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Winsor Plc Operating budgets for Nov. and Dec.

-full solution notes

Column1 Sept. October November December January Solution Notes Column2

Sales 48000 60000 80000 36000 info. 2

Cost of sales 33600 42000 56000 25200 info. 2&3 70%*sales

closing stock 30000+33600=63600 30000+42000=72000 30000+56000=86000 30,000+25200=55200 info.5 30,000 (safety stock)+next month COS

opening stock 63600 72000 86000 55200

Opening+ Purchasing-COS=Closing
puchasing 72000-63600+33600=42000 86000-72000+42000=56000 55200+56000-86000=25200 Purchasing=Closing-opening+COS

Gross profit 14400 18000 24000 10800 30%*sales


cash expenses 11520 14400 19200 8640 info. 6 24%*sales

depreciation 750 750 750 750 info.7

12270 15150 19950 9390

interest/non-operating income
interest -239 -240 cash budget December=as Nov

other income 2%*56000=1120 2%*25200=504 info.4 2%*purchaing budget

net profit 3731 4314

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