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DEFENSIVE ELECTRONIC WARFARE Subcourse Number SS0135 Edition A United States Army Signal Center and Fort Gordon Fort Gordon, Georgia 30905-5000 8 Credit Hours Edition Date: September 1994

SUBCOURSE OVERVIEW This subcourse is designed to teach about the procedures for defensive electronic warfare (EW). It provides techniques for anti-electronic countermeasures (anti-ECM) and anti-electronic warfare support measures (anti-ESM). It identifies sources of electromagnetic interference and defines staff responsibility for electronic counter-countermeasures (ECCM). The prerequisite for this subcourse is that you are a graduate of the Signal Officer Basic Course or its equivalent. This subcourse reflects the doctrine which was current at the time it was prepared. In your own work situation, always refer to the latest official publications. Unless otherwise stated, the masculine gender of nouns and pronouns do not refer exclusively to men.

TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE ACTION: Describe defensive EW, electromagnetic interference, anti-ECM and anti-ESM procedures, and staff responsibility for ECCM. Given this supervision. subcourse material, pencil, paper, and no



To demonstrate competence on this subcourse, a minimum of 70 percent must be achieved.





Subcourse Overview ........................................................ i

Lesson 1:

Overview of Electronic Warfare .......................... 1-1 Practice Exercise ....................................... 1-6 Answer Key and Feedback ................................. 1-8

Lesson 2:

Defensive Electronic Warfare and Signal Security Techniques ..................................... 2-1 Part A: Part B: Part C: Part D: Preventive Measures ............................ 2-2 Remedial Measures .............................. 2-7 Signal Security Measures ...................... 2-12 Summary ....................................... 2-13

Practice Exercise ...................................... 2-16 Answer Key and Feedback ................................ 2-18 Lesson 3: Electromagnetic Interference ............................ 3-1 Practice Exercise ...................................... 3-10 Answer Key and Feedback ................................ 3-12 Lesson 4: Staff Responsibility for Electronic Counter-Countermeasures ................................. 4-1 Practice Exercise ....................................... 4-8 Answer Key and Feedback ................................ 4-10



Section Appendix:

Page Acronyms and Abbreviation ............................... A-1

Student Inquiry Sheets






OVERVIEW LESSON DESCRIPTION: In this lesson, you will learn about the components of electronic warfare (EW). TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE: ACTION: CONDITION: STANDARD: Describe the EW components. Given this lesson material, pencil, paper, and no supervision. To demonstrate competence, a minimum of 70 percent on the subcourse examination must be achieved. The material in this lesson was derived from the following publications: FM 24-18 and FM 24-33.


INTRODUCTION EW is a unique kind of combat. It occurs in the battlefield's electromagnetic dimension. EW prevents or reduces the effective use of enemy electronic equipment. It also ensures the continued use of friendly equipment and systems. To be an effective signal leader, you must know and practice EW in the execution of your professional duties.



1. Electronic Warfare Components. EW is a major force multiplier when integrated and employed with fire and maneuver. Used properly, it exploits enemy weaknesses, protects friendly forces' freedom of action, and reduce security and communication vulnerabilities. EW has three components (Figure 1-1). They are electronic countermeasures (ECM), electronic countercountermeasures (ECCM), and EW support measures (ESM).

Figure 1-1.

EW components.

a. ESM provides the capability to intercept, identify, and locate enemy emitters (Figure 1-2). This crucial information is required for planning jamming, deception, ECCM, and targeting operations. It is integrated with the overall fire and maneuver plan.

Figure 1-2.

ESM components.

(1) Interception operations provide information about enemy locations, activities, future operations, and electronic disruption capabilities that are used to plan ECM and ECCM operations. This capability provides combat information for the analysts to determine the pertinent intelligence the commander needs.



(2) Identification operations help to identify the size (personnel and equipment), type, echelon, and function of enemy units. This information has significance in fire and maneuver plans. By identifying enemy units, the commander can better prepare combat operations. (3) Location operations help identify likely or possible enemy intentions. The data gathered can show if an enemy is in an offensive, defensive, or retrograde posture. The location and movement of enemy forces indicates what the enemy is doing or preparing to do. Gathered information is also used to plan the targeting of enemy positions. b. ECM are offensive actions taken to prevent or reduce an enemy's effective use of the electromagnetic spectrum. Figure 1-3 shows the components of ECM.

Figure 1-3.

ECM components.

(1) Electronic jamming reduces or denies an enemy the effective use of his electronic equipment. It can help ESM efforts by forcing the enemy to send in the clear and for longer periods. ESM personnel can then gather vital information about the enemy's intentions, location, size, and other pertinent data. Denying the enemy use of the electromagnetic spectrum at key times causes chaos, disrupts his operations, and reduces his effectiveness. (2) Electronic deception is used to cause an enemy to misinterpret what his collection systems receive. It is often conducted as part of a larger deception operation. c. ECCM are defensive measures used to protect friendly command, control, and communications (C3) systems from enemy EW activities. ECCM allow friendly forces the continual use of the electronic spectrum. The components of ECCM are shown in Figure 1-4, page 1-4. (1) Anti-ESM are actions taken to deny the enemy access to friendly electromagnetic transmissions. This is done by avoiding enemy EW operations. To deny an enemy access to friendly electronic assets, several actions may be taken. 1-3 SS0135

Figure 1-4.

ECCM components.

(a) An example is terrain masking, where a friendly radio station is placed so a hill is between it and the enemy. (b) Another example is avoidance by using a directional antenna. (2) Anti-ECM are used against jamming. They cannot be used against deception or ESM. This involves actions taken after learning the enemy is using EW against friendly forces. Effective anti-ECM methods are: (a) Determining the cause of interference. (b) Recognizing interference. the difference between jamming and natural

(c) Reporting incidents of ECM so the jammer can be located and destroyed. (d) Using techniques to overcome ECM. Continue to retargeting. operate normally to encourage jammer

Improve the signal-to-jamming ratio by adjusting receiver, increasing transmitter power, adjusting antenna, and setting up a retransmission capability.

the the

(e) Changing frequencies. (f) Shutting down communications and using alternate frequencies. This is done as a last resort.



2. Signal Security (SIGSEC). SIGSEC is closely related to ECCM. The main difference between the two is the type of information being protected from the enemy. ECCM protect friendly emitters from enemy EW. SIGSEC protects the information friendly forces send. Its major function is to keep an enemy from exploiting friendly electromagnetic spectrum use. SIGSEC techniques are covered in the next lesson. 3. Summary. a. The EW components are ESM, ECM, and ECCM. (1) ESM. Interception operations provide EW planners with intelligence about the enemys location, activity, possible future operations, and electronic disruption capabilities. Identification operations help identify the size (personnel and equipment), type, echelon, and function of enemy units. Location operations help planners identify likely and possible enemy intentions. (2) ECM. These offensive actions are taken to prevent or reduce effective enemy use of the electromagnetic spectrum. Electronic jamming reduces or denies the enemy effective use of his electronic equipment. The objective of electronic deception is to deceive the enemy through his electronic systems. (3) ECCM. These defensive measures are used to protect friendly C3 systems from enemy EW activities. (a) Anti-ESM are actions taken friendly force's electromagnetic spectrum. to deny the enemy access to

(b) Anti-ECM are used against jamming. b. ECCM and SIGSEC are related. The major function of SIGSEC is to keep an enemy from exploiting friendly electromagnetic spectrum use.



LESSON 1 PRACTICE EXERCISE The following items will test your grasp of the material covered in this lesson. There is only one correct answer for each item. When you complete the exercise, check your answers with the answer key that follows. If you answer any item incorrectly, study again that part of the lesson which contains the portion involved. 1. Which of the following is used to cause an enemy to misinterpret what his collection systems have gathered? A. B. C. D. 2. Deception Jamming Preventive EW Remedial EW

What measures protect friendly emitters from enemy EW? A. B. C. D. ECM ECCM ESM SIGSEC


Which of the following is not an EW component? A. B. C. D. ECM ECCM ESM SIGSEC




Anti-ECM are used against which activity? A. B. C. D. Deception Jamming ESM ECCM


SIGSEC is closely related to which activity? A. B. C. D. ECM ECCM ESM Jamming



LESSON 1 PRACTICE EXERCISE ANSWER KEY and FEEDBACK Item 1 Correct Answer and Feedback A. Deception Deception is used to cause an enemy to misinterpret what his collection systems receive (page 1-3, para 1b(2)). 2. B. ECCM ECCM protect friendly emitters from enemy EW (page 1-3, para 1c, and page 1-5, para 2). 3. D. SIGSEC The three components of EW are ECM, ECCM, and ESM. is not an EW component (page 1-2, para 1). 4. B. Jamming Anti-ECM are used against jamming (page 1-4, para 1c(2)). 5. B. ECCM SIGSEC is closely related to ECCM (page 1-5, para 2). SIGSEC






OVERVIEW LESSON DESCRIPTION: In this lesson, you will learn about preventive and remedial electronic counter-countermeasure (ECCM) techniques. You will also learn about signal security (SIGSEC) techniques. TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE: ACTION: CONDITION: STANDARD: Describe preventive and remedial ECCM and SIGSEC techniques. Given this lesson material, pencil, paper, and no supervision. To demonstrate competence, a minimum of 70 percent on the subcourse examination must be achieved. The material in this lesson was derived from the following publications: FM 24-18 and FM 24-33.


INTRODUCTION A commander's ability to conduct a battle successfully depends on his ability to see battlefield activity. A commander and his staff need timely and accurate information about friendly and enemy forces. That information is carried over communication systems maintained by signal personnel. Applying ECCM help protect those systems and increase the chance of winning.



PART A. - PREVENTIVE MEASURES 1. Preventive Electronic Counter-Countermeasures. The two major areas of preventive ECCM are systems design and operational techniques. The enemy tries to gain information about an opposing force through electronic surveillance. He uses direction-finding receivers to pinpoint the locations of radar, radio transmitters, and other devices that produce electromagnetic signatures. We thwart enemy electronic warfare (EW) efforts by taking preventive measures. a. Systems design includes ECCM-designed circuits. Most military radios have unique design features incorporated into their circuitry. A radio operator cannot normally control the effectiveness of design features. Examples include: (1) A radio's transmission range. low power setting. Lower output power reduces

(2) Secure voice equipment, such as VINSON. signal encryption.

This provides electronic

(3) Automatic power adjustments. These limit the radiated power to a level sufficient for effective communications. They reduce a radio's electronic signature. This feature is used in mobile subscriber equipment. Specifically, the radio access unit and the mobile subscriber radiotelephone terminal use it. (4) Frequency hopping. This is very effective in reducing the effects of enemy jamming. It is also effective in denying the enemy information about your location. The Single-Channel Ground and Airborne Radio System (SINCGARS) radios employ frequency hopping. (5) The spread spectrum technique. This suppresses interference by other frequency users (friendly and enemy). It provides multiple access (user sharing) and ends multipath interference (self jamming). This technique spreads signals across a very wide frequency band of the operating spectrum, causing the transmitted signal to be hard to distinguish from normal levels. The Enhanced Position Location Reporting System and the Joint Tactical Information Distribution System uses it. b. Operational techniques provide methods for preventing an enemy from detecting friendly communications. (1) Site selection, radiated power, and antenna selection are the most important considerations in radio system installation. They are usually under a degree of friendly control. (a) Place an antenna to allow the terrain to mask it from the enemy. Masking an antenna from an enemy normally only reduces the signal's range in the enemy's direction.



(b) Relocate the antenna frequently. This makes the timely locating and targeting of stations more difficult. When you cannot move an antenna, remote it as far as possible from the radio. (c) Use directional antennas when possible. Using bidirectional or unidirectional antennas is preferred over omni-directional antennas. (d) Use low power settings when possible. Higher power levels increase a signals range, making it easier for an enemy to locate the transmitter. (e) Select the correct antenna to support the operating nets power requirements. (2) Radio operator procedures are the key to the success of preventive ECCM techniques. Using correct procedures reduces an enemy's ability to intercept, disrupt, or destroy friendly communications. The usable data an enemy intercepts is lessened by: (a) Reducing operator-distinguishing characteristics and procedures. Enemy sign analysts can identify operators and stations that use unique or otherwise distinctive phrases or procedures. Call sign and frequency changes are useless when an operator compromises his station's identification by violating procedures after changes occur. Unique operator-distinguishing procedures often develop through operator design (unique method of opening a net). Others occur with a gradual development of a habitual approach or technique. (b) Operating on a the jobs of enemy operators radio checks or for sending net identification for enemy random schedule. Set operating schedules make and analysts easier. Using fixed schedules for reports provides a handy method of station and analysts.

(c) Using authentication. A constant threat is the chance that an enemy may intrude into a radio net. The most effective means of countering deceptive entry is authentication. Authentication procedures are found in the supplemental instructions of the signal operation instructions (SOI). (d) Encrypting essential elements of friendly information (EEFI). EEFI encompass the tactical situation, enemy contact, and operations orders. They include operations plans, equipment status reports, and personnel status reports. Message encryption is done using communications security (COMSEC) devices authorized for the classification level of the material being sent. A listing of the material types to be encrypted is in the SOI's supplement. (3) Using null steering. This masks the radiation pattern to degrade the effects of jamming. It also provides an improved signal-to-noise ratio.



2. Radio Maintenance. ECCM depend on proper radio maintenance and alignment. A radio operator's skill and effectiveness affect the ability to protect transmissions and provide effective ECCM. These include initial procedures and reviewing equipment technical manuals for operating instructions. They also include setting up the radio set and reviewing cable connections and control settings. An operator should operate his radio according to his unit's radio requirements. These procedures should include: a. Inspecting the set for completeness. b. Inspecting the radio's condition. Look at the condition of knobs, dials, switches, and controls. Also inspect plugs, receptacles, and connectors. c. Reviewing dial, switch, and control settings. d. Following start-up and shutdown procedures contained in equipment manuals. 3. Single-Channel Techniques. Single-channel radio procedures that help defeat enemy EW efforts are specific operator procedures and actions based on the means of transmissions. The means normally used include radiotelegraph, radiotelephone, and radio teletypewriter (RATT). Good training, operator expertise, and operator adherence to signal discipline help to defeat enemy EW operations. a. Radiotelegraph is the most reliable means available to send data and the easiest to detect. It uses normal communications procedures. It also uses procedure signs (prosigns) and operating signals to reduce the time needed to set up and maintain effective data transfer. Reducing transmission time is the most effective anti-EW support measure (anti-ESM) technique. (1) When properly used, prosigns convey information, requests, orders, and instructions. To reduce the effectiveness of enemy EW, operators should not use unauthorized prosigns. This could allow enemy analysts to identify or isolate a station or operator. (2) Operating signals are three-letter signals beginning with the letter Q or Z. RATT operators use them to expedite communications. Operating signals must be encrypted as part of an encrypted message. Examples are QSA, QSY, ZEV, and ZKJ. b. Radiotelephone provides rapid, short-range, person-to-person communications among mobile and air units. However, it has little defense against enemy electronic countermeasures (ECM). It also has little defense against message exploitation unless a security device is used. There are several basic rules for radiotelephone that provide some security and signal protection.



(1) Use the following to help provide transmission security: (a) No violation of radio silence. (b) No needless chatter among operators. (c) Transmit on directed nets only with permission. (d) No excessive tuning or testing. (e) No sending of an operator's personal name. (f) Only authorized use of plain language. (g) No association of classified and unclassified call signs. (h) No association of address groups and call signs. (i) Only authorized procedure words (prowords) used. (2) Prowords are the voice equivalent of prosigns. reduces the duration of transmissions. Using prowords

(3) There are two correct methods for using call signs. The complete call sign is used when entering a net. It is also used when requested by the net control station (NCS) or another station in the net. The abbreviated call sign is used once the net is entered. The NCS directs the use of abbreviated call signs on the net. An example of a complete call sign is Q3O47. The abbreviated call sign is O47. Abbreviated call signs allow operators to more quickly identify themselves and stations they are calling. This is a defensive EW technique. (4) Correctly using the phonetic alphabet is needed to reduce transmission time. This also ensures there is no confusion by the receiving operator. Table 2-1, page 2-6, contains the authorized phonetic alphabet. Table 2-2, page 2-6, contains the numerical pronunciation guide. c. RATT uses frequency shift keying (FSK). FSK uses direct action from a keyboard, perforated tape, or electronic memory storage. It can use clear (unencrypted) or encrypted traffic. It is a dependable means of communication that integrates defensive EW techniques. Sending a long logistics report by single-channel radio invites enemy direction finding.



Table 2-1.

Phonetic alphabet.

Table 2-2.

Numerical pronunciation guide.

This is because the operator is on the radio too long. Sending it by RATT reduces transmission time, increases accuracy, and provides a hard copy for the receiver. Another EW advantage of RATT is the radiation signature it produces. Using a doublet antenna, operators can direct the radiation pattern in an azimuth away from an enemy.



4. Multichannel Techniques. Commander use line-of-sight multichannel communication radio, troposcatter, and satellite relay.


a. Common myths about the security of multichannel communications can cause operators to violate basic COMSEC practices. (1) Many think a multichannel radio is think multichannel radio signals can only be forward of the sending directional antenna, or fringes of areas the signal beam spans, or from path. However, these notions are no true. always secure. Many also intercepted from positions within or on the immediate forward of the transmission

(2) Multichannel radio signals can be intercepted by very accurate enemy sensors. However, multichannel does have some defensive EW characteristics. At a signal site, individual subscriber's circuits are assigned to a particular channel and electronically superimposed onto one carrier frequency and transmitted using one radio. In addition, the LOS radiation pattern is narrow and directional, instead of omni-directional. Also, each channel is secured, using a crypto-secure device. b. Too many operators use the nonsecure orderwire to discuss classified matters. Examples are movement time, locations, and other operationsrelated information. Use the orderwire only for systems and circuit alignment. Also set up a separate engineering channel for operators. c. Operating with misconceptions causes preventive ECCM techniques to have limited value. An enemy's successful penetration of multichannel nets allows him to focus his attention on carefully guarded information. Do not be the one who leaks information. PART B - REMEDIAL MEASURES 1. Remedial Electronic Counter-Countermeasures. These are actions taken in response to enemy jamming. Remedial ECCM techniques reduce the effectiveness of enemy jamming efforts (Figure 2-1, page 2-8). These techniques apply to jamming and unidentified or unintentional interference that disrupts friendly communications. Remedial ECCM techniques do not apply to other actions that might disrupt or destroy friendly communications. a. Jamming may be either obvious to the operator or extremely subtle and difficult to detect. An enemy may use modulated or unmodulated signals. He may use spot, barrage, or sweep jamming. Spot jamming directs the jammer signal against a single frequency. Barrage jamming directs the jamming signal against a frequency band, disrupting many frequencies. Sweep jamming directs the jamming signal up and down a frequency band; it does not lock onto a specific frequency or group of frequencies.



Figure 2-1.

Remedial ECCM techniques.

(1) Obvious jamming is normally easy to detect. Modulated signals are commonly encountered. They are identified quite readily by the signal's actual modulation. Examples of obvious jamming include: (a) Random noise. This is synthetic radio noise that is random in amplitude and frequency. It is similar to normal background noise and used to degrade all types of signals. (b) Stepped tones (bagpipes). These are sent at increasing and decreasing pitch. They resemble the sound of bagpipes and are normally used against single-channel AM or FM voice. (c) Spark. This is an easily produced signal, which is very effective in disrupting all types of signals. Its sound resembles short duration, high intensity signals repeated at a rapid rate. (d) Gulls. These are generated by a quick rise and then a slow fall of a variable radio signal, which is similar to a sea gull's call. They produce a nuisance effect and are usually effective against voice transmissions. (e) Random duration, and rate. data transmissions. pulse. This involves pulses of varying amplitude, It is used to disrupt RATT, radar, and all types of



(f) Wobbler. This is a single frequency modulated by a slowly varying tone resembling a howling sound. It is a nuisance to voice radio communications. (g) Preamble jamming. This is the broadcasting of synchronization tones over the operating frequency of a radio net that uses voice security devices. It often causes radios to be locked in the RECEIVE mode. (h) Recorded sounds. These can be any audible sound of a varying nature. Examples are music, screams, applause, whistles, machinery noise, and laughter. They are used to distract voice radio operators and disrupt communications. (2) Subtle jamming is not obvious to the radio operator because no sound is heard. The receivers are blocked and unable to receive an incoming signal, even though everything seems normal. Subtle jamming affects the squelch mode of FM radios. It places a tone on the receiver squelch circuit that blocks out weaker signals on the frequency. The operator believes the radio is functioning properly, but no signal is present on the assigned operating frequency. (3) Unintentional jamming may be a big problem to communicators. Atmospheric conditions, malfunctions of the radio, and other radios (enemy or friendly) cause it. Other sources include electric, electronic and electromagnetic devices. b. Once you realize an enemy is conducting jamming operations, you should report the jamming. You should then: (1) Continue to operate. (2) Improve the signal-to-jamming ratio. (3) Adjust the receiver. This includes adjusting the beat frequency oscillator, adjusting the bandwidth, adjusting the gain or volume control, and fine tuning the frequency. (4) Increase your transmitter's power output. (5) Adjust, change, or move the antenna. (6) Set up a retransmission station. (7) Change the frequency. (8) Use a different satellite. (9) Use an alternate communications means.



2. Transmission Protection. This requires the preoperational selection of antenna placement, transmitter power selection, and frequency usage be in concert with preventive ECCM principles. Additional transmission protection can be provided for single-channel radios. These include the AN/VRC-12 family of radios and the SINCGARS. Using steerable null antenna processor (SNAP-1) allows efficient jam-free reception. This occurs even when the operator does not know the location of the jamming or communications transmitter. An example is the OL-275/VRC used with the AN/VRC-12 and SINCGARS radios. a. The OL-275/VRC SNAP-1 consists of a CP-1380/VRC steerable null antenna processor and a J-3792/VRC interconnecting box. It also includes a CX-13179/U special purpose electrical cable assembly (Figure 2-2).

Figure 2-2.

OL-275( )/VRC steerable null processing group.



b. The OL-275/VRC (Figure 2-3) uses the equipment listed below. (1) Two AS-1729 or two AS-2731 antennas. (2) Two antenna cables CG-1773. (3) Two control cables CX-4722. (4) Mount MT-1898. (5) COMSEC equipment TSEC/KY-8, TSEC/KY-38, or TSEC/KY-58. (6) Radio set AN/GRC-160, radio set AN/GRC-164, and AN/VRC-12 radios.

Figure 2-3.

OL-275( )/VRC installation.



c. The SNAP-1 combines signals received from two separate antennas to create a radio reception pattern containing a null. The SNAP-1 effectively becomes the antenna control system and must interface and operate with the radio. The SNAP-1 also: (1) Automatically blocks an unwanted signal from the radio receiver. It does this without interfering with the desired signal coming from a different direction. (2) Operates mounted radios. on-the-move or stationary, using current vehicular

(3) Can automatically block signals, even when the operator does not know the jammer's location or when the jammer is moving. (4) Permits normal cipher and plain communications over associated COMSEC and radio. (5) Allows passing of the desired signal. friendly transmitter is not equipped with SNAP-1. (6) Uses standard Army VHF-FM antennas. PART C - SIGNAL SECURITY MEASURES 1. Signal Security. A close relationship exists between ECCM and SIGSEC. When an enemy does not have access to or knowledge of EEFI, his effectiveness is reduced. SIGSEC's major function is to deny an enemy the ability to exploit friendly electromagnetic spectrum use. Its techniques include emission security and control, transmission security, cryptographic security, and physical security. 2. Emission Security and Control. This involves preventing an enemy from targeting friendly communications. If enemy EW units do not know a friendly unit is present, they cannot target it. Denying an enemy the ability to detect friendly units is possible when friendly radio operatorsa. Turn on emitters only to meet minimum requirements. b. Use the minimum amount of power needed to pass information. c. Mask antenna locations. d. Use directional antennas. text voice and data

This occurs even when the



3. Transmission Security. The type of information sent and how it is sent affect an enemy's ability to exploit friendly communications. Reducing transmissions is the key to transmission security. Keep transmission duration to 15 seconds when possible. Enemy analyst can exploit unneeded chatter and discussions that mention locations, equipment names, communications problems, and unit morale. 4. Cryptographic Security. devices. This deals with codes, keylists, and COMSEC

a. Using a security device denies enemy linguists the ability to exploit message texts. However, enemy EW units can still locate the transmitter. They can associate the location and net structure to the type unit, mission, and intentions. b. When an enemy cannot gain information from a radio station, he may try to jam or destroy it. c. Codes and keylists should always be those included in the SOI. Homemade codes offer no challenge to an experienced cryptoanalyst. However, they do offer an excellent source of information. They also provide operators with a false sense of security. d. Chattering causes communications compromise. By talking around a subject and using unauthorized nicknames, enemy analysts receive excellent opportunities to gain EEFI. 5. Physical Security. Common sense measures and adherence to unit operational policies are the keys to good physical security practices. These include protection of SOI materials and keylists. PART D - SUMMARY 1. Preventive Measures. of preventive ECCM are systems design and

a. The two major areas operational techniques.

(1) Most military radios have unique design features incorporated into their circuitry. (a) Null steering effects of jamming. masks the radiation pattern to degrade the

(b) The spread spectrum technique suppresses interference by other frequency users (friendly and enemy). It provides multiple access (user sharing) and ends multipath interference (self jamming).



(2) Operation techniques provide methods for preventing an enemy from detecting friendly communications. (a) Site selection, radiated power, and antenna selection are the most important considerations in radio system installation. (b) Radio operator preventive ECCM techniques. procedures are the key to the success of

(c) Frequency hopping is very effective in: Reducing the effects of enemy jamming. Denying the enemy information about your location.

b. ECCM depend in part on proper radio maintenance and alignment. A radio operator's skill and expertise affect the ability to protect transmissions and provide effective ECCM. c. Single-channel radio procedures that help defeat enemy EW efforts are specific operator procedures and actions based on the means of transmissions. d. Radiotelegraph is the most reliable means for sending information. It is also the easiest to detect. It has little defense against enemy ECM. It also has little defense against message exploitation unless a security device is used. e. Commanders can use LOS troposcatter, and satellite relay. multichannel communications radio,

(1) Common myths about the security of multichannel communications cause operators to violate basic COMSEC practices. Multichannel radio signals can be intercepted by enemy sensors. (2) Do not use the nonsecure orderwire to discuss classified matters. Use it only for systems and circuit alignment. Designate a separate engineering channel for operators.




Remedial Measures. Remedial ECCM

a. Remedial ECCM are taken in response to enemy jamming. techniques reduce the effectiveness of enemy jamming efforts.

b. Transmission protection requires the preoperational selection of antenna placement, transmitter power selection, and frequency usage be in concert with preventive ECCM principles. Using steerable null antenna processors (SNAP-1) allows efficient jam-free reception. This occurs even when the operator does not know the location of the jamming or communications transmitter. 3. Signal Security Measures. ECCM and SIGSEC are closely SIGSEC's major function is to deny an enemy the ability to exploit electromagnetic spectrum use. SIGSEC techniques include emission and control, transmission security, cryptographic security, and security. related. friendly security physical

a. Emission security and control involves preventing an enemy from targeting friendly communications. b. The type of information sent and how it is sent affect an enemy's ability to exploit friendly communications. The key is to minimize transmissions. c. Cryptographic devices. security deals with codes, keylists, and COMSEC

d. Common sense measures and adherence to unit operational policies are the keys to good physical security practices.



LESSON 2 PRACTICE EXERCISE The following items will test your grasp of the material covered in this lesson. There is only one correct answer for each item. When you complete the exercise, check your answers with the answer key that follows. If you answer any item incorrectly, study again that part of the lesson which contains the portion involved.


What are the two major areas of preventive ECCM? A. B. C. D. Direction finding and electronic surveillance Direction finding and operational techniques Electronic surveillance and systems design Operational techniques and systems design


What are friendly actions taken in response to enemy jamming? A. B. C. D. Cryptographic security ECM Remedial ECCM SIGSEC power are two installation. of the most important What is the other

3. Site selection and radiated considerations in radio system consideration? A. B. C. D. Antenna compatibility Antenna selection Availability of radios Site defendability




Prosigns are normally used with which of the following? A. B. C. D. Encrypted communications Multichannel communications Radiotelegraph Radiotelephone

5. Which of the following is not an example of proper radio operator procedure? A. B. C. D. Encrypt all EEFI Operate on fixed schedules Reduce distinguishable operator procedures Use authentication

6. Which type of modulated jamming involves broadcasting synchronization tones over the operating frequency of a radio net that uses voice security devices? A. B. C. D. Preamble jamming Random pulse Recorded sounds Stepped tones




Item 1.

Correct Answer and Feedback D. Operational techniques and systems design. The two major areas of preventive ECCM are operational techniques and systems design (page 2-2, para 1).


Remedial ECCM Remedial ECCM are friendly actions taken in response to enemy jamming (page 2-7, para 1).



Antenna selection Site selection, radiated power, and antenna selection are the most important considerations in radio system installation (page 2-2, para 1b(1)).



Radiotelegraph Prosigns are normally used with radiotelegraph (page 2-4, para 3a).



Operate on fixed schedules Examples of proper radio operator procedure include operating on a random schedule, encrypting EEFI, and reducing distinguishable operator procedures. Operating on a fixed schedule is not an example of proper radio operator procedure (page 2-3, para 1b(2)(b), and 1b(2)(d)).



Preamble jamming Preamble jamming involves broadcasting synchronization tones over the operating frequency of a radio net that uses voice security devices. It often causes radios to be locked in the RECEIVE mode (page 2-9, para 1a(1)(g)).






OVERVIEW LESSON DESCRIPTION: In this lesson, you will learn about the sources, types, and effects of electromagnetic interference (EMI). You will also learn about electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and electromagnetic pulse (EMP). TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE: ACTION: CONDITION: STANDARD: Define and describe the sources, types, and effects of EMI. Given this lesson material, pencil, paper, and no supervision. To demonstrate competence, you must achieve a minimum of 70 percent on the subcourse examination. The material in this lesson was derived from the following publications: FM 24-2, FM 24-18, and AR 105-3.


INTRODUCTION Maintaining command, control, and communications (C3) in an electromagnetic environment is a major challenge. Commanders who try to control and manipulate the environment gain an advantage for their side to the detriment of an enemy. The frequency spectrum is very crowded because it has finite limits. Thus, C3 tasks are harder due to the number and capabilities of enemy emitters, jammers, and various non-communication emitters. They are also harder due to unintentional interference by friendly forces. You must be aware of the effects of EMI and EMP.



1. Electromagnetic Compatibility. EMC is the process of predicting and controlling potential interference in new equipment through design and frequency sharing methods. It is the ability of C3 systems to operate in their intended working environment without suffering or causing unacceptable degradation due to electromagnetic radiation or response. The signal officer has primary responsibility for spectrum management in his unit. EMC is just one consideration under spectrum management. The signal officer, in coordination with the electronic warfare (EW) officer, establishes and maintains a joint restricted frequency list. That list is based on G3/S3 reports and priorities. 2. Electromagnetic Interference. EMI is any electromagnetic disturbance that interrupts, obstructs, degrades, or limits the performance of electronic or electrical equipment. It can be natural, man-made, or mutual interference. a. Natural interference has four categories (Figure 3-1). They are atmospheric, solar and cosmic, precipitation static, and fading. Natural interference affects most frequencies with its effects decreasing as the frequency increases.

Figure 3-1. (1) Electrical interference. (2) Eruptions interference. on storms

Natural interference. in the atmosphere cause atmospheric










(3) Charged particles in the atmosphere cause precipitation static interference.



(4) The medium through which radio waves are propagated causes fading interference. b. Man-made interference is generated by electrical devices. Hightension wires, motors, arc welders, and similar items can cause it. EW is another form of man-made interference. An enemy constantly monitors friendly C3 system to gather information on friendly movement, capabilities, identification, and locations. Enemy EW systems intentionally disrupt certain friendly force C3 systems to confuse and degrade operations. Some enemy EW activities will sound like different types of interference caused by static, electrical storms, sun spots, and electrical equipment. Others activities will imitate different EMI types. c. Mutual interference occurs when one C3 system interferes with another. This may be from local or distant sources. Figure 3-2 shows some of the associated common conditions.

Figure 3-2. 3. Recognizing Jamming.

Mutual interference.

a. Radio operators must be able to recognize jamming. This is not always an easy task. Threat jammers may employ obvious or subtle jamming techniques. Operators must know how to discriminate between unintentional interference and enemy jamming.



(1) The two sources of interference are internal and external. If the interference or suspected jamming can be eliminated or substantially reduced by grounding the radio equipment or disconnecting the receiver antenna, the source of the disturbance is most likely external to the radio. If the interference or suspected jamming remains after grounding or disconnecting the antenna, the disturbance is most likely internal. That is, it is caused by a radio malfunction. External interference must be checked further for enemy jamming or unintentional interference. (2) Unintentional interference may be caused by other radios, some other type of electronic or electrical equipment, or atmospheric conditions. The battlefield is crowded with radios and other electronic equipment. Unintentional interference is virtually unavoidable. The static electricity produced by atmospheric conditions can adversely affect radio communications. Unintentional interference normally travels only a short distance. A search of the immediate area may reveal the source of this type of interference. Moving the receiving antenna short distances may cause noticeable variations in the strength of the interfering signal. These variations normally indicate unintentional interference. Little or no variation often indicates jamming. b. Some jamming takes advantage of the design characteristics of certain radio equipment, such as the AN/VRC-12 in the new squelch on mode. To activate these radios, a 150-Hz tone must be transmitted to them along with the transmitter carrier signal. These radios lock onto the strongest signal they receive. c. When an enemy transmits a strong signal to these equipment items, they will lock onto the strong signal. If a friendly signal, along with the 150-Hz signal, is transmitted to these equipment items, they will not receive it as long as the jamming signal is stronger than the friendly signal. This type of subtle jamming is called squelch capture. The operator cannot detect this method of jamming. It may appear as if the radio is faulty because the operator cannot receive any friendly signal. Report suspected enemy jamming and unidentified interference that disrupts communication. This applies even if the effects of the jamming or interference are overcome. d. An enemy can use powerful unmodulated or noise-modulated signals. You should note that modulated jamming signals are characterized by obvious interference noises. The following procedures help operators determine whether their radios are being jammed. (1) AN/PRC-77. (a) Turn the function control from the position. (b) A lack of noise may mean an unmodulated jamming signal is jamming a radio. Temporarily disconnect the antenna. If normal static noise returns when the antenna is disconnected, the radio is likely being jammed by an unmodulated signal. SS0135 3-4 SQUELCH ON to the OFF

(c) A greater than normal level of noise or an obviously modulated signal may mean a noise-modulated jamming signal is jamming the radio. The operator should temporarily disconnect the antenna. If normal static noise returns when the antenna is disconnected, the radio most likely is being jammed by a noise-modulated signal. (d) If the above tests indicate there is a high probability the radio is being jammed, the operator should follow the local SOP to reestablish communications and initiate a report informing higher headquarters the incident. (2) AN/VRC-12 series radio. (a) Turn the squelch control from the NEW SQUELCH ON mode to the NEW SQUELCH OFF mode. (b) A radio's lack of noise and lighted call light may mean an unmodulated jamming signal is jamming it. Temporarily disconnect the antenna. If normal static noise returns, and the call light goes off when the antenna is disconnected, the radio is likely being jammed by an unmodulated signal. (c) A greater than normal level of noise or an obviously modulated signal may mean the radio is being jammed by a noise-modulated jamming signal. Temporarily disconnect the antenna. If normal static noise returns, and the call light goes off when the antenna is disconnected, the radio is likely being jammed by a noise-modulated signal. (d) If there is a high chance a radio is being jammed, the operator should follow unit SOP to reestablish communications. He should also submit a report to tell superiors about the incident. (3) You should coordinate with military intelligence units for aid in developing tests for special capacity radios or radios unique to your unit. Examples include the improved high frequency radio (IHFR) and single-channel ground and airborne radio system (SINCGARS) radios. You must make sure your radio operators are trained to use these radios. 4. Overcoming Jamming. An enemy will seek to use new and more confusing jamming. You must be alert to the possibility of jamming. Training and experience are the most important tools in determining when a signal is a jamming signal. Exposure to the effects of jamming in training or actual situations is invaluable. Once you determine jamming is being used, take the following actions. If any of these actions lessen the problem, you should continue normal operations and send a report informing higher headquarters of the incident. a. Continue to operate. Stop and consider what an enemy does during a jamming operation. Enemy jamming often involves a jamming period, then a brief listening period. He is attempting to determine how effective his jamming has been. What we do while he is listening tells him how effective his jamming has been. If our operation continues in a 3-5 SS0135

normal manner, as before the jamming an enemy may assume his jamming was not very effective. If he finds us excitedly discussing our problem on the air, an enemy may assume his jamming was effective. He may also think so if we shut down our operation. There is a rule that applies when being jammed. Unless otherwise ordered, never shut down operations or in any other way disclose to an enemy that you are being adversely affected. This means normal operations continue, even when degraded by jamming. b. Improve the signal-to-jamming ratio. This involves the relative strength of the desired signal to the jamming signal at the receiver. Signal refers to the communications or emission received. Jamming refers to the hostile or unidentified interference being received. Try to have a signal-to-jamming ratio where the desired signal is stronger than the jamming signal. Then, the desired signal cannot be significantly degraded by the jamming signal. The following helps to improve the signal-to-jamming ratio: (1) Adjust the receiver. When jamming is experienced, check to make sure the receiver is tuned as precisely as possible to the desired incoming signal. A slight receiver readjustment may provide an improved signal-tojamming ratio. Specific methods that apply to a certain radio are in the operator's manual. Some of these methods are: (a) Adjust the beat frequency oscillator. (b) Adjust the bandwidth. (c) Adjust the gain or volume control. (d) Fine-tune the frequency. (2) Increase the transmitter power output. The most obvious way to improve the signal-to-jamming ratio is to increase the transmitter's power output. To increase power output during jamming, the transmitter must be on less than full power when jamming begins. Using low power as a preventive technique depends on the enemy not being able to detect our radio transmissions. Once the enemy begins jamming our radios, the threat of being detected is moot. Use the reserve power on terrestrial, line-of-sight (LOS) radios to override an enemy's jamming signal. Tactical satellite communications terminals will not increase their transmit power. (3) Adjust or change the antenna. Adjustments can improve the signal-to-jamming ratio. When being jammed, make sure the antenna is optimally adjusted to receive the desired incoming signal. Specific antijamming methods used for a radio set are found in the operator's manual. Some methods are: (a) Reorient the antenna. (b) Change stations). the antenna polarization (must be done by all

(c) Install an antenna with a longer range. SS0135 3-6

(4) Establish a retransmission station. Doing this can increase the range and power of a signal between two or more radio stations. This is often available method to improve the signal-to-jamming ratio. (5) Relocate the antenna. The signal-to-jamming ratio can often be improved by relocating the antenna and its affected radio set. This may mean moving a few or several hundred meters. Relocate the antenna and its radio so there is a terrain feature between them and any suspected enemy jammer. c. Use an alternate route for communications. Enemy jamming may prevent us from communicating with a radio station. If communications are degraded between two radio stations that must communicate, there may be another radio station or route available. That radio station or route should be used as a relay between the two other radio stations. d. Change frequencies. Enemy jamming may not be overcome using the above measures. If so, a net may be directed to switch to an alternate or spare frequency. Dummy stations may continue to operate on the jammed frequency to mask the change to an alternate frequency. This action must be planned and coordinated. During jamming, coordinating a change of frequency is difficult. Radio operators should know when and under what circumstances they are to switch to alternate or spare frequencies. If not done smoothly, the enemy may discover what is happening and try to jam the new frequency. 5. Electromagnetic Pulse. EMP results from the effects of nuclear detonations or from weapons designed to produce the same effect. It can have a major impact on communications. Such detonations can cause changes in atmospheric conditions (a transient effect). They can also damage electronic signal equipment via intense gamma radiation. a. Our signal and other electronic equipment are increasingly susceptible to EMP. This is due to the extensive use of microcircuits, semiconductors, and transistors. b. The ability to repair quickly and reintegrate EMP-damaged portions of a communications system with minimum confusion is very important. This requires that procedures to protect equipment become second nature to all personnel. The following are some protection procedures: (1) Wires and cables should be shielded and properly grounded. (2) Excess cabling should be taken from its reel and stretched to its full length. It should never be left wound on a reel. (3) Whenever possible, cables should be buried a depth of a foot or more to partially shield the cable from EMP.



(4) Commercial power sources are also susceptible to EMP. Military communications equipment should not use commercial power when preparing for or conducting operations in a nuclear environment. 6. Unusual Operating Conditions. Radio operations in unusual climatic and atmospheric conditions pose special and unique situations for operators. a. The difficulty in providing good electrical grounds is a major problem in the arctic. The frozen soil's conductivity is often too low to allow good ground wave propagation. The most effective means of overcoming this is to use a counter-poise antenna. Another common problem in the arctic is highly charged particles of snow. They may cause high levels of static when they strike an antenna. This is overcome by preventing snow from directly contacting the antenna. To do that, place the antenna in a dome or plastic covering. b. The major problem in the tropics' hot and humid atmosphere is vegetation. Particularly when wet, it acts like a vertically polarized signal and impedes good signal propagation. The best solution is to use a horizontally polarized antenna. Since vegetation also absorbs radio signals, transmit from a cleared area or one with a light jungle canopy. c. Deserts provide poor conductivity to ground. A counter-poise antenna (RC-292, OE-254, etc.) should provide the range needed to ensure quality communications among widely dispersed forces. Wind-blown metallic dust passing over a desert's dry surface can create a static discharge of electricity. This problem can be overcome by operating at the upper end of a radio set's frequency range. The static's impact has less effect on communications in that frequency range. d. Communications in mountainous areas are affected more by the terrain than by atmospheric conditions. Using LOS radios in mountainous terrain is difficult. Doing so requires the use of relay stations and effective antenna placements.




Summary. It results in

a. EMC involves predicting and controlling interference. signal systems operating without unacceptable degradation.

b. EMI is a disturbance that interrupts, obstructs, degrades, or limits the performance of electronic or electrical equipment. It can be natural, man-made, or mutual interference. (1) Natural interference has four categories. solar and cosmic, precipitation static, and fading. (a) Electrical interference. storms in the atmosphere They are atmospheric



(b) Eruptions on the sun or other stars cause solar and cosmic interference. (c) Charged particles in the atmosphere cause precipitation static interference. (d) The medium through which radio waves are propagated causes fading interference. (2) Man-made interference is caused by electrical devices. also a form of man-made interference. EW is

(3) Mutual interference occurs when one C3 system interferes with another. c. EMP is caused by a nuclear equipment by intense gamma radiation. detonation. It can damage signal

d. Radio operations in unusual climatic and atmospheric conditions pose special and unique situations for operators.



LESSON 3 PRACTICE - EXERCISE The following items will test your grasp of the material covered in this lesson. There is only one correct answer to each item. When you complete the exercise, check your answer with the answer key that follows. If you answer any item incorrectly, study again that part of the lesson that contains the portion involved.

1. What is interference? A. B. C. D.









Electromagnetic pulse Electromagnetic compatibility Electromagnetic design Electromagnetic interaction

2. Maintaining a restricted frequency list is the joint responsibility of the signal officer and what other officer? A. B. C. D. 3. The G2/S2 The G3/S3 The chief of staff The EW officer

Which form of natural interference is the result of electrical storms? A. B. C. D. Atmospheric Solar and cosmic Precipitation static Fading




Which of the following causes mutual interference? A. B. C. Enemy jamming of frequencies used by friendly forces Force multipliers operating harmonic frequencies The emissions of two communications systems interfering with each other Radios operating on restricted frequencies

D. 5.

Which form of interference results from a nuclear detonation? A. B. C. D. Mutual interference Collective radiation Frequency variation Electromagnetic pulse


Where is it difficult to normally establish a good electrical ground? A. B. C. D. Arctic regions Jungle areas Mountains Swamps



LESSON 3 PRACTICE EXERCISE ANSWER KEY AND FEEDBACK Item 1. Correct Answer and Feedback B. Electromagnetic compatibility EMC is the process of predicting and controlling potential interference in new equipment through design and frequency sharing methods (page 3-2, para 1). 2. D. The EW officer The signal officer, in coordination with the EW officer, establishes and maintains a joint restricted frequency list based on G3/S3 priorities (page 3-2, para 1). 3. A. Atmospheric Electrical storms in the atmosphere interference (page 3-2, para 2a(1)). 4. C. cause atmospheric

The emissions of two communications systems interfering with each other mutual interference occurs when one C3 system interferes with another (page 3-3, para 2c). Electromagnetic pulse EMP results from the effects of nuclear detonations (page 3-7, para 5).





Arctic regions The difficulty in providing good electrical grounds is a major problem in the arctic (page 3-8, para 6a).






OVERVIEW LESSON DESCRIPTION: In this lesson, you will learn about the staff responsibilities for electronic counter-countermeasures (ECCM) planning, operations, and analysis and electronic warfare (EW) vulnerabilities analysis. TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE: ACTION: Identify the staff responsibilities for electronic countercountermeasures. Given this lesson material, pencil, paper, and no supervision. To demonstrate competence, you must achieve a minimum of 70 percent on the subcourse examination. The material in this lesson was derived from the following publications: FM 24-1, FM 24-33, FM 34-1, FM 34-10, FM 34-25, FM 34-60, and FM 34-80.



INTRODUCTION ECCM are passive measures used to protect friendly command, control, and communications (C3) systems from enemy EW systems. ECCM consists of anti-EW support measures (anti-ESM) and anti-electronic countermeasures (anti-ECM). Those who use or supervise the use of friendly C3 systems are responsible for protecting them from enemy EW systems.



1. Staff Functions and Responsibilities. The G2/S2 and the G3/S3 have the main staff responsibility for coordinating intelligence and EW (IEW) efforts. They ensure IEW actions satisfy the commander's requirements. They plan and manage IEW operations on the battlefield in coordination with the signal officer. IEW staff responsibilities are listed in Figure 4-1.

Figure 4-1.

IEW staff responsibilities.

a. The G2/S2 provides the G3/S3 with information concerning enemy forces for ECCM planning and operations. This information may include intelligence on enemy capabilities, intentions, or weaknesses. It is used to develop and implement effective ECCM operations. The G2/S2 is also responsible for monitoring the unit's signals security posture. b. The G3/S3 has primary staff responsibility for ECCM. He identifies actions and possible actions that might affect ECCM operations and requests support from the G2/S2. He coordinates with the signal officer to use ECCM to protect friendly signal operations. The G3/S3 is also responsible for including ECCM training in the unit training program.



c. The signal officer, in coordination with the G3/S3, develops and plans the integration of ECCM into the overall operational plan. Specifically, the signal officer: (1) Enforces proper use of ECCM on communications channels. (2) Helps the G3/S3 develop and provide ECCM training. (3) Prepares the ECCM and restricted frequency list appendices to the signal annex of operations plans (OPLAN) and operations orders (OPORD). 2. The Electronic Counter-Countermeasures Planning Process. The four ECCM planning categories are deployment, employment, replacement, and concealment. a. The deployment category has two subcategories. and system design. They are geometry

(1) We must analyze the terrain and determine methods to make the battlefield's geometry work in our favor. Figure 4-2 shows this concept. When deploying units and communications systems perpendicular to the forward line of own troops (FLOT), we open ourselves to enemy EW. Our transmissions are aimed in the enemy's direction, so he can pick them up. When possible, we must install our terrestrial line-of-sight communications parallel to the FLOT. This prevents enemy EW units from intercepting the primary strength of our transmissions. Dispersing the command posts so the natural terrain masks antennas and emitters helps reduce enemy EW efforts. Using tactical satellite systems helps to reduce enemy EW efforts.

Figure 4-2.

Geometry of the battlefield.



(2) In designing communications systems, we must establish alternate routes of communications. With enough routes, the loss of one or more will not seriously degrade the overall system. Figure 3 shows the three possible routing configurations. The straight-line method provides no alternate routes. The circular method allows one alternate route of communications. The grid method allows as many alternate routes as can be planned practically. b. Enemy forces can extract vital information from friendly communications patterns. Thus, friendly forces should not have any sort of communications pattern. Traffic leveling (keeping transmission traffic fairly constant) should also be practiced. The frequency of messages being sent can tell enemy analysts what type of mission friendly forces are likely planning or doing. Introducing false messages on a random basis can prevent an enemy from detecting operations. This is especially true during periods when actual message traffic decreases. Properly using and enforcing signal operation instructions (SOI) can help eliminate communications patterns. Whatever method is used needs to be carefully planned and fully integrated into the unit's OPLANs and OPORDs. Consider the type of equipment used and its location, power, and operating methods when planning ECCM. To make communications more secure, use:

Figure 4-3. Deployment configurations.

(1) Low power until you must use high power. (2) Frequency hopping to deny interception from enemy forces. (3) Null steering and adaptive antenna techniques to mask radiation patterns. (4) Spread spectrum techniques to suppress interference and provide multiple access for other users. c. The replacement category involves establishing alternate communications routes. These must be planned and exercised before engaging an enemy. This can stop them from setting up a database on primary friendly communications. It can also help to maintain the primary communication means available to the tactical commander. Replacement actions must be carefully planned, coordinated, and integrated into the units OPLAN or OPORD.



d. Communications equipment and personnel should be concealed as much as possible. Terrain features and man-made obstacles should be used to conceal equipment, without degrading communications. Concealment provisions must be included in OPLANs and OPORDs. 3. Electronic Warfare Vulnerabilities Analysis. The signal systems analysis and EW vulnerability process are part of the overall countersignals intelligence (C-SIGINT) process. This four-phase process provides the commander with knowledge of the enemy capabilities to assess them against his OPLANs. The phases are threat assessment, vulnerability assessment, countermeasures options development, and countermeasures evaluation. a. Threat assessment is the key in planning C-SIGINT operations. Enemy technical and operational capabilities and intentions are examined to determine their impact on friendly C3 equipment. b. The vulnerability assessment is conducted to determine where enemy forces can inflict the most damage. The identified weaknesses are ranked according to their potential impact on friendly operations. c. During countermeasures options development, specific options are identified for controlling, eliminating, or exploiting the weaknesses identified during vulnerability assessment. Countermeasures are needed to effectively counter enemy exploitation of friendly C3 systems. d. The effectiveness of the applied countermeasures is evaluated during countermeasures evaluation. This provides the commander the information he needs to decide if they should be used in other operations. 4. Summary. a. Staff Functions and Responsibilities. (1) The G2/S2 and the G3/S3 have the main staff responsibility for coordinating intelligence and electronic warfare (IEW) efforts. (2) The G2/S2 provides the G3/S3 with information concerning enemy forces for ECCM planning and operations. He is also responsible for monitoring the unit's signals security posture. (3) The G3/S3 has primary staff responsibility for ECCM. He is also responsible for including ECCM training in the unit training program. (4) The signal officer develops and plans ECM integration into the overall operational plan. He does this in coordination with the G3/S3.



b. The ECCM planning process. The four ECCM planning categories are deployment, employment, replacement, and concealment. (1) The deployment category has two subcategories (geometry and system design). We must analyze the terrain and determine methods to make the battlefield's geometry work in our favor. In designing communications systems, we need alternate communications routes. (2) Friendly pattern. forces should not have any sort of communications

(3) Alternate communications routes must be planned and exercised before engaging an enemy. (4) Communications equipment and personnel should be concealed as much as possible. c. EW vulnerabilities analysis. The signal systems analysis and EW vulnerability process are part of the overall C-SIGINT process. This process has four phases. They are threat assessment, vulnerability assessment, countermeasures options development, and countermeasures evaluation.






LESSON 4 PRACTICE EXERCISE The following items will test your gasp of the material covered in this lesson. There is only one correct answer for each item. When you complete the exercise, check your answer with the answer key that follows. If you answer any item incorrectly, study again that part of the lesson which contains the portion involved. 1. What is the term for the passive measures used to protect friendly C3 equipment from enemy EW? A. B. C. D. 2. ESM ECM ECCM SIGSEC

Who has primary staff responsibility for ECCM? A. B. C. D. G2/S2 G3/S3 Signal officer MI unit commander


Which of the following is not one of the ECCM planning categories? A. B. C. D. Concealment Identification Replacement Deployment



4. Which of the following deployment category? A. B. C. D. 5.








Communications patterns Alternate routes System design Terrain masking

How many phases does the C-SIGINT process contain? A. B. C. D. Two Three Four Five



LESSON 4 PRACTICE EXERCISE ANSWER KEY AND FEEDBACK Item 1. Correct Answer and Feedback C. ECCM ECCM are passive measures used to protect friendly systems from enemy EW systems (page 4-1, Introduction). 2. B. G3/S3 The G3/S3 has the primary staff responsibility for ECCM (page 4-2, para 1b). 3. B. Identification The four ECCM planning categories are deployment, employment, replacement, and concealment (page 4-3, para 2). 4. C. Systems design The deployment category has two subcategories. geometry and system design (page 4-3, para 2a). 5. C. Four The C-SIGINT process is a four-phase process. Its phases are threat assessment, vulnerability assessment, countermeasures options development, and countermeasures evaluation (page 4-5, para 3). They are C3



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