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Muhammad Rafi Shalahuddin

22020154059 (A. Writing [B])

1. Write annotated bibliography of six articles mentioned above.

(Bucholtz & Hall, 2005)

In this article Mary Bucholtz and Kira Hall examine the analysis of identity as produced in linguistic
interaction, there are 5 principles identities that Bucholtz and Hall provided. The authors use
research in several fields that has informed the authors view of identity. The authors also drawn on a
number different social theories that are especially relevant to an understanding of the
intersubjective construction of identity within local interactional context. Their research focuses on
the analysis of identity as constituted in linguistic interaction. The journal is useful to my mid-term
task especially my topic to finished the task as soon as possible. The limitation of this journal not
included or not found. The 5 principles proposed here – Emergence, positionality, indexicality,
relationality and partialness are representing the varied ways in which different kinds of scholars
currently. This article maybe helps me to finished my assignment.

(Tan et al., 2023).

This article is talking about Skopos theory that conducted on machine translation and human
translation in dictionary. The authors make a hypothesizes that combining the 3 rules of Skopos
theory and priciples of example translations, evaluation criteria applicable to example translation
could be found. Method, they use is qualitative and qualitative method that make a methods like
features of the source text, competence of HT and MT software and the research procedure. Their
research is focusing the Skopos theory, development and example of that theory. This journal is
useful to my assignment to completed my work. The limitation lies in that the previous studies on
Skopos theory are already a lot, so there are not much room left fir the author to conduct further
study on this theory. The author is applying the Skopos theory in machine translation. This article has
given me some insight that theory they want use is well.

(Ivanova-Gongne et al., 2023)

In this article the author is talking about intercultural business is receive limit scholarly attention in
business-to-business marketing research, with language and culture particularly being large neglect
topics despite the literature nothing of importance in B2B marketing. Aim how manager make sense
of the role of language in intercultural business interaction, also using a qualitative method approach
is appropriate for an exploratory study, such as the present one. Focusses on a complex cultural and
linguistic background of today’s manager. This journal is useful to my assignment to completed my
work. The main limitation is qualitative study set in a particular intercultural context does not aim at
any statistical generalisation. The conclusion is finding uncover a range of challenge related to
language and power that SME owner-manager can experience during intercultural interaction in B2B.
this article maybe can develop my manner in business especially in B2B.

(Multiple Discourse Analyses of a Workplace Interaction 1, 2003)

In this article the authors are talking about multiple discourse in workplace interaction. This article
explores the contribution that 5 different approaches to discourse analysis that make to interpreting
and understanding the same piece of data. Method, they use is using tape-recorded data as part of
the Language in the workplace project at Victoria University with 9 minutes. Their focuses on
approach discourse analysis that make to interpreting and understanding of data. Conversation
analysis, interactional sociolinguistic and politeness theory. This journal is useful to my assignment to
completed my work. The limitation in this journal is not found. The conclusion is each approach
therefore provides a slightly different lens with which to examine the same interaction, highlighting
different aspect or dimensions of its key feature. This journal can up my knowledge more about the

(Gales, 2011)

In this article the authors talking about threatening language from scholarly and practitioner
communities of practice reflect a genre replete with stances of violence and threatener control,
wherein authorial intent is more strongly attributed to threats possessing characteristics that
strengthen a threatener’s role in or commitment to the act. The author using the resources of
appraisal analysis, this article aims to examines the ways in which interpersonal stances, or a speaker
or writer’s commitment to or attitudes about a person or proposition, are manifested and function in
a realized threat of violence. Their research focus to reveals that threateners use myriad rhetorical
strategies to convey interpersonal meaning and take stances that both strengthen and weaken their
apparent level of commitment, thus contradicting the one-sidedness of threatening language
ideologies and demonstrating the need for further research on stance taking in threatening
discourse. This journal is useful to my assignment to completed my work. The limitation is not found
in this journal. The conclusion is stances identified through this discourse analysis address 2 larger
issues – one methodological and one ideological. This article maybe can help me to improve my
knowledge more.

(Sage, n.d.)

In this article is talking about relationship between resistance and discourse that resistance do occur
through social/political, organizational or educational discourse. This article aim how Social Media
Networks have been used in recent time to champion social protests and resistance againt
oppression and political abuse. The research method based sociolinguistic-based Critical Discourse
Analysis (CDA). The research focuses on investigate how sociolinguistic issues such as virtual
community, identity, language variations and social interaction. This journal is useful to my
assignment to completed my work. The limitation in this journal is not found. The conclusion is the
increasing rate of social media use in Nigeria. This article maybe can help me to improve my
knowledge more.

2. Select 3 (keywords) of each article, and clarify them with a citation.

 Agency, ideology and sociocultural linguistics (Bucholtz & Hall, 2005)
 Dictionary translation, machine translation, and human translation (Tan et al., 2023)
 Language, context, SMEs (Ivanova-Gongne et al., 2023)
 Conversation analysis, discourse analysis, workplace interaction
(Multiple Discourse Analyses of a Workplace Interaction 1, 2003)
 Appraisal analysis, language ideologies, systematic functional linguistics (Gales, 2011)
 Resistance, social media networks, identity (Sage, n.d.)

3. Select two articles mentioned above and write a citation combining two sources

(Bucholtz & Hall, 2005; Multiple Discourse Analyses of a Workplace Interaction 1, 2003)

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