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1.Create a student table in MS-Access with the following features:
a. Roll Number e .Total
b. Student Name f. Average
c. Class g. Result
d. Marks in Subject 1, Subject 2, Subject 3
Procedure :
Step 1 : Start MS-Access in the following way :
Start  All Programs MS - Office MS – Access. MS - Access application will be opened.
Step 2 : To open a new database, Click on Office Button, Click on New and select the Blank Database.
Enter the Database name as College and click on Create button.
Step 3 : Click the Table object and then right click, then select Design View. A dialog box will be
displayed. Enter the table name as Student.
Step 4 : Enter the Field name and relevant data type as below :

Step 5 :Save the table.

Step 6: To enter the records into the table, double click the Student : Table option on the left side,
enter records.

Step 7: To calculate Total, select Create  Query Design, Show Table dialogue box will
be displayed, select ‘Student’ table. Click on Add then close.
Step 8 : Select Update option, in Update To: type as follows :

Save the Query and select Run option to execute query.

Step 9 : To calculate Average, in Update To: type as follows :

Save the Query and select Run option to execute query.

Step 10 :To calculate Result, in Update To: type as follows :

Save the Query and select Run option to execute query.

2.Create a Personal Information table in MS –Access with the following fields:
e.First Name b.Middle Name
c.Last Name d.Nationality
e .Gender f.Temporary Address g.
g.Permanent Address.
Generate a Form and Report.
Procedure :
Step 1 : Start MS-Access in the following way :
Start  All Programs  MS - OfficeMS - Access MS - Access application will be opened.
Step 2 : To open a new database, Click on Office Button, Click on New and select the Blank Database.
Enter the Database name as College and click on Create button.
Step 3 : Click the Table object and then right click, then select Design View. A dialog box will be
displayed. Enter the table name as PersonalInformation.
Step 4 : Enter the Field name and relevant data type as below :

Step 5 : Select table view, save the table .

Step 6 : To enter the records into the table, double click the ‘PersonalInformation’ : Table
option on the left side, enter records.

Step 7 : To create a form, select Create  Form, form is created.

Step 8 : You can add data to the table using this form, by clicking on New(blank) record .
Step 9 : To create Report, Create  Report, report is created.

3. Create an Inventory table in MS-Access with fields:
a. Product ID
b. Product Name
c. Product Quantity
d. Product Price
Procedure :
Step 1 : Start MS-Access in the following way :
Start  All Programs  MS - Office  MS - Access MS - Access application will be opened.
Step 2 : To open a new database, click on Office Button, click on New and select the Blank
Database. Enter the Database name as Company and click on Create button.
Step 3 : Click the Table object and then right click, then select Design View. A dialog box will be
displayed. Enter the table name as Inventory.
Step 4 : Enter the Field name and relevant data type as below :

Step 5 :Open table in table view and enter records.

Step6: Save the table.

4.Create a database ‘college’ and table ‘student’. The following are the details of the

Procedure :
Step 1 : Start MS-Access in the following way :
Start-All Programs  MS - Office  MS - Access MS - Access application will be opened.
Step 2 : To open a new database, click on Office Button, click on New and select the Blank
Database. Enter the Database name as College and click on Create button.
Step 3 : Click the Table object and then right click, then select Design View. A dialog box will be
displayed. Enter the table name as Student.
Step 4 : Enter the Field name and relevant data type as below :
Step 5 : Save the table.
Step 6 : Open table in table view and enter records.

5.Create a database ‘student’. Also create table ‘stdtable’ and execute the following
queries :

a.Sort the data by Sname

b.Calculate total marks of individual students
c.Calculate Percentage Marks of individual students
Procedure :
Step 1 : Start MS-Access in the following way :
Start  All Programs  MS - Office  MS - Access MS - Access application will be opened.
Step 2 : To open a new database, click on Office Button, click on New and select the Blank
Database. Enter the Database name as College and click on Create button.
Step 3 : Click the Table object and then right click, then select Design View. A dialog box will be
displayed. Enter the table name as Stdtable.
Step 4 : Enter the Field name and relevant data type as below :
Step 5 : Save the table.
Step 6 : Open table in table view and enter records.

Step 7: To sort the data by Sname, select SName column, right click on inverted triangle, select sort

Step 8 : Data will be sorted in ascending order. The sorted data is as follows :

Step 9 :Add columns Total, Percentage in design view and save.

Step 10 :Click Create  Query Design Show Table dialogue box will be displayed, select
‘stdtable’ click on Add button then Close button.
Step 11 :Select column name Total in the grid.
Step 12 :To calculate Total , write the following query in : Update To

Step 13 :Click on Run option , Total column will be updated.

Step 14 :Select column name Percentage in the grid.
Step 15 :To calculate Percentage, write the following query in : Update To
Step 16 :Click on Run option , Percentage column will be updated.
Step17 :Save query.
6.Create a database ‘Student1’. Also create table ‘stdtable’ and execute the following

SRollNo SName English SL FA BE BOM IT

101 Rajender 75 85 90 85 86 90
102 Arvind 88 75 95 80 82 85
103 Krihna 50 52 58 50 53 54
104 Harish 52 55 51 56 57 59
105 Rajesh 86 85 81 80 89 90
(a) Display all students who got >=80 Marks in any subject.
(b) Display all Students who got >=80% Marks in Total.
(c) Display all Students who got <=60% Marks in Total.
Procedure :
Step 1 : Start MS-Access in the following way :
Start All Programs MS - Office MS – Access, MS - Access application will be opened.
Step 2 : To open a new database, click on Office Button, click on New and select the Blank
Database. Enter the Database name as College and click on Create button.
Step 3 : Click the Table object and then right click, then select Design View. A dialog box will be
displayed. Enter the table name as Stdtable.
Step 4 : Enter the Field name and relevant data type as below :

Step 5 : Save the table.

Step 6 : Open table in table view and enter records.
Step 7: To sort the data by Sname, select SName column, right click on inverted triangle, select sort
Step 8 : Data will be sorted in ascending order. The sorted data is as follows :

Step 9 :Add columns Total, Percentage in design view and save.

Step 10 :Click Create  Query Design Show Table dialogue box will be displayed, select
‘stdtable’ click on Add button then Close button.
Step 11 :Select column name Total in the grid.
Step 12 :To calculate Total , write the following query in : Update To

Step 13 :Click on Run option , Total column will be updated.

Step 14 :Select column name Percentage in the grid.
Step 15 :To calculate Percentage, write the following query in : Update To

Step 16 :Click on Run option , Percentage column will be updated.

Step 17: To display all students who got >=80 marks in any subject, click on Create Query Design.
Show Table dialogue box will be displayed, select ‘studtable’ click on Add button then Close button.
Step 18 : Select required field names in the grid
Step 19 : Select Run option. Output will be displayed as follows.

Step 20 :Similarly to display students who got >=80% in Total, create the following query:
Step 21:Select Run option. Output will be displayed as follows :

Step 22:Similarly to display students who got <=60% in Total, create the following query :

Step 23:Select Run option. Output will be displayed as follows :

7.Create a database ‘student2’. Also create table ‘stdmarks’ and execute the following queries :

a)Display All the students who got<25 in individual subjects.

b)Display all the students who are failed in individual subjects.
c)Increase marks by adding 5 marks whose marks are <25.
Procedure :
Step 1 : Start MS-Access in the following way :
Start All Programs MS - OfficeMS - Access, MS - Access application will be opened.
Step 2 : To open a new database, click on Office Button, click on New and select the Blank
Database. Enter the Database name as College and click on Create button.
Step 3 : Click the Table object and then right click, then select Design View. A dialog box will be
displayed. Enter the table name as Stdtable.
Step 4 : Enter the Field name and relevant data type as below :

Step 5 : Save the table.

Step 6 : Open table in table view and enter records.

Step 7: To display all the students who got <25 in individual subjects, Click on Create  Query Design
as follows :

Step 8 : Select Run option. Output will be displayed as follows :

Step 9: To display all the students who failed in individual subjects, Click on Create  Query Design
as follows:

Step 10 :Select Run option. Output will be displayed as follows :

Step 11 :Increase marks by adding 5 marks whose marks are <25.

Click on Create  Query Design àUpdate as follows:

Step 12 :Select Run option. Output will be displayed as follows :
8. Create a database ‘Student3’. Also create table ‘stdmarks1’ and execute the following queries.

Update table by adding Grade as per the following:

Total %age<=90% Grade “E”
Total %age<=75% Grade “A”
Total %age>=60% Grade “B”
Total %age>=50% Grade “C”
Total %age>=36% Grade “D”
Total %age<=36% Grade “F”
Step1: Start MS-Access in the Star MS-Access in the following way:
Start ->All Programs->MS – Office->MS – Access .MS-Access application will be opened.
Step 2 : To open a new database, Click on Office Button,Click on New and select the Blank Data
base. Enter the Database name as Student3 and click on Create button.
Step3:Click the Table object and then right click, then select Design View. A dialog box will be
displayed.Enter the table name as stdmarks1 .
Step4: Enter the Fieldname and relevant data type as below:

Step 5: Save the table.

Step6: Open the table in table view and enter records

Step 8 :Add columns Total, Percentage, Result and Grade in Design View.
Step 9 :Follow the procedure in Question1 to update Total , Percentage and Result.

Step 10 :To update Grade, click on Create  Query Design  Update, as follows :

IIf([Percentage]>=90, ‘E’,IIf([Percentage]>=75, ‘A’,IIf([Percentage]>=60, ‘B’,IIf([Percentage]>=50,

‘C’,IIf([Percentage]>=36, ‘D’, ‘F’))))

Step 11 :Select Run option. Output will be displayed as follows :

9.Create ‘Employee’ database and table ‘Emp’

a) Calculate DA as 40% of Basic Salary.

b) Calculate HRA as 15% of Basic Salary..
c) Calculate PF as 12.67% of Basic Salary.
d) Calculate Gross Pay=Basic Salary + DA+HRA.
e) Calculate Net Pay= Gross Pay-PF.

Step1: Start MS-Access in the Star MS-Access in the following way:
Start ->All Programs->MS – Office->MS – Access .MS-Access application will be opened.
Step 2 : To open a new database, Click on Office Button, Click on New and select th
Blank Database. Enter the Database name as Employee and click on Create button.
Step3: Click the Table object and then right click, then select Design View. A dialog box will be
displayed.Enter the table name as emp.
Step4: Enter the Fieldname and relevant data type as below:
Step5: Open table in table view and enter records.

Step6: Add columns DA, HRA ,PF, Gross Pay and Net Pay in Design View.

Step7: Click on CreateQuery DesignUpdate, as follows.

Select Run option. Output will be displayed as follows:

10. Create ‘Employee’ database and table ‘Emp’

a) List all the Employees Who are working in Deptno.10
b) List all the Employees who get less than 20000 Salary.
Step1: Start MS-Access in the Star MS-Access in the following way:
Start ->All Programs->MS – Office->MS – Access .MS-Access application will be opened.
Step 2 : To open a new database, Click on Office Button, Click on New and select the
Blank Database. Enter the Database name as Employee and click on Create button.
Step3: Click the Table object and then right click, then select Design View. A dialog box will be
displayed. Enter the table name as Emp.
Step4: Enter the Fieldname and relevant data type as below:

Step5: Open table in table view and enter records.

Step 6 :To list the employees who work in Dept. No. 10, Click onCreate Query DesignUpdate, as

Step 7: Select Run option . Output will be displayed as follows:

Step8: To display the employees who get less than 2000 salary,
Click on Create Query Design Update, as follows:
Step9: Select Run option. Output will be displayed as follows:

11.Create ‘Employee2’ database and table ‘Emp2’

Update salary by adding the increment as per the following:

10% increment in Basic salary who get<20000.
5% increment in Basic salary who get>20000.
Step1: Start MS-Access in the Star MS-Access in the following way:
Start ->All Programs->MS – Office->MS – Access .MS-Access application will be opened.
Step 2 : To open a new database, Click on Office Button, Click on New and select the
Blank Database. Enter the Database name as Employee and click on Create button.
Step3: Click the Table object and then right click, then select Design View. A dialog box will be
displayed. Enter the table name as emp.
Step4: Enter the Fieldname and relevant data type as below:

Step5: Open table in table view and enter records.

Step 6: To increment 10% in Basic Salary who get<20000,

Click on CreateQuery DesignUpdate as follows
Step7 : Select Run option. Output will be displayed as follows:

Step 8: To increment 5% in Basic Salary who get>20000,

Click on CreateQuery DesignUpdate As follows:

Step9: Select Run option .Output will be displayed as following.

12.Create ‘Employee3’ database and table ‘Emp3’.
Generate the query to find out following:
(a) Total salary paid by the company to employees.
(b) Maximum Salary paid by the company to the Employees.
(c) Minimum Salary paid by the company to the Employees.
Step 1: Start MS-Access in the Star MS-Access in the following way:
Start ->All Programs->MS – Office->MS – Access .MS-Access application will be opened.
Step 2 : To open a new database, Click on Office Button, Click on New and select the
Blank Database. Enter the Database name as Employee and click on Create button.
Step 3: Click the Table object and then right click, then select Design View. A dialog box will be
displayed.Enter the table name as emp.
Step 4: Enter the Fieldname and relevant data type as below:

Step 5: Open table in table view and enter records.

Step 6:To display total salary paid by company,

Click on CreateQuery DesignAdd tableTotal as follows.

13.In the following table, find out the following :
a)All the Department No.s and Employee Names .
b)All the Employees who joined in the year 2001.
Procedure :
Step 1: Start MS-Access in the Star MS-Access in the following way:
Start ->All Programs->MS – Office->MS – Access .MS-Access application will be opened.
Step 2 : To open a new database, Click on Office Button, Click on New and select the
Blank Database. Enter the Database name as Employee and click on Create button.
Step 3: Click the Table object and then right click, then select Design View. A dialog box will be
Enter the table name as emp.
Step 4: Enter the Fieldname and relevant data type as below:

Step 5: Open table in table view and enter records.

Step 6: To display Department Numbers and Employee Names, click on Create  Query Design as
follows :

Step 7 : Select Run option. Output will be displayed as follows :

14.Create ‘Course’ database and ‘Coursedtl’ table having following records :

(a)Prepare the report to display lowest course fees with college name.
(b)Prepare the Report to display all students who are pursuing B.Com(Computers).
Procedure :
Step 1 : Start MS-Access in the following way :
Start All Programs MS - Office  MS - Access
MS – Access application will be opened.
Step 2 : To open a new database, click on Office Button, click on New and select the Blank
Database. Enter the Database name as Course and click on Create button.
Step 3 : Click the Table object and then right click, then select Design View. A dialog box will be
displayed. Enter the table name as Coursedtl.
Step 4 : Enter the Field name and relevant data type as below :

Step 5 : Open table in table view and enter records.

Step 6 : To create Report to display the course and college having Lowest Course Fees, we have to
create a query. To create the query, click on Create  Query Design  Total as follows :
Step 7 : Select Run option. Output will be displayed as follows :

Step 8: After the query is executed, click on Create  Report  Report Wizard.

Complete the steps in the Report Wizard, the Report will be displayed as follows :

Step 9 : To create Report to display all the students who are pursuing BCom Computers,
click on Create  Query Design as follows :
Step 10 :Select Run option. Output will be displayed as follows :

Complete the steps in the Report Wizard, the Report will be displayed as follows :

15. In the following table, generate the queries for the following :

(a) Display the Course and College having Lowest Course Fees.
(b) Display all the Courses pursuing by the PQR College.
Procedure :
Step 1 : Start MS-Access in the following way :
Start  All Programs  MS - Office  MS - Access
MS - Access application will be opened.
Step 2 : To open a new database, click on Office Button, click on New and select the Blank
Database. Enter the Database name as Course and click on Create button.
Step 3 : Click the Table object and then right click, then select Design View. A dialog box will be
displayed. Enter the table name as Coursedtl.
Step 4 : Enter the Field name and relevant data type as below :
Step 5 : Open table in table view and enter records.

Step 6 : Select Run option. Output will be displayed as follows

Step 7 : To display all the courses pursuing by the PQR College,

click on Create Query Design as follows

Step 8 : Select Run option. Output will be displayed as follows :

16.Create a Library Database of your College having following fields and enter at least 30 records
in it :
Field Name Description
BookCode Primary Key
BookTitle Subject Name
Publisher Book Publisher Name
No. of Copies Quantity in one Invoice
No. of Pages Total Pages in Book

Procedure :
Step 1 : Start MS-Access in the following way :
Start All Programs  MS - Office MS - Access .
MS - Access application will be opened.
Step 2 : To open a new database, click on Office Button, click on New and select the
Blank Database. Enter the Database name as College and click on Create button.
Step 3 : Click the Table object and then right click, then select Design View. A dialog box will
be displayed. Enter the table name as Library.
Step 4 : Enter the Field name and relevant data type as below :

Step 5 : Save and Open table in table view and enter records.

17.From the College Library database, find out the following :

(a)Total No. of copies of books subject -wise
(b)A report displays all books group by Publisher.
(c)A report displays all books group by Book Title.
(d)A report display as all books group by Book Edition. Procedure :
Step 1 : Start MS-Access in the following way :
Start  All Programs  MS - Office MS - Access MS - Access application will be opened.
Step 2 : To open a new database, click on Office Button, click on New and select the
Blank Database. Enter the Database name as College and click on Create button.
Step 3 : Click the Table object and then right click, then select Design View. A dialog box
will be displayed. Enter the table name as Library.
Step 4 : Enter the Field name and relevant data type as below :
Step 5 : Save and Open table in table view and enter records.

Step 6 : To display Total No. of Copies of Books subject-wise, click on Create  Query Design  Total
as follows :

Step 7 : Select Run option. Output will be displayed as follows :

Step 8 : To display all the books by Publisher, click on Create  Query Design  Add Table  Total as
follows :

Step 9 : Select Run option. Output will be displayed as follows :

Step 10 : To create the report that displays all books group by Publisher, use the querie in Step 8 and
Step 9. After the query is executed, click on Create  Report  Report Wizard.

Complete the steps in the Report Wizard, the Report will be displayed as follows :

Use same procedure for generating reports group by, Book title, Book Edition.
18.Create the ‘Order’ database and a table “Orderdtl’ having following records:
Procedure :
Step 1 : Start MS-Access in the following way :
Start  All Programs  MS - Office MS - Access MS - Access application will be opened.
Step 2 : To open a new database, click on Office Button, click on New and select the
Blank Database. Enter the Database name as Order and click on Create button.
Step 3 : Click the Table object and then right click, then select Design View. A dialog box will be
displayed. Enter the table name as Orderdtl.
Step 4 : Enter the Field name and relevant data type as below :

Step 5 : Save and Open table in table view and enter records.

Step 6 : To display all the Order No. which have not yet delivered, click on Create Query Design as
follows :
Step 7 : Select Run option. Output will be displayed as follows :

Step 8 : To display all the Orders of LED Monitors and CPU, click on Create  Query Design as
follows :

Step 9 : Select Run option. Output will be displayed as follows :

Step 10 :To display all the Orders of LED Monitors and CPU which are not been delivered yet,
click on Create  Query Design as follows :

Step 11 :Run option. Output will be displayed as follows :

19.Create a ‘Sales’ Database and a table ‘Salesdtl’ having following fields and data :
Procedure :
Step 1 : Start MS-Access in the following way :
Start  All Programs  MS - Office MS - Access MS - Access application will be opened.
Step 2 : To open a new database, click on Office Button, click on New and select the
Blank Database. Enter the Database name as Sales and click on Create button.
Step 3 : Click the Table object and then right click, then select Design View. A dialog box will be d
isplayed. Enter the table name as Salesdtl.
Step 4 : Enter the Field name and relevant data type as below :

Step 5 : Save and Open table in table view and enter records.


20.Generate the queries to find out the followings from the above ‘Sales’ Table:
(a) Total sale of all the Branches.
(b) Total sale group by Branches.
(c) Maximum sale of individual branch.
(d) Maximum sale in all branches.
Procedure :
Step 1 : Start MS-Access in the following way :
Start  All Programs  MS - Office MS - Access MS - Access application will be opened.
Step 2 : To open a new database, click on Office Button, click on New and select the
Blank Database. Enter the Database name as Sales and click on Create button.
Step 3 : Click the Table object and then right click, then select Design View. A dialog box will be d
isplayed. Enter the table name as Salesdtl.
Step 4 : Enter the Field name and relevant data type as below :
Step 5 : Save and Open table in table view and enter records.

Step 6 : To generate total sales of all branches. Create  Query Design  Add Table  Total as follows:

Step 7 : Select Run option. Output will be displayed as follows :

Step 8 : To generate total sales group by Branches, click Create  Query Design  Add Table  Total as

Step 9 : Select Run option. Output will be displayed as follows :

Step 10 :To generate total sales of all branches, click CreateàQuery Design  Add Table  Total

Step 11 :Select Run option. Output will be displayed as follows :

Step 12 :To generate Maximum sale of all branches,

click CreateQuery Design  Add Table  Total as follows :

Step 13 :Select Run option. Output will be displayed as follows :


21.Create a ‘Stock’ database having an ‘Inventory’ Table as per the following:

Procedure :
Step 1 : Start MS-Access in the following way :
Start  All Programs  MS - Office MS - Access MS - Access application will be opened.
Step 2 : To open a new database, click on Office Button, click on New and select the Blank
Database. Enter the Database name as Company and click on Create button.
Step 3 : Click the Table object and then right click, then select Design View. A dialog box will be
displayed. Enter the table name as Inventory.
Step 4 : Enter the Field name and relevant data type as below :
Step 5 : Open table in table view and enter records.

22.Generate the following queries from the above ‘Inventory’ Table:
(a)Item-wise Total Purchase Price.
(b)Display new purchase price after adding 15% increase in purchase price.
(c)Display new Purchase quantity after deducting 5% from the quantity

Procedure :
Step 1 : Start MS-Access in the following way :
Start  All Programs  MS - Office MS - Access MS - Access application will be opened.
Step 2 : To open a new database, click on Office Button, click on New and select the Blank
Database. Enter the Database name as Company and click on Create button.
Step 3 : Click the Table object and then right click, then select Design View. A dialog box will be
displayed. Enter the table name as Inventory.
Step 4 : Add column ‘TotalPurchasePrice’ to table in design view.

Step 5: To update item wise total purchase price. Create a query by clicking the following:
Query Design Add table Update

Step 6 : Select Run option. Output will be displayed as follows :

Step 7 : To display new purchase price adding 15% increase .Create a query by clicking the following :
Query  Design Add table Update
Step 8 :Select Run option. Output will be displayed as follows.
Step 9 : To display new purchase quantity after deducting 5%. Create a query by clicking the
following :
Query Design Add table Update

Step 10:Select Run option. Output will be displayed as follows :

23.Create a ‘Stock’ database having ‘Inventory’ table:

Generate the following queries from the above table:

(a)Calculate the closing stock of each item (Closing Stock = Opening Stock + Purchase– Sales)
(b)Display all the Items which has closing stock < 100
(c)If closing stock is less than 100 then set the remark as “Re-Order Level” otherwise “Enough
Procedure :
Step 1 : Start MS-Access in the following way :
Start  All Programs  MS - Office MS - Access MS - Access application will be opened.
Step 2 : To open a new database, click on Office Button, click on New and select the Blank
Database. Enter the Database name as Company and click on Create button.
Step 3 : Click the Table object and then right click, then select Design View. A dialog box will be
displayed. Enter the table name as Inventory.
Step 4 : Enter the Field name and relevant data type as below :

Step 5 : Open table in table view and enter records.

Step 6 :Add column ‘Closing Stock’ in design view.

Step 7 : To update closing stock, Create a query by clicking the following :

QueryDesign  Add table  Update

Step 8 : Select Run option. Output will be displayed as follows :

Step 9 : To display all the items which has Closing Stock < 100, Create a query by clicking the
following :
Query Design Add table Update.
Step 10 :Select Run option. Output will be displayed as follows :
Step 11 :Add column Remark to the table in Design view.

Step 12 :To update if closing stock is less than 100 then remark as “Re-Order Level” otherwise
“Enough Stock”. Create a query by clicking the following :
Q u e r yDesign Add table  Update

Step 13 :Select Run option. Output will be displayed as follows :


24.Create a database ‘student2’. Also create table ‘stdmarks’ and execute the following
queries :
SRollNo S Name English SL FA BE BOM IT
101 Rajender 22 20 23 20 23 20
102 Arvind 20 21 20 23 20 20
103 Krishna 50 52 58 50 53 54
104 Harish 52 55 51 56 57 59
105 Rajesh 86 85 81 80 89 90
(a) All the students who got<25 in individual subjects.
(b) Display all the students who are failed in individual subjects.
(c) Increase marks by adding 5 marks whose marks are <25.
Procedure :
Step 1 : Start MS-Access in the following way :
Start All Programs MS - Office  MS – Access. MS - Access application will be opened.
Step 2 : To open a new database, click on Office Button, click on New and select the Blank
Database. Enter the Database name as College and click on Create button.
Step 3 : Click the Table object and then right click, then select Design View. A dialog box will be
displayed. Enter the table name as Stdtable.
Step 4 : Enter the Field name and relevant data type as below :

Step 5 : Save the table.

Step 6 : Open table in table view and enter records.

Step 7: To display all the students who got <25 in individual subjects, Click on Create  Query Design
as follows :

Step 8 : Select Run option. Output will be displayed as follows :

Step 9: To display all the students who failed in individual subjects, Click on Create  Query Design
as follows:
Step 10 :Select Run option. Output will be displayed as follows :

Step 11 :Increase marks by adding 5 marks whose marks are <25.

Click on Create  Query Design à Update as follows:

Step 12 :Select Run option. Output will be displayed as follows :

25.Create a Personal Information table in MS –Access with the following fields:
a.First Name
b.Middle Name
c.Last Name
b.Temporary Address
c.Permanent Address Generate a Form and Report.

Procedure :
Step 1 : Start MS-Access in the following way :
Start  All Programs  MS - OfficeMS - Access MS - Access application will be opened.
Step 2 : To open a new database, Click on Office Button, Click on New and select the Blank Database.
Enter the Database name as College and click on Create button.
Step 3 : Click the Table object and then right click, then select Design View. A dialog box will be
displayed. Enter the table name as PersonalInformation.
Step 4 : Enter the Field name and relevant data type as below :
Step 5 : Select table view, save the table .
Step 6 : To enter the records into the table, double click the ‘PersonalInformation’ : Table
option on the left side, enter records.

Step 7 : To create a form, select Create  Form, form is created.

Step 8 : You can add data to the table using this form, by clicking on New(blank) record .
Step 9 : To create Report, Create  Report, report is created.

26.Create a table (student) in access with(name, fathername, gender, DOB ,phno, address) insert
10 records.
Procedure :
Step 1 : Start MS-Access in the following way :
Start  All Programs MS - Office MS – Access. MS - Access application will be opened.
Step 2 : To open a new database, Click on Office Button, Click on New and select the Blank Database.
Enter the Database name as College and click on Create button.
Step 3 : Click the Table object and then right click, then select Design View. A dialog box will be
displayed. Enter the table name as Student.
Step 4 : Enter the Field name and relevant data type as below :

Step 5 :Save the table.

Step 6: To enter the records into the table, double click the Student : Table option on the left side,
enter records.

Step 7: To calculate Total, select Create Query Design, Show Table dialogue box will
be displayed, select ‘Student’ table. Click on Add then close.
Step 8 : Select Update option, in Update To: type as follows :

Save the Query and select Run option to execute query.

Step 9 : To calculate Average, in Update To: type as follows :

Save the Query and select Run option to execute query.

Step 10 :To calculate Result, in Update To: type as follows :

Save the Query and select Run option to execute query.

27. Create a FEE table in access with (name, category, course/group, year, fees). Insert 10 records.
Add new column concession.
Write a query to calculate concession.
Calculate concession=fee*20/100; when category is NCC/NSS/GIRL
Procedure :
Step 1 : Start MS-Access in the following way :
Start All Programs  MS - Office MS - Access .MS - Access application will be opened.
Step 2 : To open a new database, click on Office Button, click on New and select the Blank
Database. Enter the Database name as College and click on Create button.
Step 3 : Click the Table object and then right click, then select Design View. A dialog box will be
displayed. Enter the table name as Fee.
Step4: Enter the Field name and relevant fields as follows.

Step 5 : To enter the records into the table, double click the ‘FEE’: Table option on the left
side, enter records.
Step 6 : Add new column concession to the table in Design View.
Step 7 : To calculate concession whose category is NCC/NSS/GIRL, Create a Query by clicking the
following option :QueryDesign Update.

Step 8 : Select Run option. Output will be displayed as follows :

28.Create a table (person) in access with name, phno, email-id and address insert 10 records. Create
a query to display email id, phno and address when user gives name.
Procedure :
Step 1 : Start MS-Access in the following way :
Start  All Programs MS - OfficeMS - Access MS - Access application will be opened.
Step 2 : To open a new database, click on Office Button, click on New and select the Blank Database.
Enter the Database name as Company and click on Create button.
Step 3 : Click the Table object and then right click, then select Design View. A dialog box will be
displayed. Enter the table name as Person.
Step 4 : Enter the Field name and relevant data type as below :

Step 5 : To enter the records into the table, double click the ‘person: Table’ option on the
left side, enter records.
Step 6 : To display email id, phno, and address for given name, Create a Query Design as follows :

Step 7: Select Run option. Output will be displayed as follows :

29.Create a SALES table in access with (ID, productname, quantity, salesrate, commission, tax)
insert 10 records.
Add new column affiliate earnings.
Write a query to calculate affiliate earnings.
Calculate affiliate earnings=(quantity*salesrate)+commission-tax.
Procedure :
Step 1 : Start MS-Access in the following way :
Start All Programs  MS - Office MS - Access
MS - Access application will be opened.
Step 2 : To open a new database, click on Office Button, click on New and select the Blank
Database. Enter the Database name as Company and click on Create button.
Step 3 : Click the Table object and then right click, then select Design View. A dialog box will be
displayed. Enter the table name as Sales.
Step 4 : Enter the Field name and relevant data type as below :
Step 5: To enter the records into the table, double click the ‘SALES: Table’ option on the left side,
enter records.

Step 6 : To create query : Calculation of affiliate earnings.

Click on Create Tab, Select Query Design option.
A Show Table dialog box will be displayed. Select the stdtable option and click on Add Button. The
fields in stdtable will be displayed. Then click the Close button in the Show Table dialog box.
To update the query, in the Design Tab, click on the Update option. In the field option, select the
fields which you want to display.
In the AffiliateEarnings box enter

Step 7: Select Run option. Output will be displayed as follows :

30.Create a database ‘Club’ and table ‘Member’. The following are the details of the table:

Procedure :
Step 1 : Start MS-Access in the following way :
Start-All Programs  MS - Office  MS - Access MS - Access application will be opened.
Step 2 : To open a new database, click on Office Button, click on New and select the Blank
Database. Enter the Database name as College and click on Create button.
Step 3 : Click the Table object and then right click, then select Design View. A dialog box will be
displayed. Enter the table name as Student.
Step 4 : Enter the Field name and relevant data type as below :
Step 5 : Save the table.
Step 6 : Open table in table view and enter records.


31.Create ‘employee’ database and table ‘emp’.

Step1: Start MS-Access in the Star MS-Access in the following way:
Start ->All Programs->MS – Office->MS – Access .MS-Access application will be opened.
Step 2 : To open a new database, Click on Office Button, Click on New and select the
Blank Database. Enter the Database name as Employee and click on Create button.
Step3: Click the Table object and then right click, then select Design View. A dialog box will be
Enter the table name as emp.
Step4: Enter the Fieldname and relevant data type as below.

32.Create a database ‘Student’. Also create table ‘stdtable’ and execute the following

(a)Sort the data by SRollno

(b)Display Srollno, Sname, State and Marks where marks > 80
(c)Display Srollno, Sname, State and Marks where Grade= A
Procedure :
Step 1 : Start MS-Access in the following way :
Start All Programs MS - Office  MS – Access. MS - Access application will be opened.
Step 2 : To open a new database, click on Office Button, click on New and select the Blank
Database. Enter the Database name as College and click on Create button.
Step 3 : Click the Table object and then right click, then select Design View. A dialog box will be
displayed. Enter the table name as Stdtable.
Step 4 : Enter the Field name and relevant data type as below :

Step 5 : Save the table.

Step 6 : To enter the records into the data, double click the stdtable : Table option on the left side.
Enter the records.

Step 7 : To sort the data on the basis of Srollno do the following : Click on Create Tab, Select Query
Design option.A Show Table dialog box will be displayed. Select the stdtable option and click on Add
Button. The fields in stdtable will be displayed. Then click the Close button in the Show Table dialog
box. In the Sort box click Ascending option.
Run the query by clicking on Run option.
Step 8 : To create query : display Srollno, Sname, State where Marks > 80 do the following: Click on
Create Tab, Select Query Design option.
A Show Table dialog box will be displayed. Select the stdtable option and click on Add Button. The
fields in stdtable will be displayed. Then click the Close button in the Show Table dialog box.
In the field option, select the fields (srollno, sname, state) which you want to display.

In the Marks criteria box enter > 80.

Run the query by clicking on Run option.

Step 9 : To create query : display Srollno, Sname, State where Grade = A do the following: Click on
Create Tab, Select Query Design option.
A Show Table dialog box will be displayed. Select the stdtable option and click on Add Button. The
fields in stdtable will be displayed. Then click the Close button in the Show Table dialog box.
In the field option, select the fields which you want to display. In the Grade criteria box enter = “A”

Run the query by clicking on Run option.

33.Create ‘employee’ database and table ‘emp’. Create a Report.

Procedure :
Step1: Start MS-Access in the Star MS-Access in the following way:
Start ->All Programs->MS – Office->MS – Access .MS-Access application will be opened.
Step 2 : To open a new database, Click on Office Button, Click on New and select the
Blank Database. Enter the Database name as Employee and click on Create button.
Step3: Click the Table object and then right click, then select Design View. A dialog box will be
Enter the table name as emp.
Step4: Enter the Fieldname and relevant data type as below.

Step 8 : You can add data to the table using this form, by clicking on New(blank) record .
Step 9 : To create Report, CreateReport, report is created.

34. Create a database ‘Library’ and create a table as ‘Books’ and execute the queries
given below :

Display Book title, Book type, author name where author=Ram and book type=Accounting.
Display Author Fname, Book type year of publication where year above 2000.
Procedure :
Step 1 : Start MS-Access in the following way :
Start All Programs  MS - Office MS – Access, MS - Access application will be opened.
Step 2 : To open a new database, click on Office Button, click on New and select the
Blank Database. Enter the Database name as Library and click on Create button.
Step 3 : Click the Table object and then right click, then select Design View. A dialog box will be
displayed. Enter the table name as Books.
Step 4 : Enter the Field name and relevant data type as below :

Step 5 : Save the table.

Step 6 : To enter the records into the data, double click the Books : Table option on the left side.

Step 7 : To create a query : Display book title, book type, author name where
author = Ram and book type = Accounting
Click on Create Tab, select Query Design option.
A Show Table dialog box will be displayed. Select the Books option and click on
Add Button.The fields in books will be displayed. Then click the Close button in the Show Table dialog
In the field option, select the fields which you want to display like Book Title, Book type, Author
In the Book Type criteria box, enter =”Accounting” and in the Author Fname
criteria box, enter =”Ram”

Run the query by clicking on Run option.

Step 8 : To create a query : Display Author Fname, Book Type, Year of Publication where year above
Click on Create Tab, select Query Design option.
A Show Table dialog box will be displayed. Select the Books option and click on Add Button. The
fields in books will be displayed. Then click the Close button in the Show Table dialog box.
In the field option, select the fields which you want to display like Author Fname, Book type, Year of
In the Year of Publication criteria box, enter >2000
Run the query by clicking on Run option.

35.Create Business table by using Design Table with year own data ( at least 6 fields and 10
Procedure :
Step 1 : Start MS-Access in the following way :
Start  All Programs  MS - Office  MS – Access,MS - Access application will be opened.
Step 2 : To open a new database, click on Office Button, click on New and
select theBlank Database. Enter the Database name as Company and click on Create button.
Step 3 : Click the Table object and then right click, then select Design View.
A dialog box will be displayed. Enter the table name as Business.
Step 4 : Enter the Field name and relevant data type as below :

Step 5 : Save the table.

Step 6 : To enter the records into the data, double click the Business : Table option on the left side.

36.Create Personal table by using Table Design with your own data (atleast 6 fields and 10
Procedure :
Step 1 : Start MS-Access in the following way :
Start  All Programs MS - OfficeMS – Access, MS - Access application will be opened.
Step 2 : To open a new database, click on Office Button, click on New and
select the Blank Database. Enter the Database name as Person and click on Create button.
Step 3 : Click the Table object and then right click, then select Design View.
A dialog box will be displayed. Enter the table name as Personal.
Step 4 : Enter the Field name and relevant data type as below :
Step 5 :Save the table.
Step 6 : To enter the records into the data, double click the Personal : Table option on the left side.

37. Create a ’Student database table’ and also create a Report .
SRoll no Sname Class State DOB Marks Grade
101 Raj AP 21-09-82 80 A
105 Ram MP 31-08-81 70 B
104 Rakesh UP 30-06-80 90 A
103 Ramesh B.Com-II AP 25-07-82 38 C
105 Rajesh B.Com-I MP 02-02-83 45 C
Procedure :

38.Create ‘Student database table ‘and also create a Report .

SRoll no Sname Class State DOB Mark Grade

1 Rajesh B.Com-I AP 21-09-84 81 A
2 Ramesh B.Com-II MP 31-08-85 72 B
3 Rakesh B.Com-III UP 30-06-89 90 A
4 Suresh B.Com-II AP 25-07-82 36 B
5 Vignesh B.Com-I MP 02-02-83 45 C
Procedure :
Follow the procedure of Question no.37

39. Create a employee database and Create a Report .

Emp.No Ename Job DOJ Basic Deptno Sex
101 Ajya Clerk 17-12-01 6000 20 Male
102 Arvind Salesmen 20-02-02 5000 30 Male
103 Rahul Salesmen 22-03-01 5500 20 Male
104 Rehman Manager 01-04-01 12000 40 Male
105 Sahil Manager 20-09-02 11500 10 Male
Procedure :
Follow Procedure of Question No.2
40.Create table textbook with the following fields. Insert 10 records.
Book title, author name, publication name, quantity, price.
Create query to display the books of information technology.
Create query to display the books of Himalaya publications.
Procedure :
Step 1 : Start MS-Access in the following way :
Start  All Programs MS - OfficeMS – Access, MS - Access application will be opened.
Step 2 : To open a new database, click on Office Button, click on New and
select the Blank Database. Enter the Database name as College and click on Create button.
Step 3 : Click the Table object and then right click, then select Design View.
A dialog box will be displayed. Enter the table name as textbook.
Step 4 : Enter the Field name and relevant data type as below :

Step 5 : Save the table.

Step 6 : To enter the records into the data, double click the textbook: Table option on the left side.

Step7: Create query to display the books of information technology using query design as follows.

Save and Run the query.

Step8: output of query itbook is as follows.

Step9: Create query to display the books of Himalaya publications using query design as follows.
Save and Run the query.
Step9: output of query himalayaquery is as follows.

41.Create a table student with the following fields(rno, name, fa marks, be marks, it marks, total
and average). Insert 10 records, calculate total = fa+be+it. Average=total/ no of subjects.
Create a query to display all information of student who secured >75 marks in IT subject.
Create a query to display name, total and average who’s average is > 80.
Procedure :
Step 1 : Start MS-Access in the following way :
Start All Programs MS - Office MS – Access, MS - Access application will be opened.
Step 2 : To open a new database, click on Office Button, click on New and select the
Blank Database. Enter the Database name as College and click on Create button.
Step 3 : Click the Table object and then right click, then select Design View. A dialog box
will be displayed. Enter the table name as Stdtable.
Step 4 : Enter the Field name and relevant data type as below :

Step5: Save the table Stdtable. and enter the records as follows.

Step6: Create a query to calculate Total as follows.

Step7: Run the query

Step8: Create a query to find Average=total/3.

Step9:The output will be as follows.

42.Create a table employee with (idno, name, job, age, salary). Insert 10 records. Create a query to
display the information of all managers.
Create a query to display the names of employs who’s salary is >15000.
Procedure :
Step 1 : Start MS-Access in the following way :
Start All Programs  MS - Office MS - Access ,MS - Access application will be opened.
Step 2 : To open a new database, click on Office Button, click on New and select the
Blank Database. Enter the Database name as Company and click on Create
Step 3 : Click the Table object and then right click, then select Design View. A dialog box will be
displayed. Enter the table name as Employee. Click on OK button.
Step 4 : Enter fieldnames and relevant data types.

Step 5 : open table in table view enter records.

Step 6 : To create query : Display the information of all managers.

Click on Create Tab, Select Query Design option.
A Show Table dialog box will be displayed.
Select the Employee option and click on Add Button.
The fields Employee in will be displayed. Then click the Close button in the Show Table dialog box.
In the field option, select the fields (EmpID, EmpName, Job, Age) which you want to display.
In the Job box enter at criteria =“Manager”.
Save and Run the query by clicking on Run option.
Step 7: Select Run option. Output will be displayed as follows.

Step 8 : To displays names of employees who’s salary >15000.

Click on Create Tab, Select Query Design option.
A Show Table dialog box will be displayed. Select the Employee option and click on Add Button. The
fields in Employee will be displayed. Then click the Close button in the Show Table dialog box.
In the field option, select the fields (idno, name, job, age, salary) which you want to display. In the
Salary box enter at criteria >15000.

Step 9: select Run option. Output will be displayed as follows :

43.Create a report for the student table with rno, name, fa, be, it, total and average.
Procedure :
Step 1 : Start MS-Access in the following way :
Start All Programs MS - Office MS – Access, MS - Access application will be opened.
Step 2 : To open a new database, click on Office Button, click on New and select the
Blank Database. Enter the Database name as College and click on Create button.
Step 3 : Click the Table object and then right click, then select Design View. A dialog box
will be displayed. Enter the table name as Stdtable.
Step 4 : Enter the Field name and relevant data type as below :

Step5: Save the table Stdtable. and enter the records as follows.
Step6: Create a query to calculate Total as follows.

Step7: Run the query

Step8: Create a query to find Average=total/3.

Step9:The output will be as follows.


Step10:goto create reportselect report, the following report is generated.

44.From the College Library database find out the following:-

a. Total no. of copies of books subject wise.
b. A report displays all books group by Publisher.
c. A report displays all books group by Book Title.
d. A report displays all books group by Book Edition
Procedure :
Step 1 : Start MS-Access in the following way :
Start  All Programs  MS - Office MS - Access MS - Access application will be opened.
Step 2 : To open a new database, click on Office Button, click on New and select the
Blank Database. Enter the Database name as College and click on Create button.
Step 3 : Click the Table object and then right click, then select Design View. A dialog box
will be displayed. Enter the table name as Library.
Step 4 : Enter the Field name and relevant data type as below :

Step 5 : Save and Open table in table view and enter records.

Step 6 : To display Total No. of Copies of Books subject-wise, click on Create  Query Design  Total
as follows :

Step 7 : Select Run option. Output will be displayed as follows :

Step 8 : To display all the books by Publisher, click on Create  Query Design  Add Table  Total as
follows :
Step 9 : Select Run option. Output will be displayed as follows :

Step 10 : To create the report that displays all books group by Publisher, use the querie in Step 8 and
Step 9. After the query is executed, click on Create  Report  Report Wizard.

Complete the steps in the Report Wizard, the Report will be displayed as follows :

Use same procedure for generating reports group by, Book title, Book Edition.
45.Create a ‘Stock’ database having ‘Inventory’ table:

Generate the following queries from the above table:

(a)Calculate the closing stock of each item (Closing Stock = Opening Stock +Purchase – Sales)
(b)Display all the Items which has closing stock < 100
(c)If closing stock is less than 100 then set the remark as “Re-Order Level”
otherwise “Enough Stock”.
Procedure :
Step 1 : Start MS-Access in the following way :
Start  All Programs  MS - Office MS - Access MS - Access application will be opened.
Step 2 : To open a new database, click on Office Button, click on New and select the Blank
Database. Enter the Database name as Company and click on Create button.
Step 3 : Click the Table object and then right click, then select Design View. A dialog box will be
displayed. Enter the table name as Inventory.
Step 4 : Enter the Field name and relevant data type as below :

Step 5 : Open table in table view and enter records.

Step 6 :Add column ‘Closing Stock’ in design view.

Step 7 : To update closing stock, Create a query by clicking the following :

QueryDesign  Add table  Update

Step 8 : Select Run option. Output will be displayed as follows :

Step 9 : To display all the items which has Closing Stock < 100, Create a query by clicking the
following :
Query Design Add table Update.
Step 10 :Select Run option. Output will be displayed as follows :

Step 11 :Add column Remark to the table in Design view.

Step 12 :To update if closing stock is less than 100 then remark as “Re-Order Level” otherwise
“Enough Stock”. Create a query by clicking the following :
Q u e r yDesign Add table  Update

Step 13 :Select Run option. Output will be displayed as follows :

46.Create a FEE table in access with (name, category, course/group, year, fees,)insert 10 records .
add new column concession. Write a query to calculate concession. calculate
concession=fee*20/100; when category is NCC/NSS/GIRL
Procedure :
Step 1 : Start MS-Access in the following way :
Start All Programs  MS - Office MS - Access .MS - Access application will be opened.
Step 2 : To open a new database, click on Office Button, click on New and select the Blank
Database. Enter the Database name as College and click on Create button.
Step 3 : Click the Table object and then right click, then select Design View. A dialog box will be
displayed. Enter the table name as Fee.
Step4: Enter the Field name and relevant fields as follows.

Step 5 : To enter the records into the table, double click the ‘FEE’: Table option on the left
side, enter records.
Step 6 : Add new column concession to the table in Design View.

Step 7 : To calculate concession whose category is NCC/NSS/GIRL, Create a Query by clicking the
following option :QueryDesign Update.

Step 8 : Select Run option. Output will be displayed as follows :

47.Create a database ‘student’. Also Create table ‘stdtable’ and execute the following

(a)Sort the data by SRollno

(b)Display Srollno, Sname, State and Marks where marks > 80
(c)Display Srollno, Sname, State and Marks where Grade= A
Procedure :
Step 1 : Start MS-Access in the following way :
Start All Programs MS - Office  MS – Access. MS - Access application will be opened.
Step 2 : To open a new database, click on Office Button, click on New and select the Blank
Database. Enter the Database name as College and click on Create button.
Step 3 : Click the Table object and then right click, then select Design View. A dialog box will be
displayed. Enter the table name as Stdtable.
Step 4 : Enter the Field name and relevant data type as below :

Step 5 : Save the table.

Step 6 : To enter the records into the data, double click the stdtable : Table option on the left side.
Enter the records.

Step 7 : To sort the data on the basis of Srollno do the following : Click on Create Tab, Select Query
Design option.A Show Table dialog box will be displayed. Select the stdtable option and click on Add
Button. The fields in stdtable will be displayed. Then click the Close button in the Show Table dialog
box. In the Sort box click Ascending option.

Run the query by clicking on Run option.

Step 8 : To create query : display Srollno, Sname, State where Marks > 80 do the following: Click on
Create Tab, Select Query Design option.
A Show Table dialog box will be displayed. Select the stdtable option and click on Add Button. The
fields in stdtable will be displayed. Then click the Close button in the Show Table dialog box.
In the field option, select the fields (srollno, sname, state) which you want to display.

In the Marks criteria box enter > 80.

Run the query by clicking on Run option.

Step 9 : To create query : display Srollno, Sname, State where Grade = A do the following: Click on
Create Tab, Select Query Design option.
A Show Table dialog box will be displayed. Select the stdtable option and click on Add Button. The
fields in stdtable will be displayed. Then click the Close button in the Show Table dialog box.
In the field option, select the fields which you want to display. In the Grade criteria box enter = “A”

Run the query by clicking on Run option.

48.In the following table find out the Followings:
(a)All the Department Nos and Employees Names.
b)All the Employees who joined in the year 2001.

Procedure :
Step 1: Start MS-Access in the Star MS-Access in the following way:
Start ->All Programs->MS – Office->MS – Access .MS-Access application will be opened.
Step 2 : To open a new database, Click on Office Button, Click on New and select the
Blank Database. Enter the Database name as Employee and click on Create button.
Step 3: Click the Table object and then right click, then select Design View. A dialog box will be
Enter the table name as emp.
Step 4: Enter the Fieldname and relevant data type as below:

Step 5: Open table in table view and enter records.

Step 6: To display Department Numbers and Employee Names, click on Create  Query Design as
follows :

Step 7 : Select Run option. Output will be displayed as follows :

49.Create a Library Database of your college having following fields and enter atleast
10 records in it:
Field Name Description
BookCode Primary Key
BookTitle Subject Name
Publisher Book Publisher Name
No. of Copies Quantity in one Invoice
No. of Pages Total Pages in Book
Procedure :
Step 1 : Start MS-Access in the following way :
Start All Programs  MS - Office MS - Access .
MS - Access application will be opened.
Step 2 : To open a new database, click on Office Button, click on New and select the
Blank Database. Enter the Database name as College and click on Create button.
Step 3 : Click the Table object and then right click, then select Design View. A dialog box will
be displayed. Enter the table name as Library.
Step 4 : Enter the Field name and relevant data type as below :

Step 5 : Save and Open table in table view and enter records.

50.From the College Library database, find out the following :
(a)Total No. of copies of books subject -wise
(b)A report displays all books group by Publisher.
(c)A report displays all books group by Book Title.
(d)A report display as all books group by Book Edition. Procedure :
Step 1 : Start MS-Access in the following way :
Start  All Programs  MS - Office MS - Access MS - Access application will be opened.
Step 2 : To open a new database, click on Office Button, click on New and select the
Blank Database. Enter the Database name as College and click on Create button.
Step 3 : Click the Table object and then right click, then select Design View. A dialog box
will be displayed. Enter the table name as Library.
Step 4 : Enter the Field name and relevant data type as below :
Step 5 : Save and Open table in table view and enter records.

Step 6 : To display Total No. of Copies of Books subject-wise, click on Create  Query Design  Total
as follows :

Step 7 : Select Run option. Output will be displayed as follows :

Step 8 : To display all the books by Publisher, click on Create  Query Design  Add Table  Total as
follows :

Step 9 : Select Run option. Output will be displayed as follows :

Step 10 : To create the report that displays all books group by Publisher, use the querie in Step 8 and
Step 9. After the query is executed, click on Create  Report  Report Wizard.
Complete the steps in the Report Wizard, the Report will be displayed as follows :

Use same procedure for generating reports group by, Book title, Book Edition.

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