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Jln. Siswa No. 1 Mulyoharjo, Kec. Moilong, Kab. Banggai, Prop. Sul-Teng E-Mail : [email protected] NPSN : 40201650


KELAS : VIII (Delapan)
WAKTU : 90 Menit

Choose the correct answer and cross (X) A, B, C, or D, at your answer sheet!

1. Mr. Heri : Attention, please!

Arif : Yes, sir.
The underline word is an expression of...
a. asking opinion c. responding attention
b. giving opinion d. getting attention
2. Mrs Rina : May I have your attention, please?
Students : ...
The best response to complete dialogue above is...
a. Ye, Ma’am b. Yes, Sir c. Thank You d. Yes, Mom
3. The expression of asking attention is.......
a. I know b. Good c. Excuse me d. I don’t know
4. Alex : What do you think about the film?
Bram : I think .....
Complete the dialogue above...
a. I like it b. Excuse me c. Thank you d. I am sorry
5. Rani : Your handwriting is clear and beautiful, Edo.
Edo : Thanks.
The synonym of “beautiful” is …
a. Bad b. Broke c. Love d. pretty
6. To appreciate something, we can say….
a. Excellent b. Poorly c. I don’t think so d. Very bad
7. Dayu : Siti, do you understand the story?
Siti : Yes, I do.
The Siti’s response means …
a. Agreement c. Understanding
b. Disagreement d. Dislike
8. Mr. Gary : Do you know what I mean?
The expression above means that …
a. asking for understanding c. giving understanding
b. telling understanding d. respond understanding
9. Mika : He is a diligent student. Do you think so?
Mita : Yes, …. is. He is diligent and smart too.
a. she b. you c. they d. He
10. “I don’t think so, It’s nice”. This is the expression of…
a. disagreement c. like
b. agreement d. Dislike

11. Afgan and Rossa is a singer. They ……… a song.

a. They can eat b. They can drink c. They can sing d. They can speak

12. Edo : Siti, I think you can ask me the question in English.
Siti : I’m not Sure, but I …. try
a. will b. will not c. can not d. Willn”t
13. “Mita bisa membaca koran”, the English of this sentence is
a. He can read a book c. He can read newspaper
b. She can read a book d. She can read newspaper
14. Jojo : Can you write a letter?
Mikha : Yes,…
a. I can b. I do c. You can d. You do
15. Please arrange the following words into a good negative sentence!
Can – Read – She – a – Not – Book.
1 2 3 4 5 6
a. 3 – 1 – 4 – 2 – 5 – 6 c. 3 – 1 – 5 – 2 – 4 – 6
b. 3 – 1 – 6 – 2 – 5 – 4 d. 3 – 1 – 5 – 4 – 2 – 6
16. Alpa : Betty, will they go to the party?
Betty : No, …. . It’s rainy today.
a. they will not c. they will
b. they don’t d. they do
17. Teacher : This classroom is dirty. ……..?
Student : Of course, I can .
a. Can we clean it c. Can she clean it
b. Can they clean it d. Can you clean it
18. Please arrange the following words into a good sentence!
will – eat – we – rice – morning – this.
1 2 3 4 5 6
a. 3 – 1 – 2 – 4 – 6 – 5 c. 3 – 1 – 2 – 4 – 5 – 6
b. 3 – 1 – 4 – 2 – 6 – 5 d. 3 – 4 – 2 – 1 – 5 – 6
19. “Rizki akan memasak nasi”. The English of this sentence is ….
a. She will cook rice c. He will cook rice
b. She will not cook rice d. He will not cook rice
20. Lucky, Ana, and I will study English. The Interrogative sentence is….
a. Will we study English? c. Will they study English?
b. Will you and I study English? d. Will they study English together?
21. We can give suggestions by saying, except…
a. I recommend you to c. You should
b. I suggest you to d. Congratulation
22. You should greet me in English. This sentence is the expression of…
a. Giving suggestion c. Asking attention
b. Giving attention d. Giving obligation
23. You Should listen to more English songs. The negative sentence is…
a. You not should listen to more English songs
b. You don’t should listen to more English songs
c. You should not listen to more English songs
d. You should listen not to more English songs
24. You must put the garbage in the garbage bin. This sentence is the expression of…
a. Giving obligation c. Giving suggestion
b. Asking attention d. Asking suggestion

The sentence below for question number 25 and 26.

We must keep our classroom clean and tidy.

25. The negative sentence of the sentence above is…

a. We must keep not our classroom clean and tidy
b. We must don’t keep our classroom clean and tidy
c. We not must keep our classroom clean and tidy
d. We must not keep our classroom clean and tidy
26. The antonym of “clean” is …
a. Dirty b. Neat c. Pretty d. Clear

27. We have 2 tests tomorrow, English and IPS. The suitable suggestion is….
a. You should go to the cafeteria c. You should study for the tests
b. You should eat noodle d. You should take a nap
28. We must wear a uniform every day. In Bahasa, the meaning is…
a. Kami harus memakai seragam setiap hari.
b. Kami tidak boleh memakai seragam setiap hari.
c. Mereka harus memakai seragam setiap hari.
d. Kami harus memakai baju setiap hari.
29. Situation: Tom looks very hungry. What’s your suggestion to him?
a. What if you go for a walk? c. I think you ought to get some rest
b. You should study harder d. You should eat rice
30. You……. eat in the library. The suitable obligation is….
a. must not b. will c. may d. must
31. To invite someone, we can say…
a. I know you b. I recommend youc. I invite you to come d. I suggest you

The invitation below for question number 32-33!

Dear Samanta,
We invite you to attend our meeting that will be held:
On Saturday, August 8,2018
At 01.30 p.m. – 02.30 p.m.
In the school hall
Agenda: Final preparation for the 2018 PENSI competition on Monday, August 10,2018.
Please come on time, see your there.


Chair Person

32. The competition will be held on?

a. On Monday, August 10,2018 c. On Friday, June 8,2018
b. On Saturday, August 8,2017 d. On Saturday, June 8,2018
33. Based on the invitation above, we know that….
a. Samanta is a sender c. Fathur is a receiver
b. the chair person is Samanta d. The receiver is Samanta
34. Udin, let’s go out for some fresh air. This is the expression of…
a. Giving instruction c. Permission
b. Asking suggestion d. Obligation
35. Today is Sunday, tomorrow is….
a. Thursday b. Saturday c. Monday d. Wednesday
36. Dayu: May I wear your jacket please?
Beni: …… I have two jackets. I hope it is not too big for you.
The correct response is ….
a. Sure b. I am sorry c. Pardon d. I can’t
37. These are not the generic structures of invitation ….
a. Receiver b. Place c. Sender d. Gift

The text below for questions number 38-40!

Dear Fahmi,
When your name is called as the best student please step forward-for high five!
You are the best. Congratulations!

Uncle Andre

38. From the text we know that Fahmi…

a. is the best student at school
b. get a medal for the best student
c. graduates from high school
d. got five for his test
39. 2. “…when your name is called as the best….” The word “your” refers to….
a. Student
b. Uncle Andre
c. Fahmi
d. Uncle Fahmi
40. The greeting card above is about ….
a. Congratulation card b. Birthday card c. Thanking card d. Graduation card

--------------- GoodLuck ---------------

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