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Developmental Neuropsychology

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The Association between Screen Time and

Attention in Children: A Systematic Review

Renata Maria Silva Santos, Camila Guimarães Mendes, Débora Marques

Miranda & Marco Aurélio Romano-Silva

To cite this article: Renata Maria Silva Santos, Camila Guimarães Mendes, Débora Marques
Miranda & Marco Aurélio Romano-Silva (2022) The Association between Screen Time and
Attention in Children: A Systematic Review, Developmental Neuropsychology, 47:4, 175-192,
DOI: 10.1080/87565641.2022.2064863

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Published online: 17 Apr 2022.

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2022, VOL. 47, NO. 4, 175–192

The Association between Screen Time and Attention in Children:

A Systematic Review
Renata Maria Silva Santos a, Camila Guimarães Mendesa, Débora Marques Miranda b
and Marco Aurélio Romano-Silvac
in Children and Adolescent Health, Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG)Graduate Program , Belo Horizonte,
Brazil; bDepartment of Pediatrics, Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), Belo Horizonte, Brazil; cDepartment of
Mental Health, Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), Belo Horizonte, Brazil


Electronic media pervade modern life. Childhood is a crucial period for Received 7 December 2021
attentional development and the screen exposure time is increasing. This Revised 17 March 2022
review aimed to understand the association between screen time and atten­ Accepted 4 April 2022
tion of children with typical development. A systematic review was con­
ducted in compliance with Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic
Reviews and Meta-Analyzes PRISMA being registered at Prospero under
number CRD42021228721. A search was performed in January 2021 with
the following keywords: “screen time,” “children,” and “attention,” combined
with the operator AND, on databases PubMed, and PsycINFO. Four hundred
and ninety-eight articles were identified, and 41 papers were fully read, of
which 11 were included in this review. Most studies found associations
between screen time and attention in children. Only one study reported
that children with more screen time performed better in an attention task.
The findings suggest that exposure to excessive screen time in children can
be associated with attention problems. Parents and teachers may be
involved in controlling screen exposure, especially after the extensive expo­
sition to online classes, due to the pandemic. Further studies are needed to
assess the influence of this overexposure on care over time.

Electronic media pervade modern life. There are passive and interactive modalities of screen time, but
both are almost omnipresent, being used for obtaining information and entertainment (Hale & Guan,
2015). The increasing inclusion of electronic devices and the internet in the current lifestyle has made
the impact on children’s daily experiences inevitable (Rocha & Nunes, 2020).
The recent recommendations from the World Health Organization (WHO) recommend no
exposure of children with less than 2 years old to technology and a restriction of one hour use for
children from 2 to 5 years of screen time a day to try to minimize the children’s sedentary lifestyle
(World Health Organization, 2019). Currently, researchers have evaluated on associating increased
screen time with aspects of sedentarism, changes on socialization, cognitive, and language develop­
ment, along with safety-related matter across several steps of children’s development (Brazilian Society
of Pediatrics-BSP, 2016; Guerra et al., 2019; Plitponkarnpim, Srikaew, Puranitee, & Vallibhakara,
2018). In children, some health outcomes have been associated with excessive screen time such as
increased of overweight, sleep, and attention disorders. But there are some indirect screen effects such
as taking the time that could be used in other activities, such as reading, “board games” or in outdoor
activities that are less frequently evaluated (Rocha & Nunes, 2020).

CONTACT Renata Maria Silva Santos [email protected] Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Avenida Prof.
Alfredo Balena, 190 Santa Efigênia 30130-100, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil
© 2022 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
176 R. M. S. SANTOS ET AL.

Children with psychiatric disorders may be particularly susceptible to the negative effects of
increased screen exposure. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurobiological
disorder with high prevalence among young people worldwide, characterized by behavioral and
cognitive symptoms including inattention. Children with this condition find it difficult to self-
control and to regulate their impulses, limiting time spent on preferred activities, and maintain
involvement in age-typical tasks, such as academic obligations (Ceranoglu, 2018).
Screen-based devices have also been increasingly utilized in the field of education. Currently, there
is a growing effort in the educational field to provide students an active learning, based on problems,
with quick feedback, and playfully (Muñoz, Villarreal, Morales, Gonzalez, & Nielsen, 2020). Aiming to
support welfare, social abilities, and the inclusion of students with disabilities, the use of some sorts of
games has also been considered an interesting approach to improve attention, effort, and motivation
(Flynn & Colon, 2016; García-Redondo, García, Areces, Núñez, & Rodríguez, 2019). In this sense,
educational games, properly designed, provide complex, challenging, collaborative environments that
can support active learning and provide quick feedback. They require the development of skills that
are in high demand in the new educational virtual reality such as critical thinking, collaborative, and
communicative skills, as well as providing a basis for the assessment of such skills. In addition, players
interact in an environment conducive to formulating new possibilities, testing new ideas as well as
exploring social roles (Qian & Clark, 2016).
The growing implementation of technological resources, such as the tablet or smartphone in
classrooms, is a way to promote the development of digital competence and the use of languages
and resources familiar to students can improve participation and motivation while favoring mean­
ingful learning. Some of the main technological trends in education for the coming years, according to
experts, are Mobile Learning, Social Networks; Online Learning, Flipped classrooms, Cloud
Computing, Gamification, and Virtual Reality (Prieto, Palma, Tobías, & León, 2019). However,
some studies suggest that longstanding exposure to video games may be associated with impairments
in the attentional sphere, with the possibility to evolve to a clinically important attention deficit and
worsening in school performance (Peracchia & Curcio, 2018; Swing, Gentile, Anderson, & Walsh,
2010). A growing body of literature has been considered intellectual and ludic screen time as
a sedentary time for research purposes (Sá, Pombo, Luz, Rodrigues, & Cordovil, 2020).
Attention is characterized by selecting information for preferential processing (Cohen, 2014). From
the neuropsychological and clinical perspective, attention can be divided into selective (ability to
distinguish between relevant and irrelevant stimuli), sustained (to keep the attentional focus on
a certain stimulus for a set of time), alternated (to alternate focus between different stimuli) and
divided (to divide attentional focus for the performing of two simultaneous tasks) (Lezak, Howieson,
& Loring, 2004; Simão, Lima, Natalin, & Ciasca, 2010). Attentional development is observed since
birth and might be modified in different periods. Regarding selective and sustained attention, fast
improvement is present until 10 years old (Carreiro & Teixeira, 2012; Hazin et al., 2012). Screen time
moderates attentional skills, especially when school and entertainment activities happen more and
more through digital media (Sá et al., 2020; Tamana et al., 2019).
During social distancing and lockdown, the world’s population amplified the use of digital
technology at an unprecedented pace and scale. At a time like this, one cannot deny the benefit of
electronic media to people’s lives. Schools around the world were closed for different periods and
many institutions made the transition to remote teaching, based on online classes, through meetings
on digital platforms with the interaction between student and teacher/content made available virtually
(Clark, Nong, Zhu, & Zhu, 2021; Gomes et al., 2021). In recent years, online learning pedagogy has
been amplified, but there is still no consensus among researchers about its effectiveness. According to
Clark et al. (2021), during the COVID-19 pandemic, children who studied online performed better
academically than those who studied offline, however, the influence of this excessive exposure to
screens on mental functions is still not evident. In addition, most studies in this area have focused on
children with ADHD and these children are particularly susceptible to problematic media and internet
use (He et al., 2021).

Attention is linked to school abilities (Fonseca, Lima, Ims, Coelho, & Ciasca, 2015) and attentional
difficulties impact the learning and should be investigated (León, Rodrigues, Seabra, & Dias, 2013; Simão
et al., 2010). Considering childhood as a crucial period for attentional development and the increasing
screen exposure time, it becomes important to conduct a study aiming to better understand the association
between screen time and attention in children. The results may help to design public policies targeting
teachers who use screens for pedagogical purposes and families that deal with the screens at home. This
review aimed to investigate the associations between screen time and children’s attentional characteristics.

This review was conducted in compliance with Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and
Meta-Analyzes – PRISMA (Shamseer et al., 2015) and was registered at PROSPERO, under number
CRD42021228721. A search was performed in January 2021 with the following question: Is there an
association between screen time and attention in children? For this, the following keywords were used:
“screen time,” “children,” and “attention,” combined with the operator AND on databases PubMed
and PsycINFO. The search strategies for each database are detailed (see Table 1).
We included studies that met the following criteria: (1) studies that involved associations between
screen time (i.e the amount of time spent using a device with a screen such as a smartphone, computer,
television, or video game console as entertainment, or educational use) and attention (i.e at least one
dependent variable assessed); (2) studies with children (0 to 12 years old); (3) studies in English. Studies
that involve children with attention problems such as previous diagnosis of Attention Deficit with
Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), and do not present any measurement of attention were excluded.
The screening procedure was performed in pairs, including an initial search independently. After
duplicate records were deleted, the titles and abstracts of each study were screened according to the
inclusion and exclusion criteria. The articles eligible for full reading were selected and the two authors
discussed the results and reached a consensus of articles to be included in the review. Any disagree­
ments were resolved by consensus with the third author.

Data extraction
The following data were extracted according to a standard form that included: the first author, the
date, the country of publication, study design, objectives, screen time exposure/procedures, study
subject, measurement of attention, and main findings.

Quality Assessment
The Cochrane Collaboration’s risk of bias tool was used by the same review authors to assess the risk of
bias in each included study (Higgins & Green, 2011).

A total of 498 articles were identified from the database using the search strategy. Fifty-six duplicates
were removed, and 442 articles were assessed by title and abstract. After screening, 401 reports were
excluded, because they did not meet the predetermined criteria. Hence, 41 papers were reviewed, of
which 11 were included in this review (Figure 1)

Table 1. Search strategies.

Data Base Search strategies
PubMed All fields (((children) AND (screen time)) AND (screen time)) AND (attention)
PsycINFO Any Field: children AND Any Field: screen time AND Any Field: attention AND Document Type: Journal Article
178 R. M. S. SANTOS ET AL.

Records identified through
database searching
(n = 498)

Records after duplicates removed


(n =442)

Records excluded
Records screened
(n =401)
(n =442)

Full-text articles
Full-text articles assessed for eligibility excluded, with
(n = 41) reasons (n =30)

--Didn’t measured attention=

Additional records identified through 8
full-text reading - Didn’t measured screen
time= 2

(n = 0)
-Didn’t associated screen time
and attention= 3
-Study Protocol =1
Studies included in qualitative - Case Report =2
synthesis - Out of theme= 14
(n = 11)

Figure 1 Flow Diagram

Study characteristics
A total of 8.637 children and adolescents aged between 18 months and 18 years old participated in
studies, ranging from 30 (Zivan et al., 2019) to 1.897 individuals (Xie, Deng, Cao, & Chang, 2020). Two
studies evaluated participants at three different times in early childhood, 18 to 26 months (Gueron-
Sela & Gordon-Hacker, 2020), and in the school-age years (Barlett, Gentile, Barlett, Eisenmann, &
Walsh, 2012). Two studies evaluated schoolchildren in just one moment (Altenburg, Chinapaw &
Singh, 2015; Syväoja, Tammelin, Ahonen, Kankaanpää, & Kantomaa, 2014) and three studies eval­
uated preschoolers (Twait, Farah, Shamir, & Horowitz-Kraus, 2019; Xie et al., 2020; Zivan et al., 2019).
The study by (Lin et al., 2020) evaluated young children aged 18 to 36 months, in a pediatric hospital
and outpatient follow-up. The survey by (Hetherington, McDonald, Racine, & Tough, 2020) was
conducted with the children’s mothers, from prenatal consultations, until these children reached
5 years of age, and (Gueron-Sela & Gordon-Hacker, 2020) investigated children aged 18 to 26 months
through a survey of mothers via an online platform. In addition to children, the evaluation of
adolescents was included in two studies (Rosen et al., 2014; Swing et al., 2010).
The articles published between 2010 and 2020 and were from North America (Barlett et al., 2012;
Hetherington et al., 2020); Europe (Altenburg et al., 2016; Swing et al., 2010; Syväoja et al., 2014); Asia
(Lin et al., 2020; Rosen et al., 2014; Xie et al., 2020) and the Middle East (Gueron-Sela & Gordon-
Hacker, 2020; Twait et al., 2019; Zivan et al., 2019).

About the study design, three articles reported randomized controlled trials (RCTs) (Altenburg
et al., 2016; Twait et al., 2019; Zivan et al., 2019), two were longitudinal (Gueron-Sela & Gordon-
Hacker, 2020; Hetherington et al., 2020), two were prospective studies (Barlett et al., 2012; Swing et al.,
2010) and 4 were cross-sectional (Lin et al., 2020; Rosen et al., 2014; Syväoja et al., 2014; Xie et al.,
2020). Table 2 summarized the included studies.

Screen time assessment

Screen time was established in different ways by the studies in this review. Some surveys considered
screen time as just watching television and playing video games (Gueron-Sela & Gordon-Hacker,
2020; Hetherington et al., 2020; Swing et al., 2010), Barlett et al. (2012), and Syväoja et al. (2014) also
added the use of the computer. Xie et al. (2020) in addition to TV/DVD and video games, added the
use of tablets and smartphones to expand the definition of screen time. In two studies, screen time
was offered in the form of story video sessions with predefined content and time (Twait et al., 2019;
Zivan et al., 2019). A single study specifically evaluated the average time of using a touchscreen
device per day and the type of use such as playing games, watching movies, using educational
programs, or others (Lin et al., 2020). Rosen et al. (2014) included the daily use of media and
technology, such as using a computer for online or offline activity, talking on the phone, sending
text messages, playing videos, playing games, and playing with technological toys, however, he did
not refer the use of TV and Altenburg et al. (2016) did not include video games as screen time in her
Different patterns of screen time evaluation were observed. Five studies assessed screen time
through questionnaires to parents (Gueron-Sela & Gordon-Hacker, 2020; Hetherington et al., 2020;
Lin et al., 2020; Rosen et al., 2014; Swing et al., 2010), 3 others used reports provided by the children
(Altenburg et al., 2016; Barlett et al., 2012; Syväoja et al., 2014) and one evaluated using an accel­
erometer (Xie et al., 2020). In contrast, two articles used protocols during their experiments to
measure exposure to screen time (Twait et al., 2019; Zivan et al., 2019).

Attention assessment
Other outcomes were evaluated in addition to the attention skills; however, we focused the details on
the evaluations related to the attentional dimensions carried out in the studies. It was not a priority of
all studies included to measure each type of attention separately, however, associations were observed
between screen time and focused attention in Gueron-Sela and Gordon-Hacker (2020) and
Hetherington et al. (2020), selective attention in Altenburg et al. (2016), visual attention in Twait
et al. (2019) and Zivan et al. (2019), the flexibility of attention in Syväoja et al. (2014) and simultaneous
attention (Swing et al., 2010).
Two investigations assessed attention through reports of the professor (Barlett et al., 2012; Swing et al.,
2010). Four studies assessed attention through questionnaires based on parents’report, such as CBCL (Lin
et al., 2020; Xie et al., 2020), the Behavior Assessment System for Children (BASC-2) that assesses self-
regulatory skills, including focusing attention (Hetherington et al., 2020), the school version of the
Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder Assessment Scale of 18 items (Rosen et al., 2014) and the
Behavior Questionnaire for Childhood Focusing subscale Short Form (ECBQ-SF), which assesses focused
attention skills (Gueron-Sela & Gordon-Hacker, 2020). In Twait et al. (2019) and Zivan et al. (2019) the
parents answered the questionnaire (CONNERS) but the children also performed the Sky Search test that
investigates selective attention, and EEG measures were obtained. Altenburg et al. (2016), however,
evaluated only children, applying the Sky Search subtest, of the selective attention test in children (TEA-
CH). The study by Syväoja et al. (2014) also directly evaluated children using two tests that measure
attention: reaction time (RTI) and rapid visual information processing (RVP). The RTI measures the
speed of response to a visual target, whereas the RVP provides measures of sustained attention.

Table 2. Descriptive characteristics of included studies.

First author Year Country Study design Objectives Exposure/ Procedures Study subject Measurement of attention Main findings
1 Swing 2010 USA Cohort Investigate if there are associations Exposure to television and N= 1323 Attention problems were Total screen media

study of television and video game video games were based on Female=53% assessed by teacher exposure (television and video games
exposures with attention problems the Male= 43% report (“This child: has combined) was associated with greater
different in middle childhood compared participants’ responses to Age: 6-12 difficulty staying on task; subsequent attention problems
with late adolescence/ the has difficulty paying (B = 0.83, p < .05). When associated
early adulthood. average time spent on attention; often separately, video game exposures
weekdays and weekends. interrupts other was a more
children’s predictor of attention problems when
work”) on a 5-point scale, compared with television exposures.
with responses ranging
from “never true” to
“almost always true”.
2 Barlett 2012 Canada Cohort To examine the Children reported the N= 1.288 Attention problems were Media exposure at Time 1 was indirectly
study relations between media exposure and number of hours they children assessed by teacher related to greater attention problems,
multiple health-related outcomes, watched TV, played video Age= 9.6 years report (“This child: has physical aggression, and Body Mass
including games, and spent time mean difficulty staying on task; has Index at Time 3 (13 months later),
aggression, attention, and body mass index on the computer. (range 6–12 difficulty paying mediated by sleep at Time 2.
(BMI) with a prospective study, Total screen time = weekly years of attention; often
specifically totals for TV, video age). interrupts other
testing sleep as a mediator games, and computer 1.196 (93%) at children’s
time. baseline work”) on a 5-point scale,
1.156 (90%) at with responses ranging
Time 2 from “never true” to
1.110 (86%) at “almost always true”.
Time 3
Table 2. (Continued).
First author Year Country Study design Objectives Exposure/ Procedures Study subject Measurement of attention Main findings
3 Rosen 2014 China Cross- To examine the impact of technology on Parents were asked N=338 Included the 18-item Those children who used more technology
sectional four areas of ill-being: physical problem questions about their (aged 4-8) Attention Deficit demonstrated more attention problems
symptomology, psychological symptom own and their child ’s N=316 Hyperactivity Disorder
manifestation, attention problems, and technology usage (going (aged 9-12) Rating Scale–IV–
home and classroom behaviors, among online, using a computer N=376 Also, a parent and child
children (aged 4–8), preteens (9–12), for other than being (aged 13-18) attention symptomology
and teenagers (13–18) online, sending and Males checklist was included.
receiving e-mail, I Ming/ (51%)
chatting, talking on the and
telephone, texting, Females
playing video games, (49%).
listening to music, and
playing with
technological toys) on a
scale including not at all,
less than an hour, 1 h, 2
h, 3 h, 4–5 h, 6–8 h, 9– 10
h and more than 10 h per
Total Technology Use =
hours per day for all ten
queried forms of media.
4 Syvaoja 2014 Finland Cross- To examine how objectively measured and Self-reported screen time N=224 The tests assessing attention Boys reported more total screen time than
Sectional selfreported physical activity and was evaluated with the Female were girls, especially they spent more time
sedentary behavior are associated with question: ‘‘About how =56% Reaction Time playing computer or video games than
cognitive functions in school-aged many hours a day do you Male (RTI) and Rapid girls. In cognitive tests, boys were faster
children. usually a) watch =44% Visual Information than girls in the reaction time test - RTI,
television (including Mean age Processing (RVP). (p <0.001). The time of use of the self-
videos), b) play computer =12,2 year RTI measures reported computer was negatively
or video games, or c) use children’s reaction associated with the change and
a computer (for purposes time and speed of flexibility of attention.
other than playing response to a visual
games, for example, target. RVP is similar
emailing, chatting, or to the Continuous
surfing the Internet or Performance Task
doing homework). measuring sustained
Total attention.
daily screen time averages =

summing of hours
(weekdays and weekends

Table 2. (Continued).
First author Year Country Study design Objectives Exposure/ Procedures Study subject Measurement of attention Main findings
5 Altenburg 2015 Holland Randomi- To examine the acute effect of one or two TV viewing (min/day) and N=56 Selective attention was Group with higher screen time values had
zed Controll- 20-minute sessions of moderate computer use (min/day) Female= 30 measured by the ‘Sky lower scores on attention tests
ed Trial (RCT) exercise in the sustained attention of were assessed using Male=26 Search’ subtest of the
children items from a child Age= 10-13 ‘Test of Selective
questionnaire years Attention in Children’

6 Twait 2019 Israel Randomi- To examine Both the dialogic reading N=32 Attention/ Significant improvement in visual attention
zed Controll- the effect of dialogic and screen-based groups Female=40% hyperactivity after the dialogic reading intervention,
ed Trial (RCT) reading compared participated in 18 Male= 60% measured by compared to the control group that
to screen-exposed sessions Age=4-6 years the Conners rating scale. received screen-based exposure.
intervention for six weeks, three Visual and auditory
on executive meetings per week, for attention were
functions. 30 minutes each session. measured by
the ‘Sky
subtest of the ‘Test of
Selective Attention in
7 Zivan 2019 Israel Randomi- To determine the effect of 6- Storytelling interventions N= 30 Attention Greater visual attention abilities after the
zed Controll- weeks screen-based stories-listening were performed either Age= measured by the Conners storytelling intervention, but not after
ed Trial (RCT) exposure compared to a story-telling using a screen for stories 4 -6 years rating scale, BRIEF,‘Sky screen exposure. Screen exposure was
intervention delivered by an interactive listening by the screen screen: 50% Search’ subtest related to EEG patterns previously
human presenter on attention abilities group or administered by females, of the ‘Test of Selective related to altered attention abilities.
in 4–6-year-old children. an interactive storytelling: Attention
experimenter to the 43.8% in Children’
storytelling group. two females (TEA-Ch).
intervention groups - EEG
screen-based stories
listening (n = 14) and
storytelling (n = 16).
Table 2. (Continued).
First author Year Country Study design Objectives Exposure/ Procedures Study subject Measurement of attention Main findings
8 Xie 2020 China Cross-Sectional To establish if there exists a correlation The screen time was N=1897 Parents completed the Child Children with screen time > 60 minutes
between behavioral outcomes and recorded in minutes and Age=3-6 years Behavior had higher scores on attention
screen time of preschoolers. different weights were Checklist (CBCL) preschool problems (total problem: p = 0.024,
given to weekdays and version, which contains externalizing: p = 0.016).
weekends to calculate 99 items. Children’s
the accumulated screen behaviors were divided
time. Preschoolers were into 7 categories,
grouped based on including emotionally
screen time reactive, anxiousness/
of less 60 min or depression, aggressive
over 60min. behavior, attention
problems, somatic
complaints, withdrawn
symptom and sleep
9 Lin 2206 Taiwan Cross-Sectional Address associations of touchscreen device Caregivers answered for N= 161 Parents completed the Child Children aged 18–36 months who spent
exposure emotional and behavioral children aged 18 to 36 Age= mean of Behavior Checklist for more time on touch screen devices
problems with symptoms children months in the clinic of 25,63 Ages 1½–5 (CBCL 1½–5). tended to have more attention
between the ages of 18 and 36 months the medical center. Quiz months problems
about screen and touch (β = .300, p < .001, 95 % CI: .432–1.267).
10 Hetherington 2020 Canadá cohort study The objectives of this study were to Screen time was measured N=1644 The outcome measure was Excess screen time (>1 h per day) was
determine risk factors and moderators by maternal report of children self-regulation skills at associated with poor self-regulation in
associated with the three elements of how much time they In months age 5, which was Model inattention.
self-regulation (i.e., inattention, estimated their child =61,52 measured by parent
emotional control, or behavioral spent watching mean report on the Behavior
control) as well as overall self- television, movies, or Assessment System for
regulation, among children at age 5. playing videogames per Children (BASC-2).
day. Responses ranged
from less than 1 h to over
5 h and were
dichotomized according
to national guidelines for
this age group (1 h or less
compared to more than 1

h per day).

Table 2. (Continued).
First author Year Country Study design Objectives Exposure/ Procedures Study subject Measurement of attention Main findings
11 Gueron-Sela 2020 Israel Cohort study Examining the links between a cumulative Screen time was assessed N= 199 Children’s focused attention The exposition of multiple (rather than
& index of media use and children’s using maternal report of mothers of abilities were measured single) aspects of media use was related
Gordon- focused attention abilities at three time average child screen time children using the Attentional to decreased subsequent focused
Hacker points in toddlerhood: 18 (T1), 22 (T2), (i.e., watching television, aged 17–19 Focusing subscale from attention abilities during toddlerhood.
and 26 (T3) months of children’s age. watching videos/playing months the Early Childhood
games on a handled (60% male; Behavior Questionnaire
device) during a typical 40% female) Short Form (ECBQ-SF).
weekday and weekend
day. The measure of
Cumulative Media Use
(CMU) was constructed.

Associations between screen time and attention

Attentional behavioral changes in children
Most studies have observed associations between screen time and children’s attention. Regarding younger
children and preschoolers, screen time was predictive of the attention problems later (Barlett et al., 2012;
Gueron-Sela & Gordon-Hacker, 2020; Lin et al., 2020; Xie et al., 2020). Even the time using touch screen
devices was related to an increase in propensity for attention problems in young children (Lin et al., 2020).
The Council on Communication and Media, (2013) of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP),
recommends school-age children should not spend more than 2 hours a day with television and video
games combined. Children exceeding daily recommendation for television exposure or use of tech­
nological toys seems more likely to be above average in attention problems (Hetherington et al., 2020;
Rosen et al., 2014; Swing et al., 2010).
Early grades’ children were more prone to attention problems and videogames were more related
with later attention problems than television (Swing et al., 2010). In the study by Rosen et al. (2014),
the use of technology in daily basis was associated with attention problems for children aged 4 to
8 years, regardless of the type of media. For pre-adolescents (9 to 12 years old), the daily use of the total
technology was not related to attention problems, being associated only foreseen when considering the
use of video games and technological toys, separately (Rosen et al., 2014).
In the study by Hetherington et al., 2020, the screen time of up to 1 hour daily was considered
excessive for children with a mean age of 5 years. A significant relationship between excessive screen
time and inattention was observed, including a possible increase in inattention for each
additional hour of screen time, but children were compared only for time of exposure but not for
the kind of electronic media. These studies provided information about children’s attention through
reports from parents and teachers, who mentioned difficulties in focusing attention and staying on
task (Hetherington et al., 2020; Rosen et al., 2014; Swing et al., 2010).

Attentional alterations in experimental studies and cortical electrical activity

Experiments screen-based observed differences in performance in tests of visual attention when
comparing control to screen-exposed group. Children who received dialogic reading and storytelling
interventions showed improvement in visual attention after the intervention, compared to the control
group that received screen-based exposure (Twait et al., 2019; Zivan et al., 2019). Only one study
reported that children with more screen time performed better in an attention task Rapid Visual
Information Processing (RVP) (Syväoja et al., 2014).
Studies that compared the effects of human interaction through dialogic reading and interactive
storytelling, with exposure to screen time in attentional processes, also have done electroencephalo­
gram (EEG) measurements (Twait et al., 2019; Zivan et al., 2019). In the study by Twait et al. (2019),
a dialogic reading intervention was carried out. Intervention consisted of 18 reading sessions of
different age-appropriate books, accompanied by researchers who interacted with the children during
the process, repeating, questioning, and expanding what the child said, to create or to reinforce
associations. Twait et al. (2019) considered two subcomponents of attention control, the first one
related to external stimuli, that is, based on the reception of information to central neuroanatomical
substrates, also called ascending processes or guiding attention, reflected in the P300 component and
a second component, focused on information processing and response, motivated by internal pro­
cesses and notably slower, reflected in the N200 Component of the EEG. Significant differences were
observed between intervention groups, with greater amplitudes of P300 and N200 in the screening
group and smaller in the dialogic reading group. Better scores in visual attention tasks and processing
speed were correlated with smaller differences between the P300 and N200 amplitudes, respectively
(Twait et al., 2019).
To investigate whether screen exposure correlates with changes in basic attention mechanisms, in
Zivan et al. (2019), the EEG was used focusing on bands related to this outcome. The study compared
the effect of screen exposure and interactive storytelling on attention skills and brain electrical activity
186 R. M. S. SANTOS ET AL.

in the theta and beta bands, whose frequencies were used statistically as measures of functional
connectivity. The results showed an increase in functional connectivity in areas that configure
a pattern previously related to attention difficulties in the control group, exposed to the screen,
concerned the group that participated in the interactive storytelling intervention. In the post-
intervention visual attention tests, the best scores were observed in the experimental group, compared
to the screen exposure group.

Risk of bias
Most studies showed a low or unclear risk of bias for the items evaluated (see Figure 2 and Figure 3). In
addition, ‘Risk of bias’ summaries were reported in detail to allow accurate assessment of domains of
randomization, allocation, and blinding for those studies that were not randomized controlled trials.

The purpose of this review was to analyze the literature on the associations between screen time and
children’s attention. The results suggest that the child’s exposure to excessive screen time can be
associated with attention problems. Although there is the prospect of educational potential of screen
media for young children, there is also concern about the development and health of these children.
However, children are growing up in environments with a varied offer of media, such as videos,
mobile, and interactive technologies, in addition to television. In this perspective, the AAP sought
a more current approach to the issue, through the Council and Communications and Media, 2016,
but remaining with time limitations in the use of digital media for children aged 2 to 5 years for no
more than 1 hour a day. For children under 2 years old, the document makes the use of video calling
with responsive adults more flexible, as a way to facilitate interaction with distant relatives. Excessive
exposure for children over five years old, is defined by the AAP as total time greater than two hours
a day using screens of any types, such as television, video games, smartphones, computers, and
To the best of our knowledge, this is the first systematic review that aimed to identify studies
that analyzed the correlations between screen time and children’s attention. Most studies
analyzed found associations between exposure to different types of screen-based devices and
attention in children (Altenburg et al., 2016; Barlett et al., 2012; Gueron-Sela & Gordon-Hacker,
2020; Hetherington et al., 2020; Lin et al., 2020; Rosen et al., 2014; Swing et al., 2010; Twait
et al., 2019; Xie et al., 2020; Zivan et al., 2019).

Figure 2. Risk of bias graph: review authors’ judgements about each risk of bias item presented as percentages across all included

Figure 3. Risk of bias summary: review authors’ judgements about each risk of bias item for each included study.

Watching television and playing video games similarly were correlated with attention outcomes in
children from 4 to 8 years old and late in adolescence (Swing et al., 2010). We found results that
suggest a decrease in attention skills in young children when considering the total screen time
exposure (Gueron-Sela & Gordon-Hacker, 2020). However, results of a survey conducted with
Japanese children (Sugawara, Matsumoto, Murohashi, Sakai, & Isshiki, 2015), contrast with our
data, concluding that screen time was not related to attention problems. This study analyzed the
relationships between exposure to television and other media by children aged 0 years and externaliz­
ing problems such as attention, at 5 years of age. Each year, families received a 1-week diary to record
the use of television and other screens (i.e., videos/DVDs, video games, and home computers) by the
assessed child. This exposure generally increased from age 0 to 1 and decreased at age of 5 years. Some
188 R. M. S. SANTOS ET AL.

children had longer screen contact time since the beginning of the study but showed no significant
differences in attention problems compared to groups with the shorter contact time, showing that
screen time and its trajectories of change at ages of 1 at 5 years does not influence externalization
problems, such as attention, at 5 years. These data were obtained from a longitudinal study beginning
in 2002, later Foster and Watkins (2010) also found no significant correlation between maternal
reports of watching television at ages 1 and 3 and attention problems at 7 years old. Longitudinal
studies are important to definitively establish if the exposure was or not related to the outcome, so
mere studies are still necessary in different cultures and conditions to be certain about the effects of
screen on children development.
Children who spent more time on touchscreen devices were more likely to have precocious
attention problems (Lin et al., 2020). These data reinforce recent research, in which the use of devices
based on touch screens for the long term has been associated with differences in speed and control of
the attention allocation on the visual scene. This study compared children who used touch screen
devices for a short with those who used them for a long time. Children who used the touch screen for
a longer time were faster in one of the stages of the Visual Search Reaction Time test. However, the
authors considered that there could be an interference of the salience in the execution of the task,
instead of quick learning within the task. The authors add that transferring this to the child’s daily life
would be the same as saying, for example, which the child may have difficulty concentrating on their
activity in the middle of a busy classroom (Portugal, Bedford, Cheung, Gliga, & Smith, 2021). Also,
according to Li, Cheng, Sha, Cheng, and Yan (2020), when the device with a touch-sensitive screen is
removed, children may not be able to concentrate on activities without strong stimulation.
In young children, the association between attention and screen time (quantity versus quality)
appears to be stronger when sleep was considered together (Barlett et al., 2012). In a recent review by
Li et al. (2020), the meta-analysis elucidated that more use of screen media was related to more sleep
problems, but the evidence regarding cognitive or attentional development in this population was
unclear. The presence of neurodevelopmental disorders is known to affect sleep and attention in
children, such as described for ADHD (van der Heijden, Stoffelsen, Popma, & Swaab, 2018). Although
this review found associations between screen time and the presence of ADHD symptoms,
a conclusive relationship could not be established. The children included in the studies reviewed did
not have a previous diagnosis of ADHD, however, they show alterations in the scores of the instru­
ments that suggest the presence of an undiagnosed condition or recent development of symptoms and
even related disorder (Xie et al., 2020).
The underlying mechanisms linking attention skills and screen time exposure are still not well
established. The current review found a significant improvement in children’s visual attention after
interventions that involved interaction with people, compared to exposure to screens (Twait et al.,
2019; Zivan et al., 2019). These data agree with a previous MRI study, which evaluated the connectivity
between the language-related area and other brain regions, in children aged 8 to 12 years, who report
reading and screen times. It was concluded that the time spent on reading was positively correlated
with greater functional connectivity between regions related to language and visual and cognitive
processing and control of the brain, while the screen time group was related to less connectivity in
these regions (Horowitz-Kraus & Hutton, 2017). Although the study by Zivan et al. (2019) observed an
increase in connectivity in the group exposed to the screen, this increase was detected in regions
previously related to attention difficulties. Another study showed that screen exposure decreased gray
matter integrity (Paulus et al., 2019). However, these studies mainly addressed visual processing
regions in a population aged 8 years and over, differing from the experimental records in this review
(Twait et al., 2019; Zivan et al., 2019), which they examined the relationship between screen exposure
and neurobiological correlates of brain attention skills in preschool children.
Young children and preschoolers, however, might be particularly affected by excessive screen time,
as at this age the brain has great plasticity (Dumuid, 2020; Thompson & Nelson, 2001). The American
Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) advises against the use of electronic devices until the age of 2 years,
although recognizing potential benefits, this exposure may cause greater harm to children (AAP

Council on Communications and Media, 2016). A study conducted with children aged 3 to 5 years
Hutton, Dudley, Horowitz-Kraus, DeWitt & Holland, (2019), has found magnetic resonance evidence
of harmful associations between screen time and microstructural integrity of the white matter tracts,
implicated in executive functions and literacy, results that support the findings of the present review
about young and preschool children, in which screen time was also related to later attention problems
(Barlett et al., 2012; Gueron-Sela & Gordon-Hacker, 2020; Lin et al., 2020, 2020; Xie et al., 2020).
Attention skills have neurobiological foundations, but children’s experiences also play a key role in
this development (Colombo & Salley, 2015). In this sense, cultural aspects can be considered. Studies
carried out in culturally distinct populations may not find differences in the attention of children
exposed to screen time, either due to the influence of discipline, naturally developed in children
(Sugawara et al., 2015) or even due to the lack of provision of recommendations guidelines of on-
screen media use by young children American Academy of Pediatrics (2016), as in the UK, (Taylor,
Monaghan & Westermann, 2018). Added to these differences are countries, such as France, for example,
which approved the ban on smartphones in schools, until the 9th grade, or Taiwan, in which the Law for
the Protection of the Rights and Welfare of Children and Youth started to recommend nothing more
30 minutes of use of electronic devices each time, for children older than 2 years (Lin et al., 2020).
Xie et al. (2020) conclude the screen time on TV/DVD, on tablets, smartphones, and video games
should be reduced to less than 1 hour per day. For preschoolers, Hetherington et al. (2020) add as
a concern, the prediction of greater inattention in children whose screen times exceed one hour a day.
Although previous AAP statements have advised specific screen time limits (Council on
Communications and Media, 2016), recent guidelines suggest that families manage this exposure
individually, without a specific universal limit. Although excessive screen time may be related to health
risks, given the pandemic scenario by COVID-19, increases in screen time seem inevitable, leading to
the creation of family strategies to take advantage of benefits and an attempt to minimize losses
(Nagata, Abdel Magid, & Pettee Gabriel, 2020).

Some studies have assessed the impact of screen time on attention as a secondary outcome, such as
evaluating sedentarism, school and eating behavior, cognition, sleep, interaction with parents, and
learning or development of skills.
Another important and delicate point is the report of screen time. Currently, screen time has
become a more complex concept, with a great variety and availability of electronic media devices, so
the report for parents or for child might be inaccurate about both the quantity and quality. There is
a potential underestimation of the amount of time spent on electronic media.
About the assessment of attention, the studies in this review were mostly composed of an indirect
evaluation of attention using the behavioral questionnaires answered by parents, which might not
capture the real behaviors in diverse scenarios.
The number of studies included in this review and the heterogeneity in measures and outcomes,
such as samples at different stages of child development, contexts, and methodologies made difficult to
generalize the results shown here.

The cognitive function of attention is related to the child’s adequate performance in their activities,
especially at school. This review contributes to highlight the associations between screen-based media
exposure and children’s attention. The studies argue that the screen-use has the benefit of children’s
entertainment and can also complement school and learning activities. However, the potential benefit
was not possible to capture in all studies, suggesting changes in the ability to pay attention after
exposure to screens. Generally, the reviewed data suggest the need to control screen time use to avoid
attentional problems. The associations between overexposure and attention manifest themselves, and
190 R. M. S. SANTOS ET AL.

we will be challenged to evaluate to what extent are attention problems associated with the time or type
of screen-use or would be beneficial as a resource for learning. More studies with objective measures of
attention in controlled environments of exposure to screen time will be needed to answer this

Disclosure statement
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).

The author(s) reported there is no funding associated with the work featured in this article.

Renata Maria Silva Santos
Débora Marques Miranda

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