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Second Edition
Soft Skills
for the Workplace
Second Edition

The Goodheart-Willcox Company, Inc.
Tinley Park, IL
Copyright © 2022
The Goodheart-Willcox Company, Inc.

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retrieval systems, without the prior written permission of
The Goodheart-Willcox Company, Inc.

Manufactured in the United States of America.

Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 2020933670

ISBN 978-1-64564-645-7

1234567 89-22-25 24 23 22 21 20

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The second edition of Soft Skills for the Workplace is an overview of basic behaviors, etiquette, and
protocol that a career-minded person needs in order to communicate effectively as a professional.
Soft skills are the employability skills that help an individual find a job, perform well in the work-
place, and gain success in a job or career. In today’s workplace, employers look for people who have
job-specific skills to perform on the job as well as the know-how to interact with coworkers and
customers. You may be the most qualified person in your field in terms of hard skills, but if you
lack soft skills, you may have a challenge finding and retaining employment.
Soft Skills for the Workplace presents the major interpersonal skills requested by today’s
employers. Presented in one easy-to-use text, you will learn the basic soft skills needed for career
By studying Soft Skills for the Workplace, you will gain understanding of the value of master-
ing the art of professionalism for your chosen career. Learning how to embrace and apply accepted
workplace protocol is the first step toward personal success. Soft skills are the new hard skills for
the 21st century.

How to Use This Text

Soft Skills for the Workplace is a nontraditional approach to learning basic employability skills
needed in today's workplace. By studying this text, you will learn the soft skills that employers
recommend, and require, of employees. Learning how to interact professionally with customers,
coworkers, and employers is one sure way to prepare for a career.
As you make your way through the chapters, try to relate each topic to how you can improve
your soft skills. By following these suggestions, you can make the most of what you learn in this
® Read the outcomes listed in the chapter opener. Each outcome is tied directly to the head-
ings within the content. In addition, they are repeated in the chapter summary and applied
in the end-of-chapter activities. The connection of outcomes throughout the content helps
you focus and apply important information as you read each chapter.
e Pay attention to the illustrations. Each illustration is strategically created to highlight
important information. By studying these, you will extend your learning and improve reten-
tion and application of the content.
* Read each case in the chapter and focus on the subject and event that lead to the situation.
Relate the behavior to other examples with which you are familiar and how these behaviors
are detrimental to a person's image.
* Complete the end-of-chapter activities. By doing so, you will be able to self-assess your
learning. This self-reflection is important to helping you improve your professionalism for
the workplace.
Goodheart-Willcox Publisher would like to thank the following individuals for their honest and
valuable input in the development of Soft Skills for the Workplace.
David L. Batts, Associate Professor, East Carolina University-College of Engineering and
Technology, Greenville, NC
Deborah Boone, Department Chair, School of Business, Halifax Community College,
Weldon, NC
Amy Burns, Experiential Learning Program Coordinator, Northwestern Michigan College,
Traverse City, MI
Jeff Dewey, Senior Programmer/Analyst, Private Sector, Chicago, IL
Cindi Hanna, Program Coordinator/Data Analyst, Forsyth Technical Community College,
Winston-Salem, NC
Julia A. Hollins, Ed.D./ET, CEO-School Administrator, JH Virtual Business Services, Inc.
online school, Atlanta, GA
Dan Humpert, Associate Professor Emeritus, University of Cincinnati, College of
Engineering and Applied Science, Cincinnati, OH
Mary E. Koval, M.A., Sociology, Career Development, Diversity, and Group Dynamics
Instructor, Bryant and Stratton College, North Chesterfield, VA
Joe Moore, Automotive Instructor/Associate Professor, Southern Maine Community
College, South Portland, ME
Brian Noel, Automotive Mechanics Technology Professor, Cosumnes River College,
Sacramento, CA
Ed F. Petrunak, Director, Precision Manufacturing Institute, Meadville, PA
Kaitlin Pohland, Aquatics Director, St. Cloud Area Family YMCA, St. Cloud, MN
Micheal L. Randolph, M.S., RMA, Instructor, Medical Assisting, Gateway Tech College,
Racine, WI
Traci Robinson, Curriculum Specialist, Butler Technology & Career Development Schools,
Hamilton, OH
Ethan Robles, Assistant Director of Admission, Lafayette College, Easton, PA
Paul D. Shuler, Ph.D., Director, Academic Quality & Workforce, Texas Higher Education
Coordinating Board, Austin, TX
Jason Slade, Faculty/Engineering Technology, Northwestern Michigan College, Traverse
City, MI
Edward F. Smith, J.D., Partner at Brouse McDowell, LPA, Akron, OH
Travis Southerland, HVAC Instructor, Southern Oklahoma Technology Center, Ardmore, OK
Beryl Alli Vainshtein, MBA, Business Technology Instructor, Saint Paul College, Saint
Paul, MN
Michael E, Valdez, Vice Principal Career Technical Education Programs, Career and
Technical Education Coordinator, Office of Correctional Education, Sacramento, CA
New to This Edition
The second edition of Soft Skills for the Workplace is revised with updated content that reflects
important soft skills needed in the workplace. In addition to new content, the use of digital devices
was changed to specifically reference cell phone usage. Cell phone self-management skills are also
included throughout as an important 21st-century skill.
Chapter | Professionalism provides students with insight regarding how to be a professional
in the 21st century. Content about optimism, adaptability, and flexibility was added in the text as
well as in the end-of-chapter activities and terms list. In addition, the case study was replaced.
Chapter 2 Ethics addresses ethics for professional success. Updates include the subject of lying,
insider trading, and digital security. In addition, a minor reorganization moved Social Respon-
sibility to the last section of the chapter and an objective was added. The case study was replaced.
Chapter 3 Self-Management Skills now includes the relevant topic of cell phone self-
management skills. A chapter objective was added and end-of-chapter material updated
accordingly. In addition, the case study was replaced.
Chapter 4 Etiquette introduces the importance of workplace etiquette. The content remains
primarily intact.
Chapter 5 Attire addresses workplace attire and its importance in understanding how to
dress professionally. The chapter now includes content about trade show apparel for employ-
ees who work a conference. An objective and summary point were added to reflect the addi-
tion of new content. In addition, the case study was replaced.
Chapter 6 Communication Skills explains the importance of good communication skills
for the workplace. The chapter remains primarily intact but updated with a new case study.
Chapter 7 Verbal and Nonverbal Communication discusses the importance of using both
types of communication appropriately for a specific situation. The chapter remains primar-
ily intact but updated with a new case study.
Chapter 8 Speaking Skills discusses how to make introductions, proper telephone tech-
niques, and leading a meeting. The chapter now includes a section about body language and
its effect on an audience's perception of a speaker.
Chapter 9 Listening Skills summarizes how to become a good listener and to listen with
purpose. The chapter remains primarily intact, but the case study was replaced.
Chapter 10 Written Communication introduces writing etiquette and the art of writing
letters, e-mail, and thank-you notes. This chapter now includes information about office mes-
saging apps in the workplace.
Chapter 11 Writing and Interviewing for Employment provides an overview of docu-
ments required to apply for a job and summarizes how to interview for employment. The
chapter remains primarily intact but the case study was replaced.
Chapter 12 Teams highlights teams in the workplace and discusses conflict resolution. The
content remains primarily intact.
Chapter 13 Diversity discusses diversity in the workplace, culture, and benefits of diversity.
The content remains primarily intact.
Chapter 14 Confidence remains largely intact in its coverage of self-confidence and
advancement in the workplace.
Appendix A Unspoken Workplace Rules is a new addition to this text. This appendix is a
quick guide to unspoken workplace rules of which every new employee should be aware.
Appendix A, Punctuation was relabeled Appendix B. Appendix B, Capitalization was
relabeled Appendix C. Appendix C, Number Usage was deleted.
Jeans Day ..csscersese
Business Meeting Apparel
Professionalism .........c...00. Niade GLOW APPA tscisscccnnciicnnananmnnacianieA
Skills of a Professional wd CHAPTER REV EW ssccicncsascocsccsincatninisenscavenciccniscarcccnicccstsncsiasc Ae
Hard SKINS .....c.essessessessssessesessesssesessssssscsssersssesencsasssstsessneansees 2
Soft Skills .........ecnsesscessrseessssensessenceesesessecenseseatseseatsensessstactrees D CHAPTER &
Positive Attitude ............ 4
ComMUNIcation SKIIIS ........cessecsseseecesssessessessesseeseesvens
Riessr) OF sh PPC Bm ER AN i sess crecnssrensrnsecrtrneestnrseescns 5 Communication................
CHAPTER REVIEW sscussnssssanssnsstssioussopesieaveessonsrsnvtopniesesneetsensstseitcnsesecs 6 Communication Process ....
Communication Barriers...
CHAPTER 2 Language... os
BEERS cecrnvaunsrvearonanenrmnecocascreansrcwnemmeesaaeenenenseecirsl Cond alia Words ..
Biased Words...
Ethics... st si .
Jargon and Clichés.
Ethical Caamunciea:. Se
ce eee eee
PC 1 en eee nr. |”
Digital Citizenship. secccorssecnsneneenenennneel2
CHAPTER REVI EW iicccssssacotiaciasivcsntancranianieiecnsitcianemenecaanaincOU)
Intellectual Property ...
Copyrights ...........
Social Responsibility i CHAPTER 7
CHAPTER: REI EW ssssccssscusssecessesceteauescrcoceccus
secs esca cece cere 1 Verbal and Nonverbal Communication.....................53
Verbal CommMunication.......sccssssssssseessesssresseesnceassessnsessees OF
Self-Management Skills...........ssscssecssesssesssesssseesseessees 19 Speaking Situations .......
Developing Self-Management Skills ...
Nonverbal Communication ..
Emotional Control oceans en
Body Language..
Problem SOIVING ..sssescsssssesssessssssssssnsssssssasessesssessssenserseveeneess2O)
Eye Contact...
Time Manageme nt 0... eseeesessecsessestesseetseetesteseeeeasetesteeene2D
Goal Setting.... ws
Personal Space...
Cell Phone Self- Managemini.. sesseessensseeceeessansesessesnne24
Paralanguage..... a
Stress-Management Skills... svnntannnninenene 24
CHAPTER REVIEW scsssssnccscsvessvascanessicesssuerssvtavounesisivescnssonicceariniaeenes 9
CHAPTER REVIEW svsmournnmmnsnnmnnnineninenanrmnninnn 25

Speaking SKIS ...........secceecseessesssesseeceesssessesssceseetesssees OD
Etiquette on... eesessssessssecsssesesseecsssecsseesnseessneesnseees 28 TUNER MUU CERO ING 2 iscnisans ivaoc rns ivcsni ebinc vne stnsie nse 63
Etiquette.. Introducing Yourself...
Workspace... Introducing Others..... 63
Offices...... Introducing Speakers.
Cubicles... Telephone Calls.....................
Shared Spaces. Receiving Telephone Calls.
Digital Devices....... Placing Telephone Calls.........
Business Dining... Leaving Voice Mail wesieeied
Funeralls................ 233 Leading a Meeting..... Sais vbasbanscasetae ioc
CHAPTER REVIEW ssscccecscscssceecscssssusetcassssuststoccsecutecoucisnsetecectatesictteseeOME Formal MeCting$ooccocceneneneenrnsnsnnneanen67
Body Language.. -
CHAPTER 5 CHAPTER REVIEW sccssinsccissscsvcntssccceciccseussicossnstanssivepbtucisnsibiccebsowiie

DUPE Secesesssceere cranes cueeesuen re nmeacamanennen: 37

Workplace Dress ......cccsssssesesssssussessesssasesscessssesssensasenerenen
Uniforms... i . Listening Skills ......
Business- Fesfhasionall “nig seisssesseeaesansansenseatsnaeeaeee
DO Listening Process... ws
Business-Casual D085 osovnreeeeecvvnevnnnevneeennne.39 Pye OF LISCETITIG sassssssssssssssesessessersnsssssnsnessensoaseensnanearassanions

Show You Are Listening... EDUER GEE Pee OG sscstccsssstcensccnstescsaracrnarnnennaismincsteicni kA

Listen with Purpose.... i Leadership............
Listen for Specific striae CHAPTER REVIEW.......
Listen to INStructiOns .......scs00e
Listen to Requests: siscisicccesssiciecisesssiicsendeissseecsaescesessccetveneests CHAPTER 13
Listen to Persuasive Talk
Formal Meetings..............
DIVELSItY ....essesssseconeecsssssseessecsnvesssessueceneensessneesneesnes
Diversity in the Workplace. ‘
Rirrive Bary osvesccanene cutee tena asmena
GONE ccsccsconccninimmennn ecm
STEN thre Fronts ccnseenrnas eee acre neseanis
I cscs sna cattccmessaicatenescusacsuvaccasteeasticiaasecaanieecatecitine
TAS DBS ssiscsese cacti tacos cae coat seca
Disability... tu
Fight Banlers:.cc0cccsn ese
DE ioiiisccissccrenisteteincoiniacsstactsaanntecsineinieaciaiceamanactreiiabediaadesses
Provide Feedback .
Culture... —
CHAPTER REWIEW cccscccssssessscscsssicscetecetateatecbectiesecnsccasedeceeusscceut
Cultural preeerentay
Cultural lanaaligrics.Stich cetacean ENTE
CHAPTER 10) Cultural Competency ....... F
Written COMMUNICATION.......cecssseesstesseessnessnsesseesses OF Intercultural Communication..................0cc0c0ee 127
Writing —— istsoets Carafell LIStQniing exsscsccsccsstincasstcssniseccsisitsinibeattnavoivensscstacasize DO
Letters... Clear Speech.............
E-Mail ........... Nonverbal Communication .
Office wiaceatiiig seahcnecaomaaceceiteatcacencie Benefits of —aieniains a
Thank-You "i We MGS siscics inn ccsrsscanctstiteossncecriameaiarateciientnenennee aD
RSVP... Higher Productivity... Umnnaguanaaniaenmen 129
Improved Customer sucihco
Social Media Eriquete.
CHAPTER REVIEW... Reputation... eseeaee
Employee Ecco: ad

CHAPTER 11 CHAPTER REVIEW wscsctsssscsssscuciecasctssintacsscicastesecestiocecatistenetactatcccescos | SO)

Writing and Interviewing for Employment................ 93 CHAPTER 14

Résumé, Cover Message, and Portfollio........................94
ROTO sscces cececeinecevcotncccenrvecserounauneesseracccet
RSA cisscinsssivctsasccsararcinwcoranncracsase
Sebf-Comfidl eine iicsisiscssiisesesssiieensenssisseinnaiiintertrsiianseriesrens
Cover Message...
Professional Success e
Negottlon 2. sesicscice sscccsccicnctcernassancinnnniants
Application Diseeiil. s sbcosssneca nce tenaccusoaaecaiucesaccesaecclDO MPA ice scsiecs sate csctccsisaccsensiseceristaicotatencoavendsoitrCesveecituse
Applying Online...
Applying in eietih. ave fs
Office Politics............
Preparing for an Interview uu... 100 Realistic Expectations.. ists
Interview QUESTIONS... cccssccessessessssssesseressessesesseeaenee
| OT
ais hpi oes oe eer eons a
Dress for an Interview .........:sscsssesesssecetsseseesesetstteatserseeeeee 13
Salenyc ee oe eee eee ee eee SR
After the Interview... ccesesescssssstiesseessneteesesnsneeeees | OF
Thank-You Message.. ee
Promotion..... ‘oe
Interview Evaluation .cssssvessscscssessesssessssesssssssssssssssesssessee | OF
CHAPTER REVIEW sxscorcc spores eres gsc sc eee ras ree cc
Hirimg Process ...sscscsesssssssessesssssssssenssssssssssuessssssssseeesen
Employee Checks...... APPENDIX A
Employment Forms.. Unspoken Workplace Rules ........-sesccssssssssssssessessseeseseetsseeteseeees 43
CHAPTER REVIEW. sssssicscsscenmsramcnasacsnionwneuiseccceninbenmerisen
PUNCCUATION ......cccssesscecsecsccceccssonssssessesssssesessssssssusstsecsessersenssssesseseeees
Teams... sesvescsssscsesneacsessensssesesssnenssesecsrassesacsecaee
Teamai inwi the Workplace. rccteeatsssccttanatocieeuteaceatecene NT Capitalization ..........ssesesvsccsssesensescessssssssssessessnnsssesseesssnssssseesssneseeees 49
Teamwork... GLOSSARY scree cesencesrsscertescencrererreua
cerca cms TS
Group riaardes wana -
Conflict Resolution ..............:sosessesessossesssesensessessrsseeseconeees
Focus on CHAPTER

Professionalism Professionalism

Soft Skills for the Workplace will help your students

jump-start their career in the competitive work
environment of the 21st century. To stand out in
the employment crowd and compete for a chosen
career, each person entering the workforce must
develop essential soft skills.
The unique approach to this text presents
content in a format that is condensed, to the point,
and can be completed in a brief amount of time.
The easy-to-read style and meaningful applica-
tions introduce behaviors for successful interac- BEFORE YOU READ
tions with employers, coworkers, and customers. Before youlbegin reading this chapter, 4ee what you already know
about soft dlls by taking a pretest. The soft skills pretest is available at


‘Gn completion of this chapter, prepareto
Each chapter introduces basic soft skills that are
needed for career success as recommended by
2 ‘Soft Skills fos tha Werke
employers. The topics covered are some of the
Profestionalicm extends to every jab, carer, Skills of a Professional
most requested essential workplace skills that can ated techy:
Professionalism is the act of exhibiting appropriate character, judg-
help students develop professionalism and suc- meat. and behaviorby a person whe is trained to perform a job. Itisaper-
sons conduct whileal workor representing anemplover. Professionalism
extends to every job, career, and industry. It decant necessarily mean
ceed in a chosen career. . but instead conducting oneself ima manner that exhibits
respon: integrity,
and excellence.
A professional employee comes to work on time each day and per-
forms job tasks in # productive manner. Professionals dress appropri-
Learning Outcomes ately for their job, take responsibility for their behavior, and are good
communicators. They also possess qualities of integrity. honesty. amd a
positive attitude.
Someone who shows professionalism has the skills to perform spe-
At the beginning of each chapter, learning out- cific job tasks and works weil with others. A skill is something an indi-
vidual docs well. Skills can be categorized as hard skills or soft skills
comes define the goals that will be accomplished
Hard Skills
while reading the chapter. Each goal is aligned Hard skills are critical skills necessary
to perform the required work-
related tasks af a position. They ate teachable. clearly defined, and can
with the content headings, as well as with the be measured. Examples of hard skills, also called job-specific stills,
Incade the ability to perform accounting tasks, repair a computer
and change the brakes on a car. Additional examples are shawn in
summary at the end of the chapter. The align- Figure 1-1
Hard skills are acquired through work, education, training, or a. combination
ment of learning outcomes provides a logical of these experiences. The basic hard skills needed for a specific jobs are generally
standard from business to business. For example. the hard skills required for an
flow through each page of the content so that stu- accounting clerk position would be very sim
‘companies. Without possessing
the required b iM, anneal
successfully periorm a given jobs
dents may build on individual knowledge as they ‘When applying for a job, an interviewer will ask the candidate to kentify and
describe the hard shalls that he ofshe possesses. The candidate may be requiredto
progress through the chapters. demonstrate some of those skills as part of the interview process. For example, if
for a jobasan onder processor, akeybourding test may be part ofthe appli
ess The applicant's hard skills are compared to the requirements for the
( thal person meets the standards. Once a job ts earned, acquiring new
hard skills canbe a wayto carn promotions
Before You Read
Figure 1- Hard shits are cemcal shits nacessary
to pertorm the required wort reiated tasks of a pouition,
Each chapter begins with an activity to set the Examples
of Hard Skills
stage for the contentto come. Through completion = accounting data mining network security
* aubomatve repair * edineg © nersing
of a pretest in chapter one, an opportunity is pro- © barbering # ehcincal engreenng © pipefiroing
busines management © grape designing 1 peiiting a toneige bangpaige
vided for students to evaluate their prior knowl- = campenty = keyteasding = tax prepaasen
# commercl driving © manutactunng plane operations © welding
edge of soft skills. The chapters that follow include © computer programenng: © marketing

a video to bring realism and provide a relevant

connection with content that has been learned. A Copegh Gendt witoes Ga.
posttest at the end of the text will help students
evaluate what has been learned on completion of
the content.

Case Studies
APPENDIX Real-world case studies illustrate the importance
of mastering soft skills. Each case includes a work-
A Unspoken Workplace Rules place situation with questions that provide an
Unspoken rafesin an organization are behaviors thal are expected, but many never appearin writ- opportunity to analyze and summarize opinions,
ing in a company policy manual. A seasoned profe "reads between the lines” but a new
not understand what really
is expected in certain situations at workor when repre- while identifying the soft skills that are addressed.
ides detailed information on workplace behaviors. The fol-

rules to hanow.

Work Day
Most employwes work a total of § hours each «tay: Generally, companies do nat expect employees
to work overtime unless there is a deadline looming, If your workday begins at $400 am. you
Appendices for workplace rules, punctuation, and
should beat your we ready to-work at 8410 a.m, sharp. Hf your workday weap up at 5:00
than walking capitalization are included at the end of the text.
of you fora full 8 hours so die not cut your day short by pulling into the
leaving at 455. These appendices highlight grammar mechanics
Overtime and examples for reference as students complete
Employees who are eligihte for overtime ust get preapproval from a supervisor. Do not assume
that if you stay beyond regular work hour: receive overtime pay. In addition, owertire is
writing assignments.
typically only paid far working more than the standard workweek which is usually 40 hours

Flextime generally means that an employee can re
End-of-Chapter Content
during standard approved wark hours. However, 4
am, and working until L pam. is not in line with fe End-of-chapter material provides opportunity for
unierstand the meaning of flextime before making assumptions.
review and application of concepts.
Many organizations allow employees multiple breaks during the workday. Uf your manager e Aconcise Summary reiterates the learning
expects you ti tak h.respect that and do nat takean hour. Taking advantage ol
break time és notagoou way to ailvance your career outcomes and provides a brief review of the
Sick Days content for student reference.
¢ The Terms list identifies important soft
Saft Sialls For the Workplace
skills terms covered in the chapter.
© (LO1-1) Explain bow hard and soft skills play a role in professionalism.
« Review questions highlight basic concepts
Someone who shows professionalism has the skills to perform specific job tasks and works
well with others. A sk: omething an incividual does well and maybe classitied ws a presented in the chapter so students can
hard skill ora soft skil , Hard skills are acquired through work. education, training,or a
combination of these experiences, Saft skills are the basic skills common to any job, such as evaluate understanding of the material.
reading, writing, and listening,
(LO 1-2) Define positive attitude,
Attitude is how personal the or feelings affect « person's outward behavior. Individuals ¢ Application activities provide an opportu-
with a positive attitude are c ofa situation rather than the
downside, Cpt . identify what can be changed nity for self-reflection so students can relate
and not be clus id clevisions, Positive people ure enthusiastic and show
interest in theiz jobs and « in which they participane, the topics to their personal lives.
ance of a professional image.

An image is the perception ers have ofa person. First impressions are usually lasting
impressions. A pra in 0 e Internet Exercise activities provide addi-
world. A professional image can have an impacton a person's ability to.get a job, earn
promotions, and stay emplayed. tional research opportunities for greater
understanding of selected concepts dis-
adaptability networking cussed in the chapter.
atitncle ‘optimism
emotional intelligence quotient (EQ)
professional image
e Skills Practice activities provide an oppor-
employability skills
professional network
tunity for students to engage in hands-on
hard skills shill application of the content to perfect their
image soft skills
soft skills. These data files are available for
REVIEW download on the G-W Learning companion
1. Dofine professionalism,
2, Explain how bard and soft skills play a role in professionalism,

3, Explain emotional intelligence

quothent (EQ)

4, Define positive attirude and resilience,

Chapter1 Professionalism

Soft Skills
You may be the most highly-qualified person in your field in terms of hard skills,
but if you lack soft skills, it may be challenging to become or stay employed.
Soft skills are the skills used to communicate and work well with others. They
are considered essential employability skills, which are skills that help an
individual find a job, perform well in the workplace, and gain success in a job
or career. Some soft skills are gained through life experience and social inter-
action. Other soft skills may be acquired from working at a job and interacting
in professional situations. They are not specific to one career and are trans-
ferable to any type of position. Examples of desirable soft skills are shown in
Figure 1-2.
When applying for employment, a job description may refer to soft skills as
people skills or interpersonal skills. Employers look for well-rounded employees who
have the hard skills to perform in the job and the people skills to get along with
coworkers, managers, and customers.
Soft skills come easier to some people than others. The people who find soft
skills easy to acquire often have a high emotional intelligence quotient. A person's
emotional intelligence quotient (EQ) is the ability of a person to perceive emo-
tions in one’s self and in others and use this information to guide social behavior.
Many soft skills rely on a person's ability to communicate with and anticipate the
needs of others, as well as to meet those needs appropriately. Therefore, someone
with a high EQ is often adept with soft skills.
People who have a high EQ are able to understand emotions in other people
easily and react accordingly. These individuals are seen as pleasant and empathetic.
Having empathy means having the ability to share someone else's emotions. This
often results in better social interactions and relationships, including those with
family, friends, coworkers, and supervisors.
Individuals with a high EQ also tend to have a better self-image, which contrib-
utes to increased self-confidence and positivity. This can have a beneficial impact
on a person's working life, which leads to higher work performance and better social
interactions in the workplace. Overall, those with a high EQ tend to experience a
higher sense of satisfaction in life and have lower incidences of feeling insecure or

Figure 1-2 Soft skills are the skills used to communicate and work well with others.

Examples of Soft Skills

« active listening « ethical decision-making * respectfulness
« adaptability ® goal setting * self-confident
* assertiveness « leadership « self-motivation
e collaboration * negotiating e thinking on your feet
© conflict resolution skills * patience * time management
* courteousness * positive attitude © trustworthiness
* critical thinking « problem solving e work independently
e digital citizenship e professional image ® writing
e effective communication * reading
* emotional control * reliability
Goodheart-Willcox Publisher

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Soft Skills for the Workplace

Positive Attitude
Professionals exhibit a positive attitude in their job performance and workplace
interactions. Optimism is the expectation that things will turn out well. Attitude
is how personal thoughts or feelings affect a person’s outward behavior. It is a com-
bination of how you feel, what you think, and what you do. Attitude is how an indi-
vidual] sees himself or herself, as well as how he or she perceives others.
Individuals with a positive attitude are optimistic and look at the upside of a sit-
uation rather than the downside. Optimism enables them to look at the big picture,
identify what can be changed, recognize what cannot be changed, and make good
decisions. Optimists learn from experiences, accurately identify problems, and try
to offer solutions, rather than complaints. Optimistic people are proactive and learn
from their mistakes.
Attitude influences the way a person performs in a job situation. People with a
positive attitude generally are successful in their work life. Positive people are enthu-
siastic and show interest in their jobs and the activities in which they participate.

Case Study
For years, journalist Matt Lauer developed a well-crafted, professional image.
His image projected honesty, integrity, and the ability to communicate complex
Stories and issues in a way that was understandable and engaging for the
average person. His image also projected likability during broadcasts, as well as
in appearances outside of the news industry. But, in 2017, his reputation suffered
a major blow when a colleague accused him of “inappropriate sexual behavior.”
JStone/ NBC News Chairman Andrew Lack said the network received “a detailed”

complaint about Lauer. “It represented, after serious review, a clear violation of
our company’s standards. As a result, we’ve decided to terminate his employment.” Ultimately, Lauer apologized for
his actions, but apologies were not enough to repair a damaged professional image.
1. Summarize what you perceive Lauer's professional image is today.

Discuss other repercussions, in addition to losing employment, that Lauer may have suffered due to his
inappropriate behavior.

In your opinion, can Lauer ever recover from this ordeal? State your answer and justify your reasoning.

Identify another well-known person who has a tarnished professional image because of an unprofessional
incident. Summarize the incident, its repercussions, and what the person did to attempt to repair a tarnished


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Chapter 1 Professionalism 5

They are eager to learn new tasks and make an effort to have productive relation-
ships with those around them.
People with a positive attitude are adaptable as well as flexible. Adaptability is
the ability to make changes to better match, or fit, in new situations. An adaptable per-
son can adjust to changes and new conditions smoothly and with a positive attitude.
Flexibility is being able to adjust when situations change. A person who is flexible has
an open mind or is willing to consider a point of view different for his or her own.
People who have positive attitudes are generally more resilient. Resilience is a per-
sons ability to cope with and recover from change or adversity. Resilient people are able
to aptly handle challenges in one aspect of their lives while not letting it affect other
aspects. They can bounce back even when they feel as if they have been knocked down.
You can learn to develop a positive attitude and resilience by looking at the
good things rather than dwelling on the bad. Realize that there are things that you
can change to improve a situation and some things you cannot change. Learn to
work with or around the things that cannot be changed. Understand that you are
not personally responsible for everything that happens around you. You can choose
to have a positive outlook or negative outlook on your life.

Image of a Professional
An image is the perception others have of a person based on that person’s dress,
behavior, and speech. It is what people remember about a person from business,
professional, and even social interactions. A professional image is the image an
individual projects in the professional world. A positive professional image projects
honesty, skill, courtesy, and respect for others.
First impressions are usually lasting impressions. Those with whom you come
in contact will most likely begin forming an opinion of you immediately, whether or
not they realize it. They may not know about your education or other credentials,
but the image you project can influence whether you are a person with whom they
want to become acquainted.
Image begins with the way you look, but it goes well beyond what a person can see.
Your behavior is equally important. Professionals have a positive attitude and a friendly
disposition. They avoid gossip, negative comments about their employers and cowork-
ers, and inappropriate subject matter when engaged in conversation with others.
Professionals exhibit confidence through body language and good man-
ners, Initiating an introduction is a sure sign of an individual who understands
the importance of soft skills. Good communication skills, especially listening, are
valuable in any business or social situation.
Linkedin is an example of a professional
Networking is also an important element of a person's pro-
networking site.
fessional image. Networking means talking with people you
know and developing new relationships that can lead to potential
career or job opportunities. A professional network is a group
of professionals you know and who know you. These people are
supportive in your career endeavors and may or may not be social
friends. Linked/n is an example of a professional networking site
that should be used for professional purposes and not as a popu-
larity forum. Often, you are judged by the company you keep. Be
conscious of those in your professional network. They can be an
important part of your professional image.
A professional image can have an impact on a person's
ability to get a job, earn promotions, and stay employed. Your
Evan Lorne/
career opportunities can be enhanced or hindered by how you
demonstrate professionalism.

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Soft Skills for the Workplace

(LO 1-1) Explain how hard and soft skills play a role in professionalism.
Someone who shows professionalism has the skills to perform specific job tasks and works
well with others. A skill is something an individual does well and may be classified as a
hard skill or a soft skill. Hard skills are acquired through work, education, training, or a
combination of these experiences. Soft skills are the basic skills common to any job, such as
reading, writing, and listening.
(LO 1-2) Define positive attitude.
Attitude is how personal thoughts or feelings affect a person’s outward behavior. Individuals
with a positive attitude are optimistic and look at the upside of a situation rather than the
downside. Optimism enables them to look at the big picture, identify what can be changed
and not be changed, and make good decisions. Positive people are enthusiastic and show
interest in their jobs and activities in which they participate.
(LO 1-3) Discuss the importance of a professional image.
An image is the perception others have of a person. First impressions are usually lasting
impressions. A professional image is the image an individual projects in the professional
world. A professional image can have an impact on a person's ability to get a job, earn
promotions, and stay employed.

adaptability networking
attitude optimism
emotional intelligence quotient (EQ) professional image
empathy professionalism
employability skills professional network
flexibility resilience
hard skills skill
image soft skills

1. Define professionalism.

2, Explain how hard and soft skills play a role in professionalism.

3. Explain emotional intelligence quotient (EQ).

4, Define positive attitude and resilience.

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Chapter 1 Professionalism

Describe networking and its role in a professional image.

Recall a situation in which you observed a person in a business situation who exhibited
unprofessional behavior. State the instance and the person's behavior. How did the situation
conclude or resolve?

Summarize your personal degree of optimism. How do you think that optimism can advance
your career?

Why are adaptability and flexibility important soft skills to develop for your future personal
and professional success?

Describe your personal emotional intelligence quotient (EQ).

Empathy is the ability to share someone else's emotions. Sympathy is feeling sorry for
someone's unfortunate situation. There is a fine line between empathy and sympathy. People
may want someone to share their emotions, but not feel sorry for them. Describe how you
would coach a coworker to distinguish between empathy and sympathy.

Evaluate your attitude, in general, and how it has helped or hindered your personal or
professional life.

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Soft Skills for the Workplace

7. Write a paragraph describing how you think peers would summarize your attitude.

8. How would you describe your personal level of resiliency? Cite examples of situations in
which you were resilient and how you handled each.

9. Describe your professional image. How would others perceive you based on your dress,
behavior, and speech?

10. Ifyou use LinkedIn, review your contacts and update or edit the list. If you do not use
LinkedIn, make a list of the primary people in your professional network. Explain the
importance of your network for your professional image.

Emotional Intelligence. Emotional intelligence quotient (EQ) is important in career success.
Conduct an Internet search for an emotional intelligence quotient (EQ) assessment tool. Evaluate
your personal EQ.

Visit the G-W Learning companion website at to
access and complete the following soft skills practice activities:
Activity SS1-1 Hard Skills. Taking an inventory of your hard skills is a helpful exercise to
determine your qualifications for employment. Open the SS1-1 file, and list your hard skills as
directed in the document.
Activity SS1-2 Soft Skills. Assessing your soft skills will help you determine your strengths and
weaknesses. Open the SS1-2 file, and complete the activity to evaluate your soft skills.

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Visit the G-W Learning companion website to view a video about soft skills. The video is
available at

On completion of this chapter, prepare to:

2-1 Define ethics.

2-2 Explain ethical communication.

2-3 Discuss the importance of digital citizenship.

2-4 Summarize social responsibility.

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10 Soft Skills for the Workplace

Professionals are expected to make good decisions for the business and to act ethically
while on the job. Ethics are the moral principles or beliefs that direct a person's behav-
ior. Morals are an individual's ideas of what is right and wrong, A person's sense of ethics
and morals illustrates his or her integrity. Jnfegrity is the honesty of a person's actions.
Ethics help people make good decisions in both their personal and professional lives.
Ethical actions are those that apply ethics and moral behavior. Unethical actions are those
that involve immoral behavior or crime. Criminal actions can be punishable by law.
An example of an unethical action that involves immoral behavior is lying.
Lying is making an untrue statement. Unfortunately, there are those in the work-
place who are not truthful and lack integrity. Sometimes people tell lies to custom-
ers, coworkers, and employers. Lying is unacceptable in any situation, and lying on
the job can result in dismissal.
An example of an unethical action that involves crime is stealing. Stealing
includes small offenses, such as taking office supplies for personal use, as well as
major offenses, such as embezzling money from the organization. Stealing from an
employer can be the grounds for dismissal as well as legal consequences.
Work ethic is the principle that honest work is its own reward. A person who
has a strong work ethic believes that hard work is valuable to his or her character.
Examples of behavior that demonstrate a good work ethic include arriving on time
and performing duties at the highest level of ability and expectation.
Workplace ethics are principles that help define appropriate behavior in a busi-
ness setting. Workplace ethics start with attendance. Ethical behavior includes arriv-
ing on time, or even early, to work each workday and putting in a full day's effort. If
your day starts at 8:00 a.m., that is the time you should be at your station working.
Pulling into the parking lot at 7:59 a.m. does not constitute being to work on time.
Likewise, simply being in the building at 8:00 a.m. does not mean you are on time.
You should be working at 8:00 a.m. If your day ends at 4:00 p.m., you are expected to be
working until that time. Breaks and lunch breaks are not to be abused. Respect your
employer's time, and conduct personal business when you are off the clock. Ifyou need
a personal day off for shopping or other reasons, make the ethical decision. Ask for a
vacation day or personal day rather than pretending to be ill and requesting a sick day.
These are behaviors that help an individual keep a job and potentially earn promo-
tions. They are also examples of behaviors that reflect a person's work ethic.
Many businesses have a code of ethics that employees are expected to follow. A
code of ethics is a document that dictates how business should be conducted. The
goal of a code of ethics is to establish a value system for the company that will enable
employees to make sound ethical decisions. For example, some businesses do not
allow their employees to accept gifts from clients.
Some companies also establish a code of conduct. A code of conduct identifies
the manner in which employees should behave while at work or when representing
the company. The code of conduct provides guidelines of acceptable behavior in the
workplace. In many instances, it functions as a set of rules to be followed with clear
expectations of right and wrong actions. It can be used by a business to monitor
employee behavior and discourage unacceptable behavior in the workplace. Rules
that may be part of a code of conduct include the following:
e Consuming, selling, possessing, or being under the influence of alcohol or
drugs during work hours or while on company property is strictly prohibited.
e Possession of firearms or other weapons on company property, during com-
pany events, or while conducting company business is strictly prohibited.
e Internet access provided by the company should be used only for business pur-
poses, not for checking personal e-mail or shopping online.

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Chapter 2 Ethics 11

Workplace bullying is a serious example of conduct that is unacceptable in

the workplace. Workplace bullying is intentional, repeated mistreatment of a
person by another person using verbal abuse, threats, or any other action that
prevents a person from doing his or her job without fear. Such behavior can esca-
late to a point that it endangers an individual's well-being and can instill fear of
bodily harm.
Even if not formally established by their company, professionals maintain a
personal code of ethical conduct. They refrain from saying negative things about
their jobs, employers, and coworkers. When they give their word to complete a
task, they honor it. You can build your professional image by showing account-
ability for your actions and doing what you say you will do.

Ethical Communication
It is every employee's responsibility to maintain ethical behavior in all communi-
cation that represents his or her employer. Ethical communication is the practice
of applying ethics to messages in order to ensure all communication is honest in
every way.
Many companies have a communication plan in place that identifies how to
ethically communicate information about the business to the public. A communi-
cation plan provides an outline of the appropriate channels of communication for
the company. It also includes an analysis of how communication for the company
should occur. When creating messages that represent your organization, ask the
following questions to analyze if the information is ethical:
e Has confidentiality been honored?
e Has the privacy of the company been protected?
e Is the information presented factually and honestly?
« Has appropriate credit been given to contributors of the communication?
e Has copyrighted material been used appropriately?
Careful consideration must be given to the impact of company communication
on the public. The point of view presented should be honest. It may be tempting
for those writing messages or representing the business to get caught up in exag-
gerations or inaccurate claims about the company. However, doing so is unethical
and may be illegal. Marketing messages that persuade the reader to buy or respond
in some way must be written according to appropriate business and communica-
tion laws. These laws are enforced by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and dic-
tate that truth in advertising must be followed. False advertising is overstating the
features and benefits of products or services or making false claims about them.
Misrepresenting information, intentionally or unintentionally, can lead to lawsuits,
loss of customers, and loss of jobs.
It is important to choose words carefully when making comments about
others, whether in person or online. Slander is speaking a false statement
about someone that causes others to have a bad opinion of him or her. Libel is
publishing a false statement about someone that causes others to have a bad
or untrue opinion of him or her. Slander and libel can be considered crimes of
Confidentiality means that specific information is never shared, except with
those who have clearance to receive it. This includes information about customers
and other employees. Just because a person works with you does not mean that per-
son is entitled to confidential company information.

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12 Soft Skills for the Workplace

Proprietary information is anything that is owned by a business. It usually

refers to information, products, or processes created by a company’s employees on
company time. Proprietary information can include many things, such as prod-
uct formulas, customer lists, manufacturing processes, or other trade secrets.
A trade secret is information a company needs to keep private and protect from
Insider trading is when an employee uses private company proprietary infor-
mation to purchase company stock of other securities for personal gain, Using com-
pany information for personal gain is both unethical and illegal.
Professionalism should be the number one priority when representing an
employer. Employees who share proprietary information with outsiders or other
employees are behaving unethically and, possibly, breaking the law.

Digital Citizenship
It is important to understand the difference between ethical and unethical
activities related to technology and online conduct, especially in the workplace.
Digital citizenship is the standard of appropriate behavior when using technol-
ogy. Good digital citizenship focuses on using technology in a positive manner,
rather than using it for negative or illegal purposes. Our daily lives revolve around
using technology in many shapes and forms. However, people who participate
in the digital society have a legal responsibility for their online actions, whether
those actions are ethical or unethical. It is necessary to learn to communicate
ethically and appropriately within a digital society.
An important component of workplace digital citizenship is respecting the
security of data that belongs to one’s employer. Employees are obligated to pro-
tect the digital security of the organization for which they work by adhering to
the cybersecurity practices as defined by the company. Digital security is the
processes and practices of protecting digital assets from intruders and hack-
ers. Company IT guidelines should be followed, such as refraining from opening
unknown e-mail or clicking on unfamiliar links that could open the network for
hacking. One innocent “click” could put a business at risk. Cybersecurity attacks
are on the rise, and employees must be aware at all times of the importance of
digital security.
Information posted on the Internet never really goes away. A digital footprint
is a data record of all an individual's online activities. Even if you delete something
you have posted on the Internet, it is still stored in your digital footprint. Always
think before posting to social media sites or sending an e-mail. What you post
online today could risk your future career opportunities.
Etiquette is the art of using good manners in any situation. Digital eti-
quette, or netiquette, is etiquette used when communicating electronically and
interacting on the Internet. It includes accepted social and professional guide-
lines for Internet-based communication. These guidelines applyto e-mail, social
media, and other contact with customers and peers via the Internet. For exam-
ple, using all capital letters in a message is not acceptable because it implies the
writer is yelling. Proper capitalization, spelling, and grammar should always be
Cyberbullying is using electronic technology to harass or threaten an indi-
vidual. [t includes using social media, text messages, or e-mails to harass or scare
a person with hurtful words or pictures. The victim of cyberbullying is often not

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Chapter 2 Ethics 13

physically seen or touched by a bully. However, this does not mean the person can-
not be harmed by the bully’s actions. Cyberbullying is not only unethical, in many
cases it can be prosecuted as a criminal act. Flaming and spamming are unethical
actions that violate netiquette and, depending on the severity, can be considered
cyberbullying. Flamingis purposefully insulting someone and inciting an argument
on social media. Spamming is sending unwanted mass e-mails or intentionally
flooding an individual’s social media site or e-mail inbox with unwanted messages.
An important aspect of digital citizenship is respecting an employer's property
and time. Internet access provided by the company should be used only for busi-
ness purposes. For example, checking personal e-mail or playing a game online
is not acceptable. Most companies have an established acceptable use policy. An
acceptable use policy is a set of rules that explains what is and is not acceptable use
of company-owned and company-operated equipment and networks. Employees
are typically made aware of acceptable use policies during training before they are
allowed access to the company’s computers and network.

Case Study
Unethical Behavior
Actress Felicity Huffman is best known for her role on the TV drama Desperate
Housewives and has won acclaim for many of her roles. Along with her acting,
Huffman created and maintained a parenting and lifestyle blog, What the Flicka?,
which was ranked as one of the “100 Best Websites for Women” by Forbes in 2013.
Despite all her advice about good parenting, in March 2019, Felicity Huffman was
arrested as part of Operation Varsity Blues, an investigation involving a college
Kathy Hutchins/ admissions scandal. Huffman admitted to paying $15,000 to illegally boost
her daughter's SAT scores. She was eventually sentenced to 14 days in prison,
a $30,000 fine, 250 hours of community service, and a year of probation. In a letter to the court, Huffman said, “l
accept the court's decision today without reservation...| broke the law...There are no excuses or justifications for my
actions. | would like to apologize again to my daughter, my husband, my family, and the educational community for
my actions." As a result of illegal behavior, she not only served prison time and hurt her professional reputation, but
jeopardized her relationship with her husband and daughters.
1. Huffman is not the only one who suffered consequences from her unethical and illegal behavior. Identify
examples of repercussions Huffman’s daughter suffered due to her mother's poor judgment.

=~ 2. Behavior of people in the public eye, such as movie stars, not only reflects on their personal reputation, but their
family and the industry of which they are a part. How has the television industry been affected by Huffman’s
unethical behavior?

3. What are some ways that Huffman can restore her career and good standing in the community?

4. Write a paragraph explaining why you think paying money to better a child's college SAT score is unethical and

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14 Soft Skills for the Workplace

Intellectual Property
The Internet provides countless sources for obtaining text, images, video, audio,
and software. Even though this material is easily obtainable, it may not be avail-
able for you to use in any way you choose. Laws exist to govern the use of media
and creative works. The creators or owners of material posted on the Internet
have certain legal rights. Intellectual property is something that comes from a
person's mind, such as an idea, invention, or process. Intellectual property laws
protect a person's or company’s inventions, artistic works, and other intellectual
Plagiarism is claiming another person's material as one’s own, which is both
unethical and illegal. If you must refer to someone else’s work, follow intellectual
property laws to acquire the information ethically. Use standard methods of citing
sources, Citation guidelines in references such as The Chicago Manual of Style and
the Modern Language Association’s MLA Handbook can be helpful.
Piracy is the unethical and illegal copying or downloading of software, files,
and other protected material. Examples of protected material include images, mov-
ies, and music. Piracy carries a heavy penalty, including fines and incarceration.

A copyright acknowledges ownership of a work and specifies that only the
owner has the right to sell the work, use it, or give permission for someone else
to sell or use it. Any use of copyrighted material without permission is called
infringement. Copyright laws cover all original work, whether it is in print, on
the Internet, or in any other media format. Scanning a document does not make
the content yours.
Copyrighted material is indicated by the © symbol or the statement “copyright
by.” Material that does not include the symbol or statement may still be copyrighted.
All original material is automatically copyrighted as soon as it is in a tangible form.
Anidea cannot be copyrighted. A copyright can be registered with the US Copyright
Office, which is part of the Library of Congress. However, original material is still
legally protected whether or not the copyright is registered.
Most information on the Internet is copyrighted,
whether it is text, graphics, illustrations, or digital media.
Photocopying copyrighted material without permission is This means it cannot be reused without obtaining per-
called infringement. mission from the owner. Sometimes, the owner of the
material places it on the Internet specifically for others to
reuse. However, if this is not explicitly stated, assume the
material is copyrighted and cannot be freely used.
Many websites list rules for use of content, called
the terms of use, which must be followed for downloaded
files. The terms of use agreement may come up auto-
matically, for example, if you are downloading a file
or software application. If, however, you are copying
an image or a portion of text from a website, you will
need to look for the terms of use information. Unless the
terms of use specifically state that you are free to copy
and use the material provided on a website, assume the
material is copyrighted. You cannot reuse the material
lightpoe t/ without permission.

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Chapter 2 Ethics 15

Fair use doctrine allows individuals to use copyrighted works without permis-
sion in limited situations under very strict guidelines. Fair use doctrine allows copy-
righted material to be used for the purpose of describing or reviewing the work.
For example, a student writing about copyrighted material in an original report is
an example of fair use. Another example is a product-review website that provides
editorial comment. Fair use doctrine does not change the copyright or ownership of
the material used under the doctrine.
In some cases, individuals or organizations may wish to allow others to use their
intellectual property without requiring permission. This type of use assignment may
be called copyleft, which is a play on the word copyright. One popular method of allow-
ing use of intellectual property is a Creative Commons license. A Creative Commons
(CO) license is a specialized copyright license that allows free distribution of copy-
righted work. If the creator of the work wants to give the public the ability to use,
share, or advance his or her original work, a Creative Commons license provides that
flexibility. The creator maintains the copyright and can specify how the copyrighted
work can be used.
Public domain refers to material that is not owned by anybody and can be used
without permission. Material can enter the public domain when a copyright expires
and is not renewed. Much of the material created by federal, state, and local govern-
ments is often in the public domain. This is because taxpayer money was used to
create it. Additionally, the owner of the material may choose to give up ownership
and place the material in the public domain.
A licensing agreement is a contract that gives one party permission to market,
produce, or use the good or service owned by another party. The agreement grants
a license in return for a fee or royalty payment. When buying software, the pur-
chaser agrees to follow the terms ofa license. A /icense is the legal permission to use
a software program. All software has terms of use that explain how and when the
software may be used.
Alternative usage rights for software programs are typically covered by the
GNU General Public License (GNU GPL). The GNU GPL guarantees all users the free-
dom to use, study, share, and modify the software. The term open source applies
to software that has had its source code made available to the public at no charge.
Open-source software can be downloaded and used for free and can be modified
and distributed by anyone. However, part or all of the code of open-source software
may be owned by an individual or organization.

Social Responsibility
Social responsibility is behaving with sensitivity to social, environmental, and
economic issues. As a professional, social responsibility may be considered an ethi-
cal issue, Negative communication about or actions toward society or the environ-
ment reflects negatively on the company. Messages and actions should be analyzed
to confirm they are not offensive. Consider the following questions when evaluating
the social responsibility of actions or communications:
e Have any negative comments been stated or implied about social issues, such
as the environment?
e Have any personal opinions about social responsibility been included?

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Soft Skills for the Workplace

e (LO 2-1) Define ethics.
Ethics are the moral principles or beliefs that direct a person's behavior. A code of ethics is a
document that dictates how business should be conducted, while a code of conduct identifies
the manner in which employees should behave while at work or when representing the
(LO 2-2) Explain ethical communication.
Ethical communication is the practice of applying ethics to messages in order to ensure all
communication is honest in every way. Confidentiality means that specific communication
is never shared, except with those who have clearance to receive it. Negative communication
about or actions toward society or the environment reflects negatively on the company.
(LO 2-3) Discuss the importance of digital citizenship.
Digital citizenship is the standard of appropriate behavior when using technology. People who
participate in the digital society have a legal responsibility for their online actions, whether
those actions are ethical or unethical. Technology should be used in a positive manner
rather than using it for negative or illegal purposes. This behavior also applies to intellectual
property and copyrights.
(LO 2-4) Summarize social responsibility.
Social responsibility is behaving with sensitivity to social, environmental, and economic

code of ethics lying
confidentiality morals
cyberbullying piracy
digital citizenship plagiarism
digital security proprietary information
ethics slander
etiquette social responsibility
insider trading work ethic
intellectual property workplace bullying

1. Define ethics.

2, What is the potential outcome of unethical communication for a company or business?

3. List examples of guidelines that should be used to determine if confidential material should
be shared with another person.

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Chapter2 Ethics

4. List two questions that can be used to determine if a message or action is offensive.

5. Discuss the importance of digital citizenship.

1. How does a person develop morals and ethics? Cite examples of situations in which a
person's morals and ethics changed over time and events that influenced the change.

2. Write a paragraph that describes your personal ethics.

3. Write a paragraph that highlights your own work ethics.

4. Peer pressure can be strong in an employment situation. Behavior of coworkers that is in

conflict with the company code of conduct should not be used as an excuse for others to
deviate in their behavior. Cite examples of negative behavior by a coworker that, if you
followed, might result in you losing your job.

5. Assume that you have created and documented a process that streamlines the company’s
production. If you were to accept a job at a different company, should you be able to take a
copy of that document to the new job? Why or why not?

6. Most people think they are socially responsible. Describe your personal level of social

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Soft Skills for the Workplace

7. You have been invited to speak to members of your team about the importance of digital
security for the workplace. Outline the specific topics you would discuss. How can you make
the connection that each of these topics has an ethical implication?

8. Your digital footprint is important to your personal life as well as your future professional
career. List examples of activities that may have a negative impact on your career if you
posted about them on a social media website.

9. Intellectual property is something that comes from a person's mind. Ideas, however, cannot
be copyrighted until they are in tangible form. Explain how you would handle a situation in
which you have an idea for a good or service that a coworker claims was his or her idea.

10. Alicense is a specific copyright that grants a user permission to use a software program.
If you buy software that states you can install the software on as many of your personal
computers as you choose, is it okay to also install it on a friend’s computer? Why or why not?

Workplace Bullying. Workplace bullying is an increasingly growing problem for workers and
employers. Conduct an Internet search for workplace bullying. After you have reviewed several
articles, describe how you would coach a coworker to identify if he or she is being bullied. Next,
outline steps you would suggest taking to approach the employer on the issue and how to resolve it.
Social Media Postings. Employees can be fired for posting inappropriate information on social
media. A post, such as “I hate my boss,” can cost an individual his or her job. Conduct a search for
people who were fired for publishing negative material that their employers discovered.

Visit the G-W Learning companion website at to access
and complete the following soft skills practice activities:
Activity SS2-1 Confidentiality. Confidentiality is an ethical and legal issue for organizations.
Open the SS2-1 file, and read a customer confidentiality policy as stated by a business. Discuss
why that violation of customer confidentiality could be a legal issue for an organization.
Activity $S2-2 Ethics Checklist. Ethical behavior is important in both personal and professional
lives. An ethics checklist can help analyze difficult situations. Open the $S2-2 file, and create an
ethics checklist. Then, using that checklist, analyze the situations that follow.

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Self-Management Skills



Visit the G-W Learning companion website to view a video about soft skills. The video is
available at

On completion of this chapter, prepare to:

3-1. Cite examples of self-management skills.

3-2 Discuss cell phone self-management skills.

3-3 Define stress-management skills.

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20 Soft Skills for the Workplace

The lack of emotional control in a workplace Developing Self-Management Skills

situation can cost an individual his or her job.
Self-management skills are the skills that enable an individual to
control and make the best use of his or her time and abilities. These
are important soft skills that should be developed to the highest-
possible level. They are important because they facilitate produc-
tivity, help ensure employee success, and provide assurance for an
employer that the employee will help the business meet its goals.
An individual has complete control over the development and use
of selfmanagement skills. These are skills that positive people
strive to develop. Some important selfmanagement skills are emo-
tional control, problem solving, time management, and goal set-
ting. Also included are cell phone self-management skills. There
are many others that you probably can think of to add to this list.
Emotional Control
Learning how to manage emotions helps a person think logically
and act appropriately, Emotional control is the process of directing one’s feelings
and reactions toward a desirable result that is socially acceptable. The lack of emo-
tional control in a workplace situation can cost an individual his or her job.
As you recall, a person's Emotional Intelligence Quotient (EQ) is the ability of a
person to perceive emotions in one’s self and use this information to guide his or her
social behavior. People with a high EQ are probably more adept at emotional control.
Most people experience negative emotions at work from time to time. Negativity
is a state in which a person cannot acknowledge positive qualities. Frustration, dis-
appointment, and challenging situations are as much a part of work as they are of
everyday life. For example, a colleague might be demanding, or a customer might be
rude. When you experience a negative emotion at work, take a minute to pause and
evaluate the situation. Try to understand the cause of your feelings and what you can
do to help the situation. Adding more negativity to a situation usually only makes
matters worse. Look for an action that is helpful, not hurtful. Focusing on the positive
in an emotional situation can help you maintain control over your personal feelings.
Criticism is a common source of negative emotions at work. Criticism is a com-
ment that expresses unfavorable judgment or disapproval of a person or action.
Constructive criticism is criticism offered in a friendly manner with the objective
of improving outcome and performance of another person. It is often given as a form
of advice, not as an act of disrespect.
It is inevitable that when on the job, you will receive constructive criticism
from your employer and/or coworkers. When criticism is given and accepted in a
professional manner, it can help an individual grow and improve chances of success
in a career. When someone offers you constructive criticism,
e listen and resist the temptation to become angry or defensive;
e ask questions and make sure you understand the feedback that is being offered; and
e work to address the input that you received.
A first response to criticism might be to become angry or defensive. However,
exercising emotional control is important, as well as remembering that the words
are not intended to diminish your self-esteem.

Problem Solving
Problem solving is a process of choosing a course of action after evaluating available
information and weighing the costs, benefits, and consequences of alternative actions.

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Chapter3 Self-Management Skills 21

It involves critical thinking and the ability to use prior knowledge, data, and good judg-
ment to solve problems.
Most of what an individual does each day involves solving problems. It can
be as simple as deciding where to go to lunch or as complicated as brainstorming
what to do about the company’s declining sales. Employers value employees who are
problem solvers, not complainers. Every business relies on its employees to demon-
strate how to solve problems that arise each day. Applying systematic problem solv-
ing as a self-management skill is a necessaryjob skill. There are five general steps to
this process, as illustrated in Figure 3-1.
1. Define the decision to be made. A clear idea of the problem must be formulated
in order to find the best approach.
2. £xplore all alternatives. Potential solutions to the challenge should be listed
and analyzed.
3. Choose the best alternative. After considering all potential solutions, the one
that best fits the situation can be selected. It may be a single alternative or
some combination of alternatives.
4. Acton the decision. Once a decision is made, it should be executed.
5. Evaluate the solution or decision. After time has passed, the solution can be
analyzed to determine if it was the correct course of action.
Problem solving involves critical-thinking skills. Critical-thinking skills are
skills that provide the ability to analyze and interpret a situation and make reason-
able judgments and decisions. When you apply critical-thinking skills, you try to
eliminate emotions and be open-minded about the possibilities. Then, a solution or
process can be applied so that a productive action can be taken. Applying critical-
thinking skills can help solve problems in a more efficient manner.

Time Management
Time management is the practice of organizing time and work assignments to
increase personal efficiency. Tasks must be prioritized by determining which ones
should be completed before others. The difference between average and excellent
workers is often not how hard they work, but how well they prioritize tasks. Creating
a list of tasks to do each day is one simple way to manage your time. For example,
you fave to attend a business meeting. You do not have to check social media sites
while you are working, so it should not be on your list of tasks for the day. It is also
important to schedule lunch and breaks. Leaving your desk, even for just a few min-
utes, can help you relax and avoid feeling trapped at your job.

Figure 3-1 Problem solving is a process of choosing a course of action after evaluating available information and weighing the costs,
benefits, and consequences of alternative actions.

Decision-Making Process

Define the Explore all Choose Ran ine Evaluate the

decision the best solution or
alternatives decision
to be made alternative decision

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22 Soft Skills for the Workplace

Interruptions and unplanned events are inevitable and may occur during
the workday. Time management requires that an individual balance unscheduled
coworker visits and other tasks that demand attention. If you have an especially
busy day of tasks that need attention, post a “do not disturb” sign on your door.
Personal information management (PIM) is a system that individuals use
to acquire, organize, maintain, retrieve, and use information. An example of a PIM
system is Microsoft Outlook. This software can be used to create a schedule, record
contact information, and complete other activities that help organize personal
information. It is also an e-mail client used for communication.

Goal Setting
Setting goals helps facilitate time management. A goal is something to be achieved
in a specified time period. Goal setting is the process of deciding what needs to be
achieved and defining the time period. There are two types of goals: short-term and
long-term, A short-term goal is one that can be achieved in less than one year. A long-
term goal is one that will take a longer period of time to achieve, usually more than
one year.
Well-defined goals, including career goals, follow the SMART goal model.
SMART goals are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely. Figure 3-2
illustrates the five elements of a SMART goal.
A goal should be specific and straightforward. For example, “I want to have a career”
is not specific. Instead, you might say, “I want to have a career in writing.” When the
goal is specific, it is easier to track your progress. It also helps in identifying tasks
that need to be completed to achieve the goal.
It is important to be able to measure progress so you know when you have
reached your goal. For example, “I want to earn a master degree in journalism”
is a measurable goal. When you earn the degree, you will know your goal has
been reached.

Figure 3-2 SMART goals are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely.

Are the short- and long-term goals specific?
Exactly what do we want to achieve?

Are the goals measurable?

How will we know when a goal is achieved?

Are the goals attainable?

Can the goals be achieved?

Are the goals realistic?

Are the goals practical?

Are the goals timely?

Are the dates for achieving the goals appropriate? J

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Chapter3 Self-Management Skills 23

Goals need to be attainable, For example, “I want to be editor-in-chiefat a newspaper
in two years after graduating” is not a reasonable goal for that point in a person's
career. Gaining work experience is necessary before obtaining an executive posi-
tion. The goal of being an editor-in-chief becomes more attainable when coupled
with a plan to gain the necessary skills and experience.

Goals must be realistic. Obtaining a position as editor-in-chiefat a newspaper may
be practical with proper planning. However, it is not realistic for an entry-level
employee. Finding an entry-level position as a reporter and working your way up to
editor-in-chief over a period of years is a realistic goal.
A goal should have starting and ending points. Setting a time frame to achieve a
goal is the step most often overlooked. An end date can help you stay on track. For
example, you may want to be editor-in-chief by the time you are 35 years old. Aiming
to get the experience and education to achieve this position by a specific age will
help you remain motivated to reach your goal on time.

Case Study
Time Management
Tony Hsieh is an entrepreneur, venture capitalist, and CEO of the online shoe and
clothing company Zappos. It is hard to believe he would have an issue with time
management, but he revealed that he once fought a losing battle with e-mail
trying to get “inbox zero.” “I felt like my email had gotten out of control...anda
lot of important emails | would actually end up never getting to because they
pe would take a long time to respond to ... and several months later, they were
Delivering Happiness Book/ still unanswered.” He started experimenting with an e-mail technique he called
Yesterbox. “Each day your-to-do list is yesterday's inbox instead of today's inbox.”
The technique consists of activities such as prioritizing e-mail that needs immediate attention; reading ten e-mails
from yesterday before looking at today's e-mail; filing and scheduling a time to address e-mails that take more than
ten minutes to process; and learning to be disciplined. Tony has practiced Yesterbox for over a decade. He credits this
system with a reduction in his stress levels and increased productivity.
1. Why is prioritizing important for time management?

2. What does being able to get to “inbox zero” mean for Hsieh’s productivity?

3. Acomponent of Yesterbox is discipline. Explain the importance of discipline for time management.

4. How do Hsieh’s time-management skills contribute to his professional image?

a ~~
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24 Soft Skills for the Workplace

Cell Phone Self-Management Skills

How are your cell phone self-management skills? As stated earlier, se/-management
skills are the skills that enable an individual to control and make the most of time
and abilities. Cell phone self-management skills are the skills that enable you to
use good judgment when using a personal cell phone. If you lack cell phone self-
management skills, you could find yourself suffering repercussions at your job.
A survey conducted by staffing firm OfficeTeam found that employees spend
about 56 minutes per day using their cell phones for personal business while at
work. Many employees said they were actually reading and responding to personal
e-mails. In addition, 58 percent of workers reported using their cell phones to visit
websites blocked or banned by their employer on company equipment.
Personal cell phone usage on the job can be an annoyance to coworkers and
employers. For a coworker, it is distracting to hear a cubical neighbor talking about
personal business. For an employer, walking past an employee's desk and seeing eyes
focused on a cell phone raises the question of how much work is being accomplished.
Conducting personal business during work hours takes time away from pro-
ductive work for your employer. Each time a person is interrupted, it costs time to
refocus and go back to work. Everyone occasionally will need to make a personal
call during work hours. When doing so, keep the call brief, do not let it interrupt
your workflow, and above all, be discreet.
If your company has a personal cell phone usage policy that states when and
where personal phone calls can be made during work hours, be certain you under-
stand what is expected of you. If your company does not have a policy, exhibit pro-
fessional behavior and apply your cell phone self-management skills.

Stress-Management Skills
Stress-management skills are the skills that enable an individual to identify and
control stress, Stress is the body’s reaction to increased demands or dangerous situ-
ations. It can manifest itself in many ways, including nervousness, anger, feeling
overwhelmed, frequent headaches, upset stomach, or even high blood pressure.
All of the responsibilities, expectations, and activities that exist in our per-
sonal and professional lives can create a great deal of anxiety and pressure. Stress
management is a variety of strategies used to cope with stress and limit its effects.
A certain amount of stress can be positive in the workplace. Some people are
driven to perform when pressured to meet a deadline. Others react to the release of
adrenaline that stress triggers, which speeds up the heart and increases metabolism
for endurance. The goal is to identify the good stress as well as the negative stress in
your life. When stress becomes negative, it is time to evaluate and get help ifneeded.

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Chapter3 Self-Management Skills

e (LO 3-1) Cite examples of self-management skills.
Self-management skills are the skills that enable an individual to control and direct his or her
time and achievement. Examples of self-management skills are emotional control, problem
solving, time management, and goal setting.
¢ (LO 3-2) Discuss cell phone self-management skills.
Cell phone self-management skills are the skills that enable you to use good judgment
when using a personal cell phone. Acceptable cell phone self-management means following
company guidelines and exhibiting professionalism of cell phone use in the workplace.
e (LO 3-3) Define stress-management skills.
Stress management skills are the skills that enable an individual to identify and control stress.
Stress is the body’s reaction to increased demands or dangerous situations.

cell phone self-management skills problem solving
constructive criticism self-management skills
critical-thinking skills SMART goals
emotional control stress
goal stress-management skills
personal information management (PIM) time management

1. Describe self-management skills and cite examples.

2. Define emotional control.

3. Identify the steps for successful problem solving.

4. List the five qualities of a SMART goal.

5. Define stress-management skills.

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Soft Skills for the Workplace

1. Identify a self-management skill in which you are proficient. Explain why you think you are
proficient in that specific skill.

2. Write a paragraph that summarizes a time when you exhibited good emotional control.
Then, write a paragraph about a time when you exhibited poor emotional control.

3. Reflect on a situation in which an employer or coworker offered you constructive criticism.

Describe your feelings, your response, and how you applied the advice.

4. You have been presented with the issue of inadequate parking spaces for all the employees
in your company. Apply the problem-solving process to propose a solution. Be prepared to
discuss your approach.

5. List all the tasks you need to complete in a typical day. Approximate how long each task will
take to complete. Next, prioritize the importance of each task. Identify any tasks that are
dependent on other tasks. When you have finished your list, create a plan for managing your
time for the day that will allow you to complete all the tasks.

6. Calculate the amount of time you generally spend on personal activities in a day. Include leisure
time such as watching television or reading a book. Where is the majority of your time spent?
Explain how you can better manage your time to be more productive in your personal life.

7. Observe a friend or colleague who demonstrates positive time-management skills. What do

you think makes that person successful?

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Chapter3 Self-Management Skills

8. Identify one short-term goal that you have set for yourself. Evaluate it against the criteria for
a SMART goal. Explain why your goal meets each criterion of a SMART goal or describe how
you can alter the goal to make it match.

9. Identify one long-term goal that you have set for yourself. Evaluate it against the criteria for
a SMART goal. Explain why your goal meets each criterion of a SMART goal or describe how
you can alter the goal to make it match.

10. Reflect on the level of stress you experience during a normal workday. Identify the causes of
stress and how you can cope in a positive manner.

Emotional Control. Displaying negative emotions in the workplace can cost a person his or
her job. Conduct research on loss of emotional control at work. Locate an article that describes
negative behavior of an employee who suffered consequences because of lack of emotional control.
Summarize the outcome for that person.
Stress-Management Skills. Learning to cope with stress is an important skill to learn for an
individual's well-being. Conduct research on stress-management skills. Note ways you can
identify stress in your life and apply stress-management techniques to help you cope.

Visit the G-W Learning companion website at to access
and complete the following soft skills practice activities:
Activity SS3-1 Time-Management Skills. Time management is an important soft skill that can
help a person be effective in his or her career. Complete the activity in the $S3-1 file to rate your
personal time-management skills.
Activity $S3-2 Problem Solving. The first step of finding a solution is to first identify the
problem. Open the SS3-2 file, and define the problem statement for each situation.
Activity 83-3 Cell Phone Self-Management Skills. Cell phone self-management is an important
soft skill for the 21st century, Complete the activity in the $S3-3 file to rate your personal cell
phone self-management skills,
Activity §83-4 Stress Evaluation. To effectively manage stress, sources of stress must be
identified and its effects recognized. Open the SS3-4 file, and evaluate your level of stress.

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Visit the G-W Learning companion website to view a video about soft skills. The video is
available at

On completion of this chapter, prepare to:

4-1] _ Define professional etiquette.

4-2 Cite examples of behaviors that show respect for company workspace.

4-3 Identify guidelines for cell phones in the workplace.

4-4 Discuss proper business dining etiquette.

4-5 Summarize appropriate funeral etiquette.

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Chapter4 Etiquette 29

Etiquette Talking over a cubicle wall is considered rude

and is a distraction to others.
Etiquette is the art of using good manners in any situation. Professional
etiquette is applying the rules of good manners in the workplace and in
other work-related situations.
Practicing professional etiquette can help an individual build rela-
tionships with coworkers, employers, and customers, It takes almost no
effort to be mannerly, and yet the effort has big payoffs. Saying “please,”
“thank you,” and “you're welcome” are common courtesies. Greeting
coworkers with “good morning” or “how are you today” reflects posi-
tively on your professional image. Examples of professional etiquette are
shown in Figure 4-1.
Protocol is a set of customs and rules that explains appropriate conduct
or procedures in formal situations. Business protocol refers to the customs and
rules found in the professional world. Many aspects of business protocol are
not in written format and, therefore, must be learned from experience.
Ahallmark of professionalism is respect for others. Learn the names
of the people with whom you work, customers of your business with
whom you interact, and those performing work for you. Address each
person by name, Never judge people according to their social status or
perceived importance, Treat everyone equally. Blend Images/
Keep your personal business personal, and refrain from asking business
associates about ‘heir personal business. It is okay to share some information,
but use good judgment concerning what you share and what you ask.
Choose words that show respect to others. Never use profane words or phrases
in the workplace. To do so is inappropriate and unacceptable behavior. It is also
offensive to your coworkers. Using age, gender, race, physical ability, or ethnicity
as a way to describe others is unethical and sometimes illegal. Bias-free language
should be the protocol for all communication, whether verbal or written, to show
respect for those with whom you come in contact.
When you realize you have made a mistake, admit it and decide how to rectify
the situation. Everyone makes errors, and you will gain respect by admitting your
fault. It is unprofessional and unethical to blame others for your mistakes. Doing so
is likely to cause others to lose confidence in your abilities and honesty.

Figure 4-1 Professional etiquette is applying the rules of good manners in the workplace and
in other work-related situations.

Examples of Professional Etiquette

e Write a thank-you note when someone does something special for you.
e Show kindness and courtesy to each person with whom you come in contact.
© Compliment those around you when they contribute in a positive manner.
« Wait to speak until it is your turn.
® Arrive on time to every meeting and appointment.
e Address each person to whom you speak by his or her name.
® Turn off your cell phone when in a meeting or conversation.
e Show you are listening when engaged in a conversation.
e Respect the workspaces of your coworkers.
e Do not let your actions or conversations become a disturbance in the workplace.

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30 Soft Skills for the Workplace

Business transpires in many different settings, depending on the career you have
chosen. A workplace is the location where business is conducted and where employ-
ees of acompany work. A workspace is the specific area within a company’s location
where an employee works. It is an individual's personal space within the workplace.
If you are a physician, for example, your workplace may be a medical office,
while your workspace may be an office or exam room within the medical office. For
a technician who performs equipment repair, the workplace may be a building in an
industrial park, and the workspace may be a repair bay within the building or even
a service van or truck.
Regardless of the type of workspace you have within your place of work, etiquette
should be followed, Workspace etiquette is applying the rules of good manners while
you are in your own workspace and the workspaces of others. Proper workspace respect
helps to maintain positive relationships with coworkers, managers, and customers.

Case Study
Workplace Etiquette
Serena Williams is one of the most dominant names in the world of professional
tennis. She is often considered to be the greatest female tennis player of all time.
However, in the 2009 US Open, her inappropriate actions cost her a semifinal match
against Kim Clijsters. After losing the first set to Clijsters, Williams broke her racket
by smashing it against the playing surface and net in anger. This action earned her
a warning. During a tiebreak in the second set, Williams was called for a foot fault,
Jimme48 Photography/ which she argued with the lineswoman using threats and profanity. The umpire of
the match intervened and awarded a point to Clijsters. That point resulted in Clijsters
winning the match and advancing, while Williams was eliminated from the singles competition. By losing emotional control
and ignoring the rules of etiquette, Williams cost herself a chance at advancing to the final round of the tournament.
1. The tennis court is the workspace for a tennis player. Explain how Williams’ behavior toward the line judge could
be considered workplace bullying.

2. When someone has a reputation as honorific as “greatest of all time,’ why is it important for him or her to follow
rules of etiquette?

3. Describe Williams’ level of emotional control during this event.

4. Professionalism is the act of exhibiting appropriate character, judgment, and behavior. How do you think the
public would describe Williams’ professionalism after this incident?


——— — ——

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Chapter4 Etiquette 31

Respect should be shown to your employer by keeping your workspace clean,

organized, and free from clutter. Over-decorating with photographs and personal
items can be distracting in a business situation, so discretion should be used. Coats
should be placed in the designated area rather than on the back of a chair or on top
of a desk. Personal items, such as briefcases and lunch containers, should be placed
in a drawer or closet to maintain discretion and safety, as well as to keep the work-
space orderly.
Coworkers deserve privacy. It is polite to knock to announce your presence
before entering a coworker's workspace or initiating a conversation. If delivering
documents or other materials to a person who is not in his or her workspace, it is
customary to place the items in a prominent place so the items will be noticed on
return. This might mean placing the item in a physical inbox, on the person’s chair,
or on top of the computer keyboard. When placing items in an absent colleague's
workspace, do not linger or look through personal items. It is inappropriate to snoop
through someone else's property while making a delivery.
The workplace should be conducive to work, and noise can prevent others from
performing their jobs. If listening to music in your workspace, use headphones. Cell
phones should be turned off or put in silent mode. Always be aware of the volume of
your voice, especially when talking on the phone. Use your “inside voice” as others
are probably within earshot of your conversation. Talking in the hallway, outside
an office, or in a cubicle can be distracting to those around you. If a conversation
requires more than a few words, move the conversation into a conference room or
other space where a door can be closed.
If a loud neighbor becomes a distraction and hinders your ability to work,
your first response should be to have a polite conversation with the person. There
is a chance the person does not realize his or her voice is too loud or that other
actions have become a distraction for you. To address the issue, it is appropriate
to have a face-to-face conversation rather than sending an e-mail. An e-mail can
seem passive-aggressive in this situation, If you are uncomfortable speaking to the
person directly, consult your supervisor or human resource manager.
Some businesses allow employees to take breaks or eat lunch at their desks.
If you choose to bring food into your workspace, remember to clean up after you
have finished. Dispose of any leftover food or packages in the break room instead of
your workspace so as not to create odors that bother others.

Depending on your career and position, your workspace may be your own office in
the workplace. Having your own office provides a quiet, private space to complete
tasks. If you have an office, treat it as a privilege.
When conducting a meeting in your office, close the door. This minimizes the
chance of disturbing your neighbors and discourages eavesdropping from those
who pass by your door. The same is true for telephone conversations—close the door.
When visiting another person’s office, knock before entering, even if the door
is open. If the person is on the phone, leave and come back another time. However,
if you have arrived for a planned meeting, you can motion to make sure the person
sees you, and then wait in the hallway.

Cubicles offer some privacy, but they are not as protected from noises and other
distractions as an office with a door. However, it is still the personal space of the
person working there and should be treated as such. It is proper to extend the
same courtesies and show the same respect as if the person’s workspace were a
private office.

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32 Soft Skills for the Workplace

Shared spaces, such as employee break rooms, should be kept When visiting a person in a cubicle, knock on the out-
clean and orderly. side wall or top of the desk in the same manner you would
ES ] knock on an office door. If the person is on the phone, leave
and come back another time. Standing in the hallway to wait
for the person to be available is inappropriate, especially if
you are in an area of others working in open cubicles.
When talkingto a coworker in a cubicle, walk around
the walls or partitions to communicate. It is rude to raise
your voice to talk over or around the wall. If you overhear
others talking, try your best not to eavesdrop. Wait to be
invited into a conversation rather than jumping in just
because it is within earshot.

Shared Spaces
Employees are expected to keep company workspaces
clean and in order, and company property should be
treated with respect. When using a shared copier,
remember not to leave paper clips or other supplies behind. If you remove supplies
from a cabinet or closet, put them away when you are finished.
When taking breaks or eating lunch in the common eating area, clean up
dishes, utensils, and food packaging. It is always better to leave an area cleaner than
you found it. Food should not be removed from a refrigerator unless it is your food.
Protocol dictates that if you pour the last cup of coffee from the community coffee
pot, start brewing a new pot.
Thermostat settings in a building should not be adjusted without asking a
supervisor. Many buildings have preprogrammed heating and ventilation systems
that must not be tampered with. If you have issues with the temperature in your
workspace, keep a sweater, space heater, or personal fan available. If the tempera-
ture is extreme and distracting to you, speak with your supervisor.
If your workplace provides a parking facility, respect what has been pro-
vided for the employees. Cars should only be parked in designated parking spots.
Handicapped spaces should only be used for people who need them. A handicapped
placard is not a parking pass. Misuse of a handicapped permit is unethical, as well
as illegal, and subject to penalty.

Cell Phones
Cell phones have become a nuisance in certain workplace situations. An organiza-
tion's protocol for cell phones may or may not be in writing. However, there are certain
common-sense guidelines that should be followed. As a professional, it is important to
display good manners and know when to refrain from cell phone use.
In a meeting or other professional situation, it is unacceptable to use a
cell phone to check e-mail. Personal electronics should not be visible on the desk or
table. A general rule is to turn them off until a meeting with coworkers or business
associates has concluded. However, if it is necessary to take a phone call, excuse
yourself and take the call behind closed doors. It is rude to talk on the phone when
in a meeting, and coworkers do not want to hear a personal conversation.

Business Dining
There may be times when you will meet with a client or coworker for lunch to dis-
cuss business. This type of meeting may be referred to as a dinner meeting, although
the actual meal may be breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Business dining etiquette

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Chapter4 Etiquette 33

is applying the rules of good manners while conducting business over a meal.
This includes turning off your personal electronic devices and placing them out of
sight for the duration of the meal.
You are expected to dress appropriately for a dinner meeting. Often, regardless
of which meal it is conducted over, the dress for a dinner meeting is expected to be
slightly more formal than would be appropriate for an in-office meeting. When in
doubt, ask the person scheduling the meeting about the appropriate attire.
As with any meeting, attendees should arrive on time. Tardiness is a sign of
disrespect. When you are greeted by the maitre d’ or waitstaff at the restaurant,
indicate you are there for a meeting, and provide the name of the company or person
who is hosting. Once shown to the meeting, introduce yourself to those attending
the dinner. Follow the protocol for making introductions.
The highest-ranking person or the person with the most seniority should be
the one to set the example. He or she should be the first to be seated and the first to
order, although in many cases, this person may defer to you as a guest out of polite-
ness. Once you are seated, the napkin should be placed on your lap. When it is your
turn to order, do so quickly; this shows decisiveness. Be conservative in what you
order, and avoid foods that are messy. Refrain from selecting the most expensive
item or anything that requires extra prep time. It is best to err on the side of caution
when ordering a beverage and choose iced tea, water, or soda water.
You will be expected to participate in conversation. Be mindful of this as you
eat, and never speak with food in your mouth. Throughout the meal, be sure to keep
your elbows off the table and maintain good posture. If dining in a formal restau-
rant with multiple utensils in the place setting, remember that silverware is used
from the outside in.

A funeral is not an event people typically like to discuss. However, at some point in
your working career, you will need to attend the funeral of a coworker or client.
When a coworker or business associate dies, the relationship you have with that
person will dictate if you attend the funeral, send flowers, write a personal card to
the family, or perhaps do nothing of a personal nature. Coworkers may send flowers
and cards as a group, or the company may send condolences. You may decide these
actions are sufficiently respectful. However, culture may influence the ceremonies
or traditions the family may request for a funeral. It may be necessary to do some
research before you take any actions.
If you choose to attend the visitation, etiquette dictates that proper attire be
worn. Appropriate business clothing in dark or muted colors is preferred, but black
is not required. When you arrive at the funeral home or before you leave, sign your
name on the registry if one has been placed in the entry. If there are many people
in attendance, you may need to stand in line in order to talk with the family. There
is a possibility that you will not know the family members personally, so introduce
yourselfas a friend or coworker. It is not necessary to have an extended conversa-
tion after the introduction, and a simple “I am sorry for your loss” may be all that is
necessary, This statement demonstrates sympathy and respect toward the family.
If you attend the funeral, arrive before the service begins and take a seat.
Respect the situation and speak softly if you have conversations with others. The
funeral ceremony may request attendee participation. If you are uncomfortable par-
ticipating, it is acceptable to remain silent and respectful.
If you choose to go to the graveside ceremony, follow the instructions that are
given for the procession. In general, all drivers should turn on headlights and follow
the family cars to the cemetery. If you are not sure of what is expected, it is accept-
able to ask the funeral director,

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Soft Skills for the Workplace

(LO 4-1) Define professional etiquette.
Professional etiquette is applying the rules of good manners in the workplace and in other
work-related situations. Practicing professional etiquette can help an individual build
relationships with coworkers, employers, and customers.
(LO 4-2) Cite examples of behaviors that show respect for company workspace.
A workspace is the specific area within a company’s location where an employee works.
Workspace etiquette is the practice of applying the rules of good manners while in an office,
cubicle, or the shared working areas of a workplace.
(LO 4-3) Identify guidelines for cell phones in the workplace.
As a professional, it is important to display good manners and know when to refrain from using
cell phones. Phones should be silenced and not visible on the table. A general rule is to turn off
cell phones when in a meeting with coworkers.
(LO 4-4) Discuss proper business dining etiquette.
There may be times when business is discussed over a meal. In this situation, business dining
etiquette should be followed. This consists of dressing appropriately, being punctual, and
eating politely. Workplace etiquette should be followed.
(LO 4-5) Summarize appropriate funeral etiquette.
Attending a funeral of a coworker or business associate can be stressful. The level of
relationship with the deceased dictates the actions that should be taken.

protocol workspace etiquette

1, Define professional etiquette.

Cite examples of behaviors that show respect for company workspace.

Identify guidelines for cell phones in the workplace.

Discuss proper business dining etiquette.

Provide examples of appropriate actions that demonstrate respect for the death of a
coworker or business associate.

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Chapter4 Etiquette

Professional etiquette is applying good manners in the workplace. Figure 4-1 lists examples
of proper business etiquette. What additional behaviors would you add to this list that you
think should be demonstrated by all employees?

One example of professional etiquette is to address people by their names. Ifa store clerk,
waiter or waitress, or other worker is wearing a name tag, it is customary and respectful to
call that person by his or her name. Why do you think it is important to use a person’s name?

What type of personal business would you refrain from sharing with a coworker while at work?
What type of personal business do you think is acceptable to discuss with a coworker at work?

Recall a time when you may have unintentionally violated workspace etiquette. Describe the
incident and the outcome.

Workplace etiquette implies that gossip should be avoided. How would you advise a
coworker to avoid getting involved in this type of behavior?

What actions would you take if you witnessed a coworker violating workplace etiquette?

Consider a situation in which you are working in a cubicle and overhear two coworkers
talking about a movie they recently saw. The conversation is loud enough for you to hear
without eavesdropping, has been going on for more than a few minutes, and has caused you
to lose concentration on your work. How would you respond to such a situation?

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Soft Skills for the Workplace

8. Summarize cell phone etiquette that you personally follow.

9. Assume you have organized a business meeting that will be conducted over lunch. The
location is a mid-range family restaurant. Attending the meeting will be two coworkers from
your team and one outside contractual worker. Describe the etiquette you should assume as
host of the meeting.

10. Create a list of several questions about etiquette to which a person might need responses
before attending the funeral of a coworker.

Workplace Disruptions. When office neighbors are loud, it can be nearly impossible to get work
done. Conduct an Internet search for suggestions about how to handle a disruptive neighboring
coworker, Take note of important tips that could help you in future situations.

Visit the G-W Learning companion website at to access
and complete the following soft skills practice activities:
Activity $S4-1 Business Dining. Proper table setting etiquette should be followed at a business
dinner. Open the $S4-1 file, and review your knowledge of a dinner place setting.
Activity $84-2 Shared Workspace Guidelines. Employees are expected to keep company
workspaces clean and in order. This is especially true for shared workspaces. Open the $S4-2 file,
and create a list of shared workspace guidelines.

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5 Attire

Minerva Studio/


Visit the G-W Learning companion website to view a video about soft skills. The video is
available at

On completion of this chapter, prepare to:

5-1 Evaluate appropriate dress for the workplace.

5-2 Identify appropriate dress for business meetings.

5-3 Discuss trade show apparel.

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38 Soft Skills for the Workplace

Professional attire is the dress that is dictated

by the workplace and appropriate for the job. Workplace Dress
There are many clichés about career-appropriate dress, such as “dress
for the job you want, not for the job you have,” “clothes make the person.”
and “dress for success.” Appropriate dress for the workplace shows an
individual’s professionalism, It is the first thing that makes an impres-
sion on people you meet and is one aspect of a professional image over
which you have total control.
Each day, ask yourself how you want to be perceived by others. Do
you have a meeting of which you are in charge and need to demonstrate
your skills or authority? Do you have a day without meetings and will be
confined to your workspace for most of the day?
Dress is the type and style of clothing worn. Professional attire is
the dress that is dictated by the workplace and appropriate for the job.
Not everyone wears a suit to work. Many work environments require uni-
forms or other specific garments that reflect the brand or image that is
being projected. Depending on the industry, there may be safety require-
ments, such as wearing a hard hat or reflective vest. Medical positions
may require scrubs or lab coats.
Good grooming complements the dress. It is necessary to shower
every day and practice good personal hygiene. For men, facial hair should
be neat and trimmed. For women, excessive makeup should be avoided.
" bikeriderlondon/ For both men and women, hairstyles should be appropriate for the work
environment, strong perfumes and colognes should be avoided, and jew-
elry should be kept to a minimum. Tattoos and piercings should not be
apparent or distracting.
Your employer's human resources department will have a dress
code or guidelines for employees. Rules of dress have relaxed over the years, so an
employee should ask for clarification regarding any guidelines that are not clear.

A uniform is a prescribed form of dress worn by everybody in a particular
group, such as a company or department. Many work environments require
employees to wear uniforms, protective clothing, or company clothing, such asa
shirt with a company insignia. In these situations, it is important to thoroughly
understand the rules of the dress code. Uniforms are often required for health
and safety reasons or to make employees of a business easily recognizable to its
If your employer requires you to wear a uniform, follow the rules closely.
Bending the rules can result in a safety hazard for yourselfor for those around you.
If you have any questions about your uniform, consult your supervisor,
For some businesses, jeans are considered the “uniform.” If the workplace is
casual and jeans are acceptable, dress should still conform to the professional
standards dictated by the employer. Clothing should be clean, presentable, and in
good taste.

Business-Professional Dress
Business-professional dress is the most formal style of dress in the workplace.
The higher an employee's position or rank, the more formal the dress that may
be expected. High-profile jobs, such as CEQs, attorneys, and politicians, generally
require business-professional dress.

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Chapter5 Attire 39

For men, business-professional dress typically means a suit, neutral-color

dress shirt, and tie. Dress shoes in black or dark brown are standard. For women, a
suit or an appropriate business dress is expected. Dress shoes in subtle colors are
preferred, and extremely high heels are generally discouraged.
However, most professional jobs usually do not require the highest level of
business-professional dress. For men, a combination of a dress shirt, tie, and dress
slacks is usually acceptable as business-professional dress. Sometimes, a sport
coat may be required. For women, the standards may be defined more loosely.
Dresses, slacks, or skirts with a jacket are examples of acceptable business-
professional wear.

Business-Casual Dress
Many employers have adopted a business-casual style of dress. This is more dif-
ficult to define than business-professional dress, as it has many interpretations.
Business-casual dress is dress that is often considered to be “one step down” from
business-professional dress. However, it does not mean sloppy dress. Examples
of appropriate business-professional and business-casual dress are identified in
Figure 5-1. Khakis, long-sleeved shirts, and dress sweaters are examples of business
casual for both men and women. Jeans and athletic wear are not considered accept-
able business-casual dress.

Jeans Day
A company-wide jeans day is the only day jeans should be worn in a professional
workplace. It is a day designated by the company, either a regular day or a special
day. This often occurs on a Friday, but may be any day the company chooses.
Clothing should always be tasteful and free of messages that are violent, discrimi-
natory, abusive, offensive, demeaning, or otherwise unprofessional in nature.

Figure 5-1 Professional attire is the dress that is dictated by the workplace and appropriate for
the job.

Men Women

Dress shirts and ties Career-style dresses

Suits Coordinating skirts and blouses

Blazers Suit jackets and pants

Dress shoes Dress shoes

Men Women

Khaki pants Casual skirts with knit tops

Button-down shirts, no tie Khaki pants

Polo-style shirts Casual-style dresses—not strapless

Casual footwear—no athletic shoes, Casual footwear—no athletic shoes,

flip-flops, or sandals flip-flops, or sandals
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40 Soft Skills
for the Workplace

Sweatshirts, T-shirts, and tank tops are not appropriate for the workplace, even on
jeans day. Shorts are not acceptable. Midriffs should be covered, and provocative
clothing should not be worn. Gym shoes are typically not acceptable. Additionally,
jeans day is not an excuse to ignore personal hygiene.

Business Meeting Apparel

There are various types of meetings conducted during a business day. Generally,
routine company meetings with coworkers do not require special dress. The daily
dress code for the business is acceptable unless otherwise noted.

Case Study
Workplace Attire
When the current CEO of General Motors, Mary Barra, was VP of Human
Resources, she surprised her colleagues with her decision to overhaul the
company dress code. Instead of the traditional multi-page dress code that is
common in many businesses, GM's dress code became “dress appropriately.”
Barra faced pushback from several sectors, including the human resources
department and some senior-level directors. When a director called to
Keith Krach/ complain about the new policy, Barra told him to talk to his team what “dressing
appropriately” meant for their jobs. For Barra, this change went beyond just the
dress code, “What I realized is that you really need to make sure your managers are empowered—because if they
cannot handle ‘dress appropriately,’ what other decisions can they handle? And | realized that often, if you have a lot
of overly prescriptive policies and procedures, peaple will live down to them.” Barra's change in the dress code not
only signaled her trust in her employees to make decisions regarding workplace attire, it also empowered them in
other aspects of business.
1. Discuss factors that each manager in the company might consider when discussing appropriate dress for his or
her team.

2. Why would it be acceptable for individual teams to have a dress code that may vary from other teams in the

3. Whyis empowerment important for managers at General Motors?

4. Barra’s remark of “dress appropriately”

could be translated as an easy way out of committing to an employee
dress code. How would you translate this statement?

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Chapter5 Attire 41

Meetings in which people from outside the business Many work environments require employees to wear protective
are invited as guests dictate that business-professional clothing.
dress be worn by employees who host the meeting.
Employees represent the company and its brand as well
as the individual's professional image.
The guests or hosts of a meeting can also set the
standard for dress of those in attendance. Some cultures
expect business-professional dress for their employees.
For example, Japanese culture dictates business suits
for men and women for all professional activities. When
attending or hosting a meeting that includes people
from other countries or cultures, research the dress that
shows respect.
When attending conferences or meetings away
from company property, the protocol for attire may be
Dmitry Kalinovsky/
business-professional or business-casual. Conference
information will generally state acceptable dress.
When in doubt, be conservative. Meetings provide networking opportunities, and
appropriate dress is, once again, part of a company’s image as well as your profes-
sional image.
Off-site business events may suggest resort or casual wear as the dress for the
occasion. This does not mean jeans or shorts but casual clothing such as khaki
pants, polo-style shirt, and a sweater. Examples of types of apparel that are never
appropriate in the workplace or at work events are listed in Figure 5-2.

Trade Show Apparel

A trade show is an exhibition at which companies in a similar industry display their
products and services. Generally, each company or vendor sets up a booth where
customers visit to talk with representatives and gather information. Product dem-
onstrations, catalogs, brochures, and sometimes samples are generally made avail-
able for distribution at a booth.
Sales representatives, marketers, and other employees of an organization work
the company booth to sell product, as well as interact with customers. As a profes-
sional working a trade show, it is important to dress and act in a manner to repre-
sent the business in a positive light. Some companies have a “booth uniform” that
may include a branded shirt or jacket that all booth attendees wear. Always check
with the person in charge to make certain you are dressed appropriately for the
event. Working a booth can require standing for most of the day, so comfortable
shoes should be worn; however, gym shoes are not acceptable. When in doubt, refer
to the business casual policy of your company.

Figure 5-2 Certain types of clothing and accessories are never appropriate in a professional

Inappropriate Apparel for the Workplace

¢ Workout or athletic clothing e Tops that are cropped or too revealing
* Ball caps, unless part of the uniform ® Clothing that is unclean
e Flip-flops or sandals e T-shirts and tank tops
e Jeans with rips or holes e Clothing with offensive graphics
e Shorts ® Frayed or worn clothing

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Soft Skills for the Workplace

(LO 5-1) Evaluate appropriate dress for the workplace.
Dress is the first thing that makes an impression on the people you meet. It is one aspect of a
professional image over which an individual has total control. Depending on the industry and
your position, appropriate dress may be business-professional, business-casual, or a uniform.
(LO 5-2) Identify appropriate dress for business meetings.
The attendees, location, and event type should be considered when choosing appropriate
dress for a meeting. Meetings provide networking opportunities, and appropriate dress is
part of the company’s image and an individual's professional image, as well.
(LO 5-3) Discuss trade show apparel.
Professionals working a trade show are representing the company and interacting with
customers. Therefore, appropriate dress is required. Some companies will provide a “booth
uniform.’ If unsure about the dress code, ask the person in charge or dress in business casual

business-casual dress professional attire
business-professional dress uniform

1. Evaluate appropriate dress for the workplace.

List examples of reasons why a uniform may be required.

Explain the difference between business-professional dress and business-casual dress.

Describe appropriate attire for a company-wide jeans day.

Identify criteria that should be used when deciding dress for a business meeting or trade

1. What does the expression “dress for the job you want, not for the job you have” mean to you?

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Chapter5 Attire

2. Describe the type of apparel you typically wear for a casual day at work or school.

3. List examples of reasons why you think an employer would not want employees to have
visible tattoos or piercings, even if it does not affect job performance.

4. Summarize your opinion about dress codes and the impact they have on employee morale.

5. Describe the dress of a coworker who is always dressed appropriately for the workplace.

6. Describe the dress of a coworker who is always dressed inappropriately for the workplace.

7. Explain how the dress and appearance of a coworker influences your opinion of that person's
professional image.

8. What is the appropriate dress for your current job? Is the dress considered to be professional
or business casual?

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Soft Skills for the Workplace

9. Over the last few decades, dress code in the workplace has become more relaxed. Why do
you think this is the trend?

10. Describe the appropriate dress for a formal business meeting that is held off-site from your

Professional Dress. Dress is a direct reflection of professional image. Visit your employer's
or school’s website and navigate to the about information. What type of dress do you think a
potential employee or student would perceive to be acceptable based on the information posted
on that web page?

Visit the G-W Learning companion website at to access
and complete the following soft skills practice activities:
Activity 885-1 Dress Code. Most places of employment have an employee dress code. Open
the SS5-1 file, read the document, and then summarize any suggestions you would make in the
document if you were responsible for the dress code.
Activity SS5-2 Selecting Appropriate Dress. Professionals select appropriate dress for all
occasions that are related to business. Open the $S5-2 file, and identify appropriate dress for each

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6 Communication Skills



Visit the G-W Learning companion website to view a video about soft skills. The video is
available at

On completion of this chapter, prepare to:

6-1 Define communication and the communication process.

6-2 Explain the importance of language and its effects on communication.

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46 Soft Skills for the Workplace

Communication is the process of using Communication

words, sounds, signs, or actions to exchange
information and express thoughts. Communication is the process of using words, sounds, signs, or actions
to exchange information and express thoughts. It is how we talk and
listen to others. Communication skills affect your basic ability to under-
stand others, establish positive relationships, and perform in most situa-
tions. Being able to communicate skillfully, therefore, is essential to your
ability to succeed in your career.
Informal communication is casual sharing of information with no
customs or rules of etiquette involved. An example is having a conversa-
tion with a friend or family member. Formal communication is sharing
of information that conforms to specific protocol. Protocol is a set of
customs or rules of etiquette. Formal communication is planned, rather
than spontaneous, and is delivered as a written or spoken message.
When people communicate, there is a specific reason for doing so.
There are five basic purposes of communication, as shown in Figure 6-1.
Soft skills play an important role in the effectiveness of all commu-
nication, regardless of how or why it is delivered. There is a process that
applies to any type of communication, as well as ways to overcome com-
adriaticfoto/ munication barriers that may occur.

Communication Process
All communication follows the same basic process. The communication process is
a series of actions on the part of the sender and the receiver of a message, as well as
the path the message follows. The six elements of the communication process are the
sender, message, channel, receiver, translation, and feedback, as shown in Figure 6-2.
The person who has a message to communicate is called the sender, The sender
decides there is a need to relay information to the receiver. He or she also decides
what information to send.
The information to be relayed is the message. Encoding is the process of turning
the idea for a message into symbols that can be communicated. The sender might
choose to use written or spoken words, static images, dynamic visuals, such as a
YouTube video, or any combination of these. Most people convert their messages into
a language of written or spoken words or symbols the receiver can understand.
Once the message is encoded, it is ready to be sent. The act of sending a mes-
sage is called transmission. The channel, also known as medium, is how the mes-
sage is transmitted, such as face-to-face, telephone, text, or other vehicle that is
appropriate for the situation.
The receiver is the person who reads, hears, or sees the message. This is the
person for whom the sender created the message. He or she, or the group, is known
as the audience of the message.

Figure 6-1 The purpose of communication usually falls into one of the categories listed in this table.

Purposes of Communication
« Inform. A message that informs is one that provides information or education.
« Persuade. A message that persuades is one that attempts to change the behavior of the receiver.
« Instruct. A message that instructs others is one that attempts to provide direction or guidance.
« Make a request. A message that makes a request is one that asks a question about information or asks for an action to occur.
* Respond to a request. A message that responds to a request is one that provides the information requested.
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Chapter6 Communication Skills 47

Figure 6-2 The communication process is a series of actions on the part of the sender and the receiver of a message, as well as the
path the message follows.

Communication Process

321DID IDI Feedback

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Once the receiver has the message, it is translated into terms the receiver can
understand. The process of translation is called decoding.
Feedback is the receiver's response to the sender, and it concludes the commu-
nication process. If the sender does not receive feedback to be sure the message was
understood, the communication process has failed.

Communication Barriers
The communication process seems relatively straightforward. However, the failure
to use soft skills can create barriers, and the end result can be disastrous. A barrier
is anything that prevents clear, effective communication. Barriers may occur in any
type of communication and may be present during sending or receiving.
Sending Barriers
A sending barrier is present when the sender says or does something that causes the
receiver to stop listening to or reading a message. This can happen when the receiver
simply does not understand what the sender is communicating. If the message is
written, barriers may include poor grammar or spelling, typographical and for-
matting errors, and inappropriate language. If the message is verbal, barriers may
include distracting mannerisms, facial expressions that conflict with the words
being said, and inappropriate dress or demeanor.

Receiving Barriers
A receiving barrier is present when the receiver says or does something that
causes the sender's message not to be received. While hearing is a physical abil-
ity, listeningis a conscious action. If the receiver is not
actively listening to the sender or reading the written
message, the communication process breaks down. Informal communication is casual sharing of information with
Receiving barriers can be just as harmful to the com- no customs or rules of etiquette involved.
munication process as sending barriers. nt

When you send a message, you select language and con-
struct sentences in a way that will achieve your purpose.
The way in which you use language can have a major
effect on communication, Formal language is language
that is used in a workplace environment and requires
use of Standard English. Standard English refers to
English language usage that follows accepted rules
for word use, pronunciation, spelling, grammar, and
punctuation. g-stockstudio/

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48 Soft Skills for the Workplace

Informal language is language used in a casual situation. It is characterized by

the use of contractions, lack of relative pronouns with relative clauses, and the use
of omitted or implied material. Most people use informal language with friends and
family. Spoken language is usually informal, although a speech or lecture is likely
conducted using formal language.
Words have exact meaning according to the dictionary, or denotation.
Another term is explicit meaning. Sometimes words convey meanings outside of
their definition and vary according to the context in which they are used. Context
is the environment in which something occurs or the surrounding information that
is communicated. Tone is an impression of the content of the message. Is it friendly
or hostile, demanding or courteous, sensitive or insensitive? Tone is how words are
interpreted by the receiver.
In some cases, however, context and tone are not enough. The real mean-
ing of words resides in the mind of the receiver. The connotation of a word is its
meaning apart from what it explicitly names or describes. The meaning is implied

Case Study
Communication Skills
Archbishop Desmond Tutu is a South African social rights activist who came to
worldwide prominence in the 1980s through his opposition of apartheid. He
has received many respected humanitarian and peace awards, including the
Nobel Peace Prize in 1984. He continues to be active in social issues, including
poverty, racism, and sexism, among other issues. In November of 2004, he gave
an address at the Nelson Mandela Foundation in Johannesburg, South Africa.
Tinseltown/ He commented on the slow pace of economic redistribution in South Africa,
as well as the government's policies on other issues. In reference to politicians
and activists trying to persuade the other side, Tutu's message was that everyone involved in the discussion
should be able to communicate without resorting to shouting matches and muckraking. He said, “Don't raise
your voice; improve your argument.” Since then, this quote has been used as inspiration for proper discussion and
communication in situations as varied as negotiations and sales messages.

1. What do you think is the meaning of the quote, “Don't raise your voice; improve your argument”?

2, How does Tutu’s quote apply to nonverbal communication as well as verbal communication?

3. Describe what can be learned about etiquette from Tutu’s message of “communicate without resorting to
shouting matches and muckraking.”

4. How would you describe Desmond Tutu’s professional image?


7 ee
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Chapter6 Communication Skills 49

or implicit. For example, the primary definition of foreign is something outside of

one’s own country. However, to some people, the word has a negative connotation.
The word foreign can be implied as other, meaning not one of us or not like us. In the
workplace, the word international is most often used in place of the word |foreign.
Words should be chosen that suit the situation in which they are used. Certain
types of words and phrases are not appropriate to use in every situation. Slang
should not be used in business communication. Slang is words and phrases that are
not considered part of Standard English. Texting language, such as using the letter
uinstead of the word you, is not acceptable in business. Additionally, condescending
words, biased words, jargon, clichés, and euphemisms should not be used.

Condescending Words
Language that is condescending should be avoided. To be condescending means to
assume an attitude of superiority. Words should be used that can be understood,
but not interpreted to mean superiority. An explanation that is too basic to make
sure the listener understands may be condescending. The receiver's level of knowl-
edge on a topic should be considered to avoid insulting a person's intelligence.

Biased Words
It is important to use language free of bias. A bias is a tendency to believe that some
ideas or people are better than others, which often results in acting unfairly. Biased
words are those that can identify a personal characteristic about someone, such as
gender, ethnicity, or age, often in a demeaning or hurtful manner. Bias-free words
are neutral words that impart neither a positive nor negative message.
For example, bias-free words do not reveal personal characteristics about an indi-
vidual. Using gender-neutral words, such as server rather than waiter or waitress, focuses
on the job or the individual's qualifications instead of the gender of the individual. Rather
than saying, “We hired a young man for the manager job,” state, “We hired a new manager.”
When a disability must be referenced, a specific term, such as hearing impaired
or physical disability, should be used. It is inappropriate to use outdated terms that
are now considered offensive.

Jargon and Clichés

Various professions and industries have specific words and phrases that are familiar to
those who work in those fields, Jargon is technical terminology or vocabulary specific
to a field of work or group. These terms are sometimes considered insider vocabulary
and may not be understood by those outside the field. For example, stockbrokers talk
about bulland bear markets. Retailers talk about retail, wholesale, and markdown prices.
These terms may not be readily understandable for those who do not work in finance or
retail. Jargon should be used sparingly and only when it applies to a situation.
Clichés are overused, commonplace, or trite language. Often, clichés are not well
received, In some cases, the true meaning of the cliché may not be apparent, or the
cliché may mean one thing to one person and something different to another person.

Some words may sound acceptable in conversation, but may come across as harsh in
writing. For those words, you may need to find a euphemism. A euphemism is a word that
expresses unpleasant ideas in more pleasant terms, For example, years ago, the customer
service department was commonly called the customer complaint office. The new term
reflects the desire ofa business to service customers’ needs, but the purpose of the depart-
ment is still to solve issues or complaints that customers may have. Some businesses even
use the term customer care to communicate greater sensitivity to the customer's needs.
Euphemisms should be used when needed but used wisely. The use of euphemisms to
intentionally hide the true meaning or to distract the receiver should be avoided.

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Soft Skills for the Workplace

(LO 6-1) Define communication and the communication process.
Communication is the process of using words, sounds, signs, or actions to exchange information
or express thoughts. It is how we talk and listen to others. Communication skills affect a
persons basic ability to understand others, establish positive relationships, and perform in most
situations. The communication process is used to inform, persuade, instruct, make a request, and
respond to a request. The communication process consists of a series of actions on the part of the
sender and the receiver of a message and the path the message follows.
(LO 6-2) Explain the importance of language and its effects on communication.
When a writer sends a message, language is selected and constructed in sentences in a way
that achieves the writer's purpose. The way in which language is used can have a major
effect on communication. Language may be formal or informal. To ensure success of all
communication, words should be chosen that suit the situation in which they are used and
condescending words, biased words, jargon, clichés, and euphemisms should be avoided.

bias-free words euphemism
channel explicit
communication feedback
communication process implicit
connotation jargon
context Standard English
decoding tone
denotation transmission

1. Define communication.

List the six elements of the communication process.

Explain sending barriers and receiving barriers that occur during the communication process.

Explain the importance of language and its effects on communication.

List examples of guidelines that should be followed when making word choices.

Copyright Goodheart-Willcox Co., Inc.

Chapter6 Communication Skills

1. Describe the protocol you personally follow when participating in formal communication.

2. Figure 6-1 lists five basic purposes of communication, Write an example of a message that
addresses each purpose.

3. Identify ways a receiver can give feedback to the sender of a message.

4. There are many communication barriers that can occur on the part of the sender. Identify
several barriers that could have a negative impact on a message that you send to another

5. Communication barriers can occur on the part of the receiver. Identify several barriers that
could cause the message not to be understood by the receiver.

6. Describe what the expression “it is not what you say, but how you say it” means to you.

7. How would you respond to a person who uses condescending language while in conversation
with you?

8. Describe a situation in which you witnessed a person using biased language toward
another person. How did this conversation impact your opinion of the person who used the
inappropriate language?

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Soft Skills for the Workplace

9. Discuss the potential outcome of a conversation that uses the jargon and clichés of an
industry with which the receiver is unfamiliar.

10. Make a list of the jargon used by your profession or career interest.

English as a Second Language. Being able to communicate skillfully is essential to your ability
to succeed in your career. In the workplace, you will communicate with many people for whom
English is their second language. Research English as a second language (ESL) and ways that, if
in conversation with someone whose first language is not English, you can avoid communication

Visit the G-W Learning companion website at to access
and complete the following soft skills practice activities:
Activity SS6-1 Word Choice. Words should be chosen that suit the situation in which they are
used. To review your understanding of certain words, open the SS6-1 file, and complete the charts
that include synonyms, antonyms, analogies, and context.
Activity $86-2 Business Jargon. Jargon is technical terminology or vocabulary specific to a field
of work or group. It should only be used when the audience understands the lingo. To review your
understanding of business jargon, open the SS6-2 file, and translate the meaning of each business
jargon term.
Activity SS6-3 Misused Words. Many words in the English language are often confused
with other words or simply misused. Open the $S6-3 file, and select the correct words for the

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ER Verbal and Nonverbal

Mark Agnor/


Visit the G-W Learning companion website to view a video about soft skills. The video is
available at

On completion of this chapter, prepare to:

7-1 Explain verbal communication.

7-2 List examples of nonverbal communication.

Copyright Goodheart-Willcox Co., Inc. 53

54 Soft Skills for the Workplace

Public speaking is speaking to a large group. Verbal Communication

Verbal communication is speaking words to communicate. Verbal

communication allows information to be shared, requests to be
made, direction to be given, and persuasion to be applied when
action is needed—all without having to write down the mes-
sages. There are many instances during a typical day when you are
required to communicate verbally. In every situation and conver-
sation, confident verbal communication conveys who you are as a
The verbal communication process is a series of actions on
the part of the sender and the receiver of a message. The primary
communication happens on the part of the speaker. The person
sending the message must make sure the words used are clear so
the receiver understands what is being transmitted. The speaker's
voice must be clear and understandable, as the voice is the channel
in the process. The receiver then decodes or translates the message
g-stockstudio/ into terms that he or she can understand.

As discussed in Chapter 6, words are the tools of verbal communication. You must
plan and organize your thoughts to select the appropriate words for the message.
This might be as simple as thinking before you speak. It could also be as elaborate
as researching and outlining a presentation and practicing several times before you
deliver it. Planning involves thinking about who will receive the message and what
you want to accomplish. Making notes before a phone call, having an agenda for a
meeting, or researching information in advance are all methods that can be used to
prepare before talking to people at work in the workplace.

Voice is the channel for verbal communication. Naturally, your voice is your
most important tool in speaking situations. Your voice and how you convey
words are almost as important as what you say. Tone is an impression of the
overall content of the message. It is easier to get results by expressing a positive
tone rather than a negative one. For example, it is always better to emphasize
what you can do rather than what you cannot do. Many words tend to automati-
cally bring about negative reactions. Similarly, there are words that generally
have a positive effect.
If you speak too loudly or too softly, listeners will be distracted from the con-
tent of your message. The listener will quickly tune out what you are saying, so you
must adjust your volume to the situation. In general, maintain a consistent, normal
rate. If you talk too slowly or too quickly, you may lose the attention of the listener.
You can vary your rate of speed for emphasis. However, when presenting something
technical or complicated, you should talk slowly. Another effective speaking tech-
nique is simply to pause so the word or phrase following the pause receives extra
You can stress a word to make it stand out from the others by simply increasing
the volume of your voice. Modulation is changing the emphasis of words by raising
and lowering your voice. You can also provide emphasis by changing the pitch of
your voice. Pitch describes the highness or lowness of a sound. Intonation is the
rise and fall in the pitch of your voice.

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Chapter7 Verbal and Nonverbal Communication 55

Mispronounced words are a distraction and may even affect your credibil-
ity. In some cases, you might be more familiar with a word in writing than you
are with saying it aloud. Regional differences in speech or English not being
a person's native language might also contribute to different pronunciation.
Common errors in pronunciation are shown in Figure 7-1. Another factor in the
audience understanding what you say is enunciation, which is clearly and dis-
tinctly pronouncing syllables and sounds.
When engaging in conversation, pause and ask for feedback before changing
the subject. Look for visual cues that a listener wants to respond, such as opening
his or her mouth to speak. Always be courteous, and refrain from talking over or
interrupting others. Provide your listener with the opportunity to respond to what
you are saying.

Speaking Situations
There are many speaking situations that happen within the workday. Impromptu
speaking is talking without advance notice or an opportunity to plan what will
be said. It is important to react with professionalism in these speaking situa-
tions. Take a moment to think about what you are going to say. If someone asks
for complex information, you can say, “I will get back to you.” If you do not have
the answer, courteously direct the person to another source for the information.

Figure 7-1 Mispronounced words are a distraction to a listener and can affect a speaker's

Common Errors in Pronunciation

Dropping Sounds at the End of Words
For example, do you drop the g in ing words and say runnin’, eatin’, or workin’? Do you
drop the final t when you say words such as list and tourist? Do you drop the final din
words such as field and build?

Omitting Letters and Sounds

For example, consider the word introduce. The correct pronunciation is |N-tro-duce,
not IN-ter-duce.

Adding Sounds
For example, do you say ATH-a-lete? The correct pronunciation is ATH-lete.

Altering Vowel Sounds

For example, do you say GEN-you-in (correct) or GEN-you-ine (incorrect)?

Stressing the Wrong Syllable

For example, you should say in-COM-pa-ra-ble, not in-com-PAR-a-ble, and in-SUR-
ance, not IN-sur-ance.

Mispronouncing Words
Many people make the mistake of pronouncing words just as they appear in writing.
For example, do you pronounce the word epitome as i-PIT-i-me (correct) or |-pi-tome

Using Incorrect Words

For example, for the verb form of orientation, do you say orient (correct) or orientate

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56 Soft Skills for the Workplace

Body language is nonverbal messages sent through gestures, The goal is to always respond with professionalism in
facial expressions, and posture. a positive and intelligent manner. Impromptu speak-
ing is common in interpersonal communication.
Interpersonal communication is communication that
occurs between the sender and one other person.
A group discussion is a speaking situation in
which three or more individuals share their ideas about
a subject. It is also known as small group communica-
tion. Group discussions are often informative or persua-
sive. Similar to brainstorming, ideas are given without
any judgment. When speaking freely and sharing ideas,
words should be chosen carefully and professional pro-
tocol followed.
Public speaking is generally communication
delivered to a large group from a podium and with a
LightField Studios/ microphone. It may also be referred to as public com-
munication. The communication is often planned and
carefully composed as a speech or presentation. Public speaking is generally more
formal than impromptu speaking or group discussions.

Nonverbal Communication
People with good soft skills are able to control their nonverbal communication
to coincide with and complement their messages. Nonverbal communication
is any action, behavior, or attitude that sends a message to the receiver. It
includes body language, eye contact, touch, personal space, and paralanguage.
It is often used in conjunction with verbal communication. Nonverbal commu-
nication can be so strong that it overwhelms the verbal message. For example, if
someone stops by your office to talk and you say you are not busy, but you keep
scrolling through your mailbox, your body language sends a message implying
you are busy.
Some nonverbal messages are subtle. For example, jingling keys or coins in
your pockets during a conversation is distracting and can suggest that you are
bored with or uninterested in the conversation. Other messages involve behavior
that sends loud messages in spite of what you might say. For example, if you visit a
client's office and leave your coat on while standing near the door, the client is going
to receive the message that you are in a hurry to leave.
As with any communication, nonverbal messages must be considered in the
context in which they occur. For example, a smile can mean a person finds your
statement funny or it could mean he or she does not believe you. Context is used to
determine what the nonverbal message actually means.

Body Language
Body language is nonverbal messages sent through gestures, facial expressions,
and posture. If you smile, sneer, raise an eyebrow, shrug your shoulders, nod your
head, cross your arms, or clench your teeth, you are communicating a message just
as if you were talking. The receiver picks up on these cues, and the cues become an
important part of your message. This is why being aware of body language is an
essential professional skill. In a workplace environment, you must be aware of the
nonverbal messages you send and receive. Otherwise, you run the risk of sending
the wrong message or feedback.

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Chapter? Verbal and Nonverbal Communication 57

Eye Contact
In every culture, eye contact is an important form of nonverbal communication.
In American culture, appropriate eye contact means looking directly at the other
person, but not staring too intensely, while engaged in conversation. Staring may
make the other person uncomfortable. In some cultures, however, it may be consid-
ered rude to make eye contact when speaking or listening.
Most people have a natural tendency to look directly at the person with whom
they are engaged in conversation. What if someone approaches you while you are
in the middle of doing something, such as dialing a telephone or reading an e-mail?
If you do not stop what you are doing and make eye contact, you are saying, “Please
go away; I'm too busy to talk to you now.”
A distracted listener may allow his or her eyes to roam the room, not realizing
that the speaker interprets the wandering eyes as disinterest or disdain. Being more
aware of your own body language is the only way to prevent these kinds of unin-
tended messages.

Touch is another form of nonverbal communication that sends strong messages.
Haplics communication is nonverbal communication that occurs through touch.
Historically, the only appropriate physical contact in the workplace was a firm hand-
shake. However, COVID-19 influenced the way in which people perceived handshaking.
In 2020, COVID-19 changed how we view personal contact with others, and social
distancing became the norm. According to the Center for Disease Center Control and
Prevention, social distancing, also called “physical distancing,” means keeping six feet
of space between yourself and other people outside of your home. At that time, it was
recommended that everyone refrain from handshaking. Figure 7-2 illustrates gener-
ally accepted social distancing guidelines.
In the workplace, physical contact must be Figure 7-2 Personal space is the physical space between two
individuals, and social distancing dictates a minimum of six feet of
within the boundaries of professional and societal
space between yourself and other people.
appropriateness. These boundaries vary, depending
on the nature of the business, the culture in which it Social Distancing Guidelines
operates, and social norms at the time. For example,
a dentist must touch your face in order to complete
an examination. However, if you were working in an
office and somebody touched your face, you would
likely be upset, if not offended. In general, avoid par-
ticipating in physical contact with coworkers that is
unessential to performing your job duties.

Personal Space
Personal space is the physical space between two
individuals. How you identify your personal space and
6-10 feet for coworkers
the judgment you apply to the space of others varies
depending on your social upbringing and community
The reaction of the person with whom you are > 6 feet for strangers
conversing can be affected by how close you stand
or sit to him or her. The personal-space boundary is > 12 feet for speaking to
difficult to notice, but becomes apparent when some- a large group
one violates it. Social distancing is important when
defining a person's physical space. Goodheart-Willcox Publisher

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58 Soft Skills for the Workplace

Paralanguage is the attitude projected with the tone and pitch of a person's voice.
It is communication separate from language. It is reflected in speech as a sharp or
soft tone, raising or lowering of the voice, speaking quickly or slowly, and the gen-
eral quality of the voice. Paralanguage is nonverbal communication that reflects
an individual's true attitude, so it is important to be aware of it. When the content
of your message is contradicted by the attitude with which you are communicat-
ing, your message will be received accordingly. If you say you are not angry, but
you raise your voice, the receiver will know you really are angry.
Whenever you are speaking. remember that the tone, pitch, quality of voice,
and rate of speaking convey emotions that will be assessed by the receiver, regard-
less of the message's content. The voice is not just a vehicle for the message; it is
part of the message. A good communicator is sensitive to the influence of paralan-
guage on the interpretation of the message by the receiver. When your voice com-
plements the message, there is a greater chance that your words will be received
as you intended.

Case Study
Verbal Communication
Verbal communication is speaking words to communicate and words are the
tools. Jill Abramson, former executive editor of the New York Times, learned the
meaning of this the hard way when she was abruptly fired from her position for,
among other things, her abrasive and mercurial method of managing. According
to NYT publisher Arthur Sulzberger, he heard from her team “about a series
of issues, including arbitrary decision-making, a failure to consult and bring
Public Domain colleagues with her, inadequate communication and the public mistreatment of
colleagues.” When Sulzberger went to Abramson with his concerns, she agreed to
work on her problems; however, she had “lost the support of her masthead colleagues and could not win it back.” She
was a talented written communicator, but without proper verbal communication skills, she was unable to successfully
lead her team. As a manager, she lacked open and clear communication creating mistrust and disorganization in the
newsroom. Abramson’s absence of soft skills resulted in dismissal from her job.
1. Appropriate verbal communication demands that the correct words are used for the situation. What does it
mean to select the correct words when speaking with a coworker or employee?

2. There is a phrase that says “itis not what you say but how you say it.’ What do you think this phrase means?

3. Why are proper verbal communication skills necessary for those in management?

4. Write a paragraph on your thoughts of the importance of verbal communication in the workplace. ~

_ es

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Chapter 7 Verbal and Nonverbal Communication

* (LO 7-1) Explain verbal communication.
Verbal communication is speaking words to communicate. It allows information to be shared,
requests to be made, direction to be given, and persuasion to be applied when action is
needed, all without having to write down the messages.
* (LO 7-2) List examples of nonverbal communication.
Nonverbal communication can be demonstrated through any action, behavior, or attitude
that sends a message to the receiver. It includes body language, attention to personal space,
behavior, and attitude.

body language nonverbal communication
enunciation paralanguage
group discussion pitch
impromptu speaking public speaking
intonation verbal communication process

1. Define verbal communication and the verbal communication process.

2. In what way are words the tools of verbal communication?

3. List examples of speaking situations that an individual might encounter in the workplace.

4. Describe nonverbal communication.

5. How cana person demonstrate nonverbal communication?

Copyright Goodheart-Willcox Co., Inc.

Soft Skills for the Workplace

You participate in verbal communication on a daily basis. However, the verbal
communication process often breaks down for one reason or another. Identify situations
you have encountered in a business conversation that involved misunderstandings of the

Describe a situation in which the tone of your voice did not match your message. Describe
how your audience responded.

3. Read the negative messages that follow. Rewrite each message with a positive tone.
A. Iwas not able to make my presentation because the equipment was broken.

B. My boss did not tell me that the project was due by Friday.

C. The training program did not provide me with that material.

D, The transit cost for our clients is too high.

Most everyone has words that prove challenging to enunciate or pronounce. Identify words
with which you have problems pronouncing or enunciating.

Three speaking situations you may encounter in the workplace are impromptu speaking,
group discussion, and public speaking. Identify the speaking situation that is the most
comfortable and least comfortable for you. Explain why.

Recall a time when a person's nonverbal communication made a negative impression on you.
Describe the situation and identify if it was body language, eye contact, invasion of personal
space, or other nonverbal actions. Explain why you were uncomfortable with the encounter.

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Chapter 7 Verbal and Nonverbal Communication

7. Some people are more comfortable with eye contact than others. Describe a situation in
which you spoke with someone who made little-to-no eye contact with you. Note how the
lack of eye contact affected the conversation and why you think the person may not have
been making eye contact.

8. What forms of physical contact from a coworker are acceptable? What forms of physical
contact are unacceptable?

9. Explain the boundaries you have established for your personal space.

10. Describe a situation in which you were talking with someone and the verbal message didn't
match the person's behavior.

Nonverbal Communication. It is inevitable that someday in your professional career you will
work with a person who is a native of another country. Select a country other than the United
States and conduct an Internet search for the accepted nonverbal communication in that culture.
How do they interpret eye contact and personal space?

Visit the G-W Learning companion website at to access
and complete the following soft skills practice activities:
Activity §87-1 Tone. Tone is an impression of the overall content of a message and can affect the
meaning of a message as well as the reaction to it. Open the $$7-1 file, and rewrite the negative
statements to create statements with a positive tone.
Activity 887-2 Nonverbal Communication. Nonverbal communication can be so strong that it
overwhelms the verbal message. Open the $$7-2 file, and translate what specific nonverbal actions
imply to a person with whom you are having a conversation,

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8 Speaking Skills

Kosim Shukurov/


Visit the G-W Learning companion website to view a video about soft skills. The video is
available at

On completion of this chapter, prepare to:

8-1 Demonstrate how to make introductions in a professional situation.

8-2 Explain protocol for handling business telephone calls.

8-3 Describe how to conduct a formal meeting.

62 Copyright Goodheart-Willcox Co., Inc.

Chapter8 Speaking Skills 63

Introductions Shaking hands is no longer acceptable under

social distancing guidelines. When meeting a
At some point in your personal and professional life, you will be called persch, makeeye contact and siile:
on to make introductions. An introduction is making a person known
to someone else by sharing the person’s name and other relevant infor-
mation. You may have to introduce coworkers, managers, or customers
to each other. A proper introduction can create a positive first impres-
sion, and a negative impression can be created if protocol is not followed.
When making professional introductions, the sitiation might be infor-
mal, but the /anguwage should always be formal and appropriate for the

Introducing Yourself
In both social and professional settings, there will be occasions to intro-
duce yourself to a person you have just met. Introducing yourself exhibits
friendliness and confidence. In a professional setting, proper etiquette
is to tell the person your full name and your role in the company. For
example, a person might introduce herself by saying, “Hello, my name is
Madison Gomez; I am a multimedia artist for XYZ Company.”
If the person is in rank above you, use professional protocol. Using
a title like “Mr.” or “Ms.” or “Mrs.” may be appropriate. When the other
party gives his or her name, repeat the person’s name as you greet him
or her. “It is great to meet you, Mr. Alexander,” is a polite way to respond
when being introduced to someone in a professional situation. Saying
a person’s name after being introduced will help you remember it.
Remembering a person's name is important to career success. A person generally
responds well to the use of his or her name.
Always stand when introducing yourself or introducing others. Make eye con-
tact and smile at the other person or persons and exhibit proper body language as
appropriate for the situation. Under normal circumstances, an introduction would
be an appropriate time for a firm handshake, but under social distancing regula-
tions, a handshake is not acceptable. Professional etiquette has changed and will
continue to evolve. Always refer to social distancing guidelines when in social and
professional situations.
When you approach someone you may have met before but do not know
well, introduce yourself again. This saves embarrassment for all parties if
names have been forgotten. Doing so puts everyone at ease and shows you are
a professional.

Introducing Others
When introducing two people to each other, clearly say each person's full name.
Professional protocol is to introduce the lower-ranking person to the higher-rank-
ing person. If you are introducing a new intern to an executive, you would say: “Tyler,
this is Ms. Anita Ogawa, vice president. Anita, this is Tyler Lombard. Tyler is work-
ing as our marketing intern this summer.”
Try to offer more information to help the two people easily make conversation.
For example, you might say: “Clark Morgan, I would like to introduce you to Olivia
Price, Olivia is a set designer for the local theater. She has a great idea about how we
can improve our merchandise displays.”

Introducing Speakers
On occasion, you may make a formal introduction for a person who is the speaker
at an event. If you are introducing another person as a speaker, request information

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64 Soft Skills for the Workplace

about the person in advance. Use the information to develop your introduction.
Select information from the speaker's notes that will complement the presenta-
tion to be made. Write the points that you wish to express on an index card so
that you do not forget to include them. Be specific with what you convey to the
audience. For example, you might say what city the person is from or where he or
she went to college.
Conversely, you could be the speaker and required to make your own introduc-
tion. If you are introducing yourself, give a brief background of who you are and why
you are making a presentation. Keep it short, but interesting. This time should not
be used as a bragging session.
These types of introductions may require you to approach a stage and use a
microphone. As a professional, you should remain calm, project your voice, and show
enthusiasm. However, many individuals become nervous when called on a stage to
make introductions using a microphone. If these traits do not come to you naturally,

Case Study
Making a proper introduction of a speaker or guest sets the tone for a
meeting and creates credibility. The person making an introduction must be
prepared to pronounce the speaker's name to avoid embarrassment of both
parties. John Travolta is famous for his acting talent, but he was temporarily
infamous for mispronouncing Idina Menzel’s name at the Oscars. Much to
his dismay, Travolta introduced her as Adele Dazeem—far from the correct
taniavolobueva/ pronunciation of her name. He later commented that the name on the cue
card reflected a phonetic spelling of her name, and he was not prepared
to pronounce the name as it was written. So why the error? Maybe he did not practice before going on stage.
Regardless, Menzel took it well and later said she had no hard feelings towards Travolta. Lesson learned—avoid a
potential embarrassing moment by practicing beforehand to ensure a mispronunciation is avoided.
Practicing the pronunciation of a quest speaker is important to avoid embarrassment for all parties involved.
What are some ways a person can avoid making an error when introducing a speaker?

When making an introduction of a speaker, it is important to stay calm. What are ways in which the person
making the introduction can be prepared and stay calm when on stage?

Recall a time you introduced someone to an audience or a small group of people. How did you prepare for
the introduction?

When a guest speaker is finished talking, the person who made the introduction should approach the stage
and thank the person. What should be said to conclude the presentation?

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Chapter 8 Speaking Skills 65

consider taking a workshop to help develop them. If a workshop is not When making an introduction from a stage,
practical, practice speaking in front of friends or family and solicit feed- remain calm, project your voice, and show
back from them. Repeated practice will help you build confidence. enthusiasm.

Telephone Calls
Telephone calls are an essential part of communication in the work-
place, Whether you are placing or receiving a telephone call, remember
that you are representing your company. It is important to learn the
guidelines and etiquette that your organization has in place for using
the telephone.
Telephone etiquette is using good manners when speaking on the
telephone. Always be courteous to the person on the other end of the
call. Be aware of the volume and tone of your voice. Smile when you are
talking on the phone; it will make your voice sound more pleasant.
Acaller should only be placed on speaker if the phone call requires it.
Using speakers on a call can be annoying as they can create an echo that
alters the caller's voice and distracts the person on the other end. A speaker
should be reserved for conference calls that involve multiple participants.
Callers should not be placed on hold unless absolutely necessary.
Being placed on hold is offensive to the person on the other end. If the lightp oe t/
situation requires that a call be placed on hold, explain why you are
leaving the conversation and that you will return as quickly as possible.
Telephone etiquette includes returning phone calls promptly. When someone
calls and requests a return call, do so as soon as possible. Industry standard is to fol-
low up within 24 hours after the request has been received. Failing to return a call
implies the caller is not important. This could cost your business a customer and
potential sales.

Receiving Telephone Calls

As an employee, you will receive calls from colleagues and customers. Try to pick up
the telephone on the first or second ring. It is important to identify yourself when
you answer the phone. The protocol for answering a phone call varies from company
to company, but you might say the name of the company first and then your own
name. For example, your greeting may be, “Good afternoon, Horton and Associates,
Celeste Burrell speaking.”
After the caller identifies himself or herself, use the person’s name during the
course of the conversation. This helps make a personal connection with the caller
and can also help you remember the person’s name.
If you are working in customer service, you will receive training on how to
interact with customers. Most businesses have a script to follow if you are receiv-
ing phone calls from a customer. The script can guide you in conducting a produc-
tive conversation and help you to follow the expected company protocol. However,
remember the old adage, “the customer is always right.” A customer who calls to
complain should not be answered with an excuse or argument. Empathy should be
demonstrated and an apology made to the customer for the inconvenience. Then
ways to resolve the issue should be explored.
It will be necessary to record a voice mail greeting for those times when you
cannot answer a call. Your voice mail greeting might be the first impression the
caller will have of you and the business. This first impression will set the tone for all
future conversations.

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66 Soft Skills for the Workplace

When recording your voice mail greeting, speak clearly with a positive, pleasant
attitude. Your employer will likely have guidelines for recording the greeting stored
in your company voice mail. State the company name, your name, and a specific
message that lets the caller know when he or she can expect a return call. If you will
be out of the office for that business day, include your return date in the message.
The caller should be aware that you are unable to return the call immediately in the
event that the call needs immediate attention. If your position requires immediate
assistance for a customer, indicate the person and contact information for who the
customer should call in your absence.

Placing Telephone Calls

As an employee, you will make calls on behalf of the company. These calls can be to
customers or other people with whom you will conduct business. When you place
the call and the telephone is answered, identify yourself. State your name, job title,
and company. If the person who answers the phone is the person with whom you
need to speak, state the reason you are calling. If you need to ask to be connected to
another individual, identify the name of that person and thank the person to whom
you are talking for his or her assistance.
Placing telephone calls for business purposes is a common task for most
employees. You can improve your effectiveness and the productivity of a telephone
call by planning before placing it. Any time you have a number of issues to discuss,
questions to ask, or items of information to provide, develop a list ahead of time.
Written notes will help you clearly express yourself and stay organized. They will
also help you remember everything you intend to cover during the call. The goal is
to be friendly and achieve your purpose in an efficient amount of time. Guidelines
for making telephone calls are shown in Figure 8-1.

Leaving Voice Mail Messages

The ability to use voice mail in a professional manner is a valuable skill. When leav-
ing a voice mail, speak slowly and clearly. State your name, job title, company, and
phone number. It is important to keep the message brief and specify when you will
be available for the person to return your call. It can be helpful to the receiver if you
conclude the message by repeating your name and phone number as a closing.
Before you place a call, think about what you will say if you reach the person's
voice mail. Determine how much you need to explain about the purpose of the call.
Also, plan what you will ask the person to do. If you want the call returned, specify

Figure 8-1 Telephone etiquette is using good manners when speaking on the telephone.

Making Telephone Calls

e Prepare notes to use for the call.
ef the call will be lengthy, make an appointment in advance,
« When the telephone is answered, state your name, job title, and company.
© Speak clearly and in a normal tone of voice.
* Avoid using the speaker unless other people are in the room with you.
e Atthe end of the call, summarize any important points or decisions.
© If follow-up action is required, summarize what each person will do and when.
e Thank the person you called for his or her time, information, or assistance.

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Chapter 8 Speaking Skills 67

a time you will be available. The guidelines in Figure 8-2 will help you Figure 8-2 Following the guidelines in
prepare to leave a voice mail message. this chart will result in a professional voice
mail message.

Leading a Meeting Leaving Voice Mail Messages

Speak clearly and at a pace that can
Meetings are the primary way people come together in an organized .
be easily understood.
fashion to discuss topics and issues. Some meetings may be informal
in which members meet for a short time to casually discuss a topic. State your name, company, your
position or department, and your
Generally, these meetings do not have rigid protocol that must be fol-
telephone number.
lowed. However, there are times when formal meetings are necessary and
should be conducted in an organized manner following proper etiquette. If your name is unfamiliar or difficult
to understand, clearly spell it.
Formal Meetings . Leave a brief message stating
the purpose of the call and when
Parliamentary procedure is a process for holding meetings so that you will be available to receive a
they are orderly and democratic. Applying the procedures dictated by return call.
Robert's Rules of Order is an effective way to conduct a formal meeting.
If your call is urgent, say when you
Formal meetings require an agenda and someone to officially need a response.
lead the meeting. The agenda should be distributed prior to the meet-
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ing. Attendees are expected to read the agenda and be prepared before
the meeting begins.
The leader should begin the meeting on time and end it on time.
Likewise, everybody attending should be present and ready at the established start
time. Everyone's time is valuable, and there is no fashionably late option in profes-
sional situations.
It is sometimes a challenge to keep attendees on topic and to stick with the
agenda. If important items come up that are not on the agenda, a separate meeting
should be organized in the future for those topics.
If necessary, the leader should review ground rules before the meeting starts.
Examples of meeting rules are:
® Participants should only speak when they dave the floor, which means they
have been given a turn to speak.
e Phones should be turned off and never placed on the desk or table.
e Laptops should not be used for checking e-mail while the meeting is in progress.
If a meeting is planned to be lengthy, a break should be given every two hours.
This helps keep the meeting orderly, Other guidelines for conducting an effective
meeting are shown in Figure 8-3.
Some meetings may include a virtual component for participants not in the
same location. These types of meetings are often called remote meetings. The

Figure 8-3 The guidelines in this table can help a person conduct an effective meeting.

Before the Meeting During the Meeting After the Meeting

« Identify meeting purpose « Adhere to parliamentary procedure e Review notes

e Select participants e Follow the agenda e Send meeting notes to participants
e Reserve room and time e Lead conversation
e Send meeting invitation « Respect others’ time
e Prepare agenda « End meeting on time
« Send agenda to all participants
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68 Soft Skills for the Workplace

same rules of conducting a meeting should be followed when remote attendees

are invited.
However, there are some nuances that should be considered when off-site
participants are included. When setting a date and time, it is necessary to know
which time zone the remote attendees are in so that the meeting is held during
reasonable hours. A call-in number or website URL will need to be provided to
those individuals who are off-site. This information should be sent to the remote
attendees as early as possible so they can test their equipment and be prepared
before the meeting begins.
If using real-time video conferencing, such as Skype, a dependable Internet
connection is necessary. Specific software and equipment will be required and
should be installed and tested before the meeting begins. If a meeting is conducted
using a web-seminar site, such as GoTo Meeting, similar guidelines apply.
When the meeting begins, the leader should request permission from the
participants to put them on speaker. Next, the leader should acknowledge those
calling or logging in and make introductions. If appropriate, individuals can
introduce themselves if there are not too many people in attendance for per-
sonal responses.
For those who are attending remotely, it is polite to put the phone on mute until
ready to contribute to the conversations. It is impolite to be multitasking when a
meeting is in progress rather than paying attention to what is transpiring in the

Body Language
Effective communicators control their body language to coincide with and
complement their messages. When leading a meeting or speaking in front of a
group, pay attention to your body language.
It is important to make eye contact with the audience. It adds a personal touch
and makes the audience feel connected to you. As you begin to speak, make eye
contact with someone in front, then someone to the left, someone to the right, and
so on. This engages the audience and makes them feel as if you are talking directly
to each person. Eye contact is one of the best ways of establishing a rapport with the
Any movements outside of normal hand gestures, facial expressions, and
motioning toward your visuals could distract the audience. Do not play with mate-
rials, such as a pen, your papers, or a pointer. Avoid tapping the podium or walking
around a great deal that will distract the audience from the message.
You should stand upright, and avoid slouching. Slouching is distracting, and
good posture heightens your professionalism and can add to your confidence as a
speaker. Unless the topic is serious, display a friendly, at-ease smile as you introduce
your topic. Show enthusiasm for what you have to say as it is likely to be contagious.
The audience is more likely to be receptive to a message when the speaker shows
interest and confidence.

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Chapter8 Speaking Skills

e (LO 8-1) Demonstrate how to make introductions in a professional situation.
Proper etiquette should be followed when making introductions, including using formal
and appropriate language in every situation. If a person is introducing himself or herself,
then the person's full name and position should be mentioned. If introducing other people,
it is customary to say each person's full name and information to help the two people make
conversation. When introducing a speaker, information about the person should be requested
in advance to develop the introduction.
(LO 8-2) Explain protocol for handling business telephone calls.
Telephone calls are an important part of communication in the workplace. When representing
a business, proper telephone etiquette should be followed when placing a call, answering a
call, or leaving voice messages.
(LO 8-3) Describe how to conduct a formal meeting.
When conducting a formal business meeting, parliamentary procedure should be observed
to maintain order, An agenda should be established and distributed to attendees prior to the
meeting, and the meeting should begin and end on time.

introduction parliamentary procedure

Demonstrate how to make introductions in a professional setting.

Explain proper protocol for introducing two people who have not previously met.

Describe how to prepare an introduction to be used for a speaker at a formal event.

Explain protocol for handling business telephone calls.

Describe how to conduct a formal meeting,

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Soft Skills for the Workplace

Throughout your life, you have probably been introduced to more people than you can
remember. Improper introductions, however, tend to linger in our memories. Recall a time
you were introduced to someone by a person who did not use proper etiquette. Describe the

It is customary when giving a speech to introduce yourself, as well as provide some

background as to who you are. Write a one-paragraph introduction for yourself that you
would use if you were to make a speech at a professional organization to which you belong.

You have been invited to introduce the CEO of your company at a formal presentation
to members of the community. You will step to the podium and make the introduction
using a microphone. Explain how professional etiquette will influence how you make the

Write a script for the receptionist for your company or school to use when answering the
phone that applies appropriate telephone etiquette. Practice reading the message aloud until
it has an appropriate professional tone.

The voice mail greeting for your personal telephone should reflect your professional image.
As an adult in a working environment, there is the potential that an important business
call could arrive on your personal phone, An inappropriate voice mail message could send
the wrong message to an important caller and cost you an employment or other business
opportunity. Write a script you would use for creating your voice mail greeting.

We all spend a lot of time on the phone. If you are a part of a remote or conference call, it
is sometimes necessary to use a speaker. Outside of a conference call, cite reasons that are
appropriate to place or be placed on speaker during a phone call.

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Chapter8 Speaking Skills

7. More than likely, you have called a business and received an automated message informing
you that the call may be monitored or recorded. Explain why a business would announce the
fact they were recording a call and the reasons a business would record a customer call.

8. Most people will lead a meeting at some point in their careers. Reflect on meetings you have
attended. Identify the day of the week that you think is most effective for a meeting and the
time of day that people are most attentive. List specific actions you can take as a leader to
make sure the room is conducive to the purposes of the meeting.

9. Time is important to everyone, especially in the workplace. Recall a meeting in which you
participated that was either a waste of time or poorly led. Describe what happened.

10. There may be an occasion when you will participate as a caller in a remote meeting. Make a
list of actions the leader of the meeting could take to help prepare you before the event begins.

Handshake Protocol. The corona virus pandemic in 2020 changed the way we interact socially
and professionally. Social distancing required that we refrain from handshaking. Research
professional greetings and write a paragraph about handshaking in the current workplace

Visit the G-W Learning companion website at to access
and complete the following soft skills practice activities:
Activity $S8-1 Introductions, Proper protocol should be used when introducing coworkers,
managers, or customers to each other. Open the SS8-1 file, and describe the protocol for making
Activity $88-2 Parliamentary Procedure. Conducting a meeting is an important skill for
the workplace. Open the $88-2 file, and assess your knowledge of parliamentary procedure
terms and phrases.

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New Africa/


Visit the G-W Learning companion website to view a video about soft skills. The video is
available at

On completion of this chapter, prepare to:

9-1 Explain the listening process.

9-2 Define purposeful listening.

9-3 Describe how to prepare to listen in a formal meeting.

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Chapter9 Listening Skills 73

Listening is an intellectual process that

Listening Process combines hearing with evaluating.
Many people take listening for granted. However, there is no question
that listening is a critical soft skill for career success. Routine busi-
ness situations require that you listen carefully and evaluate what you
hear. Actively listening to a supervisor or client can make the difference
between successful and unsuccessful performance at work.
Hearing is the physical process of sound waves reaching a
person's ears, which send signals to his or her brain. Listening is
an intellectual process that combines hearing with evaluating. Just
because you can hear a person speak does not mean you are listening
to what is said. When you J/isten, you make an effort to process what
you hear. To process what you hear, it is necessary to understand why
the person is speaking, relate what you already know, and show atten-
tion. Effective listening is achieved by using the /istening process. The
listening process consists of the following steps, shown in Figure 9-1.
e Receive. Stop talking, focus on the sender, and hear the message.
e Decode. Assign meaning to words and sounds so the message can
be understood.
« Remember. Take time to remember what is being said so the
information can be used.
e Evaluate. Apply critical thinking skills to evaluate what was said.
® Respond. Give feedback to show the message was received. oneinchpunch/

Types of Listening
Following the steps in the listening process can improve your listening skills. There
are two types of listening: passive listening and active listening,
Passive listening is casually listening to someone talk. You may or may not
hear everything that is said, and you are not actively trying to understand. When
you watch a movie, you are a passive listener. Passive listening is appropriate when
you do not need to interact with the person speaking. Passive listeners are more
interested in hearing and less interested in listening.
Active listening is fully participating as you process what a person says. It is used
to get information, respond to requests, receive instructions, and evaluate persuasive
speech. Active listeners consider the purpose of what is being said and show attention
through body language and words. They know when to take notes, follow directions,
comment, or remain quiet. Active listening is a required soft skill in the workplace.
There are several types of active listening, as shown in Figure 9-2. Each type serves a
specific purpose. You may engage in more than one type of active listening at a time.

Figure 9-1 Effective listening is achieved by using the listening process.

Listening Process

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74 Soft Skills for the Workplace

Show You are Listening

When someone is speaking, it is necessary to show attention. The following are
some key ways to show you are listening:
e Face the speaker and give your full attention.
® Let the person finish speaking before you contribute to the conversation.
e Engage in eye contact to signal that you are focused. Avoid staring, which can
be intimidating and distracting.
e Lean toward the speaker to indicate you are paying attention.
* Be appropriately responsive. Smile or laugh at a joke and frown at bad news.
*® Nod your head when you understand a point. If you are puzzled by something,
let the speaker know by furrowing your brow or asking a question.
Be mindful that the speaker will be evaluating your body language. Nonverbal
cues, such as roving eyes and inappropriate facial expressions, can communicate
indifference and may even be considered rude.

Listen with Purpose

When you speak, you have a purpose or reason for delivering the message. Likewise,
when you listen, you are listening to someone who has a purpose or reason for deliv-
ering the message. Your job as a listener starts by recognizing the purpose of the
person speaking. It is necessary to concentrate on what the speaker is saying, and if
necessary, take notes on what is being said.
Your purpose for listening varies depending on whether you are listening in a
one-on-one conversation, in a group discussion, or as a member of a large audience.
You will be a more effective listener if you can identify your purpose and adapt your
listening behavior accordingly.

Figure 9-2 Active listening is fully participating as you process what a person says.

Appreciative listening Appreciative listening is the process of listening for enjoyment. Listening to music is an example of
appreciative listening.

Critical listening Critical listening occurs when specific information or instructions are needed. For example, a computer
technician must use critical listening to determine a customer's problems and needs.

Deliberative listening Deliberative listening is the process of determining the quality or validity of what is being said. For
example, if a salesperson tells you that by purchasing a piece of equipment you will save thousands of
dollars each year, you must evaluate this statement to determine if it is valid.

Empathetic listening Empathetic listening occurs when the listener attempts to put himself or herself in the speaker's place
and understand how he or she feels. Customer service representatives often use empathetic listening to
understand why a customer is upset. By understanding the issue, the customer service representative
may be better able to assist the customer.

Reflective listening Reflective listening occurs when the listener demonstrates an understanding of the message by
restating what was said. The listener does not try to change the meaning of the message, but may
paraphrase to show understanding. All active listening involves reflective listening.
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Chapter9 Listening Skills 75

Listen for Specific Information The purpose for listening varies depending on the type of
If you must listen for a great deal of data, prepare in advance
whenever possible, and find out as much as you can about the
topic. Having this prior knowledge will give you something
to which you can relate your new knowledge. Before you go
to a meeting, attend a conference, or make a telephone call,
decide what information you hope to gain. Bring a catalog,
report, budget, or any materials that will be discussed.
When someone is responding to your question or
request for specific information, listen carefully. In some
cases, a response can be very long, or the person may use lan-
guage that is not clear. Make sure you understand all parts
of the response and its details. Ask questions to clarify any
points that are confusing. Rido/

Listen to Instructions
When others are instructing you, help them out by actively
listening to what they are saying, If you are meeting with an individual or in a group
where directions are being given, ask questions and make comments to clarify and
confirm the information discussed. If necessary, politely ask the person who is
speaking to slow down or repeat a point. As you listen, try to anticipate your future
needs. Will you need additional information after the meeting? Find out when and
where you can get help if a problem should arise and make note of it.
When possible, give feedback to the speaker to show you understand the
information that is being presented. Sometimes, simply making eye contact
tells the person you are listening. If there is an opportunity to give comments
or ask questions, do so. Your feedback will be appreciated by the person deliv-
ering the information.
Make sure you have all of the information before leaving the meeting, and write
a brief summary of the information you learned. Summarizing is an active listening
technique that can help to ensure you remember the important information. When
you summarize, you write or think through all of the main points you just heard.

Listen to Requests
Requests come in all shapes and sizes. Some are simple and need only a brief
response. Others can be tedious and time-consuming. In many cases, your first
decision must be whether you can or should accomplish whatever is being asked.
Your second decision may be whether you can do so in the allotted time. When you
receive a request, consider the following:
e« Determine whether the request is one of your assigned job tasks.
e Listen to be sure you understand the request.
e Ask follow-up questions to clarify complex issues.
e Make comments that summarize what you are to do.
e Avoid relying on your memory. Take notes, especially for numbers, dates, and
other details.

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76 Soft Skills for the Workplace

Listen to Persuasive Talk

When someone is trying to persuade you, that person has a purpose: to influence
your attitude or behavior. When you know what he or she wants, you will be better
able to analyze what is being said. When you recognize persuasive talk, determine
the purpose of being persuaded by asking yourself the following questions:
e What does the speaker have to gain?
¢ Whom does he or she represent?
e What does he or she want me to do or believe?
e What are the pros and cons of this issue?
When a person is trying to persuade you, he or she attempts to predict your
objections and argue against them in advance. Avoid the mistake of being a pas-
sive listener. Recognize that effective persuasive talk is carefully prepared and is
adjusted to obtain the desired results. As a listener, you should prepare to analyze
incoming information. Take into consideration the purpose of the persuasive talk as
well as your own needs and motivations.

Case Study ——

Empathetic Listening
Empathetic listening is an important soft skill for all professionals in the workplace,
regardless of the industry in which they are a part. Singer Jon Bon Jovi is an example
of a seasoned professional who exemplifies empathetic listening skills and takes
action when appropriate. Jon Bon Jovi and his wife Dorothea Hurley listened, and
responded, to their New Jersey community’s lack of a place that would serve free
food for those who need it. According to Hurley, “Hunger doesn't look like what
JStone/ your mind's eye might imagine...and | think that was eye-opening for a lot of the
community.” In response to meeting community needs, Jon Bon Jovi helped create & 3
the Soul Foundation to “break the cycle of poverty, hunger, and homelessness.” One of his projects is the JBJ Soul Kitchen "

where diners who can afford it are asked to make a donation to cover their meal and someone else's. For those who can't a
afford a donation, an hour of work at the restaurant will pay for it. In addition to lending a sympathetic ear, the couple
gave back something valuable to their community, demonstrating the skills of social responsibility.
1. Empathy and sympathy, even though they sound the same, are different. By starting the JBJ Soul Kitchen, how
did Bon Jovi show empathy rather than sympathy?

~~ 2. Write a paragraph on the importance of empathy for others.

3. What characteristics do you think a person should possess in order to be a good listener?

4. Apply the steps of the listening process and summarize each step that Bon Jovi may have taken to reach his
conclusion that the community needed assistance. ~
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Chapter 9 Listening Skills 77

Formal Meetings
Formal situations require extra listening effort. Interviewing for a job, meeting with a
manager, and sharing a business lunch with clients are situations that require special
attention. You must be prepared and ready to interact with the other parties involved.
This interaction will include listening, as well as sharing information verbally.
However, if you are attending a formal presentation, your primary purpose is
to listen and pay attention. You can prepare to listen by arriving early, sitting in the
front, taking notes, fighting barriers, and providing feedback.

Arrive Early
Arriving early is not merely a courtesy to the speaker and other meeting partici-
pants, but it is also an aid to your listening. By arriving early, you have time to settle
in, familiarize yourself with your surroundings, and greet people you know.
The beginning and end of any speaking event are often crucial. Speakers typi-
cally introduce and summarize main points both at the beginning and the end. By
missing the first few minutes of a presentation, you cannot benefit from the speak-
er’s attempt to focus the discussion and introduce main ideas. Arriving late is dis-
ruptive and disrespectful to others in the audience.

Sit in the Front

The front of the room usually provides fewer distractions. You are less likely to be dis-
turbed by the people sitting between you and the speaker. From the front, you can
hear the speaker better and see any visuals presented with less effort. By sitting in the
front of the room, you will be able to participate more easily in the listening process.

Take Notes
Effective note-taking requires careful, active listening. Write down the speaker's
points that are meaningful to your purpose for listening. You must not only hear
what is said, but also comprehend, evaluate, and translate or summarize the infor-
mation. Then, determine if the information is important enough to write down. If it
is, you must quickly record it. Continue listening unless the speaker stops while you
write. Remember that note-taking is not a substitute for active listening. Suggestions
for taking efficient notes are shown in Figure 9-3.

Figure 9-3 Taking notes is one way to demonstrate active listening.

Taking Good Notes

e Be selective. Write down only what is important or what you may not remember.
e Organize your notes as you write, if possible. Let the format of your notes
correspond to the speaker's message.
¢ Use abbreviations and symbols. If the notes are for you only, cut as many corners as
you like as long as the notes remain useful.
¢ Avoid noting information that appears in a handout. Highlight or put a check mark in the
margin of the handout to remind yourself of key points.
e Write down the main point of a visual aid. If it contains data you need later, write
down the source or ask the speaker afterward for a copy of the visual.
¢ Often speakers summarize the most important points in the closing. This is a good
time to be listening carefully with pen ready, if necessary.

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78 Soft Skills for the Workplace

It is important to write down the things you must do following a discussion or

meeting. Relying on memory is not a good idea. Carefully listen for any instructions,
whether directly stated or implied, and write them down. You will often leave meetings
with many things on your mind, some of which you will forget if you do not take notes.

Fight Barriers
Good listeners fight external distractions and barriers so they can give all of their
attention to the task of listening. Be aware of the barriers, both internal and exter-
nal, that might interfere with good listening. Concentration helps to keep internal
distractions, which are created by one’s own mind, in check. There are several strat-
egies to fight barriers to listening.
e Be attentive, Attentive listeners become involved in what the speaker is saying.
Inattentive listeners become distracted because they are bored or are multi-
tasking. Turn off your digital devices. Follow along with the speaker. Resist the
temptation to daydream.
e Be flexible. Flexible listeners are open to new ideas. Inflexible listeners refuse to
listen to a speaker who has said or implied something they disagree with. They
tune out the speaker and are not interested in learning.
© Be unbiased. Unbiased listeners do not make judgments. Being biased inter-
feres with your ability to listen. Choose not to decide in advance whether or not
a speaker is credible or deserves your attention.
e Be empathetic. To empathize with the speaker is to put yourself in his or her
shoes. Imagine how you would feel as the speaker.

Provide Feedback
When possible, provide feedback to the speaker by asking questions and making com-
ments. Be aware that the tone of questions and comments can influence the communica-
tion process. Friendly questions that ask for clarification or further information are usually
welcomed by a person making a presentation. Such feedback puts the speaker at ease and
provides an opportunity to repeat or elaborate on a point. By asking questions and mak-
ing comments that do not mean to belittle or invalidate the speaker, you show that you
are listening and interested. You also demonstrate that you have enough confidence in the
speaker to seek more information. Figure 9-4 shows examples of friendly questions.
If spoken in an unfriendly tone, questions and comments can put a speaker
on the defensive and create communication barriers, as shown in Figure 9-5.
Challenging questions or comments are not a form of constructive feedback. Even
if the speaker has a good response to an unfriendly question or comment, the chal-
lenge may create an uncomfortable atmosphere.

Figure 9-4 Asking appropriate questions is a way to provide feedback and demonstrate interest.

Friendly Questions
These questions can be considered friendly questions. Friendly questions are usually
welcomed by the speaker.
« Did your marketing questionnaire elicit any information on family income?
e This summary sheet says the year's sales goal is 10 percent higher than last year’s. Is
that 10 percent over last year’s actual sales or 10 percent over budgeted sales?
* How expensive is this new technology for fuel conservation?
* lagree we must get our budget back on track, but do we have some specific ways
to get around the higher prices in the marketplace?
« |fwe give them a copy of the appendix, will it answer all of their questions?

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Chapter9 Listening Skills 79

Figure 9-5 Unfriendly questions can put a speaker on the defensive and create communication

Unfriendly Questions
These questions may be considered unfriendly questions. Unfriendly questions can put
up a barrier between you and the speaker.
e Last week you said last month's sales were up 10 percent, but today you say they
were down five percent. Which is it?
e You claim there are no problems with clear-cutting forests, but how do you account for the
article in last week's Forestry Magazine, which listed several problems with clear-cutting?
« That sounds like a very high number. Do you have empirical evidence to support
that claim?
e You always talk about participative management, but have you really implemented
it in this department?

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Avoid the pitfalls of being unfriendly by carefully phrasing your question or

comment. Consider the following points when providing feedback:
e Ask questions at the appropriate time.
e Be sure the question is relevant.
¢ Limit the length of your question.
¢ Observe good diplomacy.
e Refrain from criticizing.
e Never get personal.
It is rude to interrupt a speaker in a group meeting or a presentation. Instead,
write down questions or comments and wait until the speaker invites them. A pre-
senter may welcome questions during a presentation or indicate that questions and
comments will be taken at the end. If you have more than one question or comment,
pause between them to give others a chance to participate.
Questions should not be asked, nor comments made, that do not relate to the
topic. The speaker may not be able to answer, and other listeners will probably
become impatient. If you need to discuss an unrelated topic, approach the speaker
after the formal session concludes.
When appropriate to ask questions and make comments, they should be kept
short, It is inappropriate to get into a long, one-on-one discussion. This is inconsid-
erate to the group. If you need to pursue a discussion beyond a follow-up question or
comment, do so after the formal session.
No matter how much you disagree, always maintain a professional tone. If you
ask a good question or make a good comment in an unprofessional manner, your
lack of professionalism is what people will remember. If the speaker appears to have
given incorrect information, give the speaker the benefit of the doubt and carefully
phrase your question or comment.
Small details should never become distractions. Sometimes a speaker makes
a general point with which you agree, but supports it with a detail with which
you disagree. Do not challenge the detail unless you foresee it being misused
later. In most cases, the general point is the more important aspect and the
rest can be disregarded.
If a speaker says something with which you disagree on principle or that you
find offensive, consider letting it go. As a listener, it is not your role to challenge
a speaker on behalf of your beliefs. If your disagreement is intense, approach the
speaker in private. However, your goal should be to share a different perspective
with the speaker, not to embarrass or to argue with him or her.

Copyright Goodheart-Willcox Co., Inc.

Soft Skills for the Workplace

e (LO 9-1) Explain the listening process.
Hearing is a physical process, while listening involves evaluating what you hear. The steps of
the listening process are receive, decode, remember, evaluate, and respond. Listening can be
passive or active.
(LO 9-2) Define purposeful listening.
When someone is speaking, he or she is doing so for a reason. Therefore, the job of the listener
is to recognize the reason for the message and listen with a purpose. The purpose for listening
varies depending on the type of message and size of the audience. Listening behaviors must be
adapted to fit the venue, purpose, and type of speech.
(LO 9-3) Describe how to prepare to listen in a formal meeting.
A listener can show that he or she is listening during a formal meeting in many ways. Arriving
early, sitting in the front, taking notes, fighting barriers, and providing feedback demonstrate
to the speaker that a listener is engaged.

active listening listening
hearing passive listening

List the steps of the listening process.

Differentiate between passive listening and active listening.

How can a person demonstrate that he or she is listening to the speaker?

Define purposeful listening.

List ways a person can demonstrate listening in a formal meeting.

Copyright Goodheart-Willcox Co., Inc.

Chapter 9 Listening Skills

1. Identify a person with whom you are in regular contact and consider to be a good listener.
What does that person do to make you think he or she is listening to you?

2. Identify a person with whom you are in regular contact and consider to be a poor listener.
What does that person do to make you think he or she is not listening to you?

3. Recall the listening strategies you used as your instructor presented this information. List the
actions you took that demonstrated you were actively listening.

4. When a person is speaking, he or she expects that the people hearing the message will also
be listening. It is considered rude to ignore someone who is speaking. How can poor listening
skills affect a person's professional image?

5. Reflect on your listening skills. Describe the routine you use when listening to a lecture to
make sure you pay attention.

6. Identify strategies that you use for note-taking during a conversation with another person or
in a presentation.

7. Describe strategies you use to fight barriers when listening to a lecture.

Copyright Goodheart-Willeox Co., Inc.

Soft Skills for the Workplace

8. Often, listening barriers are the biggest obstacle to communication. Consider a time when
you created a listening barrier. What was the result?

9. Describe a situation in which you had a conversation with a person and used empathetic
listening. Explain words or phrases you used to express empathy.

10. Recall a time when you asked a question of a speaker during a presentation. Was it friendly
or unfriendly? Describe the effect of your question on the speaker and presentation.

Active vs. Passive Listening. Using the Internet, watch videos of two different speeches. For the
first speech, practice passive listening. For the second speech, practice active listening, The next
day, write down as much detail as you can recall from each speech. Which one could you better
recall? Write several paragraphs explaining what you did to practice active listening and how
those actions aided in your recall.

Visit the G-W Learning companion website at to access
and complete the following soft skills practice activities:
Activity $S9-1 Listening Skills. Listening is an important soft skill that can help a person be
effective in his or her career, Open the $S9-1 file, and rate your personal listening skills,
Activity $S9-2 Listening Types. There are five types of active listening. Open the SS9-2 file, and
evaluate your skill level for each type.

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| 0 Written Communication

El Nariz/


Visit the G-W Learning companion website to view a video about soft skills. The video is
available at

On completion of this chapter, prepare to:

1 0-1 Describe writing etiquette.

1 0-2 Explain the importance of social media etiquette.

Copyright Goodheart-Willcox Co., Inc. 83

84 Soft Skills for the Workplace

Writing etiquette is the art of using

good manners when communicating in
Writing Etiquette
written form. Writing etiquette is the art of using good manners when communicat-
ing in written form. It involves careful selection of language and tone,
as discussed in Chapter 6. Your professional image is at stake each time
you write a letter, send an e-mail, or post a comment or video on a social
media site.
Writing etiquette involves deciding when it is appropriate to
send a letter or e-mail. It also includes writing thank-you notes and
responding to RSVPs.

Business letters are used as a medium to communicate with individuals
or businesses outside of the organization when formal communication is
more appropriate than e-mail. A letter is written to:
e make a request;
® respond to a request;
e inform or provide information;
® persuade or convince the receiver to take an action; or
e instruct or provide direction or guidance.
Standard English and appropriate language should be used for
SpeedKingz/ business letters. A professional tone should be applied and business eti-
quette followed. Business letters are printed on letterhead stationery and
include the following standard letter elements:
e Date. Month, day, and year the letter is being written.
e Inside address, Name, title, and address of the recipient.
e Salutation. Greeting that identifies recipient and always begins with Dear.
e® Body. Message of the letter that consists of the introductory paragraph, mes-
sage, and closing paragraph.
© Complimentary close. Sign-off for the letter.
© Signature. Writer's name and title.
e Notations. Initials of the person who keyed the letter and reference to enclosures.
It is important to note that etiquette dictates a letter be addressed to a specific
person unless it is intentionally directed to an organization. It may take a phone call
or Internet search to get the correct name, but it is worth the effort to personalize a
message. The receiver's name should be spelled correctly and the appropriate title
used, such as Dr., Mr., or Ms. The title Mrs. is rarely used in business writing. Titles
such as Professor and Reverend should be spelled in full rather than abbreviated. If
you are unsure of a person’s gender, the person’s full name should be used.
If you need to write a letter without the name of a specific person, avoid tradi-
tional greetings, such as Dear Sir or Gentlemen. You may use Ladies and Gentlemen;
however, the best course is to use words that describe the role of the person such as
Dear Customer or Dear Editor.
There are two standardized letter formats: block and modified block. A block
style letter is formatted so all lines are flush with the left margin. No indentations
are used, Figure 10-1 shows a letter formatted in the block style.
A modified block style letter places the date, complimentary close, and
signature to the right of the center point of the letter. All other elements of the
letter are flush with the left margin. Figure 10-2 shows a letter formatted in the
modified block style.

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Chapter 10 Written Communication 85

Figure 10-1 The block style letter is formatted so all lines are flush with the left margin.


— 740 North Main Street - Santa Ana, CA 92701
~ (310) 555-1600 = Fax (310) 555-1699

Date — November 12, 20--

' Ms. Rochelle Andia

Inside —+| 800 Susquehanna Lane
address Bryn Mawr, PA 15221

Dear Ms. Andia: = Salutation

You are right! The correspondence your firm prepares sends a message to the reader. For this reason,
you will want to send a clear message of efficiency, as illustrated by this block-style letter with mixed

This letter has been keyed using the default font of Word 2016. Notice the placement of each part of the
letter is flush left. By placing each part of the letter at the left margin, you save time and create a
Body =| professional-looking document.

The letter will have a complimentary close and signature line, also positioned at the left margin. If
someone keyed the letter for you, that person's initials will appear below the signature line. If there are
any enclosures or notations, an indication of such will appear after the signature line.

By following these simple rules, you will be able to create a letter that will make a good impression for
your company.

dl Complimentary close

Teresa Gomez
Signature —} Account Executive
block Accounting Department

Initials —> urs

Enclosure ———— Enclosure notation

Goodheart-Willcox Publisher

Copyright Goodheart-Willcox Go., Inc.

86 Soft Skills
for the Workplace

Figure 10-2 The modified block style letter places the date, complimentary close, and signature to the right of the center point of the letter.


— 740 North Main Street + Santa Ana, CA 92701
(310) 555-1600 « Fax (310) 555-1699

— November 12, 20--

. Ms. Rochelle Andia

Inside —| 800 Susquehanna Lane
address Bryn Mawr, PA 15221

Dear Ms. Andia: = Salutation

You are right! The correspondence your firm prepares sends a message to the reader. For this reason,
you will want to send a clear message of efficiency, as illustrated by this modified-style letter with
open punctuation.

This letter has been keyed using the default font of Word 2016. A modified-block-style letter can have
indented paragraphs, but this sample uses block paragraphs with all lines beginning at the left margin.
Body —
Notice the placement of the date, complimentary close, and signature lines. Each of these lines has been
keyed at the center point of the page. However, the initials of the person who keys the letter and any
enclosures or notations will appear flush left.

By following these simple rules, you will be able to create a letter that will make a good impression for
your company.

Complimentary close

ES id
: Teresa Gomez
Signature —| Account Executive
block Accounting Department

Initials —» urs

Enclosure Enclosure notation

Goodheart-Willcox Publisher

Copyright Goodheart-Willcox Co., Inc.

Chapter 10 Written Communication 87

E-mail is considered an acceptable form of business communication if a formal let-
ter is not required. An appropriately formatted e-mail is shown in Figure 10-3. When
sending e-mail as a representative of your business, use Standard English and run
the spell-check feature before sending. Remember, you are in a professional environ-
ment, and your e-mail could be forwarded to others who might make judgments
about what you have written.
The primary recipients should be placed in the To: line. These are the people who
you expect to respond. Those who you do not expect to respond should be listed in the
Copy: line, abbreviated as Ce:. The Blind Copy: line, abbreviated as Bec:, is used to list
people whose names and e-mail addresses will not be visible to all others receiving the
e-mail. For an e-mail sent to a large number of people, it is courteous to use the blind
copy function to ensure the e-mail addresses of the recipients remain private.
The subject line should be limited to one concise topic. For example, a subject
of Hello is not suitable for business communication, but August Business Report may
be appropriate. Each word should start with a capital letter in accordance with the
rules of capitalization.
When responding to an e-mail, select the Reply button so the e-mail trail is
intact, This helps the reader keep track of the details of the conversation. However, if
there is aneed to respond and bring up anew topic after reading an e-mail, sendanew
e-mail and note the topic in the subject line. Creating a new e-mail with a new subject
line makes it easier to keep the flow of information understandable and managed.

Figure 10-3 A properly formatted e-mail follows netiquette and reinforces the sender's professionalism.

BHS Of vs Production of Awards Certificates - Message (HTML) Ss . ox


heen Caite-[n kx EE » GH OB Be Ly Prwre

Pate Bry %-A- B== Se Address Check Attach Attach Signature Iibccleaamaue Zoom
- FormatPainter ea ieee: Fle: | beeen ck + Low Importance
Chpboard fe Batic Test Fa Names nude Tags [& Zoom “


Salutation Dear Alicia; =

Thank you for agreeing to produce our Future Managers cerficates. The informaon you need to prepare the cerficates is aached.
The first document lists the names and tles of each recipient. The second document provides the text for the wording of the descripon
of the award.
Message—+ As we discussed, you will send me a sample of the finished product so my manager can approve the paper quality and design. | appreciate
your taking on the job with such short noce and promise to get back to you with approval within one day.

Please call me if you have any quesons or need any addional infor maon.

Cordially, Complimentary close

Melissa Narvaez
Administrave Assistant
Signature me Workforce Development and Training
Wellness and Healthy Living Instute
222 Vanderbilt Avenue, 3rd Floor
New York, N¥ 10017
Phone: 212-555-1234
Fax: 212-555-4321

Guiana Fi -

Goodheart-Willcox Publisher

Copyright Goodheart-Willcox Co., Inc.

88 Soft Skills for the Workplace

In most businesses and organizations, people address each other by their first
names in e-mails. The salutation Dear may be used as in a letter, depending on whether
it is a formal or informal e-mail. Netiquette should be used when writing the body of the
message, and a courteous thank-you at the end of the body is usually appropriate for
business correspondence. For a formal e-mail, it is standard to include your full name
and contact information at the bottom of the message for the convenience of the reader.
Care should be taken when sending attachments to ensure the recipient's
inbox can handle the size and type of file sent. It is a common courtesy to notify the
recipient that you will be sending an attachment in a follow-up e-mail. Unless an
e-mail with an attachment is expected, it is standard practice for many businesses
to delete it without reading to avoid computer viruses.
Itis important to respond promptly to e-mails. A delayin an e-mail response can affect
the company’s image, making it seem as though the company is uninterested or uncaring
about the subject matter. When you are planning to be out of the office, the automated
reply feature should be used to send a message stating when you will return. An example of
an appropriate message is, “Thank you for your e-mail. I am out of the office until Tuesday,
at which time I will respond to your message.” This is a professional courtesy. It allows the
sender to know you are unavailable, rather than being careless about responding.

Case Study
Thank-You Note
In 1994, shortly after being diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, former President Ronald
Reagan wrote an open (i.e., not private) thank-you letter to the people of the
United States of America. In it, he wrote about his diagnosis and decision to
make it known publicly with the hopes of raising awareness. In perhaps one of
the most humbling gestures by a US president, he closed the letter by thanking
the American public for electing him president and allowing him the honor of
National Archives serving as such. Despite the fact that he had been out of office for five years at
the time of the letter, it will be forever remembered as a gracious way to close
the Reagan presidency. Most presidents and public officials thank their constituents when getting elected, but few
have ever penned an actual thank-you letter to their voters. This example perhaps best demonstrates the power and
sentimentality that a handwritten thank-you carries.
1. Describe how the emotional response to a handwritten thank-you letter differs from the emotional response to
one that is keyed via word-processing software, printed, and mailed.

2. In what ways did President Reagan's thank-you letter serve as a lesson on etiquette to the country?

3. Explain how this act of writing a thank-you note demonstrated humility on the part of the President.

4. How did President Reagan's thank-you letter influence US citizens’ perception of his professional image?

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Chapter 10 Written Communication 89

Office Messaging Apps

Messaging apps, such as Slack or Microsoft Teams, are popular in the workplace. Office
messaging software serves as a chat room for a business that wants to replace e-mail as
a form of inter-organization communication. These chats can appear to be more casual
than traditional e-mail, but the proper rules of grammar and writing still apply. When par-
ticipating in these chats, remember to remain professional by staying away from improper
language, personal messages, bullying coworkers, or revealing too much personal infor-
mation. Be aware of who is on the chat message and tailor your messages appropriately.

Thank-You Notes
It is good manners to write thank-you notes when someone does something special for
you, A thank-you may be in the form ofa printed letter sent through the mail or an e-mail.
Handwritten notes are more personal, but a well-written e-mail is sufficient in most cases.
A thank-you note should be written within a week of the courtesy. The person
should be thanked for taking the time to do what they did. Any important points of the
act should be repeated, and a strong appreciation of what was done should be reinforced.

RSVP is an initialism for the French expression répondez s’il vous plait, which means
please respond. When you receive an invitation that says RSVP, the sender is asking
you to respond to either accept or decline. It is rude not to respond to an invitation.
You should reply whether or not you will attend the function.
The invitation may indicate if a guest is welcome. If that is the case, note
if you will be attending alone or with a guest. If bringing a guest, this is often
referred to as plus one.

Social Media Etiquette

Social media includes websites and apps that allow individual users to network online by
creating and sharing content with one another. For many individuals, businesses, and gov-
ernments, social media is an important part of everyday life. It is a useful tool to help build
a personal brand, develop a community, and communicate with others.
It is easy to take communicating in real time for granted and to write whatever
you are thinking. As you know, once the words are recorded, they cannot be taken back.
For that reason, the writing process should be followed and thoughtful consideration
should be given before anything is posted. Inappropriate language, photos, or comments
are never acceptable.
If you are representing your business on social media, professional etiquette is
required. Most organizations have guidelines for posting information about the company.
Proper writing, grammar, and general rules of appropriateness are expected to be fol-
lowed, It is important to take digital communication responsibilities seriously.
If you are representing yourself on professional social media sites, careful consider-
ation should be given to what is posted. Professional sites, such as LinkedIn, can be use-
ful to an individual for networking and career opportunities. Etiquette and ethics dictate
that information about personal education and work experience is honest and accurate.
Remember that what is published on the page willbe read by current and future employers.
Writing for personal social media can be challenging. Your family and friends want
all your activities and photos to be posted for their enjoyment. However, posting too
much personal information can be detrimental to your career and can be seen by pro-
fessional contacts. These sites must be taken seriously and used with caution. Anything
posted on the Internet creates a digital footprint. You have heard this many times—online
communication will never really go away, It can, and will, follow you in your personal
and professional life.

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Soft Skills for the Workplace

e (LO 10-1) Describe writing etiquette.
Writing etiquette is the art of using good manners when communicating in written form. It
involves careful selection of language and tone. Writing etiquette involves deciding when it is
appropriate to send written communication, including letters, e-mails, thank-you notes, and
event RSVPs.
e (LO 10-2) Explain the importance of social media etiquette.
Developing social media etiquette is equally as important as a person's writing ability. Items
posted to social media accounts live forever in a digital footprint and can affect a person's
ability to get or maintain employment. Inappropriate language, photos, or comments are
never acceptable, especially when representing a business.

block style letter modified block style letter

1. Describe writing etiquette.

2. Identify the elements of a business letter.

3. Describe the format of a block style letter.

4. Describe the format of a modified block style letter.

5. Explain the importance of social media etiquette.

1. Writing etiquette is a reflection of a person's personal and professional image. Summarize
what you would tell a student or coworker about the importance of writing etiquette.

Copyright Goodheart-Willeox Co., Inc.

Chapter 10 Written Communication

Professional communication includes both letters and e-mail. Identify criteria that you
would use to decide when a business message should be written in letter format or be sent
via e-mail.

Explain how writing a letter, sending an e-mail, or posting a comment or video on a social
media site as a representative of your company can impact the reputation of the business.

E-mail is effective when used properly but is sometimes overused in the workplace.
Employees often send an e-mail instead of walking down the hall to talk to someone. Discuss
the reasons for using or not using e-mail to communicate in the workplace.

Explain the potential consequences of responding to a work-related e-mail and hitting the
“reply to all” option.

In what types of situations is a handwritten thank-you more appropriate than one that is
keyed via word-processing software, printed, and mailed?

You have received a small gift from your supervisor as an expression of gratitude for working
late to meet a deadline. Draft a thank-you note to your supervisor. Would you write the
note by hand, on the computer and print it, or send an e-mail? Explain your choice of

Not responding to an RSVP is not only rude, but it can be an inconvenience to the person
hosting an event. If an invitee doesn't respond to an invitation and shows up at an event,
what impact can this have on the host?

Copyright Goodheart-Willcox Co., Inc.

Soft Skills for the Workplace

9, Assume you are in charge of the Facebook page for your company. You hurriedly wrote a post
in response to a customer question. An hour later, a customer responded to your post and
commented that there were errors in the message. How would you handle this situation?

10. Personal social media accounts can be viewed by anyone on the Internet, including potential
employers. Review your own personal accounts. Identify any posts that would reflect
negatively on your professional image.

Writing a Negative Message. There will be times in your professional career when you are tasked
with delivering a negative message in the form of written communication. A letter with a negative
message will be read differently than one with a positive message. Conduct an Internet search
using the phrase writing a negative message. Note some of the ways a negative message can be
conveyed in an appropriate, businesslike manner.

Visit the G-W Learning companion website at to access
and complete the following soft skills practice activities:
Activity $$10-1 Letter Formatting. Proper formatting of business letters is necessary for
professional communication. Open the $$10-1 file, and format the letter in the style of your choice.
Activity SS10-2 Editing Skills. Review your editing skills. Open SS10-2, and follow the directions
to improve the structure of the content in the document.

Copyright Goodheart-Willcox Co., Inc.

a4. Writing and Interviewing
] T for Employment _



Visit the G-W Learning companion website to view a video about soft skills. The video is
available at

On completion of this chapter, prepare to:

11-1 Describe a résumé, cover message, and portfolio.

1 1 -2 Explain how to apply for a job online and in person.

1 1 -3 Discuss the process of preparing for a job interview.

11-4 Define post-interview protocol.

1 1 -5 Describe the hiring process.

Copyright Goodheart-Willcox Co., Inc. 93

94 Soft Skills for the Workplace

The process of applying for

employment typically involves
Résumé, Cover Message, and Portfolio
completing a job application. When seeking employment, it will be necessary to create a résumé and cover message.
Some job applications may also require a career portfolio. Each document should be
professionally written and formatted.

A résumé is a document that profiles a person's career goals, education, and work
history. Its purpose is to prove to a potential employer that person's experiences and
skills match the qualifications of the job. Think of a résumé as a snapshot that tells
the employer who you are and why you would be an asset as an employee.
The first impression most employers will have of you is your résume. It is a reflection
of your professional image, so it should be well written, error free, and fit on one page, as
shown in Figure 11-1. A simple format should be used with top and bottom margins approx-
imately one inch. Side margins should also be one inch but can be adjusted as needed to
fit the résumé on one page. Font selection should be conservative and professional, such
as Calibri 11 pt. or Times New Roman 12 pt. Decorative fonts are distracting and should
never be used on a résumé. A typical résumé is organized into the following sections:
DW labs Incorporated/ ¢ contact information
¢ objective
e education
e work experience
® memberships and professional affiliations
* community service experience
* honors, awards, and publications
A section should only be included if you have relevant information to list. For
example, if you do not belong to a professional organization, do not use this heading.
The job description for which you are applying may note specific hard skills, as
well as soft skills, that the employer is requesting. The education section is a good
place to list relevant skills that highlight your qualifications for the job.
When saving a résumé, use your name and the word résume in the filename.
For example, if you are Pat Accura, your filename would be PatAccuraResume. This
helps the employer identify to whom the résumé belongs.

Cover Message
A cover message is a letter or e-mail sent with a résumé to introduce the applicant
and summarize his or her reasons for applying for a job. It is a sales message written
to persuade the reader to grant an interview. A cover message provides an oppor-
tunity to focus a potential employer's attention on the individual's background,
important soft skills and hard skills required for the position, and work experience
that matches the job the person is seeking.
Writing a cover message is an important part of applying for a job. It sets the
tone for the résumé that follows. A cover message should focus on your qualifica-
tions without being boastful, while expressing why you are a good fit for the com-
pany. It should not repeat details found in the résumé. Rather, it should highlight
your key qualifications that are specific to the job for which you are applying. The
message should also explain how you heard about the position.
A cover message, like all professional communication, must be completely error
free. Whether it is a printed letter or an e-mail message, standard letter formatting
should be followed. Figure 11-2 shows an example of a cover message that will be printed
and mailed. Figure 11-3 shows an example of a cover message that will be sent by e-mail.

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Chapter 11 Writing and Interviewing for Employment 95

Figure 11-1 A résumé is a document that profiles a person's career goals, education, and work history.

Latisha Turgess
518 Burnett Road, Randallstown, MD 21123
(555) 555-1234
lturgess @

Objective: To use my technical skills as a robotics and automation specialist in the

manufacturing industry and further develop my skills as a professional.

Education: Bachelor's degree, June, 20--, Essex Community College, Baltimore, MD

Major: Engineering Technology, Robotics & Automation Specialization

Relevant Courses:
Programming Logic & Design Robotics & Automation |
Electrical Studies | & II Manufacturing Processes
CADD/Computer Modeling Fluid Power

Relevant Skills:
Solid Works and CADD Cloud Cap Piccollo
C# Programming Language Stitching Sonar and Data Graphics
Photoshop and Illustrator Microsoft Office Specialist Certification
Electronics and Automation

Work Experience: August, 20-- to present

CNC Machinist, McHenry Manufacturing, Baltimore, MD
Assist in job setup and operation of CNC equipment, perform tooling
maintenance, and ensure that all required processes are completed to
produce parts that meet quality and ISO standards

January, 20-- to August, 20--

Sales associate, Wal-Mart, Randallstown, MD
Provide customer service in electronics department

Community Service: January, 20-- to present

Volunteer, Habitat for Humanity, Baltimore, MD
Assist in building houses

Honors: Dean's list four years

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96 Soft Skills for the Workplace

Figure 11-2 A cover message is a letter or e-mail sent with a résumé to introduce the applicant and summarize his or her reasons for
applying fora job.

39 Lucas Lane
Jasper, TN 37347
June 5, 20--

Ms. Cheryl Lynn Sebastian

Director of Administration
Jefferson City Convention & Visitors Buerau, Inc.
100 E. High Street
Jefferson City, MO 65101

Dear Ms. Sebastian:

The position you advertised in the Network Journal on March 14 for a customer service trainee is exactly the
kind of job | am seeking. According to your ad, this position requires good business communcation
skills. As you can see by my résumé, my education background and experience working at a travel
agency prepared me for this position.

For the past two years, | worked as a part-time receptionist at the Barcelona Travel Agency. While
working there, | gained experience dealing with customers on the telephone, as well as greeting walk-
in customers and handling their requests for information. | also had the opportunity to observe
full-time staff at work and attend department meetings. At these meetings, | learned the importance of
satisfying customer needs and meeting the challenges of working with the general public.

As the enclosed résumé shows, | will graduate from the University of Missouri in early June. While in
college, | took several business courses, including a business communication class. These classes helped me
develop good English and verbal communication skills. In addition to my education and work experience, | can
offer your organization a strong work ethic and the ability to fluently speak Spanish.

| would like very much to meet you and hope that you will contact me by phone or e-mail to schedule an
interview for the position. If | do not hear from you within the next couple of weeks, | hope you will not
mind if | follow up with a phone call.

Sincerely yours,

Pat Wcwmma,
Pat Accura


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Chapter 11 Writing and Interviewing for Employment 97

Figure 11-3 A cover message can be sent in an e-mail when applying online. Notice that the applicant's resume is attached to the e-mail.

BHS & t 4 & = at NYC Job Fair - Message (HTML)

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Mr. Fox:

On June 21, | attended the Green Job NYC Job Fair at the Roosevelt Hotel where | had the opportunity to talk with you briefly at
your booth. You suggested that | follow up our conversaon about possible emplo yment with the Community Environmental
Network by sending you my résumé.
| would appreciate an appointment to talk with you in person about my interest in fund-raising with a nonprofit organizaon. |
have a bachelor degree in business with a concentration in marketing from New York University. For the past three years, | have
served on my neighborhood Community Board on several projects that involved improving condions in playgrounds and schools
for children and generally raising awareness in our community. In this capacity, | have developed and delivered presentaons to
various groups and helped to design and write the flyers used to adverse these e vents. Prior to sing on the Community Boar d,
| worked in the fund-raising department at Johnstown Youth Project, a nonprofit organization in Queens focused on running
after-school programs for at-risk teens. This experience sparked my interest in the nonprofit sector, while my community work
inspired my interest in the environment. | am eager to combine these two experiences and put my marketing and communication
skills to work in an organizaon such as yours.

My résumé is attached. | will call your office within the next week and hope to arrange an appointment to speak with you again.
| would like to have the opportunity to convince you that | am someone who would be able to make a contribuon to your
organizaon fr om the start and continue growing and learning on the job.
Sincerely yours,
James Otero
203 E. 102 Street
Apt. 25A
New York, NY 10029
[email protected]

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When applying for a job, it will be necessary to tell the employer why you are quali-
fied for the position. To support your qualifications, you may need to create a port-
folio. A portfolio is a selection of related materials that are collected and organized
to show the qualifications, skills, and talents that support an individual's career
or personal goals. Artists and communication professionals are typically expected
to present portfolios of their creative work when seeking jobs or admission to edu-
cational institutions. However, portfolios are used in many professions to demon-
strate an applicant's credentials.
There are some common elements generally included in a portfolio such as
photocopies of certificates of accomplishment, diplomas, and professional licenses.

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98 Soft Skills for the Workplace

Samples of work, letters of recommendation, and any documents that show a talent
or skill appropriate for the position should also be a part ofa portfolio. Examples of
additional items are shown in Figure 11-4.
Résumés generally do not include references but may be included as a sepa-
rate document in a portfolio. A reference is a person who knows an applicant’s
skills, talents, or personal traits and is willing to recommend him or her. References
will probably be someone from your professional network. These individuals can
be someone for whom you have worked or with whom you provided community
service. However, you should not list relatives as references. References, like a
résumé, should be updated throughout a professional career. A person who was a
reference for you when you were in college may not be an appropriate reference five
years into your career.

Consider which references can best recommend you for the position for
which you are applying. Always get permission from the person before using his
or her name as a reference, and notify the person the companies and positions for
which you are applying.
As you collect material for your portfolio, you will need an effective strategy
to keep the items clean, safe, and organized for assembly at the appropriate time.
Structure and organization are important when working on an ongoing project that
includes multiple pieces. A large manila envelope works well to store hard copies of
documents. photos, awards, and other items.
There are multiple ways to prepare a portfolio for presentation. The method
you choose should allow the viewer to easily navigate and find items. The sim-
plest approach is to print and organize your portfolio material in a binder. Or,
you could create an electronic presentation with slides that have links to docu-
ments, videos, graphics, or sound files. Another option is to place the files on a
CD or USB flash drive.
Websites are another method for presenting a digital portfolio. A personal
website can be created to host the files with a main page and links to various sec-
tions, Each section page could have links to pages with documents, videos, graph-
ics, or sound files. Alternatively, LinkedIn can be a good place to house portfolio
documents, If you place your material on a site owned by a third party, read the user
agreement for rules of use.
A portfolio is a living document and should be updated regularly. Before
going to an interview, it is a good idea to review the material in your portfolio
and make sure it is up-to-date. In addition, it may need to be customized for the
specific job interview.

Figure 11-4 A portfolio is a selection of related materials that are collected and organized to
show the qualifications, skills, and talents to support an individual’s career or personal goal.

Examples of Portfolio Elements

e diploma « references
© continuing-education certificates * résumé
® professional licenses « SAT, ACT, or GRE scores
e letter of introduction e transcripts
e letters of recommendation « videos (presentations or other talents)
e military record and awards « writing samples

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Chapter 11 Writing and Interviewing for Employment 99

Application Process
The process of applying for employment typically involves completing a job appli-
cation form along with submitting a résumé and cover message. Some job employ-
ment opportunities may also require the submission of a portfolio.
In today’s market, the job application process is typically completed online.
However, there are some employers who utilize the traditional process of an appli-
cant physically visiting the human resources department and applying in person.
Before applying for a position, confirm the application process described in the
job advertisement. A call to the company’s human resources department can also
help clarify what is expected by the employer.

Case Study a

Résumé Fraud
Mina Chang served as Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Bureau of Conflict
and Stabilization Operations for the State Department under the Trump
administration. Her position began in April 2019 until she resigned in November
of the same year. Her tenure in the office was cut short after NBC News reported
inconsistencies in her résumé and background.
It was reported that Chang stated on her résumé that she was an alumna
Public Domain of Harvard Business School and graduated from multiple prestigious schools,
including the Army War College. Among other inconsistencies, she claimed to be
part of a United Nations panel and that she “addressed” both the Democratic and Republican national conventions in
2016. In reality, Chang only attended a seven-week course at Harvard and was a speaker at events in the cities where
the conventions were held, but was not a speaker at the conventions.
Chang was forced to resign from her position in the State Department in November 2019. Résumé fraud is likely to
follow Mina Chang for the remainder of her career.
1, What are some of the repercussions of résumé fraud on Chang's integrity?

‘ 2. Identify a self-management skill that Chang seemed to be lacking when she chose to falsify her résumé.

3. Doyou think Chang was being arrogant or overconfident when she falsified her résumé? Support your opinion.

4. How does this incident impact Mina Chang's professional image?

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100 Soft Skills for the Workplace

Applying Online
The first step in the online application process may be to complete a job applica-
tion. A job application is an employment form that requests contact information,
education, and work experience. Even though much of this information may be
repeated on your résumé, many companies require an official job application to be
Next, you may be required to upload a résumé, copy and paste information into
a form on the site, or send it as an e-mail attachment. Be aware that copying and
pasting text into a form usually strips out formatting such as tabs, indentations, and
bold type. Avoid pasting text that is formatted in any way. Even if the formatting is
retained, it can make the information difficult to read when the employer accesses
the application. You may need to adjust the layout of your résumé after uploading it
or pasting it into an online application form.
Carefully review each document before clicking the Submit button. Applying
online does not mean you can ignore proper spelling, grammar, and usage. Your
application materials will be the employer's first impression of you. Submitting an
application with misspellings or other errors may persuade an employer to elimi-
nate you as a serious candidate.
There may be an opportunity to include a cover message and portfolio with
the application. Follow the directions on the website for attaching additional
employment materials.

Applying in Person
The traditional way of applying for employment is to visit the human resources
office of the company to which you are applying. When you arrive, be prepared to
complete a job application. Write neatly and use only blue or black ink. Carefully
review the form before submitting it. Like a résumé or cover message, a job applica-
tion needs to be free of spelling, grammar, and usage errors.
Bring with you a copy of your résumé, cover message, and portfolio. All docu-
ments should be on the same high-quality, white or off-white paper and printed
using a laser printer. Do not fold or staple the documents. Instead, use a large enve-
lope, file folder, or paper clip to keep the pages together. If using an envelope or
folder, print your name on the outside and list the components included.

Preparing for an Interview

If your résumé and cover letter have passed the employer's screening process, you
may be invited to interview. A first interview may be conducted either over the tele-
phone, via video chat, or in person.
To prepare for a job interview, learn as much as you can about the position as
well as the company. People in your professional network may be able to help you
find information about the position or company.
Much information can be obtained from the company’s website, which will
likely have an About Us section. This section of the website may include press
releases, annual reports, and information on the company’s products or services.
You may also consider calling the human resources department for additional infor-
mation. The human resources department often has materials specifically devel-
oped for potential employees. When you call the company, use your best telephone
etiquette while speaking with the person who answers the phone. Introduce your-
self, state your purpose for calling, and be prepared with a list of questions to ask.
Be polite and say “please” and “thank you” when speaking with each person so that
you make a positive impression.

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Chapter 11 Writing and Interviewing for Employment 101

While preparing for an interview, it is important to Before an interview, try to anticipate questions the interviewer
be mentally prepared in the event that a performance is likely to ask and write down your answers.
test is required as part of the interviewing process. For
example, a graphic artist may be asked to create a sim-
ple design using the software the company uses as a pro-
duction tool. This will test not only the person's design
abilities, but also his or her ability to use the software.
Be prepared to take a performance test, if requested.

Interview Questions
Interview questions are intended to assess an appli-
cant’s skills and abilities and to explore an individual's
personality. Answers to these questions will help deter-
mine whether a candidate will fit in with the company
team and the manager’s leadership style. Interviewers kataijudit/
also want to assess an individual’s critical-thinking
skills by asking him or her to cite specific examples of completed projects or prob-
lems he or she solved. During the interview, the applicant’s communication skills
will also be observed.

Common Questions
Before the interview, try to anticipate questions the interviewer is likely to ask you.
The following are some common interview questions.
e What are your strengths?
e What are your weaknesses?

e What about this position interests you?

e¢ What do you plan to be doing five years from now?
¢ Why do you want to work for this organization?
Write down your answers to these questions. Practice answering the questions
while in front of a mirror, An important part of the communication process is non-
verbal communication—body language is especially important. Practicing in front
of a mirror allows you to see your nonverbal communication.
Another way to prepare for an interview is to conduct a mock interview with
a friend or instructor. A mock interview is a practice interview conducted with
another person. Practice until you can respond with your planned responses natu-
rally and without reading them. The more prepared you are, the more relaxed, orga-
nized, competent, and professional you will appear to the interviewer.

Hypothetical Questions
Interviewers may also ask hypothetical questions. Hypothetical questions require
a candidate to imagine a situation and describe how he or she would act. Frequent
topics of hypothetical questions relate to working with and getting along with
coworkers. For example, “How would you handle a disagreement with a coworker?”
You cannot prepare specific answers to these questions, so you need to rely on your
ability to think on your feet.
For these types of questions, the interviewer is aware that you are being put
on the spot. In addition to what you say, he or she considers other aspects of your
answer as well. Body language is first and foremost. Avoid fidgeting and looking
at the ceiling while thinking of your answer. Instead, look at the interviewer and
calmly take a moment to compose your thoughts. Keep your answer brief. If your
answer runs on too long, you risk losing your train of thought. Try to relate the ques-
tion to something that is familiar to you and answer honestly.

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102 Soft Skills for the Workplace

Do not try to figure out what the interviewer wants you to say. Showing that
you can remain poised and project confidence carries a lot of weight, even if your
answer is not ideal. In many cases, the interviewer is not as interested in what your
response is as much as how you responded. Was your response quick and thought-
ful? Did you ramble? Did you stare blankly at the interviewer before responding?

Behavioral Questions
Interviewers may ask behavioral questions. Behavioral questions are questions
that draw on an individual's previous experiences and decisions. Your answers to
these types of questions indicate past behavior, which may be used to predict future
behavior and success in a position. The following are some examples of behavioral
e Tellme about atime when you needed to assume a leadership position in a group.
What were the challenges, and how did you help the group meet its goals?
* Describe a situation where you needed to be creative in order to help a client
with a problem.
e Describe a situation when you made a mistake. How did you correct the mistake
and what measures did you put in place to ensure it did not happen a second time?
Again, you cannot prepare specific answers to these questions. Remain poised,
answer honestly, and keep your answers focused on the question. Making direct eye
contact with the interviewer can project a positive impression.

Questions an Employer Should Not Ask

State and federal laws prohibit employers from asking questions on certain top-
ics. It is important to know these topics so you can be prepared if such a question
comes up during an interview. It is illegal for employers to ask questions about a job
candidate's religion, national origin, gender, or disability. Questions about age can
only be asked if a minimum age is required by law for a job. The following are some
examples of questions an employer is not permitted to ask a candidate.
e¢ What is your religion?
e Are you married?
¢ What is your nationality?
e Are you disabled?
* Do you have children?
¢ How much do you weigh?
If you are presented with similar questions during the interview, remain pro-
fessional. You are not obligated to provide an answer. You could respond, “Please
explain how that relates to the job.” Or you could completely avoid the question by
saying, “I would rather not answer personal questions.”
Questions to Ask the Employer
Keep in mind that the questions you ask, and how you ask them, reveal details about
your personality. In the early stages of the interview process, your questions should
demonstrate that you would be a valuable employee and are interested in learning
about the company. The following are some questions you may want to ask.
e What are the specific duties of this position?
¢ What is company policy or criteria for employee promotions?
¢ Do you have a policy for providing on-the-job training?
e When do you expect to make your hiring decision?
e What is the anticipated start date?

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Chapter 11 Writing and Interviewing for Employment 103

Some questions are not appropriate until after you have been offered the job.
Questions related to pay and benefits, such as vacation time, should not be asked in
the interview unless the employer brings them up. Sometimes, however, an inter-
viewer may ask for your salary expectations. If you prefer not to answer at the time
of the interview, you can simply tell the interviewer that the salary is negotiable.

Dress for an Interview

A face-to-face interview is typically the first time a potential employee is seen by a
company representative. First impressions are important, so professional dress is
critical. When dressing for an interview, consider what you wish your professional
image to portray. Figure 11-5 illustrates typical attire worn for a job interview.
Your interview will probably be on site at the organization. However, it could
take place via video chat from a personal location. If the interview is happening
remotely, the room in which you are using for the interview should be free of clutter.
If possible, position yourself in front of a wall that is neutral in color.
The easiest rule to follow is to dress in a way that shows you understand the
work environment and know the appropriate attire. Interviewing apparel should be
somewhat more formal than is called for in the work environment. For example, if
the work environment is business-casual dress, a business-professional outfit with
a jacket would be appropriate at the interview. If the work environment requires a
uniform, business-casual dress might be appropriate for the interview.
It is better to dress conservatively than in trendy clothing. Employers expect
interviewees to present their best image in appearance, as well as skills and quali-
fications. Dressing more conservatively than needed is not likely to be viewed as
a disadvantage. However, dressing too casually, too trendy, or wearing inappro-
priate clothing is likely to cost you the job. Additionally, personal expressions,
such as visible tattoos or piercings, may be seen as inappropriate for the work-
place by the employer.

Figure 11-5 Appropriate dress for an interview is a display of professionalism.

Women Men
Wear a suit or dress with a conservative Wear a conservative suit of a solid color.
Choose solid colors over prints or flowers. Wear a long-sleeved shirt, either white or a
light color.
Wear pumps with a moderate heel or flats. Tie should be a solid color or a conservative
Keep any jewelry small. Wear loafers or lace-up shoes with dark socks.
Have a well-groomed hairstyle. Avoid wearing jewelry.
Use little makeup. Have a well-groomed haircut.
Avoid perfume or apply it very lightly. Avoid cologne.
Nails should be manicured and of moderate Nails should be neatly trimmed.
length without decals.
Cover all tattoos. Cover all tattoos.
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104 Soft Skills for the Workplace

After the Interview

Saying “thank you” and leaving the building does not mark the end of the job-
interview process. After the interview has ended, it is important to send a thank-you
message to the person, or persons, with whom you met. It is equally important to eval-
uate the experience. Performing these actions will ensure that you not only stay on
the radar of the company, but improve your skills before your next interview as well.

Thank-You Message
Immediately after an interview, and no later than 24 to 48 hours, a thank-you
message should be written to the interviewer. It may be in the form of a printed let-
ter sent through the mail or an e-mail. Remind the person, or persons, of your name
and reiterate your enthusiasm, but do not be pushy. Extend your appreciation for his
or her time. An example of a thank-you message is shown in Figure 11-6.

Interview Evaluation
Evaluate your performance as soon as you can after the interview. Asking yourself
the following questions can help in evaluating your performance.
© Was I adequately prepared with knowledge about the company and the position?
¢ Did I remember to bring copies of my résumé, list of references, portfolio, and
any other requested documents to the interview?
¢ Was Ion time for the interview?
e Did 1 talk too much or too little?
e Did] honestly and completely answer the interviewer's questions?
* DidIdress appropriately?
¢ Did I display nervous behavior, such as fidgeting, or forget things I wanted to say?
e Did I come across as composed and confident?
e Which questions could I have handled better?
Every job interview is an opportunity to practice. If you discover that you are
not interested in the job, do not feel as though your time was wasted. Make a list of
the things you feel you did correctly and things you would do differently next time.

Figure 11-6 A thank-you message should remind the interviewer of the applicant's name and reiterate enthusiasm for the position
without being pushy.

Dear Ms. Cary:

Thank you for the opportunity to discuss the position of associate fashion designer.

| am very excited about the possibility of working for Clothing Design Specialists. The job is exactly the
sort of challenging opportunity | had hoped to find. | believe my educational background and internship
experience will enable me to make a contribution, while also learning and growing on the job.

Please contact me if you need any additional information. | look forward to hearing from you.

te aii il See ie ll ee

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Chapter 11 Writing and Interviewing for Employment 105

Hiring Process
A successful interviewing process may lead to a job offer with the company for
which an applicant has applied to work. Most companies make a job offer contin-
gent on employment verification, reference checks, background checks, and credit
checks. In addition, the applicant may be required to submit to drug testing. If the
applicant passes the screenings, the job offer is generally made official, employment
forms are completed, and the new employee starts his or her job.

Employee Checks
Employment verification is a process through which the information provided
on an applicant's résumé is checked to verify that it is correct. Former employers
typically verify only the dates of employment, position title, and other objective data
of employees who are no longer at the company. Most employers will not provide
opinions about employees, such as whether or not he or she was considered a good
worker. Reference checks are also made at this time.
Another important part of the employment process is a background
check. A background check is an investigation into personal data about a
job applicant. This information is available from governmental records and
other sources. The employer should inform you that a background check will
be conducted. The company must ask for written permission before obtaining
the background check report. A person is not legally obligated to give permis-
sion, but an employer can reject a candidate based on insufficient or unverified
background information.
When granted permission by a job applicant, an employer may perform a credit
check on that person. A credit report reflects a person's credit history, which some
employers use as an indicator of a person's level of responsibility. There is no solid
evidence that credit history will indicate an applicant's performance, but it is a
common screening device. Many states have regulations on how credit reports can
be used and employers may not be able to run this check.
In states where permitted, companies may require drug and alcohol screen-
ings of job applicants. These screenings are commonly performed at a sterile, off-
site location, such as a lab, and may be blood, urine, saliva, or other medical tests. A
failed drug or alcohol test can result in not being offered a job.
In addition to governmental sources, many employers use Internet search
engines, such as Google, to search for information on candidates. Employers may
also check social networking websites, such as Facebook and Twitter. Be aware of
this before posting any personal information or photos. These checks might work to
your advantage or against you, depending on what the employer finds. It is up to you
to ensure that the image you project on social networking sites is not embarrassing
or, worse, preventing you from achieving your career goals.

Employment Forms
After the job applicant is successful in the hiring process and is offered the job,
a considerable amount of time will be spent in the human resources department
completing necessary forms for employment. Common employment forms include
Form I-9, Form W-4, and benefit forms. Come prepared with the personal informa-
tion required to complete a multitude of forms. You will need your Social Security
number, contact information for emergencies, and other personal information.
Form I-9
A Form I-9 Employment Eligibility Verification is used to verify an employee's
identity and that he or she is authorized to work in the United States. This form is
from the US Citizen and Immigration Services, a governmental agency within the

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106 Soft Skills for the Workplace

US Department of Homeland Security. Both citizens and noncitizens are required to

complete this form. An example of a Form I-9 is shown in Figure 11-7.
The Form I-9 must be signed in the presence of an authorized representative of
the human resources department. Documentation of identity must be presented at
the time the form is signed. Acceptable documentation commonly used includes a
valid driver's license, a state-issued photo ID, or a passport.
Form W-4
A Form W-4 Employee's Withholding Allowance Certificate is used by the employer
to determine the appropriate amount of taxes to withhold from an employee's
paycheck. Deductions are based on marital status and the number of dependents
claimed, including the employee. The amounts withheld are forwarded to the
appropriate governmental agency.
At the end of the year, the employer sends the employee a Form W-2 Wage and
Tax Statement to use when filing income tax returns. This form summarizes all
wages and deductions for the year for an individual employee.

Benefits Forms
The human resources department will provide a variety of forms that are specific
to the compensation package offered by the employer. These forms may include
health insurance, life insurance, corporate membership, or profit-sharing enroll-
ment forms. Be prepared to complete multiple forms on your first day.

Figure 11-7 A Form/-9 Employment Eligibility Verification is used to verify an employee's identity and that he or she is authorized to
work in the United States,

Employment Eligibility Verification USCIS

Department of Homeland Security - poe i
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Expires 08/31/20--

» START HERE: Read instructions carefully before completing this form. The instructions must be available, either in paper or electronically,
during completion of this form, Employers are liable for errors in the completion of this form.
ANTI-DISCRIMINATION NOTICE: It is illegal to discriminate against work-authorized individuals. Employers CANNOT specify which
document(s) an employee may present to establish employment authorization and identity. The refusal to hire or continue to employ
an individual because the documentation presented has a future expiration date may also constitute illegal discrimination.
Section 1. Employee Information and Attestation (Employees must complete
and sign Section 1 of Form I-9 no later
than the first day of employment, but not before accepting
a job offer.)
Last Name (Family Name) First Name (Given Name) Middle Initial Other Last Names Used (if any)

Address (Street Number and Name) Apt. Number | City or Town State ZIP Code

Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy) | U.S. Social Security Number Employee's E-mail Address Employee's Telephone Number


| am aware that federal law provides for imprisonment and/or fines for false statements or use of false documents in
connection with the completion of this form.
| attest, under penalty of perjury, that | am (check one of the following boxes):

im 1. A citizen of the United States

{__] 2. Anoncitizen national of the United States (See instructions)

im 3. Alawful permanent resident (Alien Registration Number/USCIS Number):

{] 4, An alien authorized to work until (expiration date, if applicable, mm/dd/yyyy):

Some aliens may write "N/A" in the expiration date field. (See instructions)
ust provide only one of the follow mber.

Source: US Department of Homeland Security; Goodheart-Willcox Publisher

Copyright Goodheart-Willcox Co., Inc.

Chapter 11 Writing and Interviewing for Employment

(LO 11-1) Describe a résumé, cover message, and portfolio.
Arésumeé is a document that provides potential employers with a profile of a person's
career goals, work history, and job qualifications. A cover message typically accompanies
a résumé. Its purpose is to provide an introduction to the job applicant and explain
why he or she is the right person for the position. In addition to a résumé and cover
message, a portfolio may be submitted. A portfolio is a selection of related materials that
are collected and organized to show the qualifications, skills, and talents to support an
individual's career or personal goals.
(LO 11-2) Explain how to apply for a job online and in person.
Most applicants apply for a position online. This includes the completion and submission
of an online job application and uploading of a résumé, cover message, and potentially a
portfolio. The traditional way to apply for a job is to visit the human resources department of
a company and complete a job application in person and submit the application documents in
print form.
(LO 11-3) Discuss the process of preparing for a job interview.
To prepare for a job interview, an applicant should learn as much about the employer
and position as possible. It is also helpful to make a list of questions to ask the
interviewer and practice answers to common interview questions. Conducting a mock
interview with a friend or instructor is a good way to prepare for the actual interview.
When choosing what to wear, select an outfit that demonstrates an understanding of the
company dress code,
(LO 11-4) Define post-interview protocol.
After an interview has concluded, it is important to send a thank-you message to the
interviewer. The thank-you message can be handwritten or sent via e-mail. Next, the interview
process should be evaluated. Evaluating the interview is the best way for an applicant to
practice and sharpen his or her interviewing skills.
(LO 11-5) Describe the hiring process.
Most companies make a job offer contingent on employment verification, reference checks,
background checks, and credit checks. In addition, the applicant may be required to submit
to drug testing. If the applicant passes the screenings, the job offer is generally made official,
employment forms are completed, and the new employee starts his or her job.

background check hypothetical questions
behavioral questions mock interview
cover message portfolio
employment verification reference
Form I-9 Employment Eligibility Verification résumé

1. Describe a résumé, cover message, and portfolio.

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Soft Skills for the Workplace

Explain how to apply for a job online and in person.

Discuss the process of preparing for a job interview.

Describe post-interview protocol.

Describe the hiring process.

1. A résumé should be kept to one page, if possible. This requires that the information you
record is focused and important to the job for which you are applying. The education section
is an opportunity to showcase your soft skills as well as hard skills. Make a list of the skills
you would list on your résumé that you think are important for a potential employer to note.

Create a list of documents you would include in your career portfolio. If you already have a
portfolio, provide an inventory of the items you currently have.

References are typically submitted as a separate document. Make a list of people in your
network who you would request permission of to use as a reference.

Some companies require an applicant to take a personality assessment, such as the

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, as part of the job application process. Discuss your opinion as to
why you think an employer would require such a test.

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Chapter 11 Writing and Interviewing for Employment

5. Write an answer for each of the following potential interview questions.

A. What makes you a good employee?

B. What are your strengths?

C. What are your weaknesses?

Create a list of five questions you might ask during the interview. Be aware of how you word
questions to make the best impression on the interviewer.

Before going to an interview, you should try on your clothing and accessories the day before
the interview. Why is this important?

Write several paragraphs that you would include in a thank-you letter to a potential employer
who interviewed you for a position.

You have recently been interviewed for the position of assistant manager at a local
restaurant. Write a follow-up letter after you have been informed that another candidate
was hired.

10. Reflect on your last job application experience. Summarize what you did well during the
application process, and evaluate the areas in which you did not perform so well.

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Soft Skills for the Workplace

Dressing for an Interview. There are many articles that offer advice on dressing for an interview.
Visit a site such as and read the professional advice offered for interview attire.
Personality Assessment. Some companies require applicants to take a personality assessment
as part of the application process. One well-known instrument is the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
(MBTI). Visit the MBTI website and learn about the assessment and what it measures.
Onboarding. Onboarding is a term used to describe the processes through which new employees
obtain knowledge and skills to become effective members of the organization. Conduct an
Internet search for the term onboarding and learn what you can do to make the process successful
on your next job.

Visit the G-W Learning companion website at to access
and complete the following soft skills practice activities:
Activity $S11-1 Résumé Writing. Proper creation and formatting of a résumé is a reflection of
the professional image of the applicant. Open the $$11-1 file, and format the résumé. When you
have finished, create your own personal résumé,
Activity $S11-2 Cover Message Writing. When applying for employment, a cover message
is written to accompany the résumé. Open the $S11-2 file, and write a cover message for
Activity $S11-3 Employment Application Form. Job applicants are generally required to
complete an application form. Some of these forms can be completed online. Others require the
applicant to handwrite the information. Open the SS11-3 file, and practice completing the form on
the computer; then print and complete by hand in ink.
Activity $S§11-4 Employment Forms. New employees are required to complete multiple forms
for the employer. These will typically be handwritten in ink and should be done so with your best
handwriting. Open the $S11-4 file, and practice completing employment forms.

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Visit the G-W Learning companion website to view a video about soft skills. The video is
available at

On completion of this chapter, prepare to:

12-1 Describe teams in the workplace.

1 2-2 List the steps of the conflict-resolution model.

1 2-3 Identify examples of behaviors exhibited by difficult people.

12-4 Describe leadership in the workplace.

Copyright Goodheart-Willcox Go., Inc. 111

112 Soft Skills for the Workplace

A team is a group of two or more people who Teams in the Workplace

work together to achieve a common goal.
A team is a group of two or more people who work together to achieve a
common goal. A high-performing team can tackle projects that are too
big for one person to undertake or require various talents and skills to
perform. The terms team, department, and group are sometimes used
Many businesses develop and organize their employees into func-
tional teams. A functional team is brought together for a specific purpose.
Members share the same skill set and expertise. They may not be able to
perform each job required, but they understand the responsibilities of
each team member. The group comes together as a unit to meet specific
goals. This is common in organizations that have teams such as market-
ing, sales, and production. These are the basic work groups in most busi-
Kate Kultsevych/ nesses, Each team has specific goals and responsibilities it must meet.
There are situations when a specific problem needs to be solved or
a special project needs attention. In these situations, companies often create cross-
functional teams. A cross-functional team is made up of representatives from various
functional teams that come together to solve a specific problem or perform a task. A
cross-functional team may be called a task force or committee. This type of team is ben-
eficial for solving issues that affect the entire organization. Having representation from
each functional team helps create a sense of ownership and interest in solving an issue
for the common good. When the project is complete, the task force might disband.

Teamwork is the cooperative efforts by individual team members to achieve a goal.
Members of a team take pride in what they do, share responsibilities and decision-making,
and develop a sense of accomplishment when a project is completed. This happens only
when the team members work together and focus on their assigned tasks. Being a team
player is a soft skill that is important to career success. Effective team players contribute
ideas and personal effort, share goals, and assume ownership for their actions. They ful-
fill their promises to teammates, support each other, and encourage success.
Each team member plays a role in the success of the group. For example, some
individuals are encouragers who focus on team harmony and are always asking
others for opinions. Task-oriented team members identify and define tasks and help
see that they are accomplished. There are many different team member roles that
contribute to success. Examples of member roles are shown in Figure 12-1.
Teamwork requires collaboration. Collaboration means working together to
create a solution or address a challenge. Collaboration skills are behaviors that
individuals exhibit when working with others to achieve a common goal and main-
tain working relationships. This includes sharing ideas and making compromises
when the greater good of the team is at stake. To compromise is to give up an indi-
vidual idea so that the group can come to a solution. Collaboration and compromise
are two important skills necessary for effective teamwork.

Figure 12-1 Group members can take on one or more unique roles.

Group Member Roles

compromiser prioritizer supporter
encourager innovator harmonizer
initiator organizer energizer
orienter information seeker gatekeeper
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Chapter 12 Teams 113

Group Dynamics Figure 12-2 Psychologist Bruce Tuckman described a

group-development process that includes four stages.
Group dynamics are the interacting forces within a group
or team, including the attitudes, behaviors, and personali-
ties of all members. The dynamics of a team are the result
Tuckman’s Stages of Team Development
of the attitudes of the members and how they interact with
each other. Group dynamics can have a positive or negative Evaluation
influence on how a team reaches its goals.
The group process is how a team comes together to
get things done. When a team is organized, it may not
necessarily be immediately productive. Psychologist
Most Effective
Bruce Tuckman described a group-development pro- Performing
cess, as shown in Figure 12-2, which includes the
following four stages:
¢ Forming. The group comes together and starts to
get to know each other. Norming
e Storming. Members express their individual needs
and opinions; conflict can develop at this stage. 4p 5
e Norming. Collaboration and cooperation develop, :
and the team begins functioning as a cohesive group; Storming 5
brainstorming is used to work through issues.
e Performing. The team is productive and meeting
its goals; members have learned to collaborate and
work together. Forming
At some point in the group process, individual mem- Least Effective
bers may leave the group. When that happens, the team
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must come together and decide how to work without
the team member. This is sometimes called adjourning.
The process of forming, storming, norming, and per-
forming may start again.

Conflict Resolution
It is a fact of life that you will eventually be confronted with conflict in the work-
place. Conflict is a strong disagreement between two or more people or a differ-
ence that prevents agreement. However, conflict is not always negative. Sometimes
creative solutions can result from the interactions of people who disagree on a sub-
ject. If handled well, conflicts can strengthen the bonds between group members.
Learning from disputes can help the group avoid similar conflicts in the future.
However, if the conflict is not fully resolved, it can result in a recurring problem. It
can throw a group off course and be destructive for the team.
When conflict arises in a group, some team members ignore it and show
passive behavior. Passive behavior is accepting the things that happen without
trying to change them. These people ignore the conflict and act as if it doesn’t
exist. Other members recognize the conflict and show aggressive behavior.
Aggressive behavior is expressing individual needs with little interest or respect
for the needs of others. Still other team members respond to the conflict and show
assertive behavior. Assertive behavioris expressing personal opinions while show-
ing respect for others.
Conflict management is the process of recognizing and resolving dis-
putes. Conflict-resolution skills are the skills required to resolve a situation in
which a disagreement could lead to hostile behavior, such as shouting or fighting.

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114 Soft Skills for the Workplace

Figure 12-3 Conflict-resolution A conflict-resolution model can be used to help develop these skills and solve the
skills are the skills required to situation of disagreement. An example of a conflict-resolution model is illustrated
resolve a situation in which in Figure 12-3 and is explained as follows.
a disagreement could lead
1. Acknowledge conflict and define the problem. If the conflict is not recognized,
to hostile behavior, such as
shouting or fighting. resolution cannot happen. Team members should apply positive verbal and
nonverbal skills during this stage.

Step 1 Analyze and discuss the issue. List the facts and get opinions on the issue.
owledge conflict and Break into smaller groups or brainstorm as the full group for potential solutions.
define the problem Critical-thinking skills are required. Brainstormingis group discussion in which
individuals generate as many ideas as possible within a set amount of time.
When brainstorming, there are no bad ideas; all are listed for consideration.
4. Solve the problem and come up with solution. After all alternatives have
Analyze and discuss issue, been discussed, it should be possible to recommend one or more solutions.
list facts, get opinions Collaboration is needed from all involved.
Evaluate alternatives and reach consensus. All involved agree on a decision.
Implement the solution and then follow up. The solution or process is applied
Step 3 and the outcome is reviewed.
Brainstorm for potential Formal methods, such as negotiation or mediation, are required to settle some
solutions conflicts. Negotiation is when individuals involved in a conflict come together to
discuss a compromise. During negotiation, both parties are willing to give up some-
thing to meet the other party in the middle. For extreme conflicts in which neither
Step 4 side is willing to compromise and an agreement cannot be reached, mediation may
Solve the problem and be needed. Mediation is the inclusion of a neutral person, called a mediator, to help
the conflicting parties resolve their dispute and reach an agreement.
come up with a solution

Difficult People
Step 5
A difficult person is a person who resists cooperation and forces his or her opinions
Evaluate alternatives and
on others. A difficult employee is a person who does not behave in a professional
reach consensus
manner in the workplace. At some point in your career, you will encounter a dif-
ficult coworker. Difficult people are hard to please, unkind, or argumentative. They
may criticize everything and everybody. They may think they are never wrong or
Step 6 always need to have the last word on every issue. Difficult people can be annoying
Implement solution and or, more seriously, they can undermine another person's career.
follow up One familiar type of difficult person is the complainer. The complainer never
likes what the team is doing or the temperature in the room. Complainers blame
Goodheart-Willcax Publisher others when something goes wrong or they are unable to get the job done or perform
as required. These people are obnoxious and hard to please. A private discussion
with a complainer may help eliminate the situation. It might be a personality issue
that needs to be brought under control in the workplace.
The angry coworker is another example of a difficult personality. Angry cowork-
ers may display temper outbursts when things go offcourse, use profanity in conversa-
tions with others, or generally show aggressive behavior. This type of negative behavior
in the workplace must be addressed so it does not escalate. If you encounter an angry
coworker, it is important to remain calm. Ifthe other person is agitated, it will not help
the situation if you become agitated as well. The person should be approached by stat-
ing the issue and avoiding personal comments. Using the conflict-resolution model
can be helpful. Ifa solution cannot be found, or if you feel you are being threatened or
are otherwise in danger, seek help from the human resources department.
One extreme type of difficult person is a bully. A bully is someone who is repeat-
edly unkind and cruel to another person who is perceived as weaker. The act of being

Copyright Goodheart-Willcox Co., Inc.

Chapter 12 Teams 115

a bully is called bullying. A bully may steal ideas, publicly criticize or humiliate others,
or use abusive language. He or she may sabotage somebody's work to make them look
bad. A bully may harass or even threaten someone with violence, both of which are
illegal. If bullying happens to you, document the time and place of each incident of
bullying and describe the behavior. Look for others who witnessed the incident, and
include their names in your documentation. If the bullying behavior does not stop,
take your documentation to the human resources department and seek assistance in
resolving the situation.
When dealing with difficult coworkers, show professionalism. Try to stay
focused on the issue and keep emotions out of the conversation. Avoid saying “you”
to the other person, as it sounds accusatory. There are times when it is appropriate
to just ignore a difficult person. Removing yourself from the situation can some-
times be the best solution. However, difficult people who threaten the success of the
business or your personal well-being must be addressed.

Case Study
Team Conflict
Steve Jobs, the cofounder and former chairman and CEO of Apple, Inc., once said,
“...through the team, through that incredibly talented group of people bumping
up against each other, having arguments, having fights sometimes, making some
noise, and working together, they polish each other, they polish the ideas...” This
quote came from his telling of a parable about teamwork based on something
that happened to him as a child. He had befriended a widower who lived down
Featureflash Photo Agency/ the block from Jobs. One day, the man showed Jobs a rock tumbler. They went
into the backyard and found some common, unattractive rocks and put them
into the electric tumbler with some liquid and grit. They turned it on, and the tumbler began rotating. The man told
Jobs to come back the next day. When Jobs came back, they opened the tumbler and removed “amazingly beautiful,
polished rocks.” The rocks rubbing against each other had produced a beautiful item. Jobs kept that incident in his
mind as a metaphor for how conflict can help make a team produce a better outcome.
1. How do you think the parable of the rock tumbler relates to what happens in the group development process?

Jobs was told to return the next day to see the rocks. What lesson regarding the conflict-resolution model can
be learned from Jobs having to come back to the rock tumbler a day later?

The rock tumbler parable implies that Jobs allowed his teams to solve their own issues. What style of leadership
do you think Steve Jobs practiced?

How did Jobs’ view of teamwork impact his professional image?

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116 Soft Skills for the Workplace

Bullies are people who are repeatedly unkind and cruel to Avoid becoming a difficult person. It is okay to com-
another person who is perceived as weaker. plain and offer solutions for situations that need cor-
recting, but becoming a difficult person is unacceptable.
Disagreeing with others in a professional manner can
| create great outcomes and is actually needed in the work-
place. However, displaying anger and creating a hostile
environment is behavior that can cost you your job.

/ Leadership is the ability to influence others to reach a
y goal, Examples of common leadership characteristics
£ include honesty, competence, self-confidence, communi-
lightwavemedia/ cation skills, problem-solving skills, and dependability.
The ability to set goals, follow through on tasks, and be
forward-thinking are also important leadership behaviors.
Employers seek employees who have leadership skills. Individuals who possess
leadership skills are people who influence others, have ideas and solutions for chal-
lenges, and set examples for behavior. You don’t have to be in a /eadership position to
exhibit /eadership skills.
An example of a leadership position is a manager or director of a team.
Being in a leadership position is not always an easy job. Some team members
can be easy to work with, but others can be difficult. Leaders have to be able
to work with different personalities and motivate the group to accomplish its
goals. Each leader has an individual style or may develop a style based on the
personalities of the team.
Three common leadership styles are democratic, autocratic, and laissez-faire,
as seen in Figure 12-4, In the democratic leadership style, the leader shares deci-
sion-making with the group. Democratic leaders encourage other team members
to participate in the leadership process. Other leaders use the autocratic style.
In the autocratic leadership style, the leader maintains all of the power within a
team. The last common type of leadership is laissez-faire. The /atssez-faire lead-
ership style is a hands-off approach to leadership. This style leaves the decision-
making to the group.

Figure 12-4 Each leader has an individual style or may develop a style based on the
personalities of the team.

Leadership Style Characteristics

Democratic ¢ Open and collegial
e Invited participation from team
e Shares decision-making with team members

Autocratic * Maintains power within the group

* Keeps close control over the members of the team
¢ Makes all decisions for the group

Laissez-faire e Hands-off approach

¢ Little to no direction is provided
« Makes decisions only if requested by the team
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Chapter 12 Teams

e (LO 12-1) Describe teams in the workplace.
A team is a group of two or more people who work together to achieve a common goal.
A team may be structured as formal or informal. Two types of teams are functional and
(LO 12-2) List the steps of the conflict-resolution model.
Conflict-resolution skills are the skills required to resolve a situation in which a disagreement
could lead to hostile behavior, such as shouting or fighting. The steps of conflict resolution
are acknowledge the conflict and define the problem; analyze and discuss the issue; break
into smaller groups or brainstorm as a full group for potential solutions; solve the problem
and come up with a solution; evaluate alternatives and reach consensus; and implement the
solution and then follow up.
(LO 12-3) Identify examples of behaviors exhibited by difficult people.
A difficult person is a person who resists cooperation and forces his or her opinions on
others. A difficult employee is a person who does not behave in a professional manner in the
workplace. Difficult employees, and difficult people in general, are hard to please, unkind, or
argumentative. Focusing on the issues and keeping emotions in check will help when dealing
with difficult people. Ignoring the person may be the best course of action. If at any point a
difficult person becomes a bully or becomes aggressive in the workplace, human resources
should be contacted.
(LO 12-4) Describe leadership in the workplace.
Leadership is the ability to influence others to reach a goal. The characteristics of leadership
include certain traits, such as honesty, competence, self-confidence, communication skills,
problem-solving skills, and dependability. Each leader has an individual style or may develop a
style based on the personalities of the team. Three common leadership styles are democratic,
autocratic, and laissez-faire.

collaboration skills leadership
conflict mediation
conflict management negotiation
conflict-resolution skills team
group dynamics teamwork

L Describe teams in the workplace.

2. Discuss how group dynamics affect team performance.

3. List the steps of the conflict-resolution model.

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Soft Skills for the Workplace

4, Identify examples of behaviors exhibited by difficult people.

5. Describe leadership in the workplace.

1. List characteristics you posses that demonstrate to others that you are a team player.

2. Identify the role you typically play in your work or social group and describe how you execute
that role.

3. Identify examples of teams to which you belong—these could be work-related or social

teams. Next, describe the stage of formation the group has reached according to Tuckman’s
group-development process.

4, At some point in the group process, individual members will probably leave the group and
the team must come together and decide how to work without the team member. This is
sometimes called adjourning. Recall a situation in which an important player left a team of
which you were a part. Describe the aftermath of the person leaving.

5. Describe a workplace conflict in which you were involved. Using the conflict-resolution
model, make a list of actions that could have helped solve the conflict.

6. List one or two people you know personally or professionally whom you would classify as
difficult and examples of this person's behavior that make him or her difficult.

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Chapter 12 Teams

7. Describe a time in which you encountered a bully. How did you handle the situation?

8. Most of us have at least one aspect of our personality that does not appeal to everyone. As the
old adage says, “You cannot please everyone. Describe a time when coworkers would have
described you as a difficult person.

9. Recall a time when you were assigned to a leadership position. In what ways were you
successful and unsuccessful as a leader?

10. Three common leadership styles are democratic, autocratic, and laissez-faire. Identify a
manager you have worked with and the style that person has adopted. Explain your opinion
of how the style works or does not work for the team.

Conflict Management. One of the goals of conflict management is to minimize the negative
outcomes that conflicts in the workplace can cause. Conduct research on conflict management.
Summarize what you learned that could help you in your career or personal life.

Visit the G-W Learning companion website at to access
and complete the following soft skills practice activities:
Activity $S12-1 Icebreakers. Icebreakers are a good opportunity for team members to meet and
get to know one another. Open the SS12-1 file, and create a list of icebreaker questions.
Activity §S12-2 Teamwork Skills. Being a team player is a soft skill that is important to career
success. Open the $$12-2 file, and rate your personal teamwork skills.

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Ere nh El,
eel ie



Visit the G-W Learning companion website to view a video about soft skills. The video is
available at

On completion of this chapter, prepare to:

1 3- 1 Cite examples of factors that make up a diverse workplace.

1 3-2 Discuss cultural awareness, cultural intelligence, and cultural competency.

1 3 3 Describe how clear and successful communication across different cultures can
be accomplished in the workplace.

1 3-4 Identify benefits of diversity for a business or organization.

120 Copyright Goodheart-Willcox Co., Inc.

Chapter 13 Diversity 121

Diversity in the Workplace Ethnicity is related to the foods, customs,

clothing, beliefs, and other factors that make
Diversity means having representatives from different backgrounds, up a person's culture.

cultures, or demographics in a group. It includes age, race, nationality,

gender, mental ability, physical ability, and other qualities that make an
individual unique.
In order to fully understand and embrace diversity, culture must
be understood. Culture is the shared beliefs, customs, practices, and
social behaviors of a particular group. Often, culture is associated with
a nation or with ethnicity, but it may be associated with a region or
other qualification.
A stereotype is a belief or generalization about a group of people
with a given set of characteristics. By incorrectly assuming that all
people within a certain group have the same quality or characteristic,
the value and experience of each individual is ignored. Diversity benefits
businesses only when the unique qualities of individuals are recognized
and put to their best use.
Inclusion is the practice of recognizing, accepting, valuing, and
respecting diversity. It is the act of involving all people from your work
or social circles in responsibilities, functions, or activities. Inclusion
means accepting diverse people who are different in gender, race, men-
tal or physical disability, generation (age), or other qualities that make
an individual unique.
The US workforce is composed of all genders. Today, just under half of the workforce
is female. Some fields or careers tend to consist mostly of males, while some fields
tend to consist mostly of females. However, all genders must have equal opportuni-
ties in all fields.
Gender discrimination is any action that denies opportunities, privileges, or
rewards based on a person's gender. It may be committed against a single person
or a group of people. All people are protected against gender discrimination by law.
According to the federal government, gender identity is a person’s internal
sense of one’s gender. The way in which this is expressed is frequently called gender
expression. One's gender expression may or may not conform to the social roles asso-
ciated with a particular sex. For example, a person who identifies as transgender has
a gender identity that is opposite from his or her sex at birth.

Race and ethnicity are often confused, and there is disagreement on the definitions
of each. Generally, ethnicity is the culture with which a person identifies, such as
South Asian, Mexican, English, or German. Ethnicity is related to the foods, cus-
toms, clothing, beliefs, and other factors that make up a person's culture. Race, on
the other hand, is generally defined as a large group of people who share history,
ancestry, and physical traits.
A person may have more than one ethnicity. For example, the race of a child
born to Asian parents in China is Asian. Suppose, however, that child is adopted by
an African-American family in America. The child will grow up in both American
and African-American cultures and likely will identify with those ethnicities, but
the child’s race remains Asian. As the child matures, he or she may become inter-
ested in Chinese culture. This may lead the child to identify with American, African-
American, and Chinese ethnicities.

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122 Soft Skills for the Workplace

The federal government uses the designations shown in Figure 13-1 to catego-
rize US citizens, resident aliens, and other eligible noncitizens by race. These desig-
nations are based on a social definition of race as generally recognized in the United
States. Since 2010, the US Census has allowed the selection of multiple racial cat-
egories. People who identify with more than one race are referred to as multiracial
individuals. Multiracial individuals are a growing segment of the population. Data
gathered through the 2010 census showed that the population of multiracial indi-
viduals grew at a higher percentage than the population of single-race individuals.
Certain employment laws mandate diversity. For example, the US government
passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which ended segregation in workplaces and public
schools, as well as unequal voting requirements. This made it illegal to discriminate
against a person based on his or her race, color, religion, gender, or national origin.

According to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), a disability is a physical or men-
tal impairment that substantially limits one or more of a person’s major life activities.
The ADA is a federal civil rights law that was enacted in 1990. It prohibits discrimination
against any person with a disability in all areas of public life, including in the workplace.
The same employment opportunities and benefits available to those without dis-
abilities must be available to those with disabilities. Prior to the ADA, there were no
requirements to make buildings accessible to those with disabilities. For example, a
ramp or liftis now required to allow a person with a mobility disability to bypass stairs.
Reasonable measures must be taken to enable an employee with a disability
to participate and function in the essential work activities of his or her position.
However, reasonable measures go beyond ramps and elevators. Technological acces-
sibility is equally important. Accommodations for disability include tools such as
screen readers, alternative text descriptions (alt text), text-to-speech applications,
and Braille versions of information. Provisions of the act also require businesses
to take reasonable measures to communicate with those who have vision, hearing,
or speech impairments.

Figure 13-1 The federal government uses these designations to categorize US citizens,
resident aliens, and other eligible noncitizens by race.

Race Designation Description

Hispanic or Latino A person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central
American, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race.

American Indian or A person having origins in any of the original peoples of North and
Alaska Native South America (including Central America) who maintains cultural
identification through tribal affiliation or community attachment.

Asian A person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far
East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian Subcontinent, including, for
example, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan,
the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam.

Black or A person having origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa.
Native Hawaiian or A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii,
Other Pacific Islander —§ Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands.
White A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe,
the Middle East, or North Africa.
Source: US Census Bureau; Goodheart-Willcox Publisher

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Chapter 13 Diversity 123

In 1967, the United States passed the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, which
made it illegal to discriminate against a person 40 or more years of age. This law
prohibits discrimination in promotions, wages, hiring, benefits, layoffs, and termi-
nation, It also eliminated mandatory retirement in most occupations. A person's
age does not dictate his or her abilities. Even though an employee may be older, it
does not mean that he or she cannot do the same work as a younger worker.
An age-neutral environment embraces workers of all ages and takes advantage of
the values and strengths each generation brings to the workplace. It embraces the differ-
ences that each generation brings to the situation. The benefits of an age-neutral work-
force include flexibility, creativity, a broad customer base, and diverse perspectives.
Each generation’s talents and skills should be blended to work toward the common goal.
In today’s workforce, people of many ages and generations work together. A
generation is a group of people who were born and lived during the same time
period. A multigenerational workforce consists of employees who represent mul-
tiple age groups and generations. It is not uncommon to see people from age 16 to 70
working at similar jobs in a place of employment.
Currently, there are at least five recognized generations, as shown in Figure 13-2.
People within certain age groups have witnessed the same historic events, seen the evolu-
tion of certain technologies, and have other shared life experiences. A person's age when
witnessing certain events can affect the impact those events have on a person's life. For
example, a presidential election will leave a different impression on a 10- year-old person
than it will on a 30-year-old person. Such events help shape a person's values and beliefs,
which translates into the way he or she behaves and works with others.
Some critics say that categorizing people by the year they are born is stereotyping.
Labeling an individual as a member of a generation places that person in an arbi-
trary group strictly based on birth year without considering personal characteristics,
cultures, or other factors. It ignores ethnicity and personal traits that make people
who they are. The practice of classification by generation can be considered offensive
by some individuals.
Generalizations about age and generations should not be used to stereotype people
in a negative manner, such as job discrimination. However, using it in a non-offensive
manner can be considered acceptable, such as marketers who use age and generations
as positive stereotypes to help determine customer needs for products and services.
Group dynamics are the interacting forces within a group or team, including
the attitudes, behaviors, and personalities of all members. The multigenerational
workforce has influenced group dynamics and presented certain challenges for
employees and employers. Some of those challenges are stereotyping, communica-
tion differences, and cultural expectations.

Figure 13-2 A generation is a group of people who were born and lived during the same
time period.

Generational Title Year of Birth

iGeneration (Generation Z) 1996-present

Millennial Generation (Generation Y) 1980-1995

Generation X 1965-1980

Baby Boom Generation 1946-1964

Silent Generation 1928-1945
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124 Soft Skills for the Workplace

Diversity should never be a barrier to cooperation or communication, nor should it
create situations of stereotyping. Often, a stereotype is untrue and has a negative
meaning. For example, older workers may think that younger workers are “job-hop-
pers’ if they change jobs frequently. The reality may be they are looking for a better
opportunity and work-life balance. A work-life balance is the amount of time spent
at work compared to the amount of time spent with family and friends and engaged
in leisure activities.
Alternatively, younger workers may think that older workers do not like change
because they stay in one job for years and never change employers. Younger workers
may think it is “boring” not to change employment. However, older workers may like
their jobs. They worked to earn their positions, and they may be happy with their
status in the company. Their reason for staying is not related to disliking or fearing
change. In both instances, the stereotype is incorrect.
Generational stereotypes can lead to misunderstandings and negatively influence
the dynamics of a team. This can create a multitude of issues including bias. Bias is a
tendency to believe that some ideas or people are better than others, which often results
in acting unfairly and creates negative self-worth for team members. Negative stereo-
typing is never acceptable and should be actively discouraged in the work environment.
Communication issues between generations in the workplace can be eliminated
through the exchanging of ideas. Each team member should be open with coworkers
about the type of communication that is better for him or her. Honest discussion
can eliminate future misunderstandings. Listening to each other is an important
part of the communication process.
For example, younger workers may prefer to e-mail coworkers as their primary
means of communication. Alternatively, older workers may prefer face-to-face com-
munication when interacting with a coworker. These are basic workplace inter-
actions that can present challenges, lead to misunderstandings, and may project
a perceived lack of respect when none is intended. Establishing expectations is a
simple way to demonstrate respect and cooperation.

Cultural Expectations
Culture is the shared beliefs, customs, practices, and social behaviors of a particular
group. Each generation has expectations about workplace culture based on their
past work experiences. Employers influence the culture of their businesses and the
people who work for them.
Historically, it was a common cultural workplace expectation to judge a person's
performance by how many hours he or she put in at the office. The output of a person's
work was not necessarily the primary measure. If the person was in the office nine or
ten hours each day and came in on the weekends, he or she may have been seen as a
hard worker and valuable to the company. This is the environment in which many older
workers “grew up’ within their industries. As a result, that is the culture they expect.
On the other hand, younger workers may not necessarily equate hours in the
office to productivity. Younger workers are more likely to embrace mobile technolo-
gies that allow them to work anywhere, not just in the office.
In both instances, the culture of the generation is different. Through discus-
sion of expectations for company culture, issues can be resolved before they erupt.

Culture influences how people respond to the communication and behavior of indi-
viduals and organizations. It affects how people think, work, and interact with others.

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Chapter 13 Diversity 125

Embracing diversity requires the development of one’s cultural awareness, cultural

intelligence, and cultural competency.

Cultural Awareness
Cultural awareness is an understanding of the differences and similarities between
one’s personal culture and the culture of another person or group. In order to have
cultural awareness, you must first understand your own culture. How do you dress,
and do others around you dress similarly? Food is often an important part of cul-
ture. Do you and your family eat the same foods as most people who live in your
community? It is important to learn how your personal culture influences how you
live each day and the life decisions you make. Once you understand your own cul-
ture, you can begin to develop cultural awareness toward others.

Case Study
Sonia Sotomayor grew up in the housing projects of the South Bronx. From
a very early age, she knew that she wanted a career in law. A self-proclaimed
example of affirmative action, Sotomayor attended the prestigious Princeton
and Yale Universities in pursuit of her chosen career. While in college and
law school, she was an active voice for the issues and concerns of minority
K2 images/ After graduating, she worked as an assistant district attorney in New York and
eventually went into private practice. She was honored with nominations to both
the US District Court and US Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. While sitting on the Second Circuit, she was a
member of the Task Force on Gender, Racial and Ethnic Fairness in the Courts.
In 2009, Sonia Sotomayor became the first Hispanic woman appointed to the Supreme Court. From this influential
position, she continues to advocate for equality and diversity, which includes diversity of justices sitting on the
Supreme Court. Many of her public speeches and addresses highlight the importance and benefits of diversity.
“| want to state upfront, unequivocally and without doubt: | do not believe that any racial, ethnic or gender group has
an advantage in sound judging. | do believe that every person has an equal opportunity to be a good and wise judge,
regardless of their background or life experiences.”
1. What types of stereotyping do you think Sotomayor experienced as a Hispanic appointed to the Supreme Court?

2. What types of stereotyping do you think Sotomayor experienced as the first Hispanic woman appointed to the
Supreme Court?

3. Cite an example of a benefit that Sotomayor's diversity brought to the Supreme Court.

4. How has being an advocate for diversity impacted Justice Sotomayor’s professional image?

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126 Soft Skills for the Workplace

Etiquette dictates that individuals be sensitive to the cultures of others. This

is often referred to as cultural sensitivity. A failure to be sensitive to the cultures of
others can lead to miscommunication, errors, missed opportunities, hurt feelings,
and even lost business.
For example, in the United States, it is common to give someone you meet
in business your business card. This exchange is simple without any significance
attached to how it is done. It is also not uncommon to make notes on the card, such
as an area or product of interest or a best time to make contact. To be sure not to
lose it, the person receiving the card may immediately tuck it into a wallet and then
slip the wallet into a pocket. There is very little chance for anything to go wrong
with this exchange, as long as both people are vested in American culture.
However, in Asia the exchange of a business card is very important. In these
cultures, the business card is an extension of the person (especially his or her face),
and the process of exchanging cards is considered a ceremony. The card should
be offered by holding it in front of you with both hands as you bow slightly, and it
should be accepted in the same way.
Even where the card is grasped is important, as the company name or logo or
the person’s name should never be covered. The person accepting the card should
spend a few seconds inspecting the card, holding it over a dedicated business card
holder. This is a sign of respect. The card should remain visible for the duration
of the meeting, and then carefully placed in the holder. The card should never be
placed in your back pocket as this is a sign of disrespect. You would be sitting on the
card and, by extension, sitting on the person. It is also extremely disrespectful to
write on the card or otherwise damage it.
Continual cultural awareness to interact and exchange ideas with individuals
from diverse cultural settings is necessary in the workplace. As can be seen in the
examples of exchanging business cards, in one culture this is a simple process, but
in another culture it is a very formal process. If the formal process is not followed,
the results could lead to misunderstandings or, worse, a failed meeting. However,
cultural awareness is only part of the equation. Cultural awareness and cultural
intelligence are interrelated. Through development of cultural awareness, one can
acquire cultural intelligence.

Cultural Intelligence
The concept of cultural intelligence was introduced in the early 21st century.
Cultural intelligence, often abbreviated as CQ, is the ability to adapt to unfamiliar
cultural situations. It is nof a measure of the intellectual capability of a person or
the intelligence of those in a particular culture. An individual with a high cultural
intelligence is aware of values, beliefs, and attitudes of those from a different culture
and can change personal behaviors to better match. Since the ability to change per-
sonal behaviors requires cultural awareness. the link between cultural awareness
and cultural intelligence is inherent.
Cultural intelligence is important to the overall success and survival of a
community. By developing a high CQ, a person is better able to communicate and
interact with others. For example, in some Middle Eastern cultures, it is acceptable
to negotiate the price of a product. This is called haggling. While haggling is not
common in American culture as a whole, there may be some communities or neigh-
borhoods that have a culture where haggling is accepted. It may be considered rude
not to follow the cultural norm where applicable, Having a high cultural intelligence
for those communities helps support the economic well-being of businesses located
there and shows respect for their values and customers.

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Chapter 13 Diversity 127

Ahigh cultural intelligence also helps to identify barriers in cross-cultural relation-

ships. For example, many businesses in Western culture respect the go-getter, someone
who can take charge of a meeting and close the deal or get the job done in short order.
This person typically has a 7ype A personality. He or she is very outgoing, has a great
amount of drive or ambition to succeed, has a need for control, and quickly moves
from a completed task to the next task.
In China, however, this type of behavior has no value. In Chinese culture,
respect is given to those who can make personal connections and are interested in
long-term partnerships. Ifa person comes into a meeting and says, “Here is what you
need to do,” he or she will likely offend any Chinese partners. Instead of making a
demanding statement, it may be better to direct the conversation by posing a ques-
tion, such as “Would you be willing to consider...?”

Cultural Competency
Cultural competency is the acknowledgment of cultural differences and the ability
to adapt one’s communication style to successfully send and receive messages despite
those differences. Think of cultural competency as a two-step process. The first step
requires a person to be aware of cultural barriers, which is the development of cultural
awareness. The second step requires taking necessary precautions to overcome those
barriers, which is applying cultural intelligence.
For example, corporations operating on a global scale often hold meetings with
representatives from different countries. The acknowledgment of a potential lan-
guage or cultural barrier is the successful completion of the first step. If a language
barrier does exist, the culturally competent action is to have an interpreter present
to avoid any miscommunication, which completes the second step of the process.
An interpreter is a person who translates conversations between individuals who do
not speak the same language.
Achieving cultural competence may not always be an easy task. In general,
treating people with respect and patience and using best practices in the workplace
will ultimately help in attaining cultural competence.

Intercultural Communication
Intercultural communication is the process of sending and receiving messages
between people of various cultures. The communication process is a series of
actions on the part of the sender and the receiver of a message, as well as the path
of the message.
The sender creates and sends the message. The receiver is the person who
reads, hears, or sees the message. Once the message is received, it is translated into
terms the receiver can understand. When the sender and receiver are from different
cultures, the message may not be translated as intended. Each party translates the
message based on his or her own culture and beliefs, which may differ from each
other. For example, in the United States a topic is considered “tabled” if it is put off
for another time. In contrast, the same phrase in Great Britain means to “bring it to
the table” for discussion. If this phrase is part of a message between two people from
different cultures, a misunderstanding could occur.
Language is often a barrier to intercultural communication. English as a
Second Language (ESL) is the field of education concerned with teaching English
to those whose native language is not English. This field may also be known
as English as a Foreign Language (EFL), especially outside of the United States.

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128 Soft Skills for the Workplace

People who do not speak English, or do not speak it fluently, may take ESL classes to
learn how to more effectively communicate using the English language. Likewise,
a native English speaker living or working in a foreign country may learn to speak
the language of the country in order to communicate as clearly as possible and
avoid misunderstandings.
Working in a diverse environment requires that individuals learn how to
communicate clearly and concisely. This sometimes means taking extra time and
patience to establish and maintain working relationships. Clear and successful
communication can be accomplished through careful listening, clear speech, and
awareness of nonverbal communication.

Careful Listening
It is courteous to listen to each person with whom you come in contact. Listening
is the process of hearing speech and evaluating the message. It is one of the most
important skills you will use in your career. When listening to diverse individuals,
extra attention needs to be given. English may not be a person's native language.
Imagine yourself in another country trying to speak a foreign language. It could be
frustrating trying to express a thought or idea if you are not versed in the language.
Show empathy to others who are in that situation with you.
Just as when listening to a friend or family member, these basic courtesies
should be applied when listening to coworkers from different cultures:
« Do not interrupt.
e Ask for clarification for any point you do not understand.
© Watch for nonverbal cues.
¢ Concentrate on what the person is saying.
¢ Provide appropriate feedback.

Clear Speech
When communicating with others whose native language is not English, it is impor-
tant to speak clearly. Using simple language and short sentences can help avoid mis-
understandings. It is helpful to speak slowly, and clearly pronounce words. Be polite
and use common courtesies. If the person does not seem to understand what you
have said, try to rephrase. Speaking loudly will not make the person understand
what you are saying.

Nonverbal Communication
As discussed previously, body language, eye contact, touch, and personal space play
an important role in communication. All cultures assign specific meanings to non-
verbal behavior, and often, two cultures do not always give the same meaning to an
action. Being aware of nonverbal communication can help eliminate barriers when
dealing with people from other cultures.
For example, direct eye contact is not acceptable in some cultures while it
is favorable in others. Similarly, different cultures have varying standards of how
much personal space should be given to other people. Shaking hands is no longer
appropriate in today's workplace. However, if social distancing guidelines change,
handshaking may once again be acceptable.
Ifyou will be interacting with someone from another culture, conduct research
to understand what body language cues will be expected by that person. Social
etiquette in the other culture may be very different from what you are used to. Try
to understand these differences before the interaction begins.

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Chapter 13 Diversity 129

. . The same employment opportunities and benefits available

Benefits of Diversity to those without disabilities must be available to those with
A diverse workforce has many advantages. Often, diver- disabilities.
sity leads to new ideas, higher productivity, improved
customer service, and a better reputation forthe company.

New Ideas
Diversity can help organizations be more creative,
be receptive to customer needs, and find new ways of
completing tasks. Having a diverse workforce can help
a company create products and services that may be
new in the marketplace. These new ideas can generate
increased revenue and employee pride. New ways of
thinking and looking at business are benefits of hiring
people with varied backgrounds and experiences.
Firma V/
Higher Productivity
In many cases, working in a diverse environment
improves employee morale. This, in turn, leads to a greater desire by employees to
do well for the company. Productivity and efficiency both can increase as a result.

Improved Customer Service

Customer service is an important function for businesses. All companies service
a variety of customers, regardless of their language or culture. Providing excellent
customer service can be a challenge when speaking with a customer who may not
speak English or speak it well.
Customer service teams that provide assistance in various languages can
increase sales as well as customer satisfaction. For example, by hiring employees
who speak Spanish fluently, a business can better serve customers whose native lan-
guage is Spanish and have limited English proficiency.
In addition, employees who receive diversity training are more capable of ser-
vicing customers from diverse backgrounds. They are generally more sensitive to
people from other cultures and are more culturally competent, so they better under-
stand how to interpret specific needs.

Increasing diversity in the workforce naturally increases the pool of potential quali-
fied candidates. This can result in a more effective workforce. Also, having a diverse
workforce helps to improve the reputation of the company. The company can
become known to customers and potential employees as one that embraces diver-
sity. This reputation can serve to draw potential employees to the company. It can
also draw customers to the company who value diversity, as well as those who have
needs they hope can be serviced by a company with a diverse workforce.

Employee Engagement
When a workforce is inclusive, employees feel more engaged. In addition, employee
engagement is linked to a reduction of turnover. When employees feel included and
respected for their diversity, they are happier and will potentially stay longer with
an employer.

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Soft Skills for the Workplace

(LO 13-1) Cite examples of factors that make up a diverse workplace.
Diversity means having representatives from different backgrounds, cultures, or
demographics. It includes age, race, nationality, gender, mental ability, physical ability, and
other qualities that make an individual unique.
(LO 13-2) Discuss cultural awareness, cultural intelligence, and cultural competency.
Cultural awareness is an understanding of the differences and similarities between one’s
personal culture and the culture of another person or group. In order to have cultural
awareness, you must first understand your own culture. Cultural intelligence is the ability
to adapt to unfamiliar cultural situations. It is not a measure of the intellectual capability
of a person or the intelligence of those in a particular culture. Cultural competency is the
acknowledgment of cultural differences and the ability to adapt one’s communication style to
successfully send and receive messages despite those differences.
(LO 13-3) Describe how clear and successful communication across different cultures
can be accomplished in the workplace.
Working in a diverse environment requires that individuals learn how to communicate clearly
and concisely. Clear and successful communication can be accomplished through careful
listening, clear speech, and awareness of nonverbal communication.
(LO 13-4) Identify benefits of diversity for a business or organization.
A diverse workforce has many advantages. Often, diversity leads to increased creativity,
productivity, and customer service, as well as a favorable reputation in the industry.

cultural awareness ethnicity
cultural competency generation
cultural intelligence inclusion
culture intercultural communication
disability multigenerational workforce
diversity stereotype
English as a Second Language (ESL) work-life balance

1. Cite factors that make up a diverse workplace.

Discuss cultural awareness, cultural intelligence, and cultural competency.

Explain why cultural intelligence is important to the overall success and survival of a

Describe how clear and successful communication can be accomplished in the workplace.

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Chapter 13 Diversity

How does diversity benefit a workplace?

Recall a workplace or school situation in which you witnessed stereotyping or bias toward
another individual. Describe what you think was the outcome for that person's self-worth as
well as the dynamics of the individual's peers.

Observe the accommodations that have been made for people with disabilities in your work
or school. Compile your findings in a list. Identify any additional accommodations that you
think should be made.

Discuss your thoughts about reporting to a supervisor who is younger than you. How would
it be different from reporting to someone your age or older?

Describe your experience with a multigenerational team or collaboration. What were some
of the positive elements that you took away from the interaction?

Marketers often use age and generations as positive stereotypes to help determine customer
needs. List examples of positive stereotypes with which you are familiar.

Identify your generation and discuss personal characteristics you think are common to those
in your age group. Compare some of those characteristics with your parents’ generation.

Explain your ideal work-life balance.

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Soft Skills for the Workplace

8. Cultural competence is a combination of a person's cultural awareness and cultural

intelligence. Based on this description, how culturally competent are you?

9. Describe the culture in which you were raised and how it has played a role in your personality.

10. Think of your last group project. Identify the unique qualities (gender, race, mental or physical
disability, age, ethnicity) of the group members. Explain how the diversity of the group
impacted the collaboration, general interactions, and project completion.

Cultural intelligence (CQ). Cultural intelligence (CQ) is the ability to adapt to unfamiliar
cultural situations. Conduct an Internet search for a Cultural Intelligence (CQ) quiz. Take the test
and evaluate your score.

Visit the G-W Learning companion website at to access
and complete the following soft skills practice activities:
Activity $$13-1 Cultural Awareness. In order to have cultural awareness, an individual must
first understand his or her own culture. Open the SS13-1 file, and complete the activity so that you
may reflect on your personal culture.
Activity $$13-2 Cultural Intelligence. Cultural intelligence, often abbreviated as CQ, is the
ability to adapt to unfamiliar cultural situations. Open the $S13-2 file, and rate your behaviors
that contribute to your CQ.

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Olga Danylenko/


After you have finished reading this chapter, see what you have learned about soft skills by taking
a posttest.The soft skills posttest is available at

On completion of this chapter, prepare to:

1 4-1 Discuss the relationship between self-confidence and self-esteem.

14-2 Identify examples of actions necessary for professional advancement.

1 4-3 Describe the importance of having realistic career expectations.

Copyright Goodheart-Willcox Co., Inc. 133

134 Soft Skills for the Workplace

Self-esteem is your sense of self-worth

and how you see yourself when you
look in the mirror. An important element of an individual’s professional image is self-confidence.
Self-confidence is being certain and secure about one’s own abilities and
judgment. People with self-confidence believe in their ability to perform
or make something positive happen in a situation. These individuals know
what they are good at doing and how to best use their abilities to achieve
goals. Self-confident individuals exhibit confidence in their positions and are
aware of their value to the organization for which they work. Employers seek
employees who demonstrate confidence in their actions and communica-
tion. Managers depend on their staff to perform job activities, use judgment,
and deliver what is promised without constant supervision.
A person's self-confidence is affected by his or her self-talk. Self-talk is
the practice of talking to oneself, either silently or aloud. This can often influ-
ence how a person feels about himself or herself. Positive self-talk includes
reinforcement of one’s appearance, skills, or other qualities. Negative self-talk
consists of disparaging comments. It is common to participate in negative
self-talk when things do not go the way you intended. Negative self-talk can
turn positive simply by choosing to believe in yourself. The more confidently
Bajrich/ you believe in yourself, the more others will believe in you.
Closely related to self-confidence is self-esteem. Self-esteem is how an
individual feels about his or her value as a person, It is your sense of self-worth
and how you see yourself when you look in the mirror. The more comfortable you are
with yourself as a person, the more self-confidence you will exhibit.
Your self-esteem is also influenced by your self-image. Self-image is the way
a person thinks about himself or herself, including personal abilities, appearance,
and other people’s perceptions. Figure 14-1 lists examples of behaviors exhibited by
an individual with high self-esteem versus an individual with low self-esteem.
Self-confidence and self-esteem should not be confused with arrogance.
Arrogance is an attitude in which an individual believes he or she is better than
other people. It can arise from too much or too little self-confidence or self-esteem.
Arrogant people may not work well with others because they think they are more
important and their ideas are better. They may exhibit a sense of superiority over
coworkers and can sometimes transform into a workplace bully. Figure 14-2 lists
some common behaviors of arrogant people.

Figure 14-1 Self-esteem is how an individual feels about his or her value as a person.

High Self-Esteem Low Self-Esteem

Firmly believes in set values and principles Engages in severe self-criticism
Believes in own abilities to solve problems, asks for help when Is very sensitive to external criticism
needed, and adapts when things do not work out as planned

Can trust personal judgment in maki ng decisions Finds making decisions difficult due to a fear of making mistakes

Is not easily manipulated by others ls overly concerned with pleasing others out of fear of
disappointing them
Can empathize Easily becomes angry or hostile even over insignificant issues

Feels equal to others Feels insignificant

Has a sense of self-worth Has an overall negative view on life
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Chapter 14 Confidence 135

Figure 14-2 Arrogance is an attitude in which an individual believes he or she is better than
other people.

An arrogant individual is often:

e self-centered, but can be charming. e the center of attention, and becomes
* critical of others, but rejects feedback aggravated : or jealous if someone else
about self. gets attention.

« aself-perceived expert on everything, * staunch in personal beliefs and

and disparages the knowledge and perspectives, but intolerant of others
input of others. whose beliefs differ.

¢ ingratiating with employer or e pleasant and kind to your face, but

manager, and belittling toward negative about you to others behind
coworkers. your back.

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The opposite of arrogance is humility. Humility means to be modest and not

to think one is better than other people. People who have humility are humble in
their behavior, but it does not mean they lack self-confidence. Possessing humility
does not mean to be meek or have diminished self-esteem or self-image. Instead, it
means treating people respectfully, being confident in your abilities, and behaving
as a professional. When soft skills are mastered, some aspects of humility naturally
happen. For example, simply saying “thank you” to someone demonstrates humility.

Professional Success
Many people identify self with career. A personal sense of accomplishment, satisfaction,
and value can be gained from working in a chosen profession. As such, many people seek
professional advancement as an indicator of success. Advancement can be measured
by a promotion, new job title, or other forms of recognition that can help an individual
attain desired career status. Each individual has his or her own measure of job success.
To attain advancement, it is important to exhibit confidence in personal per-
formance and the ability to interact in the workplace. lt also requires taking control
of your career and learning how to effectively negotiate, manage up, self-promote,
and appropriately deal with office politics within the organization.

“Everything is negotiable,” as the saying goes, especially in the workplace. To
negotiate is to have a formal discussion between two or more people in an attempt
to reach an agreement. It is common to negotiate salary with an employer, ideas and
solutions with coworkers, and work schedules with a manager.
Good negotiating requires being prepared and possessing confidence. A negotiator
should be ready to discuss the details of the request, why it is reasonable, and the expected
outcome for all parties. Keep in mind that each participant will have his or her own goals
for the negotiation, so thorough preparation is necessary. Emotions should be kept under
control and active listening should be demonstrated by each party before reacting to the
opinions expressed. Self-confidence is important, but arrogance should not be involved.
Ultimatums are generally not a good solution when negotiating. However, in
a competitive workplace, they may be necessary. Some situations require that the
negotiator risk all and give an ultimatum, but only if he or she is willing to lose. For
example, a person negotiating a salary may state that if a specific amount of money
is not part of the package, he or she will decline the job offer. Sometimes this can
work, but he or she must be willing to accept rejection and loss of an opportunity.

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136 Soft Skills for the Workplace

Manage Up
Manage up is a common term in the workplace. Managing up is the efforts of an
employee to establish a working relationship with a supervisor so that his or her
professional needs are met as well as the employee's own needs. It is the act of dem-
onstrating professional behavior and working toward the goals of a supervisor and
the company.
To manage up is to show basic respect for management. It is the act of main-
taining a good attitude, volunteering your services when needed, and learning
how to make your boss look good. Successful employees determine what the
manager wants and how to show support. It includes being proactive in situa-
tions that demand attention. Knowing how to help your manager can make you
an asset to the team and to the company. It can also position you for promo-
tions when they arise.

Case Study
Paul William “Bear” Bryant was one of the most prolific college football coaches
of all time. Bryant finished his coaching career with an overall head coaching
record of 323 wins. He encouraged his players to work hard, train hard, study
hard, and play hard. Most of all, he encouraged them to win. Winning was
important to Bear Bryant, but perhaps the most important thing was winning
with humility. Bryant once said, “It's awfully important to win with humility. It’s
Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs also important to lose. | hate to lose worse than anyone, but if you never lose
Division, photograph by Caro! M. Highsmith
you won't know how to act. If you lose with humility, then you can come back.”
By emphasizing the importance of humility to his players, Bryant helped them
develop into not only champions, but well-rounded, productive workers, as well. Bryant passed away in 1983, but
his legacy lives on. Scores of his players went on to great success in football, and the University of Alabama football
stadium bears his name.
1. What does it mean to win with humility?

2. Why do you think Bear Bryant said it is “important to lose”?

3. How would you describe Bryant's professionalism?

4, Why do you think Bryant’s professional image continues to be associated with winning?

Copyright Goodheart-Willcox Co., Inc.

Chapter 14 Confidence 137

Some people confuse “managing up” with “playing up.” Playing up An elevator speech is several sentences that
is going through the motions of building a relationship with a supervi- tell who a person is, what he or she does that
sor and displaying professional behavior, but the motivation behind the is of value, and why that work is important.
actions is not genuine. Someone who plays up to his or her superiors is
only looking to gain influence and does not have the best interests of the
company in mind, This is often demonstrated through flattery, insincere
praise, and eager attentiveness toward a supervisor or manager. Playing
up is often called brown-nosing.

Self-promotion is the act of making coworkers, peers, managers, or
potential employers aware of oneself so that personal value can be estab-
lished. Many people in the workplace compete for positions within an
organization. If management does not know who you are or your value to
the company, you could be overlooked when promotions or other oppor-
tunities arise. Many employees who are respected as positive contribu-
tors are sometimes overlooked for promotions simply because they did
not have the self-confidence to let their ambitions be known.
Self-promotion requires self-awareness. Self-awareness is a sense
of being aware of one's feelings, behaviors, needs, and other elements

that make up the whole person. In order to promote yourself to others,
you have to be aware of who you are and what your ultimate goal may be
in the organization.
Marketing and selling yourself, but not bragging or being arrogant,
are strategies needed for self-promotion. Animportant part of the process
is showing how you can be of value to the organization. Self-promotion can start by
participating on task forces or in other activities that spotlight your contributions
and accomplishments. Getting to know your manager and making sure he or she
knows your value to the team is a great way to self-promote. Helping coworkers and
demonstrating how you are a team player are ways to win support from peers.
For more formal self-promotion, personal branding strategies are helpful.
Many professionals create their own personal branding strategy that includes an
elevator speech. An elevator speech is several sentences that tell who a person
is, what he or she does that is of value, and why that work is important. It is a
brief commercial about yourself that could be told while riding in an elevator with
someone from whom you want attention, This could be your manager's boss or
someone from another company with whom you would like to work. The audience
for an elevator speech is anyone who could help you meet your personal goals.

Office Politics
Office politics is inevitable in most organizations. Office politics is the behavior
that individuals practice to gain advantages over others in the workplace. It is a
struggle for power. Engaging in office politics, unlike self-promotion, is considered
inappropriate at best and is often unethical. Some individuals believe that the
more they know about company business, the more power they will have. Others
want to secure a friendship with the boss or others who can help them climb the
ladder for promotions. Gossipers may say unkind things about coworkers to try
to make them look worse. Some workers withhold information from a coworker
to maintain an advantage over him or her. Many times office politics results in a
coworker being the victim of someone's negative behavior. Unfortunately, while
you can avoid participating in office politics, you cannot prevent others from
engaging in such behavior.

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138 Soft Skills for the Workplace

Realistic Expectations
We all have expectations for our personal and professional lives and accomplish-
ments. If you have acquired the knowledge needed for your profession, polished
your soft skills, and work hard, you should be able to be successful in your profes-
sional life. Each individual in the workplace must work to prove personal skills
and worth.
Professional expectations must be realistic. It is easy to be over-confident
and expect instant success, power, and respect. This is simply unrealistic. No one
is entitled to career success; it must be earned. For example, it is not realistic to
graduate from college and:
* earn a six-figure income;
e be given a senior manager position;
® expect a promotion after the first year on a job;
® get six weeks of vacation in the first year of employment;
* be given a prestigious office; or
e have a personal administrative assistant.
Striving to reach unrealistic personal and professional expectations can create
psychological problems, such as stress or anxiety. These can also cause physical
problems, such as not getting enough sleep or feeling ill.
Over-confidence and unrealistic expectations should not deter your success.
You should have a realistic view of your abilities and worth, but also understand
that there is always room for improvement. Continue to learn and expand your
skills in order to increase your value as an employee, as well as the opportunities
available in your career.

A career plan should start with a realistic entry-level position and detail the experi-
ence and development needed to achieve each successive level. In any career, there
is a starting point and usually a hierarchy that allows for upward mobility. This
hierarchy is referred to as a career ladder. A career ladder is a sequence of work in a
career field, from entry to advanced levels. Career levels are typically categorized by
Figure 14-3 A career ladder is a skill or education level, as shown in Figure 14-3,
sequence of work in a career field, When entering the workforce, expect your first job to be at one of the lowest-
from entry to advanced levels.
level positions. You may not start at the lowest rung on the career ladder, but it is
unrealistic to start at the top or even in the middle. In order to move up the hierarchy,
Career Levels you will need to gain experience. Additionally, you will need to apply the skills you
learned in school and demonstrate your ability to assume more responsibility
and higher-level tasks.
When first entering the workforce, it is unrealistic to expect to be in a position
where a direct report is available to you. Direct reports are coworkers who report to
you. For example, as a manager, you may have an administrative assistant. However,
in your first position, you will likely need to do all of the work yourself, even if this
means working beyond your scheduled hours.

According to the United States Census Bureau, the median household income
in the United States in 2015 was around $53,000 annually. In some professions,
you will make more than this, but in some you will make less. Keep in mind, the
reported average income is just that—an average. There will be some individuals
who make quite a bit more than that figure and some who make quite a bit less.
Goodheart-Willcox Publisher

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Chapter 14 Confidence 139

The salaries of all individuals in the field are used to calculate the average salary.
When starting your career, it is unrealistic to earn the average salary. In all likeli-
hood, you will make quite a bit below the average. Depending on many factors,
such as location and cost of living, you may eventually earn the reported average,
but you may not.

Benefits are noncash compensation offered to an employee in addition to a wage.
Examples of benefits are paid vacation time or paid health insurance premiums.
The benefits offered by a company should be evaluated as part of the process in
deciding to accept or decline a job offer. However, it is important to have realistic
expectations in regard to benefits. For example, if the job is working in an office
all day, it is unreasonable to expect that a company car be given to you. On the
other hand, if the job is a sales position that requires a great deal of travel, it
may be reasonable to be offered a company car. At an entry-level sales position,
however, it is likely you will be reimbursed for the mileage you drive in your own
car instead.
Most companies offer some sort of paid time off (PTO), which is often generi-
cally called vacation. It is very common for a company to have a sliding scale for
the number of days an employee will receive. For example, in the first year, an
employee may receive one week of PTO. After that, maybe the employee may be
allowed two weeks of PTO. In some companies, long-term employees are rewarded
with additional PTO after a certain number of years, such as five or ten years of
service. Expecting to receive three or four weeks of PTO in your first year in a
company is unrealistic.
Sometimes, especially if you come to the company with several years of experi-
ence, you may be able to negotiate your benefits. You may be able to ask for addi-
tional PTO to match what you currently receive. You may also be able to negotiate
other benefits and even salary. Be aware that a company is not going to offer addi-
tional benefits unless you can demonstrate a unique skill or knowledge that the
company is willing to accept to offset the additional expense.

Promotion is advancing to the next level in the company’s hierarchy. Promotions
must be earned; they are not automatically given, Ways to earn a promotion include
showing the ability to follow company policies, demonstrating the skills needed for
the higher position, and exemplifying the soft skills required to work with coworkers
and subordinates.
In many cases, it is relatively easy to move from one lower rung on the hier-
archy to the next rung. However, as you progress up the ladder, promotions are
generally harder to achieve. Think of an inverted funnel. There are typically fewer
positions the higher up the hierarchy you go, but the same number of people vying
for those limited positions.
Just because promotions may be easier to achieve at the lower levels of the
hierarchy, it is unrealistic to expect a promotion after only a few months. It will
take time to prove your skills and abilities to the company. While the length of time
for promotions varies greatly from company to company, position to position, and
person to person, it is reasonable to expect to wait at least one to three years for your
first promotion, In the middle of the hierarchy, a reasonable expectation may be five
to ten years between promotions. Toward the top of the hierarchy, it may be reason-
able to expect to wait ten or more years between promotions.

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Soft Skills for the Workplace

e (LO 14-1) Discuss the relationship between self-confidence and self-esteem.
Self-confidence is being certain and secure about one’s own abilities and judgment. Closely
related is self-esteem, which is how an individual feels about his or her value as a person.
Having high self-esteem can result in a greater sense of self-confidence and vice versa.
e (LO 14-2) Identify examples of actions necessary for professional advancement.
Most people look for ways to advance in their careers as well as develop personally. Workplace
strategies that contribute to career success are reinforced by effective negotiation, managing
up, self-promotion, and avoiding office politics.
¢ (LO 14-3) Describe the importance of having realistic career expectations.
Professional workplace expectations must be realistic. No one is entitled to career success; it
must be earned. Having unrealistic expectations can lead to stress, displeasure with status in a
company, or even adverse health effects.

arrogance self-confidence
elevator speech self-esteem
humility self-image
negotiate self-promotion

1. Discuss the relationship between self-confidence and self-esteem.

2. What is the distinction between self-confidence and arrogance?

3. Identify examples of workplace strategies that contribute to career success.

4. Explain the concept of self-promoting.

5. Describe the importance of having realistic expectations when entering the workforce.

Copyright Goodheart-Willcox Co., Inc.

Chapter 14 Confidence

1. Describe your personal level of self-confidence. Reflect on a situation or event where self-
confidence played a role in your behavior or decision making.

2. Identify a person you think is self-confident. Describe the behaviors this person
demonstrates to show his or her confidence level.

3. What do you think your friends or coworkers would say about your level of self-esteem?

4. Describe an arrogant person with whom you have had repeated contact either personally or
at your workplace. Make a list of actions and behaviors that this person demonstrates that
are translated as arrogant behavior.

5. Explain what the term humility means to you. In what ways do you think that exhibiting
humility affects how others perceive you?

6. Identify a person you admire for his or her humility. Explain why you chose this person.

7. Describe how you measure personal career satisfaction.

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Soft Skills for the Workplace

8. Self-promotion, when handled correctly, can help a person advance in his or her career. An
elevator speech is a good strategy to use in situations in which you want to let someone ina
decision-making position know who you are and your goals. Write an elevator speech that
you could use to promote yourself.

9. Reflect on a work situation where coworkers were involved in office politics. Describe the
situation and the outcome of their behavior.

10. Describe your career expectations in both realistic and unrealistic terms.

Managing Up. The phrase managing up is sometimes misinterpreted as negative behavior.
Conduct an Internet search for suggestions about how to manage up in an appropriate manner
with a supervisor. Make a list of behaviors and activities that you could use in your current job
Realistic Expectations. Having unrealistic expectations about your career can create stress and
lead to health problems, Conduct an Internet search for the adverse effects of having unrealistic
expectations for a career, Reflect on your own personal expectations for your professional life.

Visit the G-W Learning companion website at to access
and complete the following soft skills practice activities:
Activity $814-1 Self-Confidence. A person's self-confidence is an important factor in career
success. Open the $S14-1 file, and review your understanding of self-confidence and arrogance.
Activity $814-2 Personal SWOT Analysis. A SWOT analysis is a tool you can use to help you
understand your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Open the $S14-2 file, and
perform a personal SWOT analysis.

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A Unspoken Workplace Rules

Unspoken rules in an organization are behaviors that are expected, but many never appear in writ-
ing in a company policy manual. A seasoned professional “reads between the lines,” but a new
employee may not understand what really is expected in certain situations at work or when repre-
senting the company at a meeting.
Soft Skills for the Workplace provides detailed information on workplace behaviors. The fol-
lowing list is a reminder of important rules to honor.

Work Day
Most employees work a total of 8 hours each day, Generally, companies do not expect employees
to work overtime unless there is a deadline looming. If your workday begins at 8:00 a.m., you
should be at your workstation ready to work at 8:00 a.m. sharp. If your workday wraps up at 5:00
p.m., that is the time you stop working to clean up your work area rather than walking out the
door. Your employer pays you for a full 8 hours so do not cut your day short by pulling into the
parking lot at 7:55 a.m. or leaving at 4:55,

Employees who are eligible for overtime must get preapproval from a supervisor. Do not assume
that if you stay beyond regular work hours you will receive overtime pay. In addition, overtime
is typically only paid for working more than the standard workweek, which is usually 40 hours.

Flextime generally means that an employee can report to work for eight hours and leave work
during standard approved work hours. However, an unspoken rule may be that coming in at 5
a.m. and working until 1 p.m. is not in line with flextime and is unacceptable. It is important to
understand the meaning of flextime before making assumptions.

Many organizations allow employees multiple breaks during the workday. If your manager
expects you to take a 30-minute lunch, respect that and do not take an hour. Taking advantage of
break time is not a good way to advance your career.

Sick Days
Ifyou are sick, do not come into work, especially if you are contagious. Coming to work with a con-
tagious illness is disrespectful and could be dangerous to others. You may be disappointed to use
PTO for an illness instead of a vacation, but it is not acceptable to put others at risk. On the other
hand, do not pretend you are sick if you need a personal day.

Copyright Goodheart-Willcox Co,, Inc. 143

144 Soft Skills for the Workplace

In any given workweek, you will be in many meetings with coworkers, supervisors,
and customers. It is important to be prompt—no exceptions. To be prompt is to
be on time. A well-known saying is, “If you're early, you're on time. If you are on
time, you are late. If you are late, it is unacceptable.” Demonstrate responsibility
and arrive several minutes before the meeting begins.

Company-Issued Equipment
Many organizations issue laptops to employees as a standard piece of technology for
completing tasks each day while on site of the company. Office equipment should
not be taken from company premises without prior permission granted by a super-
visor. It is not acceptable to take a laptop home to do company work even if to “get
ahead” of a workload unless a supervisor has approved it. In addition, company-
issued equipment is for work only, not personal use.

Most adults are aware of the consequences of sending inappropriate e-mail at work, No
one may actually tell you, but in some organizations, all e-mail sent or received via com-
pany e-mail is archived and can be used in any situation, such as a lawsuit, that requires
documentation of information. All company e-mail should be professional and free of
information that could come back to you for an explanation in the future.

Expense Accounts
Some employees travel for business and are extended an expense account to cover
travel. Never abuse an expense account and include items that are not within the
realm of the company travel policy. Professionals are responsible for following
guidelines for travel as set by the accounting department. Adding personal items on
an expense report are not acceptable.

Give credit to coworkers when they do something good. Do not take credit for work
that someone else accomplishes.

Recognize when a coworker's behavior warrants reporting to a supervisor. Tattling
is reporting another person's behavior with the goal of getting that person in trouble
or reprimanded. Employees have responsibility to report unethical or illegal behav-
iors that appear to be unsafe or put others at risk. However, know when to report a
coworker’s activity and when to mind your own business.

Avoid being involved in workplace gossip. Gossip undermines coworkers and
employers and can escalate to the point of harassment.

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Terminal Punctuation
In writing, punctuation consists of marks used to show the structure of sentences.
Punctuation marks used at the end of a sentence are called terminal punctuation. Terminal punc-
tuation marks include periods, question marks, and exclamation points.

A period is a punctuation mark used at the end of a declarative sentence. A declarative sen-
tence is one that makes a statement. A period signals to the reader that the expressed thought
has ended.
The final exam will be on May 26.
Alma traveled to Lexington to visit her friend.
A period can be used within a quotation. A period should be placed inside a quotation that
completes a statement. Ifa sentence contains a quotation that does not complete the thought, the
period should be placed at the end of the sentence, not the end of the quote.
Jacobi said, “The project is on schedule.”
She told me, “Do not let anyone through this door,” and she meant it.

Question Marks
A question mark is punctuation used at the end of an interrogative sentence. An interroga-
tive sentence is one that asks a question. A question mark can be used after a word or sentence that
expresses strong emotion, such as shock or doubt.
Will the plane arrive on time?
What? Are you serious?
A question mark can be part ofa sentence that contains a quotation. Place the question mark
inside the quotation marks when the quote asks a question. Place the question mark outside the
quotation marks if the entire sentence asks a question.
Teresa asked, “Will the work be finished soon?"
Did he say, “The sale will end on Friday”?

Exclamation Points
Anexclamation pointis a punctuation mark used to express strong emotion. Exclamation points
are used at the end ofa sentence or after an interjection that stands alone. An exclamation point can be
used at the end of a question rather than a question mark, ifthe writer wishes to show strong emotion.
Ouch! Stop hurting me!
Will you ever grow up!
As with other terminal punctuation, an exclamation point can be part of a sentence that
contains a quotation. Place the exclamation point inside the quotation marks when the quote
expresses the strong emotion, Place the exclamation point outside the quotation marks if the
entire sentence expresses the strong emotion.
All of the students shouted, “Hooray!”
She said, "You are disqualified

Copyright Goodheart-Willcox Go., Inc. 145

146 Soft Skills for the Workplace

Internal Punctuation
Punctuation marks used within a sentence are called internal punctuation.
These marks include commas, dashes, parentheses, semicolons, colons, apostro-
phes, hyphens, and quotation marks.

A comma is a punctuation mark used to separate elements in a sentence.
Commas are used to separate items in a series.
| Apple, pears, or grapes will be on the menu.
A comma is used before a coordinating conjunction that joins two indepen-
dent clauses.
| The sun rose, and the birds began to sing.
Commas are used to separate a nonrestrictive explanatory word or phrase
from the rest of the sentence.
Gloria's husband, Jorge, drove the car.
Yes, | will attend the meeting.
A comma is placed before and after an adverb, such as however or indeed, when
it comes in the middle of a sentence.
| Preparing a delicious meal, however, requires using fresh ingredients.
When an adjective phrase contains coordinate adjectives, use commas to sep-
arate the coordinate adjectives. The comma takes the place of the word and.
| The long, hot summer
was finally over.
Commas are used to separate words used in direct address. The words can be
proper nouns, the pronoun you, or common nouns.
Quon, please answer the next question.
Everyone, please sit down,
Commas are used to separate elements in dates and addresses. When a date
is expressed in the month-day-year format, commas are used to separate the year.
| On December 7, 1941, Japan attacked Pearl Harbor.
When only the month and year or a holiday and year are used, a comma is
not needed.
| In January 2010 she retired from her job.
A comma is used after the street address and after the city when an address or
location appears in general text.
| Mail the item to 123 Maple Drive, Columbus, OH 43085.
A comma is used to introduce a quotation.
The speaker attempted to energize the workers by saying, “The only limits are
those we put on ourselves.”

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Appendix B Capitalization 147

Dashes and Parentheses

A dash is a punctuation mark that separates elements in a sentence or signals
an abrupt change in thought. There are two types of dashes: em dash and en dash.
The em dash can be used to replace commas or parentheses to emphasize or set off
text. To give emphasis to a break in thought, use an em dash.
| My history teacher—an avid reader—visits the library every week.
The en dash is used as a span or range of numbers, dates, or time.
We won the baseball game 6-3.
Barack Obama served as President of the United States from 2009-2017.
Parentheses are punctuation marks used to enclose words or phrases that
clarify meaning or give added information. Place a period that comes at the end
of a sentence inside the parentheses only when the entire sentence is enclosed in
| Deliver the materials to the meeting site (the Polluck Building).
Use parentheses to enclose numbers or letters in a list that is part of a sentence.
Revise the sentences to correct errors in (1) spelling, (2) punctuation, and
(3) capitalization.

Semicolons, Colons, and Apostrophes

A semicolon is an internal punctuation mark used to separate independent
clauses that are similar in thought. A semicolon can also be used to separate items
in a series. Typically, items in a series are separated with commas, but if the serial
items include commas, a semicolon should be used to avoid confusion.
Twelve students took the test; two students passed,
We mailed packages to Anchorage, AK; Houston,
TX; and Bangor, ME.
A colon is an internal punctuation mark that introduces an element in a sen-
tence or paragraph.
| The bag contains three items: a book, a pencil, and an apple.
A colon is also used after a phrase, clause, or sentence that introduces a ver-
tical list.
| Follow these steps:
An apostrophe is a punctuation mark used to form possessive words, It is most
commonly used in conjunction with the letter s to show possession. Position of the
apostrophe depends on whether the noun is singular or plural. If singular, place the
apostrophe between the noun and the s. If plural, place the apostrophe after the s.
Akeno’s dress was red.
The students’ books were to be put away before the exam.
A contraction is a shortened form of a word or term. It is formed by omitting
letters from one or more words and replacing them with an apostrophe to create
one word—the contraction. An example of a contraction is f’s for it is.
Apostrophes can also be used to indicate that numbers or letters are omitted
from words for brevity or writing style.
| Leisure suits were in style in the ‘60s, (1960s)
The candidates will meet to discuss activities of the gov't. (government)

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148 Soft Skills for the Workplace

A hyphen is a punctuation mark used to separate parts of compound words,
numbers, or ranges. Compound words that always have a hyphen are called
permanent compounds.
Some adverbs, such as on-the-job, always have hyphens.
The close-up was blurry.
My mother-in-law made dinner.
Their orientation includes on-the-job training.
Compound adjectives have hyphens when they come before the words they
modify, but not when they come after them.
The well-done pot roast was delicious.
The delicious pot roast was well done.
These out-of-date books should be thrown away.
Throw away the books that are out of date.
In some words that have prefixes, a hyphen is used between the prefix and the
rest of the word.
| My ex-wife has custody of our children.
When a word is divided at the end of a line of text, a hyphen is used between
parts of the word.
Carter ran down the hall-
way to answer the door.

Quotation Marks
Quotation marks are used to enclose short, direct quotations and titles of
some artistic or written works.
“Which color do you want," he asked.

“The Raven" is a poem written by Edgar Allan Poe.

A quotation need not be a complete sentence; it can be a word or a phrase as
spoken or written by someone. See the examples that follow.
When the mayor refers to “charitable giving," does that include gifts to all nonprofit
When writing dialogue, the words of each speaker are enclosed in quotation
marks with the appropriate punctuation mark.
Anna arrived at the office and greeted her coworker, Joan, “Good morning. You're
getting an early start today.”
Chapter or section titles within complete books, movies, or other artistic
work are typically shown in quotation marks. The full title of the work is typically
| “Books and Journals” is the first chapter in The Chicago Manual of Style.
Quotation marks are used to enclose words that are meant to show irony.
Although Connie had the afternoon off, she was too “busy” to help me.
In a survey of small businesses, one in five managers said their companies are
“sinking ships.”

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Capitalization is writing a letter in uppercase (B) rather than lowercase (b). Capital letters
signal the beginning of a new sentence and identify important words in titles and headings. Capital
letters are also used for proper nouns, for some abbreviations, in personal and professional titles,
and for parts of business letters.
A sentence begins with a capital letter. Numbers that begin a sentence should be spelled as
words, and the first word should be capitalized.
| Thirty-three students took part in the graduation ceremony.
Capitalize the first, last, and all important words in a heading or title.
Gone with the Wind
The Adventure of the Hansom Cabs
For numbers with hyphens in a heading or title, capitalize both words.
| Twenty-One Candles
Do not capitalize articles or prepositions within a heading or title unless it is the first word
in the title.
| The Finest Story in the World
When a title and subtitle are written together, only the first word of the subtitle is capitalized
regardless of the part of speech.
| Presidential Priorities: College’s 10th president outlines three campus goals
Do not capitalize coordinating conjunctions (yet, and, but, for, or,and nor) ina heading or title.
Pride and Prejudice
Never Marry but for Love
Do not capitalize parts of names that normally appear in lowercase (Ludwig van Beethoven).
| His favorite composer is Ludwig van Beethoven.
Capitalize the first word in the salutation for a letter.
| Dear Mrs. Stockton:
Capitalize the first word in the complimentary close for a letter.
| Sincerely yours,
Proper nouns begin with a capital letter. Recall that a proper noun is a word that identifies a
specific person, place, or thing.
| Joe Wong is the principal of George Rogers Clark High School.
Capitalize initials used in place of names.
| UCLA won the football game.
Capitalize abbreviations that are made up of the first letters of words.
| HTML stands for hypertext markup language.
Months and days, as well as their abbreviations, should be capitalized.
| Mon. is the abbreviation for Monday.
150 Soft Skills for the Workplace

Abbreviations for names of states and countries should be capitalized.

| The price is given in US dollars.
Capitalize abbreviations for directional terms and location terms in street addresses.
| She lives at 123 NW Cedar Ave.
Capitalize call letters of a broadcasting company.
| My favorite television show is on CBS.
Abbreviations that note an era in time should be in capital letters.
| The article included a map of Europe for the year 1200 CE.
Capitalize titles that come before personal names and seniority titles
after names.
Sen. Carl Rogers called Mr. Juarez and Dr. Wang.
Mr. Thomas O'Malley, Jr., spoke at the ceremony.
Capitalize abbreviations for academic degrees and other professional designa-
tions that follow names.
| Jane Patel, LPN, was on duty at the hospital.
A conflict. Strong disagreement between two or more
people or a difference that prevents agreement. (12)
active listening. Fully participating as an individual
conflict management. Process of recognizing and
processes what a person says. (9)
resolving disputes. (12)
arrogance. Attitude in which an individual believes he
conflict-resolution skills. Skills required to resolve a
or she is better than other people. (14)
situation in which a disagreement could lead to hostile
attitude. How personal thoughts or feelings affect a behavior such as shouting or fighting. (12)
person's outward behavior. (1)
connotation. Word's meaning apart from what it
explicitly names or describes. (6)
B constructive criticism. Criticism offered in a friendly
manner with the objective of improving outcome and
background check. Investigation into personal data
performance of another person. (3)
about a job applicant (11).
context. Environment in which something occurs or
behavioral questions. Interview questions that
the surrounding information that is communicated. (6)
draw on an individual's previous experiences and
decisions. (11) cover message. Letter or e-mail sent with a résumé
to introduce the applicant and summarize his or her
bias-free words. Neutral words that impart neither a
reasons for applying for a job. (11)
positive nor negative message. (6)
critical-thinking skills. Skills that provide the
block style letter. Letter formatted so all lines are flush
ability to analyze and interpret a situation and make
with the left margin and no indentations are used. (10)
reasonable judgment and decisions, (3)
body language. Nonverbal messages sent through
cultural awareness. Understanding of the differences
gestures, facial expressions, and posture. (7)
and similarities between one's personal culture and the
business-casual dress. Dress that is often considered to culture of another person or group. (13)
be “one step down” from business-professional dress. (5)
cultural competency. Acknowledgment of
business-professional dress. Most formal style of cultural differences and the ability to adapt one's
dress in the workplace. (5) communication style to successfully send and receive
messages despite those differences, (13)
cultural intelligence. Ability to adapt to unfamiliar
C cultural situations; often abbreviated as CQ. (13)
channel. How the message is transmitted; also known
culture. Shared beliefs, customs, practices, and social
as medium. (6) behaviors of a particular group. (13)
code of ethics. Document that dictates how business
cyberbullying. Using electronic technology to harass
should be conducted. (2) or threaten an individual. (2)
collaboration skills. Behaviors that individuals exhibit
when working with others to achieve a common goal
and maintain working relationships. (12) D
communication, Process of using words, sounds, decoding, Process of translating a message. (6)
signs, or actions to exchange information and express
digital citizenship. Standard of appropriate behavior
thoughts. (6)
when using technology. (2)
communication process. Series of actions on the part
disability. Physical or mental impairment that substantially
of the sender and the receiver of a message, as well as
limits one or more of a person's major life activities. (13)
the path the message follows. (6)
diversity. Having representatives from different
confidentiality. Specific information that is never shared,
backgrounds, cultures, or demographics in a group. (13)
except with those who have clearance to receive it. (2)

Note: The number in parentheses following each definition indicates the chapter in which the term can be found.
Copyright Goodheart-Willcox Co., Inc. 151
152 Soft Skills for the Workplace

E group discussion. Speaking situation in which three or

more individuals share their ideas about a subject. (7)
elevator speech. Several sentences that tell who a
group dynamics. Interacting forces within a group
person is, what he or she does that is of value, and why
or team, including the attitudes, behaviors, and
that work is important. (14)
personalities of all members. (12)
emotional control. Process of directing one’s feelings
and reactions toward a desirable result that is socially
acceptable. (3) H
emotional intelligence quotient (EQ). Ability of a hard skills. Critical skills necessary to perform the
person to perceive emotions in one’s self and in others required work-related tasks of a position. (1)
and use this information to guide social behavior. (1)
hearing. Physical process of sound waves reaching a
empathy. Having the ability to share someone else's persons ears, which send signals to his or her brain, (9)
emotions. (1)
humility. To be modest and not to think one is better
employability skills. Skills that help an individual find than other people. (14)
a job, perform well in the workplace, and gain success
hypothetical questions. Interview questions that
in a job or career. (1)
require a candidate to imagine a situation and describe
employment verification. Process through which how he or she would act. (11)
the information provided on an applicant's résumé is
checked to verify that it is correct. (11)
encoding. Process of turning the idea for a message I
into symbols that can be communicated. (6) image. Perception others have of a person based on
English as a Second Language (ESL). Field of that person's dress, behavior, and speech. (1)
education concerned with teaching English to those impromptu speaking. Talking without advance notice
whose native language is not English; also known as or an opportunity to plan what will be said. (7)
English as a Foreign Language (EFL). (13)
inclusion. Practice of recognizing, accepting, valuing,
enunciation. Clearly and distinctly pronouncing and respecting diversity. (13)
syllables and sounds. (7)
intellectual property. Something that comes froma
ethics. Moral principles or beliefs that direct a person's person's mind, such as an idea, invention, or process. (2)
behavior. (2)
intercultural communication. Process of sending and
ethnicity. Culture with which a person identifies. (13) receiving messages between people of various cultures. (13)
etiquette. Art of using good manners in any situation. (2) intonation. Rise and fall in the pitch of an individual’s
euphemism. Word that expresses unpleasant ideas in voice. (7)
more pleasant terms. (6) introduction. Making a person known to someone else by
sharing the persons name and other relevant information. (8)
feedback. Receiver’s response to the sender. (6) J
Form I-9 Employment Eligibility Verification. jargon. Technical terminology or vocabulary specific to
Employment form used to verify an employee's identity a field of work or group. (6)
and that he or she is authorized to work in the United
States. (11)
leadership. Ability to influence others to reach a goal. (12)
libel. Publishing a false statement about someone that
generation. Group of people who were born and lived causes others to have a bad or untrue opinion of him or
during the same time period. (13) her. (2)
goal. Something to be achieved in a specified time listening. Intellectual process that combines hearing
period. (3) with evaluating, (9)

Copyright Goodheart-Willcox Co., Inc.

Glossary 153

M portfolio. Selection of related materials that are collected

and organized to show the qualifications, skills, and talents
mediation. Inclusion of a neutral person, called a that support an individual's career or personal goals. (11)
mediator, to help the conflicting parties resolve their
problem solving. Process of choosing a course of
dispute and reach an agreement. (12)
action after evaluating available information and
mock interview. Practice interview conducted with weighing the costs, benefits, and consequences of
another person. (11) alternative actions. (3)
modified block style letter. Letter formatted with the professional attire. Dress that is dictated by the
date, complimentary close, and signature to the right of workplace and appropriate for the job. (5)
the center point of the letter and all other elements are
professional image. Image an individual projects in
flush with the left margin, (10)
the professional world. (1)
modulation. Changing the emphasis of words by
professional network. Group of professionals a person
raising and lowering the voice. (7)
knows and who know the person. (1)
morals. Individual’s ideas of what is right and
professionalism. Act of exhibiting appropriate
wrong. (2)
character, judgment, and behavior by a person who is
multigenerational workforce. Workforce that trained to perform ajob. (1)
consists of employees who represent multiple age
proprietary information. Anything that is owned bya
groups and generations. (13)
business. (2)
protocol. Set of customs and rules that explains
N appropriate conduct or procedures in formal
situations. (4)
negotiate. Formal discussion between two or more
people in an attempt to reach an agreement. (14) public speaking. Communication delivered to a large
group from a podium and with a microphone; also
negotiation. When individuals involved in a conflict
known as public communication. (7)
come together to discuss a compromise. (12)
networking. Talking with people an individual knows
and developing new relationships that can lead to R
potential career or job opportunities. (1)
reference. Person who knows an applicant's skills,
nonverbal communication, Any action, behavior, or talents, or personal traits and is willing to recommend
attitude that sends a message to the receiver. (7) him or her. (11)
resilience. Person's ability to cope with and recover
P from change or adversity. (1)
résumé, Document that profiles a person's career goals,
paralanguage. Attitude projected with the tone and
education, and work history. (11)
pitch of a person's voice. (7)
parliamentary procedure. Process for holding
meetings so that they are orderly and democratic. (8) S
passive listening. Casually listening to someone self-awareness. Sense of being aware of one’s feelings,
talk. (9) behaviors, needs, and other elements that make up the
personal information management (PIM). System whole person. (14)
that individuals use to acquire, organize, maintain, self-confidence. Being certain and secure about one’s
retrieve, and use information. (3) own abilities and judgment. (14)
piracy. Unethical and illegal copying or downloading of self-esteem. How an individual feels about his or her
software, files, and other protected material. (2) value as a person, (14)
pitch. Highness or lowness of a sound, (7) self-image. Way a person thinks about himself or
plagiarism, Claiming another person's material as herself, including personal abilities, appearance, and
one’s own, which is both unethical and illegal. (2) other people's perception. (14)

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154 Soft Skills for the Workplace

self-management skills. Skills that enable an time management. Practice of organizing time and
individual to control and make the best use of his or her work assignments to increase personal efficiency. (3)
time and abilities. (3) tone. Impression of the overall content of the
self-promotion. Act of making coworkers, peers, message. (6)
managers, or potential employers aware of oneself so transmission. Act of sending a message. (6)
that personal value can be established. (14)
skill. Something an individual does well. (1)
slander. Speaking a false statement about someone that
causes others to have a bad opinion of him or her. (2) uniform. Prescribed form of dress worn by everybody
SMART goals. Goals that are specific, measurable, in a particular group, such as a company or
attainable, realistic, and timely. (3) department. (5)

social responsibility. Behaving with sensitivity to

social, environmental, and economic issues. (2) Vv
soft skills. Skills used to communicate and work well
verbal communication process. Series of actions on
with others. (1)
the part of the sender and the receiver of a message. (7)
Standard English. English language usage that follows
accepted rules for word use, pronunciation, spelling,
grammar, and punctuation. (6) W
stereotype. Belief or generalization about a group of work ethic. Principle that honest work is its own
people with a given set of characteristics. (13) reward. (2)
stress. Body’s reaction to increased demands or work-life balance. Amount of time spent at work
dangerous situations. (3) compared to the amount of time spent with family and
stress-management skills. Skills that enable an friends and engaged in leisure activities. (13)
individual to identify and control stress. (3) workplace bullying. Intentional, repeated
mistreatment of a person by another person using
verbal abuse, threats, or any other action that
T prevents a person from doing his or her job without
team. Group of two or more people who work together fear. (2)
to achieve a common goal. (12) workspace etiquette. Applying the rules of good
teamwork. Cooperative efforts by individual team manners while a person is in his or her own workspace
members to achieve a goal, (12) and the workspaces of others. (4)

Copyright Goodheart-Willcox Co., Inc.

A Bryant, Paul William “Bear”, 136 communication skills, 45-52
bullying, 115 communication, 46-47
Abramson, Jill, 58 business-casual dress, 39 language, 47-49
acceptable use policy, 13 business dining, 32-33 confidence, 133-142
active listening, 73 business dining etiquette, 32 professional success, 135-137
listen to instructions, 75 business meeting apparel, 40-41 realistic expectations, 138-139
persuasive talk, 76 business-professional dress, 38 self-confidence, 134-135
requests, 75 business protocol, 29 confidentiality, 11
specific information, 75 conflict, 113
types, 74 conflict management, 113
adaptability, 5 C conflict-resolution skills, 114
age, 123-124 career ladder, 138 connotation, 48
communication, 124 Case Study, constructive criticism, 20
cultural expectations, 124 communication skills, 48 context, 48
stereotypes, 124 diversity, 125 copyleft, 15
Age Discrimination in Employment empathetic listening, 76 copyright, 14
Act, 123 humility, 136 cover message, 94, 96
age-neutral, 123 introductions, 64 COVID-19, 57
aggressive behavior, 113 professional image, 4 CQ. See cultural intelligence
Americans with Disabilities Act résumé fraud, 99 Creative Commons (CC) license, 15
(ADA), 122 team conflict, 115 critical-thinking skills, 21
application process, 99-100 thank-you note, 88 criticism, 20
applying in person, 100 time management, 23 cross-functional team, 112
applying online, 100 unethical behavior, 13 cultural awareness, 125-126
arrogance, 134-135 verbal communication, 58 cultural competency, 127
assertive behavior, 113 workplace attire, 40 cultural expectations, 124
attire, 37-44 workplace etiquette, 30 cultural intelligence, 126-127
business meeting apparel, 40-41 cell phones, 32 cultural sensitivity, 126
inappropriate apparel for the self-management skills, 24 culture, 121, 124-127
workplace, 41 Chang, Mina, 99 careful listening, 128
workplace dress, 38-40 channel, 46 clear speech, 128
uniforms, 38 citation guidelines, 14 cultural awareness, 125-126
attitude, 4 Civil Rights Act of 1964, 122 cultural competency, 127
audience, 46 code of conduct, 10 cultural intelligence, 126-127
autocratic leadership style, 116 code of ethics, 10 definition, 121
collaboration skills, 112 nonverbal communication, 128
cyberbullying, 12
B committee. See cross-functional
background check, 105 communication, 46-47, 124
Barra, Mary, 40 barriers, 47
barrier, 47 communication process, decision-making process, 21
behavioral questions, 102 46-47 decoding, 47
benefits, 139 definition, 46 democratic leadership style, 116
bias, 124 in the workplace, 124 difficult people, 114-116
bias-free words, 49 purposes of, 46 digital citizenship, 12-15
block style letter, 84 communication barriers, 47 copyrights, 14-15
body language, 56-58 receiving barrier, 47 definition, 12
Bon Jovi, Jon, 76 sending barrier, 47 intellectual property, 14
brown-nosing, 137 communication process, 46

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Soft Skills for the Workplace

digital footprint, 12 business dining, 32-33 group discussion, 56

digital security, 12 definition, 29 group dynamics, 113, 123
direct reports, 138 digital devices, 32 group member roles, 112
disability, 122 funerals, 33 group process, 113
diversity, 120-132 workspace, 30-32 group-development process, 115
benefits of, 129 euphemism, 49
culture, 124-127
definition, 121
high productivity, 129
F haggling. See cultural intelligence
improved customer service, 129 fair use doctrine, 15 haptics communication, 57
in the workplace, 121-124 false advertising, 11 hard skills, 2
intercultural communication, feedback, 47 hearing, 73
127-128 flaming, 13 hiring process, 105-106
new ideas, 129 flexibility, 5 employee checks, 105
reputation, 129 Form I-9 Employment Eligibility employment forms, 105-106
documentation of identity, 106 Verification, 105 Hsieh, Tony, 23
Form W-2 Wage and Tax Huffman, Felicity, 13
Statement, 106 humility, 135
E Form W-4 Employee's Withholding hypothetical questions, 101
elevator speech, 137 Allowance Certificate, 106
e-mail, 87-88 formal communication, 46
emotional control, 20 formal language, 47
Emotional Intelligence Quotient formal meetings, 77-79 image, 5
(EQ), 3, 20 arrive early, 77 impromptu speaking, 55
empathize, 78 effective note-taking, 77-78 inclusion, 121
empathy, 3 fight external distractions and informal communication, 46
employable skills, 3 barriers, 78 informal language, 48
employment, friendly questions, 78 infringement, 14
application process, 99-100 provide feedback, 78-79 insider trading, 12
preparing for interview, sit in the front, 77 intellectual property, 14
100-103 unfriendly questions, 79 intercultural communication, 127
writing and interviewing, for-purchase. See software licenses Internet etiquette, workplace
93-110 functional team, 112 disruptions, 36
employment forms, 105-106 funerals, 33 interpersonal communication, 56
benefits forms, 106 interpersonal skills, 3
Form I-9, 105-106 interpreter. See cultural competency
Form W-4, 106
G interview,
employment verification, 105 gender discrimination, 121 appropriate attire, 103
encoding, 46 gender expression, 121 behavioral! questions, 102
English as a Foreign Language gender identity, 121 evaluation, 104
(EFL), 127 generation, 123 hypothetical questions,
English as a Second Language GNU General Public License (GNU 101-102
(ESL), 127 GPL), 15 interview process has ended,
enunciation, 55 goal, 22 104
ethical communication, 11-12 goal setting, 22-23 mock interview, 101
confidentiality, 11-12 attainable, 23 preparing for, 100-103
social responsibility, 12 long-term, 22 questions, 101
ethics, 9-18 measurable, 22 questions employers should not
definition, 10 realistic, 23 ask, 102
digital citizenship, 12-15 short-term, 22 questions to ask employer,
ethical communication, 11-12 specific, 22 102-103
ethnicity, 121 timely, 23 thank-you message, 104
etiquette, 12, 28-36 go-getter, 127 intonation, 54

156 Copyright Goodheart-Willcox Co., Inc.

Index 157

introductions, 63-65 multigenerational workforce, 123 manage up, 136-137

definition, 63 multiracial. See race and ethnicity negotiation, 135
introducing others, 63 office politics, 137
introducing speakers, 64-65 self-promotion, 137
introducing yourself, 63
N promotion, 139
negativity, 20 proprietary information, 12
negotiate, 135 protocol, 29
J negotiation, 114 public domain, 15
jargon, 49 netiquette, 12, 87 public speaking, 56
job application, 100 networking, 5
job-specific skills, 2 networking site, 5
Jobs, Steve, 115 nonverbal communication, 56-58
body language, 56 race and ethnicity, 121-122
definition, 56 Reagan, President Ronald, 88
L eye contact, 57 realistic expectations, 138-139
laissez-faire leadership style, 116 paralanguage, 58 benefits, 139
language, 47-49 personal space, 57 position, 138
biased words, 49 touch, 57 promotion, 139
condescending words, 49 salary, 138-139
euphemisms, 49 real-time video conferencing, 68
jargon and clichés, 49
0 receiving barrier, 47
Lauer, Matt, 4 office politics, 137 reference, 98
leadership, 116 optimism, 4 resilience, 5
leadership skills, 116 résumé, 94-95
leadership styles, 116 Robert’s Rules of Order, 67
letters, 84-86
P RSVP, 89
libel, 11 paralanguage, 58
licensing agreement, 15 parliamentary procedure, 67
LinkedIn, 5 passive behavior, 113
listening, 73, 128 passive listening, 73 salary, 138-139
listening process, 73-74 people skills, 5 self-awareness, 137
show attention, 74 personal information management self-confidence, 134-135
types of listening, 73 (PIM), 22 definition, 135
listening skills, 72-82 personal space, 57 self-esteem, 134
formal meetings, 77-79 piracy, 14 self-image, 134
listen with purpose, 74-76 pitch, 54 self-management skills, 19-27
listening process, 73-74 plagiarism, 14 cell phone, 24
lying, 10 playing up, 137 definition, 20
portfolio, 97-98 developing, 20-23
emotional control, 20
M portfolio elements, 98
positive attitude, 4-5 goal-setting, 22-23
manage up, 136-137 positive stereotypes, 123 problem-solving, 20-21
mediation, 114 problem solving, 20-21 stress-management skills, 23
mediator, 114 professional attire, 38 time management, 21-22
medium. See channel professional etiquette, 29 self-promotion, 137
meetings, 67-68 professional image, 5 self-talk, 134
guidelines for effective meetings, 67 professionalism, 1-8 sender, 46
remote meetings, 68 definition, 2 sending barrier, 47
message, 46 image of a professional, 5 skill, 2
mock interview, 101 positive attitude, 4-5 slander, 11
modified block style letter, 84 skills of a professional, 2-3 small group communication, 57
modulation, 54 professional network, 5 SMART goals, 22
morals, 10 professional success, 135-137 social distancing. 57

Copyright Goodheart-Willeox Coa., Inc.

Soft Skills for the Workplace

social media etiquette, 89 terms of use, 14 workforce, benefits of diversity, 129

social responsibility, 12 thank-you message, after an work-life balance, 124
soft skills, 3 interview, 104 workplace,
software licenses, 15 thank-you notes, 89 age, 123-124
Sotomayor, Sonia, 125 time management, 21-22 definition, 30
spamming, 13 tone, 48, 54 diversity in, 121-124
speaking skills, 62-71 trade secret, 12 gender, 121
introductions, 63-65 transgender. See diversity race, 121-122
leading a meeting, 67-68 transmission, 46 teams in, 112-113
telephone calls, 65-67 Travolta, John, 64 teamwork, 112
Standard English, 47 Tuckman, Bruce, 113 workplace culture, 124
stereotype, 121 Tutu, Desmond, 48 workplace bullying, 11
stress, 24 workplace dress, 38-40
stress-management skills, 24 business-casual dress, 39
stress-management strategies, 23
U business-professional dress,
summarizing, 75 uniform, 38 38-39
jeans day, 39-40
uniforms, 38
T V workplace ethics, 10
task force. See cross-functional team verbal communication, 54-56 work-related tasks, 2
teams, 111-119 common errors in workspace, 30-32
conflict resolution, 113-114 pronunciation, 55 cubicles, 31-32
definition, 112 speaking situations, 55-56 offices, 31
difficult people, 114-116 voice, 54 shared spaces, 32
group dynamics, 113 words, 54 workspace etiquette, 30
in the workplace, 112-113 verbal communication process, 54 writing etiquette, 84-89
leadership, 116 voice mail messages, leaving, e-mail, 87-88
teamwork, 112 66-67 letters, 84-86
telephone calls, 65-67 RSVP, 89
leaving voice mail messages, 66-67 thank-you notes, 89
placing, 66 WwW written communication, 83-92
receiving, 65-66 Williams, Serena, 30 social media etiquette, 89
telephone etiquette, 65 work ethic, 10 writing etiquette, 84-89

158 Copyright Goodheart-Willcox Co., Inc.

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