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CHU VĂN AN Thời gian: 180 phút (Không kể thời gian giao đề)
ĐỀ THI ĐỀ XUẤT Đề thi gồm có 19 trang

PART I. LISTENING (50 points)

TASK 4. You will hear an interview with a woman called Penny Greer, who
works as a photographer. Choose the best answer (A, В, C or D) for each of the
following questions. (10 points)
1. How did a college course in photography most affect Penny?
A. She had more interest in taking photos to sell things.
B. She learnt a more commercial style.
C. She developed certain artistic skills.
D. She realised the importance of light.
2. Penny decided to specialise in wedding photography because she _______.
A. had always been interested in weddings
B. hoped to photograph weddings in a new way
C. was influenced by other wedding photographers
D. wanted to have an emotional day for herself
3. Penny currently gets most of her customers through _______.
A. her website B. magazine ads
C. a mailing list D. commercial ads
4. What takes up most of Penny’s time?
A. talking to clients B. editing her work
C. taking the shots D. setting up meetings
5. Penny says she gets the photographs she wants when people _______.
A. relax fully B. dress in an original way
C. express their feelings strongly D. concentrate on the camera
TASK 1. Choose the best option (A, B, C, or D) to complete each of the following
sentences. (20 points)

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1. I don’t think you have watered the plants near the gate. The soil is as dry as
A. rice B. a tile C. a bone D. wood
2. Susan was sad because she wasn’t invited to any social events. She felt ________.
A. left out B. turned out C. omitted out D. gone out
3. Henry was really a silly boy when we were at high school. I still remember
________ very stupid questions.
A. him asking B. him to ask C. asking him D. his being asked
4. With ________, it is obvious that our approach to the problem was completely
A. retrospect B. hindsight C. afterthought D. review
5. I was immensely ________ to hear that none of my relatives was killed in the bus
A. shocked B. relieved C. enlightened D. healed
6. She does what she wants to do, showing little ________ for the feelings of others.
A. regard B. sensitivity C. awareness D. perception
7. After she had made several disastrous decisions, people began to ________ her
A. disbelieve B. inspect C. wonder D. question
8. What Marilyn did at the party was certainly ________ bad taste.
A. of B. about C. in D. under
9. Don't count your ________ before they hatched.
A. ducklings B. chickens C. puppies D. birds
10. The ________ child is forever asking questions. He's incredibly curious.
A. acquisitive B. acquitted C. inquisitive D. exquisite
11. Ever since we quarreled in the office, Janice and I have been ________ enemies.
A. assured B. confirmed C. defined D. done
12. I have never been windsurfing, but I'd love to have________ at it.
A. a trial B. a look C. a taste D. a go
13. After making ________ remarks to the President, the reporter was not invited to
return to the White House pressroom.

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A. hospitable B. impertinent C. resourceful D. chivalrous
14. Of course, the ________ voice had come under attack before, at different times
by different social groups.
A. disembodied B. discordant C. dismissive D. disconcerting
15. The story is told that there are two personalities among psychologists, optimists
and pessimists, who see the glass as half full or half empty, ________.
A. respectively B. certainly C. orderly D. consequently
16. The restaurant does not advertise, but relies on ________ of mouth for custom.
A. sentence B. word C. passage D. essay
17. The children went ________ with excitement.
A. wild B. wildly C. wilderness D. wildlife
18. There was a huge decline in the number of tigers ________ any kind of threat
from hunting.
A. experiencing B. undertaking C. implementing D. experimenting
19. He ________ so much harm on the nation during his regime that it has
never fully recovered.
A. indicted B. inferred C. induced D. inflicted
20. His neighbors found his ______ manner bossy and irritating, and they stopped
inviting him to backyard barbeques.
A. insentient B. magisterial C. preparatory D. restorative
TASK 2. Give the correct form of the words in brackets to complete each of the
following sentences. (10 points)
1. There is a/an ________ (SUPPOSE) simple explanation of what happened.
2. The article I read the other day was quite ____________ (INFORM). That’s why I
keep it for later reference.
3. ____________ (AMAZE) enough, no-one else has applied for the job.
4. Please check the ___________ (AVAIL) of the language lab on that day.
5. The tendency now is to ___________ (PERSON) our cell phone ringtones.
6. He’s a university student majoring in ____________ (CLIMATE).
7. The teacher gave us a(n) ___________ (INTRODUCE) lesson on conservation.

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8. To be completely fair, we need a(n) ___________ (INTEREST) person. 9. The
inauguration ceremony was given ____________ (WORLD) coverage.
10. He's at that ________ (IMPRESS) age when he's very easily led by other
PART III. READING (60 points)
TASK 1. Read the following passage and choose the option which best fit each of
the gaps. (10 points)
According to the European Pizza-Makers’ Association, making a good pizza is
not a straight forward skill to learn. The ingredients seem very (1) _______: flour,
yeast, water and a bit of salt. But water and flour can easily (2) _______ glue and
anyone who has eaten a (3) _______quality pizza will know how bad it can make
your stomach (4) _______.
“In Italy, 70% of pizza makers could improve on their product, not to (5)
_______ all the pizza makers around the world who (6) _______ uneatable meals”,
says Antonio Primiceri, the Association's founder. He has now started a pizza school
in an attempt to (7) _______ the reputation of this traditional dish. As part of a/an (8)
_______ course, the students at Mr. Primiceri's school are taught to avoid common
mistakes, produce a good basic mixture, add a tasty topping and cook the pizza
properly. “Test the finished pizza by breaking the crust,” advises Mr. Primiceri. “If
the soft part inside the pizza is white, clean and dry, it's a good pizza. If it is not like
this, the pizza will (9) _______ your stomach. You will feel uncomfortably full and
also thirsty”.
In Italy alone, the pizza industry has an annual turnover of more than $12
billion. Mr. Primiceri estimated that there are 10,000 jobs in pizza restaurants waiting
to be (10) _______ by those with real skills. “If you are a good pizza cook, you will
never be without a job”, he says.
1. A. simple B. primary C. pure D. regular
2. A. mix B. construct C. assemble D. make
3. A. sad B. poor C. short D. weak
4. A. sense B. do C. feel D. be
5. A. state B. mention C. remark D. tell

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6. A. submit B. give C. serve D. deal
7. A. save B. provide C. deliver D. return
8. A. extensive B. extreme C. intensive D. intentional
9. A. worry B. upset C. ache D. depress
10. A. employed B. filled C. completed D. covered
Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

TASK 2. Read the text below and think of ONE word which best fits each space.
(10 points)
My First Paddle-Boarding Lesson
Here I am in a cold, windy city, under a very grey sky. I ask myself (1)
______. I’m standing on an oversized surfboard in the middle of a river with nothing
to help me (2) ______ a paddle. I’m about to have my first lesson in paddle-boarding,
which is a bit (3) ______ canoeing but with only one paddle and, being upright, you
can enjoy the views on offer. The teacher reassures me it’s easy, which (4) _______
nothing to reduce the pressure. I desperately try to keep (5) _______ balance and
concentrate on not falling in. I wonder if I’ve left it too late to back out and (6)
_______ for solid ground, but before I can change my mind I’m (7) _______ the
move, but not going where I want to. I hear my teacher shouting ‘Paddle paddle’; I
try but, (8) _______ my best efforts, I don’t make much progress. ‘You need to
paddle on both sides,’ he says, ‘because (9) _______ you’ll go around in circles.
Copy me.’ And finally I’m moving in the same direction as everyone else and it (10)
_______ amazing.
Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
TASK 3. Read the passage and choose the option (A, B, C, or D) which best
answer each of the following questions. (10 points)
One of the primary ways of approaching the Greek theatre is through
archeology, the systematic study of material remains such as architecture,

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inscriptions, sculpture, vase painting, and other forms of decorative art. [A] Serious
on-site excavations began in Greece around 1870, but W. Dorpfeld did not begin the
first extensive study of the Theatre of Dionysus until 1886. [B] Since that time, more
than 167 other Greek theatres have been identified and many of them have been
excavated. [C] Nevertheless, they still do not permit us to describe the precise
appearance of the skene (illustrations printed in books are conjectural
reconstructions), since many pieces are irrevocably lost because the buildings in later
periods became sources of stone for other projects and what remains is usually
broken and scattered. [D] That most of the buildings were remodeled many times has
created great problems for those seeking to date both the parts and the successive
versions. Despite these drawbacks, archeology provides the most concrete evidence
we have about the theatre structures of ancient Greece. But, if they have told us
much, archeologists have not completed their work, and many sites have scarcely
been touched.
Perhaps the most controversial use of archeological evidence in theatre history
is vase paintings, thousands of which have survived from ancient Greece. (Most of
those used by theatre scholars are reproduced in Margarete Bieber’s The History of
the Greek and Roman Theatre.) Depicting scenes from mythology and daily life, the
vases are the most graphic pictorial evidence we have. But they are also easy to
misinterpret. Some scholars have considered any vase that depicts a subject treated in
a surviving drama or any scene showing masks, flute players, or ceremonials to be
valid evidence of theatrical practice. This is a highly questionable assumption, since
the Greeks made widespread use of masks, dances, and music outside the theatre and
since the myths on which dramatists drew were known to everyone, including vase
painters, who might well depict the same subjects as dramatists without being
indebted to them. Those vases showing scenes unquestionably theatrical are few in
Written evidence about ancient Greek theatre is often treated as less reliable
than archeological evidence because most written accounts are separated so far in
time from the events they describe and because they provide no information about
their own sources. Of the written evidence, the surviving plays are usually treated as

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the most reliable. But the oldest surviving manuscripts of Greek plays date from
around the tenth century, C.E., some 1500 years after they were first performed.
Since printing did not exist during this time span, copies of plays had to be made by
hand, and therefore the possibility of textual errors creeping in was magnified.
Nevertheless, the scripts offer us our readiest access to the cultural and theatrical
conditions out of which they came. But these scripts, like other kinds of evidence, are
subject to varying interpretations. Certainly performances embodied a male
perspective, for example, since the plays were written, selected, staged, and acted by
men. Yet the existing plays feature numerous choruses of women and many feature
strong female characters. Because these characters often seem victims of their own
powerlessness and appear to be governed, especially in the comedies, by sexual
desire, some critics have seen these plays as rationalizations by the male-dominated
culture for keeping women segregated and cloistered. Other critics, however, have
seen in these same plays an attempt by male authors to force their male audiences to
examine and call into question this segregation and cloistering of Athenian women.
By far the majority of written references to Greek theatre date from several
hundred years after the events they report. The writers seldom mention their sources
of evidence, and thus we do not know what credence to give them. In the absence of
material nearer in time to the events, however, historians have used the accounts and
have been grateful to have them. Overall, historical treatment of the Greek theatre is
something like assembling a jigsaw puzzle from which many pieces are missing:
historians arrange what they have and imagine (with the aid of the remaining
evidence and logic) what has been lost. As a result, though the broad outlines of
Greek theatre history are reasonably clear, many of the details remain open to doubt.

1. According to paragraph 1, why is it impossible to identify the time period for

theatres in Greece?
A. It is confusing because stones from early sites were used to build later structures.
B. There are too few sites that have been excavated and very little data collected about
C. The archeologists from earlier periods were not careful, and many artifacts were

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D. Because it is very difficult to date the concrete that was used in construction
during early periods.
2. What can be inferred from paragraph 1 about the skene in theatre history?
A. Drawings in books are the only accurate visual records.
B. Archaeologists have excavated a large number of them.
C. It was not identified or studied until the early 1800s.
D. Not enough evidence is available to make a precise model.
3. The word “primary” in the passage is closest in meaning to _________.
A. important B. reliable C. unusual D. accepted
4. In paragraph 2, the author explains that all vases with paintings of masks or
musicians may not be evidence of theatrical subjects by
A. identifying some of the vases as reproductions that were painted years after the
B. casting doubt on the qualifications of the scholars who produced the vases as evidence
C. arguing that the subjects could have been used by artists without reference to a drama
D. pointing out that there are very few vases that have survived from the time of early
5. In paragraph 3, the author states that female characters in Greek theatre
A. had no featured parts in plays B. frequently played the part of victims
C. were mostly ignored by critics D. did not participate in the chorus
6. According to paragraph 3, scripts of plays may not be accurate because
A. copies by hand may contain many errors
B. the sources cited are not well known
C. they are written in very old language
D. the printing is difficult to read
7. The word “them” in the passage refers to ______.
A. events B. writers C. sources D. references
8. Why does the author mention a jigsaw puzzle in paragraph 4?
A. To compare the written references for plays to the paintings on vases

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B. To justify using accounts and records that historians have located
C. To introduce the topic for the next reading passage in the textbook
D. To demonstrate the difficulty in drawing conclusions from partial evidence
9. Which of the following statements most accurately reflects the author’s
opinion about vase paintings?
A. Evidence from written documents is older than evidence from vase paintings.
B. There is disagreement among scholars regarding vase paintings.
C. The sources for vase paintings are clear because of the images on them.
D. The details in vase paintings are not obvious because of their age.
10. Look at the four squares [_] that indicate where the following sentence can
be added to the passage. Where would the sentence best fit?
These excavations have revealed much that was previously unknown, especially
about the dimensions and layout of theatres.
A. [A] B. [B] C. [C] D. [D]

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