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Project Lead: James Wyatt D&D Stupio
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Lead Editor: Janica Carter. ‘Art Department: Matt Cole,Trystan Falcone, Bree Heiss,
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Additional Art Directors: Kate Irwin, Dawn Murin, Zack Stella De Armas, Dan Dillon, Amanda Hamon, Ron Lundeen,
Cover Illustrators: Cynthia Sheppard, Olena Richards Ben Petrisor, Patrick Renie, F. Wesley Schneider, Carl
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Concept Artists: Daarken, John Grello, April Prime, DAD writers than anyone in memory. His kindness and wit
Shawn Wood are woven into decades of the game, and he will influence its
Consultants: Siena East, Winona Nelson, John Tomhave writers and editors for decades to come. This book is dedicated
Project Engineer: Супда Callaway to his beloved memory.
Imaging Technicians: Daniel Corona, Kevin Yee
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Bigby's grasping hand steals a giant воове golden Bigby plays chess—a game whose Giant name translates to
egg from its cloud giant keepers in this painting by “war of
the stone kings"—with a stone giant in this cover by
Cynthia Sheppard. Olena Richards,

Disclaimer: Bigby accept по responsibilty for injuries sustainedbyadventurers who

62002432000001ЕМ seekontthegloryofthe paniwithoutpr ation,including
butnotmtd to
ISBN: 978.0-7869-6899-2 lighting sre Jallfrom cloudeonttes,ine "pethermia, crushing boulders.or
Bring tupon.
First Printing: August 2023
Telus what youthink about Bigby Presents: Glory ofthe
Gants, surveyhe
DUNGEONS & ORAGONS, DRD,Wieads of the Coast, thedragon ampersand,ThePlayer's MonterManual,DungeonMoserGuide,MAGIC: THE GATHERING, other Wizards
Мcampaign set ings, hl respectivlogos,e nd Won хотеле Roleplaying Game are trademarksof Wizards of the Coastin the USA. thercoun:
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Diancastra's Saga. Prost Giant Ice Shaper.
Glory of the Giants. Frost Giant of Evil Water
Annam and the Giants. Ргоӊтоитп..........
Giants ofMany Worlds ..... e 8
Ch-1:Character Creation. Giant Lynx.
Subclass Option... Howling Iceberg. Giant Ох.
Barbarian: Path of the Giant... Karontor's Hold... Giant Ват.
Misty Vale. Giant Tick..........
Runic Circle. Gigant.
Singing Sands. Goliath Giant-Kin
Star Forge Grinning Cat....
Hill Giant Avalanche:
Worldroot Sapli Lightning Hulk..
Ch. 5: Giant Treasures. Maw of Yenoghu......
Feats Giant Bags. Mist Hulk.
Feat Descriptions Cloud Giant Bags... Mud Hulk.
Ch. 2: Giants inPlay... Fire Giant Bags...
Frost Giant Bags..
Hill Giant Bags,
Stone Giant Bags. Cradle of the Hill Scion.
Storm Giant Bags. Scion of Grolantor
Relics of Giant Realms... Cradle ofthe Cloud Scion
Scion of Memnor...
The Ordning.. Cradle of the Stone Scion.
Rejecting the Ordning Scion of Skoraeus....
Origin of the Ordning Cradle of the Storm Scion.
Scion of Stronmaus.
Cradle of the Fire Scio:
Interloper Gods. Scion of Surtur-
Gods and Adventures... Cradle of the Frost Scion.
Social Structures Scion of Thrym..
Spectral Cloud......
Spotted Lion.......
Stalker of Baphomet.

Organizations. Storm Giant Tempest Caller...........182
Hidden Rune. Storm Herald.
Stewards of the Eternal Throne..
Worldroot Сігае.........
Ch. 3:Giant Adventures.
Echo of Demogorgon..
Giantkind Encounter: Ettin Ceremorph.. Giants by Kind.
Connected Creatures...... Fensirs.. Challenge Ratings ...
Adventures... Fensir Devourer...
Adventure Models. Fensir Skirmisher Creature Type:
Giant Patrons. Appendix A: Concept Art
Campaigns. Appendix B: Adventure Hooks.
A World of Giants..
Campaign Events.....
Giants and Other An Fire Giant Forgecaller... Sidebars
Giants of Myt Fire Giant of Evil Fire. The Many Meanings of "Giant
Ch, 4:Giant Enclaves. Fire Hellion.. Giant Runes and Dwarvish Script
Flesh Colossus. Giant Children......
Using Enclaves Fomorians.
Giant Enclave General Features, Picka Giant, Any Giant
Annam’s Cradle. Entering Horizon's Edge .
Ashen Grotto.. Fomorian Warlock ofthe Dark, Giant-Crafted tems...
Dreamer's Reach..
Battle-worn and weary, bruised from her journey, Diancastra, undaunted, departed the sanctum
Diancastra entered the All-Father's hall. And journeyed to the waters beyond worlds.
With calm confidence she claimed her due She sailed forgotten seas into storms of chaos
Under the birthright of her blood: And claimed a mote of matter,
Her father's gift of godliness, Shapeless, unformed, and ever-changing.
“Wise one, All-Father Annam, world-shaper of old, The All-Father mocked her and easily shaped it,
Mighty were your deeds in time's dawning. Making a fertile field.
You scattered seeds of the sundered First World; But soon he scowled, not satisfied, and reshaped it
Your dreams created the cosmos, Into a storm-tossed sea,
The teeming worlds, full of wonders. Then a fiery furnace-peak.
“Six sons, goddess-born, you sanctioned as rulers Atlast, Diancastra, laughing, said to him,
To govern the mortal multitudes. “Forsake your cunning craft!
Boorish and bumbling, they bungled the task! Chaos is a canvas for creation, unbounded,
Surely I am more deserving of divinity Perfectly imperfect and unformed.
In spite of my mortal mother.” You cannot perfect potential.”
Scowling, all-wise Annam spoke to his daughter: Laughter filled Аппап hall, loud as thunder,
“Mighty are my sons in strength, Shaking floor and firmament.
And Hiatea, your halfsister, her heroism showed The All-Father acquiesced, admitting defeat,
In slaying a many-headed monster. And granted Diancastra's demand,
What such deeds have you done?” Kindling the god-spark he gave her.
“The sphinx's riddles I solved to claim her prize. “Too bitterly І judged the bungling of my sons,
I plumbed the secrets of the sea. In haste I quickly condemned them.
І ventured to the vault of the venerated lobster-god I will watch them and see whether perhaps they too
To steal her precious pearls— Share your clever capacity
And found yoursecret sanctum.” To see perfection in potential,”

“Pranks and rebellion! Prove your worth А crown he then made, from chaos he shaped it,
Not with the willful choices of a child. And to her he gratefully gave it.
I will test your temper; try this challenge: Divine Diancastra departed hi: nctum,
Bring me pure perfection— With stirrings of hope for her harried kin,
Something my craft cannot better." The All-Father’s favor foreseen.
Dear reader,
This book represents a Journey for ne, and ол excited
be kake your hand and lead you along the sane gath. \
never had nuch interest in giants, though | certainly
respected their strength. Му various encounters
ў uith Dignegstra—uho is no less than a
daughter of Annan, the All-Father of the giants!—
opened ny eyes bo the glories, the deep nagic, and the viston
of these ancient people.
Vre asked Digneastra te review this text, and her notes appear
throughout the beck uere her perspective con enlarge upon Ру oun.
V trust that her insight and ny erudition will expand yout horizons 05 she
has'broadened hinê.
+ —Digby


Myths, fairy tales, folklore, and fantasy literature others, he eventually changed his ways and has
throughout the real world depict a tremendous worked hard to make amends for his past villainy.
range of giants. Some tales suggest that the humans One factor that influenced his change of heart was
of past ages were gigantic, and the relatively small Bigby's recurring encounters with Diancastra, а
stature of present-day humans is a mark of their demigod revered by many giants. Throughout this
degeneracy. Others imagine remote realms—cloud book, we see glimpses into the relationship between
castles or lost continents—where Brobdingnagian these two mighty figures of legend.
people dwell, set apart from their puny relatives. This introduction presents a portion of the saga
In the worlds of DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, the story of Diancastra. The saga is a window into important
of the giants is a tragic one that echoes this whole aspects ofgiants’ life and thought, and it introduces
range of fantasy and myth. Begotten by the mighty themes that reappear throughout the book: Annam's
god Annam, who intended them to rule the worlds retreat from his children, the giants’ fall from grace,
with wisdom as well as might, giants have fallen far and the hope some giants hold for г future resto-
short of the lofty destiny their progenitor imagined ration of their ancient glory.
for them. Now supplanted by myriad smaller peo- Chapter 1 introduces giant-themed options for
ples of the worlds, giants live apart in remote stead- adventurers, including a subclass that allows char:
ings, undersea palaces, subterranean realms, and acters to tap into the magic of giants (the Path of
flying citadels. the Giant barbarian), two giant-related backgrounds
Bigby Presents: Glory of the Giants explores (the giant foundling and the rune carver), and a wide
giants’ role in D&D and their realms across the selection of feats. The chapter also includes role-
worlds. It delves into the history of the giants and playing suggestions to help you connect a character
details the places where they live in isolation, as of any class to the grandeur of giants.
well as the ruins they left behind in their decline. Chapter 2 offers advice and tables to help Dun-
Our guide in this exploration is the wizard Bigby, a geon Masters use giants in play. It covers roleplay-
former apprentice of Mordenkainen and creator of ing tips, an overview of the hierarchical structure
the spell Bigby's hand. Though he began his career ofthe ordning and giants’ religion, and ideas about
determined to use magic to dominate and control giants’ organizations and societies.
Chapter 3 presents tools to help Dungeon Masters. hi dden MareatelmrialwitPlhinanetheandOutthlan
e de
build encounters, adventures, and whole campaigns reretrmoeavet dtofrom thee
around giants. The chapter includes tables you can of other gods. ў
ncastra's Saga is An nan
use to populate the giants’ enclaves presented in Akey foment in Dia her de
chapter 4. challenge to his daell ughter, He dismissesDian tira 1%
Chapter 4 discusses the places where giants ge “pranks and reb feciontio" n,”andsodef me item t a if
dwell: the remote enclaves and secret hideaways
where they cling to the remnants of their ancient
bring him “pure per
hiseraft and skill anhe im is unable to improve. H
glory. Maps are a centerpiece of the chapter, pre- intends this to be rpriposesss ibhimle. Journcyini gt|
senting a range of sites steeped in giants’ supernatu- But Diancastra su the Elemental Chaos. w
ral power that you can drop into any campaign. outermost reaches ofform a tumult of matter 2
Chapter 5 details the treasures characters might tinshaped elements te of raw chaos and brin
find as they deal with giants or explore giants’ ergy, she claims a mo qu ic kl y sh ap es it, but he е un
hidden realms. These treasures range from the her fat her . An na m in
contents of a wandering giant's bag to the mightiest isfied with the result; in he shapes it again andeffaga ort s to
relics of giants’ ancient civilization. The chapter in- butas Diancastra po thets chouao t—cach of his its
ds up redu ci ng
cludes more than two dozen new magic items. craft something fromre actualitys.en
Chapter 6 provides stat blocks and lore for a tre- ial into me re than
mendous variety of giants. The chapter includes new E ge a po int that concerns moug hter's
. In granting his da
giant kinds (such as the death giant) and new varia- Diancastra's clevernessna m acknowledges inthe th at
tions on the giants found in the Monster Manual. A request for divinity,geAn able potential exists ,withi th
range of other enormous creatures, from towering came chaotic, chan sc s. Ul ti ma te ly s
dinosaurs to magical giant geese, can help DMs his sons and their de enoutdantthe possibility that An-
populate a giant-sized environment. acknowledgment holds dants might be restored _
Папе faith in his descent one day be drawn from his
ANNAM AND THE GIANTS and the All-Father migh glimmer of hope, faint as it
The saga of the demigod Diancastra is an epic poem sclimposed exile. That tivation for those giants
treasured by skalds and storytellers among all kinds might be, is a significantirmopeople's ancient glory,
of giants. The portion of the saga excerpted at the who hope to reclaim the ty among
start of this book is among its most popular scenes, and it might account for the saga's populari
describing how Diancastra convinced her father to giants of all kinds.
imbue her with divinity even though her mother was
a mortal giant.
The story is unusual among the sagas of the
giants in its description of Аппапі deeds "in time's
dawning.” It boldly claims Annam collected the frag-
ments of the First World—the original world of the
Material Plane, created by the primordial dragons
Bahamut and Tiamat—and contributed insome way ha selly-aware, it can alse show you
to their transformation into the Material Plane as
it exists today with its myriad worlds. Other sagas something shout yourselly: Only rarely
claim Annam was similarly instrumental in the cre-
ation of the Inner Planes, slowly sorting the tumult (oes it tell you much worth knowing
of the Elemental Chaos until the four Elemental zaout its subject among its alliteration
Planes took shape. These sagas explain the giants’
close ties to the elemental forces of air, earth, fire,
and water by pointing to Annam's early efforts in the.
Elemental Planes.
Diancastra's Saga also summarizes the central
tragedy ofgiantkind's long history: Annam intended
the giants to rule over all the worlds of the Material
Plane, but his six sons—the gods Stronmaus, Mcm-
nor, Surtur, Thrym, Skoraeus, and Grolantor—failed
to live up to their father's expectations for them. (Di- reasovable owe.
ancastra calls her brothers “boorish and bumbling,”
Notably, Annam does not refute her on that point.) : Diancastra
Аппапіз disappointment in his sons caused him to



The descendants of Annam are the various crea The word “giant” has multipleingmeantheingspossinibilEngl ish
tures of the Giant creature type, The precise details and in the rules of D&D, open ity of
of genealogy linking Annam to these Giants are a some confusion. і
matter of mythology, and myths vary from world to ‘Asa rule, when this book talkthat s about "gi
refers to the various crea giants incl
ture s ude "giant" in
world and from one teller to another. Most tellings found in the Mon-
their name—specifically, thefire giants, s gans,
ster Manual—cloud giants, storm giaem
make a distinction between the main families of
giants who are descended from the sons of Annam hill giants, stone giants, and nts —as well as
and the various other creatures whose origins the death giants thatappear inthischapbook, so it'sthissafe
ter 6 of book.
аге murkier. These giants are the focus of n you see the wordto
assume that’s what is meant whe
HEIRS OF ANNAM "giant" and it's not capitalized orin othe rwise qualified.
As described in the Monster Manual, the ordning "Giant" is also a creature type the D&D rules, and
as such, it's capitalized whenever Giant it's used. This book
ranks the six main families of giants, Each fami- usually refers to "creatures of the type ” to make
y's place in the ordning corresponds to the birth All the
‘sure it’s very clear what is bein type, as are .cyclo
g talke d about
order of the associated son of Annam: Stronmaus, giants are creatures of the Gian t
Annam's firstborn, is regarded as the progenitor — "tins, fomorians, ogres , and trolls . But that latte r
of storm giants, and Grolantor, progenitor of hi group ofcreatures is not the focus of this book.
giants, is Annam's youngest son. Thus, the ordning "Giant" (capitalized) is also the name ofthe lan-
neatly encompasses and arranges storm giants, guage spoken by most creaturesuch s the Giant type (as
ell as a few other creatureoug s, as hags). Refer-
cloud giants, fire giants, frost giants, stone giants, ences to the language thr hou t this book typically
and hill giants by connecting them to Stronmaus, referto "the Giant lang uage " or “Gia nt runes,” so
Memnor, Surtur, Thrym, Skoraeus, and Grolantor, there should be no confusion between the language
respectively. and the creature type.
That neat structure overlooks the daughters of An-
nam: Hiatea, Iallanis, and Diancastra. Indeed, these in turn arose from Vaprak's blood shed in a similar
goddesses and their worshipers often push against. manner. The fensirs introduced in chap ter 6 of this
the boundaries of the ordning, both within each book are descended from trolls. Ogres ak, are some-
kind of giant and in the overall rankings ofthe giant times described as descendants of Vapr Anna giving
families. No giants count the goddesses as ances- them a distant and distorted connecti to ogresm.
on to
tors, but that helps ensure their popularity extends Oni are often said to be distantly relatedthan Giant, .
across giantkind. but at this point they are more fiendish
Fomorians. The structure of the ordning also Cyclopes. Contradictory legends explain the ori-
overlooks the fomorians and their progenitor, gin of cyclopes, and none of those legends are told
Karontor, who is usually described as Grolantor's by cyclopes themselves (who generally display little.
older twin. Just as Annam banished Karontor from interest in the question of their origins and their
the family of the gods for his part in inciting the fo- connection to the gods). Some myths lump them in
morians to assault the Feywild, the All-Father also with ogres as descendants of Vaprak, while others
excluded the fomorians from the ordning. claim they were once ogres who joined the ancient
Death Giants. Once cloud giants, death giants. fomorians’ invasion of the Feywild and thus shared
(introduced in chapter 6 of this book) technically in fomorians’ banishment to the Underdark and the
have the same rank in the ordning as the other resulting corruption of their physical forms. One
descendants of Метпог. However, by turning myth suggests cyclopes are descendants of Karon-
away from the gods of their ancestors to serve the. tor like the fomorians, but stemming from a line
Raven Queen, they have abdicated their place in that began after Karontor's banishment rather than
the ordning, before it.
Ettins. A widespread folktale suggests ettins were
OTHER GIANTS once orcs who were transformed into their giantlike
The other creatures of the Giant type, who are not form by a blessing ofthe demon lord Demogorgon.
included in the category of "giants," are connected If that were true, though, ettins would have no
to Annam but not descended from him. connection to Annam and couldn't be considered
Trolls and Ogres. The monstrous god Vaprak kin of the giants. Most giants acknowledge ettins
is connected to Annam in some myths, though he as distant relatives and consider them descen-
is never regarded as a proper son of Annam. The dants of Grolantor (and thus distant cousins of hill
Dwarvish Saga of Gnarldan Steelshield describes giants) or of hill giants who were transformed by
how Vaprak arose from Annam's blood when it was. Demogorgon.
spilled on one of the worlds he tended, and the trolls


an empire called Ostoria. In the
of Giants.
is called d the Time
In addition to all these creatures classed as Giants,
ge is also called thfl e Tim - of Dragon:
two Humanoid kinds also claim distant kinship to ourished in the
Annam's heirs. Goliaths andfirbolgs appear in chap- cause di ‘ons arose and e able to build
appear as character races под. Some 5: ay the giants wer
ter 6 of this book
and also
in Mordenkaine Presents: Monsters of the Multi- conflict among the dragons left
Tie because gian
verse. T cir connection to Annam is undoubtedly vacuums the ts filled. xistence and int
distant, but some individuals among both peoples After four millennia of coedragon named Ga
hold giants in high regard and even worship the di- teat conflict, amightyа goredd among dragons
vine children of Annam especially his daughters. Чат times seen as with the giants of Ostor
The dragons into wared as the ThousandYe
GIANTS OF MANY WORLDS т let is remember nly involved long peri
though it almost certai
The saga of Diancastra hints that giants’ presence
of quiet interrupted by ctibattles of intense savag
end of thi
throughout myriad worlds of the Material Plane
ond widespread destru d aByshthe of its
might be attributable to Аппапіз role in the shaping
of those worlds. Giants believe they were meant to flict Ostoria was reduce his bacadk owon his desc
rule the worlds of the Material Plane, and on many glory—and Annam turnt.ned
worlds, historical records show they once did. But dants in disappointme years since the (а
their glory days are in the inconceivably ancient For nearly thirty thousand lived in seclusion, k
past, long before any smaller folk ever dreamed of Ostoria, giaants have largely lle
spread of sma
ing as far as po ible froomm the e to time. giants
writing histories,
peoples’ settlements. Frflictstimam ong other folk,
Tent their strength to con
Charismatic giants occasiona lly forged short-lived
The origins of the giants on the world of Toril lie restore the
kingdoms in ultimately futilehaveffe ortnevs erto aga
far in the past, long before any Humanoid peoples
nts in been a
proliferated. According to the giants’ sagas, Annam glory of Ostoria, but giator the world as they wer
fathered the first giants and guided his sons in driving force in the his y of
during the Dawn Ages.

Twenty aunes or оома повы THE +
hen created the giants, he also taught them
and gave them runes of power These sym.
ров are pictographs: each symbol repres. ents a whole
dor concept rather than a single letter or sound,
ach rune holds latent magical power, much like the
Јури inscribed in magic circles of protection, telepor-
Bion circles, and magical traps Ще the glyph ofward.
spell. Thus, the first giants treated these runes as a
inged secret and rarely wrote them,
It wasn't until long after the first flourishing of the
jants' culture that the introduction ofthe Dwarvish
Seripi—an alphabetic setofsymbols, where each glyph
represents a single scund— made transcribing the Gi-
ant language an easier task. To this day, most written
forms ofthe Giant language use the Dwarvish script
(as described in the Player's Handbook), and the knowl-
«аре of Giant runes is rare except among those who
Study magical writing.

Ifthe giants of Oerth had a mighty empire founded
by Annam in the distant past, that fact is not re-
corded in any of the extant histories of the world.
Even so, many giants of Greyhawk revere the sons
of Annam, though others have been lured into the
service of demon lords or various elder evils,
During the Age of Dreams, the newly created peo-
ples of Krynn awoke to the first dawn of the world. Sacred Rune
The first to awaken were a Giant folk known as (Бей) (непе)
irda, whose myths claimed they were shaped by
the hands of the gods. (Some interpreters of these
myths identify the dragon queen Takhisis as their
creator, while giant scholars on other worlds believe Storm Rune
Annam must have had a part in their creation.) The Shield Rune Stone Rune
(Skold) (Stein) (Wan
irda quickly established the first mighty nation of
the young world, subjugating humans as their em-
pire grew. The irda ruled for thousands of years,
put they fell into decadent cruelty and their empire сї
War Rune
gradually declined until their human servitors over- (Krig)
threw them.
EBERRON the fall of their empire. Other giants left Xen'drik
From the ashes of a mythic war between angelic and now live alongside smaller peoples. Giants have
апа demonic forces that left the primeval world in been known to study in the universities of the Five
ruins, an empire of giants was born on the myste- Nations, to lead bands of marauders in Droaam, and
rious continent of Xen'drik. The giants dominated to trade with dwarf miners far beneath the surface
Xendrik for millennia, ruling over many smaller of the Mror Holds.
peoples—including elves who chafed under their The giants of Eberron do not tell legends of An-
rule. When the might of the giants began to wane, пат the All-Father, nor do they adhere to the rigid
the elves rebelled. As the giants prepared to use
world-shattering magic to smite the elves, the drag- structure of the ordning. This might be another
ons of far-off Argonnessen attacked Хепапк and
example of the effects of Eberron's isolation from
brought about the fall of the giants’ civilization.
the rest of the multiverse, but it is also possible that
Some giants still live among the ruins of their Annam abandoned his children at the fall of their
ancient civilization, though both their numbers and
ancient empire, just as he did on other worlds, and
their sophistication are greatly diminished since they have since forgotten him entirely.


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OST ADVENTURERS HAVE HEARD TALES. taking on the apj ance of an actual giant or a
of giants and their ilk. But for some form similar to an lemental, wreathed in fire, frost,
adventurers, their connection to giants or lightning.
runs deeper than fanciful stories.
‘This chapter is for any D&D character who as. GIANT'S POWER
pires to forge a link to the mighty giants. From 3rd-Level Path of the Giant Feature
sources of havoc-wreaking powertothe artful study When you choose this path, you learn to speak,
of rune magic, from boons that imbue an individ read, and write Giant or one other language of your
ual with giantlike might to fantastic tales that can choice if you already know Giant. Additionally, you
shape an adventurer's entire life—giants can make learn а cantrip of your choice: either druidcraft or
both big and small impacts on a character's story. thaumaturgy. Wisdom is your spelleasting ability for
The following sections present a variety of options this spell.
for creating characters with ties to giants:
Giant's Havoc
“Subclass Option" allows barbarians to explore 3rd-Level Path of the Giant Feature
ties to the nature of giants.
“Backgrounds” presents two new backgrounds: the Your rages pull strength from the primal might
giant foundling and the rune carver. These back- of giants, transforming you into a hulking force
grounds represent formative years spent studying of destruction, While raging, you gain the follow-
and living among giants, and they grant access to ing benefits:
feats that represent that experience. Crushing Throw. When you makeasuccess
“Big Heroes, Big Stories” includes inspiration for ful ranged attack with a thrown weapon using
narratively connecting characters to giants, re- Strength, you can add your Rage Damage bonus
gardless oftheir class or background. to the attack’s damage roll.
“Feats” provides options for players who wish Giant Stature. Your reach increases by 5 feet, and
to link their characters to giants and primor- if you are smaller than Large, you become Large,
dial magic. along with anything you are wearing. If there isn’t
enough room for you to increase your size, your
SUBCLASS OPTION size doesn't change.
This section presents one new subclass option: the ELEMENTAL CLEAVER
Path of the Giant for the barbarian, 6th-Level Path of the Giant Feature
BARBARIAN: PATH OF THE GIANT. Your bond with the elemental might of giants grows,
Barbarians who walk the Path of the Giant draw and you learn to infuse weapons with primor-
strength from the same primal forces as giants. As dial energy.
they rage, these barbarians surge with elemental When you enter your rage, you can choose one
power and grow in size, taking on forms that evoke weapon that you are holding and infuse it with
the glory of giants. Some barbarians look like over- one ofthe following damage types: acid, cold, fire,
thunder, or lightning. While you wield the infused
sized versions of themselves, perhaps with a hint of weapon during your rage, the weapon's damage
elemental energy flaring in their eyes and around type changes to the chosen type, it deals an extra
their weapons. Others transform more dramatically,
1d6 damage of the chose п type when it hits, and it the creature falls, taking dama ge and
gains the thrown property, with а normal ra ще of landing prone.
20 feet and a long range of 60 feet. If you throw the
pon, it reappears in your hand the instant after DEMIURGIC COLOSSUS
itsormisses a target. The infused weapon's ben. HL Path of the Giant Feature
efits are suppressed while a creature other than you ‘The primordial power of your rage intensifies. When
wields it you rage, your reach increases by 10 feet, your size
While raging and holding the infused weapon, you can increase to Large or Huge (your choice), and
can use a bonus action to change the infused weap: you can use your Mighty Impel to move creatures
on's current damage type to another one rom the that are Large or smaller.
damage type options above. In addition,theextra damage dealt by your Ele
mental Cleaver feature incre
10th-Level Path of the Giant F ature BACKGROUNDS
Your connection to giant strength allows you to This se ion presents two backgrounds that provide
hurl both allies and enemies on the battlefield. As options linking characters to the ancient magic of
а bonus action while raging, you с choose one giants, The giant foundling background represents
Medium orsmaller creaturewithin your reach and a life spent around titanic creatures and their super
move it to ап unoccupied space you сап see within natural might, The rune carver background refle
30 feet of yourself, An unwilling creature must a history of studying the ancient traditions ofgi
succeed on a Strength saving throw (DC equals 8 + runecraft,
your profi iency bonus + your Strength modifier) to
avoid the effect. Bonus FEATS
If, at the end of this moven ent, the thrown crea: Ifthe DM decides to allow the ат! found) шапа
ture isn't on a sur! се or liquid that can supportit, runecarver backgrounds, allcharacters in th
campaign gain access to abonus feat. If you select
one of those backgrounds, you gain the bonus feat
spec d in that background, If the background you
choose doesn't provide a , you gain а bonus feat
of your choice from the following list (these feats ap
pear in the Player's Handbook):
+ Skilled
+ Tough
"Though you en't a Giant, you grew up among
giants. Maybe you were an orphan taken in by a
sympathetic family of stone giants who raised you a
‘one of their own. Or perhaps you lived in a lost pre-
historic pocket of the world, surrounded by giants
and fearsome behemoths or hulking dinosaurs.
Something about your environment—perhaps the
food or water that sustained you, elemental magic
Giant Bansanrian
inherent in the site of your home, or some verdant
blessing of growth placed on you—caused you to
grow to a remarkable size for your kind. With the
aid of this magic, you have learned how to embody
the might of giants. You are used to moving through
a world much bigger than you, and that is reflected
in your skills, attitude, and perspective on life.
Skill Proficiencies: Intimidation, Survival
Languages: Giant and one other language of
your choice
Equipment: A backpack, a set of traveler's clothes,
a small stoneorsprig that reminds you of home,
and a pouch containing 10 gp


тол LARGER мові,


How you came to live among colossal creatures is You gain the Strike of the Gi nts feat (described
up to you to determine, but the Foundling Origin ta- later in this chapter).
ble suggests a variety of possibi G
dé Origin Your life among giants has given you a uniqu
spective. Though you are unusually largesoforyouyour
1. You were found as a baby by a family of nomadic kind, you're no larger than a giant child,
giants who raised you as one oftheir own. might be very mindful of your size. dling
2 A family of stone giants rescued you when you fell Suggested Characteristics. The Giant Fountraits
into a mountain chasm, and you have lived with Personality Traits table suggests a variety of
them underground ever since. you might adopt for your character.
3 You were lost or abandoned asa child in a jungle GIANT FOUNDLING PERSONALITY TRAITS
that teemed with ravenous dinosaurs. There, you d6 Personality Trait
found an equally lost frost giant; together, you
survived. 1 What |lack in stature compared to giants, І make
4 Your farm was crushed and yourfamilykilled in a up for with sheerspite.
battle between warring groups of giants. Racked 2 insist on being taken seriously as a full-grown
with guilt over the destruction, a sympathetic giant adult. Nobody talks downto me!
soldier promised to care for you. 3 Crowded spaces make me uncomfortable. I'd much
5 Afteryou had a seriesofstrange dreams asachild, ratherbein an open field than a bustling tavern.
your superstitious parents sent you to study with a 4 1 embrace my shorter stature. It helps me stay un-
powerful but aloofstorm giant oracle. noticed—and underestimated.
6 While playing hide-and -see
withyour friends,kyou Every avalanche begins as a single pebble.
stumbled into the castle ofa cloud giant, who im. 6 The world always feels too big, and I'm afraid I'll
mediately adopted you. never find my place in it


What we call rune magic is the обез
imitation ОГ Annams creative work. He
‚ shaged worlds hrom the primal elements:
| we struggle Lo bind the merest saps oly
damental cower into the mystic shages
© oly our runes.
Diancastra е

You've dedicated your life to studying runecraft
Whether you were taught by a master rune carv. er or
learned by ро! g over ancient engravings, you can
tap into the supernatural power held within runes, Onc Rune Carver
The art of runecraft was initially created by gi
ants, but over time, the practice has been adopted
by many peoples. As such, though Giant runes are
the most commonly used, many rune carvers in-
corporate symbols from their native languages into
the craft.
Skill Proficiencies: History, Perception
Tool Proficiencies: One set of artisan's tools
Languages: Giant
Equipment: A set of artisan's tools (one of your
choice), a small knife, a whetstone, a set of com- BUILDING A RUNE CARVER CHARACTER
mon clothes, and a pouch containing 10 gp Scholarly pursuits, ancient mysteries, or a fateful
RUNE STYLES encounter might inspire a character to pursue the
Each rune carver has a unique style and preferred secrets of a rune carver.
Suggested Characteristics. The Rune Carver
medium. To determine how you make your runes, Personality Traits table suggests a variety of traits
you can roll on the Rune Style table,
you might adopt for your character.
dé style dé Personality Trait
1. You inscribe runes in wax or clay а fine metal 1 Is it practical to learn an ancient language that is
needle. rarely spoken? No. But is it fun? Very.
2 You whittle pieces of wood into small figurines you 2 learned one of my ancestors was a lauded rune
mark with runes. carver whose story was lost to time. | seek to rekin.
3 You engrave runes onto glass beads and thread dle that legacy.
them onto necklaces and bracelets, 3 The old, tradi nal markings of runecraft look so
4 You stitch runes into the hems of clothing. boring. Why not give my runes some flair?
5 You carve runes on a set of animal bones you can 4 In my studies ofrunes, | strive to understand how
throw in different formations. great civilizations ofthe past fell, so І can prevent it
6 You draw runesinto candles, melting
thewaxto from happening to societies of the present
smooth over the engravings. 5 Life may be a whirlwind of chaos, but whenever |
create my runes, | feel at peace.
FEATURE: RUNE SHAPER 6 My brain struggles to process words written in ink,
You gain the Rune Shaper feat (described later in but the feeling of carved runes makes my mind sing.
this chapter).


The remnants of giants’ power, ancient and strong,
echo throughout the worlds, touchinthe g lives of
individuals regardless of their background. This
section provides various ways to narratively tie your
character to the myth and might of giants.
Barbarians who harness the might of giants are not
the only adventurers who draw power from giants.
A character of any class can explore ties to giants in
the following ways.
If your spells or class features draw on elemental
forces or the magic of the land, you might use a
connection to giants to tap into that power. A druid
belonging to the Circle of the Land might feel a con-
nection to the giants who inhabit that land. A monk
who follows the Way of the Four Elements might
seck to emulate Annam, the All-Father, to shape and
channel the forces of the Elemental Chaos. А оашо summons А
You might be distantly descended from giants and
manifest the power of your ancestors in your class tome mostly written in the Giant language. Or you
features or magic, which might explain your Rage might wield a weapon that a giant intended for a dif-
as a barbarian or your spellcasting as а sorcerer. ferent use, such as a giant's letter opener that works
аз а sword or а giant's hatchet that serves you as a
GIANT FOES greataxe. Perhaps you have learned to play a giant's
Your character's relationship to giants might be de- violin as if it were a cello or use a musical instru-
fined by animosity. You could choose class features ment made for a giant child.
specifically to target giants or all creatures with the
Giant type, or you could write enmity toward giants Gops or THE GIANTS
into the tenets of your paladin's Sacred Oath. Your character might worship one of the gods de-
scribed in chapter 2. If you were reared by giants,
GIANT LORE they might have taught you their faith. Perhaps one
You might have learned magic, martial techniques, of those gods called you to fulfill a specific purpose.
or other secrets from studying giants, either ancient Alternatively, you could worship one of the so-called
or living. Your character might strive to unearth "interloper gods" (also described in chapter 2) who
and record more of the ancient history of giants or often take an interest in giants, or one of those enti-
to learn more of their present ways. This could be ties might be your warlock's Otherworldly Patron.
a matter of personal motivation, but it also might
explain some of your class features or magic. A bard MENTORS AND PATRONS
of the College of Lore might focus on the study of gi- Perhaps you had a giant as a mentor or a financial
ants, a Rune Knight fighter (from Tasha's Cauldron benefactor who taught you your profession or your
ofEverything) might use the magic of Giant runes, class or provided you with your starting equipment,
or apaladin’s Sacred Oath could involve allegiance If you have a continuing obligation to this giant,
to the tenets ofaphilosophy or organization of gi- see "Giant Patrons” in chapter 3 for additional
ants(such as those described in chapter 2). inspiration.
You might use a giant-crafted item—probably some- You could have a connection with giant-sized or
thing inscribed with one or more Giant runes—as a prehistoric animals. You might call on the spirits of
spellcasting focus. For example, the staff you wield cave bears, dire wolves, or eagle-eyed pteranodons,
as an arcane focus might have been a giant's wand. or you might use your magic to take the shapes
Your wizard's spellbook might be a relic from an of such creatures. Or you could have a dinosaur
ancient realm of giants, perhaps a large and heavy companion.


Your character might hail from alocation steeped in You grew up surrounded by powerful elemental
giants’ history and primordial magic. From ancient magic, Maybe you lived in a place where the border
ruins to underground caverns to elemental nexuses, between the Material Plane and an Elemental Plane
this section provides various locales to tie to your was thin. Or perhaps you spent your formative years
character's backstory. traversing the Elemental Planes as a merchant
orscholar, visiting fantastic locations such as the
ANCIENT GIANT RUINS City of Brass on the Plane of Fire or the Labyrinth
You grew up amid the ruins of one of the giants’ Winds of the Plane of Air.
civilizations. Perhaps the history of your home set- In any case, your time spent among these elemen-
tlement is well-known, with lauded scholars travel- tal forces deeply affected you. The Material Plane
ing to the site to conduct archaeological research. feels mundane and controlled, especially when you
Or maybe its origins are a mystery, your only clues have experienced firsthand the churning chaos of
being the strange, oversized objects occasionally the primordial elements.
found in the nearby land. Elemental Mark. Your exposure to primordial
Giant Trinket. While exploring your home, you elemental magic has altered you physically in some
discovered some trivial remnant of the ancient small way, determined by rolling on the Elemental
inhabitants, as determined by rolling on the Giant Marks table.
‘Trinkets table. The items in parentheses are the
normal-sized objects most analogous to the de- ELEMENTAL MARKS
scribed giant trinkets. d6 Mark
1 Small, benign motes of elemental energy, like peb-
GIANT TRINKETS bles or water droplets, float around your head.
95 Giant Trinket 2 Your skin harmlessly feels blazing hot or freezing
1 Agiant’s toothpick (a dagger) cold (your choice)
2 A giant's handkerchief (a blanket) 3 You have a faint scent reminiscent of your primor-
з Agiant's marble (a crystal orb) dial nexus home, like petrichor, ozone, or smoke.
4 Agiant’s match (a torch) 4 Sparks flicker in your eyes whenever you are angry
5 Agiant's letter opener (a longsword) or excited.
6 Аgiant's thimble (aniron pot) 5 Patches of your skin are veined with stone, like mar-
ble or obsidian,
6 —Your hair ripples as if moved by an unseen current.
You spent your formative years deep beneath the
ground, sequestered far from the sun and wind of
the surface.
You may have encountered giants during your
time underground—particularly families of gen-
tle stone giants or talented smithing guilds offire
giants, To you, the surface world is just a long-
forgotten memory or distant dream.
Underground Quirk. Your time spent under-
ground has changed you in some way, as deter-
mined by rolling on the Underground Quirks table.



а УГ
d6 Quirk The following section presents a variety of feats
1 You've seen few colors, instead primarily experienc- linked to giants and their magic.
ing the world in shades ofblackand white.
2 Your eyes lack pigment and appear translucent. FEAT DESCRIPTIONS

You vaguely recall a phenomenon called “rain,” The feats are presented in alphabetical order. If a
during which fresh water fell from above- feat has a prerequisite, you must meet that prerequi-
site to gain the feat.
4 Your earsare used to the echo of empty caverns,
and the bustling noises of the surface are distract- EMBER OF THE FIRE GIANT
ing for you. Prerequisite: 4th Level, Strike of the Giants (Fire
5 The idea of aspace with no ceiling terrifies you. Strike) Feat
You're desperate to touch a cloud. You don't know You've manifested the fiery combat emblematic of
what will feel like, but you hope it's fluffy. fire giants, granting you the following benefits:
Ability Score Increase. Increase your Strength,
TALL TALES Constitution, or Wisdom score by 1, to a max-
Some folks are content to merely listen to stories of imum of 20.
giants and other enormous peoples and creatures. Born ofFlame. You have resistance to fire damage.
For others, these tall tales become the basis of their Searing Ignition. When you take the Attack action
entire adventuring career. Such individuals find on your turn, you can replace a single attack with
themselves gripped by legends of giants, spurred to a magical burst of flame. Each creature of your
embark on dangerous quests in search of truth or choice in a 15-foot-radius sphere centered on you
vindication. must make a Dexterity saving throw (DC equals
Myths about giants vary across the worlds. The 8 +your proficiency bonus + the modifier of the
Tall Tales table provides ideas for legends of—or ability increased by this feat). Оп а failed save, a
encounters with—giant creatures that may have in- creature takes fire damage equal to 1d8 + your
spired your character to begin adventuring. proficiency bonus, and it has the blinded condition
until the start of your next turn. On a successful
TALL TALES save, the creature takes half as much damage
d6 Тай Tale Connection. only. You can use your Searing Ignition a number
1 You stumbled into a giant castle in the sky when of times equal to your proficiency bonus (but no
you were younger, but no one believed your story. more than once per turn), and you regain all ex-
You aim to prove them wrong. pended uses when you finish a long rest.
2 Aloved one died mysteriously at sea. You swore the Fury OF THE Frost GIANT
culprit was a sea leviathan everyone else dismissed Prerequisite: 4th Level, Strike ofthe Giants (Frost
as a myth, and you seek vindication and revenge Strike) Feat
3 Stories say you're descended from a legendary You've manifested the icy might emblematic of frost
giant-killer, and you strive to uphold that legacy. giants, granting you the following benefits:
4 Acity’s legends claim the neighboring landscape is Ability Score Increase. Increase your Strength,
the work of some ancient giant sculptor or rampag- Constitution, or Wisdom score by 1, to a max-
ing titanic beast—or is itselfasleeping giant. You imum of 20.
seek to discover the truth ofthe land's origin. Born of Ice. You have resistance to cold damage.
5 A relative once returned home claiming to have. Frigid Retaliation. Immediately after a creature
found a strange island inhabited byancient, larger- you can see within 30 feet of you hits you with an
than-life creatures. Because of this, your family attack roll and deals damage, you can use your
became the town laughingstock, and you seek to reaction to retaliate with a conjured blast of ice.
The creature must make a Constitution saving
redeem your family’s reputation, throw (DC equals 8 + your proficiency bonus + ће
6 Your sibling says giants and other enormous crea- modifier of the ability increased by this feat). On a
tures are stories for children. You hope to slay such failed save, the creature takes cold damage equal
а creature and bring back proof
oftheir existence to 148 + your proficiency bonus, and its speed is
out of spite. reduced to 0 until the end ofits next turn. You can
use this reaction a number oftimes equal to your
proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended
uses when you finish a long rest.
Prerequisite: 4th Level, Strike of the Gi
Strike) Feat а
You've manifested the confounding magic em-
blematic of cloud giants, granting you the follow-
ing benefits:
Ability Score Increase. Increase your Strength,
Constitution, or Charisma score by 1, to а max-
imum of 20.
Cloudy Escape. When a creature you can see hits
you with an attack roll, you can use your reaction
to give yourself resistance to that attack's damage.
You then teleport to an unoccupied space that you
can see within 30 feet of yourself. You can use
this reaction a numbof ertimes equal to your pro-
ficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses
when you finish a long rest,
Prerequisite: 4th Level, Strike of the Giants (Stone
Strike) Feat
You've manifested the physical talents emblematic
of stone giants, granting you the following benefits:
Ability Score Increase. Increase your Strength,
Constitution, or Wisdom score Бу 1, to a max-
imum of 20.
Cavernous Sight. You gain darkvision with a range
of 60 feet. If you already have darkvision from an-
other source, its range increases by 60 feet. Fury or Tue Faost Giant
Stone Throw. As a bonus action, you can take a
rock and make a magical attack with it. The attack
isa ranged spell attack with a range of 60 feet that
uses the ability score you increased with this feat
as the spellcasting ability. On ahit, the rock deals chosen from the Rune Spells table. Whenever you
finish a long rest, you can inscribe each rune you
1d10 force damage, and the target must succeed know onto one nonmagical weapon, armor, piece
ona Strength saving throw (DC equals 8 + your of clothing, ог other object you touch. You tempo-
proficiency bonus + the spellcasting ability modi rarily learn the Ist-evel spells that correspond to
fier) or have the prone condition. You can use this the runes you inscribed, as specified on the Rune
bonus action a number of times equal to your рго- Spells table, and you know those spells until you
ficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses finish a long rest, when the runes fade. While you
when you finish a long rest. are wearing or carrying any rune-marked object,
RUNE SHAPER you can cast the spells associated with those
Prerequisite: Spellcasting Feature or Rune Carver runes using any spell slots you have.
Background You can also invoke a rune inscribed on an object
you are wearing or carrying and cast its associ-
You've studied the magic of Giant runes, granting ated spell without expending a spell slot or using
you the following benefits: material components. Once you cast the spell
Comprehend Languages. You learn the compre- this way, you can't do so again until you finish a
hend languages spell. You can cast this spell long rest. Your spellcasting ability for this feat is
without expending a spell slot, and you must fin- Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma (choose when
ish a long rest before you can cast it in this way you select this feat).
again. You can also cast this spell using any spell Each time you gain a level, you can replace one
slots you have. of the runes you know with another one from the
Rune Magic. You know a number of runesdown) equal Rune Spells table.
to half your proficiency bonus (rounded ,


RUNE SPELLS Cloud Strike. The target takes an extra 1d4 thun-
Rune Spell der damage. If the target is a creature, it must suc-
ceed on a Wisdom saving throw, or you become
Cloud Fog cloud invisible to it until the start of your next turn or
Death „те wounds until immediately after you make an attack roll or
Dragon Chromatic orb cast a spell.
Enemy Disguise self Fire Strike. The target takes an extra 1410
Fire Burning hands fire damage.
Frost Strike. The target takes an extra 146 cold
Friend Speak with animals damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed
Frost Armor ofAgathys on а Constitution saving throw, or its speed is re-
Hill Goodberry duced to 0 until the start of your next turn.
Journey Longstrider Hill Strike. The target takes an extra 1d6 damage
of the weapon's type. If the target is a creature, it
must succeed on a Strength saving throw or have
Entangle the prone condition.
Sanctuary Stone Strike. The target takes an extra 1d6 force
Thunderwave damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed
on a Strength saving throw or be pushed 10 feet
SOUL OF THE STORM GIANT from you in а straight line.
Prerequisite: 4th Level, Strike of the Giants (Storm Storm Strike. The target takes an extra 1d6 light-
Strike) Feat ning damage. If the target is a creature, it must
succeed on a Constitution saving throw, or it has
You've manifested the tempest magic emblematic of disadvantage on attack rolls until the start of your
storm giants, granting you the following benefits: next turn.
Ability Score Increase. Increase your Strength, The saving throw DC for these effects equals 8 +
Wisdom, or Charisma score by 1, to a max- your proficiency bonus + your Strength or Constitu-
imum of 20. tion modifier.
Maelstrom Aura. As a bonus action, you surround You can use this feat a number of times equal to
yourself with an aura of magical wind and light- your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended
ning that extends 10 feet from you in every direc- uses when you finish a long rest.
tion but not through total cover. The aura lasts
until the start of your next turn or until you are VIGOR OF THE HILL GIANT
incapacitated. While the aura is active, you have Prerequisite: 4th Level, Strike of the Giants (Hill
resistance to lightning and thunder damage. In Strike) Feat
addition, attack rolls against you have disadvan- You've manifested the resilience emblematic of hill
tage, and whenever another creature starts its giants, granting you the following benefits:
turn within the aura, you can force the creature
to make a Strength saving throw (DC equals 8 + Ability Score Increase. Increase your Strength,
your proficiency bonus + the ability modifier of the Constitution, or Wisdom score by 1, to a max-
Score increased by this feat). On a failed save, the imum of 20.
creature's speed is halved until the start of its next Bulwark. When you are subjected to an effect that
turn. You can use this bonus action a number of would move you at least 5 feet or give you the
times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you re- prone condition, you can use your reaction to
gain all expended uses when you finish a long rest. steady yourself. You aren't moved and don't have
the prone condition.
STRIKE OF THE GIANTS Iron Stomach. Whenever you eat food as part of
Prerequisite: Martial Weapon Proficiency or Giant a short rest and spend one or more Hit Dice to
Foundling Background regain hit points, you regain additional hit points
You have absorbed primeval magic that gives you equal to your Constitution modifier + your profi-
an echo of the might of giants. When you take this ciency bonus.
feat, choose one of the benefits listed below. Once
per turn, when you hit a target with a melee weapon
attack or a ranged weapon attack using a thrown
weapon, you can imbue the attack with an additional
effect depending on the benefit you chose:



NTENDED FOR THE DUNGEON MASTER, THIS behaviors you can incorporate into your portrayal
chapter explores key aspects of giants’ life of giants to emphasize each of these elements, and
and society. The ideas and tables included offers example names for each kind of giant.
here should inspire you as you prepare to use
giants in your D&D game. This material is divided SIZE
into five main sections: ‘The giants of the ordning are enormous, ranging
“Roleplaying Giants” discusses how to bring giants from 16 to 26 feet tall. The size relationship be-
to life during your game. tween а giant and a human is roughly comparable to
“The Ordning” explores the relationships among that between an adult human and а newborn human
and within different giant kinds, with а focus on baby. A giant might think of Humanoids as akin to
the ordning's role in driving adventures. helpless babies, adorable pets (like small dogs), dis-
“Gods and Religion” describes a pantheon of gods gusting vermin (like large rats), or toy soldiers.
consisting of Annam the All-Father and his chil- Consider how you can convey a sense ofagiant's
dren. It also discusses various “interlopers” that size as you play the giant. You might stand above
vie for the worship of giants in Annam's absence. seated players to loom over them or describe be-
“Social Structures” explores various models of haviors that emphasize the giant's size. The Huge
giant societies and the relationships between Behaviors table gives examples of habits and events
giants and other kinds ofcreatures. that can communicate a giant's enormous scale.
“Organizations” details organizations that unite gi- Носе BEHAVIORS
ants across the lines ofthe ordning, bringing them
together around common goals and beliefs. 98 Behavior
As with the rest of this book, this chapter focuses on 1 The giant hasapet (a panther, a wolf, or agiant
the main families of giants described in the Monster weasel) that sits on the giant's lap or shoulder.
Manual, but much of this advice can also be applied 2 The giant swats at а murmuration of starlings as if
to other creatures of the Giant type. it were a cloud ofgnats.
3 The giant uses a dagger as a toothpick, a great-
ROLEPLAYING GIANTS sword as aletter opener, orapair ofjavelins as
Apart from their size, giants are much like hu- knitting needles.
mans—which is to say that they're tremendously 4 Тһе giant carefully lifts Humanoids (cradling their
diverse and hard to generalize about. When creating heads to avoid injury) to see and hear them better,
a giant for your campaign, you can use the tables for 5 The giant exclaims with admiration at the fine detail
designing NPCs in the Dungeon Master's Guide to and exquisite articulation ofthe characters’ armor.
help you make the giant a distinctive character. Just
like a Humanoid NPC, a giant with an unusual tat- The giant fidgets with the skulls of Humanoids.
too, a propensity for punning, or a knack for juggling The giant drinks from a barrel as а human would
becomes more vivid in your players’ imaginations. from a waterskin.
When creating giant characters or roleplaying 8 The giant takes a messy bite from a large melon
giants, remember these key elements: size, age, held in one hand.
volume, and pride. This section describes traits and
Giants are long-lived compared to humans, though Giants are loud. From the earth-shaking rumble of
not as much as their semidivine ancestors. Their several-ton footsteps to ear-splitting roars supported
life spans generally correspond with their place in by lungs the size ofbarrels, giants can make a lot of
the ordning, with hill giants living about two centu- noise. Don't yell at your players, but consider raising
ries and storm giants as many as six. Stone giants your voice a little, and perhaps gently shaking the ta-
are the exception, sometimes reaching over eight ble to demonstrate how the earth trembles at the gi-
hundred years of age, as enduring as the stone for ant’s footsteps. Finding ways to emphasize a giant's
which they're named, The Life Spans table shows volume can help everyone at the table appreciate the
the average life span ofeach kind of giant within scale of the encounter. The Loud Behaviors table
the ordning. (Other creatures of the Giant type live offers more suggestions.
about as long as humans, on average.)
In keeping with their long life spans, giants tend Loup BEHAVIORS
to live their lives at a slower pace than smaller folk. dé Behavior
They often speak slowly and avoid rushing into de- 1 The giant constantly (and loudly) encourages
cisions. Adding potential confusion to their interac- smaller creatures to speak up.
tions with smaller races, giants are often comically
out of touch with happenings in the wider world, 2 The giant's thoughtful “hmm” causes a rumbling
keeping a store of knowledge about Humanoid vibration in the ground and the pit of
realms and peoples that was already outdated when stomachs.
they learned it as children. The Ancient Behaviors 3 The giant's exclamation ofsurprise or anger briefly
table suggests some ways you can communicate a sets listeners’ ears ringing.
giant's age in an encounter. 4 The giant's sneeze, snore, or sigh rattles windows
LIFE SPANS or blows leaves offtrees.
Giant Kind Life Span 5 The giant's laughter feels likeasmall earthquake.
Hill 200 years 6 Тһе giant's armor or weapons clang thunderously.
Frost 250 years
Fire 350 years PRIDE
Cloud 400 years Many giants are taught that Annam begot the
Storm 600 years
giants and intended them to rule the worlds of the
Material Plane. Though giants have learned many
Stone 800 years hard lessons in the millennia since their origin, a
sense of self-importance still pervades their stories
ANCIENT BEHAVIORS and inflates their vanity. It can be hard for a 16- to
26 foot-tall giant to take 3- to 7-foot-tall Humanoids
98 Behavior
and their concerns seriously. Use the Proud Behav-
1. The giant addresses Humanoids as citizens ofa iors table to inspire your portrayal of giants' pride
fallen realm (equivalenttocalling people in the real and vanity.
world "Babylonians"). z
2 The giant burdens conversation with irrelevant his- PROUD BEHAVIORS
torical context. di Behavior
3 The giant is curious about minute details of fash- 1 Тһе giant ignores smaller creatures unless they of-
ion, slang, and popular culture among Humanoids. fer the giant obeisance and flattery.
4 The giant is a hopeless procrastinator, always con- 2 The giant refuses to bend over, it, or kneel in the
vinced there will be time later for any task. presence of smaller creatures.
5 The giant is pronetoreminiscing about friends and 3 The giant ignores the names of smaller creatures,
family members who have died. referring to them with generic labels (such as "hu-
6 Тһе giant is unwilling to accept any problems as тап" or "armor shaker").
truly urgent. 4 The giant's first reaction to smaller creatures—
7 The giant is determined to wring every possible even when threatened or presented with aterrible
ounce of enjoyment from each day. problem—is laughter.
8 Тһе giant is convinced that giants were meant to
use their long lives to make a mark on the world.


d8 Behavior
5 The giant constantly demeans ог patronizes smaller
creatures, calling them “tiny,” "insignificant,"
"babies, ests," “vermin,” or similar terms.
The giant won't speak any language but Giant.
The giant erupts in rage at the slightest sign of
insult or disrespect from a smaller creature.
8 Тһе giant addresses smaller creatures іп a tone that
drips with condescension and refuses to take them

Ifyou need a name for a giant, use the Giants’
Names table and freely combine or change names
as you wish. You can also use a name that doesn't
match the giant's kind, which might reflect, for ex-
ample, а hill giant with lofty aspirations or a stone
giant raised among frost giants.
Giants’ NAMES
— Name (by giant kind) —
аю Hill Stone Frost
1 Adj Brunnar Estia
2 Bor Delveni Flakkar
з Сш Frasta Grugnur
4 Оор Kragsten Gurdrim
5 Сш Maddag Jokalla
6 ки Olhuud Kallen
7 Moog Pashka Luskig
8 Мога Ralden Rimna
9 раб Steyras Storvald
10 Tig Thonna Thryggid

— Name (by giant kind) —

dio Cloud Storm
1 Ashvalk Alastrah ‘Adana
2 Askavar Cressaro Bullrak
з Brasalag Eigeron Eblixten.
4 Brimskarda Kaaltar Mirran
5 Glodden Lissia Nym
6 Osaglod Messet Orlekto
7 Snurre Mollen Serissa
8 Svavehild Nedimma Shaldoor
9 Tartha Santar Uthor
10 Zaltasker Thullen Vaasha

As described in the Monster Manual, the giants dé Adventure Hook
of many worlds organize themselves in a complex 1 А доці giant seeks to gain wealth by investing in
social ranking called the ordning. At the largest an adventuring party (perhaps giving the characters
scale, the ordning establishes the relative positions magic items or other valuables) in exchange for a
ofthe six main kinds ofgiants, with storm giants share of
the party's rewards.
at the top, followed (in order) by cloud giants, fire
giants, frost giants, and stone giants, with hill 2 Адош gianthosts an art gala in a cloud castle to
giants at the bottom. Other creatures of the Giant
display their wealth, providing an opportunity for
type—such as ettins, fomorians, and trolls—are the characters to retrieve an important magic item
not counted as part of the ordning, placing them from the giant's collection.
functionally below the hill giants. 3 Wishing to one-up rivals, a cloud giant seeks adven-
Ata smaller scale, every giant has a precise place turers to hunt exotic monsters for a lavish banquet.
within the larger framework of the ordning, and 4 With two nations on the brink of war, the charac-
each kind of giant has a different way of assigning ters discover cloud giants are betting on the out-
that place. Cloud giants rank themselves based come—and at least one giant is meddling behind
on wealth, fire giants based on crafting skill,
frost giants based on physical strength, and stone the scenes to increase the likelihood of one side
giants based on a combination of artistry and rock
throwing. Hill giants give their respect to larger 5 A cloud giant who recently lost a large amount of
and stronger giants without putting much thought money on bachbets tries to recoup those losses
into hierarchical ranks. Only storm giants, largely by plundering a royal treasury or the adventurers’
solitary and imagining themselves above such petty stronghold.
concerns, have no interest in ranking themselves. 6 Acloud giant offers to buy the adventurers’ services
Regardless of a giant's ranking within its kind, no as an extravagant (and useful) gift for another giant.
giant can transcend the ordningofthe six giant
kinds; the most accomplished fire giant artisan
ranks below the poorest cloud giant, for example. Fire GIANT SKILL
For any given giant (except a storm giant), you can dé Adventure Hook
use the Giants and the Ordning table to determine 1 Afire giant demands payments from ти
the giant's place within the ranking ofthat par- porting arare ore through a mountain pass. The
ticular giant kind, and the giant's attitude toward miners seek adventurers to intervene.
that place. Four more tables provide suggestions 2 The characters acquire a broken magic weapon that
for how a cloud, fire, frost, or stone giant's efforts to
retain or achieve a high status within the ordning
only a renowned fire giant smith can repair.
might drive adventures. (Hill and storm giants aren't 3 The characters find а giant-crafted sword—a mag-
included here because of their limited participation ical masterpiece; when word of their find gets out,
in the ordning.) the artisan's descendants come looking for the
GIANTS AND THE ORDNING 4 —When the characters' enemies take refuge in a
910 Ranking Status giant-built ruin, an ambitious fire giant offers to
1 High Very protective of that high status and help the characters get inside in return for a share
angling to get even higher of the treasure.
2 High Hoping to improve but not doing much 5 Абе giant captures a renowned Humanoid smith
to pursue an increase in status in the hope oflearning a new technique, and the
3 High Unconcerned with maintaining that smith's spouse begs the adventurers to help.
status. 6 Afire giant offers adventurers an extravagant sum for
4 Medium On the rise metal ore retrieved from another plane of existence.
5 Medium Contented
6 Medium Іпа state of decline
7 Low Despairing after years of
steady decline
8 Low Desperate to improve
9 Low Resigned to that status
10 Outcast —Shunned by giant society


LI "
Он зомё WoRLOs, THE oRONI NG М.
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d6 Adventure Hook 46 Adventure Hook
1 Planning to claim allthe credit, a frostgiant seeks 1 A stone giant has been throwing stones near a city
the help of powerful adventurers to defeat a foe the in the mountains. The mayor seeks help to protect
giant could never handle alone. the city from the destructive effects of
the boulders.
2 А frost giant wants help obtaining a manual of gain- A famous Humanoid sculptor attracts stone giants
{ful exercise believed to be іп a dragon's hoard. to the sculptor's town. The struggling town seeks
3 Alow-ranking frost giant prefers to be surrounded protection from the rowdy giants, who thought-
with weaker creatures and so leads a band of Hu- lessly cause great damage because theybelieve.
manoid brigands. A merchant council asks for aid they're in the dream world.
against them. The characters’ discovery of ahuge, raw onyx at-
4 A frost giant keeps a defeated foe's head as а tro- tracts the attention of astone giant who wants to
phy; the foe's family wants justice—and the head carve the stone.
back—and asks adventurers for help, Astone giant traveler hones their skills by carving
5 Two groups offrost giants meet near amountain a reliefinto a city's walls,Thecity's rulers and
pass. When theirwrestling matches cause ava- masons beg for help.
lanches, travelers who rely on the pass ask for help. Characters traveling underground encounter feud-
6 Afrost giant destroys works of Humanoid construc- ing stone giants who accuse each other of destroy-
tion—such as bridges, barns, and walls—as a show ing their artwork; the characters can end the feud
ofstrength. Affected farmers beg for help. by finding the actual vandal (perhaps a third giant, a
group of duergar, or an unwitting umber hulk).
A stone giant tries to manipulate characters into
neget. simole amily dynamics killing a fierce rival.
Саб simole as а oil) with ben chilaven
can Ме. X

Diancastra CHAPTER
Some giants reject the ordning, in part or en- 98 Adventure Hook
tirely. This rejection most commonly takes one of 1 A giant wanders into a settlement of Humanoids
three form: looking for an opportunitytouse talents the giant's
First are giants who hold themselves to a different kin do not value, but the giant is greeted with sus-
standard than the one their kind traditionally val- picion and hostility. The giant seeks adventurers to
ues. These are often giants whose ranking within help negotiate peace with the settlement.
their kind is low. For example, a contemplative 2 Characters must find a wise giant who has pursued
cloud giant might pursue knowledge rather than
specialized knowledge instead of excellence within
wealth, or a weak frost giant might trade in secrets
and blackmail to hold onto some measure of power. the ordning.
These giants might avoid the company of their 3 Agiant triestouse the characters as pawns in a
own kind to escape the expectations and customs scheme to subvert the ordning and increase the
attached to the ordning. In addition, devotees of giant's status.
Annam's daughters—Hiatea, lallanis, and Diancas- 4 A charismatic leader gathers giants of different
tra—tend to push against the strict definitions of the kinds intoamighty war band, intendingtoconquer
ordning as a matter of principle. and settle lands inhabited by Humanoids who seek
Second, a few giants take a revolutionary stance adventurers’ protection.
meant to upset the ordning. A mighty frost giant
warrior, not content to rule only frost giants and 5 A storm giantasks adventurers to kill a revolution-
lesser creatures, could attempt to subjugate fire or ary before the ordning is irrevocably disrupted.
cloud giants. Such revolutionaries often aim to im- 6 Afamily of giants joined а cult of Elemental Evil
pose their own kind's understanding of the ordning and quickly took over the leadership, sorting its
on all kinds of giants, so a master artisan among membership into а new hierarchy and creating dis-
the fire giants might attempt to claim a higher place sension the ranks—which the adventurers.
than storm giants who lack the same crafting skill. can use as they try to foil the cult's evil schemes.
These efforts rarely have any lasting impact, but 7 Agiant serving a demon lord attacks a town.
some have managed to upset the ordning at a local The town's leaders ask the characters to retaliate
level for a few centuries. Because their sense of
theordning relies on physical power and military
against the giant's kin—which is exactly what the
strength, frost giants are the most likely to impose demon cultist was hoping for.
their standards on other giants. Along similar lines, 8 Agroup of giants seeks adventurers to deal with
sometimes giants measure themselves by the stan- а surge of demon cult a ivity within the giants"
dards of a different kind of giant and try to break community.
from the ordningbyexceeding those standards. A
strong stone giant, for example, might try to claim a ORIGIN OF THE ORDNING
place within the frost giants' ordning.
Third, giants who turn from the worship of An- Most giants believe Annam established the ordning
nam's children to other powers (as described under at the very beginning and that it reflects the birth
“Gods and Religion" later in this chapter) also reject order of his sons, One myth likens the ordning to
theordning. In some cases, as in the hierarchical the structure of the mountains: from lowly foothills
cults of Elemental Evil, the new religion replaces (hill giants), up to the stone of the mountain (stone
the giants’ ordning with a different structure that of- giants), the snow on the peaks (frost giants), the lava
fers the same sense of order, purpose, and meaning. spewing from the peak ofa volcano (fire giants), and
then above the peak to the clouds (cloud giants) and
Such cults place giants at a higher position than the
giants would otherwise enjoy in the ordning. the storm (storm giants). These myths depict the
When giants join the cults of demon lords, they ге-
ordning as an inherent part of what it means to be a
ject the entire concept of the ordning—the idea that giant, as natural as the geography of the land.
Sagas told among giants on some worlds suggest
there is any kind of order to the multiverse at all,
which is the literal meaning of the word ordning іп other explanations for the ordning, linking it to the
giants’ fall from Annam's good graces. In some of
the Giant tongue. These giants reject meaning, sta- these stories, the ordning isn't natural at all; it's part
tus, and hierarchy in favor of chaos and destruction.
The Rejecting the Ordning table offers adventure of the giants’ fall—an invention of Annam's sons and
a distortion of Annam's will for them. In other sto-
hooks inspired by these ideas, illustrating how
ries, it is a consequence of their fall—a punishment
giants’ attitudes toward the ordning can impact Annam inflicted on the giants after they proved
characters and the lives of Humanoids who live themselves incapable of governing the world. The
near them.


ordning might be necessary, or a burden giants are the ordning that structures giant society. The head
expected to bear, but giants who hold these views of the pantheon is the All-Father, but most giants
often look forward to Annam abolishing the ordning view him as a remote, disinterested, or deeply disap-
in some mythic future, pointed father who has little role to play in giant life
Giants on some worlds (including Eberron) have any more. The other ten gods, generally recognized
no concept of the ordning at all. Such giants might as his children, are more important in most giants’
think of themselves ав a single species, with the view. The Gods of the Ordning table summarizes
differences among giant kinds reflecting a cultural key information about these gods.
or geographical distinction rather than an inherent
one. They might live in bands composed of multiple ANNAM
giant kinds or family groups of a single kind, Or Annam is a complicated figure, depicted in a variety
giants of different kinds might not recognize each of ways in myths told across countless worlds of the
other as kindred at all. All these giants build a range Material Plane. These stories have been altered in
of social structures in the same manifold ways the telling over the course of thousands of years. In
other peoples do, without regard to ап overarch- some myths, he is the creator of worlds, and other
ing ordning. gods merely populated the worlds Annam made
with peoples of their own creation. Such myths
GODS AND RELIGION often describe an ancient era when giants were the
only people inhabiting the worlds, or giants shared
The myths of giants across the Material Plane differ the worlds with dragons. In other myths, Annam.
in many details, but most of them portray giants as worked with other gods to create worlds together.
descendants of a progenitor god, typically Annam, Diancastra's Saga, told in part in the introduction to
the All-Father. Giants believe they are nearly divine, this book, describes Annam gathering the shattered
and they are inclined to view their existence as part fragments of the First World (the original creation
of amythic story that is still unfolding. Unlike some of Bahamut and Tiamat) and spreading them across
other powerful, ancient creatures (such as dragons), the Material Plane to create countless worlds. Still
giants don't typically exalt themselves and demand
other myths describe Annam as a sleeping god
worship from lesser beings. Rather, they are often whose dreams formed the substance of reality and
drawn to follow gods—and sometimes other power- allowed other gods to create within it.
ful beings—who help them live out their part in that
epic saga.
Annam is often described as an all-knowing god
whose deep learning, profound meditations, and
ANNAM AND THE ORDNING expansive philosophy offer endless wisdom for his
descendants to study. Occasionally, he's more of a
Most giants revere a pantheon of gods comprising trickster figure whose escapades across the worlds
Annam and his divine children—a pantheon they are greeted with uproarious laughter and serve as
call “the Ordning" because it is the archetype of cautionary tales.
Name Alignment Suggested Cleric Domains Symbol
Annam їн Knowledge Two hands, wrists crossed, with fingers pointing downward
Diancastra CN Trickery Journey rune
Grolantor CE War Wooden club
Hiatea N Life, Nature Flaming spear
lallanis NG Light, Peace* Garland of flowers
Karontor NE Death, Knowledge Broken shackles
Memnor NorNE Knowledge, Trickery Black obelisk
Skoraeus N Knowledge Stalactite
Stronmaus NG Life, Tempest Forked lightning bolt descending from a cloud partly obscuring
the sun
Surtur LE Forge,*** Knowledge,War Flaming sword
Thrym CE War White double-bladed axe
The suggested cleric domains are from the Player's Handbook unless followed by an asterisk.
*Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything
**Xanathar's Guide to Everything


Giants on most worlds agree that Annam is no effort to claim her full divine inheritance isa popu-
longer active in the s of giants in the Material lar tale among giants who value guile and trickery
Plane, Some say he despaired over his quarreling over brute strength or magical might. The tale is
children, Others believe he lost hope in his descen- also beloved because it offers hope that Annam
dants when their ancient empires fell into ruin. might emerge from his self-imposed exile if his de-
Some claim he was weakened after a long battle scendants can restore his faith іп them,
against his brother, Memnor (who is more com- Diancastra's Saga tells of the demigod boasting to
monly described as one of Annam's sons), and was her father of her clever deeds rather than her feats
forced to withdraw from the world until he regained of strength: she solved а sphinx's riddles, plumbed
his strength. Other dubious tales suggest he fled the the secrets of the ocean, and stole a string of pearls
Material Plane to escape the consequences of some from a god of
the kuo-toa. Through these and many
misadventure. other exploits, she demonstrated not just her giant-
Priests and Rites. Thanks to his prolonged ab- sized might but also her bravery (bordering on
sence from mortal giants’ affairs, Annam has few foolhardiness), her talent for trickery (often aided by
priests. On some worlds, he has no priests and his magical illusions), and her cleverness. Giants who
name is all but forgotten. On other worlds, a priest value or seek to emulate these qualities pray and
of Annam serves as an adviser and mediatortoscat- sacrifice to her, asking her blessing. Those who hold
tered groups of giants, traveling extensively to vis out hope for the restoration of
giants’ ancient glory
far-flung communities. In some places, priests of worship her as well, imploring her to find her way
Annam are great kings who rule over realms com- once more to Annam's secret sanctum and persuade
prising different giant kinds. Even on worlds where him to end his seclusion.
Annam's priests are important, many giants (some-
times including his priests) are convinced Annam GROLANTOR
no longer hears the prayers of his people. Annam’s youngest son and Karontor's younger twin
is Grolantor, a brash braggart who takes enormous
DIANCASTRA pride in his great strength (which some would say is
Diancastra is the youngest child of Annam, born his only redeeming quality). Tales of Grolantor's ex-
of a mortal giant mother shortly before Annam ploits highlight his strength and his insatiable hun-
retreated from the Material Plane. The saga of her ger, and most of them end with him in conflict with

Tre Par or vet В4а AM past swpfiiЙes ro each
me NIL OREN делвиCyma
one of his siblings. To hill giants, these stories make Hiatea's priests adopt one of two roles, reflecting
Grolantor a figure to be admired, Among the other the god's dual areas ofconcern. Some live within
giants, Grolantor is the butt of every joke, always the giants’ enclaves and focus their efforts on main-
coming out poorly in comparison to his siblings. taining the community, tending to agriculture, and
Those giants think he is a selfish boor who has по educating children. Others patrol the wilderness
respect for the ordning, as Grolantor refuses to see surrounding the enclave, guarding against threats
why his status should not be equal to that of Stron- to the community.
maus and his other brothers.
In addition to hill giants, some frost giants admire IALLANIS
Grolantor's physical might, and many ogres and Born about the same time as Grolantor, lalla
ettins revere him as well. Grolantor exemplifies the everything her boorish brother is not: kind, loving,
principle that the strong should take what they want, merciful, joyful, and thoughtful. She loves every part
without regard for the needs of weaker creatures. of the worlds her father made, and she constantly
The ordning holds no meaning for hill giants—who strives to bring not only her divine family but also
аге on the bottom rung—or ogres and ettins, who mortal giants together in harmony. lallanis envi-
are even lower. The only social order they recognize sions a restored giant empire as a realm of benev-
olence, learning, and innovation where giants lead
Priests and Rites. Grolantor's priests often boast but do not rule like tyrants,
of having experienced a personal interaction with Priests and Rites. Good-aligned giants who ap-
their god—a dream, waking vision, or even an en- preciate her ideals pray to lallanis for peace, unity,
counter with a manifestation of Grolantor. These and mercy. Her priests often officiate weddings
encounters typically involve the god demanding among giants, even evil ones. Stone giants fre-
something he wants from the priests, such as a quently appeal to her as an artistic muse, trusting
fresh kill or a precious trinket. His priests then that her love of beauty will inspire their work.
demand (and often take by force) sacrifices for KARONTOR
Grolantor from their kin, with a minimum of ritual Karonior is the elder twin of Grolantor. In а handful
or prayer involved, of myths, Karontor appears as а wicked schemer
HIATEA whose hatred of his brothers knows no bounds. The
Hiatea is Annam's second child, after Stronmaus, fomorians once occupied a place in the ordning cor-
and the companionship and friendly rivalry between responding to Karontor's place, but then Karontor
these two oldest children are the focus of many incited the fomorians to assault the Feywild. Just as
myths. In these stories, Hiatea is both a protective the fomorians were banished into the Underdark,
figure who keeps watch over the hearths and fields so too did Annam banish Karontor to а subterra-
of giants, blessing their agriculture and their family nean prison.
lives, and a wild huntress who wields the power Priests and Rites. Few dare to worship Karon-
of nature as a weapon of destruction as well as a tor, even in secret. Superstitious giants believe if
source of bounty. Some myths suggest her mother his name is spoken, Karontor might burrow up
hid her among firbolgs after her birth, where Hiatea from the Underdark to drag the hapless speaker
focused on strengthening communities. Then, when underground to an eternity of torture. To avoid
she learned of her true parentage, she pursued uttering his name, giants sometimes refer to him
arduous quests as a hunter and monster slayer to as “the banished son," “the forgotten one,” or “the
prove her worth to her father. (It's possible that king that crawls.” A few cults revere him, beseech-
Diancastra's Saga, excerpted in the introduction to ing him for sinister magical secrets or to consume
this book, alludes to this story when Annam com- their enemies.
pares Diancastra's deeds to Hiatea's.) Another myth
suggests Stronmaus taunted Hiatea for remaining Memnor is an ambiguous figure in the mythology of
aloof from a bitter war against dragons, spurring giants, and the tales concerning him are so dispa-
her to prove herself avaliant warrior as well as a rate that it's possible two gods exist with the same
champion of peaceful giants. name. More likely, the confusion surrounding his
Priests and Rites. Giants of all kinds offer nature and identity is a result of his own duplicity.
prayers to Hiatea, ranging from simple blessings In most myths, Memnor is constantly tricking and
at the kindling of a hearth fire to thanksgivings infuriating his father, drawing Annam's wrath down
at the conclusion of asuccessful hunt or harvest. on himself and (more often) his brothers. In опе
She is the most popular god of the Ordning among myth, Memnor is Аппапі sinister twin, constantly
goliaths and firbolgs, who claim adistant kinship challenging his brother for control of the worlds.
with giants. In this tale, Annam defeated Memnor but was left



When it comes to Memnor,
the wisest Annam's eldest child is jovial Stronmaus, whose
4 vt greatest failing in myth is his inability to see the
coticy is the simelest: дом believe a foolishness, jealousy, and outright evil that festers
© single thing you read. in the souls of his brothers. His boundless energy,
sunny optimism, and zest for life pervade the leg-
Diancastra ends that tell of his many mighty deeds. A few tales,
o though, describe a dramatic change in Stronmaus.
after his father's withdrawal from the Ordning,
so weakened by the contest that Annam fled to his which left Stronmaus effectively in charge of the
private sanctum, leaving his children to govern the pantheon. Since then, Stronmaus has become
affairs of the giants. brooding, aloof, and melancholy, deeply frustrated
Memnor is typically described as clever and per- with his inability to unite the gods of the Ordning—
suasive on the one hand, and as sly and manipula- and hurt by his father's abandonment.
tive on the other, His brothers often suspect him Priests
and Rites. АП giants acknowledge Stron-
oftrying to usurp Annam's place at the head of the maus's place on the throne of the gods in Annam's
Ordning to rule all the affairs of giantkind. Among absence, but to most of them, he is but a steward, an
mortal giants, the same accusation is often leveled inadequate substitute for the All-Father. They offer
against his priests. But giants who revere him for the required prayers and sacrifices (a scattering of
his charisma and intellect insist he has the welfare fragrant herbs and incense on the wind each morn-
ofall giants at heart, seeking to restore them to ing), but their prayers often sound more like alist
all creation.
their proper place at the head of of grievances than honest worship. His priests are
Priests and Rites. Memnor has wicked priests drawn from giants who occupy high positions within
within his fold who emulate his duplicity, his self- the ordning of their kind, including wealthy cloud
interest, and his manipulative ability to make others giants, strong frost giants, and accomplished stone
doexactly what he wants—usually to their own det- giants, Being a priest of Stronmaus has no effect on
riment. These priests often undermine or exploit the а giant's rank in the ordning; instead, it often makes
ordning to their own benefit. Without careful investi- the giant a target of resentment and complaints
gation, it's impossible to separate these villains from from other giants.
the ranks of those priests of Memnor who faithfully
serve the ordning, acting as advisers and advocates SurTUR
at every rank of giants’ society. Surtur is the elder twin of Thrym, and rivalry has
driven the two gods from the moment of their birth.
SkoRAEUS Surtur is generally depicted as the cleverer of the
Despite being the fifth of Annam's sons, Skoraeus two, often outwitting his brother іп contests where
(called “Stonebones” by his stone giant followers) Thrym's greater strength might otherwise let him
is depicted as the wisest among them, particularly prevail. Their history of competition ranges from
knowledgeable about magic, wards, hidden trea- striving to outdo each other in childhood accom-
‘sures, and the secrets of the earth. It is said he gave plishments to bloody battles that ended only when
Surtur the secret of smelting, showed Thrym how to their father or one of their siblings intervened. Other
carve magic runes on weapons, and crafted spears myths describe cunning Surtur leading his brother
for Hiatea so she could complete her tasks of valor. on dangerous adventures, typically leaving mayhem
A dour loner, Skoraeus often sits on the sidelines and destruction in their wake. Aside from his es-
during the schemes and battles of his siblings. He capades involving Thrym, Surtur is known for his
appears in one myth after other as an observer, a unsurpassed skill at metalwork, especially forging
confidant to the other gods, and a keeper of
secrets. weapons and armor.
Priests and Rites. Giants invoke ЗКогасизз Priests andRites. Giants pray to Surtur in
name when they begin any work of art or craft, search of creative inspiration and ask his blessing
particularly stonework, and they often dedicate the on their smithies. They invoke his name when they
final product to his glory. Stone giants pray to Stone- light forges, kilns, and ovens, Among fire giants, the
bones, the Great Creator, іп a much broader range worship of Surtur is often tinged with the expec-
of circumstances, eager for divine insight as they tation of acoming battle that will destroy worlds,
carry out their daily lives. His priests undertake slay many gods, and upend the ordning, leaving fire
frequent pilgrimages into the Underdark, seeking giants as the undisputed masters of all creation.
Surtur's fire giant priests stoke the flames of this
revelation from Skoraeus in the depths of the earth.
expectation when they address Surtur as “the All-
Consuming Flame" or "the Cleansing Fire." Some


priesis stockpile weapons—ranging from ordinary creature strongly resembling a troll. Indeed, legend
swords and axes to magical devices of devastating suggests trolls formed from Vaprak's blood in the
potential—in preparation for this great battle. same way he came from Annam's, and many trolls
venerate him. Some ogres and giants also worshi,
Тнвум Vaprak, particularly giants who despair of ever ris-
As Surtur's younger twin, Thrym is described in ing in the ordning.
myths as his brother's rival and coconspirator. He is
depicted as the stronger and braver ofthetwo, and DEMON LORDS
he often comes out on top in contests and conflicts Service to a demon lord is tempting to many giants,
where those qualities outweigh Surtur's cleverness. particularly those frost and hill giants who value
Thrym is often described as a bully, frustrated size and strength above all. For these giants, demon
that Annam seemed to favor Surtur; he vents worship paradoxically offers both freedom from the
that frustration by harassing his younger brother strictures of the ordning (and from the notion of a
‘Skoraeus. Thrym appears in myth as the greatest cosmic order more generally), and exactly the kind
warrior of the Ordning. He leads bands of mortal of power their ordning rewards. Of the countless
giants in raids and skirmishes, bringing glory to rulers of the infinite Abyss, four have particular in-
giantkind and striking terror into the enemies of fluence among giantkind.
Annam's children. Baphomet. As described in the Monster Manual,
Priests and Rites. Giants sometimes ask Thrym Baphomet the Horned King encourages his follow-
for his blessing before hunting or going to war, and ers to embrace their fundamentally bestial nature.
they pour out blood from their kills to thank Thrym Giants who delight in the frenzy of battle and blood-
for their success. Thrym's priests are war leaders shed are easily lured to the demon lord's service.
who offer military counsel to the leaders of giant Stone giants who feel stifled and repressed by their
communities. society sometimes break free in dramatic fashion
by embracing Baphomet's creed (see the stalker of
INTERLOPER GODS Baphomet in chapter 6).
Annam's withdrawal has caused ongoing upheaval Demogorgon. Demogorgon has few followers
in the religious lives of giants across the Material among the giants of the ordning, but ettins often
Plane. Most believe Annam turned from his descen- recognize a kindred spirit in the two-headed demon
dantsin anger or disappointment, and many hope lord. The echo of Demogorgon in chapter 6 is an
he can be convinced to return to his divine throne if ettin cultist who has received Demogorgon's hid-
the giants restore their ancient glory. But some gi- eous gifts.
ants believe that Annam із dead, that he is petulant Kostchtchie. Though he is not terribly important.
and unworthy of worship, or that he will never re- in the Abyss, the demon lord Kostchtchie is revered
claim his throne. Some of these giants look for pur- by many giants, particularly frost giants. Part of his
pose in the service of other gods or powers. Giants appeal is his willingness (when bribed with bloody
who remain faithful to the gods of the Ordning call offerings) to inspire his worshipers with ferocity and
these other powers "interloper gods,” believing bloodlust. More than any other demon lord, what he
they are trespassing on the territory of Annam's offers his followers—raw strength and fury in bat-
children and intruding into the affairs of giants. A tle—appeals directly to the values shared by many
giant who worships these gods violates the ordning; frost giants, making him appear as ап exemplar of
giants’ proper place in the multiverse is above such the giants’ ideals. The fury of Kostchtchie in chapter
monstrous beings as demon lords, elemental evils, 6 is an example ofa frost giant whose devotion to
and gods who are not Annam's children, so it is up- the demon lord has brought great and terrible re-
side-down for a giant to serve these entities. Giants wards. (Kostchtchie is described in Baldur's Gate:
who follow interloper gods are cast out of society if Descent into Avernus.)
they are discovered, but they believe the benefits of Yeenoghu. Gnolls, ghouls, and some hill giants
serving those powers outweigh the risk of exile, share two strange commonalities: insatiable hunger
and a tendency to serve the demon lord Yeenoghu.
VAPRAK Sometimes ahill giant who delights in senseless
Some myths suggest Vaprak is a child of Annam slaughter turns to the Beast of Butchery for help in
and thus properly belongs to the Ordning, but others achieving more senseless slaughter. Occasionally,
say he formed from Annam's spilled blood. For a an indiscriminately hungry hill giant consumes
variety of reasons, he is never accorded equal status some item of unspeakable corruption and takes on
to the All-Father’s other children. Known as the a fiendish nature, falling under Yeenoghu's sway.
Destroyer, Vaprak is prone to mindless, destructive In either case, the result is a horrible monster with
rampages. The god is described as а greenish а gullet akin to the bottomless Abyss itself(see the
maw of Yeenoghu in chapter 6).

ELEMENTAL EVIL Cult of Evil Earth, Giants who devote themselves

Another popular avenue for giants who turn from to Ogrémoch and his earth cult—mostly hill and
the gods of the Ordning derives from giants’ close stone giants—seek the power to destroy the works
ties to the Elemental Planes. The nameless horror of civilization with landslides, sinkholes, or mighty
called the Elder Elemental Eye perverts natural earthquakes, They believe the earth thirsts for the
elements, limiting them to their most destructive blood of those who don't give it proper veneration.
aspects in a way that appeals to giants who are Cult of EvilWater. Giant cultists of Olhydra are
disposed toward evil. More than most members of mostly frost giants who see ice and cold as ultimate
individual Elemental Evil cults, giants see the big expressions of water's destructive power. They be-
picture of the four cults working toward the com- lieve the seas and deep waters are eager to reclaim
mon goal of elemental cataclysm, Some giants even the water trapped in the bodies ofliving creatures
worship the Elder Elemental Eye directly rather and feel duty-bound to return others to the primal
than serving one of the subordinate cults. waters by drowning them, shedding their blood, or
As described earlier in this chapter (see “Re- freezing them in ice.
jecting the Ordning"), membership in the cults of Cultof EvilFire. Fire giants who join Imix's cult
Elemental Evil replaces the ordning with a different yearn to burn away the impurities of the world in
hierarchy—one in which giants gravitate toward the volcanic eruptions and uncontrolled fires, creating
top. Giants who worship Elemental Evil alongside a wasteland of ash ruled by fiery Imix alone. They
smaller peoples offer welcome physical (and some- believe the world and all its peoples are wicked and
times magical) power to these cults, making them degenerate and seek to purify the world by reducing
an even more significant force in the world. Intel it to smoking cinders,
gent and charismatic giants might enter positions of Cult of EvilAir. Giants who follow Yan-C-Bin and
leadership in an clemental cult, while less cunning his air cult, mostly cloud and a few storm giants,
giants might become lieutenants or personal body- worship the devastating power of wind and storms.
guards of cult leaders. They aren't generally interested in destruction for
Examples of giants serving each of the Elemental its own sake, but they delight in the power to punish
Evil cults appear in chapter 6. those who have wronged them and to express
sonal freedom through mayhem,


Other Evils. Some giants devote themselves to ANNAM'S CHILDREN ADVENTURES
other powerful primordial creatures of the Elemen- 42 Adventure Hook
tal Planes, such as Maegera the Inferno, Mual-Tar
the Thunder Serpent, and Draunn the Stonemaw, 1 A storm giant prophet claims arevelation from
In practice, cults devoted to these primordials have Annam and begins a campaign of unification and
similar aims and methods to cults of Elemental Evil. conquest to prepare the way for the All-Father's
return, A rival asks adventurers to stop the prophet.
OTHER GODS AND Cutts А mysterious woman leads adventurers through a
Like other peoples, giants may choose to give their perilous dungeon to find an ancient giant queen's
service and devotion to many different gods, not just crown. In the end, she reveals herself to be Dian-
the children of Annam or particular cults. On some
castra and either blesses or curses the adventurers,
worlds, the gods of the Ordning are unknown (per-
haps forgotten) or known by different names. There, depending on how they acted.
nts might have their own gods or worship the А stone giant recluse asks adventurers to help stop.
same gods other peoples do. а hill giant who has gathered a band of
other giants
Giants might also turn from their traditional gods and is plundering nearby giant steadings in Grolan-
to serve devils, krakens, Great Old Ones, archfey, or tor's name.
other powerful ancient beings. Chapter 6 includes Afire giant priest of Hiatea warns a city of a titanic
‘examples of several such giants: the fire hellion, the monster wandering nearby. The city asks adventur-
‘storm herald, and the fomorian warlock of the dark,
ers for aid, and the priest offers to help.
GODS AND ADVENTURES A cloud giant priest oflallanis seeks а neutral party
The two tables in this section—the Annam's to negotiate a truce between warring giant families
Children Adventures table and the Interloper Gods. whose conflict threatens a town.
Adventures table—offer adventure hooks that in- Adventurers investigating a series of kidnappings
volve the gods worshiped by giants. discover a stone giant carrying people into the
Underdark as an offering to Karontor.
Adventurers sent as emissaries to а cloud giant
enclave find the place in chaos, sown by a devotee
of Memnor in a bid to seize power.
Adventurers find a stone giant community in
distress because its priest of Skoraeus has not
returned from a pilgrimage to the Underdark. The
giants suspect the priest has been captured by
mind flayers.
Adventurers are shipwrecked in a mighty storm and
rescued by storm giants, who believe the storm isa
message from Stronmaus and are trying to discern
its meaning.
10 А metallic dragon wyrmling asks adventurers for
help stopping a fire giant who is slaughtering older
dragons. The giant hopes to provoke a conflict
between giants and dragons that willlead to Surtur
cleansing the world with fire,
ks hard kor express just how ае n When winter stretches too long, food grows scarce
and a priest of Thrym leads а hunting band to prey
giants loathe and distrust tho on the beleaguered people, who seek adventurers’
A frost giant seeks help protecting a strange baby
giant whom she believes to be a child of Annam.
who will herald а new age for all giantkind.

d10 Adventure Hook SOCIAL STRUCTURES
1. Agiant who worships Vaprak leads ogres and Though giants are not numerous on most worlds
ettins in a rebellion against their steading. The (at least compared to various Humanoid peoples),
they are generally social creatures who prefer to |
leaders ask adventurers for help. live with others of their own kind. They also keep
2 Adventurers traveling underground become lost appropriately sized animals as pets and beasts of |
ina labyrinthine network of passages and are burden, and they often share their living space with.
hunted by stone giant cultists of Baphomet. smaller people.
As you create an encounter, adventure, or cam-
з Astorm giant devotee of Demogorgon begins paign involving giants, you can use these models to
summoning the Prince of Demons in a sea cave,
help you decide how many giants arepresent in an
but before the ritual is complete, hordes of. area and what other creatures might live alongside
aquatic monsters swarm the area. Local fishers them. You can use the various tables in "Giantkind
seek protection, Encounters" (in chapter 3) to flesh out the details of
4 After being cast out from a steading, a frost giant encounters with these giants.
devotee of Kostchtchie attacks caravans. The
drivers hire adventurers as guards. GIANT CHILDREN
5 The characters discover a large horde of пой Generally, it's a geod idea to avoid situations where
you treatagiant child as a monster. While even giant
attacking ahill giant steading, but the more toddlers can bedangerous, they're no match for ad-
gnolls the hill giants kill (and eat), the more the venturers who can handle giant parents. Young giants
giants seem to change into demonic forms, are no more inherently evil than any other free-willed
6 Тһе characters experience a series of small creature, so fighting and killing them can raise abun-
dant moral questions for good-aligned characters. At
earthquakes while visiting a mountain town. minimum, make sure all your players are comfortable.
Their investigation suggests Evil Earth cultists with that kind ofquandary before presenting it in
might be active nearby, practicing for a larger your game.
catastrophe. A stone giant leads the cult. Ifyou need a stat blockfora giant who is less than
full grown, usethefollowing guidelines (inspired by
7 Adventurers encounter a longboat crewed by the examples presented in the Storm King's Thunder.
frost giant cultists of Evil Water, which is plun- adventure).
dering a busy trade route. Fora giant child, use the commoner stat block.
Change the creature type to Giant, increase the
8 Forest gnomes seek protection from Evil Fire Strength to 14 (+2), and choose Giantasthe child's
cultists who are burning the forest, having grown спе language. Thechild attacks at +4and deals 4 (144
impatient waiting for Surtur to cleanse the world +2) bludgeoni ng damage witha club (which might
be a toyoranything elsethechild picks upto use as
in flames. ‘aweapon).
For a giant teenag ogrestatblock. Increa
usethe se
9 Astorm giant cultist of Evil Air unleashes an end- and Charisma scores to 30
less storm upon a thri 1g seaport. The locals the Intelligence, Wisdom,
ог match the parents’ scores, ы is lower. (This
ask for help. | increases the teena ger's passi ve Perce ption score to
10 А fire giant opens a gateway to the Nine Hells e
10 as well.) Remov darkv ision (unless the teena ger is
а stone giant) and adju: gers weapo ns and
in the heart ofavolcano. Locals seek protection amerasyouseeft = Я
from the lava and marauding fiends. Forayoung adult giant, usethestat block of agiant
lower in the ой ш 5 А mr
derincludesyoung thatusethehill giant
sutlockдаа nents. You can craft the
stat bloasckyou с
you'reaiming for, я
Fora giant child of anyage, you can furthe r modif y
| one ofthesestatbloc g theparents’ damage
| immunities any inher-
and resistances (ifany) and

Though most giants are social creatures, some live. ny giants whe wander the world in
alone by choice or circumstance. They establish
lairsin remote places, or they tend ancient ruins itude eller erayers and homage to
or enclaves that were more recently abandoned. Оте and | beeg an eye ow theth as best |
Some wander the world, hoping to learn as much of |
its ways as they can; others are hermits who seek can. We ave not that diffrent,
spiritual enlightenment in solitude. Some reclusive |
giants enjoy their solitude, while others are desper- Diancastra -
ately lonely or eager to find a settlement where they
can live among their own kind.
The Recluses table offers adventure hooks you can
use to launch an adventure with a reclusive giant. gods. Occasionally, giants take up residence in
bustling cities full of Humanoid peoples where they
RECLUSES might attract attention but not necessarily open
cos ‫ااا‬‎ Giants who live among smaller fo end ê grave
ШЕЕ тчине upon а giants, enclave where itate to positions of importance. They might take
а deadly plague wiped out most of the inhabitants, on the role of crime lords or business owners. They
‘One survivor remains, tending the site and trying often surround themselves with luxury as if they
to hold back the ravages of time. were aristocrats among their smaller neighbors.
2 Anew settlement in a remote region seeks to hire They sometimes take on the role of patrons for
adventurers to get rid of a giant lairing nearby. The artists or adventurers, or take it upon themselves
giant just wants to be left alone and is tired of hav- to teach smaller folk. The Exiles table offers ideas
ing to move every few decades as other creatures for adventures featuring exiled giants in a variety of
crowd too close to the giant's dwelling. edi
З Adventurers are hired todeal with a rampaging wid ^ ExiLES
beast, but they discover thebeast has a collar. The de рака Hook.
beast's owner isa giant who was forced to move 1 Characters get entangled inthe affairs ofacriminal
recently, and the beast got lost trying to find its gang operating in a major city and eventually dis-
new home. cover the gang's leader is a giant whose headquar-
4 Awandering giant comes to a city looking for peo- ters is а huge warehouse at the city's outskirts.
plewhoare knowledgeable about the world and 2 Adventurers discover a secret cult conducting sin-
mightд possess maps of remote regions. City au- ister rites in а vast mansion where a giant lives in
thorities point the giant to the adventurers. luxury.
5 An approaching giant alarms the people of asmall з Aginttakes up residence in a city and demands a
town, who ask the adventurers to protect them. But huge share of tax revenue in exchange for protect-
the peaceful giant is just searching foranew com- ing the city from outside threats.
munity ofgiants to join after fleeing a community
ravaged by internal conflict. The giant agrees to 4 An adventurer receives an exclusive invitation to
study a topic of interest (perhaps giants’ sagas or
leave the town in peace ifthe adventurers will help religion), but the invitation seems suspicious—
find а new home for the giant. demanding secrecy, traveling to a remote place,
6 Adventurers stumble across the humble abode of
and so on. The teacher is a giant living near a city
a reclusive giant whois hungry for company and who is trying not to attract attention.
doesn't want them to leave. 5 Agroupofadventurers—supplied with superior
‘equipment and information by their giant patron—
EXILE pursues the same goal as the characters.
When giants are separated from or shunned by 6 Agiant who lives in a city asks the characters to
these own kind, they, often сеир ving as exiles take the giant's teenage child with them on their
among other peoples. Giants who are very low in next adventure. (See the "Giant Children" sidebar.
the ordning might leave their own kind to lord over for suggestions on how to represent the teenage
lesser creatures. Giants who turn to the worship of giant with a stat block.
interloper gods and are cast out of giants’ society
might live among other worshipers of the same 3


nuts m: most commonly enco
=The giants untered in the ` |
world are ban ids of two estoe four
| who are united by
are often warriorsen
a common purpose. Th or a mission on behalf
idng, hunting,
gaged inпасаaretheir home community. Sometimes
thesebands religious in nature—a small com
munity dedicated to the service of a god (whether
a member of the Ordning or an interloper god) ang
pursuing that god's interests in the world. A bang
could also be a group of young giants who want to
experience the world before they get tied down wi
the responsibilities of adult life. A giant band migi
be accompanied by pets or by other creatures that
share the giants’ purpose or do the giants bidding
The Bands table offers hooks you can use to builg
an adventure around a band of giants,
dé Adventure Hook
1 Aband ofgiants is spotted near a town, and the
adventurers are asked to dissuade the giants from
coming anycloser.
2 A raiding band of giants draws disaffected citizens
the region to join its ranks. The region's desper.
ate despot hires adventurers to fight the giants,
з Agiantled cult devoted to a demon lord or Elemen.
tal Evil wreaks destruction across the countryside
4 Aband of nature-revering giants seeks adventurers’
help dealing with a corruption spreading through
the local flora and turning animals into Aberrations
5 Aban ofhunting
d giants has driven its prey—
enormous beasts—into pastureland. The local
farmers seek help.
6 Devout giants live a monastic life at a sacred site
with vast magical power—power the adventurers
require to deal with a cosmic threat

Fran the perspective of snaller people,

raving giant band bent an sayhes or оті
is ofen the nest connon experience f giants.
| Even q snall band сол be extrenely) dangero
to ofarning village or sall oun. @

ло Ê or wis ата анта |

Aів зтаовео LANDSCAPE |
Most giants live in family groups, typically four to Giants live in larger groups when circumstances
six adult giants from multiple generations and one allow it. Such circumstances might include an abun-
or two younger giants. The work of hunting, gather- dant food supply, a charismatic or powerful leader
ing, or cultivating food, as well as other household who can unite multiple families, or adangerous
tasks, is divided among family members according environment where the giants benefit from greater
to their abilities. These groups often include at least numbers. In these situations, two or three family
one member with exceptional abilities, such as the groups might dwell together in some kind of strong-
magic-wielding giants found in chapter 6. Giant fam- hold, often accompanied by companion animals and
ilies almost always include companion animals as Humanoid allies.
described in the Monster Manual and shown on the The total population of a steading typically a
tables in “Giantkind Encounters” in chapter 3. includes eight to twelve adult giants, including
The Families table provides adventure hooks in- leader, and three to five younger giants. Sometimes
volving a family group of giants and its associated a fewettins or ogres and as many as two dozen
creatures, Humanoids might live alongside the giants. Animal
companions, elementals, and even a dragon might
FAMILIES also dwell in a giant steading.
dé Adventure Hook Any of the locations described in chapter 4 might
1. After a family ofgiants plunders a farming village serve as а giant steading, and you can use the tables
ofgrain and livestock, adventurers are asked to in chapter З to help you populate the site. The Stead-
track the raiders to their lair and prevent any further ings table suggests adventure hooks you might use
to bring characters to such a place.
2 After a devastating storm, a lost giant child wan- SrEADINGS
ders into a settlement, looking for help getting d6 Adventure Hook
home. 1. Ayoung giant looks for adventurers’ help turning
3 А giant begs adventurers for help after a family the rest ofthe steading, including the young giant's
member becomes possessed by a murderous family, away from the worship ofa demon lord.
ghost. 2 Theonly possible source to learn about an ancient
4 Lost or stranded in the wilderness, the adventurers evil threatening the world is a steading ofgiants
stumble upon a giant family's home. who preserved г detailed history of the evil's previ-
5 Adventurers follow or track a fugitive to a giant ous appearance thousands of years ago.
family's home, where the villain hides from both the 3 Giants raided a village and took several prisoners
giants and the characters. to their steading, and adventurers must freethem.
6 Characters seeking a mighty magical artifact learn it 4 Anevil conqueror tries to recruit giants from a
was lost during a battle against giants, and magical steading, which would be disastrous for the peace-
divination reveals it's now an heirloom treasured by ful peoples standing against the conqueror. Adven-
a family of turers are asked to make sure no alliance is made.
5 Adozen people arrive in a small town after escap-
лых j ing from captivity in a giant steading. Their fierce
habits disrupt the peace in the town while they
experience, nearly ЗНАМЕ
every steadin: J look for heroes who can help free the remaining
larger settlement off giants has a captives.
6 A metallic dragon asks adventurers to help reclaim
Leader wher imagines their tiny cluster the dragon's lair, which has been occupied by
дам giants


ә зне Нооин Rune € ANTLORE
Giantsо! A RUIN
settlements of giants are rare. Where they
t, they aretypically cluste offamil
rs y groups
its in close proximitunited
y, under the
leader hipofan ex eptional ruler, A mountain
might h ve sever steadings and households at
various points along its slopes, for example. Or a
vast Underdark chasm might ha y caves in its
walls, each of which holds a giant st ading linked to
the othersbya tangled network ofbridges.
Steadings that make upa larger settlement are
often ar anged geographically according to the ord.
ning ranking ofthe giant s there, A giant
sovercign's steading might be atthe peak of amoun
tain or in the depthsofa chasm, High-status giants
populate ne rby steadings, while the lowest-ranking
giants inhabit those farthest away
A larger settlement includes m Humanoidin
habitants, aswellas companion animalsandother
creatures of the Giant type, such ав ettins, ogres, or
cyclopen. Often these are divided among the compo:
nent steadings, but sc etimes they live in a differ
ent part of the settleme 1 оп the lower slopesofa
mountain, for aple:
The Settlements ble offers adventure hooks that
might bring adventurers to о! of these places.
d6 Adventure Hook
| Adventurers track marauding giants to a settlement
where a cult of an interloper god dominates about
half the steadings. The giants who remain faithful
to the gods of the Ordning are barricaded in their
2 Adventurers are sent on a diplomatic mission to
a giant sovereign to ask permission to open new
mines in the giants’ territory,
3 Adventurers need to infiltrateagiants’ settlement
to discover who is leading its ruleronthe path to.
4 The death ofa giant monarchisan opportunity for
adventurers to help a giant who has a peaceable
attitude toward smaller folk to claim the throne.
5 Characters investigating a magical catastrophe dis-
cover that it engulfed a giants’ settlement, and the
giants need help dealing with its effects,
6 Adventuare rersasked to deliv ertoа
giants! settlement to secure the freedom ofa very
important captive, but the giants decide the adven-
turers would be even more valuable captives!


ORGANIZATIONS ancient empires, the scholars hope to piece together
а picture of the proto-empire behind them ай,
Many giants are oriented to small family groups or ‘The Hidden Rune maintains a vast archive in a
particular interests of their kind, However, some secret location on the Elemental Plane of Earth.
organizations unite giants acros the divides of the Miners work constantly to excavate new halls to
ordning and of devotion to particular deities ог pow- store the troves of knowledge gathered by the or-
ers in pursuit of a common purpose. This section der's agents across the Material Plane. Scholars
presents examples of such organizations whose pore over each new item inthe collection, assessing
interests extend across small regions, whole worlds, its place not only in
or multiple worlds, from but also in the overa
HIDDEN RUNE Unlike various religious groups among
such as the destructive priests of Surtur
To the giants oftheHidden Rune, the children of hopeful followers of lallanis, the giants of t
Annam are in a temporary state of decline, a pause den Rune do not believe they ha
between two great moments in their history, The to playinbaling the future of i
mission of this scholarly order is to collect 1
cumulated learning
ofthepast and preserve it so à
future giant civilization can build upon it. тїнї axe fiu ling бай эссе riches of thin
Giants of the Hidden Rune are active across many knowledge.
worlds oftheMaterial Plane. On worlds that had
giant empires in the ancient past (such as Ostoria HIDDEN RUNE ADVENTURES
in the Forgotten Realms and the giant empire of "The Hidden Rune Adventures table suggests ways
Xen'drik in Eberron), members oftheHidden Rune ers on any world might encounter agentsof
venture into the ruins of these lost civilizations to this order,
collect any writings, technology, and artifacts they
find, On worlds with no historical record of such HIDDEN RUNE ADVENTURES
past glories, members of the organization never- 46 Adventure Hook
theless search for any remnants ofanempire that 1 While exploring an ancient giant ruin, adventurers
might have been forgotten. И traveling giant from ‘encounter an agent ofthe Hidden Rune whotries
other worlds discover a rare world where giants’ civ- to drive them from the ruin,
ilization is flourishing, they strive to document every
aspect of that civilization. 2. After adventurers discover an artifact made by
А key assumption underpinning their work is ancient giants, an agent of the Hidden Rune
that these ancient giant empires sprang from à approaches Һет and demands the item for the
common source—perhaps Annam and his sons,or order's archive
а single civilization that colonized other worlds. By 3 Acollector hires adventurers to retrieve stolen
gathering as much information ав possible about the hems, butthethiefhasalready soldthe itemsto
а giant, The chase could lead allthewaytothe
Elemental Plane of Earth.
4 An agent of the Hidden Rune is unable to open the
sealed entrance to an ancient ruin. The giant lures
adventurers there, hoping they'll figure it out
5 А comet appears in thesky,lastseenwhen giants
tuled the world. Adventurers discover there is in-
formation about the comet in the Hidden Rune’s
archive, ifthe giants can be persuaded to share it.
1 theirderinonce wer
uer the 6 —Anagent of the Hidden Rune steals an important
artifact and flees to another world, but the adven-
turers have a chance to follow.

dp thesestories are true, ld bethe last

helai ond
bree Ватancient night.
STEWARDS OF THE ETERNAL THRONE sin of the ancient giants was warring with these
Myths and histories include many explanations for folk in the early years of the world, then cooperation
with them is essential to undoing that sin and chart.
the decline of giants’ ancient empires and Annam's.
abandonment of his descendants, The Stewards of
ing a new course for giantkind and other peoples.
the Eternal Throne posit the ancient giants failed
As part of this commitment, the stewards honor not
just the gods of the giants, but also the gods revered
in their responsibility to care for the lesser peoples by these other folk.
of the worlds, Instead of tending the worlds Annam
made and guiding their inhabitants toward greater Each chapter of the Stewards of the Eternal
Throne has a stronghold that is intended as a living
wisdom and prosperity, the giants tried to rule the
embodiment of its central principles. These strong-
worlds, exploit their resources, and subjugate their holds are mighty fortresses meant to withstand
peoples. For this sin, the stewards believe Annam whatever evils might besiege them. They are bas-
cast down the giants’ empires and turned his back
on his children. Only by undoing that folly can tions of peace and equality where diverse peoples
giants return to their intended place іп Annam's
can live together under the leadership, protection,
and tutelage of giants—as Annam intended.
creation and regain his favor,
The Stewards of the Eternal Throne are orga- ETERNAL THRONE ADVENTURES
nized as a knightly order with many chapters. Each The Eternal Throne Adventures table offers hooks
chapter encompasses all the stewards who live you can use to involve characters in the business of
across a wide geographical region, perhaps a conti- these giant knights.
neat or an entire world of the Material Plane, and is
led by a chief steward, Each chapter is independent ETERNAL THRONE ADVENTURES
from all others, and the chief stewards of different dé Adventure Hook
chapters rarely meet and coordinate their efforts,
except in cases where evils arise that threaten an 1 Characters arriving in a remote village are greeted
entire world or multiple worlds. byastern giant who urges them to move along
Members of the Stewards ofthe Eternal Throne quickly, as the town is under the giant's protection.
swear an oath of service to the order's mission. 2 A wandering knight of the stewards asks adventur-
The specifics of the oath vary from chapter to chap- ers for help closing a planar portal that is allowing
ter, but the fundamental tenets are the same in demons to spill across the countryside.
every chapter: 3 AFiend or Undead hunted byaknight ofthestew-
Stewardship. We are custodians of the worlds, not ards poses as human and tells adventurers the
rulers, and we work to preserve what has been giant is a dangerous marauder.
entrusted to our care. 4 А giant knight is convinced the adventurers pose а
Protection. Smaller and weaker peoples deserve threat and must be eliminated.
our protection, not subjugation. We are strong and 5 Following rumors ofa“dangerous giants’ hideout’
shelter the smaller folk behind our strength.
Education. Though we have forgotten much of
in the mountains, the adventurers discover a bas-
tion of the stewards.
the wisdom ofour ancestors, we strive to ensure
all peoples can pursue wisdom, learning, and 6 After defeating a terrible evil, the adventurers re-
enlightenment. сее an invitation to a stronghold of the stewards,
Peace. We foster peace among all peoples. All where they are welcomed warmly and offered a
who desire to live peaceably together are wel- peaceful life in the bastion if they agree to help
come among из. protect it
Knights of the Stewards of the Eternal Throne
are mostly giants (predominantly cloud and storm
giants), but some orders have been known to accept
goliaths, firbolgs, and members of other peoples
into their ranks. (Goliaths and firbolgs appear as
character races in Mordenkainen Presents: Mon-
sters of the Multiverse, and examples of these peo-
ples appear in chapter 6 of this book.)
The principle of peace leads the knights to coop-
erate with other peoples, especially with beings they
regard as near equals in age and importance, includ-
ing dwarves, elves, and dragons. If a fundamental


а chanted among the giants oftheWorldroot 46 Adventure Hook
cle describes аgreat treethat grew onthe First 1 Giants of the Worldroot Circle need smaller adven-
Worldatthe dawn oftime. Planted and tendedby turers tobravethe cavesbeneath theirworldtreeto
the god Corellon, this tree was a seedling ofth stopwhatever isgnawing or corrupting its roots.
mighty Yggdrasil, t! World Tree that conn s all 2 А druid who saw the root of the world in a vision
the Outer Planes. W the irst World was de. hires adventurersforprotection on a pilgrimageto
stroyed, seeds from this great tree sty scattered into the
Annam nur- the site, which is guarded by the Worldroot Circle.
void of the Material Plane: Myths
tured each of these seeds until they sprouted and 3 Long ago, the Worldroot Circle helped seal portals
formed worlds of their own—all the myriad worlds where invaders from another plane broke through.
that now constitute the Material Plane. Now oneof those portals has reopened, and the
Giants of the Worldroot Circle tell this story as characters must find giants to reseal й.
a way to remember their purpose. They imagi 4 Multiple oracles see visions of agreat evil entering
themselves to be Annam's gardeners, tasked with the world through a portal at its root, so adventur:
tending the rootsofallthe worlds he made, On ers are sent to find the place and ensure the portal
some worlds, they literally tend a great world tree doesn't open. They arrive to find giants of the
Worldroot Circle locked in a losing battle to hold
they believe
World. On other a seedling
to beworlds, thetreesome
they ofbelieve otherFirst
on the
geographical feature is the “root of the world,” such Back een
as a towering mountain or mesa, a yawning cavern 5 Тне characters find a magic staffmade from a
deep under the mountains, or a meteorite in an branch of aworld tree, but the staffgivesits owner
enormous crater. Whatever forms these roots take, haunting dreams that echo the Worldroot Circle's
the giants believe they are nexus points linking the rites.
worlds to each other and to the Outer Planes. 6 A giant ofthe Worldroot Circle comes to a cityand
When giants of the Worldroot Circle gather at the insists a portal to the Far Realm has opened some-
roots of their worlds, they perform rites meant to where inside. Adventurers are tasked with helping
preserve the roots, nurture the health of the world, the giant find and seal the роп
and enable a mystical communion among members
of the order—both the ones present and those on
other worlds. Much like Humanoid druids, these
giants strive to maintain the forces of
nature in
their delicate balance and oppose any forces—even
the forces of gods such as Surtur and Thrym—that
threaten to elevate one element over the others
or to distort the elements beyond their natural
Though the giants of the Worldroot Circle
tendtolivein remote wildernesses, they
protect their worlds and are often concerned
with global or even planar threats. They
fiercely oppose the cults of Elemental Evil
and remain constantly vigilant against un-
natural corruption, including Undead and
Aberrations. They guard against forces that
threaten to undo the work of creation or
corrupt the roots of the worlds, including
destructive demons. The Worldroot Circle
Adventures table provides examples of how
these druidic giants might become involved
in adventures in your campaign.

Giants or rue Wonconoor Сакс Gane

AROUND A serotina оғ THE Мовко TREE
Master, is full of tables and inspiration you UsiNc THE TABLES
can use to build encounters, adventures, When a creature's name appears in bold type,
and entire worlds and campaigns that that's a visual cue pointing you to its stat block.
giants а properly giant-sized role. The chapter has Creatures marked with an asterisk (*) appear in this
three parts: book. Those marked with a dagger (*) appear in
Mordenkainen Presents: Monsters of the Multiverse.
“Encounters” provides tools to help you build en- (Where those monsters appear, a note to the table
counters involving giants and the creatures that tells you what to do if you don't have that book.) All
frequently accompany them, You can use the ta- other creatures are described in the Monster Man-
bles in this section to populate the giant-themed ual, If a Humanoid creature's kind is not specified, it
locations in chapter 4 or any other encounter. can be any kind of Humanoid you choose.
“Adventures” includes adventure hooks and other Giants are dangerous foes. The encounter tables
tools you can use to craft an adventure involving in this section are most suitable for use with charac-
giants and their worlds, ters in the third tier of play (levels 11-16). If you're
“Campaigns” helps you establish the role of gi- creating giant-themed encounters for lower-level
ants in your game world and place these mighty characters, you might use more dangerous crea-
peoples—past or present—in the forefront of tures in the background to establish the setting of
your campaign. the adventure, or use them in a nonhostile capacity.
For example, if you're creating encounters for a 6th-
ENCOUNTERS level party, a fight against two storm giants would
Giants are social creatures, often living together in make for a dreadfully one-sided battle. Instead, the
families or bands, or accompanied by smaller fol- characters could witness the giants in an altercation
lowers, Even when they live in isolation, they often from a distance, foreshadowing a conflict that will
keep pets or servants. While an encounter might threaten all the smaller folk in the region. Or you
consist ofasingle giant, more typical encounters could decide the giants are indifferent or friendly
include a mix of one or more giants with other toward the characters, leading to a dramatic inter-
creatures, action that might offer hooks to adventures more ap-
This section is loaded with inspiration to help you propriate to your party's level. See the “Giants and
create such encounters, whether you're planning a Tiers of Play” sidebar for more advice.
single encounter or populating a giant-filled enclave. ENCOUNTER CONTEXT
The tables are broken into two categories: “Giant-
kind Encounters” and “Connected Creatures.” The Each table entry presents a short description of the
first includes tables for each of the six main families creatures in an encounter and what they're doing.
Of giants, plus death giants and fomorians. The вес- Use these ideas as inspiration to fit the encounter
ond covers a variety of other creatures often found into the location you're populating. If that context
alongside giants, including other creatures of the doesn't make sense for the situation you're building,
Giant type. consider using the context to inspire the creature's
general motivation. For example, if you roll a 12
оп the Cloud Giant Encounters table, it might not
make sense for a cloud giant to be searching for the
RRES — 43
Misty Vale (an enclave described in chapter 4) in Ifan attitude doesn't fit what the creature is doing
that particular location. You might decide there is you can either ignore the attitude or shape the en-
aclue to the vale's location in this place, or you can counter to match it. For example, if you rollanindif.
simply treat the giant's search for the Misty Vale as ferent or friendly attitude for a creature that is hunt
an overarching goal, regardless of what the giant is ing prey, you might decide the hunter simply doesn't
doing when the encounter occurs. That choice can find the characters to be a tasty treat. If the creature
influence how you roleplay the giant if the charac- is sapient, it could ask the characters if they've seen
ters engage in conversation. which way its quarry has gone.
Each creature on these tables includes a suggested This section includes encounter tables themed
attitude roll in parentheses after its name. To ran-
domly determine the initial attitude of creatures in
around each of the six kinds of giants in the Mon-
an encounter, roll the dice specified in the parenthe- ster Manual, plus death giants (found in chapter 6)
ses, then refer to the appropriate and fomorians. Each table includes giants as well
Attitudes table.
as creatures that might be found in or around the
homes of giants, including those commonly asso-
ciated with giants as pets (such as spotted lions for
Attitude Roll Total
cloud giants and dire wolves for hill giants).
5-8 Indifferent Cloud giants and related creatures thrive where
there is fantastic wealth to be earned, plundered, or
дог higher Friendly swindled; where there are secrets to be uncovered:
and where diplomacy or guile can carry the day.
The giants of the ordning are appropriate threats for CLOUD GIANT ENCOUNTERS
characters who have significant experience. When you 412! Encounter
plan giant encounters, pay attention to how much
damage the giants can deal in a single attack. Many gi- 1 1 cloud giant seeking to learn the secrets of 1
ants can kill lower-level characters with a single hit. spectral cloud* (attitude for both: 148)
Use the guidelines in the Dungeon Master's Guide ог 2 1 cloud giant (attitude: 1412) trading riddles with 1
Xanathar's Guide to Everythingtobuild appropriately djinni (attitude: 196 + 4)
challenging encounters for your party. The guidelines
here can help you plan adventures featuring giants for 3 Лаб nothics (attitude: 2d4 + 2) coveting cloud giant
each tier of play: arcana
First Tier (Levels 1-4). Ogres are the most suitable 4 1 cloud giant destiny gambler (attitude: 148 + 2)
Giant opponents for characters in the first tier of play, conferring with 1 mage (attitude: 1d12)
and characters at level 4 might facea single hill giant. 5 144 doppelganger spies (attitude: 148 + 1) posing
A lone hill giant can feel confident bullying (or eating)
the inhabitants ofa village, but more powerful giants as servants while they try to glean secrets
(and larger groups) set their sights higher. 6 2 «оиа giants (attitude: 1910 + 2; roll separately
Second Tier (Levels 5-10).Asingle stone, frost, fire, ог for each) engaged in a wager or battle of wits
cloud giant is an appropriate challenge for characters 7 1 cloud giant (attitude: 1410 + 2) training1spotted
in this tier. Nearthe top of
this tier, characters might
challenge two hill giants or possibly a storm giant. lion* (attitude: 144 + 1)
The intrusion of these giants into settled lands is @ 8 1 cloud giant of
Evil Air* bossing around 2 air
threat that a whole kingdom or region notices. elementals (attitude for all: 1d6)
Third Tier (Levels 11-16). Threetofive hill giants are
ап appropriate challenge for characters at this level, 9 1 cloud giant (attitude: 148 + 1) hunting with 1
аз are two to three stone or frost giants, two fire or wyvern (attitude: 1d6)
cloud giants, or a single storm giant. Large groups of 10 284 goliath giant-kin* (attitude: 146 + 4) trying to
ts, when they are organized toward asingle pur- retrieve an owlbear (attitude: 146) on a rampage
pose, can determine the fate of nations. after running away from its giant owner
Fourth Tier (Levels 17-20). Mighty characters in the 11
fourth tiercan challenge as many as eight hill giants, 1945 1 vampiric mists’ (attitude: 144 + 1) lurking
fourtofive stone or frost giants, three to five fire or in a fog bank
cloud giants, or two to three storm giants. When gi- 12 cloud giant smiling one’ (attitude: 1410) seeking
ants in. ant numbers work toward a common. the MistyVale (see chapter 4)
cause, they can alter the nature of worlds. Monsters marked with a dagger () appear in Monsters of
the Multiverse, Roll а d10 if you don't have that
+See chapter 6.
The Death Giant Encounters table is appropriate
for places steeped in gloom, whether within the
Shadowfell or touched by that plane's sorrowful in.
fluence. The creatures on this table might populate
places where giants fell into despair, sites where
giants delved too deeply into necromantic magic,or
areas where the Negative Plane's life-consuming 4
fluence seeps into the world “
diot Encounter
1 1d6 skeletons (attitude: 144 + 1) rebuilding a
destroyed idol at the disinterested direction of 1
death giant reaper* (attitude: 1d10 + 2)
2 1 death giant shrouded опе” (attitude: 148)
wringing historical facts from a ghost (attitude:
146 + 4) that weeps over the memories
3 1d4 wraiths (attitude: 1d4 + 1) puzzlover ing atrin
ket that reminds them of their past lives
4 1 death giant reaper* (attitude: 196) stalking a
creature to offer its soul to the Raven Queen
5 1 stone giant (attitude: 1412) negotiating with 1
death giant reaper* (attitude: 148)
6 1 revenant (attitude: 1410) bentonrevenging itself
on its killer—a death giant
7 1 death giant reaper* (attitude: 148 + 2) brooding
over ancient carvings
8 1 death giant reaper* exile (attitude: 198 + 1)
searching for a creature it killed whose soul es.
caped the Raven Queen's clutches (the creature is
now a revenant)
9 Тдеайн giant shrouded опе" (attitude: 146)
debating 1 devourer! (attitude: 184 + 1) on the
finer points of souls
10 1 nightwalker! (attitude: 194 + 1) striding in search

of adeath giant's home or trappings
Monsters marked with a dagger () appear in Monsters of
the Multiverse, Roll a d8 ifyou don't have that book
*See chapter 6.

Death giants are aptly nared, Theugh
they are not thenselves undead, they ear
death like а shroud. ls stink lingers дуо
then, andeven sunlight seens ls din in

—Pishy @ *
Fire giants and their minions strive to create the 3 1fomorian (attitude: 1d4 + 1) with 5 commoner
strongest and finest crafts and fortresses. These
giants can be found in any area rich in workable re- captives (attitude: 148 + 4)
sources, particularly metal, as well as places where 4 — fomorian deep crawler* (attitude: 144 + 1)
they can test their creations in battle, scuttling in search of victims
5 1 fomorian (attitude: 1410) supervising 1 umber
Fire GIANT ENCOUNTERS hulk (attitude: 146) as itdigs new tunnels.
di2! Encounter 6 244 flumphs (attitude: 148 + 4) trying to avoid 1
11 fire giantofEvil Fire* overseeing the rampage of ettin ceremorph* (attitude: 184 + 1) while feeding
2 fire elementals (attitude for all: 1d4 + 1) on the ettin's psionic energy
2 1 fire giant forgecaller* using a хот (attitude for 7 2mindflayers (attitude: 1d4 + 1) telepathically dis-
both: 1410) to track down mineral deposits cussing the finer points ofabrain they just shared
3 1 fire giant (attitude: 1410) feeding 194 + 1 hell 8 1 fomorian (attitude: 148) contemplating a gem-
hounds (attitude: 146) stone it thinks is floating but that is actually sus-
4 284 rust monsters (attitude: 1410, automatically pended inside 1 gelatinous cube (attitude: 194 + 1)
hostile toward anyone using metal objects) fol- 9 1 fomorian warlock ofthe dark* (attitude: 198 + 2)
lowing the scent of iron seeking omens in the twisting slither of neothe-
5 1 firegaunt* (attitude: 146) stalking its former lid! (attitude: 148)
fellows who betrayed it 10 1 ulitharid! (attitude: 196) bargaining with 1 fomo-
6 —2trolls (attitude: 1410+3) terrified to disobey the rian (attitude: 148) to establish a new mind flayer
orders of1 fire giant (attitude: 196) colony in the fomorian's territory
7 1 soot-caked iron golem (attitude: 146) "Monsters marked with a dagger (') appear in Monsters of
8 1 fire giant smith (attitude: 1910) working on a the Multiverse, Roll a d8 if you don't have that book.
breastplate sized foraLarge creature *See chapter 6.
9 244 goliath glant-kin* (attitude: 148 + 2) hauling a Frost GIANT ENCOUNTERS
load of ore from a mine ‘The Frost Giant Encounters table includes encoun-
10 З fire giants (attitude: 146 + 1) battling an adult red ters suitable for arctic regions or regions where
dragon (attitude: 146) the activity of frost giants has magically cooled
11 1 fire giant (attitude: 148 + 1) leading 4 firenewt the climate,
warriors! (attitude: 148 + 1) riding giant striders!
(attitude: 198 + 3) Pick А GIANT, ANY GIANT
12 1 fire glant dreadnought! (attitude: 146) on guard Ifyou'd liketorandomly determine the kind of
that aredominantinа location, roll on the Giantkind
‘Monsters marked with а dagger (!) appearinMonsters of теин fabieYou could й twice and use the
the Multiverse. Roll a d10 if you don't have that book. sulting twotablesto create either a cooperative ог
See chapter 6, | rival ЫКЫ between
theindicated а.
The Fomorian Encounters table presents encoun-
ters that can occur in underground regions or at 1 Cloud Giant Encounters
surface locations suffering an invasion from the 2 Death Giant Encounters
depths. These encounters also fit well for places 3 Fire Giant Encounters
warped by the strange corruption of the Far Realm,
4 Fomorian Encounters
Using these encounters to supplement another table
can hint at deeper threats that are just beginning to 5 Frost Сат Encounters
burst through the fabric of the multiverse. 6 Hill Giant Encounters
7 Stone Giant Encounters
FOMORIAN ENCOUNTERS 8 — Storm Giant Encounters
d10 Encounter
1 1 fomorlan noble* (attitude: 148 + 2) studying a
treatise on arcane phenomer
2 144 + 2 hook horrors (attitude: 146) banging their
hooks on rocks or their bodies


412! Encounter 9121 Encounter
11 frost giant (attitude: 148 + 1) leading 1 1 2 hill giants charging at each other until their
titanothere* (attitude: 1410) loaded with fur and. heads collide, while 4 ogres (attitude for all:196 +
timber 3) watch and cheer.
2 1 young silver dragon (attitude: 1410 + 3) tracking 1 hill giant avalancher* (attitude: 1d8 + 2) search-
а frost giant raiding party ing exasperatedly for a giant goose that stole from
31 frost giant hunting with 144 winterwolves the giant's bag
(attitude for all. 196). 2 hill giants (attitude: 1410) trading broken weap-
4 2 боі giants (attitude: 106 + 2) burying a body ons they've collected
that rises as 1 frostmourn* (attitude: 1d4 + 1) in 1hill giant and 3 ogres (attitude forall: 1412)
the process. taking turns bowling ettin skulls at sticks stuck in
5 244 giant goats (attitude: 146 + 4) wandering the ground
about with chewed tethers 1 hill giant (attitude: 196 + 3) dejectedly trying to
6 тюй (attitude: 1410 + 2) anxiously searching for reassemble a small stone building it accidentally
the lost goats it tends for a frost giant tribe demolished
7 1 frost giant (attitude: 148 + 1) building a wind 144 otyughs (attitude: 1910) in a waste pit where
shelter from ice blocks hill giants dispose of feast remnants
8 1 frost giant iceshaper* (attitude: 1410) perform- 1 hill giant singing beautifully for 194 dire wolves
ing a sacrifice to Thrym {attitude for all: 1410 + 2)
9 1 bored troll amalgam* (attitude: 1410) throwing 2 hill giants (attitude: 198) roasting a bear over a
its arm at a stack of boulders burning wagon and excessively seasoning it with
10 244 goliath giant-kin* (attitude: 198 + 3) on a spices plundered from the wagon
pilgrimage 2d4 goliath giant-kin* (attitude: 1d8 + 2) enjoying
11. 1 ogre bolt launcher! and 144 + 2 ogres (attitude a feast
for all: 146) bringing spoils from a raid to their 7hill giant (attitude: 146) asking for food from a
frost giant leader. gang of 2d4 bugbears (attitude: 196 + 2)
12 frost gianteverlasting one! (attitude: 144 + 1) 1 flind' (attitude: 1d4 + 1) leading a bloodthirsty
plotting revenge against the tribe that exiled it party of 5 gnoll hunters! (attitude: 196)
"Monsters marked with a dagger (!) appear in Monsters of 12 1 mouth ofGrolantor! (attitude: 196) eating every-
the Multiverse, Кой a 910 if you don't have that book. thing in reach, including the landscape
*See chapter 6, 1Monsters marked with a dagger () appear in Monsters of
the Multiverse, Roll a 810 if you don't have that book.
The Hill Giant Encounters table presents hill giants
alongside other creatures driven by hunger. These
encounters are good for straightforward adventures
that don't focus on twists and guile. These creatures
simply seek to indulge their endless hunger.

ў бяз unwilling ko areronch it again.

Diancastra ^


The Sume Giant Encounters table presents stone TheStorm Glant Encoun ters
table нее mori
шипів and Creatures that might appear in areas they lante as well aw creat ures that relate to OFresona te ]
Inhabit, either by choice or because of geography, with storm giant themes, Storm giant usuallyre
Sapient creatures might be drawn to вини giant main solitary, but they can get tangled in events that
ariwork and stone shaping, or they might be caught prophecies and omens, These encounters
in Ihe giants’ passion for seeking truth and insight might happen anywhere, at any lime, nnd ean be и
from their dream». sun on thelr own of momentous events to come.
These creatures can app
than in typical mone giant tunnels. Perhaps they're Stonm GIANT Енсоинте
following the giants on а quest vo the "dream world" di? Encounter
that je the surface, or maybe they're trading and 1 І storm glant tempest caller’ (attitude: 148
conferring with such giants when they emerge. + 2) communing with a lightningslit face in a
di? Encounter 7 1 storm glant riding 1 aerosaur* (attitude for both
V І stona glant and 1 кот (attitude forboth: 1410) Л
hunting forgems, much thewaysurface peoples 3 1 lightning hulk (attitude: 146) reveling in
hunt for truffles destruction
2 1 stone giant rockspeaker* conferring with 2 galeb 4 1 storm giant hunting or fishing with 1 griffon
duhrs (attitude for all. 148 + 4) or giant octopus companion (attitude for both
31 stone giant(attitude: 1912) playing fetch with 1 1410 + 2)
carrion crawler (attitude: 194 + 1) 5 Vstorm giant (attitude: 1412) patiently explaining a
4 284 gollath glant-kin* (attitude: 1910) practicing Giant rune to 194 ogres (attitude: 1910)
throwing rocks. 6 — 2storm giants (attitude: 1d8 2) moving pleces
5 1 stone giantarguing with 1 minotaur (attitude for опа massive game board according to events that
both: 1412) about the best path for a maze they're haven't happened yet
designing 194 behirs (attitude: 198 + 1) stalking storm giants
6 1 stone giant (attitude: 146 + 4) dreamily carving a 244 goliath glant-kin* (attitude: 148 + 3) medi-
slab of rock into an abstract hill giant figure tating in hopes of
receiving a vision or prophetic
7 Veairwight* (attitude: 148+2) searching for trea- word
sure stolen from its tomb 9 1 storm herald conferring with 1 kraken (attitude
8 244 cave bears (polar bears; attitude: 196 + 1) on for both: 148 +1)
patrol 101 adult blue dragon (attitude: 196) seeking the
secret refuge of astorm giant oracle who is an
9 — 1 stone giant ofEvil Earth* (attitude: 146) arguing
theology with 2 stone giants (attitude: 1412) ancient enemy
10 2d6 dwarf prospectors (veterans; attitude: 1412) 11 Tkraken priest! and 3 deep scions! (attitude for all:
delving into areas full of stone giant dream 144 + 1) studying storm giant runes
carvings 12 1 storm giant quintessent! (attitude: 1412) reading
ПО 2korreds! (attitude: 148) exchanging their cut hair omens in the migration paths of 2 rocs or killer
whales (attitude: 1d6 + 4)
with 1 stone giant (attitude: 1910) for stone and Monsters marked with a dagger (!) appear in Monsters of
gem artwork
the Multiverse, Roll a 10 if you don't have that book.
12. 1 stone giant dreamwalker! (attitude: 198 + 2) col- *See chapter 6.
lecting objects and creatures to fuse into its body
Monsters marked with a dagger (1) appear in Monsters of CONNECTED CREATURES
the Multiverse, Roll a 410 if you don't have that book. The encounter tables in this section include a vari-
*5ее chapter 6. ety of monsters grouped according to themes that
might flavor a giant enclave or encounter. Combined
with the encounters from the "Giantkind Encoun-
ters" section, you сап create a series of events with
а distinctive flavor.


Une the Dinosaur World Encounters ше to pop
ulate "lont worlds" sequestered from the Material
Plane during а long forgotten era when dinosaurs
ruled the world (with or withoutthepresence of
шии),orbustling settlements where шиги une
domesticated dinosaurs as companions and beans
of burden perhaps using deinonyc инhunting
houndsorherding triceratops like cattle
Domesticated dinosaurs might have и variety of
trappings markings, brands, harnenses, collars,
or saddles that reflect the culture and nature of
the giawho careforthem. Hill giants might une
crude twisted ropeorrough leather cords, while
storm giants could use bridles of spun copper that
ар rk when touchedormasterfully woven sea
м ed saddles,
910! Encounter
1 1 regisaur* (attitude: 148) hunting
2 1 altisaur* (att MB +2) grazing
3 244 ankylosaurus (attitude: 198) digging a nest
4 204 allosaurus (attitude; 146) engaged in territorial
threat displays.
1 aerosaur* (attitude: 148) slowly circling
1 ceratops* (attitude: 146) rampaging
144 + 1 triceratops (attitude: 146 + 4) grazing
1 tyrannosaurus rex (attitude: 144 « 1) pursuing
9 2d4 brontosaurus! (attitude: 196+4) migrating
10 —1d4 stegosaurus! (attitude: 148 + 2) trying to help
an additional one that is stuck in thick mud
"Monsters marked with a dagger (!) appear in Monsters of
the Multiverse, Roll a d8 if you don't have that book
*See chapter 6.
Use the four counters tables
late areas ffused with the elemental and magical
nature of giants or places where the Elemental
Planes break into the Material Plane. The creatures
on these tables might be connected to the cults of
Elemental Evil (described in chapter 2), Magical
conduits might draw creatures from the mental

4 glace here, giants and dinosaurs live

in peaceable harneny Sounds like Sone Kind
ef paradise. Ve verynuch like to visit such
a place. ©
Planes and disgorge them within powerful storms,
ocean mael
deep chasms, tumultuous wildfires, orcome to the A
stroms. Elemental forces might also
world to oppose their elemental rivals from opposite
planes: air versus earth or fire versus water
The elemental forces of air are most com monly
connected with cloud and storm giants. Those of
earth are typically associated with hill and stone
giants. Elemental fire is closely tied to fire giants,
and elemental water is typically connected to cloud
and frost giants.
The Elemental Water Encounters table can be use.
ful in any aquatic environment, not just one where
the Plane of Water extends its reach. An ancient
giant enclave sunken in some great catastrophe or
а storm giant retreat beneath the sea is an appropri
ate locale for these encounters.


Ф101 Encounter
1 193 mist hulks* (attitude: 148) wandering about,
wallowing in regret
2 244 aarakocra (attitude: 1410 + 2) flying in
3 — 1d4 air elementals (attitude: 148 + 2) kicking up.
4 — 144 Evil Air cultists (veterans; attitude: 198) rid-
ing hippogriffs (attitude: 148 + 2) and accosting
5 1 invisible stalker (attitude: 196) looking for a par-
ticular magic item
6 — young gold dragon (attitude: 148 + 4) dancing іп
high wind currents
7 1 cloud giant ofEvil Air* (attitude: 144 + 1) terror-
izing theskies
8 ТУ djinni (attitude: 1d12 + 2) examining shattered
gargoyle remains
9 244 griffons (attitude: 1410) with blue and gray
coloring soaring
10 1 lightning hulk (attitude: 198) crackling in a jag-
ged path
11 193 air elemental myrmidons! (attitude: 146) on
high alert
12 elder tempest! (attitude: 196 + 2) reveling in a
‘Monsters marked with a dagger () appear in Monst
ers of
the Multiverse. Roll a d10 if you don't have that book.
"бе chapter 6.
di Encounter 2 fire elementals (attitude: 148) fitting adoringly
1 244 gargoyles (attitude: 148) keeping watch, around a bonfire
crouching utterly stil 1 young red dragon (attitude: 184 + 1) picking
2 galeb duhrs (attitude: 1910) singing а rumbling through the remains of aburned-out caravan
bass duet to an audience of boulders 1 fire giant ofEvil Fire* (attitude: 144 + 1) conquer-
1 mud hulk (attitude: 144 + 1) futilely trying to ing in the name
ofImix, Prince
ofEvil Fire
bury 1dust hulk (attitude: 1412) in piles of muck 1 flameskull (attitude: 148 + 2) searching for a lost
2 bulettes (attitude: 196 + 2) burrowing and spellbook from its living days
breaching the surface in an intricate dance 1 fire elemental myrmidon! guarding 1 azer
2 хот (attitude: 1410) gliding through the ground {attitude for both: 196 + 2) that is gathering metal
1 roper lurking near Изbrood of 1d6 piercers (atti or other raw material
tude for all: 194 + 1) 12 1 phoenix (attitude: 148 + 3) traveling to or froma
1 stone giant of Evil Earth* (attitude: 1d4 + 1) site of great devastation
seeking surface-world creatures or structures to "Monsters marked with a dagger (7) appear in Monsters of
destroy the Multiverse. Roll a d10 if you don't have that book.
1 medusa (attitude: 1410) anxiously planning its *See chapter 6.
next move
143 earth elementals (attitude: 196 + 2) examining
а crystal formation d2t Encounter
1 dao (attitude: 148) shaking down 2 dwarf miners 1 А coven of3 sea hags (attitude: 1d4 + 1) tryingto
(veterans; attitude: 1410+2) for “taxes” peer into the future
2 earth elemental myrmidons! (attitude: 1d8) stoi- 7cult fanatic and 2d6 cultists of Evil Water (all
cally patrolling with swimming speeds of 30feet and the ability
12 1 zaratant (attitude: 146 + 2) lumbering through to breathe water), with 142 chuuls (attitude for all
the area, heedless of damage it causes 144 41)
TMonsters marked with a dagger (1) appear in Monsters of 1 rime hulk* (attitude: 146) wailing and stalking
the Multiverse, Roll а d10 if you don't have that book. 1 storm crab* (attitude: 148) traveling in a straight
*See chapter 6. path with purpose
1 frost giant ofEvil Water* (attitude: 146) consid-
ELEMENTAL Fire ENCOUNTERS ering going on a rampage
dz Encounter 1 marid singing as it lounges with 1 water elemen-
1 1 salamander heating its spear over 2d4 fire snakes tal (attitude for both: 1410)
(attitude for al : 146 + 3) in a tangled coil 1 hydra (attitude: 144 + 1) hunting
2 cinder hulks* (attitude: 144 +1) seeking to burn 2 water weirds (attitude: 198) keeping watch in
everything in their path small pools
144 + 1 smoke mephits (attitude: 146) following 1 dragon turtle (attitude: 1412) searching for an
1 fire elemental (attitude: 198) as it cuts a blazing advantage against arival kraken
‘swath 10 2 water elementals (attitude: 1910) diligently mak-
1 efreeti and its 194 dwarf minions (thugs; attitude ing furrows in the sand using their bodies, ereating
forall:1d4 +1)demanding tribute а sprawling pattern
246 magmins (attitude: 196) searching for some- п 2 water elemental myrmidonst (attitude: 146 + 2)
thing sizable to burn barring a passage or portal
2d4 azers assembling pieces ofahelmed horror 2 1 leviathan! (attitude: 148) swimming through an
{attitude for all: 1410) ‘exceptionally
Monsters marked with a dagger (1) appear in Monsters of
the Multiverse, Roll a d10 if you don't have that book.
*See chapter 6.


Use the Fiendish Incursion Encounters table for sit
uations where giants have turned from the gods of
the Ordningtoserve fiends (as described in chapter
2), where the ancient magic of long-fallen realms of
giants opened portals to the Lower Planes (either
intentionally or by accident), where magic runes
have gone horribly awry and unleashed fiendish сог-
ruption into the world, or where fiends seck power-
ful allies to aid their schemes among mortals,
d10 Encounter
1 144 barlguras (attitude: 194 + 1) capering around a
blasphemous idol
2 1arcanaloth (attitude: 1412) searching for a tempt-
ing bit of lost lore
3 2 chain devils (attitude: 146) suspending corpses
on spiked chains
4 —Vfury of Kostchtchie* performing a rite with 2
trolls (attitude for all: 1d6)
5 —lecho of Demogorgon* (attitude: 1d4 + 1) build-
ing a two-headed effigy from corpses
6 1 stalker ofBaphomet* (attitude: 1d4 + 1) and
2 minotaur cultists (attitude: 1d4 + 1) stalking a
scout (attitude: 1910 + 4)
71 maw of Yeenoghu* with 4 gnolls and 4 hyenas
(attitude forall:194 + 1), all stalking prey
8 1 marilith (attitude: 144 + 2) searching fora
renowned giant smith to forge six new swords
9 cambion (attitude: 198) trading verbal jabs with 1
succubus (attitude: 1412)
10 1 fire hellion* (attitude: 196) conjuring 1 bone devil
(attitude: 1912) into a red-hot iron circle
*See chapter 6.

Listen.|have glinpse4 the pages ofla
ling touch
Denononican. Vve felt the soul-chil
fan incubus. le even ventured to ner?
than one of the Laver Planes. Sonehow
ofthese things compares ta the sheer horror
Ф а giant transformed inte sonething nuch,
huch varse by the corruption «f а denen lord.
сэ Ө
AnanooneoSAnnam, s OME FIRE GIANTS
* ҹә
Use the Giant Construct Encounters table to popu- The Giant Kin Encounters table presents a range
late ancient giants’ ruins that have been sealed from of creatures of the Giant type that are not encom-
the outside world for millennia or hostile environ- passed by the ordning, along with related creatures
ments without breathable air. The creatures in these that might be pursuing their own schemes or
encounters might also act as servitors to magically working as part of a giant's machinations. These
powerful giants or serve as a reminder of the forgot- giant kin might be drawn to runes and sites of
ten magic of ancient giants. giant power, even long after the creators of those
You can alter the appearance of any Construct on sites are gone.
this table to reflect the nature of its creators. An iron
golem built by fire giants might spew embers and GIANT Кім ENCOUNTERS
sooty smoke between its iron plates, while one built diot Encounter
by cloud giants might leak wisps of mist and rain- 1 A band of 2d6 ogres (attitude: 146) fawning over
drops. Any of these Constructs might have Giant
runes engraved somewhere on them as part of the enormous Giant runes inscribed in the ground
magic that animates them. You can alter any Con- 2 144 cyclopes (attitude: 1910) tending a herd of
struct's size without changing any of the creature's sheep
other statistics. з 1 troll and 2d4 ores (attitude forall: 148) scouting
new settlement locations
Giant Construct ENCOUNTERS 4 1 troll mutate* (attitude: 196) drawing, scratching,
9107 Encounter or painting with too many claws
1 1 runic colossus* (attitude: 146) slowly rousing 5 1d4 firbolg primeval wardens* (attitude: 1912)
from a dormant state making camp.
2 244 animated armors (Large) and 1 rug of 6 184+ 1 fensir skirmishers* (attitude: 196 + 2) fran-
‘smothering (attitude for all: 1d6) keeping watch tically gathering and hunting food to stockpile
1 iron golem (attitude: 146) patrolling 7 1 firbolg wanderer* (attitude: 1d8) reluctantly
1 shield guardian (attitude: 1412) searching for its bargaining with 1 green hag (attitude: 198 + 3)
master 8 2ettins (attitude: 148) playing cards, with each
5 1 stone golem (attitude: 146) crudely carved to head as an individual player in a four-player game
resemble a hill giant 9 Zogre chain brutes! (attitude: 1d4 1) demolish-
6 144+ 1 helmed horrors (attitude: 148) in a partially ing a small structure
dormant state, as if asleep 10 1 dire troll! (attitude 46) eatinga dead troll
7 2flesh golems (Large; attitude: 146) made from before it regenerates
ogre corpses stitched with copper wire Monsters marked with a dagger () appear in Monsters of
8 clay golem (attitude: 146 + 6) awaiting the ful- the Multiverse. Roll а d8 if you don't havethatbook.
fillment of a verse ofancient prophecy, which the *See chapter 6.
characters could fulfill
9 Л cadaver collector! (attitude: 148) gathering bod-
ies destined to become aflesh colossus (described Му lrethers wil scotty and tel ym,
in chapter 6) С ak these giant lin domt matter, that
10 1 retriever! (attitude: 146) searching for a thief who
stole a Giant rune they deret count in the ranking otr the
‘Monsters marked with a dagger (1) appear in Monsters of
the Multiverse. Roll a d8 if you don't have that book. ordning, that they're ivvelevant tor the
*See chapter 6. world, Vout. they DO matter, and yon

-value they can bring as allies.

—Diancastra -
Use the Giant Necropolis Encounters table to pop- The Megafauna World Encounters table suggests
ulate places where giants once thrived that have encounters with gigantic animals that might appear
been destroyed, fallen into decline, or succumbed to in а "lost world” where long-forgotten versions of A
necromantic magic. The meddling of death giants modern animals still thrive. It could also reflect a
or the planar influence of the Shadowfell might world where not only giants but everything—from
cause a giant enclave to decay quickly into a ne- domestic animals to plant life—is vastly oversized
cropolis where creatures such as the ones on this (вее “Into the Giant Realms” in the “Adventure
table flourish. Models” section later in this chapter).
Even without a theme of undeath, you can use As with the dinosaurs on the Dinosaur World En-
these encounters to add a flavor of despair or to sug- counters table, you can add a variety of trappings to
gest Undead giants are interested in a location for the animals encountered here to reflect the nature
mysterious reasons. of the giants who care for them.
d10 Encounter dior Encounter.
1 Туоипв redshadow dragon (attitude: 194 + 1) 1 244 giant oxen’ (attitude: 196 + 4) grazing оп
seeking treasures steeped in sorrow shrubs, trees, or thatched roofs
1 2caimwights* (attitude: 196 + 3) critiquing each 143 titanotheres* (attitude: 148 + 3) roaming; one
other's artistic works in progress of them scratches an itch on trees, uprooting them
3 1 barrowghast* and 2 zombies (attitude for all: in the process
194 + 1) prowling for living creatures to slay 1 giant goose* (attitude: 148) running with an item
4 Тбозипоште (attitude: 148 + 1) contemplating from a hill giant's bag (see “Giant Bags” in chapter
the many notches on its greataxe 5) in its mouth
5 194 shadows (attitude: 148) playing out the last 2 mammoths (attitude: 196) locking tusks та
moments oftheir lives as a shadow puppet show territory dispute
on a wall 1 gigant* (attitude: 1d4 + 1) rampaging
6246 zombies (attitude: 144 + 1) shuffling listlessly, 144 saber-toothed tigers (attitude: 1410) stalking
following a path of Giant runes painted indried near a herd of 2d4 giant elk (attitude: 1d6 + 3) і
blood 1 purple worm (attitude: 144 + 1) following vibra-
71 firegaunt® (attitude: 144 + 1) killing and de- tions toward food
stroying, desperately hoping someone will end its 246 giant ticks* (attitude: 1d4 + 1) sucking the last
existence blood from a giant's corpse
8 1 flesh colossus* (attitude: 146) marked with the 1 froghemoth! (attitude: 146) trying to hide some-
Giant rune ofdeath, defending the crumbled ruins where comically inadequate for its bulk
of the place it was created to protect 1 1 gray render! (attitude: 196 + 3) gnawing the
9 1 tempest spirit* (attitude: 146) searching for lost scenery
magical knowledge S Monsters marked with a dagger () appear in Monsters of
30 1 spectral cloud* (attitude: 1412) wandering with a the Multiverse, Roll a 48 if you don't have that book.
ghostly green lantern *See chapter 6.
*See chapter 6.

(це is death
Трос much offthe Legacy ОГ my
à arcaTorand us мнойree
we wot
gast oy hannt our dusty ща Con
lie dread,7
focus ow the glories that


Giants often appear in adventures
that aren't about
giants, serving as powerful enemies or allies to ad-
venturers. This section offers inspiration if you want
to make giants or the realms they inhabit a central
element of an adventure, This section has two parts:
“Adventure Models” outlines five categories of ad-
ventures to help you think about the role you want
giants to play.
“Giant Patrons” explores various roles a giant
might adopt as a patron for an adventuring party
and the missions the giant might assign.
Giants serve as adversaries in many D&D adven- AGAINST THE GIANTS
tures, but that's not the only possible role for them
in your game. This section outlines five broad cate- 98 Adventure Hook
gories of adventures, including suggested adventure. 1 Adventurers find a village completely deserted, with
hooks for each category. tracks leading toa hill giant steading. Can they res-
cue the surviving villagers and livestock before the
Three of D&D's earliest published adventures fea- hill giants eat them all?
tured giants as the primary opponents: Steading of 2 Afamily of stone giants fell under the sway of Lolth
the Hill Giant Chief, The Glacial Rift of the Frost. and allied with Lolth-worshiping drow to raid the
Giant Jarl, and Hall of the Fire Giant King. (They surface. Adventurers must break the alliance or
were originally published in 1978, compiled to- eliminate the stone giants if necessary.
gether as Against the Giants in 1981, and reprinted 3 An especially harsh winter is accompanied by rov-
multiple times in the decades since, most recently ing bands offrost giants and winter wolves preying
in 2017's Tales from the Yawning Portal) The on travelers.
premise of these adventures is simple: “giants have 4 Fire giants send hell hounds into mine tunnels to
been raiding civilized lands,” so adventurers are
assembled “to punish the miscreant giants.” The ad- chase the miners out, then send their own azer
venturers fight their way up the ordning until their servants to plunder the mineral-rich mines. The
final confrontation with the fire giant king—and the miners seek help to reclaim their mines.
revelation that the giants are merely pawns in the 5 A clever cloud giant plays several other powerful
schemes of some sinister drow. creatures against each other and against nearby
An adventure focused on giants as adversaries Humanoids. Eliminating the giant will return the
could involve a sustained battle against giants ofa volatile situation to an uneasy status quo.
single kind (as each of the individual adventures in 6 A frost giant leads a mixed band of weaker giants
Against the Giants did), or it could involve progres- in a campaign of bloodlust to honor Thrym or a
sion through groups of different kinds of giants (as
Against the Giants pitted characters against hill, demon lord.
frost, and fire giants in sequence). Alternatively, an 7 After avillainous group slays a young storm giant,
adventure could involve giants of different kinds the giant's parent unleashes an undiscriminating
working together, perhaps united as members of a ‘campaign of vengeance against any “interfering
religious order or some other kind of organization little gnats” living nearby.
that crosses the divide of giant kinds (see “Gods and 8 As characters explore a steading belonging to опе
Religion” and "Organizations," both in chapter 2). kind of
giant (you can roll a d6 on this table to de-
The Against the Giants table offers suggestions for cide why the characters are there), they discover an
adventure hooks you can use to build an adventure honored guest of amore powerful giant kind who
following this theme. is coordinating the weaker giants’ activities.


Sometimes giants are background elements to an dé Adventure Hook
adventure that has more to do with the impact of 1 Frost giants besiege a fire giant settlement, disrupt.
the giants’ actions on the world than it does with ing travel and trade across the region. Injured frost
the giants themselves. These adventures might be
disaster stories, where characters might help by- giants shelter in nearby towns, demanding the peo-
standers escape. The source ofthe disaster might ple there serve them while they recover,
be a conflict between two giants (or two groups of 2 Adragon and a giant, in the middle of a fierce bat-
giants), a clash between a giant and another power- tle, suddenly fall from the sky into a town square.
ful monster (such as a dragon, adinosaur, a purple Neither combatant is concerned about protecting
worm, or the tarrasque), or the stirring of a truly the people around them.
colossal giant (such as the scions of giants’ gods 3 Hired to guard a caravan heading to а remote
described in chapter 6). An adventure might also mountain town, adventurers find the pass blocked
challenge characters to drive the giants (and other with rockslides caused by stone giants at play.
forces of destruction) away from settled lands.
The giant in a scenario like this need not be the 4 Agroup of giants (perhaps members of the Stew-
villain. A storm giant wrestling a kraken to keep the ards of the Eternal Throne, described in chapter 2)
creature from destroying a coastal city might still warns a citythatthetarrasque is approaching and
cause accidental devastation. A giant might look for asks for heroes to evacuate the citywhile the giants
heroes to take care of bystanders while the giant hold the monster at bay.
deals with (or holds back) the greater threat. 5 Aterrifying storm lashes a fishing village for days.
The Clash of Titans table provides a sampling of After helping people get to safety, the adventurers
adventure hooks you can use to build an adventure investigate the storm, and they discover a storm
along these lines.
giant locked in battle with a kraken nearby.
6 After slumbering for centuries, a scion of Grolantor
(described in chapter 6), begins to stir. The resi-
dents of the farming village built on the sleeping
giant's back seek help evacuating,


In the world of Eberron, the continent of Xen'drik Giants are mythical creatures, descended from a
is the ancestral home of giants and the location of god and imbued with the raw energy of the Ele-
their ancient empire. The continent is littered with mental Planes. But they're also people whose rela-
the cyclopean ruins of this forgotten civilization, and tionships, ambitions, emotions, and subterfuge are
now scholars and treasure hunters mount expedi- literally larger than life. The intrigue among storm
tions to plunder the ruins and unearth the secrets of giant King Hekaton's daughters in Storm King's
the giants. On other worlds, the ruins of ancient gi- Thunder is an example of how interpersonal dramas
ants’ civilizations might not be as numerous or well can shake the whole world when they play out on
known, but you can still build adventures that lead the stage of a giant's realm.
characters to explore the realms of past giants. The Giant-Sized Schemes table offers sugges-
An expedition into giants’ ruins might involve a tions, including several inspired by the plots offa-
confrontation with giants, or it might mean facing mous dramas.
whatever monsters have taken up residence in the
ruins in the centuries since the giants abandoned GiANT-SIzED SCHEMES
them. In Xen'drik, living giants still inhabit some of 46 Adventure Hook
their ancient ruins, though they have fallen far from 1 The ghost of amurdered giant monarch appears
the height of their civilization. Ruins might be inhab- to the monarch's heirs and demands they claim
ited by the once-giant hulks or Undead giants that vengeance, The heirs and the murderer end up in
appear in chapter 6, by Constructs crafted by giants, а wide-ranging conflict that threatens to devastate
or by any kind of creature that has taken shelter
in the ruins—potentially including enormous crea- settlements nearthe giants’ realm.
tures, such as dragons, that appreciate the roomy Convinced she is the rightful ruler of another
chambers crafted by ancient giants. giant's domain, a giant launches an invasion, heed-
You can use the Delve into the Past table to inspire less of the inhabitants of
the lands between the
adventures leading characters into ancient giant giants’ realms.
ruins. You can also use the locations in chapter 4 as Believing his sovereign has violated the ordning
destinations for these adventures; each of those lo- by promoting an inferior giant instead ofhim, a
cations includes its own suggested adventure hooks scheming giant hires adventurers to undermine the
that you can use instead, or combine with the ones
here, as inspiration strikes you. sovereign’s authority.
Seeking to impress a fire giant, a frost giant tries to
DELVE INTO THE PAST bind a powerful elemental, but the elemental es-
96 Adventure Hook capes and rampages across the region.
1 During a long drought, the water level ofalake low- A dejected storm or cloud giant causes a drought
ers, revealing huge structures at its bottom. or flooding across nearby farmlands.
2 Asinkhole releases strange monsters into the sur- After being insulted by a giant sovereign, a noble
face world, and characters who investigate discover giant schemes to open a portal to the Abyss and
a ruined stronghold in its depths, summon a demon lard to destroy the sovereign’s
3 An eccentric aristocrat finances an expedition to a settlement. The site becomes a festering sinkhole
remote ruin to retrieve giant-made art and artifacts. ofevil as demons roam the surrounding area.
4 The characters’ research suggests the last known
location of the Axe of the Dwarvish Lords (or some
other artifact theywant to retrieve) was in an an-
cient giant stronghold.
5 Adventurers tracking a monster discover its lair in the gast is to discover a cath bo a
ап ancient giants’ ruin. While they hunt the mon-
ster, they can also piece togetherthehistory of the Vetter ture.
6 Characters exploring a strange ruin accidentally
trigger magic that causes seven flying castles—
including the one the characters are in—to rise into
the sky from where they had fallen.


n Jonatha an Swinov tGull s 's Travels, the
protagonist is swept olf course оп a sea voyage and
finds himself inthe land of Brobdingnag, where
everything istwelve times itsusual size, from peo.
Ме to rats. In Jules Verne's Journey to the Centerof
the Earth, expl rers discover a subterranean world
here giant-sized people tend herds of mastodons
wd where reptiles from Earth's ancient past still
roam the sea and sky. The English fairy tale of Jack
climbing a beanstalk toagiant's cloud castle is а
similar exampleofan adventurer passing into a
worldofgiants. In Norse myth, giants inhabit the
realm of Jotunheim, where brave gods and heroes
occasionally venture on dangerous quests.
An adventure inspired by these tales might se
characters discovering a secret valley hidden in
remote mountain range where stormgiants tend
flocks of sheep the size of horses, delving deep into
the Underdark where stone giants ride mammoths
across vast subterranean plains, washing up on
an uncharted island whose giant inhabitants hunt
dinosaurs,orentering а demiplane where aрог.
tion of the ancient world of the giants is perfectly
preserved. The characters might be lost travelers
or bold explorers, or they might journey to these
wondrous locations in search of some treasure or
powerful magic used by the giants.
The Into the Giant Realms table offers more sug
gestions forhow to bring characters tothese realms.
Adventure Hook
fissure opens during an earthquake, and ordinary
means can't determine its depth. Adventurers are
asked to explore it and determine the source of the
light that is barely visiblefar below.
Characters find a coded journal іп a dragon's trea:
sure hoard, indicating a path to a hidden paradise
Adventurers find a giant-sized ring inscribed with
the sigil sequence for a teleportation circle
An enormous stone archway is carved with sym.
bols that, when touched in the correct sequence,
activate a portal,
A strange map shows a road where no road exists.
During solstices, the road appears and stretches
in an impossible direction to a mysterious
Characters acquire a broken piece ofan artifact that
magically guides them to the location of another
piece, which is in a realm of giants,

Giants of багам, Sur id is an example of Boss
Im of giants inspired by Norse myth. This ге A giant boss wields size and strength as tools to
is one of tenworlds that make up the MAGIC: THE extract wealth and power from communitiesof
GATHERING setting of Kaldheim, all moving among smaller folk. The boss might threaten to harm ad-
the branches of avast World Tree. Wintry Surtland venturers or those they care about if they refuse to
isarealm of constant turmoil. Volcanoes burst do the giant's bidding.Orthe boss might recruit
through snow and ice to form new mountains аз adventurers to share in the profits of amorally and
the bitter cold freezes steaming geysers into sprays legally questionable enterprise
of ice shards. Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions The archetypal giant boss is a hill giant, perhaps.
reshape the landscape almost daily. Avalanches of cleverer than most, who enjoys demonstrating just
snow and broken rock tumble down mountainsides: how superior agiant's strength is compared to
and change th sours of half-frozen rivers. smaller creatures. Such a boss might rui a protec-
The frost and fire giants of Surtla locked in tion racket, a group of highway robbers, or a kidnap
constant conflict. The frost giants prefer to be left ping ring. A giant boss might even take to a life of pi-
alone, but they also claim the best, safest territories racy, following in the enormous footsteps of Huzza,
in the realm, building gle es on high a hill giant inthe world of the Forgotten Realms.
mountain peaks and glacier fields. In addition, they The Boss Assignments table suggests the kinds of
hoard treasures and arcane secrets for themselves. missions
аgiant boss might send adventurers on.
The fire giants build shelters in the lowlands, where
lava fissures carve paths through wide fields of Boss ASSIGNMENTS
snow, and the fire giants gatherinbands to attack 46 Assignment
the frost giants. 1 Thieves stole the giant's most precious treasure
At times, the worlds of Kaldheim overlap as they and fled into the sewers, where the giant can't fol-
move around the World Tree. Such an overlap. low, Hunt the thieves and retrieve the treasure.
called a Doomskar—is an explosive event marked by
world-altering earthquakes and geological destabili- 2 Arival gang is encroaching on the giant's territory.
zation. You can use the idea of a Doomskar to bring Spy on these rivals, and identify the best place for
Surtland (orarealm like it) into contact and conflict the giant to striketoshut them down for good.
with your campaign world. During the Doomskar, 3 Somebody who works for the giant is stealing. Find
characters can venture into Surtland, but giants can out who itis, and make sure they never think about
also raid into the other world. double-crossing the giant again.
GIANT PATRONS 4 The giant has a score to settle with a powerful foe
Many of the adventure hooks throughout this book (perhaps a dragon, a beholder, or another mon-
involve giants asking characters for help or hiring strous crime lord). Make sure the boss survives!
them to carry ош a task. This section outlines long- 5 The boss wants a treasure that's being held in an
term patron roles giants might fill. underground refuge the giant can't enter. Plan and
Ifyou want to use a giant as a patron for a group execute the perfect heist.
of adventurers, you can use the perks, contacts, 6 Another group of adventurers refuses to serve the
and roles described in the “Group Patrons” chapter boss anymore. Find them and convince them to
of Tasha's Cauldron of Everything alongside the return, or join forces with them to topple the giant.
adventure hooks and other information included
here. Each of the roles described here corresponds
(at least loosely) to a patron type described in that FINANCIER
book, as shown on the Giant Patrons table. Armed with tremendous wealth, a giant financier
pursues personal goals and interests that usually
GIANT PATRONS involve the acquisition of even greater wealth. Such
Giant Role Group Patron Type. а giant's appeal to adventurers is simply the promise
of a steady salary and a luxurious lifestyle.
Boss Criminal Syndicate. The archetypal giant financier is a cloud giant
Financier Aristocrat who constantly seeks to improve their standing in
Seer Ancient Being the ordning by amassing more wealth. The finan-
Sovereign Sovereign cier might back treasurc-hunting expeditions into
Tutor Academy
ancient ruins, prospecting missions to find valuable
resources, or exploratory missions to map new
Warleader Military Force lands or sca routes.
The Financier Assignments table suggests appro-
priate expeditions a giant might finance.
96 Assignment other giants
A giant who rules over а settlement of
1 Follow amap found in an ancient tome to a often needs Humanoid agents to act аз emissaries
long-forgotten ruin in search of treasure or lore. to smaller peoples—and perhaps to enter locations
2 Find a new route around or across inhospitable where giants can't. Adventurers who fill such a role
terrain such as a desert or ocean. might do so out of loyalty to the giant sovereign, or
they might be forced or bribed to serve the giant.
3 Delve into the Underdark in searchofdeposits of The archetypal giant sovereign is a fire giant who
rare magical crystal, and map your route so miners commands significant numbers of smaller folk,
can retrace it. often including armies of Humanoids, as well as a
4 Sabotage the business ofarival giant community of giants, Adventurers in the sovereign's
5 Guard a wagon or caravan hauling goods to a service might advance the giant's military, diplo-
remote settlement of giants. matic, or clandestine goals on missions ranging
6 Venture into a desolate wasteland to find the un- from tactical assault to sabotage.
The Sovereign Assignments table lists some mis-
discovered ruined city at the center and identify the sions a giant sovereign might send adventurers on.
catastrophe that devastated the region.
Seer 96 Assignment
A giant seer is guided by visions—glimpses of possi- 1 Steal intelligence from an enemy giant sovereign.
ble futures, messages from a god, or whisperings of 2 —Weaken or remove arival to the sovereign’s rule—
some alien consciousness—and sends adventurers:
into the world to fulfill whatever those visions de-
an ambitious general, fanatical priest, or jealous
mand. The adventurers might share the giant's faith
in whatever higher power is sending the visions, or 3 Root out corruption or disloyalty among the giants,
they might be skeptical of the visions but enjoy the and eliminate their abuse oftheir strength to exploit
benefits of the giant's patronage. the settlement’s smaller inhabitants.
‘The archetypal giant seer is a storm giant driven 4 Bring gifts to a powerful dragon—and convince it
by the search for signs of Annam's activity. The not to destroy the settlement of giants.
seer might seek out omens written in natural phe- 5 Suppress (or secretly aid) an underground rebellion
nomena, manipulate world events to bring about among the smaller folk ofthe settlement.
the fulfillment of prophecies, or work to prepare the 6 While pretending to entertain visiting diplomats, try
world and its peoples for an impending catastrophe
of apocalyptic scale. to discover their secret reason for visiting.
The Seer Assignments table suggests quests a
giant seer might lay on adventurers, TUTOR
A giant who serves as a tutor to adventurers is often
SEER ASSIGNMENTS an exile from giant society, dwelling by necessity or
dé Assignment choice among smaller folk and sharing the ancient
1 Help the giant re-create an ancient ritual that wisdom of giants with them. Often, these giants are
interested in pursuing esoteric studies of their own
should reveal an omen or revelation from Annam. even as they share what they have learned with their
2 Steal the research notes of some ancient sage (рег. eager students,
haps a dragon or a yugoloth), which hold informa- ‘The archetypal giant tutor is a stone giant who
tion pertinent to Annam's activities. is convinced the surface world—the world of
3 Explore the ruins of an ancient temple to Annam, dreams—has important wisdom to impart, just as
looking for records of revelations or prophecies. the gods sometimes speak through dreams, The
4 Follow a devastating storm across the countryside, tutor might teach stone carving, runic magic, or the
histories of the giants to eager students, while send-
carefully mapping its path and cataloging the de- ing them on missions to gather wisdom from the
struction left in its wake. dreaming world.
5 Brave a dragon's hoard to steal a device that tracks The Tutor Assignments table presents as-
the positions of invisible celestial bodies. signments a giant tutor might give to adventur-
6 Search for clues pointing to the location of the Adze ous students,
ofAnnam (described in chapter 5) or some other
artifact related to the gods of the Ordning.


d6 Assignment
1 Capture and document the elemental hulks (see
chapter 6) or other creatures that inhabit a remote
valley, island, or cavern,
2 Explore the effects of aplanar nexus on spell
casting. creatures, and magic items.
з Delve into an ancient ruin to discover the nature
of the plague, conflict, or magical catastrophe that
exterminated the giants who once lived there.
4 Find the secret demiplane where an ancient city of
giants was hidden to avoid catastrophe.
5 Find a set of artifacts that was plundered and scat-
tered when a settlement of giants fell,
6 Plumb the secrets of asect of giants that was wiped
from the face of the earth by the gods wrath.

A giant warleader commands a military force, typi
cally comprising many Humanoids, some number of
lesser creatures of the Giant type (such as ogres, су.
clopes, and ettins), and а few gi s of the ordning.
Adventurers might serve such a gian as skilled
mercenaries or as part of this force.
The archetypal giant warleader isa frost giant
commanding a horde of fierce soldiers. Adventurers
in the warleader's service might participate in mass
battles or more surgical stril
‘The Warleader Assignments table provides sug:
gested missions the giant might assign.
46 Assignment
1 Take out a champion or commander at the rear of a
mass of enemy forces.
2 Oversee the defense of asupply depot when ene.
mies attack
3 Sabotage or steal a powerful magical weapon be-
fore enemies can use it against the giant's forces.
4 Gather information on enemy troop numbers,
placements, composition, or supply routes
Protect the giant’s forces from an attacking dragon.
Suppress the activities of bandits and rebels within
the giant's territory.

| have learned а great deal fron several

advice is [3
F inportant tutors in ву Ще. Му
| heed these Шые winds are as expansive as
their deeds, c @
CAMPAIGNS coexisting in peace ог in rising tension punctuated
Giants exist (or once existed) in nearly every D&D by occasional skirmishes. Alternatively, giants and
world, but in the present age, they are generally dragons might have worked together to quash any
confined to the margins. If you want to feature gi opposition to their dominance over the world.
ants more prominently in the past or present of your What's the role ofthe giants’ gods? With the giants
campaign, this section offers inspiration to help. ruling the world as Annam intended, perhaps the
All-Father hasn't turned his back on his children.
A WORLD OF GIANTS He might be a much more active deity here, and
giants might be more engaged in his worship and
Your first decision in building acampaign world service. Or perhaps the giants rebuilt their ancient
around the significant place of giants is whether the
giants are flourishing in the present or inhabiting
empire with the help of other powers, such as Ele-
mental Evils, demon lords, or the dragon gods.
the ruins of their past.
FLOURISHING GIANTS You can also build a campaign that puts the focus on
You might set your campaign inaworld where the world inhabited by the giants of old, which might
giants still rule over smaller peoples—as Annam or might not include a significant number of living.
intended, the giants might say. This world could be giants. The core idea of such a campaign might be
the ancient past of a setting such as the Forgotten that giants dominate the history of the world, so they
Realms or Eberron, where empires of giants thrived are responsible for all the ancient sites, magic, and
thousands of years ago. Or it could be a world of treasures that populate your adventures.
your own creation, perhaps one where giants have А campaign built on this idea might have a post-
maintained an unbroken line of rule for countless apocalyptic feel, as Humanoids spread and begin to
generations. As you build such a world, consider explore the ruins of aworld destroyed by giants. Or
these four key questions: the giants’ empires might be an ancient mystery, to-
How do different kinds of giants live together? tally forgotten in the modern world until an ancient
‘The world might have a single empire of giants site and its treasures are discovered and history is
where giants hold ranks based on their position in rewritten.
the ordning. Or several smaller realms might co- The dungeons and ruins adventurers explore
exist in varying degrees of mutual hostility. Maybe might all be places built by giants. Some might in-
storm giants have their own realm or realms, stead be strongholds built by giants' enemies, such
cloud giants their domains, fire giants theirs, and ав underground fortresses where dwarves sheltered
so on. Or there might be different realms that all against giants’ attacks. If exploring giant-sized dun-
include multiple kinds of giants. geons is the norm, characters are likely prepared
What's the place of Humanoids? Perhaps the gi- for climbing huge stairs and navigating other chal-
ants view themselves as stewards of the world, lenges of giant-sized locations (see chapter 4).
whose divinely appointed role is to protect and D&D worlds often assume some magic items
uplift the smaller peoples, and Humanoids live in (especially artifacts) were created in ancient times
the realms ofgiants as valued citizens. Or maybe using long-forgotten techniques. You might decide
Humanoids are new arrivals on the world, and such items in your campaign were made either by
the first intrepid adventurers are trying to carve giants or by those who warred against giants. Magic
out a place for their peoples in a hostile world. items made by giants might magically adjust to
Humanoids might enjoy comfortable positions in fit smaller peoples, or skilled artisans might have
some realms (particularly those ruled by cloud or learned techniques to alter these items. Chapter 5
storm giants) and be subjugated or hunted in other offers more information and suggestions concerning
realms. Humanoids might align themselves (vol- magic items and other treasures crafted by giants.
untarily or otherwise) with different giant kinds, CAMPAIGN EVENTS
allowing the giants of the ordning to serve as pa-
trons or adversaries. If you don't want to build a world that focuses on
What's the role ofdragons? In the Forgotten the presence or absence of giants, you can instead.
Realms and Eberron, ancient giants warred with build a campaign around world-shaking events that
dragons for control over the young world. Maybe are instigated by giants. Storm King's Thunder is an
in your setting, giants won a similar war, driving example: the events of this campaign-length adven-
dragons into obscurity or even extinction. Perhaps ture are set in motion by Аппапі suspension of the
such a war is still raging. Dragons might have ordning and by the scheming among the daughters
their own realms alongside the nations of giants, ofastorm giant king. Similar events might mark the


start, middle, ог end of a campaign as the actions of GIANTS AND OTHER ANCIENTS
giants shake the world, In the mythic history of most D&D worlds, giants
The World-Shaking Events table offers inspira-
tion for giant-driven events that can set ог alter the occupy a privileged place—alongside dragons—
course of your campaign, among the first sapient creatures to walk the earth.
Elves and dwarves arose or arrived on most worlds
WoRLD-SHAKING EVENTS later, and other peoples are generally considered by
98 Event these ancient folk to be younger in terms of the his-
tory ofthese worlds, Considering the relationships
1 A giant who claims prophetic inspiration from among these ancients—both in history and in their
Annam unites scattered bands ofgiants into a current form—can be an interesting way to develop
powerful political and militaristic force. а campaign that prominently features giants.
2 The death ofastorm giant sets off awide-ranging ANCIENT HISTORY
struggle among various giant leaders to fill the The history of the giants and these other ancient
resulting power vacuum. peoples doesn't need to be important in your world,
з Acataclysmic disaster (such as a volcanic eruption, but itmight have long-lasting implications. In the
unending winter, or relentless storm) displaces Forgotten Realms, giants and dragons sometimes
both giants and smaller folk from their homes; only nurse grudges against each other stemming from
laterdoadventurers discover giants caused the the Thousand-Year War that devastated their an-
disaster, cient empires millennia ago. Even for such long-
4 Amighty army led by giants launches an invasion lived creatures, twenty-five thousand years із a
of its neighbors, secretly motivated by the desire to long time to hold a grudge. In your world, there
access an ancient ruin in neighboring territory. might never have been conflict between giants and
dragons, or they might have long ago set aside any
5 Humanoids mobilize to overthrow their giant op- lingering resentment. Perhaps giants and dragons
pressors, but the Humanoids are hopelessly out- banded together in ages past in a desperate effort to
matched in battle, survive the rise of younger peoples. Or evil giants
6 One of the giants’ organizations described in chap: might have sided with chromatic dragons while
ter 2 is founded or comes to this world for the first good giants took up arms alongside metallic drag-
time. ons in the long-running conflict between the chil-
7 Agroup ofgiants sailing in enormous boats makes dren of Bahamut and the children of Tiamat.
landfall in an area inhabited by Humanoids, mark- Similarly, many D&D worlds feature an ancient
ing each people's first awareness oftheother and history of conflict between dwarves and giants. This
enmity is visible most clearly in certain magic items
the lands they inhabit. originally made by dwarves to be highly effective
8 Asmallbut growing number of giants believe the against giants (and other creatures of the Giant
adventurers might be the fulfillment of an ancient type): the dwarven thrower, Whelm, and the Axe of
prophecy that means they will bring about the the Dwarvish Lords. Often this history of conflict is
return of Annam—and eitherthe downfall or the assumed to be simply a matter of fighting over ter-
resurgence of the giants. ritory, since both dwarves and giants often prefer to
live in mountainous regions. But the myths told by
both giants and dwarves on some worlds describe
the conflict extending into the divine realms as well.
‘The god Moradin, who is revered by many dwarves,
and thousands olf years is said to loathe the evil giant gods. But you might
decide the dwarves and giants of your world have
a long history of friendly relations, orthat dwarves
often side with good giants in opposition to the
schemes and depredations ofevil giants. Perhaps
dwarves are frequently the subjects of giant-ruled
realms in the mountains, living peaceful and pros-
perous lives under beneficent storm giant rulers or
toiling in poverty under fire giant tyrants.
Most D&D worlds’ histories don't include any
particular animosity between elves and giants. Per-
haps in your world, elves and giants have coexisted
peacefully in separate regions of the world. Or а
er (a
maybe they warred fiercely: an elven throwven
ЧААРАТ spear that is otherwise identical
to a dwar
a magic relic of
thrower warhammer) might be
those ancient battles. Perhaps elves and
worked together to bring an end to evil dra gons’
two peoples
dominion over the young world, and the
maintain a sense of mutual respect.


You might also decide to create a campaign where
the conflicts among the ancients, like the Thousand-
Year War between giants and dragons in the Forgot-
ten Realms, are not a matter of ancient history but a
present reality. You could build an entire campaign
in the shadow of such a conflict, which is basically
taking the ideas described under “Clash of Titans”
earlier in this chapter and extending them through
many adventures.
‘The war might not be a simple two-sided con-
flict between giants and dragons, Perhaps elves,
dwarves, good giants, and metallic dragons joined
forces against a two-pronged assault from evil
giants and chromatic dragons. Or war might be rag-
ing between dragons and elves while giants strive to
protect smaller peoples from the fallout.
Other peoples and monsters might be involved.
The war might be a largely subterranean clash be-
tween stone giants and mind flayers while dwarves
and drow seek to escape the earth-shaking and
cavern-collapsing aftershocks of battles. Or storm
giants might combat krakens and other nightmares
of the deep while coastal cities and merchant
ships struggle to endure devastating storms and
tidal waves.
The Thousand Year War in the Forgotten Realms
lasted a thousand years for good reason: neither gi-
ants nor dragons were ever particularly numerous,
and actual skirmishes between giants and dragons
were rare. For this reason, you could run a cam-
paign where battles between the warring parties are
isolated events along the lines of the world-shaking
events described in “Campaign Events.” You might
begin the campaign with one such battle, have the
adventurers spend months or even years dealing
with the aftereffects of the cataclysmic battle, then
send your campaign in a new direction with a
second battle. Maybe a third, truly cataclysmic bat-
tle—in which the adventurers are now high enough
level to participate іп the combat and turn it in fa-
vor of one side or the other—brings the campaign
to a close.
Another approach to making giants a significant Six scions of giants’ gods literally hold the world
part of your campaign is to feature them in the together. Perhaps they're responsible for holding the
mythology of your world. Scions of giants’ gods continents above the ocean surface or supporting
(see chapter 6) might feature prominently in these the dome of the sky, or they might keep the world to-
myths, as these examples illustrate. gether through magical means. In any case, if these
titans were killed, the world would dissolve into the
ANCIENT ADVOCATES Elemental Chaos. (Giants of the Worldroot Circle,
Giants stole secrets of knowledge and magic from described in chapter 2, might be responsible for pro-
the gods and shared them with Humanoids, thus tecting these scions.)
helping the smaller folk build theirfirstcivilizations. THE NEVER-ENDING SAGA
For that crime, the giants have endured millennia Though Annam granted her wish for divinity, Dian-
of punishment at the hands ofpetty and vengeful
gods. Some giants blame Humanoids for causing castra still roams the worlds of the Material Plane,
continuing the whimsical adventures told in numer-
this punishment, but others still view helping and ous sagas. She is a trickster figure whose curiosity,
teaching smaller peoples as their responsibility. acquisitiveness, and wanderlust constantly get her
(Alternatively, maybe the giants were responsible for into sticky situations—and whose cleverness and
teaching Humanoids the evil use of magic and were occasional exertion of giant strength always get her
justly punished for that sin.) out of those situations. Though she often appears
EARTH SHAPERS disguised as a young storm giant, she can just as
Whether it's recorded in revered myth, passed on easily appear as а human, elf, or gnome, making
as casual folklore, or simply fact, giants shaped the her true identity almost impossible to discern. She
landscape in the earliest days of the world. Gigantic enjoys a variety of worldly pleasures and delights in
boulders scattered across arolling moor weren't the company of mortal creatures ofallkinds. She
deposited by receding glaciers—they were dropped loves to learn more spells, preferring spells of the
(or intentionally placed) by giants. A great canyon enchantment and illusion schools.
wasn't worn away by eons of erosion; it was formed ‘Though her exploits seem to serve only her own
when atired giant dragged her axe behind her after desires, Diancastra does have a greater agenda: to
a long day of hewing trees (or dragons). The basalt convince Annam to emerge from his seclusion and
columns visible at low tide connecting an island to restore the giants to their rightful place at the pinna-
the mainland aren't the result of volcanic activity but cle of the created order. Adventurers who get caught
rather the craft of ancient giants. A crater or lake up in her schemes might eventually have a hand in
might be the place where an ancient giant stepped, bringing about Annam's return—or preventing it!
slept, or fell after trying to climb the stars to reach
Annam's palace. Elemental magic might linger in THE SIX SLEEPERS
these places, making them likely locations for dun- The world has six scions of giants’ gods, near-divine
geons or monster lairs. Carefully sifting through titans who are sleeping until Annam awakens them.
these tales and plotting the locations on a map ‘Their slumbering forms define the terrain features
might reveal the path some ancient giant walked ofacertain region of the world (or perhaps up to
across the land, pointing to the location of agreat six regions if they are dispersed around the world).
mystery at the beginning or end of that journey. A prophecy suggests a means by which they might
be awakened early, leading to the destruction of
In aworld that is fundamentally inhospitable to life, THE S1x-Story MOUNTAIN
giants arc responsible for maintaining small arcas At the center of the world is an enormous mountain
where Humanoids can flourish. Perhaps storm that is the ancestral home of this world's giants. The
and cloud giants control the weather to maintain mountain vertically embodies the ordning, from the
small gardens of comfortable temperatures amid foothills to the churning storm that perpetually roils
a world-spanning desert or frozen wasteland. The above its sky-high peak. The giants were banished
campaign might explore what happens to the inhab- from this mountain in ancient times, and scions of
itants of one of these gardens when its giant care- giants’ gods, angels, devils, or some other supernat-
taker falls ill or dies. Or the gardens might be the ural guardians watch over the place to make sure
stuffoflegend in a harsh world where the bravest the giants don't return before Annam gives them
explorers dare to search for them. leave. What secrets ofthe world’s creation and an-
cient history are hidden in this mythic place?


‫ر‬ оре‫‏‬

Master, presents giant enclaves—locations Locations built, repurposed, or furnished by gi-
created by giants, controlled by them, or ants have a grand scale. А giant's castle contains
otherwise stemming from giants and their massive thrones, dining tables that could serve as
magic. Each section contains a map of the giant the foundation for a human's home, and cutlery a
enclave, a description of the enclave's features and human army could use as weapons. As a general
wondrous properties, and adventure ideas, rule, multiply each dimension ofa space or object by
The chapter includes the following giant enclaves:
three to estimate its giant-sized version, ог by four if
Annam's Cradle Horizor's Edge it’s made by cloud or storm giants. Giant-sized loca
Ashen Grotto Howling Iceberg tions have the following features:
Dreamer's Reach Karontor’s Hold Ceilings. Comfortable ceilings for giants must ex-
Endless Rockslide Misty Vale ceed 20 feet at minimum. Most ceilings are 30
Forest Crystal Runic Circle feet high, with luxurious or impressive construc-
Forsaken Deep Singing Sands tion pushing their height to 60 feet or more,
Gales Eye Tower Star Forge. Doors. Door handles are typically 10 to 12 feet off
Grolantor's Larder Thundering Observatory the floor (or half the height of the giants who built
Hiatea's Hearth Worldroot Sapling them). Large or smaller creatures must reach
the handle to unlatch it. Opening a door typically
UsiNG ENCLAVES requires one character to operate the latch and
Each of the locations in this chapter is a blank slate; another to wrestle the door open. While the han-
you can decide who lives there, what they want, dle is unlatched, a creature must use an action to
and how they interact with visitors. Each location push or pull on the heavy door, opening it with a
includes a selection of adventure hooks that might successful DC 12 Strength (Athletics) check. (Al-
attract characters to the enclave or give them a ternatively, you can set the DC to 6 + the Strength
reason to draw on its magic. The adventure hooks modifier of the giants who built the door) On а
also suggest specific creatures or encounter tables failed check, the door doesn't open.
appearing in the "Encounters" section in chapter 3. Oversized Furnishing and Objects. Furnishings
And several of these hooks point to other enclaves, and other items in a location made for Huge giants
creating paths to string locations together into are typically three times the size of human-sized
larger adventures. equivalents and roughly twenty-seven times the
When developing these enclaves into adventure weight. Medium and smaller creatures can clam-
sites, let your imagination run wild. Mix and match ber over or scuttle under giant-sized furniture,
different encounter tables to see what can arise. treating it as difficult terrain. Such creatures can
move normally beneath particularly hefty pieces of
Consider how randomly determining the attitude giant furniture, such as a 12-foot-tall dining table.
ofthe creatures generated can shift the tone of a Stairs. Giant-made steps range from 1% to 3 feet
story. If a hostile giant is the driving force behind high. Large and smaller creatures treat such stair-
an adventure seed, how does the adventure change cases as difficult terrain, Ladders made for giants,
if that giant is indifferent or even friendly to the with rungs spaced 3 feet apart, can also be treated
characters? as difficult terrain for creatures smaller than Huge.
ANNAM'S CRADLE during which time the water sheds dim light in a
Giants from an ancient empire created an empow- 5-foot radius. A creature that isn't a Construct or
ered form of the life rune that channeled Annam the an Undead that drinks the water gains 2d10 tem-
All-Father's raw creative might. The giants sought to porary hit points and the benefits of a greater res
create their own world as he once did, and invoked toration spell. А creature that gains these benefits
the rune in an immense cavern deep underground, can't do soagain until it finishes a long rest.
which they named Annam's Cradle. The result was
Planar Rift. The Radiant Sun is a permanent, one-
a permanent riftin the fabric of
way portal from the Positive Plane.
reality leading to
the Positive Plane—the source from which radiant ANNAM'S CRADLE ADVENTURES
energy flows throughout the multiverse to fuel light
Here are sample adventure hooks to bring charac-
and life.
This rift, an incandescent slash in the cavern's ters to Annam's Cradle or to give them missions to
“sky,” is known as the Radiant Sun, It floods the pursue within the cavern.
vast cavern with light and unchecked life. Fed by DREAMS IN STONE
this sun, the cavern is а sprawling tropical jungle A great pillar of rock reaching to the cavern's ceil-
ecosystem where massive creatures thrive, ing is the petrified body of a primordial giant. The
ANNAM'S CRADLE FEATURES figure's arm stretches up, breaching the cavern
ceiling, and its fingers emerge on the surface above
The Radiant Sun fluctuates in size and intensity to as Dreamer's Reach (in this chapter). The sleeping
approximate a cycle of day and night. During the primordial's nightmares might take the form of
day, the rift sheds bright light that counts as sun- creatures from the Fiendish Incursion Encounters
light, raising the temperature in the jungle to about table or the Giant Necropolis Encounters table in
100 degrees Fahrenheit. At night, the light fades to chapter 3, and they crawl down the petrified form
dim light and doesn't count as sunlight. The cav- to terrorize the inhabitants of the cavern below. Or
егп ceiling is a quarter of amile high and has the they could climb to the surface at Dreamer's Reach,
appearance ofastrangely rough-looking blue sky. leading the characters into Annam's Cradle to find
The microclimate within the cavern features cloudy their source.
and rainy weather in addition to sunshine. The nightmares might be a once-in-a-lifetime
Map 4.1 depicts a region of Annam's Cradle with disaster, making the adventure a matter of waiting
the following features: them out and defending against the creatures that
Jungle. Nourished by the light of the Radiant Sun terrorize the area. Alternatively, they might recur
and persistent rainfall, this part of the cavern is regularly, leading characters to seek a way to end
covered in lush rain forest. The jungle is rife with the cycle by soothing the slumbering titan’s night-
natural hazards, including razorvine (explained in mares, which might require climbing its mountai
the Dungeon Master's Guide). ous form and carving the Giant rune for “friend”
Ruins. Ancient structures built by giants lie in into its forehead.
ruins, partially swallowed by the verdant jungle. LITTLE FLUFFY Lost
Villages. Settlements populated by giants, duergar, A distraught giant child lost their pet and begs for
deep gnomes, and other creatures dot the cavern. help retrieving it before it comes to harm. The child
Waterfall. A mighty river plummets down a cliff face leads the characters into the jungle, where they find
beneath the Radiant Sun. The waterfall gleams a menacing allosaurus. Before any hostilities erupt,
with inner light infused by the sun, and the water the child delightedly shouts, “Fluffy!” The allosau-
flows throughout the rest of the cavern in lesser rus wags its tail and rolls on its back for belly rubs.
rivers and streams. The waterfall sheds dim light However, creatures from the Giant Kin Encounters
for 30 feet. Water downriver of the falls sheds dim table in chapter 3 have been hunting the dinosaur
light for 5 feet. and close in for the kill.
The Radiant Sun imbues Annam's Cradle with the А cursed ruler’s failing health сап be cured only by
following properties: water taken from the cavern's central waterfall. But
hill giants of especially immense stature led by a
Abundance ofLife. Creatures other than Con- hill giant avalancher (see chapter 6) venerate and
structs or Undead who finish a long rest within guzzle the waters. They violently defend the water-
Annam's Cradle regain all expended Hit Dice and fall with beasts of war from the Megafauna World
remove 2 levels of exhaustion. Encounters or Dinosaur World Encounters table
Infused Water. Water taken from the waterfall chapter 3.
retains the imbued positive energy for 24 hours,




ASHEN GROTTO dies and can't be returned to its undead state by
The Ashen Grotto is a burial ground for giants. divine intervention.
any means short of
Since it was first established—in a long-ago age Ordning's Path. A creature who spends 8 hours
when a great empire of giants stretched across the meditating in the grotto on the nature of order
world—giants of allkinds have brought their dead to and the rightful course of history can cast one
be interred within this nexus of giants’ magic. of the following spells at the end of that time (no
Many giants hold strong beliefs and taboos about additional casting time or spell components re-
the grotto. Some might put aside a deadly enmity quired): legend lore,greater restoration, or remove
with their rivals to defend it against intruders, Oth- curse (cast at 9th level). The spellcasting ability
ers might refuse to enter for any reason other than
for the spell is the creature's choice of Intelligence,
Wisdom, or Charisma. After casting the spell, the
during funerary rites to inter a family member's creature gains 2 levels of exhaustion.
remains. Remains laid to rest within the grotto
remain peaceful, and the power ofthe cave is anath- ASHEN GROTTO ADVENTURES
ema to Undead.
Here are sample adventure hooks to bring charac-
ASHEN GROTTO FEATURES ters to the Ashen Grotto or to give them missions to
The walls of this seaside cave of white limestone are pursue within the cave.
reinforced with masonry and inscribed with verses GREEDY USURPERS
extolling the ordning and reverence for one's ances- Giants who wish to inter their dead in the Ashen
tors. Most of the cave is above the sea's reach. Grotto ask the characters to help them remove a
Мар 4.2 depicts the Ashen Grotto's chambers and rival faction claiming it for themselves. The friendly
burial sites, including the following features: giants respect the grotto's traditions and refuse to
Caskets. Stone and crystal caskets house the re- shed another giant's blood within, but the rivals no
mains ofstone giants. longer hold to tradition and seek to plunder the grot-
Coral Pool. The bottom of a pool fed by an inlet to's treasures and power. Use your choice of Giant-
from the sea is carpeted with storm giant bones kind Encounters tables in chapter 3 for the rivals.
covered in coral. Key To THE PAST
Frozen Skeletons. Frost giant skeletons lie or
Atoken in one of the most ancient burials is in-
sit propped, wearing ancient armor covered in scribed with the last surviving copy of a key rune. In
lasting rime. the ages since its creation, the rune has become cor-
Hidden Tomb. A secret door hides a repository of rupted. It still functions, but it creates tears in the
cloud giant dust. planar fabric. Creatures from the Fiendish Incursion
Ossuary Pits. Hill giant remains are heaped in pits Encounters table (see chapter 3) defend the rune. If
where scavengers thrive. this rune is inscribed in the Runic Circle, it opens a
Urns. Brass and iron urns contain fire giant ashes. gateway to Horizon's Edge (both in this chapter).
Scattered among all these urns, caskets, and burial MISSING PIECES
niches are the remains of other creatures who Astorm giant asks the characters to retrieve an
were loyal allies or loved ones of giants long gone, ancestor's bone from the Coral Pool, since she is
including creatures of the Giant type such as ettins forbidden to enter the grotto. She promises them a
and ogres, and even some Humanoids and other Javelin of
lightning if they retrieve the bone, which
she intends to use to make a more powerful item.
ASHEN GROTTO MAGIC A behir agent ofa rival storm giant and creatures
from the Storm Giant Encounters table (see chapter
The Ashen Grotto's magic reinforces the ordning 3) try to steal the bone first.
specifically, and the natural, harmonious order of
things in general. It can be used to break curses and ТІрЕ OF DEATH
ease afflictions, and to find insight into that which Fleeing from a horde comprising hundreds of zom-
must be returned to its rightful course. The site is bies (as well as creatures from the Death Giant
consecrated ground with the following properties: Encounters or Giant Necropolis Encounters table in
chapter 3), villagers took sanctuary in the grotto but
Bane of Undead. Dead creatures can't become
are now trapped and running outof supplies. Adven-
Undead in the grotto. An Undead that enters the turers must disperse the horde by killing the death
grotto for the first time during a turn or that starts
its turn there takes 22 (548) radiant damage. An giant shrouded one (see chapter 6) who created it
or clear a path for the villagers to escape.
Undead reduced to 0 hit points by this damage


ASHEN марал


а ВИCaskets i . ,
Ч а= 4 : elo. ШШШ Q
тый | Urns


CHAP4 71
DREAMER's REACH creature must succeed on a DC 10 Charisma saving
Dreamer's Reach is steeped in dreams. Five stone throw or have the charmed condition for 24 hours.
monoliths stand atop a low mound of earth, reach- A creature charmed in this way refuses to leave
ing toward the sky. The monoliths are the fingers of Dreamer's Reach and wants to use one of the site's
a petrified, primordial being of earth and stone. This properties the next time the creature sleeps. Each
being strove to reach the surface—what it believed
time a creature succeeds on or fails this saving
to be the world of dreams—and almost succeeded:
throw, the save DC permanently increases by 1 for
its fingers reached into the air, but then the being that creature.
fell into perpetual slumber. Now the echoes ofits. DREAMER'S REACH ADVENTURES
dreams whisper to any who sleep in the vicinity.
Stone giants were the first to discover the site and Here are sample adventure hooks to bring charac-
its magical properties, and they built shelters in and ters to Dreamer's Reach or to give them missions to
around the mound. Dreamer's Reach draws stone pursue there.
giant pilgrims who seek the place for its magic,
but other creatures often use the shelters for their
A cloud giant has taken control of Dreamer's
‘own purposes. Reach, searching for the answer to a riddle that
DREAMER'S REACH FEATURES leads to the Misty Vale (in this chapter). The giant
has hired and tricked creatures from the Giant Kin
The mound around the stone fingers has been Encounters table (see chapter 3) to defend the site.
smoothed to a circular plateau. Giant-sized shelters
are carved into the sides of
the plateau, and sev- PLAGUE OF NIGHTMARES
eral free-standing structures made of fitted stones Many people suffer repeating, terrible dreams every
surround the mound. Мар 4.3 depicts Dreamer's night. A coven of night hags uses dozens of people
Reach, including the following features: at Dreamer's Reach as channels to send the night-
mares. The hags use creatures from the Hill Giant
Monoliths. Four of the monoliths—the fingers of the
primordial's outstretched hand—are arranged in Encounters table (see chapter 3) as bodyguards.
an arc and stand about 30 feet tall. The fifth (the RoYAL NIGHTMARE
thumb) is set apart from the inner curve of the fin- A monarch is locked in nightmare-filled slumber
gers and stands about 15 feet tall. Spiraling carv- that magic has failed to end. Characters must use
ings and Giant runes adorn all five monoliths. Dreamer's Reach to enter the sleeper's nightmares
Shelters. The shelters are spacious for Small or and end them from within. Dream entities oppose
Medium creatures, but they are cozy for the stone the effort, taking the forms of creatures from the
giants who built them, with just enough room for dreamer's life and from the Fiendish Incursion En-
two Huge creatures to lie down side by side. counters and Giant Necropolis Encounters tables in
chapter 3.
A creature who falls asleep or uses a feature such Starry BEACON
аз an elf's Trance trait at Dreamer's Reach can call A character who rests at Dreamer's Reach dreams
upon the magic of the place while sleeping, activat- ofa brilliant star falling from the sky. Images ofthe
ing one of the following properties: dream persist upon waking and lead the character
toa distinctive mountain. There, the character can
Dreamer's Call. The creature casts the dream spell use the Star Forge (in this chapter) to create a sen-
asit sleeps, requiring no additional casting time, tient magic item if they gather the proper materials
action, or spell components. The caster must be and defeat creatures from the Giant Construct En-
the spell's messenger. When the spell ends, the counters table (see chapter 3) at the forge.
recipient of the spell is immune to this property
for 24 hours. Wakeup CALL
Dreaming Intuition. The creature casts either the А missing patrol's trail leads to Dreamer's Reach.
commune or the divination spell as it sleeps, re- The primordial's dreams charmed the patrol to join
quiring no additional casting time, action, or spell a group of stone giants who seek omens from the
components. The spells tap into a collective reser- dream world. The patrol refuses to leave, and the gi-
voir of dreams, and the answers come as dream. ants and creatures from the Stone Giant Encounters
imagery. This reservoir can answer the caster's table (see chapter 3) fight to keep the patrol here if
questions if the subject has ever been dreamed of. necessary.
А creature who uses one of these properties can't
use either one again for 24 hours. On waking, the
5E 2 E E + E А Е Е Ча E 4 73
ENDLESS ROCKSLIDE creature takes 22 (4410) force damage, as the
A perpetual cascade of stone and earth, from peb- bound elemental power releases explosively. On
a successful check, the rune conjures an earth
bles to boulders, begins near the peak of a mountain
and tumbles down the slope before disappearing elemental that remains for 1 hour and obeys the
into a crevice. This Endless Rockslide originates. creature. Once a creature has used this property
to cast the spell, that creature can't use this prop-
from the Elemental Plane of Earth, emerging from a
planar portal near the mountain peak and plunging erty of any binding rune again until it finishes a
through a second portal deep in the crevice, ending long rest,
Endless Resources. The Endless Rockslide is an
ina different area of the Plane of Earth,
Giants of an ancient civilization sought to har- inexhaustible source of minerals. A creature who
vest the rockslide's magic and endless mineral spends 8 hours using appropriate tools to gather
resources, To aid their work, they carved walkways materials from the slide acquires 2d6 х 50 gp
around the rockslide and built stone bridges span- worth of useful or valuable minerals.
ning the fissure it pours into, The Giant runes these ENDLESS ROCKSLIDE ADVENTURES
folk carved into the bridges still glimmer with crys-
talline light ав they harness elemental earth magic. Here are sample adventure hooks to bring charac-
ters t0 the Endless Rockslide or to give them mis-
ENDLESS ROCKSLIDE FEATURES sions to pursue there.
The Endless Rockslide plunges down the mountain- CONSTRUCTIVE ENDEAVORS
side with tremendous force and thunderous sound. Runes harnessing the elemental power of the
Creatures within 100 feet of the earth slide make less Rockslide hold the key to а mage's research.
ability checks that require hearing with disadvan- ‘The mage offers amanual of golems (clay) in ex-
tage. A creature that starts its turn in the rockslide ange for help in overcoming guardians from the
must make а DC 20 Strength saving throw. On Giant Construct Encounters table (вее chapter 3),
а failed wave, the creature descends 200 feet and
takes 33 (6010) bludgeoning damage. Оп a success- DANGEROUS BEAUTY
ful save, it takes half ав much damage and can grab Stone giant artisans find inspiration in the End-
а stable handhold within reach to avoid descending. less Rockslide and create beautiful works from its
After descending 1,000 feet from the rockslide's. material, but a fomorian warlock of the dark (ве;
origin, the creature passes through a permanent chapter 6) curses the crafts to bring misfortune. The
portal to the Plane of Earth. A creature with a bur- stone giants ask the characters to find the fomorian
row speed can use that speed to move in the slide, and end the curse before they're overwhelmed with
has advantage on the saving throw, and takes half creatures drawn from the Fomorian Encounters and
damage on a failed save and no damage on a suc- Giant Kin Encounters tables in chapter 3,
cessful save, A creature with the Earth Glide trait
automatically succeeds on the saving throw. The Greatest GAME
source of the slide is also a permanent portal to the A frost giant loves to hunt dangerous creatures.
She intends to divert the Endless Rockslide and use
Plane of Earth,
Map 4.4 shows the following features surrounding its force to break open a rock formation sealing off
the Endless Rockslide:
Annam's Cradle (in this chapter). Opening the path
frees beasts from the Megafauna World Encounters
Bridges and Walkways, Bridges carved with table (see chapter 3), which then threaten a settle-
Binding Runes (see below) span the chasm, and ment of deep gnomes and duergar,
walkways allow access around the rockslide, A
crane and winch with buckets and sieves, installed Hunory EARTH
in recent times, allow workers to gather minerals Hungry creatures from the Elemental Earth En-
from the slide. counters table (see chapter 3) swarm from the End-
Chambers, Giant-sized chambers are carved into less Rockslide, driving out the fire giants working
the rock near the falls, including a workshop that there, The giants offer a bountyofmetal craft and
holds tools for working metal, stone, and gems. gems in exchange for help retaking the site,


А djinni assaults the Endless Rockslide to disrupt
The Endless Rockslide has the following properties: the plans of her dao rival, Each genie asks the
Binding Runes. A creature touching one of the characters to side against the other. The characters
runes on the bridge can attempt to activate it face threats from the Elemental Earth Encounters
with 1 minute of concentration and a DC 20 In- or Elemental Air Encounters table in chapter З
г. telligence (Arcana) check. On afailed check, the appropriate,




FOREST CRYSTAL additional creature who concentrates for the full
A great blue crystal juts from the moss of a forest hour, reduce the DC of the check by 1 (to a mini
glade and pulses with soft light, The plants of the mum of DC 15),
surrounding wood grow to fantastic proportions, Wild Magic. The Feywild energy that fuels the
Regardless of local weather, the glade and its sur- crystal interacts unpredictably with other magic
Whenever a creature casts a spell of Ist level
rounding forest always thrive, offering shelter and
bounty to the creatures who dwell there. But this or higher within the glade, that creature must
verdant region hides a dark secret, succeed on aDC 10 saving throw using its spell
A forgotten empire of giants used a network of
casting ability or roll on the Wild Magic Surge
crystals, including the one at the forest's heart, to table (see the “Sorcerer” section in the Player's
shape the land to their needs. The crystals tap into Handbook).
the magic of the Feywild, drawing the natural en- FOREST CRYSTAL ADVENTURES _
ergy of that realm to overlay the material landscape
around them, Though the forest is real for allprac- Here are sample adventure hooks to bring charac
tical purposes, itis a magical illusion concealing a ters to the Forest Crystal or to give them missions to
region of sinister corruption, pursue there,


A young green dragon who lairs near the crystal
Map 4.5 depicts the forest crystal and its surround- approaches the characters and requests their aid.
ing glade, including the following features: The minions of a rival dragon (creatures from the
Crystal. The 80-foot-tall, 50-foot-wide crystal sheds Giant Kin Encounters table in chapter 3) seck to de-
dim light in a 30-foot radius. Shades of blue swirl stroy the crystal. The rival, a young black dragon,
within the crystal, occasionally resolving into wishes to reclaim the swamp hidden by the crystal's
murky images of giants’ faces or Giant runes. The magic because the swamp belonged to the drag-
crystal radiates powerful but fluctuating magi on's ancestor.
Plants. The plants around the erystal grow quite RECLAMATION
large and can move on their own as if sapi- Creatures from the Cloud Giant Encounters table
ent—often uprooting themselves to wander into (вее chapter 3) assault the crystal, causing kobolds
the forest, keeping the glade relatively free of who live in the treetop huts to seek assistance, A
undergrowth. cloud giant destiny gambler (see chapter 6) seeks
Tree Dwellings. Wooden huts with slate or thatched to reconnect the crystal with others of its kind, in-
roofs perch in some of the larger trees around the cluding the remains of one that is now the Singing
edges of the glade. Sands (in this chapter). If the cloud giant is success-
ful, the reestablished network of crystals could al-
FOREST CRYSTAL MAGIC low the giant to reshape great portions of the world.
The Forest Crystal extends a powerful magical
shroud covering the surrounding region. The land To CURE A KINGDOM
surrounding the crystal within a radius of 5miles А virulent plague ravages the countryside. The only
is transformed into lush forest as if by the mirage cure is a specific mushroom, but all accounts speak
arcane spell, except pieces of the forest brought of it growing in a swamp that doesn't exist. The
outside this range don't vanish. The magic has the characters must use the Forest Crystal to reveal the
following additional properties: swamp hidden beneath the magical forest. Then
they must battle creatures from the Giant Necropo-
Dispelling the Shroud. A dispel magic spell tar- lis Encounters table (see chapter 3) under the com-
geting an area of the forest ends the effect ina mand of amummy lord to claim the cure.
20-foot cube for 1 hour if the caster succeeds on a
DC 20 ability check using the caster's spellcasting URBAN RENEWAL
ability. The affected area reverts to a fetid swamp. A circle of druids uses ancient magic to amplify
Shifting the Shroud. A creature in the glade can the crystal's power, spreading its land-warping in-
take limited control of the crystal by concentrat- fluence. The crystal's growing shroud threatens to
ing on it for 1 hour and succeeding on a DC 25 engulfanearby city whose ruler has been hostile
Intelligence (Arcana) check. А creature who takes to the druids in the past. Creatures from the Mega-
control of the crystal can end the shroud for 24 fauna World Encounters table in chapter 3 spon-
hours or change it to a different type of terrain taneously arise in the city and wreak havoc as the
permanently. Additional creatures beyond settlement transforms.
first can assist in controlling the crystal. For each



` 1Square

FORSAKEN DEEP the Elemental Plane of Water. Sluggish currents
flow from each rift, each traveling about 200 below
The coral-covered ruins of a storm giant retreat before they meet and well upwar d, 500 feet
cling to the ocean floor at the edge of an undersea the fortress. By swimming against the current, a
trench. Storm giants once used this place as a haven
to contemplate omens, to refine experimental magic, creature can pass through the rift that's the cur-
and to commune with the ocean. Its peace shattered rent's source and enter the connected plane.
when death giants from the Shadowfell found a Storm Call. A creature that meditates within the
Meditation Chamber's rune circle for 10 minutes
lightless river that led into the trench and killed the and succeeds on a DC 20 Intelligence (Arcana)
retreat's original inhabitants. check can create the effects of either the control
Portions of the retreat still hold foul air, but most. weather spell or the contro! water spell, or both
areas have been flooded by the cold deep. The re-
treat's runic circle still channels elemental power simultaneously (user's choice). The magic affects
from a portal to the Plane of Water deep in the the ocean and surface above the retreat within a
trench, and crystalline archives hold lost knowledge radius of 10 miles for up to 8 hours, requiring no
of the giants who built them. concentration.
Мар 4.6 shows the ruins of the storm giant retreat Here are sample adventure hooks to bring charac-
and the trench, including the following features: ters to the Forsaken Deep or to give them missions
to pursue there.
Library. The retreat's flooded library holds five crys-
talline, coral archives that contain knowledge pre- BURIAL АТ SEA
served in crackling lightning. The formations are Restless spirits of the storm giants who died in the
10 feet across and 20 feet high. Two are shattered Forsaken Deep create a perpetual necrotic storm on
and useless, but three still spark with knowledge. the ocean surface above. To stop it, the characters
Meditation Chamber. The great dome still holds must brave creatures from the Elemental Water
the ocean at bay, but the airinside is fouled by Encounters and Giant Necropolis Encounters tables
time and rot. After each hour spent within the (see chapter 3), retrieve the giants’ remains from
dome, a creature that breathes air must make a the deep, and inter them in the Ashen Grotto (in
DC 15 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, this chapter).
the creature has the poisoned condition until it fin- DisTANT THUNDER
ishes a short or long rest іп a place with fresh air. ‘The lightning archives hold the key to gaining con-
The restless spirits of the slain storm giants con- trol of the apparatus contained in the Thundering
gregate in this chamber, harmlessly but mourn- Observatory (in this chapter). A death giant reaper
fully wailing their sorrow. A circle of Giant runes
(see chapter 6) claims the deep with minions from
on the floor hums softly (вее “Storm Call” below). the Death Giant Encounters table in chapter 3, but
Trench. The oceanic trench dives into darkness the giant might trade this knowledge if the charac-
(see “Planar Crossing” below). ters capture a marid thief and dispatch the marid's
FORSAKEN DEEP MAGIC minions from the Elemental Water Encounters table
(ee chapter 3),
‘The Forsaken Deep has the following properties:
Lightning Archive. A creature touching an archive An empyrean daughter of Stronmaus seeks worthy
can use an action to access the stored knowledge. heroes to lead into the Forsaken Deep. She hopes
Roll a 410. On a 1 or 2, the archive surges with to earn a place at her father's side by proving herself
lightning. Each creature in the room must make
а DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 22 (4d10) in the depths against her wicked brother and his
lightning damage on a failed save, or halfas minions from the Fiendish Incursion Encounters
much on a successful one. If the d10 roll was 3 or and Storm Giant Encounters tables (see chapter 3),
higher, the creature can query the archive as by a and she promises Stronmaus's blessing to those
commune spell. Once a creature uses the archive who help her.
successfully, that creature can't do so again for INKY DEPTHS
24 hours. А shadow-corrupted kraken lairs in the deep, steep-
Planar Crossing. The trench below the retreat ingin the mingled planar energies there.
pierces the fabric of the planes. Two rifts in the ships over its waters, dragging sailors downIt menac
planar fabric open in the depths of the trench, come shadows, ghouls, and creatures from the Ele-
one leading to the Shadowfell and the other to mental Water Encounters table (see chapter 3).


GALE'S EYE TOWER occasional rain in a 5-mile radius. Every day, there
А tower built from a combination of stone and so- is a 10 percent chance the storm spikes in inten-
sity to become a full thunderstorm with strong
lidified clouds floats in the eye ofa perpetual storm. winds and heavy precipitation for 24 hours. A
The storm's intensity fluctuates, but it never dissi-
pates completely. When it lacks а steady will to com- creature in the control chamber who is attuned to
the Labyrinth Funnel can cast control weather (as
mand it, the storm wanders the world. an action) at will to change the conditions of the
Long ago, a cloud giant traveler built the tower as
storm. The creature can also cast call lightning
a wandering bastion against forces of chaos on the
at will (spell save DC 17), targeting any point the
Material Plane. The traveler constructed it using a
gift from the fabled Wind Dukes of Aaqa—beings of creature can see under the perpetual storm re-
order from the Plane ofAir who oppose the forces gardless of range.
of chaos and Elemental Evil throughout the multi- Summoned Aid. As an action, а creature in the
verse. This gift, the Labyrinth Funnel, isaconduit to control chamber who is attuned to the Labyrinth
the Plane ofAir that fuels the tower's magic.
Funnel can summon an air elemental or an
invisible stalker that serves the summoner. TI
Gate's EYE TOWER FEATURES summoned creature vanishes after 1 hour or when
another creature is summoned with the funnel,
Map 4.7 depicts Gale's Eye Tower, including the fol-
lowing features: GALE's EYE TOWER ADVENTURES
Control Chamber. The topmost level of the tower is Here are sample adventure hooks to bring charac-
covered by a roof and enclosed with unbreakable ters to Gale's Eye Tower or to give them missions to
crystal windows. pursue there,
Labyrinth Funnel. The Labyrinth Funnel (the Wind
Dukes’ gift) is a permanent cyclone in the center GLORIOUS AERIE
of the control chamber. The cyclone is a cylinder A group of aarakocra controls the tower, flying it
of strong winds 60 feet in diameter and 60 feet across the countryside and assaulting servants of
high. The eye of the cyclone is acolumn of crush- the cults of Elemental Evil. They have recruited
ing winds, 10 feet in diameter, that formsaportal creatures from the Elemental Air Encounters table
leading to the Elemental Plane of Air. A creature in chapter 3 to aid their campaign. The aarakocra
that enters the central column takes 110 (20d10) know a secret method to stabilize the Labyrinth
thunder damage and appears in the realm known Funnel so it can be used safely as a portal.
аз Aaqa, a shining domain of
silver spires and ver- ILL WINDS BLow
dant gardens atop a fertile earth mote. Frost giant raiders are subverting the Labyrinth
Storm Wall. The tower hangs suspended in the Funnel to connect to the Howling Iceberg (in this.
eye of aperpetual storm, surrounded by a wall of chapter). They manipulate the winds to bring the icc-
tempestuous weather (equivalent to the effect of berg to the tower's location, but as a side effect, the
the wind wall spell) about 400 feet in diameter. perpetual storm grows more intense and ravages
Beyond that wall, the storm rages, the surrounding countryside. Creatures from the
Frost Giant Encounters table (see chapter 3) defend
the tower while the giants work.
A creature within 5 feet of the Labyrinth Funnel can
safely attune to it (remaining outside it) as if it were SILVER STORM
a magic item, While attuned to it and within the con- An adult silver dragon took control of the tower
trol chamber, the creature can control the tower's when it drifted into her territory,
and she is using
movement, control the surrounding storm, and sum- its power to drive other beings from her domain.
mon creatures from the Plane ofAir as follows: Towns in the area desperately call for help as end-
less storms assail them and an onslaught of crea-
Flying Tower. While uncontrolled, Gale's Eye tures from the Elemental Air Encounters table (see
Tower drifts at an altitude of 500 feet at 8 miles chapter 3) terrorizes the region.
per hour (80 feet per round). During its turn, a
creature in the control chamber who is attuned Toucu or CHAOS
to the Labyrinth Funnel can cause the tower to An artifact cursed by the cosmic touch of chaos can
ascend or descend 100 feet, can stop the tower, or be cleansed in the Labyrinth Funnel, thanks to the
can change the tower's speed, to а maximum of 12 funnel's connection to Aaqa. But when the artifact
miles per hour (120 feet per round), in a direction is brought into the tower, it temporarily corrupts
of the creature's choice. the Labyrinth Funnel. Demons from the Fiendish
Perpetual Storm. While uncontrolled, the storm Incursion Encounters table (sce chapter 3) appear in
surrounding the tower creates light wind and waves to thwart attempts to cleanse the artifact.


him га


Level 4
(Control Chamber)

=10Feet ponte AR а
заба шл. а
GROLANTOR'S LARDER Rampant Growth, Seeds, fruits, and cuttings of
In age» past, giants found a secluded valley sur- food.bearing plants from Grolantor's Larder г
their magic for up to 7 days. If they а
rounded by low hills. Blessed by nature deities
or perhaps abundant energy from the Elemental that time, the plants that grow are епгісі
Planes, the vale teems with game animals and year and yield twice the normal amount of food
produces an inexhaustible supply of delicious fruits when harvested. After 144 such plant samples
and grains. The giants named it Grolantor's Larder leave the grove, this property doesn't function un
for the god who would most appreciate its copi til the next dawn.
Cares and sorrow melt away here, and the harsh-
est weather beyond the valley becomes mild within Here are sample adventure hooks to bring charac
ив boundaries. A babbling stream feeds a sizable ters to Grolantor's Larder or to give them missions
pond where fish thrive, Game animals graze lazily, to pursue there.
and birds flit between the trees and brush. Those
who find their way here can rarely muster the
will to leave.
A war-torn country's farmland was razed and
burned. The farmers need seeds and plant cuttings
GROLANTOR'S LARDER FEATURES from Grolantor's Lardertoreplant their fields, but
monsters from the Dinosaur World Encounters or
Map 4.8 depicts Grolantor's Larder, including the Megafauna World Encounters table (see chapter 3)
following features: inhabit the grove and view intruders as food.
Groves. Fruit trees and berry bushes fill the valley,
and fields of wild grains surround it.
Pond. The pond brims with fish, and the cool The hill giant leader occupying Grolantor's Lar:
stream that feeds it contains clear, safe water. wants a delicacy from Karontor's Hold (in thi
Revelers' Clearing. The central clearing is carpeted ter). He uncharacteristically offers to share won:
with lush, soft grass. A great flat stone propped drous food from the larder to anyone who manages
upon smaller boulders serves as а table that can 1o slay an aboleth living in flooded tunnels beneath
the castle and return with its meat. Creatures from
accommodate giants, the Fomorian Encounters table (see chapter 3) stand
GROLANTOR’s LARDER MAGIC in the adventurers’ way.
The essential magic of Grolantor's Larder is the Ravenous
abundant growth of food-bearing plants, providing Hill giant cultists led by a maw of Yeenoghu (see
ample food for all who visit. Foraging in the grove is chapter 6) raid settlements close to the grove, cap-
a simple task that requires no ability checks. With turing townsfolk to be the main course in a massive
some extra effort, visitors can gather a feast of gi- feast ritual. Giants, gnolls and creatures from the
gantic proportions, but this magic has its risks: Hill Giant Encounters table (see chapter 3) stand
Boundless Bounty. With 2 hours of foraging for
between the captives and freedom.
the choicest foods, a character can gather enough SAFE HAVEN
magical food to furnish a heroes’ feast spell (no The characters travel with refugees fleeing from
other components required). A creature who re- disaster. The survivors are exhausted and starving
ceives the benefits of the spell must make a DC when they stumble upon the grove. The unicorn
15 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, who watches the grove and her centaur subjects
the creature suffers uncomfortable indigestion will shelter the refugees if the characters agree to
for 12 hours. On a successful save, the creature slay a nearby pride of displacer beasts and crea-
gains the enlarge effect of the enlarge/reduce spell tures from the Elemental Earth Encounters table
for 12 hours. Once this magical feast has been (see chapter 3).
gathered, the grove can't furnish another until the
next dawn. WAYWARD SON
Entrapping Beauty. After each hour а creature A noble seeks adventurers to find and return her
spends in Grolantor's Larder, the creature must son, who vanished while traveling. His route passed
succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or be by Grolantor's Larder, where the missing man be-
unwilling to leave. A creature who has eaten food came entranced by the sumptuous feast. Satyrs and
gathered from the grove in the last 24 hours has creatures from the Cloud Giant Encounters table
in chapter 3 entice the characters to join the feast
disadvantage on the saving throw. A creature that
fails the saving throw can repeat the save after fin- permanently.
en ishing а long rest.

1 Square=10 Feet
HiaTEA’s HEARTH What Rises Must Fall. The creature attuned to
throne has disadvantage on Wisdom checks,
A stone feast hall of gigantic proportions radiates
itiative rolls, and death saving throws. Any
the warmth of hearth and home. The great flagstone
floor, the massive throne, and the stone arch sur-
creatures friendly to the creature attuned to the
throne have the same disadvantage while within
rounding the cavernous fireplace are inscribed with
Hiatea's Hearth.
runes extolling the god Hiatea and invoking her
blessing upon all who shelter here. НІАТЕА5 HEARTH ADVENTURES
Many dynasties of giants have claimed ownership
of Hiatea's Hearth since its founding, and each one
Here are sample adventure hooks to bring charac-
has known vast prosperity within its walls—followed
ters to Hiatea's Hearth or to give them missions to
bya spectacular fall, The magic of
the hall invokes pursue there.
Hiatea's aspect as a tender of the hearth, but it also DYING EMBERS
carries a curse laid by her brother Karontor. Who-
An efreeti who claimed the throne has fought off
ever sits upon the throne brings fortune and glory to
their people, but this prosperity is short-lived, last-
several attempts to wrest Hiatea’s Hearth away. In
studying the hall's history, the efreeti realized the
ing only until another supplants them. truth of the hall's curse. She is desperate to escape
НІАТЕА'Ѕ HEARTH FEATURES her fate and offersa handsome reward, including a
suit of plate armor of resistance (fire), to anyone who
Map 4.9 depicts Hiatea's Hearth, including the fol- helps her survive the impending assault of creatures
lowing features: from the Storm Giant Encounters table in chapter 3.
Feast Tables. Several giant-sized tables carved GHOSTS OF THE PAST
from whole tree trunks run the length of the hall. Creatures from the Giant Kin Encounters table (see
Hearth. An enormous fireplace holds iron spits, chapter 3) have taken control of the hall but are
pots, and kettles within. Inscribed on the stone plagued by restless spirits. The ghosts and wraiths
arch surrounding the fireplace are Giant runes. of defeated foes, along with creatures from the
Throne. An immense granite throne stands at the Giant Necropolis Encounters table (see chapter 3),
head of the hall. It is intricately decorated with refuse to rest in peace.
stylized figures of giants and beasts, as well as
more Giant runes, Heap To Heap To HEAD
‘Two rival factions of giant kin vie to claim the
НІАТЕА'5 HEARTH МАСІС throne. An ettin and a fensir skirmisher each
Hiatea's Hearth carries Hiatea's blessing as well entice the characters to side with them and their
as the curse of Karontor, givingitthe following followers from the Giant Kin Encounters table (see
properties: chapter 3) to break the stalemate, offering treasure
Hiatea's Blessing. Hiatea's Hearth is consecrated and aid in the characters’ endeavors.
ground. A creature in the hall that has the Chan- INFERNAL BARGAIN
nel Divinity class feature and worships Hiatea can A bone devil knows the power of Hiatea’s Hearth
use that feature once without expending a use of and is tempting a fire giant to claim the throne, but
it. Once a creature benefits from this property, the giant's wife knows the throne’s curse will mean
the creature can't do so again until it finishes a her love's certain doom. She begs adventurers to
long rest. help her thwart the devil's designs, because she
Prosperity. A creature can attune to the hall's can't take on the devil's minions (from the Fiendish
throne as ifit were a magic item. While the at- Incursion Encounters table in chapter 3) alone.
tuned creature sits on the throne, the creature's
Charisma score becomes 25. While a creature TURN OF THE DYNASTY
is attuned to the throne, whether it sits there or The stone giant thane who controls Hiatea's Hearth
not, any creature that finishes a short rest within fears their dynasty ending and seeks an alliance
Hiatea's Hearth removes 1 level of exhaustion with the giants at the Endless Rockslide (in this
and regains hit points as if the creature spent 2 chapter), but the giants there are plotting the thane’s
Hit Dice without actually expending them. A crea- downfall. Choose any of the encounter tables in
ture's attunement to the throne can't end while the chapter 3 to determine who controls the Endless
creature lives, and no other creature can attune to Rockslide.
the throne until the attunement ends.


— -
;> NIAGER'S i. "

- Steward's

A И d
С | аи 2
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@NU ЕД ў”Workshop
1 Square = 10 Feet


P 7 20 22
Horizon’s EDGE Accreature standingonone of these disk» can
use an action to manipulate sliding portions of
Horizon's Edge in a demiplane refuge that drift» in the dink and designate a destination platform. If
the roiling fog of the Deep Ethereal plane, beyond
the creature succeeds on a DC 20 Intelligence
а shimmering, golden ethereal curtain. The deml-
(Arcana) check, the disk flies at a speed of 60 feet
plane їз а serene bubble of air dotted with floating
lo the destination, where It hovers for 1 minute or
platforms of stone supporting enormous structures,
An ancient empire of giants achieved magical and until no more creatures ог objects are on it, then
technological advances that outshine those of the
returns to its original position, A creature who
succeeds on this check automatically succeeds
present age: spanning worlds and planes, build.
ing cyclopean monuments and intricate art, and
on future attempts to fly any disk to the same
wielding magic of almost unimaginable power. As destination.
this mighty empire neared its collapse, its greatest Horizon’s EDGE MAGIC
mages created Horizon's Edge to preserve some of
the glories of their civilization. The demiplane might
In contrast to the other locations described in this
still hold secrets lost to the rest of the multiverse, chapter, Horizon's Edge is notable more for the
including tools and devices that fuse magical and
magic and technology it contains than for any magic
technological techniques. inherent to the site itself. However, the magically
created demiplane has one peculiar property:
HORIZON's EDGE FEATURES Looped Gravity. The outer boundary of the demi-
Map 4.10 depicts Horizon's Edge, including the fol- plane warps space. Anything that falls without
lowing features: being arrested passes through the bottom of the
Building Platforms. Massive plates made ofmetic-
bubble, It then reappears at the top directly above
ulously fitted stones form patches of solid ground that point and continues plummeting until some-
upon which giant-sized structures are built.
thing arrests its fall.
Rune Ring. Agreat ring of glowing Giant runes Horizon’s EDGE ADVENTURES
slowly rotates around the equator of the spherical
demiplane. A creature who studies the runes and
Here are sample adventure hooks to bring charac-
succeeds on a DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation)
ters to Horizon's Edge or to give them missions to
check realizes their rotation marks out repeating
pursue there,
12-hour cycles, allowing visitors to keep time with Key To THE PAST
the Material Plane worlds they came from. Archaeologists hire the characters to help operate
Transport Disks. Inlaid near one edge of each a Horizon puzzle cube (see the "Entering Horizon's
platform is a distinct 20-foot-diameter magical Edge" sidebar) and protect them from any hazards
disk of intricately woven copper, iron, and silver. in the demiplane. Creatures from the Fiendish In-
SE АЕ Е cursion Encounters table in chapter 3 are trapped
ENTERING Horizon’s EDGE in the realm and attack the expedition, seeking a
The lost giant empire left puzzle cubes scattered means of escape.
across the Material and Inner Planes, and these cubes |
| аге among the fewways toenter Horizon's Edge. A REFORGED IN STARLIGHT
Horizon puzzle cube is an 8-inch magical cube madeof Pieces ofabroken magic item found in the demi-
gold, iron, crystal, and copper, and it is worth 5,000 gp plane and guarded by creatures from the Giant
toa sage or collector. A functioning puzzle cube can Construct Encounters table (see chapter 3) still hold
be solved with 30 minutes ofwork and a successful
DC 25 Intelligence (Investigation) check. When the lingering traces of magic. Every attempt to repair
cube is solved, a 30-foot-diameter portal appears be- the item fails. A platinum tablet refers to the Star
fore the creature who solved the cube, leading tothe | Forge (in this chapter) as the place where the item
northeastern platform of Horizon's Edge. The portal was created and suggests the forge is the only place
is two-way and remains open for 10 minutes or until it can be repaired.
а creature uses an action to change the puzzle’s con: —
figuration. Puzzle cubes don't function while on Hori- SCOURGE or DEMONS
zon's Edge, but a device somewhere in the demiplane A storm giant learned the ancient giants’ empire col-
allows a cube to function in reverse while the cubeis lapsed due to demonic corruption, and she vowed to
fitted into it. destroy every remnant of that corruption. She offers
Without a puzzle cube, the plane shift spell can reach fantastic rewards to heroes who will venture to Hori-
the demiplane, but the specifications forthe tuning
fork necessary for the spell to access the plane are lost. zon's Edge and rid it of creatures from the Fiendish
А trek through the Deep Ethereal might reveal the sin- Incursion Encounters table in chapter 3.
gle ethereal curtain that reaches the demiplane.


х ‚молы ае 2.)
HOWLING ICEBERG shard can't be moved. Attunement to the shard gives
the following benefits:
The Howling Iceberg is a massive chunk of gla-
cial ice, sapphire blue where the light refracts and Howling Wind. While on the Howling Iceberg, a
gleaming white where it reflects. The iceberg is creature attuned to the shard who doesn't have
riddled with convoluted tunnels through which the incapacitated condition can direct the winds to
perpetual winds howl. It was created by frost giant howl and propel the iceberg up to 8 miles per hour
cultists of the demon lord Kostchtchie around a (80 feet per round) іп a direction of
the creature's
sliver of ice from the Frostfell, the Plane of Ice that choice. The iceberg continues this movement until
forms the border between the Elemental Planes the attuned creature changes the direction and
of Air and Water. The iceberg never melts, and its speed or the creature's attunement ends.
perpetual winds blow from the planes, carrying the Planar Tunnels. A creature attuned to the shard
biting cold of the Frostfell and the torturous howls can navigate the tunnels within the iceberg to
of Pandemonium, reach any desired destination in 1 hour without
making an ability check. The creature is also
HOWLING ICEBERG FEATURES immune to the exhausting effects of the howling
Map 4.11 shows the Howling Iceberg, which has the winds in the tunnels.
following features: Spelicasting. While on the Howling Iceberg, a
creature attuned to the shard can cast the control
Biting Winds. The area within 500 feet of the Howl- weather (to lower the temperature and manipulate
ing Iceberg is always extreme cold, and strong wind only), cone ofcold, fear, and gust of wind
winds blow throughout that area in the direction
spells (spell save DC 17), requiring no material
of the iceberg's movement. When undirected, the components. Once the creature uses this property
iceberg drifts up to 4 miles per hour (40 feet per to cast a spell, the creature can't cast that spell
round) with the tide and winds. with the property again until it finishes a long rest.
Longhouse (A). An ancient, weathered longhouse
Weather Resistance. A creature attuned to the
sits on a flat plain of
ice and snow. Trophy hides iceberg's shard is resistant to cold damage and
and horns of monsters decorate the walls and roof immune to the effects of strong wind.
of this structure.
Tunnels. Openings in the ice lead to twisting tun- The Frostfell Shard can be destroyed by dealing
nels, some naturally formed by wind and water, at least 75 fire damage to it in a single turn, where-
others tooled and cut, and still others melted by upon it melts and the iceberg shatters.
great heat. A creature who finishes a long rest in
the tunnels must succeed on a DC 14 Wisdom sav-
ing throw or gain 1 level of exhaustion from the Here are sample adventure hooks to bríng charac-
howling winds wearing down the creature's mind. ters to the Howling Iceberg or to give them missions
to pursue there.
Fricip DEPTHS.
The tunnels in the Howling Iceberg twist deeper
А horde of merrow and sahuagin use the iceberg
than should be possible, A creature exploring the to raid coastal settlements and shipping lanes,
tunnels can make a DC 20 Wisdom (Perception or commanding creatures from the Elemental Air En-
Survival) check after each hour. A creature that suc- counters and Elemental Water Encounters tables in
ceeds on three checks in a row or that rolls a 20 on chapter З.
the d20 finds a special destination, as shown on the
Howling Iceberg Tunnels table. Ок Ісе
А pair of remorhazes and creatures from the Frost
HOWLING ICEBERG TUNNELS Giant Encounters table leave the iceberg when it
d10 Destination drifts ashore, hunting local animals and people.
1-4 А planar portal leading to the Frostfell They drag many captives to the iceberg to store for
5-8 A planar portal leading to Pandemonium future meals,
9-10 The cavern where the Frostfell Shard rests WINDS or CHAOS
А creature who finds the Frostfell Shard can attune
A death slaad leading other slaadi emerges from
to it as if it were a magic item. If the creature fin-
the portal to Pandemonium. Along with creatures
ishes a long rest more than 1 mile from the iceberg,
from the Fiendish Incursion Encounters table (see
the creature's attunement to the shard ends, The
chapter 3), all driven wild by the winds, they maraud
nearby settlements,


Map ht


У 4.
KARONTOR's HOLD the creature gains a psychic gift of its choice: сі
Karontor's Hold is a small keep (by giant standards) ther the ability to cast the dimension door spell ге
that stands on a lonely rock bluff. The approach is quiring no spell components, or the use of amind
disorienting: the keep seems closer—or sometimes
flayer's Mind Blast action. The psychic gift fades
farther—than it actually is. Creatures that sleep in when the creature uses it, or if it tries to harness
the vicinity find their rest plagued by disturbing the well again. While this psychic gift is available,
the creature also gains telepathy to a range of 30
dreams and unintelligible whispers that hint at feet (as described in the Monster Manual). Once
something simultaneously enticing and repulsive,
Beneath the keep is a well that once held a portal a creature attempts to harness the power of the
to the Feywild. Ancient fomorians built Karontor's well, the creature can't do so again until it finishes
Hold around the font to study and harness its power,
along rest.
They used this crossing to launch an ill-fated as- ‘Twisted Space. Roll а d4 when creatures travel
sault on the Feywild. When the offending fomorians
within 6 miles of the keep. On a 1, the creatures
were exiled to the Underdark, the well's magic was travel normally, On a 2 or a 4, distance stretches
twisted into а connection to the alien Far Realm.
and the journey takes longer than it should; mul-
tiply the distance creatures have to travel by the
Клвонтовз HOLD FEATURES number rolled. On a 3, distance constricts and

Map 4.12 shows Karontor's Hold, including the fol- the journey is faster; divide the distance by 3. Roll
lowing features:
once for creatures traveling as a group. This effect
ends once creatures enter the keep or get farther
Far Realm Distortion. The physical structure of the than 6 miles from it,
hold is warped near and above the well. Within
this area, glistening stone flows like viscous liquid, KARONTOR'S HOLD ADVENTURES
sickly purplish radiance gleams at the edge of per- Here are sample adventure hooks to bring charac-
ception, and the air has an acrid taste, ters to Karontor's Hold or to give them missions to
Throne Room, Damaged bas-reliefs on the walls of pursue there. )
the crumbling throne room depict fomorian nobles
(вее chapter 6) passing through a portal, girded AMPLIFIED INTRUSION
for battle. The next scene, presumably the after- A fomorian deep crawler (sce chapter 6) lurking in
math, ів defaced and illegible, the hold has designs on the Forest Crystal (in this
Well. A giant-sized well in the keep's deepest level chapter), seeking to corrupt it and use its magic to
plunges a seemingly infinite depth. Faint purple spread the Far Realm intrusion, While some of its
light shines from the depths, and psychic whis- minions—creatures from the Fomorian Encoun-
pers caress the mind of anyone who peers into the ters table (sce chapter 3)—defend Karontor's Hold,
others carry cursed objects into the forest to infuse
depths, A 5-foot-high wall surrounds the well,
their corruption into the crystal. If these minions
KanoNTOn's Ного Macic аге successful, the Forest Crystal becomes an ex-
tension of the Far Realm's intrusion.
The Far Realm intrusion flowing from the well
їп Karontor's Hold twists space and time in and FALLEN STORM
around the keep toarange of6miles. The enclave A storm giant who sought to cleanse the Far Realm
has the following properties: corruption from the keep has succumbed to the cor-
Dilated Time. The Far Realm distortion in Karon- ruption and now gathers creatures from the Giant
tor's Hold warps creatures’ perception of time in Kin Encounters table in chapter 3 to unleash on sur-
stressful situations. At the start of each creature's rounding settlements, The giant can be cleansed of
turn Іп combat, roll а d4, On an even number, Раг Realm influence by the remove curse or greater
the creature's speed is halved until the end of the restoration spell, but only if the spell is cast whi
turn, Оп an odd number, the creature's speed is the giant has the incapacitated condition and the
doubled until the end of the turn, Aberrations caster succeeds on a DC 20 ability check using the
creatures with a psychic gift from the Psychic caster's spellcasting ability,
Well (sec below) are immune to this effect, Foon ron THOUGHT
Psychic Well. A creature can try to harness the psy- A colony of mind flayers flooded the well room
chic power of the well by gazing into it for 1 min- with brine, and they are collecting brains to feed a
ute while remaining within 10 feet of the well, At nascent elder brain, They send dominated creatures
the end ofthe minute, the creature must make a from the Hill Giant Encounters table in chapter 3 to
DC 15 Intelligence saving throw. On afailed save, fetch victims. An ally of the characters survives the
the creature takes 22 (4410) psychic damage and assault and asks the characters for help,
n gains 1 level of exhaustion, On a successful save,
[LN |

1 Square = 10 Feet


m ET 7?
MisTY VALE the Material Plane by one of three methods: ап.
The Misty Vale is a remote mountain valley that ex- swering a riddle posed by the guardian, offering
a valuable gift such as а magic item or a secret to
ists simultaneously in many places across different
worlds of the Material Plane. Aside from the perpet- the guardian, or verbal argument. The last option
ual fog that encloses it, the valley looks much like
requires a successful DC 25 Charisma (Persua-
any other at first glance. A closer investigation re- sion) check.
veals its anomalies; terrain features and structures Multiversal. The Misty Vale connects to other
in the valley that don't make sense, many of which
places on the world and to different worlds of the
change from one visit to the next.
Material Plane. The surrounding fog acts as a рог
Cloud giant sorcerers from an ancient empire of
tal when the valley connects to a new place, allow-
giants combined their might to turn a mountain into
ing two-way travel.
a vanishing fortress, but they weren't fully success- Shrouded Presence. Divination spells cast from
ful. The mountain vanished, as did everyone and outside the vale can't target anything in the valley
everything on it, and in its place is the Misty Vale.
or reveal information about it. Trying to navigate
The fabric of the Material Plane is tangled and torn
the dense fog into or out of the valley without the
where the mountain once stood, so the valley links aid of the guardian requires 1 hour of travel and a
multiple worlds together. Because of the unpredict- DC 20 group Wisdom (Survival) check. On a suc-
able nature of this tangle in space, bizarre events cessful check, the group finds its way to or from.
surround the Misty Vale as creatures, objects, and the valley. On afailed check, the travelers wander
entire settlements shift—in whole or in part—from
the foggy terrain for 1 additional hour before they
one world to another, unmoored from their proper
can repeat the check.
place in reality. MISTY VALE ADVENTURES
MisTY VALE FEATURES Here are sample adventure hooks to bring charac-
ters to the Misty Vale or to give them missions to
Map 4.13 shows the Misty Vale, including the follow- pursue there.
ing features:
Foggy Border. The edges ofthe valley are heavily HOSPITALITY
obscured by fog, which thins to lightly obscuring A community of commoners living in the vale offers
mist in the valley itself. the characters hospitality, perhaps while the char-
Grounded Boat. A riverboat rests on a grassy hill, acters are traveling and lost in fog. If the characters
canted to one side. There is no water anywhere spend the night in the village, they find the valley
near it and no sign of it being dragged. connected to a different place in the morning, and
Misty Canyon. Gravel-choked, fog-shrouded ravines the villagers have transformed into murderous crea-
lead to and from the vale. tures from the Fiendish Incursion Encounters table
Partial Village. Some houses in this village are in chapter 3.
intact and others only partially present, as if they PRICE OF PASSAGE
were sliced in half and set down gently in their The guardian of the vale (appearing as an andro-
current place. The interiors are perfectly in order, sphinx) demands a golden apple from Grolantor's
аз if the human-sized occupants walked away Larder (in this chapter) in exchange for safe passage
moments ago. to a destination ofthe characters’ choice. At the lar-
Misty VALE MAGIC der, a hill giant avalancher (see chapter 6) hoards
three golden apples, which act as potions of hero-
The Misty Vale has the following properties: ism, and leads a band from the Hill Giant Encoun-
Guardian. A creature known as "the guardian" is ters table in chapter 3.
the only being that can control the Misty Vale's UNEXPECTED HUNGER
movements and connections among worlds. The Hill giant raiders stumbled into answering the
guardian's exact form is unknown and changes guardian's riddle by coincidentally having the an-
from encounter to encounter, but its alignment swer in one of their bags—a live sheep—and they
is always chaotic neutral, its Intelligence is at now raid targets through the valley's mists. Crea-
least 16, and it speaks both Common and Giant. tures from the Hill Giant Encounters table (see
You can roll on any encounter table in chapter 3 chapter 3) appear in places they shouldn't, raid for
to determine the guardian's current form. If the food and treasure, and then vanish into the valley.
guardian dies, it re-forms in a new guise at the
next dawn. A creature can convince the guardian
togrant safe passage to virtually any location on


a, с. -.
RUNIC CIRCLE there ізпо chance the message doesn't arrive,
and the recipient knows the direction to the Runic
The Runic Circle combines the functions ofagiant's Circle until it finishes a long rest. Targets on other
spellbook, an astronomical chart, and a beacon to worlds of the Material Plane might perceive the
travelers beyond the stars. The ancient giants who
direction as nonsense, such as in the sky, in the
created the circle traveled to distant lands and other ground, or in a direction that doesn't correspond
worlds. Those who stayed behind used the circle to to three-dimensional space.
maintain communication with explorers, helping
them pilot their fying ships home. RuNIC CIRCLE ADVENTURES
Standing stones form a great circle inscribed into
a fiat stone hilltop. The stones bear Giant runes, Here are sample adventure hooks to bring charac-
carved constellations, and strange symbols. On the ters to the Runic Circle or to give them missions to
ground, an enormous circle of Giant runes of power pursue there.
links the monoliths and circumscribes smaller cir- FALLING FEUD
cles of runes. Carved lines throughout the circle link Two flying ships crash at the Runic Circle, appear-
different strings of symbols. ing as a great fireball blazing through the night sky.
RUNIC CIRCLE FEATURES Characters who investigate this celestial event find
mind flayers skirmishing with githyanki warriors
Map 4.14 depicts the Runic Circle, including the fol- anda githyanki knight amid the wreckage of their
lowing features: vessels. Both sides are desperate and offer rewards
Carvings. The carvings are a combination of Giant to the characters for their help.
runes of power, magical formulas like those in a
wizard's spellbook, and extremely accurate charts Creatures from another world appear in the circle
of stars and other bodies in the sky. duringastellar conjunction, then attack the sur-
Shelters. Simple shelters oftight-fitted stone, just rounding area. The invaders might be creatures
large enough to hold a single giant, dot the area from the Fiendish Incursion Encounters table or
around the hill. Most are ра! lly reclaimed by
Dinosaur World Encounters table in chapter 3, or
nature, but some have been maintained. they could be other creatures ofyour choice. Waves
Standing Stones. The outer circle is formed of of invaders appear throughout the night, unless the
40-foot-tall stone monoliths that bear constellation characters can activate the proper sequences of
carvings and Giant runes of power. At night, the runes and star carvings to sever the invaders’ con-
star carvings shed dim light for 10 feet. nection to the circle.
The Runic Circle has the following properties: Characters in search of a crucial secret at the circle
Magic Archive. The inscribed runes make up a find the sequence of star charts they need is dam-
gigantic archive of spells. With 1 hour of study, aged. The only place the charts still exist is in the
Forsaken Deep (in this chapter), in recorded storm
a creature that is capable of casting spells can giant prophecies. Mind Яауег and their dominated
try to decipher a spell coded in the carvings. The minions from the Fomorian Encounters table (see
spell is subject to your approval and must belong chapter 3) race the characters to the prize.
to ће conjuration, divination, or evocation school.
If the creature has spell slots of the appropriate SHIPYARD
level and succeeds on an Intelligence (Arcana) A fire giant shipwright is studying the records in
check with a DC equal to 10 + the desired spell's the circle with her apprentices and minions from
level, the creature can cast the spell immediately the Fire Giant Encounters table (see chapter 3), puz-
ithout expending a spell slot. A character that zling out the secret of creating the flying ships used
isa wizard can copy the spell into the character's by the civilization that built the circle. She demands
spellbook following the usual procedure, but must tribute in the form of magical metal treasure to al-
do so within 24 hours, or the character must re- low the characters to access the circle. She also ac-
peat the hour of study to try again. cepis a fragment from the core of asupposedly inert
Star Port. The largest circle of runes is a perma- runic colossus (sec chapter 6).
nent teleportation circle. Additionally, at night, а
character can spend 10 minutes tracing constel-
lation carvings that match the stars visible in the
sky to cast the sending spell from the circle. If the
target is on the Material, Astral, or Ethereal Plane,


~ „ки
1 Square=10 Feet


A patch of glittering, powdered crystal melodically Here are sample adventure hooks to bring charac-
chimes as the desert wind blows it in small, rolling ters to the Singing Sands or to give them missions
dunes. The Singing Sands shine like diamonds to pursue there.
in the harsh desert sun, soaking up light and heat
as their lonely song echoes through the wastes, At DESERT DREAMS
night the song goes quict, and the sands rise into a Goliath giant-kin escort a nervous stone giant
solid memory of asimple, giant-created fort. rockspeaker (both in chapter 6) who needs to
The Singing Sands were once a single object, a commune with his dreams within the crystal sand.
massive crystal created by a lost empire of giants fortress at night. While he does, creatures from
(similar to the Forest Crystal in this chapter). The the Fiendish Incursion Encounters and Elemental
crystal's function is lost to time, but it was part of Earth Encounters tables in chapter 3 manifest from
a network of such devices and was protected by the sand and attack.
asmall fortress. The sand takes on the fortress’
shape at night, crystallizing into the memory ofits LINGERING Ties
former home. A flock of giant vultures follows the Singing Sands
through the day, circling over creatures who inves-
SINGING SANDS FEATURES tigate it. After dark, creatures from the Giant Ne-
cropolis Encounters table (see chapter 3) burst from
During the day, the Singing Sands consist of two the sand and attack anyone in the fortress. The vul-
small dunes of gleaming, crystalline sand. The wind tures pick off stragglers and feast on the fallen. The
blows the sand across the desert at 1 mile per hour creatures that emerge from the sand come from a
(10 feet per round). It reflects the sun and shines lost city that holds an intact crystal like the one the
brightly, imposing disadvantage on attack rolls and Singing Sands once was, and the magical connec-
on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight tion between the crystals endures.
within 50 feet of them. As the sand moves, its me-
lodious chimes are audible to 1 mile away. When a LIVING SANDS
creature moves through the sand, the chiming be- Settlements along a fertile river in the desert are
comes a discordant shriek. attacked by purple worms made of crystalline sand.
Map 4.15 depicts the Singing Sands at night, Tales told by the locals lead to the Singing Sands,
when the sand forms a glowing, warm shelter. The where hostile creatures from the Megafauna World
construction matches a giant's proportions, but the Encounters tables (see chapter 3) appear, but the
architectural style is familiar only from ancient ru- creatures are made of sand.
ins. The temperature inside the fortress is always SEARCHING FOR THE KEY
Alost group of hill giants spotted the Singing
SINGING SANDS MAGIC Sands and followed them into the desert. The giants
know they can sing to make the sand do what they
The Singing Sands don't just make music; creatures want, but none of them can carry a tune, so they're
can use music to shape the sand to their will. As an
frustrated and ready to smash intruders to pieces.
action, a creature can sing or play music to magi-
cally shape the Singing Sands into physical objects WANDERER'S HOPE
as it desires. If the creature succeeds on a DC 10 А cloud giant in an airship seeks the Singing
Charisma (Performance) check, the creature can Sands, claiming the desert was once the seat of a
form up to a 5-foot cube of the sand into any shape. powerful empire of giants. The giant wants the char-
The resulting object is made of sparkling, crystal- acters to distract creatures from the Elemental Fire
line sand and lasts for 1 hour. For every 5 by which Encounters table (see chapter 3) defending the sand.
the creature exceeds the DC, the creature can either ‘The giant hopes to usc the sand to create a compass
shape an additional 5-foot cube or increase the to locate Gale's Eye Tower (in this chapter).
duration by 1 hour. Alternatively, the creature can
create a permanent crystal version of a simple or
martial melee weapon with the light property, or a
crystal version of an object worth up to 10 gp from
the Adventuring Gear table in the Player's Hand-
book. Опсе a creature shapes a permanent object
from the sand, the creature can't do so again until it
finishes 1d4 longrests.


тд T М 4
T dЙ
Upper Floor
(Living Quarters)

1 Square = 10 Feet


STAR FORGE Additionally, acreature that works material in the
The Star Forge blazes оп a small obsidian island in workshop area can use the forge to cast the fabri-
a lake formed in the crater where a star fell to earth. cate spell requiring no spell components. Once this
The Forge's incandescent iron furnace spills light property has been used, it can't be used again until
across the dark glass and still water, casting long the next dawn.
shadows toward the slopes of the crater, STAR FORGE ADVENTURES
The star fell ages ago, devastating the surround-
ing land. Giants of anow-vanished empire found the Here are sample adventure hooks to bring charac-
star in a cradle of obsidian and built the iron forge ters to the Star Forge or to give them missions to
around it to channel its power into their craft. pursue there.
Thieves damaged the Giant runes stabilizing the
Map 4.16 shows the Star Forge, including the fol- Star Forge, and the fallen star at the forge's heart is
lowing features: regaining its former magnitude. As the star's power
Furnace. The forge itself is a great housing of
iron. grows, frequent earthquakes release creatures from
Pipes extend from a central vessel, channeling the the Elemental Earth Encounters and Elemental Fire
radiance of the forge into a vent so bright it's pain- Encounters tables (see chapter 3) into the surround-
ful to look at. Giant runes etched on the iron flare ing area, Unless the runes are repaired, the star
with white light. The Star Forge sheds bright light threatens to consume the region—or perhaps the
for 100 feet and dim light for another 100 feet. An whole world.
Undead that starts its turn in the bright light takes FORGING A THRONE
3(1d6) radiant damage. On a clear night, the light
is visible for 300 miles.
А dwarf smith hopes to use the Star Forge to create
a crown that will end a war of succession in their
Shelters. Iron and stone dwellings dot the shore,
clan, but they need protection to reach the forge
some collapsed, others carefully maintained. and finish their work. The forge is protected by an
Bridge Remnant. An iron bridge once spanned the iron golem fueled by radiant energy and other crea-
water from the lakeshore to the island. Now rusted tures from the Giant Construct Encounters table in
iron pilings are all that remain.
chapter 3.
A creature with proficiency in appropriate artisan's А voice whispers into a character's dreams, leading
tools can use the Star Forge to create magic items. the character toward the Star Forge. The voice of-
using those tools and an amount of materials based fers instructions for creating a fantastic magic item,
on the item's rarity. For every 8 hours of work, the but creatures from the Giant Necropolis Encounters
creature can make an Intelligence check using its table (see chapter 3) desperately oppose the work.
tool proficiency, with а DC set by the item's rarity.
On а successful check, the creature makes 100 gp Macnum Opus
worth of progress. On a failed check, no progress A fire giant forge master is close to creating their
is made. For every 10 by which the check exceeds greatest work, a runic colossus (see chapter 6), but
the DC, the creature makes an additional 100 gp of they lack a crucial component. If the characters find
progress. The item is complete when the progress the Singing Sands (in this chapter), evade or destroy
equals the cost of materials for the item. See the the sand's guardians from the Giant Construct En-
Star Forge Item Creation table for item rarity, cost, counters table (see chapter 3), and fill a vial with the
and check DC.
magical sand, the giant helps them create a sentient
magic item.
Rarity Material Cost Check DC Anazer begs the characters for help. Other azers
Common 100вр 10 at the Star Forge are forced to work for an aboleth
Uncommon 5008р 35 that claims to be a scion ofaliving star, Hadar the
Dark Hunger. The azers' work supplies ће aboleth's
Rare 5,000 gp 20 minions from the Fomorian Encounters table (see
Very Rare 50,000 gp. 25 chapter 3) with formidable weapons and armor.
Legendary. 500,000 gp. 30



Es T
THUNDERING OBSERVATORY reduces the number of levels gained by 1 for each
A gigantic turret of stone and crystal hangs in such immunity.
Remote Viewing. As an action, a creature operating
the sky, suspended between two breathtakingly the controls сап make a DC 20 Intelligence (Ar-
tall mountain peaks by twin tethers of rumbling
lightning. The light and rolling thunder herald the cana) check. On a successful check, the creature
can cast the scrying spell (spell save DC 17) from
location's existence for many miles, though it's so
remote that only a handful of people have ever seen
the device. A magical image of the target appears
it, and fewer still have explored it. before the controls.
The few people who have managed to enter and THUNDERING OBSERVATORY
explore the Thundering Observatory have thus far
discovered only its remote viewing potential and ADVENTURES
not the full truth of the suspended turret. Most crea- Here are sample adventure hooks to bring charac-
tures can't comfortably remain in the turret long ters to the Thundering Observatory or to give them
enough to puzzle out its true purpose as a doomsday missions to pursue there.
weapon built by a lost empire of giants, COLLATERAL DAMAGE
creatures from the encounter
tables for two kinds of giants in chapter 3 have dam-
Map 4.17 depicts the Thundering Observatory, in- aged the observatory in their struggle for control of
cluding the following features;
the site, and its energy is building toward an over-
Lightning Tethers. The tethers holding up the load. То stop the imminent explosion, the characters
observatory shed bright light for 50 feet and dim must negotiate with or get through the fighting crea-
light for an additional 50 feet. They also emit a tures to repair the control console.
constant, loud rumble audible for 10 miles. This
constant thunder is so intense that any creature ESCALATION
within the turret has disadvantage on ability Goliath giant-kin (see chapter 6) who live on one
checks and attack rolls. Creatures with resistance of the nearby mountains are at war with creatures
or immunity to thunder damage are immune to from the Giant Kin Encounters table in chapter 3.
this disorientation. A creature that touches or en- On the brink of destruction, the goliaths hope the
observatory they have seen from afar can tip the
ters the tether for the first time on aturn, or that scales in their favor, and they hire adventurers to
starts its turn in the tether, takes 55 (10d10) light- secure it.
ning damage.
Observation Chamber. The lowest floor of the ob- FINAL Key
servatory has transparent crystal walls that offer A storm giant offers the characters a stunning re-
a spectacular view of the surrounding region. A ward if the characters can use the Star Forge (in
magic control console made of copper and gold this chapter) to build him a machine component.
occupies this chamber. Once they do, an adult gold dragon warns them the
THUNDERING OBSERVATORY MAGIC giant intends to use the component to activate the
‘Thundering Observatory as a doomsday weapon.
A creature in the Observation Chamber can use the
control console to activate the following properties: FIRE WHEN READY
A frost giant plans to use the observatory's Death
Death Ray. As an action, a creature can use the ob-
Ray to destroy her rivals іп Hiatea's Hearth (in this
servatory controls to direct a deadly bolt of magi- chapter). The current ruler of Hiatea's Hearth has
cal energy at a point it can see, including locations learned of the giant's plan and implores the charac-
viewed through the observatory's Remote Viewing ters to thwart it. Creatures from the Frost Giant En-
property (but not through any other means of scry- counters and Elemental Air Encounters tables (see
ing or magical sensing). The ray creates a line of chapter 3) defend the observatory,
destruction 10 feet wide starting from the target
point and progressing 100 feet in a direction of History Lesson
the creature's choice. Creatures and objects in A rock gnome mage has pieced together accounts
that line take 143 (26d10) force damage. A crea- from ancient sites leading to the observatory. Crea-
ture reduced to 0 hit points is disintegrated into tures from the Giant Construct Encounters table
fine gray ash and can be returned to life only by in chapter 3, fucled by magical lightning, deny en-
a true resurrection or wish spell. А creature that trance to the turret when the characters escort the
activates this property gains 6levels of exhaus- gnome there to study.
tion. Immunity to lightning or thunder damage




(Observation Chamber)


WORLDROOT SAPLING within the bright light removes all levels of ex-
Ina remote corner of the world, immense, thorny haustion it has.
tree roots twist across the barren ground. In the
Life-Giving Sap. If the sapling’s bark is pierced or
center of this desolate tangle, an enormous sapling cut, it bleeds enough golden sap to fill a vial. The
gleams with the green of fresh growth, clearly a sap functions as a potion ofvitality. A creature that
young tree despite its prodigious size. This is the drinks a vial of sap stops aging while it remains
Worldroot Sapling, a spark of defiant life amid the
within the clearing. The tree can produce 1d4 vi-
remnants of dead plants and ashen ground. als in a 24-hour period, and a vial loses its magic
The sapling is a seedling from the world tree after 24 hours.
Yggdrasil, planted and nurtured by an enigmatic WorLDROOT SAPLING ADVENTURES
group of giants called the Worldroot Circle (de-
scribed in chapter 2). Some tales speak of the world Here are sample adventure hooks to bring charac-
tree stretching through every plane and world of the. ters to the Worldroot Sapling or to give them mis.
multiverse, while others say wicked dragons long sions to pursue there.
ago gnawed on and poisoned the great tree. What- DEATHLY HUNGER
ever the fate of Yggdrasil, the Worldroot Sapling Cloud giants of the Worldroot Circle defend the
‘stands as a symbol of hope and the perseverance
of life. The life energy of the sapling suffuses the
sapling against ravenous Undead who wish to feed
ground in the clearing, and the light it sheds soothes оп the tree's life energy. The giants send an urgent,
magical call for help. Wraiths, vampire spawn, and
weariness and eases pain,
creatures from the Giant Necropolis Encounters
WORLDROOT SAPLING FEATURES table in chapter 3 assault the sapling.
Map 4.18 depicts the Worldroot Sapling, including PERSISTENT KNOWLEDGE
the following features: A venerable sage is desperate to escape the loom-
Gnarled Roots. The great, twisted roots of an enor- ing threat of death. Becoming Undead is odious to
mous dead tree cover a vast area surrounding the
them, and their search to extend their life led them
sapling. The roots bristle with immense thorns, to the Worldroot Sapling. The sage hires the charac-
ters to destroy or disable the thorn-covered versions
some up to 5 feet long. The roots can be climbed
easily, but a creature that moves more than half its
of creatures from the Giant Construct Encounters
speed on its turn while within 5 feet of the roots table (see chapter 3) who guard the sapling against
all intruders.
must succeed on a DC 15 Strength (Athletics)
check or take 11 (2d10) piercing damage. ROTTEN Roots
Sapling. The Worldroot Sapling stands in a clear- A stone giant of EvilEarth (see chapter 6) and the
ing created by ће twisting roots. The sapling is giant's evil minions from the Elemental Earth En-
30 feet tall, and its trunk is 10 feet in diameter. counters table in chapter 3 have taken control of the
Despite its size, it has the proportions and appear- Worldroot Sapling. The cultists are pouring corrupt
ance ofavery young tree. The tree glows with a earth elemental energy into the sapling, twisting it
bright, greenish-golden light for 30 feet, and dim to create a gargantua (вее chapter 6). A stone giant
light reaches an additional 30 fect. seer begs the characters to help her thwart the cult.
The Worldroot Sapling has the following properties: A group of firbolg primeval wardens (вее chapter
6) seek to reconnect the Forest Crystal and Singing
Font of Life. A dead creature buried in the soil Sands (both in this chapter) to a magical network
within 30 feet of the sapling for 24 hours returns that once spanned the world. The firbolgs believe
to life as if by a true resurrection spell. Once this they can use the network created by an ancient civi-
property has been used, all properties of the sap- lization of giants to channel the sapling's life energy
ling are suppressed for 30 days. Alternatively, a to revitalize devastated regions of the world. They
dead creature buried in the clearing's soil more need help carrying cuttings of the sapling to the two
than 30 feet from the sapling for 24 hours returns sites. Along the way, the characters must deal with
to life as if by a reincarnation spell. creatures from the Fiendish Incursion Encounters
Invigorating Light. A creature within the bright table at the Singing Sands and with tyrannical gi-
light shed by the sapling has advantage on ability ants from the Storm Giant Encounters table at
checks and saving throws based on Constitution Forest Crystal (both tables are in chapter 3). the
and Wisdom. A creature that finishes a long rest



1Square=10 Feet "7


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IANTS COLLECT AN ECLECTIC ASSORTMENT their wealth, and they often carry lavish items to fur.
of treasures and trinkets over the course ther boast about their riches.
of their long life spans. This chapter, Other cloud giant bags are deceptive: they appear
intended for the Dungeon Master, ex- to be small and flat but abound with hidden pockets
plores treasures intrepid adventurers might find to stash all manner of items. Giants who carry such
during their encounters with giants, focusingon bags identify with the trickster aspect of the god
the six main families of giants described in the Memnor and take pride in their cleverness.
Monster Manual. This chapter contains the follow-
ing sections: Сошо GIANT BAG CONTENTS
140 (448 x 10) sp.
“Giant Bags” provides tables you can use to deter- 140 (4d6 x 10) gp.
mine the contents—both valuable and mundane— 10 (346) pp
of aroaming giant's bag.
“Relics of Giant Realms” details the variety of valu- 3 (144 + 1) boulders (for throwing)
able treasures left by ancient giants’ civilizations. 2 (184) items from the Cloud Giant Bag Items table
“Magic Items” presents new magic items as- CLOUD Giant Bac ITEMS
sociated with giants, their legends, and their
magic runes. 92 нет
1 A 4-foot-diameter gourd
GIANT ВАСЅ 2 A massive mortar and pestle
Giants on the move carry colossal bags containing з A gilded birdcage, large enough to hold a Medium
miscellaneous items collected over many years. creature, worth 50 gp
Giant bags are strange repositories of unusual А giantsized silver ring set with blue crystals.
mementos, titanic tools, and giant-sized portions
offood and drink. This section provides guidance
worth 75 gp
for determining the contents of the bag of a giant A large, gaudy citrine pendant carved to look like
of any kind. the sun, worth 90 gp
Each ofthe listsinthis section includes coinage A giant-sized brass spygiass worth 100 gp
(replacing the Individual Treasure tables in the Dun. A life-sized malachite statue of avulture, worth
Geon Master's Guide), boulders for throwing. anda nogo
number of other nonmagical items determined by A tall electrum goblet inlaid with jade, worth 115 go
rolling on another table. These items can include
valuable objects, as well ав food. tools, and curios- A giant-sized silk dressing gownworth 125 gp.
ities. At your discretion. any giant bag might also m жай turquoise idol depicting Memor,
contain a bagjelly (described in chapter б). 4
‘Twa \-focn-tall goldeneggs,eachworth100go
CLOUD GIANT BACS A large tinum mask worth 200gp,which can
Most cloud giant bags are sewn from richly dyed depi t toro expressions tnt of grand joy and ore
fabric and trimmed with gold. Giants who carry | f déepsorióp —dependag on its orientation
such bags thrive on showcasing the full extent of


Aoventurers discover THE ECLECTIC


Fire giants include many skilled smiths, and some 7 VIO feet of thick hemp rope coated іп fire-retardant
of them create gorgeous pieces from fired clay and lacquer
blown glass. 8 Adiagram showing howtomake aspiked tower
Fire giants are often pragmatic, carrying only
necessary tools and examples oftheir finest work. shield
Their bags are sewn from resilient materials like 9 A3-foot-tall ceramic mug with golden paint
thick leather, designed to withstand the heat of the 10 Agiant-sized ivory beard comb worth 50 gp.
forge as well as the fire giants' own searing heat, 11 Fragments of a fire opal, worth 60 gp
Fire GIANT BAG CONTENTS 12 Adelicate, blown-glass flower wrapped carefully in
210 (6d6 x 10) sp gauze, worth 80 вр.
70 (2d6 x 10) ер Frost GIANT BAGS
140 (4d6 x 10) gp
10 (3d6) pp Frost giant bags are coated in waterproof lacquer
3 (144 + 1) boulders (for throwing) and lined with thick fur to keep their contents dry
in the harsh weather of the giants’ arctic domains.
2 (184) items from the Fire Giant Bag Items table In addition to weapons and travel supplies, frost
giants like to carry trophies from their battles to
boast about.
dil Item
A battered, giant-sized pewter bowl and spoon FROST GIANT BAG CONTENTS
A giant-sized leather apron stained with soot 210 (6d6 x 10) sp
105 (3d6x10) ep
A branding iron of the giant's family name 140 (4d6x10) gp
Six giant-sized iron ingots 3 (1d6) pp
A large pot of metal polish 3 (144 + 1) boulders (for throwing)
An old iron warhammer (used to emboss metal) 2 (144) items from the Frost Giant Bag Items table



Frost GIANT Bac ITEMS 92 Пет

42 Нет 7 Abeehive with live bees
3 Alarge bronze bell with no clapper A small picture book for learning Соттоп
2 Agiant-sized vineskin, halíflled with wine frozen A hefty box containing an assortof colorful
to slush peppercorns
з Anecklace made of griffon beaks and skulls 10 Aclay tablet carved with stirring poetry
4 The jagged claw of awhite dragon with ice still 11 An unopened cask of honey mead, worth 25 gp
riming itstip 12 Асгаскед, giant-sized porcelain plate, repaired
5 Agiantsized fur cloak, ripped and patched in mul- with silver lacquer, worth 50 gp
tiple places
A rusty longsword used to skin animals STONE GIANT BAGS
7 A sack of dried meat strips, with "Wolf Treats" On alarge scale, stone giants love elaborate murals
stitched in Giant on the front. and exquisite carvings. But when it comes to the
Six large iron caltrops trinkets in their bags, they favor trinkets that stimu-
Three ivory tusks, each worth 10 gp. late nonvisual senses, such as musical instruments,
textured beads, and fragrant spices. However, many
10 Two polar bear pelts, each worth 20 gp stone giants are fascinated by light and view it as a
11 A massive, gold-tipped war horn worth 50 gp rare treasure, They cherish objects that generate or
12 Five large blue quartz gems, each worth 25 gp interact with light, such as prismatic crystals and
bioluminescent flora.
‘The items found in hill giant bags reflect a diversity 1,400 (486 x 100) ср. |
of taste and interest as broad as that found among 210 (6d6x10) sp.
any other giants. Some hill giants carry only food 105 (346x10) ep
and boulders for throwing, while others collect ar- 70 (046 x 10) gp
tistic or scholarly materials that defy stereotypes
attached to their kind. 3 096) рр
Hill giant bags are made from simple materials 4 (196+1) boulders (for throwing)
like burlap or linen. Most have a distinctive “snack 2 (144) items from the Stone Giant Bag Items table
pocket"—a smaller compartment on the side of the
bag used to store and easily access food while trav- STONE GIANT ВАС ITEMS
eling, Food is of utmost importance to hill giants, d12 Item
and many carry different spices and cooking uten- 1 Astriated boulder, notably smooth on one side but
sils with them. rough and bumpyonthe other
HILL Giant BAG CONTENTS 2 Apair of flat stones tied together with hempen
2,100 (6d6 x 100) ср. rope, currently pressing bioluminescent flowers
210 (646 x 10) sp 3 Astring ofgiant-sized clay beads, each engraved
35 (146 x 10) ep with different patterns that mimic constellations
35 (186 x 10) gp 4 —Awooden ocarina that perfectly imitates the
3 (144 + 1) boulders (for throwing) sound of wind echoing in an underground cavern
2 (144) items from the НИ Giant Bag Items table A leather sack containing pungent spices
A multifaceted crystal prism
92 item
Agiant-sized iron kettle
A misshapen, plush rendition ofa giant cave spider
Five wheels of cheese A
giant-sized, elegant silverchiseland hammer
А giant-sized pair of old sandals used for carvingrunes,worth 20 gp.
The skull of aMonstrosity native to the region 10 Seven giant-sized knucklebones worth 50 gp total
A haunch of smoked meat 11 A 2foot-diameter moonstone perdant depicting
A rusty dagger the giant used as a toothpick the profile of Skoraeus, worth 70 gp.
оошIron prongs and a trough of coal to create a make- 12 Two halves of a3-foot-diameter geode worth 120
shift spit-roast setup. gp total, split to reveal jagged і igo crystals


With their disposition toward divination, many Though their inhabitants may be long gone, the ru-
storm giants are inclined to be superstitious, con- ins of ancient giants’ civilizations are littered with
stantly searching the world for omens. They often valuable treasure for adventurers to discover. The
carry a multitude of talismans and charms whose random treasure tables in the Dungeon Master's
nature reflects the storm giant’s home. A storm gi- Guide can help you quickly generate items charac
ant who lives in the sea might employ special kelp ters may find while exploring such ruins. If you want
and shells for divination. A storm giant who spends treasures that feel uniquely giant-themed, this se
tion provides suggestions for more distinctive items,
binger of good fortune and collect talismans made This section can also be used to generate treasure
from objects struck by lightning or items that resem- found among still-thriving giant societies; such
ble lightning bolts. treasure may have been passed down between ge
erations, created in the imitation of ancient styles, ог
STORM GIANT BAG CONTENTS unearthed by the giants themselves.
210 (6d6x10) sp
105 (346x10) ep KINDS OF TREASURE
210 (6d6x10) gp Use these guidelines in conjunction with the infor.
35 (1d6 x 10) рр mation in the Dungeon Master's Guide to detail trea-
З (144 + 1) boulders (for throwing) sures adventurers might find in ancient ruins built
2 (184) items from the Storm Giant Bag Items table by giants.
412 Item Giants’ civilizations minted coins using copper, sil
ver, electrum, gold, and platinum. These coins were
1 The bones ofaroc, carved with prophetic runes sized for the creatures that used them and are thus
2 Agiant-sized deck of ornately illustrated cards, comparatively massive to the average adventurer.
their edges trimmed with gold foil (Most coins found in giants’ bags are ordinary coins
Adrop of crystallized amber from a sacred tree minted by more recent civilizations.)
An earthenware jar filled with salt Giant-made coins vary in shape and design across
ivilizations, but in general, the coins are about 4
10 pounds ofcandle wax in various colors inches in diameter and at least 1/4-inch thick. Due
An elegant, giant-sized drinking horn engraved to the sheer amount of precious metal used to make
with a prayer to Stronmaus in the Giant language them, these coins are worth ten times more than
7 Asmooth, triangular blue stone crossed with etch- normal-sized counterparts. For example, one
ings that look like lightning strikes giant-sized copper coin is worth 10 cp (or 1 sp) and
в Agiant-sized dulcimer inlaid with mother-of-pearl, one giant-sized gold coin is worth 10 gp (or | pp).
Giant-made coins are also much heavier than
worth 100 gp normal coins. Five giant-sized coins of any type
ә Alarge bronze gong worth 50 gp weigh 1 pound,
10 A gold toad pendant with carnelian eyes, worth
90 вр Jewels and other precious stones cut by smaller folk
11 Astar rose quartz orb worth 120 gp are too small for most giants to notice, let alone find
12 incense, worth
Three giant-sized sticks of value in. But ancient giants might have mastered
75 gp each ways of mining and cutting gemstones more appro-
priate to their size. They also harvested oversized
pearls from giant clams,
You can use the “Gemstones” section of the Dun-
geon Master's Guide to randomly generate different
Jewels adventurers might find while plundering a gi-
ant's hoard, A giant-cut gemstone is worth ten times
its normal value; for example, a giant-cut garnet (a
stone on the 100 gp Gemstones table in the Dun
con Master's Guide) is worth 1,000 gp.




The art objects found in ancient giants’ ruins reflect 5 Aquartz pendant carved in the likeness ofagod
the societies and types of giants that once inhabited
them. For example, ancient stone giant art is hand 6 A slightly bentsilver crown keptas a trophy
somely carved stonework, often adorned with tactile 7 Alopsided chun oflumino
kus stone
writing systems to accommodate visitors who aren't 8 A bronze war horn, its flared bell shaped like a
accustomed to the lightless depths such giants call charging ram
home. Meanwhile, storm giant artwork reflects the
variety of climes these giants inhabit, with thalassic 250 GP ART Овуест5
treasures like pearls and seashells found alongside 98 Пет
electroplated metals and jewelry charged with the 1 Anornate tapestry depicting a high-ranking family
might of amaelstrom. ofgiants
In conjunction with the tables in the Dungeon
Master's Guide, you can use the following tablesto 2 The expertly stuffed and mounted remains of a
generate distinctive, giant-sized art objects for a вре Large Monstrosity native to the area
cific ruin or hoard belonging to giants. З An abstract spiral sculpture carved from a fulgurite
4 Arowboat displayed inside з giant-sized green
25 GP ART OBJECTS crystal bottle
d$ Item 5 An iridescent conch shell that echoes with the
1 Adome-shaped crystal carved with patternsof sounds of amaelstrom
constellations 6 —Ahefty ceramic funerary urn, intricately painted
2 Apale-blue clay mask depictinganexpression of with scenes from its inhabitant's lifetime
raucous laughter 7 A10-foot-tall mirror set in a gem-encrusted frame
3 Aset ofgilded, giant-sized cutlery 8 А complex bronze armillary sphere, its rings en
4 A5-foot-tall stone tablet engraved with runes that graved with various Giant runes and prophecies
feel warm to the touch


Giants have perfected numerous forms of magical The following magic itemsaiеpre ited in alpha
crafting, This section presents new magic items as- betical order.
sociated with the might of giants.
А NOTE ABOUT SIZE Weapon (Greataxe), Artifact (Requires Attunement)
As described in the Dungeon Master's Guide,
magi This massive adze is said to have been wielded by
items meant to be worn can fit a creature regardless. All-Father Annam, not as a weapon but as the tool
of size or build. If your campaign features alot of he used to shape the various worlds of the Material
magic items made by giants, you might decide to Plane cons ago.
tweak this rule. Consider these two options: Random Properties. The adz is the following
Everything Fits, Perhaps the ancient giants random properties, determined by rolling on the
ofyour propriate table in the Dungeon Master's Guide:
world lived among creatures of varying stature:
and as such, they took great care to ensure thei + 2 minor beneficial properties
magic items would resize to comfortablsuit y their * | major beneficial property
users, With this option, any magic item created by + 2 minor detrimental properties
giants (even one that is not worn, such as a wand Magic Weapon. When a creature attunes to the
or a weapon) magically resize tosuit
s any creature adze,the artifact magically adjusts its size so that
between Small and Huge size, The creature must creature can wield it as a greataxe. The adze is a
spend 10 uninterrupted minutes touching the item magic weapon that grants а 43 bonus to attack and
and must attune to itifitrequires attunement. damage rollsmade withit. On a hit,theadze deals
Nothing Вевігев, Perhaps ancient giants made ап additional 3412 force damage. It also deals dou
magic items to be used exclusively by giants. In ble damage to objects and structures.
this case, giant-made items don't resize. Smaller Divine Mattock. As an action, you can
creatures mibe ghabletotadapt these itemsin the might of the All-Father and use the ad.
various ways, A giantmade ring can be worn as
a bracelet, a giant made bracelet could serve as a move earth or fabricate. Once this property is used,
headband, and so on. Some items can't be com- it can't be used again until the next dawn.
fortably wielded by smaller creatures, but m:
techniques might exist that allow skilled art
to reshape and resize magic items with a few Арі or Annam
days of work.
Some of the magic items described in this chap-
ter have special properties that allow them to fit
creatures of any size. For the rest, you can decide
Whether characters find giant-sized items they need
to resize (one way or another) or they find items that
were made by giants for smaller allies—or made by
smaller creatures using giants’ techniques.
=— ren
Beyond its size, аgiant-crafted version of amagic item
might look different from its traditional appearance.
For example, runes and rune carving are central to
the magic traditions of the giants, so a rod of rulership.
created by a giant artisan might be inscribed with the
king rune, while a giant-crafted periapt ofwound clo-
sure might bear the life rune. Also, a magic item might
absorb some of the latent elemental power of its giant
users or creators. А +1 longsword forged by a fire giant,
for example, could glow faintly like embers in the dark,
while the sentinel shield once carried by a frost giant
could be perpetually cold to the touch. ч
None of these cosmetic effects alter a magic item's
capabilities. They merely provide a narrative link to gi-
ants! realms that characters might explore.


Armor (Heavy), Very Rare (Requires Attunement) Banericens Beacecer 4 j
Set іп the center of this armor's chest is a citrine en

graved with the shield rune,
While wearing this armor, your hit point max
imum increases by an amount equal to 10 +
your level.
Invoking the Rune. As an action, you can invoke
the armor's rune to cast the beacon of hope spell
with it; the spell has a duration of 1minute and
doesn't require concentration. Once the rune has
been invoked, it can't be invoked again until the.
next dawn,
Wondrous Item, Artifact (Requires Attunement)
This gorgeous jewelry piece, crafted by the wizard
Bigby himself, consists of four gold rings attached
via delicate chains to a wrist cuff studded with вар.
phires and diamonds.
Random Properties. The bracelet has the follow
ing random properties, determined by rolling on the
appropriate table in the Dungeon Master's Guide:
+ 1 minor beneficial property
+ 1 major beneficial property
+ 1 minor detrimental property
Dexterous Fingers. While wearing the braci elet,
you can cast mage hand.
Force Sculpture. By focusing and channeling the You сап add your Constitution modifier (minimum
bracelet’s magic for 1 minute, you can create a spe of +1) to the damage rolls of attacks made with
tral copy of a Large or smaller nonmagical objec this weapon,
The copy appears in an unoccupied space within 10 Invoking the Rune. When you target a creature
feet of you, and it is made of tangible but translucent with an attack using this weapon, you can invoke
force that mimics the size, weight, and other proper- the sword's rune, causing it to flare with crimson
ties of the object it's copying. The copy must appear light and infusing your attack with bloodthirsty pre-
оп а surface or liquid that can support it. Creatures. cision. You then spend and roll one of your unspent
can touch and interact with the copy as ifitwere a Hit Dice and add the number rolled to the attack
nonmagical object. roll. You can choose to invoke the rune after roll-
‘The copy is immune to all damage and can't be ing the 420.
dispelled, but a disintegrate spell destroys it im- If this attack hits, youcan also spend and roll any
mediately. Otherwise, the copy disappears after 8 number of your unspent Hit Dice and add the total
hours or when you dismiss it as an action. rolled to the weapon's damage.
The bracelet can create up to three copies and re- Once the rune has been invoked, it can't be in-
gains all expended usesat dawn. voked again until the next dawn.
Helpful Hand. As an action, you can use the. Crown oF THE WRATH BRINGER
bracelet to cast Bigby’s hand as a 9th-level spell Wondrous Item, Rare (Requires Attunement)
(spell attack bonus +13). When you cast the spell Thisjagged iron circlet bears ornaments in the
this way, the spell doesn't require concentration.
Once this property is used, it can't be used again un- shape ofthe enemy rune. When worn, the crown
til the next dawn. glows with pale light as it draws upon the wearer's
fury to strike opponents with vicious terror.
BLOODSHED BLADE When you make an attack roll against a creature
Weapon (Any Sword), Very Rare (Requires and hit it while wearing this crown, you can spend
Attunement) and roll one of your unspent Hit Dice. The creature
The hilt of this sword bears a carnelian engraved
takes extra psychic damage equal to the num-
with the blood rune.
ber rolled.


Invoking the Rune. As an action, you can
invoke A creature can benefit from only one painted rune at
the crown's rune to cast the fearspell (save DC 15)
with it; the spell has a duration of 1 minute and
а time, so a new rune painted on а creature has no
doesn't require concentration, Once the rune has
effect unless the old one is removed first. The rune's
benefits last for 8 hours or until the painted creature
been invoked, it can't be invoked again until the uses its action to wipe away the rune,
next dawn.
DELvER's CLAWS Wondrous Item, Legendary (Requires Attunement)
Wondrous Item, Rare (Requires Attunement)
This golden harp is sculpted in the image of the god
The back of this weatherworn leather glove is lallanis, depicted as a young cloud giant woman.
adorned with three large metal hooks shaped like When a creature comes within 5 feet of the harp,
а mole's claws. Stitched into the glove's palm is the the instrument animates and is capable of speaking,
mountain rune. singing, and playing by itself.
The glove is considered a simple melee weapon Whenever you attempt to attune to the harp, you
with the finesse and light properties, and it deals. must first make either a DC 15 Charisma (Perfor-
1d4 slashing damage on ahit. While attuned to the mance) check or a DC 20 Charisma (Persuasion)
glove, you gain a burrowing speed equal to your check to convince the harp that you are worthy, at
walking speed and blindsight to 15 feet. tuning to the harp on a success. If you fail, you can't
Invoking the Rune. As an action, you can invoke attempt to attune to the harp again until the next
the glove's rune to bolster yourself with the sturdi- dawn, Once you have successfully attuned to the
ness of the earth, Spend and roll a number of your harp, the harp resizes to suit you.
unspent Hit Dice up (о а maximum equal to your Stalwart Song. Whenever you make a Charisma
proficiency bonus. You then regain a number of hit check while attuned to the harp, you can treat a roll
points equal to the total roll plus your Constitution of 9 or lower on the die as a 10.
modifier. Feast ofPlenty. |f you spend 10 minutes playing
Once the rune has been invoked, it can't be in- the harp, you can cast the heroes’ feast spell from
voked again until the next dawn. it. Once this propertyisused, it can't be used again
until 1410 + 10 days have passed.
GLOWRUNE PIGMENT Soothing Melody. As an action, you can use the
Wondrous Item, Rare harp to cast the calm emotions spell (save DC 19).
This set of 1d4 + 2 small paint pots contains pig- When the spell is cast using the harp, its duration
ments mixed from crushed luminescent gemstones. increases to 1 hour, provided you maintain concen-
This magical paint bestows temporary magical gifts tration on the spell. This property can be used five
on creatures with runes drawn on their skin with times, and it regains all uses at dawn.
this paint. Sentience. The harp is a sentient, chaotic good
One paint pot contains enough pigment to paint object with an Intelligence of 13, a Wisdom of 15,
опе rune. A creature can spend 10 minutes to and a Charisma of 20. It has hearing and darkvision
paint one of the following runes onto itselforan- to a range of 120 feet.
other creature: The harp can speak, read, and understand Com-
mon and Giant. It can also communicate telepathi-
Journey Rune. Difficult terrain doesn't cost the cally with the creature attuned to it.
painted creature extra movement. The harp has a dramatic and pompous person-
Life Rune. The painted creature gains 10 tempo- ality, taking extreme pride in the quality of music
rary hit points and has advantage on death sav- produced from its strings. If the harp is shorter than
ing throws. ч
6 feet tall, it bemoans its height.
Light Rune. The painted creature gains darkvision
to a range of 30 feet. If the painted creature al- HELM OF PERFECT POTENTIAL
ready has darkvision from another source, the Wondrous Item, Artifact (Requires Attunement)
range of its darkvision increases by 30 feet. This copper-hued helm contains a shard of the Ele-
Mountain Rune. The painted creature is immune mental Chaos embedded in its forehead, surrounded
to being knocked prone and has advantage on by a motif of a rising sun. Legend says Annam fash-
Strength and Constitution saving throws. ioned this helm for his daughter Diancastra to hold
Shield Rune. The painted creature has advantage the fragment of chaos she used to prove her worth
on Dexterity saving throws against effects that to her father.
deal damage.

Random Properties, The helm has the following
random properties, determined byrolling on the ap
propriate table in the Dungeon Master's Guide:
+ 2 minor beneficial properties
+ 1 major beneficial property
+ І minor detrimental property
Master ofGuile. While wearing the helm, you
have advantage on Charisma (Deception) and Wis
dom (Insight) checks.
Arrow of Elemental Havoc. As a bonus action
while wearing the helm, you can launch a bolt of
searing elemental energy toward a creature you can
see within 90 feet of yourself. The target must make.
а DC 20 Dexterity saving throw. Оп a failed save,
the creature takes 4d6 acid, cold, fire, lightning, or
thunder damage (your choice). On a successful save,
the creature takes halfasmuch damage.
Spelicasting. The helm has б charges and re-
gains 1d6 charges each dawn. As an action while 4
wearing the helm, you can expend 1 or more of its
charges to cast one of the following spells (save DC
20): elemental weapon (1 charge), сай lightning (2
charges), wall of
fire (З charges), conjure elemental
(4 charges), tsunami (5 charges).
Weapon (Whip), Rare Heim or Pearecr Porentiat
The handle of this dark leather whip bears the fire
rune, and embers dance around the whip's tail.
You gain а +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls The bow has 8 charges for the following proper-
made with this weapon, and on a hit, the whip deals. ties, which you can use while wielding the bow. The
an extra 1d6 fire damage. When you score a critical bow regains 1d4 + 1 charges daily at dawn.
hit with an attack using this whip, the target also Curative Arrow. When you take the Attack action
has the restrained condition until the start of your. using the bow, you can expend 1 charge to replace
next turn, as fiery bands lash around the target. one of your attacks with a blazing arrow of curative
Invoking the Rune. When you make an attack magic, which automatically hits one creature you
with the whip and hit, you can use your reaction to can see within 150 feet of you. The target can then
invoke the whip's rune. Doing so increases the extra immediately spend and roll one of its unspent Hit
fire damage dealt by the whip to 246. Dice and regain а number of hit points equal to the
Once the rune has been invoked, it can't be in- roll plus your Wisdom modifier (minimum of+1).
voked again until the next dawn. If the target has no unspent Hit Dice remaining,
nothing happens. You can use a curative arrow only
Weapon (Longbow), Legendary (Requires Spelicasting. While holding the bow, you can
Attunement) use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to
This ivory longbowis inscribed with a prayer to the cast one of the following spells from it (save DC 18):
god Hiatea, the runes of which are entwined with create food and water (1 charge), warding bond (2
gilded engravings of wheat stalks and deer antlers. charges), guardian offaith (3 charges).
You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls LUCENT DESTROYER
made with this weapon. If you load no ammunition Weapon (Musket), Very Rare (Requires Attunement)
in the weapon, it produces its own, automatically
creating one magic arrow when you pull back the This magic weapon is a triple-barreled bronze mus-
string. The arrow created by the bow vanishes the ket. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls
instant after it hits or misses a target. made with it. It requires no ammunition, its damage
is radiant instead of piercing, and it doesn't have the


Jonding property, The раве of the weapon Is embla- with iridescent crystal that seem to glow from
zoned with the Hght rune, within, The orb Is В inchen in diameter and мие,
Additionally, while attuned to the weapon, you can В pounds, making Ita palm-slzed irinket for n вили:
cant dancing láhts from the musket at will, glani but a more unwieldy item fora Medium eren
Javoking the Runo, Awan action, you can invoke ture to use.
the weapon's rune to сини the minbeam spell (save While holding thin orb, you can une И as a spell
DC 17) with Il, Once the rune has been invoked, It casting focus for your spells. You also gain the fol
can't be invoked again until the next dawn, lowing benefits:
MISTRAL MANTLE Abundant Components, The orb has З charges and
Wondrous Пет, Very Rare (Requires Attunement) regainsallexpended charges at dawn, When you
This thick, fur-Hined cloak has the lee rune stitched cant a spell while holding this orb, you can expend
upto 3charges to ignore the spell's material com.
on the hem in silvery blue thread, Frigid wind swirls
around the cloak, regardless of the weather, ponents with a gold plece cost, up to 300 gp per
While wearing this cloak, you have resistance to charge expended,
cold damage, Additionally, when you move within Astute Mind, You gain a +2 bonus to any Constitu
5 feet of a creature, you can cause the cloak's cold tion saving throw you make to maintain your con
wind to buffet the creature. The creature must
centration on a spell,
succeed on а DC М Dexterity saving throwortake Divine Sight. You can see normally in darkness,
both magical and nonmagical, to a distance
1d6 cold damage and have the prone condition, А
of 120 feet.
creature can be affected by the mantle only once
Invoking the Rune, As an action, you can invoke Power
the mantle's rune to cast the sleet storm spell (save Wondrous Пет, Varies
DC 14) with it. When you use the mantle to cast the
spell, the area of the spell isn't difficult terrain for
Larger and more roughly hewn than typical figu.
rines of wondrous power, these statuettes depict di
you, and you can see through the storm, ignoring nosaurs and related creatures from the earliest days
the normal penalties of a heavily obscured area. of the world.
Once the rune has been invoked, it can't be in- Ав an action, you can throw a prehistoric figurine
voked again until the next dawn. of wondrous power to a point on the ground within
Nimbus CORONET 60 fect ofyourself while speaking a command word,
Wondrous Item, Very Rare (Requires Attunement) whereupon the figurine magically transforms into
a living creature. If the space where the creature
The design of this bronze circlet resembles swirling would appear is occupied by other creatures or ob-
clouds. At its center is set а deep-bluc stone, upon jects, or if there isn't enough space for the creature,
which is inscribed the cloud rune. the figurine doesn't become a creature.
While wearing this circlet, you take no damage ‘The creature is friendly to you and your compan:
from falling. Additionally, as a bonus action, you and ions. It understands your languages and obeys your
everything you are wearing or carrying can tele- spoken commands, If you issue no commands, the
port to ап unoccupied space you can see within 15 creature defends itself but takes no other actions.
feet of yourself, reappearing in a puff of shimmer- See the Monster Manual for the creature's statistics.
ing clouds. The creature exists for a duration specific to each
Invoking the Rune. As an action, you can invoke figurine. At the end of the duration, the creature
the circlet's rune to assume a cloudlike form. The reverts to its statuette form. It reverts to a figurine
form lasts for 1 minute, until you are incapacitated, early if it drops to 0 hit points or if you use an action
or until you dismiss it (no action required). to speak the command word again while touching
While in cloud form, you have a flying speed of it, When the creature becomes a figurine again, its
60 feet and resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and property can’t be used again until a certain amount
slashing damage. of time has passed, as specified in the figurine's
Once the rune has been invoked, it can't be in- description.
voked again until the next dawn. Carnelian Triceratops (Very Rare). This figurine
becomes atriceratops for up to 6 hours and can be
Ors oF SKORAEUS ridden as a mount. Once it has been used, it can't be
Wondrous Item, Legendary (Requires Attunement used again until 10 days have passed.
bya Spellcaster) Jasper Tyrannosaurus Rex (Legendary). This
Said to be infused with the wisdom and power of figurine, crafted from rare green jasper, becomes
the god Skoraeus, this polished stone orb is veined a tyrannosaurus rex for up (о 1 hour. Once it


been used, it can't be used again until 14 days You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls
have passed. made with this weapon, and attacks with this
Whenever youcommand the figurine while it'sin weapon deal necrotic damage instead of ріегс-
tyrannosaurus rex form (including commanding it ing damage.
to revert to figurine form) you must roll a 420. On When you attack а creature with this weapon and
a 1, you lose control ofthe figurine, and it becomes roll a 20 on the attack roll, you gain 10 temporary
hostile to you and your companions until it is re- hit points. Any creature that hits you with a melee
duced to 0 hit points, at which point it reverts to fig- attack while you have 1 or more of these temporary
urine form. hit points takes 10 necrotic damage.
Kyanite Pteranodon (Rare). This figurine be- Invoking the Rune. As a bonus action, you can
comes a pteranodon for up to 8 hours. If your size invoke the weapon's rune, unleashing thescreams
is Medium or smaller, you can ride the pteranodon of every creature slain by the weapon in one cacoph-
аз а mount. Once it has been used, it can't be used onous burst. Each creature of your choice within 60
again until7 days have passed. feet of you must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving
Pyrite Plesiosaurus (Uncommon). This figurine throw or have the stunned condition until the start
becomes a plesiosaurus for up to 12 hours and can of your next turn.
be ridden as a mount. Once it has been used, it can't Once the rune has been invoked. it can't be in-
be used again until 4 days have passed, voked again until the next dawn.
While you are riding the plesiosaurus, you can use
it to cast water breathing at will. RiNG OF AMITY
Ring, Very Rare (Requires Attunement)
Weapon (Morningstar), Legendary (Requires This ring is carved from hematite and bears an en-
Attunement) graving of the friend rune,
The spikes of this iron morningstar glow with sickly,
pale light. The death rune is inscribed on its shaft
and inlaid with peari.

Prenisroric FIGURINES оғ Момовоиз

Power tcLockwise FROM LEFT):
Tvaannosaurus Rex, Рудите.
Presiosaurus, Кулмите Ртеванавем


When you first attune to this ring, you can touch Shield Bash. When you take the Attack action on
onc willing creature and form a magical bond be- your turn, you can replace one of
your attacks with
tween the two of you. While this bond lasts, when- a shield bash, targeting one creature you can sec
ever you are subjected to a spell or magical effect in 5 feet of yourself. The target must make a
that restores hit points, the bonded creature also Strength saving throw (DC equals 8 + your pro-
receives the benefits of the spell or effect. ficiency bonus + your Strength modifier). On a
You can bond with a different ereature whenever failed save, the target takes 3d6 bludgeoning dam.
you finish a long rest, provided that you can touch age plus 306 fire damage and is knocked prone.
the creature and the creature is willing. On а successful save, the target takes half as
A creature can benefit from only one ring of am- much damage only. You can use Shield Bash only
ity's bond at a time. The bond ends if either you or once per turn.
the creature travels to a different plane of existence,
if you bond with a different creature at the end of a Once the shield has been activated, it can't be acti-
long rest, or if you sever the bond as a bonus action. vated again until the next dawn.
Invoking the Rune. When the bonded creature.
hits a target with an attack roll, you can use your re- Staff, Rare (Requires Attunement)
action to invoke the ring’s rune if you are within 60
feet of the bonded creature. The bonded creature's The hill rune is carved into this gnarled wooden
attack is then turned into a critical hit. staff. The staff magically resizes to match the height
Once the rune has been invoked, it can't be in- of any creature that attunes to it.
voked again until the next dawn. The staff can be wielded as a magic quarterstaff
that grants а +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls
SANCTUM AMULET made with it. The first time you hit any creature with
Wondrous Item, Very Rare (Requires Attunement) the staff on your turn, the creature must succeed on
A Маск opal pendant hangs at the base of this a DC 12 Strength saving throw or be restrained by
pearlescent chain. The sacred rune is inscribed on spectral vines until the start of your next turn.
the back of the pendant. Invoking the Rune. As an action, you can invoke
While wearing this item, you have resistance to the staff's rune to cast either hold person (save
necrotic damage. Additionally, you can cast the DC 12) or speak with plants with the staff. When
spare the dying cantrip using either an action or a you cast hold person using the staff, the target is
bonus action. wreathed in spectral vines.
Invoking the Rune. When a creature you can see Once the rune has been invoked to cast either
within 60 feet of you is reduced to 0 hit points as spell, it can't be invoked again until the next dawn.
a result of taking damage, you can use your reac- STONEBREAKER'S BREASTPLATE
tion to invoke the item’s rune, causing the pendant Armor (Breastplate), Legendary (Requires
to flash with pale light. The creature then instead Attunement)
drops to 1 hit point. This breastplate is made from marbled granite,
Once the rune has been invoked, it can't be in- though it feels no heavier than a typical metal
voked again until the next dawn. breastplate. Its chest is emblazoned with the
Armor (Shield), Legendary (Requires Attunement) While wearing this breastplate, you have resis-
tance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing dam-
Modeled after the formidable spiked tower shields age and are immune to being knocked prone.
wielded by some fire giants, this iron shield ema- Invoking the Rune. As an action, you can invoke
nates a constant warmth. the breastplate's rune to cast the wail of stone spell
You can use a bonus action to activate the shield, (save DC 14) with it. When you cast the spell in this
causing glowing lava to flow through the shicld's way, you have advantage on saving throws made to
grooves for 1 minute. While the shield is active, you maintain concentration on the spell.
gain the following benefits: Once the rune has been invoked, it can't be in-
Blazing Soul. You have immunity to firecausedamage. voked again until the next dawn.
Cleansing Fire. As an action, you can the
shield to flare with the cleansing fire of within Weapon (Pistol), Very Rare.
Surtur. Choose one creature you can see f). One This magic ranged weapon is a flared pistol with
30 feet of yourself (you can choose yoursel ng this the storm rune engraved along the barrel. You gain
disease or condition of your choice affecti
can be а +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made
creature ends immediately; the condition with it.
blinded, charmed, deafened, or poisoned.
— тшт; 7
Wondrous Item, Rare (Requires Attunement)
This of boots is made of durable cloth, with the
journey rune stitched in golden thread above each
he l. While you are wearing this item, your walking
speed increases by 10 feet, and you have advantage
on Wisdom (Survival) checks.
Invoking the Runes, As а bonus action, you can
invoke the boots’ runes to cast the expeditious re-
treat spell with them. Once the runes have been
invoked, they can't be invoked again until the
next даут.
Wondrous Item, Very Rare (Requires Attunement)
Tuunoennuss nally crafted for ground-bound giant brawlers
to fight against dragons and other enormous preda-
tors of the sky, these studded gauntlets are engraved
with the dragon rune.
While you are wearing these gauntlets, your un-
armed strike deals an additional 146 force damage
It requires no ammunition, its damage is thunder on a hit. Additionally, whenever you finish a long
instead of piercing, and it doesn't have the load- rest, choose one of the following damage types:
ing property. acid, cold, fire, lightning, or poison. You have resis-
Invoking the Rune. As a bonus action, you can tance to the chosen damage type until you finish
invoke the weapon's rune to launch a ball of energy another long rest.
to a point you can see within 30 feet of yourself. The Invoking the Runes. As a bonus action, you can
energy then detonates into a 10-footradius sphere of invoke the gauntlets' runes and summon two enor-
turbulent wind and thunder centered on that point, mous spectral fists that envelop the gauntlets and
and each creature in that sphere must make a DC mimic your hand motions. The fists can also launch
14 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, a themselves to strike distant opponents, returning
creature takes 3d6 thunder damage, and it can't immediately to your space after they hit or miss.
take reactions until the end of your next turn. On The fists last for 1 minute or until you are incapac-
a successful save, a creature takes half as much itated. While the spectral fists are active, unarmed
damage only. strikes you make on your turn have a reach of 30
Once the rune has been invoked, it can't be in- feet, and when you hit a creature with an opportu-
voked again until the next dawn. nity attack made with your unarmed strike, the crea-
ture must succeed on a Strength saving throw (DC
War HORN OF VALOR equals 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength
Wondrous Item, Rare modifier) or have the prone condition,
This brass war horn is engraved with the war rune, Once the runes have been invoked, they can't be
which glows purple when the horn is blown. invoked again until the next dawn.
You can blow the horn as a bonus action. When ZEPHYR ARMOR
you do, if you have the frightened condition,
you Armor (Light), Rare (Requires Attunement)
immediately end that condition on yourself. You
also have advantage on saving throws against being This fine set of white-and-silver armor bears the
frightened until the start of your next turn, wind rune upon its chest.
Invoking the Rune. When you blow the horn, you While wearing this armor, you have advantage on
can also invoke the rune, imbuing the horn's deep. Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks and Dexterity saving
call with protective magic that affects creatures of throws as your movements are bolstered by gentle
your choice within 30 feet of yourself. You and all currents of wind,
affected creatures gain а +1 bonus to AC until the Invoking the Rune. As an action, you can invoke
start of your next turn. the armor's rune to cast the wind wall spell (save
Once the rune has been invoked, it can't be in- DC 15) with it. Once the rune has been invoked, it
voked again until the next dawn. can't be invoked again until the next dawn.


HE Mordenkainens side, |thought ofgiants as a brutal nenace threatening
the very existence of the werd | knew Diancastra shavedweJust hou soll that
world uas. My eyes have. been әлә to q orld that is nuch larger ané far:nore ЗА
Сал inggined.


CROSS THE MULTIVERSE, GIANTS ARE to demon lords or archdevils, including the
shaped by ancient traditions and a powerful echo of Demogorgon, the fire hellion, the fury of
connection to the Elemental Planes. This Kostchtchie, the maw of Yeenoghu, and the stalker
chapter describes dozens of giants and re- of Baphomet. Others are cultists of Elemental
lated creatures for use in your game. For guidance E a cloud giant of Evil Air, a fire giant of Evil
on how to use a creature's stat block, consult the ire, a frost giant of Evil Water, and a stone giant
introduction of the Monster Manual. of Evil Earth. The fomorian deep crawler and the
Herein you'll find weapons that deal unusual dam- storm herald—a storm giant transformed into a
age types and spellcasting that functions in atypical monstrous Aberration—round out this category.
ways. Such an exception is a special feature of a Other Giant Variations. The unfallen form of fomo-
monster and represents how it uses the weapon or rians is here, along with a variant etin (the ettin
casts its spells; the exception has по effect оп how a ceremorph) and two versions of trolls (the troll
weapon or a spell functions for others. amalgam and the troll mutate).
Ifa stat block contains the name ofa class in the Elemental Hulks. Withered branches of the giant
monster's name or in parentheses under the name, family tree, the elemental hulks (cinder, dust, light-
the monster is considered a member of that class for ning, mist, mud, and rime hulks) are Elemental
the purpose of meeting magic item prerequisites. creatures descended from giants.
‘The monsters in this chapter are arranged in Undead Giants. Undead forms of the giants of the
alphabetical order for ease of reference. Here's an ordning appear in this chapter: barrowghasts,
overview of the creatures herein: cairnwights, firegaunts, frostmourns, spectral
Extended Family. This chapter introduces death gi- clouds, and tempest spirits.
ants, fensirs from the Outer Planes, and the mon- jantic Animals. Dinosaurs and other enormous
strous gargantuas, as well as primordial scionsof creatures are often found in giants’ enclaves.
the giant gods. ‘These include four Gargantuan dinosaurs (аего-
Magic-Using Giants. Each of the giants of the ord- ваш, altisaur, ceratops, and regisaur), giant geese,
ning has new variants in this chapter. The cloud giant lynxes, giant oxen, giant rams, giant ticks,
giant destiny gambler, fire giant forgecaller, frost gigants, grinning cats, spotted lions, storm crabs,
giant ice shaper, hill giant avalancher, stone giant and titanotheres.
Tockspeaker, and storm giant tempest caller all Humanoid Giant Kin. Firbolgs and goliaths appear
Wield the traditional rune magic of their kind. here in a few different varieties.
They arejoined by the death giant shrouded Others. Two enormous Constructs appear here
one and the fomorian warlock of the dark, gi- (the flesh colossus and the runic colossus), as well
ants outside the ordning that nevertheless wield as an Ooze that lives in giants’ bags—the aptly
Tune magic. named bag jelly.
2 iant Cultists. Other variations include giants Tables at the end of this chapter list all the crea-
that follow the cults of "interloper gods." Some of tures herein by giant kind, challenge rating, and
these are Fiends transformed by their devotion creature type.

Duar h saga clains bag Jellies are
the result of a,curse laid by Durarie
velojeforge, uha uas beaten bo death while
hiding inside а, giant bag.
—digby @
Im work ove to discount Dwarvi
Sagas аб a rule, uk everyowe
that роса lett in а hag tor long
sometimes comes olive, "Eat ik belove
it eats you." That's my motto,

Medium Doze, Unoligned
‘Armor Class 8
Hit Points42(598 20)
Speed 10 ft., climb 10 ft
за) 662) 1904) 2(4 7(2 2(-4
Bag jellies are olive-hued oozes similar to the dun Damage Resistances acid, bludgeoning
Econ scavengers described in the Monster Manual. Condition Immunities exhaustion
Senses blindsight 60 ft. (can't see beyond this radius).
As their name suggests, though, these creatures passive Perception 8
are most often found in the bags carried by giants, Languages —
where they feed on whatever organic material they Challenge1(200 xP) Proficiency Bonus +7
find. Bag jellies are resistant to squishing, which
helps them survive when a и throws the bag, sits
‘Amorphous. The bag jelly can move through a space as narr
251 inch without squeezing.
on it, or uses it as a makeshift bludgeon.
Some giants keep their bags scrupulously clean to ACTIONS
avoid attracting bag s, but others actually use Multiattack. The bag jelly makes two Pseudopod attacks
these scavengers to hinder thieves, Many would-be Pseudopod. Melee Weapon Attack; +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one t
thieves who rummage through a sleeping giant's get. Hit: (246 +1) acid damage. If the target is а Medium с
bag find themselves stuck to a bag jelly's adhesive smaller creature, it has the grappled condition (escape OC
surface and unable to flee as the sound of their Ability checks made to escape this grapple have disadvantag"
struggle wakes the giant.

Huge Undead, Typically Chaotic Evil
Armor Class 12 (natural armor)
Hit Points 138 (12d12+60)
Speed 40 ft.
2165) s) 2005) 503) 9(-1) 6(-2)
Damage Resistances necrotic, poison
Condition Immunities exhaustion, poisoned
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 9
Languages Giant.
Challenge 7 (2,900 XP) Proficiency Bonus +3
Stench, Any creature that starts its turn within 10 feet of the
barrowghast must make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw.
Опа failed save, the creature has the poisoned condition for
1 minute, While poisoned this way, the creature can't regain
hitpoints. On a successful save, the creature is immune to the
Stench of all barrowghasts for 24 hours.
Multiattack. The barrowghast makes two Slam attacks. It can
replace one Slam attack with a Life Drain attack
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target.
Hit: 18 (2412 + 5) bludgeoning damage.
BARROWGHAST Life Drain. Melee Weapon Attack: 48 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
АШ giant who dies with an empty stomach, full of creature. Hit: 9(1d8 + 5) necrotic damage, and the target must
таре and regret, might become suffused with energy succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or its hit point
from the Negative Plane and rise as a barrowghast. maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the damage taken.
Though it looks like little more than an animated
This reduction lasts until the target finishes a long rest. The
target dies if
this effect reduces its hit point maximum to 0.
Corpse, a barrowghast is filled with necrotic energy ‘A Humanoid slain by this attack immediately rises as a
and driven by spite and malice. Its blood is a thick zombie (see the Monster Manual). The zombie acts as an ally of
and toxic ichor that gives the barrowghast а nox- the barrowghast but isn't under its control
us stench.
Barrowghasts no longer hunger for physical food REACTIONS
ind instead crave life energy drained from living Noxious Wound. Immediately after the barrowghast takes
Creatures. They often target former family mem- Piercing or slashing damage, poisonous ichor sprays from the
“ersand allies, but they feast indiscriminately on wound. Each creature within 5 feet of the barrowghast must
“ty creatures they encounter. When barrowghasts
make a ОС 16 Dexterity saving throw, taking 10 (346) poison
"ain Humanoids’ life energy, those Humanoids rise
damage on a failed save, or halfasmuch damageona suc-
åS zombies, cessful one,

Stone giants believe the god Skoraeus Stonebones
inspires artists to create their finest stone carvings,
Sometimes agiant pursues this divine inspiratio a
to the exclusion of all other tasks, retreating into
spacious cavern and blocking out all distractio
Creating a masterwork can become such a driving
it: a giant who dies
obsession that death can't stop
cai mwight and
while creating art might rise as a
continue the work. Once the artwork is complete
the cairnwight remains as its undy ing guard ian.
A cairnwight looks much like an emaciated stone
giant. Its form is caked with lichens and miner
deposits, which help it blend with its cavern com.
Should а creature attempt to interfere with the
pletion ofthe cairnwight's project, damage the art.
or steal from the cairnwight, the giant petrifies the
creature, places the resulting statue outside as a
warning, then reseals its cavern vault

Huge Undead, Typically Neutral.
Armor Class 19 (natural armor)
Hit Points 138 (12412 + 60)
23066) 1060 2165) 1960) (3) $60
Saving Throws Con +9, Wis +5
SkillsAthletics +10, Perception «5, Stealth +8
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 15
Languages Giant
Challenge9(5,000 xP) Proficiency Bonus+4

Multiattack. The cairnwight makes two Slam attacks or two
Rock attacks, and it uses its Petrifying Touch ifavailable.
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 10 ft, one target
Hit: 22 (310 +6) bludgeoning damage.
Rock. Ranged Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, range 60/240 ft., опе
target. Hit: 19 (308 + 6) bludgeoning damage, and the target
must succeed on aDC 17 Strength saving throw or have the
prone condition
Petrifying Touch (Recharge 5-6). The cairnwight touches опе
Creature it can see within 10 feet of
itself. The target must sue
ceed on a DC 17 Constitution saving throw or take 26 (4812)
force damage and have the restrained condition as it begins te
turn to stone. The affected target must repeat the saving
at the end ofits next turn. On а successful save, the effect ends
on the target.On a failed save, the target has the petrified com
dition instead of the restrained

Cinder hulks are distant descendants of fire s
who isolated themselves from the world and veers
themselves in the energy of the Elemental Pech
Overthe course of centuries, these giants were
transformed into Elementals made of eneke ani
cinders. Half фе size of their giant ancestorsdi
hulks maint: the basic physical shape of red
ants, but ash and embers billow around their bare
cohesive physical forms. Заба
Cinder hulks live in isolated enclaves іп fier
locations on the Material Plane, in the Elemental
Planes of
Air and Fire, and especially in the Gre
Confagration, the border région between those tw
planes. They retain none of
the skills and motivation
Е Шыга гапссмоса they Mtl NENCO Bi
much as they can until their own flames аге extin-
guished. When a cinder hulk dies, it collapses into
billowing cloud of searing smoke. m
Large Elemental, Typically Chaotic Evil
‘Armor Class 16 (natural armor)
Hit Points 84 (8810 + 40)
Speed 40 ft.
маз 1200) 2065) 9(-1) 1462) 100)

Saving Throws Dex+5 +4, Con +8, Wis +5

Skills Perception son
Damage Immunities fire, poitio
Condition Immunities exhn 15 n, poisoned
Senses passive Perceptio
Languages Giant, Ignan Proficiency Bonus +3
Challenge 7 (2,900 XP)
Death Burst. When the cinder hulk dies, it oot- leaves behind a
cloud of cinders and smoke that fills a 10-f obscradi us sphere
Centered on its space. The sphere is heav ily ured. Any
creature that moves into the area for опthe afirst time on a turn
or starts its turn there must succeed DC 16 Constitution
savingthrow or take 10 (346) fire damangge.windThe cloud lasts for 1
minute or until it is dispersed by stro .
Multiattack. The cinder hulk m: akes two Slam attacks.
one target. Hit:
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft.,) fire
16 (2410 + 5) bludgeoning damage plus 10 (346 damage.
Wave ofCinders (Recharge 5-6). The cinder hulk іпemits a wave
of smoldering ash from its face, hands, or chest а 30-foot
DC 16 Dexterity
cone. Each creature in that area must make а
saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 31 (748) fire
damage and has the blinded condition until the end of its
next turn. On a successful save , a creat ure takes as
half much
| damage only

HANT Alignment
sant (Bard), Any
$ ‘Armo r Class 15 (natural armor)
Hit Points 337 (27412 + 162)
і Speed 40 ft., Пу 40 ft. (hover)
| STR DEX сом INT wis CHA
| 2708) 12 (41) 22 (+6) 19 (+4) 16 (+3) 22 (+6)
Cha +12
Saving Throws Con 412, Int +10, Wis +9,ption
Skills Deception +18, Insig ht +9, Perce +9
Damage Immun ities thund er
Senses truesight 30 ft. (requires Cloud Rune),
passive Perception 19
Languages Common, Giant
Challenge 19 (22,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +6

Cloud Rune. The giant has a cloud rune inscribed on a mask

its possession. While holding or wearing the maskfeetbeari ng t
rure, the giant has truesight within a range of 30 and
use its Thunderous Clap action and Negate Spell reaction.
The mask bearing the cloud rune has AC 15; 45 hit points
and immunity to necrotic, poison, and psychic damage. Theit
mask regains all its hit points at the end of every turn, but
turns to du st
if reduc ed to 0 hit point s or when the giant dies. If
the rune is destr oyed, the giant can inscr ibe a cloud rune опа
mask in its possession when it finishes а short or long rest
Multiattack. The giant makes three Flying Staffattacks.
Flying Staff. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach
„108. or range 30/90 ft., one target. Ни: 18 (3d6 + 8) bludgeon-
ing damage plus 16 (3410) thunder damage. Hit or Miss: The
staff magically returns to the giant's hand immediately after a
ranged attack.
‘Spellcasting. The giant casts one of the following spells, requir-
CLOUD GIANT ingnomaterial components and using Charisma as the spell-
castingability (spell save DC 20):
DESTINY GAMBLER At will:detectmagic, fog cloud, light, minor illusion
Cloud giants rise in the ordning by amassing valu- Tay each: dream (as an action), gaseous form, major image
able and beautiful treasures often by gambling. Thunderous Clap (Requires Cloud Rune). The giant magically
While many cloud giants are content withrisking summons a thundercloud that fills a 30-foot-radius sphere ce
their wealth in games with each other, those who tered on a point the giantcan see within 60 feet of itself. The
aim for the top oftheir ordning challenge all man- cloud spreads around corners. Each creature in that area must
ner of beings in games of chance and wit. A destiny make a DC 20 Constitution saving throw as the cloud emits a
gambler is a cloud giant who has won increasingly thunderous boom. On a failed save, a creature takes 52 (881
high-stakes wagers against other giants, smaller thunder damage and has the prone condition, On a successfu
save, a creature takes halfasmuch damage only. The thunder
folk, and even beings from the Outer Planes. clap is audible within 300 feet of the cloud's center point.
Destiny gamblers wear half masks that cover their The cloud's arca isheavily obscured. The cloud lingers unti
eyes. The masks’ runic magic allows these giants start ofthe giant's next turn or until a strong wind disperses
| notonly to see normally, but also to see through
illusions, invisibility, darkness, and other forms of REACTIONS
magical trickery. Negate Spell (Requires Cloud Rune). When the giant sees à
Years of successful wagers make destiny gamblers creature within 60 feet ofitself casting a spell, the giant tries
so confident in their ability to win any challenge
that they invite potential rivals to name the terms
of awager. Those who are foolish enough to issue a
combat challenge quickly find these giants’ magical
prowess is nearly unmatched.


Given their inherent linktoelemental air, cloud
giants who turn from the gods of the Ordning often
gravitate to the service of Yan-C-Bin, Prince of Evil
Air. These giants! cunning, charisma, and sheer
physical and magical might make them well suited
10 leadership positions in the cultsofElemental
Evil. A cult wit loud giant at its head can be a
Tormidalle ceion anddestructionin
the world, As if that weren't enough, cloud giants.
often bring tremendous wealth with them, swell.
ing the cult's coffers to finance more farreaching
A cloud giant dedicated to Evil Air wears a magic
vest adorned withwings made from roc feathers
and enchanted with elemental air,allowingth
и to fly. The vest functions only for the gi
whowears it,
Huge Giant, Typically Neutral Evl
‘Armor Class 14 (natural armor)
Hit Points 200 (16412 + 96)
Speed 40 ft, fly40 ft
27 (+8) (0) 226 1244) 1643) 194)
Saving Throws Con +10, Wis +7, Cha +8
‘Skills Insight +7, Perception +7, Stealth +4
Senses passive Perception 17.
Languages Auran, Common, Giant
Challenge 12 (8,400 XP) Proficiency Bonus +4
Flyby. The giant doesn't provoke an opportunity attack when it
без out of an enemy's reach.
Multiattack, The giant makes two Scimitar attacks and one — |
Storm Boomerang attack.
Scimitar, Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 10 ft., one tar-
get. Hit: 18 (346 + 8) slashing damage. |
Storm Boomerang. Ranged Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, range
DESTINY GAMBLER SPELL WINNINGS 60/240 ft, one target. НИ: 15 (384 + 8) bludgeoning damage —|
plus 7 (296) thunder damage, and the target
Destiny gamblers aren't content with winning mere
treasures, preferring to play for power and favors from опа DC 16 Constitution saving throwor have must the
succeed — |
condition until the end of its next turn. or Miss: The boo-
creatures who possess great magic. Tales passed merang magically returns to the giant's Hit hand immediately after
through cloud giant generations tell ofa giant who out- the attack
witted a celestial being to win a feather imbued with Spelcestng Thegiant casts one of
the light ofan extinct sun, and anotherwhoobtained the following spells, requir-
ing no material components and using Charis
a fraction of power from the demon lord Orcus. To de- ell-
pict a destiny gambler who won such a wager, you can casting ability (spell save DC 16j: me spell
‘add one or more of these spells to the destiny gam- At will: detect magic, fog cloud, light
Мег Spellcasting action, each castable once per day: 2/day: telekinesis
circle ofdeath, harm, Otiluke's freezing sphere, sunbeam. day: goseous form
Ec. a
Long ago, a large and of cloudgiants traveled to
the Shadowfell in searchofa way to preserve their
collapsing empire. Desperate to save themselves
andtheir way of life, they collectively made a bet
with the Raven Queen, amysterious god ofdeath
and memory who dwells on that plane, Accounts of.
that bet andits outcome vary: some saythe Raven
Queen answered every riddle the giants posed until
the giants collapsed from exhaustion, while others
describe aseriof esincreasingly improbable events
favoring the Raven Queen in every wager. What is
certain is that the giants severely underestimated
the Raven Queen, When they lost their wager, the
Shadowfell became their home, and they have
grudgingly served the Raven Queen ever since.
Over time, the Shadowfell transformed thes
giants; their bodies shriveled, and their comple
ions took on а deep-purple hue, They became the
first death giants, and theirdescendants haunt the
Shadowfell to this day, searching both that plane
and the Material Plane for souls that might please
their divine queen.
Death giant reapers wield massive scythes and wear
armor that resembles the carapaces of giant insects,
They wield the magic of shadow, which lets them
take on a ghastly appearance and disappear, as well
as twist shadow into terrifying bolts of energy that
drain the vigoroftheir victims.


| HugeGiant, Any Alignment Multiattack. The giant makes two Scythe or Soul Bolt attacks.
| ArmorClass18 (plate) Scythe, Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 15 ft., one
| НЕ Points172(15412
+75) target. Hit: 21 (348 + 8) slashing damage plus 11 (2410)
| Speed40ft. necrotic damage,
Soul Bolt. Ranged Spell Attack: +8 to hit, range 120 ft., one
| smR рх сом іт WS СНА creature. Hit; 26 (4d10+4) necrotic damage. If the target has
2(8) MEY 2065) 1864) 1663) 15 (43) the frightened condition, the giant gains temporary hit points
equal to the damage dealt.
| Saving Throws Con +9, Int +8, Wis +7, Cha +7
| Skills Arcana +8, History +8, Perception +7, Stealth +6 Bonus Actions
Damage Immunities necrotic Frightening Teleport (Recharge 4-6). The giant magically tele-
| Condition Immunities frightened ports, along with any equipment itis wearing carrying, up to
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 17 40 feet to an unoccupied space it can see, Eachor creat
Languages Giant 10 eet ure within
Challenge 12 (8,400 ХР) Proficiency Bonus +4 ofthe locationthegiant left must succeed on а DC
Wisdom saving throw or have the frig hten
— end of
that creature's next turn, ed cond itio n until the
‫س‬ MM ммм „м‫‏‬
bo mabe
1 Most giants bnew better than
айregular use oly Мае Atok run

Adeath giant shrouded onehas learned the secrets

of death magic—some say fromthe Raven Queen
herself, А shrouded one collects the skulls of fallen
kin and inscribes the death rune on a prized skull
from this grisly collection. Abandoning armor in
favor of gloomy robes, the shrouded one uses rune
magic to с г a shadowy scythe blade at the end of
a staff and to conjure an aura of tormented souls for

DEATH GIANT SHROUDED ONE Soul Burst, Melee or Ranged Spell Attack: +11 to hit, reach 10 ft.
Huge Giant (Wizard), Any Alignment or range 120 ft., one target. Hit: 28 (4410 + 6) necrotic damage.
the target has the frightened condition, the giant gains tem-
Armor Class 12 (15 with mage armor) porary hit points equal to the damage dealt.
Hit Points195 (17412 + 85) Reaping Scythe (Requires Death Rune}. Melee SpellAttack:
| Speed 40ft. +11 to hit, reach 15 ft, one creature. Hit: 38 (7410) necrotic
damage, and the target can't regain hit points until the end of
| 2768)
DEX CON INT WIS. CHA its next turn. The target dies if it is reduced to 0 hit points by
14002) 2005) 23 (6) 16(3) 1603) this attack,
Saving Throws Con +10, Int +11, Wis +8, Cha +8 Spellcasting. The giant casts one of the following spells, using
Skills Arcana +11, Perception +8, Stealth +7 Intelligence as the spellcasting ability:
|Damage Immunities necrotic At will: detect magic, mage armor
| Condition Immunities frightened 3/day each: speak with dead, Tenser's floating disk
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 18
|Languages Common, Giant Bonus Actions
Challenge 15 (13,000 ХР) Proficiency Bonus +5 Frightening Teleport (Recharge 4-6). The giant magically tele-
||Death Rune. The giant has a death rune inscribed on a giant's ports, along with any equipment it is wearing or carrying, up to
Skull in its possession. While holding or wearing the skull bear- 40 feet to an unoccupied space it can see. Each creatu re
the location the giant left must succeed on a DCwithin
10 feet of
Wisdom saving throw or have the frightened condition until 19the
ing the rune, the giant can use its Reaping Scythe action and
‘Shroud of Souls bonus action.
The skull bearing the death rune has AC 18; 35 hit points; and end of that creature's next turn.
immunity to necrotic, poison, and psychic damage. The skull ‘Shroud of Souls (Requires Death Rune). The giant shrouds itself
‘egains all its hit points at the end of
every turn, but it turns to in atorrent ofsouls. While the giant is shrouded, each creature
dust ifreduced to 0 hitpoints or when the giant dies. If the rune that startsits turn within 5 feeoftthe giant must succe
15destroyed, the giant can inscribe a death rune on another а DC 19 Wisdom saving throw or have disadvantage on edsavin on
skull in its possession when it finishes a short or long rest. throws until the end of that creature's next turn, The shroud g
disappears after 1 minute, when the giant dies, when the giant
| Actions uses this bonus action again, or when the giant's death rune
Multiattack. The giant makes three Soul Burst attacks. Alterna- destroyed, is
tively, ifthe giant has its death rune, it can make three Reapin g
Scythe attack:


When Annam's children first began to populate the
worlds of the Material Plane, the All-Father cre- AEROSAUR
ated behemoth dinosaurs to live alongside them as Gargantuan Monstrosity, Unaligned
companions. The primeval magic used to create the
Armor Class 14 (natural armor)
dinosaurs still thrums through their being and man- Hit Points 155 (10420 + 50).
ifests in colorful, scar-like lines on their towering “Speed
bodies. Some of these ancient dinosaurs persist in
timeless jungles, hidden enclaves, and other lands STR рх сом INT wis CHA
untouched by the rest of the world. (8) 10(0) 21 (+5) 3(-4 10 (+0) 5(-3)
AEROSAUR |SkillsPerception +4
_ Senses passive Perception 14
A pterosaur the size of the most ancient dragons, an Languages —
aerosaur boasts a wingspan of nearly 200 feet. Ele- Challenge 10 (5,900 XP) Proficiency Bonus +4
mental energy traces patterns like lightning across
its scales, giving additional thunderous power to the Magic Resistance. The aerosaur has advantage on saving
beating of its enormous wings. throwsagainst spells and other magical effects.
Muliiattack. The aerosaur makes one Bite attack and one
The altisaur is a titanic sauropod often likened to a Talons attack.
walking mountain, with craggy spines, patterns of Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target.
elemental energy that glow in its hide like streams Hit: 27 (3412+8) piercing damage. If the target is a Huge ог
of lava, and eight massive legs the size of ancient _smallercreature, it has the grappled condition (escape DC 18).
trees. It creates gullies where its tail drags along Until this grapple ends, the target has the restrained condition,
the ground. Clouds often seem to gather around another target.
its head, which can reach as high as 150 feet off | Talons. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 10 ft., one tar-
the ground. |get. Hit: 24 (3410 + 8) slashing damage.
ing Gusts (Recharge 5-6), The aerosaur beats its wings, cre-
CERATOPS ursts of
thunderous force, Each creature within 10 feet
Stretching over 200 feet from the tip of its enor- rosaur must make a DC 20 Strength saving throw. On
mous nose horn to the end of its spiky tail, а сег.
atops gleams with lines of vibrant green energy in 3 на
its thickly scaled hide. Its horn alone is larger than 2sful save,acreature takes half
15 feet horizontally from
most giants, and the ceratops can trample ancient PE cu
forests under its feet when it becomes enraged.


Gargantuan Monstrosity, Unaligned
Armor Class16(natural armor)
its198 (12420+72) Hit Points 139 (9920+45)
140ft. Speed 50ft.

6(2 2366 3(-4) ра) 7(2) UEN зе) AES 4(3) 1000) 70-2)

kills Perception +11 Senses passive Perception 10
lenses passive Perception 21 Languages —
Challenge 9 (5,000 ХР) Proficiency Bonus +4
Proficiency Bonus +5
Magic Resistance. The ceratops has adva e on saving
йсResistance. The altisaur has advantage on saving throws throws against spells and other magical ntag
inst spells and other magical effects.
Multiattack, The ceratops makes one Gioreattack andone
Multiattack, The altisaur makes one Stomp attack and опе Stomp attack.
„та ittack, The altisaur can't make both attacks against the
Gore, Mele Weapon Attack: +1 to hit, reach 10 ft.,
Hit: 29 (4810 + 7) piercing damage. If the ceratops one target,
least 20 fetin a straight line toward the target moved st
before the hit, the target takes an extra immediately
11 (241 0)
age; ifthe target is a creature, italso must suc piercing dam-
19 Strength saving throw or be pushed up ceed on a DC
ceratops and have the prone condition, to 20 feet from the
Stomp. Melee Weapon Attack: +1 1 to hi
Hit: 29 (481+ t,reach 5 one target.
ылы 07)bludgeoning дата
RY 129


Aptly called “the ruler of dinosaurs,” a regisaur is
an enormous predator large enough to swallow a
giant whole. Fiery veins of elemental energy course
through its skin and glow in its eyes and nostrils.
‫پپپ‬ ‫ھچ ص چ‬ ‫یھ‬
| REGISAUR grappled condition (escape DC 18). Until this grapple ends, the
| Gargantuan Monstrosity, Unaligned target has the restrained condition, and the regisaur can't Bite
another target.
| Armor Class 17 (natural armor) Tail. Melee Weapon Attack; 413 to hit, reach 20 ft., one target
Hit Points 181 (11420 + 66) Hit: 26 (498 + 8) bludgeoning damage.
Speed 40 ft.
STR DEX сом INT WIS CHA ‘Swallow. Melee Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, reach 5 ft., one Huge.
Z8) вс) 2366 463 126) 662) or smaller creature grappled by the regisaur. Hit: The regisaur
swallows the target, and the grapple ends. A swallowed crea:
| Senses passive Perception 11 ture has the blinded and restrained conditions, it has total
Languages — ‘cover against attacks and other effects outside the regisaur,
Challenge 14 (11,500 XP) Proficiency Bonus +5 and it takes 7 (246) acid damage at the start of each of its
turns. The regisaur can have up to two creatures swallowed
| Magic Resistance. The regisaur has advantage on saving throws. ata time.
| against spells and other magical effects. Ifthe regisaur takes 25 damage or more on a single turn from
a swallowed creature, the regisaur must succeed on a DC 16
Actions Constitution saving throw at the end of that turn or regurgitate
Multiattack. The regisaur makes опе Bite attack and one the creature, which falls in a space within 5 feet of
the regisaur
| Tail attack. The regisaur can't target the same creature with and has the prone condition; the creature no longer has the
both attacks. blinded and restrained conditions,
| Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target.
Hit: 47 (6d12 +8)piercing damage, and the target has the

s hulKs Ка
W bengling be view the variou
р ot he la ng , sl au de cl in e ofthe от
rdly fajr to the
жо геа, ‘put that’s ha
d thrive in the
giants vho still survive on
orld, heirs afbrenendous gl

Large Elemental, Typically Chaotic Neutral
‘Armor Class 16 (natural armor)
Hit Points 62 (8910 + 24)
Speed0ft., fy 30 ft. (hover)
1562) 19 (+4) 16 (3) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) зо)
Damage Immunities poison
Condition Immunities exhaustion, grappled, paralyzed, |
petrified, poisoned, restrained |
Senses darkiision 60 ft, passive Perception 11 |
Languages Giant, Terran
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP) Proba) вна о |
Air Form, The dust hulk can enter a hostile creature's space and.
stop there. It сап move through a space as narrow as 1 inch
without squeezing.
Death Burst, When the dust hulk dies, it explodes in a burst of
dust that fils a 10-foot-radius sphere centered on itself. Each
Dust HULK creature іп that area must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution.
Dust hulks are descended from enclaves of stone saving throw or have the blinded condition for 1 minute. An — |
giants who lived in extreme environments, isolated affected creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each
from others. Elemental energy from the Plane of Air ofits turns, ending the effect on itselfona success.
eroded their physical forms and slowly transformed AcTIONS
them into Elementals. They are little more than Multiattack The dust hulk makes three Slam attacks. It can
clouds of gravel and dust, barely maintainingacohe- replace one of these attacks with Stinging Dust.
sive form, When a dust hulk dies, it disperses into a ‘Slam, Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10 ft, one target.
cloud of dust. Hit: 13 (248+4)bludgeoning damage.
Dust hulks retain their ancestors’ passion for art- Stinging Dust. One creature ofthe dust hulk's choice inside
istry, but instead of carving stone, they view their its space must make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw. On a
bodies as living works of art. As they fly, coursing failed save, the creature takes 10 (396) bludgeoning damage
along wind currents or blowing through under- and has the blinded condition until the end of its next turn. On
ground tunnels like living sandstorms, they create a successful save, the creature takes halfasmuch damage only.
mesmerizing dances with their ever-shifting forms.

Main wrought by.the hand
(or tentacle, watever) of a denon lord is
|. rightlyмызы os a “blessing,”

Some legends claim the first ettins were orcs
transformed by Demogorgon, the Prince of De
mons, while others tie their origin to Grolantor or
another god of the Ordning. Whatever the truth of
theirorigin,ettins sometimes recognize a kindred
soul in the two-headed Demogorgon and devote
themselves to his service. Those who prove excep
tionally valuable to Demogorgon's purposes in the
Material Plane are rewarded with a “blessing” that
transforms them into monstrous echoes of their de-
топ patron.
The arms of an echo of Demogorgon transform
into powerful tentacles, and the heads take on a
more bestial appearance. The transformation leaves
the echo frenzied with rage; the two heads shout
and howl at each other with а fury that resound
with demonic magic, sowing discord and confusion
around them. As the echo's monstrous heads roar
and bite at each other, nearby creatures are racked
with psychic pain orjoininthe ruckus, attacking
their allies.
| Есно or DEMOGORGON Wakeful. When one of the echo's heads is asleep, its other
Large Fiend (Demon) Typically Chaotic Ei head is awake.
Armor Class 14 (natural armor)
Hit Points 85 (10410 + 30) ‘Multiattack. The echo makes two Tentacle attacks.
Speed 40 ft. Tentacle, MeleeWeapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
target. Hit: 13 (286 + 6) bludgeoning damage plus 9 (298)
STR DEX сом іт WIS СНА necrotic damage.
22 (+6) 1060) 1763) 1060) 126) MEY
Bonus Actions
Saving Throws Str +9, Cha +5 Discordant Screams. The echo directs its frenzied howls at
Perception +7 ‘one creature it can see within 60 feet of itself. The target must
DamageResistances cold,fire,lightning succeed on а ОС 13 Wisdom saving throw or suffer
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened following effects of the echo's choice: one of the
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 17
Languages Abyssal, Giant, Orc Confused Reaction. The target must use its reaction to make
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP) Proficiency Bonus +3 a meleeattac
ee that the echo kcanagaisee.
nst another cre; "s
| Magic Resistance. The echo has advantage on saving throws Psychic Torment.The target takes 13a (2412) psychic damas
‘against spells and other magical effects.

Ettins, however, proved to be perfect subjects,
An ettin'stwo brains provide sufficient food for two
tadpoles, andthetwo tadpoleare s able to transform
the entirety of the ettin’s body,creating апettin
ceremorph. As part of the transformation proc
{the cttin’s headssinks into the body,with
that bı in focused on controlling the body. The
other head focuses on cogitation and psi ic power, ч
though its power is not as great as amind flayer's.
Ettin ceremorphs serve mind ayer colonies, pro-
tecting the elder brains that rule the communiti
and guarding their treasures. They retain no mem-
ory oftheirprevious existence asettins.

Large Aberration, Typically Lawful Evil
Armor Class 15 (natural armor)
Hit Points 104 (11d10 + 44)
Speed 40 ft.
J8(4) 142) 1804) 1864) 15(62 14(42)
Saving Throws Int 47, Wis +5
Skills Perception +8
Damage Resistances psychic
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, stunned,
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 18
Languages Deep Speech, Giant, Undercommon,
telepathy 60 ft.
Challenge8(3,900 xP) L ку Bonus+3
Magic Resistance, The ceremorph has advan on saving
throws against spells and other magical effecttage
Multiattack. The ceremorph makes one Tentacles attack
one Slam attack. The ceremorph can replace one of and
with a Mind Bolt attack, if available. the attac ks
Tentacles. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
creature, Hit: 15 (2810 + 4) psychic dama
Large or smaller, it has the grappled condge.
itio n
Ifthe target is
and must succeed on a DC 15 Intelligence saving(escthroape DC 14) |
w or have
the stunned condition until this grapple ends,
Slam Melee Weapon Attack: +7 o hit, reach 10 ft,
Hit: 22 (448 +4) bludgeoning damage one target.
ETTIN CEREMORPH Extract Brain. Melee Weapon Attack:
Mind flayers, which are described in the Monster incapacitated Humanoid grappled by the ceremo
rph, Hit: SS
Manual, are created through ceremorphosis, a pro-
ess that begins with the implantation ofanillithid О it points, the сегетоп
tadpole in the brain of aHumanoid host. Mind flay devouring its brain
ers have subjected giants to this process in an effort Mind Bolt (3/Day). Ranged Sp,ell Attack: +7
to hit, range ft,
to create larger, stronger mind flayers, but those one creature. Hit: 17 (2d12 + 4) Psy chic damage, and the120target
must succeedona DC 15 Inte
elligence saving thr
end of ts next tu ow or have the
experiments all ended in failure: a giant's body is
stunned condition until the.
simply too large for a single tadpole to take over.


FENSIRS 1 2 thes
Long ago, a band of frost giants led trolls in a
campaign to win Annam's favorbyconquering —Piaby
the outer plane of Ysgard. The campaign's aspi-
rations of conquest quickly failed, but the raiders
discovered a key feature of Ysgard: Ana
slain on that plane return to life the next dawn. J,et,can we fairly say that the
Thus, the giants’ incursion became a part ofthe existence са "
eternal battle that rages across the plane. Thetrolls, x oF resins is transçarently
whose fundamental nature was altered by constant bad ! Some уніі
regeneration and rebirth amid the energy Aer
of Ysgard, ght argue
ane they are a
slowly changed into entirely new creatures: fensirs Significant improvement over rotis бе
Fensirs' troll ancestry is hardly apparent in their th
appearance, They retain prominent noses and a hint e very least, the diversity ely Ule in the
of green in their skin but otherwise resemble rela- ‚ multiverse creased,
tively small frost or stone giants. They use armor and new wonders
в weapons similar to what other combatants on
and cm ;
ard use іп the eternal battle. revealed,
ы 4. That's only bad ilr you
The transformation that created fensirs left them
with an odd quirk to their regenerative Я powers: the A think а al uni
small Е
niverse that fits within
regeneration doesn't function in sunlight, and in Pe your narrow unde vst,
fact,: sunlight can turn these creatures to stone. anding is good.

Fensir skirmishers boast great skill inthebattle , honed
over centuries of endless conflict on battlefields
of Ysgard. They also wield elemental magic of earth
and stone, True to their giant heritage, they can
FENSIR DEVOURER transform even a pinch of mud or gravel into a boul-
der suitable for hurling, and the thrown stone
Some fensirs undergo a transformation aft living in flight to knock its target flat on impact.
in Ysgard for at least a thousand years, They grow
rapidly to a height of 25 feet, fueled by an insatiable FENSIR SKIRMISHER
hunger. These fensir devourers use their great size , LargeGiant, AnyAlignment.
and strength to overwhelm foes. They can also issue
a baleful curse in their final moments, Armor Class15(chain shirt)
Hit Points94(9410 +45)
Speed 30ft.
Typically Chaotic Neurol STR DEX сом іт WS СНА
заа 562 2005) 462 NEO 126)
Class 17 (natural armor)
138 (12812 + 60) Saving Throws Int +5, Wis +3
140 ft. Skills Perception +6
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 16
STR рх сом INT WS CHA Languages Common, Giant
2065) 10(0) 2145) 1060) 14(2) 10) Challenge6(2,300 ХР) Proficiency Bonus +3
‘Skills Survival +8, Perception +8 Regeneration. The fensir regains 10 hit points at the start ofits
darkvision 60 ft, passive Perception 18 urn ifit isn't in sunlight. If the fensir takes acid or fire damage,
Proficiency Bonus +3
this trait doesn't function at the start ofthe fensir's next turn.
The fensirdies only if itstarts its turn withОhit points and
th Curse. When the fensir stars its ция with O hit points doesn't regenerate,
doesn't regenerate, it releases a curse on those around Sunlight Hypersensitivity. When thefensirstarts its turn in
it, Each creature within 30 feet of the fensir when it dies must sunlight, it must succeed on а DC 15 Constitution saving throw
succeed on a DC 13 Charisma saving throw or be cursed for the or have the petrified condition until the fensir is no longer
next 24 hours. in sunlight.
hile cursed in this way, an affected creature gains no benefit
ishing a short or long rest At the end of every hour, the 1 ACTIONS:
ture must succeed on a DC 13 Charisma saving throw or Multiattack. The fensir makes three Battleaxe attacks or two
(2810) psychic damage.
| Magic Stone attacks.
The fensir regains 10 hit points at the start ofits Battleare. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one tar-
їпsunlight, If the fensir takes acid or fire damage, get. Hit: 13 (288 + 4) slashing damage, or 15 (2410 + 4) slash-
loesn't function atthe start of the fensir’s next turn, ing damage if used with two hands.
dies onlyifitstarts its turn with 0 hit points and Magic Stone.RanSpell ged Attack: +5 hit, range 60 ft., one
target. Hit 15 (0812 + 2) bludgeoning todamage
ivity. When the fensir starts its turn in Large or smaller creature, it must succeed on .а IfDCthe13target Streng
is a
istsucceed on а DC 15 Constitution saving throw saving throw or have the prone condition.
petrified condition until the fensir is no longer ‘Mud to Stone (Recharge 6). The fensir lobs a magical mass
‘ofmud that splashes all creatu res in а 30-foot-radius sphere
Centered on a point the fensir can see within 60 feet of itself,
Each nonfensir creature in that area must succeed on a DC 13
ack. The fensir makes two attacks, using Rend, Boul- Dexterity saving throw or take 13 (348) bludg
|der, or a combination of them. and have the restrained condition as the mud eonin g damage
Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10 ft, one target. to stoneAn . affected
the nd ofits next turn,creatur e must repeat the saving tothrow
(3410 + 5) slashing damage. On a successful save, the effect endsat
Boulder. Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to hit,range 60/240 ft., one с сана save, the creature has the petrified
. Hit: 18 (2412 + 5) bludgeoning damage. Ifthe target а
ог smaller creature, it must succeed on aDC 16 Strength Spellcasting. The fensir casts one of
savingthrowor have the prone condition. After the fensir inteligenceasthespelkastipabiythe follo, i
| throwsthe boulder, гої а d6; onaroll ofогlower, the fensir Ра using
вауday each:eac
te ete orord
estroyroy wotwater,detectmagic, pass
sno more boulderstothrow.
——— ah
Fiatot Манокага


Primevac Wanptw Medium Humanoid (Druid), Any Alignment
Armor Class 16 (hide armor, shield)
FIRBOLGS Hit Points 65 (1088 +20)
Speed 30 ft
Distant cousins of giants, the first firbolgs wan-
dered the primeval forest ofsthemultiverse, and STR рх сом іт WIS СНА
the magic of those forests entwined itself with the (3) MEZ (2 12() 1603) 160)
firbolgs' souls. Ages later, that magic still thrums Saving Throws Int 43, Wis «5
inside firbolgs. Skills Medicine+5,Nature«3,Perception 47
rbolgs are often drawn to the service or emu- Senses passive Perception 17
lation of the gods Di and Hiatea. Firbolgs’ Languages Common, Druidic, Giant
innate magic of obscurement and trickery resonates Challenge4(1,100 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2
with Diancastra's wilyresourcefulness, A traditional
emphasis on community and harmony leads many ACTIONS
firbolgs to pledge themselves to Hiatea’s service. Multiattack. The firbolg makes two Spear or Fire Lance attacks.
Spear. Melee orRanged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.or
FIRBOLG PRIMEVAL WARDEN | range 20/60 ft., one target, Hit: 6 (196 +3) piercing damage
Like giant priests of Hiatea, firbolgs who serve her plus 9 (2d8) fire damage.
fall into two distinct roles that parallel Hiatea's Fire Lance, Ranged Spell Attack: +5 to hit, range 120 ft., one tar
dual nature. At home, primeval wardens tend the get. Hit: 14 (2410+3) firedamage,
hearths and tutor the young, Primeval wardens who Spellcasting. The firbolg casts one ofthe following spells, using
patrol the borders of firbolg communities arefierce Wisdom asthe spellcasting ability (spellsave DC 13):
hunters who guard against external threats and At vill entangle, speak with animals, speck with plants
incursions. 1/day each: commune with nature (as an action), detect magic.
disguise self
Bonus Actions
Firbolgs inspired by the Hidden Step (2/Day). The firbolg magically turns invisible
on adventures to create their own legends. the startofits next tum, until it makes an attack roll, or untiluntilit
wanderers use their magic for trickery and disguise forces someone to make a saving throw.
to emulate Diancastra.


Medium Humanoid (Cleric), Any Alignment
‘Armor Class 16 (breastplate)
Hit Points 90 (1248 + 36)
й Я Speed30ft.
3663) 14 (42) 1663) (2) 1763) 1603)
, Saving Throws Dex +5, Cha +6
Skills Perception +6, Persuasion +6, Stealth +5
| Senses passive Perception 16
Languages Common, Giant
| Challenge5(1,800 ХР) Proficiency Bonus +3
attack. The firbolg makes two attacks using Longsword,
Bewitching Bolt, or a combination of
48 + 3) slashing damage, ord (110 +3) slashing
ised with two hands, plus 9 (248) psychic damage.


BaiseThe firbolg casts one of the following spells, using

т as
the spellcasting ability(spell save OC 14): FIREGAUNT
mage hand, minor illusion, Tasha's hideous laughter A fire giant whose burning hatred prevents it from
y each:detect magic, disguise зеў, dispel magic, polymorph
mo ng on to the afte i e rises as a firegaunt.
NUS ACTIONS Spawned from deep rancor, the firegaunt seeks
DuplicitousMovement (1/Day). The firbolg projects an illusory out living creatures to destroy. Like a specter, it
|duplicate of itselfinan unoccupied space it can see within 30 doesn't seek redemption; itjust hopes to cause as
of itself. The firbolg can then swap placeswiththe illusion. much destruction as possible before attaining its
he illusion vanishes after 1 minute, ifthefirbolgis incapaci- final oblivion.
| or ifthe illusion is more than 120 feet from the firbolg А firegaunt looks like a severely burned corpse.
bonus action on later turns, the
firbolg can move the. Supernatural crimson flames flow through its veins
пup to 30 feet and can then swap places with it. erupting from its wounds and its mouth.

GAUNT slashing damage, thatcreature takes 5 (1810) fire damage.

Indead, Typically Lawful Evil Actions
| Armor Class 15 (damaged plate) Multiattack. The firegaunt makes two Heated Maul attacks.
|, Hit Points 175 (1412+84) Heated Maul. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 10 ft, one
|Speed 40 ft. target. Hit 23 (3410 + 7) bludgeoning damage. The fregaunt
| stk рех сом INT WIS CHA сап cause the maul to erupt with crimson flames, and the tar-
get must succeed on a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw or take 10
за) 7 (-2) 23 (46) 1060) маз 13 (+) (046) fire damage and 10 (346) necrotic damage. The maul can
erupt with flames in this way onlyonceper turn.
| Saving Throws Dex +2, Con +10, Cha +5 Crimson Rays (Recharge 5-6). The fregaunt emits beams of
E Athletics +11, Perception +6
| Damage Resistances necrotic fire from its eyes, mouth, and wounds in a 30-foot cone. Each
| Damage Immunities fre, poison creature in that area must make a ОС 18 Dexterity saving
Condition Immunities exhaustion, petrified, poisoned throw, taking 31 (748) fire damage on a failed save, or halfas
Senses passive Perception 16 much damage on a successful one.On a success or failure,
Languages Giant that creature catches fire. Until the burning creature or another
Ch Proficiency Bonus +4 creature that сап reach И takes an action to extinguish fire,
the burning creature can't regain НИ points and takes 5the(1910)
| Fire Blood. Whenever a creature within 5 feet of the firegaurt fire damage at the start ofeach of its turns.
hits the firegaunt with a melee attack that deals piercing ог
IARY — 197
<= эү
A fire giant who masters traditional rune magic
can control the heat of avolcanic environment and
conjure raw elemental energy of fire and magma. In
а fire giant community, these forgecallers oversee
both forges and the community's defense, often in
Surtur's name. Some forgecallers prefer to live and
work in isolation, seeking the hottest fires in volca-
noes’ hearts orthe Elemental Plane of Fire to pur-
sue their own crafts and studies.
А forgecaller is a walking furnace, clad head to toe
in plate armor that seems to barely contain intense
heat and billowing smoke. They conjure waves of
magma and can fly by jetting magical fire from their
legs and body.
Huge Giant (Cleric), Any Alignment
‘Armor Class 18 (plate)
Hit Points 312 (25412+150)
Speed 30 ft., Пу 30 ft. (hover)
25 (+7) по) 2366) 1663) 2165) 18(4)
Saving Throws Dex +6, Int +9, Wis +11
Skills Athletics +13, Perception +11
Damage Immunities fire
Senses passive Perception 21
Languages Common, Giant
Challenge 18 (20,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +6
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). f the giant fails a saving throw,
it can choose to succeed instead.
Fire Rune. The giant has a fire rune inscribed on a medallion or | Heated Rock. Ranged Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, range 60/240
some other object in its possession. While holding or wearing ft., one target. Hit: 23 (3410 + 7) bludgeoning damage plus 19
the object bearing the rune, the giant can use its Magma Wave (3412) firedamage. If the target is aLarge or smaller creature, |
action and Furnace Armor bonus action. it must succeed on a DC 21 Strength saving throw or have the
The object bearing the rune has AC 15; 40 hit points; and prone condition, After the giant throws the rock, roll a d6;
immunity to necrotic, poison, and psychic damage. The object roll of 3or lower, the giant has no more rocks to throw. on a
regains all its hit points at the end ofevery turn, but it turns Марта Wave (Requires Fire Rune). The giant emits a wave
to dust if reduced to0 hit points or when the giant dies. If the of magma from its fre rune in a 30-foot cone. Each creatur
rune is destroyed, the giant can inscribe a fire rune on an object in that area must make аDC 19 Dexterity saving throw. One a
in its possession when it finishes a short or long rest. failed save,a creature takes36 (8d8) fire damag
restrained condition, As an action, a creature cane and
has the
ACTIONS 19 Strength (Athletics) check, freeing itselfora creature awithinDC
Multiattack. The giant makes three Forge Hammer attacks or its reach from the rock on a success. The rock
two Heated Rock attacks. creature has AC 17; 20 hit points; and immunityrestrai
ning each
fire, poison,
Forge Hammer. Melee Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, reach 10 ft. and psychic damage. On a successful save, a creature takes half
one target.Hit: 24 (56+7) bludgeoning damage. Hit or Miss: as much damage only.
The giant can cause the hammto er
emitaburst of heat ina
30-foot-radius sphere centered on thetarget.Metal objects in Bonus Actions
that area glow red-hot until the start of the giant's next Furnace Armor (Requires Fire
‘Any creature in physical contact with aheated object at turn,
the and cinders to billow from its Rune
). The giant causes smoke
r, inga30-foot-radius
start ofts turn must make a DC 19 Constitution saving throw. sphere centered on the giant. While thefillarmo
Опа failed save, the creature takes 10 (346) fire Smoke, the giant hashalf cover.The armor stop r is billowing
has disadvantage on attack rolls until the start ofitsdamage
turn smokeafter 1 minute, when the giant dies, whens billo wing
unless it has immunity to fire damage. The hammer can emit а bonus action to end the effec the
с giant usesА |
heat in this way only once per turn. destroyed. t, or when the giant's fire rune is |
Huge Giant, Typically Lawful Evil
| Armor Class 18 (plate)
Hit Points 150 (12412 + 72)
Speed 30 ft.
25 (+7) 9(-1) 23166) 1060) 19 (+4) 14 (2)
Saving Throws Con +10, Wis +8, Cha +6
Skills Athletics +11, Perception +8
Damage Immunities fire
‘Senses passive Perception 18
Languages Common, Giant, Ignan
Challenge 10 (5,800 ХР) Proficiency Bonus +4

Shrapnel Explosion. When the giant drops to 0 hit points, its
armor explodes, destroying the giant's body and scattering the
arm asor
shrapnel, Creatures within 10 feet ofthe giant
its armor explodes must make a DC 18 Dexterity saving when throw,
taking 21 (696) piercing damage on a failed save, or halfas
FIRE GIANT OF EVIL FIREflame, much damage оп a successful one.
Afire giant is born агош ind flame, workst ии
and lives among flames, but a fire gian s gu Evi Multiattack. The giant makes two Searing Scepter attacks or
into flames too deeply may see the e to pom two Bolt of Imix attacks.
Fire, Іпіх, gazing back. Giants who fall like- Searing Scepter. Melee Weapon Attack: «11 to hit, reach 10
corruption might leave their homes tojoin with ft, one target. Hit: 17 (3d6 + 7) bludgeoning damage plus 9
hin their com-
minded cultists, but others remain wit (298) fire damage, and the target is magically branded. While
munities to pursue Imix's destructive agenda. с branded in this way, the target becomes visible if it's invisible,
Afire giant of Evil Fire forges a set of е сап can't become invisible, and sheds dim lightin a S-foot
weapons in flames blessed by Ітіх. The giant ‘The brand disappears after 24 hours, or it can be removradius.
ed from
then call on these magical flames to strike the foes а creature or an object by any spell that ends a curse,
ofthe Eternal Flame. The armor forgedinthese Bolt of imix. Ranged Spell Attack: +8 to hit, range 120 ft., one
flames welds to the flesh, so while the giant isn't target. Hit: 20 (3410 + 4) fre damage, and the target must suc-
burned, the armor can't be removed once Зво ле, ceed on a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw or have the frightened
When the giant dies, the armor explodes as а fina condition until the end ofthe target's next turn.
gift from the All-Consuming Fire.

y nind, thefire hellish perfectly
illustrates the difference belueen natural

™ ©
И e ancandthChe cottuet jl flanes offthe Nine е Hells,
fir H

Fire giants study war in its many forms across the
multiverse, which sometimes leads the giants to a
fascination with the Blood War—the endless con
flict between demons and devils across the Lower
Planes. Such a giant might enter into a pact with
a powerful devil, hoping to learn tactics the devils
have fine-tuned over millennia and to acquire magi.
cal gifts to help the giant rise in the ordning.
Over time, the giant is corrupted, becoming a
Fiend in its own right. The devil teaches the giant
how to forge with infernal iron and hellfire, enabling
the giant to craft weapons that can funnel the souls
of the slain to Avernus, the first layer of the Nine
Hells, In this way,the devil stands to gain a constant
supply of souls from the giant's enemies, as well as
the promise that the giant will serve the devil as a
ith inthe Nine Hellsafter death.
‘The corrupted fire giant takes onfiendish fea
tures, including horns, cloven hooves for feet, and a
forked tail.

| FIRE HELLION Soul Taker. A Giant ora Humanoid that is reduced to 0 hit
Huge Fiend (Devil), Typically Lowful Evil points bythe hellion dies, and its soul rises as а lemure (see
the Monster Manual) on Avernus, oneoftheNine Hells, in
‘Armor Class 18 (plate) 144 hours. If the creature isn't revived before then, itcan be
restored to life only bya wish spell or by killing the lemure and
casting true resurrection on the creature's original body.
25(7) 1069) 23 (+6) 1663) 14 (62) 21 (5) Multiattack. The hellion makes two Morningstar attacks.
Morningstar, Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 10 ft.,
Saving Throws Wis +6, Cha «9 target, Hi 20(348 1) piercing damage plus 11 (2410) fireone
Skills Arcana +7, Athletics +11, Perception «6 lamage. If the taris acreature, it can't regain hit points un
Damage Immunities fre tl thestart ofthehlionsnestturn, ee Ы
| Condition Immunities charmed, frightened Infernal Orb, The hellion hurlsamagical ball of fire that ex-
Senses darkvision 120 ft, passive Perception 16
Languages Common, Giant, Infernal plodes in a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on a point the
Challenge 11 (7,200 ХР) Proficiency Bonus +4 heliion can see within 120feet itself. The sphere spreads
GI around corners. Each creature of in that area must make a DC
Magic Resistance. The hellion has advantage on saving throws Dexterity saving thrA creature takes 18 (448) fire damage17
|against spells and other magical effects. and
р 18 е(448) necro
а tic damage on a failed
failed savesav , or


Ei" T
FLESH CoLossus
During the dawn of the giants’ empires, twisted
minds sought to make their fallen comrades con-
tinue their service. Wizard giants stitched and wove
the flesh of
various giants over an adamantine skel-
eton, creatinga grisly colossal construct. 1. le the
flesh colossus's chest is a stone sphere infused with
spirits from each elemental plane acting as its core.
To this day, some of these ancient flesh colossi
guard abandoned ruins, sites sacred to giants, and
lost treasures—and possibly the procedure to create
new examples of their kind.
Gargantuan Construct, Unaligned
Armor Class 14 (natural armor)
Hit Points 280 (16420 + 112)
Speed 60 ft.
AED 90) AGD 6C2 1060 563)
Ronde г Ы e
Damage Immunities lightning, poison, psychic; bludgeoring,
piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, Elemental Breath (Recharge 5-6). The
aralyzed, petrified, poisoned swirling with elemental energy in a 90-focolos
sus exhales a cloud
cone. Each creature
sensesdarkvision 120 fe, E pc то in that area must make a DC 21 Dexterity saving throw
Languag es underst ands Giant butcan'tspeak
Proficiency Bonus +6 failed save, a creature takes 40 (948) damage ofatype. ofOnthea
Challenge20 (25,000 XP) colessus's choosing: acid, cold, fire, or lightning. On a success-
ful save, a creature takes halfasmuch damag
Berserk. Ifthe core inside the colossus is destroyed, the co- At the same time as the colossus releases e.this exhalation,
lossus goes berserk. On each of its turns while berserk,еа the creatures inside the colossus's chest
colossus attack s the neares t creatu re it can see. If no damage from churning elemental energcavityy
take 40 (9d8) force
is near enough to move to and attack, the colossus attacks an
object. Once the colossus goes berserk, it remains berserk until Bonus ACTIONS
itis destroyed. Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, reach 5 ft, one Large
Immutable Form. The colossus is immune to any spell or effect smaller creature grappled by the colossus. Hit: 20 (3d8 + 7) or
bludgeoning damage, and the creature is
lowed creature has the restrained condition,swalhas
that would alter its form. lowed. A swal.
Magic Resistance. The colossus has advantage on saving against attacks and cther effects outside the colototal
| throws against spells and other magical effects. ,
takes 10 (396) force damage at the start of each of the colosand
| Siege Monster. The colossus deals double damage to objects ‘sus's turns.
| and structures, The colossus's chest cavity can hold up to
time. Inside its chest cavity isits core, which two
is a
creatures at a
Actions with AC 16 that is immune to lightning, poison, andLargepsychobject
Multiattack. The colossus makes two Fist attacks. damage. It has 140 hit points and sheds dim lightina 10-fo
'apon Attack: +13 to hit (with advantage if the radius. If the core is destroyed, the colossus regurgitates allot
|Fist, swallowed creatures, each of which falls in a space within 10
| К щш кос reach 20 ft., one target. НИ: 17 (306+ 7)
_ bludgeoning damage. If the target is a Large or smaller crea-
feet ofthe colossus and has the prone condition, and the colos-
sus can no longer swallow a creature. If the colossus
|ture, itis pulled up to 15 feet toward the colossus, it has ай
grappled condition (escape DC 17), and it has the restraine: swallowed creature no longer has the restrained condidies, tion
can escape from the corpse using 10 feet of movement, exiti
| Condition until this grapple ends.
Thecolossus can have up to ng
‘two creatures grappled thisway at a time,
with the prone condition,

Huge Giant,
Armor Class 14 (natural armor)
Hit Points 184 (16d12 + 80)
Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft.
(STR DEX CON INT wis cma |
23 (+6) 1562 2065) 9) 1763) 2)
Skills Perception +7, Stealth +6
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 17
Languages Giant, Undercommon
FOMORIANS Challenge 10 (5,900 XP) Proficiency Bonus +4
Descended from Annam's son Karontor, fomori-
ans once occupied a place in the giants' ordning Contortionist. The fomorian can enter a space large enough
between hill and stone giants. In ancient times,
a Large creature without squeezing.
they were scholars of magic known for their keen Crawling Stance.While the fomorian has the prone condi
intellect—but also for their inflated egos and sense Eoncrawling does not cost it extra movement. In addition,
of entitlement. Karontor exploited these qualities, theprone condition does not grant advantage on attack rolls
tempting them with promises of higher standing in againstthefomorian.
the ordning, and incited his descendants to launch Spider Climb. The fomorian can climb difficult surfaces, in-
an assault on the Feywild. When the assault failed, cluding upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an
the fomorians were banished to the Underdark and
ability check,
their god was consigned to a subterranean prison. ACTIONS
Subjected to the strange magic of the Underdark, Multiattack. The fomorian makes two Slam attacks and uses.
the fomorians’ bodies and souls twisted until they Crawling Hex if itis available,
became the fomorians of today.
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 10 fi., one tar
FoMorIAN DEEP CRAWLER Hit: 22 (3410 + 6) bludgeoning damage.
Deep crawlers are fomorians whose bodies are Crawling Hex (Recharge 4-6). The fomorian targets one а
adapted to crawling through the tunnels of the Un- ture it can see within 60 feet of
itself. The target must suc
сп a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or take 31 (748) psychicdi
derdark, perhaps in imitation or in honor of Karon- age, have the prone condition, and become cursed for 1 h
tor, “the king that crawls.” Their limbs are long and While cursed this way, the target can't stand up and end!
sinuous, and their grip is strong enough for them to prone condition on itself.
climb walls and ceilings.


The ormovian notes | Wave met are so
utterly unvecentant and 507 unmoved hy

the clight otf their cursed kindred that |

struggle to embrace them as my cousins,

Before their banishment to the Underdark,
fomorians ordered themselves based on achieve-
ments of knowledge and magical power. Before
Karontor urged his descendants into an ill-fated
assault against the Feywild, some of the mostam-
bitious, inquisitive, and power-hungry fomorians
felt they had already learned all they could from
the Material Plane, and they departed to the Inner
Planes, where they could continue their journeys
of knowledge unopposed.
In their arrogance, these fomorian nobles
unknowingly escaped the dreadful fate of their
kin, and they remain unchanged in their remote
enclaves. Occasionally they return to the Material
Plane to survey the world they left. With angular
features and apparently ageless faces, these fomo-
rians resemble gigantic elves.

FoMORIAN NOBLE Rod. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
Bet. Hit: 16 (39+ tar-
Huge Giant (Wizard), Typically Chaotic Evil 66)bludgeoning damage plus 11 (2410)
force damage.
Armor Class 14 (17 with mage armor) Spellcasting. The fomorian casts onof
ethe following spells,
it Points 253 (22d12 + 110) using Intelligence as the spellcasting ability (spell save DC 17):
Speed 30 ft. At will: mage armor (selfonly),mage hand, prestidigitation
STR DEX CON INT WIS СНА Vday each: chain lightning, cone of cold (6th-level versi
ball (6th-level version), fly, plane shift (selfonly) on), fire-
23 (+6) 1804) 2005) 1944) 1462) 16 (+3)
Bonus Actions
Saving Throws Int +9, Wis +7, Cha +8
Skills Arcana +14, Perception +7, Stealth +9 Beguiling Presence. The fomorian targets a creature it can see
Condition Immunities charmed within 60 feet of
itself. The target must succeed on a DC 17
Senses passive Perception 17 Wisd om saving throw or have the charmed condition for 1
Languages Giant plus any three languages | ute. An affected target can repeat the savithrong
w attheепа
Challenge 15 (13,000 ХР) Proficiency Bonus +5 of each ofits turns and whenever it takes dama
‎‫ت‬ даў effect on itselfona success. Ifa target's savingge,throwendin g the
is suc-
cessful orthe effectends forit,the target becomes immu
all fomorians' Beguiling Presence for the next 24 hours ne to
Multiattack. The fomorian makes three Rod attacks.

Some fomorians search for the arcane glory their
kind possessed before their banishment into the
Underdark, They forge т; ts with entities.
of the dark perhaps powerful Fey of the Gloaming
Court or eldritch entities buried deep in the Un:
derdark. Their pacts give these fomorians power
over shadows, allowing them to mold and shape
darkness like clay.
Huge Giant, Any Alignment
‘Armor Class 15 (natural armor)
Hit Points 207 (18912 + 90)
Speed 30 ft
23 (+6) 13) 2005 90) маз 1844)
Saving Throws Wis +6, Cha +8
Skills Arcana +3, Perception «6, Stealth +5
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 16
Languages Giant, Undercommon
Challenge 12 (8.400 xP) Proficiency Bonus «4
Blood Rune. The fomorian has a blood rune inscribed on an
effigy or some other object in its possession. While holding or
wearing the object bearing the rune, the glant can use Ив Cor-
rupting Hex action and Poisoning Rebuke reaction.
The object bearing the blood rune has AC 15; 30 hit points;
and immunitytonecrotic, poison, and psychic damage.the |
object regains all its hit points at the end of every turn, butit
turns to dust if reduced to 0 НИ points or when the fomorian
dies. Ifthe rune is destroyed, the fomorian can inscribeablood
типе on an object in its possession when it finishes a short or
long rest.
Devil's Sight. Magical darkness doesn't impede the formorian's saving throw.On a failed save, a creature takes 32 (5012) force
darkvision. damage andhasthe prone condition, Оп a successful save, а
Legendary Resistance (3/Day) If the fornorian falls a saving creature takes half as much damage only
throw, it can choose to succeed instead. Spelleasting, The fomorian casts one of the following spells.
ACTIONS — __ 1... using Charisma as the spellcasting ability (spell save DC 16)
Multiattack. The forarian makes three Greatelub attacks. If AL wil detect magic, levitate, mage hand, prestidigitation
the fomorian has its blood rune, И сап replace one of these day each: detect thoughts, suggestion, telekinesis
attacks with a use of Corrupting Нех.
Bonus Actions — —
Greatelub, Melee Weapon Attack: +10 o hit, conch 15 ft, one Creeping Gloom (Recharge 6). The fomorian momentarily con
targat. Hit: 19 (308 + 6) bludgeoning darge plus 7 (246) Jures grasping darkness inа 30-foot-radius sphere centeredon
necrotic damage. a point саб see within 120 feet of itself. Each creature in that
Comupting Hes (Requires Blood Rune), the formoran targets ten must succeed опа DC 16 Constitution saving throw or
ton creature t can seewithin 60 feet of self. The target must take 11 (2010) necrotic damage and have the blinded condition
зиеевей өн a ОС 16 Charisma saving ниочи or take 27 (548) ne utl the end of its niei turni
erotic damage and bieome cursed for 24 hours While cursed
This vong, the targetàpied is reduced Бу Wall, and и (es to REACTIONS
Castаpell, нн frat виеевей on a DC 16 Intelligente cheek Panini Hebuke (Hegilres Bloud Hune) In response to being
tot fhe spell faila анё ia wasted. dared by a ваше
Eldelieh Burst, Марна energy elute V а 20 faet rads Име Іне итен the (отетип ean век within 60 feet of
fontes that Crontura t tne я DC 16 Con
MGR SAVIN WEA өн и Гаі чаць, the
jeté cantarea өп я paint th OFFAL сян век within 120 fent (Пенев contin tni hw end of Не пк erature Hine the
Аннай tah ereun in tt ана тим mala aDE 16 Duty turn,


Frost giants who master rune magic are known as
ice shapers, and their sheer power typically contrib-
utes to a meteoric rise in the giants’ ordning. Many
of them end up asjarls, leading their communities,
or as advisers to jarls—often the true power behind
the throne. They are usually devoted to Thrym.
True to their name, these icc shape:
nipulate the raw elemental energy ofair and
water to wield ice in both offense and defense,
They summon ice elementals in the shape of
wolves, cloak themselves in icy armor,
just as quickly turn that armor into a hail of
deadly ice shards.

| рад GIANT IcE SHAPER Actions

nt(Cleric), Any Alignment Multiattack. The giant makes three attacks using Greataxe,
Freezing Ray, or a combination of them.
Class16(chain mail)
Greataxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +12tohit, reach 10 ft.,
one target. Hit: 22 (3410 + 6) slashing damage plus 9 (248)
cold damage
сом INT wis СНА Freezing Ray. Ranged SpellAttack: +10 to hit, range 120 ft.,
21 (5) 11 (0) 19 (+4) 16 (+3) one target, Hit: 17 (308 + 4) cold damage,
andthetarget must
make а DC 18 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the
target has the restrained condition until the end of
its next
"tics 412, Perception +10 turn. On a successful save, the target's speedisreduced by 10
munities cold
sive Perception 20 feet until the end of its next turn.
Common, Giant Ice Wolves (Requires Frost Rune). The giant magically summons
17 (18,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +6 194 wolves made of ice (use the winter wolf stat block in the
Monster Manual to represent them, but they are Elementals
n "The glant has a frost rune inscribed on a chunk of instead of Monstrosilies). The wolves appear in unoccupied
ice or
some other object In its possession. While holdingor spaces the giant canзвеwithin 30 feet of itself. The wolves take
ting the object bearing the rune, the giant can use its Ice thelr turn immediately after the giant on the same initiative
Wolves action and Ice Armor reaction count, and they obey the giant's commands, The wolves gain a
fing the rune has AC 16; 40 hit points; and t6 bonus to their attack and damage rolls while they are within.
ityto necrotic, polson, and psychic damage. The object 30 feet ofthe giant.The wolves disappear after 1 minute, when
all its hit points at the end of every turn, but I turns the giant dies, or when the giant uses this action ag
ЇЇ reduced to Û НИ points or when the giant dies. If the
fe 1#e Ивdestroyed, the giant can inseribe a frost rune on an ob:
possession when It finishes a short or long rest. (ке Armor (Медиен Frost Rue). When a creature the giant can
see makes
anattack rollagainstit,the giant
Legendary Resistance (3/Duy). Vthe giant fails a saving throw canform
acont of
Jew att elf, granting И a 6 bemus о Из AC against that
H tan chose to succeed instead.
atat. Afer thea EF hitsormisses, the ine shatters, and each.
tear within$fentof the gant must suecan onяDCTR
Mert seing ен ЛА ЕЛҮ???

: hat|regardgignts connected
h healthyamunt frespect,
a cultists fanatical


Huge Giant, Typically Neural Evil
Armor Class16 (scale mail)
Hit Points 172 (15412+75)
Speed 40 ft., swim 40 ft
23 (+6) 1663) 7465) 9) 1462) 12)
Saving Throws Dex +7, Con +9, Wis +6
Skills Athletics +10, Perception +6
Damage Immunities cold
FROST GIANT OF Senses passive Perception 16
Languages Aquan, Common, Giant
EviL WATER Challenge 11 (7,200XP) Proficiency Bonus +4
Though primordials of frost and. do exist (most ‘Amphibious. The giant can breathe air and water.
notably Cryonax, who is sometimes considered
almost the equal of the four Princesof Elemental Actions
Evil), frost giants who turn from the gods of the Ord- Multiattack, The giant makes two Battleaxe attacks and one
ning to embrace Elemental Evil are more like Harpoon attack,
serve Olhydra, the Princess of EvilWater. To these Battleaxe, Melee Weapon Attack: 410 to hit, reach 10 ft.,
giants, water is a cruel and destructive force that one target, Hit: 19 (398 + 6) slashing damage, or 22 (3410
finds its ultimate expression inісе, These cultists + 6) slashing damage ifused with two hands, plus 7 (246)
of EvilWater often hide their allegiance as longas cold damage,
possible while urging their communities to ever Harpoon. Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, range 50/200 ft.,
increasing depths ofcruelty andviolence, butift! опе creature, Hit: 14 (2410 + 3) piercing damage, and the target
cultists’ apostasy is revealed andthey are ex has the grappled condition (escape DC 16). While the target is
they often end up as leaders of Olhydra's cults in ‘grappled this way, its speed isn’t reduced, but it can't move far-
ther from the gian Thet.
target takes 5 (1910) slashing damage
colder regions.
ifitescapes from the grapple ог ifit tries and fails. The giant
Olhydra grants these frost giants the ability to сап grapple only one target at a time with its harpoon.
breathe underwater, and they wield armor and
weapons that reflect their commitment to the cult. Bonus Actions.
Their armor is outfitted with enormous crossbows Reel In. The giant pulls the.
that can launch barbed harpoons, which the giants to 20 feet toward itself, target grappled by its Harpoon up
use to drag enemies into or through the water. EE

1, Typically Neutral Evil
| ArmorClass13 (natural armor)
195 (17412+25)
` HitPoints
9(3) AES IM паб 1804
Throws Con +9, Wis +4
Athletics +10, Perception +4
age Immunities cold, poison
Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened,
d,paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained

Proficiency Bonus+4

frostmourn makes one Freezing Touch attack

xe attack. It can replace one oftheseattacks with
Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft,
Hit: 18 (448) cold damage plus 18 (488) necrotic
damage would reduce the target to 0 hit points,
ps to 1 hit point instead and has the petrified con-
to a frozen statue. manner —perhaps poisor
takes bludgeoning damage, it shatters, killing or killed while sles
re. Ifthe statue would take fire damage, itin-
по damage and thaws, ending the petrificatior the frostmourn can turn the living into frozen stat
ues with a touch or blast enemies with frigid wind.
Achieving vengeance is not always enough to grant
я est: hatred and loathing
the living is sufficient to ke p them roaming the
wilds for years after their murdi rs are slain.
frostmourn looks like a desit

Immediately after a creature the frostmourn the marks of its death on its body: a wound that
an attack roll, the frostmourn momentarily seeps frosty vapor or vibrant, purple veins showing
into a blizzard, reducing thedamagetoitseby half.
lf the ravages of poison. It can momentarily dissolve
The frostmourn can then magically teleport to an unoccupied its body into aswirling blizzard to avoid harm, ге.
ceitcansee within 30 feet of itself forming at a distance to continue its assault,

Huge Fiend (Demon), Typically Chaotic Evil

Armor Class 16 (natural armor)

Hit Points 216 (16812+112)
Speed 40 ft.
26 (+8) 1060) 2567) 10 (40) 12 (+1) T (0)
Saving Throws Con +12, Wis +6
SkillsAthletics +13, Perception +6
Damage Resistance fire,lightning, poison
Damage Immunities cold
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, poisoned
Senses darkvision 120 зазвіме Perception 16
Languages Abyssal, Gi
Fury or КОЗТСНТСНТЕ ‘Challenge 14 (11,500 XP) Proficiency Bonus +5
Frost giants who struggle to rise in their ordning, ———— н
along with those who reject Annam and his chil- Chilling Aura.А creature that starts its turn within 10 feet of
dren, sometimes turn to the worship of the demon the fury must succeed on a DC 20 Constitution saving throw or
take 11 (2410) cold damage.
tchtchie. In the myths of these giants,
Kostchtchie was once a frost giant of such tremen- Magic Resistance, The fury has advantage on saving throws
dous might that he slew a demon lord in single com- against spells and other magical effects,
bat, cl sal realm for himself, and now ACTIONS
waits for other frost giants to join him in conquering Multiattack. The fury makes two Fist or Rock attacks,
the rest of the Abyss,
When Kostchtchie answers the pleas of giants, | Fist. Melee Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target.
he gives them supernatural strength and ferocious Hit: V (248 +8) bludgeoning damage plus 10 (346) cold dam-
age, or 17 (596) cold damage ifthe target took damage from
bloodlust. The giants’ muscles expand, their arms the fury's Chilling Aura since the end of the fury's
extend past their knees, and bitter cold surrounds last turn
Rock. Ranged Weapon Attack:413 to hit, range 60/240
them, The demon lord's gifts come at a cost, though, target. Hit: 30 (10 + 8] bludgeoning damage, A" ft,
as the giants’ souls slowly burn away to fuel these
newfound powers. Over time, the sensation of burn- Bonus Actions
ing in the chest intensifies, driving these giants into Charge. The fury can move up to its speed toward an
а frenzy. The newly transformed Fiends quickly find it can see.
that only combat can numb the burning. LN,

From time to time—perhaps once a generation, un
deraparticular configuration of stars and planets,
or at the whim of some malicious god—a gargantua
is born to giant parents. Though the child appears
like any other of its kind, the creature's true nature
manifests upon reaching adulthood: its complexion
turns purplish and horns sprout from its head. The
gargantua grows rapidly, eventually towering over
other giants at a height of 40 feet or more.
Most gargantuas do not feel at home in giant
communities and end up searching for homes large
enough to hold their enormous frames, The might
find a suitable home in an ancient forest, a deep can-
yon, or an immense cavern in the Underdark ome
gargantuas seek only peace and solitude, whi oth
ers lash out fiercely at a world that fears them.
Giants tell a variety of stories to explain the exis-
tence of gargantuas. One tale connects their ori,
to an ancient enclave's pact with an entity from the
Far Realm. Another claims that Karontor, "the ban.
ished son" of Annam, creates gargantuas in retalia
tion for his imprisonment. A third blames Annam,
claiming the All-Father ofthe giants is disgusted
with his descendants and seeks to destroy them.
Gorgantuan Aberration, Typically Chaotic Neutral
‘Armor Class 17 (natural armor)
|Hit Points 388 (21420 + 168)
|Speed 60 ft.
2768) 10 (+0) 26 (+8) 9(-1) 16 (+3) Boa | | Bonus Actions
Saving Throws Dex 47, Int +6, Wis +10 Baleful Hex. The gargantua curses one creature it can see within
Damage Resistances force, psychic 120 feet of itself, The target must succeed on a DC 19 Wisdom
оп оп Immunities frightened saving throw ог have the incapacitated condition until the end
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 13 | of its next turn. |
Languages Giant Teleport. The gargantua teleports, along with any equipment it
ge 21 (33,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +7 is wearing or carrying, to an unoccupied space that it can see
within 120 feet of itself.

Flick. Immediately after the gargantua takes damage from a
Large or smaller creature it сап see within 20 feet ofitself, it
5;Ittakes 17 (546) psychic damage and has the frightened attempts to fick the creature away, The target must succeed
ition until the start of the target's next turn. On a suc- опа DC 23 Strength saving throw, or the target takes 18 (3d6 +
8) bludgeoning damage, is pushed horizontally up to 100 feet
away from the gargantua, and has the prone condition.
Spell Mimicry (1/Day). immediately after a creature the gar-
Multlattack. The gargantua makes two Slam or Rock attacks.
gantua can seecasts a spell of Sth level or lower, the gargantua
tries to copy the spell. That creature must succeed on a DC 19
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +15 to hit, reach 20 ft., опе target. Charisma saving throw, or the gargantua immediately casts the
| Hit: 27 (3412 + 8) bludgeoning damage. same spell at the same leve! (+11 to hit with spell attacks, spell
Rock. Ranged Weapon Attack: +15 to hit, range 120/480 ft, one save DC19), requiring no material components and choosing
target. Hit: 24 (Сато
(3810+8) bludgeoning damage. the spells targets.
aet +3 маў ‫ڪڪ‬


Giants keep geese as livestock for eggs and because
geese make excellent sentries, protecting th
property with their kee
Not only are giant ge from fey stock significantly
larger than ordinary geese, but the
ind they can eggs with shells of pure gold.
When commanded by its keeper, a giant goose
lays a golden egg—a hollow shell of gold, 1 foot long GIANT GOOSE
and weighing 2 pounds, The shell is worth 100 gp. Lorge Fey, Typically Neutral
Sometimes, the egg inexplicably contains some
of small trinket or minor magic item. Once it laysa Armor Class 13
Hit Points 60 (8810 + 16)
golden egg, a giant goose can't do so again for a year Speed 30 ft., fly 30 ft.
and a бау.
You can use the Goose Egg Trinket table to deter- STR рх CON іт WIS CHA
mine the contents of a golden egg. A giant goose's ома g6(3 62 602) 14 (42) n (+0)
egg can be a great way to give characters an item |Skills Perception 46
that's important to the story of an adventure or ‘Senses darkvision 60 ft, passive Perception 16
your campaign. Languages understands Giant and Sylvan but can't speak
Challenge 3 (700 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2
di2 Egg Contents ACTIONS
1 The egg is empty, but the inside of the shell is in- Multiattack. The goose makes one Beak attack and two
scribed with a poem or an intricate illustration. Wing attacks,
2 Тһе gold shell encloses a candy egg. Beak. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 10 ft,, one target.
Hit: (246 + 2) bludgeoning damage.
3 The egg holds a small toygoosethat makes aloud
honking noise when squeezed. Wing, Melee Weapon Attack:+4to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit:7 (1410 + 2) bludgeoning damage, and the target must
4 The egg contains a potion ofgiant strength (hill succeed on a DC 12 Strength saving throw or have the prone
giant) with no container. condition.
5 The egg holds a pearl ofpower. Thunderous Honk (Recharge 5-6). The goose honks with
6 The egg contains a brooch of shielding. ear-splitting volume, Each other creature within 30 feet of the
goose must make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw. On a
7 The egg contains a figurine ofwondrous power (sil- failed save, a creature takes 16 (3410) thunder damage and has
ver raven) that activates automatically as the egg the deafened condition until the start ofthe goose's next
On а successful save, acreature takes halfasmuch damageturn.
opened, releasing what appears to be a living bird. only. The honk can be heard within 300 feet.
8-12 The egg is empty. SSS


po yon car

ing ok. вото нед thatisntthere: GIANT LYNX

Medium Fey, Typically Neutral
е NM M
Armor Class 14
Hit Points 22 (498 + 4)
Speed 30 ft., climb 30 Я.
мел 1884 вв) 260) 162 10060) |
Though they're often mistaken for mundane cats, Skills Perception +6, Stealth +6
фанlynxes are magical creatures with origins in Damage Resistances cold
Senses truesight 60 ft., passive Perception 16
e snowy woodlands ofthe Feywild. Their coats Languages Giant, Sylvan Proficiency Bonus+2
prd in winter, helping to camouflage them Challenge 1/2 (100ХР) E
"s favored habitats even when the landscape is S
He ri AEP
ance, requiring no
Lynx's Sight (1/Day). The lynx can cast clairvoyspel
рей in snow.
spell components and using Wisdom as the lcasting ability.
аза lynxes are crafty hunters, cooperating in Dexterity
ВЕ groups to trap prey and occasionally using Woodland Camouflage. The lynx has advantage oronsnow y terrain.
ашса! gift to scout likely hunting locations. (Stealth) checks made to hide in under growt h
hae smart enough to outwit many of the ACTIONS
ез z seek to trap them for their fur, and Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach
5 ft., one target. |
din ба of disabling any trappers’ snares they lynx moved at least |
Hit: 8 (148 + 4) slashing damage. Iftheiatel befor e the hit, |
Frey their territories. 20 feet straight toward the target immed y savin or
ES cloud giants sometimes befriend giant the target must succeed on a DC 12 Strength proneg throw tion, |
the ices i treat them as beloved pets. As long as have the prone condition. If the target has the it as acondi
ол intelligence and independence аге re- the lynx сап make another Claws attack agains t
nation E е creatures are happy to share their divi- nus action.
agic with their giant companions.
ls easyi 92 caught up în the vend
3 ofgiant-sized vildlife chen
Jeu T? uan à
Sone pocket of q prineval P
e bucked
а enote valley ар deniol Y
ane хвор
GIANT OX ae that goose laid 4
golden оа,
for giants of all
Giant oxen labor as beasts of burden
kinds, pulling plows, hauling oversized carts, and ook, that ox is blue!” “Lock,
performing similar tasks well suite
d to their tremen- Eis rn
dous strength. These cattle are covered inasthick , їс fleece is ва soft” Then
color s, such sky blue а tick à
shaggy hide, often in vibrant
or deep violet.
| bigger n tres 6,N draі»j every (tapМ
— nyour bed
GIANT OX apê, поро, nepa,
Huge Fey, Unaligned Tine 6 заhone.
Armor Class 12 (natural armor)
Hit Points 105 (10912 + 40)
Spee40 dft. Се таи
22 (46) 1060) 1904 ) 463 "бо 26)

Senses passive Perception 10 GIANT RAM

Languages understands Giant and SylvanProfibut can't speak Giant rams are prized livestock among giants. The
Challenge 3 (700 XP) ciency Bonus +2
‫ن‬ с‫‏‬ rams’ fleece stores magical energy by absorbingam
be опе size larger for‫‏‬
Beast of Burden. The ox із considered tocapaci bient magic and drawing power from spells. While
the purpose of determining its carryi ng ty‫‏‬ aram is alive and unshorn, it uses its fleece's magic
for self-defense, channeling the power it absorbs
ACTIONS into a magical blast to drive off predators.
Gore. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Ifthe fleece is shorn from the ram without dam.
Hit: 13 (246 + 6) piercing damage. Ifthe ox moved at least 20 aging the creature, it can be made into a protective
feet straight toward the target immediately before the hit, the magical garment. When woven into cloth, the fleece
target takes an extra 7 (2d6) piercing damage, and it must serves as a cloak of
protection. It can also be woven
succeed on a DC 16 Strength saving throw or have the prone.
condi into the lining of armor to make armor of resistance
‎‫سے‬ that protects against cold, fire, or lightning damage |



Ticks the size of boars have feasted on the blood of
giants for countless ages. Though these parasites
are painful nuisances to giants, they can be terri le
threats to smaller folk, since a hungry tick will con-
sume the blood of any creature it can catch.
eee EE
Medium Monstrosity, Unaligned
Съ ве ME
INT WIS CHA Armor Class 14 (natural armor)
39 (2) 10 (40) Hit Points 52 (798 + 21)
Speed 30 ft.

1663) 10 (+0) 2(4 1060) 24
Senses passive Perception 10.
Challenge 2 (450 XP)
Ram. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Proboscis, Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one crea-
Hit: 9 (204 + 4) bludgeoning damage plus 3 (1d6) force dam- ture. Hit: 10 (246 + 3) piercing damage, and the attaches
age. If the ram moved at least 20 feet straight toward the target to the target. While attached, the tick can't make tick
‘immediately before the hit,the target must succeed on a DC 14 attacks, The tick can detach itself by spending 5 feet ofits
gth saving throw or have the prone condition, ‘movement. As an action, a creature within reach of the tick
Force Bolt. Ranged Spell Attack: +4 to hit, range 30 ft. one tar- can try to detach the tick, doing со witha successful DC 13
get.Hit:7 (246) force damage. Strength check.
Blood Drain. The tick deals 10 (246 + 3) necrotic damage to
| REACTIONS t one creature it is physically attached to, provided that creature
EEA Rae (Recharge6).Immediately after
theram isn't a Construct or an Undead, or 17 (446+3) necrotic dam-
t aspell ога зрейз attack age ifthe creature is a Giant. The tick regains hit points equal
Bolt attack. to the damage dealt.

- |
Gurguntuan Monstrosity, Unaligned
Armor Class17 (natural armor)
Hit Points 325 (2120+105)
Speed 50 ft. burrow 50 ft., fly 80 ft.
2467) 462 NGS 364 1462 (0)
Saving Throws Dex +8, Wis +8
Skills Perception +8
Senses darkvision 120 f. passive Perception 18
| Languages —
| Challenge 20 (25,000 xP) Proficiency Bonus +6
Spelt Resistant Carapace. The gigant has advantage on saving
throws against spells, and any creature that makes а spell at-
tack against the gigant has disadvantage on the attack roll
Multiattack. The gigant makes one Mandibles attack and two
Talons attacks.
| Mandibles. Melee Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
creature. Hit: 21 (4d6 + 7) slashing damage, and the target has
|the grappled condition (escape DC 17). Until the grapple ends,
the targettakes 21 (4d6+7) slashing damage at the start of
each ofthe gigant's tums. While the gigant is grappling a tar-
get, itcan't use Mandibles against other targets.
GIGANT Talons. Melee Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, reach 20 ft., one tar-
get. Hit: 17 (3d6 + 7) slashing damage, and the target is pulled
A gigant is a towering insectile creature variously 10 feet straight toward the gigant.
regarded as a harbinger of doom, a defender of
nature, and a divine messenger of mysterious Scale Dust (Recharge 5-6). The gigant releases magical dust
from its wings in a 30-foot cube. Each creature in that area
purpose. Giants regard them asaplague, since must make a DC 19 Constitution saving throw, taking 45 (1098)
gigants prefer giants over other food. Some giants poison damage on a failed save, or halfasmuch damage on
claim gigants are created by the weird magical aura а successful one. On a success or failure, the creature has the
that surrounds a gargantua (described earlier in poisoned condition for 1 hour. While poisoned this way, the
this chapter). creature can't regain hit points,
А gigant resembles an enormous beetle with legs Bonus Actions
ending in sharp talons. It uses its talons to bring Drone. The gigant produces а horrid droning sound by rapidly
creatures to its enormous mandibles, which are beating its wings. Each creature within 10 feet of
Strong enough to carry a giant to the gigant’s nest to must succeed on a DC 19 Constitution saving throw orgigant
take 10
be devoured. (346) thunder damage and have the incapacitated condition
А gigant's wings are usually folded under its cara- until the end ofits next turn,The gigant can then fly up to half
pace, but the speedy flier can also beat its wings to | its flying speed, аў
create a horrible sound or to spread a toxic dust. ‫ڪڪ‬


few things bring me as much delight as
goliaths who strive to celebrate their
Connection to the magrihicent history
Of giants. When they sing me hymns,
their voices ave sweetest.

Medium Humanaid, Any Alignment
Armor Class 18 (halfplate,shield)
Hit Points 67 (948 + 27)
Goliaths are Humanoids di: ıntly related to giants.
Infused with the supernatural essence of their STR DEX CON INT WIS СНА
ancestors’ mountainous home, goliaths have the 18 (+4) 136) 1663) 1060) 126) 126)
strength and fortitude to garner a giant's respect. Skills Athletics +6, Perception +3, Survival «3
Communities of goliaths who live in close relation- Damage Resistances cold
ship with giants emulate them and are recognized Senses passive Perception 13
by the giants as kin. These goliath giant-kin of- Languages Common, Giant
‘en act as liaisons between giant clans and other Challenge 3 (700 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2
Though they rarely stand more than 8 feet tall, ACTIONS
Eoliaths can hold their own in contests of strength Multiattack. The goliath makes two Spear attacks.
With ogres. Goliath giant-kin can also channe
l Spear. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5ft. ог
the magic of their giant relatives into mighty me- range 20/60ft.,one target. Hit: 7(196+4) piercing damage, or
lee attacks, 8 (148 + 4) piercing damageifused with two hands to make a
Though they are not part of the ordning, goliath melee attack
Siant-kin often revere the divine ancesto rs ofthe
Slants, with a particular affinity for Annam’ s daugh BoNus ACTIONS
ters:Diancastra, Hiatea, and lallanis. Giant's Strikes (Recharge 5-6). Until the end ofits turn, the
They also
dd to extol the same virtues as the giants they live goliath's melee attacks each deal an extra 7 (245) damage of a
type determined bythe golia giantth's
community: cold (frost
ongside, so goliath giant-kin dwelling near frost gi- giant), fire (îre giant), force (stone giant), lightning (storm gi-
Е boast of their might, while those dwelling with ant), piercing (hill giant), or thunder (cloud giant).
‘one giants cherish artistry. ‫پڪ‬ ©

€ ая SE
only teractionvith аgrinning
X te vigethe як aff that
ще: big clenched fist,


cat was every vit аз annoyed as you

were, my дел.


Large Fey, Typically Chaotic Neutral
Armor Class 12
Hit Points 45 (7810 + 7)
Speed 40ft.,climb40f.
MEY 1562 В) 1562 142) 1603)
| Skills Perception +4, Stealth +6
| Senses darkvision 60ft, passive Perception 14
Languages Соттоп, Sylvan
Challenge 1 (200 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2
Марі Resistance. The grinning cat has advantage on saving
throws against spells and other magical effects.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
GRINNING CAT Hit: 1 (110 + 2) piercing damage.
Claus. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target
Grinning cats are mischievous Fey who delight in Hit: 9(246+2) slashing damage. Ifthe grinning cat was in-
pestering and misleading travelers. They resemble visible before it attacked, the target must succeed on a DC 12
oversized domestic cats with long, needlelike claws, Strength saving throw or have the prone condition. If the target
but they're distinguished by the wide, toothy smiles. has the prone condition, the cat can makeaBite attack against
that give them their name. it as a bonus action.
Grinning cats often dwell in or near giants! en- Fade Away.The grinning cat magically becomes invisible for 1
claves. They spend much of their time invisible, | houroruntil И attacks, gradually fading away over the course of
lounging on tree branches until prey—or a potential its turn. It can choose to leave part of its body visible, such as
conversation partner—wanders by. While trading | its tail, its head, or its grinning mouth, Any equipment the cat
riddles or witticisms, a cat often decides to reveal its wears or carries is invisible with it,
grin, its tail, or sometimes its whole head to confuse | Bonus AcrioNs
ог intimidate the creature it's talking to. |Fade Back.The grinning cat becomes visible or makes part of
A grinning cat can be persuaded to bestow one of | its body visible. Any equipment the cat wears ог carries on a
its whiskers as a gift. A creature holding a whisker visible part of its body also becomes visible,
can use it to cast the misty step spell once, then Grinning Step. The grinning cat teleports, along withany equip
the whisker turns to smoke and is destroyed. Ifa | ment и is wearing or carrying, up to 60 feet to an unoccupied
grinning cat is slain, 2d12 ofits whiskers can be re- space it can see.
trieved for this purpose. ‫ڪڪ‬ =

Hill giants who master rune magicdi
lose connection to the natural forces of earth
and stone. Their magic, combined with their size
and strength, helps them quickly rise to posi-
tions of leadership.
‘These hill giants drape themselves
in rocks attached to chains or ropes,
then use their magic to knock down
and pummel their foes with these
stones. This magic, combined with
their ability to defeat and devour their
prey as quickly as a torrent of boulders
cascades down a mountain, leads other
giants to call them avalanchers.
Huge Giant (Druid), Any Alignment

‘Armor Class 15 (natural armor)

Hit Points 220 (21412 + 84)
765) 8(1) 1904 961) 1804) 10 (40)
Saving Throws Str +9, Con +8, Wis +8
Skills Nature +7, Perception +8
Senses passive Perception 18
Languages Common, Giant
Challenge 12 (8,400 ХР) Proficiency Bonus +4 restrained condition until the start of
he giant's next turn, апа |
— the stones eruptin a burst of thunderous energy that deals 14
Hill Rune. The giant has a hill rune inscribed on a rock or some (4d6) thunder damage to the target and each creature within f
other object in its possession. While holding or wearing the 10 feet of the target.On a successful save, the stones vanish
object bearing the rune, the giant can use its Stone Avalanche | without erupting,
action and Hill Rebuff reaction. Spellcasting. The giant casts one ofthe following spells, using
The object bearing the rune has AC 15; 20 hit points; and Wisdom as the spellcasting ability (spell save DC 16):
immunity to necrotic, poison, and psychic damage. The object
regains all its hit points at the end of every turn, but it turns At will: druideraft, guidance
to dust ifreduced to 0 hit points or when the giant dies. If the 1/day each: stone shape, wall of stone |
fune is destroyed, the giant can inscribe a hill rune on an object Stone Avalanche (Requires Hill Rune). The giant conjures a |
in its possession when it finishes а short or long rest. пай of rocks in a 20-foot-radius, 40-foot-high cylinder centered
опа point on the ground it can see within 120 feet of itself.
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If the giant fails a saving throw, Each creature in that area must make aDC 16 Dexterity saving
it сап choose to succeed instead. throw. Ona failed save,a creature takes 28 (846) bludgeoning
Actions damage and has the prone condition. On a successful save, a
creature takes halfasmuch damage only.
Multiattack, The giant makes one Greatclub attack and uses The rocks turn the ground in that area into difficult terrain
Stone Bolas, untilthe start of the giant's next turn, when the rocks vanish.
Greatclub. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
target. Hit: 18 (348 + 5) bludgeoning damage plus 9 (248)
thunder damage. Hill Rebuff (Requires Hill Rune). Immediately after
the giant
Stone Bolas. The giant conjures three stone balls connected by takes damage from a creature it can see within 10 fee, t of itself,
lines of magical force and throws them at one creature it can that creature must succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving
see within 60 feet of itself.The target must make a DC 16 Dex throw ortake 10 (396) force damage and be Pushed horizon-
tally 10 feet away from the giant.
terity saving throw. On a failed save, the target has the SSS
| Large Elemental, Typically Chaotic Neutral
|Armor Class 15
| HitPoints102 (12410 +36)
SpeedOft, fly 90 ft. (hover)
Nr DEX сом INT wis CHA
| we 21 (+5) 16 (43) M (42) 14 (+2) 15 (+2)
Saving Throws Dex +9, Con +7, Wis +6, Cha +6
Skills Perception +6
Damage Resistances cold, thunder; bludgeoning, piercing, and
slashing from nonmagical attacks
Damage Immunities lightning
Condition Immunities exhaustion, grappled, paralyzed,
petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained
‘Senses passive Perception 16
LIGHTNING HULK Languages Аштап, Giant
Proficiency Bonus «4
Lightning hulks are the descendants of storm giants Challenge9 (5,000 xP)
who retreated from the world in ages past. Over ш ination. The lightning hulk sheds bright light in а 20-foot
the course of centuries, the elemental nature of ваг pu foranadditional 20 feet,
these giants—aided by infusions of energy from the ngForm. The lightning hulk can enterahostile crea-
Elemental Planes—grew to dominate these giants, n ıethelightning hulk
eventually freeing them from the limitations of flesh. creature's spaceonaturn, ог ifit begins its turn in a
A lightning hulk is essentially a living bolt of І
ure'sspace, that creature takes 7 (2d6) lightning damage.
also movethrough a space as narrow as 1 inch.
lightning, with the one lasting vestige of its former | with ing.Acreature
thattouches the lightning hulk or
nature being a vague face that appears at the head i melee attackwhilewithin 5feet of it takes 7 (246)
of the bolt as it streams through the air. In rare lamage.
moments, the hulk coalesces into a bipedal shape
resembling a storm giant, but these moments are as ACTIONS _
fleeting as a lightning strike. At other times, particu- Lightning.Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach
larly when near metal or solid earth, the hulk seems 10 ft.or range 60ft, one target. Hit: 18 (448) lightning dam-
on the verge of dispersing entirely, losing its last. эре. Ifthe target a creature, it can't takereactions until
shreds of cohesion as a single entity. Its mental state ofitsnextturn, and lightning jumps from the target tothe
another creature of the lightning hulk’s choice that it can see
is similarly incoherent: a lightning hulk rushes from | ithin 30feetof the target. The second
one place to another with little sense of purpose and on aDC18 Dexterity savingthrowor takecreature
must succeed
(4d8) light-
no hint of the contemplation that occupies its distant ве.
cousin giants.

Huge Fiend (Demon), Typically Chaotic Evil
--- -- Е ШИШ
Armor Class 15 (natural armor)
Hit Points 161 (14412+70]
Speed 40 ft.
3060) 2165 304) маз 1060)
Saving Throws Con +9, Cha +4
Skills Perception +6
Senses darkvision 60 ft, passive Perception 16
Languages Abyssal, Giant
Challenge 10 (5,900 xP) Proficiency Bonus +4
Maw OF YEENOGHU Magic Resistance. The maw has advanta
Hill giants are known for their voracious appetites, advangeta; on saving th
against spellsand other magical effe
which can attract the attention of the demon lord cts “ддя
Yeenoghu, known as the Beast of Butchery. A cruel ACTIONS
hill giant sometimes turns to Yeenoghu for help Multiatteck. Themaw makes two Bite or Fang Fling attacks.
in expanding the reach ofits malevolence. Осса- Bite. Melee Weapon Attack:+10 to hit, reach 10 ft.,on
sionallyahill giant consumes an evil artifact thatіп a Hit:19(241+ 26)piercing damage. ма
transforms the giant into a fiendish form. Once Fang Fling. Ranged Weapon Attackck: +10
while, Yeenoghu whispers promises of power in the one target. Hit: 11 +10 to
to hi hit, rar
dreams of agiant whose hunger surpasses other
+6)piercing damage, ы
Corging Charge (Recharge
giants’, In any case, the result is a ravenous monster speed without provoking 5-6). The maw moves up toi
called a maw of Yeenoghu, which is wholly devoted through the spaces of Largoppo
e or
rtunity attacks and canmove
to the demon lord. the maw enters a creature's spacsma e
llercreatures, Each th
for the firstst timetime durin
А maw of Yeenoghu grows a mane of hair and duringg this
eedx ona DC 18 Strength savin
move, that creature must succ
hunches over like a gnoll. Its jaw grows and widens, throw or take 25 (3d12 + 6) pierci ing damage and
have the
and its mouth fills with multiple rows of sharp teeth pled condition (escape grap-
These teeth constantly grow, driving the maw to bite this way, it has the proneDCcond16);itioifn,acrea ture is alr
and chew on anything within reach. Some maws target has the restrained condition, The l this тарaси e
desperately rip the teeth from their mouth for relief,
creature grappled in this way at a time maw can js7n а
but the teeth quickly regrow. Cunning maws use REACTIONS
this phenomenon as a ready supply of weaponry, Fanged Rebuke. In response to taking damage,
throwing clusters of teeth at their foes. one Bite attack against a random creature with the maw makes
А maw of Yeenoghu charges at its prey on all fours self.
күIfш no creature is within in 10 feet of
reach, the maw can make two Fang
With its mouth wide open, scraping the ground
likeaplow. ee
me withamelancholy {hat is
hard ker Shaler off,

Larga Elemental, Typically Chaotic Мим!
94(9410 +45)
Er DEX сон інт wis CHA
Д пей 269 NEA 136) 16 (03)
Throws Con+b,Wis+4,Cha«6
Skills Perception +4,Stealth +8.
Damage thunder
Damage Immunities poison
‘Condition Immunities exhaustion, paralyzed, poisoned,

Proficiency Bonus +3
Mist HULK ‘enter another creature's space and
through a space asnarrow as | inch
Descended from ancient cloud giants, mist hulks
are Elementals that embody their ancestors’ mixed the misthulkdies, it bursts in a wave of
elemental nature of Air and Water, After countless ofitmust make aOC 16
aues of isolation—often on one of the Elemental row, Ona failed save, a creature takes 11
Planes or some hidden demiplane—they retain the jamage andhas the prone condition. Оп a
barest hint of their ancestors’ physical form, and halfasmuch damage only.
even less of the giants’ cultu,
A mist hulk resembles a bi I figure made of
dark rain clouds. Parts of its body seem more solid hulkmakestwoSlam attacks,
than others, but these parts are transparent enough ce Weapon Attack:+8tohit, reach 10 fi, one target.
that the churning vapors of the hulk's substance are 10+5) colddamage. С.
visible inside, Wisps of cloud constantly leak from
harge5-6),The mist‫اپ‬‎hulk releases a най

the creature, as if it might dissolve completely at any ical anguish. Each creature within 30 feet of
time, When it is slain, its misty form condenses into ke aDC 14 Wisdom saving throw.Acreature in the
a torrent of water,
mist hulk’s spacehasdisadvantage on the saving throw. On а
eature takes 14 (446) psychic damage and has.
A mist hulk's mood is always gloomy, and when 9condition for 1 minute, The affected creature
threatened, it often howls in infectious misery. All eat the savingthrowattheend ofeach of
its turns, end-
who hear this wail are magically reminded ofpast fect onitselfona success, i
regrets, real or imagined,


The ancestors of mud hulks were hill giants who,
livinginisolation, ate everything within reach until
they were forced to subsist on the earth itself. The
giants’ elemental nature asserted itself and trans-
formed them into creatures of living mud.
А mud hulk vaguely resembles its ancestors, but
its body consists of wet mud that constantly sloughs
off around it, creating thick pools of the stuff every-
where the creature goes. It retains the hungeof ra
hill giant, enveloping anything even vaguely edible
and directly absorbing it into its body. When threat
ened, ithurls masses of mud at its enemies to make
sure they stay in place long enough for the mud hulk
to consume them.
Large Elemental, Typically Chaotic Evil
‘Armor Class 13 (natural armor)
Hit Points68(8d10 + 24)
Speed 40 ft.
1663) зб) 663 5603 9C) ес
Damage Resistances acid
Condition immunities exhaustion, paralyzed
Senses passive Perception 9
Languages Giant, Terran
Challenge 3 (700 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2

‘Amorphous. The mud hulk can move through a space as narrow

as Т inch without squeezing.
StickyMud,Theground within 15 feet of the mud hulk is diffi-
cult terrain for other creatures.

Enveloping Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 10 ft,
‘onetarget, Hit: 9(1412 +3)bludgeoning damage. Ifthe tar-
etis a Largeorsmallercreature, it must succeed on a DC 13
Strength saving throw or be pulled into the mud hulk's space
and beengulfed bythemudhulk. While engulfed, the target
can't breathe, has the restrained condition, and takes 6 (1912) |
ciddamage at the startof each ofits turns. When the mud ў
| hulkmoves, the engulfed target moves with it. The mud hulk
cn haveonlyonetarget ‘engulfed at a time. While a creature is
engulfed, the mud hulkcan't use its Amorphous trait, |
An engulfed target can repeat the saving throwatthe end of
г save, the target escapes and |
tach ofits turns. Onо a successful м, whilejor seurnina, that ieriis
enters the nearest unoccupied space.
MudSplash. The mud hulk lobs a mass of mud that splashes |o trying bo engulf ne in nud! Pardon ne while|
ina10 footradius sphere centered on a point within 30 feet of ерес баа eeeit quy fron ne
*mud hulk. Each creature in that area must make a DC 13
[Breisaving throw, taking 10 (2d6 + 3) bludgeoning dam- ы -
gonafailed save, or halfasmuch damage on a successful | ^ а — Phy,
:The affected area is difficult terrain until the start
ofthe ` -
‘mud hulk's next turn.

ат |BESTIARY — 1616
Зан: ‎‫ر‬ 3
‎‫ترا‬ 8 мі. аш
Rime hulks are a withered branch ofthe frost giant
family tree, descended from ancient giants who
withdrew from the world and succumbed to
their el.
emental nature. Most rime hulks dwell in the Frost
fell, the “plane of ice” that forms the border between
the Elemental Planes of Air and Water. Others lurk
in isolated rifts in enormous polar glaciers.
Smaller and weaker than their ancestors, rime
hulks are roughly formed masses of frost and ice
Their vaguely giant-shaped physical forms are un.
stable, constantly breaking apart and reforming
as clouds of frost billow off them. As a rime hulk
moves, it leavesa trail of ice that can freeze enemies
in place. When it dies, а rime hulk explodesina
burst of frost.
~~ =
Lerge Elemental, Typically Neutral Evil
Armor Class 15 (natural armor)
Hit Points 85 (9d10 + 36)
Speed 30 ft.
18 (+4) юбо 1864 г) ach 6 (-2)
cold, poison
s exhaustion, poisoned
Senses passive Perception 9
Languages Aquan, Giant
‘Challenge 5 (1,800 xP) Proficiency Bonus +3
Death Burst, When the rime hulk dies, it explodes ina 5
10-foot-radius sphere of
frigid air and frost centered on itself.
Each creature іп that area must succeed on a ОС 15 Constitu-
tion saving throw
ortake 10(346) cold damage.
Multiattack. The rime hulk makes two Slam attacks.
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10 ft., one tar-
get. Hit: 9 (1d10 + 4) bludgeoning damage plus 9 (248)
cold damage.

stitution saving throw. On a failed save, the creaturetal

(4910) cold damage, and its speed is reduced by 10 feet
the start of
the rime hulk's next turn, On a successful save,
creature takes halfasmuch damage only.


rClassaor armor)
lit Points 315 (18420 + 126)
|Speed 60 PP
STR DEX сом INT wis cm
25(7) 90) AGD 364) про) 1 9)
Damage Resistances acid, cold, fire, lightning
Damage Immunities poison, psychic; bludgeoning, piercing,
and slashing from nonmagical attacks
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened,
paralyzed, petrified, poisoned
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 10
Languages understands Giant but can't speak
Challenge 21 (33,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +7
Immutable Form. The colossus is immune to any spell ог effect
that would alter its form.
MagicResistance. The colossus has advantage on saving
throws against spells and other magical effects,
Siege Monster. The colossus deals double damage to objects
and structures.
Multiattack. The colossus makes two Slam attacks and then
uses Stomp.
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 20 ft., one target.
Hit: 26 (3412 + 7) bludgeoning damage.
Stomp. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 20 ft., one tar-
- Hit: 29 (4d10 +7) bludgeoning damage. Ifthe target is a
E smal it must succeed on a DC 22 Dexterity Runic Corossus
тя rowor have the prone condition. Until the colossus train According to The Saga of the Dragon Queller, told
its Sto ‘again or moves, theorcreature
uses аа has the restrained giants on some worlds, a disparate group of giants by
condition. jir
оп. Therestrain ed creat ure nothe
anot r creat ure withi n 5 combined their efforts to protect their ancient emp
feetofit can useits action to make а DC 22 Stren gth check. Оп ire
creat ure reloc ates to an unoc- from a particularly vicious dragon, Ston e and
а successful check, the affected giants hewed a mighty form from living stone. Cloud hill
cupied space ofitschoice within 5 feet ofthe colossus and is
поlonger restrained. е and frost giants gathered rare metals, and fire giants
а beam of г shaped them into flexible joints and
Arcane Bes (Recharge 5-6). The colossus fires
e Beam
or head in a 150-oot line Storm giants inscribed runes into theplatineredt armo r.
лавак osm ite chest, hands, give it the semblance of for m to
that is 10 feet wide. Each creature in that area must make a DC life, The fruit of these labors
22 Dexterity saving throw, taking 58 on a successful опе.e or a
(9812) force damag was an everlasting guardian: the first runic colossus.
failed save, or halfasmuch damage A runic colossus stands 30 feet tall. It regards all
non-giants as a threat, and unless it has other or-
REACTIONS ders, it attacks such creatures on sight,
p Reflection
Spell i т
(2/Day). Ranged Spell Attack: +1 14 to hit,range The art of crafting a runic colossus is lost to
120 ft,psus casting a spell of Sth level or lower. 26
НИ: modern giants, but many tales suggest the instruc-
| (8912) force damage, and thethetarget must succeed on a DC 15 tions might be buried deep in ruins from ancient
Intelligence saving throw or spell fails and has no effect. giants’ empires.

ingantuan Elemental, Typically Chaotic Evil
Giants are descended from the All-Father, Annam, © Armor Class 19 (natural armor)
Hit Points 402 (23020+161)
and his children. But scions of giants’ gods boast a Speed
greater claim: they аге Annam's grandchildren, and
they occupy a privileged place among giants. On STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
some worlds, these scions ruled the first empires (з) 1060) 20(7) 90) 16(3) 1060)
of giants until Annam retreated into seclusion. On Saving Throws Wis +10, Cha 47
other worlds, the scions guard their birthplaces Damage Resistances cold, fire, lightning; bludgeoning, piercing,
(which are rich in elemental magic) or hold the sub- and slashing from nonmagical attacks
stance of the world together. (See “Giants of Myth" Damage Immunities poison
in chapter 3 for additional inspiration.) Condition immunities exhaustion, paralyzed, petrified,
Scions of giants’ gods are enormously powerful poisoned, prone
beings who infuse the world around them with | Senses passive Perception 13
primeval magic. In many worlds, they slumber and | Languages Giant, Primordial
have become part of the landscape. In this case, Challange 22 (41,000 ХР) Proficiency Bonus +7
each scion is enclosed in stasis inside a powerful ‘Awakening of the Scion. The cradle is а container for the scion
Elemental called a cradle. The cradle protects the of Grolantor. When the cradledropsto 0hit points, its body
slumbering scion and follows its subconscious | crumbles to dirt and moss. The scion instantly appears in the
wishes, including driving off intruders, But if the space the cradle occupied and uses the cradle’s initiative count.
cradle dies, the scion within fully awakens. | Legendary Resistance (5/Day). If the cradle fails a saving throw,
| it can choose to succeed instead,
SCION OF GROLANTOR |Magic Resistance. The cradle has advantage on saving throws.
A slumbering scion of Grolantor is often mistaken | against spells and other magical effects.
for a hill, and sometimes people erect standing Siege Monster. The cradle deals double damage to objects and
stones, a village, or a city on a scion's back, unaware structures.
of the mighty power beneath them. Such settle-
ments can thrive for centuries, as the scion's magic |Actions
causes crops to flourish and livestock to thrive in | Multiattack, The cradle makes three Slam or Spit Rock attacks
the surrounding region. An ancient tree towers from п any combination and one Grasping Root attack.
the crest of the hill. ‘Slam. Melee Weapon Attack:+14 to hit, reach 20 ft., one target.
When roused, a cradle ofthe hill scion rises as Hit:33 (4812+7) bludgeoning damage.
а mass of dirt, stone, and roots with two massive ‘Spit Rock. Ranged Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, range 120 ft., one
arms. The cradle uses tree roots and waves ofdirt target. Hit: 25 (408+7) bludgeoning damage, and the target
to entangle and entomb foes. | must succeed on a DC 22 Strength saving throw or have the
If the cradle is destroyed, the scion of Grolantor | prone condition.
inside it awakens. Standing 50 feet tall, the scion |Grasping Root, Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 30 ft.
devours everything within reach to satiate its hun- | one creature not grappled bythe cradle. Hit: the target has the
ger. Its powerful lungs can suck food straight into its | grappled condition (escape DC 17), Until the grapple ends,
gullet. The scion uses a great tree to bat foes far into the target takes 29 (4810+7) bludgeoning damage at the start
ofeach of
its turns. The root has AC 19 and can be severed by
the distance. dealing 15 or more slashing damage to it on one attack. Cutting
| the root doesn't hurt the cradle but ends the grapple.
‘The region surrounding a scion of Grolantor is al Rolling Hills (Recharge6).The cradle magically creates a wave
| of dirtthat extends from a point on the ground within 120 feet
tered by the giant's magic, creating one ог more of | of
itself. The wave is up to 30 feet long, up to 30 feet tall, and
the following effec: up to 30 feet wide. Each creature in the wave must make a DC
Abundant Food. Crops and domestic animals grow 22 Strength saving throw. On afailed save, a creature takes 58
(9812) bludgeoning damage, has the prone condition, and is
and reproduce quickly within 6 miles of the scion, buried under drt. On a successful save, a creature takes half as
Empowered Hill Giants. Hill giants within 1,000 PANE only.
feet of the scion gain a 47 bonus to attack and D edcreature has the restrained condition, has total
damage rolls. can't breathe, As an action, a creature buried in this
Farming Weather. The weather within 6 miles of her creature within 5 feet ofitthat isn't buried,
the scion is always ideal for farming: sunny and C 17 Strength (Athletics) check. On a successful
riedresteno longer has the prone or re-
warm with occasional showers.
If the scion dies, the: ffects end immediately.


ANTOR Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: «15 to hit, reach 20 ft., one targe
стон OF GROL Evil Hit: 26 (498 + 8) force damage
Ж Gargantuan Giant (Titan), Typically Chaotic — Boulder. Ranged Weapon Attack: +15 to hit, range 120/480 ft.
a one target. Hit: 27 (3412 + 8) bludgeoning damage.
1‘Armor Class 18 (natural armor)
Hit Points 402 (23420 +
161) air in a
Inhale (Recharge 5-6). The scion inhales a vortex of
Spee60 dft. 120-foot line that is 15 feet wide. Each creature in that area
— is Huge or smaller must succeed on a DC 23 Strength saving
STR DEX CON INT WIS СНА throworbe pulled up to 120 feet straight toward the scion and
27 (48) 1482) 257) 15 62 21 65 ) 18 (+4)
e. be swallowed. A swallowed creature has the restrained condi-
-- tion, has total cover against attacks and other effects outside
Saving Throws Wis +12, Cha +11 the scion, and takes 24 (7d6) force damage at the start of each
Skills Perception +12 ofthe scion's turns.
Damage Resistances cold, fire, lightning; bludgeoning, The scion's stomach can hold up to two creatures at a time. pp
piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks Ifthe scion takes 60 damage or more on a single turn from a
Damage Immunities poison
Condition Immunities exhaustion, paralyzed, poisoned creature inside it, the scion must succeed on a DC 17 Constitu-
Senses passive Perception 22 regurgitate all swal-
that turn or
tion saving throw at the end of
Languages Giant, Primordial lowed creatures, each of which falls in a space within 10 feet
Challenge 22 (41,000 XP) Prof ncy Bonus 47 ofthe scion and has the prone condition. If the scion dies, any
swallowed creature no longer has the restrained condition and
Legendary Resistance (6/Day). If the scion fails a saving throw, can escape from the corpse using 15 feet of movement, exiting
itcan choose to succeed instead. with the prone condition
Mogic Resistance. The scion has advantage on saving throws Bonus Actions
against spells and other magical effects.
Earth-Shaking Movement. The scion moves up to its speed
Siege Monster, The scion deals double damage to objects and and then sends a shock wave through the ground in a
structures, 60-foot-radius circle centered on itself. Each creature on the

Actions ground in that area that is concentrating must succeed on a DC

23 Constitution saving throw ог lose concentration.
Multiattack. The scion makes one Great Tree Club attack and
two Slam attacks, or it makes three Boulder attacks. REACTIONS
Great Tree Club. Melee Weapon Attack: +15 to hit, reach 30 ft., Feed, immediately after taking damage, ifit has at least one
one target. Hit: 30 (4810+8) bludgeoning damage. If the tar- creature swallowed, the scion deals 10 (346) force damage to
fet is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 23 Strength saving each swallowed creature and regains 10 hit points.
throw or be pushed horizontally up to 100 feet straight away
from thescion and have the prone condition.

A slumbering scion of Memnor appears as a dense, The region surrounding a scion of Memnor is al.
slowly drifting tower of clouds that never dissipates. tered by the giant's magic, creating one or more of
Often, this cloud lingers over a remote valley, creat- the following effects:
ing a constantly overcast sky. Sapient creatures who Compulsory Offering. The first time a sapient
live beneath this cloud often display superstitious
and duplicitous behavior, almost unconsciously leav- creature comes within 6 miles of the scion, the
ing gifts for “rain spirits” while playing mischievous creature must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom sav.
pranks on cach other. ing throw or feel an overwhelming compulsion to
When roused, a cradle of the cloud scion mani- leave an offering worth at least 5 gp stashed in an
fests as a titanic air elemental made of fierce winds out-of-the-way place. Cloud giants within 6 miles
and wisps of cloud. It wields air and thunder to of the cradle or scion immediately sense the lo.
knock enemies from the sky. cation of this gift. A creature can be affected only
If the cradle is destroyed, the scion of Memnor once by this compulsion.
emerges from the dissipating cloud, often laughing Empowered Cloud Giants. Cloud giants with
as if it just heard аgreat joke. Incredibly talland 1,000 feet of the scion gain а +8 bonus to attack
lanky, the scion towers 75 feet tall and wields a and damage rolls.
morningstar made from magically dense clouds. Mischievous Whispers. Whispers can be heard
It tends to regard other creatures as toys rather on the wind within 1 mile of thescion. The words
than serious threats, and it uses Из illusion magic are indistinct, but a creature with an Intelligence:
to manipulate creatures into fighting each other. If score of 5 or higher interprets them as instruc:
seriously threatened, it wields thunder and wind to tions for a prank they can play on others,
demolish its enemies, If the scion dies, these effects end immediately.
Gorgantuan Elemental, Typically Chaotic Neutral Multiattack. The cradle makes three Slam or Wind javelin
attacks in any combination,
Armor Class 19 (natural armor)
Hit Points 624 (32920 282) Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +17 to hit, reach 20 ft., one target
| Speed 0 ft., fly90ft, (hover) Hit: 31 (4410 + 9) bludgeoning damage plus 19 (3412) thun-
der damage.
STR DEX сом іт WIS НА Wind Javelin.Ronged Weapon Attack: +17 to hit, range 120
| 2909) 2165) 2509) 142) 2266) 1964) ft., one target. Hit: 27 (408 « 9) bludgeoning damage plus 10
(346) thunder damage, and the target must succeed on a DC
| Saving Throws Int 410, Cha +12 25 Strength saving throworhave the prone condition.
| Damage Resistances cold, fire, lightning; bludgeonin Vortex (Recharge 5-6]. The cradle conjures a vortex of wind at
piercing, and slashing from nonmagjcal attacks
| Damage immunities poison, thunder а point it can see within90feetofitself. The wind vortex is à
30-foot-radius, 100-foothighcylinder centered on that point.
| Condition Immunities exhaustion, grappled, paralyzed,
petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained, stunned. Each creature other than the cradle in that area must make a
Senses passive Perception 16 DC 25 Dexterity saving throw. On afailed save, a creature tala
Languages Giant, Primordial 71 (11412) bludgeoning damage and has the restrained cond
Challenge 26 (90,000 ХР) Proficiency Bonus +8 tion within the vortex. On a successful save, a creature takes
halfasmuch damage and is pushed to the nearest unoccupied
‘Awakening of the Scion, The cradle is a container for the scion spaceoutside the cylinder, The vortex lasts until the start of the
‘ofMemnor, When the cradle drops to 0 hit points, its body cradie' next urn. A creature with the restrained condition falls
dissipates into cloud wisps. The scion instantly appears inthe prone when the vortex ends,
space the cradle occupied and uses the cradle's initiative count, A creature with the restrained condition can use Из action to
гу to escape the vortex, The creature makes a DC 19 Strength
Flyby. The cradle doesn't provoke opportunity attacks when it (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check, On a successful
| flies out of an enemy's reach, check, the creature escapes and moves 346 x 10 feet away from.
thevortex in a random direction.
it сап choose to succeed instead.
| Magic Resistance, The cradle has advantage on Thunderclap, Immediately after taking damage, the cradle
|against spells and other magical effects. unleashes а thunderchp in a 30-foot-radius sphere centered
| Siege Monster, Thecradle deals double damage toobjects and on itself, All other creatures in that area must succeed on a DC
| structures, 25 Constitution savingthrowor take 18 (4d8) thunder damage
and have the deafened condition for 1 minute,
hs ананас?
| 166 CHAP
AE xl
ScioN OF MEMNOR Cloud Morningstar. Melee Weapon Attack: +18 to hit, reach 30
Gorgantuan Giant (Titan), Typically Chaotic Neutral ft, one target. Hit: 32 (4910 + 10) force damage plus 22 (4810) №
thunder damage.
Armor Class 20 (natural armor) Wind Javelin. Ranged Weapon Attack: +18 to hit, range 120/480. |
| Hit Points 656 (32420 + 320) ft, one target. Hit: 42 (5412+10) thunder damage, and the
Speed 60 ft., бу 80 ft. (hover) target must succeed on a DC 26 Strength saving throw or have
the prone condition
30 (+10) 18 (+4) 30 (+10) 2467) 22 (+6) 26 (48) Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +18 to hit, reach 20 ft., one target.
Hit: 28 (448 + 10) force damage.
Saving Throws Dex +12, Cha +16 Thunderous Vortex (Recharge 5-6). The scion magically creates
Skills Arcana +15, Perception +14 а vortex of wind in a 60-foot-radius sphere centered a point
Damage Resistances cold, йге, lightning; bludgeoning, it can see within 120 feet cf itself. Each creature in theon sphere
piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks must succeed on a DC 24 Strength saving throw or be pulled
Damage Immunities thunder Straight toward the sphere's center, ending in an unoccupi
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, paralyzed, petrifed Space as close as possible to the center. Then a burst of ed
Senses truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 24 der erupts in a 30-foot-radius sphere centered on the same thun-
Languages Giant, Primordial Point. Each creature in that area takes 52 (8d12) thunder dam
Challenge 26 (90,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus «à age and must succeed on a DC 24 Constitution saving throw or
Flyby. The scion doesn't provoke opportunity attacks when it have the stunned condition until the end ofits next turn.
fies out ofanenemy's reach. Bonus Actions
Legendary Resistance (6/Day). If the scion fails a saving throw, Fog of Deception. The scion conjures a magical cloud that fills
itcan choose to succeed instead. а 30-foot-radius sphere centered on a point it can see within
Magic Resistance. The scion has advantage on saving throws. 30 feet cf itself. Each creature in that area must make a DC
against spells and other magical effects. 24 Wisdom saving throw.On a failed save, a creature has the.
charmed condition until the end of its next turn. While it has
Siege Monster. The scion deals double damage to objects and the charmed condition, the creature must use its action to
structures. make а melee attack against a creature other than itself ofthe
Астомѕ scion's choice. If no creature is within its reach, the affected
creature makes a ranged attack against a creature of the scion's
Multiattack. The scion makes one attack using Cloud Morning- choice, throwing its weapon if necessary, On a successful save,
star or Wind Javelin, as well аз two Slam attacks, a creature is immune to the scion's Fog of Deception for the
next 24 hours,
- ———À


се Elemental, Typically Neutral
"Armor Class20 (natural armor)
Hit Points 455 (2620 + 182)
‫لار‬aisJustsay|uasа ы.‫‏‬ Speed 40П.
аа Ви, SR DEX сом
26(4) 1502) 2407) по)
Saving Throws Wis +11, Cha +7
| Domt оле wher |am, деду Yoigo. | Damage Resistances cold, fire, lightning; bludgeoning, piercing,
and slashing from nonmagical attacks
») Diancastra Damage Immunities acid, poison
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened,
paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone
| Senses tremorsense 120ft, passive Perception 14
Languages Giant, Primordial
SCION OF SKORAEUS Challenge 23 (50,000 ХР) Proficiency Bonus +7
A scion of Skoraeus typically slumbers deep in the Awakening of the Scion. The cradle is a container for the scion
heart ofatowering mountain, almost becoming one ofSkoraeus. When the cradle drops to 0 hit points, its body
with the earth. While the scion dreams, the moun- ‘crumbles to dust. The scion instantly appears in the space the
tain's minerals are transformed into fine carving cradle occupied and uses the cradle's initiative count.
stones and brilliant gems. Legendary Resistance (5/Day). I the cradle fails a saving throw.
Ifa miner tunnels too close to the heart of the it can choose to succeed instead.
mountain, the cradle awakens as a bipedal mass of ‘Magic Resistance. Thecradle has advantage on saving throws
stone and crystals. It brings the weight of the moun- |against spellsand other magical effects.
tain down on the intruder’s head and unleashes an ‘Siege Monster. Thecradledeals double damage to objects and
earsplitting roar that can collapse mine tunnels. structures,
If the cradle is destroyed, the scion of Skoraeus in-
side it awakens. At nearly 70 feet tall, it towers over ACTIONS
most other creatures and wields a mass of crystal Multiattack. Thecradle makes two Slam ог Spit Rock attacks.
asa club. Once awakened, the scion continues to ‘Slam, MeleeWeapon Attack:
+15to hit, reach 20 ft., one target.
pursue the art that ornamented its dreams, seeking Hit:30(4410+8) bludgeoning damage.
to mold and shape stone into beautiful elegance. If it Spit Rock.Ranged Weapon Attack: +15 to hit, range 120 ft., one
needs more raw materials, the scion can transform target. Hit: 24 (3410 + 8) bludgeoning damage, and the target
a living creature in its palm into stone. must succeed on a DC 23 Strength saving throw or have the
prone condition.
REGIONAL EFFECTS ‘Shattering Roar (Recharge 5-6). The cradle lets out a painfully
The region surrounding a scion of Skoraeus is al- load roar, Each creature within 60 feet of
the cradle must make
tered by the giant's magic, creating one or more of | a DC23 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, acreature
the following effects: 33 (6d10) thunder damage and has the incapacitated con-
Abundant Stone and Minerals. Smooth stones and | until the end ofits next turn,
gems grow within 6 miles of the scion. | Bonus Actions га
Edible Moss. Carpets of golden moss that stone |Crystal Flare, The cradlecauses the crystals on its body to
giants find tasty grow on cavern walls within 6 flarewithlight, Eachcreat ithin 30feet of the cradle must
miles of the scion.
Empowered Stone Giants. Stone giants within
1,000 feet of the scion gain a 47 bonus to attack
and damage rolls, I roundina 20-foot square
If the scion dies, the Empowered Stone Giantsef- tal spikes until the start of
fect ends immediately, The other effects cease to rain for the dura-
produce new moss and minerals, and existing moss
dies within 1410 days.


SCION or SkonAEus
Gorgantuan Giant (Titan), Typically Neutral
Armor Class 19 (natural armor)
Hit Points 444 (24420 + 192)
Speed 60 ft.
2969) 2045) 1608) 1904 24(7) мі
Saving Throws Dex +12, Wis +14
Skills Acrobatics +12, Perception +14
Damage Resistances cold, fire, lightning; bludgeoning, piercing,
and slashing from nonmagical attacks
Damage Immunities acid
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, paralyzed, petrified
Senses truesight 120 ft, passive Perception 24
Languages Giant, Primordial
Challenge 23 (50,000 xP) Proficiency Bonus +7
Legendary Resistance (6/Day). f the scion fails a saving throw,
й сап choose to succeed instead.
Magic Resistance. The scion has advantage on saving throws.
against spells and other magical effects.
Siege Monster. The scion deals double damage to objects and
Multiattack. The scion makes one Crystal Club attack and two
Slam attacks, then uses Entombing Grasp if available. Alterna
tively, the scion makes two Runic Boulder attacks.
Crystal Club. Melee Weapon Attack: +16 to hit, reach 30 ft, опе
target. Hit: 35 (4d12 + 9) bludgeoning damage. Hit or Miss: The
scion can cause the club to flare with bright light, and the target
must succeed on a DC 22 Constitution saving throw or take 18
(498) radiant damage and have the blinded condition urtil the.
start ofthe scion's next turn.
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +16 to hit, reach 20 ft., one target.
Hit: 31 (4410 + 9) force damage.
Runic Boulder. Ranged Weapon Attack. +16 to hit, range
120/480 ft., one target. Hit: 27 (448 + 9) bludgeoning damage.
Hit or Miss: The boulder explodes. The target and each creature
within 30 feet of it must make a DC 22 Dexterity saving throw.
On a failed save, a creature takes 19 (3412) force damage and
has the prone condition, On a successful save, a creature takes |
halfasmuch damage only.
Entombing Grasp (Recharge 6). The scion wreathes its hand
in petrifying magic and touches one Huge or smaller creature
it can see within 20 feet of itself. The target must succeed on
а DC 24 Dexterity saving throw or take 28 (806) force damage
and have the grappled condition (escape ОС 19). At the start
of the scion’s next turn, if the target is still grappled, the target
has the petrified condition
Earth Shaking Movement. The scion moves up to its speed
and then sends a shock wave through the ground in a 60-100
radius circle centered on itself. Each creature on the goun а
that area that is concentrating must succeed on a DC 74 Соп
stitution saving throw or lose concentration
Gargentuan Elemental, Typically Chaotic Good
Armor Class 19 (natural armor)
Points 682 (35020 + 315)
Speed 40 ft., fly 60 ft. (hover), swim 60 ft.
30010) 1482) 299) 1603) 2366) 18(4)
Damage Resistances cold, fire, thunder; bludgeoning, piercing,
and slashing from nonmagical attacks
Damage Immunities lightning, poison
Condition Immunities exhaustion, grappled, paralyzed,
petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained, stunned
Senses passive Perception 16
Languages Giant, Primordial
Challenge 27 (105,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +8
‘Awakening of the Scion. The cradle is а container for the scion
ofStronmaus. When the cradle drops to 0 hit points, its body
bursts into light. The scion instantly appears in the space the
cradle occupied and uses the cradle's initiative count.
Legendary Resistance (5/Day). If the cradle fails a saving throw,
it can choose to succeed instead.
Magic Resistance. The cradle has advantage on saving throws
against spells and other magical effects.
ze Monster, The cradle deals double damage to objects and
Multiattack. The cradle makes three Slam or Spit Hailstone
attacks in any combination,
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +18 to hit, each 20 ft., one target.
Hit: 36 (4412 + 10) bludgeoning damage plus 19 (3912) light-
ning damage.
Spit Hailstone. Ranged Weapon Attack: +18 to hit, range 120
ft, one target. Hit: 32 4810+10) bludgeoning damage plus 14
(446) cold damage, and the target must succeed on а DC 26
‘Strength saving throw or have the prone condition,
Lightning Barrage (Recharge 5-6). The cradle hurls multiple
‘magical lightning bolts at up to two creatures it can see within
500 feet ofitself. Each target must make a DC 22 Dexterity
saving throw. Onafailedsave, the target takes 71 (11912) light-
ning damage and has the stunned condition until the end of its
nextturn. On a successful save, the target takes halfasmuch
damage only,
Booming St^ itely aftertaking damage, the cradle
racks with thunder and enmagicallyeer ie 60 feet
pe ae аа Space it can see.Each creature within 10 feet
Lk cradleket must akea DC22 Constitution
dg throw taking (аб under damage on a failedsave,
much damage ona successful one,
them orin
SCION OF STRONMAUS little creatures—either in conversing with
A scion of Stronmausoftenslumbers
highinthe protecting them from harm it might cause.elemental
If the scion is thr ^d, it unleashes
sky or deep in the ocean, where the tumult caused might like few othe r forces in the multiverse can
by the scion's restless sleep has litle effect on the muster: blad es
oflight ning, boulder-sized hail-
world. Ги drifts too near the ground or the ocean stones, and a storm of churning elements.
surface, it causes mighty storms or fierce mael
stroms. A scion's slumber is filled with dreams rang REGIONAL EFFECTS "
ing from inspiring visions of Annam's return to mel The region surrounding а scion of Stronmaus is
ancholy prophecies ofinevitable decline, from joyful altered by the giant's magic, creating one or more of
glimpses ofan idyllic past to horrific nightmares of the following effec
torment and devastation. Elemental Portals. Two-way portals to the Elemen-
Acradle of the storm scion stirs into action not tal Plane of Air (if the scion is in the sky) or the
only when the scion is threatened but also if the sci- Elemental Plane of Water (if the scion is in the
on's sleep is troubled by nightmares, When roused, ocean) form within 1 mile of the cradle or scion,
the cradle takes on a vaguely giant-shaped form con- allowing elemental creatures into the world.
sisting ofair,water, and ice whirlingin fury. Empowered Storm Giants. Storm giants within
If the cradle is destroyed, the scion of Stronmaus 1,000 feet of the scion gain a +8 bonus to attack
inside it awakens. Among the mightiest creatures and damage rolls.
ofall giantkind, the scion stands 80 feet tall. It often Extreme Weather. The weather within 1 mile of the
finds some reliefinwaking and being freed from its scion dramatically shifts day to day, ranging from
troubling dreams, so it doesn't necessarily lash out pleasantly sunny to brutal hailstorms.
in violence when emerging from its cradle. But it's
not particularly interested in Humanoids or other If the scion dies, these effects end immediately.

Scion OF STRONMAUS Hailstone. Ranged Weapon Attack: +18 to hit, range 120/480
Gargantuan Giant (Titan), Typically Chaotic Good ft, one target. Hit: 32 (4d10+10) bludgeoning damage plus 18
(498) cold damage, and the target must succeed on a DC 26
Armor Class20 (natural armor) Strength saving throw or have the prone condition.
HitPoints 656 (32920+320)
Speed 60 Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +18 to hit, reach 20 ft., one target.
ft., Пу 80 ft. (hover), swim 80 ft. Hit:36(4612 + 10) force damage.

30 (10) 20 (+5) 30 (+10) 26(48) 28 (09) 24 (+7)
Vengeful Storm (Recharge 6). The scion conjures a churning
Saving Throws Dex413, Int +16 storm cloud in a 30-foot-radius, 10-foot-tall cylinder centered
Skills Arcana +16, History +16, Perception +17 оп a pointwithin 120 feet ofitself. The cloud's area is heavily
Damage Resistances cold, fire; bludgeoning, piercing, and obscured. The cloud lasts for 1 minute, until the scion dies, or
slashing from nonmagical attacks when the scion uses this bonus action again.
Immunities lightning, When the cloud appears, and as a bonus action on later
Condition Immunities charmed,thunde r
exhaustion, frightened, turns, the scion can move the cloud up to 30 feet and cause
paralyzed, petrified, prone one of the following effects in а 30-foot-radius, 120-foot-high
Senses truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 27 cylinder directly below it; the scion can't choose the same
Languages Giant, Primordial effect two rounds in a row:
nge 27 (105,000 ХР) Proficiency Bonus +8 ‘Acid Rain. The cloud rains acid, Each creature in the cylinder
Flyby. The scion doesn't. Provoke opportunity attacks when must succeed on a DC 25 Constitution saving throw or be
їз out of an enemy's it coveredinacid for 1 minute or until a creature uses its
reach, action
to remove the acid from itself or another creature. A creatur
nr Resistance (6/Day №. If the scion fails a saving throw, covered in the acid takes 26 (4d12) acid damage at the starte
loose to succeed instead, of each ofits turns.
Magic Freezing Storm. Shards of ice pelt down, and freezing wind fills
: Resista
seat адарыnce, ThTe е scion
scion hashas adadvantage
onsaving throws the area.Each creature in the cylinder must succeed on a ОС
ther magical effects, 25 Dexterity saving throwortake 28 (86)
тимин The scion deals double damage to objects
and be hindered by ice formations for 1 minutecoldor
damage and
until it or an.
other creature within reach of it uses an action to break
the ie, A creature hindered by ice has its speed reduced away
Actions Lightning Bolts. Bolts of lightning strike down. Each crea to 0.
> Ty the cylinder must succeed оп Di С 25 Dexterity savin ture in
Na Or Hailstonе e,scioasn well
makes one attack usingusing Ligh Lightnin
as two Slam attacks, ^ S or take 18 (4d8) lightning damage andhavethe g throw
dition unt не end ofits next urn, C Stunned соп.
Былком, Melee Weapon Attack: +18 to hit,reac
lightning sg 36 (8812 + 10) force damage plus 22 h 30 ft,

|ArmorCass20 (natural armo r)
Hit Point s 555 (304 20 + 240)
Spee40 dft.
2969) па) маз го) 2065 ) 17 3)
Damage Resistances cold, lightning; bludgeoning, piercing, and
ScioN or SuRTUR slashing from nonmagical attacks
Damage Immunities fire, poison —
Ascion of Surtur slumbering at the peak of avol- Condition Immunities exhaustion, petrified, реoisoned
сапо causes an unending plume of smok Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 15А й
sometimes lit from below by fiery burs e to rise, Languages Giant, Primordial Bonus +8
ts of lava. Challeng e 25 (75,000 ХР) Proficie ncy
As the scion dreams of battle perhaps a battle to e e m ‫س‬‎
rouse Annam from seclusion by uniting i ofthe Scion. " The cradle isв а containerr for the scion
or a war to conquer all in Surtur's name—tthehegiant s ‘Awakening
vol- ‘ofSurtur. When the cradle drops to 0 hit points, its body hard-
cano rumbles and spews molten rage. | ens and crumble s to ash. The scion instantl y appears in the
Ifintruders disturb its resting place, the sci- space the cradle occupied and uses the cradle's initiative count.
оп cradle rises as a bipedal juggernaut offiremolten Legendary Resistance (5/Day). If the cradle fails a saving throw,
rock. Sometimes miners risk their lives to find rich it сап choose to succeed instead.
veins of ore in a scion's volcano, or misguided fire Magic Resistance. The cradle has advantage on saving throws
cultists offer sacrifices meant to appease or awaken against spells and other magical effects.
the volcano, and the awakened cradle defies all their ‘SiegeMonster.The cradle deals double damage to objects and
expectations. Like a living volcano, the cradle hurls structures.
balls of magma at intruders, exhales fiery gases,
and causes molten stone to erupt from the ground Actions
around it. Multiattack. The cradle makes three Slamor Hurl Lava attacks
Ifthe cradle is destroyed, the scion of Surtur in- in апу combination.
side it awakens. Standing 60 feet tall, the scionis Slam, Melee Weapon Attack: +17 to hit, reach 20 ft., one tar-
form is shrouded in a continual cloud of billowing get. Hit: 31 (4410+9) bludgeoning damage plus 14 (4d6)
ash and smoke. The awakened scion forms a blade fire damage.
oflava in its mighty hand and schemes to resume Hurl Lava. Ranged Weapon Attack: +17 to hit, range 120 ft., one
its ancient campaigns of conquest, preferably at the target. Hit: 27 (4d8 + 9) firedamage. If the target is a creature
head ofa fire giant army. ога flammable object, it ignites. Until a creature within 5 feet
ofthe fire takes an action todouse the бте, the target takes 10
REGIONAL EFFECTS (396) fre damage at the start ofeach of its turns.
The region surroundingascion of Surtur is altered Erupting Breath (Recharge 5-6). The cradle exhales flames and
by the giant's magic, creating one or more of the fol- volcanic gases in a 90-foot cone. Each creature in that area
lowing effects: must make a DC 24 Dexterity saving throw, On a failed save,
а creature takes 55 (1010) fire damage and has the poisoned
Abundant Ore. Veins of precious metals and ore condition for 1 minute. On a successful save, a creature takes
are more common within 6 miles of the scion. halfasmuch damage опу.
Desertification. Precipitation is almost nonexistent A creature poisoned in this way can make a DC 24 Consti-
within 6 miles of the scion, parching the land and tution saving throw at the end ofeach ofits turns, ending the
withering most plant life. effectonitselfona success.
Empowered Fire Giants. Fire giants within 1,000 Bonus ACTIONS
feet of the scion gain a +8 bonus to attack and Lava Geyser. The cradle causes lava to erupt from a point on
damage rolls, the ground it can seewithin 120 feet of itself. Each creature in
If the scion dies, existing ore remains, but new а 20-foot-radius, 50-foot high cylinder centered on that point
veins of ore stop forming. The other effects end must succeed on a DC 21 Dexterity saving throw or take 14
(446) fredamage.

ScION OF SURTUR Lava Ball. Ranged Weapon Attack: +18 to hit, range 120/480
Gargontuan Giant (Titan), Typically Lawful Evil ft.,one target. Hit: 29 (3412 +10) bludgeoning damage plus Ў
10 (346) fire damage, and the target must succeed on a ОС 26
T Armor Class 20 (natural armor) Strength saving throw or have the pronecondition,
Hit Points 546 (28420 + 252) Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +18 to hit reach 20 ft., one target.
Speed 60 ft Hit: 28 (448 + 10) force damage.
STR DEX сом INT WIS CHA Lava Wave (Recharge 5-6). The scion emits a wave of lava from
30(40) 17(3) 2869) 21 (+S) 24(7) 2005) its blade, hands, ог mouth in а 90-foot cone. Each creature
in that area must make aDC 25 Dexterity saving throw. On a
Saving Throws Dex +11, Cha +13 failed save, a creature takes 60 (11910) fire damage and hasthe
‘SkillsAthletics +18, Perception +15 restrained condition from being embedded in hardening
Damage Resistances cold, lightning; bludgeoning, piercing A creature can make a DC 25 Strength (Athletics) check asrockan
and slashing from nonmagical attacks action, freeing itselfora creature within reach from the rock
Damage Immunities fire оп а success. The rock has AC 17 and 40 hitpoints, and itis
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, immune to fire, poison, and psychic damage. On a successf ul
paralyzed, petrified save, a creature takes halfasmuch damage only.
Senses truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 25
Languages Giant, Primordial Bonus Actions
Challenge 25 (75,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus «8 Earth-Shaking Movement. The scion moves up to its
Legendary Resistance (6/Day). If the scion fails a saving throw, and then sends а shockwave through the ground in аspeed
50-foct-radius circle centered on itself. Each creature on the
it can choose to succeed instead. ground in that area that is concentrating must succeed on a DC
Magic Resistance. The scion has advantage on saving throws. 26 Constitution saving throw or lose concentration.
againstspellsand other magical effects. Incendiary Smoke. The scion causes smoke and white-hot
Siege Monster, The scion deals double damage to objects and embers to billow from its skin, filing a 30-foot-radius sphere
structures centered on itselfthat moves with it. Whi the
billows smoke, ranged attacks against the scion are madeskin with
ACTIONS disadvantage. A creature that moves into the smoke for the first
Multiattack. The scion makes опе attack using Lava Blade or time on a turn or starts its turn there must succeed on a ОС
Lava Ball, as well as two Slam attacks. 25 Constitution saving throw or take 14 (4d6) firedamage.The
scion's skin stops billowing smoke after |minute, when the
Lava Blade. Melee Weapon Attack: +18 to hit, reach 30 ft., scion dies, or when the scion uses this bonus action to stop
‘one target. Hit: 32 (4d10 + 10) slashing damage plus 18 (498)
fire damage. the smoke.


A slumbering scion of Thrym encased in its cradle REGIONAL EFFECTS
is functionally identical to a glacier or iceberg, nes- The region surrounding a scion of Thrym is altered
Мед in an alpine valley or drifting in a polar sea. by the giant's magic, creating one or morc of the fol-
In its wintry seclusion, the scion dreams of battle lowing effects:
and glory.
If itis disturbed, the scion's cradle animates as a Biting Chill. Extreme cold envelops the land within
bipedal figure formed of ice and snow. It smashes 6 miles of the scion (see the Dungeon Master's
intruders with its icy fists or hurls shards of its own Guide for rules on extreme cold). If the climate
icy substance at them, and it can exhale a blast of the area already features extreme cold, the cold is
frigid air to freeze foes in place. numbing—creatures in the area without immunity
If the cradle is destroyed, its icy body shatters to or resistance to cold damage have disadvantage
reveal the awakened scion of Thrym inside it. Form on Strength and Dexterity checks.
ing a double-bladed axe in its hand, the 704оонай Empowered Frost Giants. Frost giants within
scion rushes at any foe that dares to challenge и. 1,000 feet of
the scion gain a +7 bonus to attack
Emulating sagas of Thrym, the scion can achieve а and damage rolls,
tremendous feat of strength: creating a glacier in the Thriving Wildlife. Beasts reproduce rapidly and.
ground and hurling it skyward, along with any erea: thrive within 6 miles ofthescion,
tures standing on it cls end immediate!


Gargansuon Elemental, Typically Neutral full Multiattack, The cradle makes two Slam or Ний Icicle attacks
Armor Class 20 (natural armor) Slam, Melee Weapon Allack: +15 to hit, reach 20 ft., one tar
„НА Points499(21470 +216) get. Hit: 30 (4d10 + В) bludgeoning damage plus 11 (2410)
| Speed 40 ft., swirn
40fi cold dami
Hurl icicle, Ranged Weapon Attack: «V vo hit, range 120 ft,
STR DEX CON іт WS CHA ‘one target, НИ: 26 (408 8) plarcing батаре plus 9 (248) cold
заў мо) жаў M (0) 1964) 10003) damage, and the target must succeed on a DC 23 Strength sav
——————— ing throw or have the prone condition,
SavingThrows Wis +11, Cha +10 тейт Breath (Recharge 5-6), The cradle exhalos u blust of
Damage Rasistances fie,lightning: bludeaning, plercing, and frost in в ОМО cone, Fach creature in that area must make a
slashing from nonmagical attacks DC 23 Constitution saving throw, On a failed save, a creature
Darmaga Immunities cold, poison
Condition Immunities charred, exhaustion, frightened, takes 92 (#417) cold damage, und Из speed is reduced to 0
paralyzed, иін, poisoned until the end oflt next шт, On û successful save, a creature
Senses darkvision 170 It, passive Perception M takes hall asmuch damage only, Ifthis damage would reduce
Languages Gia, Роланд the target to0hit points, the target drops to 1 hit point instead.
Challenge 74 (62,000 £F) Proficiency honus +7 эт has the petrified condition, turning into a frozen sta
——————— — И е statua takes bludgeoning damage, И shatters, killing,
| Awakening of the Selon, The cradle s à container for the selon the frozen creature, И бъ statue would take fre damage, I In
ofThrym, When the cradle drops to Û hit points, Ws body shat: ‘stead takes no damage and thaws, ending the petrification.
Vers into shards of ice, The scion instantly appears in the space
thecradleoccupied and uses the cradle’s initiative count. Bo 1
Legendary Resistance (800у), И he cradle faiis a saving throw, Chiling Мін, The cradle magically conjures и cloud of chilling
И can choose to висене instand,
mist that 01 à 30oot-radius sphere centered on a point Н can
see within 90feetofsif,The mist spreads around corners
Magle паша, The crudha Was advantage on saving throws MM HAHye succeed опа DC 19 Constitu:
against spells and other magical effects, ıı lake 28 (84) cold dam,
Slage Monstar, Tha cradle deals double damage to objects and o ube ens n the sat anes Te ms unable
structures: раза the and ofthe cradle'sturn, і
p RR


ке Axe. Melee Weapon Attack: 417 to hit,reach 30 ft, one target
Gargantuan Giant (Titan), Typically Neutral Evil Hit: 36 (412 v10) force damage plus 18 (444) cold damage, f
Slam, Melee Weapon Attack:+17tohit, reach20ft, one target
Hit: 32 (Ad10 10) force damage,
Glacler Throw. Ranged Weapon Attack: +17 to hit, range 120/480
ft, onetarget. Hit: 36 (4412; 10) bludgeoningdamage plus 14
DEX сом INT wis CHA (406) cold damage, and the target must succeed on а DC 25
6 (43) 248 ШЇ 20 (45) nus) Strength saving throw or have the prone condition,
Glacial Upheaval (Recharge 5-6), Тһе scion digs Из hands
Wis 412, Cha +12 into the ground at a point t can see within JO feet of itself and
117, Perception +12 launc hes
аmagically conjured mass of ice intotheair,ach
teslstances fire, lightning; bludgeoning, plercing, and Creature other than the scion in a 10 footradivs, 100 (оо high.
om nonmagical attacks cylinder center ed
onthat pointmustmake аDC25 Dexterity
saving throw.On a filled save,a creature takes 30 (848) Ыш,
Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, ooning damage plus 19 (1412) cold damage and is pushed
paralyzed, petrified vertically to the top of the cylinder, at which point the creature
Senses truosight 120 ft, ive Perception 22 falls, On asucce ssful
save, acreature takeshalfasmuch dam
Languages Giant, Primordial зе and is pushed to the nearest unoccupied space outside the
“еп 24 (62,000 XP) Proficloncy Bonus +7 cylinder with noadditional effects
gendary Resistance (6/Daj Mthe scion falls asaving throw,
AL ihe анof the вскинз next turn, a mass of ce plummets
to the ground on a point the scion can see within 60 feel of
сап choose to succeed Insta Ihe point the scion dug Из hands into, Fach creatureinà
Magle Resistance, The scion has advantage on saving throws 40.footvadius, 100 foot high cylinder centered on that point
ч elle und other magical effects, must succeedonà DC 25 Dexterity saving throw or take 18
"The selon йені double damage to objects and (408) bludgeoning damage plus 18 (408) cold damage
Bonus Actions
arth Shaking Movement, The scion moves up to its speed
and senis а shock wave through the ground in а (0-foot radius
де centered onitself.Esch creatureonthe ground in that
ига that Is concentrating must succeed on a DC 24 Constitu:
Won saving throw or loseconcentration,


Tales suggest cloud giants sometimes seek this
fate rather than accept the end of their naturally
long lives. In such stories, a cloud giant undergoes a
ritual in which its heart is transplanted into a cloud,
causing the giant's body to dissolve and its spirit to
animate the cloud.
Huge Undead, Typically Neutral
Armor Class 11 |
Hit Points 189 (18412 + 72) |
Speed0ft., fly 40 ft. (hover) ‫ت‬

мол RE 1864) 1248) 1703) 6(3
‘Saving Throws Dex +6, Cha +8‫‏‬ І‫‏‬
Skills Perception +8
Damage Resistances cold, necro ks‫‏‬tic; bludg eonin g, pierci ng, and‫‏‬
slashing from nonmagical attac
Immunities poison, thunder‫‏‬
Condi tion Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened‫‏‬
grappled, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, restai‫‏‬
Senses passive Perception 18‫‏‬
Languages Common, Giant‫‏‬
Challenge 13 (10,000 XP)‫‏‬ Proficiency Bonus +5
Blurred Form. Attack rolls against the spectral cloud are made
with disadvantage unless the attacker is within 15 feet of the
spectral cloud or the spectral cloud is incapacitated.
“Incorporeal Movement. The spectral cloud can move through
ih creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. It
takes5(1d10) force damage ifitends its turn inside an object.
| Multiattack. The spectral cloud makes two Spectral
Touch attacks.
4 Spectral Touch. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 10 ft,
one target. Hit: 20 (348 + 7) force damage plus 10 (396) ne-
crotic damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed ona
DC 20Constitution saving throw, or its hit point maximum is
reduced by an amount equal to the necrotic damage taken. 1
reduction lasts until the target finishes a long rest. The targe
dies ifits hit point maximum is reduced to 0.
А Humanoid slain by this attack immediately rises as
iature spectral cloud (use the specter stat block in the M.a
Manual). The miniature spectral cloud acts as an ally of
ator but isn’t under its control.
Chilling Winds (Recharge 5-6). The spectral cloud emits
tensely cold wind іп a 60-foot line that is 10 feet wide.
creature in that area must make a DC 20 Constitu
SPECTRAL CLOUD throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 38
(7410) cold d:
A cloud giant that dies through an act of betrayal l ог and has the incapacitated condition for 1 minute . Thea
an ill-fated wager sometimes returns as a spectra creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of
turns, ending the effect on itselfona success. On each ofits
cloud. While this Undead seems to be merely a thick save, a creature takes half as much damage only.
a successful
cloud or fog bank, observers can sometimes spot a 2
shadowy bipedal figure lurking within. At the heart Ifa creature's
thatcrea saving
is successful or the Бан |
ne tothis spectral clouds Chiling
of the cloud, the figure's appearance becomes clear: forthe next 24 hours. к. ——
a skeletal cloud giant corpse. ET



When il cones bo infiltrating

| skeadings | rust adnit that зны Ione
Are în sone uoys preferable
ы soy, dire.
"lies er cave bears, Napely,
if theyre
vell feg, theyre nore likely ta str
etch and
youn than theyare (6 raise
an alara uhen oW
they Spot you,

oy Ф .

Huge Beast, Unaligned

Armor Class 15 (natural armor)
Hit Points 66 (2812 + 21)
Speed 60 ft.

сом INT wis CHA
7763 5(3 130) 10 40)
Skills Perception +5, Stealth +6
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 15
Challenge 3 (700 ХР) Proficiency Bonus +2
Pack Tactics. The lion has advantage on an attack roll
creature if at least one of the lion'sallies is within 5 feetagain
st a
target and the allydoesn't havethe incapacitated condition. the
Roughly twice the size of aишоion, a spot-
ted lion has аdusky coat and mane, Rend. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach
both sp
With charcoal-colored spots. Spotted lions gather Hit: 15 (2d8 + 6) piercing damage. ifthe lion 10moved
ft, one target
in prides to hunt enormous prey ranging from giant feet straight toward the target immediately before theat hit,
least 20
target mustsucceed on a DC 16 Strength saving throw or have the
elk to mammoths. Stone and cloud giants often
keep these massive beasts as pets and hunting
the prone condition. If the target has the prone condition, the
lion can make another Rend attack against it as a bonus action


Demon worship is mong stone giants, the de
structive tendency of demons is the antithesis of the
artistry that drivesthe stone giant's ordning The
Horned King, Baphomet, in an exception. Though
he isan ева hunter, the
fis complex mazesashis hunting grounds. Stun:
giants can become mesmerized by the demon lord
and enter his service, These gia
pursuing art by crafting maze», while
eir bloodlust by hunting in them.
Варете rewards his mos faithful cultis
with transformation into demonic talkers, Such a
giant grows an elaborate crown efsix horns, and
Варвотеа given the stone giant а magic gl
the ability to call up horns of stone from th

Claire, Melee Weapon Attack:«Vi tohit,reach15 ft., one
Huge Find (Demon), Typically Chaotic Eril target. Hit: 18 (2410 2) slashing damage plus9 (245)
forta damage.
Armor Class 17 [natural armar Roch. Ranged Weapon tack:411 va hit, range 60/240 ft., one
Hit Points 200 (16412 » 96) target, Hit: 73 (2410+ 7) bludgeoning damage. Ifthe target is a
| Speed 40ft. Largeorsmallercreature, й mustsucceed ona DC 19 Strength
saving thron си hare the prone condition. hiter the stalker
sm DEX сон MT wis CHA throws thetock, tlla di;опa rolA 3 or lower, the stalkerhas
Я зе) ved) 2206 9 (0) 16 (+3) пе) по more rocs онот.
| SavingThrows Ders1,Wis«T Eruphing Horns(Recharge 5-6),Thestalkercauses the earth ta
churn a a paintonthepound И сэпseewithin 6Ofeet ofitself.
SkillsAthletics +15, Perception «7, Stealth +11 Sinhann-shaped stoneseruptin э З04оомади, 20octhig
Condition Immunities charrned, frightened cylinder centered onthatpointandthencrumble to dust
Senses darkvision 110 ft., passive Perception 17 ach creature in thatareamustmake aOC 15 Dexterity saving
Languages Abyssal, Giant throm. Onafailed save, acreature takes 33 (6410) piercing
Challenge 12 (2,40077) Proficiency Honus+4
батада andispushed upto30feet upward andthen falls.On
| Labyrinthine Recall, The stalker can perfectly recall any path it a successful
save,acreature takes halfэзmuch damage only.
|has traveled, SpellcastingThe
, stalker casts one ofthe following spells,
| Magie Resistance, The stalker has advantage on saving throws ingnts andusingWisdom азthe spel
against spells and other magical effects. cast
(орнseg OCisy ium ta е tpe
, shape, wall ofstone
Multiattack, The stalker makes two Glaive attacks or tuo.
=> Bock attacks,
‎‫کے‬ SS


э. ц... — T .a
a ent toward cruelty and destruc
tiem might reza thegris ch the: Ordi igand turn to
ту, the Prince «4 Рай Earth.

Д in the: пате


Mage ат. Troca Nenes Erd
barrenСа Е рек
на Beene 127 (15432 e 6,
pd f
я 0х сой ше CHA
а PEN п 203) $t

emen аа i. gaan Putat V

Languages ITIL, Cart, Tete
Сайти 5110077, ийсе taran «4
машага Tra get rakesws Тобет
Bode saxis in any clinton
Thundering toneChob,Melee короп Hiat: Nitart, teach
15fe.,ore tages.На 16(346 6) lêgerina damage. The
ри can скла the thle ета a ani аа energy
thadeals10(Уб) thurder darse taeach creature, ther
tan the gant, itr Yofert A the target. The Chсап errita
1 ay only ren рет tur
Boulder. Forged Weapon о Moehit, age ПНОft,
3 [342 »б) аварац damage, and the tar:
get mant succeed on а OC Vh Strength завод thee ot hare the
prone авалам HEE? the yarn tetur the ийде, п а 8,
апа roll f}orlower, the atthasпо more benders tothrem.
Unpielding,Ieresponce to failing a saving throw to vend being
gone condition, ot beth, the giant suc


Huge Giant d),t.
|Armor Class 19 (natural armor)
Hit Points 276 (24d12 + 120)
Speed 40 ft.
2306) 15(2) 2005) 19(4) (92) 10 (+0)
Saving Throws Dex +7, Con +10, Int +9, Wis +7
Skills Athletics +16, History +9, Perception +7
Senses darkvision 120 ft, passive Perception 17
| Languages Common, Giant, Terran
Challenge 16 (15,000 ХР) Proficiency Bonus +5
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If the giant fails a saving throw,
it can choose to succeed instead.
Stone Rune. The giant has a stone rune inscribed on a mineral
‘object in йз possession. While holding or wearing the object
bearing the rune, the giant can use its Prismatic Rays action.
The object bearing the rune has AC 18; 30 hit points; and
immunitytonecrotic, poison, and psychic damage. The object
regains all Из hit points at the end ofevery turn, but it turns
to dust if reduced to0 hit pointsorwhen the giant dies. If the
tune is destroyed, the giant can inscribe a stone rune on an ob:
ject in its possession when it finishes a short or long rest.
Multiattack. The giant makes three Prism Staffattacks.
Prism Staff. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
target. Hit: 16 (346 + 6) bludgeoning damage plus 13 (348)
radiant damage.
Exploding Geode, The giant throws a geode at a point within
60 feet ofitself, and the geode explodes in a dazzling flash.
Each creature in а 20-foctradius sphere centered on that point
| must makeaDC 17 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, a
creaturetakes13 (348) piercing damage plus 13 (348) radiant
| damage and hastheblinded condition until the end of its next
urn, On a successful save, a creature takes half as much darn
age only. After the giant throws the geode, roll a d6;on a roll of
| 4 or lower, the giant has по more geodes to throw.
STONE GIANT ROCKSPEAKER |Prismatic Rays (RequiresStoneRune The giant's stone rune
Stone giants practice rune magic more than other | emits beams oflight that form a 60-foot cone, Each creature in
giants do, perhaps because of these giants’ interest | that area must make a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw. For each
in and aptitude for carving stone. Stone giants who creature in that area, rolla d6 to determine what ray affects it:
combine this magic with prodigious artistic skill are 1-2: Blazing Red, On а failed save, the creature takes 35 (1086)
called rockspeakers. Within their communities, they | radiant damage and has the blinded condition until the
act as leaders and oracles, ofthe giant's nextturn,Ona successful save, the
creature takeshalf as muchdamage only.
Rockspeakers incorporate crystals and stones 3-4 Dreadful Blue, Onafailedsave,the creature takes 35
into their clothing and embed them in their skin. By (1046) necrotic damage and hasthe frightened condition
invoking the power of their stone runes, these gi- та fu]
bi^ turn, On a successful save,
antscanturn thesecrystals into scintillating works
of art. In combat, rockspeakers can use this same
magic to cause their crystals to emit brilliantly col- ‘end of the giant's |.On a successful save,
ored, intense beams of light than can sear flesh and halfas much damage only,
inhibit enemies,
Storm crabs are colossal crustaceans with four
monstrous claws and a poisonous stinger. Equally
adept underwater or on shore, they can exhale a jet
of pressurized water to crush foes.
Giants on some worlds claim Stronmaus or one of
his children created storm crabs in the early years.
of an ancient empire. Just as behirs were created to
fight dragons on land and rocs to challenge dragons’
mastery of the sky, storm crabs were meant to batt
dragon turtles, bronze dragons, and other aquatic
focs. On many worlds, these creatures fiercely
guard the underwater strongholds of storm giants,
as well as the ruined keeps giants have abandoned.
Ѕтовм CRAB
Gargantuan Monstrosity, Unaligned
Armor Class 18 (natural armor)
Hit Points 155 (10420+50)
Speed 40 ft., swim 60 ft.
23 (+6) 10 (+0) 245) 5(3) маз 9 (-1)
Saving Throws Str +10, Con 49
Skills Perception +6
Damage Resistances cold, fire, lightning
Senses blindsight 60 ft., passive Perception 16
Languages understands Giant but can't speak
Challenge 11 (7,200 XP) Proficiency Bonus +4
Amphibious. The crab can breathe air and water.
Multiattack, The crab makes two Claw attacks and one
Stinger attack.
Claw, Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target
Hit: 19 (348 + 6) bludgeoning damage. ifthe target is a Huge
of smaller creature, it has the grappled condition (escape
DC 16), The crab has four claws, each of which can grapple
опе target.
Stinger. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
creature. Hit: 22 (3410+6) piercing damage, and the target
must succeed on a DC 17 Constitution saving throw or have the
poisoned and paralyzed conditions for | minute. The affected
Creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of
turns, ending both the poisoned and paralyzed conditions on кол о the wird things Ehok suin in the dee
itselfona success, aceon, Шо ол|la canglain about а colossal
Water Jet (Recharge 5-6). The crab exhales water in a 150-foot
line that is 10 feet wide. Each creature in that area must make a crob vith о peison stinger that сол Knack you

ee |
ОС 17 Dexterity saving throw, On afailed save, a creature takes
27 (648) bludgeoning damage, is pushed up to 30 feet from the шаў uith o, high-speed yt of ualet?
tab, and has the prone condition, Оп a successful save, a crea-
ture takes halfasmuch damage only.

Huge Giont (Sorcerer), Any Alignm ent
ArmorClass 17 (natural armor)
Hit Points 310 (27412 + 135)
Speed 50 ft., Пу 50 ft. (hover), swim 50 ft
29(9) 14(02) 20(5) 21 (65) 1844) 25 (+7)
СКЕ ЗЫ ака
Saving ThrowsStr +15, Con 411, Wis +10,onCha+10 +13
Skills Arcana «17,Athletics
Damage Resistan ces cold
Damage Immunities lightning, thunder
Senses truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 20
Languages Common, Giant, Primordial
Challenge 20 (25,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +6
Alert. Thegiant can'tbe surprised, and it has advantageоп
initiative rolls.
Amphibious. The giant can breathe air and water.
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If the giant fails а saving throw,
it can choose to succeed instead,
Scrying (Requires Storm Rune). The giant can use its crystal ball
to castthe scrying spell (save DC 17).
‘Storm Rune. The giant has a storm rune inscribed on a crystal
ball, While the object bearing the rune is embedded in its body,
the giant can use its Tempest Call action and its Scrying trait
‘The object bearing thestorm rune has AC 17; 50 hit points;
and immunity to necrotic, poison, and psychic damage. The
object regainsallits hit points at the end of every turn, but it
turns to dust if reduced to 0 hit points or when the giant dies.
Ifthe rune is destroyed, the giant can inscribe a storm rune on
another crystalballіп its possession whenitfinishes а short ог
long rest.
Multiattack. The giant makes three Lightning Blade or Light-
ning Lance attacks
STORM GIANT Lightning Blade. Melee Weapon Attack: +15 to hit, reach 10 ft.,
conetarget, Hit: 22 (348 +9)slashing damage plus 16 (3410)
TEMPEST CALLER lightning damage.
While most storm giants care little for the intricate Lightning Lance. Ranged SpellAttack:+13 to hit, range 500 ft.
details of ranking in the ordning, tempest callers опе target. Hit: 39 (5d12+7) lightning damage.
proudly claim a position at the pinnacle of that Spellcasting. The giant casts one of
the following spells, requir
ranking—and few dare to challenge them. Wielding ing no material components and using Charisma as the зрей-
the power of rune magic іп а dition to the im casting ability (spell save DC 21, +13 to hit with spell attacks):
magic that courses through them, th storm At will: detect magic, detect thoughts
giants are highly respected. If any giant can draw day each: control water, control weather (as an action), dispel
Annam's attention to the world, it would likely be a magis, plane shift, sending, time stop
Tempest Call (Requires Storm Rune). The giant creates an el
tempest caller.
Tempest callers implant crystal balls inscribed mental vortex that fills a 60-foot-radius sphere centered on
with the storm rune into their foreheads or eye itself, Each creatureinthat area other than the giant must make
Sockets, allowing them to see through magical de- а DC 21 Dexterity saving throw.On а failed save, a creature
takes43(848 + 7) damage ofatype ofthegiant's choosing:
ception, They canalso create a momentary vortex
cold, x lightning,i}or thunder, On
of freezing winds and storm clouds around t takes half as much damage,
а Successfulsevere creature
selves, engulfing their foes in elemental fury. SEE


A sorm herald might try to sway other storm
giants fo its master's service, while others gather der
voted cults of lesser creatures to serve the monsters

Hye Aberration, Typically Lowful Evil
Armor Class 16 (natural armor)
Hit Points 227 (23412 «134)
Speed 50 ft., swim 100 f
27 (68) мед 2266) 2467) 1964 1864)
Saving Throws Wis +10, Cha +10
Skills Arcana +13, Deception +10, Perception +10
Damage Resistances cold,psychic
Damage immunities lightning, thunder
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 20
Languages Common, Giant, telepathy 120 ft.
Challenge 17 (18,000 ХР) Proficiency Bonus +6
Amphibious. The heraldcanbreathe airandwater.
Magic Resistance. The herald has advantage on saving throws
against spells and other magical effects.
Multiattack. The herald makes one Claw attack, one Tentacles
attack, and one Trident attack.
Claw, Melee Weapon Attack: «Mtohit, reach 10 ft., one target.
Hit: 18 (3d6 + 8) slashing damage.
Tentacles. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
target. Hit:21(348 +8)bludgeoning damage. Ifthe target is a
Large or smaller creature, it has the grappled condition (escape
DC 18). It also has the restrained condition and takes 16 (3810)
psychic damage at the start of each of its turns until this grap-
ple ends, The herald can have only one creature grappled this
way atatime,
Trident. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 10 ft, one
target, Hit: 18 (346 + 8) piercing damage or 21 (308 + 8)
piercing damage if used with two hands, plus 13 (348) light-
ning damage.
Storm HERALD Psychic Wave [Recharge 6). The herald unleashes a blast of
psionic enerpy into the minds of up to three creatures it can see.
Ancient and alien beings dwell or slumber in ос within90feet of itself, Exch target must make a DC 21 Intelli-
depths, awaiting some cosmic circumstance that gence saving throw. On a failed save, a target takes 23 (3410 +
signals their time to rise. In their retreat from the 7) psychic damage and has the stunned condition for 1 minute.
world, storm giants sometimes stray into the orbit of On a successful save, a target takes halfasmuch damage only.
such creatures, perhaps while seeking insight into An affected creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of
each ofits turns, endingthe effect on itselfona success.
some omen, vision, or prophecy. Krakens, aboleths, Ifa creature is reduced to 0 hit points by this psychic damage,
and Great Old Ones delight in corrupting storm it dies and its head explodes if it has one.
giants to their service, transforming them into Spellcasting (Psionics). The herald casts ore of the following
storm heralds spells, requiring no spell components and using Intelligenceas
A storm herald grows fins and tentacles, giving it a the spellcasting ability (spell save DC 21):
monstrous appearance. Its mind is wholly under its Atwill detect magic, detect thoughts, таре hand (the hand is
master's sway, and the herald gains fearsome psychic invisible)
Powers to u in advancing its master's plans. When day each: control water, control weather (а an action), sending
the h ld dies, it reverts to its previous appearanc ЕЕ


Huge Undead, Typically Chaotic Evil
‫س سے‬ ‫ک‬ ‫ک‬
Armor Cass 12‫‏‬
Hit Points 195 (17d12 +85)
Speed 0 ft, Пу 60 ft. (hover)
24 (ы) MEY 2065) 1683) 1844) 19 (+4)

Saving Throws Con +10, Int +8, Wis +9, Cha +9
Skills Arcana +8, Perception +9
Damage Resistances cold, necrotic, poison; bludgeoning,
piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks
Damage Immunities lightning, thunder
Condition immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened,
grappled, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained
Senses passive Perception 19
Languages Common, Giant
Challenge 15 (13,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +5
Incorporeal Movement. The spirit can move through other
Creaturesandobjects as ifthey were difficult terrain. The spirit
takes 5 (1410) force damage if it ends its turn inside an object.
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If the spirit fails a saving throw,
it can choose to succeed instead.
Multiattack. The spirit makes two Lightning Fist or Hailstone
attacks in any combination.
Lightning Fist. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 10 ft.
one target. Hit: 25 (498 + 7) lightning damage.
Hailstone. Ranged Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, range 90/180 ft.
TEMPEST SPIRIT one target.Hit: 17 (346 + 7) bludgeoning damage plus 7 (246)
A storm giant can escape death through a mystical cold damage.
ritual that transforms the giant into a semiconscious Death Bolt (Recharge 5-6). The spirit hurls a magical lightning
storm. However, if the giant performs the ritual in a boltina 120-foot line that is 10 feet wide. Each creature in
place where the barrier between the Material Plane thatareamust make aDC 18 Dexterity saving throw, taking27
(6d) lightning damage plus 16 (3910) necrotic damage on a
and the Shadowfell is thin, the seeping negative failed save, or halfasmuch damage on a successful one
energy drastically alters the ritual’s outcome. The On a success or failure, an affected creature's hit point max
giant's soul becomes infused withnegative energy imum з reduced by an amount equalto the necrotic damage
and doesn't disperse into the elements. Rather, it ab- taken. Thisreduction lasts until the creature finishes a long
sorbs the elemental energy around it, and its lower Test. The creature diesif its hitpoint maximum is reduced to0.
body becomes a storm cloud. The resulting tempest Bonus Actions
spirit is similar in appearance to a djinni and is
sometimes mistaken for one by adventurers. Hailstorm (Recharge 4-6. The spirit conjures a hailstorm
а 20-feot radius, 40-foot^high cyli centered on a in
Some tempest spirits cannot accept their new it can seewithin 120 feet of itself. nder point
form and seek to undo the transformation in soli- ага DC 17 Dexterity savingEachthrocrea ture in that area
tude, Others are overcome with rage and hew a path w.
е takes 10 (346) bludgeoning damage
On a failed save, a
of destruction. Massive hailstones and lightning damage and has the prone condition. Оп a sucplus 10 (396) cold
cessful save, 2
fused with necrotic energy rain from tempest spirits Creature takes halfasmuch damage only.
on those that get too close to them. і


І have ома memories
Off viding across
an ice sheet ow the hack
ott a trust 4,
thick-hurved titano
there | called
Wooly, Vout that was
thousands of
JS 090° and many wo
rlds away
s Diancastra

Titanotheres аге а family of enormous mammals
related to rhinoceroses. Some of them lack апу
horns on the face, while others have one, two, or
more horns of various shapes and sizes. Some have
rough, almost stony skin; some have horny plate:
and some have thick, shaggy fur. These creatures
are united by their tremendous stature, their herd.
ing behavior, and their irritable disposition.
Huge Beast, Unaligned
‘Armor Class16 (natural armor)
Hit Points136 (13412 + 52)
Speed 50 ft.
25 (+7) 10 (+0) 1944 264 10) 662
Senses passive Perception 11
Languages —
Challenge 5(1,800 XP) Proficiency Bonus +3
Beast of Burden, The titanothere is considered tobe one size
larger for thepurpose ofdetermining its carrying capacity.
Stomp. Melee Weapon Attack +10 tohit, reach 10 ft.,one tar-
get. Hit: 20 (308 + 7)bludgeoning damge. If the titanothere
moved atleast 20 feet straight toward the target immediately
before the hit, the targettakes an extra 13(348) bludgeoning
damage, and the target must succeedon a DC 18 Strength sav
ing throw or have the pronecondition ЕНìsз creature.


The dwarven tale titled The Saga of Gnarldan
Sicelshield claims the god Vaprak the Destroyer
came into being when Annam was injured and hi
blood spilled on the ground. The saga further claims
that trolls were born similarly when Vaprak's blood
was spilled. Whatever the truth of their origin, trolls
embody life's steadfast determination to grow and
thrive despite all obstacles,
Trolls’ rapid healing makes them subject to bi-
zarre mutations, particularly when they regenerate
in unusual environments or heal from extraordinary
magical wounds. Troll amalgamand s troll mutates
are two examples of such strangely mutated forms.
Atroll amalgam forms when multiple trolls fuse
together during regeneration. This sometimes oc-
curs when many trolls are slain ina single battle,
when troll parts are thrown into charnel pits ог
mass graves, or through twisted rituals of wicked
spellcasters. Sometimes troll worshipers of Vaprak
hear a call to gather in the Underdark and perform a
gruesome rite that fuses them into an amalgam that
is regarded as an avatar of their fearsome god.
А troll amalgam is a misshapen mass of rubbery
flesh, claws, and faces. If a creature tries to attack it
from beyond its reach or to escape through а small
tunnel, the troll amalgam tears offapiece of its own
body and hurls it at the creature. These body parts
eventually regenerate into full trolls, and sometimes
they regather and combine into a new troll amalgam.
| TROLL AMALGAM only 5 hit points at the start of its next turn, The amalgam dies
| Gorgantuan Giant, Typically Chaotic Evil only iit takes 20 or mote acid or firedamage while it has O
| hit points.
Armor Class 15 (natural armor) Actions
Hit Points 217 (14d20 + 70)
Speed 60 ft. climb 60 ft. Multiattack. The amalgam makes three Rend attacks.
|| Rend, Melee Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target.
STR DEX сом іт WIS СНА Hit: 25 (448 + 7) slashing damage.
| з) 1462) 29 9C) 1663 563)
Bonus Actions
Saving Throws Con 411, Wis +9 FlingLimb(3/Day). Ranged Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, range
| Skills Perception +9
| Damage Resistances poison; bludgeoning, piercing, and 60/240 ft., one target. Mit: 11 (188 + 7) bludgeoning damage.
slashing from nonmagical attacks Ifthe limb hits a Medium or smaller creature, that creature has
| Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, poisoned the grappled condition (escape DC 17). The limb has the statis-
| Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 19 tics ofa troll amalgam, except for the following: it is Medium, it
| Languages Giant, Undercommon has 45 hit points, Из speed is 30 ft, it doesn’t have a challenge
| Challenge 17 (18,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +6 rating ог Legendary Resistance, and the only action it can take
is the Attackaction, which it can use only to grapple.
|Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If the amalgam fails a saving Until this grapple ends, the target has the restrained con-
| throw, it can choose to succeed instead. dition and takes 25 (4d8+7) slashing damage at the
each of its turns. Ifthe limb is not destroyed within 24start of
|Magic Resistance. The amalgam has advantage on saving ofbeing flung, roll a d12; on а roll of 12, the limb regenerates
| throws against spells and other magical effects. to з troll (see the Monster Manual). Otherwise, the limb
| Regeneration. The amalgam regains 15 hit points at the start withers away,
| ofits turn. Ifthe amalgam takes acid or fire damage, it regains
e |
inking майthatthe go


When exposed to corrupting alien energy, such
as that found neara gate to the Far Realm or the
strange magic that emanates through the Un-
derdark, a regenerating troll undergoes strange
mutations. Among the most common mutations are
wings, stretchable bodies, resistance to magic, and
astrange reflective psychic property. Many troll
mutates also have small additional limbs and eyes,
externalized organs, and other variations.

TROLL MUTATE Magic Resistance (Spell Scarred Only). The mutate has advan-
Large €
Giant, Typically Chaotic Evil tage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.
Armor Class 16 (natural armor) Psychic Rebuke (Psionic Mirror Only). Ifthe mutate takes
Eig 95 (10d10 + 40) Psychic damage, each creature within 20 feet of it takes that
Speed 30ft.,fly30 ft. (Winged Form only) damage as well
Regeneration. The mutate regains 10 hit points at the start
SR рх CON INT WS CHA ofits turn, Ifthe mutate takes acid or firedamage, this trait
969 Be) WEA UG) I) лака) doesn't function at the start of the mutate's next turn. The mu-
tate dies only if it starts its turn with О hit points and doesn't
SavingThrows Con +7, Int +6 regenerate. Ifthe mutate starts its turn with 0 hit points and re-
Skills Perception +5, Stealth +4 generates, it randomly gains a mutation it doesn't already have
Senses blindsight 60 ft., passive Perception 15 (upto a maximum of four mutations).
Languages Giant, telepathy 60 ft.
Challenge 7 (2,900 XP) Proficiency Bonus +3 Actions
Mutation. When the troll mutate is created, it gains one of four
Multiattack. The mutate makes two Rend attacks.
possible body mutations at random: 1, Elastic Body; 2, Psionic Rend. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft. (or 15 ft. if
Mirror; 3,Spell Scarred; or 4, Winged Form. This mutation de- the mutate has the Elastic Body mutation), one target. Hit: 15
termines certain traits in this stat block. (2410 + 4) slashing damage plus 9 (288) force damage.
Amorphous (Elastic Body Only). The mutate can move through Psychic Burst (Recharge 5-6), The mutate unleashes a wave
à Space as narrow as 1 inch without squeezing. of psychic energy. Each creature within 30 feet of
the mutate
must make a DC М Intelligence saving throw, taking 28 (896)
psychic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
successful one.


‘This section contains three Сат Сам CR
guides to help you find your way Frost glant Cyclops 6
tothe right giant (or giant-related Frost giant everlasting one! Death giant reaper* 2
creature) for an encounter, First, Frost giant ice shaper* Death giant shrouded one* — 15
"Giants by Kind" presents seven Frost giant of Evil Water* Dire troll! 13
tables indexing the creatures in
this chapter and creatures of the Frostmourn* Echo of Demogorgon* 6
Giant type from other sources, Fury of Kostchtchie* ишп 4
Then "Challenge Ratings" Rime hulk Ettin ceremorph* 8
presents a table organizing the Scion of Thrym* Fensir skirmisher* 6
creatures in this chapter by their
challenge rating, and "Creature Hitt Giants
Fensir devourer* з
Types" lists creatures in this Fomorian з
chapter by type. Giant Fomorian deep crawler* 10
Barrowghast* Fomorian noble* 15
GIANTS BY KIND Hill giant. Fomorian warlock of the 2
On the tables in this section, Hill glant avalancher* dark*
monsters whose names are Maw of Yeenoghu*
followed by an asterisk (*) are Cargantua* n
found in this chapter, those fol- Mouth ofGrolantor! Ogre 2
lowed by а dagger (*) are found Mud hulk Ogre battering ram! 4
in Mordenkainen Presents: Scion ofGrolantor* Ogre bolt launcher! 2
Monsters of the Multiverse, and
other monsters are found in the STONE GIANTS
Ogre chain brute! 3
Monster Manual. Giant
Ogre howdaht 2
Rot troll! 9
Dust hulk* Spirit troll n
Giant ся Troll 5
Cloud giant 9 Scion of Skoraeus*
Stalker of Baphomet* Troll amalgam* 7
Cloud giant destiny gambler 19 Troll mutate*
Cloud giant ofEvil Air* 12 Stone giant
Stone giant dreamwalker’ Venom trollt 7
Cloud giant smiling one? n
Mist hulk* 6 Stone giant of Evil Earth* CHALLENGE RATINGS
Stone giant rockspeaker*
Spectral cloud* n SronM GIANTS RATING
Giant CR Creature
Fire GIANTS 1/2 Giant lynx
Giant CR Lightning hulk
Scion of Stronmaus* 1 Bag jelly
Cinder hulk 7 Giant ram
Firegaunt* п Storm giant
Storm giant quintessent? Grinning cat
Fire giant а Giant tick
Storm giant tempest caller*
Fire giant dreadnought? м Storm herald* Giant goose
Fire giant forgecaller* 18 Giant ox
Tempest spirit*
Fire giant ofEvil Fire* 10 Goliath giant-kin
Fire hellion* п Mud hulk
Scion of Surtur* 25 Spotted lion
Firbolg primeval warden
Dust hulk
Firbolg wanderer
m Rime hulk

Creature cR Creature Giants
Titanothere 23 Scion of Skoraeus Cloud giant destiny gambler
Echo of Demogorgon 24 Scion of Thrym Cloud giant of Evil Air
Fensir skirmisher 25 Scion of Surtur
Death giant reaper
26 Scion of Mernnor
Death giant shrouded one
Mist hulk Fensir skirmi isher
Barrowghast 27 Scion of
Stronmaus Fire giant forgecaller
Cinder hulk
Fre giant of Evil Fire
Troll mutate Fomorian deep crawler
Ettin ceremorph ABERRATIONS Fomorian noble
Fensir devourer Ettin ceremorph Fomorian warlock of the dark
Gargantua Frost giant ice shaper
Cairnwight Frost giant of Evil Water
Ceratops (dinosaur)
Storm herald
Hill giant avalancher
Lightning hulk Beasts Scion of Grolantor
Stone giant of Evil Earth Spotted lon Scion of Menor
Aerosaur (dinosaur) Titanothere Scion of Skoraeus
Fire giant of Evil Fire CELESTIAL
Scion of Stronmaus
Fomorian deep crawler Fensir devourer Scion of Surtur
Frostmourn Scion of Thr ym
Maw of Yeenoghu Constructs Stone giant of E Earth
Flesh colossus Stone giant rockspeaker
Firegaunt Runic colossus Storm giant tempest caller
Fire hellion Troll amalgam
Frost giant ofEvil Water ELEMENTALS Troll mutate
Storm crab Cinder hulk
Cloud giant of Evil Air Dust hulk HUMANOIDS
Death giant reaper
Lightning hulk Firbolg primeval warden
Mist hulk Firbolg wan derer
Fomorian warlock of the dark Mud hulk Goliath giant-kin
Hill giant avalancher Rime hulk
Stalker of Baphomet Cradle ofthe cloud scion MONSTROSITIES
Altisaur (dinosaur) Cradle of the fire scion Aerosaur (diinosaur)
Spectral cloud Cradle of the frost scion Altisaur (dinosaur)
Ceratops (d inosaur)
Fury of Kostchtchie Cradle ofthe hill scion
Giant tick
Regisaur (dinosaur) Cradle of the stone scion
Cradle of the storm scion Gigant
Death giant shrouded one Regisaur (dinosaur)
Fomorian noble Fey Storm crab
Tempest spirit Giant goose
Stone giant rockspeaker Giant lynx
Bag jelly
Frost giant ice shaper Giant ox

Storm herald Giant ram UNDEAD

Troll amalgam Grinning cat Barrowghas
Fire giant forgecaller
Echo of Demogorgon Firegaunt
Cloud giant destiny gambler Frost mourn
Flesh colossus Fire hellion Spectral clo ud
Gigant Fury of Kostchtchie Tempest spi irit
Maw of Yeenoghu.
Storm giant tempest caller Stalker of Baphomet
Runic colossus
Scion of Grolantor

| pa

The concept art on these pagesis ded to
inspire and delight all who are de into the glory
of giants.

Y бмавамтияв волзта,



n u r g e s n e t e tronder the
D ] з е in ks q vue. hote
contents Ў lrе
Ш Ы s i z e d for ny neu ferns
to give hin the sa 9
— Bisby

нъ HOOK IS FULL OP SEEDS YOU CAN USE 900 Adventure Hook Table or Text
to craft adventures involving giants and 38-40 ‘Against the Giants (chapter 3, “Adventure
the realms they inhabit, Tables (and text)
in chapters2,3, and4 present giants as Models")
rons, rivals, or adversaries,orsuggest reasons 41-43 Clash of Titans (chapter 3, "Adventure Models")
why characters might venture tolocations con- 44-46 Delve into the Past (chapter 3, "Adventure.
structed or occupied by giants. The adventure hooks Models")
с spread throughout these three chapters because 41-49 Giant-Sized Schemes (chapter 3, "Adventure.
they're intended tocomplement theinformation Models")
presented in each chapter. For example, ifyou get
excited you're ing about the giant pantheon 50-52 Into the Giant Realms (chapter 3, "Adventure
nd decide you want to build an adventure that fea Models")
tures these gods, a table is right there to spark your 51-54 Boss Assignments (chapter 3, "Giant Patrons”)
imagination. 55-56 Financier Assignments (chapter 3, “Giant
If you're unsure where to start, you can use the Patrons")
Adventure Hooks table here to help you dec 57-58 Seer Assignments (chapter 3, "Giant Patrons”)
ADVENTURE Hooks 59-60 Sovereign Assignments (chapter 3, "Giant
4100 Adventure Hook Table or Text Patrons")
01-02 Cloud Giant Wealth (chapter 2, “The Ordning”) 61-62 Tutor Assignments (chapter 3, "Giant Patrons")
03-04 Fire Giant Skill (chapter 2, "The Ordning"] 63-64 Warleader Assignments (chapter 3, “Giant
05-06 Frost Giant Might (chapter 2, “The Ordning") 65-66 Annam's Cradle Adventures (chapter 4)
07-08 Stone Giant Artistry (chapter 2, “The Ordning") 67-68 Ashen Grotto Adventures (chapter 4)
09-11 Rejecting the Ordning (chapter 2, "The
69-70 Dreamer's Reach Adventures (chapter4)
12-14 Annam's Children Adventures (chapter 2, "Gods л-72 Endless Rockslide Adventures (chapter 4)
and Religion") 73-74 Forest Crystal Adventures (chapter 4)
15-17 Interloper Gods Adventures (chapter 2, “Gods 75-76 Forsaken Deep Adventures (chapter 4)
and Religion") 7-78 Gale's Eye Tower Adventures (chapter 4)
18-20 Recluses (chapter 2, "Social Structures") 79-80 Grolantor's Larder Adventures (chapter 4)
21-23 Exiles (chapter 2, “Social Structures") 81-82 Hiatea's Hearth Adventures (chapter 4)
24-25 Bands (chapter 2, "Social Structures") 83-84 Horizon's Edge Adventures (chapter 4)
26-27 Families (chapter 2, "Social Structures") 85-86 Howling Iceberg Adventures (chapter 4)
28-29 Steadings (chapter 2, "Social Structures") 87-88 Karontor’s Hold Adventures (chapter 4)
30-31 Settlements (chapter 2, “Social Structures") 39-90 Misty Vale Adventures (chapter 4)
32-33 Hidden Rune Adventures (chapter2, 91-92 Runic Circle Adventures (chapter 4)
"Organizations") 93-94 Singing Sands Adventures (chapter 4)
34-35 Eternal Throne Adventures (chapter 2, 95-96 Star Forge Adventures (chapter 4)
"Organizations") 97-98 Thundering Observatory Adventures (chapter 4)
36-37 Worldroot Circle Adventures (chapter 2, 99-00 Worldroot Sapling Adventures (chapter 4)




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