 Protocol Dependent
Byte N+3 CHx_CC_MATCH4 Protocol Dependent
Interpacket gap CHx_CC_MIN_IPG Protocol Dependent
Deletion threshold CCHMARK 9
Insertion threshold CCLMARK 7
1. Always disabled: XAUI, SDI, CPRI, OBSAI, Serial Rapid IO, 10-bit SERDES, 8-bit SERDES All other modes: Disabled by default. Most
of the CTC features are provided in IP.

Control Setup
This tab is used to select the SCI interface and other debug and control options. In addition, users can enable the SCI,
error reporting, PLL quarter clock, and loopback capability.

Figure 7.22 Configuration GUI – Control Setup Tab

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Table 7.11. Tab 5, SERDES_PCS GUI Attributes – Control Setup Tab

GUI Text Attribute Name Default
Loopback Mode (Ch0, Ch1, Ch2, Ch3) DISABLED DISABLED1
Loopback serial data after equalizer Loopback serial
data after transmit driver Loopback parallel data after
Transmitter Electrical Idle signal tx_idle_ch0_c is provided DISABLED
Include Reset Sequence Generation2 Include the TX and RX Reset Sequence ENABLED
Provide SERDES Client Interface N/A
Provide the SERDES Client Interface Interrupt Port INT_ALL DISABLED
Reference Clock to FPGA core QD_REFCK2CORE DISABLED
1. When loopback mode is in default mode (DISABLED), the two SERDES Bridge Parallel loopback control signals
(sb_felb_ch[3:0]_c and sb_felb_rst_ch[3:0]_c) are available in the HDL module for users to turn on and off the loopback mode
dynamically. These signals should be tied to ground if loopback mode is not used.
2. Reset Sequence Generation is described in the SERDES/PCS RESET section of this document.

Reference Clock to FPGA Core and Reset Sequence

The reset sequence uses a reference clock in the Reset State Machine.
If “Internal” is selected as the Tx Refclk source, the Reset State Machine uses the internal reference clock.
If “External” is selected as the Tx Refclk source, the Reset State Machine uses the Reference Clock to FPGA Core signal
transparent to the user (Control Register bit, QD_0A[1] is set). The REFCLK2FPGA signal will be included in the wrapper
module only when “Reference Clock to FPGA Core” is selected.

Generation Options
This tab provides options for users to select the PCS module generation output files of their choice.

Figure 7.23 Configuration GUI – Generation Options Tab

When migrating an older project created in a previous version of Diamond to the latest version for the first time, it is
highly recommended to regenerate the PCS module in the latest version even if no configuration changes are required.

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This will ensure the most current set of primitive library elements is used. If this is not done, it is possible that the
design may either fail in the flow or go through the flow but show unexpected behavior on the board.
When regenerating the PCS module in an existing project, often the HDL file remains the same and only the
configuration file must be regenerated. In this case, users can run the “Generate Bitstream Data” and “Force One
Level” option to save compile time.
 Automatic – When selected, IPexpress will generate only the necessary files. This can include both the HDL and
TXT files or just the TXT file. This is the default setting.
 Force Module and Settings Generation – When selected, both the HDL and TXT files will be generated. This forces
the Project Navigator processes to be reset back to synthesis.
 Force Settings Generation Only – When selected, only the TXT file will be generated. If HDL generation is
necessary, an error message will be provided.
 Flow Definitions – The generation option works differently between the two module flows.
 HDL Source Flow: HDL File in Project Navigator
The existing LPC file can be opened from IPexpress for regeneration. In this case, the reset point set by the GUI
will be the new starting point. So, when the user double-clicks a process or runs the “Force One Level” option,
it will start at that reset point.
 LPC Source Flow: LPC File in Project Navigator
Opening the LPC file and regenerating the PCS module will reset the whole process whether or not the HDL
module is regenerated.
In either case, the checkmarks in the Processes window will remain unchanged but will be updated as soon as
the user starts the process.

Configuration File Description

IPexpress generates this file which contains attribute-level map information. This file is used by the simulation model as
well as the bitstream generation process to automatically initialize the PCSD quad to the mode selected in IPexpress.
The configuration file uses “txt” as the file type extension. Below is an example of the configuration file.
# This file is used by the simulation model as well as the bitstream
# generation process to automatically initialize the PCSD quad to the mode #
selected in the IPexpress. This file is expected to be modified by the
# end user to adjust the PCSD quad to the final design requirements.



CH0_TDRV "0"

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#CH0_SCOMMA "1111111111"
CH0_COMMA_A "1100000101"
CH0_COMMA_B "0011111010"
CH0_COMMA_M "1111111100"

CH0_CC_MATCH1 "0000000000"
CH0_CC_MATCH2 "0000000000"

7.23. 8-Bit and 10-Bit SERDES-Only Modes

This section describes the operation of the two modes of the SERDES/PCS block, 8-bit SERDES-Only and 10-bit SERDES-
Only. These modes are intended for applications requiring access to a high-speed I/O interface without the protocol-
based manipulation provided in the LatticeECP3 PCS logic.

Transmit Path
 Serializer: Conversion of 8-bit or 10-bit parallel data to serial data.

Receive Path
 Deserializer: Conversion of serial data to 8-bit or 10-bit parallel data.
 Optional word alignment to user-defined alignment pattern.

7.24. Generic 8b10b Mode

The Generic 8b10b mode of the SERDES/PCS block is intended for applications requiring 8b10b encoding/decoding
without the need for additional protocol-specific data manipulation. The LatticeECP3 SERDES/PCS block can support
Generic 8b10b applications up to 3.2 Gbps per channel. In Generic 8b10b mode, the word aligner can be controlled
from the embedded PCS Link State Machine (LSM).
When the embedded Link State Machine is selected and enabled, the lsm_status_ch[3:0]_s status signal will go high
upon successful link synchronization.
To achieve link synchronization in this mode, the following conditions need to be satisfied on the 8b10b patterns
received at the SERDES channel’s receiver input (hdinp_ch[0-3]/hdinn_ch[0-3]):
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 Periodic 8b10b encoded comma characters need to be present in the serial data. Periodicity is required to allow
the LSM to re-synchronize to commas upon loss of sync. The comma characters should correspond to the “Specific
Comma” value shown in Figure 7.20. For example, when the Specific Comma is set to K28P157, the comma value
on the serial link can be the 8b10b encoded version of any of K28.1 (k=1, Data=0x3C), K28.5 (k=1, Data=0xBC), or
K28.7 (k=1, Data=0xFC). Note though that K28.5 is most commonly used.
 A comma character has to be followed by a data character
 Two comma characters have to be an even number of word clock cycles apart
Additional information:
 It takes roughly four good comma/data pairs for the LSM to reach link synchronization
 It takes four consecutive errors (illegal 8b10b encoded characters, code violations, disparity errors, uneven number
of clock cycles between commas) to cause the LSM to unlock
 A CDR loss of lock condition will cause the LSM to unlock by virtue of the many code violation and disparity errors
that will result
 When the internal reset sequence state machine is used, a CDR loss of lock (rx_cdr_lol_ch[3:0]_s) or a loss of signal
(rx_los_low_ch[3:0]_s ) condition will cause the RX reset sequence state machine to reset the SERDES and cause
the LSM to unlock
The two examples below illustrate the difference between a valid and an invalid even clock cycle boundary between
COMMA occurrences (Note: C = comma, D = data).
Valid (even) comma boundary:
Word Clock Cycle 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Invalid (odd) comma boundary:

Word Clock Cycle 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

In the invalid (odd) comma boundary case above, the comma occurrences on cycles 9 and 11 are invalid since they do
not fall on an even boundary apart from the previous comma.
Alternatively, the LSM can be disabled, and the word aligner is controlled from the fabric word_align_en_ch[3:0]_c
input pin. See External Link State Machine Option section on page 27 and PCS Advanced1 Setup section on page 38 for
more information.

Transmit Path
 Serializer
 8b10b encoder

Receive Path
 Deserializer
 Word alignment to a user-defined word alignment character or characters from embedded GbE Link State Machine
 8b10b decoding
 Clock Tolerance Compensation (optional)

7.25. LatticeECP3 PCS in Gigabit Ethernet and SGMII Modes

The Gigabit Ethernet mode of the LatticeECP3 SERDES/PCS block supports full compatibility, from the Serial I/O to the
GMII/SGMII interface of the IEEE 802.3-2002 1000 BASE-X Gigabit Ethernet standard.

Transmit Path
 Serializer
 8b10b encoding

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44 FPGA-TN-02190-2.9
LatticeECP3 SERDES/PCS Usage Guide
Technical Note

Receive Path
 Deserializer
 Word alignment based on IEEE 802.3-2002 1000 BASE-X defined alignment characters.
 8b10b decoding
 The Gigabit Ethernet Link State Machine is compliant to Figure 7.3 (Synchronization State Machine, 1000BASE-X) of
IEEE 802.3-2002 with one exception. Figure 7.3 requires that four consecutive good code groups are received in
order for the LSM to transition from one SYNC_ACQUIRED_{N} (N=2,3,4) to SYNC_ACQUIRED_{N-1}. Instead, the
actual LSM implementation requires five consecutive good code groups to make the transition.
 Gigabit Ethernet Carrier Detection: Section of IEEE 802.3-2002 (1000BASE-X) defines the carrier_detect
function. In Gigabit Ethernet mode, this feature is not included in the PCS and a carrier_detect signal is not
provided to the FPGA fabric.
 Clock Tolerance Compensation logic capable of accommodating clock domain differences.

Gigabit Ethernet (1000BASE-X) Idle Insert

This is required for Clock Compensation and Auto-negotiation. Auto-negotiation is done in FPGA logic. The Lattice
Gigabit Ethernet PCS IP core provides the auto-negotiation discussed below.
Idle pattern insertion is required for clock compensation and auto-negotiation. Auto-negotiation is done in FPGA logic.
This module automatically inserts /I2/ symbols into the receive data stream during auto-negotiation. While auto-
negotiating, the link partner will continuously transmit /C1/ and /C2/ ordered sets. The clock-compensator will not
delete these ordered sets as it is configured to only insert/delete /I2/ ordered sets. In order to prevent overruns and
underruns in the clock-compensator, /I2/ ordered sets must be periodically inserted to provide insertion/deletion
opportunities for the clock compensator.
While performing auto-negotiation, this module will insert a sequence of eight /I2/ ordered sets (two bytes each) every
2048 clock cycles. As this module is after the 8b10b decoder, this operation will not introduce any running disparity
errors. These /I2/ ordered sets will not be passed on to the FPGA receive interface as the GMII interface is driven to
IDLE by the RX state machine during auto-negotiation. Once auto-negotiation is complete, /I2/ insertion is disabled to
prevent any corruption of the received data.
Note that this state machine is active only during auto-negotiation. The auto-negotiation state machine and the GbE
receive state machines are implemented in the soft logic. This state machine depends on the signal xmit_ch[3:0] from
the auto-negotiation state machine. This signal is provided on the TX data bus. Though this signal is relatively static
(especially after auto-negotiation) it is included in the TX data bus.
Table 7.12. GbE IDLE State Machine Control and Status Signals
Module Signal Direction Description
xmit_ch[3:0] In From FPGA logic Auto-Negotiation State Machine

Gigabit Ethernet Idle Insert and correct_disp_ch[3:0] Signals

The correct_disp_ch[3:0] signal is used on the transmit side of the PCS to ensure that an interpacket gap begins in the
negative disparity state. Note that at the end of an Ethernet frame, the current disparity state of the transmitter can be
either positive or negative, depending on the size and data content of the Ethernet frame.
However, from the FPGA soft-logic side of the PCS, the current disparity state of the PCS transmitter is unknown. This is
where the correct_disp_ch[3:0] signal comes into play. If the correct_disp_ch[3:0] signal is asserted for one clock cycle
upon entering an interpacket gap, it will force the PCS transmitter to insert an IDLE1 ordered-set into the transmit data
stream if the current disparity is positive. However, if the current disparity is negative, then no change is made to the
transmit data stream.
From the FPGA soft-logic side of the PCS, the interpacket gap is typically characterized by the continuous transmission
of the IDLE2 ordered set which is as follows: tx_k_ch=1, txdata= 0xBC tx_k_ch=0, txdata=0x50.
Note that in the PCS channel, IDLE2s mean that current disparity is to be preserved. IDLE1s mean that the current
disparity state should be flipped. Therefore, it is possible to ensure that the interpacket gap begins in a negative
disparity state. If the disparity state before the interpacket gap is negative, then a continuous stream of IDLE2s are
transmitted during the interpacket gap. If the disparity state before the interpacket gap is positive, then a single IDLE1
is transmitted followed by a continuous stream of IDLE2s.

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In the FPGA soft-logic side of the PCS, the interpacket gap is always driven with IDLE2s into the PCS. The
correct_disp_ch[3:0] signal is asserted for one clock cycle, k_cntrl=0, data=0x50 when the interpacket gap first begins.
If necessary, the PCS will convert this IDLE2 into an IDLE1. For the remainder of the interpacket gap, IDLE2s should be
driven into the PCS and the correct_disparity_chx signal should remain deasserted.
For example, if a continuous stream of 512 bytes of Ethernet frames and 512 bytes of /I/ are sent, it can be observed
 During the first interpacket gap, all negative disparity /I2/s are seen (K28.5(-) D16.2(+))
 During the next interpacket gap, the period begins with positive disparity /I1/ (K28.5 (+), D5.6 (+/- are the same)),
then all remaining ordered sets are negative disparity /I2/s
 During the next interpacket gap, all negative disparity /I2/s are seen
 During the next interpacket gap, the period begins with positive disparity /I1/ (K28.5 (+), D5.6 (+/- are the same)),
then all remaining ordered sets are negative disparity /I2/s
A number of programmable options are supported within the encoder module. These are:
 Ability to force negative or positive disparity on a per-word basis
 Ability to input data directly from the FIFO Bridge - external multiplexer
 Ability to replaced code words dependant upon running disparity (100BASE-X and FC)
 Software register controlled bypass mode

7.26. XAUI Mode

With the Lattice XAUI IP Core, the XAUI mode of the SERDES/PCS block supports full compatibility from Serial I/O to the
XGMII interface of the IEEE 802.3-2002 XAUI standard. XAUI Mode supports 10 Gigabit Ethernet.

Transmit Path
 Serializer
 Transmit State Machine which performs translation of XGMII idles to proper ||A||, ||K||, ||R|| characters
according to the IEEE 802.3ae-2002 specification
 8b10b Encoding

Receive Path
 Deserializer
 Word alignment based on IEEE 802.3-2002 defined alignment characters.
 8b10b Decoding
 The XAUI Link State Machine is compliant to Figure 7.7 - PCS synchronization state diagram of IEEE 802.3ae 2002
with one exception. Figure 7.7 requires that four consecutive good code groups be received in order for the LSM to
transition from one SYNC_ACQUIRED_{N} (N=2,3,4) to SYNC_ACQUIRED_{N-1}. Instead, the actual LSM
implementation requires five consecutive good code groups to make the transition.
 Clock Tolerance Compensation logic in PCS is disabled in XAUI mode. MCA (Multi-Channel Alignment) and CTC are
done in the XAUI IP core.
 x4 multi-channel alignment should be done in FPGA core logic.

7.27. LatticeECP3 PCS in PCI Express Revision 1.1 (2.5Gpbs) Mode

The PCI Express mode of the SERDES/PCS block supports x1, x2, and x4 PCI Express applications.

Transmit Path
 Serializer
 8b10b Encoding
 Receiver Detection
 Electrical Idle

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46 FPGA-TN-02190-2.9
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Receive Path
 Deserializer
 Word alignment based on the Sync Code
 8b10b Decoding
 Link Synchronization State Machine functions incorporating operations defined in the PCS Synchronization State
Machine (Figure 7.7) of the IEEE 802.3ae-2002 10GBASE-X Specification.
 x2 or x4 PCI Express operation with one PCS quad set to PCI Express mode.
 Clock Tolerance Compensation logic capable of accommodating clock domain differences.
 x2 or x4 multi-channel alignment should be done in FPGA core logic. Table 7.13 describes the PCI Express mode
specific ports.
Table 7.13 describes the PCI Express mode specific ports.
Table 7.13. PCI Express Mode Specific Ports
Signal Direction Class Description
pcie_done_ch[3:0]_s Out Channel 1 = Far-end receiver detection complete 0 = Far-end receiver detection
pcie_con_ch[3:0]_s Out Channel Result of far-end receiver detection 1 = Far-end receiver detected
0 = Far-end receiver not detected
pcie_det_en_ch[3:0]_c In Channel FPGA logic (user logic) informs the SERDES block that it will request a PCI
Express Receiver Detection operation.
1 = Enable PCI Express Receiver Detect 0 = Normal Operation
pcie_ct_ch[3:0]_c In Channel 1 = Request transmitter to do far-end receiver detection 0 = Normal data
rxstatus[2:0] Out Channel Per-channel PCI Express receive status port. RxStatus# is an encoded status
of the receive data path. 2 bits wide if in 16-bit data bus mode.

The status signal, rxstatus, is an encoded status of the receive data path. The encoding is as follows.
Table 7.14. rxstatus Encoding
rxstatus[2:0] Description Priority
0 0 0 Received data OK 8
0 0 1 1 byte inserted by CTC 7
0 1 0 1 byte deleted by CTC 6
0 1 1 Receiver detected (pcie_done, pcie_con) 1
1 0 0 8b10b decode error (code violation - rx_cv_err) 2
1 0 1 CTC FIFO overflow (ctc_orun) 3
1 1 0 CTC FIFO underflow (ctc_urun) 4
1 1 1 Receive disparity error (rx_disp_err) 5

PCI Express Termination

At the electrical level, PCI Express utilizes two uni-directional low voltage differential signaling pairs at 2.5 Gbps for
each lane. Transmit and receive are separate differential pairs, for a total of four data wires per lane. An input receiver
with programmable equalization and output transmitters with programmable pre-emphasis permits optimization of
the link. The PCI Express specification requires that the differential line must be common mode terminated at the
receiving end. Each link requires a termination resistor at the far (receiver) end. The nominal resistor values used are
100 ohms. This is accomplished by using the embedded termination features of the CML inputs as shown in Figure
7.24. The specification requires AC coupling capacitors (CTX) on the transmit side of the link. This eliminates potential
common-mode bias mismatches between transmit and receive devices. The capacitors must be added external to the
Lattice CML outputs.

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Technical Note

PCI Express L2 State

For the PCI Express L2 state, the rx_pwrup_c signal should not be de-asserted to power-down the rx channel. This will
force the RX termination to high impedance and will not allow the far-end to detect the receiver. Rather, the
rx_pcs_rst_c signal should be used to hold the channel in reset to save power.

PCI Express Application

LatticeECP3 LatticeECP3
CML Driver CML Receiver

VCCIB = 1.2 V
VCCOB = 1.2 V

Zo = 50

75 to 200 nF

Figure 7.24 PCI Express Interface Diagram

Table 7.15. Differential PCI Express Specifications

Symbol Parameter Min. Nom. Max. Units Comments Location
ZTX-DIFF-DC DC Differential 80 100 120 Ohm TX DC Differential mode low Internal
TX Impedance impedance. ZTX-DIFF-DC is the small
signal resistance of the transmitter
measured at a DC operating point that
is equivalent to that established by
connecting a 100 Ohm resistor from
D+ and D- while the TX is driving a
static logic one or logic zero.
ZRX-DIFF-DC DC Differential 80 100 120 Ohm RX DC Differential mode impedance Internal
Input during all LTSSM states. When
Impedance transmitting from a Fundamental
Reset to Detect, (the initial state of the
LTSSM), there is a 5 ms transition time
before receiver termination values
must be met on all unconfigured lanes
of a port.
CTX AC Coupling 75 200 nF All transmitters shall be AC coupled. External
Capacitor The AC coupling is required either
within the media or within the
transmitting component itself.

PCI Express Electrical Idle Transmission

Electrical Idle is a steady state condition where the transmitter P and N voltages are held constant at the same value
(i.e., the Electrical Idle Differential Peak Output Voltage, VTX-IDLE-DIFFp, is between 0 and 20 mV). Electrical Idle is
primarily used in power saving and inactive states.
Per the PCI Express base specification, before a transmitter enters Electrical Idle, it must always send the Electrical Idle
Ordered Set (EIOS), a K28.5 (COM) followed by three K28.3 (IDL). After sending the last symbol of the Electrical Idle
Ordered Set, the transmitter must be in a valid Electrical Idle state as specified by TTX-IDLE-SET- TO-IDLE is less than 20
To achieve this, the Electrical Idle Enable (tx_idle_chx_c) from the FPGA core logic to the PCS is sent in along with each
transmit data. This signal is pipelined similarly all the way to the PCS-SERDES boundary. For all valid data this signal is
LOW. To initiate Electrical Idle, the FPGA logic pulls this signal HIGH on the clock after it transmits the last K28.3 (IDL)

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48 FPGA-TN-02190-2.9
LatticeECP3 SERDES/PCS Usage Guide
Technical Note

symbol. As the signal is pipelined to the PCS-SERDES boundary, the relationship between the transmit data and this
signal is exactly the same as on the FPGA-PCS boundary.
14 UI after the rising edge of the Electrical Idle enable signal at the PCS-SERDES boundary the last bit (bit7) of the last
K28.3 (IDL) symbol is transmitted. 16 UI (<20 UI) later the transmit differential buffer achieves Electrical Idle state.

2 word clocks
FPGA-PCS Boundary

TxData_chx E OS 00 D a ta


PCS-SERDES Boundary TX FIFO s and Pipeli ne Delay

TxData_chx E OS 00 D a ta


< 20 UI < 20 UI
Bit 7 of last K2 8.3 character TTX-IDLE-SET-TO-IDLE T TX-IDLE-TO-DIIF-DAT A-MIN

Figure 7.25 Transmit Electrical Idle

As long as the FPGA core logic deems that the transmitter needs to stay in Electrical Idle state it needs to clock in data
(preferably all zeros) along with the Electrical Idle Enable (tx_idle_chx_c) signal active (HIGH). The transmitter is
required to stay in the Electrical Idle state for a minimum of 50 UI (20 ns) (TTX-IDLE-MIN).

PCI Express Electrical Idle Detection

Each channel in the quad has a loss-of-signal detector. The Electrical Idle is detected once two out of the three K28.3
(IDL) symbols in the Electrical Idle Ordered Set (EOS) have been received. After the Electrical Idle Ordered Set is
received, the receiver should wait for a minimum of 50ns (TTX-IDLE-MIN) before enabling its Electrical Idle Exit
These signals (one per channel, four per quad) should be routed through the PCS, and should be made available to the
FPGA core. The required state machine(s) to support electrical idle can then be constructed in the FPGA core.

PCI Express Receiver Detection

Figure 7.26 shows a Receiver Detection sequence. A Receiver Detection test can be performed on each channel of a
quad independently. Before starting a Receiver Detection test, the transmitter must be put into electrical idle by
setting the tx_idle_ch#_c input high. The Receiver Detection test can begin 120 ns after tx_elec_idle is set high by
driving the appropriate pci_det_en_ch#_c high. This puts the corresponding SERDES Transmit buffer into receiver
detect mode by setting the driver termination to high impedance and pulling both differential outputs to VCCOB
through the high impedance driver termination.
Setting the SERDES Transmit buffer into receiver detect state takes up to 120 ns. After 120 ns, the receiver detect test
can be initiated by driving the channel’s pcie_ct_ch#_c input high for four byte (word) clock cycles. The corresponding
channel’s pcie_done_ch#_s is then cleared asynchronously. After enough time for the receiver detect test to finish has
elapsed (determined by the time constant on the transmit side), the pcie_done_ch#_s receiver detect status port will
go high and the Receiver Detect status can be monitored at the pcie_con_ch#_s port. If at that time the
pcie_con_ch#_s port is high, then a receiver has been detected on that channel. If, however, the pcie_con_ch#_s port
is low, then no receiver has been detected for that channel. Once the Receiver Detect test is complete, tx_idle_ch#_c
can be deasserted.
Receiver detection proceeds as follows:
1. The user drives pcie_det_en high, putting the corresponding TX driver into receiver detect mode. This sets the
driver termination to high-impedance (5K ohm) and pulls both outputs of the differential driver toward common
mode through the high-impedance driver termination. The TX driver takes some time to enter this state so the
pcie_det_en must be driven high for at least 120ns before pcie_ ct is asserted.

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Technical Note

2. The user drives pcie_ct high for four byte clocks.

3. SERDES drives the corresponding pcie_done low.
4. SERDES drives the internal signal (corresponding to pcie_ct) for as long as it is required (based on the time
constant) to detect the receiver.
5. SERDES drives the corresponding pcie_con connection status.
6. SERDES drives the corresponding pcie_done high.
7. The user can use this asserted stated of pcie_done to sample the pcie_con status to determine if the receiver
detection was successful.


tdets tdetw(4 byte clocks)

pcie_det_en[0:3] tdeth


pcie_con[0:3] previous status invalid detected stat us

tdone > 2 us

Figure 7.26 PCI Express Mode Receiver Detection Sequence

PCI Express Power Down Mode

rx_serdes_rst_ch[3:0] reset signal should be used instead of rx_pwrup_ch[3:0] signal. This allows the RX termination to
remain enabled at 50 Ohms so that the far-end transmitter can detect that a receiver is connected.

7.28. PCI Express Beacon Support

This section highlights how the LatticeECP3 PCS can support Beacon detection and transmission. The PCI Express
requirements for Beacon detection are presented with the PCS support for Beacon transmission and detection.

Beacon Detection Requirements

 Beacon is required for exit from L2 (P2) state.
 Beacon is a DC-balanced signal of periodic arbitrary data, which is required to contain some pulse widths  2ns
(500 MHz) and < 16 us (30 KHz).
 Maximum time between pulses should be < 16 us.
 DC balance must be restored within < 32 us.
 For pulse widths > 500 ns, the output beacon voltage level must be 6 db down from VTX-DIFFp-p (800 mV to 1200
 For pulse widths < 500 ns, the output beacon voltage level must be  VTX-DIFFp-p and  3.5 db down from VTX-

PCS Beacon Detection Support

 The signal loss threshold detection circuit senses if the specified voltage level exists at the receiver buffer.
 This is indicated by the rlos_lo_ch(0-3) signal.
 This setting can be used both for PCI Express Electrical Idle Detection and PCI Express beacon detection (when in
power state P2).
 The remote transmitting device can have a beacon output voltage of 6 db down from VTX-DIFFpp (i.e., 201 mV). If
this signal can be detected, then the beacon is detected.

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Technical Note

PCS Beacon Transmission Support

Sending the K28.5 character (IDLE) (5 ones followed by 5 zeroes) provides a periodic pulse with of 2 ns occurring every
2 ns (1.0 UI = 400 ps, multiplied by 5 = 2 ns). This meets the lower requirement. The output beacon voltage level can
then be VTX-DIFFp-p. This is a valid beacon transmission.

7.29. SDI (SMPTE) Mode

The SDI mode of the LatticeECP3 SERDES/PCS block supports all three SDI modes, SD-SDI, HD-SDI and 3G- SDI.

Transmit Path
 Serializer

Receive Path
 Deserializer
 Optional word alignment to user-defined alignment pattern.
The following data rates are the most popular in the broadcast video industry.
 SD-SDI (SMPTE259M): 270Mbps
 HD-SDI (SMPTE292M): 1.485Gbps, 1.485Gbps/1.001 = 1.4835Gbps
 3G-SDI (SMPTE424M): 2.97Gbps, 2.97Gbps/1.001 = 2.967Gbps
Most designers have indicated that they would like to see support for all these rates. The reason is that in a broadcast
studio, or a satellite head-end or cable head-end, they do not necessarily have prior knowledge of what the RX data
rate will be.
The switchover time between different rates should be as low as possible. The time to re-lock the CDR is unavoidable.
In the LatticeECP3 SERDES, the PLL does not have to be re-locked. This is possible because the LatticeECP3 has per RX
and TX dividers. Video links generally have a unidirectional nature (i.e., different channels can run at different rates,
and more importantly, the RX and TX in the same channel can run at different rates).
Also, depending on the geography where the equipment is deployed, either the full HD/3G-SDI rates (Europe/Asia) are
used while transmitting video or the fractional rates (North America - NTSC). This allows us to develop two potential
solution example cases for multi-rate SMPTE support with high quad utilization.
Please note that simultaneous support of 3G/HD Full TX Rate(s) and Fractional TX Rate(s) is not possible in the same
SERDES quad. In general, based on the above, geographically partitioned usage is an acceptable limitation.

External Clock
148.5 MHz

Ch 3 Ch 3 Ch 2 Ch 2 AUX Ch 1 Ch 1 Ch 0 Ch 0
Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx Tx Rx

1.4 85 270 2.97 1.4 85 PLL 270 2.97 2.97 1.4 85

G bps Mbps G bps Mbps (x20) Mbps G bps G bps G bps
(DI V 2) (DI V 11) (DI V 1) (DI V 2) (DI V 11) (DI V 1) (DI V 1) (DI V 2)


Core Core Core Core Core
Clock Clock Clock Clock Clock


Figure 7.27 Example A: 3G/HD/SD Full RX/TX Rate Support and 3G/HD Fractional TX Rate Support

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Technical Note

To support the major application requirements, a selectable DIV per RX and TX is supported. In LatticeECP3, DIV11 has
been added. One potential multi-rate configuration is to provide a 148.5 MHz REFCLK from the primary pins to the TX
PLL. The TX PLL would be in the x20 mode. The resulting output clock would be 2.97 GHz. Then, by using the DIV2 for
1.485 Gbps and DIV11 for 270 Mbps, a very quick switchover can be achieved without having to re-train and lock the

7.30. Serial RapidIO (SRIO) Mode

This section describes the operation of the Serial RapidIO mode of the SERDES/PCS block. The LatticeECP3 supports 1x
and 4x Serial RapidIO applications with one PCS quad. SRIO1.0 highlights multiple frequency support, 3.125 Gbps, 2.5
Gbps and 1.25 Gbps. The ratio of these rates is 2.5:2:1. Supporting all of these rates with integer dividers in the same
quad is not possible, but the ratio of 2.5 Gbps to 1.25 Gbps is 2:1 (full rate : half rate).

Transmit Path
 Serializer
 8b10b encoding

Receive Path
 Deserializer
 Word alignment based on the Sync Code Group as defined in the RapidIO Physical Layer 1x/4x LP-Serial
 8b10b decoding
 Clock Tolerance Compensation logic capable of accommodating clock domain differences

7.31. Serial Digital Video and Out-Of-Band Low Speed SERDES Operation
The LatticeECP3 SERDES/PCS supports any data rates that are slower than what the SERDES TX PLL and RX CDR natively
support (<250 Mbps: Out-Of-Band signal, OOB), by bypassing the receiver CDR and associated SERDES/PCS logic (e.g.,
100 Mbps Fast Ethernet, SD-SDI at 143 Mbps or 177 Mbps). Though these out-of-band paths primarily use low data
rates, higher rates can be used for other functional reasons. See the Multi-Rate SMPTE Support section of this
document for more information.
In addition, for SD-SDI, these rates sometimes must co-exist on the same differential RX pair with HD-SDI rates (i.e., SD-
SDI rates may be active and then the data rate may switch over to HD-SDI rates). Since there is no way to predict which
of these two rates will be in effect, it is possible to send the input data stream to two SERDES in parallel, a high-speed
SERDES (already in the quad) and a lower-speed SERDES (implemented outside the quad). One possible
implementation is shown in Figure 7.28.
There is an input per channel RXD_LDR, low data rate single-ended input from the RX buffer to the FPGA core. In the
core a low-speed Clock Data Recovery (CDR) block or a Data Recovery Unit (DRU) can be built using soft logic. A channel
register bit, RXD_LDR_EN, can enable this data path. If enabled by another register bit, a signal from the FPGA can also
enable this in LatticeECP3.
In the transmit direction, it is also possible to use a serializer built in soft logic in the FPGA core and use the TXD_LDR
pin to send data into the SERDES. It will be muxed in at a point just before the pre-emphasis logic near where the
regular high-speed SERDES path is muxed with the boundary scan path. This is shown conceptually in Figure 7.28. The
low data rate path can be selected by setting a channel register bit, TX_LDR_EN.
Alternatively, on the output side, the high-speed SERDES is used to transmit either high-speed data, or lower speed
data using decimation (the SERDES continues to run at high-speed, but the output data can only change every nth clock
where n is the decimation factor).

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52 FPGA-TN-02190-2.9
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Technical Note

SERDES/PCS Block Q uad Top FPGA Core

from JTAG config logic

Inp ut Cell


RX power up BSTPAD
from JTAG config logic
EQ Inp ut Dat a

TX power up SERDES

0 O utput Dat a

O utput Cell


Figure 7.28 Possible Implementation of Serial Digital Video Support

7.32. Open Base Station Architecture Initiative (OBSAI)

OBSAI is an open forum that is aimed at an open market for cellular base stations.
The LatticeECP3 SERDES/PCS supports most of the OBSAI features except the 3.84 Gbps rate.

Transmit Path
 Serializer
 Transmit State Machine is set to Gigabit Ethernet Mode
 8b10b Encoding

Receive Path
 Deserializer
 Word alignment based on IEEE 802.3-2002 1000 BASE-X defined alignment characters
 8b10b Decoding
A Basestation Transceiver System (BTS) has four main components/modules and there are three major interfaces, or
Reference Points (RPs), between them.
 RP3 – RF Module receives signals from portable devices (terminals) and down converts it to digital data.
 RP2 – The baseband module takes the encoded signal and processes it and sends it to the transport module, which
will send it over the terrestrial network.
 RP1 – A control module maintains coordination between these three functions.
Currently, most of the focus in the industry revolves around providing lower RF modules and power amplifiers and
hence OBSAI’s primary effort has been to define Reference Point 3 (RP3). In fact, the specification of interest is RP3-01,
which is focused on Remote Radio Heads (RRHs).
The OBSAI RP3 electrical specification is based on the XAUI electrical specification and customized to the needs of a
Base Transceiver System. The XAUI electrical interface is specified in Clause 47 of IEEE 802.3ae-2002. RP3 version 3.1
specifies the following electrical rates 3.84 Gbps, 3.072 Gbps, 2.304 Gbps, 1.536 Gbps and 0.736 Gbps out of which the
last four are supported.
The RP3 electrical specification defines a receiver compliance mask and provides a sample transmitter output mask.
The BER should be better than 1 x 10-15, which is more stringent than XAUI requirement of 1 x 10-12. The RP3

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electrical specification also differs from the XAUI specification in the definition of the UI. XAUI allows for a difference of
+/- 100 ppm. This difference does not apply to OBSAI systems since the BTSes are fully synchronous systems.
Since a BTS is a synchronous system, it is imperative to measure and calibrate the delay across any bus. OBSAI has
carefully considered this and, as a result, come up with a method for synchronizing the master frame across the RP3
link. Delay calibration takes into account all factors, including processing, and buffer delay, in transmit and receive
modules, as well as the latency across the link.
Another major item in the data-link layer is the synchronization between the transmitter and receiver. Synchronization
ensures the actual data can be decoded successfully over the link. The frequency of errors as well as the
synchronization status is constantly monitored.
RP3-01 has gone further and specified line rates that are integer multiples of 768 Mbps, up to 3.84 Gbps, and are
considered OBSAI compatible line rates. Due to the number of line rates available, auto-negotiation between the
remote RF units and the local units is defined. This extension of the specification includes Ethernet transmission
between two RP3-01 nodes, mapping of RP1 information into the RP3 link because the RRH does not have a physical
RP1 link, delay measurement, synchronization between RP3-01 units, and data multiplexing across the RP3-01 link.
The delay of each functional block in the LatticeECP3 SERDES/PCS is described in the CPRI section.

7.33. Common Public Radio Interface (CPRI)

The goal of CPRI is to allow base station manufacturers and component vendors to share a common protocol and more
easily adapt platforms from one user to another.

Transmit Path
 Serializer
 Transmit State Machine is set to Gigabit Ethernet Mode
 8b10b Encoding

Receive Path
 Deserializer
 Word alignment based on IEEE 802.3-2002 1000 BASE-X defined alignment characters
 8b10b Decoding
Unlike OBSAI, CPRI does not specify mechanical or electrical interface requirements. In terms of scope, CPRI has a much
narrower focus than OBSAI. CPRI looks solely at the link between the RRH and the baseband module(s). In CPRI
nomenclature, those modules are known as Radio Equipment (RE) and Radio Equipment Control (REC), respectively. In
other words, CPRI is specifying the same interface as the OBSAI RP3 specification. CPRI primarily covers the physical
and data link layer of the interface. It also specifies how to transfer the user plane data, control and management
(C&M) plane data and the synchronization plane data.
CPRI has had better “traction” for two reasons - the muscle of the companies backing it and the focus on just one
interface link (between the RF modules and the Baseband modules) and even at that focusing primarily on the physical
and data link layers.
CPRI allows four line bit rate options; 614.4 Mbps, 1.2288 Gbps, 2.4576 Gbps and 3.072 Gbps; at least one of these
rates needs to be supported. The higher line rate is always compared to the one that is immediately lower.
CPRI does not have a mandatory physical layer protocol, but the protocol used must meet the BER requirement of 1 x
10-12, which is less stringent than OBSAI. It also specifies the clock stability and the phase noise requirements.
CPRI also recommends two electrical variants: high voltage (HV) and low voltage (LV). HV is guided by 1000Base- CX
specifications in IEEE 802.3-2002 clause 39 with 100-ohm impedance. LV is guided by XAUI. LV is recommended for all
rates and will be the focus for this device.
It is important to understand two link layer requirements when dealing with the CPRI and OBSAI specifications:
 Link delay accuracy and cable delay calibration
 Startup synchronization

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Link Delay Accuracy and Cable Delay Calibration

Though the following discussion largely leverages from the CPRI requirements, the same requirements also apply to
OBSAI implementations.
The REs or RRHs are frequency locked to the REC or BTS. Thus, in this synchronous system it is necessary to calibrate all
delays between RRHs and the BTS to meet air-interface timing requirements. The interface requires the support of the
basic mechanisms to enable calibrating the cable delay on links and the round trip delay on single- and multi-hop
connections. Specifically, the reference points for delay calibration and the timing relationship between input and
output signals at RE (Radio Equipment) are defined. All definitions and requirements are described for a link between
REC Master Port and RE Slave Port in the single-hop scenario as shown in Figure 7.29.

T12 Antenna
R1 R2

Radio Equipment Radio Equipment

T14 Toffset
Control (REC) (RE)
R4 R3


Figure 7.29 Link Between REC Master Port and RE Slave Port (Single Hop Scenario)

Reference points R1-4 correspond to the output point (R1) and the input point (R4) of REC, and the input point (R2) and
the output point (R3) of an RE terminating a particular logical connection. The antenna is shown as Ra for reference.
 T12 is the delay of the downlink signal from the output point of REC (R1) to the input point of RE (R2), essentially
the downlink cable delay.
 T34 is the delay of the uplink signal from the output point of RE (R3) to the input point of the REC (R4), essentially
the uplink cable delay.
 Toffset is the frame offset between the input signal at R2 and the output signal at R3.
 T14 is the frame timing difference between the output signal at R1 and the input signal at R4 (i.e., the round trip
delay - RTT).
Delay measurement is accomplished using frame timing. CPRI has a 10 ms frame based on the UMTS radio frame
number or Node B Frame Number, also known as BFN. Each UMTS Radio Frame has 150 hyperframes (i.e., each
HyperFrame is 66.67 us) with the corresponding hyperframe number (HFN = 0<=Z<=149). Each hyperframe has 256
(0<=W<=255) basic frames (i.e. each basic frame is 260.42 ns = Tchip or Tc).
An RE determines the frame timing of its output signal (uplink) to be the fixed offset (Toffset) relative to the frame
timing of its input signal (downlink). Toffset is an arbitrary value, which is greater than or equal to 0 and less than 256
Tc (it cannot slip beyond a hyperframe). Different REs may use different values for Toffset. REC knows the value of
Toffset of each RE in advance (pre-defined value or RE informs REC by higher layer message).
To determine T14, the downlink BFN and HFN from REC to RE is given back in uplink from the RE to the REC. In the case
of an uplink-signaled error condition, the REC treats the uplinks BFN and HFN as invalid. So, T14 = T12 + Toffset + T34.
As stated earlier the system is synchronous. Further, assuming that hyperframes are of fixed length and the RRH- BTS
interconnect (cable length) is equal in both directions (i.e.,T12 = T34, both optical fibers are in one bundle), the
interconnect delay devolves down to (T14 - Toffset)/2. The method for determining T14 has been discussed earlier. So
the major component that affects delay calibration is Toffset. Thus, the interconnect delay is the difference in
hyperframe arrival and departure times measured at each side of the link.
Delay calibration requirements are driven by 3GPP and UTRAN requirements specifically requirements R-21 in the CPRI
specification (CPRI v3.0 page 20), which states that the accuracy of the round trip delay measurement of the cable
delay of one link is +/- Tc/16. Additionally, requirement R-20 states that the round trip time absolute accuracy of the
interface, excluding the round trip group delay on the transmission medium (excluding the cable length), shall meet a
similar requirement (+/- Tc/16 for T14). Taking into account the previous discussion, the absolute link delay accuracy in

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the downlink between REC master port and RE slave port excluding the cable length is half of the above requirement
(+/- Tc/32 or approximately 8 ns (8.138 ns)). Thus, both T14 and Toffset need absolute accuracy less than +/- 8 ns.
Next it is important to determine how many bits of uncertainty can be acceptable for the different rates. Essentially,
the various CPRI and OBSAI bit rates can be multiplied by 8.138 ns to determine the number of bits worth of
indeterminism/variance is acceptable. The impact of this will become clear subsequently when the SERDES
serial/parallel data path is discussed.
Most SERDES have a certain level of uncertainty that is introduced in the serializing and de-serializing process. Thus, a
SERDES with 16-bit bus architecture may have twice the delay uncertainty as a SERDES with a 8-bit architecture
because the number of bits per word is doubled.
TX and RX latency respectively in Table 8.1 is listed. The table also lists the variability between the latency. This
variability directly contributes to the absolute delay accuracy required from earlier discussion. The variability comes
from three sources: TX FPGA Bridge FIFO, RX FPGA Bridge FIFO and RX Clock Tolerance Compensation FIFO. Since the
CPRI system is a synchronous system, the RX CTC FIFO is bypassed and the RX recovered clock is used.
The remaining contributors to the latency variability are the FPGA Bridge FIFO. This FIFO can be bypassed if the
interface to the FPGA is 8-bit bus mode. In 16-bit interface mode, the FPGA Bridge FIFO cannot be bypassed because
the 2:1 gearing is done via the FIFO.

Synchronous Optical Networking (SONET) and Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH) are standardized multiplexing
protocols that transfer data over optical fiber or via an electrical interface. SONET generic criteria are detailed in the
Telcordia Technologies Generic Requirements document GR-253-CORE. Generic criteria applicable to SONET and other
transmission systems (e.g., asynchronous fiber optic systems or digital radio systems) are found in Telcordia GR-499-
CORE. SONET and SDH were originally designed to transport circuit mode communications (e.g., T1, T3) from a variety
of different sources. The primary difficulty in doing this prior to SONET was that the synchronization sources of these
different circuits were different. This meant each circuit was operating at a slightly different rate and with different
phase. SONET allowed for the simultaneous transport of many different circuits of differing origin within a single
framing protocol.
The LatticeECP3 SERDES/PCS offers transceivers capable of supporting three SONET/SDH data rates, STS- 3/STM-1
(155.52 Mbps), STS-12/STM-4 (622.08 Mbps) and STS-48/STM-16 (2.488 Gbps). 8-bit SERDES mode is
used for SONET/SDH applications.
In order to be SONET/SDH line-compliant, external components are required with the LatticeECP3. An external line
driver is required on the output of the SERDES. To filter out high frequency jitter from the incoming data stream, a jitter
cleaner can be applied to the recovered clock before using it as the transmit reference clock.
For chip-to-chip or backplane applications, the external line driver and the clock jitter cleaner are not required. Figure
7.30 shows the line-side solution using external components.

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Line Client Recovered

TX Cl ock Jitter Clock

Line Client
Interface LatticeECP3 Interface

RX Reference


Figure 7.30 SONET/SDH Line Interface

7.35. FPGA Interface Clocks

Figure 7.31 shows a conceptual diagram of the later stage of the PCS core and the FPGA Bridge and the major clocks
that cross the boundary between PCS and the FPGA.

REFCLK Reco vered Clock

BYPASS rxdata_ch0

DEC rx_hal f_clk_ch0

rxicl k_ch0


8b 10b
Encoder txdata_ch0


tx_hal f_clk_ch0
TX /2

Figure 7.31 Conceptual PCS/FPGA Clock Interface Diagram

In the above diagram and in the subsequent clock diagrams in this section, please note that suffix “i” indicates the
index [3:0] i.e., one for each channel.

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It is a requirement that if any of the selectors to the clock muxes are changed by writes to register bits, the software
agent will reset the logic clocked by that muxed clock.
The PCS outputs 16 clocks. There are two transmit clocks (per channel) and two receive clocks (per channel). The two
transmit clocks provide full rate and half rate clocks and are all derived from the TX PLL. There are also two clocks (full
and half) per receive channel. All 16 clocks can be used as local (secondary) or global (primary) clocks for the FPGA logic
as required. tx_half_clks are used when the gearing is in 2:1 mode. As described in Table 5.4, only tx_full_clk_ch0 and
tx_half_clk_ch0 can drive the primary clock routing directly. Other channel clocks can also drive the primary clock net
but general routing is used. All of the tx_full_clk_ch[3:0] and tx_half_clk_ch[3:0] signals can drive the secondary clock
net by applying a USE SECONDARY clocking preference. General routing is also used to drive Secondary clock net.
The transmit clock is used on the write port of the TX FIFO (or Phase Shift FIFO, depending on the case). One of the two
receive clocks is connected to the read clock of the RX FIFO. The other clock is used on the read port of the CTC FIFO
and potentially on the write port of the RX FIFO (depending on the case). Based on the whether the CTC and the TX
FIFO are bypassed and whether the PCS is in 8bit/10bit interface mode or 16bit/20bit interface mode, four use cases
are possible. The active paths are highlighted with weighted lines. It is also indicated how many and what kind of clock
trees are required. There are some modes that would more commonly be preferred by the user.
This section describes the operation of the six supported cases. The cases are outlined in Table 7.16.
Table 7.16. Six Interface Cases Between the SERDES/PCS Quad and the FPGA Core
Table 7.16. Six Interface Cases Between the SERDES/PCS Quad and the FPGA Core
Interface Data Width RX CTC FIFO RX Phase-Shift/ Down- TX Phase-Shift/ Up-
Sample FIFO Sample FIFO
Case I-a2 8/10 bit Yes Yes Yes
Case I-b2 8/10 bit Bypass Yes Yes
Case I-c 8/10 bit Yes Bypass Bypass
Case I-d2 8/10 bit Bypass Bypass Bypass
1, 2
Case II-a 16/20 bit Yes Yes Yes
Case II-b1, 2 16/20 bit Bypass Yes Yes
1. When using a 16/20-bit datapath width, the TX phase-shift (upsample) FIFO and the RX phase-shift FIFO (downsample) are
always used. They cannot be bypassed. It is not required that both RX and TX have the same FPGA interface datapath width
simultaneously. There is independent control available. For the sake of brevity, they have been represented together in the
same use case.
2. The TX phase-shift (upsample) FIFO and the RX phase-shift FIFO (downsample) do not need to be bypassed together. They are
indepen- dently controllable. Again, for the sake of brevity, they have been represented here in the same case.

2:1 Gearing
For guaranteed performance of the FPGA global clock tree, it is recommended to use a 16/20-bit wide interface for
SERDES line rates greater than 2.5 Gbps. In this interface, the FPGA interface clocks are running at half the byte clock
Even though the 16/20-bit wide interface running at half the byte clock frequency can be used with all SERDES line
rates, the 8/10-bit wide interface is preferred when the SREDES line rate is low enough to allow it (2.5 Gbps and below)
because this results in the most efficient implementation of IP in the FPGA core.
The decision matrix for the six interface cases is explained in Table 7.17.

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Table 7.17. Decision Matrix for Six Interface Cases

SERDES Line Rate Datapath Width Multi-Channel CTC Required? RX FIFO Interface Case
Alignment Required?
2.5 Gbps and 8/10 bit No, single-channel Yes Yes Case I_a1
below (1:1 gearing) link No Case I_c1
No Yes Case I_b2
No Case I_d2
Yes, multi-channel Must bypass, not Yes Case I_b3
link available No Case I_d3
3.2 Gbps and 16/20 bit (2:1 No, single-channel Yes Yes Case II_a4
below gearing) link No Yes Case II_b5
Yes, multi-channel Must bypass, not Yes Case II_b6
link available
1. This case is intended for single-channel links at line rates of 2.5 Gbps and lower (8/10-bit wide interface) that require clock
tolerance com- pensation in the quad. CTC is required when both ends of the link have separate reference clock sources that
are within +/- 300 ppm of each other. Case I_a is used if the IP in the core requires the RX phase-shift FIFO. Case I_b is used if
the IP does not require this FIFO.
2. This case is intended for single-channel links at line rates of 2.5 Gbps and lower (8/10-bit wide interface) that do NOT require
clock tolerance compensation in the quad. CTC is not required when both ends of the link are connected to the same reference
clock source. This is often the case for chip-to-chip links on the same circuit board. There is exactly 0ppm difference between
the reference clocks and so CTC is not required and can be bypassed. CTC is also not required in the quad when this function is
performed by the IP in the core.
3. This case is intended for multi-channel links at line rates of 2.5 Gbps and lower (8/10-bit wide interface). Multi-channel
alignment MUST be done in the FPGA design. Since multi-channel alignment must be done prior to CTC, the CTC FIFO in the
quad MUST be bypassed when multi-channel alignment is required and so both multi-channel alignment and CTC (if required)
are done by the FPGA design.
4. This case is intended for single-channel links at line rates of 3.2 Gbps and lower that require a 2:1 gearbox between the quad
and the FPGA core (16/20 bit wide interface). Clock tolerance compensation is included in the quad. CTC is required when both
ends of the link have separate reference clock sources that are within +/- 300 ppm of each other.
5. This case is intended for single-channel links at line rates of 3.2 Gbps and lower that require a 2:1 gearbox between the quad
and the FPGA core (16/20-bit wide interface). Clock tolerance compensation is NOT included in the quad. CTC is not required
when both ends of the link are connected to the same reference clock source. This is often the case for chip-to-chip links on the
same circuit board. There is exactly 0 ppm difference between the reference clocks and so CTC is not required and can be
bypassed. CTC is also not required in the quad when this function is performed by the FPGA design.
6. This case is intended for multi-channel links at line rates of 3.2 Gbps and lower that require a 2:1 gearbox between the quad
and the FPGA core (16/20-bit wide interface). Multi-channel alignment MUST be done by the FPGA design. Since multi-channel
alignment must be done prior to CTC, the CTC FIFO in the quad MUST be bypassed when multi-channel alignment is required
and so both multi-channel alignment and CTC (if required) are done by the FPGA design.

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7.36. Case I_a: 8/10-Bit, CTC FIFO and RX/TX FIFOs Not Bypassed

Figure 7.32 8/10-Bit, CTC FIFO and RX/TX FIFOs NOT Bypassed

1. The TX FIFO acts as a Phase Shift FIFO only in this case.

2. The RX FIFO acts as a Phase Shift FIFO only in this case.
3. The quad-level full rate clock from the TX PLL (tx_full_clk) has direct access to the FPGA center clock mux. This is a
relatively higher performance path. A Global Clock Tree out of the Center Clock Mux is used to clock the user’s
interface logic in the FPGA. Some leaf nodes of the clock tree are connected to the FPGA Transmit Input clock
(txiclk), the CTC FIFO Read Clock per Channel (ebrd_clk) through the FPGA Receive Input clock (rxiclk). This case is
possibly the most common single-channel use case.
Example of Clock and Data Signals Interface in FPGA Logic (Case I_a)
Below is a portion of the SERDES/PCS module instantiation in the top module which describes how clock and data ports
are mapped in Verilog.
ebrd_clk_ch0 is routed automatically by the software, depending on the case.
Note that tx_full_clk_ch0 uses wire name 'txclk' and feeds both txi_clk_ch0 and rxi_clk_ch0, as shown in Figure 7.32.

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7.37. Case I_b: 8/10-Bit, CTC FIFO Bypassed

Figure 7.33 8b/10-Bit, CTC FIFO Bypassed

1. The TX FIFO acts as a Phase Shift FIFO only in this case.

2. The RX FIFO acts as a Phase Shift FIFO only in this case.
3. The TX FPGA Channel input clock is clocked similarly as in the previous case using a clock tree driven by a direct
connection of the full rate transmit FPGA output clock to the FPGA center clock mux. Once the CTC FIFO is
bypassed, the recovered clock needs to control the write port of the RX FIFO. The recovered clock of each channel
may need to drive a separate local or global clock tree (i.e., up to four local or global clock trees per quad). The
clock tree will then drive the FPGA receive clock input to control the read port of the RX FIFO. The reason for
bypassing the CTC FIFO in this case is most likely for doing multi-channel alignment in the FPGA core. It implies that
CTC using an elastic buffer will be done in the FPGA core. The CTC FIFOs can be written by either the recovered
clocks or by a master recovered clock. The read of the CTC FIFO will be done using the TX clock via the TX clock

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7.38. Case I_c: 8/10-Bit, RX/TX FIFO Bypassed

Figure 7.34 8/10-Bit, RX/TX FIFO Bypassed

1. The TX channel clocking is similar to the previous two cases. On the RX channel, the FPGA input clock is now
ebrd_clki. The FPGA TX clock tree drives this clock. In this case, ebrd_clki is automatically routed by the software.

7.39. Case I_d: 8/10-Bit, CTC FIFO and RX/TX FIFOs Bypassed

Figure 7.35 8b/10-Bit, CTC FIFO and RX/TX FIFOs Bypassed

1. FPGA clock trees can be interchangeably thought of as clock domains in this case. The TX channel clocking is similar
to the previous three cases. On the RX channel, the recovered channel RX clock is sent out to the FPGA. This case is
useful for supporting video applications.

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7.40. Case II_a: 16/20-bit, CTC FIFO and RX/TX FIFOs NOT Bypassed

Figure 7.36 16/20-bit, CTC FIFO and RX/TX FIFOs NOT Bypassed

1. The TX FIFO acts both as a Phase Shift FIFO and Upsample FIFO in this case.
2. The RX FIFO acts both as a Phase Shift FIFO and Downsample FIFO in this case.
3. This is a very common single channel use case when the FPGA is unable to keep up with full byte frequency. Two
clock trees are required. These clock trees are driven by direct access of transmit full-rate clock and transmit half-
rate clock to the FPGA clock center mux. The full-rate clock tree drives the CTC FIFO read port and the RX FIFO write
port. The half-rate clock tree drives the RX FIFO and the FPGA logic.

7.41. Case II_b: 16/20-bit, CTC FIFO Bypassed

Figure 7.37 16/20-bit, CTC FIFO Bypassed

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1. The TX FIFO acts both as a Phase Shift FIFO and Upsample FIFO in this case.
2. The RX FIFO is acting both as a Phase Shift FIFO and Downsample FIFO in this case.
3. This is a very common multi-channel alignment use case when the FPGA is unable to keep up with full byte
frequency. The receive clock trees (up to four) can be local or global. They are running a half-rate clock. The
transmit clock tree is driven by direct access of the transmit half-rate clock to the FPGA clock center mux.

8. SERDES/PCS Block Latency

Table 8.1 describes the latency of each functional block in the transmitter and receiver. Latency is given in parallel clock
cycles. Figure 8.1 shows the location of each block.
Table 8.1. SERDES/PCS Latency Breakdown
Item Description Min. Avg. Max. Fixed Bypass Units
Transmit Data Latency
T1 FPGA Bridge – 1:1 gearing with different clocks 1 3 5 — 1 byte clk
FPGA Bridge – 1:1 gearing with the same clocks — — — 3 1 byte clk
FPGA Bridge – 2:1 gearing 1 3 5 — — word clk
T2 8b10b Encoder — — — 2 1 byte clk
T3 SERDES Bridge transmit — — — 2 1 byte clk
T4 Serializer: 8-bit mode — — — 15 + 1 — UI + ps
Serializer: 10-bit mode — — — 18 + 1 — UI + ps
T5 Pre-emphasis ON — — — 1 + 2 — UI + ps
Pre-emphasis OFF — — — 0 + 3 — UI + ps
Receive Data Latency
R1 Equalization ON — — — 1 — UI + ps
Equalization OFF — — — 2 — UI + ps
R2 Deserializer: 8-bit mode — — — 10 + 3 — UI + ps
Deserializer: 10-bit mode — — — 12 + 3 — UI + ps
R3 SERDES Bridge receive — — — 2 1 byte clk
R4 Word alignment3 3.1 — 4 — — byte clk
R5 8b10b decoder — — — 1 1 byte clk
R6 Clock Tolerance Compensation 7 15 23 1 1 byte clk
R7 FPGA Bridge – 1:1 gearing with different clocks 1 3 5 — 1 byte clk
FPGA Bridge – 1:1 gearing with same clocks — — — 3 1 byte clk
FPGA Bridge – 2:1 gearing 1 3 5 — — word clk
1. 1 = -245ps, 2 = +88ps, 3 = +112ps.
2. 1 = +118ps, 2 = +132ps, 3 = +700ps.
3. Table 8.2 shows word aligner latency depending on word alignment offset. The exact offset can be found in channel status
register, CH_22, bit [3:0].

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Table 8.2. Word Aligner Latency vs. Offset

wa_offset[3:0] (CH_22[3:0]) Latency (Word Clock)
0 4.0
1 3.9
2 3.8
3 3.7
4 3.6
5 3.5
6 3.4
7 3.3
8 3.2
9 3.1

Figure 8.1 Transmitter and Receiver Latency Block Diagram

8.1. SERDES Client Interface

The SCI allows the SERDES/PCS quad to be controlled by registers as opposed to the configuration memory cells. It is a
simple register configuration interface. The block diagram of the SCI that resides in the FPGA core is shown in Figure

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Figure 8.2 SCI Interface Block Diagram

The interface logic that resides in the FPGA core should be developed by users per their interface scheme. Contact
Lattice Technical Support for example code.
The SCI_ADDR bus is six bits wide within the block. The bus width at the block boundary is 11 bits. The upper five bits
are used for quad block selection and channel selection. Table 8.3 shows the SCI address map for the SERDES quad.
Refer to Appendix A. Configuration Registers and Appendix B. Register Settings for Various Standards for SERDES/PCS
register address and bit descriptions.
Table 8.3. SCI Address Map for Up to Four SERDES/PCS Quads
Address Bits Description
SCI_ADDR[5:0] Register address bits 000000 = select register 0
000001 = select register 1
111110 = select register 62
111111 = select register 63
SCI_ADDR[8:6] Channel address bits 000 = select channel 0
001 = select channel 1
010 = select channel 2
011 = select channel 3 100 = select Quad 101 = Unused
110 = Unused
111 = Unused
SCI_ADDR[10:9] Quad address bits 00 = select Quad A 01 = select Quad B 10 =
select Quad C 11 = select Quad D

Read and write operations through this interface are asynchronous. In the WRITE cycle the write data and write
address must be set up and held in relation to the falling edge of the SCI_WR. In the READ cycle the timing has to be in
relation with the SCI_RD pulse. Figure 8.3 and Figure 8.4 show the WRITE and READ cycles, respectively.

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Figure 8.3 SCI WRITE Cycle, Critical Timing

Figure 8.4 SCI READ Cycle, Critical Timing

Table 8.4. Timing Parameters

Parameter Typical Value Units
tsu, trddv, taddv 1.127 ns
th, trdde 0.805 ns

The SCI interface is as simple as memory read/write. Here is an example of the pseudo code:
 Cycle 1: Set sci_addr[5:0], sciw_data[7:0], sci_sel = 1’b1
 Cycle 2: Set sci_wrn from 0  1
 Cycle 3: Set sci_wrn from 1  0, sci_sel = 1’b0
 Cycle 1: Set sci_addr[5:0], sci_sel = 1’b1
 Cycle 2: Set sci_rd from 0  1
 Cycle 3: Obtain reading data from sci_rddata[7:0]
 Cycle 4: Set sci_rd from 1  0

8.2. Interrupts and Status

The status bit may be read via the SCI, which is a byte wide and thus reads the status of eight interrupt status signals at
a time. The SCI_INT signal goes high to indicate that an interrupt event has occurred. The user is then required to read
the QIF status register that indicates whether the interrupt came from the quad or one of the channels. This register is
not cleared on read. It is cleared when all interrupt sources from the quad or channel are cleared. Once the aggregated
source of the interrupt is determined, the user can read the registers in the associated quad or channel to determine
the source of the interrupt. Table 8.5 and Table 8.6 list all the sources of interrupt.

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Table 8.5. Quad Interrupt Sources

Quad SCI_INT Source Description Register Name
int_qd_out Quad Interrupt. If there is an interrupt event anywhere in PCS Quad Status Register QD_20
the quad this register bit will be active. This register bit is
cleared when all interrupt events have been cleared.
int_ch_out[0:3] Channel Interrupt. If there is an interrupt event PCS Quad Status Register QD_20
anywhere in the respective channel this register bit will
be active. These register bits are cleared when all
interrupt sources in the respective channel have been
ls_sync_statusn_[0:3]_int Link Status Low (out of sync) channel interrupt Link PCS Quad Interrupt Status Register
ls_sync_status_[0:3]_int Status High (in sync) channel interrupt QD_22
~PLOL, PLOL Interrupt generated on ~PLOL and PLOL - PLL Loss of Lock SERDES Quad Status Register QD_25

Table 8.6. Quad Interrupt Sources

Channel SCI_INT Source Description Register Name
fb_tx_fifo_error_int FPGA Bridge TX FIFO Error Interrupt FPGA Bridge RX PCS Channel General Interrupt Status
fb_rx_fifo_error_int FIFO Error Interrupt Register CH_23
cc_overrun_int CTC FIFO Overrun and Underrun Interrupts
pci_det_done_int Interrupt generated for pci_det_done Interrupt SERDES Channel Interrupt Status
rlos_lo_int generated for rlos_lo Interrupt generated for ~rlos_lo Register CH_2A
~rlos_lo_int rlol_int Interrupt generated for rlol
~rlol_int Interrupt generated for ~rlol

SERDES Client Interface Application Example

Lattice ORCAstra FPGA configuration software is a PC-based GUI that allows users to configure the operational mode of
a Lattice FPGA by programming control bits in the FPGA registers.
SERDES/PCS status information is displayed on-screen in real time, and any configuration can be saved to control
registers for additional testing. Use of the GUI does not interfere with the programming of the FPGA core portion.
More information and downloadable files for ORCAstra can be found on the Lattice Semiconductor website at
Users can get a complete LatticeECP3 ORCAstra interface design from IPexpress. In addition to the HDL file that
contains the ORCAstra interface, a file called “chip.v” (for Verilog) that wraps the ORCAstra interface is also provided.

Dynamic Configuration of the SERDES/PCS Quad

The SERDES/PCS quad can be controlled by registers that are accessed through the optional SERDES Client Interface.
When controlled by the configuration memory cells, it is a requirement that the SERDES/PCS quads must reach a
functional state after configuration is complete, without further intervention from the user. This means that any special
reset sequences that are required to initialize the SERDES/PCS quad must be handled automatically by the hardware. In
other words, use of the SCI is optional. The SERDES/PCS quad does NOT assume that the soft IP is present in the FPGA

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9. SERDES Debug Capabilities

9.1. PCS Loopback Modes

The LatticeECP3 family provides three loopback modes controlled by control signals at the PCS/FPGA interface for
convenient testing of the external SERDES/board interface and the internal PCS/FPGA logic interface. Two loop- back
modes are provided to loop received data back onto the transmit data path. The loopback modes are useful for
checking the high-speed serial SERDES package pin connections as well as the embedded SERDES and/or PCS logic.

RX-to-TX Serial Loopback Mode

Loops serial receive data back onto the transmit buffer without passing through the CDR or de-serializer. Selecting the
RX-to-TX Serial Loopback option in the IPexpress GUI will set both the LB_CTL[1:0] to '10' and TDRV_DAT_SEL[1:0]
register bits to '11' (see Table A.47 and Table A.50).

TX-to-RX Serial Loopback Mode

This mode loops back serial transmit data back onto the receiver CDR block. Selecting the TX-to-RX Serial Loop- back
option in the IPexpress GUI will set LB_CTL[1:0] to '01' (see Table A.47).

SERDES Parallel Loopback Mode

Loops parallel receive data back onto the transmit data path without passing through the PCS logic. When disabled in
the IPexpress GUI, the parallel loopback mode can be dynamically controlled from the FPGA core control signals
sb_felb_ch[3:0]_c and sb_felb_rst_ch[3:0]_c.
If the dynamic feature of this loopback mode is not used, the two control signals should be tied to ground.
When enabled in the loopback mode in the IPexpress GUI, the control register bit sb_pfifo_lp(CH_03[5]) is set and the
loopback mode is set. The control signals from the FPGA core, sb_felb_ch[3:0]_c and sb_felb_rst_ch[3:0]_c, are not
available in the PCS module.
Refer to the Figure 9.1 for the discussion above.

Figure 9.1 Three Loopback Modes

Figure 9.2 Loopback Enable Signals

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9.2. ORCAstra
Lattice ORCAstra software helps you quickly explore configuration options without going through a lengthy re-compile
process or making changes to your board. Configurations created in the GUI can be saved to memory and re- loaded for
later use. To use ORCAstra, the ORCASTRA module from IPexpress must be created and used in the FPGA design.
A macro capability is also available to support script-based configuration and testing. The GUI can also be used to
display system status information in real time. Use of the ORCAstra software does not interfere with the programming
of the FPGA.
Figure 9.3 shows the ORCAstra GUI top-level window. Users can read and write in this window without going through
the subwindows for each PCS channel by read and write data at the address cell. When invoked, ORCAstra will
automatically recognize the device type. Or, device types can be selected under the device pull-down menu.

Figure 9.3 ORCAstra Top-Level Screen Shot

By default, the data box shown in Figure 9.3 follows Big Endian byte order (i.e., the most significant bit is placed on the
left). Users can change to Little Endian order by selecting Display Data Reversed in Data Box under the Options tab.
Click on the tab Interface=None and select 1 ispVM JTAG Hub USB Interface from the drop-down list.
Then select the C2 0A 80 80 from the Select Target JTAG Device window.

Figure 9.4 JTAG Device Selection

Then click OK in the ORCAstra Hub I/O window.

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Figure 9.5 Hub ID Selection

The figure shows there are activities on channel 0 and channel 1. In this example, we assume that the PCS SCI address
is mapped to Quad 0 in the design.
Double-clicking on the PCS0 (Quad 0) button will open the main window as shown in Figure 9.6.
These standard Windows menus control the selection of the device and interface. They also support various
configuration options, including setting up and saving configurations with stored files.

Figure 9.6 ORCAstra Main Window

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Control Boxes and Buttons, Status Boxes and the Text Window
Moving the cursor over a control box and clicking the left mouse button sets the control bits. Both the bit location and
function for the selected box are displayed in the text window and will match those of the register map tables in the
LatticeECP3 Family Data Sheet. Only the function is displayed when the cursor is over the bit name. Status boxes are
similar to control boxes but have an LED appearance and a colored background.
Figure 9.7 shows the SERDES Buffer Options window. Configuration options can be selected from the pull-down menu.

Figure 9.7 SERDES Buffer Options Window

More information and downloadable files for ORCAstra can be found on the Lattice Semiconductor website at the
following address: www.latticesemi.com/products/designsoftware/orcastra.cfm.

9.3. Other Design Considerations

Simulation of the SERDES/PCS
Table 9.1. Simulation Model Locations
Simulator Model Location
Active-HDL ispTOOLS\cae_library\simulation\blackbox\pcsc-aldec.zip
ModelSim ispTOOLS\cae_library\simulation\blackbox\pcsd-mti_6.0-V1-1.zip
NC-Verilog ispTOOLS\cae_library\simulation\blackbox\pcsd-ncv.zip
VCS ispTOOLS\cae_library\simulation\blackbox\PCSD_sim.vp.zip

9.4. 16/20-Bit Word Alignment

The PCS receiver cannot recognize the 16-bit word boundary. When Word Aligner is enabled, the PCS can only do BYTE
alignment. The 16-bit word alignment should be done in the FPGA fabric and is fairly straight forward. The simulation
model works in the same way. It can be enhanced if users implement an alignment scheme as described below.
For example, if transmit data at the FPGA interface are:
YZABCDEFGHIJKLM... (each letter is a byte, 8-bit or 10-bit)
Then the incoming data in PCS after 8b10b decoder and before rx_gearbox are:
After rx_gearbox, they can become:
1. {ZY}{BA}{DC}{FE}{HG}{JI}{LK}....
2. {AZ}{CB}{ED}{GF}{IH}{KJ}{ML}...

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Clearly, sequence 2 is not aligned. It has one byte offset, but 16/20-bit alignment is needed. Let us say the special
character ‘A’ should be always placed in the lower byte.
Flopping one 20-bit data combines with the current 16/20-bit data to form 32/40-bit data as shown below:
| **Found the A in lower 10-bit, set the offset to ‘0’, send out aligned data
Next clock cycle:
| **send out aligned data ‘DC’
After the 16/20-bit alignment, the output data are:
2. {CBAZ}{GFED}{KJIH}....
| **Found the A in upper 10-bit, set the offset to ‘10’, send out aligned data
Next clock cycle:
| **send out aligned data ‘DC’
After the 20-bit alignment, the output data are:
Note: The LSB of a 8/10-bit byte or a 16/20-bit word is always transmitted first and received first.
For sample 16/20-bit word alignment code, send your request to [email protected].

Unused Quad/Channel and Power Supply

On unused quads and channels, VCCA should be powered up. VCCIB, VCCOB, HDINP/N, HDOUTP/N and REFCLKP/N
should be left floating. Unused channel outputs are tristated, with approximately 10 KOhm internal resistor connecting
between the differential output pair. During configuration, HDOUTP/N are pulled high to VCCOB.
Even when a channel is used as Rx Only mode or Tx Only mode, both the VCCOB and VCCIB of the channel must be
powered up. Unused SERDES is configured in power down mode by default.

Reset and Power-Down Control

The SERDES quad has reset and power-down controls for the entire macro and also for each transmitter and receiver as
shown in Figure 9.8. The reset signals are active high and the power-down is achieved by driving the pwrup signals low.
The operation of the various reset and power-down controls are described in the following sections.
Note: When the device is powering up and the chip level power-on-reset is active, the SERDES control bits (in the PCS)
will be cleared (or will take on their default value). This will put the SERDES quad into the power-down state.

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Figure 9.8 SERDES/PCS Quad Reset and Power-Down Controls

Typically, all resets are via power-on reset and various FPGA fabric resets. The reset logic is shown in Figure 9.9 and
Table 9.2.

Configuration Register Block

trs t

tpwru p_ch[3:0]







resets all PCS logic

resets the complete

serdes_rst_qd SERDES Quad

rx_pcs_rst_ch[3:0] 4RX and 4TX PCS
channels digital logic

resets s elected digital
logic in the SERDES

rx_pwrup_ch[3:0] sets selected channel to
power down mode

Figure 9.9 SERDES/PCS Reset Diagram

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Table 9.2. SERDES/PCS Reset Table

FPGA Control Register TX RX Registers
tx_pcs_rst_ch[3:0]_c lane_tx_rst[3:0] X
rx_pcs_rst_ch[3:0]_c lane_rx_rst[3:0] X
rst_qd_c quad_rst X X X X X X
serdes_rst_qd_c serdes_rst X X X X
rx_serdes_rst_ch[3:0]_c rrst[3:0]2 X X
tx_serdes_rst_c trst X3
TRI_ION (configuration) X X X X X
1. Includes SB (SERDES Bridge), PCS core and FB (FPGA Bridge) sub-blocks.
2. For internal use only. This reset should always be tied to '0' unless there is a need to reset the CDR PLL.
3. tx_serdes_rst_c reset does not reset the TX PLL. It only forces tx_pll_lol_qd_s to go high.

Table 9.3. Reset Controls Description1, 2, 3

Rest Signal Description
FPGA Control Register
rst_qd_c quad_rst Active-high, asynchronous input. Resets all SERDES channels including the
auxiliary channel and PCS. This reset includes serdes_rst, txpll, cdr, lane_tx_rst,
and lane_rx_rst.
serdes_rst_qd_c serdes_rst Active-high, asynchronous input to the SERDES quad. Gated with software
register bit. This reset is for the SERDES block only and TXPLL and CDRPLL are
tx/rx_pcs_rst_ch[3:0]_c lane_tx/rx_rst[0:3] Active-high, asynchronous input. Resets individual TX/RX channel in SB, PCS
core and FB blocks.
rx_serdes_rst_ch[3:0]_c rrst[0:3] Resets loss-of-lock (rlol), loss-of-signal and calibration circuits.
tx_serdes_rst_c trst Resets the loss-of-lock of AUX PLL (plol).
1. For all channels in the quad running in full-data-rate mode, parallel side clocks are guaranteed to be in-phase.
2. For all channels in the quad running in half-data-rate mode, each channel has a separate divide-by-two circuit. Since there is no
mechanism in the quad to guarantee that these divide-by-two circuits are in phase after de-assertion of “serdes_rst”, the PCS
design should assume that the dividers (and therefore the parallel side clocks) are NOT in phase.
3. In half-data-rate mode, since there is no guarantee that the parallel side clocks are in phase, this may add channel-to-channel
skew to both transmit and receive sides of a multi-channel link.

Table 9.4. Reset Pulse Specification

Parameter Description Min. Typ. Max. Units
tSERDES_RST_QD Quad SERDES Reset high time 1 us
tRX_PCS_RST Channel RX PCS Reset high time 3 ns
tTX_PCS_RST Channel TX PCS Reset high time 3 ns
tRX_SERDES_RST Channel RX SERDES reset high time 3 ns
tTX_SERDES_RST Quad TX SERDES reset high time 3 ns

Power-Down Control Description

Each RX and TX channel can be individually powered-down by a software register bit or a control signal from the FPGA.
The individual channel power-down control bits will only power-down selected blocks within the SERDES macro and
the high-speed I/O buffers.

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Table 9.5. Power-Down Control Description

Signal Description
FPGA Register
serdes_pd Active-low asynchronous input to the SERDES quad, acts on all channels including
the auxiliary channel. When driven low, it powers down the whole macro including
the transmit PLL. All clocks are stopped and the macro power dissipation is
minimized. After release, both the TX and RX reset sequences should be followed.
tx_pwrup_ch[0:3]_c tpwrup[0:3] Active-high transmit channel power-up – Powers up the serializer and output
driver. After release, the TX reset sequence should be followed.
rx_pwrup_ch[0:3]_c rpwrup[0:3] Active-high receive channel power-up – Powers up CDR, input buffer (equalizer and
amplifier) and loss-of-signal detector. After release, the RX reset sequence should
be followed.

Table 9.6. Power-Down/Power-Up Timing Specification

Parameter Description Min. Typ. Max. Units
tPWRDN Power-down time after serdes_pd 20 ns
tPWRUP Power-up time after serdes_pd 20 ns


10.1. Reset Sequence and Reset State Diagram

After power-up and configuration, all SERDES resets and FPGA resets are applied.

10.2. Reset Sequence Generation

Reset Sequence is included in the IPexpress GUI (available in Diamond 1.1 and later versions).
We recommend to select the reset sequence generation option in IPexpress as described in the Control Setup tab
section. The HDL file generated for the SERDES/PCS will include the Tx Reset State Machine and Rx Reset State

10.2.1. Lock Status Signals Definitions

tx_pll_lol_qd_s: : 1 = TX PLL loss of lock
: 0 = TX PLL lock
It takes 1,400,000 UI to declare the lock of TX PLL
rx_cdr_lol_ch[3:0]_s : 1 = CDR loss of lock
: 0 = Lock maintained
It takes 400,000 reference clock cycles (worst case) to declare the lock of CDR PLL
rx_los_low_ch[3:0]_s : 1 = Loss of signal detection for each channel
: 0 = Signal detected
The rx_cdr_lol_ch[3:0]_s status signal is an indicator of the CDR lock status as defined above. However, during the CDR
locking process the CDR PLL will lock to a reference clock when there is no input data present. This avoids ignoring the
input data when it is restored.
In order to ensure the presence of input data during CDR lock status checking, it is recommended to use the
rx_los_low_ch[3:0]_s signal in conjunction with the rx_cdr_lol_ch[3:0]_s signal.

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10.3. TX Reset Sequence

1. QUAD_RESET: At power up, assert rst_qd_c and tx_pcs_rst_ch[3:0]_c.
2. WAIT_FOR_TIMER1: Start TIMER1. Wait for a minimum 20 ns.
3. CHECK_PLOL: Release rst_qd_c.
4. WAIT_FOR_TIMER2: Start TIMER2. If TIMER2 expires and the TX PLL is not locked, go to step 1.
5. NORMAL: Release tx_pcs_rst_ch#_c. If tx_pll_lol_qd_s goes high during normal operation, go to step 1.

10.4. RX Reset Sequence

1. WAIT_FOR_PLOL: Wait until the TX PLL locks and receive data is present. rx_serdes_rst_ch[3:0]_c is set
to 0 because rx_los_low[3:0]_s goes high when it is asserted.
2. RX_SERDES_RESET: Assert rx_serdes_rst_ch[3:0]_c and rx_pcs_rst_ch[3:0]_c.
3. WAIT_FOR_TIMER1: Wait for a minimum of 3 ns.
4. CHECK_LOL_LOS: Release rx_serdes_rst_ch_c. Reset TIMER2.
5. WAIT_FOR_TIMER2: Wait for both cdr_lol_ch[3:0]_s and rx_los_low_ch[3:0] to go low.
If there is a transition in rx_lol_los (rx_cdr_lol_ch_s || rx_los_low_ch_s),
go to step 4. If TIMER2 expires with rx_lol_los = 1, go to step 1.
6. NORMAL: Release rx_pcs_rst_ch_c. If rx_lol_los goes high, go to step 1.
Note: The RX reset sequence provides the CDR re-locking feature when the input data source is interrupted during
normal operation. The RX reset can be applied by channel base.
The reset sequence state diagrams are described in Figure 10.1 and Figure 10.2.
A set of sample reset sequence code is available on the Lattice web site.

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Power Up

Quad Reset

tx_pcs_rst_ch[3:0]_c <= 1
rst_qd_c <= 1

Wait for TIMER1

tx_pcs_rst_ch[3:0]_c <= 1
rst_qd_c <= 1


Check PLOL TIMER2 & tx_pll_lol_qd_s

tx_pcs_rst_ch[3:0]_c <= 1
tx_pll_lol_qd_s rst_qd_c <= 0

Wait for TIMER2

tx_pcs_rst_ch[3:0]_c <= 1
rst_qd_c <= 0


tx_pcs_rst_ch[3:0]_c <= 0
rxt_qd_c <= 0

TIMER 1: rst_qd_c asserted for a minimum of 20 ns.
TIMER 2: Time to declare TX PLL l ock : 1,400,000 UI.

Figure 10.1 TX Reset State Diagram

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Power Up

tx_pll_lol_qd_s || rx_los_low_ch[3:0]_s
Wait for PLOL

TIMER2 & rx_lol_los rx_pcs_rst_ch[3:0]_c <= 1

rx_serdes_rst_ch[3:0]_c <= 0


rx_pcs_rst_ch[3:0]_c <= 1
rx_serdes_rst_ch[3:0]_c <= 1

Wait for TIMER1

rx_pcs_rst_ch[3:0]_c <= 1
rx_serdes_rst_ch[3:0]_c <= 1

rising edge (rx_lol_los) TIMER1

falling edge (rx_lol_los)

rx_pcs_rst_ch[3:0]_c <= 1
rx_serdes_rst_ch[3:0]_c <= 0


Wait for TIMER2

rx_pcs_rst_ch[3:0]_c <= 1
rx_serdes_rst_ch[3:0]_c <= 0

TIMER2 & ~rx_lol_los

rx_pcs_rst_ch[3:0]_c <= 0
rx_serdes_rst_ch[3:0]_c <= 0

TIMER 1: rx_serdes_rst_ch[3:0]_c asserted for minimum 3 ns.

TIMER 2: Time for rx_lol_los si gnal to st ay l ow (400,000 reference clock cycles). Any FPGA clock can be used to satisfy the timer requirement.

In the diagram above, rx_lol_los is defined as rx_cdr_lol_ch[3:0]_s || rx_los_low_ch[3:0]_s.

The tx_pll_lol_qd_s input to the st ate diagram RTL code should be t ied l ow in Rx Only mode or when the recov ered clock i s used as the Tx PLL
reference clock, as in SDI applications.

When multi ple receiver channels rx_serdes_rst_ch[3:0]_c are to be asserted, it i s recommended to activate t he reset signals one channel at a ti me.
Simultaneous resetting of multiple receiver SERDES channels may cause a current surge in the SERDES /PCS quad.

The rx_los_low output from SERDES may be triggered for some input st reams with continuous zeros , like the SDI pathological patte rn. For such
appli cations, the rx_los_low input to the reset state machine must be connected to the carrier detect output (must be inverted) of the cable equalizer
if avail able. In general, CD=1 means carrier is present. So this signal must be inverted to replace rx _los_low. If a cable equalizer is not av ailable, users
may tie it to zero but i n this case, the CDR can lock t o a local reference clock when t here is no input data present.

Figure 10.2 RX Reset State Diagram

Power Supply Sequencing Requirements

When using the SERDES with 1.5 V VCCIB or VCCOB, the SERDES should not be left in a steady state condition with the
1.5 V power applied and the 1.2 V power not applied. Both the 1.2 V and the 1.5 V power should be applied to the

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SERDES at nominally the same time. The normal variation in ramp_up times of power supplies and voltage regulators is
not a concern.

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Appendix A. Configuration Registers

A.1. Quad Registers Overview

Table A.1. Quad Interface Registers Map
BA Register D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
Per Quad PCS Control Registers
00 QD_00 reg_sync_toggle force_int char_mode xge_mode
01 QD_01 internal use only
02 QD_02 high_mark[3] high_mark[2] high_mark[1] high_mark[0] low_mark[3] low_mark[2] low_mark[1] low_mark[0]
03 QD_03 pfifo_clr_sel internal use only internal use only
04 QD_04 internal use only
05 QD_05 internal use only
06 QD_06 internal use only
07 QD_07 internal use only
08 QD_08 internal use only
09 QD_09 ls_sync_status_3_i ls_sync_status_2_int_ ls_sync_status_1_int_ ls_sync_status_0_int_ ls_sync_statusn_3_int_ ls_sync_statusn_2_int_ ls_sync_statusn_1_int_ ls_sync_statusn_0_int_
nt_ctl ctl ctl ctl ctl ctl ctl ctl
Per Quad SERDES Control Registers
0A QD_0A internal use only reserved tx_refck_sel refck_dcc_en refck_rterm refck_out_sel[1] refck_out_sel[0]
0B QD_0B refck25x bus8bit_sel reserved reserved reserved reserved refck_mode[1] refck_mode[0]
0C QD_0C reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved cdr_lol_sel[1] cdr_lol_sel[0]
0D QD_0D internal use only internal use only internal use only pll_lol_sel[1] pll_lol_sel[0] tx_vco_ck_div[2] tx_vco_ck_div[1] tx_vco_ck_div[0]
0E QD_0E internal use only internal use only internal use only internal use only internal use only internal use only internal use only internal use only
0F QD_0F plol_int_ctl -plol_int_ctl reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved
Per Quad Clock Reset Registers
10 QD_10 reserved reserved reserved reserved serdes_pd serdes_rst quad_rst trst
11 QD_11 reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved
Per Quad PCS Status Registers
20 QD_20 int_qd_out int_ch[3] int_ch[2] int_ch[1] int_ch[0]
21 QD_21 ls_sync_status_3 ls_sync_status_2 ls_sync_status_1 ls_sync_status_0 ls_sync_statusn_3 ls_sync_statusn_2 ls_sync_statusn_1 ls_sync_statusn_0
22 QD_22 ls_sync_status_3_i ls_sync_status_2_int ls_sync_status_1_int ls_sync_status_0_int ls_sync_statusn_3_int ls_sync_statuns_2_int ls_sync_statusn_1_int ls_sync_statusn_0_int
23 QD_23 internal use only internal use only internal use only internal use only internal use only internal use only internal use only internal use only
24 QD_24 internal use only internal use only internal use only internal use only internal use only internal use only internal use only internal use only
Per Quad SERDES Status Registers
25 QD_25 plol -plol reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved
26 QD_26 plol_int -plol_int reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved
27 QD_27 reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved
28 QD_28 reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved reserved

A.2. Per Quad PCS Control Registers Details

Table A.2. PCS Control Register QD_00
Bit Name Description Type Default
7 reg_sync_toggle Transition = Reset the four TX serializers to minimize RW 0
TX lane-to-lane skew
Level = Normal operation of TX serializers
6 force_int 1 = Force to generate interrupt signal 0 = Normal RW 0
5 char_mode 1 = Enable SERDES characterization mode 0 = Disable RW 0
SERDES characterization mode
4 xge_mode 1 = Selects 10Gb Ethernet RW 0
0 = Depends on Channel Mode Selection
3:0 Reserved

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Table A.3. PCS Control Register QD_01

Bit Name Description Type Default
7:0 Internal use only

Table A.4. PCS Control Register QD_02

Bit Name Description Type Default
7:4 high_mark[3:0] Clock compensation FIFO high water mark. Mean is RW 4’b1001
3:0 low_mark[3:0] Clock compensation FIFO low water mark. Mean is RW 4’b0111

Table A.5. PCS Control Register QD_03

Bit Name Description Type Default
7:3 Reserved
2 pfifo_clr_sel 1 = pfifo_clr signal or channel register bit clears the RW 0
0 = pfifo_error internal signal self clears the FIFO
1 Internal use only
0 Internal use only

Table A.6. PCS Control Register QD_04

Bit Name Description Type Default
7:0 Internal use only

Table A.7. PCS Control Register QD_05

Bit Name Description Type Default
7:0 Internal use only

Table A.8. PCS Control Register QD_06

Bit Name Description Type Default
7:0 Internal use only

Table A.9. PCS Control Register QD_07

Bit Name Description Type Default
7:0 Internal use only

Table A.10. PCS Control Register QD_08

Bit Name Description Type Default
7:0 Internal use only

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Table A.11. PCS Control Register QD_09

Bit Name Description Type Default
7 ls_sync_status_3_int_ctl 1 = Enable interrupt for ls_sync_status_3 (in sync) 0 = RW 0
Disable interrupt for ls_sync_status_3 (in sync)
6 ls_sync_status_2_int_ctl 1 = Enable interrupt for ls_sync_status_2 (in sync) 0 = RW 0
Disable interrupt for ls_sync_status_2 (in sync)
5 ls_sync_status_1_int_ctl 1 = Enable interrupt for ls_sync_status_1 (in sync) 0 = RW 0
Disable interrupt for ls_sync_status_1 (in sync)
4 ls_sync_status_0_int_ctl 1 = Enable interrupt for ls_sync_status_0 (in sync) 0 = RW 0
Disable interrupt for ls_sync_status_0 (in sync)
3 ls_sync_statusn_3_int_ctl 1 = Enable interrupt for ls_sync_status_3 when it RW 0
goes low (out of sync)
0 = Disable interrupt for ls_sync_status_3 when it
goes low (out of sync)
2 ls_sync_statusn_2_int_ctl 1 = Enable interrupt for ls_sync_status_2 when it RW 0
goes low (out of sync)
0 = Disable interrupt for ls_sync_status_2 when it
goes low (out of sync)
1 ls_sync_statusn_1_int_ctl 1 = Enable interrupt for ls_sync_status_1 when it RW 0
goes low (out of sync)
0 = Disable interrupt for ls_sync_status_1 when it
goes low (out of sync)
0 ls_sync_statusn_0_int_ctl 1 = Enable interrupt for ls_sync_status_0 when it RW 0
goes low (out of sync)
0 = Disable interrupt for ls_sync_status_0 when it
goes low (out of sync)

A.3. Per Quad PCS Control Registers Details

Table A.12. SERDES Control Register QD_0A
Bit Name Description Type Default
7 Internal use only
6 Reserved RW 0
5 TX_REFCK_SEL TxPLL reference clock select 0 = REFCLKP/N RW 0
1 = FPGA core
4 Reserved
3 REFCK_RTERM Termination at reference clock input buffer 0 = High RW 1
1 = 50 OHm
2 Reserved RW 0
1 REFCLK_OUT_SEL[1] 0 = refclk2fpga output disable 1 = refclk2fpga output RW 0
0 REFCLK_OUT_SEL[0] 0 = tx_refck_local output enable 1 = RW 0
tx_refck_local_output disable

Note: Refer to Figure 7.5 for Reference Clock Select Control signals.

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Table A.13. SERDES Control Register QD_0B

Bit Name Description Type Default
7 REFCK25X 1 = Internal high-speed bit clock is 25x 0 = See RW 0
6 BUS8BIT_SEL 1 = Select 8-bit bus width 0 = Select 10-bit bus width RW 0
5 Reserved RW 0
4 Reserved RW 0
3 Reserved RW 0
2 Reserved RW 0
1:0 REFCK_MODE[1:0] If REFCK25X = 0, then: RW 00
00 = Internal high-speed bit clock is 20x 01 = Internal
high-speed bit clock is 10x 10 = Internal high-speed
bit clock is 16x 11 = Internal high-speed bit clock is 8x
If REFCLK25X = 1, then:
xx = Internal high-speed bit clock is 25x

Table A.14. PCS Control Register QD_0C

Bit Name Description Type Default
7:2 Reserved
1:0 CDR_LOL_SET[1:0] CDR loss-of-lock setting RW 00
Lock Unlock
00 = +/-1000ppm x2 +/-1500ppm x2
01 = +/-2000ppm x2 +/-2500ppm x2
10 = +/-4000ppm +/-7000ppm
11 = +/-300ppm +/-450ppm

Table A.15. PCS Control Register QD_0D

Bit Name Description Type Default
7:6 Internal use only
5 Internal use only
4:3 PLL_LOL_SET[1:0] Lock Unlock RW 0
00 = +/- 300ppm x2 +/- 600ppm x2 01 = +/- 300ppm
+/- 2000ppm
10 = +/- 1500ppm +/- 2200ppm
11 = +/- 4000ppm +/- 6000ppm
2:0 TX_VCO_CK_DIV[2:0] VCO output frequency select RW 0
00x = Divided by 101x = Divided by 2
100 = Divided by 4 101 = Divided by 8
110 = Divided by 16 111 = Divided by 32

Table A.16. PCS Control Register QD_0E

Bit Name Description Type Default
7:0 Internal use only

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Table A.17. PCS Control Register QD_0F

Bit Name Description Type Default
7 PLOL_INT_CTL 1 = Interrupt enabled for loss of lock on PLOL 0 = RO CR 0
Interrupt disabled for loss of lock on PLOL
6 -PLOL_INT_CTL 1 = Interrupt enabled for obtaining lock on PLOL 0 = RO CR 0
Interrupt disabled for obtaining lock on PLOL
5:0 Reserved

A.4. Per Quad Reset and Clock Control Registers Details

Table A.18. PCS Control Register QD_10
Bit Name Description Type Default
7:4 Reserved
3 serdes_pd 0 = Assert power down RW 1
2 serdes_rst 1 = Assert serdes reset RW 0
1 quad_rst 1 = Assert quad reset RW 0
0 trst 1 = TX reset RW 0

Table A.19. PCS Control Register QD_11

Bit Name Description Type Default
7:0 Reserved

A.5. Per Quad PCS Status Registers Details

Table A.20. PCS Status Register QD_20
Bit Name Description Type Int?
7:6 Reserved
5 ion_delay 0 = Delayed global resetn from tri_ion RO No
4 int_qd_out 1 = Per quad interrupt status RO No
3:0 int_ch_out[3:0] 1 = Per channel interrupt status RO No

Table A.21. PCS Status Register QD_21

Bit Name Description Type Int?
7 ls_sync_status_3 1 = Alarm generated on sync_status_3 RO Yes
0 = Alarm not generated on sync_status_3
6 ls_sync_status_2 1 = Alarm generated on sync_status_2 RO Yes
0 = Alarm not generated on sync_status_2
5 ls_sync_status_1 1 = Alarm generated on sync_status_1 RO Yes
0 = Alarm not generated on sync_status_1
4 ls_sync_status_0 1 = Alarm generated on sync_status_0 RO Yes
0 = Alarm not generated on sync_status_0
3 ls_sync_statusn_3 1 = Alarm generated on sync_status_3 when it goes RO Yes
low (out of sync)
0 = Alarm not generated on sync_status_3 when it
goes low (out of sync)

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Bit Name Description Type Int?

2 ls_sync_statusn_2 1 = Alarm generated on sync_status_2 when it goes RO Yes
low (out of sync)
0 = Alarm not generated on sync_status_2 when it
goes low (out of sync)
1 ls_sync_statusn_1 1 = Alarm generated on sync_status_1 when it goes RO Yes
low (out of sync)
0 = Alarm not generated on sync_status_1 when it
goes low (out of sync)
0 ls_sync_statusn_0 1 = Alarm generated on sync_status_0 when it goes RO Yes
low (out of sync)
0 = Alarm not generated on sync_status_0 when it
goes low (out of sync)

Table A.22. PCS Interrupt Status Register QD_22

Bit Name Description Type Int?
7 ls_sync_status_3_int 1 = Interrupt generated on sync_status_3 RO CR Yes
0 = Interrupt not generated on sync_status_3
6 ls_sync_status_2_int 1 = Interrupt generated on sync_status_2 RO CR Yes
0 = Interrupt not generated on sync_status_2
5 ls_sync_status_1_int 1 = Interrupt generated on sync_status_1 RO CR Yes
0 = Interrupt not generated on sync_status_1
4 ls_sync_status_0_int 1 = Interrupt generated on sync_status_0 RO CR Yes
0 = Interrupt not generated on sync_status_0
3 ls_sync_statusn_3_int 1 = Interrupt generated on sync_status_3 when it RO CR Yes
goes low (out of sync)
0 = Interrupt not generated on sync_status_3 when it
goes low (out of sync)
2 ls_sync_statusn_2_int 1 = Interrupt generated on sync_status_2 when it RO CR Yes
goes low (out of sync)
0 = Interrupt not generated on sync_status_2 when it
goes low (out of sync)
1 ls_sync_statusn_1_int 1 = Interrupt generated on sync_status_1 when it RO CR Yes
goes low (out of sync)
0 = Interrupt not generated on sync_status_1 when it
goes low (out of sync)
0 ls_sync_statusn_0_int 1 = Interrupt generated on sync_status_0 when it RO CR Yes
goes low (out of sync)
0 = Interrupt not generated on sync_status_0 when it
goes low (out of sync)

Table A.23. PCS PCS Status Register QD_23

Bit Name Description Type Default
7:0 Internal use only

Table A.24. PCS Status Register QD_24

Bit Name Description Type Default
7:0 Internal use only

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A.6. Per Quad SERDES Status Registers Details

Table A.25. SERDES Status Register QD_25
Bit Name Description Type Int?
7 PLOL 1 = PLL loss-of-lock RO Yes
6 -PLOL 1 = PLL lock obtained RO Yes
5:0 Reserved

Table A.26. SERDES Interrupt Status Register QD_26

Bit Name Description Type Int?
7 PLOL_INT 1 = Interrupt generated on PLOL RO CR Y
0 = Interrupt not generated on PLOL
6 -PLOL_INT 1 = Interrupt generated on -PLOL RO CR Y
0 = Interrupt not generated on -PLOL
5:0 Reserved

Table A.27. SERDES Status Register QD_27

Bit Name Description Type Default
7:0 Reserved

Table A.28. SERDES Status Register QD_28

Bit Name Description Type Default
7:0 Reserved

A.7. Channel Registers Overview

Table A.29. Channel Interface Registers Map
BA Register D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
Per Channel General Control Registers
00 CH_00 rio_mode pcie_mode fc_mode uc_mode
01 CH_01 word_align_enable internal use only internal use only ge_an_enable internal use only invert_tx invert_rx
02 CH_02 pfifo_clr pcie_ei_en pcs_det_time_sel[1] pcs_det_time_sel[0] rx_gear_mode tx_gear_mode rx_ch tx_ch
03 CH_03 sb_bypass sb_pfifo_lp internal use only enc_bypass internal use only tx_gear_bypass fb_loopback
04 CH_04 lsm_sel ilsm_en rx_gear_bypass ctc_bypass dec_bypass wa_bypass rx_sb_bypass sb_loopback
05 CH_05 min_ipg_cnt[1] min_ipg_cnt[0] match_4_enable match_2_enable
06 CH_06 cc_match_1[7] cc_match_1[6] cc_match_1[5] cc_match_1[4] cc_match_1[3] cc_match_1[2] cc_match_1[1] cc_match_1[0]
07 CH_07 cc_match_2[7] cc_match_2[6] cc_match_2[5] cc_match_2[4] cc_match_2[3] cc_match_2[2] cc_match_2[1] cc_match_2[0]
08 CH_08 cc_match_3[7] cc_match_3[6] cc_match_3[5] cc_match_3[4] cc_match_3[3] cc_match_3[2] cc_match_3[1] cc_match_3[0]
09 CH_09 cc_match_4[7] cc_match_4[6] cc_match_4[5] cc_match_4[4] cc_match_4[3] cc_match_4[2] cc_match_4[1] cc_match_4[0]
0A CH_0A cc_match_4[9] cc_match_4[8] cc_match_3[9] cc_match_3[8] cc_match_2[9] cc_match_2[8] cc_match_1[9] cc_match_1[8]
0B CH_0B udf_comma_mask[7] udf_comma_mask[6] udf_comma_mask[5] udf_comma_mask[4] udf_comma_mask[3] udf_comma_mask[2] udf_comma_mask[1] udf_comma_mask[0]
0C CH_0C udf_comma_a[7] udf_comma_a[6] udf_comma_a[5] udf_comma_a[4] udf_comma_a[3] udf_comma_a[2] udf_comma_a[1] udf_comma_a[0]
0D CH_0D udf_comma_b[7] udf_comma_b[6] udf_comma_b[5] udf_comma_b[4] udf_comma_b[3] udf_comma_b[2] udf_comma_b[1] udf_comma_b[0]
0E CH_0E udf_comma_a[9] udf_comma_a[8] udf_comma_b[9] udf_comma_b[8] udf_comma_mask[9] udf_comma_mask[8]
0F CH_0F cc_underrun_int_ctl cc_overrun_int_ctl fb_rx_fifo_error_int_ctl fb_tx_fifo_error_int_ctl
Per Channel SERDES Control Registers
10 CH_10 req_en req_lvl_set rcv_dcc_en rate_sel[1] rate_sel[0] rx_dco_ck_div[2] rx_dco_ck_div[1] rx_dco_ck_div[0]
11 CH_11 internal use only internal use only lb_ctl[1] lb_ctl[0] internal use only internal use only rterm_rx[1] rterm_rx[0]
12 CH_12 tdrv_amp[2] tdrv_amp[1] tdrv_amp[0] tdrv_pre_set[4] tdrv_pre_set[3] tdrv_pre_set[2] tdrv_pre_set[1] tdrv_pre_set[0]
13 CH_13 ldr_core2tx_sel internal use only internal use only internal use only internal use only
14 CH_14 tx_div11_sel tdrv_dat_sel[1] tdrv_dat_sel[0] tdrv_ppre_en rterm_tx[1] rterm_tx[0] rate_mode_tx tpwrup
15 CH_15 internal use only internal use only internal use only internal use only ldr_rx2core_en rx_refck_sel rate_mode_rx rpwrup
16 CH_16 rx_div11_sel rlos_sel rlos_lset[2] rlos_lset[1] rlos_lset[0]
17 CH_17 pci_det_done_int_ctl rlos_lo_int_ctl -rlos_lo_int_ctl rlol_int_ctl ~rlol_int_ctl

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BA Register D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
Per Channel Clock Reset Registers
18 CH_18 internal use only internal use only rrst lane_rx_rst lane_tx_rst
19 CH_19 tx_f_clk_dis tx_h_clk_en rx_f_clk_dis rx_h_clk_en sel_sd_rx_clk
Per Channel General Status Registers
20 CH_20 cc_underrun cc_overrun fb_rx_fifo_error fb_tx_fifo_error
21 CH_21 prbs_error_cnt[7] prbs_error_cnt[6] prbs_error_cnt[5] prbs_error_cnt[4] prbs_error_cnt[3] prbs_error_cnt[2] prbs_error_cnt[1] prbs_error_cnt[0]
22 CH_22 wa_offset[3] wa_offset[2] wa_offset[1] wa_offset[0]
23 CH_23 cc_underrun_int cc_overrun_int fb_rx_fifo_error_int fb_tx_fifo_error_int
24 CH_24 ffs_ls_sync_status fb_rxrst_o fb_txrst_o cc_re_o cc_we_o
25 CH_25
Per Channel SERDES Status Registers
26 CH_26 pcie_det_done rlos_lo -rlos_lo rlos_hi -rlos_hi rlol -rlol
27 CH_27 internal use only internal use only internal use only internal use only cdr_traine_done pci_connect
28 CH_28 internal use only internal use only internal use only internal use only internal use only internal use only internal use only internal use only
29 CH_29 internal use only internal use only internal use only internal use only internal use only internal use only internal use only internal use only
2A CH_2A pci_det_done_int rlos_lo_int -rlos_lo_int rlos_hi_int -rlos_hi_int rlol_int -rlol_int
2B CH_2B
2C CH_2C

A.8. Per Channel PCS Control Registers Details

Table A.30. PCS Control Register CH_00
Bit Name Description Type Default
7:4 Reserved
3 rio_mode 1 = Selects RapidIO mode RW 0
0 = Selects other mode (10GbE, 1GbE)
2 pcie_mode 1 = Selects PCI Express mode RW 0
0 = Selects other mode (RapidIO, 10GbE, 1GbE)
1 fc_mode 1 = Selects Fibre Channel mode RW 0
0 = Selects other mode (PCI Express, RapidIO, 10GbE,
0 uc_mode 1 = Selects User Configured (G8B10B, 8BSER only, RW 0
10BSER only) mode
0 = Selects other mode (Fibre Channel, PCI Express,
RapidIO, 10GbE, 1GbE)

Table A.31. PCS Control Register CH_01

Bit Name Description Type Default
7 word_align_enable 1 = Enable continuous comma alignment 0 = Disable RW 0
continuous comma alignment
6 Internal use only
5 Internal use only
4 ge_an_enable 1 = Enable GbE Auto-negotiation 0 = Disable GbE RW 0
3 Reserved
2 Internal use only
1 invert_tx 1 = Invert transmit data RW 0
0 = Do not invert transmit data
0 invert_rx 1 = Invert received data RW 0
0 = Do not invert received data

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Table A.32. PCS Control Register CH_02

Bit Name Description Type Default
7 pfifo_clr 1 = Clears PFIFO if quad register bit pfifo_clr_sel is set RW 0
to 1. This signal is or’ed with interface signal
0 = Normal operation
6 pcie_ei_en 1 = PCI Express Electrical Idle enabled 0 = Normal RW 0
5:4 pcs_det_time_sel[1:0] PCS connection detection time 11 = 16 us RW 0
10 = 4us
01 = 2us
00 = 8us
3 rx_gear_mode 1 = Enable 2:1 gearing for receive path on selected
0 = Disable 2:1 gearing for receive path on selected
2 tx_gear_mode 1 = Enable 2:1 gearing for transmit path on selected RW 0
0 = Disable 2:1 gearing for transmit path on selected
1 rx_ch 1 = Received output can be monitored on the test RW 0
characterization pins. The test characterization mode
(bit 6 in PCS controller register QD_03) should be set
to ‘1’.
0 tx_ch 1 = Transmit PCS inputs are sourced from test char- RW 0
acterization ports. The test characterization mode
should be enabled.

Table A.33. PCS Control Register CH_03

Bit Name Description Type Default
7 Reserved
6 sb_bypass 1 = Bypass TX SERDES Bridge 0 = Normal operation RW 0
5 sb_pfifo_lp 1 = Enable parallel loopback from RX to TX via RW 0
parallel FIFO
0 = Normal operation
4 internal use only
3 enc_bypass 1 = Bypass 8b10b encoder 0 = Normal operation
2 internal use only
1 tx_gear_bypass 1 = Bypass PCS TX gear 0 = Normal operation RW 0
0 internal use only

Table A.34. PCS Control Register CH_04

Bit Name Description Type Default
7 lsm_sel 1 = Select external RX link state machine 0 = Select RW 0
internal link state machine
6 ilsm_en 1 = Force enabling the RX link state machine 0 = RW 0
Force disabling the RX link state machine.
5 rx_gear_bypass 1 = Bypass PCS RX gear 0 = Normal operation RW 0
4 ctc_bypass 1 = Bypass clock tolerance compensation 0 = Select RW 0
Normal data
3 dec_bypass 1 = Bypass 8b10b decoder 0 = Normal operation
2 wa_bypass 1 = Bypass word alignment 0 = Normal operation RW 0

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Bit Name Description Type Default

1 rx_sb_bypass 1 = Bypass RX SERDES bridge 0 = Normal operation RW 0
0 sb_loopback 1 = Enable loopback in the PCS from TX to RX in RW 0
SERDES bridge
0 = Normal operation

Table A.35. PCS Control Register CH_05

Bit Name Description Type Default
7:6 min_ipg_cnt[1:0] Minimum IPG to enforce RW 11
5 match_4_enable 1 = Enable four character skip matching (using match RW 0
4, 3, 2, 1)
4 match_2_enable 1 = Enable two character skip matching (using match RW 1
4, 3)
3:0 Reserved

Table A.36. PCS Control Register CH_06

Bit Name Description Type Default
7:0 cc_match_1[7:0] Lower bits of user-defined clock compensator skip RW 8’h00
pattern 1

Table A.37. PCS Control Register CH_07

Bit Name Description Type Default
7:0 cc_match_2[7:0] Lower bits of user-defined clock compensator skip RW 8’h00
pattern 2

Table A.38. Control Register CH_08

Bit Name Description Type Default
7:0 cc_match_3[7:0] Lower bits of user-defined clock compensator skip RW 8’hBC
pattern 3

Table A.39. PCS Control Register CH_09

Bit Name Description Type Default
7:0 cc_match_4[7:0] Lower bits of user-defined clock compensator skip RW 8’h50
pattern 4

Table A.40. PCS Control Register CH_0A

Bit Name Description Type Default
7:6 cc_match_4[9:8] Upper bits of user-defined clock compensator skip RW 2’b01
pattern 4
[9] = Disparity error
[8] = K control
5:4 cc_match_3[9:8] Upper bits of user-defined clock compensator skip RW 2’b01
pattern 3
[9] = Disparity error
[8] = K control
3:2 cc_match_2[9:8] Upper bits of user-defined clock compensator skip RW 2’b00
pattern 2
[9] = Disparity error
[8] = K control

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Bit Name Description Type Default

1:0 cc_match_1[9:8] Upper bits of user-defined clock compensator skip RW 2’b00
pattern 1
[9] = Disparity error
[8] = K control

Table A.41. PCS Control Register CH_0B

Bit Name Description Type Default
7:0 udf_comma_mask[7:0] Lower bits of user-defined comma mask RW 8’hFF

Table A.42. PCS Control Register CH_0C

Bit Name Description Type Default
7:0 udf_comma_a[7:0] Lower bits of user-defined comma character ‘a’ RW 8’h83

Table A.43. PCS Control Register CH_0D

Bit Name Description Type Default
7:0 udf_comma_b[7:0] Lower bits of user-defined comma character ‘b’ RW 8’h7C

Table A.44. PCS Control Register CH_0E

Bit Name Description Type Default
7:6 udf_comma_a[9:8] Upper bits of user-defined comma character ‘a’ RW 2’b10
5:4 udf_comma_b[9:8] Upper bits of user-defined comma character ‘b’ RW 2’b01
3:2 udf_comma_mask[9:8] Upper bits of user-defined comma mask RW 2’b111
1:0 Reserved
1. In most applications, K28.5 is used as the comma character. The default value of the mask is 1111111111. In G8B10B mode, any
comma can be used so the mask will be 1111111100 to detect any of the three comma characters, K28.1, 28.5, 28.7.

Table A.45. PCS Interrupt Control Register CH_0F

Bit Name Description Type Default
7:4 Reserved
3 cc underrun_int_ctl 1 = Enable interrupt for cc_underrun 0 = Disable RW 0
interrupt for cc_underrun
2 cc_overrun_int_ctl 1 = Enable interrupt for cc_overrun 0 = Disable RW 0
interrupt for cc_overrun
1 fb_rx_fifo_error_int_ctl 1 = Enable interrupt on empty/full condition in the RW 0
receive FPGA bridge FIFO
0 fb_tx_fifo_error_int_ctl 1 = Enable interrupt on empty/full condition in the RW 0
transmit FPGA bridge FIFO

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A.9. Per Channel SERDES Control Registers Details

Unless indicated, all channels must be reset after writing any SERDES Control Register.
Table A.46. SERDES Control Register CH_10
Bit Name Description Type Default
7 REQ_EN 1= Enable receiver equalization 0 = Disable receiver RW 0
6 REQ_LVL_SET Level setting for equalization 1 = Long-reach RW 0
0 = Mid-length route equalization
5 RCV_DCC_EN 1 = Enable receiver DC coupling 0 = Enable receiver RW 0
AC coupling
4:3 RATE_SEL[1:0] Equalizer pole position select: 00 = HIGH Equalization RW 00
01 = MED Equalization 10 = LOW Equalization 11 =
2:0 RX_DCO_CK_DIV[2:0] VCO output frequency select: 00x = Divide by 1 RW 000
01x = Divide by 2 100 = divide by 4 101 = Divide by 8
110 = divide by 16
111 = Divide by 32

Table A.47. SERDES Control Register CH_11

Bit Name Description Type Default
7:4 LB_CTL[3:0] Loop back control: R/W 4'h0
[3] = internal use only
[2] = internal use only
[1] = slb_eq2t_en, serial LB from equalizer to driver
[0] = slb_t2r_en, serial tx to rx LB enable
3:2 Reserved
1:0 RTERM_RX[1:0] 00 = HiZ, 01 = 50 Ohm, 10 = 60 Ohm, 11 = 75 Ohm R/W 2'b01

Table A.48. SERDES Control Register CH_12

Bit Name Description Type Default
CML driver amplitude setting:
000 = 0%
001 = +8%
010 = +11%
7:5 TDRV_AMP[2:0] 011 = +20% RW 000
100 = -17%
101 = -12%
110 = -10%
111 = -6%
TX drive pre-emphasis level setting [2:0]
000 = 0%
001 = 5%
010 = 12%
011 = 18%
100 = 25%
101 = 33%
4:0 TDRV_PRE_SET[4:0] 110 = 40% RW 5’b00000
111 = 48%

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Bit Name Description Type Default

[4:3] Fine tune (added to any value chosen by
bits[2:0] settings above)
00 = 0%
01 = 2%
10 = 3%
11 = 5%

Table A.49. SERDES Control Register CH_13

Bit Name Description Type Default
7 ldr_core2tx_sel 1 = Select low speed serial data from FPGA core RW 0
6 pden_sel Reserved RW 0
5:4 Reserved
3 TDRV_AMP_BOOST TX Drive amplitude boost 0 = 0% RW 0
1 = -25%
2:0 TDRV_DRVCUR_SET[2:0] 000 = 48% RW 100
001 = 30%
010 = 60%
011 = 50%
100 = 0%
101 = -7%
110 = 19%
111 = 8%

Table A.50. SERDES Control Register CH_14

Bit Name Description Type Default
7 TX_DIV11_SEL 0 = Full-rate selection for transmit (high definition SMPTE) 1 = RW 0
Divide-by-11 selection for transmit (standard definition
6:5 TDRV_DAT_SEL [1:0] Driver output select: RW 00
00 = Data from Serializer muxed to driver (normal operation)
11 = Serial LB from equalizer to driver if slb_eq2t_en=’1’
4 TDRV_PRE_EN 1 = TX driver pre-emphasis enable 0 = TX driver pre-emphasis RW 0
3:2 RTERM_TX[1:0] TX resistor termination select. Disable when PCI Express RW 10
mode is selected.
0x = 5K OHm
10 = 50 Ohm
11 = 75 OHm
1 RATE_MODE_TX 0 = Full-rate selection for transmit 1 = Half-rate selection for RW 0
0 tpwrup 0 = Power-down transmit channel 1 = Power-up transmit RW 0

Table A.51. SERDES Control Register CH_15

Bit Name Description Type Default
7 Internal use only
6 Internal use only
5 Internal use only
4 Internal use only

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Bit Name Description Type Default

3 ldr_rx2core_en 1 = Enables boundary scan input path for routing the RW 0
high-speed receive inputs to a lower-speed SERDES in
the FPGA (for out-of-band applications)
2 rx_refck_sel RX CDR reference clock select 0 = REFCLKP/N RW 0
1 = FPGA core

1 RATE_MODE_RX 0 = Full-rate selection for receive 1 = Half-rate RW 0

selection for receive
0 rpwrup 0 = Power-down receive channel 1 = Power-up RW 0
receive channel

Table A.52. SERDES Control Register CH_16

Bit Name Description Type Default
7 RX_DIV11_SEL 0 = Full-rate selection for receive (high-definition RW 0
1 = Divide by 11 selection for receive (standard-
definition SMPTE)
6 rlos_sel 1 = Select rlos_hi 0 = Select rlos_lo RW 0
5:3 Reserved RW 000
2:0 RLOS_LSET[2:0] LOS detector reference current adjustment for RW 010
smaller swing
000 = default
010 = +15%
011 = +25%

Table A.53. SERDES Interrupt Control Register CH_17

Bit Name Description Type Default
7 Reserved
6 pci_det_done_int_ctl 1 = Enable interrupt for detection of far-end receiver RW 0
for PCI Express
5 rlos_lo_int_ctl 1 = Enable interrupt for RX loss of signal when input RW 0
levels fall below the programmed LOW threshold
(using rlos_set)
4 -rlos_lo_int_ctl 1 = Enable interrupt for RX loss of signal when input RW 0
level meets or is greater than programmed LOW
3 Reserved
2 Reserved
1 rlol_int_ctl 1 = Enable interrupt for receiver loss of lock RW 0
0 -rlol_int_ctl 1 = Enable interrupt when receiver recovers from RW 0
loss of lock

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A.10. Per Channel Reset and Clock Control Registers Details

Table A.54. Reset and Clock Control Register CH_18
Bit Name Description Type Default
7 Internal use only
6 Internal use only
5:3 Reserved
2 rrst 1 = RX reset RW 0
1 lane_rx_rst 1 = Assert reset signal to receive logic RW 0
0 lane_tx_rst 1 = Assert reset signal to transmit logic RW 0

Table A.55. Reset and Clock Control Register CH_19

Bit Name Description Type Default
7:5 Reserved
4 tx_f_clk_dis 1 = Disable tx_f_clk RW 0
3 tx_h_clk_en 1 = Enable tx_h_clk RW 0
2 rx_f_clk_dis 1 = Disable rx_f_clk RW 0
1 rx_h_clk_en 1 = Enable rx_h_clk RW 0
0 sel_sd_rx_clk 1 = Select sd_rx_clk RW 0

A.11. Per Channel PCS Status Registers Details

Table A.56. PCS Status Register CH_20
Bit Name Description Type Int?
7:5 Reserved
4 pfifo_error 1 = Parallel FIFO error RO Yes
0 = No parallel FIFO error
3 cc_underrun 1 = CTC FIFO underrun RO Yes
0 = CTC FIFO not underrun
2 cc_overrun 1 = CTC FIFO overrun RO Yes
0 = CTC FIFO not overrun
1 fb_rx_fifo_error 1 = FPGA bridge (FB) RX FIFO overrun 0 = FB RX FIFO RO Yes
not overrun
0 fb_tx_fifo_error 1 = FPGA bridge (FB) TX FIFO overrun 0 = FB TX FIFO RO Yes
not overrun

Table A.57. PCS Status Register CH_21

Bit Name Description Type Int?
7:0 prbs_errors1 Count of the number of PRBS errors. Clears to zero RO CR No
on read. Sticks at flip-flop.
1. Built-in PRBS generator and checker are for internal use only.

Table A.58. PCS Status Register CH_22

Bit Name Description Type Int?
7:4 Reserved
3:0 wa_offset[3:0] Word aligner offset RO No

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Table A.59. PCS Interrupt Status Register CH_23

Bit Name Description Type Int?
7:4 Reserved
3 cc_underrun_int 1 = Interrupt generated on cc_underrun RO CR Yes
0 = Interrupt not generated on cc_underrun
2 cc_overrun_int 1= Interrupt generated on cc_overrun RO CR Yes
0 = Interrupt not generated on cc_overrun
1 fb_rx_fifo_error_int 1 = Interrupt generated on fb_rx_fifo_error 0 = RO CR Yes
Interrupt not generated fb_rx_fifo_error
0 fb_tx_fifo_error_int 1 = Interrupt generated on fb_tx_fifo_error RO CR Yes
0 = Interrupt not generated on fb_tx_fifo_error

Table A.60. PCS Status Register CH_24

Bit Name Description Type Int?
7 Reserved
6 ffs_ls_sync_status 1 = Sync in the link state machine 0 = Not sync in the RO No
5 fb_rxrst_o 1 = FPGA bridge RX normal operation 0 = FPGA RO No
bridge RX reset
4 fb_txrst_o 1 = FPGA bridge TX normal operation 0 = FPGA bridge RO No
TX reset
3 Reserved
2 Reserved
1 cc_re_o 1 = CTC FIFO read enable 0 = CTC FIFO read disable RO No

0 cc_we_o 1 = CTC FIFO write enable 0 = CTC FIFO write disable RO No

Table A.61. PCS Status Register CH_25

Bit Name Description Type Int?
7 Reserved

A.12. Per Channel SERDES Status Registers Details

Table A.62. SERDES Status Register CH_26
Bit Name Description Type Int?
7 Reserved
6 pci_det_done 1 = Receiver detection process not completed by RO CR Yes
SERDES transmitter
0 = Receiver detection process completed by SERDES
5 rlos_lo 1 = Indicates that the input signal detected by RO CR Yes
receiver is below the programmed LOW threshold
4 -rlos_lo 1 = Indicates that the input signal detected by RO CR Yes
receiver is greater or equal to the programmed LOW
3 Reserved RO CR Yes
2 Reserved RO CR Yes
1 rlol 1 = Indicates CDR loss of lock to data. CDR is locked RO Yes
to reference clock

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Bit Name Description Type Int?

0 -rlol 1 = Indicates that CDR has locked to data RO Yes

Table A.63. SERDES Status Register CH_27

Bit Name Description Type Int?
7 Internal use only
6 Internal use only
5 Internal use only
4 Internal use only
3:2 Reserved
1 cdr_trained 1 = Indicates CDR training is done RO No
0 pci_connect 1 = Receiver detected by SERDES transmitter (at the RO No
transmitter device)
0 = Receiver not detected by SERDES transmitter (at
the transmitter device)

Table A.64. SERDES Status Register CH_28

Bit Name Description Type Int?
7:0 Internal use only

Table A.65. SERDES Status Register CH_29

Bit Name Description Type Int?
7:0 Internal use only

Table A.66. SERDES Interrupt Status Register CH_2A

Bit Name Description Type Int?
7 Reserved
6 pci_det_done_int 1 = Interrupt generated for pci_det_done RO CR Yes
5 rlos_lo_int 1 = Interrupt generated for rlos_lo RO CR Yes
4 -rlos_lo_int 1 = Interrupt generated for -rlos_lo RO CR Yes
3 Reserved RO CR Yes
2 Reserved RO CR Yes
1 rlol_int 1 = Interrupt generated for rlol RO CR Yes
0 -rlol_int 1 = Interrupt generated for -rlol RO CR Yes

Table A.67. PCS Status Register CH_2B

Bit Name Description Type Int?
7 Reserved

Table A.68. PCS Status Register CH_2C

Bit Name Description Type Int?
7 Reserved

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Appendix B. Register Settings for Various Standards

B.1. Per Channel Register Settings for Various Standards

Table B.1. Per Channel Register Settings for Various Standards
Character 1GbE 10GbE 1GFC PCI-Ex RapidIO
K23.7 (F7) Carrier extend PAD
K27.7 (FB) SOP ST Start TLP A (align)
K28.1 (3C) FTS
K28.2 (5C) SoS Start DLP
K28.4 (9C) SEQ
K28.5 (BC) +D5.6 or D16.2 SYNC K +D21.4+D21.5 COMMA K
= IDLE +D21.5 = IDLE (used for
K28.6 (DC)
K28.7 (FC) R (skip)
K29.7 (FD) EOP T END

B.2. Per Quad Register Settings for Various Standards

Table B.2. Per Quad Register Settings for Various Standards
Register 1GbE 10GbE 1G, 2G FC PCI-Ex 1x PCI-Ex 4x RapidIO 1x RapidIO 4x
comma_a_lo hex 03 hex 03 hex 03 hex 03 hex 03 hex 03 hex 03
comma_b_lo hex FC hex FC hex FC hex FC hex FC hex FC hex FC
comma_mask_lo hex 7F hex 7F hex 7F hex 7F hex 7F hex 7F hex 7F

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Appendix C. Attribute Cross Reference Table

Table C.1. Attribute Cross-Reference Table
Independent Attribute Dependent Attribute Name Attribute Value Register Map
SLAVE :{1}
CHn_PROTOCOL {10G_MODE, GIGE :{0, {QD_00[4],
CHn_PROT_MODE, 0000,00,1} CH_00[3:0],
CHn_RX_DET, FC :{0,0010,00,0} CH_02[5:4],
CHn_GE_AN_EN} XAUI :{1,0000,00,0} CH_01[4]}
SRIO :{0,1000,00,0}
PCIE :{0,0100,00,0}
SDI :{0,0001,00,0}
8BSER :{0,0001,00,0}
CPRI :{0,0001,00,0}
OBSAI :{0,0001,00,0}
CHn_MODE {CHn_TXPWDNB, RXTX :{11} {CH_14[0],
CHn_RXPWDNB} RXONLY :{01} CH_15[0]}
TXONLY :{10}
DISABL :{00}
LOW :{101}
MEDLOW :{100}
MED :{010}
MEDHIG :{010}
CHn_RX_DATARATE_ {CHn_CDR_DIV} LOWLOW :{110} {CH_10[2:0]}
RANGE LOW :{101}
MEDLOW :{100}
MED :{010}
MEDHIG :{000}
REFCK_MULT {REFCK25X, 8X :{0,11} {QD_0b[7],
REFCK_MODE} 10X:{0,01} QD_0b[1:0]}
CHn_RX_DIV11} DIV2 :{10} DIV11:{01} CH_16[7]}
CHn_TX_DIV11} DIV2 :{10} DIV11:{01} CH_14[7]}
CHn_TX_DATA_WIDTH {CHn_TXCLKF, 8 :{0,1,0} {CH_19[4],
CHn_TXCLKH, 10:{0,1,0} CH_19[3],
CHn_TX_GEAR} 16:{0,1,1} CH_02[2]}
CHn_RX_DATA_WIDTH {CHn_RXCLKF, 8 :{0,0,0} {CH_19[2],
CHn_RXCLKH, 10:{0,0,0} CH_19[1],
CHn_RX_GEAR} 16:{1,1,1} CH_02[3]}

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Independent Attribute Dependent Attribute Name Attribute Value Register Map

REFCLK_NQ :{1,0}8
CHn_RXREFCK_SEL, REFCLK_CORE:{0,1,0,0} CH_15[2],
CHn_TRAIN_DIV } :{1,0,0,0}8 CH_15[6]}
CHn_TDRV7 {CHn_TDRV_AMP, -4: {110,100,1} {CH_12[7:5],
CHn_TDRV_DRVCUR_SET, -3: {100,101,0} CH_13[2:0],
CHn_TDRV_AMP_BOOST} -2: {100,100,0} CH_13[3]}
-1: {101,100,0}
0: {000,100,0}
1: {001,100,0}
2: {011,100,0}
3: {100,000,0}
4: {000,000,0}
CHn_TDRV {CHn_TDRV_AMP, 2: {CH_12[7:5],
(for PCI Express CHn_TDRV_DRVCUR_SET, CH_13[2:0],
Protocol only) CHn_TDRV_AMP_BOOST, CH_13[3],
CHn_TDRV_PRE_EN, CH_14[4],
CHn_TDRV_PRE_SET} CH_12[4:0]}
CHn_TX_PRE {CHn_TDRV_PRE_EN, DISABLED:{0,00000} {CH_14[4],
CHn_TDRV_PRE_SET} 0:{1,00000} CH_12[4:0]}
CHn_RTERM_TX 50:{10} {CH_14[3:2]}
CHn_RX_EQ {CHn_REQ_EN, DISABLED :{0,0,00} {CH_10[7],
CHn_RATE_SEL} :{1,0,10} CH_10[4:3]}
MID_HIGH :{1,0,00}
LONG_LOW :{1,1,10}
LONG_MED :{1,1,01}
CHn_RTERM_RX {CHn_RX_RTERM} 50 :{01} {CH_11[1:0]}
60 :{10}
75 :{11}
CHn_RX_DCC AC:{0} {CH_10[5]}

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LatticeECP3 SERDES/PCS Usage Guide
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Independent Attribute Dependent Attribute Name Attribute Value Register Map

CHn_LOS_THRESHOLD_L {CHn_RLOS_E} 0:{0000} {mc1_ser_ctl_chN[75
O1 1:{0001} ], CH_16[2:0]}
PLL_TERM 50:{1} {QD_0A[3]}
PLL_DCC AC:{0} {QD_0A[4]}
PLL_LOL_SET 0:{00} {QD_0D[4:3]}
CHn_TX_SB {CHn_TXPOL, DISABLED:{0,0} {CH_01[1],
CHn_TXSBBYP} ENABLED :{1,0} CH_03[6]}
CHn_RX_SB {CHn_RXPOL, DISABLED:{0,0} {CH_01[0],
CHn_RXSBBYP} ENABLED :{1,0} CH_04[1]}
CHn_TX_8B10B ENABLED :{0} {CH_03[3]}
CHn_RX_8B10B ENABLED :{0} {CH_04[3]}
CHn_COMMA_A Note 2 {QD_0C[0:7],
CHn_COMMA_B Note 2 {QD_0D[0:7],
CHn_COMMA_M Note 2 {QD_0B[0:7],
CHn_CTC {CHn_RXRECCLK} ENABLED :{0,0} {CH_19[0] ,
DISABLED{1,1} CH_04[4]}
CHn_CC_MATCH1 Note 2 {QD_0A[1:0],
CHn_CC_MATCH2 Note 2 {QD_0A[3:2],
CHn_CC_MATCH3 Note 2 {QD_0A[5:4],
CHn_CC_MATCH4 Note 2 {QD_0A[7:6],
CHn_CC_MATCH_MODE {CHn_MATCH_2_EN, 1:{0,0} {CH_05[4],
CHn_MATCH_4_EN} 2:{1,0} CH_05[5]}
CHn_CC_MIN_IPG 0:{00} {CH_05[7:6]}
CCHMARK 0 :{0000} {QD_02[7:4]}
1 :{0001}

© 2014-2020 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at www.latticesemi.com/legal.
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LatticeECP3 SERDES/PCS Usage Guide
Technical Note

Independent Attribute Dependent Attribute Name Attribute Value Register Map

2 :{0010}
3 :{0011}
4 :{0100}
5 :{0101}
6 :{0110}
7 :{0111}
8 :{1000}
9 :{1001}
CCLMARK 0 :{0000} {QD_02[3:0]}
1 :{0001}
2 :{0010}
3 :{0011}
4 :{0100}
5 :{0101}
6 :{0110}
7 :{0111}
8 :{1000}
9 :{1001}
CHn_SSLB DISABLED :{0000, {CH_11[7:4],
00} CH_14[6:5]}
ENABLED_T2R :{0001,
CHn_SB_PFIFO_LP} ENABLED :{1,1} CH_03[5]}
CHn_PCIDETINT, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0000,00 QD_0F[6],
CHn_RLOSLINT, 00, CH_17[6],
CHn_RLOSLNINT, 0,0,0,0} ENABLED:{ CH_17[5],
CHn_RLOLINT, 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1111,11 CH_17[4],
CHn_RLOLNINT, 11, CH_17[1],
CHn_LSSYNCINT, 1,1,1,1}
CHn_TXFIFOINT, QD_09[7:4],
CHn_RXFIFOINT, QD_09[3:0],
CHn_LDR_TX_SEL} :{1,1} CH_13[7]}
RXONLY :{1,0}

© 2014-2020 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at www.latticesemi.com/legal.
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102 FPGA-TN-02190-2.9
LatticeECP3 SERDES/PCS Usage Guide
Technical Note

Independent Attribute Dependent Attribute Name Attribute Value Register Map

TXONLY :{0,1}
{PLL_SRC, {REFCKLOCAL} Note 5 {QD_0A[0]}
{CHn_TX_8B10B, {BUS8BIT_SEL} Note 6 {QD_0B[6]}
{CHn_RXWA, {CHn_SIG_DET} {DISABLED, X}3 {0} {CH_04[6]}
{CHn_RXWA, {CHn_C_ALIGN} {DISABLED, X}23 {0} {CH_01[7]}
1. rx_los_low will only show that a signal has been detected for data rates above 1 Gbps with a maximum CID (Consecutive
Identical Digits) of 7 bits (i.e., a minimum input signal transition density as is sent by 8b10b). rx_los_low is only supported with a
default setting of rlos_lset[2:0] = 2 for all protocols except PCI Express and SDI. For PCI Express, 2 and 3 are supported. In SDI
mode, it is recommended to use the carrier detect output signal (/CD) from the external SDI cable equalizer. rlos_hset is not
2. 10-bit symbol code default / populated by the user in the “PCS Advanced Setup” configuration GUI. Since the 10-bit symbol
code representation in the GUI is LSB to MSB, the bit representation is swapped appropriately in the table for software use.
3. X = do not care.
4. If any of the channels is enabled, the quad bit will be set to 1.
5. If PLL_SRC and all of the enabled CHn_CDR_SRC is set to REFCLK_CORE then this bit should be 1, else this bit should be 0.
6. If any of the enabled channels CHn_TX_8B10B or CHn_RX_8B10B are DISABLED then this bit should be 1 or else this bit should
be set to 0.
7. The TDRV_AMP attribute has been replaced by TDRV. When the .lpc file is opened, the software will automatically replace the
TDRV_AMP attribute with TDRV. If the user attempts to re-compile without re-generating the PCS module, the software will
generate an error in the auto- make.log file. Users should either edit the .txt file or re-generate the PCS module using IPexpress.
8. refclk_to/from_nq signals are for internal use only.

Table C.2. Protocol-Specific SERDES Setup Options

Protocol DATARATE DATARATE REFCK Multiplier Data Width RX Equalization1
GbE 1.25G MED 10x, 20x, 25x 8, 16 DISABLE,
SGMII 1.25G MED 10x, 20x, 25x 8 MID_MED,
PCI Express 2.5G HIGH 25x, 20x 8, 16 MID_LOW,
XAUI 3.125 HIGH 20x, 10X 16 DISABLE,
CPRI 614.4M, MEDLOW, MED, 10x, 20x, 25x 8, 16 DISABLE,
2.4576G, MID_MED,
3.072G MID_HIGH,
SDI 270M, LOW, MED, HIGH 20x 10, 20 DISABLE,
1.485G, MID_LOW,
2.97G MID_MED,

© 2014-2020 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at www.latticesemi.com/legal.
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Protocol DATARATE DATARATE REFCK Multiplier Data Width RX Equalization1

G8B10B ANY_VALUE LOWLOW, LOW, 10x, 20x, 25x 8, 16 DISABLE,
8-Bit SERDES MEDLOW, MED, 8x, 16x 8, 16 MID_LOW,
10-Bit SERDES 10x, 20x, 25x 8, 16
USER_DEF 8x, 10x, 16x, 20x, 25x 8, 16 LONG_LOW,
1. Rx Equalization is based on user signal traces. MID ~20", LONG ~40". LOW/MED/HIGH is amount of equalization user needs to
test out.

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LatticeECP3 SERDES/PCS Usage Guide
Technical Note

Appendix D. Lattice Diamond Overview

This appendix discusses the use of Lattice Diamond design software for projects that include the LatticeECP2M
SERDES/PCS module.
For general information about the use of Lattice Diamond, refer to the Lattice Diamond User Guide.
If you have been using ispLEVER software for your FPGA design projects, Lattice Diamond may look like a big change.
But if you look closer, you will find many similarities because Lattice Diamond is based on the same toolset and work
flow as ispLEVER. The changes are intended to provide a simpler, more integrated, and more enhanced user interface.

D.1. Converting an ispLEVER Project to Lattice Diamond

Design projects created in ispLEVER can easily be imported into Lattice Diamond. The process is automatic except for
the ispLEVER process properties, which are similar to the Diamond strategy settings, and PCS modules. After importing
a project, you need to set up a strategy for it and regenerate any PCS modules.
Importing an ispLEVER Design Project
Make a backup copy of the ispLEVER project or make a new copy that will become the Diamond project.
1. In Diamond, choose File > Open > Import ispLEVER Project.
2. In the ispLEVER Project dialog box, browse to the project’s .syn file and open it.
3. If desired, change the base file name or location for the Diamond project. If you change the location, the new
Diamond files will go into the new location, but the original source files will not move or be copied. The Diamond
project will reference the source files in the original location.
The project files are converted to Diamond format with the default strategy settings.

D.2. Adjusting PCS Modules

PCS modules created with IPexpress have an unusual file structure and need additional adjustment when importing a
project from ispLEVER. There are two ways to do this adjustment. The preferred method is to regenerate the module in
Diamond. However this may upgrade the module to a more recent version. An upgrade is usually desirable but if, for
some reason, you do not want to upgrade the PCS module, you can manually adjust the module by copying its .txt file
into the implementation folder. If you use this method, you must remember to copy the .txt file into any future
implementation folders.

D.3. Regenerate PCS Modules

1. Find the PCS module in the Input Files folder of File List view. The module may be represented by an .lpc, .v, or .vhd
2. If the File List view shows the Verilog or VHDL file for the module, and you want to regenerate the module, import
the module’s .lpc file:
a. In the File List view, right-click the implementation folder ( ) and choose Add > Existing File.
b. Browse for the module’s .lpc file, <module_name>.lpc, and select it.
c. Click Add. The .lpc file is added to the File List view.
d. Right-click the module’s Verilog or VHDL file and choose Remove.
3. In File List, double-click the module’s .lpc file. The module’s IPexpress dialog box opens.
4. In the bottom of the dialog box, click Generate. The Generate Log tab is displayed. Check for errors and close.
In File List, the .lpc file is replaced with an .ipx file. The IPexpress manifest (.ipx) file is new with Diamond. The .ipx file
keeps track of the files needed for complex modules.

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D.4. Using IPexpress with Lattice Diamond

Using IPexpress with Lattice Diamond is essentially the same as with ispLEVER.
The configuration GUI tabs are all the same except for the Generation Options tab. Figure D.1 shows the Generation
Options tab window.

Figure D.1 Generation Options Tab

Table D.1. SERDES_PCS GUI Attributes – Generation Options Tab

GUI Text Description
Automatic Automatically generates the HDL and configuration(.txt) files as needed. Some
changes do not require regenerating both files.
Force Module and Settings Generation Generates both the HDL and configuration files.
Force Settings Generation Only Generates only the attributes file. You get an error message if the HDL file also
needs to be generated.
Force Place & Route Process Reset Resets the Place & Route Design process, forcing it to be run again with the newly-
generated PCS module.
Force Place & Route Trace Process Reset Resets the Place & Route Trace process, forcing it to be run again with the newly-
generated PCS module.
Automatic is set as the default option. If either Automatic or Force Settings Generation Only and no sub-options
(Process Reset Options) are checked and the HDL module is not generated, the reset pointer is set to Bitstream
generation automatically.
After the Generation is finished, the reset marks in the process window will be reset accordingly.

D.5. Creating a New Simulation Project Using Simulation Wizard

This section describes how to use the Simulation Wizard to create a simulation project (.spf) file so you can import it
into a standalone simulator.
1. In Project Navigator, click Tools > Simulation Wizard. The Simulation Wizard opens.
2. In the Preparing the Simulator Interface page click Next.

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LatticeECP3 SERDES/PCS Usage Guide
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3. In the Simulator Project Name page, enter the name of your project in the Project Name text box and browse to
the file path location where you want to put your simulation project using the Project Location text box and Browse
When you designate a project name in this wizard page, a corresponding folder will be created in the file path you
choose. Click Yes in the pop-up dialog that asks you if you wish to create a new folder.
4. Click either the Active-HDL® or ModelSim® simulator check box and click Next.
5. In the Process Stage page choose which type of Process Stage of simulation project you wish to create Valid types
are RTL, Post-Synthesis Gate-Level, Post-Map Gate-Level, and Post-Route Gate-level+Timing. Only those process
stages that are available are activated.
Note that you can make a new selection for the current strategy if you have more than one defined in your project.
The software supports multiple strategies per project implementation which allow you to experiment with
alternative optimization options across a common set of source files. Since each strategy may have been processed
to different stages, this dialog allows you to specify which stage you wish to load.
6. In the Add Source page, select from the source files listed in the Source Files list box or use the browse button on
the right to choose another desired source file. Note that if you wish to keep the source files in the local simulation
project directory you just created, check the Copy Source to Simulation Directory option.
7. Click Next and a Summary page appears and provides information on the project selections including the
simulation libraries. By default, the Run Simulator check box is enabled and will launch the simulation tool you
chose earlier in the wizard in the Simulator Project Name page.
8. Click Finish.
The Simulation Wizard Project (.spf) file and a simulation script DO file are generated after running the wizard. You can
import the DO file into your current project if desired. If you are using Active-HDL, the wizard will generate an
.ado file and if you are using ModelSim, it creates and .mdo file.
Note: PCS configuration file, (.txt) must be added in step 6.

© 2014-2020 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at www.latticesemi.com/legal.
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 High-Speed PCB Design Considerations (FPGA-TN-02178)
 Electrical Recommendations for Lattice SERDES (FPGA-TN-02077)
 LatticeECP3 Family Handbook (HB1009)
 LatticeECP3 Family Data Sheet (FPGA-DS-02074)

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Technical Support Assistance

Submit a technical support case through www.latticesemi.com/techsupport.

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Revision History
Revision 2.9, January 2020
Section Change Summary
All  Changed document number from TN1176 to FPGA-TN-02190.
 Updated document template.
Disclaimers Added this section.

Revision 2.8, August 2014

Section Change Summary
SERDES  Updated Rate Modes, section. Revised information on SERDES settings in Note.
 Updated Generic 8b10b Mode section. Changed K28.1 (k=1, Data=0xFC) to K28.7 (k=1,
Data=0xFC) in the example.
 Updated PCI Express Electrical Idle Transmission section. Changed K28.5 (IDL) to K28.3

Revision 2.7, April 2014

Section Change Summary
Architecture Overview Updated Table 5.4, SERDES_PCS I/O Descriptions. Revised control comma aligner
SERDES Updated External Link State Machine Option section. Revised word aligner and Link State
Machine options information.

Revision 2.6, March 2014

Section Change Summary
SERDES/PCS Block Latency Updated Table 8.1, SERDES/PCS Latency Breakdown. Revised units.
Appendix A. Configuration Updated Table A.15, PCS Control Register QD_0D. Revised PLL_LOL_SET[1:0] description.

Revision 2.5, June 2013

Section Change Summary
SERDES  Added note on possible lsm_status_ch(0:3)_s glitches.
 Updated note on the SERDES/PCS GUI – PCS Advanced2 Setup Tab table.
Appendix C. Attribute Cross Updated the Protocol-Specific SERDES Setup Options table.
Reference Table
Appendix A. Configuration Updated the SERDES Control Register CH_10 table.
All Added information on the SERDES Equalizer and Pre-Emphasis settings.
Technical Support Assistance Updated Technical Support Assistance information.

Revision 2.4, August 2012

Section Change Summary
All Added LatticeECP3-17EA 328 csBGA limited channels availability.
Architecture Overview SERDES_PCS I/O Descriptions table – Added footnote 3.
SERDES/PCS RESET RX Reset State Diagram footnote updated.

Revision 2.3, May 2012

Section Change Summary
All Clarified data pattern requirements for LSM synchronization in generic 8b10b mode.

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110 FPGA-TN-02190-2.9
LatticeECP3 SERDES/PCS Usage Guide
Technical Note

Revision 2.2, April 2012

Section Change Summary
Architecture Overview  Updated Number of SERDES/PCS Quads per LatticeECP3 Device table for 328-ball
 SERDES_PCS I/O Descriptions table – Updated description for refclk2fpga.
SERDES  SERDES_PCS GUI Attributes – SERDES Advanced Setup Tab table – Updated footnote 3.
 Added new Reference Clock to FPGA Core and Reset Sequence text section.
 Updated Generic 8b10b Mode text section.
 Updated FPGA Interface Clocks text section.
Appendix A. Configuration  Appendix A, Channel Interface Registers Map table – Updated information for CH_16,
Registers CH_17 and CH_23.
 Appendix A, SERDES Control Register CH_11 table – Changed Bit 3:2 to “Reserved”.

Revision 2.1, February 2012

Section Change Summary
All Updated document with new corporate logo.

Revision 2.0, November 2011

Section Change Summary
Architecture Overview SERDES_PCS I/O Descriptions table – Updated descriptions for tx_full_clk_ch[3:0] and
SERDES  Updated Tx Lane-to-Lane Skew text section.
 Updated word alignment control bullet in the Word Alignment (Byte Boundary Detect)
 Updated External Link State Machine Option text section.
SERDES Debug Capabilities Power-Down Control Description table – Updated description for tx_pwrup_ch[0:3]_c signal.
Appendix A. Configuration  Appendix A, SERDES Control Register QD_0B table – Updated description for Bit 7.
Registers  Appendix A, PCS Control Register CH_01 table – Updated description for Bit 7.
Appendix C. Attribute Cross Appendix C, Attribute Cross-Reference table – Updated attribute value for {CHn_RXWA,
Reference Table CHn_ILSM}.

Revision 1.9, September 2011

Section Change Summary
Appendix A. Configuration  SERDES Control Register CH_14, corrected default value of tpwrup register bit.
Registers  PCS Control Register QD_02, updated default values.
Appendix C. Attribute Cross Attribute Cross-Reference Table, removed all int_all reserved bits and los hi bits.
Reference Table

Revision 1.8, July 2011

Section Change Summary
Standards Supported Standards Supported by SERDES table – updated information for Gigabit
Ethernet, SGMII, 10-Bit SERDES, 8-Bit SERDES, Generic 8b10b.
Architecture Overview  Transmit Data Bus section updated.
 Receive Data Bus section updated.
SERDES  Updated footnotes for Loss of Signal Detector figure.
 SERDES_PCS GUI Attributes - Quad Tab Setup table – Added SGMII to Protocol Range.
SERDES/PCS Block Latency SERDES/PCS Latency Breakdown table – updated gearing information
SERDES Debug Capabilities Simulation Model Locations table – Added VCS row.
Updated SERDES/PCS Reset Diagram.
SERDES/PCS RESET Updated footnotes of the Rx Reset State Diagram.
Appendix A. Configuration  Updated information for bit 5 in the SERDES Control Register QD_0A table.
Registers  Updated information for bits 3 and 2:0 in the SERDES Control Register CH_13 table.
 Added footnote to PCS Status Register CH_21 table.

© 2014-2020 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at www.latticesemi.com/legal.
All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice.

FPGA-TN-02190-2.9 111
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Technical Note

Section Change Summary

Appendix C. Attribute Cross Attribute Cross Reference Table – Updated attribute values for TX_DATARATE_RANGE and
Reference Table CHn_RX_DATARATE_RANGE. Updated first footnote

Revision 1.7, December 2010

Section Change Summary
SERDES/PCS RESET Added Reset Sequence Generation option in the IPexpress GUI.
All Added detailed information about comma mask.

Revision 1.6, June 2010

Section Change Summary
All Updated for Lattice Diamond design software support.
SERDES refclk_to/from_nq signals removed from clock diagram.

Revision 1.5, March 2010

Section Change Summary
SERDES Added Generation Options tab in IPexpress GUI.

Revision 1.4, February 2010

Section Change Summary
SERDES/PCS RESET Reset sequence state diagram updated.

Revision 1.3, November 2009

Section Change Summary
SERDES/PCS RESET Updated Reset Sequence State Diagrams are provided, tx and rx side separately.
All  los settings are updated.
 Added SONET support.
 Removed Far End Parallel Loopback feature.
 Data rate ranges are re-defined.
 Reduced minimum data rate to 150 Mbps.

Revision 1.2, June 2009

Section Change Summary
All  tdrv_amp attribute setting changed to tdrv attribute.
 GUI screen shots updated.
 Word alignment latency updated.
SERDES  Added External Link State Machine Option section.
 Added Idle Insert for Gigabit Ethernet Mode section.

Revision 1.1, March 2009

Section Change Summary
Multiple Updated Data Bus Usage for Each Mode table.
All Updated Reference Clock Usage Block Diagram.

Revision 1.0, February 2009

Section Change Summary
All Initial release.

© 2014-2020 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at www.latticesemi.com/legal.
All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice.

112 FPGA-TN-02190-2.9

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