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Monday, 19 December 2022 Issue no: 1 Editor: Deddy Wirata

Welcome to Thailand!
Championship Website

Scan the above QR code for access to the

live score, schedule, and online bulletin.

Wat Benchamabophit Dusitvanaram is a Buddhist temple (wat) in the Dusit

District of Bangkok, Thailand. Also known as the marble temple, it is one of
1. Registration for Open Pairs will be
Bangkok’s best-known temples.
closed by 12 pm, today.

2. If you’d like to make a reservation for reetings from Thailand! I hope you will enjoy the five matchdays that
lunch at the hotel, please contact us the committee has prepared for you. Don’t forget to savor the cuisine
at the entrance of the playing area. and there are a range of restaurants, shops, and cultural sites for you
to discover and enjoy.

For those of you who may be new to this championship, allow me to give
Today’s Schedule you a brief overview. The South East Asia Bridge Federation (SEABF)
Championships were first proposed by Indonesia at the Asean Bridge Club
Time (UTC+7) Event
Championships in 2015. This championship was inspired by Indonesia’s
09:30 - 10:15 Captains Meeting successful introduction of bridge at the 2011 SEA Games. This is the fifth
10:30 - 11:30 Delegates Meeting year that SEABF has been hosted, having previously been held in Singapore
11:30 - 12:45 Welcome Reception (2016), Indonesia (2017), the Philippines (2018), and Malaysia (2019). Due to
the COVID-19 pandemic, there was no SEABF in 2020 and 2021.
13:00 - 16:30 Open Pairs S1
18:00 - 21:00 Open Pairs S2 The SEABF has the following organizational structure: Michael Bambang
Hartono (Indonesia) serves as president, while Khunying Esther Chodchoy
Sophonpanich (Thailand) acts as vice president. The honorary secretary
is Handojo Susanto (Indonesia), and Chua Gang (Singapore) holds the
position of treasurer. All prior SEABF champions are listed on page 5.
(Click to navigate)
Keep your fingers crossed, everyone!
2 Welcome Message
3 Championship Programme
5 Past SEABF Winners
6 Condition of Contest
8 Officials & committee
10 Participants
The 5th South East Asia Bridge Federation Championships & The 38th ASEAN Bridge Club Championships

Welcome Message
Contract Bridge League of Thailand

It is my pleasure to extend greetings to everyone attending the 5th South

East Asia Bridge Federation Championships and the 38th ASEAN Bridge
Club Championships, hosted by the Contract Bridge League of Thailand.

On behalf of the Contract Bridge League of Thailand, I would like to commend

the organizing team for the hard work and give special thanks to Mr. Anthony
Ching, the Chief Tournament Director, and his team for ensuring that this
important tournament will be most professional and functional.

Bridge is a captivating and challenging sport that requires focus and

discipline, and I would like to recognize the talented players for all their
dedication and enthusiasm.

I hope that you will enjoy our warm hospitality and visit some of our iconic
attractions, as well as a variety of restaurants, shopping experiences, and
cultural places for you to explore and enjoy.

I would like to extend my best wishes for a successful and enjoyable event,
and I wish all those participating the best of luck.

Chayawat Pisessith
President of the Contract Bridge League of Thailand (CBLT)

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The 5th South East Asia Bridge Federation Championships & The 38th ASEAN Bridge Club Championships

Championship Programme
Championship Programme

Date Time Event Boards

09:30 - 10:15 Captains Meeting
10:30 - 11:30 Delegates Meeting
19-Dec 11:30 - 12:45 Welcome Reception
13:00 - 16:30 Open Pairs Session 1 26
18:00 - 21:00 Open Pairs Session 2 24
09:00 - 10:00 Mixed Team Round 1 8
10:20 - 11:20 Mixed Team Round 2 8
11:40 - 12:40 Mixed Team Round 3 8
12:40 - 14:00 Lunch Break
14:00 - 15:00 Mixed Team Round 4 8
15:20 - 16:20 Mixed Team Round 5 8
16:40 - 17:40 Mixed Team Round 6 8
18:00 - 19:00 Mixed Team Round 7 8
Date Time Combined Open/Ladies Team Youth Team
09:00 - 10:15 Swiss 1 Round 1 10
10:35 - 11:50 Swiss 2 Round 2 10
12:10 - 13:25 Swiss 3 Round 3 10
21-Dec 13:25 - 14:45 Lunch Break
14:45 - 16:00 Swiss 4 Round 4 10
16:20 - 17:35 Swiss 5 Round 5 10
17:55 - 19:10 Swiss 6 Round 6 10
09:00 - 10:15 Swiss 7 Round 7 10
10:35 - 11:50 Swiss 8 Round 8 10
12:10 - 13:25 Swiss 9 Round 9 10
13:25 - 14:45 Lunch Break
14:45 - 16:00 Swiss 10 Round 10 10
16:20 - 17:35 Swiss 11 Round 11 10
17:55 - 19:10 Swiss 12 Time Swiss Team 10
09:00 - 10:00 Round 1 8
09:00 - 11:15 Final Round/Segment 1
10:15 - 11:15 Round 2 8
11:15 - 12:30 Lunch Break
12:30 - 13:30 Round 3 8
23-Dec 12:30 - 14:45 Final Round/Segment 2
13:45 - 14:45 Round 4 8
15:05 - 16:05 Round 5 8
15:05 - 17:20 Final Round/Segment 3
16:20 - 17:20 Round 6 8
19:00 ~ Victory Dinner

The Montien Hotel Surawong Bangkok, Thailand Page 3

The Grand Palace
The palace has been the official residence of the Kings of
Siam (and later Thailand) since 1782

Chao Phraya River and Wat Pho temple

is the major river in is one of Bangkok’s oldest
Thailand temples

Wat Phra Kaew

is regarded as the most sacred Buddhist temple in Thailand
The 5th South East Asia Bridge Federation Championships & The 38th ASEAN Bridge Club Championships


Open Team 2019: Indonesia

Djarum Black (Indonesia) emerged as the winner Open Team 2018: Singapore
of the Open Team 2019 in 4th SEABF located at the Ambassador (Patrick Choy, Chuancheng Ju, Alan Sia, Jim Lee,
Indoor Training Hall, Olympic Council of Malaysia. Cheng Lou) from Singapore took home champion title for the
Open Team at the 3rd SEABF in Makati, Philippines, 2018.
Players: Kamto, Santoso Sie, Anthony Soebroto,
Agus Kustrijanto

Open Team 2017: Indonesia

The open team winners are Henky Lasut, Leslie
Gontha, Franky Karwur, Supeno, Paulus Sugandi,
and Jemmy Boyke Bojoh (Indonesia Red).

In fact, Indonesia secured all 7 gold medals in

the 2nd APBF championship, which was held in
Depok, Indonesia.

Mixed Team 2016: Thailand

Magic Eyes won by a 0.2-VP margin in a thrilling mixed
team conclusion, with the following players: Pavinee S,
Daniel Windsor, Vallapa S, Deny Jacob Sacul,
Khunying C E S, and Somchai Baisamut

The Montien Hotel Surawong Bangkok, Thailand Page 5

The 5th South East Asia Bridge Federation Championships & The 38th ASEAN Bridge Club Championships

Condition of The Mixed Teams will be a 7-round Swiss of

8-board matches.

Screens may be used in the finals. BM II will be
used as the official score input device. Teams
can print the score sheets when the match is
completed by scanning the player bar-code at
self-service printers. The scores will become
Laws official 10 minutes after the completion of a round,
The Laws of Duplicate Bridge 2017 will be used. or 10 minutes before the start of the subsequent
Unless stated explicitly, the General Conditions of round if it is the last round of the day. Bidding
Contest governing APBF tournaments will apply. boxes will be used.

Official Language Time Schedule

English is the official language of the tournament. The tentative schedule is included in this
During each match, the players converse only programme, but is subject to final alterations
in English, unless both captains agree that the depending on the final entries. The final schedule
players may use some other language. will be announced in the Captains’ Meeting.

Types of Contest and Tournament Format Team Numbers

The following events will be held: Team numbers of all the team events will be
1. Open Teams drawn at the Captains’ Meeting. If feasible, the
2. Ladies Teams schedule and numbers will be so arranged such
3. Senior Teams that teams from the same NBO will meet each
4. Mixed Teams other in the earlier rounds.
5. Youth Teams
6. Open Pairs Line-up and Seating
Teams play according to the schedule. The first
Both SEABF Teams and ASEAN Clubs are named team will be the Home Team and the other
combined in the Mixed Team, and in the Open, the Visiting Team. The Home Team sits NS in the
Ladies, Senior and Youth Teams series. If there Open Room and EW in the Closed Room. There
are less than 4 SEABF teams in any series but will be no seating rights and the players will use
have 4 or more teams otherwise, they will all the BM II at the table to enter the line-up.
be moved into the ASEAN Clubs. If there are 4
or 5 teams in a series, 2 prizes will be awarded. Substitutes
For 6 or more teams in a series, 3 prizes will be If for any reason a team is unable to produce 4
awarded. players, either at the start of a session or during
a session because of an emergency arising, the
The Ladies, Senior, and Youth series qualifying Director may designate a substitute to allow the
round will only be held separately if there is a match to proceed. The substitute must not be
minimum of 6 teams in that series, otherwise a member of another team in the same series.
they will be amalgamated into the Open Team The Director, having designated a substitute,
series, with the 2 top SEABF teams in each series must inform the Tournament Organiser as soon
qualifying for the final. as practicable and shall provide a written memo
giving the circumstances that necessitated the
Depending on the number of entries, the use of a substitute. The result of such a match in
qualifying round of the Open, Ladies, Senior, and which a substitute has played shall stand. If no
Youth Teams series will either be a round robin or substitute is available, the defaulting team must
Swiss. The SEABF finals will either be a 4-team forfeit.
single round robin in that series, or a 48-board
3-segment play-off with less than 8 teams in the Systems & Conventions
series. HUM systems and Brown Sticker conventions are
Page 6 The Montien Hotel Surawong Bangkok, Thailand
The 5th South East Asia Bridge Federation Championships & The 38th ASEAN Bridge Club Championships
not allowed. Psychic of artificial or conventional Tie Breaking
opening bids are prohibited. All pairs are APBF policy will apply.
required to bring 2 copies of duly completed WBF
convention card to the tournament, failing which Request for Review
procedural penalties may be imposed. A Request for Review of the ruling of the
director must be lodged within 10 minutes of the
Alerts and Explanations conclusion of the match. All Requests must be
An alertable call is defined in the APBF Alerting submitted to the Director together with a US$100
Policy. It is the responsibility of the player to alert deposit or equivalent in local currency, which will
clearly. No explanation of the meaning of the be refunded if the Official Reviewer considers
alertable call should be made unless requested that the appeal has merit.
by an opponent.
Closed Room
Forfeits Only the directors, the tournament officials,
If a team is unable to play or complete a match, tournament staff and NPC with the director’s
the Director may find that team to be in default permission may enter and leave the Closed Room
and declare the match forfeited. The team in during any match.
forfeit will receive 0 victory point and the non-
offending team will receive the higher of: Smoking and Consumption of Alcohol
1. The average VPs for all matches played up to Players and spectators may not smoke or
that time of the forfeit, or consume alcohol in the playing area.
2. The complement of the average VPs of the
offending team for all matches played up to Mobile Phone and Other Electronic Equipment
the time of the forfeit, or Players and spectators are required to turn
3. 12 VPs. off their mobile phones and other electronic
equipment while in the playing area. The Chief
Disqualification Tournament Director may, at his discretion, forbid
In the case that a team is disqualified by the certain electronic equipment be brought into the
Tournament Organising Committee, all scores playing area.
against this team are null and void.
Computer Dealt Hands
Agreement of Results All teams will play the same set of computer
The Captains are responsible for reporting any dealt hands where possible. These hands are
score discrepancies within 10 minutes after the generated at random with no special constraints
official completion time of a match. or restrictions.

Late Start
0 - 5 mins. 1st offence: warning
2nd+: 0.5 VP each
5 - 10 mins. 1 VP
10 - 15 mins. 2 VPs
15 - 20 mins. 3 VPs
20+ mins. Walkover

Slow Play
0 - 5 mins. 1 VP
> 5 - 10 mins. 1.5 VPs
> 10 - 15 mins. 2 VPs
> 15 - 20 mins. 2.5 VPs
20+ mins. At the discretion of the
Tournament Organising

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The 5th South East Asia Bridge Federation Championships & The 38th ASEAN Bridge Club Championships

Championship Officials & Committee

Organising Committee

Khunying Esther C. Chayawat Pramod Ann Malakul Chaiyut Sakchai Yodvanich Pobsit Kamolvej
Sophonpanich Pisessith Keshisamang Registration & Assaneeyawong Treasurer Secretariat to
Chairperson CBLT President Tournament Secretariat Venue & Functions Operation

Tournament Directors

Anthony Ching Daniel Windsor Kelvin Yim Pobsit Kamolvej Pataratham Ueatrakan Chayes Luang-On
Chief Tournament Director Assistant to CTD Tournament Director Tournament Director Tournament Director Tournament Director

Reviewer Scoring Duplication Bulletin

Vallapa Svangsopakul Song Zhao Apiwat Aksornsombat Thanusak Moontongka Singha Jungsiri Deddy Wirata
Reviewer Scoring Manager Duplication Coordinator Duplication Operator Duplication Operator Bulletin Editor


Pataratham Ueatrakan Chaiyut Assaneeyawong Napatsawan Supawan Pintichaon Kalthiyanunt Aphisara Sornpha
Director Operation Secretariat Operation Staff Office Staff Office Staff Office


Subharerk Chaiwatanakul Wongsapol Kunkongmee Pitipong Wongwitwichot Tham Plengsap Apisit Homthong Nattapong Pimpisan
Vugraph Coordinator Vugraph Operator Vugraph Operator Vugraph Operator Vugraph Operator Vugraph Operator


Kwannaree Suttiwatee Nuttapol Haocharoen Wanchai Khemtit Amporn Sinma Phumai Phiwlong Chanit Srichak
Caddy Caddy Caddy Caddy Caddy Caddy

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The 5th South East Asia Bridge Federation Championships & The 38th ASEAN Bridge Club Championships

The Montien Hotel Surawong Bangkok, Thailand Page 9

The 5th South East Asia Bridge Federation Championships & The 38th ASEAN Bridge Club Championships

Participants: Mixed Teams

Handojo Susanto Sartje Pontoh Linda Sitompul
1. Bhinneka
Hartono Kriesmartha K G

M Yaisawang Supote Yaisawang Suthita Insrila

2. BMS
Apisai Makmitree

Panjaroon J Wanna A T Peeracha Suriya

3. CBLT Mixed 1
Jittakan P
Pavinee S Kirawat L K Plengsap
4. CBLT Mixed 2
K Janebunjong

Chalikon S Kridsada Promjak Sahasan Leevorawat

5. Chalikon
Thanaporn R Wanida Kedsakun Pranonsatid Sararut

Tanakorn Lavanakul Ann Malakul Yawamon Phimpanyas

6. Dekisugi
Piya T Phattarin L

Conny E Sumampouw Leslie Gontha Rury Andhani

7. Djarum Bold
Stefanus Supeno Della Ayu Nobira Jemmy Boyke Bojoh

Agus Kustrijanto Yunita Fitry Anthony Soebroto

8. Djarum Coklat
Ernis Sefita Desy Noervita Paulus Sugandi

Kenlong Charusorn Vatcharapol J Samonwan Lumjiak

9. Kenlong
Sirawitch R

Gemma Mariano Tan Felipe Manalang Suena Manalang

10. Lucky Duck
Gerry Alquiros

Khunying C E S Somchai Baisamut T Chodchoy

11. Magic Eyes
Teerasak S Pobsook Kamolvej Taweesith T

Zoe Li Phanuwit T C LH Chin

12. Mix HKT
Nitjaree Satayarak

Rukson Kongsattra Poohdid Khombua W. Wathaneeyawach

13. New Mutants
Korapin Innam Siripatsorn J Suriwipha J

Paul Tan Selene Tan Cheng Yen Lam

14. Porcelain
Siok Hui Low

Chua Gang Luo Cheng Fong Kien Hoong

15. SGP
Ann De Guzman Choon Cheng Seet

Sugiharto Kelvin Ong Yeo Hui Teng

16. UAB

Mike Sharples Jolene Austen Mieko Fujihashi

17. UN
Raj J

Kobkul Abhakara Radar Visaichorn Pajaree A

18. Vampire
Pisit J Songpone S

Nutwarun Limpong Rawit Sookkasem Dolyada Wongpun

19. WCJP
Chattawat J

Page 10 The Montien Hotel Surawong Bangkok, Thailand

The 5th South East Asia Bridge Federation Championships & The 38th ASEAN Bridge Club Championships

Participants: Open Team

Fong Kien Hoong Luo Cheng Chenyen Lam
1. Amanda
Zhang Yukun

Leslie Gontha Stefanus Supeno Paulus Sugandi

2. Djarum Super
Jemmy Boyke Bojoh Kamto Anthony Soebroto

Paul Hackett Kim YoonKyung Kim Sun Young

3. KIM
Min Byungjoo

Gemma Tan Jaycee Urriquia Felipe Manalang

4. Lucky Duck
Suena Manalang

Zoe Li LH Chin Phanuwit T C

5. Mix HKT
Piya T Tunchanok Y

Wanchai Danwachira Ploypailin Uthai Mona Chulasugandha

6. NPP
Suttipat V Tanapong Kunason Sampun S

Panjaroon J Wanna A T Pramote Kesisamang

7. Panjaroon
Teerataht P Chirawut T Jaturong Sasibut

Sirawich Thongtra Apisai Makmitree Kridsada Promjak

8. Piglet
Vatcharapol J

Paul Tan Selene Tan Gao Heng

9. Porcelain
Guan Xin

Chua Gang Ann de Guzman Alan Sia

10. SGP
Choon Cheng Seet

Yawamon Phimpanyas Ann Malakul Phattarin L

11. Snow & Girl
Nitjaree Satayarak Asdang Riamsree

V Viriyamonthchai Singsan Phromyothi Kirawat L

12. Thailand Vithaya
Patnarin Terasak J Taweesith T

Chalermpol W Tanakorn Lavanakul Peeracha Suriya

13. The Metropolis
Jittakan P

Sugiharto Dewita Steve Robinson

14. UAB
Ke Jia

Coup de Grace Teo Xue Heng Timothy Wu

15. UN
Linus Lee Bryan Yang

Kelvin Ong Yeo Hui Teng Gerald Tan

16. Unblock Deuce
Ang Shen Ting

Warit Atitkul Pawat C Pavarate D

17. Vampire
Pisit J Songpone S

Nutwarun Limpong Rawit Sookkasem Chattawat J

18. WCJP
Sommai M Suwipat T Samonwan Lumjiak

Marvin Lai Edwin Lau Soh Siew Luie

19. X-men
Chue Kah Loong Ng Chun Tat Chris G

The Montien Hotel Surawong Bangkok, Thailand Page 11

The 5th South East Asia Bridge Federation Championships & The 38th ASEAN Bridge Club Championships

Participants: Youth Team

Rukson Kongsattra Poohdid Khombua W. Wathaneeyawach
Korapin Innam Taptep R Siripatsorn J

K. Sianglio P. Kuysuwan Sirawitch R

Sarun Kocharoen Parit Promjan

Worapol Mangthong Jirayut Phankham Pollakit Jindakoon

Norawich T Maipraewa Fakhoom Kasira W

Chinnathee Saisith Panisara P Pemiga Trong-ngam

Siraphob Saengtuen Chaiyapat Srisut Vitchayaporn T

Thikhamporn Konket Woranittha P Anutida Kraikitrat

Waratchaya Y Wilaiphon Nuanngam Thipphanet C

Sahasan Leevorawat Pranosatid Sararut Thanaporn R

Wanida Kedsakun Krittikorn M

Peeraphat P Phatcharaphol S Peerawit Champee

Thanaphat Phosing Namphet N Patcharin SenKha

Palagorn P Pimwaree Kongngen Chanokchon T

8. Chula Team A+
Nanlapas I Thanapat T Kullapavee C

Natthasuda S Chutikarn D Kantanop Yimfan

9. Chula Team A
Akaraphon J Thanathat D Khajornphong P

Ramon Cheng Villvalin S Peerawut W

10. Ocean’s Six (BKK)
Sitthawat T Boonphisoot J Suriwipha J

Homer de Vera Jensine Francisco Ray J Omapoy

11. Philippines
Jenel F Ramos Reniel Brien Refe

Choktrakul Wanphet Ratchatrakul W Nathaphong Kawon

12. Phitsanulok
Thatsanaphon C Pattita Klinrod Phupakorn Klinrod

Participants: Ladies Team

Kenlong Charusorn K Janebunjong Suphakorn A
1. Bravehearts
Pobsook Kamolvej Narumol Wiengwiset Pavinee S

Conny E Sumampouw Rury Andhani Ernis Sefita

2. Djarum Indonesia
Yunita Fitry Della Ayu Nobira Desy Noervita

Jolene Austen Mieko Fujihashi Siok Hui Low

3. Hufflefluffs
Li Lan

Participants: Senior Team

Handojo Susanto Linda Sitompul Kriesmartha K G
1. Bhinneka
Sartje Pontoh Hartono

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