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1. Our environment is seriously polluted and it is one of the problems that every nation is
concerned about. As a student what should you do to protect the environment. Write a
paragraph of about 100 words.

Environment is the most important thing for our life but our daily activities are one of the major
causes of environmental pollution. As students, we should start from the small things we do
every day to protect the environment.

First of all, I raise people’s awareness of the importance of environmental protection by giving
them the benefits when living in the green, clean atmostphere or damage resulted from climate
changes such as flood, drought, epidemics,…

Moreover, saving energy is a good strategy to protect the environment. I advise my friends,
relatives, … to switch off lights and all electric things when they are not in use. Also, I tell them
to use a bicycle or walk instead of using a motorbike or a car for short trips.

In addition, to keep the surroundings clean, we should take part in the planting trees schemes
annually. The more trees we grow, the fresher the air becomes. By dong so, I have made
contribution to conserving forests, national parks, and make place to live for wild animals.

Last but not least, I use recycled products made from recycled waste materials. I also avoid
buying plastic but reuse them over and over again, until they wear out because it’s hard to

In conclusion, protecting the environment is a powerful way to save ourselves and our future as
well. I hope that in the future the earth will be cleaner.

2. Do you like living in the city or in the countryside? Why? Write a paragraph of about
100 words to express your ideas.
Many people really prefer to live in the cities because of its facilities. But I prefer to live in the
countryside because of the following reasons.
First of all, the invironment in the countryside is very peaceful, pleasant with fresh air, large
spaces, lots of trees, rice fields and rivers,. In free time, you can walk on the fields or along the
rivers or we can relax by so many open-door activities such as rode-jumping, hiding and seeking,
skating, …
Secondly, it is safe to live in the countryside because there is fewer criminal situations than
those in the cities. In my villiage, many people even go out without locking the doors and their
neighbours can have their house key.
Thirdly, people here are very kind, friendly and helpful. They are willing to help each other
when necessary even pass-bys or strangers.
Forthly, the cost of living is much cheaper than that in the city and the living conditions are
better and better. They can provide themselve with safe, nutitious food and vegetable.
In conclusion, I love the silence, I love fresh air. I love the good relationships of
people.Therefore I love to live in countryside.
3. More and more people choose to live in the cities. Write a paragraph of about 100 words
to explain the reason why.
It is certainly true that nowadays many people are choosing to live in cities recently. In my
opinion, there can be numerous reasons why people have a tendency to this.
Firstly, big cities usually offer greater employment possibilities than small cities or the
countryside. And because of this, thousands of people, especially the young, migrate to big cities
seeking better job opportunities.
Secondly, there are better education institutions, transportation and health care services, …
in urban areas than in rural ones. If we want to improve our English, many English center with
native speakers are available for you to choose. As for health care, many big hospitals as well as
individual services with lots of qualified doctors certainly help us a lot when we have health
Thirdly, entertainment facilities is also the reason that attract immigrants to big cities . For
example, movies, theaters, parks and many other relaxed centres … are easily to find in big cities
while there might be just one or two in the countryside.
All in all, these factors mentioned above are probably the reasons why people usually consider
life in big cities better. I think, choosing rural as well as urban life depends on each person’s
opinion and they should live in the area which suits them the most.

4. Write a paragrap of about 100 words to discuss the best ways to keep healthy.
It is said that “Health is Wealth” and with health, we can have everything. In order to maitain a
good health, we should follow the guidelines below.
- Exercise daily by running, jogging, playing sports, …
(+ build muscle for man and keep fit for women
+ avoid many serious diseases)
- Eat three nutritional meals a day with all the food group such as carbohyderates, proteins, fats,
vitamins and minerals
+ have enough energy for daily activities
- make sure to get enough sleep: 7-8 hours a night (don’t sleep too much or too less because
either can harm to your health)

Staying healthy is an important part for all of us. There are three useful ways to help us stay
healthy physically and mentally below.

Firtly, we should maintain a healthy diet, which includes eating regularly and nutritiously. Our
body needs energy to function, and eating nutritious meals regularly can provide us with energy.
Food contains vitamins which are vital to our body. We can strengthen our immune system and
gain energy if we have a good eating habit.

Secondly, doing sports regularly is a good way of staying healthy. It can speed up blood
circulation, which keep us fresh and help our body to burn excess fat. It can help us build a good
body shape, which makes us look good and attractive as well.
Thirdly, having enough sleep also plays an important role in staying healthy. When we sleep,
our body can take a good rest after working for a whole day, and we can become energetic again.
If possible, we should try to sleep for 6-8 hours so that our body can be fully recharged.

In short, with the effective ways above, we can stay healthy and enjoy our lives to the fullest.

5. Advantages & disadvantages of the Internet

- means of communication
+ keep in touch with friends and family
+ share opinions, photos and many things with others
- provide a lot of knowledge and information
+ get much knowlege by selfstudying from various websites
+ use the Internet like newspapers or to surf webs to get information.
- offer countless options for entertainment
+ read newspapers or play games, listento music...
- It can make us lazy. We only want to use the Internet to get information instead of thinking
- we can waste too much time sitting in front of the computer to read newspapers or play
games, ...
- have a negative effect on our eyesight, brain, ....

Thanks to the development of technology, there is no doubt that internet has made our life
become easier and more convenient.
Firstly, the internet can let a person communicate with people in any part of the world
through the world wide web, social media or e-mail, without having to leave his room. E-mail,
Chat rooms, video conferencing and messengers services allows people to easily communicate
and share informations.
Secondly, knowlede and information are probably the biggest advantages that internet offers.
We can enrich our knowlede by using such search engines as Google, Yahoo to get any kinds of
information on any topic on the internet. With internet, people can not only increases their
knowledge but also save their times to search for information and using their time to do other
Thirdly, entertainments is another popular reasons why many people prefer to surf the internet.
Downloading games, watching favourite movies, listening to favourite music, … are among the
most popular things people especially students often do in their free time.
Forthly, through the internet, shopping also benefits people a lot. There are many website selling
a varieties of products online and we can buy whetever we want without wasting time to travel.
In short, internet is very useful and we should take advantages of it and use it efficiently.

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