Group 6 Questions

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It is the instructor’s road map of what students need to learn and how it will be done
effectively during the class time.

a. Daily Lesson Plan

b. Lesson Plan
c. Detailed Lesson Plan
d. Whole Unit Lesson Plan

2. It is a type of lesson plan where everything and get teachers fully prepared and
for the lesson ahead.

a. Detailed Lesson Plan

b. Weekly Lesson Plan
c. Unit Lesson Plan
d. Brief Lesson Plan

3. It is concerned with how a student controls or moves his body

a. Objective
b. Cognitive
c. Psychomotor
d. Affective

4. This is a type of Lesson Plan that is less intricate than detailed, but they still focus on
what you want to cover for the subject on that day.

a. Brief Lesson Plan

b. Detailed Lesson Plan
c. Grade-Specific Lesson Plan
d. Semi- Detailed Lesson Plan

5. It focuses on the end of the lesson and states what skills you want your students to
learned or what knowledge you want them to have acquired when the lesson is

a. Objectives
b. Review
c. Drill
d. Motivation
e. Presentation of the lesson

Answer Key:

1. B
2. A
3. C
4. D
5. A


1. Which of the following is not included in the learning content part?

a. Topic
b. Reference
c. Materials
d. Drill

Answer: D

2. It refers to any additional materials, resources, or sources of information that support the
teaching and learning objectives outlined in the plan.

a. Reference
b. Materials
c. Values
d. Topic

Answer: A

3. It is a channel of values development through the teaching-learning activities in the

different learning areas.

a. Reference
b. Materials
c. Values
d. Topic

Answer: C.
4. Acts as the backbone of any learning experience
a. . Objectives
b. Learning content
c. Procedure
d. Lesson proper

Answer: B.

5. Helps students transfer knowledge and skills to real-life situations.

a. Application
b. Assignment
c. Procedure
d. Evaluation

Answer: A


MULTIPLE CHOICE: Read and encircle the correct answer.

1. It is the willingness and desire of a student to learn that keeps children going,
even when they face barriers or challenges.
A. Assignment B. Evaluation. C. Circle Time. D. Motivation

2. This is where the teacher introduces the topic and the key subject matter the
students need to master?
A. Discussion B. Evaluation C. Presentation of the Topic D. Motivation

3. A teaching strategy that goes beyond the basic provision of knowledge

characteristic of lectures.
A. Evaluation B. Discussion. C. Motivation D. Generalization

4. It allows the learner to utilize what theylearned during sessions and put it
into practice in their natural environment.
A. Generalization. B. Evaluation. C. Discussion D. Motivation

5. It is a piece of work or task that provides opportunities for students to learn,

practice and demonstrate they have achieved the learning goals.
A. Assignment. B. Evaluation C. Circle Time D. Motivation

Answer Key:
1. D.
2. C.
3. B.
4. A.
5. A.


1. What part of the lesson plan is Procedure?

a. Part I
b. Part II
c. Part III
d. Part IV

2. What are the preliminary activities in the lesson plan?

a. Greetings, Attendance, Classroom rules, Drill, Review

b. Motivation, Presentation of the Lesson, Discussion, Generalization
c. Application, Evaluation, Assignment
d. None of the above

3. What classroom technique is used to aid memorisation by way of spaced repetition or

repetitive practice?

a Review
b. Drill
c. Motivation
d. Application

4. What part of the lesson plan is the presentation of information relating to previously learned
material and/or experiences to the lesson you are about to teach?

a. Drill
b. Review
c. Evaluation
d. Presentation of the lesson

5. This part of the lesson plan outlines the expectations for students.

a. Attendance
b. Assignment
c. Generalization
d. Classroom rules

Answer Key:

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