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Theme: People and Culture

1. My Family, My World




Week CLICK ----> Class Time

Day Choose an item. Attendance Duration
Date 10-Mar-24 Lesson 3 Focus Reading

Theme Topic
People and Culture 1. My Family, My World

Language/ Grammar focus Family-related vocabulary

3.2 Explore and expand ideas for personal development by reading
Content Standard
independently and widely
Main skill
3.2.1 Read and enjoy fiction /non-fiction and other suitable print and digital
Learning Standard
texts of interest
4.1 Communicate intelligibly through print and digital media on
Complementary Content Standard
familiar topics
Learning Standard 4.1.1 Give detailed information about themselves and others
MAIN LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): Success Criteria: What I’m looking for (WILF)
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to Pupils can

understand specific and details information in simple texts. 1.

give detailed information about themselves. 2.

Learning Outline
1. Teacher shows a video about an extended family tree.
2. Pupils identify the extended family members from the video.

Lesson delivery
1. Students read the text aloud chorally and individually.
2. Teacher gives a few questions pertaining the text.
3. Pupils answer the questions based on the text orally.
4. Teacher gives comprehension questions pertaining to the text.
5. Pupils write the answers.

Post Lesson
1. Pupils tell about the moral value that they have learnt from the story. (e.g. respect)
Reference: Textbook, p.8,
Whiteb Cross Curricular
Recourses Pulse 2 Textbook Values
oard Elements
M/Intelligences Verbal-Linguistic Assessment Discussion
Think, Pair-Share
Differentiation Strategy 6:Differentiate by supporting 21ST Century
i-think Map
Strategies individual learning preferences and needs Teaching &Learning
PBD Not Applicable Learning Domain Apply
____ pupils achieved the stipulated skill.
Enrichment activities were given to achievers and remedial activities were given to non-achievers
*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to :Choose an item.

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