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I. (1.

0 point) You will hear some information about Finchester

Listen and complete the questions given.
Closed on: 0. Monday
Closing time in summer: 1………………………………. p.m.
Meeting place for tour: 2……………………………………..
At 2 p.m., see: 3…………………………….. eat their food.
Zoo shop sells: BOOKS AND 4…………………………………………….
Child’s ticket costs: 5……………………………………. pounds.
II. (1.0 point) Listen to Eric talking to Mary about the weekend.
Their friend Carlos is coming to visit them. Choose the best
answer (A, B C or D) for each space.
1. What does Carlos hate?
A. shopping B. museums C. football D. walking
2. Where are they going to eat on Saturday evening?
A. At home B. in an Italian restaurant
C. in a Chinese restaurant D. in a Japanese restaurant
3. What are they going to do on Sunday morning?
A. go for a walk B. go for a drive C. go to the cinema D. get up late
4. Where are they going to have lunch on Sunday?
A. in a café B. in a pub C. in a restaurant D. at home
5. They can’t go to the cinema on Sunday afternoon because…………..
A. Carol doesn’t like films B. Eric doesn’t like films
B. they don’t have time D. they have a meeting
III. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced
differently from the rest by circling A, B, C or D. (0.6 point)

IV. Choose the word that has different stress pattern by circling A,
B, C, or D (0.4 point).

I. Choose A, B, C or D to complete the sentence. Circle the letter
you choose (7.0 points).
1. We’d better _______ really early. It’s a very long journey.
A. set up B. set off C. set down D. set on
2. _______ I’m eating less than usual, I still seem to be gaining weight.
A. Because B. If C. Although D. Unless
3. There is no ______ evidence for the existence of UFOs.
A. scientific B. science C. scientist D. scientifically
4. Even though he’s 21, he hasn’t got a job and is still financially dependent ___ his
A. on B. for C. from D. of
5. In the last year the _______ of inflation has slowed down considerably.
A. growth B. increase C. decrease D. rate
6. I never take much on holiday with me, just _______ clothes and a couple of books.
A. few B. little C. a few D. a little
7. Do you think you could possibly ________ favour?
A. make me a B. do me a C. do my D. make my
8. The light ______ out while we were having tea.
A. was going B. went C. had gone D. has gone
9. John will go to the store before he _______ home.
A. goes B. has gone C. was going D. will go
10. Neither the director nor his assistant _______ yet.
A. have come B. hasn’t come C. has come D. haven’t come
11. The news, I am afraid, ______ got much worse.
A. have been B. has been C. have D. has
12. Bacteria of the harmful kind ______ diseases.
A. cause B. causes C. is caused D. was caused
13. The police ______ for the criminal now.
A. is looking B. was looking C. are looking D. were looking
14. You can use my phone if yours _______.
A. don’t work B. doesn’t work C. not to work D. not working
15. A: Can you give me a hand on this?
B: __________________________
A. I have only two hands.
B. No. My hands are busy now.
C. Uh, sorry, but I’m busy at the moment.
D. No, I can’t. I’m not very busy.
16. He’d hardly finished doing his homework when you arrived, ______?
A. didn’t he B. had he C. would he D. hadn’t he
17. Had they arrived at the shop earlier, they ______ a better selection of clothes.
A. will find B. would be finding
C. would have found D. will have found
18. Before you start cooking, you should gather together all the necessary ______.
A. ingredients B. factors C. substances D. elements
19. What ______ views do Americans and Asians have about love and marriage?
A. tradition B. traditionally C. traditionalism D. traditional
20. I can’t ______ this noise any longer. I’m going to write a letter of complaint to the
local authority about this problem.
A. put up with B. take away from C. get back to D. make out of
21. Helen: “Would you rather go to the beach or to the mountains?” Kim: “______.”
A. That’s very nice of you B. The beach definitely
C. I’d love to go D. Thanks for the mountains
22. George: “_____.” Michelle: “Thank you for your compliment.”
A. You’ve done your work
B. This is a present for you
C. I’m glad that you’re well again
D. You look pretty in this dress
23. Dr. Smith is the person in ______ I don’t have much confidence.
A. which B. whom C. him D. that
24. This director has ______ some famous films but I think this one is the best.
A. done B. conducted C. made D. composed
25. Does Mr. Ba bring his farm ______ to the local market every day?
A. productivity B. product C. production D. produce
26. This is ______ the most difficult job I’ve ever had to do.
A. by heart B. by chance C. by far D. by myself
27. My favourite team ______ 15 games so far this season, and will probably win the
A. are winning B. won C. have won D. will win
28. “Don’t worry about your necklace. Give it to me and I promise to ______ great
care of it.”
A. bring B. take C. keep D. make
29. The crew divided the life preservers among the twentyterrified passengers as the
ship began to sink.
A. exhausted B. surprised C. frightened D. excited
30. My mom is alwaysbad-tempered when I leave my room untidy.
A. feeling embarrassed
B. talking too much
C. very happy and satisfied
D. easily annoyed or irritated
31. Every member in Nataly’s class admires her ______.
A. honesty B. honest C. dishonest D. dishonesty
32. I didn’t know exactly how old he was, but he ________about 30 the first time we
A. should be B. should have been
C. must be D. must have been
33. What a (n) __________ behaviour! He went straight into the line.
A. shame B. shameful C. ashamed D. shameless
34. During the earthquake, a lot of buildingscollapsed, which killed thousands of
A. went off accidentally B. fell down unexpectedly
C. exploded suddenly D. erupted violently
35. Ba: Do you have any pets?- Nga: Yes, I have…………………..kittens.
A. two cute small black B. small two black cute
C. cute black two small D. two cute black small
II. Identify the error in the following sentences by circling A, B, C
or D. (1.0 point)

VII. Read the passage and choose A, B, C, or D to fill in the blank.
(2.0 points)
Some people believe that soon schools will no longer be necessary. They say that
(1)_________the Internet and other new technologies, (2)________no longer any
need for school buildings, formal classes, or teachers. Perhaps this will be true one
day, but this is hard to (3)________a world without schools. In fact, we need to look
at how we can use new technology to make schools better, not (4)_______them. We
should invent a new kind of school that is (5)________to libraries, museums, science
centers, laboratories, and even corporations. (6)________could give talks on video
or over the Internet. TV networks and local stations could develop programming
about things students are (7)________studying in school.
Already there are several towns (8)________this is beginning to happen. Blacksburg,
Virginia, is one of them. Here the entire city is linked to the Internet, and learning can
(9)_________at home, at school and in the office. Businesses provide programs for
the schools and the schools provide computer labs for people without their own
(10)______at home.
VIII. Read the passage and choose the best answer A, B, C or D to
complete the sentences (1.0 point).
Sports training
Parents whose children show special interest in a particular sport have a
difficult decision to make about their children’s career. Should they allow their
children to train to become top sportsmen and women? For many children, it means
starting very young and school work, going out with friends and other interests have
to take the second place. It’s very difficult to explain to a young child why he or she
has to train for five hours a day, even at the weekend, when most of his friends are
Another problem is of course money. In many countries, money for training is
available from the government for the very best young sportsmen and women. If this
help cannot be given, it means that it is the parents who have to find the time and
money to support their child’s development – and sports clothes, transport to
competitions, special equipment etc…..can be all very expensive.
Many parents are understandably worried that it is dangerous to start serious training
at an early age. Some doctors agree that young muscles may be damaged by
training before they are properly developed.
Professional trainers, however, believe that it is only by starting young that you can
reach the top as a successful sports person. What is clear is that very few people do
reach the top and both parents and children should be prepared for the failure even
after many years of training.
1. When a child is determined to train a sport, it means that __________.
A. he or she has to study much harder in class.
B. he or she needs to get the best marks in class.
C. his or her time must be devoted to school work.
D. his or her school work is considered less important than training.
2. In many countries, it’s the government that_________________
A. trains all of the young sportsmen and women.
B. provides the best young sportsmen and women with the money for training.
C. helps parents with the transport to competitions.
D. supplies the time and education for the best young sportsmen and women.
3. Some doctors think that__________________
A. training at an early age may cause damage to the muscles.
B. Young muscles can be properly developed by training hard.
C. by starting young, a child can reach the top as a sports person.
D. it’s dangerous for young children to play any sports.
4. According to the author, parents and their children should_______________
A. look forward to the failure.
B. be made to expect the failure.
C. think of the failure they may meet with.
D. prepare for many years of training.
5. What is the writer’s intention? – He wants to________________
A. inform us about training.
B. discuss training methods.
C. give details about training costs.
D. suggest a training program.
IX. Fill in the blank with one suitable word. (2 points)
One of the (1)…………… important discoveries of the nineteenth (2)…………….was
a method of using natural gas for cooking (3)……………….heating. Large amounts of
natural gas are found in the United States, usually several feet below the surface of
the (4)……………… Natural gas is most often found in places where petroleum, the
oil from which gasoline is made, is found. Often the natural gas must (5)
…………….removed before the oil itself can be reached.
For many years after natural gas was first discovered, it was thought to have no
value. Finally, however, people began to understand its use and to find ways of
storing it and moving it (6)……………….place to place. Today natural (7)….………….
is stored in large tanks and used for lighting, cooking and heating. It has also (8)
……….………used for electric generators and hybrid cars recently. In many ways
natural gas is one of our finest fuels. It can be (9)……….…… for cooking without
making the room hot. It is cheap and can be moved easily from one place to another
(10)………………long pipelines, some of which are hundreds of miles in length.
Write your answers here:
1………………… 2………………… 3……………… 4……………… 5………………
….. …… …….. …….. ……
6………………… 7………………… 8……………… 9……………… 10……………
…… …… …… …….. ……
X. Rewrite the following sentences, beginning as shown so that
the meaning will stay the same. (2.0 points)
1. Please don’t go there now.
I’d rather …………………..……………………………………………………………….….
2. Why don’t you telephone me later to discuss this.
Why don’t you give……..……………………….………….…………..……..………………
3. They left early because they didn’t want to get caught in the traffic.
They left early in …………………..………………………………………..……………….
4. I go out very little these days.
I hardly ………………………………………………………………………………………..
5. I didn’t have enough time to visit the town properly.
The time I had……………………………………………………………….
6. You must be on time for the interview (essential)
It …………………………………………………………………………………………….
7. Nobody apart from my mother thought I would win the race. (person)
My mother…………………………………………………………………………………….
8. Do you regret not learning to swim? (wish)
Do you……………………………………………………………………………………….?
9. Only if you work hard now have you any chance of success. (depends)
Your chance………………………………………………………………………………….. .
10. Don’t pay attention to what he says; he’s only trying to annoy you. (take)
XI. Write a paragraph (from 120 to 150 words) about the
advantages of life in the city. (2.0 points)

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