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Exercise 1: Choose the appropriate pronoun among those you have

1) The dog is barking, (she, it, he) is sick. (Its, her, his) kids are suffering
too. The owner is taking care of all of (us, it them).
2) Ali and Aline are pupils; (he, they, you) go to school every day.
3) Why are (they, us, you) here? Do (you, he, I) have today?
4) Mr. Zerbo is (your, our, his) teacher; he teaches (us, me, them) English.
(We, you, they) see (him, it, her) at school today.
5) (My, you, him) father gives (me, I, my) a beautiful present. (I, he, she)
like (it, him, her) very much.
6) Omar and I have class tomorrow. (You, We, they) will leave home at
6.30; since (our, their, his) teacher is always on time.
7) Pauline is (us, my, him) sister; (he, I, she) drop (she, her, him) at school
every day and go to (our, her, my) work place. (They, We, you) love each
other so much.
8) (She, he, it) was our spokeswoman but (you, we, they) replace (him, her,
you) as the boss has dismissed (him, her, them); (we, you, they) will fight
for (his, her, our) return to office.
9) Ahmed, Olivier, Celine and Fati are (my, you, its) parents. (They, you, I)
are all (yours, mine, hers) and (I, he, she) love (they, you, them) all.
10) Don’t take that bag! (It, she, he) is not (yours, her, his). (You, we,
she) will see (your, me, its) uniform in the cupboard.
11) Have (you, he, it) done the exercises the teacher gave (me, us,
them)? -Yes, (you, I, we) did (it, them, you) yesterday, what about (yours,
his, they)? –Don’t worry, (it, you, they) have all been done. So, (we, you,
they) are all ready for the correction.
12) Can (you, he, she) give (me, he, his) the book you have? – (It, he,
she) is not (he, mine, his); (he, she, it) is (hers, your, my).
13) Daouda and Peter have got a car. (It, she, you) is (their, theirs,
they). (They, we, their) like (us, it, you) much and care for (his, its, it)
state. So (their, your, my) car shines more than (yours, him, my).
14) Charles comes to help (our, us, we) do (our, their, we) homework.
(We, us, you) are very grateful for (her, his, he) kindness towards (me, us,
15) Fofana and you went to the market yesterday. (They, you, we)
bought some present for (they, their, theirs) celebration. (We, you, I) all
received invitations from (they, them, their).
Exercise 2: Put the verbs in parentheses in the present simple, in the correct
1) This lazy boy (not to go) to school from Monday to Friday.
2) Sayouba and Aline (not to play) football on Tuesdays.
3) Gaston (to wash) his car twice in a week.
4) Many pupils (to attend) the English class?
5) You (not to know) that man over there?
6) He (to fix) the picture on the wall.
7) Nicole (to speak) English fluently? – yes, she (to do)
8) Seydou and Hubert (to dance) on Saturday evenings.
9) Laura (to fetch) water for her mother after classes.
10) The plane to London (to fly) on Mondays from Ouagadougou.

Exercise 3: Put these verbs in the present simple or present continuous

1) Every day, Julie (to take) the bus to go to office.
2) He and his neighbor (to speak) English at the moment.
3) Alice and Donald (to learn) English this year?
4) At the moment, you (to do) your English exercise.
5) Classes (to start) at 7.30 A.M. from Monday to Friday at ENAREF.
6) Tom (not to read) any newspaper every morning on the train.
7) Carole (to write) a letter to a client now.
8) Listen! Your neighbors (to sing) very well.
9) Alex (to speak) four languages: Bambara, English, French, and Spanish.
10) Today is Sunday; Madi and Carine (to relax) at the beach hotel.
11) Our cousin (to come) to see us next Saturday.
12) Look! Ahmed and Noah (to play) tennis over there.
13) How (to go) we to the beach next Saturday? – We (to drive) there.
14) We (to have) English tomorrow evening?
15) ILBOUDO and SORY (to sell) oranges twice a week.
16) I (to do) my English exercises at the moment.
Exercise 4: Use either the past Simple or the past continuous
1) When her husband (to arrive), Aurelie (to watch) TV.
2) Where (to go) you when your car (to break) down?
3) I (to eat) my cake when the phone (to ring).
4) My father (to leave) home while I (to do) my homework.
5) Which track (to play) you when your mother (to arrive) home.
6) Arnaud and Seni (to learn) how to drive when they (to work) for Apple.
7) Where you (to sit) when the film screening (to begin).
8) What (to eat) to customers while the cook (to prepare) lunch?
9) Hamidou (to play) soccer while she (to spend) his holidays in Boston.
10) Cynthia (to meet) Vincent when she (to cross) the river.
11) Fanta and Souley (to revise) their grammar while they (to write)
their essay.
12) Leonard and Beatrice (to talk) about her when she (to enter).
13) The workers (to get) fired while they (to demonstrate) last year.
14) Bamba and Yakouba (to see) him when he (to go) to school.
15) It was when he (to drive) to work that his guests (call) him.

Exercise 5: Use the preterite for the verbs in parentheses

1) Yesterday evening I (go) to the cinema with a friend.
2) From 1995 to 1998 I (work) in Tokyo.
3) Last night the concert (finish) at midnight.
4) I (arrive) at the office this morning before my colleagues.
5) When he was young, Tom (ride) a bicycle to school.
6) The train was at 8 p.m. so I (leave) home at 7 p.m.
7) Last Sunday was my mother's birthday, so I (make) a cake.
8) I (start) to play golf five years ago.
9) The great composer Mozart (die) at the age of 35.
10) Julie (do) a lot of English exercises last week.
Exercise 6: Use the present perfect or the past simple (preterite)
1) I have visited New York two months ago.
2) Anne isn’t here at the moment. She’s been to London.
3) In your life, how many different countries did you visit?
4) They’ve opened the new shopping centre last week.
5) How many pages did you read so far this week?
6) When have you bought your car?
7) I’ve lived in London since 5 years.
8) I’ve seen that film last Friday.
9) His English improved a lot this year.
10) In his last job, Peter has travelled to Germany every month.
11) Julie has worked here between 1997 and 1999
12) How many films did you see this month,
13) When has Mary arrived?
14) Before leaving for Boston, I have bought a good dictionary.
15) So far I didn’t receive a reply to my invitation.

Exercise 7: Present perfect or past simple

1) I live in a house I have bought 7 years ago.
2) The man who lives next door wrote four books about his travels.
3) I have been listening to the recording several times today.
4) Did you ever taste a cereal called “quinoa”?
5) How many new words did you note down so far in this lesson?
6) Caroline has been visiting Hong Kong five times already.
7) I’ve seen that programme on television last night.
8) How many times have you been asking for an explanation?
9) My English improved a lot this year.
10) In her previous job, Julie has spoken English a lot.
11) Jack has worked here between 1996 and 1999.
12) How many times did you go to the theatre this year?
13) How long ago has Emma taken up golf?
14) When I was 6 years old, I have got a bicycle for Christmas.
15) So far I didn’t make too many mistakes.
16) Tony is still watching TV. He has watched it for 3 hours.
17) I hate red meat. Since I was a child I have been hating it.
18) How long have you attended these classes?
19) There is no lesson today. The teacher has been on holiday.
20) I can relax now. I finished this exercise!
Exercise 8: Review of present and past tenses
1) In 1998, John (to visit) Tahiti with a group of friends.
2) This month Tom (to revise) for his exams.
3) Julie is at the cinema waiting for Tom. She (to wait) for 10 minutes.
4) Marie only has half an hour for lunch so she usually (to have) a sandwich.
5) David is a good friend of mine. I (to know) him since I was six years old.
6) At the moment I need to concentrate. I (to do) a grammar exercise.
7) Tom is writing an important report. He (to write) 4 pages already.
8) Once a month Caroline (to go) to the hairdresser's to have her hair cut.
9) Last year Peter (to travel) all over Australia.
10) Next Saturday, Peter (to take) Caroline to the theatre.

Exercise ON NUMBERS: Read these numbers in full (in English)

1) In 1745 I earned F.CFA 176 a week that was 704 per month
2) You can call her on 00226-73925048
3) 827 X64 =3.1016
4) (365 days X 24 h) X 60 mn = 525,600 mn that is to say 1 year
5) You will be paid £12,845 not £12.845
6) 5,432,598,122,487
7) 8,086
8) Flight KU 1527
9) 1505 was a pleasant year. But I like living in 2016
10) He started working in 1989 and he earned 173,593 pounds a year
11) He won francs CFA 5,481,412 in today’s lottery
12) Daouda and Ali came here in 1907, they went back with flight 3041, and today we have flight
2070. A flight ticket worths francs CFA 504,763 but the prices will increase to francs CFA
1,021,865 next year
13) Today is Wednesday 27th January 2016
14) We will get £ 11,892,540.873 next week
−b ± √3 ab 3−2 ab 2
15) We had to calculate x=
2 ab 2
16) 72x2=144
17) 1839 was a pleasant moment for some 1,403 scientists.
18) This board can worth 1,466.463M2
19) 6.1203405 and 10.126948
20) x= √
b2−4 ac
You can call him using the number 00226 704 772 10.

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