q1 w4 English

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Date AUGUST 19-23, 2024 Quarter QUARTER 1– WEEK 4

OBJECTIVES Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates The learner demonstrates The learner demonstrates The learner demonstrates HOLIDAY
command of the conventions of command of the conventions of command of the conventions command of the
standard English grammar standard English grammar of standard English grammar conventions of standard
English grammar
and usage when writing or and usage when writing or and usage when writing or
speaking speaking speaking and usage when writing or

B. Performance The learner uses the correct The learner uses the correct The learner uses the correct The learner uses the
function of nouns, pronouns, verbs, function of nouns, pronouns, function of nouns, pronouns, correct function of nouns,
Standard adjectives, and verbs, adjectives, and verbs, adjectives, and pronouns, verbs, adjectives,
adverbs in general and their adverbs in general and their adverbs in general and their
functions in various discourse (oral functions in various discourse functions in various discourse adverbs in general and their
and (oral and (oral and functions in various
discourse (oral and
written) written) written)

C. Learning Use compound and complex Use compound and complex Use compound and complex Use compound and complex
sentences to show cause and effect sentences to show cause and sentences to show cause and sentences to show cause
Competency/ and problem-solution effect and problem-solution effect and problem-solution and effect and problem-
Objectives relationship of ideas relationship of ideas relationship of ideas
relationship of ideas
EN5G-IVa-1.8.1 EN5G-IVa-1.8.1 EN5G-IVa-1.8.1
Write the LC code for

II. CONTENT Compound and Complex Compound and Complex Compound and Complex Compound and Complex
Sentences to show Cause and Sentences to show Cause Sentences to show Cause Sentences to show Cause
Effect Relationship and and Effect Relationship and and Effect Relationship and Effect Relationship
Problem-Solution Problem-Solution and Problem-Solution and Problem-Solution

A. References

Page 135 Page 135 Page 135 Page 135

2. Learner’s Materials SLM in English 5, Quarter 1,Week 4 SLM in English 5, Quarter SLM in English 5, Quarter SLM in English 5, Quarter
pages page 1-8 1,Week 4 page 1-8 1,Week 4 page 1-8 1,Week 4 page 1-8

3. Textbook pages

4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource (LR) portal

B. Other Learning Charts, pictures, books, Learning Charts, pictures, books, Charts, pictures, books, Charts, pictures, books,
Resource modules, laptop, Learning modules, laptop, Learning modules, laptop, Learning modules, laptop,
projector/television projector/television projector/television projector/television



lesson or presenting
the new lesson (Transferring the articulated into (Summarize a story read and retell (Transferring the articulated into (Summarize a story read and
writing supports the development of it to class using his/her own words) writing supports the retell it to class using his/her
writing and listening skills) development of writing and own words)
listening skills)

Write (/) check if the sentence is Last time, you have studied
Directions: Copy the chart in about using compound
compound and (X) cross if not.
your notebook. Write down the sentence showing cause and
Write the
cause and effect Answer the following
answer on your paper. questions below. Select your effect and problem –solution
of the following sentences in the relationship of ideas. Can
answers from the options
proper column. you still remember the
provided after each item.
Choose the letter of the structures of a compound
correct answer sentence?

1.Which of the following You have learned that two or

sentences uses a connector to more simple sentences may
join clauses? be joined to make a
Mario got sick because he
A. They are happy although compound sentence. Each
played under the rain.
they live in darkness. part of a compound
sentence is an independent
1. Nora was still in uniform
because she had just arrived B. The blind person could not clause.
from school. read ordinary books.
These Independent clauses
2. The houses were destroyed C. There are blind people who are joined by a connector
because of the strong typhoon. achieve amazing things. called coordinating

3. The boy broke his leg when D. The blind people have the conjunction.
he fell from a tree. right to be educated so we
should help them. Read the following
4. The boy waters the plants sentences carefully. Identify
every day so that the plants will 2. Which is a compound whether the sentence is
grow sentence?
compound or not. Write yes
healthy. A. She serves her neighbors or no on the blanks
the best she can. provided.
5. Since it did not rain for a long
time, the grass turned brown. B. She was commended and 1. Some companies have cut
idolized by her friends. jobs and even the employers
of small businesses
C. A child named Christine
promises to do a good deed have also reduced
each day. manpower due to COVID-19
Pandemic. __________
D. Her smile gives joy to
everyone and her deeds give 2. The coronavirus pandemic
positive impact. affects the lives of the
people. __________
3.Which compound sentence
shows cause and effect ideas? 3. When the entire island
was placed under
A. Varied strategies were “Enhanced Community
adopted to control the spread Quarantine”, social
of this virus.
distancing was strictly
B. This global pandemic has implemented. _________
impacted the whole economic
situation of the 4. People were advised to
wear facemask and observe
country proper hygiene.

C. Despite the tough __________

implementation of lockdown,
there are still people going 5. Many people have lost
their jobs so some of them
outside. have decided to move to the

D. Many people were infected province. __________

with the COVID-19 so they
were asked to isolate

4. Which complex sentence

shows problem-solution
relationship of ideas?

A. I started making videos

when I was ten years old.

B. Because of poor technique,

it looks unprofessional.

C. Doing what you love can

fulfill your happiness until you
achieve success in


D. Though making a polished

video is quite difficult, I still
tried to do some

research and perfected the


5. Which complex sentence

shows cause and effect?

A. A study showed that

listening to music improves
our sleep.

B. When I couldn’t sleep, I

simply listen to classic music.

C. Although music has a good

effect to our mental health, it
can also harm.

D. The typhoon destroyed

their house, as a result, they
had to find another place

to live.
B. Establishing a Match the possible effect for each Today, we will be learning more In today’s lesson, you will In today’s lesson, you will
purpose for the given cause. Write the letter of the about Using Complex learn how to compose clear focus on using complex
correct Sentences to Show a Cause and and coherent sentences sentences to show cause
answer. Effect Relationship using compound sentence and effect and problem –
showing cause and effect and solution relationship of
problem –solution ideas. This may sound
relationship of Ideas. This is
more interesting and but if you read it well and
engaging compared to simple understand the explanation
and example, I’m sure you
sentence since you will be
taught to connect will come up with a good
relationships of ideas. output.

Try composing a sentence

based on

the given picture.

C. Presenting Choose the correct compound Read the selection below and Let us start our lesson by Have you ever experienced
examples/ instances sentence that shows cause & effect take note of the facts and looking at this illustration. Are having respiratory ailments?
of the new lesson relationship. events. you familiar with _____________

After reading, answer the global warming? What do you What do you think is the
questions that follow. think is the effect of global cause of it?
warming? ________________________

How did you treat it?

What Causes a Tsunami ___________________________

One of the most common

causes of a tsunami is by an
earthquake. The

entire planet is covered with

pieces of rock that float on liquid
magma. These Read this text then answer
the questions that follow.
pieces are called tectonic plates.
As they move, they can Global Warming
sometimes rub
Global warming is the rising of
together, causing the ground to temperature on the Earth’s
shake. When two plates move surface due to
suddenly, the
the greenhouse effect. One of
water on the surface of the the many effects of global
Earth gets displaced and can warming is on human health.
cause a wave. The
Humans are exposed to
wave begins to move, and a diseases when the
tsunami is born. atmospheric temperature
When a strong quake occurs
under the sea, a tsunami alert is warms. Global warming also
sometimes destroys forests due to fires
that wipe out the whole
declared, especially if it is near
the shorelines. When this forest. Moreover, global
happens, people are warming affects the melting
of glaciers causing the sea
advised to evacuate to higher level
grounds. Disobeying orders to
evacuate may to rise.

cause serious harm or injury to Global warming has become a

people. serious problem in our
country because it
(Adapted from What Causes a
Tsunami by Jeremy Cook) affects the lives of the people.
What should people do to stop
1. What causes a tsunami global warming? One
according to the paragraph?
solution is to encourage
2. What happens when tectonic everyone to plant more trees
plates move and rub together? and reduce the use of plastic

3. What is produced when water bags. Another solution is to

on the surface of the earth is reduce carbon emission from
displaced? deforestation and forest

4. When is a tsunami alert degradation. People are also

declared? advised to be careful in
leaving things turned on like
5. What is a possible effect of the
disobeying orders to evacuate?
television, computer and the

1. What is the text about?


2. Which paragraph presents

cause and effect relationship
of global warming?


3. What relationship of ideas

is shown in paragraph 2?

D. Discussing new Read the story below and answer Study these sentences which Cause and Effect Read this text aloud then
the questions that follow. you already encountered in the Relationship find out why many people
concepts and practicing previous are becoming sick of
new The Monkey and the Wild Pig Paragraph 1 in the passage
activities. read presented a structure of respiratory diseases.
skills #1 1. Because he played under cause and effect
the rain, his mother became
angry. relationship of ideas since it Many people are
explains the reason and experiencing illness of the
2. The boy broke his leg when results of global warming. respir
he fell from the tree.
Cause is the reason why atory diseases because
“Let’s plant a field together,” said
3. When a strong quake something happens while
the monkey to the wild pig.
occurs under the sea, a effect is the result or what of air pollution. Air pollution
tsunami alert was is caused by exhausted
“Agreed!” exclaimed the wild pig.
actually happens. gases from vehicles, factory
“What shall we plant?”
declared. gas
Example of cause and effect
“Mountain rice is very good,”
4. The town was put on relationship of ideas: emission and natural events.
replied the monkey.
lockdown since people keep Since it greatly affects
going out without Global warming affects the human health, people
“Very well, let us plant rice,”
lives of the people, for it
replied the wild pig.
masks. makes places drier and should
When harvest time came, the two
hotter. help to reduce air pollution.
went to the field together.
People must avoid smoking
Cause: Global warming cigarettes because it
“How shall we divide our crop?”
affects the lives of the people.
asked the wild pig.
What is cause and effect releases harmful chemicals.
relationship? Effect: It makes the places Families should avoid using
“Oh! You may have all that grows
drier and hotter. chemicals when cleaning
below the ground and I shall take
You may have noticed that the and painting at homes. As
all that
lesson talks about cause and Connector: for much as possible, use safe
effect. You’re and natural paints and
grows above the ground,” replied
Problem and Solution cleaning products. People
the monkey.
right. You were even made to Relationship are encouraged to
identify examples of a cause participate in any planting
“Agreed,” said the wild pig.
and also examples Paragraph 2 is organized by a activity
problem and solution
But when the wild pig found that
of an effect. situation. in local community in order
the monkey had all the grain and
he had that the air we breathe
You also have noticed that, in It was presented with a would be cleaner.
any cause and effect problem or issue then
only roots, he was very angry.
relationship, there is followed by one or more
“Don’t be so angry at me,” called
always one event that serves as 1Why aremany people
out the monkey as he ran up a tree.
a cause and another event that solutions. Problem means a becoming sick with
becomes the challenge; difficulty; struggle respiratory diseases?
“Next year we shall plant gabi, and
that needs to be dealt
you may have all that grows above
effect. The cause is the reason _____________________________
why something happens while with while solution is the _____________________________
the effect is the answer or action to solve the _________
ground and I will take what grows
below the ground.”
result of something that 2. What causes air pollution?
happened. Whatever the case Example of problem and
“Good!” cried the wild pig. “Come may be, the cause solution relationship of ideas: _____________________________
down. I won’t hurt you. I like gabi ___________
very always takes place before the Global warming has become a
effect and the effect always serious problem in our 3. What problem is
much.” happens last. country, so everyone is presented in the text?
Harvest time came again. The two In the sentences above, the encouraged to plant more
went to the field together to causes are written in italics trees and reduce the use of 4. What solutions were given
harvest the while the effects plastic bags. to solve the problem?

crop. The leaves lay flat on the are underlined. Problem: Global warming ___________________
ground, they were already brown has become a serious
and dry. problem in our country

“You better get a basket to put Solution: everyone is 5. Using this organizer,
your leaves in, “said the monkey. encouraged to plant more determine the cause and
trees and reduce the effect and problem –solution
“A basket to put my leaves in!”
exclaimed the wild pig. “Why? I use of plastic bags. relationship of ideas used in
don’t want the passage read.
Connector: so
those dry leaves; I want gabi.”
Now that you are familiar with
“But the gabi grows in the ground,” cause and effect and problem
laughed the monkey. and solution

At this, the wild pig became so relationship of ideas, let’s

angry that he would have killed the read again the structures of
monkey the two sentences above:

with his long tusks if the monkey .

had not run up into a tree.
1. Global warming affects the
“Stay there,” shouted the angry lives of the people, for it Now let us study the
pig, “until I have gathered my makes the places sentences used from the
crop.’ text read. Identify what
drier and hotter.
Then the wild pig dug up and ate relationship of ideas is
every root of gabi in the field. 2.Global warming has become shown on each:
a serious problem in our
“Goodbye, Mr. Monkey, you better country, so 1. Many people are
get a basket to put your leaves in,” becoming sick with
said the wild pig, as he was everyone is encouraged to respiratory diseases,
chewing at the last root. plant more trees and reduce because of air pollution.
the use of plastic bags.
Answer the questions using _______________________
compound sentence to show cause Both sentences have 2 simple
& effect sentences or independent 2. Since it greatly affects
human health, people
relationship. Write your answer on should help to reduce air
your paper. clauses and joined by pollution.

connectors so and for. These _______________________

sentences are called
1. What is the effect on the wild pig compound sentences. What 3. People must avoid
when the monkey gets all the is a smoking cigarettes because
grains? it releases harmful
compound sentence? chemicals.
2. Why did the monkey run up to
the tree? Compound Sentence is a _________________________
sentence that is composed of
3. Why did the wild pig ask the at least two independent 4. People are encouraged to
monkey to come down? participate in any planting
clauses or two simple activity in the local
4. The wild pig was very angry with sentences joined by a
the monkey. What do you think is coordinating conjunction. community in order that the
the reason? The most air we breathe be cleaner.

5. If you were the pig, are you common coordinating _________________________

going to get angry with the conjunctions used for
monkey? Why? compound sentences include Sentences # 1, 2,3 and 4
for, and, showed cause and effect
relationship of ideas but
nor, but, or, yet, so.
(acronym FANBOYS) sentences 2 and 3 are
categorized as problem –
Notice and study the uses of solution relationship since
each coordinating conjunction both
with their examples.
showed problem and
solution ideas.

1. I got a low score on the

test, for I forgot to review.

All the sentences above are

The two independent clauses called COMPLEX
are: I got a low score on the SENTENCES. So what is a
test complex

: I forgot to review. sentence ?

A Complex Sentence is a
sentence that is composed
Coordinating conjunction of an independent clause
used: for (it is used to state a and
at least one dependent
The first sentence or clause, I clause joined by a
got a low score in the test subordinating conjunction.
is independent
A subordinating
because it has a subject, I and conjunction is a word
a predicate got a low score in which joins a dependent
the test, it can stand clause and an

alone. The same with the independent clause. It

second sentence or clause, I introduces the dependent
forgot to review, I is the clause.

subject and forgot to review is Dependent clause is a

the predicate. clause that cannot stand
Do not forget to put a comma
after the first independent Independent clause is a
clause prior to writing the clause that can stand alone
coordinating conjunction. as a sentence.

Let us observe and study

the structure of each
2. I like to read, and I example given.
write my daily reflections
in my journal every night. 1. Since it greatly affects
human health, people
Two independent clauses: I should help to reduce air
like to read
I write my daily reflections in
my journal every Independent Clause: People
should help to reduce air
night. pollution.

Dependent Clause: since it

greatly affects human
Coordinating conjunction health
used: and (It is used to add
information) Subordinating Conjunction:
since (It is used to show
cause and effect)

3. I don’t usually wake up The independent clause,

at 6 a.m., nor do I like to people should help to
wake up at 5 a.m. reduce air

Note: The two independent pollution, is a sentence in

clauses indicate negative itself. It has the subject
state. people and the predicate

1. I don’t usually wake up at 6 help to reduce air pollution .

a.m. It can stand on its own, and
it expresses a complete
2. I don’t like to wake up at 5
a.m. thought.

The dependent clause,

since it greatly affects
But with the coordinating human health, cannot
conjunction nor which is used
to indicate negative stand on its own even if it
has the subject it and the
state that continues after predicate greatly affects
something negative happens,
the second independent human health . It does not
express a complete thought,
clause drops the ‘not’, and and its meaning is
the clause starts with a verb,
and appears like a question dependent on the
information provided in the
(do I like to wake up at 5 independent clause.
In example 1, the dependent
clause comes first, then is
followed by an in
4. Reading is a wonderful
hobby, but it interferes dependent clause. But with
with my daily activities. most common examples you
can start your complex
Two independent clauses:
Reading is a wonderful hobby sentence with the
independent clause. Just
it interferes with my daily make sure that you put a
activities. comma at the

Coordinating conjunction end of the dependent

used: but (It is used to state clause. Look at the example
contrast) below .

5. Would you rather read a 2. People must avoid

book or would you watch a smoking cigarettes
good TV show? because it releases
Two independent clauses:
Would you rather read a chemicals.
The Independent clause:
: Would you watch a good TV
show? People must avoid
smoking cigarettes
Coordinating conjunction
used: or (It is used to state The dependent clause:
options or alternatives.) because it releases
harmful chemicals.
6. I always take a book to
the beach, yet I never The subordinating
seem to turn a single conjunction: because (It is
page. used to state reason)

Two independent clauses: I In example 2, the

always take a book to the independent comes first,
beach. then is followed by the

I never seem to turn a single dependent clause with the

page. connector because which is
used to state reason.
Coordinating conjunction
used: yet (it is used to 3. People are encouraged
introduce contrasting idea to participate in any
that planting activity in local

follows the preceding idea community in order that

logically (similar to "but") the air we breathe be
7. The bell rang for
classes, so all the pupils The Independent clause:
rushed to their classroom. People are encouraged to
participate in any
Two independent clauses: The planting
bell rang for classes
activity in local
All the pupils rushed to their community.
The dependent clause: in
Coordinating conjunction order that the air we
used: so (It is used to indicate breathe be cleaner
effect, result or
The subordinating
consequence) conjunction: in order

Semi-colon (;) can also be

used when forming
compound sentences. These are some common
subordinating conjunctions
Examples: The weather that you can use when
today is sunny; the sky is
clear. forming complex sentences.
They are labeled according
to their use and purpose.

To understand the structures

of compound sentence,
remember this illustration.

Aside from subordinating

conjunctions, relative
pronouns (who, whom,

whose, which, that) can also

be used when forming
complex sentences.

A relative pronoun is a
pronoun that introduces
dependent clauses in

Relative pronouns are

placed directly after the
noun or pronoun they

1. He failed in the test

because he did not review
his lesson last night.

a. What connector is used in

the sentence? ________

b. Is it a subordinating
conjunction or relative
pronoun? _________

c. How would you classify

the dependent clause used?

d. What does it modify?

E. Discussing new Compound sentences are used to Dependent Clauses and Let’s try answering this. Which of the following is a
concepts and show cause-and-effect relationship. Independent Clauses complex sentence? Put a /
practicing new skills Form a compound sentence check for complex sentence
#2 ✔ A cause is a person, thing, fact, Do you notice how the word by joining the given clauses
or condition that produces an structure of all the causes are inside the box. Use on the blank before each
effect. It is written? If number then underline the
an appropriate connector to connector used in the
the reason why a thing happened. you erase all the connected show cause and effect and sentence.
effects, will they stand on their problem and solution
✔ An effect is the result of an own as a ___________ 1. When he
action or condition. relationship of ideas. checked my work, he found
sentence? Let us look at these out that one of my answers
Guidelines in making compound groups of words when the is
sentences using cause-and-effect effects are removed:
relationship: wrong.
1. Because he played under the
o Explain the reasons for what rain ____________2. Before I went
happens. to the market, I cleaned first
2. When he fell from the tree our house.
Sentence # 1- Cause and
o Present all possible causes and
effects. 3. When a strong quake occurs ____________3. I really want
under the sea to eat chocolate, yet my
o Use simple words for easy tooth aches.
understanding. 4. Since people keep going out
Sentence #2 – Problem and
without masks ____________4. She saw Mrs.
o Emphasize important causes and Cruz whom she admires so
effects. These groups of words cannot much in school.
be considered as sentences
since they ____________5. After I did the
activity, someone knocked
don’t have a complete meaning on the door.
and they cannot stand on their
own. They

need the omitted parts to

become complete sentences.
These group of words Form a complex sentence by
adding an independent or
are called dependent clauses. dependent clause showing

Now let us examine the groups cause and effect relationship

of words that represent the . Write your answer on the
effect. space provided.

1. His mother became angry. 1. Since she was very tired

2. The boy broke his leg. _____________________________
3. A tsunami alert is declared.
2. Many students get a very
4. The town is put on lockdown. low score in Mathematics
Do these groups of words have
a complete meaning? Can they _____________________________
stand as _____________________________
a sentence on their own even
without the causes added to 3. People are advised to stay
them? If your at home in order that

answer is “Yes,” then you are _____________________________

right. These groups of words _____________________________
that have a ______________

complete meaning are called 4. Many sold their car so

independent clauses. that

Complex Sentences to Shoe _______________
Cause and Effect
Relationship 5. The baby cried when

When a dependent clause and _____________________________

an independent clause are _____________________________
combined, they form a complex _______________

An effective way to link cause

and effect ideas is by means of

sentences. A complex
sentence consists of one
independent clause and at

least one dependent clause.

These clauses are joined by

conjunctions to show clear and

precise relationship.

The words because, as, in

order that, since, although,
as a result

and so that which function as

subordinate conjunctions are
always used to

begin the dependent or

subordinate clause.

When the dependent clause

comes at the beginning of the
sentence, use

a comma to separate it from the

independent clause.

F. Developing mastery Supply each statement with a Directions: Read the Write YES on the space Compose a complex
(leads to Formative cause or an effect. Be sure to use paragraph and complete the provided before each number sentence describing each
Assessment 3) compound graphic organizer below if the sentence is compound situation. Please refer to the

sentence. with the missing details. then underline its connector. given relationship of ideas.

______1. I drink a cup of milk , 1. Water that was spilled

and it makes me sleep. (problem and solution)
Pupils are not allowed to chew
gum in my class. First, some ______2. Ana got a low grade _____________________________
in English, so she studied hard _____________________________
irresponsible pupils make a until she gets ___________________
mess with their gum. Another
reason why I a high grade. 2. Vegetables that are
planted in the backyard
don’t allow pupils to chew gum ______3. A trip to Europe is (Cause and Effect)
is because it is a distraction. expensive, but it is worth it
When they are _____________________________
______4. Natty has not cooked _____________________________
allowed to chew gum, pupils are anything; she bought food for ___________________
more focused on playing with it, her lunch.
popping 3. Having being soaked in
it, chewing it, and snapping it ______5. She needs to buy a the rain (Cause and Effect)
than paying attention to the gift, for it is her mother’s
discussion. This birthday. _____________________________
is why I don’t allow pupils to ______________________
chew gum in my class.
4. seawater with plastic
wastes (problem and
Form a compound sentence Solution)
showing cause and effect
relationship by adding an _____________________________
independent clause . Write ___________________
your answer on the space
provided. Use an appropriate 5. soil erosion (problem and
Directions: Connect these pairs _____________________________
of clauses to form a complex 1. Alfonso loves to eat food, _____________________________
sentence. Use ___________________
because, as, in order that, ____________________
since, or so that. You may
2. Andrei’s group won in the
switch the order of
battle of the band
the clauses. competition,

Form a compound sentence to ______________________________

show cause and effect relationship. Example: The ice in the plastic
bag melted. It was placed under ____________________
3. I want to be a teacher ,
The ice in the plastic bag melted
because it was placed under

4. An Asian tour is cheaper,

1. There is no dictionary here.
Let us go to the library.
2. He could sell his toothpaste
for a cheap price. Many wanted
5. The class was dismissed
to buy
3. My cousin got the first prize in
essay writing. He is talented and

4. Our teacher gives us Form a compound sentence
inspiration. Our class can excel showing problem and solution
in many ways. relationship by adding

5. Our Glee Club coach always an independent clause. Write

reminds us to attend rehearsals your answer on the space
provided. Use an
regularly. Our performance
becomes outstanding. appropriate connector.

1. Jed has been searching for

a cottage,


2. The school library becomes

so warm,


3. She fails to wake up early

to come to school;


4. Ara could not go home from



5. Ramon couldn’t find his

English book.


G. Finding practical Form a compound sentence that Directions: Copy the following Compose compound Apply what you have
application of concepts show cause-and-effect relationship sentences in your notebook. sentences describing the learned about using complex
and skills in daily by adding a Underline given situations. Please refer sentences to show cause
living to the
clause to the given. the cause once and the effect and effect and problem-
twice. relationship of ideas given solution relationship of
and use appropriate ideas.
1. If pollution is reduced, global connector or conjunction.
health will improve. Use complex sentence to
show cause and effect or
2. Because energy use is high in problem- solution
the developed world, people use relationship
a lot of
of ideas in the following
resources. situations. Please refer to
the given relationship of
3. Although people try to save ideas.
energy, global demand for
energy increases 1. afraid to swim in the sea
(problem and solution)
every year.
4. Future generations will suffer _____________________________
if pollution is not reduced today. _____________
What would you do if you
5. Bikeshares are becoming 2. she doesn’t like to read
were in these situations?
popular because they are a books (cause and effect)
great way to
Compose compound
sentences showing problem- _____________________________
reduce pollution. _____________________________
solution-relationship of ideas
using appropriate connectors.
3. there was a drought
1. The road is under repair (problem and solution)
________________. _____________________________
2. You cannot sleep well _______
during warm days
______________________________ 4. the boy spent playing the
_. video game all night (cause
and effect)
3. Your tooth really ached
______________________________ _____________________________
_____________________. _____________________________
4. You suddenly choked in the
middle of the meal 5. the boy went home late
_____________________________. from playing basketball.
(cause and effect)
5. You failed in the entrance
examination__________________ _____________________________
____________________. _____________________________

H. Making Complete each compound sentence Directions: Fill in the blanks In this lesson, we focused on In this lesson, we focused on
generalizations to show cause-and-effect with the correct answer. Use using using complex sentence to
relationship by filling your show cause and
and abstractions compound sentence to show
about the lesson in the correct conjunction. Choose notebook for your answers. cause and effect, problem and effect, problem and solution
your answer in the parenthesis. solution relationship of relationship of ideas. In
1. A ____________ consists of one writing complex sentences
1. I lost my money, (because, so) I independent clause and at least ideas. It is important that one
just walked home. one must: always be reminded that:

2. His tummy ached, (or, for) he ate dependent clause. • Remember that compound 1. All complex sentences
so much last night. sentence is composed of have an independent clause
2. Clauses are joined by __________ or more and at least one __________
3. Regine Velasquez sings _____________ to show clear and
beautifully, (so, for) she was invited precise independent clauses /simple clause.
to be the judge on a sentences joined by
relationship. coordinating conjunctions. 2. To connect independent
singing competition. and dependent clauses, you
3. Another way to link • Use an appropriate need __________
4. The road is flooded, (nor, so) the _______________ ideas is through connector/conjunction to join
classes are suspended. complex independent clauses conjunctions. You may also
use relative pronouns when
5. The thief was imprisoned, (for, sentences. showing __________and forming complex
so) he robbed jewelries on a __________; and problem and
famous museum. 4. Complex sentences have solution relationship of sentences.
______________ independent
clause and at ideas. 3. When the dependent
clause is at the beginning of
least one dependent clause. • Aside from coordinating the sentence, you need a
conjunctions, __________ can
5. When the dependent clause also be used when __________ at the end of the
comes at the beginning of a dependent clause.
sentence, forming compound sentence.
4. When the subordinating
use a ________________ to • Follow the __________– conjunction is in the
separate it from the __________ agreement. __________ of the sentence,
independent clause. you

do not need a comma.

5. Always use appropriate

__________ to show cause
and effect and problem

and solution relationship of

ideas and observe subject
and verb agreement.

I. Evaluating learning Analyze the given compound Directions: Use the Compose a compound Use complex sentence to
sentences, draw a sun on your subordinating conjunctions sentence showing cause and show cause -effect and
paper and moon if the sentence although, if, when, effect, and problem and problem - solution
show cause-and-effect relationship, relationship of
and a if it is not. because, unless, before, and solution relationship of ideas
after to make complex in the following situations. ideas in the following
sentences out of the Relationship of ideas to be situations. Relationship of
ideas to be used are already
clauses below. used are already given. given.

1. I’m going to the bank 1. overweight child - (problem 1. water pollution- problem
_________ I will withdraw some and solution and solution
______________________________ Complex Sentence
2. I made lunch __________ I got ______________________________ _____________________________
home. __________________ _________

3. Submit the project ___________ 2. infected by coronavirus – 2. mountain that has many
the day is over. (cause and effect) cut trees- cause and effect

4. I really enjoyed the concert ______________________________ Complex Sentence

________ the music was too loud. ______________________________ _____________________________
__________________ _________________________
5. ________ you fix your bike, you
won’t be able to join us. 3. being bullied in the class – 3. fisherman who catches
(problem and solution) fishes using dynamites-
Problem and solution
______________________________ Complex Sentence
__________________ _____________________________
Directions: Combine the short ____________________________
sentences by using the 4. climate change – (cause
subordinating and effect) 4. farmers who cleared the
place using kaingin – Cause
conjunction provided to create a ______________________________ and Effect
complex sentence. ______________________________
Complex Sentence
1. The cops arrived. The thugs
had left. (After) __________________ _____________________________
2. I have to stay for tutorial. I 5. shortage of water_- (cause _
failed the exam. (Because) and effect)
5. man who smokes
3. We won’t have practice ______________________________ cigarettes- Cause and Effect
today. It is raining. (Since) ______________________________
__________________ Complex Sentence
4. I woke up. I saw that it was _____________________________
snowing! (When) 6. destruction of corals ___________________________
(problem and solution)
5. You eat your vegetables. You
cannot have dessert. (Until) ______________________________
6. I was cleaning the basement. __________________
The power went out. (While)

7. You practice. You will not get

any better at basketball.

8. The sun rises in the morning.

A rooster crows very early.

9. You need to study your

vocabulary words. You can do
well on the quiz.

(So That)

10. Follow the road. You will see

our house. (If)

J. Additional activities Complete the plant map by using

for application or compound sentences showing
remediation cause & effect relationship.

V. REMARKS __ out of __pupils DNRML __ out of __pupils DNRML __ out of __pupils DNRML __ out of __pupils DNRML

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted by:


Teacher I Master Teacher II Principal I

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