Wandering Blades Quickstart

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Wandering Blades by Daniel Kwan & Drew Quon - 02/06/2024 Quickstart Guide

Lead Writers: Daniel Kwan & Drew Quon
Lead Designers: Daniel Kwan & Drew Quon
Editors: Daniel Kwan & Sarah Hill
Cover Illustration: Leia Ham

Playtesters: Joe DeSimone, Oliver Backman, Emma Yasui, Anica Cihla, Matthew J.
O’Brien, Steve Huynh, Dustin Charlton, Joey Ruina, Colin S. Peacock, Adrián Mejía,
Logan Wassenaar, & DeAngelo Murillo

Patreon Supporters: Marty Chodorek, Toni Kraja, Jonathan Moua, Marcela Lopez,
Arvey Basa, Peter Larsen, Amanda C, Michelle Shepardson, Andreas W, Tony Eng,
Ting, Adam M, Khavy, Arthur HS, James Aitken, Paulina Przystupa, Max Fefer, Chris
Tsou, Joe Robinson, Jeremy Blum, Malcolm Wilson, Melon Bread, William Schucker,
Michael Nguyen, Nik Renshaw, Casey Williams, Nick Kabilafkas, Mathias Kjeldsen, SJ
Elliott, Sam Collard, Alexis Gee, Victor Hugo, Calvin Jim, Exalted, Matthew
Bishop-Wright, and Derek Semsick

Follow the development of Wandering Blades at patreon.com/danielhkwan

Sources of Inspiration
Wandering Blades was inspired by Runecairn by Colin Le Sueur, Errant by Ava Islam,
Vaults of Vaarn by Leo Hunt, The Black Hack by David Black, Sharp Swords & Sinister
Spells by Diogo Nogueria, and Flesh & Blood by Legend Story Studios.

Additional Sources of Inspiration

The Condor Trilogy by Jin Yong (novel series)
Biao Ren: Blades of the Guardians by Xianzhe Xu (manhua and donghua)
Blood and Steel by Qiao Jingfu (manhua)
Wu Shan Wu Xing (Fog Hill of Five Elements) (2020 animated series)
Sword of the Stranger (2007 animated film)
Hero (2004 film)
Under One Person by Dong Man Tang and Mi Er (webcomic)
Last Hurrah for Chivalry (1979 film)
Come Drink with Me (1966 film)

Wandering Blades by Daniel Kwan & Drew Quon - 02/06/2024 Quickstart Guide

What is Wandering Blades?
Wandering Blades is a rules light, low fantasy tabletop role playing game inspired by
Chinese wuxia media and old-school renaissance (OSR) games. Wandering Blades is
designed around the following core principles:

● Danger is everywhere - The world of Wandering Blades is full of danger and the
smallest mistake can be deadly. The weapons and martial arts techniques wielded
by their characters are instruments of death, but so are those of their enemies.
● Simple, yet tactical - The system of Wandering Blades is designed to create a
gameplay experience that is easy for players to learn, while providing them with a
lot of tactical depth. Players are empowered to work together and make active
decisions using this system.
● Toolbox experience - The rules in Wandering Blades are written as guidelines for
GMs (game masters). They are open to player interpretation, ingenuity, and
expansion. Use what works best for your table!

What is this Document?

Our goal with this document is to give you an introduction to the basic mechanics of the
game, a starter class, and how to run combat. In the next version of this document, we
are aiming to add the following:

● Character Sheet - We are currently working on laying out a character sheet, but
want to first ensure that the other items on this list are done first.
● Additional Classes - We want to add at least two more classes: the bandit and
● Advancement - We want to make sure that character growth (i.e. levelling up) is
tied to the narrative, rather than combat or acquiring treasure.
● Renown - In the jianghu (martial arts world), everyone is concerned about their
reputation. We are currently working on a renown system involving things like
noteworthy deeds!

Wandering Blades by Daniel Kwan & Drew Quon - 02/06/2024 Quickstart Guide

Character Creation
Character Classes
For this quickstart guide, only one class is available. The youxia class is a versatile master
of weaponry and martial arts techniques. Whether you have a single player or a full party,
each youxia will be distinct from one another. As development of the game progresses,
additional classes will be added alongside new mechanics!

In Wandering Blades, a player character’s (PC) attributes represent the characteristics that
define their abilities and how they will react in different situations.

● Strength represents a character’s physical power. It determines how much weight

they can carry, how hard they can hit, and their ability to perform physically
demanding feats.
● Agility represents a character’s quickness, coordination, and reflexes. It
determines a character’s ability to dodge attacks, use weapons that require finesse,
and their ability to perform tasks that require dexterity.
● Focus represents a character’s mental fortitude, discipline, determination,
perceptiveness, and wisdom. It determines the amount of qi they can cultivate.
● Intellect represents a character’s knowledge of the world and problem-solving
skills. It determines how well a character can assess situations, learn, and find
creative solutions to problems.

Determining Attributes
Each attribute has an ATTRIBUTE BONUS and an ATTRIBUTE SCORE. These are
determined by rolling 4d6 (four six-sided dice) and assigning each die value to a different
ATTRIBUTE. The value of each roll is the attribute’s bonus. An attribute’s score is
determined by adding 10 to the bonus.

Wandering Blades by Daniel Kwan & Drew Quon - 02/06/2024 Quickstart Guide

Hit Points
HIT POINTS (HP) represent a character’s health and vitality. They are a measure of a
PC or non-player character’s (NPC) ability to avoid or withstand serious injury. A
character’s HIT POINTS are determined by rolling their class HIT DIE (HD) during
character creation. When creating a character, their starting HP is equal to the maximum
value of their HD (you may alternatively roll their class HD to determine their starting
HP if you seek a more challenging experience). Each time a character gains a new level,
they are able to roll their class HD to increase their maximum HP.

Qi Points
Every PC has mastered the use of qi to aid them in their adventures. Each character has a
pool of QI POINTS (QP) that represent their inner discipline, and ability to use martial
arts techniques and special QI ABILITIES. A character’s QI POOL is determined by
their FOCUS BONUS plus any bonus QP provided by their chosen class.

QP can be restored when healing. During a SHORT REST, a number of QP restored is

equal to a character’s FOCUS BONUS. During a LONG REST, a character’s qi pool is
fully restored.

DODGE is a number that represents a character’s ability to avoid being hit by an attacker.
It is determined by a character’s AGILITY SCORE.

Carrying Capacity
CARRYING CAPACITY represents how much weight a character can carry before
becoming encumbered. This is represented by a number equal to a character’s
STRENGTH SCORE. Weight in this game is calculated in the number of ITEM SLOTS
an object takes up. To keep things simple, items like a backpack do not count towards
CARRYING CAPACITY since a character would use them to store their items.

Wandering Blades by Daniel Kwan & Drew Quon - 02/06/2024 Quickstart Guide

Each character has a base number of martial arts TECHNIQUES that they have mastered
by virtue of their class. In order to use them in battle, a PC must spend the required QP.
New TECHNIQUES are learned when a new level is reached.

There are three types:

● Combat Techniques are special martial arts attacks. In combat, these require an
ACTION (more on this later).
● Reactive Techniques are used in response to what is happening during a scene.
In combat, these require a REACTION (more on this later).
● Support Techniques are used to aid your allies or disrupt adversaries in combat. In
combat, these require an ACTION.

Optional Rule: Technique Manuals

New techniques must either be learned from martial arts manuals, masters, or through
creativity and diligent practice (negotiated with the game master or GM).

PCs have two speed types:

● COMBAT SPEED (base of 40 feet + applicable class combat speed bonuses +

equipment penalties) dictates how far they move using 1 ACTION on their turn.
● EXPLORATION SPEED (STR score in miles) dictates how far a character can
travel outside of combat. This is affected by difficult (½ EXPLORATION SPEED)
and harsh (¼ EXPLORATION SPEED) conditions.

Each character has a DRIVE - a strong inner motivation, passion, or desire that they
pursue as part of the shared story of the table. A character’s DRIVE is a powerful force
that shapes their behaviour, personality, and actions.

Once per session, a player can tap into their character’s DRIVE to automatically succeed
on a single CHECK or SAVE.

Wandering Blades by Daniel Kwan & Drew Quon - 02/06/2024 Quickstart Guide

Each character starts with a KEEPSAKE, a small item that is kept as a treasured
memento and serves as a way to help craft their backstory. It can be anything from a
piece of jewellery to a letter that holds sentimental value. A character’s KEEPSAKE is
very likely tied to their DRIVE. This item does not take up an item slot and cannot be
used in combat.

A CONNECTION is an important relationship that a character has with another member
of the party or a key NPC (if your game only has 1 player and 1 GM). This
CONNECTION can be romantic, platonic, or even strained.

What’s important is that the CONNECTION one PC has with another serves as a way to
collaboratively create entanglements within their backstories. This can be related to a
character’s DRIVE and KEEPSAKE, or be something completely independent of those!
CONNECTIONS are primarily used by the GM to create interesting role play
opportunities and challenges. Remember that connections involving another player
should be created with their input and consent before being established.

Wandering Blades by Daniel Kwan & Drew Quon - 02/06/2024 Quickstart Guide


Coinage in Wandering Blades is abstracted into a single currency (referred to as “coins”)
instead of splitting them into different denominations.

When a player character is carrying more items than their CARRYING CAPACITY, they
become ENCUMBERED. All rolls involving strength or agility made by an encumbered
character are HINDERED.

Weapons have the following qualities:

● Weight Category - a weapon’s weight category determines how many ITEM

SLOTS it takes up in a character’s CARRYING CAPACITY. There are three
weapon weight categories: Light (1 slot), Medium (2 slots), and Heavy (3 slots).
● Damage Category - a weapon’s DAMAGE category determines what die is rolled
upon a successful attack. There are three weapon DAMAGE categories: Light
(1d6), Medium (1d8), and Heavy (1d10). The handedness of a weapon or other
factors (such as a TECHNIQUE) may call for DAMAGE to be rolled at a category
higher or lower. In this case, dice are adjusted along this scale: 1, 1d2, 1d4, 1d6, 1d8,
1d10, 1d12, and 1d20.
● Descriptors & Special Features - weapons also have descriptors such as range
(measured by engagement zones), handedness (one-handed as 1H and
two-handed as 2H), and special features (ex. crushing). Discretion is left to the
GM, but attacking outside of a weapons range generally results in a HINDERED

Improvised Weapons

Mundane items have damage values associated with their weight, but ATTACK
ACTIONS made with them are HINDERED and DAMAGE is rolled 1 size category lower
(unless otherwise stated).

Wandering Blades by Daniel Kwan & Drew Quon - 02/06/2024 Quickstart Guide

Weapon Table

Name Descriptors & Special Feature(s) Damage Weight & Cost (Coins)

Dagger Melee (close), Mid-range 1d4 (1H)

(thrown), Lacerate (1)

Jian Melee (close), Keen 1d6 (1H)

Light (1 item slot)
Axe Melee (close) 1d6 (1H) or 1d8 (2H) 25 Coins

Meteor Melee (mid-range), Agile, 1d8 (2H)

Hammer Crushing

Staff Melee (mid-range), Bludgeon 1d8 (2H)

Dao Melee (close) 1d8 (1H) or 1d10 (2H)

Bow Long range (projectile) 1d10 (2H)

Medium (2 item slots)
War Melee (close), Crushing, 1d8 (1H) 50 Coins
Hammer Cumbersome

Spear Melee (mid-range) 1d8 (1H) or 1d10 (2H)

Guandao Melee (mid-range), Cleave 2d6 (2H)

Heavy (3 item slots)
Greataxe Melee (close), Lacerate (2) 2d6 (2H) 100 Coins

Crossbow Long range (projectile), 2d6 (2H)

Crushing, Reload

Range & Engagement Zones

Range and engagement zones help organize every character’s relative positioning within
an encounter and determine if someone is within reach of a weapon or martial arts
TECHNIQUE. This allows movement to be viewed either precisely on a grid or in
approximate terms to emphasize where a character is located relative to others (i.e. where
people are and who is engaged in melee combat).

Wandering Blades by Daniel Kwan & Drew Quon - 02/06/2024 Quickstart Guide

When making an ATTACK ACTION outside of a weapons effective range, rolls are

● Close Range (up to 5 feet): close proximity between combatants - within arm’s
reach or the range of close combat weapons like swords.
● Mid-Range (6-15 feet): moderate proximity between combatants - within the
range of reach weapons such as spears and staves, or thrown weapons like knives.
● Long Range (more than 15 feet): long distance between combatants - beyond the
reach of melee and thrown weapons. Examples of weapons include bows and

Designer’s Note: Wandering Blades is designed to be compatible with grid-based combat,

zone-based combat, or theatre of the mind. Grid spaces should be measured as 5-foot
spaces. For zone-based combat, Close Range is the zone that you are occupying,
Mid-Range is the zone adjacent to you, and Long Range is any zone beyond that. One
move action would move you one zone. GMs should feel free to bend and change the
rules to suit the needs of their tables.

Weapon Special Features

Agile - ATTACK ACTIONS must be made using AGILITY.

Bludgeon - When you roll a CRIT during an ATTACK ACTION, in addition to dealing
maximum base DAMAGE, the target receives the stunned STATUS.

Cleave - As an ATTACK ACTION, you may select 2 adjacent targets for your roll. This
roll is HINDERED and DAMAGE is resolved once.

Crushing - Ignore up to 2 DAMAGE REDUCTION when resolving DAMAGE on

successful ATTACK ACTIONS.

Cumbersome - If an ATTACK ACTION with this weapon misses, the next attempt is

Lacerate - Instead of rolling DAMAGE dice after a successful attack, you may choose to
inflict a number stack of the bleeding STATUS on the target equal to the lacerate value of
your weapon.

Keen - When you roll a CRIT during an ATTACK ACTION, in addition to dealing
maximum base DAMAGE, roll this weapon’s damage die and add the result to the total
(ex. a CRIT with a jian would deal 6 + 1d6 damage).

Wandering Blades by Daniel Kwan & Drew Quon - 02/06/2024 Quickstart Guide

Reload - After making an ATTACK ACTION with this weapon, you must spend an
ACTION before you can do so again.

Various types of armour have the following qualities:

● Weight category - an armour’s weight category determines how many item slots
it takes up in a character’s carrying capacity. There are three armour weight
categories: Light (1 item slot), Medium (2 item slots), and Heavy (4 item slots).
● Damage Reduction - each type of armour has a fixed DAMAGE REDUCTION
(DR). Each point of DAMAGE REDUCTION reduces incoming damage dice by
one step (ex. heavy armour would reduce a bow’s DAMAGE dice from 1d10 to
1d4). DAMAGE REDUCTION is ignored when a CRIT is rolled.
● Descriptors & Special Features - each type of armour also have descriptors such as
COMBAT SPEED penalties or the ability to use the GUARD ACTION.

Armour Table

Category Cost Damage Descriptors & Special Feature(s)

(coins) Reduction

Heavy (lamellar iron, 300 3 Speed penalty (10 feet), checks related to
scale armour) stealth are hindered

Medium (leather) 100 2 Speed penalty (5 feet)

Light (padded) 40 1

Medium Shield 50 - Guard (3)

Light Shield 25 - Guard (1)

Armour Special Features

Guard allows a character to spend a REACTION to completely nullify incoming

DAMAGE a number of times equal to the value associated with the item (ex. a shield with
guard 3 may do this 3 times). When all of an item’s guard is spent, a character can
sacrifice the item for one final guard attempt. This results in the destruction of the item
and the character receiving a STATUS of the GM’s choice.

Wandering Blades by Daniel Kwan & Drew Quon - 02/06/2024 Quickstart Guide

The Youxia Class

You are a youxia [yo she-ah] - a wandering hero who protects the innocent and seeks to
correct injustices using their martial skills and diplomacy. You are neither a knight or a
bandit. You have no allegiances to monarchs or noble families. Driven by an unwavering
sense of justice, you avenge wrongs and help the poor - often through acts of violent

Youxia Class Features

Level Bonus Qi Signature
Points Weapons

1 2 1

2 2 1

3 3 2

4 3 2

5 4 3

Class Hit Die - 1d10 per level.

Combat Speed Bonus - 10 ft.

Starting Coins - 150

Martial Arts Sect - You are or were a disciple of a martial arts sect. Your time spent as a
disciple has granted you a distinct martial arts style, abilities, and secret techniques
unknown to those outside of your sect. Your connection to your sect means that you
always have a home to return to and can call upon your fellow disciples when you require

Hero in Disguise - You have a unique disguise, persona, and identity that allows you to
blend into certain areas (GMs discretion). Any non-combat checks that leverage your
disguise are AMPLIFIED. This false identity must be a labourer, peasant, or farmer. It
takes less than an hour to become your alter-ego and you can remain in it indefinitely or
until you are discovered or reveal your martial prowess. Once a youxia removes their

Wandering Blades by Daniel Kwan & Drew Quon - 02/06/2024 Quickstart Guide

disguise or is discovered, they may not use it again until they have completed a LONG

Signature Weapon - You have a few signature weapons that you wield, each with their
own unique name. A signature weapon deals DAMAGE one category higher without
changing the weight category. The number of signature weapons a youxia can possess is
dependent on their level.

Youxia Techniques
A youxia starts with two general techniques of their choice and two from their chosen
sect. When a youxia gains a new level, they may add either one general technique or one
from their chosen sect.

General Youxia Techniques

● Focused Dodge (1 QP - Reactive) - Add your FOCUS to your DODGE against a

● Heroic Strike (3 QP - Combat) - Automatically turn an ATTACK ACTION into a
● Misdirect & Strike (1 QP - Combat) - Distract an opponent before striking them
from an unexpected angle. The next ATTACK ACTION made by your allies this
round are AMPLIFIED and may be rolled with INTELLECT.

Mountain Orchid Sect Techniques

Sect ability: once per combat encounter, as a free MOVE ACTION you may reposition to
an adjacent combat zone (ex. from close to mid-range) or an equivalent of your

● Twilight Thrust (1 QP - Combat) - You may make a MOVE and ATTACK as a

single ACTION, so long as you MOVE in a straight line..
● Gale Slash (2 QP - Combat) - A single ATTACK ACTION creates a gust of wind
that can knock one opponent within close to mid-range off balance. They must
make an AGILITY saving throw with a difficulty equal to your attack roll. On a
failed roll, they must use a MOVE ACTION to regain their footing.
● Moonlit Swordplay (2 QP - Combat) - Using an ATTACK ACTION, strike two
nearby adversaries with a single roll. You may add additional targets for each QP
spent after the initial cost.

Wandering Blades by Daniel Kwan & Drew Quon - 02/06/2024 Quickstart Guide

Vagabond Sect Techniques

Sect ability: once per combat encounter, you may switch from a SLOW TURN to a FAST
TURN (or vice-versa) after all turns have been declared.

● Crimson Threat (1 QP - Support) - With a bloody execution, you strike fear into
your enemy’s heart. After you kill an opponent, you may force another opponent
to make a MORALE CHECK. If they succeed, their MORALE score is reduced by
2 for the duration of the combat.
● Cutting Grip (1 QP - Combat) - Your blades make for excellent grappling tools.
Make a single melee ATTACK ACTION against an opponent. If you hit, the
opponent must choose to suffer the effect of a SPECIAL MANEUVER or you
may roll double the damage dice rolled.
● Open Wounds (2 QP - Combat) - With a flurry of slashes, you open up a series of
shallow, bleeding wounds on your enemy. Using a single ACTION, make two
attack rolls against an opponent. Each successful roll delivers a stack of the
bleeding STATUS in addition to their normal DAMAGE.

Iron Mountain Sect Techniques

Sect ability: You may reroll failed defender checks against being grappled.

● Iron Presence (1 QP - Support) - Opponents within 30 feet of you must make a

FOCUS CHECK against your STRENGTH SCORE. If they fail, their ATTACK
ACTIONS made against anyone other than you are HINDERED until the start of
your next turn.
● Thundering Strike (X QP - Combat) - Your next attack ignores an amount of
DAMAGE REDUCTION equal to the amount of QP you expend.
● Crashing Stone (3 QP - Combat) - Make a single ATTACK ACTION against an
opponent. On a hit, the damage dice are doubled and the target is stunned.

Wandering Blades by Daniel Kwan & Drew Quon - 02/06/2024 Quickstart Guide

Floating Lotus Sect Techniques

Sect ability: Once per turn, you may enter or change a Stance without using an action.

● Twisting Force (1 QP - Combat) - As a free action, attempt an AMPLIFIED

SPECIAL MANOEUVRE against an opponent.
● Redirect Energy (1 QP - Reactive) - When an opponent misses you with a melee
ATTACK ACTION, you may cause them to reroll the attack against another
target adjacent to you.
● Flowing Rapids (2 QP - Support) - You move up to half of your COMBAT SPEED
and roll melee ATTACK ACTIONS against up to three targets. These attacks deal
no DAMAGE but instead cause your targets to be dazed until the end of their next

Wandering Blades by Daniel Kwan & Drew Quon - 02/06/2024 Quickstart Guide

Basic Mechanics
Checks & Saves
When a character attempts to do something where the outcome is risky or uncertain,
they attempt a CHECK by rolling 1d20 and adding a relevant ATTRIBUTE BONUS. To
succeed, the roll must be equal to or greater than the DIFFICULTY of the roll. If the
CHECK is opposed by a character or NPC, success is based on whoever has the highest
roll. SAVES are a type of CHECK used to avoid bad outcomes brought on by risky
situations. DIFFICULTY is determined by the GM.

Here are some recommended DIFFICULTY scores:

● Moderate - Difficulty 12
● Challenging - Difficulty 15
● Difficult - Difficulty 18
● Futile - Difficulty 20

Crits & Fumbled Rolls

In combat, when a character rolls a natural 20 (i.e. 20 before modifiers) during an
ATTACK ACTION, they deal maximum DAMAGE and ignore any DAMAGE
REDUCTION their target has. This is called a CRITICAL (or CRIT). Outside of combat,
the GM and the player may work together to decide the outcome of a CRIT.

When a natural 1 is rolled, this is called a FUMBLE. The GM always decides the outcome
of a FUMBLE.

Amplified & Hindered Rolls

When a situation calls for a roll to be more effective, it is AMPLIFIED. When a roll is
AMPLIFIED, the player receives a +5 bonus. In a situation that calls for a die roll to be
less effective, such as attacking someone shrouded by smoke, it is HINDERED and
receives a -5 penalty. Amplified and Hindered cannot be applied multiple times to a single
roll and if both are applied to the same target, they simply cancel each other out.

If ever a situation is unclear, the GM is always able to collaborate with the players to
determine if a roll should be amplified or hindered.

Wandering Blades by Daniel Kwan & Drew Quon - 02/06/2024 Quickstart Guide

Combat Mechanics
Combat flows in 4 steps:

1. Resolve ambushes
4. Resolve MORALE & repeat

Step 1: Resolve Ambushes

Unless they have been ambushed, Player Characters always go first in any order they
would like in combat.

During an ambush, those being ambushed are unable to use REACTIONS and always act
last. QI ABILITIES can be used in an ambush. Once the ambush round is resolved, the
standard turn order begins.

Step 2: Declare Fast & Slow Turns

In combat, a round consists of many turns - one for every combatant. At the start of
every round, after ambushes are resolved, each combatant involved in the encounter
decides if they want to take a FAST TURN or SLOW TURN.

● FAST TURNS happen first. Characters may take 1 ACTION on their turn and 1
REACTION during the round.
● SLOW TURNS happen last. Characters may take 2 ACTIONS on their turn and 1
REACTION during the round.

Step 3: Resolve Actions & Reactions

In Wandering Blades, the following count as ACTIONS in combat: MOVE, ATTACK,

The following count as REACTIONS: select TECHNIQUES, PARRY, COUNTER,


Wandering Blades by Daniel Kwan & Drew Quon - 02/06/2024 Quickstart Guide


Move (Action)
In combat, players typically take a MOVE ACTION to do one of the following things:

● Move up to their COMBAT SPEED at the cost of 1 ACTION

● Assume a COMBAT STANCE at the cost of 1 ACTION

Combat Stances
Instead of moving their COMBAT SPEED, you may use 1 ACTION to have your
character assume a COMBAT STANCE. The bonuses and penalties received from each
stance persist until an ACTION is spent to move or exit a stance.



Attack (Action)
If a character wishes to attack another, they may attempt an ATTACK ACTION at the
cost of 1 ACTION. Follow these resolution steps:

1. Attacker rolls 1d20 + STRENGTH or AGILITY BONUS (their choice) and

compares the result to the defender’s DODGE
2. Regardless of the ATTACK ROLL outcome, the defender may use their
a. If the defender chooses to use their REACTION, that must first be
3. Resolve DAMAGE - roll the damage dice of the attacker’s weapon, deduct damage
value from HIT POINTS (account for DAMAGE REDUCTION), mark
WOUNDS, and apply STATUSES (if called for)

Optional Rule: Lethal Damage

If you want combat to feel more lethal, damage dice can “explode”. This means that
when a damage die is rolled and lands on its maximum value, it is rolled again, adding
the new value to the maximum value. If the die again lands on its maximum value, it
explodes a second time. This happens until the die rolls a value other than its maximum.

Wandering Blades by Daniel Kwan & Drew Quon - 02/06/2024 Quickstart Guide

Dual Wielding
If a character is wielding two one-handed weapons simultaneously and attempts an
ATTACK ACTION, they roll the damage die for each weapon and select the highest

Unarmed Attacks
As a single ACTION, any character may attempt two unarmed ATTACK ACTIONS that
each deal 1d4 damage.

Improvised Weapons
As an action, any character may attempt an attack with an improvised or makeshift
weapon. Unless otherwise stated, the ATTACK roll is HINDERED and the DAMAGE of
an improvised weapon reflects its weight category, but one step lower (GM’s discretion).

Hit Points & Damage

When a character or NPC takes DAMAGE, their HIT POINTS are reduced by that
amount minus the total DAMAGE REDUCTION of their armour. At 0 HP, they receive
the compromised STATUS and become susceptible to WOUNDS, which are serious
injuries that can result in death.

Wounds & Statuses

Any DAMAGE beyond 0 hit points results in a WOUND. Every 5 WOUNDS, a character
receives a new STATUS reflecting the severity of their injuries (lightly wounded,
moderately wounded, and critically wounded). Generally, the STATUS they received is
dictated by the narrative. Specific TECHNIQUES can also result in a character receiving
a STATUS. An NPC “follower” is instantly killed or knocked out of combat when they
are reduced to 0 HP.

Wandering Blades by Daniel Kwan & Drew Quon - 02/06/2024 Quickstart Guide

Status Effect

Encumbered All rolls involving strength or agility made by an encumbered character are

Compromised When a character’s HIT POINTS are reduced to 0 or below, they are
considered Compromised and can receive WOUNDS

Dazed Your ATTACK ACTIONS are HINDERED on your next turn

Stunned You lose your next turn

Bleeding You lose 1 HP at the start of your turn. You may use an ACTION to make
an INTELLECT saving throw to stop the bleeding. Each application of this
STATUS stacks.

Wounded Limb CHECKS and ACTIONS that involve AGILITY are HINDERED.
COMBAT SPEED can optionally be reduced by half.

Severed Limb A limb is lost and you lose consciousness

Dying If a character has the dying status, they will die in a number of rounds
equal to their FOCUS BONUS unless they receive medical aid

Technique (Action)

Unless otherwise stated*, a character can only use a martial arts TECHNIQUE as an

*Some techniques (REACTIVE TECHNIQUES) can be used as REACTIONS.

Wandering Blades by Daniel Kwan & Drew Quon - 02/06/2024 Quickstart Guide

Special Maneuver (Action)

Roll an INTELLECT CHECK against a DIFFICULTY equal to a target’s INTELLECT
SCORE. On a success, your next attack is AMPLIFIED.

Roll an opposed STRENGTH or AGILITY check (attacker’s choice). The winner may:

● Disarm - force the loser to drop an equipped weapon. They must use an ACTION
to pick it up.
● Push/Throw - move the defender up to a number of feet equal to their
STRENGTH BONUS x 10. If the attacker loses, the next ATTACK or SPECIAL
MANOEUVRE against them by the defender is AMPLIFIED.
● Trip - the defender is knocked prone and must use an ACTION to stand up.
When prone, they may only attempt ATTACK ACTIONS (HINDERED) using
close-range weapons or unarmed attacks. ATTACK ACTIONS made against a
prone character are AMPLIFIED and deal maximum DAMAGE.

Qi Abilities
In combat, QI POINTS can be spent to use QI ABILITIES (as an ACTION unless
otherwise stated) or to take additional REACTIONS (without consuming an ACTION or

Qi Ability QP Effect
Deadly Strike 1 As a REACTION, reroll all damage dice for an ATTACK
ACTION and keep the new total.

Intense Focus 1 Amplify your next d20 roll.

Visualisation 1 Automatically succeed on a saving throw.

Meditative Healing 1 Regain HIT POINTS equal to a roll of your class HIT DIE.

Push the Pace 2 As a REACTION, take an extra ACTION during your turn.

Wandering Blades by Daniel Kwan & Drew Quon - 02/06/2024 Quickstart Guide

Characters receive 1 free REACTION per round of combat. This can be used at any time
during a round and does not carry over to the next. Once a character’s free REACTION
has been used in a round, they may spend qi to take additional REACTIONS (1 QP each).

When an attack hits you, roll 1d20 + STRENGTH or AGILITY BONUS (their choice)
and compare the result to the incoming attack roll. If the result is equal to or higher, then
the attack fails and the defender resolves DAMAGE against the attacker without having
to take an ATTACK ACTION.

If an incoming enemy attack misses, make a free ATTACK ACTION against the attacker.

Roll 1d20 + AGILITY BONUS and compare the result to the incoming attack roll. If the
result is equal to or higher, then the character avoids DAMAGE and may move up to

If an attempt to WITHDRAW fails, resolve DAMAGE. The next attack made against the
defender is AMPLIFIED (+5 bonus).

When a character is wielding an item with the guard special feature, they may GUARD
against incoming ATTACK ACTIONS without rolling. When a character chooses to
GUARD, incoming damage is nullified. This can be done a number of times equal to the
guard value of an item.

If an incoming enemy attack misses, the defender can initiate a BIND by making an
opposed STRENGTH or AGILITY CHECK. If the defender wins, both combatants'
weapons are locked together. On each character’s turn, they may make an opposed STR
or AGI CHECK to WITHDRAW, COUNTER, or disarm their opponent. While bound,
ATTACK ACTIONS against both combatants are AMPLIFIED and they cannot attack.

Wandering Blades by Daniel Kwan & Drew Quon - 02/06/2024 Quickstart Guide

Step 4: Resolve Morale

The state of a combat encounter dictates whether NPCs will surrender or run away.
Allied and adversarial NPCs or creatures have a listed MORALE SCORE between 2 and
12. In combat, a MORALE ROLL is triggered when more than half of the NPCs have
been killed, if the leader is defeated, or at the GM’s discretion (such as when an NPC
leader receives a horrible wound). When this happens, the GM rolls 2d6 and compares
the result to an NPC’s MORALE SCORE. If the result is higher than their MORALE
SCORE, the NPC will attempt to retreat, surrender, or negotiate on their next turn.

After MORALE is resolved, repeat step two, and declare FAST TURNS and SLOW

Healing After Combat

HIT POINTS are replenished during rests. If you are interrupted during either type of
rest, no healing is received.

● SHORT REST - a quick break that restores a character’s HP by a single HD and

QP by their FOCUS BONUS. A SHORT REST takes 1 hour.
● LONG REST - an extended break that fully restores a character’s HP and QP. A
LONG REST takes 8 hours.

Wandering Blades by Daniel Kwan & Drew Quon - 02/06/2024 Quickstart Guide

Combat Example
The large, masked warrior steps off of the dais The warrior rolls 1d20 and adds his Strength.
and levels his guan dao towards you. “There is He gets a 19 which is higher than Jeremy’s 18.
no need for the blood of others,” he growls, “if
you wish to fight me, then fight me.” GM: Since his Parry roll was higher than
your attack roll, he knocks your blade away
Combat begins as the blunt end of his guan dao swings
around and hits you in the stomach. Since
GM: Let’s determine who goes first. Jeremy, this is a Parry, I only have to roll 2d6 for
both of us have to secretly choose if we’ll damage.
take a fast turn or a slow turn.
Jeremy: Luckily, I have light armour on so I
Jeremy and the GM both determine what type get to reduce that damage die by 1 step!
of turn they want for this round and reveal
their choice. Both have chosen a fast turn, GM: Alright, so that means I’m rolling 2d4
hoping to seize the initiative by sacrificing the instead of 2d6! He deals 7 damage to you!
extra action from a slow turn.
The GM rolls 2d4 for the Warrior’s guan dao
GM: We’ve both chosen to take a fast turn, attack.
but since you are a player, your fast turn
always goes before mine! What do you do? Jeremy: Dang, that still hurts! I have 4 HP
Jeremy: I lunge forward and strike with my
jian! I’ll spend a Qi Point to use my Twilight GM: The warrior gets to go now. He swings
Thrust technique so I can combo Move and his weapon towards you, but since you are
Attack into a single action. in close-range, the Attack roll with his
mid-range guan dao is Hindered.
Jeremy moves forward so that he is within
close-range of the warrior. He makes an attack The warrior rolls his attack with a -5 penalty
with his jian - rolling 1d20 and adding his since it is Hindered. He gets a 10, which is
character’s Agility Bonus. He gets a 18, which lower than Jeremy’s Dodge of 12.
beats the warrior’s Dodge of 14.
Jeremy: Nice! He’s gonna miss his attack so
GM: The warrior is going to use his I’ll use my Reaction for the turn to Counter!
Reaction for the turn and attempt to Parry
your attack. Jeremy gets to make a free Attack. He rolls a
natural 20, a Critical!

Wandering Blades by Daniel Kwan & Drew Quon - 02/06/2024 Quickstart Guide

Jeremy: Since my jian is a signature weapon

[a youxia class feature] of mine, my damage GM: Since the Morale roll was higher than
die is a step higher than 1d6 at 1d8! his Morale score, he surrenders.
The warrior steps away from you, lowering his
Instead of rolling damage like normal, weapon in defeat and pressing a hand to his
Jeremy’s Crit allows him to do maximum wound. “A good fighter knows their limits,” he
damage as well as ignore the Damage grunts, “even as they work to surpass them.
Reduction of the warrior’s heavy armour. You have bested me.”

Jeremy: That means I deal 8 damage! I Combat ends

sidestep his heavy swing and plunge my
blade into a weak point in his armour. Designer’s Note: Jeremy was very lucky to
score that critical hit and cause his
GM: Now that both of you have finished opponent’s morale to break. If combat had
your turns, we would normally end the continued, he would have to carefully ration
round and start a new one. However, the out his Qi Points so that he makes the most
warrior has received quite a hit and I think it of every decision. Low-level player
makes sense to Resolve Morale [Morale is characters have especially few Qi Points
rolled when more than half of the NPCs available to them and no guarantee of being
have been killed, if the leader is defeated, or able to rest and recover them between fights.
at the GM’s discretion]. Having those abilities available to you can
be the difference between life or death for a
The GM rolls 2d6 and compares it to the character.
Morale of the warrior. She rolls a 10 which is
higher than the warrior’s Morale of 9.


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