Student Handbook 2024

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Student Handbook

Term and School Holiday Dates2024........... 4 Bicycles...................................................... 14
Bell Times ..................................................... 4 Cars............................................................ 14
College Contacts .......................................... 4 Bus Routes................................................. 15
Welcome........................................................ 5 Digital Technologies...................................... 16
Connection And Belonging .......................... 7 Mobile Phone Policy...................................... 18
Curriculum Programs.................................... 9 Uniform Policy............................................... 20
Library Resource Centre............................... 10 Uniform Details.............................................. 22
College Procedures....................................... 11 School-Wide Positive Behaviour Support .. 26
Parent & Student Portal (Compass).......... 11 Classroom Expectations And Procedures.... 27
Attendance................................................ 11 Extra-Curricular Activities............................. 30
Assessment............................................... 11 Camps And Excursions............................. 30
College News............................................... 12 Annual School Production........................ 30
Books......................................................... 12 Sport.......................................................... 30
First Aid/Illness.......................................... 12 Instrumental Music.................................... 30
Policies....................................................... 12 Basketball Program................................... 30
Student Support........................................ 12 Student Leadership....................................... 31
Homework..................................................... 12 SRC............................................................ 31
Progress & GPA............................................. 13 Class Captains........................................... 31
Canteen.......................................................... 13 Multipride.................................................. 31
Lockers........................................................... 13 Teach The Teacher.................................... 31
Grounds ........................................................ 13 College Map................................................... 32
Marrung Program.......................................... 13
Transport........................................................ 14
Buses/Trains.............................................. 14

3 Learning, Community, Contribution, Care



29 January (Teachers start) to 28 Holiday Date in 2024
Term One
Labour Day Monday March 11
Term Two 15 April to 28 June
Anzac Day Thursday 25 April
Term Three 15 July to 20 September
King’s Birthday Monday 10 June
Term Four 7 October to 20 December
Melbourne Cup Tuesday 5 November



Preparation Bell (5 mins) 8.50 am 8.50 am

Period 1 8.55 am - 9.55 am 8.55 am - 9.50 am

Period 2 9.55 am - 10.55 am 9.50 am - 10.45 am

Recess 10.55 am - 11.20 am 10.45 am 11.05 am

Preparation Bell (5 mins) 11.15 am 11.00 am

Period 3 11.20 am - 12.20 pm 11.05 am - 12.00 pm

Period 4 12.20 pm - 1.20 pm 12.00 pm - 12.55 pm

Lunch (40 mins) 1.20 pm - 2.00 pm 12.55 pm - 1.35 pm

Preparation Bell (5 mins) 1.55 pm 1.30 pm

Period 5 2.00 pm - 3.00 pm 1.35 pm - 2.30 pm

Address Telephone 03 5996 3544

Stawell Street Website

Cranbourne, 3977
E-Mail [email protected]

4 Learning, Community, Contribution, Care

At Cranbourne Secondary College we are a respectful, responsible, learning community.

Commencing secondary school is an exciting time In a safe and secure learning environment we
for students and their families. It is a time where encourage students to achieve their personal best and
students are working towards greater independence to respect the needs, feelings and opinions of others.
and responsibility, while beginning to explore future We are a school that recognises student effort and
pathways. At Cranbourne Secondary College we acknowledges and celebrates student achievement
provide a dynamic learning environment that stresses and success.
the importance of community and relationships.
Our College’s approach is to gradually broaden the
We strongly believe in the provision of a positive boundaries of choice and responsibility as young
environment with high expectations of behaviour and people grow older. This takes place in an atmosphere
effort in student learning. of respect, trust, and cooperation.

We encourage excellence through academic and

experienced based learning. The College provides
students with a broad array of academic and personal
skills with which to launch into adult life with confidence
and optimism.

David Caughey
College Principal

Enrolment Handbook
Enrolment Handbook 55


• Provide a sequential, comprehensive • Develop and maintain a safe and harmonious
curriculum program for all students following working environment for all members of the
the Victorian Curriculum F-10 framework school community, in which respect for self,
covering, The Arts, English, The Humanities, property and the rights of others is promoted.
Health and Physical Education, Language
Other Than English, Mathematics and Science. • Ensure that the school’s leadership and
management practices are effective and
• Build students’ self esteem and encourage consultative, involving students, parents, staff,
the development of their personal, school council and the wider school community.
social and resilience skills, so they can
become active participants in society. • Develop and maintain effective assessment
procedures to monitor and report on student
• Encourage personal excellence and prepare achievement in each of the Domains.
students for a wide range of post school options
such as employment, TAFE, and university courses.

6 Learning, Community, Contribution, Care

At Cranbourne Secondary College we are a respectful, responsible, learning community.


Year 7 - 9 Engagement Curriculum Program Year 10 - 12 Senior Transitions into Education
Program (STEP)
Within the Junior School, every student is allocated an
Engagement Curriculum Teacher. Three periods per Students are supported in their transition into the
teaching cycle (a fortnight) are allocated for students Senior School through a structured transition program.
to meet with their Engagement Curriculum Teachers This program assists students in making informed
to work on various elements that are instrumental in decisions regarding subject selection through career
learning how to learn, building positive relationships, advice, aligning subject offerings to senior curriculum
developing resilient young people with a strong sense offerings and an ability to specialise in areas of interest.
of belonging and connectedness and ensuring the total
wellbeing of each individual. The transition program also includes:
• Transition days for students to experience senior
Students have significant contact time with their subjects
Engagement Curriculum Teachers where teachers • A senior school induction program
are able to collect appropriate academic data and • Parent information evenings
background information. Engagement Curriculum • Talks from current senior students and past
teachers get to know and understand each student alumni
in their class, enabling them to put in place strategies
and a differentiated curriculum to best suit the needs All senior school students at the College undertake
of each individual. This secure environment fosters STEP as a core subject.
positive social, emotional and academic outcomes. The STEP program includes proactive programs,
pathway programs, study skills, and other programs
Engagement Curriculum teachers are more aware as required.
of any special needs that their students may have.
Engagement Curriculum teachers are therefore able Students also participate in careers education,
to provide effective support to ensure the safety and research and planning, learning to use a range of tools
wellbeing of each student. The Engagement Curriculum to find out about future pathways and develop a Career
Program is most effective when teachers and parents Action Plan.
act in strong partnerships. Parents are regularly
contacted to inform them of their child’s progress.
Also, parents/guardians are continuously encouraged
to contact their child’s Engagement Curriculum Teacher
should they have any queries or concerns.

Enrolment Handbook 7

8 Learning, Community, Contribution, Care

At Cranbourne Secondary College we are a respectful, responsible, learning community.

Teaching And Learning Junior Years (7-9)
Teaching and learning at Cranbourne Secondary College Years 7 and 8
is supported by our agreed Instructional Model which all Students undertake a complete course of studies which
teachers use in every class. This ensures a consistency covers all domain areas, as prescribed by the Victorian
of practice across every classroom and helps to maintain Curriculum. This allows students to experience all subject
high teaching standards. offerings at the College before making elective choices
in Year 9.
All teachers are committed to a process of collegial
professional learning, delivery of consistent, quality teaching, Year 9
and a curriculum that is both interesting and engaging Students continue to follow the Victorian Curriculum
for students and encourages them to be curious and ask while also contemplating their future pathways. With
questions. Teachers at Cranbourne Secondary College access to numerous electives, students can refine their
actively differentiate curriculum for students to enhance interests and experiment with subjects, making more
student’s learning outcomes. informed choices in their senior years. Year 9 students
also participate in the Connect Program, designed to
Transition Programs nurture collaboration skills, independence, confidence,
The College provides transition programs for Year 7 entry- critical thinking, and empathy.
level students, those joining in later years, and for all students
as they progress from junior to senior levels. This includes Subjects Offered
orientation visits and taster days, and the aim is to ensure
that the secondary school experience of all students is YEAR 7
supported and positive. • English/English Language/EAL
• Mathematics
• Science
Literacy And Numeracy Support • Humanities
Literacy and numeracy are the foundations of a solid • Health & Physical Education
education and support the development of key skills. • Language - German
Individual Learning Programs (IPLs), tutoring and • Music
specialised instruction are provided for students with • Art
identified needs and on the basis of ongoing assessment • STEAM
of academic performance • IT
• Discovery

Academic Excellence Program YEAR 8

All enrolments are invited to apply to take part in the • English/English Language/EAL
Academic Excellence Program where students experience • Mathematics
deep learning in an environment that extends, challenges, • Science
and unlocks their full potential. • Humanities
• Health & Physical Education
• Visual Communication Design
Accelerated Subject Program • Language - German
All year 9 students are invited to apply to study a VCE or • Drama
VET subject in year 10. Student selection will be based • Food Technology
on prior academic performance and demonstration of • IT
our college values. • Explore

• English/EAL
• Mathematics
• Science
• Humanities
• Health & Physical Education
• Year 9 Electives
• Connect

Enrolment Handbook 9


The Cranbourne Secondary College Library is an integral Students can also access popular Fiction in ebook format,
component of the college. It focuses on and compliments on their netbooks, through Wheelers elibrary, both at
the educational program of the college and supports to school and at home.
connect the school community.
Library staff are always happy to provide assistance and
advice regarding research using our cloud based Infiniti
The friendly, experienced library staff encourage all
software system that integrates educational websites,
students to make full use of the Library Reading Area
ClickView Video Library and the extensive book collection.
which has colourful displays of current teenage fiction and
an extensive and popular series section. Student requests Lunchtimes are very popular with students enjoying a
and recommendations are valued and our collection variety of card and board games and lunchtime clubs.
includes Manga, Graphic Novels and Quick Reads as well Students also enjoy quiet social time and sharing the
as favourites from popular authors and recent releases. latest computer games.

10 Learning, Community, Contribution, Care

At Cranbourne Secondary College we are a respectful, responsible, learning community.

Parent & Student Portal (Compass) The College follows a strict attendance guideline:
Cranbourne Secondary College uses ‘Compass’, a Students who arrive late to school
student learning and management system. The program • Students are expected to provide a note when signing
allows you as a parent / guardian to receive up to date in at the front office.
communications about your child’s education. • Parents may contact the College on 5996 3544 to
alert the Attendance Officer of a child’s lateness.
Compass includes many different features, including This can also be done via Compass.
the ability to:
• Monitor your child’s attendance, and enter an Students leaving early from school
explanation for absence or lateness • Students are expected to provide the Year Level
• Communicate with your child’s teachers, and update Engagement Coordinator with a note from a parent
your family contact details explaining the reason for leaving the College early.
• Monitor your child’s homework and assessment tasks The teacher will issue the student with an Early
• Download and view your child’s academic reports Leavers Pass
• Book Student Parent Teacher conferences • The student notifies their timetabled teacher by
• Pay and provide consent for events and contributions. showing the pass and proceeds to the General Office.
Compass has a mobile app available in the app store
which you can download at no cost (that will also allow Students who are absent for a day or longer from school
you access through your mobile device) - Search for • Parents may contact the College on 5996 3544 to
‘Compass School Manager’ in the store. alert the Attendance Officer of a child’s absence.
This can also be done via Compass.
To log in, you will require your unique family username • For students who may be away for more than three
and password. These details will be provided to you by days, parents/guardian will need to provide a medical
the College. certificate to indicate the absence from the College.
• Absences of longer than 3 days will require an
Your child will be provided with their own username and Absence Learning Plan to be developed to help
password to allow them access to learning tasks and ensure that the student does not fall too far behind
information about their education. upon arrival back at the College.
• Parents/ Guardians who plan to take holidays during
Attendance the term are expected to contact the Pastoral Care
Attendance is seen as a critical factor in the successful teacher in writing to indicate the absence dates and
fostering of the college values Pride, Respect, Integrity, collect the Absence Learning Plan.
Commitment and Enthusiasm. It is through these
values that students will maximize their educational Reminder: contact the College on 5996 3544 or via
opportunities at this College. Students at Cranbourne Compass to alert the Attendance Officer of a child’s
Secondary College are expected to attend school, on lateness or absence.
time, every day that the school program is running,
subject to genuine illness or injury. Assessment
Teachers use a variety of techniques for assessing
Students who have been absent are required to provide a student achievement and progress. These include
note to the office explaining the reason for their absence class tests, folios, projects, homework, assessment
as the Department of Education and Early Childhood tasks, assignments, essays, oral presentations and
Development requires the College to retain attendance examinations. All results are recorded and used to
records for a number of years. determine whether the student has satisfactorily
completed each subject.
When a student is absent parents/carers are required to
notify the college as per the guidelines of the Department Students in Year 7-10 are to complete Common
of Education and Early Childhood Development. Ideally, Assessment Tasks that are set by every teacher each
this notification is made prior to 9am on the morning of term. Parents are able to view the work their children
the absence via Compass. have set via Compass.

Enrolment Handbook 11

College News • Class work revision

The College displays all news and events on multiple • Read of a book
electronic outlets to maximise the ability for all students • Completion of work that is due at a later date
and families to access the content. The College maintains • Preparation for class the next day (see homework
the website with a regular news feed, as well as pushing tasks listed below).
news items daily to Social Media accounts.
We post frequent updates on our Social Media pages An organised home study routine will ensure your child has every opportunity to achieve success throughout secondary schooling. As the demands increase students
should have the ability to adapt quite easily, should they
have a sound work ethic and study routine.
The College website is
Expected Homework tasks include:
• Completion of class work, skills practice and
Texts and stationery required for all courses are listed in
Assessment Tasks,
book lists by year level available at the school office or
• Diagnostic, remediation, enrichment and
on the College website. All students in all classes have
consolidation exercises;
the responsibility of being ready to learn. This means
• Reading, study and research;
having all the required books and stationery.
• Collection of resources and constructing models;
First Aid/Illness • Correction, improvement and organisation of earlier
Students who become ill at the College should report work,
to the General Office. A medical form is required to be • Preparation for oral performance presentations;
filled in by parents at enrolment. Parents are asked to • Revision and preparation for tests and examinations.
keep this record up-to-date by informing the College of
any significant injuries or illnesses which occur. Homework is assigned in each subject on a regular basis.
Any student who is taking medication should report to Time spent on homework is dependent on the age of
the General Office and leave the medication in the care the student and the academic demands of the year level.
of the General Office. Students in junior year levels will not be expected to
complete as much self directed study as senior students.
All school relevant school policies can be found on our Parents should encourage such activities as reading,
website. viewing current affairs television programs and revision
Alternatively, parents may request a hard copy of policies when set homework is light.
from the front office.
On occasions when legitimate reasons prevent students
Student Support from completing homework, a written explanation from
The Wellbeing Team at Cranbourne Secondary College parents is required.
adopts a holistic model of health and wellbeing that
focuses on the physical, mental, emotional and social Homework Club
functioning of students. The College will support your child’s development
of good homework skills via a Homework Club
Referrals to the Wellbeing Team are accepted from (Study On) which operates in the College library four
various sources including student self-referrals, parents afternoons a week after school.
and school staff.
The aim of Study On is to provide a quiet, supportive
HOMEWORK and welcoming place where students can receive
tuition and guidance, prepare for CATs and SACs, and
Regular meaningful homework is an important develop lifelong study skills.
aspect of the learning process and contributes to the This is a free service that is provided to Cranbourne
development of good work ethic and sound study habits. Secondary College students.
With appropriate time management, homework should
not adversely affect the participation of students in other
activities outside the College.

Your child should not inform you that “I don’t have

homework”, as there will be tasks, such as:

12 Learning, Community, Contribution, Care

At Cranbourne Secondary College we are a respectful, responsible, learning community.

PROGRESS REPORTS AND improve the grounds by installing more seating,

shaded areas and planting.

GRADE POINT AVERAGES Each year level has a designated area within the

(GPA) College. Each area is equipped with basketball courts,

active areas and passive areas. All designated areas
are supervised during lunch, recess, before school
Progress Reports are an opportunity for students to
from 8.30am and after school until 3.20pm.
celebrate and strengthen areas of growth and focus on
areas of learning that require additional development.
Progress Reports provide students and families with
up-to-date information about a student’s progress and
At Cranbourne Secondary College we have a focus on the
support students with a plan to bridge any short-term engagement and wellbeing of our Aboriginal and Torres
concerns or extend opportunities. Strait Islander students to enrich their time at school.

Progress report cycles occur approximately every five Our program offers opportunities for members of this
weeks and support students in taking responsibility and group to connect, participate and lead activities within
be accountable for their learning. Progress reports include the school which focus on their culture and background.
an overall grade point average, this allows students and
families to track their overall progress easily. Students will We aim to continue working in partnership so that
reflect on their progress reports at school and develop students, families, staff and the wider college community
achievable goals to improve their performance. The have a voice. The college has a dedicated staff member
achievement of meeting their goals provides students who organises events/activities and liaises with students
with positive reinforcement to their success. and their families.

The College Canteen is open throughout the school
day. Students are permitted to purchase healthy
snacks, and meals before school, during recess and
lunch. The canteen area is well designed providing
students with the opportunity to socialise around
small tables settings, whilst enjoying their lunch with

Enquiries about the Canteen price list and menu can be

made via

Lockers are allocated to all students within the College
and are situated in the designated areas for each year
level. Students will be provided with a combination lock
that must be used on their locker.
Students are reminded to keep their lockers clean,
well organised and locked at all times. Students are
encouraged not to store expensive/valuable items in
their lockers but rather take these to the General Office
for safe-keeping.

The College has been very involved in upgrading the
buildings and facilities around the College. The most
recent developments, equipping students with new
learning areas and facilities to access during breaks.
The College is continually seeking opportunities to

Enrolment Handbook 13

Buses/Trains Bicycles
There are several school buses available that drop Many students cycle to and from school. Students are
off and pick up from Brunt Street. These buses encouraged to ride along cycle paths and follow the road
service Cranbourne Secondary College and many rules by wearing the correct equipment to ensure health
neighboring schools. For information on the bus routes and safety regulations are followed.
please refer to the Cranbourne Transit website on When using City of Casey supervised crossings and upon
entry into the College students are not permitted to ride
Cranbourne Train Station is situated off Station Street and their bicycles, scooters and skateboards, as a safety
is in walking distance of the College. Students catching precaution to other students within school grounds. A
a train to and from school will need to look on locked enclosure is provided by the College however it for train times and schedules. is recommended that all students secure their items with
a padlock and chain.
All students under the age of 15 can travel at a concession
rate. Students over the age of 15 require a Victorian Cars
Public Transport Student Concession Card to travel at a Parents/Guardians who drive their children to the College
discounted rate. Application forms for Concession Cards are advised to follow the parking regulations along Stawell
are available from the General Office. Students need to Street and Codrington Street whilst dropping off students.
complete the forms, provide two signed photographs Dropping off and picking up students within the College
and have an official school stamp prior to forms being grounds are not permitted due to safety concerns.
taken to the Cranbourne Train Station.
Alternately, visit for more information. Please observe the 40km/h speed limit. Police and the
City of Casey regularly monitor speed and parking around
schools. Students should always enter and exit by the
allocated year level College gates and always observe
the City of Casey supervised crossings.

Any student may travel to or from the school using the bus service provided by Cardinia Transit, who act as an
agent for the Public Transport Corporation.


Download a copy of the following links to help work out your route to school:

Journey Planner -

Timetables -


Download a copy of the phone app compatible with your device:

iPhone -
Android -


Students will need to purchase a myki card from either a 7/11 store or a train station to be
able to travel on the buses and trains. Download the app today:

Order or top up -

14 Learning, Community, Contribution, Care

At Cranbourne Secondary College we are a respectful, responsible, learning community.

These routes are correct at the time of printing. Changes may occur as services are adjusted through the year.
Please view or download the PTV link on the previous page for up to date information.


Cranbourne Frankston Road Hampton Park (Somerville Rd & Stuart Avenue)
Karingal Hub Lynbrook
Quarry Road Thompson Road
Dandenong-Hastings Road Lyall Street (opposite Westpac)
Lyall Street (opposite Westpac)


Rosebank Drive & Narre Warren Road Browns & Craig Road
Waverley Park Drive & Huon Park Road Browns & Fiona Drive
Merinda Park Rail Station Madelyn Drive
Rangebank Primary School (opposite) Pearcedale Shops
Lyall Street (opposite Westpac) North Road & Craig Road
Craig Road & Finsbury Road
Craig Road & South Gippsland Highway
Cranbourne Park Shopping Centre


Hall Road & Dandenong - Hastings Road Craig Road / South Gippland Highway
Hall Road & McCormicks Road Craig Road & Finsbury Road
Ballarto Road & McCormicks Road Five Ways
Clyde Store
Cranbourne Park Shopping Centre


Cannons Creek Heatherton Road - Memorial Drive
Warneet Maramba Drive
Blind Bight Columbia Road
Tooradin Prospecthill Road
Five Ways Narre Warren/Cranbourne Road
Cranbourne Park Shopping Centre Fountain Gate Shopping Centre
Webb Street
Centre Road
Saxonwood Drive
Fleetwood Drive
Thompsons Road
Sth Gippland Highway
Arundel Street

Enrolment Handbook 15

DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES This allows students access to learning twenty four seven,
in the classroom and at home through our Compass
Portal and through the use of the DET Edustar package.
The use of technology helps develop each student’s
potential and ability to the fullest is strengthened by Warranty and Insurance is included by our college
the integration of digital technologies as educational suppliers. The supplier attends onsite for repair work
tools. Digital learning devices provide opportunities greatly simplifying the process for families. Technical
for the development of essential learning skills such as Assistance is provided for ICT trouble shooting with the
collaboration, communication, creativity, problem-solving school laptops. Netbooks and insurance can be paid on
and enhancing student learning. a payment plans as arranged through the General Office.
We are keen to work with parents in any way possible
It will allow our students to: to ensure that students have a laptop in class.
• Collect information.
• Create connections. Provision for loan computers is provided to act as loan
• Expand understanding. laptops whilst repairs are being completed.
• Use a technological learning tool.
• Access rich resources. If devices are damaged, they should be taken to the
• Allow greater scope for student self-directed learning. Technicians Office at school for assessment and repair.
• Provide opportunities to collaborate. A loan computer will be issued. All required software
• Enhance ability to annotate work. will be provided by the school unless otherwise stated.

1:1 Program Please Note - Cranbourne Secondary College provides

Cranbourne Secondary College is a 1 to 1 laptop the Microsoft Office Suite for all students. There is no
school. This means that all students are expected need to purchase a subscription.
to use technology as part of the learning process in
most classes each day. The world outside of school The benefits to the students and parents/caregivers:
is a technology rich place and as a college we strive • Students are inspired and engage with today’s tools
to prepare students to work in that world, using and experts.
new and emerging technologies to enhance their learning • Students strive for excellence through personalised
experience. learning programs fully using the use of Information
and Communication Technology (ICT)
The aim of this program is to give students full control • Access to Compass 24/7
and responsibility of their netbook/notebook. Students
will have the responsibility to look after their device and The College provides the netbook to each student at a
to ensure that they keep their data saved on the network cost at the beginning of the year. This netbook is to be
and details secure. used throughout the junior year experience 7-9.

It is envisaged that a new device will meet a student’s Please contact the office to organise payment of your netbook.
needs for 3 years. After that time, things such as battery Payment plans are available.
life and performance degrade, it is highly recommended
that a replacement computer is purchased for the senior On enrolment at Cranbourne Secondary College, parents
years. To facilitate this we require all families to purchase and students must sign the Acceptable Use Agreement
the school preferred device for Year 7 via the college contract.
supplier. The device will remain the property of the family.

16 Learning, Community, Contribution, Care

At Cranbourne Secondary College we are a respectful, responsible, learning community.


Netbooks provideAstudents
with ongoing AT SCHOOL
access to a digital library of innovative and interactive learning tools
and educational resources. Having a netbook will change how and when your child learns.
Netbooks provide students with ongoing access to a digital library of innovative and interactive learning tools
and educational resources. Having a netbook will change how and when your child learns.
This information has been designed to assist parents in the purchase of a netbook for use at the College
The College is highly committed to ensuring all students have access to a suitable netbook for classroom and home
This information has been designed to assist parents in the purchase of a netbook for use at the College
The College is highly committed to ensuring all students have access to a suitable netbook for classroom and home
We provide an outstanding option for students and families that ensures uninterrupted access to netbooks with
payment methods to suit all budgets
We provide an outstanding option for students and families that ensures uninterrupted access to netbooks with
payment methods to suit all budgets
The highly preferred option is for families of year 7 students to purchase through the school
The highly preferred option is for families of year 7 students to purchase through the school
The non-preferred option is that parents purchase from a separate retail outlet. The reason for this is shown in the
table below
The non-preferred option is that parents purchase from a separate retail outlet. The reason for this is shown in the
It is understandable that some families would prefer to purchase a potentially cheaper device from a retailer,
table below
however, our experience shows that this is often not the best option in terms of student learning or netbook
It is understandable that some families would prefer to purchase a potentially cheaper device from a retailer,
servicing, repairs and insurance.
however, our experience shows that this is often not the best option in terms of student learning or netbook
servicing, repairs and insurance.

Please see the specifications of the Netbook: Please read the following important information:
Please see the specifications of the Netbook: Please read the following important information:
Acer TravelMate B311 Minimum Specifications for a netbook at
11.6” HD Convertible Touch Cranbourne Secondary College
Acer TravelMate B311 Minimum Specifications for a netbook at
11.6” HD Convertible Touch o 4GB RAM
Cranbourne Secondary College
5MP World-facing Camera o 4GB RAM
720p HD Webcam with privacy shutter 11.6” Full
o 128GB SSD HD Touch
5MP World-facing Camera
Garaged Stylus
720p HD Webcam with privacy shutter Pentium,
o 11.6” Full 5M
HD Camera
3 Year Onsite Warranty
Garaged Stylus
Windows 11 Pro Education 12 Hour Battery
o Pentium, 5M Camera
3 Year Onsite Warranty
Crush Proof Bag Devices that do
o 12 Hour not meet the above specifications
Windows 11 Pro Education
10 Hour Battery will not be able to be used at the College
Crush Proof Bag Devices that do not meet the above specifications
10 Hour Battery will not be able to be used at the College

Enrolment Handbook 17


Mobile Phones - Student Use Policy student must use their mobile phone for the purpose for
which the exception was granted, and in a safe, ethical
Purpose and responsible manner.
To explain to our school community the Department and
Cranbourne Secondary College’s policy requirements and Secure storage
expectations relating to students using mobile phones, Mobile phones and other personal mobile devices
music players, wireless headphones and non-laptop owned by students at Cranbourne Secondary College
internet-connected devices during school hours. are considered valuable items and are brought to school
at the owner’s (student’s or parent/carer’s) risk. Students
Scope are encouraged not to bring a mobile phone to school
This policy applies to: unless there is a compelling reason to do so. Please
1. All students at Cranbourne Secondary College and, note that Cranbourne Secondary College does not have
2. Students’ personal mobile phones and other personal accident insurance for accidental property damage or
mobile devices brought onto school premises during theft. Students and their parents/carers are encouraged
school hours. to obtain appropriate insurance for valuable items.
Refer to the Cranbourne Secondary College’s Personal
Definitions Property Policy.
A mobile phone is a telephone with access to a
cellular (telecommunication) system, with or without a Where students bring a mobile phone and other personal
physical connection to a network. mobile devices to school, Cranbourne Secondary College
A personal music player is a device that plays music via will provide secure storage in the form of an allocated
headphones or portable speakers. locker. Secure storage is storage that cannot be readily
Personal mobile devices - e.g. iPad, Music Players, accessed by those without permission to do so. At
Internet Connected Devices e.g. Watches. Cranbourne Secondary College students are required
Wireless headphones - Headphones that connect to to store their turned off phones in either;
computers, phones or Bluetooth enabled devices. • in their assigned locker, locked using a high quality
During school hours - From when students arrive on combination or pad lock supplied by the parents/
school grounds until they leave school grounds. carers; or
• handed into the school administration office before
Policy Form Assembly to be placed in a lockable cupboard
Cranbourne Secondary College understands that students and collected at the end of the school day; or
may bring a personal mobile phone to school, particularly • if students have temporary issues with the security
if they are travelling independently to and from school. of their locker, they may hand the phone into the
At Cranbourne Secondary College: school administration office for safekeeping.
• Students who choose to bring mobile phones,
personal music players, personal mobile devices Enforcement
and wireless headphones to school must have them At Cranbourne Secondary College, inappropriate use
switched off and securely stored during school hours of mobile phones and other personal mobile devices is
including recess and lunchtime. any use during school hours, unless an exception has
• Exceptions to this policy may be applied if certain been granted.
conditions are met (see below for further information)
• When emergencies occur, parents or carers should First Occurrence – If the phone/device is on the student’s
reach their child by calling the school’s office on person, the phone or device will be confiscated and
5996 3544. students will be able to collect it from the front office at
Personal mobile phone use the conclusion of the school day.
In accordance with the Department’s Mobile Phones Second Occurrence – the phone/device will be
Policy issued by the Minister for Education, personal confiscated and be stored in the front office until
mobile phones must not be used at Cranbourne a parent can collect it. Parents will be contacted to
Secondary College during school hours, including inform of this breach of the mobile phone policy.
lunchtime and recess, unless an exception has Third Occurrence – the phone/device will be returned
been granted. only to parents who will need to make a time to meet
with a Year Level Coordinator or Sub-School Leader
Where a student has been granted an exception, the to collect the phone/device. It will be compulsory

18 Learning, Community, Contribution, Care

for the student to sign in and sign out phone/device at
the front office. If phone/device is not handed in before
8:43am, parent will be contacted and informed that the student
is not to be on site.
End of the Day Offence - student to be followed up the next
school day following the steps above.

Exceptions to the policy may be granted by the Principal
during school hours if related to managing risk when students
are offsite:
• Travelling to and from excursions
• Students on excursions and camps
• When students are offsite (not on school grounds) and
unsupervised with parental permission
• Students with a dual enrolment or who need to undertake
intercampus travel

Where an exception is granted, the student can only use the

mobile phone for the purpose for which it was granted.

At Cranbourne Secondary College inappropriate use of mobile

phones is any use during school hours, unless an exception
has been granted, and particularly use of a mobile phone:
• in any way that disrupts the learning of others
• to send inappropriate, harassing or threatening messages
or phone calls
• to engage in inappropriate social media use including
cyber bullying
• to capture video or images of people, including students,
teachers and members of the school community without
their permission
• to capture video or images in the school toilets, changing
rooms, swimming pools and gyms
• during exams and assessments

Camps, excursions and extracurricular activities

Cranbourne Secondary College will provide students and their
parents and carers with information about items that can or
cannot be brought to camps, excursions, special activities
and events, including personal mobile phones.

This policy does not apply to
• Out-of-school-hours events
• Travelling to and from school
• Students undertaking workplace learning activities (subject
to work place requirements), e.g. work experience
• Students who are undertaking VET (subject to RTO

Related policies and resources

School Policy: Student Wellbeing and Engagement and
Bullying, Discipline and Personal Property policies

Review period
Policy last reviewed Term 4, 2021
Next scheduled review date Term 4, 2024.

Student Dress Code Policy in technology subjects.
The purpose of the Student Dress Code is to outline As we are a secondary school, we expect students to take
Cranbourne Secondary College’s requirements for responsibility for being sun smart by wearing a school
student dress and appearance and to provide information hat (plain black peak cap or wide brimmed cap) during
about uniform purchase and support, dress code outdoor activities or staying in the shade, if they are
implementation and exemption processes. not wearing sunscreen. Hats are not to be worn inside.
This dress code has been developed by Cranbourne
Secondary College’s School Council in close consultation Students are permitted to wear sunglasses during
with our school community to ensure that it respects the outdoor activities. Sunglasses should be close-fitting,
rights of individual students whilst reflecting the values wrap-around that meet the Australian Standards 1067
and interests of our community. and cover as much of the eye area as possible.
The Student Dress Code aims to:
• foster a sense of community and belonging and Purchase of uniforms
encourages students to develop pride in their Uniform items can be purchased from PSW Hampton
appearance Park, 1/ 9–11 South Link, Dandenong South. Phone:
• support Cranbourne Secondary College’s (03) 9768 0343
commitment to ensuring that our students feel Email: [email protected]
equal and are dressed safely and appropriately
for school activities Support for families experiencing difficulty
• enhance the profile and identity of the school Please contact your child’s Year Level Engagement
and its students within the wider community. Coordinator to discuss support that we may be able
The School Council has developed a dress code that to provide to families experiencing difficulty meeting
provides a range of choices for students and is cost uniform costs, including information about eligibility for
effective for families. uniform support through State Schools’ Relief. Further
information about State Schools’ Relief is also available
Scope on their website:
Students are expected to comply with this Student Dress
Code while traveling to and from school, during school Implementation
hours and when attending school activities. Cranbourne Secondary College will ensure that this
Student Dress Code is communicated to all families and
General appearance students through our website. We will assist students
While at school, travelling to or from school or who may be experiencing difficulties complying with
participating in school activities, Cranbourne Secondary this policy where possible.
College students must comply with the following:
• Uniforms must be clean and in good repair Students wearing non-compliant uniform items may
• Uniforms must be clearly marked with the owner’s be asked to change into a compliant item of clothing
name provided by the school.
• Ties need to be worn neatly covering a fastened Removable items in breach of the uniform policy will be
top button confiscated until the end of the school day.

Jewellery, cosmetics and accessories If a student is out of school uniform or otherwise breaches
Students are not permitted to wear decorative jewellery the Student Dress Code on a recurring basis the following
to school. Stud earrings and sleepers worn in the ears, steps will be taken:
watches, and one facial piercing are the only acceptable First Occurrence – lunchtime Reflect and Reset.
jewellery. Make-up, hair and nail polish must be natural Parents will be notified via compass.
and in neutral tones. Accessories (scarves, beanies, Second Occurrence – after school Reflect and Reset.
hats and gloves) must be plain black or with the College Parents will be notified via phone call or after school
logo only. Reflect and Reset notice.
Third Occurrence – after school Reflect and Reset.
Hair and Sun safety Parent Teacher Conference.
Shoulder length or longer hair is to be tied back to help
restrict the spread of nits and lice and for student safety Parent Teacher Conference and further consequences may

20 Learning, Community, Contribution, Care

At Cranbourne Secondary College we are a respectful, responsible, learning community.

include; daily compulsory student sign in each morning carers to support their application with
for a period of time and/or internal suspension. Significant evidence.
non-compliance may result in external suspension. The Principal or delegate will then try to negotiate a
Measures taken by Cranbourne Secondary College to resolution that is acceptable to all parties. If an exemption
address concerns about student non-compliance with the is not allowed, then written reasons will be provided to
Student Dress Code will also be addressed in accordance the student and/or their parents or carers.
with our Student Wellbeing and Engagement Policy.
Concerns about this student dress code
Exemptions to student dress code Cranbourne Secondary College welcomes feedback from
We recognise that there may be situations where the the school community in relation to this Student Dress
application of this dress code may affect students Code. If you have a concern or complaint about the
unequally. Students and their parents or carers may Student Dress Code, further information about raising a
apply either in writing or in person to the Principal for concern or complaint is available in our school’s Parent
an exemption to this Student Dress Code if: Complaint Policy.
• an aspect of this code prevents the student Further information and resource
from complying with a requirement of • Cranbourne Secondary College Complaint
their religious, ethnic or cultural beliefs or Policy
background • Cranbourne Secondary College Student
• the student has a particular disability or health Wellbeing and Engagement Policy
condition that requires a departure from the • Department of Education and Training Student
dress code Dress Code
• Department of Education and Training Student
When the Principal receives a request for an exemption, Engagement policies and guidelines.
they will:
• consider the grounds for the exemption request Review period
• explain the process to the student and/or their Policy last reviewed Term 4, 2022
parents/carers Next scheduled review date Term 4, 2026.
• encourage the student and/or their parents/

Enrolment Handbook 21

Parents who do not support or value students being in full school uniform everyday are
encouraged to find an alternative school for their child.

22 Learning, Community, Contribution, Care

At Cranbourne Secondary College we are a respectful, responsible, learning community.

The following items may be worn all year round. Cranbourne Secondary College does not specify students to wear
a summer/winter uniform. It is required that all students wear the full College uniform at all times. All items must be
permanently labelled.

Item Description
Grey jumper with school logo in Years 7 to 9*
Navy jumper with Senior School logo in Years 10-12 *
Navy Jumper with school logo
Rugby jumper with school logo
White, long or short sleeved business style shirt with school logo
School Shirts
White, long or short sleeved business style shirt without decoration or brand name
School maroon and grey checked dress*
School white/maroon/grey checked dress
Skirt School navy checked woollen skirt
Plain black tailored shorts with school logo
Plain black tailored shorts without decoration or brand name
Plain, black tailored pants with school logo
Plain, black tailored pants without decoration or brand name
Black, Navy or white socks without decoration or brand name
Socks or tights/stockings
Black or Navy tights/stockings without decoration or brand name
Black polishable lace up or T - bar shoes
Appropriate footwear is to be worn at all times on school grounds
Maroon spray jacket with school logo*
School jacket Maroon/ink/charcoal softshell jacket with school logo
Year 12 School Approved Jacket may be worn by year 12 students
Undergarments Plain, white undergarments without decoration or brand name
Black, navy or white head bands, hair ribbons, “scrunchies” or headwear worn as part of cultural/religious
Headwear Plain, black hat with school logo may be worn outdoors Plain, black hat or beanie without decoration or
brand name may be worn outdoors
Plain, black scarf without decoration or brand name may be worn outdoors
Tie College approved tie
*Item no longer available for purchase at PSW. Item may be worn until the end of 2026.

Sports Uniform
Item Description
Sport Shirts Maroon polo shirt with school logo
Shorts/Pants Appropriate black active wear
Footwear Athletic runners
Sports uniform is only to be worn during PE classes. Students must not come to the College in Sports uniform unless specified by the College

VET Uniform
Item Description
Shirts Subject specific polo shirt with school logo
Other items Subject specific safety items (clothing and footwear)


Uniform items can be purchased from PSW Hampton Park, Unit 1, 9-11 South Link, Dandenong South, 3175
Phone: 9768 0343
Email: [email protected]

Enrolment Handbook 23
I • • • • I •I· I ._ .. . • We volunteer and participate when given • We 'take performance risks' in the creation of • We celebrate others' achievements
• We obtain permission before using rehearsal opportunities products • We take opportunities to perform to a range of
Arts spaces • We SHOW UP for ourselves and others • We recognise our growth during reflections audiences
• We allow others to rehearse productively • We participate in practical workshops

• We share the space and equipment • We wear appropriate shoes and safety • We use art practices • We help with events
• We view other peoples' work equipment when instructed • We use the scientific method • We take opportunities to display our work
STEAM* • We enter the storeroom with a teacher or with • We report hazards or broken equipment • We use the Design Thinking process • We clean and return undamaged equipment
teacher permission • We obtain permission before working outside • We show our math working out • We reduce, reuse and recycle

• We wash our hands • We use math problem solving strategies

• We say please and thank you • We enter and exit through the appropriate door • We stay in our timetabled classroom space • We sit down during lunchtime
• We find another location when full during breaks • We leave bags in our allocated locker • We use lnfiniti to search for learning resources • We participate in lunchtime clubs and library
Library We line up to borrow items We return borrowed items on time We reference our sources of information events
• We speak quietly • We use our Compass card for borrowing and • We volunteer to be library monitors
• We maintain other students' privacy and • We visit Wellbeing and Careers outside of class • We check Compass, at the start of the day, for • We tell a trusted adult when worried about a
confidentiality time if we do not have an appointment group programs and appointments friend
• We only enter the Student Services building • We complete Wellbeing and Careers self-referral • We give a return to class pass to our teacher
Student when we require assistance or support forms in person or via Compass outside of class when we return to class
Services We arrive on time for appointments and group time

programs • We book Careers appointments via Compass
• We tell a trusted adult when we feel unsafe

• We speak quietly • We keep our contact details updated • We return permission forms on time • We hand lost property into first aid
Office/ • We wait when instructed • We sign in when late • We visit the office at designated times

First Aid • We sign out when leaving early • We give the first aid officer a note from our
• We attain an early leavers pass teacher

• We say please and thank you • We line up • We place lunch orders online • We use our own money
• We give our full attention to the canteen staff • We order our own food • We download a canteen menu from Compass
Canteen when ordering • We pay with cash or a physical card
• We select our purchase while in line

• We follow excursion/incursion/camp facilitators' • We stay with our group • We participate in all camp/excursion/incursion • We volunteer to take part in
instructions • We check additional details of the activities activities/presentations
Excursions/ • We actively listen to presenters excursion/incursion/camp • We ask facilitators clarifying questions • We follow road rules when crossing the road
Incursions/ • We speak at an appropriate volume on public • We have a valid public transport card • We link the camp/excursion/incursion to our • We THINK before speaking when in the
Camps transport • We arrive at checkpoints on time learning at school community
• We offer seats as required • We wait to be dismissed by a teacher

*THINK = Irue, Helpful, [nspiring, Necessary, !<:ind

*STEAM = Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics

At Cranbourne Secondary College we are a respectful, responsible, learning community.



School-wide positive behaviour support (PBS) is an To support our community to demonstrate our
evidenced based framework that brings together school expectations we know teaching students positive
communities to develop positive, safe, supportive behaviours and then reinforcing their behaviour will
learning cultures. support them to learn and begin to perform these
behaviours regularly with ease.
When PBS is implemented well, teachers and students
have more time to focus on relationships and classroom Teaching PBS
instruction. The positive behaviours from our School-Wide Positive
Behaviour Support Matrix will be taught during Discovery
Students and staff benefit from: in year 7, Explore in year 8, Connect in year 9, and STEP
• increased respectful and positive behaviour in VCE.
• increased time focused on instruction
• improved social-emotional wellbeing The matrix categorises behaviours by our expectations
• positive and respectful relationships among students safe, respectful and responsible and by setting eg. the
and staff classroom, the office/first aid, the canteen etc.
• increased adoption of evidence-based instructional
practices Each lesson will be 2-12 minutes long. Some initial
• a predictable learning environment with improved lessons may be longer for Year 7 students during their
perceptions of safety and increased attendance transition to secondary school.

At Cranbourne Secondary College we are a respectful,

responsible, learning community.

26 Learning, Community, Contribution, Care

At Cranbourne Secondary College we are a respectful, responsible, learning community.


Classroom expectations and procedures are effective teaching and learning practices (ETLPBs) that provide
safe, predictable learning environments for our young people (BSEM). Our behaviour expectations can be found
on our Positive Behaviour Support Matrix. The procedures, for each expectation, can be taught to students
and help to explicitly explain how they can demonstrate the behaviour expectation. Staff collectively teaching
and reinforcing behaviour expectations will result in the students automatically demonstrating the behaviour
expectations. Classroom procedures (how to) and routines (automaticity) support teaching and learning by:
- Creating predictable environments which assist students to feel safe and connected
- Developing consistency across classroom
- Buying back teaching and learning time as collectively we reteach and reinforce the expectations
and therefore spend less time correcting student behaviour
- Decreasing challenging behaviours
- Increasing student engagement

Classroom Expectations and Procedures

1. We THINK before speaking writing and gesturing
1. We take a moment to THINK before speaking, gesturing and writing
2. Is what I am going to say, gesture or write truthful?
3. Is what I am going to say, gesture or write helpful?
4. Is what I am going to say, gesture or write inspiring?
5. Is what I am going to say, gesture or write necessary?
6. Is what I am going to say, gesture or write kind?
7. If it is not truthful, helpful, inspiring, necessary or kind we don’t say, gesture or write it

2. We arrive on time
1. Towards the end of recess/lunch students do the following things if they have not already done
• Return borrowed gym equipment
• Go to the toilet
• Finish eating and/or drinking
• Fill their water bottle
• Wrap up conversations with staff members/friends
• Walk towards their locker if they are a long way away from their locker
2. When the 5-minute preparation bell rings and the music is playing students are to do the following
• The bell is the siren. The game is now over. Be a good sportsperson and shake your opponent’s
hand. Finish playing the game.
• Walk directly to their locker
• Collect their required equipment P1&2, P3&4 or P5
- Student diary
- Netbook/BYOD
- Pencil case (with stationery)
- Workbook to write in
- Water bottle
- Specialist equipment (HPE uniform, calculator, food container)
• Walk directly to class
• Arrive at class before the music stops and the class bell rings

3. We bring the required equipment

1. At the start of each day, we check our timetable to see what classes we have
2. If we require a daybook or our netbook needs repairing, we visit IT during the designated times. We
return daybooks at the end of the day.
3. We only visit our allocated lockers before school, at recess, lunchtime and after school. The only

Enrolment Handbook 27

exception is PE uniform/bag collection or drop off which can be done between classes
4. We collect our equipment from our allocated locker for periods 1 and 2 OR 3 and 4 OR 5
5. We always take our charged netbook, pencil case (with pens/pencils), student diary, subject
workbook, water bottle and specialist subject equipment (eg. PE uniform, Food technology container)
for both periods or period 5
6. If we need additional equipment, we visit our year level staffroom during our breaks, and seek
support from our Engagement Curriculum Teacher, Year Level Engagement Coordinator or Year Level

4. We enter the learning space when given permission

1. We stand quietly in two straight lines outside the classroom (11-12 stand quietly)
2. We greet each other (teacher and students) as we enter and if required show the teacher our uniform
or early leavers pass
3. We sit down in collaborative groups (groups designated by teacher) or a horseshoe and ensure the
below criteria are met:
• We keep furniture at a safe distance from walls and heaters
• We only move furniture when instructed
• When seated we can all see the board
• There is space between the tables, chairs and the wall so that the teacher can walk around the
4. We request the teacher turn on/off the heater/air conditioning
5. We work on our Do Now task/Positive Primer whilst the teacher completes the roll

5. We stay in designated areas

1. We check our Compass timetable and ensure we stay in the designated learning space for the entire
lesson/group program or room for the entire appointment
2. If a Principal, Year Level Leader, Year Level Engagement Coordinator, Engagement Curriculum
Teacher or Wellbeing Staff member has been speaking to us during class time they will provide us
with a “return to class pass” which we can show our classroom teacher upon return to the classroom.
3. Showing teachers, a return to class pass will ensure students are marked present (instead of late) and
aren’t placed in reflect and reset for being out of class/late to class without permission.
4. We need permission and a pass from our classroom teacher to leave the learning space at any time
5. We show our pass to the staff members who request to see it when we are out of class. If we don’t
have a pass teachers will place as in reflect and reset for being out of class without permission
6. If we have left class we return to class as quickly as possible
7. We wait to be dismissed by our classroom teacher at the end of the lesson

6. We use self-regulation strategies

To be expanded upon as we implement the Berry Street Education Model (BSEM)

7. We follow our active listening steps

1. If the teacher wants our attention, they will use a previously taught “call to attention”
2. We turn towards the person whose turn it is to speak and give them our full attention
3. We allow the speaker to speak without interruption (we stay silent)
4. During and after having listened we silently/in our heads
• Connect: Does the information connect to what we already know and understand
• Decide: Decide if we agree, disagree, are unsure or curious about the information and why
• Clarify: Do we have any clarifying questions or can we strengthen the idea presented
5. If we have a question or discussion contribution we raise our hand, wait to be called upon, and then
speak. Remember to THINK* before speaking, writing and gesturing. *True, Helpful, Inspiring, Necessary
and Kind

8. We use digital devices with permission

1. We open our own netbook/device when the teacher gives us permission
2. We access websites, applications and programs for the instructed purpose

28 Learning, Community, Contribution, Care

At Cranbourne Secondary College we are a respectful, responsible, learning community.

3. We remain connected to the school’s network, via appropriate means, at all times (no VPNs)
4. When instructed we lower/close our own netbook lid and follow our active listening steps
5. We use wired headphones when the teacher gives us permission

9. We ask for help when needed (in classrooms)

1. Our teacher uses checking for understanding strategies to monitor our learning
2. We use the below strategies to answer the question. Sometimes it’s helpful to write your question
• We look at our notes, handouts, posters, textbooks, Compass lesson plan, the board and student
diary/handbook to see if the answer is written there
• We use ICT tools to find the answer to our question: dictionary, thesaurus, online learning
platforms (Edrolo/education perfect/Sparx math/tutorial videos) and google
• We ask a peer/our table group the question
• We ask our teaching assistant/MEA/tutor for assistance
3. If our whole table is unsure, we ask our teacher for assistance by raising our hand. Our teacher may
direct us to a master class run by an expert student/s.

10. We work collaboratively

1. We are seated/positioned in and work in collaborative/instructional groups determined by our teacher
2. We allocate and undertake roles in our collaborative groups
3. We clarify the goal of the activity/task before commencing
4. If working digitally we save our work in a shared accessible space such as MS Teams, OneDrive or
OneNote (all team members have access)
5. We include others
6. We follow our active listening steps
7. We discuss ideas (not people) and ask questions that elaborate, clarify and reveal thinking
8. We acknowledge others have a different opinion
9. We THINK before speaking, writing and gesturing (True, Helpful, Inspiring, Necessary and/or Kind)
10. We provide and use self, peer and teacher feedback
11. We complete all learning tasks on time or seek support from our teacher if the due date is challenging

11. We leave the room tidy

Everyone in the class is responsible for leaving the room tidy
Student responsibilities
1. We put rubbish in the bin
2. We pack up our belongings
3. We return borrowed equipment to the teacher/peers
4. We ensure tables are positioned in collaborative groups away from walls
5. We push chairs in or put them up on the desk at the end of period 5
6. We wait behind our chairs for the teacher to dismiss us
7. We take our belongings with us
Teacher responsibilities
1. We make sure all student responsibilities are completed before dismissing the class
2. We turn off heaters, air conditioners, fans and lights
3. We close and lock windows and doors
4. We open blinds
5. We clean the whiteboard and turn off the electronic whiteboard/TV

Enrolment Handbook 29

Camps and Excursions The College Production offers an exhilarating opportunity
Camps and excursions are considered an important part to work with others, contribute to a bigger vision and
of the school’s curriculum. Apart from their obvious showcase our practical skills.
educational and instructional value, they provide the
opportunity for students to: We look forward to see seeing you get involved in next
• develop strong social and emotional skills year’s show!
• enhance resilience and independence by taking
students out of their comfort zone, therefore away Sport
from the classroom/home The College recognises the social and physical benefits
• build effective relationships with their teachers and of student involvement in team and individual sports. All
peers students are provided the opportunity to participate in a
• develop a sense of belonging through shared group range of interschool sporting competitions in the Casey
experiences South Division. In all sporting competitions, the College
• feel more motivated and enthusiastic about their promotes a high level of sportsmanship, aims for the
learning through practical experiences highest level of achievement and acknowledges publicly
any outstanding performance by a team or individual.
All students are strongly encouraged to participate
particularly in those excursions directly related to a The College also has 3 carnivals each year: athletics,
subject area. cross-country and swimming, which are held on normal
Please adhere strictly to cut off days for payments, as school days. Swimming is a sign-up to compete carnival,
late payments will not be accepted. A charge is made whereas athletics and cross country are whole school
for each excursion and this must be paid for prior to the events, where students are expected to attend and
excursion. Information, including the cost and parent participate to the best of their ability.
consent forms are sent home well in advance of the
excursion date and are also accessible via Compass. If students are successful in their chosen team or
individual sport they can go on to represent the school at
Annual School Production the Southern Metropolitan Region and State competitions.
Each year students and staff work tirelessly to stage a
musical production for an audience of members of our
college community, primary schools and friends/family. Instrumental Music
Instrumental Music tuition is available and takes
Participating in the show provides a variety of place during class time. The fees are $100 per term
opportunities that allows students to challenge (subject to change) for drums, percussion, piano,
themselves and build upon their stagecraft skills in voice, violin, bass and guitar tuition, subject to the
singing, acting, characterisation and dancing, along with availability of private teachers. Students involved
building their confidence, creativity and collaboration in learning a musical instrument are expected to
skills; whether they are performing on stage or working participate in ensemble practice and performances.
backstage. Some instruments are available for use during lessons
at school although it is desirable for students to obtain
Students involved in the school production are from their own instruments.
all year levels (7-12), along with a team of dedicated
teachers; all working together for the common goal of
Basketball Academy
Delivering a high-performance basketball program that
creating and producing quality theatre for everyone to
guarantees players are challenged daily.

In partnership with Casey Basketball, the Cranbourne

After-school rehearsals are held weekly in Term 1, 2 and
Secondary College Basketball Academy offers an elite
part of term 3 with Sunday rehearsals occurring closer to
team of coaches and strength conditioning experts
production week. ‘The Big Weekend’ is a 2 day rehearsal
who bring a passionate commitment to developing
extravaganza where the cast and production crew work
students’ basketball skills in a fun and challenging
tirelessly to see the production really take shape. This
learning environment. Access to the Basketball
event takes place in May.
Academy is by application.
Production week consists of a wonderful week long
season of school matinees and evening performances.

30 Learning, Community, Contribution, Care

At Cranbourne Secondary College we are a respectful, responsible, learning community.

Student Leaders at Cranbourne Secondary College
are brought together by a common goal, driven by a MultiPride students are well known through the colour of
shared interest in giving back to the school and the their jumper. This was specially designed and approved
wider community. by the school council to ensure MultiPride promotes a
positive and inclusive attitude towards all cultures in
Students are encouraged to take and create opportunities, the school.
and to empower their peers through taking initiative and
upholding the values of the school. MultiPride has been involved in the creation of the college
Welcome sign at the office, the A-Block garden and the
Student Leaders care for the needs of the student body MultiPride sign in the canteen area.
by liaising with staff, organising lunch time events
and fundraisers, and by facilitating and participating MultiPride meets once a week to plan and promote
in community and college events. Student Leaders are harmony in the college. Anyone can join at any time.
of assistance to the staff and student body. They role Jumpers and badges are issued once long term
model appropriate and positive student behaviour, and commitment is established.
work towards making the school environment enjoyable
and beneficial to all students.
Teach the Teacher
At Cranbourne Secondary College we are proud of the The Teach the Teacher program has provided more
way in which our student Leaders conduct themselves, opportunities for students and teachers to work together
grow in confidence and represent the school. to discuss teaching and learning, and has provided a
framework for students to conduct their own research,
The college has a number of Student Leadership groups: investigate current educational research, and use their
findings to work together with their peers to plan and
SRC provide professional learning for staff.
The Student Representative Council (SRC) provides a
forum for the expression of student opinion and thus The Teach the Teacher Program is designed to develop
encourages useful communication between the student students’ personal leadership, communication and
body, the College Council and the staff. The student group problem solving skills. Students have the opportunity
coordinates student activities, in particular fundraising, to engage in peer-to-peer teaching and learning and
social events, and student facilities. The SRC encourages build on their strengths to develop:
active interest by students in college and community • an understanding of student voice and representation
affairs fostering a strong college spirit. They provide a • a greater understanding of teaching and learning
role model of exemplary behaviour to the student body • their potential to be leaders through a student-led
and represent the student body honestly and without professional learning session
bias. Leaders are elected by the students. • their own unique approach to leadership
• an increased understanding of their personal
Class Captains strengths and skills
Each class has an elected captain. They meet regularly • effective communication skills
(twice per term) and provide feedback and/or consultation • a willingness to create a more inclusive school culture
with classes. Class captains take on extra responsibilities
as set by classroom teacher. The class captains work with Through the Teach the Teacher program we have
the SRC to fulfill the college goals at the classroom level. recognised the importance of listening to the students
Class Captains are actively involved with their teachers in and their thoughts on how to continue to develop positive
the curriculum design and Positive Behaviour Support. relationships within the school community. Students
A class captain is a representative of the class and assists not only feel that their voices are being heard but that
with assemblies and school events. action is being taken.

The students lead the direction of the program and

MultiPride are fully responsible for organising this valuable and
The MultiPride program is a student led group that exciting event.
promotes harmony in the college through events like
Polyhood, The Eid Festival and the Asian Festival.

Enrolment Handbook 31

A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 SSSO

T1 T5


S16 S14
Bike Enclosure**
W8 W6
W9 GP S12 S11 S10
S15 S13
BRUNT STREET Year 9, 11 V6 W7 W5
& 12 entry*
Administration Entry/Exit


V7 W1 W2 W3 S1 S3 S6 S7


Staff/Student Entry/Exit

V4 S9B
V8 Undercover

V3.5 Con 2 Con 4 Careers

Restricted Entry/Exit S2
WB Meeting W4 Resource S4 S5 S8
V3 V9 STAFF Con 3 room STAFF Centre S9A
Vehicle Entry/Exit
Delivery entrance VA4 VA5
Active Ball FOYER
Wheelchair access
H2 VA3
H1 VA1
Communal Areas

Year 7 & 8

Year 9 LC1 LC3 IT STAFF C2 STAFF C4 C12 C13



Year 10 C1 C5

Year 10, 11 & 12 entry** LC2 LC4

C6 C7 C8 C9

Student Reception


Sick C10 C11


Foyer Office Bay

With supervision LIB08 LIBM


Out of Bounds STAWELL STREET Year 7

**Gates open 8.15 am - 8.50 am
& 8 entry*
*Gates open 8.30 am - 8.50 am

Year 12 only
Everyone has the right to be safe
and be protected from abuse.
No one should behave in a way that
makes you feel unsafe or afraid,
including anyone in your family,
anyone at school or anywhere else
in the community.
Tell a teacher or any adult at your
school if you feel unsafe.

It’s everyone’s responsibility.

Adults at school must listen and
respond to concerns about
child abuse.
If you suspect abuse of any child
or young person, you have a
responsibility to report it,
even if you are not sure.

Further information & resources

Bunurong Country
Stawell Street Cranbourne Victoria 3977
Phone: 03 5996 3544
Email: [email protected]
34 Learning, Community, Contribution, Care

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