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Dungeons & Dragons: 10

Things to Know About

Ravenloft Before Van Richten's
Jenny Melzer Published May 13, 2021

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Upon hearing the name "Ravenloft," most Dungeons & Dragons

fans immediately think of Count Strahd Von Zarovich. However,
there's so much more to Ravenloft than Strahd's iron-fisted rule
over Barovia. Ravenloft was born from the minds of Tracy and
Laura Hickman in the late 1970s when, during a D&D session, a
pathetic excuse for a vampire was encountered in a dungeon.

Tracy Hickman thought that vampire was lacking in extravagance

-- that it needed a grand castle and minions to carry out its every
whim and motivations, the likes of which would terrify even the
hardiest adventurers. Strahd was born from the Hickmans'
conjoined imaginations, and from there this epic, Gothic Horror-
style campaign setting evolved into something as grand as it is

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Fantasy Racism

The Demiplane of Dread

Also known as the Dread Domains or the Domains of Dread, the

Demiplane of Dread is a pocket dimension located in a remote
corner of the Shadowfell. This makes perfect sense considering
the Shadowfell's dark and gloomy nature. It is impossible to tell
just how large the Dread Domains are because no one has ever
been able to successfully map them in their entirety. It is believed
that a number of the domains were once parts of the Prime
Material Plane that were ensnared by the mists and dragged into
the Shadowfell.
Each Dread Domain is overseen by a Darklord, the most well-
known example being Strahd's rule over Barovia. However, the
Darklords are not the overarching power; they answer to higher,
much darker forces, which are believed to have been responsible
for the overall creation of the Dread Domains.

The Dark Powers

Not much is known about the Dark Powers, save that they rule
over the Dread Domains from a mysterious vantage point that
allows them to manipulate even the most powerful Darklords.
Many of the Darklords are beholden to the Dark Powers,
manipulated in ways even they can't see so that they continue to
carry out their will and provide them with entertainment. For
example, Strahd's obsessive love for Tatyana is inevitably
doomed to eternal failure, but the Dark Powers continually
provide him with enough incentive to continue pursuing it.

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Some Darklords ignore the Dark Powers entirely, though that

hardly means they are immune to their influences. For example,
Darklord Vlad Drakov of Falkovia is completely oblivious to the
outside interference in the constant defeat of his numerous
military campaigns, believing his failures to be little more than
fate, while constantly encouraging him to keep fighting.

The Darklords

Each Dread Domain is overseen by a Darklord, a powerful figure of

great evil whose deeds are so terrible they are generally beyond
redemption. These Darklords garnered the attention of the Dark
Powers with their actions, earning themselves an eternity's
imprisonment within the Dread Domains. While that makes them
sound like victims, nothing could be further from the truth. These
villains revel in the power they are granted over their domain,
often ruling with cruelty and malice the likes of which none
who've served under them will ever forget.

The most well-known Darklord is Strahd, who made a pact with

"Death," then murdered his brother, Sergei, the day he was to
marry the beautiful Tatyana. Other Darklords include Vecna (who
escaped when he became a god), Lord Soth, Vlad Drakov,
Madame Radanavich, Baroness Ilsabet Obour and Tristen

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The Dreaded Mists

One of the most mysterious aspects of the Demiplanes of Dread

are the strange mists that surround the entire plane. Ethereal in
nature, there is nothing magical about them. They appear to be
little more than normal fog -- but they are anything but normal.
Few can navigate them successfully, and those who can should
be regarded with suspicion.

The mists have been known to envelope unwary travelers and

whisk them away to the Dread Domains. In some cases, they have
even surrounded buildings, armies or entire towns that then
mysteriously vanished from their location on the Prime Material
Plane only to reappear in of the many Dread Domains. Many who
become trapped there spend the rest of their days fighting the
evil forces there while searching for a way to get back home.

Magic Works Differently There

There are many places in the Multiverse where magic is adversely

affected by unexplained forces; the Demiplane of Dread is one of
them. The Dark Powers watch over those they've drawn into their
demiplane, and it is generally through their will alone that
creatures are allowed to leave. That means spells like Plane Shift
are more or less out of the question. Even if a magic-user could
manage to fire one off, chances are it would simply drop them into
an even more dangerous and horrifying region of the Dread

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Should Avoid

Divination magic, like Scry, summoning spells or necromantic

magic may not work at all. However, other types of magic, like the
Vampiric Touch spell, could be greatly enhanced because it feeds
right into the nature of the Domains to suck the life out of
something to replenish one's own.
Superstition Is a Staple

Life in the Dread Domains is incredibly unpredictable, which has

led to plenty of superstition and fear among their inhabitants.
Many of them have witnessed an entire town simple disappear or
know someone who knows a midwife who birthed a monster
instead of a baby. Maybe they didn't see the monster baby
firsthand, but they heard about it from a reliable source -- and
there are enough of these mysterious and horrifying rumors going
around to cause people to ward themselves against it happening
to them and the ones they love.

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Consider These Alternatives

Trust No One
D&D Tavern

Hand in hand with superstition goes an unhealthy distrust for

strangers. When a misplaced adventuring party stumbles into
town, no one should expect the locals to welcome them with open
arms. There might be a few old timers who might be willing to talk
or lead the party to someone else who can, but they are likely
considered wandering crazies to the other townspeople. One of
the saddest parts about this distrust is that it doesn't just extend
to strangers, but to pretty much everyone. There is likely no one in
town who wouldn't sell out their best friend if it meant saving their
son or daughter (or themselves) from the Darklord's wrath and

Religion Is All but Forbidden

Death Domain Cleric raising the dead in Call to the Grave.

Divine magic is a rarity in the Dread Domains, and there are

few Clerics who can actually summon the power they require to
administer healing to the masses. Despite the abundant need for
healing, most would regard such magic with suspicion and
distrust. It isn't something they see often because religious
practices are forbidden in many of the domains. Whether the
Darklords forbid these practices out of fear, or the Dark Powers
have somehow managed to block the light of divinity from
penetrating the mist and shadows, one would be hard-pressed to
find a temple where they could actually commune with their god.

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Humans Are the Predominant Race

A Fey Wanderer ranger in the Feywild DnD

Humans tend to be the predominant race in the Dread Domains,

though that is not to say there are no elves, dwarves, halflings or
others to be found at all. They just tend to be rarer, and no one
knows why. Non-humans are so rare in some domains that a
human inhabitant could go their entire life without ever having
met one. Of course, this amps up their suspicion and superstition
even more when non-human travelers happen upon their towns.
Many of them have never even heard of, much less seen, a
Dragonborn or Tiefling, so the random appearance of one would
definitely provoke reticence from the wary locals.

There Are Ravenloft Novels

count strahd von zarovich looming on his balcony in dnd

Back in the 1990s, TSR released a multitude of fiction novels,

starting with Vampire of the Mists, exploring the Demiplane of
Dread. Over 20 novels explored the many planes and the dreaded
Darklords who oversaw them. There were three novels about
Strahd Von Zarovich among them, detailing his backstory and his
memoirs. There were also tales about Lord Soth, a riverboat
dancer whose magical dance could potentially stop a zombie
apocalypse and dreaded baroness' rise to power as a vampire of

There were short story collections that explored the very

darkness that is the Demiplane of Dread, drawing players and
fans even more deeply into the Gothic-horror setting. One can
only hope Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft will launch a whole
new series of fiction books for fans to indulge in as they explore
the Dread Domains in their campaigns.

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