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SESSION: 2019 – 2020 (Autumn)
B.Tech. 5th Semester

Subject code: CE 3301 Subject Name: Transportation Engineering Dept. Code: CE

No. of pages: 3 Full Marks: 50 Duration: 3 Hours


All parts of a question should be answered at one place.

In case of any missing data, assume and state it clearly
Q.No. Particulars Marks

1A The phase diagram with flow values of an intersection with three phases is shown
in the figure below. The lost time and yellow time for the first phase is 4 and 4 4
seconds respectively. For the second phase the lost time and yellow time are 3.5
and 4 seconds respectively. For the third phase the lost time and yellow time are
2.5 and 3 seconds respectively. If the cycle time is 150 seconds, show by sketches
the time allocated to green, yellow and red for two phases. 300

1000 400

800 400

Phase-1 Phase-2 600 Phase-3

1B 3
The cycle time of an intersection is 100 seconds, the green time for a phase is 45
seconds, and corresponding yellow time is 5 seconds. If the headway is 3
seconds/vehicle, the start-up lost time is 3 seconds/phase, and the clearance lost
time is 5 second/phase. If all lanes are equally utilized, find the capacity of
movement for a three lane approach road.
2 The width of approaches for a rotary intersection is 12m. The entry and exit width 5
at the rotary is 10m. Table below gives the traffic from the four approaches,
traversing the intersection. Find the capacity of the rotary. (Assume, weaving width
is 25% of weaving length).
Approach Left turn Straight Right turn
North 400 700 300
South 350 370 420
East 200 450 550
West 350 500 520

3 The parking survey data collected from a parking lot by license plate method is 5
shown in the table below. Find the average occupancy, average turnover, parking
load, parking capacity and efficiency of parking lot.

Bay Time (Minutes)

0-15 15-30 30-45 45-60
1 1456 9813 - 5678
2 1945 1945 1945 1945
3 3473 5463 5463 5463
4 3741 3741 9758 4825
5 1884 1884 - 7594
6 - 7357 - 7893
7 - 4895 4895 4895
8 8932 8932 8932 -
9 7653 7653 8998 4821
10 7321 - 2789 2789
11 1213 1213 3212 4778
12 5678 6678 7778 8888
4 Overtaking and overtaken vehicles are at 60 and 30 kmph respectively on a two 5
way traffic road. find (i) OSD (ii) min. and desirable length of overtaking zone
(iii) show the sketch of overtaking zone with location of sign post (Assume:
a=0.99 m/sec2)

5 A national highway passing through a rolling terrain has two horizontal curves of 5
radius 450 m and 150m. Design the required super elevation for the curves as per
IRC guidelines. (Assume: The ruling design speed for NH passing through a rolling
terrain is 80 kmph. The coefficient of lateral friction f = 0.15. The maximum
permissible super elevation e = 0.07.)

6 A valley curve is formed by descending gradient n1 = 1 in 25 and ascending 4

gradient n2 = 1 in 30. Design the length of the valley curve for V = 80kmph.
(Assume: c=0.6 m/cm3, SSD=127.3m)

7 Horizontal curve of R= 200m, L= 200m. Compute setback distance required to 4

provide (a) SSD of 90m (b) OSD of 300m and distance between centreline of road
and inner lane is 1.9m.

a. Show by neat sketches a typical cross section including interface treatment 3

of flexible pavement. Also describe functional requirement of each layer.

8 b. Explain extra widening of road at curve sections 3

c. Explain how the length of the transition curve should be determined 3

d. Explain longitudinal road markings 3

e. Explain major types of traffic control devices and their requirements. Also 3
explain types of traffic signs

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