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Monitor Work Operations

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About this Student Logbook Completing your reflective reports
You are expected to complete a reflective report for each of the eight scenarios
This Student Logbook is where you will record evidence of the knowledge and described in the Student Assessment Tasks for this unit. A template has been
skills you have developed during your training for this unit. It also serves as a provided for each report. Each report follows a similar format – it begins with a
handy reference guide on what you need to do during your assessment and how series of questions and then asks you to reflect on your experiences. Try to think
you should go about doing it. about the highlights of each scenario when you are writing your reflection. You
might also find the following questions useful:

Student details section  What skills and techniques did I use?

Fill in the table below:  What policies and procedures did I follow?
 How did I ensure efficiency, safety and quality?
Student name:  How did I ensure that my team met quality standards?
 What did I learn during the service and how might I apply it in future?
Name of RTO:  What might I do differently next time?
At the end of each template, you will find a supervisor endorsement.
Pakenham institute___________________________________________________

Trainer/assessor name: Supervisor declaration

___________________________________________________________________ Your workplace supervisor’s feedback forms an important part of the assessment
process and it is essential you have your supervisor complete their section of
If this workbook is found, please contact me to return it using the details each of your reflective reports and fill in the supervisor declaration after the
below: summary section. Keep in mind that, if you are completing your assessment in
your RTO’s training kitchen, your trainer will be your workplace supervisor and
should endorse your journal. Without their endorsement, your Logbook will be
Contact: ____________________________________________________________ incomplete and it is likely to be returned to you for resubmission.

___________________________________________________________________ Logbook summary

There are a number of requirements you must fulfil within your assessment
process, so a Logbook Summary has been provided. Make sure you keep this
section up to date – it will help you keep track of any outstanding requirements.

© Pakenham Institute Pty Ltd |RTO No. 41536 l CRICOS Code: 03941H I Website: Unit 2, 66 – 68, Main Street Pakenham VIC 3810 Australia |
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What do I need to demonstrate? o providing colleagues with feedback and coaching to prioritise workload

During your assessment for this unit, you will be required to demonstrate a o providing feedback to management regarding staffing needs
range of the skills and knowledge that you have developed during your course.  monitoring and supporting team members by:
These include:
o monitoring team and individual performances
 monitoring and improving workplace operations by:
o sharing information, knowledge and experiences with team members
o monitoring the efficiency of your team
o challenging and testing ideas within the team
o monitoring your team’s service levels
o providing feedback, coaching and support
o monitoring the achievement of your organisation’s goals
o completing and submitting records
o monitoring the achievement of your organisation’s quality assurance
standards  solving problems and making decisions by:

o identifying quality problems and issues and making appropriate o identifying and analysing workplace problems (operational and
adjustments to procedures customer service)

o proactively consulting with colleagues about ways to improve o initiating short-term resolutions
efficiency and service levels o analysing problems for long-term impacts and potential solutions
o exploring potential for new technologies and other innovations in o encouraging team member participation in problem resolution
improving efficiency and service levels
o follow-up on effectiveness of solutions.
o providing feedback to colleagues and management
o identifying and evaluating current and emerging industry trends and
Tips for completing this logbook
practices and applying them to your own work situation
 Read through your logbook before you get started and make sure you
o improving sustainability of day-to-day operations
understand what you need to do. If you are unsure, speak to your assessor
 planning and organising workflow by: and/or workplace supervisor.
o assessing current workloads  Stay up to date! Complete a logbook entry at the end of each service period
and ask your supervisor to do the same. Providing organised, complete
o scheduling work to maximise efficiency and customer service
evidence forms part of your assessment.
o operating within budgetary constraints
 Stay in touch with your assessor. Ask questions, raise issues, check in,
o delegating work according to delegation principles communicate.
o assessing workflow and progress against agreed objectives Most importantly, ask for help if you are having trouble!

© Pakenham Institute Pty Ltd |RTO No. 41536 l CRICOS Code: 03941H I Website: Unit 2, 66 – 68, Main Street Pakenham VIC 3810 Australia |
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Logbook assessment summary
Use this list to keep track of your progress. Please note that you may identify more than one
scenario for a service session.

Student name: ________________________________________________________________________________

Student number: ______________________________________________________________________________

I have completed a reflective report for each of the following situations. Evidence has been provided.

Situation Date Reflective report Completed and

endorsed by

monitoring and improving

workplace operations



planning and organising


monitoring and supporting

team members

problem solving

contingency planning

performance management

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Reflective Report Templates
a. Monitoring and improving workplace operations

Look for a situation where you identified an efficiency gain or service level improvement. The example you report on should support the organisation to achieve its goals
or quality assurance initiatives. You will report on how you made adjustments to a procedure or system, how you consulted with colleagues and how the adjustments
that you made improved efficiency. You will also discuss how you supported the organisation’s goals and quality assurance initiatives. Was there potential for a new
technology or innovation? How did you consider input from colleagues and provide feedback?

 Describe the situation that you have chosen to report and reflect on.

ANS: The situation I decided to report is to make adjustments for improvement efficiency of operation at the workplace. The environment in which employees work
may have a major impact on their productivity. This is an area where businesses can have some influence. Your human resources software can help you figure out how
to organize and manage your employees more effectively, but to increase productivity; you must to communicate and help the lives of their people. Here are some
suggestions for an increase operational efficiency.

Create a clear goal and objectives: It is important to set defined goals, including standards and timelines if you want to achieve the best results and ensure efficiency.
Make sure set reasonable and reasonable goals for employees so they know exactly what to expect. Other circumstances may hinder efficiency, but if you plan ahead
and collaborate effectively, you can account for these occurrences and impacts to some extent. Employees should be able to manage their own time: Empower
employees to do so manage their own time if they meet deadlines and standards can boost morale and valued and trusted. In the vast majority of cases, this will lead to
increase efficiency.

Productivity should be measured: Employers can use a range of technologies and equipment needed to manipulate and monitor productivity, especially project
management programs track time and ensure work is completed on time. These technologies can help businesses to better understand how and when employee work
so that it can improve efficiency.

 Draw an organisational chart for your team and your organisation. Briefly describe your operational role and how it aligns with similar organisations within your
organisation’s industry sector.

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 EXCECUTIVE CHEF: Responsible for managing the entire kitchen and creating menu.

 KITCHEN MANAGER: Responsible to manage whole restaurant staff and all food.

 SOUS CHEF: Assists the executive chef in managing the kitchen and is responsible for the kitchen when the executive chef is not present.

 LINE COOKS: Responsible for preparing food and managing their assigned station.

 PREP COOKS: Responsible for preparing ingredients for the line cooks.

 DISHWASHERS: Responsible for cleaning dishes and kitchen equipment.

My operational role in the organization is Kitchen Manager. My job as a Kitchen is who I am in charge of organizing and managing the restaurant staff of the restaurant
in accordance with the food safety regulations. Recruitment, training and management of chefs, as well as product quality control it also includes the departure of
meals from the restaurant and the ordering of goods to start production my duties

© Pakenham Institute Pty Ltd |RTO No. 41536 l CRICOS Code: 03941H I Website: Unit 2, 66 – 68, Main Street Pakenham VIC 3810 Australia |
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 Describe the steps that you took to monitor the efficiency and service levels of your team. How did the operations of your team support the overall goals of your

ANS: The steps I used to track team effectiveness are: Survey to collected data:

Evaluation of security operations, employee feedback and consumer feedback can all be used business owners to gain useful information about how their company
delivers their product or service. Management, owners or a consultancy that provides an alternative view of the business may be in charge of site operations. Employee
surveys provide useful feedback on inefficiencies employees regularly face inventory issues. Customer reviews, either requested or obtained through online social
networks, provide business information about its buyer's experiences. Similarly, analysing information and finding patterns: Data should be examined for an often by
business owners to detect patterns and abnormalities. This is not a monthly site rating; companies may use other data to determine what is and is not work and looked
for trends in the data and analysed them: Business owners should evaluate the data for a regularly discover trends and insights. Although the monthly spot check may
not be possible that organizations can use other data to find out what is working or not working. Operation the team also supports the achievement of the overall goals
of the organization by providing its insights and knowledge.

 How did the operations of your team support the quality assurance initiatives of your organisation? For example, how did you ensure that your team operated in a
way that ensured that your organisation’s quality standards were achieved?

ANS: Team support is important in the market as it ensures that the items meet the specified suitability standards. They develop quality assurance procedures that are
appropriate or comparable quality control rules. It also seeks to improve the efficiency and profitability of the business waste reduction. Working in this high-quality
arrangement could be rewarding if I'm real, inquisitive and perfected. They have helped in the delivery of various initiatives such as: Process Improvement - The process
of classifying project quality measures and planning how to do it to achieve them. Performance Management - Deliberately setting a course for improvement outcome
resolution or security. Quality Control - Constant efforts to ensure that the process is fair and honest safe in providing a result and Product testing - routine or
recommended procedures required to provide sufficient security so that a particular service or product meets specified requirements.

 Describe the quality problems and issues that you identified. How did you work with your team to make adjustments to procedures and systems to ensure that the
problems and issues didn’t reoccur? How did you consult? What approvals did you seek for the changes? How did you challenge and test ideas within the team?

ANS: I found some problems at work. The main problem was food security problems. One of the most serious ethical challenges in the restaurant industry is food safety.
Since food is the heart of any restaurant, it should be handled with utmost care. Like restaurant owner, I faced various problems with food delivery, such as items
arriving late, requiring temperature-controlled transport or be infected, which may lead to further food safety problems such as sick customers or employees. But my

© Pakenham Institute Pty Ltd |RTO No. 41536 l CRICOS Code: 03941H I Website: Unit 2, 66 – 68, Main Street Pakenham VIC 3810 Australia |
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team worked really hard to fix it problem. For starters, we found a reputable food trucking company that offers. We took our time if you look at a few to find one that
isn't too expensive but also doesn't skimp on quality. Next, we have educated the company's employees about correct hygiene procedures and we make sure they are
followed. We have created certain rules that everyone who comes into contact with food must wash their hands, dress gloves, wear a hairnet, wear clean clothes and
use the right tools. Surfaces must be disinfected and tools and equipment must be cleaned and sterilized.

 How did you provide feedback to colleagues and management about changes to systems, procedures and planning?

ANS: It is very important to provide feedback to colleagues and the management team procedures and planning. There are several ways I have provided feedback to my
colleagues. I always keep your comments and feedback problem-focused and specific. Similarly, I discuss about the problem rather than the individual. It is very
important to treat each other with respect feedbacks. Likewise, I am direct but friendly with them and always give feedback as soon as I am rather than letting it wait a

 How did you evaluate current and emerging industry trends and practices to inform changes and improvements to efficiency and service?

ANS: I evaluated the current and emerging trends in the field according to:

 Using market research and trend reports to your advantages: Reading research papers or solution manuals is one of the easiest ways to improve my ability to
spot trends. Business leaders often conduct original research an compile their findings in one big report and I also took the time to read it beyond the actual
report to discover something useful and relevant to what's hot in the industry right now.

 Creating and maintaining a close circle of advisors: My informal group of advisors consists of a close circle of friends, classmates, and partners. They it can show
me all kinds of different Points of view make me notice things that weren't on my radar before, and predict what will happen when they work together. I'm sure
I can handle it same for all.

 I ask the right question and pay attention to my customers: I wasn't afraid to ask current customers what was on their minds and what they saw as future
wishes in their locations. We can learn a lot about general tendencies and begin to refine plans for future growth of our company and better customer service. I
am honoured to have dinner with him existing clients and learn more about their ambitions for the next five years and also what expect from us in the future

© Pakenham Institute Pty Ltd |RTO No. 41536 l CRICOS Code: 03941H I Website: Unit 2, 66 – 68, Main Street Pakenham VIC 3810 Australia |
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Reflection (What skills and techniques did I use? What policies and procedures did I follow? How did I ensure efficiency, safety and quality? How did I ensure that my
team met quality standards? What did I learn and how might I apply this in future? What might I do differently next time?)

ANS: There are certain skills and techniques that I have used in the workplace. Some of them are:

• Roles and responsibilities have been established: When there is a misunderstanding about roles responsibilities, it is impossible for people to work together
effectively. Worse, you might find in a situation where employees unfairly outsource work to others resulting in a grudge. Roles and responsibilities must be clearly
defined. To minimize misconceptions, every new employee should be directed to this document as part of their training.

• Outstanding efforts should be rewarded: Formal recognition of employee achievements is one of the best methods to foster camaraderie in the restaurant industry.
It's a great collaboration one of the best things to compliment the staff. If someone goes above and beyond their job description to improve the company as a whole,
make sure they know how they were doing appreciated Be sure to recognize employees who go above and beyond to help others colleagues in need even if it is not a
part of their daily duties.

Supervisor Endorsement

Supervisor name: Position: Signed:

© Pakenham Institute Pty Ltd |RTO No. 41536 l CRICOS Code: 03941H I Website: Unit 2, 66 – 68, Main Street Pakenham VIC 3810 Australia |
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b. Innovation

Look for a situation where you evaluated a current or emerging industry trend or practice and applied it to your own practice. You will report on how the innovation
benefitted you, your organisation and/or your team.

 Describe the situation or innovation that you have chosen to report and reflect on.

ANS: The innovation I chose in my restaurant is briefly described below:

Consumer preferences for healthier food: Customers prefer to eat at home and when eating out, they want to eat healthier, less processed foods. Restaurants use
tempting prices and marketing methods to try to change consumption patterns.

Technological advances: Restaurants are using new technologies for ordering, payment and loyalty programs that provide customers with convenient and intuitive
applications. Analysts predict that glass will be used in innovative ways, for example by people wearing glasses. Face recognition technology allows servers to quickly
find patrons in busy bars. It will also be easy to use data from Apple Pay and other electronic wallet systems.

Environmental sustainability: The restaurant focuses on reducing food waste control rising costs and "go green". Growing environmental awareness, especially among
youth, forces restaurants to adopt environmentally sustainable practices

 Describe the trend or practice and how you applied it to your own practice.

ANS: A trend that I have applied in my own practice is the sustainability of restaurants. Restaurant sustainability is considered how restaurants reduce their impact on
the environment by addressing issues such as sustainable agriculture, environmental impact, chain management reduction, food waste, shipping, energy and water
consumption, recycling and much more. Restaurant sustainability does not only mean participate in environmental activities, but also allow customers to participate in
these beneficial one’s activities. People these days choose where to eat depending on the beliefs of society. He gets that the most of their money and makes them feel
like they are making a huge difference.

 Describe how the innovation benefitted you, your organisation and/or your team.

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ANS: Restaurant sustainability innovation has benefited both my organization and my team. Some of the advantages are: Expansion of the customer base: People will
be more inclined to at least visit our restaurant and at least become loyal consumers if we share our approach to sustainability public. If we have a variety of vegetarian
and vegan options on your menu, we may be able to find them you reach a wider audience. Profits and costs rose similarly recovered. As our customer base grows, your
restaurant's earnings will automatically increase. Meanwhile, sustainable techniques such as waste minimization will help businesses reduce losses revenues

Reflection (What skills and techniques did I use? What policies and procedures did I follow? How did I ensure efficiency, safety and quality? How did I ensure that my
team met quality standards? What did I learn and how might I apply this in future? What might I do differently next time?)

ANS: The skills and techniques I have used for restaurant sustainability are: Carbon reduction footprint: To reduce the carbon footprint each delivery leaves, consider
choosing local suppliers and seasonal goods. This has the added benefit of providing better quality ingredients as they can were selected or created on the same day.
You can do the same with your trash and recycling collection services: go to your local provider. Check if any of your services exist providers do whatever it takes to
reduce their carbon footprint. Similarly, remember to recycle: Make sure we have enough bins to handle all your recyclable waste, be it metal, bottle, polyethylene or
paper. Also, make sure everyone understands how to separate it if needed. If anything exists this is not included, please speak to our waste collectors. We might be
surprised to learn that they can recycle other forms of waste such as food Abd environmentally friendly equipment should be upgraded: Consider whether the
restaurant's appliances and equipment can be replaced with ecological ones alternatives. Look out for products that have an energy star rating. They are an investment
although they are more expensive than non-eco products. We might even find that we can save money on your energy bill in the long run.

Similarly, the principles and procedures I followed for restaurant sustainability are: a. Tools the best environmental regulations at all levels of organizations to guarantee
that we meet or exceed all applicable legal obligations, b. Reduce waste by making efficient use of all stock. If possible, use only sustainable or recycled materials. d. All
employees should receive environmental training and guidance. Encourage employee participation. Reduce the likelihood of employees and others in our
environmental, health and safety activities". Create a sustainable transport strategy that includes the use of local products whenever available. They ensured efficiency
and quality by adhering to restaurant sustainability and reducing water wastage. Reducing water consumption saves money not only on the water bill, but also on the
energy consumed pump water, electricity often used to heat water, and costs associated with transportation water for treatment. Restaurants must develop complete
water management plans that measure company water consumption and costs, set reduction targets and propose methods for minimization overtime, just as they
must prepare extensive energy management plans. Talk about a plan for the future on restaurant sustainability, I think we should publish efforts: While sustainability
initiatives will have a significant impact on the environment, we don't have to be absolutely silent about it. Let guests know how we help the environment on social
media and in the restaurant. Share information about your progress and new projects, including dates and updates. In addition, the restaurant sustainability is truly a
national revolution that has its own organization that you can join one day you have completed the necessary upgrades. This membership is the ultimate seal of

© Pakenham Institute Pty Ltd |RTO No. 41536 l CRICOS Code: 03941H I Website: Unit 2, 66 – 68, Main Street Pakenham VIC 3810 Australia |
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approval, namely it can really send a message to customers that you are serious about our organization.

Supervisor Endorsement

Supervisor name: Position: Signed:

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c. Sustainability

Look for a situation where you responded to an opportunity to improve the sustainability of an operation. You will report on what the operation was, how you improved
it and what the sustainability benefits were.

 Describe the situation that you have chosen to report and reflect on.

ANS: Restaurant sustainability is a trend that I have introduced in my profession. Restaurant sustainability refers to how restaurants reduce their impact on the
environment by solving problems including sustainable agriculture, environmental impact, chain management restrictions, food waste, transport, energy and waste
consumption, recycling and more. Restaurant sustainability does not require participating in environmentally friendly events, but also allowing customers to participate.
People nowadays, they decide where to dine based on society's values. It enables people getting the most out of their money while giving them the impression that
they are earning significant benefit.

 Describe how you improved the sustainability of your operation – how did the operation work initially? What was the change that you made? What were the
sustainability and social responsibility benefits?

ANS: Improved the sustainability of my operation by taking advantage of seasonal foods that helped me to save the restaurant money. Similarly, I have implemented a
greenhouse supply chain in my restaurant. Some changes have been made to maintain sustainability in the restaurant. Benefits from sustainability and social
responsibility means that if we share our sustainability strategy with the public, people will be more inclined to at least visit our restaurant and at least indulge
customers. If your menu includes a variety of vegetarian and vegan options, you may find yourself reach a larger audience. Profits also increased and costs were
recovered. Yours the restaurant's earnings will automatically increase as our client base grows. Meanwhile sustainable solutions such as waste minimization will help
businesses recover lost revenue. Similarly, for restaurant sustainability, I have outlined similar policies and procedures: a. Implement best environmental practices at all
levels of the company to ensure we meet or exceed all applicable regulations legal obligations; b. Reduce waste by using all resources efficiently. C. Use only sustainable
or recycled materials where possible. d. Environmental training and education should be provided to all employees. E. Encourage employee engagement. F. Reduce
Environmental Health Risks a security risks affecting employees and other persons in the area of our activity. G.

Create sustainable a mobility strategy that includes the use of locally grown products where possible

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Reflection (What skills and techniques did I use? What policies and procedures did I follow? How did I ensure efficiency, safety and quality? How did I ensure that my
team met quality standards? What did I learn and how might I apply this in future? What might I do differently next time?)

Supervisor Endorsement

Supervisor name: Position: Signed:

© Pakenham Institute Pty Ltd |RTO No. 41536 l CRICOS Code: 03941H I Website: Unit 2, 66 – 68, Main Street Pakenham VIC 3810 Australia |
Phone: 0432 197 654 |Email: [email protected] Student Resources for SITXMGT004 | v1.0 | Last reviewed: Jan 2023 | Not controlled when printed Page15 of 36
d. Planning and organising workflow

The Student Logbook, planning documentation and supervisor observations that you completed for another practical unit will fulfill requirements for this section. Select
one service period or practical cooking session and explain the process that you used to schedule and delegate work. You will also report on how you assisted your team
to prioritise their workload.

 Describe the service period that you selected to report and reflect on. Explain your rationale for selecting this particular service period and how you acted as the
team lead or shift supervisor.

ANS: Professionalism and courtesy are two of the most important characteristics of a restaurant services, especially in high-end facilities. Warm, pleasant and fast
service is a must be offered politely in a warm and welcoming environment. The order in which the waiter serving guests from the moment they enter the restaurant
until they leave is called service technician. When a customer enters the restaurant, a protocol is executed making sure the customer's food tastes good.

I chose professionalism and courtesy for the period of service because professionalism in the restaurant industry is defined as a combination of expertise, client
Orientation and attentiveness administration and committed persistence. This distinction is crucial to understanding when discussion of the future of hospitality and
culinary arts education

 Describe the steps that you took to assess each person’s workload and to schedule their work. How did you ensure that efficiency would be maximised? How did
you ensure that the customer service and quality standards would be maintained throughout the service period while ensuring that budgetary constraints would
be adhered to?

ANS: The steps I took to access my workload and schedule my work are:

Determine the workload and capacity of the team: It is difficult to know how much total work your team must do when their work is dispersed in several of the
following scenarios, plans and technology. Knowing this information is essential to determine what each team member does and what they can do:

Productivity measurement in action: Before we start delegating it to individual team’s members, determine the priority of each task and the time it will take to
complete it each. Now we know how much extra work your analytics team is responsible for the result of this research. We may have even realized it was too much for
your small team capacity, but understanding that some messages are low priority allows us to intelligently postpone less important requirements in favour of more
important ones.

Resource allocation in action: We have five individuals on the team and need two individuals to work on ad concepts for an upcoming Campaign. People could
outsource work randomly, but get good results if you look at the background of team members, look for some Team members who are already overworked and then

© Pakenham Institute Pty Ltd |RTO No. 41536 l CRICOS Code: 03941H I Website: Unit 2, 66 – 68, Main Street Pakenham VIC 3810 Australia |
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ask your best if they believe it, they have the ability to take on this big undertaking. I ensured customer service and quality standards would be maintained throughout
the service:

Customer interactions should be evaluated and analysed. Every call centre is required by law to record every call.

• Provide coaching consistently.

• Regularly evaluate KPI effectiveness.

• Track all your feedback outputs.

• Keep up with the latest technological developments.

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 Describe the principles that you applied to delegate work throughout the service period.

ANS: I used the principle of tracking progress to delegate work during the service time. First, I begin by describing the desired outcome to the individuals you trust to
deliver it. Complex, defines work boundaries and provides adequate assistance, but avoids upward delegation. Hold track progress and focus on outcomes rather than
processes. Finally, when there is work done, give credit where credit is due.

 Describe the process that you used to assess and adjust workflow throughout the service period. How did you ensure that dishes would be served as per customer
and organisational expectations and timelines?

ANS: A workflow is a set of tasks organized into processes and the people or resources required to do them complete these tasks to achieve a specific goal. An
organizational workflow is created from the procedures it needs to complete, the people or other resources it has to complete them activities and relationships
between them. I ensured the expectations of the customer and the organization and timelines by finding new ways to meet our customers' needs. That should be your
goal to constantly find new ways to better respond to the demands of our most valuable audience you've learned who they are and what they're looking for. After all,
we can't expect your audience the expectation that they will shift to accommodate our offering. Instead, we must be willing to adjust our offering to accommodate their

 Describe the strategies that you used to support, assist and coach your team to prioritise their workload throughout the service period. How did you adjust for
competing operational priorities?

ANS: The strategies are:

Create a to-do list: At the beginning of each day or week, create a to-do list that reflects what you would like to achieve. Also set a realistic perception to
minimize frustration if we don't complete your obligations on time.

Regularly evaluate workload: I need to examine my to-do lists more often because they exist usually one or two jobs that get lost at the bottom, which is why
it's vital to do it.

Stick to deadlines: It's important to predict exactly how long each task will take complete to achieve and feel satisfied at the end of the day. You will only be
disappointed if you are overly optimistic.

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 Describe the feedback that you provided to your supervisor regarding your team, any additional staffing needs and team changes in relation to the service period.

ANS: The feedback we received from our supervisor about my team and organization service was mostly constructive feedback and Positive feedback. Place of delivery
praise or pleasant remarks, constructive criticism focuses on observations. The main purpose constructive feedback is to provide data, patterns, and information to
assess the expert's overall performance. It's about getting to the point quickly. So is positive Feedback the most common type of feedback in business. This feedback has
high applause, admiration and favourable moods. There are More experts who receive favourable comments motivated and willing and inspired to take on new tasks

 Assume that, during your planning, for one of the service periods that you are to lead, three of your team members become ill. You will need to recruit three
casuals to take their place. Go to the relevant industrial award in your state and summarise the rate of pay and conditions of work for the relevant service period.

In Victoria, Australia, for service periods related to casual workers in the hospitality industry, you would generally refer to the Hospitality Industry
(General) Award 2020. Here’s a summary of the pay rates and conditions for casuals under this award:
Pay Rates:
1. Casual Rate of Pay:
o Weekdays: Casual employees are typically paid at a base rate that includes a casual loading of 25% on top of the base hourly rate.

o Saturdays: Casual employees are paid at 125% of the base rate (including casual loading).

o Sundays: Casual employees are paid at 150% of the base rate (including casual loading).

o Public Holidays: Casual employees are paid at 250% of the base rate (including casual loading).

Conditions of Work:
1. Hours of Work:
o Casual employees do not have guaranteed hours of work and can be employed on a shift-by-shift basis. Their hours can vary from week to
week depending on the needs of the business.
2. Breaks:
o Casual employees are entitled to rest breaks and meal breaks depending on the length of their shift. Typically, a shift of more than 5 hours

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will require a meal break of at least 30 minutes.
3. Uniforms and Equipment:
o Employers may be required to provide uniforms and protective clothing if necessary. If the casual employee is required to provide their own
uniform, they may be reimbursed or compensated for the cost.
4. Leave Entitlements:
o Casual employees are not entitled to paid leave (such as annual leave or personal leave) but receive a casual loading in lieu of these
5. Notice of Termination:
o Casual employees usually do not receive notice of termination or redundancy pay if their employment is terminated, as their employment is
typically on an as-needed basis.

Reflection (What skills and techniques did I use? What policies and procedures did I follow? How did I ensure efficiency, safety and quality? How did I ensure that my
team met quality standards? What did I learn and how might I apply this in future? What might I do differently next time?)

Skills and Techniques: I utilized leadership, time management, and problem-solving skills.

Policies and Procedures: I followed organizational policies on staff scheduling, health and safety standards, and customer service protocols.

Ensuring Standards: I ensured efficiency by regularly monitoring the service flow, conducting quality checks, and providing immediate feedback.

Learnings: I learned the importance of flexibility and the ability to quickly adapt to unforeseen circumstances.

Future Application: I will apply these insights to improve scheduling and task delegation in future services.

Differences Next Time: In the future, I would implement a more robust contingency plan for unexpected staff shortages.

Attach: Completed logbook for a complete shift or practical cooking period that supports your evidence above.

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Supervisor Endorsement

Supervisor name: Position: Signed:

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e. Monitoring and supporting team members

Look for a situation where you monitored team and individual performance against agreed goals and objectives. (Hint: The workflow planning that you completed above
may fulfill this requirement.)

You will report on the strategies that you used to monitor performance, the information that you shared, the collaboration that you undertook and feedback that you

 Describe the situation that you have chosen to report and reflect on.

ANS: The strategies I have used to monitor and train my employees are:

Create a restaurant staff training plan: Restaurants should create a very good training program for their employees. Our restaurant staff will Be more efficient and
provide better service such as a result of comprehensive training. Proper training of restaurant staff is the only way to Keep forward return operations coordinated and

Teach restaurant staff how to use the latest technology: Many businesses have technology has changed and the restaurant industry is having none of it. Many
restaurants now use computer systems that allow staff to send orders to the kitchen, calculate totals and issue bills several clients without doing any work. However,
the implementation of such procedures is not enough to ensure employee productivity. To make restaurant employees useful, you need to invest in their training. Only
then the speed of your restaurant’s operation and the quality of service will increase.

 Describe the strategy that you used to monitor your team’s performance against the objectives described in your workflow planning.

Ans: The strategies I used to track are: Examining Pattern Data: Entrepreneurs should review the data regularly to detect patterns and abnormalities. Even if monthly
on-site inspection may not be possible, organizations may use other data to determine what is and what is not company employees can benefit from pet projects in the
following ways: The pet project is an activity or interest that a person considers to be their favourite.

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 Describe the strategy that you used to monitor each individual’s performance against the objectives described in your workflow planning. How did it differ from the
way that you monitored the team’s performance?

ANS: Make a list of your employee's popular projects Make a list of all your employees' favourite projects and assign them to each one it. By assigning vanity problems,
you can ensure that functions are performed quickly and efficiently.

 Describe how you shared information, your own knowledge and experience with the team to assist them to achieve goals and objectives (hint: think about the
team briefings and post-service period debrief that you have been involved in for previous units completed).

ANS: In a team, knowledge sharing does not happen by it and the team leader plays a vital role in facilitating it. As a result, the leadership team's attitude towards
knowledge sharing is essential. Only a few, managers are assumed to be reluctant to share knowledge. The problem is that managers they are seen as not sharing what
they know or encouraging others to share their knowledge. According to the literature, managers and leaders who only show a positive attitude towards knowledge
sharing are despised and seen as hypocrites. As a result, team leaders must actively encourage or help share information to make this happen. I shared information in
support of inclusiveness trustworthy relationship: Quality, usefulness and breadth of shared facts and communication, as well as accepting the knowledge and influence
of others are all directly tied to trust in another team member. Team leaders who actively model knowledge sharing lead by example and emphasize how it is important
that the team shares important ideas and information in a timely and open manner. As a result, team members are more likely to reciprocate by sharing their skills and

Coaching plan

Person to be coached: SANA GELLER

Person conducting coaching session: ROSS


Time: 10:00am

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Place: Conference Room

Goals and expectations: Improve Wei's report analysis skills to increase productivity.

Methods for measuring progress: Track the time taken for report analysis before and after coaching.

Per-coaching planning required: Review Wei's current report analysis process.

Identify specific areas for improvement.

 Process or steps to completing the task:

List the step by step instructions needed to complete the task that you will be coaching.

1.Review the current process of report analysis.

2.Identify common errors or time-consuming practices.

3.Introduce efficient techniques and tools for data analysis.

4.Practice sessions with new tools.

5.Apply new techniques to a real report.

6.Review and feedback session.

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Reflection (What skills and techniques did I use? What policies and procedures did I follow? How did I ensure efficiency, safety and quality? How did I ensure that my
team met quality standards? What did I learn and how might I apply this in future? What might I do differently next time?)

ANS: I have used some tools and techniques to train the staffs at the workplace. I used social learning technique. Many conventional training methods do not include
social learning because it is difficult arrange, analyse and regulate. Employees are pushed beyond their daily responsibilities, gaining new perspectives and problem-
solving skills, and that can be quite rewarding. Similarly, students will be more engaged and likely to retain what they've learned if they can practice their new one’s
skills and apply them in real working conditions. However, when implemented in reality, it can be especially when students require continuous updates from a content
specialist. Main the principle I followed in my workplace is to respect every employee and member. I ensured efficiency by doing so employee performance appraisal
works with employees to ensure that corporate policies and procedures are followed. It allows management to detect the information gap between employees and
assess their commitment to co-workers, jobs and commitments, and the firm's corporate culture. Therefore, in the future, I plan to train crews more systematically.

Supervisor Endorsement

Supervisor name: Position: Signed:

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f. Problem solving

Look for a situation where you have had to identify and analyse a workplace problem from an operational and a customer service perspective. Perhaps meals have been
held up, did not meet special requirements or did not meet quality standards.

You will report on the short-term actions that you put in place to resolve the immediate issue. You will also report on the longer-term strategies that you initiated to
ensure that the problem did not recur. How did you work with your colleagues? How did you monitor the success of the solution?

 Describe the situation that you have chosen to report and reflect on.

ANS: The situation I decided to report is food wastage and food wastage management in restaurant because it is very important to manage food and reduce waste in
the restaurant. Have an established method that helps businesses correctly estimate supply items, either physically or by using technology, means more accurate
numbers, better understanding of order delivery trends and more control over the kitchen, all this leads to less waste. Food handlers are a great asset food waste is
reduced. Kitchen and front of house staff, not the administration, have come up with some of the most inventive strategies to reduce food waste. Investing in employee
training and licensing is one of the most beneficial things you can do business.

 How did you resolve the problem in the short term? What decision-making process did you use?

ANS: I tried to solve the problem of food waste by tracking food waste. Many restaurants can reduce production while meeting client demand simply by tracking food
consumption and waste. And "food a leftovers inventory' can help determine how much and where food is being wasted so that changes can be made progress made
and monitored and predicting customers' lunch orders. Own the system in a place that helps you accurately predict food orders, either manually or using digital
technology more accurate data, better understanding of food order patterns and more regulation of your kitchen, resulting in very little waste.

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 What strategies did you put in place to prevent the problem from recurring in the longer term? How did you work with your team to achieve this? Did you include
the team member who alerted you to a problem in its resolution? How did you monitor and follow up on the effectiveness of the solution?

ANS: In the long run, I have planned how you will get rid of all the leftover food. Kitchens are often maintained excess products on hand because estimating client
demand is more of an art than just math. If you don't have a plan, those extra parts can end up in the trash. I also try to compost. If you have leftover food that you
won't be able to use, see if composting is an option. Some restaurants use kitchen compost as a soil amendment for landscaping or to improve the soil in their fruit and
vegetable gardens. I worked with my team to execute these strategies. They helped me with that their own ideas and there were many members who helped me by
giving me other tips and tricks reduce food waste. I followed these solution methods and followed up by providing knowledge and ideas to employees in the

Reflection (What skills and techniques did I use? What policies and procedures did I follow? How did I ensure efficiency, safety and quality? How did I ensure that my
team met quality standards? What did I learn and how might I apply this in future? What might I do differently next time?)

ANS: I have used some techniques to minimize food waste. Encouraging employees to participate when it comes to reducing food waste, the kitchen staff is an
invaluable tool. Not leadership, but the kitchen and staff have come up with some of the most ingenious ways to reduce the amount of food waste. One of the most
beneficial things you can do for your organization is to pay for training and accreditation for your employees. I created a plan for a consistent supply chain. As regards
reducing food spoilage and waste, efficient ordering and supply management are critical. The policy we have made for our restaurant is to disrespect food by wasting it.
Any leftovers should donate to a local charity. To ensure efficiency, I have plans to use technology to prevent food waste. I have enemy donation plans for the coming
days food for people who are in need, make a connection with a local charity such as Parenthood house and donate any leftover food or ingredients to those in need.
We can also create a partnership with a local food bank. This ensures that your leftovers don't go to waste and instead he finds a nice home.

Supervisor Endorsement

Supervisor name: Position: Signed:

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g. Contingency planning

As part of monitoring work operations, you are required to create a contingency plan for each of the following six contingencies.

 delays or time difficulties in producing meals

ANS: Poor meal planning also contributed to slow service. Before the restaurant opens, the cooking crew should prepare the ingredients. Before actually cooking,
primary ingredients such as onion ginger and paprika must be prepared. Meantime, there must be enough ingredients to run the business for the whole day. If you
don't prepare in advance time, you will have to spend more time cooking meals. As a result, Clients have to wait a bit longer. The lack of a specified time interval for
preparation and service can lead to poor meal planning. They did not prepare the food according to the schedule. In an ideal world, the restaurant would have planned
the preparation of food by the cook or assistant cook.

 difficult customer service situations

ANS: When we realize that your customer is upset, the first thing what we should do is get into the mindset of customer care. That means you Put some away feelings
that the problem is not their fault, that your client has made a mistake, or that they are being unfair criticize us. All that matters is that you acknowledge that your
consumer or client is unhappy and that you are responsible for solving the problem. Adjust Your mentality to give your client a full attention to the current issue

 equipment breakdowns or technical failure

ANS: The equipment may be unreliable and the failure is inevitable. Humans can make mistakes, components wear out, and predictive Maintenance is sometimes just
one more thing to do in an extremely hectic day. You will have a much better chance keep your equipment in good condition and take preventive measures if you
provide adequate operator training or condition based maintenance at appropriate Times and strive for a better overall culture.

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 the absence of a team member or team members

ANS: Encourage and motivate the people who are working restaurant. The success of the restaurant is the result of the enthusiasm, inspiration and support of the staff.
Workers who are forced to work as a team feels more self-sufficient and are happier managers must motivate restaurant employees by Highlighting their work and
promoting their requirements to achieve the highest possible performance

 team member performance issues

ANS: It is essential to have an optimistic approach to life. Our pleasant mood can have a big effect on the atmosphere of a restaurant. Your Negative attitude can rub off
on your co-workers and visitors. As a result, they have a bad dining experience. Keep a cheerful attitude Always, no matter the situation. Sure, you'll get irritated and
annoyed now and then, but keep in mind why you started this job in the first Place. Our enthusiasm will drive our good attitude, which will help all elements of society

 failure of procedure or process.

ANS: Workplace security is very important. Offer training regularly courses on proper lifting and carrying of large objects to protect the company's employees. The cook
and chefs will require proper storage of sharp knives and utensils as well as temperature devices like burping with a cloth. We can also Consider the requirement of
footwear and clothing that reduce risk of injury. Workers' compensation insurance can help pay medical bills, Even in part income if an employee is injured and needs
time off work to recover

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Reflection (What skills and techniques did I use? What policies and procedures did I follow? How did I ensure efficiency, safety and quality? How did I ensure that my
team met quality standards? What did I learn and how might I apply this in future? What might I do differently next time?)

ANS: Process, planning and interaction were the most important skills and strategies I used. On to be professional, employees must know the work procedure. Consider
a crowded restaurant where two servers attempt to serve the same seat or food that was ordered but not still ready. This occurs When work habits are not
standardized. Professionalism Checklist every restaurant staff should include planning. When employees don't Show up on time, the flow Employees should be aware of
when they should expect to arrive at work and when their shifts end. Communication is essential to professionalism in a restaurant, both between employees and
management and between shifts. Communication techniques should be used. The same can be said about the policies and procedures I followed at work. Similarly in to
ensure efficiency, safety and quality in the restaurant, I conducted Staff training, assigned employee responsibilities and instructed his employees on how to use the
latest technology. As a result, I am should be more alert and smart enough to handle the business in the future by doing more research

Supervisor Endorsement

Supervisor name: Position: Signed:

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h. Organisational records

Select a service period that you were the team leader for and complete a performance report and a staff record.

Performance report

Add your goals for service under the following headings and report on level of achievement at the end of service.

Service period: 12:00 to 21:00

Date: 18/07/2024

Team Leader:

Recipes served: grilled salmon with seasonal vegetables, prawns and chicken fettuccini pasta, calamari main and so on according to the customer’s wishes based on the
menu of our restaurant.

What are your goals for this service? Achievement Comments

Food safety goals Avoid infection by focusing attention and food Ensuring food safety by sampling hygiene care in an
operation manufacturing industry on prevention or restaurant space.
minimization consumer exposure to germs

Food quality goals To provide fresh and quality food with amazing taste. Able to reach the customer satisfaction with food
quality and taste.

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Timeliness of dishes goals It improves employee’s productivity and increase The business is in profit and employee productivity is
monthly net sales of the restaurant. increasing.

Number of dishes served goals Serve quality food with the possibility of a maximum Able to serve more than fifteen items a day in
amount. restaurant.

Customer satisfaction goals It satisfies customers with quality food as well as quiet Feedback from customers is amazing and they rated
restaurant environment. the food and environment as excellent.

Teamwork and efficiency goals Cooperate and respect everyone team members and the relationship between all members of the
staff work effectively in a team. restaurant is great and it helps to coordinate and
cooperate during work.

Food storage, clean-up and handover goals the goal is to prioritize hygiene food, environment and There is no maximum amount food waste restaurant.
everything else staffs and avoid food stuffs. If there are any leftovers, we donate food to people
who are in need.

Staff report

Add your goals for each staff member under the following headings and report on level of achievement at the end of service.

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Service period: from 15:00 to 22:00

Date: 12/07/2024

Team Leader:

Recipes served: :grilled salmon with seasonal vegetables, prawns and chicken fettuccini pasta, calamari main and so on according to the customer’s wishes based on the
menu of our restaurant

What are your goals for this service? Achievement Comments

Name and goals ROSS BAKER: the goal is to learn more cooking skills. He learnt to make more meals than before and
customers they liked

Name and goals SANA GELLER: she deals with environment and staff in She built a relationship with each member of a
restaurant. restaurant that helps cooperation and coordination at

Name and goals LARRY: Larry takes care of customers food Collected customer survey about their dietary
preferences. preferences.

Name and goals MONICA BING: She brings a new taste to food Added new and unique food menu items and
introduction of seasonal food items. customer feedback is goof.

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Name and goals Sofia: Sofia makes the restaurant ecological and Using paper glasses and bottles rather than plastic.
enhance the environment sustainable.

Name and goals MITCHELL: To ensure the safety of personnel in the Training for the risk assessment provided.

Reflection (What skills and techniques did I use? What policies and procedures did I follow? How did I ensure efficiency, safety and quality? How did I ensure that my
team met quality standards? What did I learn and how might I apply this in future? What might I do differently next time?)

ANS: I used communication skills to understand and know the goals of the staffs. I communicated with them about their goals as Employees at the company, and I was
amazed to learn of their determination work. I always follow the principle of respecting every Employee in the workplace. I secured theirs efficiency and quality by
providing regular training. I learned that I have to take care of it My staffs and know their plans and ideas for running the business and I will definitely take care of it
upcoming future.

Supervisor Endorsement

Supervisor name: Position: Signed:

© Pakenham Institute Pty Ltd |RTO No. 41536 l CRICOS Code: 03941H I Website: Unit 2, 66 – 68, Main Street Pakenham VIC 3810 Australia |
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Supervisor Declaration
Note for student: Please note, that one of these declarations must be completed by each workplace supervisor
who oversaw at least one of your scenarios. If you completed all your work (and therefore scenarios) at the one
venue then you would only submit one. If your logbook contains entries from different kitchens and venues then
please have each supervisor you work under complete one at the end of all your designated shifts. Please
provide this page to your workplace supervisor at the completion of your required shifts. Please note, that your
workplace supervisor may also be your trainer or assessor in the training environment.

This needs to be completed in addition to the supervisor endorsement section of your reflective reports. One
copy has been provided in this logbook but you can make additional copies as needed.

Supervisor name:


Relationship to student (for example, head chef/shift supervisor etc):

During the situations described in the student’s reflective reports that I have endorsed, the student:

worked within the organisation’s policies and procedures Yes No

worked to a professional level in line with the organisation’s usual roles and responsibilities Yes No

worked safely Yes No

monitored and improved workplace operations Yes No

planned and organised workflow Yes No

monitored and supported team members Yes No

solved problems effectively Yes No

made effective decisions Yes No

kept accurate records. Yes No

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Please provide any feedback to the student here:

The student has permission to submit the information contained within the reflective
reports completed above and any supporting documentation (including organisational ☐ Yes ☐ No
policies and procedures, menus, recipes and work product) for the purposes of assessment.

Supervisor signature:

Contact number:


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