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Name: Ainna Victoria Cabrera Grade Level: Grade 9

Date: Subject: Science

School: Quarter: 3rd Quarter

A. Content The learners demonstrate an understanding about volcanoes.
B. Performance The learners shall be able to perform an activity about volcanoes.
C. Learning The learners should be able to describe the different types of volcanoes and
Competencies/ volcanic eruptions (S9ES-IIIb-26).
Learning Objectives
 Describe the structure of a volcano;
 Classify the different types of volcano based on structure and activity.
 Identify some volcanoes that can be found in the Philippines.

 II. CONTENT Types of Volcano

A. References
B. Other  Powerpoint Presentation
Resources  Video Presentation and;
 Volcano Model
A. Elicit Activity 1: Label the Parts

Students learned the different parts of a volcano.

 Show an unlabeled diagram of a volcano and ask the learners to come in

front, pick the name/parts and put them in the right spot.
B. Engage Activity 2: Bubble Me Up! Volcano

 Safety Precaution: This laboratory activity is considered non- hazardous.

Follow all normal laboratory procedures.

Volcano Model
1. Cut and use a large piece of cardboard as a base for your volcano.
2. Glue the can or bottle to the center of the cardboard base.
3. Use newspaper and shape it like a part of the volcano.
4. Use brown colored paper at the surface to make it more realistic.

Volcanic Eruption
1. Mix vinegar and red food coloring together.
2. Pour about a cup of the solution to the bottle/can in the volcano model.
3. Gently add about a teaspoon of baking soda to trigger the eruption-like
chemical reaction

Processing Questions:
1. What happens after you pour the vinegar and add the baking soda into the
crater or opening of the bottle?
2. Does the shape of the volcano affect the direction where the eruption travels?
3. Why there is a bubbling and foaming in your volcano experiment?

C. Explain
D. Elaborate Classification of Volcanoes
There are several ways by which volcanoes can be classified. They can be
identified according to structure and activity.

Types of Volcanoes Based on Structure

One way to classify different types of volcanoes is through the structure
characterized by their shape, parts, and formation.

Cinder Cone Volcano

Cinder cone volcanoes are the simplest type of volcano.

They are built from blobs of solidified lava ejected from
a single vent. Lava is thrown into the air, which breaks
into small fragments that solidify and forms inti cinders.
Most cinder cone volcanoes have a steep slope. An
example of this are Taal Volcano in Batangas, Smith Volcano found in Babuyan
Group of Islands, Mount Mayabobo found in Quezon Province, and Mount Musuan
in Bukidnon, and Paricutin volcano in Mexico.
Composite Volcano

Composite volcanoes or stratovolcanoes are large,

typically steep sided, symmetrical cones of large
dimension formed from alternating layers of lava
flows, volcanic ash, cinders, blocks, and pyroclastic
materials. One important feature of a composite
volcanoes is the conduit system from which magma rises to the surface of the
Earth. They are formed from viscous, or sticky, lava that does not flow easily. The
lava builds up around the vent forming a volcano with steep sides. Some famous
composite volcanoes in the Philippines are Mount Mayon in Albay, Mount Arayat in
Pampanga, Mount Kanlaon in Negros Island, and Mount Apo in Davao Region. An
example of these outside the Philippines are Mount Rainier in Washington, USA,
and Mount Fuji in Japan.

Shield Volcano
Shield volcanoes are large, broad volcanoes that look
similar to shields from above – hence the name.
These volcanoes are built almost entirely of fluid lava
flow thus these volcanoes are not steep. They can be
easily identified because they are tall and broad, with
flat, rounded shapes. The lava is not accompanied by
pyroclastic materials, which makes shield volcanoes
relatively safe. Eruptions at shield volcanoes are only
explosive if water somehow gets into the vent. Mauna Loa is one of the largest
shield volcanoes.

Types of Volcanoes Based on Activity

Another way of classifying volcanoes according to the Philippine Institute of
Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS) is based on their activity as indicated by
their behavior and historical records.

Active volcanoes are those volcanoes that have had at least one eruption during
the past 10,000 years. They are those that erupted recently and still showing
regular activity like emission of gases, lava and ash flows.

Inactive volcanoes, on the other hand, are those that have not erupted for the last
10,000 years and is not expected to erupt again in a comparable time scale of the
future. There are no signs of volcanic activity for a long period of time because
magma supply is cut off. Also the physical form of the volcano has signs of intensive
weathering and erosion

Potentially active volcanoes are those that have no records of volcanic activity but
are morphologically young-looking.
Our country has more than a hundred volcanoes. Twenty four (24) are active while
the rest are either potentially active or inactive volcanoes.
E. Evaluate Quiz 1: Write my Type

Direction: Identify the type of volcano (CINDER CONE, SHIELD VOLCANO,

COMPOSITE VOLCANO) as described by the following statements. Write your
answers on a separate sheet of paper.

1. It is the most abundant and the simplest type of volcano.

2. It is built almost entirely of fluid lava flows.
3. It is slightly domed structure that resembles a warrior’s shield.
4. Mayon Volcano is an example of this type of volcano.
5. It has a steep slope and wide crater.
6. It is built from ejected lava fragments.
7. It has a nearly perfect sloped structure.
8. An example of this type of volcano is the Taal Volcano in Batangas.
9. It is formed from alternate solidification of both lava and pyroclastic deposits.
10. It can easily be identified because of its structure which is tall and broad with
flat rounded shape.


Direction: Refer to the given map below to identify the following volcanoes in the
Philippines, classify them whether they are ACTIVE or INACTIVE.

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