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Name:____________________________________________________ Date: _________________________________

Poetry Quiz H.R. _________________________________

Match the poetry elem ent with the correct m eaning.

____ Simile a. repeating pattern of sounds of words

____ Metaphor b. makes exaggerations; many times they are funny

____ Personification c. words imitate the sounds they describe

____ Hyperbole d. two or more words will match the last sound

____ Imagery e. makes a comparison without using like or as.

f. makes a comparison in which something that is not human has human

____ Onomatopoeia
____ Rhyme
g. compares one thing to another using the words like or as.

____ Repetition
h. word pictures created using figurative language, descriptions and
sensory words

Multiple Choice-Circle the correct answer that 2. Which sentence is an example of hyperbole?
com pletes the sentence. a. My suitcase was hard to carry because it
weighed a ton.
1. Poetry is:
a. always a long make believe story, that has b. My sister ate the last bag of candy.
fictional characters
c. The squirrel ate the entire basket of nuts.
b. writing pieces with rhythm and often rhyme,
figurative language and vivid descriptions 3. Which is an example of personification?
a. The snow leaped from the paved as the snow
c. a story written about the life of someone blower cleared a path.
b. My mother was so angry she couldn’t see
Dre a ms
c. I sleep the best on a rainy night.
Hold fast to dreams
For if dreams die
Read the following poem . Answer the questions.
Life is a broken-winged bird
That cannot fly. 4. There are two metaphors in the poem, “Dreams” by
Langston Hughes. Write the metaphors.
Hold fast to dreams
For when dreams go
Life is a barren field
Frozen with snow.
Langston Hughes
Read the following poem s. Answer the questions.

W he re t he Sid ew alk En ds
by She l Silv er s te in
There is a place where the sidewalk ends
5. Name one poetry element in
And before the street begins,
this poem. Underline the
And there the grass grows soft and white, element in the poem.
And there the sun burns crimson bright,
And there the moon-bird rests from his flight
To cool in the peppermint wind. ____________________________

Let us leave this place where the smoke blows black

And the dark street winds and bends.
Past the pits where the asphalt flowers grow 6. How many stanzas are in the
We shall walk with a walk that is measured and slow, poem?
And watch where the chalk-white arrows go
To the place where the sidewalk ends.

Yes we'll walk with a walk that is measured and slow,

And we'll go where the chalk-white arrows go,
For the children, they mark, and the children, they know
The place where the sidewalk ends.

Cynthia in the Snow

7. Which words from the poem are examples of

onomatopoeia? It hushes
a. shushes, hushes, flitters, twitters The loudness in the road.
b. laugh, road, hurts
c. away, whiteness, hushes It flitter-twitters,
And laughs away from me.
It laughs a lovely whiteness,
8. Name one poetry element in this poem. Write the
example of the element. And whitely whirls
To be
___________________________________________ Some other where,
Still white as milk or shirts,
___________________________________________ So beautiful it hurts.

Gwendolyn Brooks
9. Choose a type of poetry from the chart below. Then, write your own poem in that style.
There is a short description with guidelines for each type of poem.

Haiku Cinquain Acrostic (Name Poem)

*does not rhyme *does not rhyme *does not rhyme
*has 3 lines, uses a 5, 7, 5 syllable *has 5 lines *uses letters of a word written
pattern *uses 2, 4, 6, 8, 2 syllable pattern. downward
*usually about nature *describes the word that is written
Line 1: subject (2 syllables) vertically.
Example: Line 2: describes subject (4
The sky is so blue Line 3: action words about the Example:
It looks like blue, clear water subject (6 syllables)
The clouds rolling by Line 4: feelings about the subject Kind and loving girl
(8 syllables) Energetic, enjoys laughing
Line 5: synonym for the subject Never shows her fear
(2 syllables) Drives her mother crazy
And her father’s little girl
Example: Little in stature
mother Loves everyone
kind, helpful
caring, loving, sharing
a special person in my life
Concrete Poem Narrative Poem Limerick
*the words take on the shape of the *tells a story *has 5 lines
object of the poem. *sometimes rhyme *uses an AABBA rhyme scheme
*has characters, setting, and plot *silly or humorous
Example: Example:

It was a deep August day There was a young boy from

on damp creek soil (A) Fairview. (A)
just me, my sister, He had trouble tying his shoe. (A)
and a long roll of foil. (A) He said to his ox, (B)
“I’ll just walk in my socks”(B)
I folded tiny, shiny ships, Now all his friends do that, too. (A)
she made a long canoe. (B)
We built bridges, dams, and docks
for our salamander crew. (B)
Each salamander silver-sailed,
winking in the sun. (C)
If I could live one day again
this would be the one. (C)

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