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Scenario: What Comes Next? Theme: College or Career?

Essential Question: How do decisions we make today change our lives tomorrow?
Every day people are faced with choices - some big, some small - and the way people react to
those choices shape their future.
College or Career? College, university, career, study abroad, decision, decide,enroll,
analytical, artistic, musical, athletic, compassionate, competent

Scenario: What Comes Next? Theme: Study here or Abroad?
Essential Question: How do decisions we make today change our lives tomorrow? Every day
people are faced with choices - some big, some small - and the way people react to those choices shape
a.their future.
abroad, b. activities, c. residence, d. loan, e. independent, f. friends, g. facilities

Look at the Work Bank and complete the sentences using them.
Warm – up: Complete the sentences with a–g.

1. Some people don’t want to study in their countries.

2. They want to study
3. At university it’s usually easy to make new .
4. When you live away from home, you become more .
5. Students who don’t live at home often live in a hall of .
6. If you haven’t got enough money to pay for your studies you can ask for a student .
7. At university, there are lots of clubs that organize extra-curricular .

8. Universities have gyms, laboratories and lots of other student.


Complete the questions with the words a–g.

1. Would you like to study, in a different country?

2. Would you prefer to live at home or in a hall of ?

3. Is it easy to get a student in your country if you don’t have

enoughmoney to study?

4. Do you find it easy to make new _ ?

5. Do you do any extra-curricular ?

6 . What special for students are there in your school?

7. Do you consider yourself to be or do you need other people to

dothings for you?

Reading Comprehension
There are as many kinds of careers as there are people. They vary greatly in the type of work
involved and in the ways they influence a person’s life. The kind of career you have can affect
your life in many ways. For example, it can determine where you live and the friends you make. It
can reflect how much education you have and can determine the amount of money you earn.
Your career can also affect the way you feel about yourself and the way other people act toward
you. By making wise decisions concerning your career, you can help yourself build the life you
want. To make wise career decisions and plans, you need as much information as possible. The
more you know about yourself and career opportunities, the better able you will be to choose a
satisfying career. Learning about one. People differ in what they want from a career. Many
people desire a high income. Some hope for fame. Others want adventure. Still others want to
serve people and make the world a better place. Before you begin to explore career fields, you
should determine your values; your interests; and your aptitudes (abilities). Most people are
happiest in jobs that fit their values, interests, and aptitudes. Each person has many values,
which vary in strength. For example, money is the strongest value for some people – that is,
wealth is more important to them than anything else. As a result, they focus their thoughts,
behavior, and emotions on the goal of earning a high income. Other values include devotion to
religion, taking risks, spending time with family, and helping others. People should understand
their values prior to making a career decision. You can develop an understanding of your values
by asking yourself what is most important to you and by examining your beliefs. For example, is
it important to you to work as a member of a team? Or would you rather be in charge or work
alone? If working alone or being in charge is important to you, independence is probably one of
your primary values.

When using a future tense, going to is used to reference an event that has already been planned.
Last week, they decided they are going to get married in December. Going to is also used when
there is evidence in the present that emphasizes something will happen. You're going to fall if you
don't tie your shoelaces.

Practice: Put in the verbs in brackets into the gaps and form sentences. Use
going to-future.
1. He his friend. (to phone)
2. We a new computer game. (to play)
3. My sister TV . (to watch)
4. You a picnic next Tuesday. (to have)
5. Jane to the office. (to go)
. 6. They to the bus stop this afternoon. (to walk)

7.His brother a letter to his uncle today. (to write)

8.She her aunt. (to visit)

9. I my homework after school. (to do)

10. Sophie and Nick their friends. (to meet)

11. you (go) to bed last night

Read the paragraph below and after that, answer the following questions.

1. Did you always know you wanted to study abroad?

2. What made you want to study abroad in your location?

3. How did you pick your program?

4. What did you pack that you definitely didn’t need?

5. What were you excited about and/or nervous about before you left?

6. How were classes different there from classes here?

7. Which class was your favorite?

8. What is your favorite phrase/word to say in the language you learned?

9. What advice do you have for immersing yourself in a new language?

10 Benefits to Studying Abroad: Studying abroad may be one of the most beneficial
experiences for a college student. By studying abroad, students have the opportunity to
study in a foreign nation and take in the allure and culture of a new land. Here is a list of
the top 10 reasons to study abroad!
See the World: The biggest reason you should consider a study abroad program is the
opportunity to see the world . By studying abroad, you will experience a brand-new
country with incredible new outlooks, customs and activities. The benefits of studying
abroad include the opportunity to see new terrains, natural wonders, museums and
landmarks of your host nation. In addition, when you’re abroad, you won’t be limited to
traveling in just the nation in which you are studying – you can see neighboring countries
as well! For example, if you study in France, you’ll have the option to travel through
various parts of Europe including London , Barcelona , and Rome.
Education: Another reason you might consider studying abroad is for the chance to
experience different styles of education. By enrolling in a study abroad program, you’ll
have thechance to see a side of your major that you may not have been exposed to at
home. You’ll find that completely immersing yourself in the education system of your
host country is a great way to really experience and understand the people, its
traditions, and its culture. Education is the centerpiece of any study abroad trip—it is,
after all, a study abroad program—and choosing the right school is a very important

Take in a New Culture: Many students who choose to study abroad are leaving their home
for the first time. When they arrive in their new host country, they are fascinated by the
distinct cultural perspectives. When you study abroad you will find incredible new foods,
customs, traditions, and social atmospheres. You will find that you have a better
understanding and appreciation for the nation’s people and history. You will have the
opportunity to witness a completely new way of life.
You’ll find that completely immersing yourself in the education system of your host
country is a great way to really experience and understand the people, its traditions,
and its culture. Education is the centerpiece of any study abroad trip—it is, after all, a
study abroad program—and choosing the right school is a very important factor.
Hone Your Language Skills: Chances are if you’re planning on studying abroad, one of the
major draws is the opportunity to study a foreign language. Studying abroad grants you the
opportunity tocompletely immerse yourself in a new language, and there is no better way
to learn than to dive right in. In addition to the considerable language practice you will get
just in day to day life, yourhost university will likely offer language courses to provide you
with a more formal education. Immerse yourself in a new culture and go beyond a purely
academic experience
Career Opportunities: When you finish your study abroad program and return home, you
will return with a new perspective on culture, language skills, a great education, and a
willingness to learn. Needless to say, all of these are very attractive to future employers.
Many students find that they love their host country so much that they decide to seek
work there. If you can relate, you will find that a local education will be very valuable
when searching for a potential job in that country.
Find New Interests: If you are still questioning why to study abroad, you should know that
studying in a different country offers many new activities and interests that you may never
have discovered if you’d stayed at home. You might find that you have an as-yet
undiscovered talent for hiking, water sports, snow skiing, golf, or various other new sports
you may never have tried back home. You’ll also have the chance to discover other new
and exciting forms of entertainment. Plays, movies, dancing, nightclubs, and concerts are
just a few activities that you can enjoy.
Make Lifelong Friends: One of the biggest benefits of studying abroad is the opportunity
to meet new lifelong friends from different backgrounds. While studying abroad, you will
attend school and live with students from your host country. This gives you the
opportunity to really get toknow and create lasting relationships with your fellow students.
After the study abroad program ends, make an effort stay in contact with your
international friends. In addition to rewarding personal relationships, these friends can
also be important networking tools later down the road.
Personal Development: There is nothing quite like being on your own in a foreign country.
You might find that studying abroad really brings out your independent nature. Students
who study abroad become explorers of their new nation and really discover the curiosity
and excitement that they harbor. A benefit to studying abroad is the opportunity to
discover yourself while gaining an understanding of a different culture. Being in a new
place by yourself can be overwhelming at times, and it tests your ability to adapt to
diverse situations while being able to problem solve.
Graduate School Admissions: Like future employers, graduate school admissions boards
look very highly on study abroad experiences. Students that study abroad display diversity
and show that they aren’t afraid to seek out new challenges or put themselves in difficult
situations. Most importantly, students who have studied abroad show just how committed
they are to their education. Graduate schools regularly look for candidates who will bring a
unique aspect to their university. Students who have studied abroad have shown that they
have the curiosity and educational acumen to be a leader in graduate school.
Life Experience: Why study abroad? For most students, this time may be the only
opportunity they ever get to travel abroad for a long period of time. Eventually you will find
a job and career, and the opportunity to study abroad may turn out to be a once in a life
time opportunity. Take this opportunity to travel the world with no commitments but to
study and learn about new cultures. Studying abroad is an experience unlike any other


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