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Direction: Write the letter of the correct answer in your paper.

1. In what part of the respiratory system does gas exchange occur?

a. lungs b. alveoli c. diaphragm d. bronchial tubes

2. Which body system is responsible for gas exchange in the body?

a. excretory system b. endocrine system c. respiratory system d. integumentary system

3. What blood vessel carries away blood from the heart?

a. veins b. arteries c. venules d. capillaries

4. In which part of the heart will the deoxygenated blood enter from the other parts of the body?

a. left atrium b. right ventricle c. inferior vena cava d. superior vena cava

5. An addictive drug present in tobacco smoke is ___________.

a. tar b. nicotine c. carbon monoxide d. hydrogen cyanide

6. Alleles at particular locations are called____________.

a. gene b. allele d. gene locus d. location of trait

7. If an egg cell is fertilized by a sperm with Y chromosomes, what will be its offspring?

a. male b. female c. either male or female d. neither male nor female

8. Which of the following is the MAIN cause of wildlife extinction?

a. speciation b. deforestation c. habitat destruction d. production of plastics

9. Photosynthesis is a process of food making done by plants and autotrophic organisms. Where does

photosynthesis takes place?

a. cell wall b. cytoplasm c. chloroplast d. mitochondrion

10. Cellular respiration breaks down organic molecules for the production of ATP. Where can you find

this process?

a. cell wall b. cytoplasm c. chloroplast d. mitochondrion

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