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Oracle Form Builder

15 March 2010

TCS Confidential

Basic Terms Form Development using form wizard. Creating LOV and Record group. Input Items Non-Input items Triggers Navigation Sharing Objects and codes

15 March 2010


15 March 2010

Form Builder Modules

Form Modules This constitutes the main body of a Form Builder application. It includes the objects that end users interact with, to modify database information. Menu Modules A menu module is comprised of menus and menu code. PL/SQL Library Modules
PL/SQL Libraries is a module which contains various procedures and functions which can be reused by any form module.Procedures and Function becomes global to all forms.Just by invoking it,we can use them

15 March 2010

Objects of a Form Module

Window A window is, by itself, an empty frame. Windows have a title bar and handles for interaction, allowing end users to scroll, move, and resize the window. Canvas Canvases are background objects on which you place the interface objects and graphic elements that end users interact with when they use a Form Builder application. Blocks Blocks are logical containers for Form Builder items, and are the basic unit of information in a form module. Items Items are interface objects that display information to end users and allow them to interact with the application.

15 March 2010

Form Builder provides four types of canvases, all of which can be displayed in the same window at runtime. Content Canvas - A content canvas is the "base" view that occupies the entire content pane of the window in which it is displayed. Stacked Canvas - A stacked canvas is displayed atopor stacked onthe content canvas assigned to the current window. Tab Canvas - A tab canvasmade up of one or more tab pagesallows you to group and display a large amount of related information on a single dynamic Form Builder canvas object. Toolbar Canvas - A toolbar canvas often is used to create toolbars for individual windows.

15 March 2010

Windows and Canvases

MDI MDI parent parent window window Document Document window window

Canvas Canvas

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Stacked Canvas Properties

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Tab Canvas Related Properties

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Property Pallette

Toolbar Expand/ Collapse Property name

Find field Search Backward Search Forward Property value

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15 March 2010

Data Blocks A data block is associated with or bound to a database table or view, or a set of stored procedures. Control Blocks A control block has no association with a database table or view; its objects do not relate to database columns.

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15 March 2010

Input Items
Item types that accept user input include: Check boxes List items Radio groups Input items enable insert, update, delete, and query.

15 March 2010

Check Boxes
Two-state interface object: Checked Unchecked Checkbox mapping with other values Column name mentioned in the property pallete Database item set to yes. Block level property table name is mentioned. Not limited to two values

15 March 2010

List Styles (Elements In List)

List Items



Excellent Tlist Good Poor


Combo Box

15 March 2010

Radio Groups

Set of mutually exclusive radio buttons, each representing a value Use: To display two or more static choices As an alternative to a list item As an alternative to a check box Ex: Radio group : initial value = cash Radio button value-1 = cash Radio button value-2= credit ALERT: ALERT STYLE: STOP , CAUTION , NOTE

15 March 2010

Noninput Items
Item types that do not accept direct user input include: Display items Image items Sound items Buttons

15 March 2010

Display Items

Display items are similar to text items. Display items cannot: Be edited Be queried Be navigated to Accept user input Display items can: Display data Conserve resources

15 March 2010

Image Items
Interface control Use to display bitmapped images: From file systemsupported file type From databaseLONG RAW column or a BLOB column Read_image_file Write_image_file

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Image File Format







15 March 2010

Image Manipulation Palette

Select Zoom Pan Rotate

15 March 2010

Use buttons to: Move input focus Display an LOV Invoke an editor Invoke another window Commit data Issue a query Perform calculations

15 March 2010

Trigger Scope Component

Levels Form Block Item
Type Code


15 March 2010

Trigger Type Component

PrePostWhenOnKeyType Scope Code

15 March 2010

Creating a Trigger

Smart Triggers

15 March 2010

PL/SQL Editor

15 March 2010

Navigation Moving from one object to another is called as navigation or Entering or leaving an item is called as navigation. Post_Item Post_Record Post_Block Post_Form

Navigation Triggers
Pre_form Pre_block Pre_Record Pre_Item

Pre and Post navigational triggers fires during navigation. When the form enter an item or just after exiting from the item.

15 March 2010

Some Built in Navigations

go_form go_block Next_record Previous_record Next_block Previous_block Next_item Previous_item Up Down Scroll_up Scroll_down

15 March 2010

Transactional Triggers
Pre_delete On_delete Post_delete Pre_insert On_insert Post_insert Pre_update On_update Post_update Post_form_commit Post_database_commit On-Suppresses the current processing and deletes a record according to a coding written inside the trigger.

15 March 2010

Sharing Objects and Codes

There are four types of sharing objects Property Classes Object Groups Object Libraries PL/SQL Libraries

15 March 2010

Property Classes: Definition

Property Classes These are form objects which contains a set of property along with some. 1.Font name 2.Font Size 3.Foreground color 4.Background color Item->property palette->subclass information->dialog window comes->click on property class->specify your block name and property class name which you have created. Note: Properties are of two types: 1.Inherited( red arrow) 2.Variant Changed (arrow cross).

15 March 2010

Object Groups
Object Groups are logical containers which contains different logically related forms objects. We can drag the objects such as blocks,canvases,LOV, procedures,windows etc. and place them inside the object groups. We can drag the object group from 1st form and attach it to the object group node of the second form created. COPY If we click on copy then there will be no relation between the master and the child block. SUBCLASS If we click on subclass then any deletion from the master block will affect the child block.

15 March 2010

PL/Sql Libraries PL/SQL Libraries is a module which contains various procedures and functions which can be reused by any form module.Procedures and Function becomes global to all forms.Just by invoking it,we can use them. We can attach our PL/sql library to the form.

15 March 2010

Object Libraries
Object Libraries is a module which contains various forms objects and can be reused again and again.The lowest unit of object libraries is item. 1st form Object library->items->edit->Smart class->green arrow comes. Save it in .olb format. 2nd form Click on necessary item->right click->smart class->select whichever item you want from object library->red symbol comes.

15 March 2010

Difference between visual attribute and property class.

Named visual attributes differ only font, color & pattern attributes, property clauses can contain this and any other properties. We can change the appearance of objects at run time by changing the named visual attributes programmatically , property clause assignments cannot be changed programmatically. When an object is inheriting from both a property clause and named visual attribute, the named visual attribute settings take precedence, and any visual attribute properties in the class are ignored.

15 March 2010

15 March 2010

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