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white book

Review of the criminal acts and crimes commited by the terrorists of so-called NLA

3. Milan Janevski

Outside view of the body

Contusions torn wounds, over the inner angle of the right eye brow and the back of the nose caused by multiple activity of blunt hard dynamic strength

Review of the criminal acts and crimes commited by the terrorists of so-called NLA

white book

Firearm wound at the outward side of the left knee

Firearm injury on the outwards side of the left lower knee 206

white book

Review of the criminal acts and crimes commited by the terrorists of so-called NLA

Institute for Forensic Medicine and Criminalistic at the School of Medicine University at the St. Cyril and Methodius - Skopje


On forensic-medicine expertise carried out over the corpse of the deceased MILE JANEVSKI - age 29, resident of Makedonska Kamenica, who died at the hillside of the Mountain of Sara, being attacked by the terrorists on 28.04.2001 over whom an autopsy was performed in the Institute for Forensic Medicine and Criminology at the Faculty of Medicine in Skopje on 29.04.2001 at the request of the Investigative Judge Naser Hadzi Ahmetagic from the Principal Court Skopje I. Autopsy Expert Prof. Dr. Aleksej Duma., Assistant Dr. Natasa Davceva Tasevska. The autopsy started at 12.30 hrs. and the report was made in 2 copies/enclosures.

HISTORY OF THE CASE The facts of the case were taken from the investigative authorities as well as the Autopsy Order submitted by the Investigative Judge from the Principal Court Skopje I revealing that the deceased Janevski Mile born in 1971 in Delcevo, resident of Makedonska Kamenica, an employed soldier in ARM has been a victim of ambush attack at the hillside of Sara during a routine control of the terrain. Namely, on 28.04.2001 in the afternoon hours during the routine control of the terrain four ARM and MVR vehicles were attacked from ambush and eight persons (four of them being police officers and four ARM members) were fatally wounded during an exchange of fires.

CAUSA MORTIS, Contusio cerebri


Review of the criminal acts and crimes commited by the terrorists of so-called NLA

white book

The death of the deceased Mile Janevski at the age of 29 is violent and it was caused by the brain contusion. The contusion was caused due to the effect of a dull-hard dinamic force at the forehead area above the right eyebrow which resulted in other contusions, lacero-contused wounds, impressive multifragmental fractures of the forehead bone at the right eye area. In this area a bleeding under the soft arachnoides as well as a brain tissue contusion have been found. The autopsy of the body of the deceased Mile Janevski has shown a presence of eight channels caused by a firearms. 1) A perforating gunshot wound channel with an entrance wound at the back right side of the neck, 158 above heel level, and an exit wound at the left cheek 163 cm above heel level. The channel passes through the scull base bones being under the scull as well as through the upper jaw bone. The wound is 17 cm long spreading from back forward and from the right to the left and from down upward. 2) A penetrating wound channel with an entrance wound at the right side of the back, 120 cm above heel level and a misile found at the bottom of the channel at the left suprascapular area, 149 above hell level. The channel spreads through the subcutaneous tissue and superficial mussles layers of the back going from down upward and from right to the left, being 47 cm long. 3) A penetrating wound channel made by a firearms shrapnel with an entrance wound at the right gluteal area, 79 above hell level, at the bottom of the channel a metal piece was found. The channel is 4 cm long spreading from down upward slightly going forward through the subcutaneous adipose tissue and the superficial muscles of the gluteal area. 4) A penetrating wound channel with an antrance wound at the left gluteal area, 80 cm above hell level. At the bottom of the channel a metal piece was found. The channel is 10 cm long spreading from down upward, from the right to the left and slightly from back forward spreading through the subcutaneous adipose tissue and the mussle layers of the left gluteal area. 5) A perforating wound channel at the right upper leg with an entrance wound 77 cm above heel level and an exit wound 63 cm above hell level. The channel is 14 cm long goiing from up downward and from the left to the right. The wound channel passes through the soft muscle tissues in that area. 6) A penetrating wound channel at the antero-medial part of the left upper leg with an entrance wound 63 cm above hell level spreading from down upward and slightly backwards. The channel is 9 cm long. At the bottom of the channel a metal piece of a misle was found. The channel passses through the soft tissues at the medial part of the left tigh area as well as the soft tissues of the scrotal area. 7) A penetrating wound channel was found at the anterior part of the left knee, 5 cm long going from the left to the right. 8) A penetrating wound channel with an entrance wound at the latero-anterior part of the left lower leg 16 cm above hell level. At the bottom of the channel a metal piece of misile was found. The channel is 10 cm long spreading through the soft tissues of the lower leg going from down upward and from the left to the right. Autopsy experts: Prof. Dr. Aleksej Duma Assistant Dr. Natasa Davceva

Director Prof. Dr. Aleksej Duma

white book

Review of the criminal acts and crimes commited by the terrorists of so-called NLA

4. Robert Petkovski

General picture of the body

Explosive wound on the right lower arm with torn skin, torn muscle tissue and bone fractures 209

Review of the criminal acts and crimes commited by the terrorists of so-called NLA

white book


Center fired wound on the left side of the head caused form vicinity

white book

Review of the criminal acts and crimes commited by the terrorists of so-called NLA

Institute for Forensic Medicine and Criminalistic at the School of Medicine University at the St. Cyril and Methodius - Skopje
SP. no. 11769/96-2001 Skopje, 29.04.2001


Forensic medical examination of the corpse of the deceased Robert Petkovski, age 27, with residence in village Bunardzik-Strumica, who died at the crime scene, on 28.04.2001, has been subject to autopsy at the Institute of Forensics and Criminal Investigation at the Faculty of Medical Sciences in Skopje on 29.04.2001, at the rezuestof the Inverstigative Judge Naser Haci-Ahmetagic of the Basic Court I-Skopje Forensic expert: D-r. Zdravko Cakar The autopsy started at 3,00 at the report has been made in 2 copies/appendices. CAUSA MORTIS, Lacerationes cerebri propter vulnus sclopetarium capitis


Review of the criminal acts and crimes commited by the terrorists of so-called NLA

white book

The death of the deceased Robert Petkovski is violent and is a result of the severe laceration of the left brain hemisphere. The laceration of the brain tissue was a result of a gunshot wound wiht direction from bottom to top, from a small distance, so it caused breaking of the cranium bones, lacerating of the hard brain cover and lacerating the brain tissue. These changes are result of a direct impact of the projectile and the hydrodynamic effects. Besides the area of the head, gun shod woung are present at the area of the left and right upper leg. The projectile in the right upper leg has top to bottom position, from left to right, and from the front to the back, regarding that in that moment the person was standing. The projectile was found in the muscle tissue. The other projectile was shot in the direction towards right, in which case there is muscle injury fracture on the left upper leg bone with entrance on the left side of the upper leg. The direction of this projectile was from left to right, from down to up and slightly front to back, considering that the person was standing. The heavy wound on the right forearm was a result of a explosive device, where the particles of the explosive device caused destruction of the right forearm. The pierced injuries on the skin, in the area of the right upper arm left and right upper leg were caused by the explosive device. The changes in the area of the right side of the thorax, the right lung and heart were result of transmission of the tearing impact during the explosion. In addition to the lethal outcome, and important part of it is the state of shock that occurred due to the wounds on the body and the extremities. Autopsy expert Zdravko Cakar, Dr. MSc., MA Director Prof. Alaksej Duma, Dr.


white book

Review of the criminal acts and crimes commited by the terrorists of so-called NLA

5. Bosko Najdovski

Picture of the carbonized body

Firearm wound in the area above the root of the nose


Review of the criminal acts and crimes commited by the terrorists of so-called NLA

white book

6. Marjan Bozinovski

Outside view of the body

Burns of fourth degree (1) 214

white book

Review of the criminal acts and crimes commited by the terrorists of so-called NLA

Firearm wound at the outward side of the left knee

Firearm wound in the head


Review of the criminal acts and crimes commited by the terrorists of so-called NLA

white book

Institute for Forensic Medicine and Criminalistic at the School of Medicine University at the St. Cyril and Methodius - Skopje
SP. no. 11769/96-2001 Skopje, 29.04.2001

Forensic medical examination of the corpse of the deceased Marjan BOZINOVSKI, age 27, resident of Bitola, who died on the hillside of the Mountain of Sara, being attacked by the terorists on 28.04.2001, An autopsy on Marjan Bozinovski was performed in the Institute for Forensic medicine and Criminalistics at the Faculty of Medicine in Skopje on 29.04.2001, at the request of the Inverstigative Judge Ajdula Idrizi from the Principal Court -Tetovo Autopsy Expert: D-r. Zdravko Cakar . The autopsy started at 5,00 hrs. and the reportwas made in 2 parts. CAUSA MORTIS Schock traumaticus et haemorrhagicus propter vulnera sclopetaria corporis


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