Circles Basics Problems - 34810523 - 2024 - 06 - 27 - 10 - 36 - 240627 - 103652

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1. In the given figure, O is the centre of the circle and

∠QOR=50◦, then what is the value of ∠RPQ (in degree)?
a)15 b)25
c)20 d)30

2. Find the ∠POQ?

b) 65◦

3. In the given fig. O is the centre of the circle and AB||CD.

If ∠ADC=25◦, then find ∠AEB
a)45◦ b)55◦
c)50◦ d)40◦

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4. In the given fig. If PQ is diameter and ∠RSP=105◦ then find
5. In the fig. ΔPQR is equilateral, ST=4cm and
TP=6cm then find area of ΔPQR?
a)10√3 b)15√3
c)12√3 d)16√3

6. In the given figure, O is the centre of the circle then

(∠x + ∠y)/∠z is equal to-

7. In the given fig,AD=CB,find ?


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8. ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral, In which ∠DCB=60◦. If
AD=3cm, AB=14cm then find area of circle?
𝟐 𝟏
a) 𝟖𝟐 𝝅 b) 𝟖𝟐 𝝅
𝟑 𝟑
c) 𝟖𝟏 𝝅 d) 80π

9. ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral .the angle bisector of ∠DAB

and ∠BCD meets the circle at point X and Y respectively. Find the value of ∠XAY?
a)30◦ b)60◦ c)90◦ d)120◦
10. If the sum of radii of two circles is 91 cm and -difference between their area is
2002cm2.What is the radius of the larger circle?
a)56 cm b)42 cm c)49 cm d)63 cm
11. If the circumference of a circle is increased by 8.33% then find % change in its
a)17.36% b)18.29% c)16.58% d)17.83%
12. In a circular field there is a rectangular tank of length 130m and 110m. If the area of
land portion is 20350 m2 then find the radius of field?
a)96cm b)105cm c)122cm d)108cm
13. If the area of a circle is equal to the area of a square with side 2√𝜋 units, what is the
diameter of a circle?
a) 1unit b) 2units c) 4units d) 8units
14. Find the area of the Sector of a circle having radius 14cm which is subtending an
angle of 45 at the centre (in cm2)
a) 154
b) 77
c) 231
d) 11

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15. There is a circular garden of radius 21m. A path of width 3.5m is constructed just
outside the garden. What is the area of the path?
a)500.5 m2 b)575.6 m2 c)521.2 m2 d)560.7m2
16. At each corner of a triangular field of sides 20m, 34m and 42m. A horse is tied by a
rope of 7m. Find the area of ungrazed field by the horses?
a)259m2 b)231 m2 c)277 m2 d)247m2
17. If the perimeter of a semicircle is 54cm. Then find the area?
a)192.5 b)115.5 c)173.25 d)134.75
18. The radius of a wheel is 0.25m. Find the number of revolutions. It will make to
travel a distance of 11km?
a)7000 b)7700 c)70000 d)700
19. Find the length of major arc of the circle if angle subtended by minor arc at the
centre is 45 and radius of the circle is 21cm?
a) 115.5
b) 120.5
c) 13.5
d) 122.5

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1. A piece of wire 132 cm long is bent successively in the shape of an
equilateral triangle, a square and a circle. Then area will be longest in
shape of
(a) Circle
(b) Equilateral triangle
(c) Square
(d) Equal in all the shapes
2. In the given figure, PQ is a diameter of the
semicircle PABQ and O is its centre. ∠AOB =
64°. BP cuts AQ at X. What is the value (in
degrees) of ∠AXP?
(a) 36
(b) 32
(c) 58
(d) 54
3. In the given figure, O is the centre of the circle
and ∠QOR = 50°, then what is the value of ∠RPQ (in
(a) 15
(b) 25
(c) 20
(d) 30
4. The sum of radii of the two circles is 91 cm and the difference
between their area is 2002 cm2. What is the radius (in cm) of the larger
(a) 56
(b) 42
(c) 63
(d) 49

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5. In the given figure, P is the centre of the
circle. If QS = PR, then what is the ratio of ∠RSP
to the ∠TPR?
(a) 1 : 4
(b) 2 : 5
(c) 1 : 3
(d) 2 : 7
6. Triangle PQR is inscribed in a circle such that P, Q and R lies on the
circumference. If PQ is the diameter of the circle and ∠PQR = 40°, then
what is the value (in degrees) of ∠QPR?
(a) 40
(b) 45
(c) 50
(d) 55
7. Triangle PQR is inscribed in the circle whose radius is 14 cm. If PQ is
the diameter of the circle and PR = 10 cm, then what is the area of the
(a) 196
(b) 30√𝟏𝟗
(c) 40√𝟏𝟕
(d) 35√𝟐𝟏
8. There is a circular garden of radius 21 metres. A path of width 3.5
metres is constructed just outside the garden. What is the area (in
metres2) of the path?
(a) 500.5
(b) 575.6
(c) 521.2
(d) 560.7

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9. PQRS is a cyclic quadrilateral. PR and QS intersect at T. If ∠SPR =
40° and ∠PQS = 80°, then what is the value (in degrees) of ∠PSR?
(a) 60
(b) 40
(c) 80
(d) 100
10. In the given figure, ∠PSR = 105° and PQ is
the diameter of the circle. What is the value (in
degrees) of ∠QPR?
(a) 75
(b) 15
(c) 30
(d) 45

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