Sample Reading Intervention Proposal

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VIII-Eastern Visayas
Schools Division of _____________________
Any City, Philippines
School ID: ______________

A. Project Context

Reading is the process of looking at written symbols and letters and

understanding the meaning of them. According to Leipzig (2022) reading is a
multifaceted process involving word recognition, comprehension, fluency,
and motivation. To make meaning from print, one needs to identify the
words in print, construct an understanding from them, and coordinate
identifying words and making meaning so that reading is automatic and
accurate. Likewise, Blakeley (2022) put forward that reading is a cognitive
process that involves decoding of symbols to arrive a meaning. Reading is
the process of looking at a series of written symbols and getting meaning
from them (English Club, 2022). It involves recognizing words, leading to the
development of comprehension, and negotiating the meaning between the
text and its reader.

More so, reading is very necessary for those who prefer to

communicate effectively. Acheaw (2014) claimed that reading is an essential
tool for transfer of knowledge. It is an intellectual action which is possible
only if a man forms a habit of reading and practices these from childhood.
Reading habits, therefore, play a very crucial role in enabling a person to
achieve practical efficiency. He added that once a child has been taught to
read and has developed a love for books, he can explore for himself the
wealth of human experiences and knowledge through reading.

In contrast, those children who miss the opportunity of getting in

touch with books in their early stages of life, find it hard to acquire good
reading habits in their later years. The ability to read proficiently is
significantly related to how much a person can achieve in his or her
personal and professional life (Block & Israel, 2005). Without the ability to
read well, opportunities for personal fulfilment and job success inevitably
will be lost. Thus, Project 4S4R is deemed necessary to enhance the
reading ability of the non-readers and frustration level readers in Jose Rizal
National High School, Any City, Philippines.

B. Innovative Proposal

I. Title Project 4S4R

(A brief title that characterizes the (Show It, Read It; Spin It, Read It;
project) Step It, Read It; Solve It, Read It!)
II. Location Jose Rizal National High School
(School/Unit/Section where the Any City, Philippines
project is to be implemented)
III. Duration August 2023 – July 2024
(The total duration of project in (12 months/1 year)
II. Problems/Issues to be Poor basic reading skills due to
Addressed suspension of face-to-face classes
(Give a brief description of the during the COVID-19 pandemic.
situation highlighting the
problems and needs that the
project would address. Append
data that supports the problem
III. Rationale The problem on non-readers
(The project rationale should and frustration readers needs to be
include the project benefits, how the addressed because the inability to
project will address the problems read could affect the performance of
mentioned in section IV and meet the learners in other learning areas
the objectives stated in section VI.) and could even become one of the
reasons of dropping out. Thus, the
Project 4S4R intends to decrease or
zero out non-readers among Grade 7
learners in Jose Rizal National High
School through the integration of
reading games.
IV. Specific Objectives 1. Zero out non-readers and
(State the objectives of the project frustration readers among Grade 7
that supports the targets in the learners.
2. Enhance the reading ability of the
learners in Jose Rizal National
High School.

3. Provide reading activities in the

form of reading games to the
identified non-readers and
frustration readers.

4. Develop learners’ appreciation on

the importance of reading and the
ability to read.

A. Implementation Procedures

C. 1 Planning Phase

Target Actions/Activity Responsible Support Timeline

Milestone Persons Needed from:
Securing an Crafting of the Proponents School Head, September 2023
Approved innovation Department
Proposal proposal Head,
Research and
Securing approval Proponents September 2023
from the school
Submission of the School September 2023
proposal to the Head, Dept.
district head Head,
Revision of the Proponents September 2023
proposal based on
the corrections of
the district head
Re-submission of Proponents October 2023
the innovation
proposal to the
district head
Informing the School Parents/ October 2023
learners and Head, Dept. Guardian
parents about the Head,
project Proponents,

C.2 Implementation Phase

Target Actions/Activity Responsible Support Needed Timeline

Milestone Persons from:
Implementatio Identifying non- Proponent/s October
n of the readers and English 2023
Project 4S4R frustration Teachers,
readers Phil-IRI
Conducting a Proponent/s Parents/Guardian October
meeting with the English 2023
parents of the Teachers,
identified non- Phil-IRI
readers and Coordinator
Preparation and English School Head, October
Validation of the Teachers, Master Teachers 2023
Intervention Master
Materials Teacher/s
in English,
Conducting Proponent/s School Head October-
reading English May 2023
interventions to Teachers,
non-readers and Phil-IRI
frustration Coordinator
Conducting Proponent/s School Head Quarters 1-
quarterly Phil-IRI English 4
assessment Teachers,

C.3 Post Implementation Phase

Target Actions/Activity Responsibl Support Timeline

Milestone e Persons Needed from:
Conduct Secure permit from Proponent/s February 2024
Culminating the school head
Conduct evaluation Proponents School Head, February-May
of the project M&E Team Department 2024
Prepare program, Proponent/s Last Week of
certificates, and May 2024
Conduct Proponent/s School Head, Last Week of
Culmination English Department May 2024
Program Teachers Heads
Awarding of Proponent/s School Head, Last Week of
Certificates to the English Department May 2024
participants, Teachers Heads
parents, and other Phil-IRI
stakeholders Coordinator
School Head

C. Monitoring and Evaluation

Level of Indicators Methods Data Schedule Person/s Support User of

M&E and Tools Sources of M&E Responsible Needed M&E Data
Impact Instill a love for Survey/ Survey Quarterly Proponents, School Project
reading and Interview Results English Teachers, Team
develop reading Phil-IRI
habit among Coordinator
Outcome Enhanced reading Phil-IRI Test, Phil-IRI Quarterly Proponents, School Project
ability of the Phil-IRI Result English Teachers, Team
learners reading Phil-IRI
materials Coordinator

Output Zero non-readers Phil-IRI Test, Phil-IRI Quarterly Proponents, Money/ School Project
Zero frustration Phil-IRI Result English Teachers, Materials Team SMEA
level readers reading Phil-IRI Coordinator
materials Coordinator

Input Project 4S4R Teacher- Phil-IRI Quarterly Proponents, Money/ School Project
(Reading made reading Result English Teachers, Materials Team
Interventions) materials & Phil-IRI SMEA
integration of Coordinator Coordinator
games in

D. Required Resources

Milestone Resources Needed Budget Approvals Needed

Securing an Bond Paper, ₱ 1,000.00 School Head
Approved Innovation Printer Ink District Head
Implementation of Printer, Ink, Bond Paper, ₱ 17,000.00 School Head
the Project 4S4R Manila Paper, Marker,
other supplies
Conduct Culminating Certificates, Program, ₱ 2,000.00 School Head
Activity Invitation

E. Risk Management Plan

Potential S Likely P Preventiv Who When Cost Contingent Who When Cost
Problems How Causes What is the e Action (For each (When will (How much Action (For each (When (How
(List down all serious is (What are probability (What action step, this action will taking (What action action step, will this much
potential the the most that each action who will step be this step steps can be who will action will
problems (“What adverse likely of the likely steps will ensure that done?) cost?) immediately ensure that step be taking
can go wrong?”) consequen causes of causes will be this is taken in case this is done?) this step
related to the ce in case potential happen? undertaken done?) each of the done?) cost?)
implementation of the problems Determine to eliminate potential
the intervention.) potential with High if Low, likely problems with
problem and Moderate, causes High-
happens? Moderate or High. with High Moderate
Determine seriousnes and seriousness
if Low, s?) Moderate and probability
Moderate, probability? materializes?)
or High. )
1. Lack of Moderate Lack of Moderate Proper Proponents Year-Round ₱2,000.00 Provision of Proponen Year- ₱2,000.
support motivatio informati , OIC, awards and ts, OIC, Round 00
from n and on- School incentives School
stakeholder follow-up dissemina Head Head
s tion
2. Lack of High Lack of Moderate Proper School Year-Round ₱3,000.00 Provision of School Year- ₱3,000.
Commitme awarenes orientatio Head, OIC, awards and Head, Round 00
nt of the s of their n about School incentives OIC,
School roles/func roles/func Planning School
Project tions tions Team Issuance of Planning
Team Conflict of Regular school Team
schedule meetings/ memorandu
conferenc m
3. Lack of High Reluctanc Moderate Strict School Year-Round ₱1,000.00 Regular School Year- ₱1,000.
regular e and implemen Head, OIC, follow-up Head, Round 00
monitoring laxity of tation of School OIC,
the M and the M & E Planning Issuance of School
E Team schedules Team school Planning
as memorandu Team
planned m
4. School’s High Improper High Implemen School Year-Round ₱1,000.00 Issuance and School Year- ₱1,000.
Overlapping planning t activities Head, OIC, implementa Head, Round 00
Activities and as School tion of the OIC,
schedulin scheduled Planning school’s School
g by the Team Calendar of Planning
school Activities Team
higher Issuance of
offices school
5. Occurrence Moderate Natural Moderate Keep SDRRMO, Year-Round Keep SDRRMO, Year-
of natural calamities updated BDRRMO, updated BDRRMO, Round
disasters with MDRRMO, with MDRRMO
weather NDRRMO weather ,
disturban disturbances NDRRMO
ces for for safety
safety and and
precautio precautionar
nary y measures

Printed Name Signature Date

Prepared by



Department Head

School Principal IV

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