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& welcome

Hey there friend! Did you know that faith refuse to invite God in. My life completely
is one thing that will determine the changed when I made the decision to invite
trajectory of your life? Faith is complete God into every area of my life. I invited him
confidence and trust in God. It's a into the good parts, the ugly parts and even
confidence that affirms "no matter what the hurt parts. God took my mess and
life brings, I'm going to trust and believe turned it into a miracle. He took my pain
that God can handle it". I'm not sure and turned it into purpose. The only thing
what your "it" is, but I want to encourage that he required me to do was to trust and
you that God can handle it. Luke 1:37 believe that he could do it. During the next
says that "for nothing will be impossible five days, we are going to look at five
with God". We often bear unnecessary aspects of faith that will undoubtedly help
pain and burdens simply because we you to flourish on your faith journey.

Brittany P. Hollis

[email protected]
table of contents

Sacrificial Faith PG #4

Pleasing Faith PG #5

Obedient Faith PG #6

Uncomfortable Faith PG #7

Strong Faith PG #8

Faith Affirmations PG #9 | [email protected]
Sacrificial Faith
Hebrews 11:4 ESV
4 By faith Abel offered to God a
more acceptable sacrifice than
Cain, through which he was
commended as righteous, God
commending him by accepting his
gifts. And through his faith, though
he died, he still speaks.

Faith is sacrificial. In our reading today, we learn about two characters;
Cain and Abel. You can read more about their story in Genesis 4:1-5.
Cain offered God his leftovers and what he didn't want, while Abel gave
God his best. Abel gave God what he would have preferred to keep. Faith
in God allows you to give up your comforts for the will of God. Faith in
God allows you to give God your best without question. Have you been
giving God your best or your leftovers? If you want to flourish in your
faith, you have to make the decision and sacrifice to give God the best of
you and not what's left of you.

Dear Lord, like Abel, please help us Name three things you are willing
to have a faith that is willing to to give up or sacrifice in order to
sacrifice the best of what we have grow in your relationship with God:
for your glory. In Jesus name,

Pleasing Faith
Hebrews 11:5 NLT

5 It was by faith that Enoch was

taken up to heaven without dying
—“he disappeared, because God
took him". For before he was taken
up, he was known as a person who
pleased God.

Faith allows you to walk step by step with God. Enoch's testimony was
that he walked with God. What will your testimony be? Enoch's faith
pleased God so much that he didn’t see death. You can read more about
Enoch in Genesis 5:21-24. Enoch teaches us that as long as we have faith,
we will never depart from God’s presence. God is always with you,
therefore you are never alone and have no reason to fear. Enoch also
teaches us that faith is a continuous process that increases little by little.
Each moment gives us the opportunity to trust in God and flourish in our
faith. This is how we live a life that pleases God. Do you believe that your
faith pleases God?

Dear Lord, help us to walk with Name three things you can do to
you every day of our lives so demonstrate your faith in God:
that we may experience your
goodness and presence in
every moment of our lives. In
Jesus name, Amen.

Obedient Faith
Hebrews 11:7 CSB
7 By faith Noah, after he was warned
about what was not yet seen and
motivated by godly fear, built an ark
to deliver his family. By faith he
condemned the world and became
an heir of the righteousness that
comes by faith.


Faith leads to obedience. Faith in God allowed Noah to build an ark even
though it had never rained before. You can read more about Noah in
Genesis 6:9-22. Faith is rooted in a holy fear of God. Noah didn't allow
others doubt to dictate his actions. He continued to pursue his purpose in
the face of adversity. Noah’s faith teaches us that obedient faith is

Dear Lord, help our faith to lead to Name three areas you need to be
obedience to your will and your more obedient to God’s will for your
way. In Jesus name, Amen. life:

Uncomfortable Faith
Hebrews 11:8 HCSB
8 By faith Abraham, when he was
called, obeyed and went out to a
place he was going to receive as
an inheritance. He went out, not
knowing where he was going.

Faith requires being uncomfortable. God told Abraham to go to a land that
he will show in order to receive his inheritance. You can read more about
Abraham in Genesis 12:1-4. There is no doubt that Abraham would have
been apprehensive to leave his way of life, but he decided that being
uncomfortable with God is better than being comfortable without him.
This teaches us that faith requires us to trust God with the unfamiliar. If
you want to flourish in your faith, you have to be willing to be
uncomfortable. God does His best work in our discomfort.

Dear Lord, help us to not be too Name two things your faith is
comfortable, but to allow our faith challenging you to do in this
to lead us to uncomfortable season:
places. In Jesus name, Amen.

Strong Faith
Hebrews 11:30 HCSB
30 By faith the walls of Jericho fell
down after being encircled by the
Israelites for seven days.

Faith knocks down the walls that keep you from your destiny. By faith, the
walls of Jericho fell down after they were circled about for seven days.
You can read more about the story of Joshua and the Battle of Jericho in
Joshua 6:1-20. Faith allows us to overcome the things in our lives that try
to keep us boxed in. Often times, life can make you feel like the walls are
closing in. This story serves as a reminder that when we march forward in
faith, whatever is trying to ensnare us, must fall down. It's not with our
strength, but with the strength of the one who fights on our behalf.

Dear Lord, help me to use my faith Name three things you need faith
in you to overcome the fears that to overcome:
try to keep me walled in. In Jesus
name, Amen.

Faith Affirmations
The words we speak and believe have a major influence on
the outcome of our day. Speaking these Faith Affirmations
will allow you to declare and pour truth over who you are
until it seeps into your very being. Repeat the following Faith
Affirmations daily:

1 There is nothing too hard for my God.

2 I choose to walk by faith and not by sight.

3 My trust and confidence is in God.

4 I am strong and courageous.

5 Everything is working together for my

6 My faith is greater than my fears.

7 Faith is the key to my victory and success.

References: Luke 1:37, 2 Corinthians 5:7, Proverbs 3:5-6, Deuteronomy

31:6, Romans 8:28, Hebrews 13:6, I John 5:4

[email protected]
Thank You so Much
Thank you so much for taking the time to flourish in your
faith. Faith can do the impossible. Faith trusts God even
when life makes no sense. Know that in your difficulties,
disappointments and shame, God is able to stretch and
strengthen your roots, and grow your faith beyond heights
you couldn't have imagined. Faith believes that the God
who created the world is well able to do anything He has
promised you.

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