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125 West 117th Street, #3 New York, NY 10026

Mark Samuel Nyon

[email protected] 347.560.8639

Web Application Developer & Architect with over 16 years of experience designing and implementing solutions in heterogeneous environments, improving company efficiency through a combination of technologies, tools, and business processes. Focused on developing robust, scalable technical solutions, departments and infrastructure for organizations. Languages: Application Servers & Content Mgt. Systems: Operating Systems: Web Servers: Methodologies Databases: Build/Deployment Tools: JavaScript Frameworks Project/Issue Tracking Software: Cloud Software/PAAS Email Messaging Servers: C#, Java, JavaScript, Perl, PHP, Powershell, Ruby, Shell Scripts, SQL, VBScript, XML Ruby on Rails, Refinery, ASP.NET, Dynamo 6.3.0, Apache James, TeamSite 6.1, Sinatra, WordPress, Movable Type Mac OS X, Ubuntu, CentOS, Solaris 2.6 9, Windows 8, Windows 2012 Server Apache 2.x, IIS, Mongrel, Nginx, Thin, Unicorn Agile, Extreme Programming (XP), Scrum MySQL, MongoDB, CouchDB, Oracle 8.1.5, SQL Server, Sybase 12.5.1, Ant, Capistrano, MS Deployment Tool, NAnt, OpenDeploy, Rake, Cruisecontrol.NET, Cruisecontrol.rb BackboneJS, jQuery Prototype, ExtJS Asana, Assembla, Bugzilla, Clarity, Lighthouse, Pivotal Tracker, RT, Teambox, Trac, Trello AWS, Heroku, RightScale Ironport A60


Consultant May 2013 Present Metronome3 Installed a content management system (CMS) and the backend for a store locator system using Rails and Refinery. Manage development on a job listings auction site. Designing an auction and e-commerce engine for the job search site. Provide guidance for technical solutions and high-level technical project planning. Consultant September 2012 March 2013 The Barbarian Group Worked with a distributed team on the website and administrative content management system (CMS) for Bloomberg Philanthropies, using Rails as the app server, Refinery as the CMS, Backbone.JS as the client side MV* framework and CouchDB as the database. Added Jasmine tests to the front end codebase in order to apply Behavior Driven Development practices to frontend development. Implemented several features (blog, image resizing, initiatives) as Refinery extensions to support the website. Prototyped and contributed to the development of the transitions between the programs listed on the site. Tech Lead June 2012 Present LEAP Digital Managed a distributed team of front and backend developers in order to update an accounting firms web site using Rails as the app server, Refinery as the CMS and MySQL as the database. Gave technical advice & strategy to an accounting firm seeking to integrate disparate, heterogeneous accounting and customer relationship management systems. Translated requirements to deliverables and guided an agency on web development best practices and tools, including Pivotal Tracker Engineer June 2011 Jan 2013

125 West 117th Street, #3 New York, NY 10026

Mark Samuel Nyon

[email protected] 347.560.8639

Peregrine Focus Created web services to manage updating building and meter information between Peregrine Focus and the Energy Star Automated Benchmarking System. Advising and helping Peregrine Focus on software development best practices, including migrating from a hosted solution to an Amazon Web Services infrastructure. Increasing codebase test coverage, resulting in the resolution of several issues. Consultant March 2011 November 2011 Diversion Media Implementing Amazon Web Service backup and multi-region failover strategies for multiple Diversion Media clients, resulting in reduced downtime during AWS failure. Lead developer & architect for, working on multiple projects ranging from updating cloud architecture using RightScale and AWS to expanding the capacity of their image server, which holds over 1.2TB of data. Managed resources for an offshore development team, providing guidance in development best practices and scheduling. Consultant November 2010 February 2011 McKinsey & Company, New York NY Served as the lead developer on a Rails application that uses predictive analysis to determine the optimal media spend across multiple brands and channels. This application uses R for its statistical analysis. Trained novice developers on Ruby and Ruby on Rails and provided guidance on best practices to solve problems. Set up configuration for connecting Rails to SQL Server in multiple environments. Consultant June October 2010 RCN Metro, New York NY Enhanced a network inventory application that retrieved data from a GE Smallworld Network Inventory data source that enables more RCN agents to retrieve vital inventory data needed in the telecommunications sales process. Created a custom pre-sales application that streamlines the sales process for more complex network segment orders. Trained and evaluated RCN staff on Ruby and Rails best practices. Developer Nov 2009 June 2010 Youthline America, New York NY Developed Partner Administration section for ilivehere website using Ruby on Rails, providing a simple interface that automates and streamlines resource administration. Reviewed and refactored code to fit best practices/techniques, including a migration of JavaScript codebase from Prototype to jQuery. Provided recommendations for mobile development platform and customer service platform for the organization. Technology Lead May 2009 April 2010 RecycleBank, New York, NY Gathered requirements, designed and implemented a data feed system between RecycleBank and a credit card company in order to fulfill the enrollment, transaction and reward synchronization requirements of a credit card rewards program using Ruby on Rails, SFTP and PGP and Agile and Scrum methodologies. Instituted practices that streamlined development and communication between team members. Interviewed applicants for rapidly expanding team in development and QA roles. Guided team members on programming techniques through code reviews and pair programming sessions. Director of Systems Architecture Sep 2007 May 2009 BantamLive Networks, New York, NY Managed India-based development team, instituting code standards, remote daily standup meetings, and ASP.NET best practices, code reviews and improved practices. Achieved a reduction in bug rate and bug resolution turnaround time. Fixed e-commerce subscription service developed in C# and .NET using Authorize.NET as an e-commerce gateway.

125 West 117th Street, #3 New York, NY 10026

Mark Samuel Nyon

[email protected] 347.560.8639

Migrated e-commerce subscription service to Ruby on Rails. Used Pivotal Tracker as an agile development tool to manage the development process. Created custom login/registration system for Ruby on Rails version of CRM application. Created web application infrastructure for financial services CRM.

Consultant/Architect Aug 2006 Sep 2007 Aperio Networks, New York, NY Conducted technology infrastructure review of a startup financial services company. This review covered the software and hardware infrastructure of a financial services CRM application built in .Net and resulted in the startup receiving $500,000 in an angel investment round. Gathered requirements for scalable, Sarbanes-Oxley compliant enterprise infrastructure for financial services CRM application. Planned, managed, and optimized development process for 15-person India-based team. Created real-time NFL schedule and score scraping infrastructure for football gaming site. Migrated PHP web site and e-commerce integration application to Ruby on Rails framework. Enhanced the development/deployment infrastructure of Aperio Networks. Added unit, functional and integration tests to projects as well as autospec to development toolbox and process. Set up a continuous integration server (cruisecontrol.rb) for applications. Software Engineer Feb 2001 Aug 2006 MTV Networks Online, New York, NY Architected, implemented and maintained a build/deployment process for MTV Networks Online using Ant, Interwoven TeamSite and OpenDeploy to streamline web site development. Migrated registration system for using Dynamo, leading to 50-60% increase in monthly subscribers. Created and maintained part of an automated newsletter delivery system using Perl, Java and the Ironport A60, an email delivery device that can send 250,000 newsletters per hour and bounce messages and users unsubscribe requests. This system saved the organization $80,000/month in 3rd-party vendor charges. Co-developed an e-commerce platform using ATG Dynamo 5.1.1, iPlanet 4.1, Solaris and Sybase, all of which ran e-commerce for MTV Network web sites such as, and Collaborated on creation of Digital Rights Management e-commerce application that allowed streaming access to albums pre-ordered at or using Dynamo Commerce Server 5.1.1.

Software Engineer Feb 2000 Feb 2001, Charlestown MA & New York, NY Designed and developed Perl XML export program for custom content management system using an Oracle 8i database containing 25,000 content items. Integrated e-commerce applications and content from 3rd-party corporations using Dynamo, Vignette StoryServer and Perl CyberCash libraries. Performed maintenance on web servers, application servers, search engines and custom web applications.

Technical Consultant Jul 1997 Feb 2000 AGENCY.COM, Boston, MA Completed and deployed Perl/CGI survey application for IBM to use at healthcare conference on site and over the Internet. Developed and maintained IRA and 401k retirement planning calculators in Java. Implemented real-time quotes for financial site using SQL Server-stored procedures and VB components. Interactive Technology Specialist Jun 1996 Jul 1997 ECHO Strategies Group, Inc., Boston, MA Designed and implemented web-based survey application that used AI engine to return a comprehensive health risk appraisal.

125 West 117th Street, #3 New York, NY 10026

Mark Samuel Nyon

[email protected] 347.560.8639

Installed, customized and maintained web services such as search engines, chat servers and message boards.


Bachelor of Science in Clinical Psyschology, Tufts University, Medford, MA

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