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TIME-1HR 30 MINS CLASS- XI 15.04.24

No. of pages-4 MARKS—40

Name ____________ Roll No. ____ Class&Sec_______ Invigilator’s sign_____


1. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow- 10

Playing the mind game

1. The Mastermind quiz is billed as a “battle of minds’. This battle is fought in two
halves. In the first, each of four participants faces a barrage of questions, for
two minutes, on any topic of his or her choice. In the second round, the
questions are on general knowledge. There are two points for each correct
answer and zero for wrong answers and passes. In the event of a tie, the
person who has passed fewer questions wins.
2. Questions can be bizarre, but they are answered none the less. “It absolutely
amazes you that these guys know so much. In KBC, it used to be, that this guy
knows so little,” says Basu after the show. Siddhartha Basu was the director of
Kaun Banega Crorepati (KBC).
3. This year’s Mastermind final was won by Ramanand Janardhana, a 22 year-old
software engineer from Pune. Janardhana had Agatha Christie’s ‘Tommy and
Tupence’ novels as his specialist topic. He even knew that Tommy used
asofoetida to create a stink in his room.
4. There are, of course, all sorts of quizzers. The diary-toting, Manorama
yearbook, wielding variety will typically prepare for a contest by ‘studying’. He
knows that the best questions, the ones that get the ‘wah-wahs’, are always
repeated. He is a solid quizzer, because he knows the obvious.
5. There is the other kind, like Janardhana, who claim they do nothing extra to
prepare for quizzes. They read the papers and magazines, watch TV, and
become quizzers because they enjoy the test of recall.
6. It was a test the nation took when KBC fever was at its height. But long before
KBC, there were quiz societies across the country, in places from Guwahati to
Gandhinagar. Kolkata was the hub of the game; quizzing in India began here in
1967. Even now, the majority of quizzers are from Kolkata. Of the four 2002
Mastermind finalists, two were from that city.
7. Quizzing is big in school and college festivals. It’s the ‘literary’ highlight of all
fests. There are even professional quizzers, who, like mercenaries, play for
money and the thrill of the game. They represent various organisations at
different times.
8. Most quizzers grow out of active quizzing after college. Some, the really
hardcore devotees of the game, keep at it. “I don’t get tired of quizzing,” says
Pinaki Prasad Roy, a Mastermind finalist. “I get excited.” Roy is a 46-year old
finance professional from Kolkata, and has been a quizzer for three decades.
9. Curiosity is the most essential quality for a quizzer. A fantastic memory and
instant recall help. And for Mastermind at least, the choice of specialist subject
is critical. In this year’s event, Janardhana took an unassailable lead in the
specialist round itself.

1. The Mastermind quiz is called a ‘battle of minds’ because _________

(a) it is a duel of wits
(b) the participants are the most intelligent persons
(c) the participants face a shower of questions
(d) the mind is on the anvil
2. The participants in the quiz seem ‘masterminds’ because__________
(a) they seem to know so little
(b) they have very polished manner
(c) they show lot of self confidence
(d) they seem to know so much
3. Ramanand Janardhana won as……………………….
(a) he had mastery over the specialist topic
(b) he had gone through the quiz columns in magazines
(c) he had chinks in his memory/recall
(d) he knew all the often repeated questions asked by quizmasters
4. The studious quizzers are called ‘solid’ quizzers because___________
(a) they prepare by studying
(b) they know the obvious
(c) they know the expected questions
(d) All of the above
5. The quality most essential for a quizzer is……………………….
(a) love of learning
(b) mathematical accuracy
(c) curiosity to know
(d) comprehensive learning
6. The word ‘mercenaries’ in para 7 means.………………………
(a) those who seek mercy
(b) those who work on machines
(c) those who are lively and quick
(d) those who fight for money

7. What is the ‘literary highlight of the fests’?

(a) Mercenaries (b) Quizzing (c) Professionalism (d) Thrill

8. What kind of people don’t enjoy the test of recall?

(a) Who have got lots of money (b) Who watch television

(c) Who read newspapers (d) Who have curiosity to know

9. Find the words which mean the same as (from the passage)
a) torrent b) committed
10. Find the words which mean the opposite as (from the passage)
a) aroma b) vague

2. You are Aditi / Aditya Solanki, the manager of Shakti public School, Nehru Nagar,
Delhi. Write a letter to Jindal Furniture place an order for some pieces of
furniture for the school. 5

3. Your school is going to celebrate Annual Day. Draft an invitation for the same.
Invent all the required details. 3

4. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs: 3

I (a) _______ (park) my car at a place where there was a ‘No Parking’ sign and
(b)________( run) to buy some flowers. When I (c) _________(return) a few minutes
later I (d) ______(find) that the car was not there any more. Somebody
(e)_______(inform) me that it (f)_____( tow) away by the police.

5. Reorder the words or phrases given below to make meaningful sentences 3

a) India/ honoured /an / in/ occupy / Rajputs / place / the / the /of /history

b) were / patriotic / proud / and / to / the / they / core

c) to / they / down/ honour / lives / would / their / uphold / their / lay

6. There is an error in each of the following lines. Find the error and write the correct
word also 2
a) It is said that anyone lives by
b) sell something or the other. In the light of
c) this statement , teachers live off selling
d) knowledge, philosophers by selling wise
and priests by selling spiritual comforts.


7. Read the extract and answer the following questions- 4

Now she’s been dead nearly as many years
that girl lived. And of this circumstance
There is nothing to say at all.
Its silence silences.
a. How long has the poet’s mother been dead? 1
b. What is the meaning of the word “circumstance‟ in the poem? 1
c. What do you mean by ‘silence silences’? Explain the poetic device used. 2

8. Answer the following questions in 40-50 words- 6

a. How does the rain benefit the Earth?
b. Why did Khushwant Singh say that the thought of his grandmother being young
and pretty was almost revolving?
c. Explain the line-
------both wry with the labored ease of loss
9. What is the difference between village school education and urban school
education brought by the lesson? 4

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