Kerala CD-Guidelines GO 30-07-2022

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Local Self Government - Guidelines for managing Construction and
Demolition waste in Kerala - approved - orders issued


G.O.(Ms)No.168/2022/LSGD Dated,Thiruvananthapuram, 30-07-2022
Read 1 Construction and Demolition Waste Management Rules 2016
2 Draft guidelines submitted by Executive Director, Suchitwa
Mission on 30.06.2022

Rapid urbanization in the State has resulted in the profileration of civil

structures. Many new buildings are either constructed in new premises or after
the demolition of existing buildings. Renovations also result in the generation
of significant material waste in the form of Construction & Demolition (C&D)
2. The roles of local authorities as per the Construction and Demolition
Waste Management Rules 2016 include instructions and incentives to waste
generators regarding proper disposal of waste, arrangements for transportation,
containment and disposal, keeping track of C&D waste generated and
maintaining data base and incentivising processing of C&D waste. C urrently
reusable C&D waste materials like steel, window & door frames, wood, roofing
tiles etc generated in the State are being collected by various serap dealers and
the major portion of concrete waste generated are being used for ground leveling
activities including road construction. There have been few instances reported
with regard to C & D waste being illegally used to fill up water bodies and
wetlands around urban centres. It is necessary to frame State guidelines for
waste processing facilities to
managing C&D waste and to set up adequate C&D
prevent haphazard management, violation of the rules and damage to the
3. In these circumstances, Government are pleased to issue the guidelines
attached as Annexure, for management of Construction and Demolition waste
Kerala State.

(By order of the Governor)



The Executive Vice Chairperson, Haritha Kerala Mission
The Principal Director, LSGD
Director, Local Self Government (Urban) Department
Director, Local Self Government (Rural) Department
The Chief Town Planner, L.S.G.D Planning
The Commissioner , Rural Development Department
The Chief Engineer, L.S.G.D
The Executive Director, Kudumbhasree
The Mission Director, AMRUT
The Managing Director, IMPACT Kerala
The Executive Director, Suchitwa Mission
The Director General, KILA
The Principal Accountant General (A & E(Audit - I/Audit-I) Kerala

The Executive Director, Information Kerala Mission

Forwarded /By order

Section Officer

Copy To,
Private Hon'ble Minister for L.S.G.D
Secretary to
P.A to Additional Chief Secretary,
C.A to Special Secretary, L.S.G.D


Guidelines for Managing C&D waste in the State


The rapid urbanization in the State has resulted in the coming up of a number of civil
structures, either new ones or renovated ones. The new ones are either constructed in new
premises or after the demolition of an existing building. Such construction activities
including renovation generate huge quantities of material waste termed as Construction &
Demolition (C&D) Waste. Proper management including segregation, collection,
processing, and reuse of C&D waste has been the focus of various bodies of the
Government; C&D Waste Management Rules, 2016 has been issued by MoEF&CC
vide notification no. GSR 317(E) dated 29th March 2016, Guidelines on Environmental
Management of C&D wastes has been issued by CPCB in March 2017, Integrated
SWM Strategy in which the strategy on management of C&D Waste generated in the
State is included has been issued by the Government of Kerala Vide G.O (Rt)
811/2020/LSGD dated 01/05/2020. In addition to this, in order to have a clear strategy on
managing the C&D waste, these State-level guidelines are framed.

Major Components of C&D Waste are (Ref-CPCB guidelines, 2017):

➢ Cement concrete – 36 %

➢ Bricks Masonry – 31 %

➢ Soil, Sand and Gravel – 23 %

➢ Steel (from RCC, door/window frames, roofing support, railings of staircase, etc.) – 5

➢ Bitumen (In road excavations) – 2 %

➢ Timber/wood (especially demolition of old buildings) – 2 %

➢ Stone (marble, granite, sandstone) – 1 %

Currently reusable C&D waste materials like steel, window & door frames, wood, roofing
tiles etc generated in the State are being collected by various scrap dealers and the major
portion of concrete waste generated are being used for ground leveling activities including
road construction. Cases often reported are C & D wastes are used to illegally fill up water
bodies and wetlands around urban centres for ‘creating land’ for real estate development. It
is necessary to frame State guidelines for managing C&D waste and to set up adequate

Guidelines for Managing C&D waste in the State

C&D waste processing facilities to prevent C&D waste from getting dumped in public
places/water bodies/drains or being managed haphazardly in the State.


C&D waste management in the State shall be governed by the following legislations:

a. Construction and Demolition (C&D) Waste Management Rules 2016.

Duties of various stakeholders like waste generator, service provider and their
contractors, local authority, pollution control board, State Government, Central
Government agencies, and Schedules & Forms as mentioned in the C&D rules 2016 shall
be deemed to be applicable regarding C&D waste management.

b. KMBR/KPBR Amendment Rules 2020

Amendments were made in Kerala Municipality Building Rules and Kerala Panchayat
Raj Building Rules vide G. O. (P) No. 57/2020 /LSGD dated 24/09/2020 and G. O. (P)
No. 56/2020/LSGD dated 24/09/2020 respectively with an objective to manage the C&D
waste generated in the State. The amendments made in the building rules through
inserting ‘section 79A: Management of Construction and Demolition Waste’are as below:

i. Every permit holder for construction of a building, and for demolition of an existing
building or concrete structure shall be responsible for safe disposal of waste generated
during the process of such construction and demolition in accordance with the
Construction and Demolition Waste Management Rules, 2016.

ii. The Government shall from time to time fix the Waste disposal charges for
municipalities or a group of municipalities payable by applicants at the time of
submitting applications seeking permits. It shall be competent for the Government to
fix differential charges depending on load and distance factor.

iii. The Government shall in consideration of the provisions of the said Rules by
notification provide for mechanisms for transportation, utilization, processing and
downstream uses of the finished and intermediary products for construction and other
purposes including their mandatory usage in specific types of infrastructure.

iv. Municipalities shall establish or cause to establish waste processing facilities for such
wastes on Public Private Partnership mode or outsourced model or lease franchise
model or on any structure utilizing the funds accrued from the charges and other
receipts with them including plan fund.

v. The Government shall provide technical and financial support to Municipalities for
the above purposes

Guidelines for Managing C&D waste in the State


The objectives of these guidelines are to:

a. standardise the facility requirement for C&D Waste Management in all Local Self
Government Institutions (LSGIs) in the State
b. standardise the procedure for licensing and operation of C&D Waste
Management facilities in all LSGIs.
c. regulate the management of C&D Waste in the State.
d. promote reuse of C&D waste and thereby reduce the quantum of waste to be
e. make recycling of C&D waste mandatory in the State
f. enable cities to achieve garbage-free city star rating as per SBM Urban 2.0
g. develop a monitoring mechanism in the State for managing C&D waste

In these guidelines unless the context otherwise requires,-

“bulk waste generator” means C&D waste generators generating more than 20 tons
or more in one day or 300 tons per project in a month.

"construction" means the process of erecting of building or built facility or other

structure, or building of infrastructure including alteration in these entities.

"construction and demolition waste" means the waste comprising of building

materials, debris and rubble resulting from construction, re-modeling, repair and
demolition of any civil structure.

“demolition” means breaking down or tearing down buildings and other structures
either manually or using mechanical force (by various equipment) or by implosion
using explosives.

"facility" means any establishment wherein the C&D waste management processes
namely segregation, recovery, storage, collection, recycling, processing, treatment or
safe disposal are carried out

"operator of a facility" means a person or entity, who owns or operates a facility for
handling C&D waste which includes the local body and any other entity or agency
appointed by the local body

"processing" means any scientific process by which segregated C&D waste is

handled for the purpose of reuse, recycling or transformation into new products

"recycling" means the process of transforming segregated C&D waste into new

Guidelines for Managing C&D waste in the State

material or product or as raw material for producing new products which may or may
not be similar to the original products

“tipping fee” means a fee or support price determined by the local authorities or any
state agency authorised by the State government to be paid to the concessionaire or
operator of waste processing facility or for disposal at the landfill

"transportation" means conveyance of C&D waste, either processed, partly

processed or unprocessed from one location to another location in an environmentally
sound manner through specially designed and covered transportation system so as to
prevent air pollution, littering and unsightly conditions

“waste generator” means any person or association of persons or institutions,

residential and commercial establishments including Indian Railways, Airport, Port
and Harbour and Defence establishments who undertakes construction of or
demolition of any civil structure which generates construction and demolition waste.


Quantification of C&D waste is a primary requirement for managing the waste. Various
approaches which can be considered for quantifying the C&D waste generation are listed

a. Activity-wise C&D waste quantification

Technology Information, Forecasting and Assessment Council's (TIFAC) estimation

to quantify activity-wise C&D waste generation is as follows:

i. 40-60 kg per sq.m of C&D waste will be generated during new construction,
ii. 40-50 kg per sq.m of C&D waste will be generated during building repair,
iii. 300-500 kg per sq.m of C&D waste will be generated during the demolition
of buildings.

Based on the study conducted by LSGD planning, Kozhikode (February,2022) in the

selected LSGIs in the Kozhikode district the estimated C&D waste generation is as
i. 20-30 kg per sq.m of C&D waste will be generated during new construction,
ii. 300-350 kg per sq.m of C&D waste will be generated during the demolition
of buildings.
A study similar to that undertaken at Kozhikode may be carried out by all ULBs
taking the above-estimated values as reference to assess the activity-wise C&D waste
generation in their jurisdiction.

b. Local Self Government wise C&D waste quantification

Guidelines for Managing C&D waste in the State

10 % of total Municipal Solid Waste generated in the Local Self Governments may be
taken as the approximate quantity of C&D waste generation for planning purposes.

However, LSGIs shall be responsible for carrying out the C&D waste quantification
in their jurisdiction. The Study on “Construction & Demolition Waste Generation and
Management- Kozhikode” conducted by the LSGD Planning Kozhikode, could be
taken as a pointer to the quantity of C&D Waste being generated in various districts in
the State. The methodology followed in the report could be adopted for further studies
on the quantitative estimation of C&D Waste in Kerala.


The location of collection centres shall be identified and decided by the Local Self
Government Institutions. LSGI shall facilitate collection of C&D waste from premises
of non-bulk generators through:

• Mobile collection units (on call basis facility and weekly schedule); and/or

• Designated collection centres within reasonable distance for the generator to bring
and deposit the C&D waste

LSGIs shall ensure suitable vehicles of different capacities (such as Tempos, Tractors,
Trucks etc) are made available at a fixed rate, and staff is assigned at each level to
ensure C&D waste collection from various generation points are carried out properly.

a. C&D waste collection centres may be of the following types

i. Local Self Government owned

ii. LSGI cluster type
iii. PPP model
iv. Private owned

b. Minimum area required for C&D waste collection centres-

Identified C&D waste collection centres shall be well fenced demarcating a minimum
area of 100 SqM for the facility. It shall be ensured that the debris and dust do not
interfere with the adjacent plots.

The existing dumpsites shall not be used as C&D waste collection centres and if areas
adjacent to the existing dumpsites are to be used for C&D waste collection, it is to be
ensured that the mixing up of waste does not happen at any instance. Dumpsites after
remediation may be used for managing C&D waste in a scientific manner.

Guidelines for Managing C&D waste in the State

c. Distance between C&D waste collection centres-

Collection centres shall be established at regular intervals such that a non-bulk
generator of C & D waste is not required to transport the debris to a distance more
than 5 km or this distance can be fixed by the concerned LSGIs based on the C&D
waste generation potential of the area. Mobile collection units may also be adopted at
the discretion of LSGs to ensure smooth C&D waste collection operations.

d. C&D waste collection centres shall be included in the storage category ‘H’ of the
building rules

e. Facilities required at collection centres:

Collection centres shall have a weighing bridge, C&D waste unloading area and
segregated waste storage facility with roofing.

f. C&D waste collected shall be segregated at the collection centres in the designated
areas with clear separation or in separate storage bins into the following categories:

Concrete, soil, steel, wood, plastics, bricks & mortar, paper (eg: paper sack cement
bags), electrical items and metallic items.

g. Required pollution control measures are to be adopted at the collection centres as

specified in the CPCB Guidelines on Environmental Management of C&D

h. Storage of C&D waste shall be in a permanently enclosed area wherever possible or

else in a fenced area with a roofing facility.

i. Adequate number of water sprinkling arrangements shall be provided in the collection

centres to mitigate the dust generated.

j. The unloading area shall be enclosed appropriately to prevent dust pollution during
unloading operations.
k. SOP- Siting requirements and pollution control measures in construction &
demolition waste processing plants by Kerala Pollution Control Board No.
PCB/HO/SEE-3/TECH/139/2022 dated 04/04/2022 shall be adhered to (Annexure VI)


C&D waste collection/transportation mechanism may be of the following types:

i. LSGI owned
ii. Private owned

The required C&D waste collection/transportation mechanism-including the capacity

Guidelines for Managing C&D waste in the State

of vehicles, staff strength, equipment/machinery needed for collection operations shall

be adequate to meet the assessed C&D waste generation of the concerned local
bodies. Whether an in-house mobile collection facility is to be provided or it may be
an on-call private service facility to be decided by the concerned local bodies.



C&D waste transporting agencies shall maintain a manifest in the format as attached
in Annexure I. C&D waste transportation operation shall be without causing any
traffic issues or disturbance to the public. All the environmental norms and safety
precautions as specified in the CPCB guidelines on environmental management of
C&D waste are to be followed by the authorised agency engaged in C&D waste
transportation. Proper transportation of C&D waste includes but not limited to the
following conditions:

a. Transportation of C&D waste from collection centres to processing facilities shall be

done within a time period not exceeding 7 days to prevent the accumulation of C&D
waste at the collection facility.

b. Transportation of C & D wastes shall be done in covered vehicles to prevent fugitive

dust emission.

c. There shall be various compartments inside the vehicle to prevent mixing of waste or
non mixing type of waste shall only be transported during a trip.

d. Vehicles engaged in C&D transportation shall be fitted with GPS tracking facilities.

e. C&D waste management operations shall be carried out avoiding peak times of 8AM
to 11AM and 3PM to 8PM

f. Regular checking and maintenance of vehicles should be ensured (valid PUC)



Guidelines for Managing C&D waste in the State

The format of application to be submitted to the Secretary for establishing C&D waste
collection centres shall be as per Annexure II and the format of application for C&D
waste collection/transportation mechanism shall be as per Annexure III. On receipt
of the application, if any supporting document is missing with the application, the
Secretary or Officer authorised by him shall immediately inform the applicant and
allow the applicant to submit the missing document at the earliest, but not later than 7
days from the date of receipt of application. On filing the application in full, the
Secretary or the Officer authorised by him shall issue an acknowledgement to the
applicant with the date of inspection not exceeding 7 working days. Secretary or the
Officer authorised by him shall visit the premises/inspect the infrastructures as per the
time fixed for inspection and shall verify that all the compliances have been met and
approve/reject the application within 14 days from the date of inspection.



a. Non bulk-generator of small quantity of C&D waste for one time upto 2 tonnes in
total (not per day) can register the requisition with the local authority for the
collection of the segregated C&D waste and they shall be exempted from paying
collection fees.This will encourage them to comply with the law. They may also
deposit the segregated waste at designated collection centres by their own

b. Non bulk-generator of C&D waste exceeding the above quantity and less than 20
tonne per day can register the requisition with the local authority for the collection of
the segregated C&D waste and in such case collection charges as fixed by the local
authority shall be payable by generator or may deliver the C&D waste material duly
segregated to the designated C&D waste collection centres notified by the local
authority at their own cost.

c. Bulk generator of C&D waste of more than 20 tonnes per day or 300 tonnes per
project in a month shall deliver the C&D waste to the processing plant site at their
own cost. Processing charges for C&D waste as may be fixed by the local
authority shall also be paid by the bulk generator (eg: South Delhi Municipal

Guidelines for Managing C&D waste in the State

Corporation has imposed a processing fee of Rs 205 per MT at time of sanctioning

building plan and Rs 225 per MT for lifting waste. The transportation charges would
be increased by 10% every two years, Ref. CPCB guidelines, 2017)



The format of application to be submitted by the C&D waste non-bulk generator shall
be as per the format attached as Annexure IV. Before new construction/repairing
works/demolition activities which generate C&D waste, the non-bulk generators
handing over C&D waste through accredited third-party agencies shall come into
agreement with the respective agencies. A nominal charge as fixed by the LSG may
also be levied for new constructions at the time of approval of the building plan by the

Bulk generators of C&D waste shall submit a waste management plan to Local Self
Government in the format attached as Annexure V. LSGI to accord the approval with
or without modifications for C&D waste management plan submitted by the generator
within a month


Maximum charge for the collection/transportation of C&D waste by LSGI owned
vehicles shall be fixed by the District Level Facilitation and Monitoring Committee
(DLFMC) in Rupees per tonne for a distance upto 10 kms. This distance include
distance from the construction/demolition site or collection centre to the processing
facility. For distance more than this an additional charge of in Rupees per km shall
also be fixed. This collection/transportation charges shall be reviewed and modified
by the DLFMC from time to time.

Maximum charge for the collection/transportation of C&D waste by the accredited

private agencies shall be fixed by the DLFMC after due consideration of the quantum
of waste generated in the area and the distance to the facility for collection and
processing of C&D waste.


A District Level Facilitation and Monitoring Committee (DLFMC) with the structure
specified in this guideline shall be constituted in each district to regulate the C&D
waste management charges and monitor the C&D waste management operations.

Guidelines for Managing C&D waste in the State

The structure of the committee shall be as follows;

▪ District Collector-Chairman
▪ District Co-ordinator, Suchitwa Mission - Convener
▪ District Co-ordinator, Haritha Keralam Mission- Member
▪ Joint Director (LSGD) in charge of the district - Member
▪ Representative of Kerala Pollution Control Board- Member
▪ Representative of Town and Country Planning Department - Member
▪ Representative from District Industries Department- Member

DLFMC shall fix the maximum C&D collection charges and tipping fee that can be
levied by the C&D processing units accepting wastes for processing based on the
following parameters from time to time:
a. Quantity of C&D waste collected/processed
b. Transportation expenses
c. Operational expenses of the Plant
d. Geography of the district (spatial data)


Local Self Government Institutions shall be responsible for assessing the quantity of C&D
waste generated in their jurisdiction to arrive at the required capacity of C&D waste
processing facility. In the study conducted by LSGD planning, Kozhikode ( February,
2022) the volume of C&Dwaste generated in Kozhikode district is worked out to be 1,240
TPD and assuming that only half of the present volume of C&D waste is likely to reach
the processing plant, a plant of capacity 500 TpD is suggested in the study for the district
to handle the present C&D waste.

DLFMC shall be responsible for proposing the capacity and number of plants required in
the district. Existing quarries, crusher units can be utilized for processing C&D waste as
these units are already having installed machinery and with some alterations, the same can
be made suitable for processing C&D waste. Hollow brick manufacturing units, paver
brick manufacturing units etc may be involved in C&D waste processing activities to
ensure forward linkage. This will lead to easier and timely setting up of C&D processing
facilities in the State.

The secondary transportation to the off-site (centralized) C&D waste processing plant may
be taken up by the ULB or third party or processing facility management agency. In
addition, the bulk generators/service providers can directly transport their C&D waste to
the processing facility as per their waste management plan by paying the required charges
to the local authority.

C&D processing facility in the State shall comply with the following conditions:

a. C&D waste processing facilities can be of the following types

Guidelines for Managing C&D waste in the State

i. Local Self Government owned

ii. PPP model-

A. Land shall be owned by the Government and a facility to handle a minimum of

100 TPD C&D waste including the logistic facility shall be created by the
private party. The operational cost shall also be met by the private party. The
land has to be wisely selected by the LSG such that it has proper road
connectivity for the movement of trucks and road development itself won’t
become a burden for the project. The processing or recycling plant shall be
large enough to last for 20-25 years. The collection centres of C&D waste
shall be pre-approved by the LSG. The primary sources of benefits are
disposal fees (Tipping fee) and sale of recycled products. The price of recycled
materials has to be lower than that of primary virgin materials. This gives a
strong motivation to buy the recycled materials. LSG may give a buy-back
assurance to the plant owner that it will use a certain percentage of the
recycled materials in its various projects. Notification for user charges for
C&D processing shall be fixed by the LSG.

B. Minimum waste assurance: ULB shall ensure that the bidder will be the sole
agency responsible for collection of C&D Waste in the project area. The ULB
shall assure the bidder a minimum quantity of C&D Waste on a
monthly/quarterly basis to ensure financial viability of the project. If minimum
guaranteed amount is not met, the ULB shall provide monetary compensation
to the bidder at a rate quoted in the tender by the bidder.

C. Mobile type Mini-C&D waste crushing & processing enterprise providing

rental services- The case considers a scenario in which an agency (public or
private) invests in a mini-mobile crusher suitable to be transported easily to
different demolition sites where C&D waste is crushed according to the needs
of the client. The business model considers that the mini-crusher is rented out
to the clients in ULBs where the C&D waste is crushed in-situ and used in-
house by the client. In this case the income for investor is through renting out
the machine.

D. Mobile type Mini-C&D waste crushing & processing and sales enterprise- In
this case the agency (public or private) invests in a mini-mobile crusher
suitable to be transported easily to different demolition sites where C&D waste
is crushed transported back and stock piled by the entrepreneur in his
stockyard. The processed material is later marketed by the entrepreneur. This
is a mini-mobile version of the standalone crushing units.

iii. Private owned- Both land and the facility owned by the private party

Guidelines for Managing C&D waste in the State

b. Minimum area of at least 1 hectare is preferred for construction & demolition waste
processing plant (because of its similarity to crusher units). However, considering the
non availability of adequate land, a thumb rule of one acre per 100 tons/day may be
taken as the minimum requirement. ie, for 200 tons/day plant, area of two acre is
required and 75 tons/day plant area of 75 cents is required. However, in no case, the
minimum area shall be less than 75 cents, however small the capacity is.

c. The non-availability of C&D waste due to improper

collection/transportation/enforcement of law can adversely affect the economical
functioning of the C&D waste processing plants. C&D plants may not be needed in
all the districts since in some districts the waste generation may be low. Hence, one
common C&D waste processing plant may be sufficient for multiple districts.
d. There shall be no residence/public building/place of worship within 100m of the
processing facility. Minimum setback of 10m shall be available on all sides.

e. The processing facility shall consists of the following components

i. Compound Wall / Fencing Arrangements

ii. Weigh bridge at entry/exit gate

iii. C&D waste unloading platform

iv. Sorting/Segregation Area

v. Conveyor belt to the crusher plant

vi. Crusher plant

vii. Wet Processing Plant

viii. Screening Mechanism to screen various size of aggregates

ix. Processed Material Storage Area

x. Material Testing / Administrative block buildings

xi. Processing or recycling site shall be fenced or hedged and provided with
proper gate to monitor incoming vehicles or other modes of transportation.

xii. The crushing plant shall be fully enclosed in a brick/concrete walled building

Guidelines for Managing C&D waste in the State

with opening for material handling only.

xiii. Adequate water storage facilities and water sprinkling and dust suppression
systems have to be provided in the plant.

xiv. The waste received, the waste processed, the products and the rejects shall be
correctly quantified using weigh bridge.

xv. The owner of the facility shall prepare annual reports as per the prevailing
rules and submit to the local bodies & the PCB

xvi. There shall be earmarked areas for parking vehicles and carrying out vehicle
cleaning operations

xvii. The approach and or internal roads shall be concreted or paved so as to avoid
generation of dust particles due to vehicular movement and shall be so
designed to ensure free movement of vehicles and other machinery
xviii. Utilities such as drinking water and sanitary facilities (preferably
washing/bathing facilities for workers) and lighting arrangements for easy
landfill operations during night hours shall be provided and Safety provisions
including health inspections of workers at landfill sites shall be carried out
xix. Provision of storm water drains to prevent stagnation of surface water
xx. fire protection equipment and other facilities as may be required shall be
xxi. provision for the prevention of NOISE pollution from processing and
recycling plant:
xxii. provision for treatment of effluent if any, to meet the discharge norms as per
xxiii. Work Zone air quality at the Processing or Recycling site and ambient air
quality at the vicinity shall be monitored.
xxiv. the measurement of ambient noise shall be done at the interface of the facility
with the surrounding area, i.e., at plant boundary.
xxv. A vegetative boundary shall be made around Processing or Recycling plant or

Guidelines for Managing C&D waste in the State

site to strengthen the buffer zone.

xxvi. Pollution control measures as specified in the CPCB Guidelines on

Environmental Management of C&D wastes.
xxvii. SOP- Siting requirements and pollution control measures in construction &
demolition waste processing plants by Kerala Pollution Control Board No.
PCB/HO/SEE-3/TECH/139/2022 dated 04/04/2022 shall be adhered to
(Annexure VI)


As and when a C&D waste recycling plant is commissioned in a district and
recycled products are available within 100 km from construction site, it shall be
mandatory for below listed construction activities to use specified percentage of
available building construction materials manufactured from recycled C&D waste.

a. All Government constructions including shall mandatorily use at least 20 percent of

recycled C & D waste products.

b. All renovation projects involving demolition, even in the private sector, shall
mandatorily use at least 20 percent of recycled C & D waste products.

Example: Delhi government advisory C & D waste utilization-The Delhi government

has issued an advisory on the use of products made out of recycled C & D waste by
the Public Works Department (PWD). All Delhi government agencies will be required
to incorporate a clause in their tenders that mandates use of a minimum of 2 per cent
recycled products from construction waste in all future contracts for building works
and 10 per cent recycled products for road works, Ref- CPCB Guidelines, 2017.


Various options to ensure the best possible use of C&D items and C&D waste
recycled products are depicted below:


i. According to waste management hierarchy, the priority should be to extract the

maximum practical benefits from products and to prevent and minimize the waste that

Guidelines for Managing C&D waste in the State

is generated. Prevention is the most desirable waste management option as it

eliminates the need for handling, transporting, recycling or disposal of waste. Reuse
of C&D waste is important as it helps to reduce the dependence on natural resources
and eliminates adverse environmental impacts like mining which is an energy
intensive activity. Reuse of C&D wastes has the additional advantage of controlling
the quantum of C&D waste destined for disposal and recycling besides reducing
transportation costs.

ii. The list of reuse and salvage materials include appliances, bathroom fixtures, bricks,
blocks, masonry stone, structural steel, cabinets, carpeting, ceiling tiles, timber and
timber based boards, door and window frames and shutters, flooring tiles, stone
tiles/platforms, insulation, landscaping materials, lighting fixtures, metal framing
including for partitions and ceiling, panelling, pipes, antique mouldings, accessories
and hardware of furniture, PVC water tanks, roofing sheets used for garages, outdoor
areas, fabric of tensile structures etc.

iii. When the opportunities for reuse or salvage are exhausted, recycling is the next level.

iv. C&D waste materials that can be recycled include acoustical ceiling tiles, asphalt,
asphalt shingle, carpets, concrete, drywall, fluorescent lights, land clearing debris
(vegetation, dirt), metals and metal alloys, structural steel, plastic film (sheeting,
packaging), glass, wood etc.


i. Fine aggregate-The produce of C&D waste processing i.e. fine and coarse aggregates
are good materials for road construction. Road stretches have been already
constructed in India using these materials.

ii. Recycled Concrete Aggregates-It is derived from concrete after requisite processing
of different sizes (5-10 mm, 10-20 mm, 20-40 mm or as required)

iii. Recycled Aggregates- It is made from C&D waste, which may comprise concrete,
brick, tiles,stone, etc. of different sizes (5-10 mm, 10-20 mm, 20-40 mm or as

Guidelines for Managing C&D waste in the State

iv. Manufactured soil- The manufactured soil is quite suitable for landfill, landscaping
as a substitute of excavated soil. Fine and coarse aggregates are ready raw materials
for Ready Mix Concrete plants and construction sites. The manufactured soil is also a
good substitute for soil for construction of road and fly over embankments. It saves
precious topsoil.



i. Tetrapods and other similar structures which can be used for coastal protection (As Kerala is
having long coastline, the demand for bulk materials to be used in coastal protection is
high and C&D waste recycled products can substitute enormous quantity of natural
materials in this aspect)

ii. Bricks, blocks, tiles, hollow bricks, wall tiles;

iii. Pavers, kerb stones;

iv. Park benches, drain covers, planters, compound wall, fence post, tree guards, tree pit covers,
manhole covers, underground cable covers, precast boundary wall panels and poles,


The tipping fee for delivery of C & D waste to the recycling plant, terms & conditions
of the civic body with the concessionaire shall be designed to keep the price of C & D
waste recycled products atleast 20 per cent lower than the corresponding conventional
products. The price of C&D waste recycled products shall be published in the State
Schedule of rates.


C&D waste recycled product use shall be according to the following


a. IS: 383(2016) Indian Standard COARSE AND FINE AGGREGATE FOR

CONCRETE – SPECIFICATION. Utilisation of C&D waste permitted in various
concrete works by IS: 383(2016) are as below:

Guidelines for Managing C&D waste in the State

b. National Building Code (NBC- CED 46) of India 2005 : Part 11 of NBC 2005 on
‘Approach to Sustainability’(Chapter 11), states that :

i. Recycled Coarse Aggregate may be used in concrete for bulk fills, bank protection,
base/fill of drainage structures, pavements, sidewalks, kerbs and gutters etc.

ii. Up to 30 percent of natural crushed coarse aggregate can be replaced by the recycled
concrete aggregate

iii. This percentage can be increased up to 50 percent for pavements and other areas
which are under pure compression specific to the standards and practices pertaining to
construction of roads.’

c. Building Materials and Technology Promotion Council (BMTPC) in 2016 released

“Guidelines for utilization of C & D waste in construction of dwelling units and
related infrastructure in housing schemes of the Government”.

d. The PART IV of Central Pubic Works Division (CPWD): The “Guidelines for
Sustainable Habitat (March 2014)” discusses ‘Guidelines on reuse and recycling of
Construction and Demolition (C & D) waste’.

e. Indian Road Congress has permitted the use of produce of C&D waste processing and
has issued IRC: 121-2017 “Guidelines for use of construction and demolition waste in
road sector”.

Note- The Concerned Departments in the State need to ensure the above criteria
through separate orders.


Strict enforcement of rules combined with regular monitoring procedures and

supporting policies can serve as effective systems for the management of C&D waste.
A series of monitoring and inspection mechanisms should be in place for disposal
practices of C&D waste in order to prevent unauthorised dumping. Tracking systems
involving multiple stakeholders to be in place to ensure proper disposal and handling

Guidelines for Managing C&D waste in the State

of C&D waste. For effective monitoring, the ULBs can make use of extensive IT
systems such as GPS tracking of vehicles and centralized data entry for movement of
waste streams from one place to another besides appropriate tests and inspections.



a. Mixing construction debris with municipal solid waste-Rs.10,000

b. Dumping C&D waste in public places- Rs.20,000

c. Dumping C&D waste into water bodies and drains- Punishment with imprisonment
for a term which may extend to three years or with fine which may extend to
Rs.2,00,000 or with both (Ref-Kerala Irrigation & Water Conservation
(Amendment) Act, 2018, dated 03.07.2018 )

d. Penalty for not removing C & D waste from the site within 7 days after the
completion of construction/demolition works- Rs. 5,000/- per tonne

e. Penalty for not delivering Construction and Demolition waste in a segregated

manner Rs. 10,000

f. Improper transportation of C&D waste- Rs.10,000

g. Carrying out C&D management operations without necessary licence- Rs.10,000

Note- For recurring incidents, the above fine shall be doubled.



Local Self Government Institutions shall:

i. issue detailed directions with regard to proper management of construction and

demolition waste within its jurisdiction in accordance with the provisions of C&D
waste management rules and the local authority shall seek detailed plan or
undertaking as applicable, from generator of construction and demolition waste;
ii. chalk out stages, methodology and equipment, material involved in the overall
activity and final clean up after completion of the construction and demolition ;

Guidelines for Managing C&D waste in the State

iii. seek assistance from concerned authorities for safe disposal of construction and
demolition waste contaminated with industrial hazardous or toxic material or nuclear
waste if any;
iv. shall make arrangements and place appropriate containers for collection of waste and
shall remove at regular intervals or when they are filled, either through own
resources or by appointing private operators;
v. shall get the collected waste transported to appropriate sites for processing and
disposal either through own resources or by appointing private operators;
vi. shall give appropriate incentives to generator for salvaging, processing and or
recycling preferably in-situ;
vii. shall examine and sanction the waste management plan of the generators within a
period of one month or from the date of approval of building plan, whichever is
earlier from the date of its submission;
viii. shall keep track of the generation of construction and demolition waste within its
jurisdiction and establish a data base and update once in a year;
ix. shall device appropriate measures in consultation with expert institutions for
management of construction and demolition waste generated including processing
facility and for using the recycled products in the best possible manner;
x. shall create a sustained system of information, education and communication for
construction and demolition waste through collaboration with expert institutions and
civil societies and also disseminate through their own website;
xi. shall make provision for giving incentives for use of material made out of
construction and demolition waste in the construction activity including in non-
structural concrete, paving blocks, lower layers of road pavements, colony and rural

xii. operate helpline toll free number for citizens for availing C&D waste management

xiii. incorporate the details of the expected quantity of C& D waste in the building
permit. The proposed mode of disposal of C&D waste shall also be specified in the
building permit.

xiv. issue licence to C&D waste Management facilities as per the provisions of these

xv. regulate illegal collection, transportation and dumping of C&D waste and penalise
the defaulters as per the legal provisions

xvi. facilitate C&D waste generators to enter into tie up with authorised C&D waste
management facilities. Mobile collection facility is always preferable under Kerala

Guidelines for Managing C&D waste in the State

xvii. take action regarding non-collection of C&D waste by authorised agencies

xviii. collect and maintain records from the C&D waste generators regarding the quantum
of waste generated, transported, processed and disposed by them

xix. Shall prepare and submit an annual report to the PCB as per the rule.

xx. fix maximum tipping fee in consultation with DLFMC that can be levied by the
C&D waste management facilities accepting C&D wastes for processing based on
the following parameters from time to time;

A. Quantum of C&D waste processed

B. Operational expenses of the facility

C. Transportation expenses

D. Geography of the district (spatial data)

xxi. Intervene if any social issues related to functioning of C&D waste management
facilities arise.

Duties of State Government-

i. The concerned department in the State Government dealing with land shall be
responsible for providing suitable sites for setting up of the storage, processing and
recycling facilities for construction and demolition waste.

ii. The Town and Country planning Department shall incorporate the site in the approved
land use plan so that there is no disturbance to the processing facility on a long term

iii. Procurement of materials made from construction and demolition waste shall be made
mandatory to a certain percentage (say 10-20%) in municipal and Government
contracts subject to strict quality control.


Kerala State Pollution Control Board shall:

i. monitor the implementation of C&D waste management rules by the concerned local
bodies and the competent authorities and the annual report shall be sent to the Central

Guidelines for Managing C&D waste in the State

Pollution Control Board and the State Government or Union Territory or any other
State level nodal agency identified by the State Government or Union Territory
administration for generating State level comprehensive data. Such reports shall also
contain the comments and suggestions of the State Pollution Control Board or Pollution
Control Committee with respect to any comments or changes required;

ii. grant authorization to construction and demolition waste processing facility in Form-III
as specified under C&D waste management rules after examining the application
received in Form I;

iii. prepare annual report in Form IV with special emphasis on the implementation status of
compliance of C&D rules and forward report to Central Pollution Control Board before
the 31stJuly for each financial year.

iv. issue NOC/Consent to Operate to C&D waste management facilities that follow
required conditions

v. prepare and publish Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for (collection, storage,
transportation and processing) C&D waste management facilities in the State from
time to time. SOP attached as annexure VI.

vi. ensure that the C&D waste management facility operators are following the SOP
through periodical inspection and submit quarterly reports to the Government

vii. bring to the notice of Local Self Government, any case of non-compliance of SOP by
approved C&D waste management facilities

viii. ensure that the C&D waste management facilities maintain proper records of all their
activities including quantity of wastes managed, processing done etc.

ix. ensure that C&D waste management facilities have appropriate pollution control


C&D Waste generator shall ensure proper management of C&D waste and its site as per
C&D waste management rules 2016 including but not limited to following aspects:

i. Every waste generator shall prima-facie be responsible for collection, segregation of

concrete, soil and others and storage of construction and demolition waste generated, as
directed or notified by the concerned local authority in consonance with these rules.

ii. The generator shall ensure that other waste (such as solid waste) does not get mixed
with this waste and is stored and disposed separately.

Guidelines for Managing C&D waste in the State

iii. Waste generators who generate more than 20 tons or more in one day or 300 tons per
project in a month shall segregate the waste into different streams such as concrete,
soil, steel, wood and plastics, bricks and mortar and shall submit waste management
plan and get appropriate approvals from the local authority before starting construction
or demolition or remodeling work and keep the concerned authorities informed
regarding the relevant activities from the planning stage to the implementation stage
and this should be on project to project basis.

iv. Every waste generator shall keep the construction and demolition waste within the
premise or get the waste deposited at collection centre so made by the local body or
handover it to the authorised processing facilities of construction and demolition waste;
and ensure that there is no littering or deposition of construction and demolition waste
so as to prevent obstruction to the traffic or the public or drains.

v. Every waste generator shall pay relevant charges for collection, transportation,
processing and disposal as notified by the concerned authorities; Waste generators who
generate more than 20 tons or more in one day or 300 tons per project in a month shall
have to pay for the processing and disposal of construction and demolition waste
generated by them, apart from the payment for storage, collection and transportation.
The rate shall be fixed by the concerned local authority or any other authority
designated by the State Government.

vi. The reusable items such as bricks, doors, windows, cupboards, kitchen & bathroom
fittings, other fittings, wooden items, glass, wall panels, roof slabs, other structural
elements, etc. may be removed first without damaging these items and be stored
separately and supplied to re-users/ second hand markets.

vii. The recyclable items like electrical wires, metals, glass, plastics, paper boards, gypsum
boards, etc. be collected separately and supplied to re-meltors.

viii. Concrete debris be kept separately and be processed/ supplied to the processing plant
without mixing with masonry, soil and other debris.

ix. MSW, toxic waste, electronic waste, hazardous waste etc. are not to be mixed with the
C&D waste and are to be disposed off separately in a safe manner as prescribed in
Solid Waste Management Rules, 2016.

x. C&D waste is to be segregated in different streams such as concrete, soil, steel, wood,
plastic, bricks & mortar, paper (eg:paper sack cement bags), electrical items, metallic
items and other streams stated above for supply to second raw materials market/ re-
meltors/re-users/ processors.

xi. Separate storage area to be earmarked for segregation & storage of construction waste

Guidelines for Managing C&D waste in the State

xii. The C&D waste generated at the site is to be evacuated promptly to avoid mix up and
spilling over to neighbouring areas

xiii. C&D waste generators shall identify the nearest collection centre notified by LSGI and
transport the C&D waste to the facility.

xiv. Safety of equipment and manpower is to be ensured.

xv. The C&D waste generation site shall not allow littering of debris or create any type of
pollution as specified in CPCB guidelines

xvi. Rules and regulations of local agencies regarding permissions required and other
aspects be followed.

xvii. Details of C&D waste generated and its disposal/ re-use/ processing, etc. as may be
reported to the local authority as may be required.

xviii. strictly adhere to the Standard Operating Procedures of CPCB and KSPCB in handling
and storage of C&D waste

xix. Bulk generators shall enter into an agreement with authorized C&D waste management
facility operators for the removal of the waste and shall strictly abide by the protocol
for storage, collection, transportation and processing of C&D waste as per the
directions and guidelines of PCB

xx. shall have appropriate pollution control measures as specified by Central Pollution
Control Board/KSPCB

xxi. ensure that C&D waste is handed over only to authorized C&D managing facilities and
not to any other agency/ person.

xxii. pay Tipping fee as approved by the concerned authority

xxiii. inform the LSGI, if the C&D waste is not regularly picked up by the authorised

xxiv. shall maintain proper records/manifests regarding quantum of waste generated, quantity
transferred to authorised agencies


C&D Waste Management facility owners/operators shall:

i. collect, transport, store and process the C&D waste as per the prevailing Standard
Operating Procedure (SOP) and based on the agreement with the bulk generators

Guidelines for Managing C&D waste in the State

without fail.

ii. collect, transport, store, process the C&D waste from collection centres notified by
LSGIs as per the SOP

iii. levy Tipping fee only as per the LSGI recommendations.

iv. obtain statutory clearance/s (and renew it correctly on expiry) as per prevailing rules
and provisions of these guidelines

v. maintain the C&D waste storage and processing facilities in an environment friendly
manner without littering/ spill over of C&D waste material

vi. own/ rent and maintain enough vehicles and logistic equipments in good condition for
transportation of C&D wastes. Ensure that the crew carry proper manifests/documents
when waste is transported.

vii. ensure that the transport crew have proper uniforms and Personal Protective
Equipments (PPEs) while in duty

viii. ensure that the C&D waste is not transferred to other vehicles/dumped anywhere during

ix. ensure that no disturbance to public occurs during transport

x. treat all wastes generated as a part of processing

xi. maintain all records/manifests related to clients, quantity collected, transported,

processed, product obtained and sold, waste generated and treated etc

xii. maintain on its website real time information about availability of produce of C&D
waste and downstream products as well as their quality report and price along with the
system for placing online order and payment

xiii. inform the LSGI in case the generators fails to provide the C&D waste to the facility

Suchitwa Mission shall:

i. provide technical support and issue guidelines regarding C&D waste management in
the State

ii. monitor and supervise the implementation of these guidelines

Guidelines for Managing C&D waste in the State

iii. empanel C&D waste management operators/service providers in the sector

iv. convene the district level committees

v. facilitate setting up of C&D waste management facilities

vi. ensure that adequate C&D waste collection points are arranged by the LSGs

vii. channelise resources and facilitate setting up of C&D processing facilities by public
sector institutions/local governments

viii. undertake education and capacity building activities for the demolition contractors as
well as builders to adopt modern technologies/ techniques for de-construction of
structures and maximize recovery of reusable items than demolition

ix. guide and facilitate the C&D waste processors for utilization of produce & downstream
products in various construction projects

Guidelines for Managing C&D waste in the State

Annexure I

Format of C&D Waste Transportation Manifest

1 Sender’s name and address

(including Phone No. and email)

2 Manifest Document No.

3 Transporter’s name and address:

(including Phone No. and email)

4 Type of vehicle (Truck/Tempo/Tractor/others please


5 Vehicle registration No.

6 Collection Centre/Processing
facility/Sanitary Land Fill name and
(including Phone No. and email)

7 Waste description (predominant type of


8 Total quantity ……………………..m3 or MT

9 Purpose of transportation To collection centre/processing

landfilling/others please specify

10 Sender’s Certificate I hereby declare that the contents of the

consignment are fully and accurately
described above with proper shipping

Date: Name and designation: Signature:

11 Transporter acknowledgement of receipt I hereby declare that the contents of the

of Wastes: consignment described above has been
received for transportation and are

Guidelines for Managing C&D waste in the State

properly covered and are in all respects

in proper conditions for transport by
road according to applicable
government regulations.

Date: Name and designation: Signature:

12 Receiver’s certification for receipt of I hereby declare that the contents and
C&D waste quantity of waste as described above
has been received for temporary

Date: Name and designation: Signature:

Guidelines for Managing C&D waste in the State

Annexure II

Application format for the service provider for obtaining approval from LSG for
setting up C&D waste collection centre

1. Consent to establish obtained from KSPCB: Yes / No

2. Basic Information

a. Name& address of Applicant/Company:

b. Contact number :

c. Email address :

d. Type of ownership :

3. Land details

a. Survey No :

b. Ownership : Own land/ Leased land

c. If leased, copy of lease agreement : Attached/ Not attached

d. Plot area : ……………….(cents)

e. Width of approach road : ………………..(metres)

f. Distance of the plot boundary from nearest

i. Building: ……………….metres

ii. Water body : ……………….metres

Guidelines for Managing C&D waste in the State

I hereby declare that all the statements made in and all documents submitted along with this
applications are true.

Place: Name & Signature


Guidelines for Managing C&D waste in the State

Annexure III

Application format for the service provider for obtaining approval from LSG for
carrying out C&D waste collection/transportation operations

A. Basic Information

a. Name & address of Applicant/Company:

b. Contact number :

c. Email address :

d. Type of ownership :

B. Collection/transportation capacity details

a. Total C&D waste collection capacity : ………………(Tons/day)

b. Vehicle details

i. Number of trucks proposed to be used for collecting C&D waste:

ii. Number of trucks which are of closed type:

iii. Total capacity in tons of vehicles:

iv. Vehicle List: Specify number and capacity in tons of each

c. Details of equipments/ machineries:

d. Staff strength of waste collection crew:

C. Details of pollution control measures and safety measures proposed to be

i. Pollution control measures-

ii. Safety measures-

Guidelines for Managing C&D waste in the State

I hereby declare that all the statements made in and all documents submitted along with this
application are true.

Place: Name & Signature


Guidelines for Managing C&D waste in the State

Annexure IV

Application format for the C&D waste non-bulk generator for obtaining approval from
LSG before commencing construction or demolition activities

A. Basic Information

a. Name & address of Applicant:

b. Contact number :

c. Email address:

B. C&D waste management details

a. Type of activity- New construction/Repair/Demolition

b. Area of proposed demolition/construction structure-

c. Proposed C&D waste handing over arrangement:
i. Agency name (copy of agreement with the C&D collecting agency)
ii. Collection center name (if handing over of C&D waste done through
LSG arrangements or by the generator themselves-


I hereby declare that all the statements made in and all documents submitted along with this
application are true. I shall abide by all rules and regulations pertaining to C&D waste
management issued by the State and Central Government.

Place: Name & Signature


Guidelines for Managing C&D waste in the State

Annexure V

Format of Waste Management Plan to be submitted by

C&D bulk waste generators to LSGI

A. Basic Information

a. Name & address of Applicant:

b. Contact number :

c. Email address :

B. C&D waste generation details

a. Type of activity- New construction/Repair/Demolition

b. Area of proposed demolition/construction-

c. Approximate quantity of C&D waste generation-

d. Segregation arrangements for C&D waste-

C. Details of pollution control measures proposed to be provided:

a. Details of air pollution control measures-

i. details of covering of site boundaries-

ii. details of water sprinkling system-

b. Details of Noise pollution control measures-

c. Other pollution control measures-

I hereby declare that all the statements made in and all documents submitted along with this
applications are true and correct to the best of my knowledge & belief. I shall abide by all
rules and regulations pertaining to C&D waste management issued by the State and Central

Guidelines for Managing C&D waste in the State


Place: Name & Signature


Guidelines for Managing C&D waste in the State

Annexure VI

SOP- Siting requirements and pollution control measures in

construction & demolition waste processing plants

1. "Construction and demolition waste" means the waste comprising of building materials,
debris and rubble resulting from construction, re-modeling, repair and demolition of any civil
structure. Waste generated during construction & maintenance of roads also comes under this

2. “Demolition” means breaking down or tearing down buildings and other structures either
manually or using mechanical force (by various equipment) or by implosion using

3. The major components of construction & demolition waste are concrete, brick masonry,
steel, wood, stone (marble/granite etc), soil/sand/gravel.

4. Processing of construction waste is aimed at segregation/conversion of the construction &

demolition waste for reuse, recycling and/or transformation into new products.

5. The quantum of construction waste generated as per CPCB Guidelines are as follows:

a. Range 40-60 kg per sq.m of new construction,

b. Range 40-50 kg per sq.m of building repair,

c. Range 300-500 kg per sq.m for demolition of buildings.

6. Construction & demolition waste is approximately 10% of the municipal solid waste.

7. Demolition of buildings can be done either by manual methods (using excavators,

bulldozers, sledge hammers, jack hammer, drillers etc) or by engineering methods (wrecking

Guidelines for Managing C&D waste in the State

ball, pusher arm, concrete saw, implosion etc).

8. The contractor doing the demolition does the segregation in the site itself. Materials that
can be recycled are collected by the scrap dealers. The concrete waste shall be dispatched to
the collection centres or transported directly to the processing centres.

Pollution control measure to be provided in construction sites

The following facilities shall be provided in the construction/demolition sites:

1. Construction & demolition waste need to be segregated into concrete, soil, steel, wood,
plastic, brick & mortar, paper (eg:paper sack cement bags), glass, ceramic, electrical items
and metallic items.

2. Separate storage area need to be earmarked in the construction site for segregation &
storage of each type of construction/demolition waste.

3. Construction waste shall not mix with domestic waste.

4. Enclosure of the construction site using garden nets/GI sheets shall be done to prevent
spreading of dust to the nearby areas.

5. Water storage facilities with adequate number of waste sprinklers shall be provided for
containing the dust generated.

6. Only DG sets having acoustic enclosure shall be used in the site.

7. Facilities for treatment of sewage generated from the workers quarters shall be provided.
Domestic solid waste generated from the workers quarters shall be segregated and bio-
degradable solid waste shall be treated using bio-gas plant, compost etc.

A detailed construction waste management plan shall be submitted by the proponents of

medium & large scale industries (incorporating the mode of segregation, storage, reuse,
transportation & disposal of construction waste) along with the application for ICE of the

Collection Centres

1. Facilities required at collection centres include weighing facility, unloading area & storage
area. The weight of the incoming & outgoing waste shall compulsorily be recorded at the

Guidelines for Managing C&D waste in the State

2. The collection centres shall have the control measures mentioned below:

a. Enclosures with GI sheets shall be provided for the loading & unloading and storage areas.

b. Adequate water storage facility shall be provided.

c. Adequate number of water sprinklers shall be provided in the collection centres to mitigate
the dust generated.

3. The collection centre shall have adequate land area to ensure that the facilities mentioned
above can be provided comfortably.

4. The local bodies shall provide the details of collection centres in its jurisdiction to the

Processing Centres

1. Construction & demolition (C & D) waste processing activity falls under orange category (
as per CPCB guidelines). C & D waste processing facility shall inspect each waste load
before unloading debris and shall accept only C & D Debris - no industrial waste shall be
accepted at the C & D facility ( as per CPCB guidelines). The primary step in the processing
plant is the segregation of waste. The waste need to be segregated into concrete, soil, steel,
wood, plastic, brick & mortar, paper (eg:paper sack cement bags), electrical items and
metallic items. Only stationary processing facilities are permitted (mobile or semi-mobile are
not permitted because of possibility of public resistance).

2. Such facilities are equipped for carrying out crushing, screening as well as purification to
separate the contaminants. In the usual construction waste processing plant, concrete waste is
fed into the hopper and then crushed in crusher (jaw or horizontal impact crusher) resulting in
particles size

reduction from 400mm to less than 80mm. The under 80mm size particles are discharged into
grizzley feeder (vibrating feeder) through conveyor and then into log washer (intensive
washing in an inclined washer {sloped} using shaft and paddles) for removal of plastic/wood/
silt/clay and then sorted in vibrating screens to generate particles in the size range 80mm –
20mm, 20mm – 8.5mm and < 8.5mm. The under 8.5mm particles are then sent to the cyclone
separator to separate into two fractions of size 0.75mm – 3.75mm & 3.75 – 8.5mm.
Processing methodology may vary from that mentioned above. However, the aim in all
processing technology is to crush the concrete waste into uniform aggregates of specified

Guidelines for Managing C&D waste in the State

3. The resultant crushed aggregates can be used as follows:

80mm – 20mm : Road works

20mm – 8.5mm : Concreting other than for load bearing structures.

8.5mm – 3.75mm : As plaster sand

3.75mm – 0.75mm : Machine sand ( M sand).

Schedule II of the Construction and Demolition Waste Management Rules, 2016 may be
followed if the products are used in the operation of sanitary land fill.

4. The processing or recycling site shall be away from habitation clusters, forest areas, water
bodies, monuments, National Parks, Wetlands and places of important cultural, historical or
religious interest.

5. There shall be no residence/public building/place of worship within 100m of the

processing facility. Minimum setback of 10m shall be available on all sides.

6. Minimum area of at least 1 hectare is preferred for construction & demolition waste
processing plant (because of its similarity to crusher units). However, considering the non
availability of adequate land, a thumb rule of one acre per 100 tons/day may be taken as the
minimum requirement. ie, for 200 tons/day plant, area of two acre is required and 75 tons/day
plant area of 75 cents is required. However, in no case, the minimum area shall be less than
75 cents, however small the capacity is.

7. Usually, the capacity of the plant is specified in ton/hour. However, the land area may be
fixed based on the construction waste processed per day.

8. The control measures shall be as follows:

a. The entire plant (including the conveyors)shall be installed in building with side walls of
brick/concrete of minimum thickness 23cm and with door opening for material handling

b. Minimum water storage facility of 10,000 litres per day shall be provided.

c. Adequate number of sprinklers & dust suppression system shall be provided.

d. Internal roads shall be concreted or paved.

e. Facilities for treatment of wash water including settling tank and sludge drying facilities
for the sludge settled in the settling tank shall be provided.

Guidelines for Managing C&D waste in the State

f. Processing or recycling site shall be fenced or hedged and provided with proper gate to
monitor incoming vehicles or other modes of transportation.

g. Storm water drains shall be provided. Adequate facilities to ensure that the storm water
does not carry waste or waste water generated in the unit shall be provided.

h. Green belt with suitable species of trees/curtain plants shall be provided within and along
the boundary of the premises.

9. Fire fighting/protection equipments may be provided in the site.

10. A buffer zone of no development shall be maintained around solid waste processing and
disposal facility, exceeding 20 tonnes per day or 300 tonnes per project in a month of
installed capacity (CPCB guidelines on environmental management of construction &
demolition waste- March, 2017). This will be maintained within the total area of the solid
waste processing and disposal facility. A vegetative boundary shall be made around
Processing or Recycling plant or site to strengthen the buffer zone (see item 8.h).

11. The service providers shall submit along with the application for consent a
comprehensive waste management plan covering segregation, storage, collection, reuse,
recycling, transportation and disposal of construction and demolition waste generated within
their jurisdiction. The consent

incorporates the authorization (Form II) as per the Construction and Demolition Waste
Management Rules, 2016. The application for the consent of the Board shall be accompanied
by the following details:

a. Average quantity (in tons per day) and composition of construction and demolition waste
to be handled at the specific site.

b. Details of construction and demolition waste processing or recycling technology to be


c. Quantity of construction and demolition waste to be processed per day. Site clearance from
Prescribed Authority.

d. Salient points of agreement between competent authority or local authority and operating
agency (attach relevant document).

e. Expected amount of process rejects and plan for its disposal (e.g., sanitary landfill for solid

Guidelines for Managing C&D waste in the State


f. Measures to be taken for prevention and control of environmental pollution. Investment on

project and expected returns.

g. Measures to be taken for safety of workers working in the processing or recycling plant.

h. Any preventive plan for accident during the collection, transportation and treatment
including processing and recycling should be informed to the Competent Authority(Local
Authority) or Prescribed Authority

12. The waste received, the waste processed, the products and the rejects shall be correctly
quantified. Weigh bridge facilities shall be provided in the processing site. The unit shall
submit annual report to the Board in the prescribed format.

Waste Transportation

1. The vehicle transporting construction waste shall be fully covered to prevent spreading of

2. The vehicles shall be GPS tagged.

3. Regular checking and maintenance of vehicles should be ensured.

4. For long distance, transportation routes of C & D wastes to be selected after discussion
with local authorities (CPCB guidelines on environmental management of construction &
demolition waste- March, 2017).


04.04.2022 CHAIRMAN


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