7° - Reading Homework #2

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Seventh graders homework activity #2 (Reading)

1. Complete the passage using the words below.

Responsible – Victory – Competition – Passionate – Unique – Defeated - Recruit
In 2002, Japan and South Korea co-hosted the World Cup. Despite being full
__________of fans, this international soccer _________ had never been held in
Asia. Teams from 32 countries participated in the tournament. Brazil achieved
_________ in the final, when it _________ Germany by a score of 2-0. The 2002
World Cup helped promote interest in soccer. By working together to host the
tournament, Japan and South Korea were _________ for creating a new
generation of soccer fans.

Reading comprehension.
 Soccer has a long history. In 2500 B.C.E. the Chinese started a similar game,
called tsu chu. The modern game began in 1840 in Great Britain, and the
British established the rules that are used today. Now, more than 200 million
people around the world play soccer.
 The main reason for soccer’s universal appeal is that it is a simple game. You
only need something you can kick and a flat space. Anyone can play: young
and old, men and women, rich and poor, and people from the city and the
country. In addition, the game promotes camaraderie: soccer can unify fans
who cheer their team to victory and who cry together when their team
suffers defeat.
 Soccer is especially popular in Africa. Games were first played in Cape Town
and Port Elizabeth in the mid-1800s. Today, all Africans have a passion for
the game. Soccer academies all over Africa recruit boys to teach them the
sport. Poor boys play in bare feet and become tough competitors. The
promise of riches that international professional players earn is no doubt a
part of the young players’ dreams. But, unity is also a reward of the game.
The boys sometimes come from different groups who face discrimination,
and a shared passion for soccer helps unify people. In addition, it teaches
young players to be responsible in society and brings hope. As supporters of
the Ivory Coast's national team showed, soccer can promote peace and
become a symbol of unity.

2. What is this reading mainly about?

 Soccer in African countries.
 The popularity of soccer.
 How boys learn to play soccer.

3. Which is NOT given as a reason that people like soccer?

 It encourages peace and unity.
 The rules are being changed.
 The game is simple to play.

4. How has Ivory Coast's soccer team helped the country?

 It encourages peace and unity in the nation.
 The national games increase tourism.
 It brings in money from televised soccer matches.

5. In paragraph 3, the word them refers to ____________.

 Africans.
 Soccer academies.
 Boys.

6. What is the last paragraph about?

 Boys who become tough competitors.
 The popularity of soccer in Africa.
 How the Ivory Coast team promotes peace.

7. Choose a successful soccer star. What are they doing to give back to their

8. Choose a recent Olympic champion. What factors were important for them to
achieve their success?

9. Note the websites you used as sources of information below. (how do you
based your answers?)

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