Series4100 HFBB Bro en 5214-1243-12 v0200

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R&S®M3SR Series4100

Secure Communications

Product Brochure | 02.00

HF Broadband System
Flexible and modular
multiline radio system

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Contents R&S®GU4190 ­overheat watch p
­ anel,
R&S®GU4190A r­ emote alarm unit...............................20
❙❙ Brief description
❙❙ Key facts
R&S®M3SR ­Series4100 H ­ FB ­ roadband System...........4 ❙❙ Electrical design
❙❙ HF broadband system – a future-ready investment ❙❙ Application

System configuration of the HF broadband Product overview............................................................22

system ...............................................................................6 ❙❙ HF broadband system
❙❙ Broadband block ❙❙ Water cooling equipment for HF broadband systems
❙❙ ­R&S®FK2950 antenna triplexer, ­R&S®FK2960 ­antenna
❙❙ Local control
❙❙ Flexible, logical allocation of connected
­receivers/exciters and power amplifiers
❙❙ ¸FK4192/¸FK4194 ­passive HF power combiners
❙❙ R&S®GV4190D power management unit

Water cooling equipment..............................................10

❙❙ System components

R&S®KL4192M heat exchanger....................................12

❙❙ Brief description
❙❙ Key facts
❙❙ Electrical design
❙❙ Mechanical design

R&S®KL4193M w ­ ater cooling set................................14

❙❙ Brief description
❙❙ Key facts
❙❙ Electrical design
❙❙ Mechanical design

R&S®ZW4193M w ­ ater-cooled ­dummy load

(1+2+1 kW).....................................................................16
❙❙ Brief description
❙❙ Key facts
❙❙ Electrical design
❙❙ Mechanical design

R&S®ZW4194M ­water-cooled
­dummy load (4 kW)........................................................18
❙❙ Brief description
❙❙ Key facts
❙❙ Electrical design
❙❙ Mechanical design

Rohde & Schwarz R&S®M3SR Series4100 HF Broadband System 3

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R&S®M3SR The HF broadband system is a flexible and modular
multi­line radio system for the HF frequency range.
The applications range from navy ships to shore
­Series4100 ­HF radio stations with up to 32 radio lines. The system’s
excellent scalability makes it suitable for use on

­Broadband System board a wide range of ships, from Corvette-class

vessels to aircraft carriers as well as for shore

At a glance
The system offers the full range of
R&S®M3SR ­Series4100 modulation modes and
waveforms, from simple SSB operation and ALE
to EPM (ECCM) radio line. Intelligent radio line
management provides flexible and dynamic
allocation of transmit power, from a few watts to
several kilowatts, to support a variety of missions.

Example: HF broadband system with one four-line block.

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HF broadband system – a future-ready investment
The system is based on the principle of combining ship-
board HF radio lines with the help of highly linear, passive
line couplers and then transmitting the combined signal
using a broadband antenna system. The system covers
the entire HF frequency band from 2 MHz to 30 MHz and
consists of separate broadband antennas, each covering
a subband. A diplexer or triplexer selects each antenna

The antenna system contains no switched elements. The

broadband capability of the antennas eliminates the need
for antenna tuning units. Since only passive components
such as couplers and filters are used, the result is a low-
maintenance system with superior reliability.

Example rack layout

Equipment rack C Equipment rack A Equipment rack B

¸GU4190 Power distribution

¸GV4190D ¸GX4100D

Power distribution
¸GX4100D ¸GX4100D

Power distribution

¸VK4190 ¸VK4190 Power distribution

Power distribution

¸IN4190 ¸IN4190
¸FK4192 ¸FK4192

¸VK4190 ¸VK4190

¸IN4190 ¸IN4190

Connection panel water Connection panel water Connection panel water

Additionally installed: Additionally installed: Additionally installed:

¸KL4193M ¸KL4192M ¸KL4192M

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System A broadband system can consist of up to 32 radio lines
which are connected to a broadband antenna system. The
channel spacing between adjacent radio lines can be ad-

configuration of­ justed to a minimum of one percent. The individual radio

lines can be occupied by any of the waveforms supported
by the R&S®M3SR Series4100 including:

the HF broadband ❙ Voice (SSB, AM, FM)

❙ Radio teletype (RATT)
❙ Modem (e.g. STANAG 4285, STANAG 4539)

system ❙ Automatic link establishment (ALE-2G/3G)

❙ Tactical data links (e.g. LINK11, LINK22)
❙ EPM (ECCM) paths

Broadband block
The broadband block is a modular component of the HF
broadband system. It consists of four 1000 W transceiver
systems, the appropriate passive, highly linear power com-
biner and the R&S®GV4190D power management unit
(PMU). The PMU allocates the radio signals of each of the
connected receivers/exciters to one, two or four power
amplifiers at the small signal level. It also permanently
monitors status reports from system components such as
amplifiers, power supplies, power combiners and filters.
In the case of coherent power addition, the PMU also en-
sures that the signals to be added are in phase.

The HF broadband system can be expanded to support up to 32 radio lines

Terminal, High band

control system Medium band
Low band

antenna triplexer


R&S®FK4194 R&S®FK4194
combiner combiner

R&S®FK4194 R&S®FK4194 R&S®FK4194 R&S®FK4194

combiner combiner combiner combiner

Broadband Broadband Broadband Broadband Broadband Broadband Broadband Broadband

block block block block block block block block
(4 × 1 kW) (4 × 1 kW) (4 × 1 kW) (4 × 1 kW) (4 × 1 kW) (4 × 1 kW) (4 × 1 kW) (4 × 1 kW)


HF lines Monitoring of combiners LAN connection

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R&S®FK2950 antenna triplexer, Flexible, logical allocation of connected
R&S®FK2960 antenna diplexer receivers/exciters and power amplifiers
The HF broadband antenna system may consist of an Through the right combination of coherent and non-
R&S®FK2950 antenna triplexer and a three-section broad- coherent signal paths, the number of radio lines in opera-
band antenna. tion and their output power can be varied over a wide
A two-section antenna (e.g. twin fan) and an R&S®FK2960
antenna diplexer may be used for smaller systems or Coherent mode means that the output power of two ra-
ships. dio lines can be arithmetically added (without taking into
account coupler loss). This requires that both line coupler
An antenna mismatch of up to VSWR 3:1 can be tolerated input signals have identical frequencies and phase angles.
without loss of power. For land-based installations, single
broadband antennas (e.g. log-periodic antennas) from If the input signal frequencies or phase angles are not
2 MHz­to­30 MHz­can­be­used.­ identical, this is referred to as non-coherent mode
and­­results­in­attenuation­of­the­input­power­by­3 dB­
Local control (= ­factor of 2).
Broadband blocks can be locally configured and controlled
with the R&S®GB4000C local control panel. The PMU of-
fers a selection of operational modes to ensure a defined
logical allocation between the receivers/exciters and the
power amplifiers. These modes are especially suitable for
locally controlling 4 kW transmitter/receiver systems such
as those deployed at shore stations.

Broadband block: 4 × 1 kW radio lines and power management unit

To broadband antenna system

4 kW combiner

R&S®FK4192 R&S®FK4192
2 kW combiner 2 kW combiner

R&S®VK4190 R&S®VK4190 R&S®VK4190 R&S®VK4190

power amplifier power amplifier power amplifier power amplifier

R&S®GV4190 PMU

Connection to RX
antenna multicoupler

AF lines to
intercom system
R&S®GX4100 R&S®GX4100 R&S®GX4100 R&S®GX4100
f1 exciter exciter f3 exciter exciter
f2 f4

HF lines Control bus system Monitoring of combiners

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¸FK4192/¸FK4194 passive HF power Case B: At the output of the coupler is the sum of the half
combiners powers­of­the­two­signals­(P3­=­0.5 × P1­+­0.5 × P2).­The­
loss­of­one­signal­is­typically­between­3.2 dB­and­3.4 dB.­
❙ ¸FK4192:­2 kW­ The­loss­of­3 dB,­which­is­caused­by­the­non-coherent­
❙ ¸FK4194:­4 kW combination, is dissipated in a load resistor connected to
the fourth port of the coupler.
The power combiner section consists of three individual
couplers, arranged at two levels so as to maximize the The second noteworthy property of a zero-degree power
power management possibilities. The individual couplers coupler is its isolation. This means that a signal P1 fed into
are zero-degree couplers. This ensures perfect power one input (e.g. input 1) appears at output 3, not at input 2.
combination if the two inputs are in phase (coherent com- The two power sources are decoupled, and intermodula-
bining). The coupling device is designed as a four-port tion between the signals is virtually eliminated.
system, which provides two inputs, one RF signal output,
and one output to the balance load. The following simple
example clarifies this function:

Two exciter signals (P1 and P2) are applied to the inputs
of the coupler, which behaves differently according to
whether the two signals are:
❙ A: identical, coherent
❙ B: not identical, not coherent

Coherent means that the signals originate from the same

source (modulator) and are in phase:

Case A: At the output of the coupler is the sum of the

powers of the two signals (P3 = P1 + P2) . The residual
loss­is­typically­less­than­0.4 dB.


P3 1 and 2 non-coherent:
P3 = 0.5 P1 + 0.5 P2
P4 = 0.5 P1 + 0.5 P2
1 and 2 coherent (in phase):
P3 = P1 + P2
1 2 P4 = 0
P1 resistor P2

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R&S®GV4190D power management unit
In addition to power management capability, the
R&S®GV4190 offers embedded receiver/exciter

R&S®GV4190D R&S®GV4190D power management unit: front view

radio software

Software options

Hardware options

power management unit
incl. receiver/exciter
(base unit)
Indicators Power on/off
Control panel Fillgun Headset
interface connector Erase

R&S®GV4190D power management unit: rear view

Multipurpose RF outputs of Ground RF outputs to Antenna (RX) GPS interface

input/output other connector other external
receivers/exciters power amplifiers

Monitoring ports
to power
diplexer, triplexer

Control interfaces
to other
receivers/exciters LAN

Control interfaces DC input Reference Audio/PTT Data Control interface remote
to other frequency interface interface to power amplifier control
power amplifiers input

Rohde & Schwarz R&S®M3SR Series4100 HF Broadband System 9

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Water cooling System components
HF broadband (HFBB) systems are integrated into the on-
board systems of naval vessels and are used to reduce

equipment the total number of required antennas. In larger HF broad-

band systems (more than four 1 kW transceivers), a water
­cooling system is required to reduce the wild heat in the
equipment room. The main parts of HF broadband sys-
tems that produce heat are the transceivers due to their
power amplifiers, power supplies and dummy loads (ab-
sorbers for the required R&S®FK4192 or R&S®FK4194 RF
power combiners).

Most HFBB systems consist of eight or more trans­ceivers,

subdivided into blocks of four radios each (broadband

The following components are required for water cooling

the HFBB system (see rack layout drawing for an eight-line
HFBB system):
❙❙ R&S®KL4192M heat exchanger for equipment rack
❙❙ R&S®KL4193M water cooling set for equipment rack
❙❙ R&S®ZW4193M water-cooled dummy load (1+2+1 kW)
❙❙ R&S®ZW4194M water-cooled dummy load (4 kW)
❙❙ R&S®GU4190 overheat watch panel
❙❙ R&S®GU4190A remote alarm unit to R&S®GU4190
overheat watch panel (for external installation)

Example of an equipment rack

type C with R&S®KL4193M water
cooling set installed.


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RF (power)
RF (absorber) RF to antennas
Cooling water return Triplexer
Cooling water supply

Series4100_HFBB_bro_en_5214-1243-12_v0200.indd 11
Cnn = Combiner (no. nn) Combiner level 3 C31
GX = Receiver/exciter
IN = Power supply
Combiner level 2 C21 C22
Lnn = Water-cooled dummy
load/absorber (no. nn)
OS = Overheat sensor Combiner level 1 C111 C112 C121 C122
PMU = Power management unit
VK = Power amplifier
WFS = Water flow sensor
water cooling set
L21 L31 L22
Water L111 L112 L121 L122
supply R&S®ZW4193M R&S®ZW4194M R&S®ZW4193M

From sensors
at additional
dummy loads

R&S®KL4192M R&S®KL4192M R&S®KL4192M R&S®KL4192M

heat heat heat heat
exchanger exchanger exchanger exchanger


IN 1 IN 2 IN 3 IN 4 IN 5 IN 6 IN 7 IN 8

R&S®GU4190 PMU1 PMU2

overheat watch panel

To additional Remote
PMU control
Water-cooled HF broadband system (two blocks consisting of four radios each = eight lines)

R&S®GU4190A To additional Modulation

remote alarm overheat
unit watchpanel

Status information
to remote control

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R&S®KL4192M Brief description
The task of the R&S®KL4192M heat exchanger is
to ensure the required operating conditions for two

heat exchanger R&S®M3SR ­Series4100 radios, preventing excess heat dis-

sipation in the room that houses the system.

The heat exchanger is used to cool the warm air generated

by the following units:
❙❙ Two R&S®VK4190 power amplifiers
❙❙ Two R&S®IN4190 power supplies

These units have to be installed in a single equipment

rack. A broadband block (the smallest version avail-
able for broadband systems), for example, requires two
equipment racks (racks A and B), each equipped with an
R&S®KL4192M heat exchanger. The R&S®KL4192M con-
sists of the following main components:
❙❙ One heat exchanger
❙❙ One automatic air-release valve

It also includes an installation kit with connection pipes

(flexible tubes), condensation drain and two manual

Key facts
Detailed view of heat exchanger. ❙❙ For the installation of two R&S®VK4190 power amplifiers
(1 kW), two R&S®IN4190 power supplies (1 kW) and one
R&S®FK4192 RF power combiner (total of 21 HU)
❙❙ For installation in standard 19" equipment racks
(width × depth: 600 mm × 800 mm)
❙❙ For installation on board ships with unreliable water

Electrical design
The R&S®KL4192M heat exchanger has no electrical

Mechanical design
The R&S®KL4192M heat exchanger comprises four blocks,
as shown in the schematic diagram on the next page:
❙❙ The heat exchanger allows conversion of calorimetric
energy from an air stream passing the heat exchanger
into calorimetric energy that is dissipated in water
supplied as cooling water
❙❙ The automatic air-release valve in the pipe feeding into
the heat exchanger releases any air that may be inside
the pipe system
❙❙ Two manual valves are installed into each of the pipes for
the cooling water supply and the cooling water return.
The manual valves are also the connection point to the
ship’s water cooling system
❙❙ The “vented reservoir” is installed beneath the heat
exchanger. It collects condensation water which is
conducted by a flexible tube to the drain connection
point of the ship’s water cooling system


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¸KL4192M heat exchanger (schematic diagram)

air-release valve

Heat exchanger R&S®VK4190 power amplifier (1 kW)

RF power module

Air Air Fan Air

RF power module


(from PMU) (to combiner)


R&S®IN4190 power supply

Power module
Air Air Air

Power module


R&S®VK4190 power amplifier (1 kW)

RF power module

Air Air Fan Air

RF power module


(from PMU) (to combiner)


R&S®IN4190 power supply

Power module
Air Air Air

Power module


reservoir (drain)

Manual valve Manual valve

Cooling water supply (cold) Cooling water return (warm) Condensation drain
Water connection panel

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R&S®KL4193M Electrical design
Water-cooled dummy loads
The R&S®ZW4193M and R&S®ZW4194M water-cooled

­water cooling set dummy loads are not part of the R&S®KL4193M water
cooling set. They are described on pages 16 and 18.

Circulating pump
Brief description A 115 V circulating pump installed in the “internal” cooling
The task of the R&S®KL4193M water cooling set is to circuit supplies the water-cooled dummy loads with cool-
provide the necessary infrastructure for the water-cooled ing water. The flow rate can be adjusted manually on the
dummy loads to protect them from damage caused by circulating pump.
thermal overload. The R&S®KL4193M also prevents excess
condensation water occurring with dummy loads in oper- Water flow sensor
ating modes where RF power dissipation is not necessary. For monitoring the circulation of cooling water through
the dummy loads, a water flow sensor is installed in the
RF power is fed from the combiners into the respective pipe feeding the dummy loads. The water flow sensor is
dummy load via a coaxial cable and converted into heat. a compact, single-point flow monitor. The water flow sen-
sor monitors the flow rate by measuring the temperature
The R&S®KL4193M water cooling set is designed primar- difference of the water flowing from the tip. The amount
ily for use on board ships but can also be used in any sys- of thermal energy that is dissipated at the tip determines
tem where cooling water is supplied. The R&S®KL4193M the local flow rate. This temperature-based operating prin-
provides the operating conditions required by the ciple makes it possible to reliably monitor the water flow.
R&S®ZW4193M/R&S®ZW4194M water-cooled dummy The sensor tip contains a heating element and two sens-
loads. It consists of the following main components: ing elements: One sensing element is located close to the
❙❙ One temperature-controlled mixing valve flowing water to detect changes in water flow velocity; the
❙❙ One 115 V circulating pump other is affixed to the cylindrical wall to detect changes in
❙❙ One water flow sensor water temperature.

It also includes an installation kit, including distribution Mechanical design

tubes, automatic air-release valves, connection pipes (flex- Temperature-controlled mixing valve
ible tubes) and condensation drain. The main component of the R&S®KL4193M water cooling
set is a temperature-controlled mixing valve. This valve
Key facts makes it possible to combine the “internal” cooling circuit
❙❙ Connection for two sets of R&S®ZW4193M water-cooled with the circulating pump.
dummy load (1+2+1 kW) (each with two absorbers
for level 1 combiners and one absorber for level 2 The temperature-controlled mixing valve consists of a
combiners) three-way valve with thermostat, capillary tube and tem-
❙❙ Connection for one R&S®ZW4194M water-cooled perature sensor. The temperature sensor can be separated
dummy load (4 kW) (absorber for level 3 combiner) from the three-way valve and is installed in the pipe feed-
❙❙ For use in systems with more than two broadband ing the water-cooled dummy loads. It is connected with
blocks: sufficient cooling capabilities for connecting an the capillary tube to the three-way valve. No electrical con-
additional R&S®ZW4194M water-cooled dummy load trol is needed for regulating the temperature.
(4 kW; absorbers for level 4 or level 5 combiners)
❙❙ Circulating pump with 115 V supply voltage Circulating pump
❙❙ Temperature-controlled mixing valve to prevent excess A circulating pump with an operating voltage of 115 V
condensation in the components is installed in the “internal” cooling circuit to supply the
❙❙ Equipped with one water flow sensor (for connecting ­water-cooled dummy loads with cooling water. The flow
to R&S®GU4190 overheat watch panel) for monitoring rate can be adjusted manually on the circulating pump.
whether the circulating pump is working
❙❙ For installation in standard 19" equipment racks Water flow sensor
(width × depth: 600 mm × 800 mm) To monitor the water circulation through the dummy
❙❙ For installation on board ships with unreliable water loads, a water flow sensor is installed in the pipe feeding
quality the dummy loads.


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¸KL4193M water cooling set (schematic diagram)

Automatic Note: Space, connections and thermal capability available Automatic

air-release valve for one additional R&S®ZW4194M water-cooled dummy load (4 kW) air-release valve

Space for R&S®ZW4194M water-cooled dummy load (4 kW)

DL 1
4 kW

RFIn 1 Overheat sensor 1

(from level 3 (to R&S®GU4190)
Vented reservoir (drain)

Space for R&S®ZW4193M water-cooled dummy load (1+2+1 kW)

DL 1 DL 2 DL 3
1 kW 2 kW 1 kW

RFIn 1 Overheat sensor 1 RFIn 2 Overheat sensor 2 RFIn 3 Overheat sensor 3

(from level 1 (to R&S®GU4190) (from level 2 (to R&S®GU4190) (from level 1 (to R&S®GU4190)
combiner) combiner) combiner)
Vented reservoir (drain)

Space for R&S®ZW4193M water-cooled dummy load (1+2+1 kW)

DL 1 DL 2 DL 3
1 kW 2 kW 1 kW

RFIn 1 Overheat sensor 1 RFIn 2 Overheat sensor 2 RFIn 3 Overheat sensor 3

(from level 1 (to R&S®GU4190) (from level 2 (to R&S®GU4190) (from level 1 (to R&S®GU4190)
combiner) combiner) combiner)

Water flow sensor

Control (to R&S®GU4190 overheat watch panel)

Temperature sensor

Circulating pump

115 V AC
(from power distribution)
Mixing valve with thermostat

Manual valve Manual valve

Water connection panel

Cooling water supply (cold) Cooling water return (warm) Condensation drain

Rohde & Schwarz R&S®M3SR Series4100 HF Broadband System 15

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R&S®ZW4193M Brief description
The R&S®ZW4193M water-cooled dummy load
(1+2+1 kW) includes two dummy loads (absorbers) for

­water-cooled level 1 combiners (see figure, dummy loads 1 and 3 on

left and right) and one for a level 2 combiner (see figure,
dummy load 2 in middle). All these combiners are part of

­dummy load a four-line broadband block, which is the smallest type of

broadband system.

(1+2+1 kW) RF power is fed from the combiners into the respective
dummy load via a coaxial cable and converted into heat.
To prevent thermal overloading of the dummy loads, the
heat has to be dissipated by the cooling water. To protect
the R&S®ZW4193M from overheating (for example, if the
water flow has stopped or is insufficient for the RF power
that is supplied), the device is equipped with three over-
heat sensors (one at each dummy load/absorber).

These overheat sensors have to be connected to the

R&S®GU4190 overheat watch panel, which detects over-
heating on the R&S®ZW4193M and controls the associat-
ed R&S®GV4190D power management unit (PMU), which
is the main component of a four-line broadband block.

Key facts
❙❙ No power supply required
❙❙ Similar to a 19" unit with 4 HU for installation in standard
equipment racks equipped with an R&S®KL4193M water
cooling set
❙❙ For installation on board ships with unreliable water
❙❙ Developed for navy ships (fixed installation on surface
ships, metallic, below deck)

R&S®ZW4193M water-cooled dummy load (1+2+1 kW)

(with cooling block below; vented reservoir not shown).


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Electrical design Mechanical design
Dummy loads Dummy loads
The dummy loads are designed for dissipating the rated The dummy loads are installed on top of a cooling block
power: that has holes for circulating cooling water.
❙❙ Dummy load 1 and 3: 1.25 kW
❙❙ Dummy load 2: 2.5 kW Cooling block
The cooling block serves as the base for the mechanical
Overheat sensors ­installation of the dummy loads. It is a metal block with
The R&S®ZW4193M is equipped with overheat sensors drill holes connected via U-tube elements, which creates
(bimetallic switches with automatic reset) to monitor the a meandering pipe system for the cooling water. Water
maximum permissible temperature. These sensors have a supply and water return connections are at the rear of
breaking contact that opens at +80 °C. Because different the cooling block. The dummy loads are installed onto
dummy loads can be supplied with RF power indepen- the cooling block. The complete section can be installed
dently of each other, one overheat sensor is installed for as a 19" unit into a standard equipment rack, which must
each dummy load. be equipped with an R&S®KL4193M water cooling set to
­establish the water cooling infrastructure. This infrastruc-
ture includes circulating pump, temperature controlled
mixing valve, water supply and water return. Water con-
nections to R&S®KL4193M are realized by flexible tubes.

Overheat sensors
Three overheat sensors are installed, each on the surface
of one dummy load, to monitor the maximum permissible
temperature of the water-cooled dummy load. The sen-
sors are installed on the top of the dummy load, where the
temperature is highest.

Vented reservoir
A vented reservoir is installed beneath the cooling block. It
collects condensation water which is conducted by flexible
tubes via the drain connection of the R&S®KL4193M to the
drain connection point of the ship’s water cooling system.

Schematic diagram of the R&S®ZW4193M water-cooled dummy load (1+2+1 kW)

Cooling water Cooling water

supply (cold) return (warm)

Cooling block

OS 1 OS 2 OS 3
T = +80°C T = +80°C T = +80°C

Dummy load 1 Dummy load 2 Dummy load 3

1 kW 2 kW 1 kW
Level 1 Level 2 Level 1

RFIn 1 Overheat RFIn 2 Overheat RFIn 3 Overheat

sensor 1 Vented reservoir sensor 2 sensor 3

Condensation drain Condensation drain

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R&S®ZW4194M Brief description
The R&S®ZW4194M water-cooled dummy load (4 kW) in-
cludes one dummy load for the level 3 combiners. These

­water-cooled are the highest level combiners in a system with two four-
line broadband blocks (eight lines). The largest broadband
block system has eight four-line blocks, i.e. with additional

­dummy load (4 kW) combiners at levels 4 and 5. The R&S®ZW4194M water-

cooled dummy load (4 kW) is also applicable as absorbers
for the combiners at levels 4 and 5.

RF power is fed from the combiner into the dummy load

and converted into heat. The R&S®ZW4194M is equipped
with one overheat sensor to prevent it from overheating
(e.g. if the water flow has stopped or is insufficient for the
RF power that is supplied).

The overheat sensor has to be connected to the

R&S®GU4190 overheat watch panel, which detects
whether the R&S®ZW4194M is overheating and switches
off the RF power fed to the dummy load. The overheat
watch panel is controlled by all the overheat sensors on
the water-cooled dummy loads. It controls the respective
R&S®GV4190D power management unit (PMU), which is
the main component of a four-line broadband block.

Key facts
❙❙ No power supply required
❙❙ Similar to a 19" unit with 4 HU for installation in standard
equipment racks with R&S®KL4193M water cooling set
❙❙ For installation on board ships with unreliable water
❙❙ Developed for naval ships (fixed installation on board
ships, metallic, below deck)

R&S®ZW4194M water-cooled dummy load (4 kW)

(with cooling block below; vented reservoir not shown).


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Electrical design Mechanical design
Dummy load Dummy load
The dummy load is designed for 5 kW dissipation. The dummy load is installed on top of a cooling block,
which has holes for circulating cooling water.
Overheat sensor
The R&S®ZW4194M is equipped with an overheat sen- Cooling block
sor (bimetallic switch with automatic reset) to monitor The cooling block serves as the base for the mechanical
the maximum permissible temperature. The sensor has a installation of the dummy load. It is a metal block with drill
breaking contact, which opens at +80 °C. holes connected via U-tube elements, which form a me-
andering pipe system for the cooling water. Water supply
and water return connections are at the side of the cooling
block. The dummy load is installed onto the cooling block.
The complete section can be installed as a 19" unit into a
standard equipment rack, which must be equipped with
an R&S®KL4193M water cooling set establishing the water
cooling infrastructure. This infrastructure includes circulat-
ing pump, temperature-controlled mixing valve, water sup-
ply and water return. Water connections to R&S®KL4193M
are realized by flexible tubes.

Overheat sensor
The dummy load has an overheat sensor on its surface for
monitoring the maximum permissible temperature of the
water-cooled dummy load. The overheat sensor is installed
on the top of the dummy load, where the temperature is

Vented reservoir
A vented reservoir is installed beneath the cooling block. It
collects condensation water which is conducted by flexible
tubes via the drain connection of the R&S®KL4193M to the
drain connection point of the ship’s water cooling system.

Schematic diagram of the R&S®ZW4194M water-cooled dummy load (4 kW)

Cooling water Cooling water

supply (cold) return (warm)

Cooling block

OS 1
T = +80 °C

Dummy load 1
4 kW
Level 3

RFIn 1 Overheat
Vented reservoir sensor 1

Condensation drain Condensation drain

Rohde & Schwarz R&S®M3SR Series4100 HF Broadband System 19

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R&S®GU4190 the disabled PMUs has a four-level hierarchy (level 1 + 2,
level 3, level 4 and level 5), which is necessary for systems
with more than four four-line broadband blocks (two OWP

­overheat watch ­required). In applications with two four-line blocks per

OWP, the required hierarchy levels are limited (level 1 + 2
and level 3).

­panel, The overheat watch panel is additionally equipped with

an input for a water flow sensor (WFS) which is installed

R&S®GU4190A in the R&S®KL4193M water cooling set. It is located in

the water supply of the water-cooled dummy loads. The
sensor indicates whether the required volume of water is

­remote alarm unit circulating throughout the dummy loads. If this is not the
case, the overheat watch panel indicates this state to a
connected remote alarm unit (RAU). The RAU signals this
state with both an acoustic and visual alarm. The acoustic
Brief description alarm can be reset on the RAU by pressing a reset but-
The R&S®GU4190 overheat watch panel (OWP) moni- ton. The RAU shows the visual alarm and that the acoustic
tors the water cooling components and protects them alarm has been reset. An additional interface at the over-
from overloading. The OWP is controlled by overheat heat watch panel with a relay contact is provided to indi-
­sensors at the water-cooled dummy loads and controls the cate alarms triggered by the water flow sensor on ­other
R&S®GV4190D power management units (PMUs), which equipment such as a remote control system.
are the main components of a four-line broadband block.
The task is to ensure that dummy loads are always pro- Key facts
tected against damage caused by thermal overload while ❙❙ Monitors one water flow sensor (WFS)
at the same time preventing transmissions from being ❙❙ Controls one remote alarm unit
aborted unnecessarily. ❙❙ Remote control (RC) interface signaling WFS status
If one of the connected dummy loads is overloaded, the ❙❙ Monitors up to eight overheat sensors at water-cooled
overheat watch panel indicates this state to the PMU. dummy loads:
■■ Four at level 1 + 2
This interrupts all transmission from the connected radios.
■■ Two at level 3
The front panel of the overheat watch panel is equipped
■■ One at level 4
with LEDs that indicate which overheat sensor has trig-
■■ One at level 5
gered and which PMU has been disabled. The signaling of
❙❙ Controls up to four R&S®GV4190 power management
units (PMU)
❙❙ Provides an interface for interconnecting several
R&S®GU4190 overheat watch panels (required for large
systems with more than four four-line blocks)
❙❙ Power supply, 100 V to 240 V AC
R&S®GU4190A remote ❙❙ Secondary power supply, 19 V to 32 V DC
alarm unit. ❙❙ 19" unit, 1 HU

over­heat watch panel.


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Electrical design Front panel elements
Backplane The front panel has a circuit board with the following LED
The backplane is a circuit board installed in the rear panel. status indicators:
It­includes­all­connectors­for­interfacing­with­the­HF broad- ❙ Power 12 V
band system and also the logic of the unit. ❙ AC supply
❙ Battery
AC power supply ❙ WFS OK
The AC power supply is the main supply for the unit. ❙ WFS error
❙ Overheat level 1 + 2 (four LEDs)
Connection board ❙ Overheat level 3 (two LED)
The connection board is placed between the backplane ❙ Overheat level 4 (one LED)
and the front panel. This board also has a DIP switch ❙ Overheat level 5 (one LED)
register that has to be set in accordance with the respec- ❙ Disabled PMUs 1 to 4 (four LEDs)
tive system layout.
Rear panel elements The R&S®GU4190 overheat watch panel can be used for a
All connectors for the HF broadband system and for the variety of applications. For installation in a system as de-
power supply are on the rear panel. The power switch for scribed here, a single OWP is used to control up to two
the AC supply is part of the power supply. All connectors broadband blocks (eight lines) and one water flow sensor.
can be secured against falling off. As many as four OWPs can be combined to accommodate
configurations with more than eight lines.

¸GU4190 overheat watch panel (block diagram)

Overheat Overheat Overheat Overheat

sensors sensors sensor sensor Disable Water flow
level 1 + 2 level 3 level 4 level 5 PMUs sensor

remote alarm unit
Remote control
2nd ¸GU4190
overheat watch panel
20 V DC
12 V DC
5 V DC

AC power 12 V/20 V
AC mains
supply converter
12 V DC board
DC/DC 12 V/5 V
converter converter
20 V DC
12 V DC
5 V DC


Front panel
Power LEDs Sensor LEDs

Rear view of the

overheat watch panel.

Rohde & Schwarz R&S®M3SR Series4100 HF Broadband System 21

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Product overview
HF broadband system

Designation Type
Base units
Power Management Unit, incl. HF receiver/exciter functionality, base unit, DC, without local control panel and radio software R&S®MR4100G-B
HF Receiver/Exciter, base unit: DC, without local control panel and radio software R&S®MR4100G
Radio software
Software CD without export restriction R&S®DS4100A
Software CD with export restriction R&S®DS4100D
Hardware options
Local Control Panel (without audio, incl. software and LAN) R&S®GB4000C
Digitally Tuned RF Selection, 40 dB, functional for transmitting and receiving section (mandatory option) R&S®FK4140
NMEA (DSC) Interface, for connection to an external DSC controller (GMDSS) R&S®GS4102
Power amplifier
1000 W HF Power Amplifier, prepared for R&S®ZW2910 option R&S®VK4190
Termination Resistor, 200 W, for receive path incl. connecting cable (mandatory option) R&S®ZW2910
Power supply units
Power supply, 115 V AC, 1 phase + N or 230 V AC, 1 or 3 phases + N/208 V AC, 3-phase Δ R&S®IN4190
Power Supply, 440 V AC, 3 phases (used together with R&S®BV4190 transformer) R&S®IN4190
Transformer, 440 V AC, 3-phase Δ R&S®BV4190
System components
Power Combiner, 2 kW R&S®FK4192
Power Combiner, 4 kW R&S®FK4194
Antenna Triplexer R&S®FK2950
Antenna Diplexer R&S®FK2960

Water cooling equipment for HF broadband systems

Designation Type
Heat Exchanger R&S®KL4192M
Water Cooling Set R&S®KL4193M
Water-Cooled Dummy Load (1+2+1 kW) R&S®ZW4193M
Water-Cooled Dummy Load (4 kW) R&S®ZW4194M
Overheat Watch Panel R&S®GU4190
Remote Alarm Unit R&S®GU4190A

Software options and auxiliary equipment are described in the R&S®M3SR Series4100 product brochure
(see PD 5213.9557.12 and

The radio systems described are hardware- and software-configurable. The system delivered has the configuration as
confirmed in the order.

Your local Rohde & Schwarz expert will help you determine the optimum solution for your requirements.
To find your nearest Rohde & Schwarz representative, visit


Series4100_HFBB_bro_en_5214-1243-12_v0200.indd 22 15.07.2013 15:37:05

From pre-sale The Rohde & Schwarz network in over 70 countries ensures
optimum on-site support by highly qualified experts.
User risks are reduced to a minimum at all stages of the

to ­service. project:
❙❙ Solution finding/purchase
❙❙ Technical startup/application development/integration

At your doorstep. ❙❙ Training

❙❙ Operation/calibration/repair



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Kingdom Poland Federation

Belgium Czech Republic
France Austria Hungary
Slovenia Romania

Serbia Bulgaria
Spain Azerbaijan
Greece Turkey

Malta Cyprus
Munich Kazakhstan
Portland Mongolia

Beijing South
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Los Angeles
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Sales level Nigeria Bangalore


Sales locations Malaysia

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Service level Indonesia

Backup service

Area support center

Local service center

South Africa
Calibration and maintenance with
standardized automatic calibration Argentina
New Zealand
Calibration and maintenance


Rohde & Schwarz R&S®M3SR Series4100 HF Broadband System 23

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About Rohde & Schwarz
Service you can rely on Rohde & Schwarz is an independent group of companies
❙ Worldwide specializing in electronics. It is a leading supplier of solu-
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❙ Customized and flexible
❙ Uncompromising quality radiomonitoring and radiolocation, as well as secure
❙ Long-term dependability communications. Established more than 75 years ago,
­Rohde & Schwarz has a global presence and a dedicated
service network in over 70 countries. Company headquar-
ters are in Munich, Germany.

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❙❙ Continuous improvement in environmental sustainability
❙❙ ISO 14001-certified environmental management system

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R&S® is a registered trademark of Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG

Trade names are trademarks of the owners | Printed in Germany (ch)
PD 5214.1243.12 | Version 02.00 | July 2013 | R&S®M3SR Series4100
Data without tolerance limits is not binding | Subject to change
© 2012 - 2013 Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG | 81671 München, Germany


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