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Bài tập

Bài 1: Choose the correct answer

1. At the end of the fall (comes/come) the hard tests.

2. The hard tests (comes/come) at the end of the fall.
3. Both of my roommates (has/have) decided to live in the dorms.
4. Both of the dogs (has/have) collars.
5. Each of the students (is/are) responsible for doing his or her work.
6. Either my mother or my brothers (is/are) going to sell the car.
7. Neither my sisters nor my father (is/are) going to sell the house.
8. Either the boy or the girls (walk/walks) into the room.
9. Either the girls or the boy (walk/walks) into the room.
10. Everyone (has/have) done his or her homework.
11. Mary and John usually (plays/play) together.
12. Neither the dogs nor the cat (is/are) very hungry.
13. The samples on the tray in the lab (need/needs) testing.
14. The slaughter of animals for their fur (has/have) caused controversy.
15. The student, as well as his teacher, (was/were) going on the field trip.
Bài 2: Find and correct the error in these sentences

1. Batik cloth from Bali, blue and white ceramics from Cambodia, and a bocce ball
from Turin has have made Hannah’s room the talk of the dorm.
2. Leah is the only one of the many applicants who has the ability to step into this job.
3. Measles are is a contagious childhood disease.
4. Neither the explorer nor his companions was were ever seen again.
5. Not until my interview with Dr Smith was were other possibilities opened to me.
6. One of the main reasons for elephant poaching are is the profits received from
selling ivory tusks.
7. The board of directors, ignoring the wishes of the neighbourhood, have has voted to
allow further development.
8. The presence of certain bacteria in our bodies are is one of the factors that
determines our overall health.
Bài 3: Fill in the blank with the correct form of the word

1. Anyone who (want) _wants_____ to try out (need) __needs____ to make an

2. Each of the barrels (be) ___is___ full. Each one (need) _needs_____ to be inspected.
They (be) ______ from Italy.
3. Every one of the shoes (seem) __seems____ to need a shine. Neither of us (be)
___are___ ready to do it though.
4. There (have) have______ to be better bargains somewhere in town.
5. Here (come) __come____ the meanest kids on the block. Why do they act so badly?
6. Jason, Timothy, Sandra, and I (be) are______ responsible for closing the store on
the weekend.
7. Neither Jan nor I (be) ___am___ able to attend the meeting last Monday. We were
sorry we had to miss it.
8. None of the tests (be) __are____ graded, but all of the homework (be) __is____
9. One of those sentences doesn’t make sense to me, but my classmates (be not)
___aren’t___ confused by it.
10. The doctor and her husband (take) __take____ a trip to Mexico each year.
11. The nurse or the secretary (come) _comes_____ in on Saturday. Much work (need)
____needs__ to be done.
12. The stories in this book don’t interest me, but my wife and son (enjoy)
13. There (be) __are____ two tornadoes near here this year. They (frighten)
__frighten____ me.
14. They (be) _are_____ neighbours and (play) ___play___ in the same band.
15. This class, together with math and biology, (keep) __keeps____ me extremely busy.
16. Tim and Jim (be) __are____ friends for a long time.
Bài 4: Choose the correct form of the verb that agrees with the subject
1. (Is, Are) the news on at five or six?
2. (Is, Are) the tweezers in this drawer?
3. Nine dollars (is, are) the price of a movie nowadays.
4. Either answer (is, are) acceptable.
5. Either my mother or my father (is, are) coming to the meeting.
6. Either my shoes or your coat (is, are) always on the floor.
7. Every one of those books (is, are) fiction.
8. George and Fred (doesn’t, don’t) want to see that movie.
9. He (doesn’t, don’t) know the answer.
10. Mathematics (is, are) Anna’s favorite subject, while English (is, are) my favorite
11. Nobody (know, knows) the trouble I’ve seen.
12. One of my sisters (is, are) going on a trip to China.
13. Emily and her brothers (is, are) at school.
14. The committee (debates, debate) these questions carefully.
15. The dog or the cats (is, are) outside.
16. The man with all the birds (live, lives) on my street.
17. The movie, including the credit, (take, takes) about one hour and a half to watch.
18. The players, as well as the captain of the team, (want, wants) to win.
19. There (was, were) ten candies in that bag. Now there (is, are) only one left!
20. Your shirt (is, are) at the cleaner’s.

Bài tập:
Question 1: When I him tomorrow, i will ask him
A. see
B. will see
C. saw
Question 2: Yesterday, after he breakfast, he got ready to go to work
A. had
B. had had
C. have
Question 3: As soon as the taxi , we were able to leave the airport.
A. had arrived
B. arrive
C. arrived
Question 4: I am going to wait right here until Jessica .
A. came
B. comes
C. will come
Question 5: They tried to find the monkey lives.
A. where
B. in which
C. when
Question 6: she is late for the lesson, she gets bad mark for the essay.
A. So that
B. Because
C. Although
Question 7: the shop keeper didn’t pay attention to the shop, two thieves stole
some clothes.
A. Where
B. Since
C. As if
Question 8: she got uplate, she missed the train.
A. Whenever
B. So that
C. Seeing that
Question 9: The man died he got a serious disease.
A. as
B. although
C. where
Question 10: They stared at me I were a very strange person.
A. so that
B. as if
C. although
Question 11: He screamed he saw a ghost.
A. whenever
B. as if
C. because
Question 12: The librarian arranges the books according to their content people can
find them easily.
A. so that
B. since
C. when
Question 13: Many people gathered in front of the building they could see the
President clearly.
A. as if
B. where
C. in order that
Question 14: Tom hasn’t seen his best friend he moved to this city.
A. so that
B. since
C. because
Question 15: She signed the contract she found some points that she was still
A. although
B. because
C. as if
Question 16: The company makes very big profit, the workers still have low
A. so that
B. because
C. but
Question 17: Her company was bankrupt
economic crisis.
A. Because of
B. so that
C. although
Question 18: It was raining they were discussing about the solution to the
problem of air pollution.
A. before
B. while
C. still
Question 19: the exercises are very hard, they still do well.
A. Because
B. Even though
C. So that
Question 20: I want to see him he comes back.
A. but
B. as if
C. as soon as


Question 1: He often lets other people ahead.

A. move
B. to move
C. moving
Question 2: Would you mind me lunch?
A. buy
B. to buy
C. buying
Question 3: I prefer to walking.
A. drive
B. to drive
C. driving
Question 4: on this beach is very pleasant.
A. Lie
B. To lie
C. Lying
Question 5: I tried it to him, but he didn’t understand.
A. explain
B. to explain
C. explaining
Question 6: After the conditions I left.
A. hear
B. to hear
C. hearing
Question 7: I suggested out in the rain.
A. not go
B. not to go
C. not going
Question 8: I decided for the competition.
A. enter
B. to enter
C. entering
Question 9: Some people seem very kind.
A. be
B. to be
C. being
Question 10: I have a passion for to the newspapers.
A. write
B. to write
C. writing
Question 11: By enormous wages she persuaded him to work for her.
A. offer
B. to offer
C. offering
Question 12: Try your past.
A. forget
B. to forget
C. forgetting
Question 13: There’s no point in such dangerous things.
A. do
B. to do
C. doing

Question 14: He postponed to the cinema.

A. go
B. to go
C. going
Question 15: It is usually easier English in English-speaking countries.
A. learn
B. to learn
C. learning
Question 16: It is not worth about.
A. worry
B. to worry
C. worrying
Question 17: Did you remember him the key?
A. give
B. to give
C. giving
Question 18: I didn’t dare my mother because she felt very sick.
A. leave
B. to leave
C. leaving
Question 19: I know my hair needs .
A. wash
B. to wash
C. washing
Question 20: He keeps me such stupid questions.
A. ask
B. to ask
C. asking
Bài 1: Chia động từ trong ngoặc cho đúng.
1.He agreed _____ (buy) a new car.
A. to buy
B. buy
C. buying
2. I can’t imagine Peter _____ (go) by bike.
A. to go
B. go
C. going
3. The question is easy _____ (answer).
A. to answer
B. answer
C. answering
4. The man asked me how _____ (get) to the airport.
A. to get
B. get
C. geting
5. I look forward to _____ (see) you at the weekend.
A. see
B. seeing
C. to see
6. The boys like ( play) games but hate ( do) lessons.
A. to play - to do
B. play - do
C. playing - doing
7. Would you like ( go) now or shall we wait till the end?
A. going
B. to go
C. go
8. We used ( dream) of a television set when we (be) small.
A. dream - are
B. to dream - were
C. to dream - are
9. Would you mind ( show ) me how ( send) an email?
A. showing - to send
B. showing - sending
C. to show - to send
D. to show - sending

Bài tập
1. Sally and her family love (go) going to the park in the summer.

2. Her mum likes (lie) lying on the blanket and loves (read)reading her favourite magazines.

3. Anna’s family (like)-likes- the park because they love--being- (be) outdoors.
4. I enjoy (collect)-collecting dolls and it becomes my pleasure.

5. We love (watch)---watching--- new films, and we –are going---(go) to watch a new

Hollywood film next weekend.

6. My brother hates------doing----- (do) the same things day after day.

7. Would you mind ____watching_________ (watch) my bag for a few minutes?

8. I enjoy ___listening__________ (listen) to music while I’m doing the cooking.

9. He wants ____to buy_ (buy) a new computer game.

10. I’d like ______to speak_______ (speak) to Mr Davis, please. Is he there?

11. Please avoid ____making_________ (make) silly mistakes in this exercise.

12. The children would love ______eating_______ (eat) French fries.

13. She really loves ___working_______ (work) with children.

14. We tried ______to call_____ (call) you but your mobile was off.

15. They intend ____to build________ (build) houses on the school playing fields.

Bài tập. Give the correct form of the word in bracket.

1. I’m very interested in ____learning______________ Japanese. (learn)

2. My pen friend is coming next Sunday. I’m really looking forward ___to

meeting_______________ him. (meet)

3. Don’t you mind __________being________ away from your family for such a long time? (be)

4. The daughter promised ____to be______________ back by ten. (be)

5. I wanted to go alone but Joe insisted on ______coming____________ with me. (come)

6. Tom offered ______to bring____________ me home. (bring)

7. Why not ______spend____________ a weekend in Da Lat? (spend)

8. I’m sorry I can’t come to your birthday party but thank you for invting__________________

me. (invite)

9. Our neighbors apologized for ___making_______________ such noise. (make) 10. Vietnam is

always worth ______traveling____________ to. (travel)

Bài tập: Trắc nghiệm

Question 1: If you my bike, I you with the Maths homework.
A. repair/ will help
B. repairs/ will help
C. will repair/ help
Question 2: We John if we’d known about his problems.
A. will help
B. helped
C. would have helped
Question 3: Would you go out more often if you so much in the house?
A. don’t have to do
B. didn’t have to do
C. hadn’t had to do
Question 4: If I a $100 bill on the street, I would keep it.
A. had found
B. find
C. found
Question 5: If they new batteries, their camera would have worked
A. use
B. had used
C. used
Question 6: It’s good that Ann reminded me about Tom’s birthday. I if she
hadn’t reminded me.
A. would have forgotten
B. will forget
C. forget
Question 7: I’m sure she if you explained the situation to her.
A. would have understood
B. will understand
C. would understand
Question 8: Many people would be out of work if that company down.
A. close
B. closed
C. closes
Question 9: If she sold her car, she much money for it.
A. would not get
B. will not get
C. don’t get
Question 10: Would George be angry if I his bicycle without asking?
A. took
B. take
C. had taken
Question 11: If you a minute, I’ll come with you.
A. had waited
B. waited
C. wait
Question 12: Do you think there would be less conflict in the world if all people
the same language?
A. spoke
B. speak
C. had spoken
D. will speak
Question 13: If I you, I do that.
A. am/ will
B. were/ would
C. were/ will
D. had been/ would
Question 14: If I go shopping, I some food.
A. buy
B. would have bought
C. would buy
D. will buy
Question 15: Unless you all of my questions, I can’t do anything to help you.
A. answer
B. answered
C. are answering
D. would answer
Question 16: Had you told me that this was going to happen, I it.
A. hadn’t believe
B. don’t believe
C. would have never believed
D. can believe
Question 17: you study harder, you won’t pass the final exam.
A. if not
B. unless
C. without
D. if
Question 18: If she had gone abroad, she would have let you know.
A. Had gone she abroad, she would have let you know.
B. Had she gone abroad, she would have let you know.
C. Because she had gone abroad, she would have let you know.
D. While she had gone abroad, she would have let you know.
Question 19: I shouldn’t go there at night, if I you.
A. be
B. am
C. was
D. were
Question 20: If I lived nearer the centre, I wouldn’t be always late.
A. Was I to live nearer the centre, I wouldn’t be always late.
B. Were I to live nearer the centre, I wouldn’t be always late.
C. Because I lived nearer the centre, I wouldn’t be always late

Bài tập. Hoàn thành câu với từ cho sẵn (chú ý chia động từ)
1. If/ you/ mix/ red/ blue/ get / purple.

If you mix red and blue, it gets purple

2. If/ Arsenal/ win/ they/ be/ top/ the league.

If Arsenal wins, they will be on top the league

3. It /rain/ we / cancel / the match.
If it rains, we will cancel the match

4. You / take / first bus/ you/will/ get /there on time.

If you take the first bus, you will get there on time
5. You / need more helpers/ I /can try / get some time off work.
If you need more helpers, I can try to get some time off work

6. Mary might / deliver your parcel / you /ask /her.

Mary might deliver your parcel if you asked her

7. I / were / 20/ I would/ travel/ world

If I were 20 I would travel the world

8. Jim / lent / us / car / we / could / go / party.
If Jim lent us a car, we could go to the party

9. We / would / save £3.50 a day / we didn’t / eat any lunch.

We would saved £3.50 a day if we didn’t eat any lunch

10. Burglars/ broke/ into my house/ they / find any money.
If Burglars broke into my house, they would not find any money
Bài tập: Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc:

1. If I see him, I __will give___ (give) him a gift.

2. If I had a typewriter, I _would type____ (type) it myself.

3. If I had known that you were in hospital, I ___would have visited__ (visit) you.

4. You could make better progress if you __attended___ (attend) class regularly.
5. If I __ known___ (know) his telephone number, I’d give it to you.

6. If you ___had arrived__ (arrive) ten minutes earlier, you would have got a seat.

7. If he worked more slowly, he __wouldn’t make___ (not make) so many mistakes.

8. I shouldn’t drink that wine if I __were___ (be) you.

9. If I __find___ (find) a cheap room, I will stay a fortnight.

10. A lot of people __would be___ (be) out of work if the factory closed down.

11. I (have) ……had had…….. plenty of money now if I (not/spend) wouldn’t have
spent………… so much yesterday.

12If someone (give) …give………….you a boat, what will you (do) … do………… ?

13. If CTRL + S, you...will save........(save) the file.

14. The children...will be........(be) happy if he.....teaches......(teach) them English.

15. If she.....buys......(buy) a new hard disk, she...will not lose........(not/ lose) all data.

Bài tập chuyển sang câu điều kiện.

1. Keep silent or you’ll wake the baby up.

→ If you don't keep silent, you will wake the baby up.

2. Stop talking or you won’t understand the lesson.

→ If…you don’t stop talking you will not understand the lesson…………………………….....

3. I don’t know her number, so I don’t ring her up.

→If…I know her number, I will ring her up………………………………….....….……..

4. I don’t know the answer, so I can’t tell you.

→ If ……I know the answer, I can tell you……………………………………….………..

5. We got lost because we didn’t have a map.

→ If …we hadn’t had a map, we would have lost………………………………….……..…….


6. Susan felt sick because she ate four cream cakes.

→…if Susan had eaten 4 cream cakes, she would have felt

Câu so sánh
I. So sánh bằng.
So sánh bằng chỉ ra 2 thực thể chính xác giống nhau (bằng nhau hoặc như nhau) và
ngược lại nếu cấu trúc so sánh ở dạng phủ định.
1. Cấu trúc
S + verb + as + adj/ adv + as noun/ pronoun/ S + V
1.1. Nếu là cấu trúc phủ định, “as” thứ nhất có thể thay bằng “so“.
- He is not so tall as his father.
1.2. Ta cần phải nhớ rằng đại từ sau “as” luôn ở dạng đại từ tân ngữ.
- Peter is as tall as me. You are as old as her.
1.3. Một số thí dụ về so sánh bằng.
- My book is as interesting as yours.
Tính từ
- His car runs as fast as a race car.
Trạng từ
1.4. Danh từ cũng có thể dùng để so sánh cho cấu trúc này nhưng trước khi so sánh phải
xác định chắc chắn rằng danh từ đó có những tính từ tương đương như trong bảng sau:
Tính từ Danh từ
heavy, light weight
wide, narrow width
deep, shallow depth
long, short length
big, small size
Cấu trúc dùng cho loại này sẽ là “the same … as“.
Subject+ verb + the same + (noun) + as noun/ pronoun
Ví dụ:
- My house is as high as his.
= My house is the same height as his.
Lưu ý:
 Do tính chất phức tạp của loại công thức này nên việc sử dụng bó hẹp vào trong
bảng trên.
 The same as >< different from:
- My nationality is different from hers.
 Trong tiếng Anh của người Mỹ có thể dùng “different than” nếu sau đó là cả một
câu hoàn chỉnh (trường hợp này không phổ biến).
- His appearance is different from what I have expected.
= His appearance is different than I have expected.
 “From” có thể thay thế bằng to.
- These trees are the same as those.
- He speaks the same language as her.
- Their teacher is different from ours.
II. So sánh hơn, kém
1. Trong loại so sánh này, người ta phân ra làm 2 loại phó từ, tính từ ngắn và phó từ, tính từ
- Đối với các phó từ và tính từ ngắn, ta chỉ cần cộng thêm đuôi ER vào tận cùng.
- Đối với những tính từ ngắn có 1 nguyên âm kẹp giữa 2 phụ âm, ta phải gấp đôi phụ
âm cuối để không phải thay đổi cách đọc.
Chú ý:
 Tính từ/trạng từ ngắn là những tính từ/trạng từ
- chỉ có một âm tiết: nice, great, cool, hot, short, poor, warm, clean, hard…
- có 2 âm tiết và có tận cùng là:
+ -er: clever + -ow: narrow
+ -le: gentle + -y: happy
 Tính từ/trạng từ dài là những tính từ/trạng từ có từ hai âm tiết trở lên(ngoài những
tính từ 2 âm tiết có đặc điểm như trên): tired, nervous, crowded, anxious, wonderful,
exquisite, exorbitant
2. Nguyên tắc
2.1. Những tính từ có tận cùng bằng bán nguyên âm phải đổi thành ier (y – ier)
- happy – happier
- friendly – friendlier
Ngoại lệ: strong – stronger.
2.2. Đối với tất cả các phó từ và tính từ dài dùng MORE (nếu hơn) và dùng LESS
(nếu kém).
- more beautiful, more important, more believable.
+ adj/ adv(ngắn) + er

S+ V + more + adj/ adv(dài) + than + noun/ pronoun/ S + V

+ less + adj dài

Ngắn er, more dài+ than

Ví dụ:
Điểm số của John cao hơn so với của em gái anh ấy.
Jonh's score is higher than his sister’s
Hôm nay nóng hơn hôm qua.
today is hotter than yesterday
Cái ghế này thoải mái hơn cái khác.
this chair is more comfortable than others
Anh ấy nói tiếng Tây Ban Nha trôi chảy hơn tôi.
he speaks spanish more fluently than me/ I do
Anh ấy thăm gia đình ít thường xuyên hơn cô ấy.
he visits the family less frequently than her/she does
Triển lãm của năm nay không ấn tượng bằng của năm ngoái.exhibition
this exhibition of year isn't more interesting than last year’s
2.3. Để nhấn mạnh cho tính từ và phó từ so sánh người ta dùng far, even, much, still, a lot
trước hình thức so sánh
far Noun/
Subject + verb + Adj + er + than
much (ngắn)

Subject + verb +far/ much+ more/ less+ Adj/ Adv (dài) + than+ Noun/ pronoun
Ví dụ:
- Harry’s watch is far more expensive than mine.
- That movie we saw last night was much less interesting than the one on television.
- A watermelon is even sweeter than a lemon.
- She dances much more artistically than her predecessor.
- He speaks English much more rapidly than he does Spanish.
- His car is far better than yours.
2.4. Danh từ cũng có thể được dùng để so sánh trong các cấu trúc bằng hoặc hơn, kém.
 Trong cấu trúc so sánh bằng chỉ cần xác định xem danh từ đó là đếm được hay
không đếm được vì trước chúng có một số định ngữ dùng với 2 loại danh từ đó.
 Trong cấu trúc so sánh hơn kém cũng cần phải xác định xem danh từ đó là đếm
được hay không đếm được vì đằng trước chúng có dùng fewer (cho đếm được), less (không
đếm được) và more dùng chung cho cả 2 (công thức dưới đây). Do cấu trúc này không
phức tạp nên được dùng rộng rãi hơn so với cấu trúc so sánh bằng.

S + V + as + many/ much/ little/ few + noun + as + noun/ pronoun

Subject + verb+ more/ fewer/ less + noun + than + noun/ pronoun
Ví dụ:
Tôi có nhiều sách hơn cô ấy.
i have more books than her
Tháng Hai có ít ngày hơn tháng Ba
February has fewer days than march
Anh ấy kiếm được nhiều tiền bằng anh trai của anh ấy. earn
he earns as much money as his brother
Họ có ít lớp học như chúng tôi.
they have as few classes as we do
Công việc của họ cho phép họ ít sự tự do hơn công việc của chúng tôi.
their works have less freedom than ours

III. Các dạng so sánh đặc biệt

Bảng dưới đây là một số dạng so sánh đặc biệt của tính từ và phó từ. Trong đó lưu ý
rằng “farther” dùng cho khoảng cách, “further” dùng cho thông tin và những vấn đề trừu
tượng khác.

Tính từ và phó từ So sánh hơn kém So sánh nhất

farther the farthest
further the furthest
little less the least
more the most
better the best
worse the worst
Ví dụ:
Hôm nay tôi cảm thấy tốt hơn nhiều so với tuần trước.
today i feel better than last week
Trường đại học xa hơn so với trung tâm thương mại.
the university is farther than the shopping mall
Anh ấy có ít thời gian hơn bây giờ so với trước đây.
he has less time than before
Marjorie có nhiều sách hơn Sue.
marjorie has more books than sue
Lưu ý: further = more.

IV. So sánh bội số

Là loại so sánh gấp rưỡi, gấp đôi, gấp 3. Nên nhớ rằng trong cấu trúc này không được
dùng so sánh hơn kém mà phải dùng so sánh bằng.
Subject + verb + bội số + as + noun + as +
Ví dụ:
- This encyclopedia costs twice as much as the other one.
- At the clambake last week, Fred ate three times as many oysters as Barney.
- Jerome has half as many records now as I had last year.
Lưu ý:
 Khi dùng so sánh loại này phải xác định rõ danh từ đó là đếm được hay không đếm
được vì đằng trước chúng có “much” và “many”.
 Các cấu trúc: twice that much/ many (gấp đôi số đó) chỉ được dùng trong văn nói,
tuyệt đối không được dùng trong văn viết.
- We had expected eighty people at the rally, but twice that many showed up. (Văn nói)
- We had expected eighty people at the rally, but twice as many as that number
showed up. (Văn viết)
V. So sánh kép (càng ….thì càng)
Những câu này bắt đầu bằng một cấu trúc so sánh hơn, và do đó mệnh đề thứ 2 cũng phải
bắt đầu bằng một cấu trúc so sánh hơn.

The + comparative + subject + verb + the comparative + subject + verb

Ví dụ:
- The hotter it is, the more miserable I feel.
- The higher we flew, the worse Edna felt.
- The bigger they are, the harder they fall.
- The sooner you take your medicine, the better you will feel.
- The sooner you leave, the earlier you will arrive at your destination.
The more + subject +verb + the + comparative + subject + verb
Ví dụ:
- The more you study, the smarter you will become.
- The more he rowed the boat, the farther away he got.
- The more he slept, the more irritable he became.
VI. So Sánh hơn nhất.
Ở cấp độ so sánh hơn nhất, 3 thực thể trở lên được so sánh với nhau, một trong
chúng trội hơn hoặc kém hơn so với các thực thể còn lại.
the + Adj/Adv (ngắn) + -est

Subject + verb + the most + Adj/Adv (dài) (+ Noun)

the least + Adj/Adv dài

Ngắn er, more dài+ than- the ngắn est, most dài
Ví dụ:
John là chàng trai cao nhất trong gia đình.
john is the tallest boy in the family
Deana là chị gái thấp nhất trong ba người chị
deana is the shortest of 3 sisters
Những đôi giày này là đôi rẻ nhất trong tất cả.
these shoes are cheapest in the all
Trong ba chiếc áo sơ mi, chiếc này là cái đẹp nhất. shirt
this shirt is the most beautiful of 3 shirts
Lưu ý:
 Sau thành ngữ “one of the + superlative”, danh từ phải để ở dạng số nhiều và động
từ chia ở ngôi số ít.
- One of the greatest tennis players in the world is Bjon Borg.
- Kuwait is one of the biggest oil producers in the world.
 Các phó từ không được đi kèm bởi “-er” hoặc “-est”. Mà thay vì đó, khi được dùng
trong câu so sánh chúng đi cùng “more” hoặc “less” đối với cấp so sánh hơn, và với “most”
hoặc “least” để thành lập nên dạng so sánh hơn nhất.
Dạng nguyên So sánh hơn So sánh hơn nhất
more carefully the most carefully
less carefully the least carefully
more cautiously the most cautiously
less cautiously the least cautiously
Ví dụ:
Sal lái cẩn thận hơn Bob.
Sal drives more carefully than bob
Đứa trẻ đó cư xử một cách bất cẩn nhất trong tất cả.
the child behaves the most carelessly in all

Bài tập
Question 1: bad - - the worst
A. badder
B. worse
C. bader
Question 2: little - less - .
A. the littlest
B. the most little
C. the least
Question 3: - more - the most.
A. Many
B. Both A and C
C. Much
Question 4: expensive - more expensive - expensive.
A. the
B. the most
C. most
Question 5: There was a storm yesterday. Today, the weather’s .
A. more than beautiful
B. the most
C. more beautiful
Question 6: Which one of the three books do you think is ?
A. most
B. more
C. the most
Question 7: She cannot sing but she can play the piano beautifully.
A. good
B. best
C. goodly
D. well
Question 8: Our friends are more than us.
A. difficult
B. intelligent
C. easy
D. tall
Question 9: Diana was much taller Charles.
A. like
B. as
C. than
D. to
Question 10: This exercise is not difficult. It’s I expected.
A. easier than
B. more easier
C. most easiest
Question 11: He has as money as me.
A. much
B. many
C. less
D. more
Question 12: He works as days as his brother.
A. few
B. many
C. much
D. both B and A
Question 13: I study much, I know lots of. -> .
A. The more I study much, the more I know lots of.
B. The more I study, the more I know.
Question 14: He is very good at . He can do sums more quickly than the other
pupils in his class.
A. English
B. Literature
C. Maths
D. Geography
Question 15: He drinks much water, he becomes thirsty. -> .
A. The more water he drinks, the thirstier he becomes.
B. The more he drinks water, the more he becomes thirsty.
Question 16: My English this term is than that of last year.
A. gooder
B. better
C. good
D. best
Question 17: He feels than last year because his study results are .
A. happy/ good
B. happier/ gooder
C. more happy/ more good
D. happier/ better
Question 18: Nam can speak Chinese than Minh.
A. fluent
B. more fluent
C. more fluently
D. fluently
Question 19: The country is than the city.
A. quieter
B. more quiet
C. more quietly
D. quietlier
Question 20: The blue shirt is as as the red one.
A. more long
B. long
C. longer
D. longest

Mount Everest is (high) _______the highest___________ mountain in the world.

This is (interesting) _____the most interesting_____________ book I've ever read.
She is (beautiful) ______the most beautifull____________ girl in the class.
The cheetah is (fast) _______the fastest___________ land animal on Earth.
This is (delicious) _____the most delicious_____________ cake I've ever tasted.
The Sahara Desert is (hot) ________the hottest__________ place on Earth.
He is (tall) _____the tallest_____________ person in our family.
The elephant is (heavy) __the heaviest________________ land animal.
The new skyscraper is (tall) ______the tallest____________ building in the city.
It was (bad) _______the worst___________ day of my life.
The Burj Khalifa in Dubai is (tall) ______the tallest____________ building in the world.
She is (smart) _____the smartest_____________ student in the class.

Bài tập so sánh bằng

Sử dụng cấu trúc so sánh bằng để hoàn thành các câu dưới đây:

1. John/ tall / Peter. John is taller than Peter

2. This cake / delicious / that cake. This cake is more delicious than that cake
3. I / hardworking / my sister. I am more hardworking than my sister
4. His drawing / good / her drawing. His drawing is better than her drawing
5. The red car / expensive / the blue car. The red car is more expensive than the blue car
6. She / speak / him. She speaks more than him
7. My dog / friendly / your dog. My dog is more friendly than your dog
8. The movie / interesting / the book. The movie is more interesting than the book
9. I / enjoy / it / my friend. I enjoy it more than my friend
10. The blue bag / big / the green bag. The blue bad is bigger than the green bag

Mệnh đề quan hệ
Mệnh đề là một phần của câu. Mệnh đề quan hệ (hay Mệnh đề tính ngữ) cho chúng
biết người hay vật nào mà ta muốn ám chỉ. Mệnh đề quan hệ có thể được thành lập bằng
cách dùng đại từ quan hệ, trạng từ quan hệ, giới từ….
I. Định nghĩa mệnh đề quan hệ:
Mệnh đề quan hệ dùng để giải thích rõ hơn về danh từ đứng trước nó.
- The woman who is wearing the T-shirt is my girlfriend.
(Trong câu này phần được viết chữ nghiêng được gọi là một relative clause, nó đứng
sau “the woman” và dùng để xác định danh từ đó. Nếu bỏ mệnh đề này ra chúng ta vẫn có
một câu hoàn chỉnh: The woman is my girlfriend.)
II. Đại từ quan hệ và trạng từ quan hệ:
A. Relative Pronouns (Đại từ quan hệ)

Đại từ
Cách sử dụng Ví dụ
quan hệ
who Làm chủ ngữ hoặc tân ngữ, đại diện ngôi I told you about the woman
người who lives next door.
which - Làm chủ ngữ hoặc tân ngữ, đại diện ngôi - Do you see the cat which is
đồ vật, động vật lying on the roof?
- Bổ sung cho cả câu đứng trước nó - He couldn’t read which
surprised me.
of which Chỉ sở hữu cho vật
whose Chỉ sở hữu cho người và vật Do you know the boy whose
mother is a nurse?
whom Đại diện cho tân ngữ chỉ người I was invited by the
professor whom I met at the
Đại diện cho chủ ngữ chỉ người hoặc vật,
I don’t like the table that
hay cả người lẫn vật, đặc biệt trong mệnh đề
that stands in the kitchen.
quan hệ xác định (who, which vẫn có thê sử
dụng được)
B.Relative adverb (Trạng từ quan hệ)
Trạng từ quan hệ có thể được sử dụng thay cho một đại từ quan hệ và giới từ. Cách
làm này sẽ làm cho câu dễ hiểu hơn.
- This is the shop in which I bought my bike.
→ This is the shop where I bought my bike.
Trạng từ quan hệ Nghĩa Cách sử dụng Ví dụ
when Đại diện cho thời gian the day when we met him
where Đại diện cho nơi chốn the place where we met him
why for which Đại diện cho lí do the reason why we met him
III. Phân loại mệnh đề quan hệ:
1. MĐQH xác định: là thành phần cơ bản trong câu, không thể thiếu, không thể bỏ đi được.
- The book is interesting. The book is on the table
–> The book which is on the table is interesting.
2. MĐQH không xác định: là mệnh đề cung cấp thêm thông tin, là thành phần không cơ
bản, có thể bỏ đi được.
- Nam’s book is interesting. It is on the table.
–> Nam’s book, which is on the table, is interesting.
3. Dấu hiệu nhận biết mệnh đề quan hệ không xác định:
 Dùng sau tên riêng
 Với các danh từ theo sau this, that, these, those
 Sau tính từ sở hữu

Bài tập 1:

Question 1: Jeffrey Richards spent a large amount of money starting a personal fossil
collection later became the foundation of our national geological museum.
A. what
B. which
C. who
D. when
Question 2: The company, suffered a big loss due to poor management,
made a successful comeback last year.
A. in which
B. in that
C. that
D. which
Question 3: After the speech, lasted for almost two hours, everyone
proceeded to the conference room for a meeting.
A. that
B. which
C. when
D. it
Question 4: The hall the conference about retirement policies
will be held is located in the office across from the shopping center.
A. in where
B. when
C. in which=where
D. which
Question 5: This is the house I lived when I first came to the US.
A. in where
B. where
C. which in
D. which
Question 6: The family was burnt in the fire was immediately
given a suite in a hotel.
A. whose house
B. that house
C. which house
D. the house of them
Question 7: My friend eventually decided to get divorced, upsets me
a lot.
A. why
B. which
C. who
D. that
Question 15: Recommend me a nice restaurant we can
have an Italian dinner.
A. where
B. which
C. in where
D. in that
Question 16: The book author is now being shown in the news has
become a bestseller.
A. that
B. whose
C. which
D. whom
Question 17: I could not remember the person about you told me, so I
could not talk to him.
A. whom
B. which
C. that
D. who
Question 18: New York is a place people of many different cultures
live and work together.
A. in that
B. which
C. in where
D. where
Question 19: Traveling on holiday, I love to do, can be very expensive.
A. where
B. that
C. which
D. when
Question 20: My favorite month is always February we celebrate
Valentine’s Day and Presidents’ Day.
A. where
B. when
C. why
D. which

Bài tập 2: Chọn đáp án đúng nhất để điền vào mỗi câu sau.

1. She is talking about the author ________book is one of the best-sellers this year.

A. which B. whose C. that D. who

2. He bought all the books ____ ______are needed for the next exam.

A. which B. what C. those D. who

3. The children, __________parents are famous teachers, are taught well.

A. that B. whom C. whose D. their

4. Do you know the boy ________we met at the party last week?

A. which B. whose C. who is D. whom

5. The exercises which we are doing ________very easy.

A. is B. has been C. are D. was

6. The man _______next to me kept talking during the film, _______really annoyed me.

A. having sat / that B. sitting / which

C. to sit / what D. sitting / who

7. Was Neil Armstrong the first person ________foot on the moon?

A. set B. setting C. to set D. who was set

8. This is the village in ________my family and I have lived for over 20 years.

A. which B. that C. whom D. where

9. My mother, ________everyone admires, is a famous teacher.

A. where B. whom C. which D. whose

10. The old building __________is in front of my house fell down.

A. of which B. which C. whose D. Whom

Bài tập 3: Mỗi câu sau chứa một lỗi sai. Tìm và sửa chúng.

1. She is the most beautiful girl whose who I have ever met.

2. She can’t speak English, whom which is a disadvantage.

3. The policeman must try to catch those people whom who drive dangerously.

4. The person about who whom I told you yesterday is coming here tomorrow.

5. Mother's Day is the day where when children show their love to their mother.

6. Do you know the reason when why we should learn English?

7. The woman who (she) told me the news was not a native citizen here.

8. New Year Day is the day where when my family members gather and enjoy it together.

Bài tập 4: Viết lại những câu sau có sử dụng mệnh đề quan hệ.

1. The house has been built in the forest. It doesn’t have electricity.

-> The house which not have electricity, has been built in the forest

Sửa: the house which doesn’t have electricity has been built in the forest
2. Do you know the man? He is coming towards us.

-> do you know the man who is coming towards us

3. I sent my parents some postcards. They were not so expensive.

-> i sent my parents some postcards which were not so expensive

4. I come from a city. The city is located by the sea.

-> i come from a city where is located by the sea “ chỉ về nơi chốn sau where là mệnh đề đầy đủ”

Sửa: i come from a city which is located by the sea

5. The soup was so delicious. I had it for lunch.

-> the soup which i had for lunch was so delicious

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