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Quantities of Data: Bits, Bytes and Yottebyte

Posted Date: 12-Dec-2012 Last Updated: 12-Dec-2012 Category: Education

Author: Varuna V Member Level: Gold Points: 25

This list of information is a collection of estimates of the quantities of data contained by the
various media. Bits,Bytes and Yottebyte are expanded and explained with approximation to
have a feel of the measurement.

Quantities of Data

Bits,Bytes and Yottebyte

This information is a collection of estimates of the quantities of data contained by the computer and
telecommunication media. Bits, Bytes and Yottebyte are expanded and explained to have a feel of the
measurement by some imaginative references.


1 bit: 1 bit: It is basic capacity of information in computing and communications. A bit can have only two
possible values either 1 or 0. It is also interpreted as binary digits. Transfers of data in telecommunications are
usually measured in bits per second (bit/s). Four bit binary code decimal representations were used by early
computers and Six bit binary codes for graphic design patterns. Computers work by manipulating bits in
groups of a fixed size, normally called as words. The bits in words vary depending upon computer model;
typically 8 to 80 bits sometimes even more in high end specialized machines. Personal or server computers
normally have a word size of 32 or 64 bits.

Bytes (8 Bits)

1 byte: It is a digital information unit in computing and telecommunications normally consisting of eight bits.
A byte is also called as a data type in certain programming languages like C, C++ and Java

A byte contains number of bits to denote a single character. This forms the basic addressable element in most
of the computer architectures. Byte size differs depending upon hardware. 8-bit size byte has become popular
in commercial computing architectures.

10 bytes: It is a multiple byte unit size of digital information which can denote a single word

100 bytes: It is multiple byte unit size of digital information which can denote a single sentence.

Kilobyte (1024 Bytes)

1 Kilobyte: It is multiple byte unit size of digital information which contains matter to the extent of a page of

10 Kilobytes: It is multiple byte unit size of digital information which contains matter to the extent of the size
of this web page.

100 Kilobytes: It is multiple byte unit size of digital information which contains matter to the extent of the size
of a compressed computer image OR a lengthy essay.

Megabyte {(abbreviated as MB) (1024 Kilobytes)}:

1 Megabyte: It is multiple byte unit size of digital information storage which contains matter to the extent of
the size of a small novel or contents of a 3.5 inch floppy disk.

2 Megabytes: It is multiple byte unit size of digital information storage which contains data matter to the
extent of the size a high resolution photograph.

5 Megabytes: It is multiple byte unit size of digital information storage which contains data matter to the
extent of the size of complete works of Shakespeare.

10 Megabytes: It is multiple byte unit size of digital information storage which contains data matter to the
extent of a minute of high-fidelity sound

100 Megabytes: It is multiple byte unit size of digital information storage which contains data matter to the
extent of 1 meter of shelved books

500 Megabytes: It is multiple byte unit size of digital information storage which contains data matter to the
extent of a CD-ROM

Gigabyte is 1000000000 bytes {(abbreviated as GB) (1024 Megabytes)}

1 Gigabyte: It is multiple byte unit size of digital information storage which contains data matter equivalent to
the extent of a symphony in high-fidelity sound OR a movie at TV quality.

2 Gigabytes: It is multiple byte unit size of digital information storage which contains data matter equivalent
to the extent of 20 meters of shelved books

10 Gigabytes: It is multiple byte unit size of digital information storage which contains data matter equivalent
to the extent of a good collection of the works of Beethoven

20 Gigabytes: It is multiple byte unit size of digital information storage which contains data matter equivalent
to the extent of a VHS tape used for digital data.

50 Gigabytes: It is multiple byte unit size of digital information storage which contains data matter equivalent
to the extent of a floor of books

100 Gigabytes: It is multiple byte unit size of digital information storage which contains data matter
equivalent to the extent of a floor of academic journals

Terabyte is 1000000000000 bytes {(abbreviated as TB) (1024 Gigabyte)}

1 Terabyte: It is multiple byte unit size of digital information storage which contains data matter equivalent to
the extent of 50000 trees made into paper and printed.

2 Terabytes: It is multiple byte unit size of digital information storage which contains data matter equivalent to
the extent of total data of an academic research library.

10 Terabytes: It is multiple byte unit size of digital information storage which contains data matter equivalent
to the extent of the printed collection of the US Library of Congress

100 Terabytes: It is multiple byte unit size of digital information storage which contains data matter equivalent
to the extent of the whole internet data

Petabyte (abbreviated as TB) (1024 Terabyte)

1 Petabyte: It is multiple byte unit size of digital information storage which contains data matter equivalent to
the extent of all 3 years of EOS data.

10 Petabytes: It is multiple byte unit size of digital information storage which contains data matter equivalent
to the matter of all US academic research libraries.

100 Petabytes: All printed material available

Exabyte (1024 Petabyte)

1 Exabytes: comparable to data of all words ever spoken by human beings.

Zettabyte (1024 Exabyte) – Not able to find a comparable reference

Yottabyte (1024 Zettabyte)

1 Yottabyte: All that there is

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