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Chapter 9.

Electromagnetic Waves
9.3 Electromagnetic waves in Matter
9.3.1 Propagation in Linear Media

In linear and homogeneous media with no free charge and no free current,

B E
E  0 B  0 E  -   B  
t t

(For most materials,  is very close to 0)

Boundary conditions

I  Saverage  S
9.3.2 Reflection and Transmission at Normal Incidence
Incident wave
Suppose xy plane forms the boundary
between two linear media.

A plane wave of frequency ω is

traveling in the z direction (from left),
polarized along x direction (TE polarization). Transmitted wave

Reflected wave

Incident wave
 
E I ( z , t )  E0 I exp  i  k1 z  t   x
 
B I ( z , t )  E0 I exp  i  k1 z  t   y
Transmitted wave
v1  
E T ( z , t )  E0T exp  i  k2 z  t   x
Reflected wave  
BT ( z, t )  E0T exp  i  k2 z  t   y
 
E R ( z , t )  E0 R exp  i  k1 z  t   x v2
 
B R ( z , t )   E0 R exp  i  k1 z  t   y
Reflection and Transmission at Normal Incidence

At z = 0,

The real amplitudes are related by

9.3.3 Reflection and Transmission at Oblique Incidence
All three waves have the same frequency .
Transmitted wave
The incident, reflected, and transmitted wave
vectors form a plane (called the plane of incidence),

Because the boundary conditions must hold

at all points on the plane, and for all times,
the exponential factors must be equal at z = 0 plane.

Incident wave
 Phase Matching Condition

Reflected wave if y = 0

Transmitted wave

(Snell's law)
Phase Matching

 Phase Matching Condition

Problem 9.16 Suppose for some nonzero constants A, B, C, a, b, c, and for all x.
Prove that a = b = c and A + B = C.
Fresnel’s Equations

Suppose that the polarization of the incident wave is parallel to the plane of incidence – Transverse Magnetic (TM) polarization

(Boundary Conditions)

(0 = 0) since no z-component,

(i) & (iii) 

(iv) 

Fresnel’s Equations
Fresnel’s Equations (TM polarization: B is perpendicular to the plane of incidence)

(For TM polarization)

 The transmitted wave is always in phase with the incident one

 The reflected wave is in phase ("right side up"), if  > ,
 The reflected wave is 180o out of phase ("upside down") if  < 

The amplitudes of the transmitted and reflected waves depend on the angle of incidence.

 because  is a function of I :

Interestingly, there is all intermediate angle, B (called Brewster's angle)

The reflected wave is completely extinguished when  = :

 For the typical case

Fresnel’s Equations (TE polarization: E is perpendicular to the plane of incidence)

Problem 9.16 Analyze the case of polarization perpendicular to the plane of incidence (i.e. electric fields in the y direction)

(For TE polarization)

 The transmitted wave is always in phase with the incident one.

 The reflected wave is in phase ("right side up"), if  < 1,
 The reflected wave is 180o out of phase ("upside down") if  > 1

Is there a Brewster’s angle for TE polarization?

 E0R = 0 would mean that  = 1,

No Brewster angle

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